of microbiology
• Microorganisms are responsible for many of the changes observed in organic and inorganic matter (e.g., fermentation and the carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycles that occurred in nature.
The first person to accurately observe and describe microorganisms
The first person to observe and describe microorganisms was the amateur microscopist Antony van leeuwenhoek of Delft, Holland.
Object being viewed
adjusting screws
A drawing of one of the microscopes showing the lens a; mounting pin b; and focusing screws c and d.
• Microbiology is a large discipline, which has a great impact on other areas of biology and general human welfare
Test 1: Development of Microbiology1 Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1.The fundamental unit of all living organisms is theMembrane cell nucleus cell wallanisms that do not contain a true nucleus are referred to asfungi eukaryotic prokaryotic nankaryotic3.The three kingdom classification system of organisms was proposed byPasteur Bacon Winogradsky Woese4.Fungi differ from bacteria in a number of characteristics. The cell walls in fungi arecomposedof , while the cell walls of bacteria are composed of peptidoglycanChitin phospholipids protein glucosamine5.The first microscopes were developed byEhrlich Metchnikoff Leewenhoek Lister6.Control of microbial infections can be accomplished by chemical or immune mechanisms.The first report on the production of an antibiotic is credited to:Lister Fleming Ehrlich Koch7The term "antibiotic" meansa substance produced by the laboratory that kills or inhibits other microorganismsa substance produced by microorganisms that kills or inhibits moldsa substance produced by microorganism that kills or inhibits other microorganismsa substance produced by microorganisms that kills or inhibits cancer cells8 The first documented use of a vaccine for smallpox was reported by the English physicianLister .Florey Fleming Jenner9 Active immunity can be distinguished from passive immunity in that the former requires:development of antibodies in one's own body by stimulation with external antibodiesdevelopment of antibodies in one's own body by stimulation with external antigensFlemingdevelopment of antibodies in a foreign host and transfer to one' s own bodydevelopment of antigens in one's own body by stimulation with external antibodies10The process of nitrification by bacteria described by Winogradsky converts ammonia to nitrate ions nitrate ions to ammoniaN2 to ammonia ammonia to urea11The transfer of DNA from one organism to another through the use of a viral vector is referred to asElectroporation conjugation transformation transduction12The genetic material of a bacteria is located in the molecule:RNA DNA protein lipid2 Fill in the Blankanisms that contain a true nucleus are called_______2.Bacteria do not have a true nucleus and are considered _______3.. Bacteria can be divided into two groups, the _______and the ______4._______ are organisms that can grow without using molecular oxygen.5. Microorganisms that can synthesize complex organic compounds from CO2:are called_______.6. ______ are microorganisms that obtain their energy to synthesize organic compounds fromlight.7. ______ require organic compounds for growth.8. Organisms that survive only at very high temperatures are referred to as______.9. ______ are organisms that produce methane from CO2.10. ______organisms grow under conditions of high salinity11. Eubacteria can exhibit a number of morphological shapes. Identify four: a.______b.______c.______d.______12. Fungi, algae and protozoa can be differentiated from bacteria by the followingcharacteristic:_______ .13. Fungi have cell wall consisting of _______.14. Viruses consist of ______surrounded by a protein coat.15. The scientific method utilizes deductive reasoning and observations or experiments toprove or disprove a _____.16. The theory _______of held that living organisms could arise from nonliving matter.17. The process used to reduce the number of viable organisms by moderate heating iscalled:_______ .18. The process of tyndallization uses repeated heating to eliminate or_______microorganisms from solutions.19.An _______is a substance produced by microorganisms that inhibits or kills othermicroorganisms.20. The process of stimulating the immune defenses of the body is referred to as_______.21. White blood cells that engulf foreign particles are referred to as______.22. A substance in serum that can neutralize foreign material is referred to as ______or______.23. Cells infected with a virus produce a substance called ______ that inhibits viralreplication.24. Avery, Colin and MacLeod first demonstrated that transformation of nonpathogenic topathogenic strains of bacteria could be carried out by the transfer of ______.25. Exchange of genetic information by direct contact is referred to as______.26. ______ is the process in which DNA is transferred from one bacteria to another.Test 2: Methods for Studying Microorganisms1 Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1.Light microscopy is dependent on the interaction of light with on object. The ability oflight to pass through an object is referred to as:transported light transmitted light reflected light refracted light2. The resolving power (R) of a microscope is dependent on the wavelength of light (;~) and the numerical aperture (NA) of the lens. The formula for R is:R = 0.5~. xNA R = 0.5;~/NA R = NA/0.5Jr R = Square root of 0.5)./NA3. The gram stain uses ~ as a mordant to fix the primary stainIodine alcohol acetone safranin4.The acid-fast stain is useful in the identification of which of the following organismsStaphylococcus aureus Mycoplasma mycoides Mycobacteria tuberculosis Moraxella osloensis5.Botulism is a serious disease that can develop from the improper cooking of foodcontaining bacterial spores. Which of the following genera are capable of producing spores?Salmonella Listeria Escherichia Clostridia6.Which of the following types of microscopes utilizes electron beams to visualize objects?Nomarski TEM PCM Confocal7. A mixture of organisms was isolated from a patient suspected of having "Strep Throat."Which type of media would you use to isolate the suspected pathogen?Defined enriched selective differential8.Sterilization of material with an autoclave utilizes steam to kill microorganisms. Thecorrect procedure for sterilization with an autoclave is:15 min at 121℃at 15 lb/in2 15 min at 256℃ at 15 lb/in2 15 min at 121℃at 1 lb/in215 min at 121℃at 1 lb/in29. An antibiotic was added to a culture of bacteria to determine its effect. What method of enumeration would you use to determine the efficacy of the antibiotic?direct count viable count turbidimetric count absorbance9.Identification of microorganisms can be accomplished by a number of techniques.Which of the following requires the growth of the organism?enzyme linked assay gene probe metabolic fluorescent2 Fill in the Blank1. A media where all the ingredients are known is called a ______media.2.______technique is used to maintain a pure culture and avoid contamination.3.Sterilization instrument that utilizes steam under pressure: _______.4.A______ plate utilizes a loop or needle to distribute and isolate colonies on a cultureplate.5.______ identification utilizes antibodies for naming of bacterial species.6.Bacteria can be preserved for long periods of time by freeze-drying or______.7.The mrbidimetric method of counting bacteria utilizes a ______ to measure theamountof light passing through a solution.8.The viable plate count counts live bacterial colonies in the range or______ to______9. A counting chamber and a microscope are used in the______ count of bacteria.Test3: Organization and Structure of Microorganisms1Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1.Eukaryotic membranes can be differentiated from prokaryotic membranes becauseeukaryotic membranes contain____as part of the lipid component of the membrane.Phosphates fatty acids proteins sterols2.The arrangement of proteins and lipids in the membrane is referred to as the: bilayer model fluid mosaic model trilayer model permeable model3.The movement of water molecules across the membrane in response to aconcentration gradient is referred to asDiffusion osmosis translocation transport4.The membrane of a cell is able to differentiate molecules that enter or exit the celland act as a ____ barrier.Semipermanent semitransparent semipermeable semidiffuse5.Movement of molecules at an enhanced rate across the membrane is called facilitated diffusion passive diffusion osmosis permeation6.Which of the following mechanisms transports molecules without chemicalalteration?active transport group translocation facilitated diffusion binding protein transport 7.Which of the following transport mechanism occurs only in Gram-negativebacteria?active transport group translocation facilitated diffusion binding protein transport8.Which of the following transport mechanisms occurs only in prokaryotes?active transport group translocation facilitated diffusion binding protein transport9.Lysozyme and penicillin have activity against the cell wall. Lysozyme breaks thiscomponent;penicillin prevents its formationLipopolysaccharide phospholipid peptidoglycan teichoic acid10.Partial destruction of the cell wall with lysozyme leaves a cell called a:Protoplast spheroplast periplast capsule2 Fill in the Blank1.Most cells use energy in the form of______ to run the cell.2.Phospholipids of eubacterial cells are composed of a ______group and a _____on aglycerol backbone.3.Membrane proteins found on the surface are called ______ proteins.4.The energy source for active transport in eukaryotes is derived from ATP.The energy foractive transport in prokaryotes is derived from ______.5.The region between the outermembrane in Gram-negative bacteria and the cell wall iscalled the _______.6.Extrachromosomal DNA elements found in bacteria are called________.7.Ribosomes are structures composed of _______ and ______.8.The fluid inside a cell is referred to as the ________.9.The hereditary organelle of eukaryotic cells is called the ______.10.The process by which a cell engulfs and internalizes particles such as bacteria or othercells is called ______.Test 4 :Eukaryotes1 Multiple Choice (choose one answer)l. Fungi are considered heterotrophic because they obtain nutrition throughphagocytosis endocytosis adsorption photosynthesis2.The separation between filamentous fungal cells are referred to asFill in the Blank1.Unicellular fungi are called ______.2.Filamentous fungi form branching structures called ______3.The most common form of reproduction in yeasts occurs by ______.4.Silica is found in the cell wall of ______.5.The external structures of mushrooms are referred to as _______.6.The growth of fungi can be expressed by _____.7.Red tide is caused by a toxin released by the organism, Gonyaulax, which belongs to the______ group of fungi.8.Agar is made from this group of algae: ______.9.Trypanosoma gambiense causes the disease ______.10.A flagellate protozoa that can be found in mountain streams and causes diarrhea is______.Test5: Bacterial Growth and Reproduction1 Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1. In bacterial cultures, growth can be demonstrated by an increase in:Mass cell size cell number cell length2DNA replication in bacteria is controlled by:cell size cell division cell separation cell initiation3.During which phase of bacterial growth is there an increase in cell size but not in cellnumber?Lag log stationary exponential4.The generation time for bacteria is determined by:measuring the time it takes to double the number of bacteria