IELTS Speaking Questions - Part 3a




雅思口语part3问题总结与解析第一篇:雅思口语part3问题总结与解析雅思口语part3问题总结与解析为了大家能更好的备考雅思考试,前程百利雅思小编特为大家整理雅思口语part3问题总结与解析,包了最新雅思听说读写备考资料,以及最权威的参考书,处于备考中的考生们,还等什么呢!1.原因论述类考题:在回答这种类型的雅思口语考题时,----问题的重点,且一定要紧扣此重点, 不能游离出去------探寻原因,这样,思路就能更加开阔,更能做到有话可说。

比如下面这道题:what is the reason why so many people want to become famous?参考答案:I believe many people want to become famous for two reasons.The first reason is if they become famous, they can make a lot of easy money and they can make their life easier.The second reason is they can make powerful friends and they will be powerful enough to protect their friends and family better.非常高频的出现一些因果的表达法,如because, due to, owing to, the reason that..., contribute to, lead to, give rise to, be attributed to, result from 等。


因此,经常用到的词就有 advantages, benefits, merits, upsides, plus points, disadvantages, drawbacks, downsides, minus points 等。

雅思口语part 3题型

雅思口语part 3题型

雅思口语part 3题型
雅思口语part 3是雅思口语考试中的第三部分,通常是在
part 2的发散性问题之后。

在part 3中,考官会就与part 2话题


part 3的题型通常包括但不限于以下几种:
1. 深入探讨,考官会就part 2中提到的话题进行深入的提问,要求考生从不同角度进行思考和回答。

2. 比较对比,考官可能会要求考生比较不同事物或观点,并就

3. 解释原因,考官可能会就某些现象、趋势或观点向考生提问,并要求考生解释其原因或影响。

4. 展望未来,考官可能会就一些趋势或话题发展的未来走向向

在part 3中,考生需要展现出良好的口语表达能力,清晰的逻辑思维能力以及对所讨论话题的深入理解和思考能力。



IELTS Speaking-part3

IELTS Speaking-part3

① What are the advantages of playing team sports?
② How do people usually make friends in your country?
③ Do adults and children make friends in the same way?
① Why do advertisements have such a great influence on what people buy?
② What’s the educational value of books/movies? ③ Are TV programmes nowadays the same as
① What are the advantages and disadvantages of being famous?
② Do you want to become famous? Why? ③ What are celebrities’ roles in the society?
Do you think they have a big impact on the younger generation?
③ What’s the difference between things made by hands and those made by machines?
④ Do you think on-line shopping would become more and more popular?
② Exam-oriented disposable ③ What are the differences between girls



雅思口语之Part3考试题型归纳第一、观点考察类观点考察题在part3出现频率很高,考官会依据part 2的大主题和同学们回答的内容给出一个非常具体的场景,更像是“私人订制题”,比如:To what extent do you think advertising affects people's shopping habits?第二、原因论述类顾名思义,考官会针对一些现象问考生其理由或原因,比如:Why should children learn from role models?第三、利弊比较类此类题的重点在事物利弊的对比,和雅思大作文类似。

比如:What are the advantages and disadvantages of cultural diversity?第四、时间对比类这一类题的明显特征就在于明显提到了事物过去和现在的状态,并希望考生进行比较口Have the modes of transport people use in your country changed much over the last1few decades?第五、情况对比类这种题目通常是两方的对比,比如两种不同场景的比较,或者是两类不同人群的比较!Are women more fashionable than men?第六、预测未来类这类题一般会要求考生对未来进行展望,用的时态也基本上都是未来时!Do you think online shopping will replace in-store shopping in the future?第七、解决问题类这类考题通常会要求考生对某些社会问题提出解决方案,比如:What can people do to reduce water pollution?第八、影响效果类这一类题目就会要求考生描述清楚事物的影响:How does modern technology influence friendship?2。






以下是考官常问的几种雅思口语part3类型:1. 差异(comparison)【必备句型】There are quite a few /many differences between them. And the most significant one is....There are a whole of distinction. The most obvious one is... And a second difference is...It seems to me that they are just totally different.The main differences I can think of now are...另外,很多转折的连词也可以用在此类的题型中,比如while/ by contrast/ in contrast/ unlike/ compared with/unlike/on the other hand对比现在和过去,或者现在对比将来,可以用一些表示时间的短语,例如:in the past, historically, in the previous days, people used to; at present, currently, in today’s society, these days, in the future, it’s likely in the future, several decades from now2. 问题原因分析或者解决方案(cause or solutions)【“原因”类问题的必备句型】Actually, i believe more than one factor lead to this problem. The most significant one is ... And a secondary one is...In my mind, a number of factors attribute to this problem. The most obvious one is ....I personally think a lot of factors are involved here. The chief contributing factor is ...To the best of my knowledge, the causes of ... are quite complicated.The underlying/potential problem is..... is closely linked to ..表“结果”:as a result, as a consequence, consequently, thus【“解决方法”类问题的必备句型】To solve the problem, the government should take a lot of measures.I believe that will involve a wide range of efforts here. And the initial thing that should be done is ... Then, ... And most importantly,...A number of actions should be taken.The most sensible way to confront this problem would be...Ideally/theoretically, ... But in practice,....五大解决问题措施1. 法律法规:relevant laws and regulations should be issued to fight against ... And to protect...2. 政策支持:relevant policies should be issued by government to support the development of ...3. 财力支持:financial support should be looked for to fund the development of ...4. 教育启迪:education should work on evoking public awareness of the importance of ....5. 媒体监督:mass media should have strict supervision over....3. 利弊(advantage and disadvantage)【“利”的必备句型】It is beneficial for a variety of reasons.Obviously, the advantages include....The main advantage of ... Is ...It is positive also due to the fact...Its most obvious advantage is ...同义替换:benefit, merit, favorable aspect, positive aspect, strong point, strength【“弊”的必备句型】There are some risks involved here.Apparently, it is disturbing because...One drawback of ... Is ..One major concern about this issue is ...同义替换:shortcomings, negative aspects, drawbacks, weaknesses, weak points.【“利弊兼备”的必备句型】It cuts both way.., but on the other hand,...It is a mixed blessing that...It is a double-edged sword.。

