22 ITP for heat exchanger finished


工程热力学与传热学习题(英文版):第四章 热力学第二定律

工程热力学与传热学习题(英文版):第四章 热力学第二定律

must be obtained or discarded into the river ?
3. Heat rejection by a refrigerator
The food compartment of a refrigerator, shown in Fig 4-2, is maintained at 4℃ by removing heat from it at a rate of 360 kJ/min. If the required power input to the refrigerator is 2 kW, determine (a) the coefficient of performance of the refrigerator and (b) the rate of heat rejection to the room that houses the refrigerator.
allowed process.
12. The concept of lost work
If 1000 kJ of energy is transferred from a work reservoir to a heat at 373K, determine (a) the amount of entropy generation and (b) amount of lost work with the environment at 300K.
power output of the heat engine is 180 kW. Determine the
reversible power and the irreversibility rate for this process.



英汉石油化学工程图解词汇ENGLISH-CHINESE PETROCHEMICAL ENGINEERING ILLUSTRATED VOCABULARIES 学工业出版社目录Contents 1. 艺设备ProcessEquipment ........................................................... ..................................................................... . (1)1.1. 塔Column .............................................................. ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................... 1 1.1.1. 板式塔和填料塔 PlateColumn and Packed Column1 液流型式 Liquid Flow Patterns2 泡罩(帽)塔盘 Bubble Cap Trays3 浮阀塔盘Valve Trays4 筛板塔盘Sieve Trays 6 穿流式塔盘和喷射型塔盘 DualFlow Trays and Jet Trays7 塔盘的支承Supports of Tray8 塔底结构及重(再)沸器 BottomStructures and Reboilers9 进料和抽出 Feed and Draw Off10 填料Packings 12 液体分配(布)器,再分配(布)器及填料支持版Liquid Distributors, Redistributors and Support Plates13 塔附件Tower Attachments14 楼梯(梯子)和平台 Stair and Platform15 1.1.2. CO2 吸收塔CO2 Absorber16 1.1.3. 再生塔/CO 汽提塔 Regenerator / COStripper 17 2 21.1.4. 造粒塔Prill Tower 18 (造粒塔)总图及造粒喷头组装图 GeneralAssembly and Prill-Spray Assembly 18 造粒塔扒料机 Prill towerReclaimer 20 1.2. 反应器Reactor.............................................................. ..................................................................... ..................................................................... .......... 22 1.2.1. 氨合成塔Ammonia Converter 22 1.2.2. 聚合釜Polymerizer24 1.2.3. 电解槽Cell 26 标准分享网 .bzfxw免费下载 隔膜电解槽 Diaphragm Cells26 水银电解槽Mercury Cells27 1.3. 贮罐StorageTanks ............................................................... ..................................................................... ....................................................................... 28 1.3.1. 浮顶罐Floating Roof Tanks 30 浮顶型式Floating Roof Types 32 浮顶罐的密封形式 Seal Types of Floating Roof Tank34 1.3.2. 内浮顶罐Covered Floating Roof Tanks35 1.3.3. 低温贮罐 Refrigerated Storage Tanks36 1.4. 蒸发器Evaporators ......................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ........ 37 1.5. 换热器HeatExchangers .......................................................... ..................................................................... ....................................................................38 1.5.1. 换热器的名称 Nomenclature of Heat Exchanger40 换热器件Components of Heat Exchanger 40 固定端头盖(或管箱),壳体及后端头盖型式 Types ofStationary Head, Shell and Rear End Head42 管板Tubesheets43 管子-管板连接,膨胀节及其他零件 Tube-Tube SheetJoints, Expansion Join ts and Other Parts 44 横向折流板和纵向折流板 Transverse Baffles andLongitudinal Baffles 46 1.5.2. 套管式换热器和刮面式换热器Double-Pipc Heat Exchanger and Scraped-Surface Exchanger 47 1.5.3. 套管式纵向翅片换热器 Double PipeLongitudinal Finned Exchanger48 1.5.4. 板式换热器Plate-Type Exchangers49 1.5.5. 蒸汽表面冷凝器,凝汽器 Steam Surface Condensers50 1.5.6. 空冷器,空气冷却器 Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers51 空冷器的组合形式 Bay Arrangements of Air-CooledHeat Exchanger 52 管束和头盖(管箱)的典型结构 Typical Constructionof Tube Bundles and Headers53 空冷器的驱动装置 Drive Arrangements for Air Cooler54 翅片Fins55 空冷器的温度控制 Temperature Control of Air Cooler56 3 1.5.7. 冷却塔,凉水塔(1) Cooling Towers Ⅰ57 冷却塔,凉水塔(2)Cooling Towers Ⅱ58 1.6. 业炉Furnace.............................................................. ..................................................................... ........................................................................... 60 1.6.1. 管式加热炉Pipe Heater 60 管式加热炉型式 Types of pipe Heaterspipe Still Heater 60 加热炉Heaters62 燃烧器,烧嘴Burners63 炉管,联管箱和回弯头 Tube, Headers andReturn Bends64 管架Tube Supports65 1.6.2. 转化炉 Reformers ReformingFurnaces66 1.6.3. 二段转化炉Secondary Reformer67 1.6.4. 变换炉Shift Converter68 1.6.5. 热回收和废热锅炉 HeatRecovery and Waste Heat Boiler 69 热回收Heat Recovery69 CO 燃烧废热锅炉 CO Firing Waste HeatBoiler 70 第一废热锅炉 Primary WasteHeat Boiler 71 第二废热锅炉 Secondary Waste HeatBoiler72 1.6.6. 火炬Flare Stacks73 1.7. 混合设备Mixing Equipment............................................................ ..................................................................... .. (74)1.7.1. 搅拌器型式(1)Types of Agitator Ⅰ74 搅拌器型式(2)Types of Agitator Ⅱ76 1.7.2. 混合(搅拌)槽Mixing Tanks77 1.7.3. 管道混合器 Line Mixers FlowMixers78 1.7.4. 静止混合器Static Mixers79 1.7.5. 膏状物料及粘性物料混(拌)合设备 Pasteand Viscous-Material Mixing Equipments 80 1.7.6. 固体混合机械 Solids Mixing Machines 82 4 标准分享网 .bzfxw免费下载 1.7.7. 双螺杆连续混合机Double Screw Continuous Mixer 83 1.8. 萃取器Extractors .......................................................... ..................................................................... ............................................................................ 84 1.8.1. 连续萃取设备,连续抽提设备 ContinuousContact Differential Contact Equipments 84 1.8.2. 浸提设备Leaching Equipments 86 1.9. 旋风分离器、沉清器、过滤器和离心机 Cyclone, Decanter,Filter and Centrifuger.......................................................... ................................................... 87 1.9.1.旋风分离器(1)Cyclone Separators Ⅰ87 旋风分离器(2)Cyclone Separators Ⅱ88 1.9.2. 气体洗涤器Gas Scrubbers 90 1.9.3. 沉罐,澄清器Gravity Settlers Decanters92 1.9.4. 过滤机Filter93 压滤机Pressure Filters93 叶滤机Pressure Leaf Filters94 袋式过滤器Bag Filters95 转鼓真空过滤机 Rotary-Drum VacuumFilter96 1.9.5. 离心式分离机Centrifugal Separator97 双鼓真空离心过滤机 Double-BowlVacuum Centrifuge97 离心机Centrifuges98 静止叶片型离心式分离器 Stationary Vane TypeCentrifugal Separators 100 1.10. 干燥器Dryers .............................................................. ..................................................................... ........................................................................... 101 1.10.1. 间接干燥器 Indirect Dryers 101 1.10.2. 直接干燥器Direct Dryers 102 1.10.3. 喷雾干燥器Spray Dryers 104 雾化喷头,喷雾嘴,雾化器 Spray Nozzles Atomizers 105 1.10.4. 气流气动输送干燥器 PneumaticConveyor Dryers 106 1.11. 其他Miscellaneous ....................................................... ..................................................................... .......................................................................... 107 1.11.1. 石油炼制中的流化过程Fluidization Processes in Petroleum Refinery107 5 流态化 Fluidization 108 流化床分布器Distributors for Fluidized Bed 109 1.11.2. 破沫器及其应用Demister and Its Applications 110 破沫网的安装和纤维除雾器Installation of Mesh and Fiber Mist Eliminator 111 1.11.3. 设备的支座和封头 Supports andHeads of Equipments 112 1.11.4. 立式容器的外保温External Thermal Insulation for Vertical Vessel 113 2. 泵Pump ................................................................ ..................................................................... ..................................................................... .....................114 2.1. 各种型式的泵 1 Various Types of PumpⅠ ................................................................. ..................................................................... ...........................114 各种型式的泵 2 Various Types of Pump Ⅱ116 各种型式的泵 3 VariousTypes of Pump Ⅲ117 各种型式的泵 4 VariousTypes of Pump Ⅳ118 2.2. 离心泵 1 Centrifugal PumpⅠ ................................................................. ..................................................................... .. (119)离心泵 2 Centrifugal Pump Ⅱ120 离心泵 3 Centrifugal Pump Ⅲ121 2.3. 管道泵InlinePump ................................................................ ..................................................................... .. (122)2.4. 双作用蒸汽往复泵 Duplex Acting Steam-Driven ReciprocatingPump ................................................................ . (123)2.5. 双作用活塞式往复泵 Double Action Reciprocating Pump,BucketType ................................................................ . (124)2.6. 混流泵Mixed-FlowPump ................................................................ ..................................................................... .. (126)2.7. 计量泵MeteringPumps ............................................................... ..................................................................... .. (127)2.8. 喷射泵JetPumps ............................................................... ..................................................................... ....................................................................128 2.9. 喷射装置 Ej ectorUnits ............................................................... ..................................................................... . (129)2.9.1. 喷射器的结构Ej ector Structures 1303. 压缩机、鼓风机和风机 Compressors Blowers andFans ................................................................ ..................................................................... ................... 131 3.1. 螺杆压缩机 Screw Compressors.......................................................... ..................................................................... (131)3.2. 旋转式螺杆压缩机 Rotary Helical ScrewCompressors ......................................................... ..................................................................... .................... 132 3.3. 活塞式压缩机PistonCompressors ......................................................... ..................................................................... ................................................. 133 6 标准分享网 .bzfxw免费下载 3.4. 往复式压缩机ReciprocatingCompressors ......................................................... ..................................................................... ...................................... 134 3.5. 低密度聚乙烯超高压压缩机 High Pressure Compressorfor Low Density PolyethyleneProcess .....................................................。





关键词:多工况;全自动智能型;集成式;节能;换热机组Multiple Working Conditions and Full-automaticIntelligent Integrated Heat Exchanger UnitLiu Qiancheng,Xu Shihai,Wang Rui(Lanzhou LS Heat Exchange Equipment Co.,Ltd.,Lanzhou 730314,China )Abstract:Energy is the source of the world's economic development,saving energy and improving energy utilization have become the focus of general attention,and a variety of energy-saving pro-ducts and equipment have been applied.This paper introduces the principle,advantages and appli-cation in the industry of a multiple working conditions and full-automatic intelligent integrated heat exchanger unit.Keywords:Multiple working conditions;Full-automatic intelligent;Integrated;Energy-saving;Heat exchangerunit引言在石油化工及冶金领域,一些产品在产出过程中会有很多高温度高能量的介质(如蒸汽或高温热水)未完全利用,有时候会将这些未完全利用的蒸汽或高温热水直接排放或者收集在冷却塔里进行空冷,这样会使蒸汽或高温热水的热能浪费,利用率不高。



