1.已知空间向量a =(1,−3,μ),b =(λ,−6,8),且a ,b 共线,则λ=( )A. −2B. 2C. −4D. 42.已知等差数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n ,若a 2+a 5+a 8=27,则S 9=( )A. 33B. 54C. 64D. 813.曲线f(x)=xlnx 在x =e −2处的切线方程为( )A. y =−x−3e −2B. y =−x +3e −2C. y =−x−e −2D. y =−x +e −24.手机电池随着日常使用其寿命缩短,是消耗品,某种型号手机的电池寿命ξ(单位:年)服从正态分布,使用寿命不少于3年的概率为0.8,使用寿命不少于5年的概率为0.2.某人买了该型号手机,则手机电池使用寿命不少于4年的概率为( )A. 0.8B. 0.7C. 0.5D. 0.25.在直三棱柱ABC−A 1B 1C 1中,AB =AC ,△ABC 重心为点G ,棱B 1C 1的中点为M ,设AB =a ,AC =b ,AA 1=c ,则MG =( )A. −13a +16b +cB. −16a +16b−cC. 16a−16b−cD. −16a−16b−c 6.从数字1,2,3中随机取一个数字,取到的数字为n(n =1,2,3),再从数字1,⋯,n 中随取一个数字,则第二次取到数字2的概率为( )A. 518 B. 718 C. 1118 D. 13187.设O 为坐标原点,双曲线x 2a 2−y 2b 2=1(a >0,b >0)的焦距为4,其左、右焦点分别为F 1、F 2,点P 在C 上,∠F 1PF 2=π3,|OP|=2 2,则双曲线的离心率为( )A. 2 B. 3 C. 2 D. 2 38.在平面直角坐标系中,有许多边长为1的正方形网格,一质点从坐标原点(0,0)开始,沿着正方形对角线向右上方或右下方随机跳动,跳动一次运动路程为 2,若质点跳动不跨越x 轴到第四象限且跳动8次后落在点(8,0)处(如图给出了质点的一种运动路径),则不同的跳动路径的种数为( )A. 10B. 14C. 16D. 20二、多选题:本题共3小题,共18分。
A.信函文件B.医药制品C.日化用品D.粮棉原料2.与批量运输模式相比,载客列车捎带模式的优点是()A.线路更多B.管理更方便C.运量更大D.安全性更强2 3.为了推动高铁快运的发展,我国应()A.依靠价格抢占市场B.实现运输大规模化C.打造高效运输路线D.培养大批装卸工人中印经贸合作区位于印度尼西亚绿壤国际工业中心,采用“园中园”发展模式(下图)。
2023届高三第五次月考化学试题满分:100分 考试时间:75分钟可能用到的相对原子质量: H :1 Li:7 C: 12 Na :23 Cl: 35.5 I: 127一、选择题(每题3分,共30分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.化学与生活、科技及环境密切相关。
下列说法正确的是A .抗击新型冠状病毒用到的“84消毒液”的有效成分为2Ca(ClO)B .“建本雕版印刷技艺”使用的木质雕版主要成分为纤维素C .嫦娥四号采样器带回的月壤中的2CaO MgO 2SiO ⋅⋅属于氧化物D .陶瓷工艺品建盏(中国国家地理标志产品)属于新型无机非金属材料2. 设N A 为阿伏加德罗常数的值。
下列说法正确的是A .1 mol 环戊烷含有的σ键数为5N AB .1.0 mol·L -1的AlCl 3溶液中含有阴离子总数为3N AC .电解精炼铜,阳极质量减少64 g 时电路中通过的电子数为2N AD .反应K 2H 3IO 6+9HI=2KI+4I 2+6H 2O 生成25.4 g I 2时,转移电子的数目为0.175N A 3. 摩尔盐[(NH 4)2Fe(SO 4)2·6H 2O]在定量分析中常用作标定高锰酸钾等溶液的标准物质。
结合装置,判断下列说法错误的是A .用装置甲制取FeSO 4溶液时铁粉需要过量B .用装置乙制取NH 3,NH 3必须经过碱石灰干燥再通入装置丙中C .用装置丙将氨气通入FeSO 4和H 2SO 4的混合溶液,不会倒吸D .用装置丁将溶液浓缩后,再降温结晶,过滤可以得到(NH 4)2Fe(SO 4)2·6H 2O 晶体4. 下列由实验现象所得结论正确的是A .向某溶液中加入足量稀盐酸,生成白色沉淀,证明溶液中含Ag +B .向Na 2S 溶液中通入足量SO 2,生成淡黄色沉淀,证明SO 2能呈现酸性和氧化性C .向FeI 2溶液中滴加少量氯水,溶液变为黄色,证明Fe 2+与Cl 2反应生成Fe 3+D.常温下,取饱和CaSO4溶液和氨水做导电性实验,氨水灯泡更亮,证明CaSO4为弱电解质5. 下列实验对应的离子方程式不正确的是()A.将少量SO2通入NaClO溶液:SO2+H2O+2ClO﹣═SO32-+2HClOB.将少量NO2通入NaOH溶液:2NO2+2OH﹣═NO3﹣+NO2﹣+H2OC.将碳酸氢钙溶液与过量的澄清石灰水混合:HCO3−+Ca2++OH﹣═CaCO3↓+H2OD.将等物质的量浓度的Ba(OH)2和NH4HSO4溶液以体积比1:2混合:Ba2++2OH﹣+2H++SO42-═BaSO4↓+2H2O6. 关于的说法正确的是()A.分子中有3种杂化轨道类型的碳原子B.分子中共平面的原子数目最多为14C.分子中的苯环由单双键交替组成D.与Cl2发生取代反应生成两种产物7.已知X、Y、Z、W、M为原子序数依次递增的短周期元素,其中X、Y、Z元素同周期,Y与W元素同主族,它们可以形成一种重要化合物甲。
在每小题给出的四个选项中,第14~18题只有一个选项符合题目要求,第19~21题有多项符合题目要求,全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错的得0分)14.下列说法正确的是( )A .组成原子核的核子越多,原子核的结合能越大,原子核越稳定B .核反应方程2311Na +42He→X +2612Mg 中,X 为11H ,该反应为α衰变C .阴极射线可以在电场和磁场中偏转的现象,表明其本质是一种带电粒子流D .用紫光照射某金属板能产生光电子,则用红光照射该金属板也一定能产生光电子15.“人工肺ecomo”呼吸机是治疗新冠肺炎重症的重要设备。
一呼吸机接在电压随时间变化的规律为u =2202sin100πt (V)的交流电源上,正常工作时电流为5 A ,则( )A .该交流电的频率为100 HzB .该交流电每秒内电流方向变化50次C .该呼吸机正常工作时电流的峰值为5 AD .该呼吸机正常工作时,1 h 消耗的电能为1.1度16.“太空涂鸦”技术就是使低轨运行的攻击卫星通过变轨接近高轨侦察卫星,准确计算轨道并向其发射“漆雾”弹,“漆雾”弹在临近侦察卫星时,压爆弹囊,让“漆雾”散开并喷向侦察卫星,喷散后强力吸附在侦察卫星的侦察镜头、太阳能板、电子侦察传感器等关键设备上,使之暂时失效。
下列关于攻击卫星说法正确的是( )A .攻击卫星进攻前需要加速才能进入侦察卫星轨道B .攻击卫星进攻前的向心加速度小于攻击时的向心加速度C .攻击卫星进攻前的机械能大于攻击时的机械能D .攻击卫星进攻时的线速度大于7.9 km/s17. 如图所示为一款“乒乓球训练神器”,其构造简单且不受空间的限制,非常适用于居家锻炼。
在某一次击球后,乒乓球从A 点以某一初速度开始运动,经过最高点B 之后向右运动到最远处C 点,不计空气阻力,则乒乓球从A 点到C 点过程中( )A .在C 点时,乒乓球所受合外力为零B .软杆对乒乓球做负功C .地面对底座的摩擦力始终为零D .地面对底座的支持力始终不变18.人们设想未来深空探测器是以光压为动力的,让太阳光垂直薄膜光帆照射并全部反射,从而产生光压。
11AA3BB1BCC1CO xy3A图7Ol 初三年级第五次月考数学试卷一、选择题(每小题3分,共18分) 1 )A .3B .±3C . 3D .± 32.2010年3月5日,温家宝总理在“政府工作报告”中说,2009年我国国内生产总值达到33.5万亿元,这个数字用科学记数法表示为( )A .3.35×1013元B .3.35×1012元C .33.5×1012元D .33.5×1013元3.已知在Rt ABC △中,390sin 5C A ∠==°,,则tan B 的值为( )A .43B .45C .54D .344.如图,⊙O 的圆心O 到直线l 的距离为3cm ,⊙O 的半径为1cm ,将直线l 向右(垂直于l 的方向)平移,使l 与⊙O 相切,则平移的距离为( ) A .1cm B .2cm C .4cm D .2cm 或4cm5.观察算式:31=3,32=9,33=27,34=81,35=243,36=729,37=2187,38=6561,…….通过观察,用你所发现的规律确定32011的个位数字是( )A .3B .9C .7D .1 6.如图7所示,点1A 、A 、3A 在x轴上,且11223OAA A A A ==,分别过点1A 、A、3A 作y 轴的平行线,与反比例函数()80y x x=>的图象分别交于点1B 、B 、3B ,分别过点1B ,2B ,3B 作x轴的平行线,分别与y 轴交于点1C ,2C ,C ,连接1OB ,OB ,3OB ,那么图中阴影部分的面积之和为( ) A .7 B 。
499C 。
8 D.479二、填空题(每小题3分,共27分) 7.化简:22(1)(1)a a +--=________.8.若代数式21--x x 有意义,则x 的取值范围是____________________.9.不等式组3(2)412 1.3x x x x --⎧⎪+⎨>-⎪⎩≥,的解集是 ____________.10.在综合实践课上,六名同学做的作品的数量(单位:件)分别是:5,7,3,x ,6,4;若这组数据的平均数是5,则这组数据的中位数是 件.11.在标有1、2、3、4的四张扑克中,背面花色相同,背面朝上,从中任意抽取2张,则数字和为奇数的概率是_________12.将一条长为20cm 的铁丝剪成两段,并以每一段铁丝的长度为周长各做成一个正方形,则这两个正方形面积之和的最小值是 cm 2.13.如图,已知ACB △与DFE △是两个全等的直角三角形,量得它们的斜边长为10cm ,较小锐角为30°,将这两个三角形摆成如图(1)所示的 形状,使点B C F D 、、、在同一条直线上,且点C 与点F 重合,将图(1)中的ACB △绕点C 顺时针 方向旋转到图(2)的位置,点E 在AB边上,AC 交DE于点G ,则线段FG 的长为 cm (保留根号).14.若用半径为20cm ,圆心角为240°的扇形铁皮,卷成一个圆锥容器的侧面(接缝忽略不计),则这个圆锥容器的底面半径是________cm.15.已知二次函数2y ax bx c =++的图象与x 轴交于点(20)-,、1(0)x ,,且112x <<,与y 轴的正半轴的交点在(02),的下方.下列结论:①420a b c -+=;②0a b <<;③210a b -+>.其中正确的结论是 .三、解答题(本大题共8个大题,满分75分)16.(1)(5分)计算:11(2010)2sin 60|2|2π-⎛⎫----- ⎪⎝⎭;AE C (F )D B图(1) E AGBC (F ) D图(2)学校___________ 班级__________ 考号__________ 姓名____________ 密 封 线 内 不 准 答 题2A BC E F 17.(7分)如图,四边形ABCD 是菱形,BE ⊥AD 、BF ⊥CD ,垂足分别为E 、F . (1)求证:BE =BF ; (2)当菱形ABCD 的对角线AC =8,BD =6时,求BE 的长. 18. (9分)2010年5月1日上海世博会召开了,上海世博会对我国在政治、经济、文化等方面的影响很大.当时郑州四中团委就同学们对上海世博会的了解程度,随机抽取了部分学生进行问卷调查,并根据收集的信息进行了统计,绘制了下面尚不完整的统计图.根据统计图中所提供的信息解答下列问题:(1)该校参加问卷调查的学生有________名; (2)补全两个统计图; (3)若全校有1500名学生,那么该校有多少名学生达到基本了解以上(含基本了解)的程度? (4)为了让更多的学生更好的了解世博会,学校举办了两期专刊.之后又进行了一次调查,结果全校已有1176名学生达到了基本了解以上(含基本了解)的程度.如果每期专刊发表之后学生达到基本了解以上(含基本了解)的程度增长的百分数相同,试求这个百分数.19.(7分)如图,已知矩形ABCD 内接于⊙O ,BD 为⊙O 直径,将△BCD 沿BD 所在的直线翻折后,得到点C 的对应点N 仍在⊙O 上,BN 交AD 与点M.若∠AMB=60°,⊙O 的半径是3cm. (1)求点O 到线段ND 的距离. (2)过点A 作BN 的平行线EF ,判断直线EF 与⊙O 的位置关系并说明理由.20、(10分)如图,张明站在河岸上的G 点,看见河里有一只小船沿垂直于岸边的方向划过来,此时,他测得小船C 的俯角是∠FDC=30°,若张明的眼睛与地面的距离是1.8米,BG=1米,BG 平行于AC 所在的直线,迎水坡的坡度i=4:3,坡长AB=10米,求小船C 到岸边的距离CA的长?(参考数据:73.13 ,结果保留两位有效数字).GFD BA C 30°321、(12分)如图1,已知矩形ABED ,点C 是边DE 的中点,且AB=2AD 。