雅思口语 part3技巧

雅思口语 part3技巧

雅思口语 part3技巧雅思口语Part 3是与考官进行深入交流的环节,主要涉及到对给定话题的探讨和讨论。

以下是一些技巧来帮助你在雅思口语Part 3中取得更好的成绩:1.认真倾听:在Part 3中,考官会提出一系列关于话题的问题,你需要认真倾听考官的问题,并理解问题的意思。




3.积极参与讨论:Part 3是考察你与考官进行深入交流的能力,所以要积极参与讨论,发表自己的观点和看法,并且尽量展示你的语言表达能力。



5.注意语法和词汇的准确性:在Part 3中,语法和词汇的准确性非常重要。



6.保持流利的说话速度:在Part 3中,你应该尽量保持流利的说话速度,但不要过快或过慢。


7.适当使用修饰语和副词:在Part 3中,适当使用修饰语和副词可以使你的回答更加丰富和有说服力。



在Part 3中,你可能会面临一些较难的问题,但是不要紧张,尽量用你最好的英语表达出来。


雅思口语part 3 结构

雅思口语part 3 结构

雅思口语part 3 结构
雅思口语Part 3是雅思口语考试中的最后一个部分,主要是针对Part 2的话题展开更深入的讨论和探究。

以下是雅思口语Part 3的一般结构:
1. 引入问题,考官会先引入一个与Part 2话题相关的问题,以引起考生的兴趣并开启对话。

2. 深入讨论,考官会提出一系列与话题相关的问题,要求考生就这些问题发表自己的观点、提供例子或解释原因。

3. 进一步探究,考官可能会对考生的回答进行进一步的追问,以引导考生展开更深入的思考和讨论。

4. 结束问题,考官会逐渐结束Part 3,通常会提出一个总结性的问题,要求考生给出一个总体的回答或观点。

在回答Part 3的问题时,以下是一些建议:
1. 语言表达,尽量使用多样化的词汇和句型,展示自己的语言

可以使用一些连接词如"Firstly, secondly, moreover, however"等来组织自己的回答。

2. 提供例子,在回答问题时,尽量提供具体的例子来支持自己的观点。


3. 深入思考,尽量从多个角度思考问题,并给出全面的回答。


4. 注意语速和流利度,在回答问题时,要注意语速和流利度。


总之,在雅思口语Part 3中,考生需要展示自己的语言能力、思维深度和逻辑性。


IELTS Speaking - Part III - Opinions

IELTS Speaking - Part III - Opinions

Opinions on issues1.What is your opinion of the one child-policy?2.Do you think smoking is a problem that needs special attention?3.Do you think China's membership in the WTO will benefit China?4.What do you think of the unemployment problem in China?5. What do you think is the most serious social problem in China?6. What do you think about the environmental problems in China?7. What do you think of using science in food production?8. What do you think of advertising in sports and entertainment events?9.What do you think of violence on TV and in films?10. What do you think of the problem of piracy?Opinions on various institutions and policies11. What do you think of the media in your home country?12. What do you think of the transportation system in your hometown?13. What do you think of the education system in your hometown?14.What do you think of key schools in China?15. What do you think of fast food restaurants in your country?16. What do you think of the 3 Gorges project?17.What do you think of the Olympic Games? Are they necessary for the world?18. What do you think of the popularity of English in China?19. What do you think of school uniforms?20. Should children be punished in school?Opinions On The Meaning Of Various Aspects21.What does friendship mean to you?22. What does happiness mean to you?23. What's your definition of a natural beauty?24. What's your definition of a hobby?25.What is your definition of a perfect holiday?26.What do clothes mean to you?27.What do you think education really means?28. What is your definition of globalisation?29.What do you think 'real love' means?30. What is your definition of a useful skill?Stating your standards31. What do you think the goal of an education should be and tell me why you feel that way?32.What do you think is important in a friend?33. What qualities do you think a good teacher needs?34. What do you think the goal of travelling should be?35.How should people be promoted at work? Through experience or performance?36. What qualities do you think are important for a successful or good film?37. What do you consider to be a good way to spend time with friends?38. How do you define a good quality life?39. What is your standard of a good place to visit?40. What is your standard of success?Making Predictions41. What do you think of the future of China if China keeps an open policy?42. Do you foresee there being more advertisements in the future?43. How will the Internet change people's buying habits do you think, in the future?44. Do you think that the Internet is going to change the way we get news?45. Can you imagine what transportation will be like in the future?46. What would life be like without music?47. Do you think the traffic problem will get better or worse in the future?48. Do you feel optimistic that environmental problems will be solved in the future?49. How do you imagine people's lifestyles will change in the future?50. How do you think housing will change in the future?。