Heat exchangerFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaA heat exchanger is a device built for efficient heat transfer from one medium to another, whether the media are separated by a solid wall so that they never mix, or the media are in direct contact[1] .They are widely used in space heating, refrigeration, air conditioning, power plants, chemical plants, petrochemical plants, petroleum refineries, and natural gas processing. One common example of a heat exchanger is the radiator in a car, in which a hot engine-cooling fluid, like antifreeze, transfers heat to air flowing through the radiator.Flow arrangementHeat exchangers may be classified according to their flow arrangement. In parallel-flow heat exchangers, the two fluids enter the exchanger at the same end, and travel in parallel to one another to the other side. In counter-flow heat exchangers the fluids enter the exchanger from opposite ends. The counter current design is most efficient, in that it can transfer the most heat. In a cross-flow heat exchanger, the fluids travel roughly perpendicular to one another through the exchanger.For efficiency, heat exchangers are designed to maximize the surface area of the wall between the two fluids, while minimizing resistance to fluid flow through the exchanger. The exchanger's performance can also be affected by the addition of fins or corrugations in one or both directions, which increase surface area and may channel fluid flow or induce turbulence.The driving temperature across the heat transfer surface varies with position, but an appropriate mean temperature can be defined. In most simple systems this is the log mean temperature difference (LMTD). Sometimes direct knowledge of the LMTD is not available and the NTU method is used.Types of heat exchangersShell and Tube heat exchangerShell and tube heat exchangers consist of a series of tubes. One set of these tubes contains the fluid that must be either heated or cooled. The second fluid runs over the tubes that are being heated or cooled so that it can either provide the heat or absorb the heat required. A set of tubes is called the tube bundle and can be made up of several types of tubes: plain, longitudinally finned etc. Shell and Tube heat exchangers are typically used for high pressure applications (with pressures greater than 30 bar and temperatures greater than 260°C.[2] This is because the shell and tube heat exchangers are robust due to their shape.There are several thermal design features that are to be taken into account when designing the tubes in the shell and tube heat exchangers. These include: Tube diameter: Using a small tube diameter makes the heat exchanger both economical and compact. However, it is more likely for the heat exchanger to foul up faster and the small size makes mechanical cleaning of the fouling difficult. To prevail over the fouling and cleaning problems, larger tube diameters can be used. Thus to determine the tube diameter, the available space, cost and the fouling nature of the fluids must be considered.Tube thickness: The thickness of the wall of the tubes is usually determined to ensure:There is enough room for corrosion.That flow-induced vibration has resistanceAxial strengthAbility to easily stock spare parts costSometimes the wall thickness is determined by the maximum pressure differential across the wall.Tube length: heat exchangers are usually cheaper when they have a smaller shell diameter and a long tube length. Thus, typically there is an aim to make the heat exchanger as long as possible. However, there are many limitations for this, including the space available at the site where it is going to be used and the need to ensure that there are tubes available in lengths that are twice the required length (so that the tubes can be withdrawn and replaced). Also, it has to be remembered that lone, thin tubes are difficult to take out and replace.Tube pitch: when designing the tubes, it is practical to ensure that the tube pitch (i.e. the centre-centre distance of adjoining tubes) is not less than 1.25 times the tubes' outside diameter.Plate heat exchangerAnother type of heat exchanger is the plate heat exchanger. One is composed of multiple, thin, slightly-separated plates that have very large surface areas and fluid flow passages for heat transfer. This stacked-plate arrangement can be more effective, in a given space, than the shell and tube heat exchanger. Advances in gasket and brazing technology have made the plate-type heat exchanger increasingly practical. In HVAC applications, large heat exchangers of this type are called plate-and-frame; when used in open loops, these heat exchangers are normally of the gasketed type to allow periodic disassembly, cleaning, and inspection. There are many types of permanently-bonded plate heat exchangers, such as dip-brazed and vacuum-brazed plate varieties, and they are often specified for closed-loop applications such as refrigeration. Plate heat exchangers also differ in the types of plates that are used, and in the configurations of those plates. Some plates may be stamped with "chevron" or other patterns, where others may have machined fins and/or grooves. Regenerative heat exchangerA third type of heat exchanger is the regenerative heat exchanger. In this, the heat from a process is used to warm the fluids to be used in the process, and the same type of fluid is used either side of the heat exchanger (these heat exchangers can be either plate-and-frame or shell-and-tube construction). These exchangers are used only for gases and not for liquids. The major factor for this is the heat capacity of the heat transfer matrix. Also see: Countercurrent exchange, Regenerator, Economizer Adiabatic Wheel heat exchangerA fourth type of heat exchanger uses an intermediate fluid or solid store to hold heat, which is then moved to the other side of the heat exchanger to be released. Two examples of this are adiabatic wheels, which consist of a large wheel with fine threads rotating through the hot and cold fluids, and fluid heat exchangers. This type is used when it is acceptable for a small amount of mixing to occur between the two streams. See also: Air preheater.Fluid heat exchangersThis is a heat exchanger with a gas passing upwards through a shower of fluid (often water), and the fluid is then taken elsewhere before being cooled. This is commonly used for cooling gases whilst also removing certain impurities, thus solving two problems at once. It is widely used in espresso machines as an energy-saving method of cooling super-heated water to be used in the extraction of espresso.Dynamic Scraped surface heat exchangerAnother type of heat exchanger is called "dynamic heat exchanger" or "scraped-surface heat exchanger". This is mainly used for heating or cooling with high-viscosity products, crystallization processes, evaporation and high-fouling applications. Long running times are achieved due to the continuous scraping of the surface, thus avoiding fouling and achieving a sustainable heat transfer rate during the process.Phase-change heat exchangersIn addition to heating up or cooling down fluids in just a single phase, heat exchangers can be used either to heat a liquid to evaporate (or boil) it or used as condensers to cool a vapor and condense it to a liquid. In chemical plants and refineries, reboilers used to heat incoming feed for distillation towers are often heat exchangers. [3][4]Distillation set-ups typically use condensers to condense distillate vapors back into liquid.Power plants which have steam-driven turbines commonly use heat exchangers to boil water into steam. Heat exchangers or similar units for producing steam from water are often called boilers or steam generators.In the nuclear power plants called pressurized water reactors, special large heat exchangers which pass heat from the primary (reactor plant) system to the secondary (steam plant) system, producing steam from water in the process, are called steam generators. All fossil-fueled and nuclear power plants using steam-driven turbines have surface condensers to convert the exhaust steam from the turbines into condensate (water) for re-use.[5][6]In order to conserve energy and cooling capacity in chemical and other plants, regenerative heat exchangers can be used to transfer heat from one stream that needsto be cooled to another stream that needs to be heated, such as distillate cooling and reboiler feed pre-heating.This term can also refer to heat exchangers that contain a material within their structure that has a change of phase. This is usually a solid to liquid phase due to the small volume difference between these states. This change of phase effectively acts as a buffer because it occurs at a constant temperature but still allows for a the heat exchanger to accept additional heat. One example where this has been investigated is for use in high power aircraft electronics.HV AC air coilsOne of the widest uses of heat exchangers is for air conditioning of buildings and vehicles. This class of heat exchangers is commonly called air coils, or just coils due to their often-serpentine internal tubing. Liquid-to-air, or air-to-liquid HVAC coils are typically of modified crossflow arrangement. In vehicles, heat coils are often called heater cores.On the liquid side of these heat exchangers, the common fluids are water, a water-glycol solution, steam, or a refrigerant. For heating coils, hot water and steam are the most common, and this heated fluid is supplied by boilers, for example. For cooling coils, chilled water and refrigerant are most common. Chilled water is supplied from a chiller that is potentially located very far away, but refrigerant must come from a nearby condensing unit. When a refrigerant is used, the cooling coil is the evaporator in the vapor-compression refrigeration cycle. HVAC coils that use this direct-expansion of refrigerants are commonly called DX coils.On the air side of HVAC coils a significant difference exists between those used for heating, and those for cooling. Due to psychrometrics, air that is cooled often has moisture condensing out of it, except with extremely dry air flows. Heating some air increases that airflow's capacity to hold water. So heating coils need not consider moisture condensation on their air-side, but cooling coils must be adequately designed and selected to handle their particular latent (moisture) as well as the sensible (cooling) loads. The water that is removed is called condensate.For many climates, water or steam HVAC coils can be exposed to freezing conditions. Because water expands upon freezing, these somewhat expensive and difficult to replace thin-walled heat exchangers can easily be damaged or destroyed by just one freeze. As such, freeze protection of coils is a major concern of HVAC designers, installers, and operators.The introduction of indentations (1/08/1934) placed within the heat exchange fins controlled condensation, allowing water molecules to remain in the cooled air. This invention allowed for refrigeration without icing of the cooling mechanism. Inventor John C. Raisley Patent number 2,046,968 issued July 7th 1936.[7] The heat exchangers in direct-combustion furnaces, typical in many residences, are not 'coils'. They are, instead, gas-to-air heat exchangers that are typically made of stamped steel sheet metal. The combustion products pass on one side of these heat exchangers, and air to be conditioned on the other. A cracked heat exchanger is therefore a dangerous situation requiring immediate attention because combustion products are then likely to enter the building.Spiral Heat ExchangersA spiral heat exchanger (SHE), may refer to a helical (coiled) tube configuration[8], more generally, the term refers to a pair of flat surfaces that are coiled to form the two channels in a counter-flow arragement.[9]Each of the two channels has one long curved path. A pair of fluid ports are connected tangentially to the outer arms of the spiral, and axial ports are common, but optional[10].The main advantage of the SHE is its highly efficient use of space. This attribute is often leveraged and partially reallocated to gain other improvements in performance, according to well known tradeoffs in heat exchanger design. (A notable tradeoff is capital cost vs operating cost.) A compact SHE may be used to have a smaller footprint and thus lower all-around capital costs, or an over-sized SHE may be used to have less pressure drop, less pumping energy, higher thermal efficiency, and lower energy costs[11] .Self cleaningSHE's are often used in the heating of fluids which contain solids and thus have a tendency to foul the inside of the heat exchanger. The low pressure drop gives the SHE its ability to handle fouling more easily. T he SHE uses a “self cleaning” mechanism, whereby fouled surfaces cause a localized increase in fluid velocity, thus increasing the drag (or fluid friction) on the fouled surface, thus helping to dislodge the blockage and keep the heat exchanger clean. "The internal walls that make up the heat transfer surface are often rather thick, which makes the SHE very robust, and able to last a long time in demanding environments."[12] They are also easily cleaned, opening out like an oven where any build up of foulant can be removed by pressure washing.ApplicationsThe SHE is ideal for applications such as pasteurization, digester heating, heat recovery, pre-heating (see: recuperator), and effluent cooling. For sludge treatment, SHE‟s are generally smaller than other types of heat exchangers.[citation needed]SelectionDue to the many variables involved, selecting optimal heat exchangers is challenging. Hand calculations are possible, but many iterations are typically needed. As such, heat exchangers are most often selected via computer programs, either by system designers, who are typically engineers, or by equipment vendors.In order to select an appropriate heat exchanger, the system designers (or equipment vendors) would firstly consider the design limitations for each heat exchanger type. Although cost is often the first criterion evaluated, there other several other important selection criteria which include:High/ Low pressure limitsThermal PerformanceTemperature rangesProduct Mix (liquid/liquid, particulates or high-solids liquid)Pressure Drops across the exchangerFluid flow capacityCleanability, maintenance and repairMaterials required for constructionAbility and ease of future expansionChoosing the right heat exchanger (HX) requires some knowledge of the different heat exchanger types, as well as the environment in which the unit must operate. Typically in the manufacturing industry, several differing types of heat exchangers are used for just the one process or system to derive the final product. For example, a kettle HX for pre-heating, a double pipe HX for the …carrier‟ fluid and a plate and frame HX for final cooling. With sufficient knowledge of heat exchanger types and operating requirements, an appropriate selection can be made to optimise the process[13] .Monitoring and maintenanceIntegrity inspection of plate and tubular heat exchanger can be tested in-situ by the conductivity or helium gas methods. These methods confirm the integrity of the plates or tubes to prevent any cross contamination and the condition of the gaskets.Condition monitoring of heat exchanger tubes may be conducted through Nondestructive methods such as eddy current testing.The mechanics of water flow and deposits are often simulated by computational fluid dynamics or CFD. Fouling is a serious problem in some heat exchangers. River water is often used as cooling water, which results in biological debris entering the heat exchanger and building layers, decreasing the heat transfer coefficient. Another common problem is scale, which is made up of deposited layers of chemicals such as calcium carbonate or magnesium carbonate.FoulingFouling occurs when a fluid goes through the heat exchanger, and the impurities in the fluid precipitate onto the surface of the tubes. Precipitation of these impurities can be caused by:Frequent use of the Heat ExchangerNot cleaning the Heat Exchanger regularlyReducing the velocity of the fluids moving through the heat exchangerOver-sizing of the heat exchangerEffects of fouling are more abundant in the cold tubes of the heat exchanger, than in the hot tubes. This is because impurities are less likely to be dissolved in a cold fluid. This is because solubility increases as temperature increases.Fouling reduces the cross sectional area for heat to be transferred and causes an increase in the resistance to heat transfer across the heat exchanger. This is because the thermal conductivity of the fouling layer is low. This reduces the overall heat transfer coefficient and efficiency of the heat exchanger. This in turn, can lead to an increase in pumping and maintenance costs.MaintenancePlate heat exchangers need to be dissembled and cleaned periodically. Tubular heat exchangers can be cleaned by such methods as acid cleaning, sandblasting, high-pressure water jet, bullet cleaning, or drill rods.In large-scale cooling water systems for heat exchangers, water treatment such as purification, addition of chemicals, and testing, is used to minimize fouling of the heatexchange equipment. Other water treatment is also used in steam systems for power plants, etc. to minimize fouling and corrosion of the heat exchange and other equipment.A variety of companies have started using waterborne oscillations technology to prevent biofouling. Without the use of chemicals, this type of technology has helped in providing a low-pressure drop in heat exchangers.Counter current Heat ExchangersHeat exchangers occur naturally in the circulation system of fish and whales. Arteries to the skin carrying warm blood are intertwined with veins from the skin carrying cold blood, causing the warm arterial blood to exchange heat with the cold venous blood. This reduces the overall heat loss in cold waters. Heat exchangers are also present in the tongue of baleen whales as large volumes of water flow through their mouths[1] [2]. Wading birds use a similar system to limit heat losses from their body through their legs into the water.In species that have external testes (such as humans), the artery to the testis is surrounded by a mesh of veins called the pampiniform plexus. This cools the blood heading to the testis, while reheating the returning blood.Heat Exchangers in IndustryHeat exchangers are widely used in industry both for cooling and heating large scale industrial processes. The type and size of heat exchanger used can be tailored to suit a process depending on the type of fluid, its phase, temperature, density, viscosity, pressures, chemical composition and various other thermodynamic properties.In many industrial processes there is waste of energy or a heat stream that is being exhausted, heat exchangers can be used to recover this heat and put it to use by heating a different stream in the process. This practice saves a lot of money in industry as the heat supplied to other streams from the heat exchangers would otherwise come from an external source which is more expensive and more harmfulto the environment.Heat exchangers are used in many industries, some of which include:Waste water treatmentRefrigeration systemsWine-brewery industryPetroleum industryIn the waste water treatment industry, heat exchangers play a vital role in maintaining optimal temperatures within anaerobic digesters so as to promote the growth of microbes which remove pollutants from the waste water. The common types of heat exchangers used in this application are the double pipe heat exchanger as well as the plate and frame heat exchanger.Other Types of Heat ExchangersThe human lungs also serve as an extremely efficient heat exchanger due to their large surface area to volume rati.References[1] Sadik Kakaç and Hongtan Liu (2002). Heat Exchangers: Selection, Rating and Thermal Design, 2nd Edition, CRC Press. ISBN 0849309026.[2] Saunders, E. A. (1988). Heat Exchanges: Selection, Design and Construction. New York: Longman Scientific and Technical.[3] Kister, Henry Z. (1992). Distillation Design, 1st Edition, McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-07-034909-6.[4] Perry, Robert H. and Green, Don W. (1984). Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 6th Edition, McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-07-049479-7.[5] Air Pollution Control Orientation Course from website of the Air Pollution Training Institute[6] Energy savings in steam systems Figure 3a, Layout of surface condenser (scroll to page 11 of 34 pdf pages)[7] Patent 2,046,968 John C Raisley[8] Sentry Equipment Corp Spiral tube Heat Exchangers[9] Alfa Laval Spiral Heat Exchangers[10] /techdb/manual/cooltext.htm[11] Alfa Laval Spiral Heat Exchangers[12] /spiral-heat-exchangers.htm[13] White, F.M …Heat and Mass Transfer‟ © 1988 Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. p602-604http://www.geothermie.de/egec-geothernet/prof/heat_exchangers.htm …Heat Exchangers‟ Kevin D. Rafferty, Gene Culver Geo-Heat Center © 1996-2001 Last Accessed 17/3/08 …For manufacturing engineers who use heat processing equipment- Heat exchanger basics‟ BNP Media © 2007 Last Accessed17/3/08Coulson, J. and Richardson, J (1999). Chemical Engineering- Fluid Flow. Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer- Volume 1; Reed Educational & Professional Publishing LTD换热器来自维基百科,自由的百科全书换热器是一种高效率的将热从一种介质传到另一种介质的装置,无论这种介质是否是被坚实的挡板所隔开,而从未混合,还是直接接触的介质都可以[ 1 ]。