from the time the culture was initiated until the beginning of stationary phasemeasuring the time it takes to double the number of bacteria from lag phase to death phase measuring the time it takes to double the number of bacteria from log phase to the end of stationary phasemeasuring the time it takes to double the number of bacteria from log phase to the beginning of stationary phase5.Most pathogenic bacteria are considered:Psychrophiles mesophiles thermophiles .merophiles6.Bacteria that grow at low nutrient concentrations are referred to as:Autotrophs phototrophs copiotrophs oligotrophs7.In times of nutrient deficiencies, the bacteria Clostridium produce____until conditionsare permissive for vegetative growth.Prosthecae spores stalks fruiting bodies8.The temperature of the incubator was raised from 15~(2 to 35~(2. The cultures in theincubator demonstrated a____fold increase in enzymatic activityTwo for eight twentyanisms that grow at or near their optimal growth temperature are called stenothermal bacteria euthermal bacteriacauldoactive bacteria mesophilic bacteria10.All of the following are toxic oxygen products except:02 OH- H20 H20211. Catalase, which is produced by Staphylococci, catalyzes which of the following reactions?202+ 2H+ →2H202 + 02202+ 2H+ →2H202 + 02H202 + NADH + H+→2H20 + NADH202 + e- + H+→H2O + OH-12 A saturated solution of NaC1 has a water activity index of:1.0 0.90 0.80 0.7013. Organisms that can grow at a water index at or below that of NaCI are called Xerotolerant .salt tolerant mesotolerant salotolerant14. All of the following organisms will survive an environment of 0.9 Aw except Lactobacillus Staphylococcus .Saccharomyces SpiriUum15alophiles are classified as organisms that require ____for growth.Sugar salt .water air16.Osmophiles require a ____Aw for growth.Low high17.The pressure exerted on a cell due to high solute concentrations is referred to as: osmotic pressure hydrostatic pressure barometric pressure surface tension18. A diver encountered a new bacterial isolate while she was diving at 1000 m. Theorganism will be classified as:Marine barotolerant barophilic normal19.Fungi can be differentiated from most bacteria by culturing at:Marine low pH neutral pH20.All phototacfic bacteria respond to light by:moving away from the source of lightmoving toward the source of lightincreasing the movement of their flagellacreating gas vesicles to rise to the surface2 Fill in the Blankanisms that grow best above 40oC are called______.anisms that grow best below 20oC are called______.anisms that grow best between 20 and 40oC are called ______.4.Myxobacteria form unique structures called ______ to cope with nutrient deficiencies.5.Bacteria that grow only at reduced oxygen concentrations are called _______.6.Bacteria that require oxygen for growth are called_____.7.Bacteria that grow at high nutrient concentrations are called ______.8.Caulobacter is an example of a ______ bacteria.9.At temperatures above the optimum, E. coli and other bacteria induce a change in geneexpression called______10.A change in hydrostatic pressure of 10 atm is experience with an increase in depth of______ mTest 6: Control of Microbial Growth1 Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1. Chemicals used on the body to control microorganisms are called:Antiseptics disinfectants antibiotics chemotherapeutic2.The most effective way of sterilizing a solution is by:Incineration pasteurization filtration moist heat3.An autoclave is an apparatus that is used to sterilize various materials. Theappropriate conditions for sterilizing contaminated material is given by which of the following:15 min at 121℃at lpsi5 min at 121℃at 15 psi15 min at 121℃at 15 psi5 min at 131℃at 15 psi4. All of the following are an effect of ionizing radiation except:breaks hydrogen bondsthymine dimer formationgenerates oxygen radicalsring structure destruction5 hyperbaric chamber would be useful for treating infections caused by which of the following genera:Treponema Chlamydia Campylobacter Clostridia6.Agents that are used to inhibit bacterial growth are consideredBacteriocidal bacteriostatic antiseptics disinfectants7.The term used to describe substances produced by microorganisms that kill or inhibitother microorganisms are calledAntimicrobics antibiotics chemotherapeutic agents antiseptics8.Antibiotics must exhibit which of the following to be effective:narrow spectrum broad spectrum selective toxicitybacteriocidal9.Which of the following tests utilizes an antibiotic impregnated disk to test for theefficacy of the antibiotic?MIC MBC Mueller-Hinton Kirby-Bauer10.The MIC assay can determine if an antibiotic agent is:Bacteriocidal bacteriostatic aandb none of the above11.Penicillins are effective against:cells in log phase cellsin stationary phasecells in eclipse phaseall bacterial cells12.Penicillinases inhibit the activity of penicillins by which of the following mechanisms: break N. acetylglucosamine:N-acetylmuramic acid bondsbreak the peptidiglycanbreak the beta lactam ringbreak cycloserine13.Aminoglycosides inhibit protein synthesis by binding to thetRNA mRNA 30S ribosomal subunit50S ribosomal subunit14.Trimethaprim is an inhibitor of dihydrofolate reductase which is important is which ofthe following:vitamin metabolism 1-carbon transfersprotein synthesis membrane integrity15.HIsoniazid is used in the treatment of:Pneumococcal infectionsStreptococcal InfectionsLegionella infectionsMycobacteria infections16.Fungal cells differ from mammalian cells by the presence of which of the followingcompounds in their membranesChitin cholesterol ergosterol ositol17.All of the following antifungal agents target the membrane exceptGriseofulvin amphotericin B imidazole nystatin18.Which of the following antimicrobics is used in the treatment of malaria? Chloroquine metronidazole pentamidine amphotericin B19.Amantadine is effective in the treatment of which viral infectionHerpes HIV HTLV influenza20.Which of the following is inhibited by zidovudine?inhibits viral DNA dependent DNA synthesisinhibits viral RNA dependent RNA synthesisinhibits viral RNA dependent DNA synthesisinhibits viral DNA dependent RNA synthesisTest7: Microbial Ecology1 Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1. A group of microorganisms coexisting together in a given location is referred to as a: Ecosystem population clones community2. A native population is called:Indigenous neutral obligatory community3foreign population is referred to as a________ populationautochthonous allochthonous xenochthonous chorochthonousanisms that grow on the surface of other organisms are called:Symbiotic epiphytic syncotropic lichens5.The rhizosphere effect is an example of:Commensalisms competition synergism cometabolism6.Lichens are symbiotic relationship between fungi and:Algae eubacteria protozoa archeabacteria7.Bgcteria that live within protozoa are and example of an:nonobligatory endosymbiotic relationshipnonobligatory autochthonous relationshipobligatory endosymbiotic relationshipobligatory autochthonous relationship8.Which of the following bacteria are capable of fixing nitrogen?Rhizobium Xanthomonas Agrobacterium Pseudomonas9.Ruminant bacteria utilize bacteria to degrade which of the following substrates? Chitin keratin galactose cellulose10.Luminescent bacteria engage in a symbiotic relationship with invertebrates and fish.In this relationship the fish contribute which of the following?Energy food oxygen nitrogen11. Which of the following describes parasitism and not endosymbiosis?parasitism is a relationship in which both host and parasite are harmed.parasitism is a relationship in which the parasite is harmed and the host is unaffected. parasitism is a relationship in which the host is harmed and the parasite is unaffected. parasitism is a relationship in which both the host and parasite benefit.12. Bacterial plant pathogens are called ___________ by the USDA.Bacteroids plant pests plant bugs plant germs13. Bacteria that cause plant diseases occur in all of following genera except: Xanthamonas Mycoplasma Corynebacteria Mycobacteria14. Which of the following organisms causes crown gall tumors?Agrobacterium Xanthomonas Erwinia Spiroplasma15.Most plant diseases are caused by:Fungi bacteria viruses viroids16. Which of the following is not an effective biological control method for controlling plant pathogens?use of resistant cropsuse of viral pesticidesuse of bacterial pesticidesuse of fungal pesticides17. Which of the following is the most useful bacterial pesticide?M. infectium B. thuringiensis P. putrificans X. campestris18. The greenhouse effect is due toexcess production of CO-OH by burning of fossil fuelsexcess production of CO2 by burning of fossil fuelsexcess production of CO by burning of fossil fuelsexcess production of CH4 by burning of fossil fuels19. Which is the lowest trophic level in the food web?primary producers grazers predators hetertrophic organismsTest8: Genetic Variation: Mutation and Recombination1Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1. Bacterial genes are consideredHomozygous heterozygous diploid haploid2.Extrachromosomal elements that can be exchanged between bacteria are calledTransposons plasmids .alleles probes3. Extrachromosomal elements are known to contain genetic information for all the following exceptnitrogen fixation toxin production antibiotic resistance cell wall repair4Which of the following mutations would have a higher probability of coding for a lethal event?Suppressor silent nonsense missense5.Which of the following mutations would result in a change in the amino acid in thepolypeptid chain?Suppressor silent nonsense missense6. Frameshift mutations result in the addition or deletion of a base in the DNA chain.Reestablishment of the reading frame can be corrected by a second mutation called: Suppressor silent nonsense missense7The technique of replica plating is often used to detect nutritional mutations.Microorganisms that grow on complete media but fail to grow on minimal media are called:Autotrophs auxotrophs symbionts heterotrophs8. The technique of replica plating was developed by:Crick Watson Lederberg Collins9A complementation test was used to determine the site of two separate mutations. Two mutantstrains were mated and the resultant progeny were still mutant. The results indicate that themutations are:Cis trans10.UV light induces mutations by:causing breaks in the DNA chain allowing for the substitution of additional basescauses links between thymidine molecules on the same DNA chaincauses links between thymidine molecules on different DNA chainscauses an increase in melanin in the skin11.Various chemicals can induce mutations by modifying the nucleotides, causing basedeletions or mimicking bases and substituting for them in the DNA chain. An example of the latter is:Acridine 5 –bromouracil mitomycin C nitrous oxide12.The Ames test is used to screen chemicals for mutagenic and carcinogenic potential.Which bacterial strain is utilized in this procedure?Escherichia coli Shigella dysenteriae Salmonella typhimuriumStreptococcus pyogenes13.After infection of a cell by the HIV vires, a DNA copy of the viral genome may beinserted in the host chromosome. This is an example of:viral recombinationdisparate recombinationdisparate recombinationhomologous recombinationnonhomologous—recombination14.Multiple copies of an antibiotic resistance gene was found on the chromosome isolatedfrom bacteria X. What is the most likely explanation for this occurrence?the bacteria was infected with numerous bacteriophages that contained the antibiotic resistance genethe bacteria mated with numerous bacteria containing plasmids with the antibiotic resistance genethe bacteria contained the antibiotic resistance gene on a transposon that underwent replicative transpositionthe bacteria contained multiple copies of the antibiotic resistance gene from recombination 15.Viruses that are capable of inserting their genome into the host chromosome are called: lytic viruses temperate viruses permissive viruses competent virusesTesT9: Viral Replication1 Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1. The protein coat structure of the virus is called a:Coat envelop receptor capsid2.The composition of the envelop of some viruses isphospholipids and proteins coded by the viral genomephospholipids coded by the host genome and proteins coded by the viral genome phospholipids and proteins coded by the host genomephospholipids coded by the viral genome and proteins coded by the host genome3. A cell that permits viral replication is called:Productive abortive permissive restrictive4.The receptor for the human immunodeficiency virus is the:CD3 CD4 heparin sulfate neuraminidase5.The receptor for herpesvirus is:CD3 CD4 heparin sulfate neuraminidase6.Which of the following are the first products produced by minus strand viruses?RNA DNA protein envelop7. Which of the following are the first products produced by HIV?RNA DNA protein envelop8Viruses that reproduce by budding:demonstrate single step growth kineticsdemonstrate continuous growth kineticsdo not have an eclipse periodhave high burst sizes9. Which of the following is considered a lysogenic phage?Fd .