雅思口语Part 3问题解析和答题策略




















那样总比简单的说“I don’t understand.”好。






举一个例子:Do most young people in your country prefer doing exercise indoors or outdoors?(在你国家的大多数年轻人更喜欢在室内还是室外锻炼身体?)考生可能有一个超级喜欢在海滩跑步或热爱在健身房撸铁的朋友或亲戚,但千万不要在回答那个问题的过程中谈到他。






雅思口语Part3常见话题关键词和句型(1)(2)Prefer 二选一类Do you prefer X or Y and why?➢➢关键句型Personally, I prefer X to Y, / In my mind, I think…is better,simply because X is more…than Y.Besides, through X, I could…/ A lthough B is…, A is still better than B, because…For example, if I…So generally, I will go for X.➢➢关键问题Which one do you prefer, eating in a restaurant or at home?Do you prefer to travelling alone or with a lot of people?Which do you prefer, reading newspaper or watching TV program?Do you prefer several short holidays or a long holiday?Do you prefer watching foreign movies or Chinese movies?(2)Is…important? 重要类➢➢关键句型Yes, definitely. I always believe that X is really important and necessary for…Since without X, we would…(严重后果)Besides,…So apparently, there is no doubt that X is really important.➢➢关键问题Is your computer important?Is protecting animals important?Is doing outdoor activities important?(3)difference 区别类What are the differences between X and Y?How could X differ from Y in…?➢➢关键句型X is… On the contrary, Y is…There is a huge difference between X and Y. X is…, but Y is…Unlike X, Y tends to be more…Compared with X, Y is less likely to be…X is…, while Y is more like to be…➢➢关键问题What are the differences between Chinese food and western food?What are the differences between living in big cities and small cities?What are the differences between watching live sports and watching on TV?What are the differences between big weddings and small weddings?(4)What is the most popular… in your country? 流行类➢➢关键句型It depends.For X,……, I believe that they have a fancy for…,such as…, simply because…But for Y,….., I guess they tend to like…, including… That’s probably because they…Meanwhile, there are… that are welcomed by all…, like….分类:Young and eldersMen and womenChildren and adultsStudents and office workersNorthern Chinese and southern Chinese➢➢关键问题What is the most popular way of relaxing for Chinese?What is the most popular sport in your country?What is the most common accommodation in your country?(5) What are the pros and cons of…好坏处类Advantages and disadvantagesBenefits and drawbacksMerits and demerits➢➢关键句型The advanta ge is…, while the disadvantage is…On one hand,…. On the other hand,…Well, … is beneficial in a variety of ways.Firstly,…Besides,…More importantly,…However, when it comes to the drawbacks, I have to say that…➢➢关键问题What are the advantages and disadvantages of living with old people?What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV program for children?What are the advantages and disadvantages of raising pets?(6) How has…changed recently in your country? 改变类➢➢关键句型Generally speaking, people used to …in a traditional way.But now, an increasing number of people choose to …➢➢关键问题How has the relationship between neighbors changed recently in your country? How has the way of travelling changed recently in your country?How has people’s way of reading changed recently in your country?(7)观点类What kinds of … are there/do people often…?What are the reasons of…?Why…?Should…?Is…always good for?➢➢关键句型There are several/a couple of/a variety of reasons/kinds of…, such as/like/including…/First…, Besides,…➢➢关键问题What are the reasons of shopping online?What kinds of things do people of lose?What kinds of movies do children like to watch?What do people care about their health?Why is it important for us to give gifts to others?Should parents control their children’s time of using computers?Is tourism always good for places?。

IELTS Speaking Part 3

IELTS Speaking Part 3
• 蹲点儿
• What is the reason why family members do not eat together anymore? • because/due to/owing to/the reason why... is that.../contribute to.../lead to.../give rise to.../result from...
• Explain different attitudes towards marriage between people in the past and now.
• What are the advantages of people living in tourist attractions?
Part 3 特点
• 会用到很多表示逻辑关系的连接词 • 要求考生的答案比Part 1要正式点,无论从 用词还是从答案的内容都会更正式 • 但不需要过于正式的像工作面试一样,答 案也不应该过难
Part 3 都会考什么
Part 3 都会考什么
• • • • • 原因阐述 时光对照 事物利弊 预测未来 场景演练 • • • • 解决问题 影响后果 方法方式 观点询问
Part 3 到底是什么
• 是一个discussion,多数时候的问题与所考 的卡片话题有关,但是有的题也可能离开 卡片的范围。 • 最大区别 • Part 1----you/your life • Part 3----people/society/your country/global issues
Part 3 出题规律
• 1-2个要求分析原因或者解决方法的题目 • Why should the government invest in community facilities? • Why is it important to preserve historical buildings?