Modine 气缸高低强度红外热器 IHR 系列和 IPT 系列说明书

Modine 气缸高低强度红外热器 IHR 系列和 IPT 系列说明书

MODEL IHR MODEL OHP MODEL IPT29-123.539-123.5This catalog describes the design and construction features and benefits, typical applications, dimensional data, and configurations available for the IHR and ITP Series.Modine’s IHR Series is a gas-fired, high intensity ceramic infrared heater. Ideal for spot heating, the IHR series offers simple gas and power connections, as well as inexpensive maintenance.Modine's IPT Series sets the industry standard for low intensity infrared heating performance and installation versatility. The comfort and uniform heating provided by the IPT Series are second to none.Refer to page 3 for information regarding the Breeze ® AccuSpec Sizing and Selection ProgramWARNING Do not locate ANY gas-fired unit in areas where chlorinated, halogenated or acid vapors are present in the atmosphere.As Modine Manufacturing Company has a continuous product improvement program, it reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice.Table of ContentsGeneral Unit Applications .......................................................... 2 Infrared Heating Defined .......................................................2 Advantages of Infrared Heating ............................................2 T ypical Applications ...............................................................2Modine Breeze ® AccuSpec Sizing and Selection Program ........3Features and Benefits - Model IHR ............................................4Features and Benefits - Model IHR ............................................5Features and Benefits - Model IPT ............................................6Performance and Dimensional Data - Model IHR ...................7-8Performance and Dimensional Data - Model OHP ....................9Performance, Utilities, and Clearance - Model IPT ..................10Dimensional Data - Model IPT .................................................11Specifications and Model Nomenclature - Model IHR .............12Infrared Heating DefinedInfrared heating systems rely upon the transfer of radiantenergy from hot heat exchanger surfaces (up to 1850°F for high intensity heaters) through the air to cooler surfaces, without the use of an air mover. Since radiant energy always travels in a straight line from its source, people and objects within a direct line-of-sight of the heat exchanger become warmed immediately.While capable of being used for total building heating or large area heating, they are ideally suited for spot heatingapplications. Spot heating involves small areas such as loading dock doors and single person work cells.Advantages of Infrared Heating• N o air mover, reducing electricity and maintenance costs while increasing worker comfort from the absence of drafts and annoying fan noise.• Q uick temperature recovery, as only objects need to be heated, not large volumes of air.• S ignificant energy savings through use of zone control and/or spot heating, which heats objects without the need to heat large air volumes.Typical ApplicationsThe following are examples of applications that can benefit from high-intensity infrared heating:• Manufacturing facilities • Vehicle repair centers• Warehouses and loading docks • Aircraft hangars • Indoor tennis courts• Indoor golf driving ranges • Emergency vehicle garages • Indoor stadium seating areasThe following are examples of applications that can benefit from low-intensity infrared heating:• Manufacturing facilities • Vehicle repair centers• Warehouses and loading docks • Aircraft hangars • T ennis courts • Car washes• Golf driving ranges • Covered walkways• Emergency vehicle garages • Stadium seating areas • VestibulesSee Infrared Design and Engineering Guide 9-200 for additional application information.!49-123.5Fast and Simple Unit/Thermostat/Accessory SelectionSubmittal SchedulesJob Specific SpecificationsUnit SpecificDimensional Drawings For access to the Breeze ® AccuSpec program, contact your local Modine sales representative.59-123.5Features1. H igh temperature cordierite-based grooved ceramic tiles with perforations along both the top and bottom of the grooves2. Polished aluminum reflectors3. 16 gauge aluminized steel frame4. No air mover is utilized5. I nput ranges from 30,000 Btu/hr through 160,000 Btu/hr in Natural or Propane gas6. D irect spark or self-energizing standing pilot ignition7. 115V , 25V , or millivolt controls8. E xternally-mounted controls9. B urners are replaced by removing one fastener10. C SA design certification for indoor, unvented operation incommercial and industrial installationsFigure 4.1 - Construction Features - Model IHRBenefits1. I ncreased temperature and surface area to provide maximumheat transfer while maintaining lower gas input ratings.2. E fficiently direct radiant heat to the desired area, for increased comfort over wider areas.3. P rovides support for simple chain mounting.4. E liminates fan noise, drafts, maintenance and reduces electrical energy costs.5. W ide input range to accommodate a variety of heating requirements6. M aximize application flexibility.7. A ccommodate a wide range of electrical inputs.8. A llow convenient access to gas valve, control system,transformer, and gas orifices, increasing ease of installation and service.9. E liminates the removal of the unit from its mounted position for service.10. A ssures that the unit conforms to national safety standards.69-123.5Features1.ETL Design Certified to ANSI Z83.26 Standard2. Decorative stainless steel windscreen eggcrate grille3. Wind and rain protected design4. 31,000 and 34,000 BTU inputs.5. N o Fan Design.6. E xternally-mounted controls7. D irect spark or self-energizing standing pilot ignition 8. B rushed 430 Stainless Steel HousingFigure 5.1 - Construction Features - Model OHPBenefits1. A ssures that the unit conforms to national safety standards.2. Prevents wind disturbance.3. I nput range to accommodate a variety of heatingrequirements.4. Flexible fuel type offering.5.Eliminates fan noise, drafts, maintenance and reduces electrical energy costs.6. A llow convenient access to gas valve, control system,transformer, and gas orifices, increasing ease of installation and service.7. M aximize application flexibility.8. Provides maximum corrosion resistance.79-123.5Features1. Heat-treated darkened aluminized steel tubes2. Polished aluminum reflectors3.R emovable side-access panels on both sides of the burner box 4. Durable polyester-powder paint5. Permanently-lubricated combustion blower motor6. 180 degree-rotating gas valve7. Sealed burner compartment8. F lame sensor and ignitor mounted externally to the combustion chamber 9. F lame observation window on underside of combustion chamber 10. Gas valve operation light on back panel on the unit 11. Four-trial separate flame sensor12. S ystem approval for vented and common ventedinstallation 13. Weatherproof, water-resistant casing 14. ETL design certificationFigure 6.1 - Construction Features9Benefits1. H eat-treated darkening increases both radiant heat output for more heat near the end of the tube system and eliminates the scratching and flaking that can occur with painted tubes. Aluminized steel provides corrosion resistance for longer life.2. D irect radiant heat from the tubes to the desired area, for increased comfort over wider areas.3. C an be removed completely while accessing either side of the unit.4. Maintains life-long new appearance.5. Reduces maintenance.6. Allows convenient access from either side of the burner box.7. A llows manifold pressure adjustments during unit operation, which increases ease of installation and service.8. Improve service access.9. P rovides a convenient visual check of unit operation from ground level.10. Indicates that the combustion blower is operating.11. Provides reliable ignition.12. Maximizes installation flexibility.13. M aximizes application flexibility for both indoor and outdoorinstallation.14. Assures that the unit conforms to national safety standards.9-123.58Table 7.1 - Performance and Dimensional Data➀ See T able 8.1 for allowable mounting angles.➁ See Figure 7.1.➂ Single stage controls are direct spark ignition with 100% safety shutoff and are available as either 115V or 24V ④Millivolt thermostat and 35 feet of wire.Figure 7.1 - Unit Dimensional DrawingModelGas Controls➂ ➃Input Rating (Btu/hr)Recommended Mounting Height (ft.) ➀Dimensions(in) ➁Ship Wt.(lbs)Radiating Area (sq. in.)Standard Reflector Parabolic ReflectorNaturalPropane30° Angle 30° Angle A B IHR 30Single Stage or Millivolt 30,00012 - 1412 - 1512 3/414 1/44485IHR 60Single Stage or Millivolt 60,00014 - 1618 - 2119 1/815 1/460170IHR 90Single Stage or Millivolt 90,00016 - 1821 - 2526 5/815 1/481255IHR 130Single Stage or Millivolt 130,00021 - 24 26 - 3232 15 1/455340IHR 160Single Stage or Millivolt160,00024 - 2829 - 3538 1/215 1/4654259-123.59Table 8.1 - Allowable Mounting Angle RangeModel Size Allowable Mounting Angle Range30 – 16020° – 35°Table 8.2 - Clearances to Combustible Materials (See Figure 8.3)Figure 8.3 - Clearances to Combustibles (See T able 8.2)➀ Clearance is 80 in. when heater is fitted with a parabolic reflector.Model Sizes 306090130160Side of Heater 3032484850Back of Heater 1818303032Top of Heater 2840425260Below Front7272➀98120132109-123.5Table 9.1 - Performance and Dimensional DataTable 9.2 - Clearances to Combustible MaterialsFigure 9.1 - Unit Dimensional Drawing➀ Clearance is 80 in. when heater is fitted with a parabolic reflector.ModelHousing BTU/Hr inputShip Weight Recommended MountingHeights ➀Approx. AreaHeatedControl VoltageOHP 31430 SS 31,00059 lbs 8.0' to 12.0'8' x 8'24 vac OHP 34430 SS34,00059 lbs8.5' to 13.0'9' x 9'24 vacModel Sizes BTU'Hr Voltage Mounting Angle ➀Side Back Top Below End(s)Front 31,000 (N,P)31,00024 vac 0°18N/A 134812N/A 30°N/A 181840123634,000 (N)34,00024 vac0°18N/A 134812N/A 30°N/A1818401236➀ Heaters mounted on an angle between 1° to 30° must maintain clearances posted for 0° or 30°; whichever is greater.Figure 9.2 - Clearance to Combustibales119-123.5Figure 10.2 - Stacking HeightTable 10.2 - Utilities➀ Clearance to each end and above the U-T ube is 12 inches.➁ I n unvented applications, clearance from radiant tube end is 36" in all directions.➂ Refer to Figures 8.1 through 8.3.Table 10.3 - Combustible Material Clearances ➀ ➁ ➂Figure 10.1 - Combustible Material Clearances - Straight TubeTable 10.1 - PerformanceInput MBH506075100 125 150 175 20020, 30 20, 30, 40 20, 30, 40 30, 40, 40, 50, 60 50, 60 50, 60, 50, 60,50 ➁ 70 ➂ 70 ➂10 – 1210 – 1212 – 1412 – 1415 – 2215 – 2218 – 2820 - 30➀ R ecommended Mounting Height and T ube System Applications are meant as a general guide and are adjusted to meet the requirements of the actual application.The applications are as follows: -- S pot or Area Heating is an application where occupant comfort is the goal and occupant(s) are either relatively stationary (Spot - Example: small work cell ordispersed over a slightly wilder range than with Spot Heating (Area - Example: assembly line). Mounting height is typically at the low end of the range shown above.-- Total Building Heating is an application where average space temperature is to be maintained, however due to the significant temperature gradient differences on long straight tube systems, areas may exist where direct occupant comfort is not achieved.➁ IPT 100 not available for Propane Gas operation at 50 ft. tube system length.➂ IPT 75 not available for Propane Gas operation at 40 ft. tube section length.Certified Tube Lengths (ft.)Recommended Mounting Height (ft.) ➀Recommended Tube System Application ➀U-Tube Straight T ubeSpot or Area Heating Total Building HeatingInput MBH "A" 1"B" 2"C" 350/60954 2075/100/12597624150/175/2001210638Combustible Material Clearances (inches)IPT➀➁➂Electrical Ra ti ngGas Connec ti on (inch)Minimum Gas InletPressure (" W.C.)Maximum Gas Inlet Pressure("W.C.)Manifold Gas Pressure (' W.C.)Tube/Vent Diameter(inch)60Hz/1Ph 1/2 NPT7.0 (natural gas) 11.0 (propane gas)14.0 3.5 (natural gas-single stage)2.5 (natural gas-two stage)10.0 (propane gas-single stage)6.2 (propane gas-two stage)4 (O.D.)129-123.5Straight TubeU-Tube SystemTube Length (ft.) System Length “A” (ft.)System Weight (lb.)System Length “B” (ft.)System Weight (lb.)20 2378 13 89 30 33 112 18 132 40 43 146 23 157 50 53 180 28 200 60 63 214 33 225 707325238277Model Shipping Wt. (lb.)All Burners43Table 11.2 - Burner Shipping WeightsTable 11.1 - Tube Systems Data Figure 11.1 - Casing DimensionsFigure 11.2 - Burner and Tube System DimensionsGeneralThe heater reflector housing shall be constructed of one-side bright polished aluminum. The emitter shall be composed of a perforated ceramic tile on which combustion takes place on the surface. The burner plenum shall be constructed of aluminized steel of one-piece drawn construction. The heater shall beof a modular design employing multiple burners to achieve the specified input.• The venturi is constructed of stainless or aluminizedsteel.• The secondary re-radiating rods shall be constructedof high temperature stainless steel alloy placed inclose proximity of the ceramic burner face.• Parabolic reflectors shall be used when units areinstalled in high mounting applications or whenfocusing of the infrared heating pattern is desirable.• Protective screens shall be used in facilities wheredebris may damage the heater.BurnerThe ceramic burner face shall operate at a temperature range of 1660 degrees F to 1810 degrees F and shall incorporate a secondary re-radiating surface of stainless steel rods to obtain optimum operating temperature and radiant output. ReflectorsThe heater reflector housing shall be constructed of one-side bright polished aluminum. The emitter shall be composed of a perforated ceramic tile on which combustion takes place on the surface. The burner plenum shall be constructed of aluminized steel of one-piece drawn construction. The heater shall beof a modular design employing multiple burners to achieve the specified input.• The venturi is constructed of stainless or aluminizedsteel.• The secondary re-radiating rods shall be constructedof high temperature stainless steel alloy placed inclose proximity of the ceramic burner face.• Parabolic reflectors shall be used when units areinstalled in high mounting applications or whenfocusing of the infrared heating pattern is desirable.• Protective screens shall be used in facilities wheredebris may damage the heater.ControlsHeater(s) shall be equipped with (check one):• Heaters shall be equipped with one of the following control systems:Standing Manual Pilot System with 100% safety shut-off of pilot and main burner in case of pilot outage, operating with no external electrical connection but on milli-voltagegenerated by the pilot flame (NMV-2 or PMV-2).Direct Spark Ignition System with direct spark ignition of the main burner through a solid state ignition moduleoperating a spark electrode. Loss of power causes 100% safety shut-off of main burner(s). System operates on 120 or 24 volts (NFS-2 or PFS-2). 24V/60Hz/1ph with 6VAmaximum power consumption.Controls shall be exterior mounted for easy accessibility.All controls shall be rated for a maximum inlet pressure of 1/2 PSI gas pressure. Controls shall be designed for Natural gas having a specific gravity of 0.60, a Btu content of 1050 Btu/ft3 (Alternate: Propane gas having a specific gravity of 1.53, a Btu content of 2500 Btu/ft3) at 0-2000 feet elevation. AccessoriesThe following field installed accessories shall be included (check those that apply):☐Chain mounting set - 5’ chain set with 4 “S” hooks. Preset mounting angle of 30°.☐Horizontal parabolic reflector - Directs rays directly downward. Can be used for matching horizontal mounting specifications.☐Full parabolic reflector - Directs rays in a more focused pattern. Typically used in high mounting applications.☐Full parabolic reflector with screen - Directs rays in a more focused pattern. Outer screen protects ceramic grids from objects striking the heater.☐DR heater screen - Screen slips on the outside of the reflectors and protects the ceramic grids.☐Warning plaque - Hung below heater, restates the clearance to combustible warning.SPECIFICATIONS, MODEL NOMENCLATURE - MODEL IHRIHR - High Intensity Infrared Heater MBH Input30 - 30,000 B tu/hr 60 - 60,000 B tu/hr 90 - 90,000 B tu/hr 130 - 130,000 Btu/hr 160 - 160,000 Btu/hrControl CodeDirect Spark Ignition47 = Natural, 115V, DirectSpark, 1-Stage48 = Natural, 24V, DirectSpark, 1-Stage97 = Propane, 115V, DirectSpark, 1-Stage98 = Propane, 24V, DirectSpark, 1-Stage27 = Natural, Millivolt,1-Stage67 = Propane, Millivolt,1-StageIHR 90 G 47S - Spark Ignition SystemM - Standing Pilot,Milivolt SystemFigure 12.1 - Model Number Designations13 9-123.5149-123.5GeneralContractor shall furnish and install Modine model __________ low intensity infrared heater(s). The low intensity infrared system shall be straight tube________, U-tube_______ configuration. Performance shall be as indicated on theequipment schedule in the plans. The infrared heater(s) shall be certified for indoor and outdoor installations. Infrared heater(s) shall have ETL design certification for use in both the US and Canada.CasingThe controls, combustion air blower and burner shall be housed in a water-resistant casing, providing weatherproof protection. The burner and control box casing shall be constructed of not less than 20 gauge aluminized steel. After forming, the casing parts shall be cleaned of all oils and a phosphate coating applied prior to painting. The phosphated parts shall then be finished with an electrostatically applied, gray-green polyester powder paint finish. The applied polyester powder paint shall be baked on to provide an attractive finish on all of the exposed casing parts.Heat ExchangerThe heat exchanger tubes and combustion chamber shall be constructed of 16 gauge, 4" O. D. aluminized steel, and the first combustion tube for gas inputs 150,000 Btuh and greater shall be 16 gauge 4" O. D. 409 Aluminized Stainless Steel. The last heat exchanger tube shall incorporate a turbulator baffle for maximum efficiency of heat transfer.The heat exchanger tubes must be used in conjunction with reflectors. The reflector can be adjusted from 0° to 45° from the horizontal plane. Reflectors shall be of bright polished aluminum.ControlsInput power to the infrared heater(s) shall be 115V/60Hz/1ph. Heater(s) shall be equipped with a direct four-trial (three re-trial), 100% shut-off eletronic ignition control system with a separate flame sensor. Infrared heater(s) shall be equipped with a 115V/25V control transformer. Thermostat shall operate on 25V . Heater(s) will be equipped with a pre-purge mode, a differential pressure switch, and an indicator light to prove proper operation of the gas valve. All controls shall be rated for a maximum inlet pressure of 1/2 PSI gas pressure.Controls shall be designed for natural_______,propane_______ gas having a specific gravity of _______, a Btu content of _______ Btu/ft 3 at _______ feet elevation.MotorEach heater shall have a single motor. The combustion air blower motor shall be totally enclosed in the control box and the motor shall be protected by a thermal overload switch. The motor shall be .03 H.P ., 115 volt, 60 Hz, single phase, with an operating speed of 3000 rpm.Figure 13.1 - Model Number Designations15 9-123.5Products from Modine are designed to provide indoor air-comfort and ventilation solutions for residential, commercial, institutional and industrial applications. Whatever your heating, ventilating and air conditioning requirements, Modine has the product to satisfy your needs, including:HVAC• Unit Heaters:– Gas– Hydronic– Electric– Oil• Ceiling Cassettes• Duct Furnaces• Hydronic Cabinet Unit Heaters, Fin Tube, Convectors• Infrared Heaters• Make-up Air Systems•Unit VentilatorsVentilation•Packaged Rooftop VentilationSchool Products• Vertical Packaged Classroom HVAC:–DX Cooling/Heat Pump–Water/Ground Source Heat Pump–Horizontal/Vertical Unit VentilatorsSpecific catalogs are available for each product. Catalogs 75-136 and 75-137 provide details on all Modine HVAC equipment.®Modine Manufacturing Company1500 DeKoven AvenueRacine, Wisconsin 53403-2552Phone: 1.800.828.4328 (HEAT)© Modine Manufacturing Company 2021 9-123.5。


NOTICE: This water cooler must be connected to the water supply using a dielectric coupling.
IMPORTANT! INSTALLER PLEASE NOTE. The grounding of electrical equipment such as telephone, computers, etc., to water lines is a common procedure. This grounding may be in the building, or may occur away from the building. This grounding can cause electrical feedback into a water chiller, creating an electrolysis which causes a metallic taste or an increase in the metal content of the water. This condition is avoidable by using the proper materials indicated below.
*INCLUDES COMPRESSOR, OVERLOAD & CSIR BOX ASSEMBLY. IF UNDER WARRANTY, REPLACE WITH SAME COMPRESSOR USED IN ORIGINAL ASSEMBLY. NOTE: All correspondence pertaining to any of the above water cooler or orders for repair parts MUST include model number and serial number of cooler, name and part number of replacement part.

RM series 苯仑油冷却器说明书

RM series 苯仑油冷却器说明书

***************************** +1.262.554.8330Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain the product described. Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury and/or property damage! Retain instructions for future reference.DescriptionRM series forced air oil coolers are used for high-efficiency oil cooling in hydraulic systems. Units utilize the latest in heat transfer technology to reduce the physical size and provide the ultimate in cooling capacity. By maintaining a lower oil temperature, hydraulic components and fluids work better and have a longer life expectancy.General Safety Information 1. D o not exceed the pressure rating of the oil cooler, nor any other component in the hydraulic system.2. D o not exceed the published maximum flow rates as the potential can result in damage to the hydraulic system.3. R elease all oil pressure from the system before installing or servicing the oil cooler.4. T hese oil coolers are not suitable for use in hydraulic systems operating with water-glycol or high water base fluids without a corrosion inhibitor suitable for aluminum and copper component protection.UnpackingAfter unpacking the unit, inspect for any loose, missing or damaged parts. Any minor damage to the cooling fins can generally be corrected by gently straightening them.WARNINGDo not exceed the maximum pressure of 300 PSI, or the maximum temperature of 350°F as oil cooler failure can occur.1. T hese hydraulic oil coolers should be installed on either the low pressure return line, or a dedicated recirculation cooling loop.2. T urn off the hydraulic system and drain any oil from the return lines before installing these coolers.3. A strainer located ahead of the cooler inlet should be installed to trap scale, dirt, or sludge that may be present in piping and equipment, or that may accumulate with use. A thermostatic or spring loaded bypass/relief valve installed ahead of the cooler may be helpful to speed warm-up and relieve the system of excessive pressures.RM SeriesCAUTIONUse of a back-up wrench is recommended to prevent twisting of the manifolds when installing the oil piping.If pipe sealant is used on threads, the degree of resistance between mating parts is less, and there is an increased chance for cracking the heat exchanger fittings. Do not over tighten.4. P iping must be properly supported to prevent excess strain on the heat exchanger ports.MaintenanceInspect the unit regularly for loose bolts and connections, rust and corrosion, and dirty or clogged heat transfer surfaces (cooling coil).Heat Transfer SurfacesDirt and dust should be removed by brushing the fins and tubes and blowing loose dirt off with compressed air. Should the surface be greasy, the cooler should be brushed or sprayed with a mild alkaline solution, or a non-flammable degreasing fluid. Follow with hot water rinse and dry thoroughly. A steam cleaner may also be used effectively. Do not use caustic cleaners.CasingDirt and grease should be removed. Rusty or corroded surfaces should be sanded clean and repainted.Internal CleaningAt least once a year piping should be disconnected and decreasing agent or flushing oil circulated through the unit to remove sludge form turbulators and internal tube surfaces to return the unit to full thermal capacity. A thorough cleaning of the entire system in the same manner is preferable to avoid carry-over from uncleaned piping, pumps and accessories. The strained or any filtering devices should be removed and serviced followingthis cleaning operation.Trouble Shooting Chart0916。