φχ174T4 λ11.Viral particles can be identified within the cell at all stages except:Attachment eclipse latent lysis12.In some cases intact viruses are not needed to infect a cell. Infectious protein moleculesthat can cause disease are given the termPrions viroids capsomers virions13.Which of the following is considered an oncogenic virus?HTLV SV40 RSV Influenza14.Replication of animal or bacterial viruses can be demonstrated by visually countingthe number of ______on a plateLawns viral particles cells plaques15.The replication of retroviruses proceeds by:synthesis of a DNA strand from the RNA template utilizing viral DNA polymerase synthesis of a DNA strand from the RNA template utilizing host DNA polymerase synthesis of a DNA strand from the RNA template utilizing viral RNA polymerase synthesis of a DNA strand from the RNA template utilizing host RNA polymerase。
2、当宿主细胞内的大量子代噬菌体成熟后,由于水解细胞膜的______ 和水解细胞壁的______等的作用,促进了细胞的裂解。
它们用于还原CO2的NADH2,是在消耗大量 ______的情况下,通过______的方式而产生,这也是它们生长缓慢和生长得率低的原因之一。
4、作为微生物营养要素之一的水,它的主要功能有______、______、 ______以及许多优良的物理性质,如______、______、______和______ 等。
7、获得微生物同步生长的方法主要有两类:① ______,如______等;② ______,如______等。
选择:Multiple-choice:1. The fund amental unit of all living organisms is the:A. membraneB. cell D. cell wall2. Organisms that do not contain a true nucleus are referred to as:A. fungiB. eukaryotic3. The three kingdom classification system of organisms was proposed by:A. PasteurB. BaconC. Winogradsky4. Fungi differ from bacteria in a number of characteristics. The cell walls in fungi are composed of ,while the cell wallsof bacteria are composed of peptidoglycanB. phospholipidsC. proteinD. glucosamine5. The first microscopes were developed by:A.Ehrlich D. Lister6. Control of microbial infections can be accomplished by chemical or immune mechanisms. The first report on theproduction of an antibiotic is credited to:A. ListerB. Fleming D. Koch7. The term "antibiotic" means:A. a substance produced by the laboratory that kills or inhibits other microorganismsB. a substance produced by microorganisms that kills or inhibits moldsD. a substance produced by microorganisms that kills or inhibits cancer cells8. The first documented use of a vaccine for smallpox was reported by the English physician:A. ListerB. FloreyC. Fleming9. The genetic material of a bacteria is located in the molecule:A. RNA C. protein D. lipid㈡Microorganisms1. Eukaryotic membranes can be differentiatedfromprokaryotic membranes because eukaryoticmembranes contain____as part of the lipid component of the membrane.A.phosphatesB. fatty acids C, proteins2. The arrangement of proteins and lipids in the membrane is referred to as the:A. bilayer model C. trilayer model D. permeable model3. The movement of watermole cules across the membrane in response to a concentration gradient is referred to as:A. C. translocation D.transport4. The membrane of a cell is able to differentiate molecules that enter or exit the cell and act as a ____ barrier.A. semipermanentB. semidiffuse5. Movement of molecules at an enhanced rate across the membrane is called:passive diffusion C.Osmosis D. permeation6. Which of the following mechanisms transports molecules with chemical alteration?A. C. facilitated diffusion D. binding protein transport7. Which of the following transport mechanisms occurs only in prokaryotes?A. active transportC. facilitated diffusionD. binding protein transport8. Lysozyme and penicillin have activity against the cell wall. Lysozyme breaks this component;penicillin prevents its formation .A. lipopolysaccharideB. Phospholipid D. teichoic acid9. Partial destruction of the cell wall with lysozyme leaves a cell called a:A. C. periplast D. capsule10. DNA transfers information to make proteins in molecules referred to as:A. iRNA C. rRNA D. tRNA11. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a membranous structure within eukaryotic cells. It is the site for protein synthesisand for storage and transportation of molecules out of the cell. Which part of the ER is used for protein synthesis?A. golgi apparatus C. smooth ER D. microbody12. Gram-positive bacteria can be differentiated from Gram-negative bacteria since the peptidoglycan layercomprises____% of the cell wall.B. 50C. 30D.1013. Which of the following is not found in all bacterial cell?14. Pili are tubular shafts in bacteria that serve as a means of .A. gram-positive, genetic exchangeB. gram-positive, attachmentD. gram-negative, protection15. Which of the following is a primary bacterial cell wall function?A. transportB. motility D. adhension16. Which of the following is present in both gram-positive and gram-negative cell wall?A. an outer membraneC. teichoic acidD. lipopolysaccharides17. Mesosomes are internal extensions of theA. cell wall C. chromosome D. capsule18. Bacterial endospores function inA. reproduction C. Protein synthesis D. storage19. A bacterial arrangement in packets of eight cells is described as a .A. micrococcusB. tetrad20. In general, if two haploid cells fuse, will result.A. a germ cellB. mitosis D. meiosis21. The cell wall is found in which eukaryotes:A. fungiB. algaeC. Protozoa22. Yeasts are fungi, and molds are fungi.A. macroscopic, microscopicC. motile, nonmotileD. water, terrestrial23. In general, fungi derive nutrients throughA. photosynthesisB. engulfing bacteriaD. parasitism24. A hypha divided into compartments by cross walls is called .A. nonseptateB. imperfect D. perfect25. A conidium is a/an spore, and a zygospore is a/an spore.A. sexual, asexualB. free, endoC. ascomycete,basidiomycete26.Algae generally contain some types ofA. spore D. toxin27. Mitochondria likely originated fromA. archaeaB. invaginations of the cell membraneD. cyanobacteria28. A virus is a tiny infectiousA. cell D. nucleic acid29. Virus are known to infectA. plantsB. bacteriaC. fungi30. The capsid is composed of protein subunits calledA. spikesB. virions31. The envelope of an animal virus is derived from the of its host cell.A. cell wall C. glycolyx D. receptors32. The nucleic acid of a virus isA. DNA onlyB. RNA only33. The general steps in a viral multiplication cycle areB. endocytosis, uncoating, replication, assembly, and buddingC. adsorption, uncoating, duplication, assembly, and lysisD. endocytosis, penetration, replication, maturation, and exocytosis34. A prophage is an early stage in the development of a/anB. poxvirusC. lytic virusD. enveloped virus35. Enveloped viruses carry surface receptors calledA. buds C. fibers D. sheaths36. Viruses cannot be cultivated inA. tissue cultureB. live mammals37. The protein coat structure of the virus is called a:A. coatB. envelop38. The composition of the envelop of some viruses is:A. phospholipids and proteins coded by the viral genomeC. phospholipids coded by the host genome and proteins coded by the viral genomeD. phospholipids coded by the viral genome and proteins coded by the host genome39. In some cases intact viruses are not needed to infect a cell. Infectious protein molecules thatcan cause disease are given the term:D.VirionsMicrobial ecology1. A group of microorganisms coexisting together in a given location is referred to as a:A. ecosystem2. A native population is called: D. community3. A foreign population is referred to as a________ population.A.C. xenochthonousD. chorochthonous4. The rhizosphere effect is an example of:A. commensalismsB. competition D. cometabolism5. Organisms that grow on the surface of other organisms are called:A. C. lichens D. lichens6. Lichens are symbiotic relationship between fungi and:A. B. eubacteria C. protozoa D. archeabacteria7. Bgcteria that live within protozoa are and example of an:A. nonobligatory endosymbiotic relationshipB. nonobligatory autochthonous relationshipD. obligatory autochthonous relationship8. Which of the following bacteria are capable of fixing nitrogen?B. XanthomonasC. AgrobacteriumD. Agrobacterium9. Ruminant bacteria utilize bacteria to degrade which of the following substrates?A. chitinB. keratin10. Luminescent bacteria engage in a symbiotic relationship with invertebrates and fish. In this relationship the fishcontribute which of the following? A. energy11. Which of the following describes parasitism and not endosymbiosis?A. parasitism is a relationship in which both host and parasite are harmed.B. parasitism is a relationship in which the parasite is harmed and the host is unaffectedD. parasitism is a relationship in which both the host and parasite benefit.12. Bacterial plant pathogens are called ___________ by the USDA.C. plant bugsD. plant germs13. Bacteria that cause plant diseases occur in all of following genera except:14. Which of the following organisms causes crown Xanthomonas C. ErwiniaD. SpiroplasmaD. viroids16. Which of the following is not an effective biological control method for controlling plant pathogens?B. use of viral pesticidesC. use of bacterial pesticidesD. use of fungal pesticides17. Which of the following is the most useful bacterial pesticide? A. M. infectium . putrificansD. X. campestris18. The greenhouse effect is due to: A. excess production of CO-OH by burning of fossil fuelsC. excess production of CO by burning of fossil fuelsD. excess production of CH4by burning of fossil fuels19. Which is the lowest trophic level in the food web? B. grazersC. predators D.hetertrophic organisms20. Nitrification is a process that: A. converts atmospheric nitrogen to nitrite B. converts nitrite to ammonia C. converts nitrite to nitrous oxide D. converts ammonia to nitrite21. Conversion of nitrate to nitrite results in a net loss of. A. negative charge B。
Virion, the extracellular phase, posses Байду номын сангаасew if any enzymes and can not reproduce independently of living cells. In the intracellular phase, viruses exist primarily as replicating nucleic acids that induce host metabolism to synthesize virion components; eventually complete virus particles or virions are released.
Viruses vary considerably in size. Although most are quite a bit smaller than bacteria, some of the larger viruses (such as the smallpox virus) are about the same size as some very small bacteria (such as the mycoplasmas, rickettsias, and chlamydias).