雅思口语part 3的参考答案

雅思口语part 3的参考答案

Part 3: Relaxing1. What are some of the various things that people do to relax?Well, I’d say there are a lot of different ways that people like to relax, of which probably the most common would be listening to music or watching TV.2. Do people of different ages relax in the same way?No, I guess on the whole, they generally don’t. I mean, children, for example, kind of just like to relax by playing with toys or watching ca rtoons on TV. And for my age group, I’d say we generally like chatting with friends on QQ or weibo, which is the Chinese equivalent (相当)of Twitter. And regarding the older generation, I’d say they generally tend to relax by simply either watching TV or reading the newspaper, which is something that young people don’t really do anymore.3. Are there any differences in the way people relax today compared to the past?Yeah, I’d say there are, because for example, in the past,I think it’s fair to say that (我觉得可以说…) people mainly used to relax in front of the TV, whereaadays, it seems to be the case that people are moving away from the TV and spending more time on the computer instead. So that’s one difference, and I suppose another thing to mention would be that quite a lot of people now, especially young people, like going to cafés to relax with their friends. And this is reflected in the fact that there are lot more cafes around than there used to be.4. So why are people spending more time on the computer?I’d say there are a handful of reasons (很多原因)as to why this is the case, one of which would be that we are now able to do more and more things on the computer, like watch films and TV series, whereas in the past, we were only able to watch them on TV. And if you watch stuff on your computer, you don’t have to sit through all the annoying (烦人的)adverts which you get on the TV.5. Why do you think some people find it hard to relax?That’s a good question, and I suppose there are a number of possible reasons for this, one of which might be that they’re overloaded with work(超负荷工作), and generally just too stressed out to relax.I mean, a lot of people I know find it very difficult to completely forget about their work when they’re at home, because their work is always at the back of their mind (心底), regardless of what they’re doing.6. Do you think that there is more stress in modern life than there was in the past?It’s pretty hard to say, but I guess there probably is, yeah, because first of all, living costs have got a lot higher, and secondly, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult finding a decent job (好的工作) with good pay, as competition’s so fierce nowadays. Whereas in the past, there didn’t use to be so many things to worry about, because life was basically a lot simpler.7. What about the future, do you think there will be less stress than today, or more?Well I’m not altogether that sure, but my feeling is probably that there will be slightly less stress, because I mean, I think we’ve reached a point where life can’t get much more stressful than it already is! So in the future, I imagine life will go back to being a bit simpler. In other words, I think what will most likely happen is that people will get better at prioritizing (理出优先顺序) their time and cut out doing (停止做……)things which aren’t that important to them.8. Some people think leisure activities are a waste of time. Do you agree?Well I guess it depends what the leisure activity is. Because if it’s something that doesn’t benefit you in any way, then I’d say it is a waste of time. But if, on the other hand, it brings some kind of positive value to you, then I’d say it’s definitely worth while. And I mean, if you think about it, people who don't have any hobbies tend to be very one-dimensional (一维的), whereas those with lots of hobbies tend to be much more well-rounded (全面的)and interesting people.Part 3: Decisions1. What do you think are the most important decisions that people make in their lives?Well, off the top of my head (不经考虑的话), I guess it would be decisions like who you want to marry and spend your life with, how many children to have, and what kind of job to pursue, because these are things which will have a huge effect on your whole life.2. What skills are necessary when making decisions?I’m honestly not that sure, because I mean, when I make decisions, I’m not really thinking about what skills I’m using, I just kind of make them, if you know what I me an! But I suppose one skill that’s sort of necessary in making decisions is analytical skills, because this will help you weigh up(估量)each choice you face, and therefore guide you in making a good decision. And as well as this, I think that having the ability to make decisions quickly without pondering (斟酌) too much is also necessary, because we often have to make decisions without full knowledge of something.3. How can people improve their decision-making skills?If truth be told, I’m not the best person to ask, because I’m not that good at making decisions, but I suppose one thing people could do would be to trust their gut instinct(直觉)more. And by that I mean attach more importance to (更重视)how they are feeling deep down, because I think our mind has a kind of sixth sense in knowing what the right thing to do is.4. Do you think that parents should make important decisions for their children?On the whole(总体来说), I’d say they shouldn’t, no, because what parents think is best for their children isn’t always necessarily the best thing. So as far as I’m concerned, I think wherever possible, parents should let their children make their own decisions, because after all, it’s their child’s life, not theirs. And even if the child doesn’t make a good decision, they will still end up (最终)learning from it.5. How can older people help young people make their own decisions wisely?That’s a good question, and thinking about it, I’d say probably the main thing they can do is to help younger people understand what the most important things to take into consideration are, before they make a decision. You know, older people have experienced more in life, and so they're generally more aware of what’s important and what things should be prioritized (优先化). So I think there’s a lot that young people can learn from them.Part 3: Organizing1. What factors should be considered when planning an event?What factors? Um… well firstly I would say the venue (地点)–you know, where the event’s gonna take place. That’s probably the first factor that needs to be considered. And as well as this, the cost of the event definitely needs to be taken into account, and how it’s gonna be funded. And finally I suppose you need to think about how you’re gonna publicize (宣传) the event, you know, how are you gonna make people aware of the event so that people actually go! So yeah, I’d say these are the main factors that need to be considered.2. Do you think some people are born with an ability to organize?Yeah, I suppose some people are. And I mean, I think it’s the same with everything really. People are born with all kinds of talents, and I guess organizing is one of those things. You know, some people are born with musical talent, some people are born with artistic talent, and likewise (同样), some will be born with an ability to organize. And come to think of it (仔细想起来), I do actually have a few friends who seem to be naturally good at organizing stuff, cos as far as I know (据我所知), they’ve never taken any classes on it or anything, but they’re just really good at it.3. How should parents teach their children organizational skills?Well, I guess they should just kind of, wherever possible, give their children the opportunity to organize things by themselves, instead of always doing it for them. So for example, on weekends, let their children plan out what they’re gonna do, and help them develop this habit. So yeah, basically just give them the opportunity to organize things themselves, and if that means making a fewmistakes along the way, then so be it!(那就随它去吧) You know, the mistakes will also be a good learning experience for them.4. How can people develop their organizational skills?I suppose they can do it in a number of ways, one of which would be to learn from people who are good at it. So in other words, like, ask them how do they do it, and pick up (学到)good habits from them. So it could be from their teachers, their classmates, anyone they know really. And if they don’t know anyone good at it, they could, I guess, read a book on it, you know, find some books about it. I’m sure there are loads (大量的)out there. So yeah, these would be two ways, and then just practice!5. What kinds of things require organizing?All sorts of things, I think. For example, events, like parties, require organizing. What else? Um.. I guess generally just your free time. Of course you don’t need to organize it, but if you do, you won't waste it. You’ll make much better use of it (更好地利用它). And uh… what other things…? I’m sure there are many other things that require some degree of organizing, but I’m afraid this is all that comes to mind right now(我现在能想到的就这些).Part 3: Water sports1. Why do so many people like going to places with water, such as lakes, rivers or the ocean? Uh… I guess the main reason is that water has a kind of calming effect on (对…有镇静的效果) people. And when you consider all the stress that people are under these days, then I think it’s easy to understand why people gravitate to (被吸引到)places near water.2. What kinds of leisure activities do people like to do in places such as on the ocean, or at a beach?All kinds of things really. You know, some people like doing exciting things like jet-skiing(水上摩托)or scuba diving (进行戴水肺潜水), while others prefer doing more relaxing things, such as just lying down on a deck chair with a book. So it really kind of varies!3. As a place to spend some leisure time, do you think the seaside is more suitable for children or old people?That’s very hard to say, coz personally I think the seaside is a good place to go for both the young and old, but in terms of which age group it’s more suitable for, then I suppose I’d have to say the elderly, simply because they are more aware of the dangers of the ocean. So if children go to the beach, their parents need to keep a close eye on them(小心看护).4. What activities would you do if you were spending some leisure time at a beach?I think I would do a few things. For example, I would definitely go paddling (涉水) in the sea, because I always enjoy doing that whenever I go to the beach, and it’s much less effort than swimming! So that’s one thing, and what else would I do? Um…well, I suppose another thing I would probably do is just lie on a deckchair, which I know is quite bor ing, but it’s also really relaxing - you know, you can just close your eyes and listen to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore(听海浪撞击海岸的声音).5. Do you think government should invest in water sports?No, not really. Because I think there are a lot more important things that the government should focus on. I mean, after all, water sports are purely(纯粹的,单纯的) recreational(娱乐性的), so if no money’s invested in them, then it’s not really going to have a significant effect on anyone. So I think the government could put their money to much better use by investing in things such as education and healthcare, which will make a much bigge r difference to people’s lives.Part 3: Old Things1. What kinds of old things do Chinese people keep at home?Ah, I’d say all kinds of things really. I mean, most families will have things like old photos, possibly old books as well, paintings, that kind of stuff.And I guess, like, the personal items that maybe their ancestors (祖先) once had, are also the sorts of things that people like to keep, and that varies between family to family. So yeah, it’s really kind of hard to generalize.2. Why do you think people keep these things?I’d say it’s primarily because it reminds them of their family history. So for example, it reminds them of family members who have passed away, or significant events in their family history. So basically they hold very special memories to people, and although they may not be very valuable in terms of what they’re worth, they’re really important in terms of the sentimental value (情感价值)they have.Oh and one other reason for keeping old objects might be for investment purposes(投资目的), because a lot of old objects, such as antiques(古董) for example, appreciate in value over time(随时间升值). -3. Do young people in your country like old things?Um… for the most part I would say not particularly. I mean, if you look at the things that most young Chinese people have, the majority of them are new, you know, like phones, computers, the books they read, the films they watch… there are not that many old things among them. But saying that, I wouldn’t say they have a strong dislike towards old things, it’s simply that they prefer modern stuff, as it’s basically more practical(实用的)!4. Do you think it’s good to recall the past?Yeah, most definitely(绝对是). I mean, everyone has special memories, and if we didn't recall the past, it would a bit of a pity just to forget everything that’s happened and not reflect on(反省、仔细想、回忆) it. You know, we can learn so much from the past, and looking back at the happy times we’ve experienced can also cheer us up when we’re feeling down(不开心、沮丧). So yeah, I think it’s extremely important to recall the past.。