学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆Key to Exercise Unit 1 Chemical Industries1.the Industrial Revolutionanic chemicals3.the contact process4.the Haber process5.synthetic polymers6.intermediates7.artificial fertilizers 8.pesticides (crop protection chemicals)9.synthetic fibers10.pharmaceutical11.research and development12.petrochemicalputers(automatic control equipment)14.capital intensiveSome Chemicals Used In Our Daily LifeUnit 2 Research and Development1.R&D2.ideas and knowledge3.process and products4.fundamental5.applied6.product development7.existing product8.pilot plant9.profitbility10.environmental impact11.energy cost 12.technical support13.process improvement14.effluent treatment15.pharmaceutical16.sufficiently pure17.Reaction18.unreacted material19.by-products20.the product specification21.Product storageUnit 3 Typical Activities of Chemical Engineers1.Mechanical2.electrical3.civil4.scale-upmercial-size6.reactors7.distillation columns8.pumps9.control and instrumentation10.mathematics11.industry12.academia13.steam 14.cooling water15.an economical16.to improve17.P&I Drawings18.Equipment Specification Sheets19.Construction20.capacity and performance21.bottlenecks22.Technical Sales23.new or improved24.engineering methods25.configurationsUnit 4 Sources of Chemicals1.inorganic chemicals2.derive from (originate from)3.petrochemical processes4.Metallic ores5.extraction process6.non-renewable resource7.renewable sources8.energy source9.fermentation process10.selective 11.raw material12.separation and purification13.food industry14.to be wetted15.Key to success16.Crushing and grinding17.Sieving18.Stirring and bubbling19.Surface active agents20.OverflowingUnit 5 Basic Chemicals 1. Ethylene 2. acetic acid 3.4. Polyvinyl acetate5. Emulsion paintUnit 6 Chlor-Alkali and Related Processes 1. Ammonia 2. ammonia absorber 3. NaCl & NH 4OH 4.5. NH 4Cl6. Rotary drier7. Light Na 2CO 3Unit 7 Ammonia, Nitric Acid and Urea 1. kinetically inert 2. some iron compounds 3. exothermic 4. conversion 5. a reasonable speed 6. lower pressures 7. higher temperatures 8.9. energy 10. steam reforming 11. carbon monoxide 12. secondary reformer 13. the shift reaction 14. methane 15. 3:1Unit 8 Petroleum Processing 1. organic chemicals 2. H:C ratios3. high temperature carbonization4. crude tar5. pyrolysis6. poor selectivity7. consumption of hydrogen8. the pilot stage9. surface and underground 10.fluidized bed 11. Biotechnology 12. sulfur speciesUnit 9 PolymersUnit 10 What Is Chemical EngineeringMicroscale (≤10-3m)●Atomic and molecular studies of catalysts●Chemical processing in the manufacture of integrated circuits●Studies of the dynamics of suspensions and microstructured fluidsMesoscale (10-3-102m)●Improving the rate and capacity of separations equipment●Design of injection molding equipment to produce car bumpers madefrom polymers●Designing feedback control systems for bioreactorsMacroscale (>10m)●Operability analysis and control system synthesis for an entire chemicalplant●Mathematical modeling of transport and chemical reactions ofcombustion-generated air pollutants●Manipulating a petroleum reservoir during enhanced oil recoverythrough remote sensing of process data, development and use of dynamicmodels of underground interactions, and selective injection of chemicalsto improve efficiency of recoveryUnit 12 What Do We Mean by Transport Phenomena?1.density2.viscosity3.tube diameter4.Reynolds5.eddiesminar flow7.turbulent flow 8.velocity fluctuations9.solid surface10.ideal fluids11.viscosity12.Prandtl13.fluid dynamicsUnit 13 Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering 1. physical 2. unit operations 3. identical 4. A. D. Little 5. fluid flow6. membrane separation7. crystallization8. filtration9. material balance 10. equilibrium stage model 11. Hydrocyclones 12. Filtration 13. Gravity 14. VaccumUnit 14 Distillation Operations 1. relative volatilities 2. contacting trays 3. reboiler4. an overhead condenser5. reflux6. plates7. packing8.9. rectifying section 10. energy-input requirement 11. overall thermodynamic efficiency 12. tray efficiencies 13. Batch operation 14. composition 15. a rectifying batch 1 < 2 < 3Unit 15 Solvent Extraction, Leaching and Adsorption 1. a liquid solvent 2. solubilities 3. leaching 4. distillation 5. extract 6. raffinate 7. countercurrent 8. a fluid 9. adsorbed phase 10. 400,000 11. original condition 12. total pressure 13. equivalent numbers 14. H + or OH –15. regenerant 16. process flow rates17. deterioration of performance 18. closely similar 19. stationary phase 20. mobile phase21. distribution coefficients 22. selective membranes 23. synthetic24. ambient temperature 25. ultrafiltration26. reverse osmosis (RO).Unit 16 Evaporation, Crystallization and Drying 1. concentrate solutions 2. solids 3. circulation 4. viscosity 5. heat sensitivity 6. heat transfer surfaces 7. the long tube8. multiple-effect evaporators 9.10. condensers 11. supersaturation 12. circulation pump 13. heat exchanger 14. swirl breaker 15. circulating pipe 16. Product17. non-condensable gasUnit 17 Chemical Reaction Engineering1.design2.optimization3.control4.unit operations (UO)5.many disciplines6.kinetics7.thermodynamics,8.fluid mechanics9.microscopic10.chemical reactions 11.more valuable products12.harmless products13.serves the needs14.the chemical reactors15.flowchart16.necessarily17.tail18.each reaction19.temperature and concentrations20.linearUnit 18 Chemical Engineering Modeling1.optimization2.mathematical equations3.time4.experiments5.greater understanding6.empirical approach7.experimental design8.differing process condition9.control systems 10.feeding strategies11.training and education12.definition of problem13.mathematical model14.numerical methods15.tabulated or graphical16.experimental datarmation1.the preliminary economics2.technological changes3.pilot-plant data4.process alternatives5.trade-offs6.Off-design7.Feedstocks 8.optimize9.plant operations10.energy11.bottlenecking12.yield and throughput13.Revamping14.new catalystUnit 19 Introduction to Process Design1. a flowsheet2.control scheme3.process manuals4.profit5.sustainable industrial activities6.waste7.health8.safety9. a reactor10.tradeoffs11.optimizations12.hierarchyUnit 20 Materials Science and Chemical Engineering1.the producing species2.nutrient medium3.fermentation step4.biomass5.biomass separation6.drying agent7.product8.water9.biological purificationUnit 21 Chemical Industry and Environment1.Atmospheric chemistry2.stratospheric ozone depletion3.acid rain4.environmentally friendly products5.biodegradable6.harmful by-product7.efficiently8.power plant emissions 9.different plastics10.recycled or disposed11.acidic waste solutionsanic components13.membrane technology14.biotechnology15.microorganisms。