Ⅰ. 单项选择1、Mom always tells me that nothing can be learned __________ hard work.A.with B.by C.for D.without2、- My dream is to build______________university on the moon some day-It sounds like _________unusual dream. I wish you could realize itA.a a B.an,a C.an,an D.a an3、--- May I speak to John?--- Sorry, he ____________Japan. But he _________in two days.A.has been to, will come backB.has gone to, will be backC.has been in, would come backD.has gone to, won't cone back4、I’d like to go with you, _____________I’m too busy.A.or B.and C.so D.but5、Nowadays, more and more students are learning English online with smart phones. They think those apps for English language learners can help improve oral English. But they cost a large of amount of money.A.them; their B.their; them C.they; them D.them; they6、Mother told me ______ in bed because it’s bad for eyes.A.don’t read B.not to read C.not read D.to not read7、— Mike, ______ you answer this question?—Of course I can. It’s so easy.A.can B.may C.must D.need8、--Did you find the small village yesterday?--Yes, without any difficulty, for it has______ changed over years.A.hardly B.ratherC.quite D.almost9、-Helen, can I wear jeans and a T-shirt to the school talent show?-OK, but a dress might be____.A.good B.bad C.better D.worse10、—TV says there will be a storm tomorrow.—___________, I planned to go climbing with my classmates.A.I hope so B.I’m afraid s oC.Sounds good D.Bad luckⅡ. 完形填空11、My 9-year-old daughter and I were flying from our home in Charlotte, North Carolina, to spend a week with my husband Mike in Miami, Florida. 1 had been working in Florida for five months. Kallie 2 her dad terribly.The plane was full. I had 3 a group of Boy Scouts(童子军) at the gate and said to my daughter that 4 anything happened, we would be OK with all those scouts on our 5 !Because we did not get our boarding passes until we 6 the gate, Kallie and I could not get seats together. That wasn’t such a big deal, except that Kallie had counted on me reading to her the whole way.When the 7 in my row boarded the plane, I asked if they would change places with Kallie or me. They 8 , saying they wanted to stay in their own seats.At the same time, a mother and her two children several rows ahead of us also met the same 9 . The mother could hold her baby, but her 6-year-old son had to sit with strangers. 10 nobody offered to help her.Suddenly, the scout leader stood up and said: “Ma’am, I think we can help you.” He then 11 five minutes rearranging his group so there was space available for the family. And then the mother was much more 12 .Amazingly, the man sitting next to the scout leader, turned to me and asked: “Would you and your daughter like our13 ?” We changed seats and continued on our trip, very happy to be together.Would that man have 14 us his seat if the scouts hadn’t done so for the mom and her children? I don’t know. But I do know that 15 is good, and good deeds cause more good deeds! Being kind is important and can be an example for everyone around you. One act of kindness can in turn cause many more kind acts.1.A.She B.He C.We D.They2.A.liked B.hated C.missed D.forgot3.A.discovered B.thought C.admitted D.noticed4.A.if B.when C.before D.after5.A.ship B.flight C.train D.bus6.A.left for B.left C.arrived at D.arrived in7.A.passengers B.travellers C.hostess D.scouts8.A.promised B.accepted C.refused D.agreed9.A.time B.problem C.question D.performance10.A.Therefore B.Because C.And D.However11.A.took B.cost C.spent D.made12.A.tired B.relaxed C.surprised D.friendly13.A.presents B.books C.stories D.seats14.A.offered B.gave C.showed D.provided15.A.politeness B.kindness C.happiness D.carefulnessⅢ. 语法填空12、If you need to call your parents but your phone is not with you, can you remember their numbers?To remember 11 numbers is not difficult.1., because of the smartphone (智能手机), many of us2.(lose) this ability , Chinese daily reported. What’s more, smartphones make our skills at giving directions weak, as w ell as3.(kill) face-to-face communications. Even when friends are having a meal together, 4.common for most to check their phones.According to a report by Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, 5.American company, Chinese people spend on average 170 minutes on their smartphones daily. For students, an addiction(上瘾) to smartphones does no good for6.(study). Research in Japan showed children who spend more than four hours a day on their phones do much worse7.