以下是为大家搜索的xx年口语part3话题答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们!Ok,well I've actually been to quite a few weddings, because I'm now at the age when a lot of my friends are starting to get married ,so it was kind of difficult choosing which one to describe,but I guess probably the easiest for me to talk about would be the most recent one I went to,which was that of a neighbor of mine.Also,what I should probably make clear to you first, though,is that weddings here in China tend to just involve the wedding reception,as you may know,without the signing of marriage documents,which is usually done in private several months before the wedding, so it's just the reception which I'm going to talk about.And as for who was there,well,I couldn't tell you everyone, because there were absolutely loads of people,you know,the hall was pretty packed,so my guess would be that there were probably something like 250 to 300 guests, andif I'm not mistaken, it seemed to be that the majority were friends and relatives of the bride and groom,although I also noticed that they had invited quite a few of their colleagues from work as well,because one of them, who Ithink was her boss, went up on stage to make a speech at some point.So regarding how I felt at the wedding,well,to put it simply, it was a really wonderful wedding,and there were some parts of it that moved me quite a lot,such as when the bride broke down in tears when she was on stage thanking her parents for all the support they had given her.It was also really clear to see how much the bride and groom loved each other,as they couldn't take their eyes off each other the whole evening,so,I was really happy for them and was glad that I made it to their wedding.That's pretty much it,I think,so thanks a lot for listening.1.Q. How can technology make our life easier?A. Technology is the use of invented science and the uses of technological tools and that have made our life easier. For example, we are using watches to get time, watching television for different reasons, and using telephones for munication purposes etc and thus our life is made easier than before. But if there were no clock, television or telephone invented, certainly we should have stayed in the primitive age. The current advancement would not have been possible. Technology has changed that way we study, work or even spend our leisure time. With the help of the technology, we can have a better life standard withmuch more efficient tools and devices to help us in every way possible.2.Q. What are some greatest inventions you know about?A. There are a large number of inventions have been done so far, but the most important invention appears to me is the invention of electricity. Then I should consider the invention of wheels which truly has made the munication system and travelling easier to us. Thirdly I should consider the invention of Inter, which has radically changed the world. Apart from that light bulbs, aeroplane, penicillin, telephone are some other greatest inventions of all time in my opinion.3.Q. Why should we restrict the use of mobile phone in public places?A. Mobile phone, undoubtedly, is an important invention but it has some detrimental impacts too. Using mobile phones at public places may appear indecent. Mobile phone users talk about countless issues but sometimes the speeches may cause irritation to others existing on the public spots. Moreover, the speakers may also reveal their secrets inadvertently that may hamper their privacy. Moreover, since the public places are always crowded, the chance of aidents is more while talking on mobile phones.4.Q. Why mobile phones are gaining its popularity?A. Mobile phones are gaining popularity as those are easy to carry. Moreover, someone can buy a mobile phone at an affordable cost and without any legal plexities. Besides, the tariffs are also economic. It is far more convenientthat other means of munication system and faster to deliver the message. So, the mobile phones are gaining popularity gradually.5.Q. Can you do without your mobile phone?A. In the current days, it is impossible for me to do without a mobile phone for a single day. I need the phone not only for munication purpose, but I also use the phonefor passing my time by playing games, using inter applications and more other necessary issues. So it wouldbe quite difficult for me not to use the mobile phone.。