Entransy dissipation-based thermal resistance method for heat exchanger

Entransy dissipation-based thermal resistance method for heat exchanger

Entransy dissipation-based thermal resistance method for heat exchanger performance design and optimizationQun Chen ⇑Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education,Department of Engineering Mechanics,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 28January 2011Received in revised form 15June 2012Accepted 5December 2012Available online 31January 2013Keywords:Heat exchanger performanceEntransy dissipation-based thermal resistanceDesign method Irreversibilitya b s t r a c tOptimal design of heat exchanger performance is of the key issue in energy conservation.Based on the entransy theory,this study deduced the formula of entransy dissipation-based thermal resistance (EDTR)for different types of heat exchangers,analyzed the factors influencing heat exchanger performance and,more importantly,developed an alternative EDTR method for the design and optimization of heat exchanger performance.The results indicate that the EDTR of parallelflow,counterflow and TEMA E-type shell-and-tube heat exchangers have a general formula,which directly connects heat exchanger perfor-mance to heat capacity rates of fluids,thermal conductance and flow arrangement of heat exchanger without introducing any phenomenological non-dimensional parameter.From this formula,it is clear that there are three factors influencing heat exchanger performance,including finite thermal conduc-tance,different heat capacity rates of hot and cold fluids,and non-counterflow arrangement of heat exchangers.Furthermore,based on the relation among heat transfer rate,arithmetical mean temperature difference and EDTR,the total heat transfer rate in a heat exchanger can be easily calculated by the ther-mal conductance of heat exchanger and the heat capacity rates of fluids.Therefore,the EDTR method can analyze,compare and optimize heat exchanger performance conveniently.Ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionHeat exchanger,one of the most common devices in heat trans-fer,is being widely used in several energy utilization systems,and even playing a very important role in some particular applications.For instance,heat exchangers account for about 20%of the total investment in the petrochemical industry and they are also the necessary components for both renewable energy utilization and energy conservation systems.Therefore,designing and improving the thermal performance,and reducing the volume and weight of heat exchangers have often been regarded as one of the key issues in energy conservation.In engineering,both designing and checking heat exchanger performance are generally used such approaches as the logarith-mic mean temperature difference method (LMTD),the heat ex-changer effectiveness –number of transfer units method (e -NTU),the P -NTU method,the w -P method and the P 1ÀP 2method [1].In these methods,however,some phenomenological non-dimensional parameters must be introduced.For instance,in the LMTD method,it is inevitable to introduce a correction factor u to adjust the effective temperature differences for crossflow and multipass exchangers [2].Therefore,if using the LMTD method to check heat exchanger performance,we have to determine the proper outlet fluid temperatures and the corresponding value of LMTD by iteration to make the heat transferred in heat exchangers to be equal to that carried out by fluids.In the e -NTU method [3],the fluid with the minimum heat capacity rate has to be first taken as the benchmark to calculate both e and NTU,so iterations are also unavoidable for the design of fluid flow rates.Besides,different types,e.g.parallelflow,counterflow,crossflow and shell-and-tube,of heat exchangers have their individual diverse and complex rela-tions between e and NTU,which are more or less inconvenient for engineering applications.On the other hand,all the above methods are only suitable for performance design and check,rather than optimization.In order to optimize heat exchanger performance with given constraints,Guo et al.[4]developed the uniformity principle of temperature difference field and believed that a more uniform temperature difference field between hot and cold fluids would lead to a better heat exchanger performance,whereas this principle is still phenomenally,not from the viewpoint of irrevers-ibility of heat transfer.Considering the entropy generation,as a common irreversibility measure of any irreversible process,Bejan [5]deduced the expres-sion of entropy generation as being due to heat transfer between finite temperature difference as well as fluid friction in heat exchangers and furthermore optimized a regenerative heat ex-changer in a Brayton cycle heat engine based on the criterion of0017-9310/$-see front matter Ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2012.12.062Tel./fax:+861062781610.E-mail address:chenqun@minimum entropy generation.Thenceforth,this method attractedattention to many researchers.They analyzed the influence factors of geometrical structures[6–8]and operation parameters[9–13] on the entropy generation for various heat exchangers,and then optimized them subject to the minimum entropy generation.How-ever,there are also some scholars who questioned whether the minimum entropy generation is the general criterion for all heat transfer processes regardless of the nature of their applications. For instance,the so-called‘entropy generation paradox’[14,15]ex-ists when the criterion of minimum entropy generation is used for counterflow heat exchangers.That is,enlarging the heat transfer surface of a counterflow exchanger from zero simultaneously in-creases the heat transfer rate and improves the heat exchanger effectiveness,but does not reduce the entropy generation rate monotonously–the entropy generation rate increases atfirst and then decreases.Besides,after analyzing the relationship be-tween the heat transfer effectiveness and the entropy generation in18heat exchangers with diverse structures,Shah and Skiepko [16]demonstrated that even when the system entropy generation reaches extremum,the heat exchanger effectiveness can be at either the maximum or the minimum,or anything in between. Therefore,it is speculated that the criterion of minimum entropy generation is not always consistent with the optimal heat exchan-ger performance.Recently,Guo et al.[17]introduced the physical quantity of entransy1to describe the heat transfer ability of an object,and then use the entransy dissipation to measure the loss of such ability due to the irreversibility of heat transfer.In addition,Guo et al.[17]pro-posed an alternative optimization criterion of entransy dissipation extremum for heat transfer unrelated with heat-to-work conversion, i.e.when the entransy dissipation reaches extremum,the heat trans-fer performance is optimal.This criterion has been successfully used in the optimization of heat conduction[19–21],heat convection[22–24],thermal radiation[25],and coupled heat and mass transfer[26–28].In addition,Liu and Guo[29]and Guo et al.[30]defined the rate ratio of entire entransy dissipation to squared heatflow as the en-transy dissipation-based thermal resistance(EDTR)for heat exchangers,deduced the expression of EDTR by heat exchanger effectiveness and heat capacity rate ratio,andfinally developed the‘effectiveness-thermal resistance’method to evaluate heat ex-changer performance.Thereafter,Qian and Li[31],Cheng and Liang [32],and Guo and Xu[33]analyze the relation of the entropy gener-ation,the entransy dissipation,the entransy dissipation-based ther-mal resistance and the heat exchanger performance.They found that the minimum entransy dissipation-based thermal resistance,not the minimum entropy generation,corresponds to the highest heat ex-changer effectiveness.Because the expression of EDTR in Refs.[29,30]is a function of such intermediate parameters as heat exchanger effectiveness and heat capacity rate ratio,not the design parameters such as heat transfer coefficient,surface area,and individual heat capacity rates offluids,the‘effectiveness–thermal resistance’method is not straightforward for designing heat exchangers and analyzing the influence of design parameters on heat exchanger performance, and thus it is not very convenient for designing and optimizing a heat exchanger network consisting of many heat exchangers.More importantly,in practical applications,the engineers do not design a heat exchanger based on the high heat exchanger effectiveness,the minimum entropy generation,or the minimum entransy dissipa-tion-based thermal resistance,but to do its desired performance or proper sizing tofit in available space.Therefore,the contribution of this present paper is to deduce a general formula of EDTR by heat capacity rates offluids,heat trans-fer coefficient,surface area,andflow arrangements for parallel-flow,counterflow and TEMA E-type shell-and-tube heat exchangers,analyze the influence mechanism of such parameters on heat exchanger performance and,more importantly,develop the entransy dissipation-based thermal resistance method for heat exchanger design.Finally,a practical heat exchanger is designed by the newly developed entransy dissipation-based thermal resis-tance method to show its potential in the design and optimization of heat exchangers.2.The definition of entransy dissipation-based thermal resistanceFor a steady-state heat transfer,the thermal energy is conserved during the entire process,and hence it is difficult to define the con-cept of efficiency to evaluate heat transfer performance due to the same rate of the thermal energy entering into and out of the sys-tem.At this time,in order to intuitively evaluate heat transfer per-formance,scholars and engineers defined the concept of thermal resistance as the ratio of temperature difference to heatflux based on the analogy between heat conduction and electric conduction. The expression of thermal resistance R h for one-dimensional,stea-dy-state heat conduction through a slab with a constant heat con-ductivity and no inner heat source isR h¼D Tq¼T1ÀT2q;ð1Þwhere T1and T2are the temperatures of hot and cold surfaces in one-dimensional conduction,respectively,q is the heatflux.NomenclatureA area,m2c p constant pressure specific heat,J kgÀ1KÀ1G entransy,J Kh enthalpy,Jk overall heat transfer coefficient for heat exchangers, W mÀ2KÀ1_m massflow rate,kg sÀ1Q heat transfer rate,WR h,EDTR entransy dissipation-based thermal resistance,K WÀ1 T temperature,K U internal energy,JU h entransy dissipation rate,W Knflow arrangement factor,K WÀ1 e heat exchanger effectiveness Subscriptsh hotc cold,counterflow heat exchanger p parallelflow heat exchangers shell-and-tube heat exchanger1Entransy,originally termed heat transfer potential capacity[18],corresponds tothe electric energy stored in a capacitor in terms of the analogy between heat andelectrical conduction.It is an extensive property to represent the heat transfer abilityof an object or a system at a specific temperature without volume variation,as theelectrical energy in a capacitor describes its charge transfer ability.The zero value ofthe entransy of an object is usually assigned at0K.Q.Chen/International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer60(2013)156–162157However,for heat transfer in a heat exchanger,thetures of both hot and coldfluids vary along the heat surface,and thus it is not a one-dimensional heat conduction cess.In this case,the characteristic temperature difference is unique,but sometimes arbitrary,and thereafter it is uncertain calculate the thermal resistance by Eq.(1).Therefore, introduced and used the concept of heat exchangere,defined as the ratio of actual heat transfer rate to possible imum heat transfer rate,to evaluate heat exchangerto satisfy the requirement for a given application.However, exchanger effectiveness is a phenomenal measurement,not the viewpoint of irreversibility of heat transfer,and it can not struct a direct relation of the desired heat exchangerfor a specific application to such design parameters as heatcoefficient,surface area,and heat capacity rates offluids.On the other hand,Guo et al.[17]introduced a physical tity,termed entransy,to study heat transfer processes.Thetion of entransy isG¼1UT;ð2Þwhere U and T are the internal energy and the temperature of an ob-ject,respectively.Accompanying the thermal energy during heat transfer,the entransy will be transported and partly dissipated, which is similar to electric energy transportation and dissipation along with the charge during electric conduction.Moreover,analo-gous to electric resistance defined as the ratio of electric energy dis-sipation rate to squared electricflow rate,Guo et al.[17,30]defined the ratio of entransy dissipation rate to squared heatflow rate as a common definition of thermal resistance,termed entransy dissipa-tion-based thermal resistance,R h¼U hQ2;ð3Þwhere U h and Q are the total entransy dissipation rate and heatflow rate during heat transfer.For a heat exchanger with arbitrary geometrical structures,the EDTR is a function of heat exchanger effectiveness and heat capac-ity rates offluids[29,30]R h¼1ð_mc pÞmin1eÀ12ðCÃþ1Þ;ð4Þwhereð_mc pÞminis the minimum of the heat capacity rates of hot and coldfluids,and C⁄is simply a ratio of the smaller to larger heat capacity rate for the twofluid streams,C⁄=(mc p)min/(mc p)max.Eq.(4)connects the entransy dissipation-based thermal resistance,i.e.heat transfer irreversibility,to the heat exchanger effectiveness and the heat capacity rates offluids.In addition,it does not depend on theflow arrangement of heat exchanger,and hence useful for the performance comparison among heat exchangers with different flow arrangements.Therefore,by this newly developed thermal resistance,the thermal performance of heat exchangers will be evaluated conveniently[29,30].3.Entransy dissipation and EDTR of heat transfer in different types of two-fluid heat exchangers3.1.Parallelflow heat exchangersFig.1is a sketch of the temperature variations of both hot and coldfluids versus the thermal conductance kA,the product of over-all heat transfer coefficient k and surface area A,for a parallelflow heat exchanger with the following assumptions:(1)the heat ex-changer is insulated from its surroundings,and(2)the axial con-duction along the heat transfer surface and the viscous dissipation during thefluidflows are negligible.At opposite sides of each heat transfer element with the thermal conductance of dkA,the temperatures of hot and coldfluids are T h and T c,respec-tively,and hence the heat transferred across the differential ele-ment,as indicated by contour shading,is expressed asdq¼ðT hÀT cÞdkA:ð5ÞIntegrating Eq.(5)over the entire thermal conductance gives the total heat transfer rate in the heat exchangerQ¼Z Qdq¼Z kAðT hÀT cÞdkA¼kAðT h;aÀT c;cÞÀðT h;bÀT c;dÞlnðT h;aÀT c;cÞÀlnðT h;bÀT c;dÞ;ð6Þwhere T h,a and T h,b are the inlet and outlet temperatures of the hot fluid,while T c,c and T c,d are those of the coldfluid,respectively.The subscripts h and c represent the hot and coldfluids,respectively. Obviously,the area between the curves ab and cd is exactly the total heat transfer rate.Applying the energy conservation principle to each of the differ-ential elements,it follows that the heat lost by the hotfluid over a differential element should be the same as that gained by the cold fluid,which both equal to the heat transferred through the ele-ments,that isdq¼À_m h dh h¼_m c dh c;ð7Þwhere_m is the massflow rate,and h the specific enthalpy.Integrating Eq.(7),we will obtain the total heat transfer rate in the heat exchange from the viewpoint of energy conservationQ¼_m hðh h;aÀh h;bÞ¼_m cðh c;dÀh c;cÞ:ð8ÞFor a heat exchanger without any phase-changefluid,if the spe-cific heats of bothfluids are constant,Eq.(7)is rewritten asdT h¼À1_h p;hdq;ð9ÞdT c¼1_mcc p;cdqð10Þand Eq.(8)is rewritten asQ¼_m h c p;hðT h;aÀT h;bÞ¼_m c c p;cðT c;dÀT c;cÞ:ð11ÞBased on Eqs.(9)and(10),Fig.2gives thefluid temperature variations versus the heat transfer rate q.As shown,the shaded area is:dS¼T h dqÀT c dq;ð12Þthefluid temperature variations versus the thermalheat exchanger.158Q.Chen/International Journal ofwhere thefirst term on the right-hand side represents the entransy output accompanying the thermal energy dqflowing out of the hot fluid,while the second term represents the entransy input accom-panying the thermal energy dqflowing into the coldfluid.There-fore,the shaded area exactly indicates the entransy dissipation rate during the heat transferred from the hot to the coldfluids [17,20]:d/h¼ðT hÀT cÞdq:ð13ÞThe total entransy dissipation in the heat exchanger is deduced by integrating Eq.(13)U h¼Z U h0d/h¼Z QðT hÀT cÞdq¼ðT h;aÀT c;cÞþðT h;bÀT c;dÞ2Q¼D T AM Q;ð14Þwhere D T AM is the arithmetical temperature difference between the hot and coldfluids in the heat exchanger.Substituting Eqs.(6),(11)and(14)into the definition of EDTR for heat exchangers,Eq.(3),we get the formula of such thermal resistance for parallelflow heat exchangers:R h;p¼n p2expðkA n pÞþ1expðkA n pÞÀ1;ð15Þtemperature of hotfluid remains constant in the heat exchanger,and then the total rates of heat transfer and entransy dissipationareQ¼kAðT hÀT c;cÞÀðT hÀT c;dÞh c;c h c;dð16ÞandU h¼2T hÀðT c;cþT c;dÞQ:ð17ÞSubstituting Eqs.(8),(16)and(17)into the definition of EDTRyields the formula of such thermal resistance for phase-changeon onefluid side heat exchangers:R h;p¼1_c p;cexp1_c p;ckAþ1h i2exp1_c p;ckAÀ1h i:ð18ÞIt is founded that when the hotfluid has a much larger heatcapacity rate than that of the coldfluid,Eq.(15)is equivalent toEq.(18).That is,the formula of EDTR,Eq.(15),for heat exchangerswithout phase-change is suitable for analyzing the thermal perfor-mance of a phase-change heat exchanger,if and only if the heatcapacity rate of phase-changefluid is considered as infinity.Thisapproach is the same as those used in both the LMTD and e-NTUmethods.3.2.Counterflow heat exchangersFrom a similar analysis as that performed in Section3.1,Fig.4isthefluid temperature variations versus the heat transfer rate in acounterflow heat exchanger,where the curves ab and cd representthe hot and coldfluids,respectively.Similar to parallelflow heatexchangers,the area of trapezoid abcd indicates the total entransydissipation rate in the counterflow heat exchangerU h¼ðT h;aÀT c;dÞþðT h;bÀT c;cÞ2Q;ð19Þwhere the total heat transfer rate Q isQ¼kAðT h;aÀT c;dÞÀðT h;bÀT c;cÞlnðT h;aÀT c;dÞÀlnðT h;bÀT c;cÞ:ð20ÞSubstituting Eqs.(11),(19)and(20)into the definition of EDTR,the formula of such thermal resistance for counterflow heat thefluid temperature variations versus the heatexchanger.thefluid temperature variations versus the heatone side heat exchanger.thefluid temperature variations versus the heatexchanger.and Mass Transfer60(2013)156–162159where the flow arrangement factor for counterflow heat exchang-ers,n c ¼1_m h c p ;hÀ1_mc c p ;c.If the hot fluid is a condensing vapor,the formula of EDTR is rewritten asR h ;c¼1_c p ;c exp 1_c p ;c kA þ1h i2exp 1_c p ;c kA À1h i :ð22ÞObviously,the thermal performance of a counterflow heat exchan-ger with phase-change on one side can also be analyzed by theexpression of EDTR for heat exchangers without phase-change,Eq.(21),if and only if the heat capacity rate of the phase-change fluid is seemed infinity.3.3.TEMA E-type shell-and-tube heat exchangersIn the aforementioned sections,according to the definition of EDTR for heat exchangers together with the equations of both heat transfer and energy conservation,we deduced the formula of EDTR for parallelflow and counterflow exchangers,which are directly ex-pressed by the thermal conductance of heat exchangers and the heat capacity rate of fluids.For simplicity,we are going to derive the EDTR for TEMA E-type shell-and-tube heat exchangers based on the e -EDTR and e -NTU methods.For a TEMA E-type shell-and-tube exchanger with one shell and any integral multiple of two tube passes,the relation between e and NTU ise ¼21þC Ãþffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1þC Ã2q coth ðC =2Þ À1;ð23Þwhere coth(C /2)=(1+e ÀC )/(1Àe ÀC )and C ¼NTU ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1þC Ã2p .Substituting Eq.(23)into Eq.(4)yields the formula of EDTR for a shell-and-tube exchanger with one shell and any integral multiple of two tube passes:R h ;s ¼n s exp ðkA n s Þþ1s ;ð24Þwhere the flow arrangement factor n s ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1ð_mc c p ;cÞþ1ð_mh c p ;hÞq .According to the definition of EDTR for heat exchangers,we canalso easily obtain the total rates of both heat transfer and entransy dissipation for TEMA E-type heat exchangersQ ¼D T AM R h :sð25ÞandU h ¼D T 2AMR h :s:ð26ÞIf the hot fluid is condensing in the shell-and-tube exchanger,i.e.the heat capacity rate can be considered infinity,the EDTR is ex-pressed asR h ;s¼1_c p ;c exp 1_c p ;c kAþ1h i2exp 1_c p ;ckA À1h i :ð27ÞThe formula of EDTR shown in Eq.(27)is the same as those shownin both Eqs.(18)and (22),indicating that the formula of EDTR for phase-change heat exchangers are the same regardless of their flow arrangements,which is in conformity with our common sense,i.e.the flow arrangement of fluid does not influence phase-change heat exchanger performance.More importantly,comparison of Eqs.(15),(21)and (24)shows that no matter parallelflow,counterflow or TEMA E-type heat exchangers,there is a general formula of EDTRR h ¼n 2exp ðkA n Þþ1exp ðkA n ÞÀ1:ð28ÞThe only difference is the expression of the flow arrangement factor n ,as listed in Table 1,are diverse for different types of heat exchang-ers.This general formula is convenient for us to analyze the physical mechanism of every factor influencing heat exchanger performance,and finally effectively designing and optimizing the performance.4.Influence factors of heat exchanger performance 4.1.Finite thermal conductance of heat exchangersFor an arbitrary heat exchanger,a hot fluid with a constant heatcapacity rate,C h ¼_mh c p ;h ,is cooled from the initial temperature T h ,a to the desired temperature T h ;b Its temperature variation with re-spect to the heat transfer rate is depicted by the straight line ab in Fig.5.If the cold fluid has the same heat capacity rate as that of the hot fluid and flows in the opposite direction,the straight line cd in Fig.5shows the temperature variation of cold fluid versus the heat transfer rate.In this case,the EDTR isR h ;c ¼1:ð29ÞAs shown in Eq.(29),the EDTR is a simple function of thermal conductance.Therefore,increasing heat transfer area may enlarge thermal conductance,reduce EDTR,decrease total entransy dissi-pation rate,i.e.irreversibility,and finally improve heat exchanger performance.Theoretically,when the heat transfer area of a heat exchanger is infinity,the temperature variation line cd of cold fluid comes closest to the variation line ab of hot fluid,as illustrated by Table 1Flow arrangement factors for different types of heat exchangers.Type of heat exchanger Flow arrangement factor nCounterflow heat exchanger n c ¼1_m h c p ;h À1_mc c p ;c Parallelflow heat exchangern p ¼1_m h c p ;h þ1_mc c p ;c TEMA E-type shell-and-tube heat exchangern s ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1ð_m c c p ;c Þþ1ð_m h c p ;h Þq temperature variations of hot and cold fluids versus flow arrangement heat exchangers.160Q.Chen /International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 60(2013)156–1624.2.Different heat capacity rates offluidsThe differential of Eq.(28)with respect to theflow arrangement factor n yields:R0 h ðnÞ¼expð2kA nÞÀ2n kA expðkA nÞÀ12ðexpðkA nÞÀ1Þ:ð30ÞIf theflow arrangement factor n is positive,the differential R0hðnÞis positive,which means reducing the positiveflow arrangement factor n will decrease the EDTR.Oppositely,if n is negative,R0hðnÞis negative,indicating that enlarging the negativeflow arrange-ment factor n will also decrease the EDTR.Therefore,it is con-cluded that a smaller absolute value offlow arrangement factor leads to a lower EDTR.For a counterflow heat exchanger with prescribed thermal con-ductance,when the heat capacity rates of both hot and coldfluids are the same,theflow arrangement factor n vanishes,and hence the EDTR is minimal.In this case,augmenting the heat capacity rate of coldfluid from that of hotfluid will increase theflow arrange-ment factor n from scratch,and thereafter enlarge the EDTR.As shown in Fig.5,the straight line c00d00represents the temperature variation of the coldfluid with a larger heat capacity rate versus the heat transfer rate.The heat capacity rate difference between the hot and coldfluids results in that the area of trapezoid abc00d00 is larger than that of trapezoid abcd,i.e.increases the entransy dis-sipation and EDTR simultaneously during heat transfer.Oppositely, decreasing the heat capacity rate of coldfluid from that of hotfluid will decrease theflow arrangement factor n from zero,and also en-large the EDTR of heat exchangers.In summary,increasing the heat capacity rate difference between hot and coldfluids will enlarge the EDTR,and consequently reduce the heat exchanger performance. That is,the heat capacity rate difference between the hot and cold fluids is one of the factors influencing heat exchanger performance.4.3.Non-counterflow arrangements of heat exchangersWhen the heat capacity rates of both hot and coldfluids are the same,it is clear from Eqs.(15),(21)and(24)that theflow arrange-ment factor n decreases from the largest for parallelflow heat exchangers,n p to shell-and-tube heat exchangers n s and the lowest for counterflow heat exchangers n c,leading to that the EDTRs for these three types of heat exchangers have the same sequence.As shown in Fig.5,the straight line c000d000is the temperature variation of the coldfluid versus the heat transfer rate in a parallelflow heat exchanger.It is clear that,the area of trapezoid abc000d000is large than that of trapezoid abc00d00.That is,when the heat capacity rates of hot and coldfluids are the same,the EDTR of parallelflow heat exchangers is larger than that of counterflow heat exchangers.Especially,when the heat transfer area is infinity,the formulas of EDTR of counterflow,TEMA E-type and parallelflow heat exchangers areR h;c¼0;ð31ÞR h;p¼ffiffiffi2p21_mcpð32ÞandR h;p¼1_mcp:ð33ÞIt is clear that the EDTR increases from the lowest for counter-flow to shell-and-tube and the highest for parallelflow heat exchangers,which is quantitatively described by Eqs.(31)–(33). Therefore,non-counterflow arrangement is also one of the factors influencing heat exchanger performance.5.The EDTR method for thermal performance design of heat exchangersA one shell and two tube passes TEMA E-type shell-and-tube exchanger with the overall heat transfer coefficient k and area A of300W/(m2K)and50m2,respectively,is used to cool the lubri-cating oil from the initial temperature T h,in=57°C to the desired temperature T h,out=45°C.The massflow rate and specific heat of the oil are_m h¼10kg/s and c p,h=1.95kJ/(kg K),respectively.If the cooling water enters the heat exchanger at the temperature of33°C,what are its heat capacity rate and outlet temperature, and what is the rate of heat transfer by the heat exchanger.According to the relation between EDTR and arithmetical mean temperature difference,the total heat transfer rate in the exchan-ger isQ¼D T AMh;s¼ðT h;inþT h;outÀT c;inÀT c;outÞðexpðkA n sÞÀ1Þs s:ð34ÞNumerically solving Eq.(34)and the energy conservation Eq.(11)simultaneously,we can easily obtain the heat capacity rate and the outlet temperature of the cooling water are73.8kJ/(s K) and36.17°C,respectively,and the total heat transfer rate is234kJ.In this problem,neither the heat capacity rate nor the exit tem-perature of the cooling water is known,therefore an iterative solu-tion is required if either the LMTD or the e-NTU method is to be used.For instance,if using the LMTD method,the detail steps in-clude:(1)obtain the required heat transfer rate of the exchanger Q1from the energy conservation equation of the oil;(2)assume a heat capacity rate of the cooling water,and then calculate its exit temperature;(3)according to the inlet and outlet temperatures of both the oil and the cooling water,obtain the logarithm mean tem-perature difference and the correction factor of the shell-and-tube exchanger;(4)based on the heat transfer equation,derive another heat transfer rate of the exchanger Q2.Because the heat capacity rate of the cooling water is assumed,iteration is unavoidable to make the derived heat transfer rate Q2in step4close to the re-quired one Q1.Thus,it is clear from the above comparison that the entransy dissipation-based thermal resistance method devel-oped in this paper can design heat exchanger performance conveniently.6.ConclusionBased on the definition of EDTR of heat exchangers and its rela-tion to heat exchanger effectiveness and NTU,the formulas of EDTR and the corresponding EDTR method are developed for parallel-flow,counterflow,and TEMA E-type shell-and-tube exchangers. Different from the existing design method,e.g.the e-NTU,P-NTU, w-P methods,where some phenomenological non-dimensional parameters,e.g.correction factor u,heat exchanger effectiveness e,and temperature effectiveness P,should be introduced,the EDTR directly connect the heat exchanger performance to the heat capacity rates andflow arrangements offluid and the thermal con-ductance of heat exchanger without introducing any phenomeno-logical non-dimensional parameters.The EDTR for parallelflow,counterflow and one shell and any integral multiple of two tube passes TEMA E-type shell-and-tube exchangers have a general formula.From this general formula,it is clear that there are three factors influencing heat exchanger per-formance includingfinite thermal conductance,different heat capacity rates of hot and coldfluids,and non-counterflow arrange-ment of heat exchangers.In addition,the total heat transfer rate in a heat exchanger can be easily calculated through the thermal conductance of heat exchanger and the heat capacity rates of fluids.Therefore,the EDTR method contributes to the analysis,Q.Chen/International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer60(2013)156–162161。

Heat exchanger tube bundles having an exchange sur

Heat exchanger tube bundles having an exchange sur

专利名称:Heat exchanger tube bundles having anexchange surface that has been improved发明人:クリスチャン リオンデ,アラン バウアーハイム申请号:JP2002581904申请日:20020416公开号:JP2004534930A公开日:20041118专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要: Includes a parallel multiple conduit, and a heat exchange surface multiple is in heat exchange relation with the gas flow, the heat exchange surfaces, on bundlecontaining a cutout parallel to the duct is disposed. It consists of a sheet metal stripwhich is folded accordion with [challenges] perforation, the edges were folded strip, is to provide a heat exchange bundle that includes an integrated insert that separates the heat exchange surface of the large number that are separated from each other.[SOLUTION] The present invention relates to a tube bundle comprising a large number of parallel grooves (42), the heat exchange surface multiple is in heat exchange relationwith the gas flow through the bundle (24). Cutout was closed or is open at (22), (24) has a (22) cutouts disposed therein (42) the parallel grooves each surface. These surfaces include (20) separate elements made of a single sheet metal strip which is perforated to separate (24) the heat exchange surface is folded accordion. The surfaces are separated from each other edge is folded the strip (30). Edges that are folded in (30), the opening (32 is provided, the gas flow is adapted to be passed through.申请人:ヴァレオ テルミーク モツール地址:フランス国 78321 ラ ヴェリエール ルイ・ロルマン 8国籍:FR代理人:竹沢 荘一,中馬 典嗣更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:HEAT-EXCHANGER发明人:EIDMANN, Jürgen, Fritz,STRULIK, Wilhelm, Paul申请号:FR1988000600申请日:19881209公开号:WO89/005433P1公开日:19890615专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The invention concerns a heat-enchanger comprising at least one cross-flow heat-exchanger module (M) having two alternately attached sets of plates (1a, 1b). Each plate (1a, 1b) has internal channels (5a, 5b) for gas circulation which extend longidutinally, parallel and unidirectionally inside the plate (1a, 1b). The channels (5a, 5b) in one set of plates (1a, 1b) are aligned in the same direction and at a predetermined angle to the direction of alignment of the channels (5a, 5b) in the other set of plates (1a, 1b). According to the invention, a certain number of plates (1a, 1b) of said module have at least one opening (E), obtained in particular by cutting, which facilitates heat exchange between the gas streams. The invention is useful in ventilation or air-conditioning installations in enclosed spaces such as offices, cinemas, theatres, conference rooms, indoor stadia, private homes, apartment blocks, factories, etc.申请人:EIDMANN, Jürgen, Fritz,STRULIK, Wilhelm, Paul地址:Feldbergstrasse 9 D-6384 Schmitten 3 DE,Cochepie F-89500 Villeneuve-sur-Yonne FR国籍:DE,FR代理机构:HUBERT, Philippe @,PORTAL, Gérard 更多信息请下载全文后查看。