Chapter 5 Viruses
Chapter outline
5.1 General Properties of Viruses 5.2 General Features of Virus Reproduction 5.3 Overview of Bacterial Viruses 5.4 Temperate Bacteriophages: Lysogeny and Lambda 5.5 Overview of Animal Viruses 5.6 Pox Viruses 5.7 Adcnoviruses 5.8 Retroviruses 5.9 Viroids and Prions
华中农业大学2021年《微生物学》考研真题一、名词解释1、biofilm2、缺陷噬菌体3、lysogenic conversion4、羧酶体5、heterolactic fermentation二、单项选择题1、有一定的代谢活性,但缺乏产生能量的系统,必须依赖宿主获得ATP的"能量寄生型生物"是_____。
第一章原核微生物试题一、选择题10001通常链霉菌可通过以下方式进行繁殖A.出芽繁殖B.分生孢子C.孢囊孢子D.芽孢子答:( )10002Bacil lussubtilis在生长发育的一定时期能形成:A.孢囊B.芽胞C.伴胞晶体D.子实体答:( )10003芽胞细菌的繁殖是依靠:A.芽胞B.裂殖C.出芽D.藻殖段答:( )10004细菌的繁殖首先开始于:A.膜的分裂B.壁的分裂C.DNA的复制答:( )10005细菌的繁殖主要靠:A.二分分裂B.纵裂C.出芽答:( )10006下列微生物属于原核微生物的是:A.细菌B.霉菌D.酵母菌D.单细胞藻类答:( )10007自然界中分离到的细菌,形态各种各样,其中种类最多的是:A.球菌B.螺旋菌C.放线菌D.杆菌答:( )10008最主要的产芽胞细菌是:A.革兰氏阳性杆菌B.球菌C.螺旋菌D.产甲烷细菌答:( )10009细菌细胞中的P素贮藏颗粒是:A.羧酶体B.淀粉粒C.聚-β-羟基丁酸D.异染粒答:( )10010原核细胞中特有的C源贮藏颗粒是:A.异染粒,B.肝糖粒C.淀粉粒D.聚-β-羟基丁酸答:( )10011Micrococcus的译名为A.链球菌属B.微球菌属C.小单胞菌属D.四联球菌属答:( )10012Bacillus的译名为:A.假单胞菌属B.乳酸杆菌属C.梭菌属D.芽胞杆菌属答:( )10013假单胞菌属的拉丁文属名为:A.XanthomonasB.NitrobacterC.PseudomonasD.Escherichia答:( )10014放线菌的菌体呈分枝丝状体,因此它是一种:A.多细胞的真核微生物B.单细胞真核微生物C.多核的原核微生物D.无壁的原核微生物答:( )10015在细菌细胞中能量代谢场所是:A.细胞膜B.线粒体C.核蛋白体D.质粒答:( )10016细菌芽胞抗热性强是因为含有:A.聚–ß-羟基丁酸B.2,6-吡啶二羧酸C.氨基酸D.胞壁酸答:( )10017Bacillusthuringiensis在形成芽胞同时,还能形成一种菱形或正方形的物质,称之为:A.孢囊B.伴胞晶体C.核蛋白质D.附加体答:( )10018G+细菌细胞壁的结构为一层,含有的特有成分是:A.脂多糖B.脂蛋白C.磷壁酸D.核蛋白答:( )10019革兰氏阴性细菌细胞壁中的特有成分是:A.肽聚糖B.磷壁酸C.脂蛋白D.脂多糖答:( )10020细菌的鞭毛是:A.细菌运动的唯一器官B.细菌的一种运动器官C.细菌的一种交配器官D.细菌的繁殖器官答:( )10021细菌的芽胞是:A.一种繁殖方式B.细菌生长发育的一个阶段C.一种运动器官D.一种细菌接合的通道答:( )10022Escherichia细菌的鞭毛着生位置是:A.偏端单生B.两端单生C.偏端丛生D.周生鞭毛答:( )10023枝原体的细胞特点是:A.去除细胞壁后的细菌B.有细胞壁的原核微生物C.无细胞壁的原核微生物D.呈分枝丝状体的原核微生物答:( )10024蓝细菌中进行光合作用的场所是:A.羧酶体B.类囊体C.藻胆蛋白体答:( )10025细菌细胞内常见的内含物有:A.线粒体B.附加体C.肝糖粒答:( )10026E.coli肽聚糖双糖亚单位交联间的肽间桥为:A.氢键B.肽键C.甘氨酸五肽答:( )10027Staphylococcusaureus肽聚糖双糖亚单位交联间的肽间桥为A.肽键B.甘氨酸五肽C.氢键答:( )10028从土壤中分离到的荧光假单胞菌能产生荧光色素,此色素存在于或扩散到A.细胞中B.培养基中C.粘液中D.菌体表面答:( )10029有些细菌能产生色素,例如光合细菌产生的光合色素存在于:A.培养基中B.菌体中C.菌体表面D.粘液中答:( )10030Azotobacterchroococcum在阿须贝无氮培养基上形成的菌落呈:A.粗糙型菌落B.光滑型菌落C.分枝丝状菌落D.粉末状菌落答:( )10031蜡质芽胞杆菌霉状变种在牛肉蛋白胨培养基表面形成:A.分枝状的菌落B.粘稠糊状的圆菌落C.绒毛状圆形菌落D.粉粒状圆形菌落答:( )10032下列微生物中能通过细菌滤器,并营专性寄生的是:A.苏云金杆菌B.蛭弧菌C.衣原体D.类菌体答:( )10033在下列原核生物分类中,属古细菌类的细菌是:A.大肠杆菌B.枝原体C.放线菌D.产甲烷细菌答:( )10034细菌的细胞核是:A裸露的DNA分子.BDNA与组蛋白结合的无核膜包围的染色体.CRNA与组蛋白结合的无核膜包围的染色体.答:( )10035Staphylococcusaureus肽聚糖双糖亚单位组成中的四肽的氨基酸排列顺序为:A.L-丙氨酸—L-谷氨酸—DAP—D-丙氨酸B.L-丙氨酸—D-谷氨酸—DAP—D-丙氨酸C.L-丙氨酸—D-谷氨酸—L-赖氨酸—D-丙氨酸D.L-丙氨酸—D-谷氨酸—DPA—D-丙氨酸答:( )10036E.coli肽聚糖亚单位组成中的四肽链的氨基酸顺序为:A.L-丙氨酸-D-谷氨酸-L-赖氨酸-D-丙氨酸B.L-丙氨酸-D-谷氨酸-L-鸟氨酸-D-丙氨酸C.L-丙氨酸-D-谷氨酸-内消旋二氨基庚二酸-D-丙氨酸D.L-丙氨酸-D-谷氨酸-L-二氨基丁酸-D-丙氨酸答:( )10037自养细菌中固定CO的场所是:2A.类囊体B.羧酶体C.异染粒D.淀粉粒答:( )10038下列细菌中能产芽胞的种是:A.BacillussubtilisB.StaphlococcusaureusctobacillusplantarumD.E.coli答:( )10039菌种的分离、培养、接种、染色等研究微生物的技术的发明者是:A.巴斯德B.柯赫C.吕文虎克D.别依林克答:( )10040最先分离到根瘤菌的学者是:A.巴斯德B.柯赫C.伊万诺夫斯基D.别依林克答:( )二、判断题:10041苏云金杆菌在形成芽胞的同时,可形成一种菱形或正方形的蛋白质晶体毒素,亦称它为伴胞晶体.答:( )10042好氧性芽胞杆菌的菌体形态呈梭状,厌氧性芽胞杆菌的菌体形态呈杆状.答:( )10043鞭毛和细菌的须(菌毛)都是细菌的运动器官.答:( )10044革兰氏阳性菌和阴性菌的差异在于细胞壁的构造和成分的不同.答:( )10045磷壁酸是革兰氏阴性细菌细胞壁中的特有成分。
5.真菌的有性繁殖产生有性孢子,包括( )孢子、()孢子、()孢子、()孢子、()孢子。
Our world is populated by invisible creatures too small to be seen with the unaided eye. These life forms, the microbes or microorganisms, may be seen only by magnifying their image with a microscope.
of microbiology
• Microorganisms are responsible for many of the changes observed in organic and inorganic matter (e.g., fermentation and the carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycles that occurred in nature.
Fungi (unicellular or multicellular)
Protozoa (unicellular)
Other (multicellular organisms)
The size and cell type of microbes
Most of the bacteria, protozoa, and fungi are single-celled microorganisms, and even the multicelled microbes do not have a great range of cell types. Viruses are not even cells, just genetic material surrounded by a protein coat and incapable of independent existence.
Test 1: Development of Microbiology ■Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1. The fundamental unit of all living organisms is the:■.membrane ■.cell■.nucleus ■.cell wall2. Organisms that do not contain a true nucleus are referred to as:■.fungi ■.eukaryotic■.prokaryotic ■.nankaryotic3. The three kingdom classification system of organisms was proposed by:■.Pasteur ■.Bacon■.Winogradsky ■.Woese4. Fungi differ from bacteria in a number of characteristics. The cell walls in fungi are composed of , while the cell walls of bacteria are composed of peptidoglycan.■.chitin ■.phospholipid■.protein ■.glucosamine5. The first microscopes were developed by: ■.Ehrlich ■.Metchnikoff■.Leewenhoek ■.Lister6. Control of microbial infections can be accomplished by chemical or immune mechanisms. The first report on the production of an antibiotic is credited to:■.Lister ■.Fleming■.Ehrlich ■.Koch7. The term "antibiotic" means:■.a substance produced by the laboratory that kills or inhibits other microorganisms■.a substance produced by microorganisms that kills or inhibits molds■.a substance produced by microorganism that kills or inhibits other microorganisms ■.a substance produced by microorganisms that kills or inhibits cancer cells8. The first documented use of a vaccine for smallpox was reported by the English physician:■.Lister ■.Florey■.Fleming ■.Jenner9. Active immunity can be distinguished from passive immunity in that the former requires:■.development of antibodies in one's own body by stimulation with external antibodies ■.development of antibodies in one's own body by stimulation with external antigens ■.development of antibodies in a foreign host and transfer to one' s own body■.development of antigens in one's own body by stimulation with external antibodies10. The process of nitrification by bacteria described by Winogradsky converts:■.ammonia to nitrate ions■.nitrate ions to ammonia■.N2 to ammonia ■.ammonia to urea 11. The transfer of DNA from one organism to another through the use of a viral vector is referred to as:■.electroporation ■.conjugation■.transformation ■.transduction 12. The genetic material of a bacteria is located in the molecule:■.RNA ■.DNA■.protein ■.lipid■Fill in the Blank1. Organisms that contain a true nucleus are called_______2. Bacteria do not have a true nucleus and are considered _______3. Bacteria can be divided into two groups, the _______and the _______.4._______ are organisms that can grow without using molecular oxygen.5. Microorganisms that can synthesize complex organic compounds from CO2:are called _______.6. ______ are microorganisms that obtain their energy to synthesize organic compounds from light.7. ______ require organic compounds for growth.8. Organisms that survive only at very high temperatures are referred to as______.9. __ ____ are organisms that produce methane from CO2.10. ______organisms grow under conditions of high salinity.11. Eubacteria can exhibit a number of morphological shapes. Identify four: a.______ b.______c.______d.______12. Fungi, algae and protozoa can be differentiated from bacteria by the following characteristic:_______ .13. Fungi have cell wall consisting of _______.14. Viruses consist of ______surrounded by a protein coat.15. The scientific method utilizes deductive reasoning and observations or experiments to prove or disprove a _____.16. The theory _______of held that living organisms could arise from nonliving matter.17. The process used to reduce the number of viable organisms by moderate heating is called:_______ .18. The process of tyndallization uses repeated heating to eliminate or_______ microorganisms from solutions.19.An _______is a substance produced by microorganisms that inhibits or kills other microorganisms.20. The process of stimulating the immune defenses of the body is referred to as_______.21. White blood cells that engulf foreign particles are referred to as______.22. A substance in serum that can neutralize foreign material is referred to as ______or ______.23. Cells infected with a virus produce a substance called ______ that inhibits viral replication.24. Avery, Colin and MacLeod first demonstrated that transformation of nonpathogenic to pathogenic strains of bacteria could be carried out by the transfer of ______.25. Exchange of genetic information by direct contact is referred to as______.26. ______ is the process in which DNA is transferred from one bacteria to another.■Matchingl. Francis Bacon a. phagocytosis2. Anton Leeuwenhoek b. antibody3. Paul Ehrlich c. nitrification4. Hans Gram d. immunization5. Louis Pasteur e. three kingdom classification based on rRNA6. Robert Koch f. structure of DNA7. Joseph Lister g. first microscope8. Alexander Fleming h. conjugation or transduction9. Edward Jenner i. differential stain for bacteria10. Eli Metchnikoff j. interferon11. Emil von Behring k. rabies vaccine12. Alick Isaacs 1. penicillin13. Sergei Winogradsky m. antiseptic technique14. Joshua Lederberg n. established that bacteria can cause disease15. Watson and Crick o. magic bullet16. Carl Woese p. scientific method1.p2.g3.o4.i5.k6.n7.m8.l9.d 10.a 11.b 12.j 13.c 14.h 15.f 16.e Test 2: Methods for Studying Microorganisms■Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1. Light microscopy is dependent on the interaction of light with on object. The ability of light to pass through an object is referred to as:■.transported light ■.transmitted light ■.reflected light ■.refracted light2. The resolving power (R) of a microscope is dependent on the wavelength of light (;~) and the numerical aperture (NA) of the lens. The formula for R is:■.R = 0.5~. xNA■.R = 0.5;~/NA■.R = NA/0.5Jr■.R = Square root of 0.5)./NA3. The gram stain uses ~ as a mordant to fix the primary stain:■.iodine ■.alcohol■.acetone ■.safranin4. The acid-fast stain is useful in the identification of which of the following organisms:■.Staphylococcus aureus■.Mycoplasma mycoides■.Mycobacteria tuberculosis■.Moraxella osloensis5. Botulism is a serious disease that can develop from the improper cooking of food containing bacterial spores. Which of the following genera are capable of producing spores?■.Salmonella ■.Listeria■.Escherichia ■.Clostridia 6. Which of the following types of microscopes utilizes electron beams to visualize objects?■.Nomarski ■.TEM■.PCM ■.Confocal7. A mixture of organisms was isolated froma patient suspected of having "Strep Throat." Which type of media would you use to isolate the suspected pathogen?■.defined ■.enriched■.selective ■.differential8. Sterilization of material with an autoclave utilizes steam to kill microorganisms. The correct procedure for sterilization with an autoclave is:■.15 min at 121℃at 15 lb/in2■.15 min at 256℃at 15 lb/in2■.15 min at 121℃at 1 lb/in2■.15 rain at 121℃at 30 lb/in29. An antibiotic was added to a culture of bacteria to determine its effect. What method of enumeration would you use to determine the efficacy of the antibiotic?■.direct count ■.viable count■.turbidimetric count ■.absorbance 10. Identification of microorganisms can be accomplished by a number of techniques. Which of the following requires the growth of the organism?