雅思口语Part3的常见问题及解答技巧关于雅思口语Part 3的常见问题及解答技巧问题方式第一种: 过去和现在变化类问题例子:How has your hometown changed in the past decade?What changes do you foresee in the next 20-50 years?下列内容可以帮助大家引入答题内容回答过去Well, Im not exactly sure of it since I have been quite a busy student over the past 10 years.But, let me try to search my memory and answer your question.回答将来Wow, 50 years, huh? Thats a very far future. Im not sure whats going to happen to then. Since the future is 无法预测unpredictable.But let me try to imagine it.答题时要注意时态的`转换,动词的曲折变位.平时练习的时候结合下列造句结构比较The difference between is that is more while is moreWhile is perhaps more is moreThe main difference between the way and the way is in the The biggest difference between about years ago and today is thatThere are some key differences between andOne big way that differ from isYes, there are quite a few differences between and. A goodexample is。



最新雅思口语Part3话题参考答案最新雅思口语Part3话题参考答案:experience that you felt happy that you used your cellphone示例范文:Describe an experience that you felt happy that you used your cellphone1. Do young and old people use phones in the same way? 年轻人和老人使用手机的方式一样吗?Oh, definitely no. Seniors generally lag behind their younger counterparts especially when it comes to using mobile phones. The only pattern they share is voice calling. In other patterns old people are usually second to the young. Teens and young adults are more enthusiastic users of cellphones. They are also bigger users of text messaging. I guess the young send and receive at least five times more messages a day than older people. Younger adults tend to use their phones for multimedia content, for taking pictures or video, for accessing internet. They are also more likely to turn to their phones to avoid others around them to fight boredom. All this is still strange for the old.2. What are the differences between writing a letter and writing a text message on a cell phone? 写信和手机发短信有什么不同?Oh, there are quite a few of differences, actually. First of all, writing a text message is faster than writing a letter 'cause text messages are generally much shorter. Secondly, messages are instant while letters can take weeks to be delivered, which makes communication more complicated. On the other hand, it is more personal to write by hand as it adds a human touch to the relationship. Handwritten letters always convey greater effort and greater care taken, let recipients know that they areimportant for somebody.3. Many people think mobile phones can be annoying at times. Can you give any examples of that? 许多人认为手机很烦人。