Steam-heated heat exchanger

Steam-heated heat exchanger

专利名称:Steam-heated heat exchanger 发明人:MARTIN, ULRICH ALFRED申请号:EP94105670.7申请日:19940413公开号:EP0627607B1公开日:19980930专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The heat exchanger, which is intended, in particular, for controlling heat transfer on the condensate side, has a row of enclosing tubes (tubular jackets) (1) to which the secondary heating medium flows in parallel and in each of which there is located a heating tube (tubular heater) (2) through which steam or condensate flows in counterflow to the secondary heating medium. The enclosing tubes (1) open in a common secondary flow line (pipe) (3) with their tube ends (1') on the feed side. The heating tubes (2) are led with a smooth-walled section (6) through the opening (4) of the respective enclosing tube (1) into the secondary flow line (3) and outwards through the wall thereof to a common steam flow line (5).申请人:WIELAND-WERKE AG,WIELAND WERKE AG,WIELAND-WERKE AG地址:DE国籍:DE代理机构:Fay, Hermann, Dipl.-Phys. Dr.更多信息请下载全文后查看。



Industrial GradeHeat-Exchanger Unit HeatersWARNING!Please adhere to all instructions published in this manual. Failure to do so may be dangerous and may void your warranty.The HHP heat-exchanger core is covered by the Safety Codes Act and therefore is not field repairable.Contact factory for a replacement core if fluid leakage occurs.Hydronic High Performance HeaterCRN: 0H14856.2COwner’s Manual, Part No. HHP2-OM-DThis manual covers installation, maintenance,repair, and replacement parts.HHP2 Physical Dimensions (12 inch to 24 inch models)20 24Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches(mm)19.80(503) 23.82 (605) 27.83 (707) (584) 27 (686) 31 (787) (107) 4.2 (107) 4.2 (107) 7.56 (192) 7.20 (183) 6.85 (174) 22.25 (565) 25.25 (641) 25.25 (641) 22.20 (564) 26.18 (665) 30.16 (766) 20.28 (515) 24.29 (617) 28.27 (718) 27.88 (708) 31.88 (810) 35.88 (911)^ 2" 300# ANSI blind RF flange with 1-1/2" diameter hole machined in center (eight 3/4" bolt holes). ∙ ◊ Contact factory for extended shipping lead times on Heresite coated cores. ∙ †Standard Marathon NEMA ex-proof motor is suitable for Class I & II, Div. 1 & 2, Groups C, D, F & G; T3B. Ensure equipment meets the requirements of your hazardous location.∙ * Other voltages/frequencies available upon request. Longer lead times may apply. Contact factory.∙ǂ NEMA motors are designed to be operated at rated voltage with tolerances of ± 10%. If the motor is marked 208-230V the tolerance must be calculated from 230V. If motor is marked 230V it is still suitable for 208V operation but the tolerance must be calculated from 230V. For 3-phase motors the line to line full load voltage must be balanced within 1%.Model CodingHHP2 Physical Dimensions (Discharge Type)Fan Size 12 16 20 24Dim.Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm)A 18.19 (462) 22.2 (564) 26.18 (665) 30.16 (766)B 21.50 (546) 25.50 (648) 29.50 (749) 33.50 (851)C 8.80 (224)8.80 (224)8.80 (224)8.80 (224)D 12.36 (314) 12.36 (314) 16.46 (418) 16.46 (418)E 33.19 (843) 33.19 (843) 39.26 (997) 39.26 (997) F24.69 (627) 24.69 (627) 26.66 (677) 26.66 (677)Recommended for Horizontal Projection Type models onlyNotes:– Two-way adjustable louvers, four-way adjustable louvers and nozzle are not available on the 30 inch fan size models. – All views are showing optional VHMB mounting bracket kit.HHP2 Physical Dimensions (30 inch model)HHP2-30 Front & Rear ViewsHHP2 Specifications By Model SizeModel HHP2-12 HHP2-16 HHP2-20 HHP2-24 HHP2-30 Fan diameter in. (mm) 12 (304.8) 16 (406.4) 20 (508.0) 24 (609.6) 30 (762.0) Air delivery * cfm (m3/hr) 1024 (1740) 1665 (2829) 3225 (5479) 4590 (7798) 7300 (12403)Motor power hp (watts) 1/4 (186) or1/3 (248) 1/4 (186) or1/3 (248)1/2 (373) 1/2 (373) 1 (746)Horizontal Projection Type with One-Way LouversHorizontal air velocity * fpm (m/s) 1227 (6.2) 1139 (5.8) 1425 (7.2) 1417 (7.2) 1715 (8.7) Horizontal air throw *† ft (m) 41 (12.5) 49 (14.9) 68 (20.7) 74 (22.6) 78 (23.8) Max. mounting height *† ft (m) 12 (3.7) 14 (4.3) 18 (5.5) 22 (6.7) 24 (7.3) Vertical Projection Type with Two-Way Louvers (maximum mounting height is also maximum vertical air throw)Max. mounting height *† ft (m) 17 (5.2) 20 (6.1) 27 (8.2) 29 (8.8) N/A Spread *† ft (m) 17 (5.2) 20 (6.1) 27 (8.2) 29 (8.8) N/A Vertical Projection Type with Nozzle (maximum mounting height is also maximum vertical air throw)Max. mounting height *† ft (m) 34 (10.4) 42 (12.8) 49 (14.9) 57 (17.4) N/A Spread *† ft (m) 13 (4.0) 16 (4.9) 19 (5.8) 23 (7.0) N/A Vertical Projection Type with Four-Way Louvers (maximum mounting height is also maximum vertical air throw)Max. mounting height *† ft (m) 12 (3.7) 15 (4.8) 17 (5.2) 20 (6.1) N/A Spread *† ft (m) 12 (3.7) 15 (4.8) 17 (5.2) 20 (6.1) N/A Weights and Shipping Crate Dimensions (wood packaging material is in compliance with ISPM No. 15)Net before adders lbs (kg) 102 (46.3) 131 (59.4) 168 (76.2) 219 (99.3) 354 (160.6) Shipping before adders lbs (kg) 152 (68.9) 183 (83.0) 227 (103.0) 280 (127.0) 465 (210.9) Add for flanges lbs (kg) 16 (7.3) 16 (7.3) 16 (7.3) 16 (7.3) 16 (7.3) Add for nozzle lbs (kg) 10 (4.5) 12 (5.4) 19 (8.6) 20 (9.1) N/A Add for four-way louver lbs (kg) 6 (2.7) 8 (3.6) 10 (4.5) 10 (4.5) N/ACrate W x D x H Inmm 28.0 x 29.5 x 27.75711 x 749 x 70531.5 x 29.5 x 31.75800 x 749 x 80635.5 x 29.5 x 35.75902 x 749 x 90839.5 x 29.5 x 39.751003 x 749 x 101048.25 x 43.0 x 45.91225 x 1092 x 1166At 70°F (21°C), 60 Hz and sea level.† The Air throws, Spreads and Max. Mounting heights listed above are based on an air temperature rise (ΔT) of 40°F. To determine these figures for temperature rises other than 40°F, first determine the actual air temperature rise from the performance tables located in the product brochure, our web based Heater Selection Tool, or factory supplied printouts, and then multiply the respective values by the Correction factor in the table below.Actual ∆T 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Correction 1.24 1.18 1.12 1.06 1.00 0.94 0.88 0.82 0.76 0.70 0.64 0.58 0.51 0.45 0.39 0.33 Air Discharge Temperature Correction Factors @ Various Temperature Differences ∆T (°F)1. Heater is to be transported in the factory supplied crate.2. Heater is to be stored indoors in a clean dry environment.3. Heater is to be installed and serviced only by qualified personnel and must adhere to all applicable codes.4. Heater is suitable for maximum operating pressure of 450 psi (3103 kPa) and maximum operatingtemperature of 550°F (288°C). Refer to heater and heat-exchanger data plate5. Heater is suitable for use in hazardous locations only if fitted with an approved electric motor and the heatexchanger fluid temperature is below the ignition temperature of the atmosphere6. Ensure the product certifications and ratings meet all the requirements for the installation.7. As per the North American CRN, this product is for use with non-lethal fluids only (see ASME Section VIII,Div 1, UW-2) .8. Ensure that the proper warning and safety systems are installed to protect the heater from overpressure.9. Do not use if the heater core is damaged or leaking. Contact factory for a replacement core, the core is notfield repairable.10. Do not operate heater in atmospheres which are corrosive to aluminum or steel, unless it has been coatedwith a factory approved protective coating.11. Heater must be kept clean. When operating in a dirty environment, regularly clean the fin tubes, fan, fanguard, motor, louvers, and cabinet. Refer to recommended maintenance procedures.12. The minimum gap between the fan and fan shroud is to be maintained at all times. See installation andrepair instructions for the minimum gap requirements.13. Use factory supplied or approved replacement parts only.14. Follow all local codes and regulations for the disposal of used or damaged parts or products.15. A boiler water chemical treatment program is recommended to reduce / prevent corrosion in pipingsystems.— INSTALLATION —These instructions are to be used as a general guideline only.LocationPlease follow guidelines below for optimum heating results:1. Do not install heaters such that airflow is blocked or impeded by equipment or walls.2. For occupant comfort, position heaters so that air discharge is directed across areas of highest heat loss,such as doors, windows, and outside walls.3. For large areas, arrange heaters such that the air discharge of one heater is directed towards the inlet ofthe next heater. This sets up a rotational airflow with air circulation in the central area of the building.4. For equipment freeze protection, direct air discharge at required equipment.5. For large workshops or warehouses it may be acceptable to use fewer, but larger heaters.6. Do not direct air discharge towards a room thermostat.Mounting1. A variety of mounting brackets are available from the factory to aid in installation.2. The standard installation position for the heater is horizontal (upright and level).3. The heater may also be mounted in the vertical (face down) position (available on 12” to 24” models only).4. For steam service, the inlet must be above the outlet and the bottom of the heat exchanger must draintowards the outlet for all installation positions.5. Horizontal position heaters are designed to be mounted from the top or bottom of cabinet using two 1/2 in.(12 mm) bolts or threaded rod/pipe (rod or pipe can be extended through both top and bottom panels forextra support).6. It is essential that adequate structural support be provided for installation. The mounting structure must bestrong enough to support the heaters weight, provide sufficient stiffness to prevent excessive vibration, and withstand all probable abusive situations such as transportable installations where truck off-loading impacts, etc. may occur.Mounting Heights and Clearances1. For recommended mounting heights for the different mounting positions and discharge types please seethe “specifications” table on page 5. Note: The maximum mounting height for the heater may vary from2. Louvers may be adjusted to provide greater downward deflection of the discharge air. However, it isrecommended that louvers not be set less than 15 degrees from the closed position.Fan Clearance1. Verify the minimum required clearance between fan blades / fan shroud and the fan blades / fan guard priorto heater power up.Heater Size 12" 16" 20" 24" 30"Min Clearance 2.0 mm 2.0 mm 2.5 mm 3.0 mm 3.8 mm— Piping Practices —1. Steam unit heaters condense steam rapidly, especially during warm-up periods. The return piping must beplanned to keep the heat-exchanger’s core free of condensate during periods of maximum heat output, and steam piping must be able to carry a full supply of steam to the unit heater to take the place of condensed steam. Adequate pipe size is especially important when a unit heater fan is operated under on-off control because the condensate rate fluctuates rapidly.2. Heater is to be connected and serviced only by qualified personnel. For additional piping information referto local codes.3. Eliminate pipe stress by adequately supporting all piping. Do not rely on heater to support piping.4. Take off all branch lines from the top of steam mains, preferably at a 45° angle, although vertical 90°connections are acceptable.5. Pipe the branch supply line into the steam unit heater’s inlet at the top and the return branch line from theoutlet at the bottom.6. In steam systems, the branch from the supply main to the heater must pitch down towards the main and beconnected to its top in order to prevent condensate in the main from draining through the heater. In long branch lines, a drip trap may be needed.7. Allow for pipe expansion to prevent excessive strain on the unit heater’s heat-exchanger core.8. The return piping from steam unit heaters should provide a minimum drop of 10" (254 mm) below the heat-er so that the pressure of water required to overcome resistances of check valves, traps, and strainers will not cause condensate to remain in the heater.9. In steam systems, where horizontal piping must be reduced in size, use eccentric reducers that permit thecontinuance of uniform pitch along the bottom of piping (in downward pitched systems). Avoid using concentric reducers on horizontal piping, because they can cause water hammer.10. Installing dirt pockets at the outlet of unit heaters and strainers with 0.063 in. (2 mm) perforations to preventrapid plugging are essential to trap dirt and scale that might affect the operation of check valves and traps.Strainers should always be installed in the steam supply line if the heater is valve controlled.11. In steam or hot water systems, rapid air removal is required because entrained air is a cause of corrosion.Hot water systems should be equipped with suitable air vent valves for rapid and complete air removal at high points, at the top of each unit heater, and ends of both supply and return mains. Proper air venting for steam systems can be achieved by use of a steam trap with an internal air vent.12. Steam traps must be located below the outlet of the unit heater. Consult the trap manufacturer for specificrecommendations. Each steam unit heater should be provided with a trap of sufficient size and capacity to pass a minimum of twice the normal amount of condensation released by the unit at the minimum differen-tial pressure in the system. Trap capacity is based on the pressure differential between supply and return mains. Steam systems should be equipped with a float and thermostatic trap or inverted bucket trap with an air bypass.13. If the condensate return line is above the heater outlet or is pressurized, install a check valve after thesteam trap and a drain valve at the strainer to drain the system during the off season.14. Install pipe unions and shut-off valves at connection points of each unit heater to allow maintenance orreplacement of unit without shutting down and draining the entire system. For hot water systems include a balancing valve in return line for flow regulation. A drain valve should be provided below each unit heater to allow removal of water from the heat-exchanger core if located in an area subject to freezing.15. Adequate air venting is required for low-pressure closed gravity systems. The vertical pipe connection tothe air vent should be at least 3/4" NPT to allow water to separate from the air passing to the vent. If ther-mostatic instead of float-and-thermostatic traps are used in vacuum systems, a cooling leg must be installed ahead of the trap.16. In high-pressure systems, it is customary to continuously vent the air through a petcock unless the steamtrap has a provision for venting air. Most high-pressure return mains terminate in flash tanks that are vent-ed to the atmosphere. When possible, pressure reducing valves should be installed to permit operation of the heaters at low pressure. Steam traps must be suitable for the operating pressure encountered.17. On steam systems where the steam supply to the unit heater is modulated or controlled by a motorizedvalve, a vacuum breaker should be installed between the unit outlet and a float and thermostatic trap.BTX - Bi-metal Explosion Proof ThermostatHeat-Exchanger Core Assembly Replacement1. Remove heater from its mounting location and lower to floor or stable working surface. Assistance is usually required to remove heater safely.2. Remove louver blades from front of cabinet using a 5/16 in. wrench or socket.3. Remove four 1/4 in. bolts holding left-side cabinet panel (when facing heater front) to top & bottom panels.4. While supporting the weight of the heat-exchanger core, by the left piping connection, remove the two 1/4 in. core bolts from left and right-side cabinet panels. Allow heat-exchanger core to rest on bottom of cabinet.5. Remove the left-side fan guard and left-side cabinet panel as follows (if heater has optional flanged connections, also remove top cabinet panel): (a) While supporting the motor mount, remove the two 5/16 in. bolts holding the motor mount to the left side of the cabinet and fan panel assembly. (b) Remove left-side cabinet panel and then reinsert the 5/16 in. bolts into the fan panel assembly. Place a support under the motor mount to prevent cabinet from tipping backwards towards motor during removal of heat-exchanger core.6. With the left-side cabinet panel removed and motor mount supported, slide heat-exchanger core out of cabinet.7. To install heat-exchanger core into cabinet, reverse order of above procedure and tighten fasteners to proper torque setting.Fan, Fan Guard or Motor Replacement1. For replacement of fan or fan guard remove four boltsholding motor to the motor mount. For HHP2-30 also remove speed reducer bolts. If replacing motor only on HHP2-30, only remove motor mounting bolts and C-face flange bolts.2. Detach two-piece fan guard assembly by removing top and bottom screws that attach the fan guard to thecabinet.3. Remove fan guard pieces through top or bottom. Due to stiffness of fan guards, you may need to removetwo outer top or bottom bolts that attach the fan panel to the top or bottom cabinet panels to provide suffi-cient clearance.4. Lift the motor, speed reducer (for HHP2-30 only) and fan assembly off the motor mount.5. Loosen fan hub screws and remove fan blade from motor shaft.6. To reassemble, position fan on motor shaft with end of shaft even with face of hub. Ensure the set screw isfaced towards motor and lined up perpendicular to factory-ground flat on motor shaft. This flat is our “Easy-Off” fan blade replacement feature and only comes on motors purchased from Hazloc Heaters. Tighten set screw to 150 in-lbs torque.7. Place motor, speed reducer (for HHP2-30 only) and fan assembly onto motor mount and fasten the two-piece fan guards to the cabinet.8. Center fan in fan-shroud opening and leave approximately 1/16” to 3/16” (1.6 to 4.8 mm) gap betweenmotor face and fan guard.9. Bolt motor to motor mount, tighten nuts to 250 in-lbs torque. Manually spin the fan blade to ensure it rotatesfreely before reconnecting heater to power supply. Fan must rotate counterclockwise when viewed from rear of heater.— Repair and Replacement —Torque Settings Item Torque (in-lbs)Fan blade set screw 1505/16 - 18 UNC motor nuts250 5/16 - 18 UNC motor mount bolts 250 1/4 - 20 UNC fan panel bolts 1001/4 - 20 UNC fan guard self tapping screws 100 #10 - 24 UNC louver blade screws281/4 - 20 UNC core bolts90Item No.DescriptionHHP2-12HHP2-16HHP2-20HHP2-24Part NumberPart NumberPart NumberPart Number*** Please have heater model & serial number available before calling ***1 Core Assembly Contact factory with heater model, size, number of passes and connection typePart #’s 1200 thru 12472 Louver Blade Kit 1145 1146 1147 11483 Motor Mount Kit 11511152115311544 Motor Kit - 5/8” Shaft Specify motor voltage, phase, frequency, horsepower and type of enclosure(general purpose or explosion-proof)5 Fan Guard Kit 1157 1158 1159 1160 6Fan - 5/8” Hub1163116511671169HHP2 (12 inch to 24 inch models)HHP2 (12 inch to 24 inch models)HHP2 (30 inch model)Item No.DescriptionHHP2-30*** Please have heater model & serial number available before calling ***1 Core Assembly Contact factory with heater model, size, number of passes and connection typePart #’s 1200 thru 12472 Louver Blade Kit 12793 Fan Guard Kit 11614 Motor Mount Kit 11995 Motor Kit - 5/8” Shaft Specify motor voltage, phase, frequency, horsepower and type of enclosure(general purpose or explosion-proof)6 Speed Reducer Kit 1178 7Fan - 5/8” Hub1280Part NumberHHP2 (30 inch model)Regular inspection, based on a schedule determined by the amount of dirt in the atmosphere, assures maximum operating economy and heating capacity.Annual Inspection (before each heating season)1. Check all terminal connections, electrical conductors, glands and cables for damage, looseness, defects,fraying, etc. and replace or tighten where applicable.2. Check for fluid leakage from heat-exchanger core. If fluid leakage occurs, remove heater from service andhave the heat-exchanger core replaced by a factory replacement unit. Refer to “Repair and Replacement” section for complete details. Note: This heat-exchanger core is not field repairable.3. Check electrical junction box. Inside of enclosure must be clean, dry, and free from any foreign materials.The cover must also be completely on and tight.4. Check motor shaft bearing play. Replace motor if play is excessive or if motor does not run quietly andsmoothly. Motor bearings are permanently lubricated.5. On HHP2-30 models, speed reducer is maintenance free . Check for excessive noise and vibration.6. Check fan. Replace immediately if cracked or damaged. Check the gap between the fan and fan shroudmeets the minimum spacing requirement.7. Check louvers. Louver screws should be tight. Louvers are not to be set <15° of the closed position.8. Check the tightness of all hardware. All nuts and bolts, including mounting hardware, must be tightened totorque settings on Page 10.9. Turn heater motor on for a minimum of 10 minutes. Check for air exiting heater through louvers and smoothrunning of the motor and fan assembly.Periodic Maintenance (before and as required during heating season) 1. Clean the following (remove dust using compressed air):∙ Finned tubes ∙ Fan∙ Fan Shroud ∙ Fan Guard ∙ Motor ∙ Louvers ∙ Cabinet 2. Check the following:∙ Motor / fan assembly for smooth and quiet operation.∙ Speed reducer (on HHP2-30 models) for smooth quiet operation. ∙ Louvers for proper angle and tightness. ∙ Electrical covers are secure.∙Gap between the fan blade / fan shroud and the fan blade / fan guard meet the minimum spac-ing requirement (see page 7 for minimum values).— Maintenance Program —HEATER MAINTENANCE RECORDHeater Model: _________________________ Serial No.: ______________________________Date of Maintenance PerformedByMaintenance PerformedNOTESPRINTED IN CANADA ©Copyright 2018The information contained in this manual has been carefully checked and verified for accuracy. Specifica-tions subject to change withoutnotice.Hazloc Heaters is a trademark ofHazloc Heaters Inc.#1, 666 Goddard Ave. NE Calgary, Alberta T2K 5X3 CanadaTel.: +1-403-730-2488 Fax: +1-403-730-2482Customer Toll Free (U.S. & Canada): +1-866-701-Heat (4328) Limited 18-Month WarrantyHazloc Heaters TM warrants all HHP2 series of heat-exchanger unit heaters against defects in materials and workmanship under normal conditions of use for a period of eighteen (18) months from date of purchase based on the following terms:1. The heater must not be modified in any way.2. The heater must be stored, installed and used only in accordance with the owner’s manual and attached data plate information.3. Replacement parts will be provided free of charge as necessary to restore any unit to normal operating condition, provided that the defective parts be returned to us freight prepaid and that the replacement parts be accepted freight collect.4. The complete heater may be returned to our manufacturing plant for repair or replacement (at our discretion), freight charges prepaid.5. Components damaged by contamination from dirt, dust, etc. or corrosion will not be considered as defects.6. This warranty shall be limited to the actual equipment involved and, under no circumstances, shall include or extend to installation or removal costs, or to consequential damages or losses.。