■.enzyme linked assay■.gene probe■.metabolic ■.fluorescent■Fill in the Blank1. A media where all the ingredients are known is called a ______media.2. ______technique is used to maintain a pure culture and avoid contamination.3. Sterilization instrument that utilizes steam under pressure: _______.4.A______ plate utilizes a loop or needle to distribute and isolate colonies on a culture plate.5.______ identification utilizes antibodies for naming of bacterial species.6. Bacteria can be preserved for long periods of time by freeze-drying or______.7. The mrbidimetric method of counting bacteria utilizes a ______ to measure the amountof light passing through a solution.8. The viable plate count counts live bacterial colonies in the range or______ to______ .9. A counting chamber and a microscope are used in the______ count of bacteria.10. The ______technique utilizes a labeled complementary strand of nucleic acid to identify specific bacteria in a specimen.■MatchingMatching I:l. Primary stain for gram stain a. Negative stain2. Stains bacterial cell b. Carbohl fuchsin3. Used to fix stain c. Crystal violet4. Decolorize d. Malachite green5. Spore stain e. Safranin6. Acid-fast stain f. Positive stain7. Gram- bacteria take up this counterstain g. Alcohol8. Stains background h. MordantMatching II:1. Media used to inhibit growth of unwanted organisms a. Enrichment2. Media where all components are not known b. Selective3. Media used to contrast organisms on same plate c. Differential4. Media used to enhance growth d. ComplexMatching I: 1.c 2.f. 3.h 4.g 5.d. 6. b 7.e 8.aMatching II: 1.b 2.d 3 .c 4.aTest 3: Organization and Structure of Microorganisms■Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1. Eukaryotic membranes can be differentiated from prokaryotic membranes because eukaryotic membranes contain____as part of the lipid component of the membrane.■.phosphates ■.fatty acids■.proteins ■.sterols2. The arrangement of proteins and lipids in the membrane is referred to as the:■.bilayer model■.fluid mosaic model■.trilayer model■.permeable model3. The movement of water molecules across the membrane in response to a concentration gradient is referred to as:■.diffusion ■.osmosis■.translocation ■.transport4. The membrane of a cell is able to differentiate molecules that enter or exit the cell and act as a ____ barrier.■.semipermanent■.semitransparent■.semipermeable■.semidiffuse5. Movement of molecules at an enhanced rate across the membrane is called:■.facilitated diffusion■.passive diffusion■.osmosis■.permeation6. Which of the following mechanisms transports molecules without chemical alteration?■.active transport■.group translocation■.facilitated diffusion■.binding protein transport7. Which of the following transport mechanism occurs only in Gram-negative bacteria?■.active transport■.group translocation■.facilitated diffusion■.binding protein transport8. Which of the following transport mechanisms occurs only in prokaryotes?■.active transport■.group translocation■.facilitated diffusion■.binding protein transport9. Lysozyme and penicillin have activity against the cell wall. Lysozyme breaks this component;penicillin prevents its formation.■.lipopolysaccharide■.phospholipid■.peptidoglycan■.teichoic acid10. Partial destruction of the cell wall with lysozyme leaves a cell called a:■.protoplast ■.spheroplast■.periplast ■.capsule11. A capsule can be differentiated from a slime layers since the capsule:■.is made up of complex carbohydrates and the slime layer contains protein■.is bound to the cell membrane■.is bound to the cell wall■.is bound to the outer membrane 12. The chromatin of eukaryotic cells is composed of DNA and____■.histone proteins■.non histone proteins■.RNA■.ribosomes13. DNA transfers information to make proteins in molecules referred to as:■.iRNA ■.mRNA■.rRNA ■.tRNA14. Mitochondrial ribosomes are____in size.■.40S ■.60S■.70S ■.80S15. The process whereby ATP is generated by the flow of protons across a membrane is:■.substrate level phosphorylation■.chemiosmosis■.protokinesis■.glycolysis16. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a membranous structure within eukaryotic cells. It is the site for protein synthesis and for storage and transportation of molecules out of the cell. Which part of the ER is used for protein synthesis?■.golgi apparatus ■.rough ER■.smooth ER ■.microbody 17. Flagella of bacteria are composed of protein subunits called flagellin; eukaryotic flagella are composed of subunits called:■.flagellin ■.cilin■.spectrin ■.tubulin18. Flagella are used to propel the cell in response to an environmental signal. Bacterial flagella and eukaryotic flagella can be differentiated since the former moves by:■.rotating around its base■.pulling itself once it is attached to a surface or mate■.waving or whipping to move the cell■.twisting and releasing similar to a rubber band19. Endospores are multilayered structures that provide protection from environmental stress and are composed of:■.peptidoglycan and lipopolysaccharide■.peptidoglycan and calcium dipicolonate ■.peptidoglycan and calcium bicarbonate ■.lipopolysaccharide and succinic acid20. Gram-positive bacteria can be differentiated from Gram-negative bacteria since the peptidoglycan layer of later comprises____% of the cell wall.■.90 ■.50■.30 ■.10■Fill in the Blank1. Most cells use energy in the form of______ to run the cell.2. Phospholipids of eubacterial cells are composed of a ______group and a _____on a glycerol backbone.3. Membrane proteins found on the surface are called ______ proteins.4.The energy source for active transport in eukaryotes is derived from ATP.The energy for active transport in prokaryotes is derived from ______.5. The region between the outermembrane in Gram-negative bacteria and the cell wall is called the _______.6. Extrachromosomal DNA elements found in bacteria are called________.7. Ribosomes are structures composed of _______ and ______.8. The fluid inside a cell is referred to as the ________.9.The hereditary organelle of eukaryotic cells is called the ______.10. The process by which a cell engulfs and internalizes particles such as bacteria or other cells is called ______.■Matchingl. prokaryotes a. hook and basal body2. eukaryotes b. end of cell3. hydrophobic c. microtubles4. hydrophilic d. pill5. permease e. eukaryotes6. eubacteria f. surrounding cell7. archeobacteria g. 9 + 2 arrangement8. cellulose h. prokaryotes9. chitin i. fatty acid10. circular chromosome j. algae11.linear chromosome k. transport protein12. 70 S ribosomes 1. lack organelles13. 80 S ribosomes m. posses nucleus14. polar flagella n. water loving15. peritrichous flagella o. fungi16.bacterial flagella p. L-amino acids17. eukaryotic flagella q. D-amino acids18. fimbria19. cilia20. cytoskeleton1.l2.m,j,o3.n4.i5.k6.p7.q8.j9.o 10.h 11.e,j,o 12.h,j,o 13.e 14.b 15.f 16.a 17.g 18.d 19.e 20.cTest 4 : Prokaryotes■Genus Match: (Match the Genus with the Appropriate Group)Match the Genus with the Appropriate Group:l. Spirochete a. Halococcus2. Gm- aerobic, motile, vibroid b. Clostridium3. Gm- aerobic cocci c. VeiUonella4. Gm- facultative rod d. Caulobacter5. Gm- anerobic rod e. Treponema6. Gm- anaerobic cocci f. Myxococcus7. Budding/appendaged g. Streptococcus8. Fruiting body h. Pyrobaculum9. Gm+ cocci i. Campylobacter10. Gm+ rods (no spores) j. Methanococcus11. Gm+ rods (endospores) k. Listeria12. Gm+ irregular rod 1. Bacteroides13. Halophile m. Neisseria14. Thermophile n. Salmonella15. Methanogen o. Corynebacterial.e 2.I 3.m 4.n 5.1 6.c 7.d 8.d 9.g 10.k ll.b 12.o 13.a 14.h 15.j■Characteristic Match: (Match the Characteristic with the Appropriate Genus or Group) Match the Characteristic with the Appropriate Genus or Group:l. Borrelia a. sulfur reducing2. Helicobacter b. acid fast3. Shigella c. Gm+ rod, aerobic, endospores4. Desulfovibrio d. gliding5. Chlamydia e. psedomurein6. Anabaena f. cyanobacteria7. Chemolithotrophic g. helical rod, no central fibrils8. Caulobacter h. helical rod, central fibrils9. Cytophaga i. filamentous10. Staphylococcus j. obligate intracellular parasite11. Bacillus k. Gm+ cocci in clusters12. Actimomycetes 1. Enterobacteriacea13. Mycoplasma m. Nitrobacter14. Mycobacteria n. prosthecae15. Methanogen o. fried egg1.h2.g3.14.a5.j6.f7.m8.n9.d 10.k 11.c 12.f 13.o 14.b 15.eTest 5: Eukaryotes■Multiple Choice (choose one answer)l. Fungi are considered heterotrophic because they obtain nutrition through:■. phagocytosis■. endocytosis■. adsorption■. photosynthesis2. The separation between filamentous fungal cells are referred to as:■. cell walls■. septa■. chitin■. side walls3. Fungi that can appear as a yeast or filamentous are referred to as:■. Fungi imperfecti■. Fungi perfecti■. cheterotrophic fungi■. dimorphic fungi4. Thick walled spores formed within fungal cells are called:■. arthrospores■. sporangiospores■. blastospores■. chlamydospores5. Asexual fungal spores that are formed from fragmented hyphae are called:■. arthrospores■. sporangiospores■. ascospores■. chlamydospores6. Asexual fungal spores formed within a sac-like structure are called:■. arthrospores■. sporangiospores■. blastospores■. ascospores7. Sexual fungal spores formed within a sac-like structure are called:■. chlamydospores■. sporangiospores■. blastospores■. ascospores8. Which of the following classes of fungi cause hypertrophy of cells similar to the bacterium A. tumifaciens?■. Oomycetes■. Ascomycetes■. Chytridiomycetes■. Deuteromycetes9. Which of the following fungi are motile by two flagella?■. Oomycetes■. Ascomycetes■. Chytridiomycetes■. Deuteromycetes10. Common bread mold is caused by Rhizopus stolonifer which is a:■. Deuteromycete■. Ascomycete■. Basidiomycete■. Zygomycete11. Ascomycetes can be differentiated from zygomycetes since the ascomycetes have hyphae.■. septated■. aseptated12. Which of the following fungi have a sexual reproductive phase?■. Coccidiodes■. Histoplasma■. Aspergillus■. Alternaria13. Which class of fungi do not have a sexual reproductive phase?■. Deuteromycete■. Ascomycete■. Basidiomycete■. Zygomycete14. The cell structures of bracket fungi are referred to as:■. septa■. basidiocarp■. anteridium■. Zygomycet15. The toxin from which of the following mushrooms inhibits polymerase activity?■. Agaricus bisporous■. Ischnorderma resinosum■. anteridium■. Zygomycet16. The common mushroom belongs to which group of fungi?■. Ascomycetes■. Basidiomycetes■. Chytridiomycetes■. Deuteromycetes17. Which of the following Deuteromycetes are often colored green and the conidiospores are arranged in a brush shape?■. Penicillium■. Alternaria■. Coccidiodes■. Geotrichum18. All of the following algae are green withthe exception of■. Euglena ■. V olvox■. Spirogyra ■. Nemalion19. Which algae contain a red pigmented area known as the eyespot?■. Euglenoids■. Chlorophycophyta■. Rhodophycophyta■. Phaeophycophyta20. The outer layer of Euglena is called:■. cell wall ■. fmstule■. pellicle ■. blade21. Xanthophyll pigments give algae a color.■. Red ■. blue■. yellow ■. green22. Which of the following algae are closer phylogenetically to higher plants?■. brown algae■. yellow-green algae■. red algae■. green algae23. The storage material, paramylon, is made in which of the following groups of algae?