(bad) in school tests than those who play with their phones for 30 minutes.It’s true that the smartphone has made our lives easier. But many also think they spend too much time on it, and this is bad for their study8.work. People are trying to change that.A new app(应用程序) named Forest9.(introduce) this month. It lets users plant a seed (种子) that grows into a tree over the next 30 minutes. During the half hour, users cannot use their phones, or the tree will die.A restaurant in Los Angeles, US, gives people a 5 % discount (折扣)if they don’t check their phones d uring a meal. Owner Mark Gold said that he hopes it gives people a way to enjoy their meal and really talk with friends and family10.person.Ⅳ. 阅读理解A13、 A passenger told an air hostess that he needed a cup of water to take his medicine when the plane just took off. She told him that she would bring him the water in ten minutes.The air hostess was so busy that she forgot to give him the water. As a result, the passenger couldn’t take his medicine in time. Thirty minutes later, when the passenger’s ring for service sounded, she hurried over to him with a smile whether he needed help or not. But the passenger never answered a word.When he was going to ge t off the plane, the passenger asked the air hostess to hand him the passenger’s booklet(意见簿). She was very sad. She knew that he would write down sharp words, which might result in the loss of her job. But with a smile she handed it to him.Off the plane, she opened the booklet, and smiled, for the passenger put it, “On the flight, you asked me whether I needed help or not for twelve times in all. How can I refuse your twelve sincere smiles?”That’s right! Who can refuse twelve smiles from a person?1.What did the passenger need when the plane just took off?A.A booklet to write something . B.A cup of water to take his medicine.C.The air hostess to make an apologize. D.To get off the plane at once.2.Why did the air hostess forget to give the passenger the water?A.Because the passenger was angry.B.Because it’s not allowed to take medicine during the flight.C.Because she was very busy.D.Because there wasn’t enough water on the plane.3.Why was the air hostess very sad ?A.She thought the passenger would write down bad words.B.She thought she couldn’t give the passenger any help.C.She thought the passenger would tell her manager.D.She thought she should say sorry to the passenger again.4.The Chinese meaning of the word “sincere” is “”.A.自豪的B.婉转的C.真诚的D.委屈的5.Which is the best title for the passage?A.The Air Hostess B.A Cup of Water C.On the plane D.Twelve SmilesB14、One young excellent person was trying to find a high position in a big company. It was the manager who would make the final decision.The manager discovered that the young man did an excellent job in his college, which aroused the manager’s curiosity.The manager asked, “Who paid for your college?”The young man answered, “My father passed away when I was one year old, so it was just my mother.”“What did your mother do?” The manager seemed surprised.“She is a clothes cleaner,” the young man answered, with no feeling.“Have you ever helped your mother wash some clothes before?”“Never. My mother always wanted me to study and read more books. She could wash clothes faster than me,” the young man seemed puzzled (迷惑) when answering.“Well, now I need you to do something. When you go back home today, clean your mother’s hands and see me tomorrow.”The youth was happy when hearing this because he felt that his chance of getting the job was great. When he went home,he happily asked his mother to let him clean her hands. His mother felt strange but happy. With mixed feelings, she showed her hands.The young man cleaned his mother’s hands, with tears falling. It was the first time he noticed that his mother’s hands were so wrinkled (皱的), and there were so many wounds. This pair of hands enabled him to go through college. This pair of hands was the price that his mother had to pay for his life and his future.The next morning, the manager asked the young man, “Now tell me what you learned yesterday.”After hearing what he said, the manager knew the young man had learned his lesson. “This is the man whom I am looking for. You are hired (聘用了).”1.What attracted the attention of the manager when he was interviewing the young man?A.The young man’s father.B.The young man’s clothes.C.The young man’s excellent job in college.D.The young man’s high position in company.2.The manager asked the young man some questions because he wanted to know_____.A.how the young man got the job in the companyB.who enabled the young man to finish his collegeC.why the young man’s father wanted him to studyD.how fast the young man’s mother could wash clothes3.The manager asked the young man to clean his mother’s hands because _____.A.he wanted the young man and his mother to have a talkB.he wanted the young man to know his mother’s love for himC.the young man felt sure he would get the job in the companyD.the young man had never wanted to study or read more books4.After the young man washed his mother’s hands, he knew_____.A.why his mother could wash clothes faster than he didB.when he would get the job offer from the companyC.what his mother had done for his life and his futureD.why his mother didn’t want him to wash her hands5.Which of the following might be the best title for this passage?A.Mother’s hands.B.A big company.C.Mixed feelings. D.The manager’s hands.C15、When talking about picking a right school, a mother and teacher gave some pieces of advice.In the latest issue (期) of Youth magazine, the mother shared the school advice she gave her daughters with young people across the country.