雅思备考考点及资料-Speaking Part 3 Questions on Changes

雅思备考考点及资料-Speaking Part 3 Questions on Changes

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Questions on ChangesHow have TV programs changed in China?Thinking about it, I would say that they’ve changed quite a lot. And to begin with, I guess one of the biggest changes would be that in the past, there used to be only a limited variety of programs, whereas nowadays, there is a much wider range of things on TV, such as talent and dating shows. Another thing is that TV programs nowadays are all in colour, whereas in the past they used to all be in black and white. So yeah I guess these would be the main changes.How has the relationship between neighbours changed between now and the past?I’d say it’s changed a lot, and probably the main change has been that nowadays, people don’t really see their neighbours all that often, whereas in the past, they used to do quite a lot of things together. For example, people would often have their neighbours over for lunch or dinner, which doesn’t really happen that much anymore.Have cities changed much in your country in the past few decades?Yeah, I’d say they definitely have, because firstly, they’ve become a lot more built-up, and so there are considerably more high-rise buildings than there used to be. And as well as this, another big change would be the traffic, which has got quite a lot worse in most cities, simply because there are far more cars on the road than there used to be.Is it easier or more difficult to get a job today than in the past?Well, I would say it’s definitely more difficult to get a job nowadays than it was in the past, and one of the reasons for saying this is that in the past, there was generally less competition for jobs, because not that many people went to university, whereas nowadays, there are millions of graduates looking around for jobs, which has made it extremely difficult finding a decent, high-paid job, unless of course you have good personal connections! And as well as this, another point I should mention is that 20 or 30 years ago, people were actually assigned jobs after completing university, so getting a job was pretty much guaranteed, whereas nowadays this is not the case at all.Is the material that furniture is made from today different to the material that was used in the past?Yeah, I would say it is, because in the past, furniture mostly used to be made of wood, whereas nowadays, there’s a huge variety of different materials that are used for making furniture, of which a few that come to mind are plastic, leather and suede. And I think this reflects the fact that people’s tastes are diversifying as their standard of living improves.How has the way people get news changed?Well thinking about it, I’d say it’s changed in a number of ways, one of which would be that in the past, people mainly used to receive news through the TV, radio and newspaper, whereas nowadays, I think it’s fair to say that the Internet has become the main channelfor obtaining news. And as well as this, another thing to mention would be the emergence of microblogging, which has also become a popular way of receiving and spreading news.Are there any differences in the way people relax today compared to the past?Yeah, I’d say there are, because for example, in the past, I think it’s fair to say that people mainly used to relax in front of the TV, whereas nowadays, it seems to be the case that people are moving away from the TV and spending more time on the computer instead. So that’s one difference, and I suppose another thing to mention would be that quite a lot of people now, especially young people, like going to cafés to relax with their friends. And this is reflected in the fact that there are a lot more cafes around than there used to be.How have toys changed?Well I suppose they’ve changed quite a lot, because in the past, I guess they generally used to be quite simple and basic, whereas nowadays, I think it’s fair to say that they’ve become a bit more sophisticated. Of course, this isn’t the case with every toy, but it seems to be the general trend. So that’s one thing, And as well as this, I would say that the range of toys on the market now is far wider than it used to be, so parents are kind of spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing toys for their children.What are the differences in the things that children do now and what they did in the past? Well, I'd say there are quite a few differences, one of the biggest being that nowadays kids spend a crazy amount of time on the computer, whereas in the past, they hardly touched computers, mainly because not that many families had computers back then. So I guess that would be the main difference, and maybe another would be that more and more children nowadays have mobile phones, which they seem to use mainly for playing games on, and this, of course, didn’t used to be the case in the past, because mobiles have only become mainstream in about the last 15 years or so.。