■. euglenoid ■. red algae■. green algae ■. brown algae 24. The mouth of a ciliated protozoa is called a: ■. Phagosome ■. cytosome■. lysosome ■. porosome25. Sarcodina are protozoa that are propelled by: ■. Flagella ■. cilia■. pseudopodia■. they are technically nonmotile 26. Trypanosomes belong to which group of protozoa:■. Flagellates ■. pseudopodia formers ■. ciliates ■. spore formers27. Plasmodium is grouped as a:■. flagellates■. pseudopodia formers■. ciliates ■. spore formers 28. The mature form of spore forming protozoa are called:■. protozoites ■. sporozoites■. trophozoites ■. cytozoite29. Paramecium are classified as:■. flagellates■. pseudopodia formers■. ciliates■. spore formers30. The resting stage of a protozoa are called:■. Trophozoites ■. sporozoites■. saprozoites ■. cysts■Fill in the Blank1. Unicellular fungi are called ______.2. Filamentous fungi form branching structures called ______.3. The most common form of reproduction in yeasts occurs by ______.4.Silica is found in the cell wall of ______.5. The external structures of mushrooms are referred to as _______.6. The growth of fungi can be expressed by _____.7. Red tide is caused by a toxin released by the organism, Gonyaulax, which belongs to the ______ group of fungi.8. Agar is made from this group of algae: ______.9.Trypanosoma gambiense causes the disease ______.10. A flagellate protozoa that can be found in mountain streams and causes diarrhea is ______.Test 6: Bacterial Growth and Reproduction■Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1. In bacterial cultures, growth can be demonstrated by an increase in: ■.mass ■.cell size ■.cell number ■.cell length2. DNA replication in bacteria is controlled by:■.cell size ■.cell division■.cell separation ■.cell initiation3. During which phase of bacterial growth is there an increase in cell size but not in cell number?■.lag ■.log■.stationary ■.exponential4. The generation time for bacteria is determined by:■.measuring the time it takes to double the number of bacteria from the time the culture was initiated until the beginning of stationary phase■.measuring the time it takes to double the number of bacteria from lag phase to death phase■.measuring the time it takes to double the number of bacteria from log phase to the end of stationary phase■.measuring the time it takes to double the number of bacteria from log phase to the beginning of stationary phase5. Most pathogenic bacteria are considered:■.psychrophiles■.mesophiles■.thermophiles■.merophiles6. Bacteria that grow at low nutrient concentrations are referred to as:■.autotrophs■.phototrophs■.copiotrophs■.oligotrophs7. In times of nutrient deficiencies, the bacteria Clostridium produce____until conditions are permissive for vegetative growth.■.prosthecae■.spores■.stalks■.fruiting bodies8. The temperature of the incubator was raised from 15~(2 to 35~(2. The cultures in the incubator demonstrated a____fold increase in enzymatic activity.■.two ■.for■.eight ■.twenty9. Organisms that grow at or near their optimal growth temperature are called:■.stenothermal bacteria■.euthermal bacteria■.cauldoactive bacteria■.mesophilic bacteria10. All of the following are toxic oxygen products except:■.02 ■.OH-■.H20 ■.H20211. Catalase, which is produced by Staphylococci, catalyzes which of the following reactions?■.202+ 2H+ →2H202 + 02■.2H202→2H20 + 02■.H202 + NADH + H+→2H20 + NAD■.H202 + e- + H+→H2O + OH-12. A saturated solution of NaC1 has a water activity index of:■.1.0 ■.0.90■.0.80 ■.0.7013. Organisms that can grow at a water index at or below that of NaCI are called: ■.xerotolerant■.salt tolerant■.mesotolerant■.salotolerant14. All of the following organisms will survive an environment of 0.9 Aw except: ■.Lactobacillus■.Staphylococcus■.Saccharomyces■.SpiriUum15. Halophiles are classified as organisms that require ____for growth.■.sugar■.salt■.water■.air16. Osmophiles require a ____Aw for growth.■.low■.high17. The pressure exerted on a cell due to high solute concentrations is referred to as: ■.osmotic pressure■.hydrostatic pressure■.barometric pressure■.surface tension18. A diver encountered a new bacterial isolate while she was diving at 1000 m. The organism will be classified as:■.marine■.barotolerant■.barophilic■.normal19. Fungi can be differentiated from most bacteria by culturing at:■.marine■.low pH■.neutral pH20. All phototacfic bacteria respond to light by:■.moving away from the source of light■.moving toward the source of light■.increasing the movement of their flagella■.creating gas vesicles to rise to the surface■Fill in the Blank1. Organisms that grow best above 40oC are called______.2. Organisms that grow best below 20oC are called______.3. Organisms that grow best between 20 and 40oC are called ______.4.Myxobacteria form unique structures called ______ to cope with nutrient deficiencies.5. Bacteria that grow only at reduced oxygen concentrations are called _______.6. Bacteria that require oxygen for growth are called_____.7. Bacteria that grow at high nutrient concentrations are called ______.8. Caulobacter is an example of a ______ bacteria.9.At temperatures above the optimum, E. coli and other bacteria induce a change in gene expression called______.10. A change in hydrostatic pressure of 10 atm is experience with an increase in depth of ______ m.■MatchingCell Cycle Matching:l. C a. cell enlargement2. M b. condensation of chromosomes3. G1 c. replication of the genome4. G2 d. separation of chromosomes5. S e. cell division1.e2.d3.a4.b5.cTest 7: Control of Microbial Growth■Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1. Chemicals used on the body to control microorganisms are called:■.antiseptics ■.disinfectants ■.antibiotics■.chemotherapeutic2. The most effective way of sterilizing a solution is by:■.incineration■.pasteurization■.filtration■.moist heat3. An autoclave is an apparatus that is used to sterilize various materials. The appropriate conditions for sterilizing contaminated material is given by which of the following: ■.15 min at 121℃at lpsi■.5 min at 121℃at 15 psi■.15 min at 121℃at 15 psi■.5 min at 131℃at 15 psi4. All of the following are an effect of ionizing radiation except:■.breaks hydrogen bonds■.thymine dimer formation■.generates oxygen radicals■.ring structure destruction5. A hyperbaric chamber would be useful for treating infections caused by which of the following genera:■.Treponema■.Chlamydia■.Campylobacter■.Clostridia6. Agents that are used to inhibit bacterial growth are considered:■.bacteriocidal■.bacteriostatic■.antiseptics■.disinfectants7. The term used to describe substances produced by microorganisms that kill or inhibit other microorganisms are called:■.antimicrobics■.antibiotics■.chemotherapeutic agents■.antiseptics8. Antibiotics must exhibit which of the following to be effective:■.narrow spectrum■.broad spectrum■.selective toxicity■.bacteriocidal9. Which of the following tests utilizes an antibiotic impregnated disk to test for the efficacy of the antibiotic?■.MIC■.MBC■.Mueller-Hinton■.Kirby-Bauer10. The MIC assay can determine if an antibiotic agent is:■.bacteriocidal■.bacteriostatic■.aandb■.none of the above11. Penicillins are effective against:■.cells in log phase■.cells in stationary phase■.cells in eclipse phase■.all bacterial cells12. Penicillinases inhibit the activity of penicillins by which of the following mechanisms:■.break N. acetylglucosamine:N-acetylmuramic acid bonds■.break the peptidiglycan■.break the beta lactam ring■.break cycloserine13. Aminoglycosides inhibit protein synthesis by binding to the:■.tRNA■.mRNA■.30S ribosomal subunit■.50S ribosomal subunit14. Trimethaprim is an inhibitor of dihydrofolate reductase which is important is which of the following:■.vitamin metabolism■.1-carbon transfers■.protein synthesis■.membrane integrity15. HIsoniazid is used in the treatment of:■.Pneumococcal infections。
5、真菌无性孢子主要包括______、______、______、______、______、______和______,有性孢子主要包括______、______、______ 和______。
7. 微生物与其他生物的共同点有
专题一................................................................................................................................................. 1 专题二 微生物形态、结构与分类................................................................................................ 2
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Test 1: Development of Microbiology1 Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1.The fundamental unit of all living organisms is theMembrane cell nucleus cell wallanisms that do not contain a true nucleus are referred to asfungi eukaryotic prokaryotic nankaryotic3.The three kingdom classification system of organisms was proposed byPasteur Bacon Winogradsky Woese4.Fungi differ from bacteria in a number of characteristics. The cell walls in fungi arecomposedof , while the cell walls of bacteria are composed of peptidoglycanChitin phospholipids protein glucosamine5.The first microscopes were developed byEhrlich Metchnikoff Leewenhoek Lister6.Control of microbial infections can be accomplished by chemical or immune mechanisms.The first report on the production of an antibiotic is credited to:Lister Fleming Ehrlich Koch7The term "antibiotic" meansa substance produced by the laboratory that kills or inhibits other microorganismsa substance produced by microorganisms that kills or inhibits moldsa substance produced by microorganism that kills or inhibits other microorganismsa substance produced by microorganisms that kills or inhibits cancer cells8 The first documented use of a vaccine for smallpox was reported by the English physicianLister .Florey Fleming Jenner9 Active immunity can be distinguished from passive immunity in that the former requires:development of antibodies in one's own body by stimulation with external antibodiesdevelopment of antibodies in one's own body by stimulation with external antigensFlemingdevelopment of antibodies in a foreign host and transfer to one' s own bodydevelopment of antigens in one's own body by stimulation with external antibodies10The process of nitrification by bacteria described by Winogradsky converts ammonia to nitrate ions nitrate ions to ammoniaN2 to ammonia ammonia to urea11The transfer of DNA from one organism to another through the use of a viral vector is referred to asElectroporation conjugation transformation transduction12The genetic material of a bacteria is located in the molecule:RNA DNA protein lipid2 Fill in the Blankanisms that contain a true nucleus are called_______2.Bacteria do not have a true nucleus and are considered _______3.. Bacteria can be divided into two groups, the _______and the ______4._______ are organisms that can grow without using molecular oxygen.5. Microorganisms that can synthesize complex organic compounds from CO2:are called_______.6. ______ are microorganisms that obtain their energy to synthesize organic compounds fromlight.7. ______ require organic compounds for growth.8. Organisms that survive only at very high temperatures are referred to as______.9. ______ are organisms that produce methane from CO2.10. ______organisms grow under conditions of high salinity11. Eubacteria can exhibit a number of morphological shapes. Identify four: a.