“I’ve told my daughters many times that I don’t want them to choose a name,” the mother said. “I don’t want them to think, ‘Oh, I should go to these top schools.’ We live in a country with hundreds of excellent universities. So the first question is: what’s going to work for me?”“When it was time to prepare f or picking schools, nobody around me believed I could get into Xiamen University. But through hard work I finally made it,” she continued. “So, my second piece of advice is: believe in yourself, no matter what other peo ple might say. Once your goal is set, you only need to try your best to make it come true.”“The last piece of advice is not to be worried even if your dreams don’t come true. As I’ve said above, there are so many goo d universities out there. So it’s important for everybody to understand that you can always find a university that gives you a great education.”1.The mother shared her advice ________.A.with her students B.with her husbandC.in Youth magazine D.in Xiamen University2.To explain her second piece of advice, the mother gave ________.A.a story of her daughters B.a story of her ownC.some different reasons D.some different ideas3.We can learn from the last paragraph (自然段) that ________.A.we can realize our dream through hrad workB.the name of the university isn’t the most importantC.it’s not necessary to care what other people might sayD.more than one university can give us a good education4.The best title of the passage may be “________”.A.Colorful University LifeB.Best School EducationC.A Report on University BuildingD.Advice on School PickingD16、Tomatoes, sweet and juicy, are one of t he world’s oldest foods. They were discovered by the Indians of South America thousands of years ago. The first tomatoes were very small. By the time the Europeans brought them to Europe in the1500s, they were larger. They looked more like the tomatoes we eat today.The history of tomatoes is interesting. When they first arrived in Italy, they were known as “love apples”. Italians believed that if one ate a tomato, he would easily fall in love with it.However, in the United States, people believed that one would lose his life after eating a tomato. In 1820, Robert Johnson decided to prove people wrong. He announced that he would eat a tomato in the town square. Everyone was shocked at the news. That morning, about 2,000 people showed up to watch. They were sure that Mr Johnson was going to die. Of course, he didn’t. and from then on, tomatoes became popular in America.In the beginning, people argued whether tomatoes were fruit or vegetables. From a scientific point of view, they were fruit.A fruit was the ripened ovary of any plant that made seeds. However, this didn’t stop most people from calling them vegetables, They said that tomatoes were eaten with the main meal-just like vegetables. So, they thought tomatoes must surely be vegetables.Whether tomato es are vegetables or not, they won’t disappear any time now. They are just delicious, for everyone to eat. 1.Italians used to call tomatoes “love apples” mainly because of their.A.size B.taste C.shape D.smell2.People felt when they heard Robert Johnson would eat a tomato.A.surprised B.sad C.angry D.excited3.What does the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph mean?A.A few people stopped eating tomatoes.B.Tomatoes became the most popular vegetables.C.Most people still believed tomatoes were vegetables.D.Most people stopped calling tomatoes vegetables.4.What’s the writer’s purpose in writing the text?A.To tell us how tomatoes grow.B.To advise us to eat more tomatoes.C.To show us why people love tomatoes.D.To tell us interesting facts about tomatoes.E17、A poor boy lived in a small town. He sold goods from door to door to pay for school. One day, he had only one cent left, and he was hungry. He decided that he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, when a young woman opened the door, the boy was shy, so he just asked for some water. The woman knew he was hungry, so she brought him a large glass of milk.He drank it slowly, and then asked, "How much should I pay for it?" "You won't pay for it. My mother has told me that it isgood to help the people who are in trouble," she replied. The boy said, "Then I thank you from my heart." As the boy left that house, he felt stronger. He knew he had many things to do.Many years later, the young woman became ill. The local doctors couldn't save her. People had to send her to a big city. When the doctor knew who the woman was, he was excited and tried his best to save her life. He succeeded. The woman needed to pay for the medical bill. The doctor learned