Complete Alfa Laval service offering for gasketed plate heat exchangersSpare PartsCorrect material quality can make a huge difference to your process. By using genuine Alfa Laval Spare Parts you can rest assured that the correct material is specified according to its intended use.Alfa Laval genuine plates are made using a single-step pressing method ensuring uniform plate strength and thickness over the entire plate – dramatically reducing the risk of fatigue cracking.Alfa Laval genuine rubber gaskets ensure tighter seals, longer life and more uptime for GPHEs.Secure uptime – decrease risk of failure using certified materials Minimize costs – avoid unnecessary maintenance expensesIn Saudi Arabia, a petrochemical plant customer has five M30 GPHEs, with 460 titanium plates per unit, installed in their secondary cooling application.Due to fouling, these units required higher seawater flow, resulting in increased energy use and costs.Results of an Alfa Laval Performance Audit enabled Alfa Laval to optimize cleaning intervals. Moreover, the customer reduced maintenance costs by replacing manual cleaning with a Cleaning In Place (CIP) system.Total annual savings derived from these actions are an estimated €37,500.ReconditioningReconditioning your GPHE can extend its life; minimize operational costs; ensure safety, quality and productivity; and satisfy new environmental legislation by improving energy efficiency.You can choose from a number of pre-defined reconditioning packages, or customize a package from the complete list of Alfa Laval reconditioning services, to match your requirements for turnaround time, budget, brand and/or application.Global network – receive worldwide best practice service and support Secure production – fix cracks and deformities affecting process reliability Peace of mind– ensure perfect fit by completely removing old glue and gasketsRedesignWhen you want to increase production, decrease pressure drops, minimize fouling and/or maximize heat recovery in your process, Alfa Laval Redesign is the solution for you.Alfa Laval will redesign your GPHEs and optimize their performance to meet your new demands.Secure uptime – decrease fouling and cleaning requirements due to media changesIncrease production – satisfy updated GPHE process requirementsMinimize costs – reduce energy consumption and avoid unnecessary routine maintenance expensesTroubleshootingIf you experience issues with your GPHEs, Alfa Laval Troubleshooters will find out why and prevent them from happening again.With the most knowledge and experience in the industry, Alfa LavalTroubleshooters provide immediate on- and off-site support, thereby reducing downtime and/or preventing a hazardous situation.Alfa Laval Troubleshooting excels at connecting customers with application and material specialists, and Alfa Laval product centers, to find a permanent solution.Secure uptime – find the cause of unplanned shutdowns Increase production – make sure equipment performs optimallyImprove working conditions – identify hazardous situations and prevent them Reduce maintenance costs – audit processes to identify crucial elementsCooling copper and zinc smelters with seawater can be an expensive process that requires a great deal of water. Properly managing plate heat exchanger (PHE) performance can lead to significant savings.In one particular case, an approach with three core components was employed:Condition Audit determined the appropriate cleaning intervals. CIP was installed specific to seawater-cooled PHEs. And Optimization ensured optimal sizing of heat exchanger plates.Together, they lowered operational costs through water and energy savings, while improving environmental performance, increasing productivity and lengthening equipment life.Performance AuditAlfa Laval Performance Audit leads to an optimized maintenance schedule, increased production reliability and minimized process costs.Based on the actual internal condition of your GPHEs, Alfa Laval recommends the appropriate service and service intervals in a detailed report.Ensure production reliability – minimize frequency of failures and reduce downtimeMinimize costs – reduce energy consumptionDelay investments – increase lifetime by minimizing opening of heat exchangerSecure maximum throughput – optimize cleaning intervals to meet process requirementsOur life-cycle approachWherever your gasketed plate heat exchangers (GPHEs) are in their product life cycle, from installation and operation through to monitoring and maintenance, Alfa Laval is there to support you.Our goal is to optimize the performance of your process by for instance redesigning your GPHE to match your new process requirements or reconditioning it to a good-as-new state, thus making sure to maximize uptime.But we go even further. We also ensure our top-class service engineers are with you when and where you need them, at your site or in our service centres.Ma in t e n a n c e S u p p or tMo ni t or i ngI mp r ov em en t sE v a l u at eO r d erR e c ei v eR e q u e s t f o rq u o t a t i o nS ta r tU p。



-20Installation Instructions25NOTE:Read the entire instruction manual before starting theinstallation.SAFETY CONSIDERATIONSInstallation and servicing of this equipment can be hazardous due tomechanical and electrical components.Only trained and qualifiedpersonnel should install,repair,or service this equipment.Untrained personnel can perform basic maintenance functions suchas cleaning and replacing air filters.All other operations must beperformed by trained service personnel.When working on thisequipment,observe precautions in the literature,on tags,and on la-bels attached to or shipped with the unit and other safety precautionsthat may apply.Follow all safety codes.Installation must be in compliance with lo-cal and national building codes.Wear safety glasses,protectiveclothing,and work gloves.Have fire extinguisher available.Readthese instructions thoroughly and follow all warnings or cautionsincluded in literature and attached to the unit.Recognize safety information.This is the safety--alertsymbol.When you see this symbol on the unit and in instructions or manuals, be alert to the potential for personal injury.Understand these signal words;DANGER,WARNING,and CAUTION.These words are used with the safety--alert symbol.DANGER identifies the most se-rious hazards which will result in severe personal injury or death. WARNING signifies hazards which could result in personal injury or death.CAUTION is used to identify unsafe practices which may result in minor personal injury or product and property damage. NOTE is used to highlight suggestions which will result in en-hanced installation,reliability,or operation.Follow all safety codes.Wear safety glasses and work gloves.Have a fire extinguisher available.Before proceeding with heater installation,inspect thoroughly for shipping damage.Notify shipper immediately if any damage is found.Clean all dirt,dust and moisture from heater package.Check for proper clearances of live parts,between phases and to ground. Make sure that all required barriers are in place.Check conductors run in multiple to insure that they are properly wired.Refer to unit installation instructions for complete unit installation details.The minimum air quantity for safe electric heater operation is automati-cally set by the unit fan control.DESCRIPTION AND USAGEThese heaters are comprised of a single heater and control module located in the unit control box.Heater models are provided with single--point electrical connections for powering both the heater and the unit.These heaters are intended for use only in SPP units as noted in Tables1and2.INSTALLATIONHEATER INSTALLATION1.Open all electrical disconnects and install lock--out tagbefore beginning any installation or service work.2.Check for proper equipment model number from list inTables1and2.3.Verify that unit duct work is installed per base unitinstructions.4.Remove unit access panel to heater compartment(See Fig.1).5.Locate and remove the heater access cover plate inside unitaccess panel(See Fig.2).Save screws.6.Remove electric heater from the packaging.7.Install heater,sliding assembly carefully through accesshole.Ensure that mounting holes of heater align withmounting holes on the unit.Secure heater assembly withscrews provided.8.Dress wires with wire ties provided.A06133Fig.1--Unit AccessPanelVoltage A06134Fig.2--Unit Control BoxELECTRICAL CONNECTION1.Verify all electrical disconnects are open and lock--out tag(s)are installed before beginning any installation or service work.2.All electrical connections,wire sizes and type of conduit shall meet the National Electric Code and State and Local Codes.Main power supply,minimum wire sizes,circuits,fusing,etc.are shown on schematic wiring diagrams.NOTE:Use minimum 75°C copper wire only.3.Refer to base unit instructions for recommended wiring procedures.4.Connect low voltage wires as shown in unit schematic diagrams.Low voltage wires from heater control terminate in a harness plug;the mating 5pin connector is located on the control board found at the bottom of the control box (See Fig.2and 3).5.Connect field power wiring as shown in unit wiring diagram (See Fig.6thru 9).All connections should be made inside the unit and comply with the National Electric Code and State and Local Codes.Heaters with factory installed fuses may be installed on a branch circuit protected by either a fuse or circuit breaker.For all other heaters,the branch circuit must be protected by a fuse or circuit breaker supplied by others.6.Make all high voltage wire splice connections inside the unit control e splice connectors provided.Properly insulate connectors.Separate all wires from incoming power leads.7.Be sure that all electrical terminal connections,clamps,screws,etc.are tight before proceeding.8.Check wiring diagram supplied with heater for specific connections and information (See Fig.10thru 25).9.Check operation as described in Start--Up section.Low A06135Fig.3--Unit Control BoardSTART--UP1.Refer to base unit installation instructions as required.2.Check for loose terminal connections.3.Check that all fuse and circuit breaker short circuitinterrupting ratings are adequate.4.Turn on unit and heater power.ing the User Interface(UI),enter Electric HeatCHECKOUT mode.(See UI installation instructions formore detailed information.)6.Check operation of heater.7.Airflow across the heater is automatically determined by theunit fan control.Heater identification is accomplished by useof the Identifier Resistor(IDR)provided as a part of the lowvoltage harness.(See Troubleshooting for additionalinformation.)8.Any modifications or repairs to this equipment withoutwritten permission from the factory will be done at theinstaller’s own risk and expense.TROUBLESHOOTING1.Fuses--Malfunction will interrupt power to the unit.Checkfor cause of failure,replace fuses.2.Limit Switch--Malfunction prevents heating element(s)from being energized.Replace switch if malfunction occurs.3.Contactor--Malfunction will not allow heater to energize.Replace faulty contactor.Do not attempt to replace coil ordress contacts.4.Control Faults--See Status Code26and Status Code36Below.STATUS CODE26,INV ALID HEATER SIZEOn initial power--up,unit control will write into memory electric heater size as read from heater if heater is provided with Identifier Resistor(IDR).Heater size must be valid for combination of indoor and outdoor components installed.Unit control will read IDR value connected to pins1and2of heater harness connector.If no resistor is found,system User Interface will prompt installer to verify that no heater is installed.Verifying that this is correct will establish that the unit is operating without an electric heater accessory.Upon choosing negative option,installer will be prompted to select heater size installed from a list of valid heater sizes for unit size installed. If heater ID resistor value read is invalid,Status Code26will be displayed on STATUS LED.If heater installed is equipped with a resistor connected to pins1and 2of heater harness connector and status code26is displayed on STATUS LED:1.Check wiring harness connections to be sure connections aresecure.2.If symptoms persist,disconnect wiring harness at unitcontrol board and check for a resistance value greater than5000ohms.3.Check for proper wiring of resistor assembly.4.Make sure heater size installed is an approved size for unitand size installed.NOTE:Unit control will not operate electric heater until this Status Code is resolved.If the heater size is set through the User Interface, the heater will be operated as a single stage heater.If staging is desired,the IDR value must be read in by the unit control. STATUS CODE36,HEATER OUTPUT NOT SENSED WHEN ENERGIZEDUnit control is provided with circuitry to detect presence of a24--vac signal on electric heater stage1and stage2outputs.If unit control energizes either heater stage and does not detect the 24--vac signal on output,Status Code36will be displayed on the STATUS LED,unit control will continue to energize heater output(s)and adjust blower operation to a safe airflow level for energized electric heat stage(s).To find the fault:1.Check for24--vac on heater stage outputs.Unit control orsensing circuit may be bad.NOTE:It may be useful as an electric heater troubleshooting procedure to disconnect the system communications to force Status Code16enabling of emergency heat mode.It is difficult to know which heater output is energized or not energized in normal operation.When unit is operated in emergency heat mode using electric heaters,both outputs are energized and de--energized together.Terminal strip inputs to control can then be connected R to W to turn on both electric heat outputs.Heater output sensing circuits can then be checked to resolve Status Code36or37 problems.PACKAGE CONTENTSELECTRIC HEATER PACKAGE CONTENTS1.Heater assembly.2.UPC heater label.3.Installation Instructions.4.Identification label.5.Schematic on lid door for all fused units.6.Schematicon sticker to be placed inside unit panel for non--fused units(See Fig.5)7.Wire connectors(3).8.Wire tires--6”(5).9.Screws#10A(5).10.Wire tie clamps(2)--Fused models only.Table 1—50CE /704C Packaged Air ConditionerField Installed Electric HeatersODS CATALOG NOMINAL CAPACITY USED WITH SIZES ORDERING NO.(kW)FUSEDSTAGES243036424860ELECTRIC HEATERS (208/230—SINGLE PHASE —60Hz)CPHEATER080A00 3.8/5.0NO 1X X X X X X CPHEATER082A00 5.4/7.2NO 1X X X X X X CPHEATER084A007.5/10.0NO 1XX X X X X CPHEATER086A0011.3/15.0YES 2XXX X X CPHEATER088A0015.0/20.0YES2XXX208/230--THREE PHASE --60HzCPHEATER090A00 3.8/5.0NO 1X X X X CPHEATER091A007.5/10.0NO 1X X X X CPHEATER093A0011.3/15.0NO 2XX X X CPHEATER095A0015.0/20.0YES2XXXTable 2—50CR /604C Packaged Heat PumpField Installed Electric HeatersODSCATALOG NOMINAL CAPACITY USED WITH SIZES ORDERING NO.(kW)FUSEDSTAGES243036424860ELECTRIC HEATERS (208/230—SINGLE PHASE —60Hz)CPHEATER080A00 3.8/5.0NO 1XXXXCPHEATER081A00 3.8/5.0YES 1X X CPHEATER083A00 5.4/7.2YES 1X X X X X X CPHEATER085A007.5/10.0YES 1XXX X X X CPHEATER087A0011.3/15.0YES 2XX X X CPHEATER089A0015.0/20.0YES2XXX208/230--THREE PHASE --60HzCPHEATER090A00 3.8/5.0NO 1X X X XCPHEATER091A007.5/10.0NO 1XXXCPHEATER092A007.5/10.0YES 1XCPHEATER094A0011.3/15.0YES 2XX X X CPHEATER095A0015.0/20.0YES2XXXHeater Fuse BlockField WireConnection Heater DoorCompressor YAttach Heaterwith 5 ScrewsDoor LatchLow Voltage WiringBrown, White, VioletGroung LugLocationC01041Fig.4--Heater Control BoxHeaterSchematicHeater DoorShown ClosedC01042Fig.5--Schematic LocationA05304Fig.6--Wiring Schematics--Heat Pump SinglePhaseA05259 Fig.7--Wiring Schematics--Heat Pump ThreePhaseA06126Fig.8--Wiring Schematics--Air Conditioner SinglePhaseA06127 Fig.9--Wiring Schematics--Air Conditioner ThreePhaseA06136Fig.10--CPHEATER080A00A06137Fig.11--CPHEATER081A00A06138 Fig.12--CPHEATER082A00A06139 Fig.13--CPHEATER083A00A06140Fig.14--CPHEATER084A00A06141Fig.15--CPHEATER085A00A06142 Fig.16--CPHEATER086A00A06143 Fig.17--CPHEATER087A00A06144Fig.18--CPHEATER088A00A06145Fig.19--CPHEATER089A00A06146 Fig.20--CPHEATER090A00A06147 Fig.21--CPHEATER091A00A06148Fig.22--CPHEATER092A00A06149Fig.23--CPHEATER093A00A06150 Fig.24--CPHEATER094A00A06151 Fig.25--CPHEATER095A00Copyright2006CAC/BDP.S7310W.Morris St.S Indianapolis,IN46231Manufacturer reserves the right to change,at any time,specifications and designs without notice and without obligations.Catalog No:IIK604C---24---1 Replaces:NewPrinted in U.S.A.edition date:03/06。