______b.______c.______d.______12. Fungi, algae and protozoa can be differentiated from bacteria by the followingcharacteristic:_______ .13. Fungi have cell wall consisting of _______.14. Viruses consist of ______surrounded by a protein coat.15. The scientific method utilizes deductive reasoning and observations or experiments toprove or disprove a _____.16. The theory _______of held that living organisms could arise from nonliving matter.17. The process used to reduce the number of viable organisms by moderate heating iscalled:_______ .18. The process of tyndallization uses repeated heating to eliminate or_______microorganisms from solutions.19.An _______is a substance produced by microorganisms that inhibits or kills othermicroorganisms.20. The process of stimulating the immune defenses of the body is referred to as_______.21. White blood cells that engulf foreign particles are referred to as______.22. A substance in serum that can neutralize foreign material is referred to as ______or______.23. Cells infected with a virus produce a substance called ______ that inhibits viralreplication.24. Avery, Colin and MacLeod first demonstrated that transformation of nonpathogenic topathogenic strains of bacteria could be carried out by the transfer of ______.25. Exchange of genetic information by direct contact is referred to as______.26. ______ is the process in which DNA is transferred from one bacteria to another.Test 2: Methods for Studying Microorganisms1 Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1.Light microscopy is dependent on the interaction of light with on object. The ability oflight to pass through an object is referred to as:transported light transmitted light reflected light refracted light2. The resolving power (R) of a microscope is dependent on the wavelength of light (;~) and the numerical aperture (NA) of the lens. The formula for R is:R = 0.5~. xNA R = 0.5;~/NA R = NA/0.5Jr R = Square root of 0.5)./NA3. The gram stain uses ~ as a mordant to fix the primary stainIodine alcohol acetone safranin4.The acid-fast stain is useful in the identification of which of the following organismsStaphylococcus aureus Mycoplasma mycoides Mycobacteria tuberculosis Moraxella osloensis5.Botulism is a serious disease that can develop from the improper cooking of foodcontaining bacterial spores. Which of the following genera are capable of producing spores?Salmonella Listeria Escherichia Clostridia6.Which of the following types of microscopes utilizes electron beams to visualize objects?Nomarski TEM PCM Confocal7. A mixture of organisms was isolated from a patient suspected of having "Strep Throat."Which type of media would you use to isolate the suspected pathogen?Defined enriched selective differential8.Sterilization of material with an autoclave utilizes steam to kill microorganisms. Thecorrect procedure for sterilization with an autoclave is:15 min at 121℃at 15 lb/in2 15 min at 256℃ at 15 lb/in2 15 min at 121℃at 1 lb/in215 min at 121℃at 1 lb/in29. An antibiotic was added to a culture of bacteria to determine its effect. What method of enumeration would you use to determine the efficacy of the antibiotic?direct count viable count turbidimetric count absorbance9.Identification of microorganisms can be accomplished by a number of techniques.Which of the following requires the growth of the organism?enzyme linked assay gene probe metabolic fluorescent2 Fill in the Blank1. A media where all the ingredients are known is called a ______media.2.______technique is used to maintain a pure culture and avoid contamination.3.Sterilization instrument that utilizes steam under pressure: _______.4.A______ plate utilizes a loop or needle to distribute and isolate colonies on a cultureplate.5.______ identification utilizes antibodies for naming of bacterial species.6.Bacteria can be preserved for long periods of time by freeze-drying or______.7.The mrbidimetric method of counting bacteria utilizes a ______ to measure theamountof light passing through a solution.8.The viable plate count counts live bacterial colonies in the range or______ to______9. A counting chamber and a microscope are used in the______ count of bacteria.Test3: Organization and Structure of Microorganisms1Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1.Eukaryotic membranes can be differentiated from prokaryotic membranes becauseeukaryotic membranes contain____as part of the lipid component of the membrane.Phosphates fatty acids proteins sterols2.The arrangement of proteins and lipids in the membrane is referred to as the: bilayer model fluid mosaic model trilayer model permeable model3.The movement of water molecules across the membrane in response to aconcentration gradient is referred to asDiffusion osmosis translocation transport4.The membrane of a cell is able to differentiate molecules that enter or exit the celland act as a ____ barrier.Semipermanent semitransparent semipermeable semidiffuse5.Movement of molecules at an enhanced rate across the membrane is called facilitated diffusion passive diffusion osmosis permeation6.Which of the following mechanisms transports molecules without chemicalalteration?active transport group translocation facilitated diffusion binding protein transport 7.Which of the following transport mechanism occurs only in Gram-negativebacteria?active transport group translocation facilitated diffusion binding protein transport8.Which of the following transport mechanisms occurs only in prokaryotes?active transport group translocation facilitated diffusion binding protein transport9.Lysozyme and penicillin have activity against the cell wall. Lysozyme breaks thiscomponent;penicillin prevents its formationLipopolysaccharide phospholipid peptidoglycan teichoic acid10.Partial destruction of the cell wall with lysozyme leaves a cell called a:Protoplast spheroplast periplast capsule2 Fill in the Blank1.Most cells use energy in the form of______ to run the cell.2.Phospholipids of eubacterial cells are composed of a ______group and a _____on aglycerol backbone.3.Membrane proteins found on the surface are called ______ proteins.4.The energy source for active transport in eukaryotes is derived from ATP.The energy foractive transport in prokaryotes is derived from ______.5.The region between the outermembrane in Gram-negative bacteria and the cell wall iscalled the _______.6.Extrachromosomal DNA elements found in bacteria are called________.7.Ribosomes are structures composed of _______ and ______.8.The fluid inside a cell is referred to as the ________.9.The hereditary organelle of eukaryotic cells is called the ______.10.The process by which a cell engulfs and internalizes particles such as bacteria or othercells is called ______.Test 4 :Eukaryotes1 Multiple Choice (choose one answer)l. Fungi are considered heterotrophic because they obtain nutrition throughphagocytosis endocytosis adsorption photosynthesis2.The separation between filamentous fungal cells are referred to asFill in the Blank1.Unicellular fungi are called ______.2.Filamentous fungi form branching structures called ______3.The most common form of reproduction in yeasts occurs by ______.4.Silica is found in the cell wall of ______.5.The external structures of mushrooms are referred to as _______.6.The growth of fungi can be expressed by _____.7.Red tide is caused by a toxin released by the organism, Gonyaulax, which belongs to the______ group of fungi.8.Agar is made from this group of algae: ______.9.Trypanosoma gambiense causes the disease ______.10.A flagellate protozoa that can be found in mountain streams and causes diarrhea is______.Test5: Bacterial Growth and Reproduction1 Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1. In bacterial cultures, growth can be demonstrated by an increase in:Mass cell size cell number cell length2DNA replication in bacteria is controlled by:cell size cell division cell separation cell initiation3.During which phase of bacterial growth is there an increase in cell size but not in cellnumber?Lag log stationary exponential4.The generation time for bacteria is determined by:measuring the time it takes to double the number of bacteria from the time the culture was initiated until the beginning of stationary phasemeasuring the time it takes to double the number of bacteria from lag phase to death phase measuring the time it takes to double the number of bacteria from log phase to the end of stationary phasemeasuring the time it takes to double the number of bacteria from log phase to the beginning of stationary phase5.Most pathogenic bacteria are considered:Psychrophiles mesophiles thermophiles .merophiles6.Bacteria that grow at low nutrient concentrations are referred to as:Autotrophs phototrophs copiotrophs oligotrophs7.In times of nutrient deficiencies, the bacteria Clostridium produce____until conditionsare permissive for vegetative growth.Prosthecae spores stalks fruiting bodies8.The temperature of the incubator was raised from 15~(2 to 35~(2. The cultures in theincubator demonstrated a____fold increase in enzymatic activityTwo for eight twentyanisms that grow at or near their optimal growth temperature are called stenothermal bacteria euthermal bacteriacauldoactive bacteria mesophilic bacteria10.All of the following are toxic oxygen products except:02 OH- H20 H20211. Catalase, which is produced by Staphylococci, catalyzes which of the following reactions?202+ 2H+ →2H202 + 02202+ 2H+ →2H202 + 02H202 + NADH + H+→2H20 + NADH202 + e- + H+→H2O + OH-12 A saturated solution of NaC1 has a water activity index of:1.0 0.90 0.80 0.7013. Organisms that can grow at a water index at or below that of NaCI are called Xerotolerant .salt tolerant mesotolerant salotolerant14. All of the following organisms will survive an environment of 0.9 Aw except Lactobacillus Staphylococcus .Saccharomyces SpiriUum15alophiles are classified as organisms that require ____for growth.Sugar salt .water air16.Osmophiles require a ____Aw for growth.Low high17.The pressure exerted on a cell due to high solute concentrations is referred to as: osmotic pressure hydrostatic pressure barometric pressure surface tension18. A diver encountered a new bacterial isolate while she was diving at 1000 m. Theorganism will be classified as:Marine barotolerant barophilic normal19.Fungi can be differentiated from most bacteria by culturing at:Marine low pH neutral pH20.All phototacfic bacteria respond to light by:moving away from the source of lightmoving toward the source of lightincreasing the movement of their flagellacreating gas vesicles to rise to the surface2 Fill in the Blankanisms that grow best above 40oC are called______.anisms that grow best below 20oC are called______.anisms that grow best between 20 and 40oC are called ______.4.Myxobacteria form unique structures called ______ to cope with nutrient deficiencies.5.Bacteria that grow only at reduced oxygen concentrations are called _______.6.Bacteria that require oxygen for growth are called_____.7.Bacteria that grow at high nutrient concentrations are called ______.8.Caulobacter is an example of a ______ bacteria.9.At temperatures