that she couldn't afford it. So he wrote something down on the medical bill. The woman read the bill, "You have paid it with a glass of milk."1.The poor boy sold goods from door to door becauseA.he had no money leftB.he needed money to buy some foodC.he wanted to raise money for Project HopeD.he had to make money for his school2.Why was the young woman sent to a hospital in a big city?A.Because she was seriously ill.B.Because she had lots of money.C.Because she wanted to visit the doctor.D.Because she knew the poor boy worked there.3.From the passage we can know the doctor( the poor boy) .A.let the young woman pay for the billB.was always thankful for the young woman's kindnessC.didn' t remember the young womanD.failed to save the young woman' s life4.Which of the following sentences is true?A.The young woman had a bad mother.B.The poor boy asked for some money.C.The young woman and her mother were both kind to others.D.The poor boy became a famous engineer when he grew up.5.What's the best title(标题) for the article?A.A Kind Mother B.A Lovely Young WomanC.A Poor Boy D.A Glass of MilkF18、Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, made a speech at the United Nations General Assembly high-level meeting through a video in September in 2018. The speech aimed to call for global efforts to put an end to the epidemic (流行病). Peng became World Health Organization’s Goodwill Ambassador(亲善大使)for TB (肺结核)and HIV/AIDS in 2011. She shared her feelings and experiences with the attendees of the meeting, which took place in the UN headquarters in New York. She also shared the touching stories of the heroes in China who have been selflessly dedicated to the cause of fighting TB.Peng said that the control and prevention of the epidemic disease in China have made rapid progress and the patients are being diagnosed (诊断)and treated more timely and effectively. She also pointed out such progress has been made because of the great importance that the Chinese government and the entire society have attached to the cause as well as the enthusiastic participation of about 700,000 volunteers. “Thanks to joint efforts of governments, international organizations, specialists and volunteers, the control and prevention of the epidemic on the global level have scored important achievements, but mankind still faces severe challenges in the aspect”, Peng said. In the video, she asked all countries in the world to join hands and do their best to change the life of the millions of people who are affected by TB and end the global epidemic .Many Chinese are proud of Peng, the first lady of China, not only because of her beautiful English pronunciation and fluent expressions, but also because of her hard work for the well being of mankind and her hard work for improvement. Her video inspired many Chinese to fight with illness as well as to learn a foreign language better.1.Peng’s purpose of making the speech at the United Nations General Assembly high-levelmeeting was ________.A.to call for global attention to the epidemicB.to call for global efforts to find out the cause of the epidemicC.to ask for global efforts to put an end to the epidemic2.How long has Peng been the World Health Organization’s Goodwill Ambassador for TB?A.For 8 years. B.For 9 years. C.For 10 years.3.What does the underlined word enthusiastic mean?A.欢乐的B.热心的C.细心的4.Why do many people take pride in Peng?A.Because she is the first lady of China.B.Just because of her beautiful English pronunciation and fluent expressions.C.Not only because of her beautiful English but because of her hard work for mankind.5.Which of the following in TRUE according to the passage?A.There are far more 700,000 volunteers in the finding out of the cause of the epidemic.B.Mankind doesn’t face severe challenges in fighting with TB.C.Many Chinese are inspired by Peng’s hard work.Ⅴ.书面表达19、书面表达你的好朋友戴尔在学习英语过程中遇到很多问题,比如:单词记忆、句型的运用、阅读文章等一系列问题。
第五次《护理学基础》月考试卷班级姓名成绩一、单项选择题:(每题 1 分,共 25 分)1、组成护理程序基本框架的理论是: ()A. 人类基本需要层次论B. 方法论C.系统论D. 交流论E. 解决问题论2.下列哪项不属于主观资料 : ()A. 疼痛剧烈B. 焦虑C. 胸闷D.心率增快E. 皮肤瘙痒3.预期目标陈述的对象是: ()A. 病人家属B. 护士C. 医生D. 病人E. 其他医务工作者4.以下哪项不是护理诊断: ()A. 尿失禁 B 营养失调 C. 体温过低D. 肺炎E. 活动无耐力5.护理程序的最初阶段是: ()A. 计划B. 评估 C 护理诊断D. 实施E. 评价6.作出护理诊断是护理程序的: ()A. 第一步骤B. 第二步骤C. 第三步骤D. 第四步骤E. 第五步骤7.护士在为病人做导尿术时应及时用屏风加以遮挡,以满足病人何种需要: ()A. 安全的需要B. 刺激的需要C. 爱与归属的需要D. 尊重的需要E. 自我实现的需要8.对压力的适应层次不包括下列哪项: ()A. 生理层次B. 心理层次C. 社会文化层次D. 技术层次E. 专业层次9.“入乡随俗”指的是适应过程的: ()A. 生理适应B. 心理适应C. 技术适应D. 文化适应E. 专业适应10.体温上升期的特点是:()A.产热和散热趋于平衡 B.产热和散热在较高水平上趋于平衡C.散热大于产热 D.产热多于散热 E.散热增加而产热趋于正常11.炭疽病病员接触过的被单衣服应采用:()A.先消毒再清洗 B.先清洗后消毒 C先灭菌后清洗D.先清洗后放日光下曝晒 E.先放日光下曝晒后清洗干净12.在使用无菌持物钳时,应保持钳端:()A.平持B.朝上C.朝下 D.无论朝上朝下只要在腰以上即可E.无论朝上朝下只要消毒液不流到浸泡罐内即可13.下列哪项戴、脱无菌手套的操作是错误的:()A.戴手套前先将手洗净擦干 B.核对手套袋外著名的手套号码,灭菌日期C.取出滑石粉,用后放回袋内 D.戴好手套后,两手置腰部水平以上E.脱手套时,将手套口翻转脱下14.护士在为患者行导尿术时,发现手套破裂,应如何处理:()A.用无菌纱布将破裂处包裹好 B.用无菌治疗巾包裹手指操作C.立即更换无菌手套 D.立即修补后再使用 E.用酒精棉球擦拭破裂处15.全身按摩的方法错误的一项是:()A.病员侧卧,露出背部 B.按摩者站在病员一侧C.从臀部上方开始沿脊柱向上按摩D.至肩部时,手法稍轻,转向下至腰部止E.用拇指指腹由骶尾部沿脊柱按摩至第一颈椎处16.骨骼隆突处不宜垫气圈的病人是:()A.瘦弱者 B.营养不良者C.使用石膏绷带者 D.活动能力差者 E.肥胖者17.某患者在候诊时,突然感到腹痛难忍,出冷汗,四肢冰冷,门诊护士应:()A.让患者平卧候诊 B.态度和蔼,劝其耐心等待C.安排患者提前就诊 D.给予患者镇静剂 E.置热水袋于患者腹部18.用平车搬运颈椎骨折病人时,平车的适当位置是:()A.头端与床尾相接B.头端与床头平齐 C.头端与床头呈钝角D.头端与床尾呈锐角 E.头端与床尾呈钝角19.心力衰竭时心率增快是由于:()A.心输出量降低 B.心肌收缩力增强 C.心肌收缩力减弱 D.机体代谢率降低E.机体代谢率增高20.为昏迷病人作口腔护理时,应特别注意不可:()A.头转向一侧 B.钳夹紧棉球擦拭 C.帮助病人漱口 D.使用张口器开口 E.取下假牙,用牙刷清洁21.护理程序的理论基础是()A. 系统论B. 信息交流论C.需要理论D. 压力与适应理论E. 以上均是22.护理理论和实践的核心是: ()A. 人B. 环境C. 健康D. 疾病E. 护理23.王某,男,45岁,因与他人激烈争吵而致心绞痛发作,急诊入院治疗。