雅思口语讲义PARTIII八大题型Part III八大题型OpinionHow do people in your country feel about protecting historic buildings? (C4 T1)Do you think an area can benefit from having an interesting historic place locally? In what way? (C4 T1)Do you think having a hobby is good for people’s s ocial life? In what way? (C4 T2)What do people enjoy doing when they visit rivers, lakes or the sea?(C4 T3)What benefits do you think people get from the activities they enjoy in the water? (C4 T3)How important is it for a town or city to be located near a river or the sea? Why? (C4 T3)How reliable do you think information from the Internet is? Why?What about the news on the Internet? (C4 T4)What do you think are the most important qualities for friends to have? (C5 T3)How do you think it is for a person to spend some time alone? Why or why not? (C5 T3)What role does the media play in festivals, do you think? (C5 T4)Reason & CauseWhy do you think people need to have an interest or hobby? (C4 T2)Why do you think the activities people enjoy doing whenthey visit rivers, lakes or the sea, are popular? (C4 T3)Why do you think the Internet is being used more and more for communication? (C4 T4)Why do you think some people use the Internet for shopping? Why doesn’t everyone use it in this way? (C4 T4)Why do you think ordinary people are interested in the lives of famous people? (C5 T1)Why do you think countries have national anthems or songs? (C5 T2)What do you think cause friendship to break up? (C5 T3)Why do you think festivals are important events in the working years? (C5 T4)Change & TrendHow were you taught history when you were at school? (C4 T1)Would you say the amount of free time has changed much in the last fifty years? (C4 T2)Have there been any changes in the number of jobs available in fishing and water transport industries, do you think? Why do youthink this is? (C4 T3)How does the media in your country treat famous people? (C5 T1)Tell me about any traditional music in your culture. (C5 T2)Have relationships with neighbours where you live changed in recent years? How? (C5 T3)ComparisonIn your country, ho much time do people spend on work and how much time on leisure? Is this a good balance, do you think? (C4 T2) ?What are the different advantages of going to the sea orto a swimming pool to enjoy yourself? What do you thin the disadvantages are? (C4 T3)How does water transport, like boats and ships, compare with other kinds? Are there any advantages/disadvantages of watertransport? (C4 T3)Is this different from the kind of achievement that made people famous in the past? In what way? (C5 T1)What are the good things about being famous? Are there any disadvantages? (C5 T1)Which are more important to people, their family or their friends?Why? (C5 T3)Would you agree that the original significance of festivals is often lost today? Is it good or bad, do you think? (C5 T4) Do you think it’s good or bad to watch festivals on TV? Why? (C5 T4)Influence & ImportanceAre there any negative effects of a person spending too much time on their hobby? What are they? (C4 T2)What effect has the Internet had on the way people generally communicate with each other? (C4 T4)What do you think influences a young person’s taste in music? (C5 T2)How has technology affected the kinds of music popular with young people? (C5 T2)How important is it for a culture to have musical traditions? (C5 T2) ?How may globalisation affect different festivals around the world?(C5 T4)Problem & SolutionWhat could be done to encourage people to live in a healthy way?(C6 T2)What do most people do to keep fit in your country? (C6 T2) SpeculationWhat do you think will happen to historic places or buildings in the future? Why? (C4 T1)Do you think history will still be a school subject in the future?Why? (C4 T1)Do you think people will have more or less free time in the future?Why? (C4 T2)Do you think shopping on the Internet will be more or less popular in the future? Why? (C4 T4)How do you think people will become famous in the future? (C5 T1) ?Do you think that new festivals will be introduced in the future?(C5 T4)CategarisingAre there other ways people can learn about history, apart from at school? How? (C4 T1)What kinds of things are easy to buy and sell online? Can you give me some examples? (C4 T4)What kind of people become famous people these days? (C5 T1)What kinds of music are popular with young people in your culture?(C5 T2)What other types of relationship, apart from friends or family,are important in people’s lives today? (C5 T3)What kind of new festivals will be introduced in the future? (C5 T4) ?准备答案时,思考的三个方向o重要性Importanceo现状 Statuso发展趋势 Speculation。

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IELTS Speaking - Part 3
1. Describe a person you know who is good at cooking.
1. How often do Chinese people cook at home?
2. Since there are more restaurants nowadays, do you think people eat out more?
3. Do schools have cooking classes in your country?
4. Do you think children should learn how to cook? 2. Describe a famous person you like.
5. Do you want to be famous in the future?
6. Do you think celebrities have a right to privacy?
7. Why do some young people want to be famous?
8. What do you think of fame?
9. Do you think bad behaviour displayed by celebrities will have a negative effect on younger people?
10. How do people become famous in your country?
11. Why do some famous people do bad things?
12. What do famous people have in common?
13. What characteristics do famous people have?
14. How do people become famous?
15. Do people like to imitate famous people?
16. Do you think people are famous as a result of some real talent or are they famous for some other reasons?
17. What are the good points and bad points of being famous?
18. Do you think it’s good for children to become famous child stars?
19. Do you think famous people have a large influence on young people?
3. Describe a vehicle you would like to own in the future.
20. What are the advantages and disadvantages of public and private transportation?
21. What are the advantages of using mass transportation in society?
22. What are the pros and cons of using mass transportation?
23. Why do some people travel a long distance every day to get to work?
24. Do you think government should control the number of private cars on the roads?
25. Is it the responsibility of governments or individuals to restrict the number of cars on the roads?
26. What do you think the future of vehicles will be like?
4. Describe a movie you would like to watch again. 27. Do you think more or less people go to the cinema nowadays?
28. Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema?
29. What would you do if you couldn’t understand the language in a foreign film?
30. Do people of different ages watch the same kinds of movies? 5. Describe a special thing you want to buy in the future.
31. Where do young people in your country like to go shopping?
32. How have the ways people buy things changed over the years?
33. What kinds of advertisements are most effective?
34. What are the differences between shopping online and buying things in stores?
35. What are the differences between shopping websites in China and in other countries?
36. Do you think companies nowadays spend too much money on advertisements?
6. Describe a friend who you think is a good leader.
37. How do good leaders act?
38. In your culture, what kinds of people can be good leaders?
39. Are there changes in the characteristics that leaders should have?
40. Who are more likely to be good leaders, males or females?
41. Nowadays females are earning higher salaries. Do you think this means there will be more female leaders?
42. Can good leaders be trained?
43. Do you think anyone can be a leader?
7. Describe a situation where your friend told you an incomplete truth.
44. What are the effects of lies?
45. On what occasions do white lies occur?
46. Does lying help people feel less embarrassed?
47. Do you like to be told an incomplete truth?
48. Should husband and wife lie to each other?
49. Do you think lying is a sin or a crime?
50. Should friends be honest with each other all the time?
51. Can you give me some examples of the lies you have told?
52. Do you think people should lie to their colleagues at work?
8. Describe something interesting you learned from the Internet.
53. How has the Internet changed our lives?
54. Do you think that the Internet boosts the economy?
55. What do you think would happen if the Internet couldn’t work in your country?
56. Will libraries disappear in the future?
57. Why are social networks popular in China?
58. Do you think the information from social networks are more valuable than those from other websites?。