above the optimum, E. coli and other bacteria induce a change in geneexpression called______10.A change in hydrostatic pressure of 10 atm is experience with an increase in depth of______ mTest 6: Control of Microbial Growth1 Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1. Chemicals used on the body to control microorganisms are called:Antiseptics disinfectants antibiotics chemotherapeutic2.The most effective way of sterilizing a solution is by:Incineration pasteurization filtration moist heat3.An autoclave is an apparatus that is used to sterilize various materials. Theappropriate conditions for sterilizing contaminated material is given by which of the following:15 min at 121℃at lpsi5 min at 121℃at 15 psi15 min at 121℃at 15 psi5 min at 131℃at 15 psi4. All of the following are an effect of ionizing radiation except:breaks hydrogen bondsthymine dimer formationgenerates oxygen radicalsring structure destruction5 hyperbaric chamber would be useful for treating infections caused by which of the following genera:Treponema Chlamydia Campylobacter Clostridia6.Agents that are used to inhibit bacterial growth are consideredBacteriocidal bacteriostatic antiseptics disinfectants7.The term used to describe substances produced by microorganisms that kill or inhibitother microorganisms are calledAntimicrobics antibiotics chemotherapeutic agents antiseptics8.Antibiotics must exhibit which of the following to be effective:narrow spectrum broad spectrum selective toxicitybacteriocidal9.Which of the following tests utilizes an antibiotic impregnated disk to test for theefficacy of the antibiotic?MIC MBC Mueller-Hinton Kirby-Bauer10.The MIC assay can determine if an antibiotic agent is:Bacteriocidal bacteriostatic aandb none of the above11.Penicillins are effective against:cells in log phase cellsin stationary phasecells in eclipse phaseall bacterial cells12.Penicillinases inhibit the activity of penicillins by which of the following mechanisms:break N. acetylglucosamine:N-acetylmuramic acid bondsbreak the peptidiglycanbreak the beta lactam ringbreak cycloserine13.Aminoglycosides inhibit protein synthesis by binding to thetRNA mRNA 30S ribosomal subunit50S ribosomal subunit14.Trimethaprim is an inhibitor of dihydrofolate reductase which is important is which ofthe following:vitamin metabolism 1-carbon transfersprotein synthesis membrane integrity15.HIsoniazid is used in the treatment of:Pneumococcal infectionsStreptococcal InfectionsLegionella infectionsMycobacteria infections16.Fungal cells differ from mammalian cells by the presence of which of the followingcompounds in their membranesChitin cholesterol ergosterol ositol17.All of the following antifungal agents target the membrane exceptGriseofulvin amphotericin B imidazole nystatin18.Which of the following antimicrobics is used in the treatment of malaria? Chloroquine metronidazole pentamidine amphotericin B19.Amantadine is effective in the treatment of which viral infectionHerpes HIV HTLV influenza20.Which of the following is inhibited by zidovudine?inhibits viral DNA dependent DNA synthesisinhibits viral RNA dependent RNA synthesisinhibits viral RNA dependent DNA synthesisinhibits viral DNA dependent RNA synthesisTest7: Microbial Ecology1 Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1. A group of microorganisms coexisting together in a given location is referred to as a: Ecosystem population clones community2. A native population is called:Indigenous neutral obligatory community3foreign population is referred to as a________ populationautochthonous allochthonous xenochthonous chorochthonousanisms that grow on the surface of other organisms are called:Symbiotic epiphytic syncotropic lichens5.The rhizosphere effect is an example of:Commensalisms competition synergism cometabolism6.Lichens are symbiotic relationship between fungi and:Algae eubacteria protozoa archeabacteria7.Bgcteria that live within protozoa are and example of an:nonobligatory endosymbiotic relationshipnonobligatory autochthonous relationshipobligatory endosymbiotic relationshipobligatory autochthonous relationship8.Which of the following bacteria are capable of fixing nitrogen?Rhizobium Xanthomonas Agrobacterium Pseudomonas9.Ruminant bacteria utilize bacteria to degrade which of the following substrates? Chitin keratin galactose cellulose10.Luminescent bacteria engage in a symbiotic relationship with invertebrates and fish.In this relationship the fish contribute which of the following?Energy food oxygen nitrogen11. Which of the following describes parasitism and not endosymbiosis?parasitism is a relationship in which both host and parasite are harmed.parasitism is a relationship in which the parasite is harmed and the host is unaffected. parasitism is a relationship in which the host is harmed and the parasite is unaffected. parasitism is a relationship in which both the host and parasite benefit.12. Bacterial plant pathogens are called ___________ by the USDA.Bacteroids plant pests plant bugs plant germs13. Bacteria that cause plant diseases occur in all of following genera except: Xanthamonas Mycoplasma Corynebacteria Mycobacteria14. Which of the following organisms causes crown gall tumors?Agrobacterium Xanthomonas Erwinia Spiroplasma15.Most plant diseases are caused by:Fungi bacteria viruses viroids16. Which of the following is not an effective biological control method for controlling plant pathogens?use of resistant cropsuse of viral pesticidesuse of bacterial pesticidesuse of fungal pesticides17. Which of the following is the most useful bacterial pesticide?M. infectium B. thuringiensis P. putrificans X. campestris18. The greenhouse effect is due toexcess production of CO-OH by burning of fossil fuelsexcess production of CO2 by burning of fossil fuelsexcess production of CO by burning of fossil fuelsexcess production of CH4 by burning of fossil fuels19. Which is the lowest trophic level in the food web?primary producers grazers predators hetertrophic organismsTest8: Genetic Variation: Mutation and Recombination1Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1. Bacterial genes are consideredHomozygous heterozygous diploid haploid2.Extrachromosomal elements that can be exchanged between bacteria are called Transposons plasmids .alleles probes3. Extrachromosomal elements are known to contain genetic information for all the following exceptnitrogen fixation toxin production antibiotic resistance cell wall repair4Which of the following mutations would have a higher probability of coding for a lethal event?Suppressor silent nonsense missense5.Which of the following mutations would result in a change in the amino acid in thepolypeptid chain?Suppressor silent nonsense missense6. Frameshift mutations result in the addition or deletion of a base in the DNA chain.Reestablishment of the reading frame can be corrected by a second mutation called: Suppressor silent nonsense missense7The technique of replica plating is often used to detect nutritional mutations.Microorganisms that grow on complete media but fail to grow on minimal media are called:Autotrophs auxotrophs symbionts heterotrophs8. The technique of replica plating was developed by:Crick Watson Lederberg Collins9A complementation test was used to determine the site of two separate mutations. Two mutantstrains were mated and the resultant progeny were still mutant. The results indicate that themutations are:Cis trans10.UV light induces mutations by:causing breaks in the DNA chain allowing for the substitution of additional basescauses links between thymidine molecules on the same DNA chaincauses links between thymidine molecules on different DNA chainscauses an increase in melanin in the skin11.Various chemicals can induce mutations by modifying the nucleotides, causing basedeletions or mimicking bases and substituting for them in the DNA chain. An example of the latter is:Acridine 5 –bromouracil mitomycin C nitrous oxide12.The Ames test is used to screen chemicals for mutagenic and carcinogenic potential.Which bacterial strain is utilized in this procedure?Escherichia coli Shigella dysenteriae Salmonella typhimuriumStreptococcus pyogenes13.After infection of a cell by the HIV vires, a DNA copy of the viral genome may beinserted in the host chromosome. This is an example of:viral recombinationdisparate recombinationdisparate recombinationhomologous recombinationnonhomologous—recombination14.Multiple copies of an antibiotic resistance gene was found on the chromosome isolatedfrom bacteria X. What is the most likely explanation for this occurrence?the bacteria was infected with numerous bacteriophages that contained the antibiotic resistance genethe bacteria mated with numerous bacteria containing plasmids with the antibiotic resistance genethe bacteria contained the antibiotic resistance gene on a transposon that underwent replicative transpositionthe bacteria contained multiple copies of the antibiotic resistance gene from recombination 15.Viruses that are capable of inserting their genome into the host chromosome are called: lytic viruses temperate viruses permissive viruses competent virusesTesT9: Viral Replication1 Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1. The protein coat structure of the virus is called a:Coat envelop receptor capsid2.The composition of the envelop of some viruses isphospholipids and proteins coded by the viral genomephospholipids coded by the host genome and proteins coded by the viral genome phospholipids and proteins coded by the host genomephospholipids coded by the viral genome and proteins coded by the host genome3. A cell that permits viral replication is called:Productive abortive permissive restrictive4.The receptor for the human immunodeficiency virus is the:CD3 CD4 heparin sulfate neuraminidase5.The receptor for herpesvirus is:CD3 CD4 heparin sulfate neuraminidase6.Which of the following are the first products produced by minus strand viruses?RNA DNA protein envelop7. Which of the following are the first products produced by HIV?RNA DNA protein envelop8Viruses that reproduce by budding:demonstrate single step growth kineticsdemonstrate continuous growth kineticsdo not have an eclipse periodhave high burst sizes9. Which of the following is considered a lysogenic phage?Fd .φχ174T4 λ11.Viral particles can be identified within the cell at all stages except:Attachment eclipse latent lysis12.In some cases intact viruses are not needed to infect a cell. Infectious protein moleculesthat can cause disease are given the termPrions viroids capsomers virions13.Which of the following is considered an oncogenic virus?HTLV SV40 RSV Influenza14.Replication of animal or bacterial viruses can be demonstrated by visually countingthe number of ______on a plateLawns viral particles cells plaques15.The replication of retroviruses proceeds by:synthesis of a DNA strand from the RNA template utilizing viral DNA polymerase synthesis of a DNA strand from the RNA template utilizing host DNA polymerase synthesis of a DNA strand from the RNA template utilizing viral RNA polymerase synthesis of a DNA strand from the RNA template utilizing host RNA polymerase。