天津市2024届高三下学期第五次月考试题 语文含答案
我们一起来仔细看看这件作品的内容:羲之顿首:丧乱之极,先墓再离荼毒,追惟酷甚,号慕摧绝,痛贯心肝,痛当奈何奈何! 虽即修复,未获奔驰,哀毒益深,奈何奈何!临纸感哽,不知何言!羲之顿首。
南阳一中2021年秋第五次月考理综化学试题一、选择题(每小题6分,共42分)7.我国在人工合成淀粉方面取得重大突破,在实验室中首次实现从二氧化碳到淀粉(OOHHO OH On)的全合成。
下列说法不正确的是A.淀粉的分子式为C6H12O6B.由CO2等物质合成淀粉的过程涉及碳碳键的形成C.玉米等农作物通过光合作用能将CO2转化为淀粉D.该成就能为气候变化、粮食安全等人类面临的挑战提供解决手段8. 第26届国际计量大会新修订阿伏加德罗常数(N A)=6.02214076×1023 mol-1,下列关于阿伏加德罗常数的说法正确的是A.标准状况下,11.2 L三氯甲烷中含有氯原子的数目为1.5N AB.0.1 mol H2C2O4与足量酸性KMnO4溶液充分反应,转移电子数为0.1N AC.1 mol Na单质与O2反应生成Na2O和Na2O2的混合物,生成物中离子总数为1.5 N AD.1.7 g羟基自由基(·OH)含有的电子数为N A9.有机物M是锂离子电池中一种重要的有机物,结构如图所示,下列说法不正确的是()A.有机物M的分子式C10H10O4B.在一定条件下,1 mol M最多能消耗2mol NaOHC.与M互为同分异构体,苯环上只有一个侧链且含有两个羧基的结构有4种(不考虑立体异构)D.有机物M能发生加成、取代、氧化、还原、消去反应10. 氯化钯可以催化乙烯制备乙醛(Wacker法),反应过程如图:下列叙述错误的是( )A. CuCl 被氧化的反应为22212CuCl 2HCl O 2CuCl H O 2++=+ B. 催化剂2PdCl 再生的反应为222CuCl Pd PdCl 2CuCl +=+C. 制备乙醛的总反应为22PdCl ,CuCl 39322K 231CH =CH +O CH CHO 2−−−−−→ D. 如果原料为丙烯,则主要产物是丙醛11.双极膜电渗析法制备缩水甘油()的原理:将3-氯1-,2-丙二醇的水溶液通过膜M 与双极膜之间的电渗析室,最终得到的缩水甘油纯度很高(几乎不含无机盐).已知:由一张阳膜和一张阴膜复合制成的阴、阳复合膜为双极膜.在直流电场的作用下,双极膜复合层间的2H O 解离成OH -和H +并分别通过阴膜和阳膜.下列说法错误的是( )A .装置工作时,阴极上发生的电极反应:22H 2e H +-+↑B .通电前后,电渗析室内溶液的pH 几乎不变C .膜M 为阴离子交换膜D .装置工作时,3-氯1-,2-丙二醇被氧化12.根据下列实验操作和现象能得出相应结论的是( ) 选项实验操作和现象 结论 A向亚硫酸钠溶液中滴加高氯酸溶液,将得到的气体直接通入澄清石灰水中,澄清石灰水变浑浊 Cl 的非金属性比S 的强 B 向乙醇中加入绿豆大小的钠块,有气泡产生证明乙醇中含有水 C 将2体积2SO 和1体积2O 混合通入装有灼热25V O 的容器中充分反应,产物依次通过2BaCl 溶液和品红溶液,前者产生白色沉淀,后者褪色说明2SO 和2O 的反应有一定的限度D 将用稀硫酸酸化的4KMnO 溶液滴入()32Fe NO 溶液中,溶液变黄 氧化性:34KMnO Fe +>13.室温下,通过下列实验探究23Na CO 溶液的性质.实验实验操作和现象 1用pH 试纸测定1230.1mol L Na CO F -⋅溶液的pH ,测得pH 约为12 2向1230.1mol L Na CO -⋅溶液中加入过量120.2mol L CaCl -⋅溶液,产生白色沉淀 3向1230.1mol L Na CO -⋅溶液中通入过量2CO ,测得溶液pH 约为8 4 向1230.1mol L Na CO -⋅溶液中滴加几滴10.05mol L HCl -⋅,观察不到实验现象 下列有关说法正确的是( )A.实验2反应静置后的上层清液中有()()()223sp 3CaCO CaCO c c K +-⋅< B.1230.1mol L Na CO -⋅溶液中存在()()()()233OH H 2H CO HCO c c c c -+-=++ C.实验3得到的溶液中有()()233HCO CO c c --< D.实验4中反应的化学方程式为2H OH H O +-+26.(14分)某同学类比镁在二氧化碳中的燃烧反应,认为钠和二氧化碳也可以发生反应,他在实验室中选择以下装置对该反应能否发生进行了实验探究。
邵阳市第二中学2020级高三第五次月考物理试题时量:75分钟满分: 100分一、单项选择题(共8小题,每小题4分,共32分)1.在很多装饰材料中,都不同程度地含有放射性元素.下列说法正确的是( ) A.α射线、β射线和γ射线都是电磁波B.在α、β、γ三种射线中,γ射线的电离能力最强C.放射性元素发生β衰变时所释放的电子是原子核内的中子转化为质子时产生的D.氡的半衰期为3.8天,4个氡原子核经过7.6天后一定只剩下1个氡原子核2.物体从斜面(斜面足够长)底端以某一初速度开始向上做匀减速直线运动,经t秒到达位移的中点,则物体从斜面底端到最高点时共用时间为( )A.2t B. 2t C.(3-2)t D.(2+2)t3.如图所示,一个固定在水平面上的光滑物块,其左侧面是斜面AB,右侧面是曲面AC,已知AB和AC的长度相同.两个小球p,q同时从A点分别沿AB和AC由静止开始下滑,比较它们到达水平面所用的时间( )A. p小球先到B. q小球先到C.两小球同时到D.无法确定4. a、b两个质量相同的球用细线相连接,a球用细线挂在天花板上,b球放在光滑斜面上,系统保持静止(细线的质量不计),则下列图中正确的是( )5.如图所示为氢原子的能级图,则下列说法正确的是( )A.若已知可见光的光子能量范围为1.62 eV~3.11 eV,则处于第4能级状态的氢原子,辐射光的谱线在可见光范围内的有2条B.当氢原子的电子由外层轨道跃迁到内层轨道时,氢原子的电势能增加,电子的动能减小C.处于第3能级状态的氢原子,辐射出三种波长分别为λ1、λ2、λ3(λ1>λ2>λ3)的三条谱线,则λ1=λ2+λ3D.若处于第2能级状态的氢原子向基态跃迁时辐射出的光能使某金属板发生光电效应,则从第5能级跃迁到第2能级时辐射出的光也一定能使此金属板发生光电效应6.甲乙两车同时同地同向运动,两车的v-t图象如图所示.其中质量m=7.5 t甲车以恒定功率P=50 kW启动,最后匀速运动.乙车做初速度为0做匀加速运动,则乙车追上甲车的时间是( )A.20 s B.30 s C.40 s D.60 s7.在匀强磁场中,一个原来静止的原子核,由于衰变放射出某种粒子,结果得到一张两个相切圆1和2的径迹照片如图所示,已知两个相切圆半径分别为r1、r2,则下列说法正确的是( )A.原子核可能发生α衰变,也可能发生β衰变B.径迹2可能是衰变后新核的径迹C.若衰变方程是23892U→23490Th+42He,则衰变后新核和射出的粒子的动能之比为117∶2 D.若衰变方程是23892U→23490Th+42He,则r1∶r2=1∶458.如图所示,竖直放置的光滑圆环O,顶端D点固定一定滑轮(大小忽略),圆环两侧套着m1、m2两小球,两小球用轻绳绕过定滑轮相连,并处于静止状态,m1、m2连线过圆心O点,且与右侧绳的夹角为θ.则m1、m2两小球的质量之比为( )A.tan θB.1 tan θC.1cos θD.sin2θ二、多项选择题(共4小题,共20分,每小题5分,全部选对的得5分,选对但不全的得3分,有错选或不答的得0分)9. 下列说法正确的是()A. 一定质量的某种理想气体在等压膨胀过程中,内能一定增加B. 布朗运动就是液体分子的无规则运动C. 分子间作用力表现为斥力时,分子势能随分子间距离的减少而增大D. 晶体熔化过程中,吸收的热量全部用来破坏空间点阵,增加分子势能,而分子平均动能却保持不变,所以晶体有固定的熔点10.宇航员在某星球表面以初速度2.0 m/s水平抛出一物体,并记录下物体的运动轨迹,如图所示,O为抛出点,若该星球半径为4000 km,引力常量G=6.67×10-11 N·m2·kg-2,则下列说法正确的是( )A.该星球表面的重力加速度为4.0 m/s2B.该星球的质量为2 .4×1023 kgC.该星球的第一宇宙速度为4.0 km/sD.若发射一颗该星球的同步卫星,则同步卫星的绕行速度一定大于4.0 km/s11.如图所示,一小球套在倾角为37°的固定直杆上,轻弹簧一端与小球相连,另一端固定于水平地面上O点.小球由A点静止释放,它沿杆下滑到达最低点C时速度恰为0。
15.2.80 13.40 15.0(或14.8-14.9等)
16.360 90﹪减小动滑轮和桶的质量
17.增大不可再生 1500
18.L1 0.9 1:1
20. 100 2.52×107 5.04×106
22.(1)1.7×105pa (2)1800m P=240W
23.(1)12V (2)30Ω (3)3W
25.密度 50 8
26.①木块被推出的距离 C
27.(1)S (2)弱断开(3)90 高(4)B
28.(1)(1)图略0.2 12.5 (2)图略 A 断路短路不能因为灯泡两端的电压不能调到0.20V
对以上看法理解正确的是A. 人们对古希腊和中国文明的优劣看法不同B. 古中国与古希腊拥有足以媲美的文明成就C. 将东西方文明加以比较是由来已久的视角D. 人们的历史认识总是以身处时境作为参照【答案】D【解析】从材料“希腊人仅懂得理论,唯有中国人才拥有技术”“如果希腊是正常儿童,中国则是早熟儿童”可以看出,人们认识历史是以自身所处环境为参照的,故D项正确;ABC项材料中无法体现。
这一历史分期法旨在强调A.资本主义在西方不断扩展的历史进程B.人类由分散走向整体发展的历史过程C.西方在世界文明史发展中的中心地位D.海外贸易在资本主义发展中的决定意义【答案】C【解析】依据所学知识可知,“地中海时代—欧洲时代—大西洋时代”的历史发展次序是以西方为中心来叙述的,故C正确;这一历史分期法不是强调资本主义的不断扩展,故A错误;这不是全球史观的表现,故B 错误;材料也不是强调海外贸易的作用,故D错误。
选择题马克思笔下的“无产阶级”多指从事体力劳动的工人,1891年,恩格斯在《致国际共产主义者大学生代表大会》的信中提出了“脑力劳动无产阶级”的新概念,这种变化的根源在于A. 无产阶级已至登上历史舞台B. 科学在生产中的地位逐渐提高C. 无产阶级的构成日益复杂化D. 体力劳动和脑力劳动差别消失【答案】B【解析】根据题干“1893年”可知处于第二次工业革命时期,结合所学可知第二次工业革命的突出特点是科学与技术紧密结合,推动经济的发展,题干材料反映的正是科学在生产中的地位,B项正确。
一、单选题(本大题共10小题,共20分)1.除去NaCl 溶液中CaCl2、MgCl2、Na2SO4杂质的操作有:①加入过量的NaOH溶液;②加入过量的BaCl2溶液;③过滤;④加适量的稀盐酸;⑤加过量的Na2CO3溶液。
有关说法正确的是A.若X是铁,第③步反应还会生成氯化铁B.X还可以是Zn,但不能是AgC.仅用第②③步操作也能达到实验目的D.向第②步反应后的溶液中加入硝酸银溶液,若产生白色沉淀即证明稀盐酸过量3.ZnSO4饱和溶液的溶质质量分数随温度变化的曲线如图所示下列说法正确的是()A.M点对应的ZnSO4溶液,溶液升温或降温均都一定析出晶体B.N点对应的ZnSO4溶液,溶液是不饱和溶液C.ZnSO4饱和溶液的溶质质量分数随温度升高而增大D.40 ℃时,ZnSO4的溶解度为41 g4.月球的矿产资源极为丰富。
如图是元素周期表中铁元素的相关信息,从图中不能获得的信息是( )A.铁元素的原子序数为26 B.铁元素在地壳中含量排第四位C.铁元素属于金属元素D.铁元素的相对原子质量为55.85 5.下列过程中,只发生物理变化的是A.食物腐烂B.汽油燃烧C.石油分馏D.冶炼钢铁6.某同学对家中的一些食品及生活用品进行了pH测定,结果如下图以下说法正确的是()A.食醋可以除去皮蛋的涩味B.牙膏是中性物质C.酱油显碱性,可以使酚酞变红色D.胃酸过多的人宜多吃葡萄7.常温下,下列各组离子能在pH=13的无色透明溶液中大量共存的是A.K+、Cu2+、Cl-、SO42-B.Na+、Ba2+、Cl-、NO3-C.Mg2+、Na+、Cl、CO32-D.H+、NH4+、NO3-、HCO3-8.从下列图片中不能..获取的信息是()A.分子之间有间隔B.受热水分子运动速率加快C.硅原子是由原子核和电子构成的D.构成物质的粒子有分子、原子和离子9.下列知识整理的内容完全正确的一组是()A化学与环境B物质与俗名形成酸雨的罪魁祸首——氮的氧化物和SO2二氧化碳的过量排放——温室效应加剧氧化钙——生石灰氢氧化钠——小苏打C性质与用途D食品与安全氢氧化钠具有碱性——改良酸性土壤氮气化学性质稳定——食品包装中充氮气防腐亚硝酸钠——不能当食盐用甲醛溶液——可作食品保鲜剂A.A B.B C.C D.D10.空气中氧气的体积分数约为()A.78%B.21%C.0.94%D.0.03%二、填空题(本大题共1小题,共4分)11.化学源于生活,生活离不开化学。
Ⅰ. 单项选择1、— There are some flies (苍蝇) here. They will _____________ diseases.—Let me kill them.A.spread B.find C.invent2、These nice photos in Science Museum last year.A.take B.were taken C.are taken D.took3、—is your father, Mike?— He is cooking in the kitchen.A.Who B.What C.Where4、一__________unusual music he is playing!一Yes, all of the students are losing themselves in it.A.How B.How an C.What D.What an5、______all the students in my class, ______ our teacher is going to take part in our party. We’ll have a good time. A.Both, and B.Neither, nor C.not only, but also D.Either, or6、— Cindy never eats the food that ______ and often pours it away.—But it’s really wastefull to do so.A.stays B.keeps C.remains D.leaves7、On Nov 9,2016,Donald Trump _________ as the 45th president of the United States.A.chooses B.choseC.is chosen D.was chosen8、— Can you tell me ____ last year?— In Shanghai.A.where does she work B.where she worksC.where did she work D.where she worked9、______ dangerous it is to ride fast on a busy road!A.What B.What a C.How D.How a10、---Look! Who's ______ boy talking with Jack over there?---Oh, he is my cousin, Bob. He is _____ honest boy.A.a; the B.the; an C.the; a D.a; anⅡ. 完形填空11、I was coming downstairs to get breakfast when the post came. I was 1 for a letter from my friend Sam. So I picked the letters up and looked 2 them. I wasn't surprised to see that there were some bills. There was an invitation to a party. There wasn't a letter from Sam. There was a postcard, showing some cliffs and sea. What a nice 3 !I turned the 4 over. It wasn't easy to read. Rain had made the writing 5 , including the name of the person who had sent the postcard. 6 was it from? I tried to read any of the words. I could read "Dear Tom, I'm having a lovely time in…" Then the writing became unclear. I couldn't read 7 else. Who had gone to the seaside? I couldn't think of anyone! It was a mystery. There was another 8 too. Where was Sam's letter?Just then the phone rang. It was Sam!"I'm calling to see if you got my postcard," he said. "We are at the seaside, not in London. We 9 our minds. Mum and Dad are resting after our walk. So I'm ringing you. I'm sorry I didn't write a letter. We've been so 10 ."Both mysteries were solved!1.A.asking B.paying C.searching D.waiting2.A.after B.for C.through D.up3.A.symbol B.view C.object D.position4.A.bill B.invitation C.letter D.postcard5.A.unclear B.unclean C.uncomfortable D.uncommon6.A.How B.Where C.Who D.When7.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything8.A.matter B.method C.mistake D.mystery9.A.changed B.kept C.lost D.made10.A.amazed B.busy C.curious D.frightenedⅢ. 语法填空12、Mr. Jenkins has several big shops in the city. He’s very rich but he does his best 1.(pay) the persons who work in hisshops less. And they all hate him.Several months ago a young woman borrowed thirty thousand dollars from him. But she couldn’t return the money to him in time. He went to her and made her 2.(give) her ring to him which cost more than fifty thousand dollars. He put it into his wallet and went home happily. But when he got to the bus stop, the bus 3.(leave). He hurried to get on and left his wallet outside. He didn’t find it until he got home. He hurried 4.(make) promise, "If someone finds my wallet and returns it to me, I 5.(give) half the money to him."An old woman who 6.(wait) for another bus that day found the wallet. She sent it back to Mr Jenkins. But he changed his mind."There are two rings in my wallet,"said Mr. Jenkins, I wo n’t give half of the money in my wallet to you until you return the other ring to me.""I 7.(see) only a ring in the wallet,"the old woman said and took the man to a judge and told him what 8.(happen) to them. The judge said to Mr. Jenkins, "I’m sure you have lost a wallet in which there are two rings and some money. But there is only one ring in this wallet. I 9.(not think) it’s yours. Wait for some days. Perhaps someone will be able to return your wallet to you."Then the judge turned to the old woman and said, "Take the wallet home. If the loser doesn’t go to get it back in three days, it 10.(belong) to you."Ⅳ. 阅读理解A13、Rock singer Wu Tong says mixing musical styles is not only creative, it also shows that people can live together harmoniously. The track Linglong Tower was Wu's most popular piece when he performed in Tianjin, a city with a long tradition of quyi or narrative music.Honored as the "Shakespeare of the Asian," Cao Yu was one of the greatest playwrights of 20th-Century China. "Sunrise", Cao Yu's second play, was published in 1936. Following his first work "Thunderstorm," In 1937, the young playwright's third play, "The Wilderness," was released. In 1940, Cao Yu completed the writing of his fifth play, "Peking Man,"A winner of the 2011 L'Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards, Professor Reng Yonghua says she could not have done it without the backing of her family. As a mother of two daughters, 12 and 14, Reng said she is lucky to have been supported by her family.Joan Chen, Gong Li, Zhang Ziyi - who's the next of their ilk? Most agree 24-year-old Liu Yifei is the likely contender to become an internationally Chinese actress.Born to a French-language professor and a dancer, Liu received training in dancing, singing and piano as a little girl. She moved to the United States at 10 and spent four years in New York City's Long Island. Wang Zhiming grew up in a family of instrument makers, but he is the only one who could actually play a violin.Wang, 51, has been making violins for more than 30 years. He grew up around violins and musical instruments. He is the third generation ofinstrument makers in his family, following his grandfather and father.根据材料内容选择最佳答案, 并将其标号填入题前括号内。
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高三第五次月考 理科数学答案二、填空题13.2ln 214.240 15.2π3 16. 三、解答题17.解析:(Ⅰ)当n=1时,2111124343a a S a +=+=+∵n a >0,∴1a =3 …………1分2n ≥当时,221112243434nn n n n n n a a a a S S a ---+--=+--= ,…………2分 即111()()2()n n n n n n a a a a a a ---+-=+ …………4分 ∵n a >0,∴1n n a a --=2, …………5分所以数列{n a }是首项为3,公差为2的等差数列,所以21n a n =+…………6分 (Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)知1111()(21)(23)22123n b n n n n ==-++++ …………8分所以数列{nb }的前n 项和12111111111[()()()]235572123646n b b b n n n +++=-+-++-=-+++L L 10分 ∵*n Z ∈,∴1046n >+,∴16n T < …………12分18.解析(Ⅰ)证明:由四边形ABCD 为菱形,60ABC ∠=o,可得ABC △为正三角形.因为E 为BC 的中点,所以AE BC ⊥.又BC AD ∥,因此AE AD ⊥. -----------------------2分 因为PA ⊥平面ABCD ,AE ⊂平面ABCD ,所以PA AE ⊥.-----------------------3分而PA ⊂平面PAD ,AD ⊂平面PAD 且PA AD A =I ,所以AE ⊥平面PAD . -----------------------4分 又PD ⊂平面PAD , 所以AE PD ⊥. ---------------------5分 (Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)知AE AD AP ,,两两垂直,以A 为坐标原点,建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系,又E F ,分别为BC PC ,的中点,所以(000)10)0)(020)A B C D -,,,,,,,,,,1(002)0)12P E F⎫⎪⎪⎝⎭,,,,,,,,-----------------------6分所以10)12AE AF⎫==⎪⎪⎝⎭u u u r u u u r,,,,.设平面AEF的一法向量为111()x y z=,,m,则AEAF⎧=⎪⎨=⎪⎩u u u rgu u u rg,,mm因此111112y z=++=,.取11z=-,则(021)=-,,m,-----------------------8分因为BD AC⊥,BD PA⊥,PA AC A=I,所以BD⊥平面AFC,-----------------------9分故BDu u u r为平面AFC的一法向量,又(0)BD=u u u r,,----------------------10分所以cosBDBDBD<>===u u u ru u u r gu u u rg,mmm-----------------------11分因为二面角E AF C--.-----------12分19.解析(1)当16n≥时,16(105)80y=⨯-=。
2分当15n≤时,55(16)1080y n n n=--=-。
3分得:1080(15)()80(16)n ny n Nn-≤⎧=∈⎨≥⎩。
5分(2)(i)X可取60,70,80(60)0.1,(70)0.2,(80)0.7P X P X P X======。
10分(ii)购进17枝时,当天的利润为(14535)0.1(15525)0.2(16515)0.161750.5476.4 y=⨯-⨯⨯+⨯-⨯⨯+⨯-⨯⨯+⨯⨯=76.476>得:应购进17枝。
12分20.解:(1=b=1,a∴=…………2分所以椭圆E的方程为2212xy+=.…………4分(2)证明:设直线PQ的方程为y=k(x-1)+1(k≠2),代入2212xy+=,得(1+2k 2)x 2-4k (k -1)x +2k (k -2)=0,由题意知Δ>0, 设P (x 1,y 1),Q (x 2,y 2),且x 1x 2≠0,则()1224112k k x x k-+=+,()1222212k k x x k -=+, …………6分 所以()121212121212112222AP AQ y y kx k kx k x xk k k k x x x x x x ++-+-+++=+=+=+- …………9分()()()()4122221222k k k k k k k k -=+-=--=-故直线AP 与AQ 的斜率之和为定值2. …………12分21.解:(1) 221()1x a lnx b x f x x x +(-)'=-(+), 0>x . ……………………1分由题意知,(1)11(1)2f f =⎧⎪⎨'=-⎪⎩ ,即1122b a b =⎧⎪⎨-=-⎪⎩, 解得11b a =⎧⎨=⎩. ………………………3分 所以ln 1()1x f x x x =++,因此1()ln 1h x x x =++,0>x . 因为22111()x h x x x x-'=-=,0>x . 所以在区间()0,1上,()0h x '<,在区间()1,+∞上,()0h x '>,所以函数()h x 的单调递减区间为()0,1,单调递增区间为()1,+∞. …………………5分(3)因为22111()()2ln 1k x f x g x x x x ⎛⎫(-)(-)-=+ ⎪-⎝⎭,考虑函数()2112ln ,0k x h x x x x (-)(-)=+>, 则()22112k x x h x x (-)(+)+'=.① 设0k ≤,由()()22211k x x h x x (+)--'=知,当1x ≠时,()0h x '<,而()10h =,故当()0,1x ∈时,()0h x >,可得()2101xh x ->;当1()x ∈∞,+时,()0h x <,可得()2101xh x ->. 从而当0x >,且1x ≠时,即()()f x g x > …………………………8分 ②设01k <<,由于当111,k x ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭-时,2()(1)120k x x >-++,故()0h x '>,而()10h =,故当111,k x ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭-时,()0h x >,可得()2101x h x <-.与题设矛盾. ……………………11分③设1k ≥.此时()0h x '>,而()10h =,故当1()x ∈∞,+时,()0h x >,可得()2101xh x <-.与题设矛盾. 综合可得,k 的取值范围为(0]∞-,. ……………………12分 22.解:(1)由θθρcos 4sin 2=,得2(sin )4cos ρθρθ= …………………………3分所以曲线C 的直角坐标方程为24y x = …………………………5分(2)将直线l 的参数方程代入24y x =,得04cos 4sin 22=--ααt t . 设A 、B 两点对应的参数分别为1t 、2t ,则1224cos sin t t αα+=,1224sin t t α=-, 分=-+=-=21221214)(t t t t t t AB αααα2242sin 4sin 16sin cos 16=+, 所以当2πα=时,||AB 的最小值为4. …………………………10分23.解:(1)当5m =时,()()()521()311521x x f x x x x +<-⎧⎪=-≤≤⎨⎪->⎩, ……………………3分由()2f x >得不等式的解集为3322x x ⎧⎫-<<⎨⎬⎩⎭. ……………………5分 (2)由二次函数2223(1)2y x x x =++=++,该函数在1x =-取得最小值2,因为()()()21()21121m x x f x m x m x x +<-⎧⎪=--≤≤⎨⎪->⎩,在1x =-处取得最大值2m -,………………8分所以要使二次函数223y x x =++与函数()y f x =的图象恒有公共点, 只需22m -≥,即4m ≥. ……………10分。