•Very wide capacity range•Design temperatures from cryogenic to 800°C (1,472°F) and design pressures up to 650 barG (9,430 psiG)•Exceptionally high heat transfer rate for maximumoperating efficiency•Safe to operate – no pressure relief valve needed•Easy maintenance ensures maximum uptime •Diffusion bonding opens up for full customizationpossibilities in terms of fluid channel design patternWorking principleThe PCHE operates with two or more media on opposite sides of a bonded plate. It is possible to have high-pressure flows on both sides. The 2D or 3D pattern is optimized to give the required thermal length and pressure drop.The PCHE has a complex flow pattern chemically etched on flat sheets of material. This flow pattern is optimized for each specific customer duty to give the required thermal and hydraulic characteristics. Each flow circuit plate pattern can be different, giving the possibility of asymmetric flows and optimized 2-phase behavior. The individual plates are then stacked into a block and diffusion bonded, in a state-of-the-art furnace, at high temperature and pressure.Multiple blocks can be welded together to create the required thermal capacity or HTA (heat transfer area). Inlet and outlet flow manifolds, customer connections and (if required)connections for drain, ventilation or cleaning are welded onto the completed core to finalize the heat exchanger. Design pressures of up to 650 barG (9,430 psiG) in 316L SST are achievable with this configuration. Heat transfer surface areas are tailored based on requirements.DesignLearn more at /pcheTechnical dataDesign pressure:CE/PED Vacuum to 650 barG (9,430 psiG) ASME Vacuum to 650 barG (9,430 psiG)Design temperature:316L SST -196°C (-321 °F) to 800°C (1472 °F)Maximum heat transfer area:On request tailored towards requirements Connections:DN50 (2”) to DN750 (30”) typical, customizableStandard materials:316L SSTOther materials available on request.Dimensions and weights:On request tailored towards requirements, ranging from a few kilograms to tens of tonsThis document and its contents is owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB and protected by laws governing intellectual property and thereto related rights. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to comply with all applicable intellectual property laws. Without limiting any rights related to this document, no part of this document may be copied, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the expressed permission or authorized by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. Alfa Laval Corporate AB will enforce its rights related to this document to the fullest extent of the law, including the seeking of criminal prosecution.200000007-1-EN-GB© Alfa Laval Corporate ABHow to contact Alfa LavalUp-to-date Alfa Laval contact details for all countries are always availableon our website at 。

API Heat Transfer产品维护指南说明书

API Heat Transfer产品维护指南说明书

At this time, by visual inspection of the anode, determination of future inspection intervals can be made, based on the actual corrosion rate of the zinc metal.The zinc anodes must be replaced when 70% of the zinc volume has been consumed.It may be necessary to drain the water chambers of the exchanger to protect it from damage by freezing temperatures. Drains are provided in most standard models.The oil chamber of the exchanger may become filled with sludgeaccumulation and require cleaning. It is recommended that the unit be flooded with a commercial solvent and left to soak for one-half hour.Backflowing with the solvent or regular oil will remove most sludge. Repeated soaking and backflowing may be required, depending on the degree of sludge buildup.It may be necessary to clean the inside of the cooling tubes to remove any contamination and/or scale buildup. It is recommended that a 50/50 percent solution of inhibited muriatic acid and water may be used. For severe problems, the use of a brush through the tubes may be of some help. Be sure to use a soft bristled brush to prevent scouring the tube surface causing accelerated corrosion. Upon completion of cleaning, be certain that all chemicals are removed from the shellside and the tubeside before the heat exchanger is placed into service.When ordering replacement parts or making an inquiry regarding service, mention model number, serial number, and the original purchase order number.Piping Hook-up CORE ASSEMBLY/ MOTOR SERVICEInstallationThe satisfactory use of this heat exchange equipmentis dependent upon precautions which must be taken at the time of the installation.1. C onnect and circulate the hot fluid in the shell side (over small tubes) and the cooling water in the tube side (inside small tubes). Note piping diagrams.2. I f an automatic water regulating valve is used, place it on the INLET connection of the cooler. Arrange the water outlet piping so that the exchanger remains flooded with water, but at little or no pressure. The temperature probe is placed in the hydraulic reservoir to sense a system temperature rise. Write the factory for water regulating valve recommendations.3. T here are normally no restrictions as to how this cooler may be mounted. The only limitation regarding the mounting of this equipment is the possibility of having to drain either the water or the oil chambers after the cooler has been installed. Both fluid drain plugs should be located on the bottom of the cooler to accomplish the draining of the fluids. Drains are on most models.4. I t is possible to protect your cooler from high flow and pressure surges of hot fluid by installing a fast-acting relief valve in the inlet line to the cooler.5. I t is recommended that water strainers be installed ahead of this cooler when the source of cooling water is from other than a municipal water supply. Dirt and debris can plug the water passages very quickly, rendering the cooler ineffective. Write the factory for water strainer recommendations.6. F ixed bundle heat exchangers are generally not recommended for steam service. For steam applications, a floating bundle exchanger is required. Note: When installing floating bundle unit, secure one end firmly and opposite end loosely to allow bundle to expand and contract. Consult factory for selection assistance.7. P iping must be properly supported to prevent excess strain on the heat exchanger ports. If excessive vibration is present, the use of shock absorbing mounts and flexible connectors is recommended.ServiceEach heat exchanger has been cleaned at the factory and should not require further treatment. It may be well to inspect the unit to be sure that dirt or foreign matter has not entered the unit during shipment. The heat exchanger should be mounted firmly in place with pipe connections tight.CautionIf sealant tape is used on pipe threads, the degree of resistance between mating parts is less, and there is a greater chance for cracking the heatexchanger castings. Do not overtighten. When storing the unit, be sure to keep the oil and water ports sealed. If storage continues into cold winter months, the water chamber must be drained to prevent damage by freezing.Performance information should be noted and recorded on newly installed units so that any reduction in effectiveness can be detected. Any loss in efficiency can normally be traced to an accumulation of oil sludge, or water scale.RecommendationsReplace gaskets when removing end castings. It is recommended that gaskets be soaked in oil to prevent corrosion and ensure a tight seal.Salt water should not be used in standard models. Use salt water in special models having 90/10 copper-nickel tubes, 90/10 tube sheets, bronze bonnets and zinc anodes on the tube side. Brackish water or other corrosive fluids may require special materials of construction.When zinc anodes are used for a particular application, they should be inspected two weeks after initial startup.Maximum Tubeside Flow Rates Allowed COLW 20/20W 12 GPM COLW 40/40W 12 GPM COLW-8028 GPM COLW-100116 GPMCOLW SeriesCOLW-20, 40, 20W, 40W, 802143COLW-1004321Hot Fluid InCooling Water InCooled Fluid OutCooling Water Out4321*Note: For all two pass and four pass heat exchangers: connections and may be reversed, and connections and may be reversed with no effect on performance.43210916Electrical1. C AUTION to prevent possible electrical shock, it is important to make sure this unit is properly grounded.2. C onnect motor only to a power supply of the same characteristics as shown on the motor nameplate. Be sure to provide proper fusing to prevent possible motor burnout. Before starting motor, follow manufacturer’s recommendations. Turn fan manually to eliminate possible motor burnoutin the event the fan has been damaged in shipment. Observe operation after motor is started for the first time.MaintenanceInspect the unit regularly for loose bolts and connections, rust and corrosion, and dirty or clogged heat transfer surfaces (cooling coil).MotorKeep outside surface free of dirt and grease so motor will cool properly. All motors use sealed shaft bearings. As a result, they do not require greasing. Repair or Replacement of PartsWhen ordering replacement parts or making inquiry regarding service, mention model number, serial number and the original purchase order number. Any reference to the motor must carry full nameplate data.FILTERInstallation▪Check that the pressure value of the selected filter is higher than the system’s maximum operating pressure (the maximum pressure valueis shown on the data plate).▪Check that the filter body contains the filter cartridge.▪Check that the operating fluid is compatible with the material of the body, cartridge, and seals.▪Secure the filter using the relevant threaded holes, to rigid brackets. Rigid installation makes it possible to unscrew the housing without introducing flexing of the hydraulic fittings, limiting any points of stress transfer. Install the filter in an accessible position for correct and trouble-free maintenance and visibility.▪Start the machine and check for the absence of oil leaks from the filter and relative fittings.▪Repeat the visual inspection when the system arrives at the operating temperature of the oil.Maintenance▪All maintenance operations must be performed only by suitably trained personnel.▪The hydraulic system must be depressurized before performing maintenance operations (except in the case of LMD duplex filters)▪Maintenance must be carried out using suitable tools and containers to collect the fluid contained in the filter body. Spent fluids must be disposed of in compliance with statutory legislation.▪Do not use naked flames during maintenance operations.▪Use the utmost caution in relation to the temperature of the fluid. High temperatures can lead to residual pressure with resulting undesirable movements of mechanical parts.Changing the Filter Element▪The date on which the filter elements are changed must be entered in the machine datasheet.▪Spare parts installed must be in compliance with the specifications given in the machine operating and maintenance manual.▪Filter bodies and tools must be thoroughly cleaned prior to each maintenance operation.▪After having opened the filter to change the filter element, check the condition of the seals and renew them if necessary. Clean thoroughly before reassembling.Changing the Filter Procedure▪Depressurize the system and clean the filter.▪Unscrew the oil drain plug collecting the fluid in a suitable container. When the operation is terminated, screw the plug by tightening it fully down and check the condition of the seal. Unscrew housing using the appropriate tools and extract the filter element.▪Collect the spent oil and cartridge in a suitable container and dispose of them in compliance with statutory legislation▪WARNING! To avoid damaging the components, clean seals, surfaces, and threads of the housing and the head.▪Lubricate the filter element seal with the operating fluid. Insert the filter element in the filter housing. Insert the cartridge in the head spigot.▪Check the condition of seals if renewing, lubricate the new seals with the operating fluid before installing.▪Screw the housing onto the head using the correct tool. WARNING: Screw the housing fully home into the head. DO NOT APPLY EXCESSIVE TIGHTENING TORQUE.▪Start the machine and check for the absence of leaks. Repeat the check when the machine has reached its operating temperature.PUMP SERVICECorrosionFretting: To reduce the corrosion due to fretting effect we recommend to grease the motor shaft with dedicated products (samples: lubricants based on MoS2, Loctite® 8008, Molykote® G-n plus, Turmopast® MA2).Fretting: To reduce the corrosion due to fretting effect, we recommend to check the electric motor ground connection and to check that the shaft residual currents are within the norms.Leakage Prevention: In case of wear of shaft seal to avoid leakage, all pump flanges with hallow shaft have a threaded ¼” gas thread that can be used for drainage connection to the tankPiping/Valves▪Piping connected to pump MUST be independently supported and not allowed to impose strains on pump casing including allowing for expansion and contraction due to pressure and temperature changes.▪To prevent foaming and air entrainment, all return lines in re-circulating systems should end well below liquid surface in reservoir. Bypass liquid from relief pressure and flow control valves should be returned to source (tank, reservoir, etc.), NOT to pump inlet line.▪Shut-off valves should be installed in both the suction and discharge lines so pump can be hydraulically isolated for service or removal. All new piping should be flushed clean before connecting to pump▪Pipe strain will distort a pump. This could lead to pump and piping malfunction or failure.▪Return lines piped back to pump can cause excessive temperature rise at pump which could result in catastrophic pump failure.▪Use relief valves to protect pumps from overpressure. They need to be connected to pump discharge lines as close to pumps as possible and with no other valves between pumps and relief valves. Relief valve settings should be set as low as practical.▪DO NOT set relief valve higher than maximum pressure rating of pump, including pressure accumulation at 100% bypass. Relief valve return lines should NOT be piped into pump inlet lines because they can produce a loop that will overheat pump. This pump is a positive displacement type. It will deliver (or attempt to deliver) flow regardless of back-pressure on unit. Failure to provide pump overpressure protection can cause pump or driver malfunction and/or rupture of pump and/or piping.Suction Line/ Suction Strainer/Filter▪The suction line should be designed so pump inlet pressure, measured at pump inlet flange, is greater than or equal to the minimum required pump inlet pressure (also referred to as Net Positive Inlet Pressure Required or (NPIPR). Velocity in suction line should be kept within 1.6-4 ft/s (0,5-1,2 m/s). Suction line length should be as short as possible and equalto or larger than pump's inlet size. All joints in suction line must be tight and sealed. If pump cannot be located below liquid level in reservoir, it necessary either to position the suction or install a foot valve so liquid cannot drain from pump while it is shut down. When pump is mounted vertically with drive shaft upward, or mounted horizontally with inlet port opening other than facing upward, a foot valve or liquid trap should be installed in suction line to prevent draining. The suction line should be filled before pump start-up.▪DO NOT operate the pump without liquid or under severe cavitation▪Pump life is related to liquid cleanliness. Suction strainers or filters should be installed in all systems to prevent entry of large contaminants into pump.▪The purpose of a suction strainer or filter is for basic protection of internal pumping elements. It should be installed immediately ahead of inlet port. This location should provide for easy cleaning or replacement of strainer element. Appropriate gages or instrumentation should be provided to monitor pump pressure. Pressure drop across a dirty strainer must not allow inlet pressure to fall below NPIPR. The pressure drop across the strainer should preferably not exceed 1.45 PSIG (0,1 BAR) at maximum flow rate and normal operating viscosity. General guidelines for strainer sizing are as follows:▪When pumping relatively clean viscous liquids (over 1000 cSt), use 10 to 12 mesh screens or those with about 1/16 inch (1,5mm) openings.▪When pumping relatively clean light liquids such as distillate fuels, hydraulic oil and light lube oils, use suction strainers of 100 to 200 mesh.▪When pumping heavy crude oils, use 5 to 6 mesh strainer screens or those with or about 1/8 inch (3mm) openings.▪When pumping relatively clean distillate fuels in high pressure fuel supply systems, use 25 micron “absolute” filters for three screw pumps and10 micron “absolute” filters for gear pumps.▪Make sure size/capacity of strainer or filter is adequate to prevent having to clean or replace elements too frequently.GaugesP ressure and temperature gauges are recommended for monitoring the pump’s operating conditions. These gauges should be easily readable and placed as close as possible to pump’s inlet and outlet flangesPumped LiquidsNEVER operate a pump with straight water (water/glycol is okay). The pumpis designed for liquids having general characteristics of oil. In closed orre-circulating systems, check liquid level in tank before and after start-up to be sure it is within operating limits. If initial liquid level is low, or if it drops as system fills during start-up or pumping operations, add sufficient clean liquid to tank to bring liquid to its normal operating level. Only use liquid recommended or approved for use with the equipment. Regular checks should be made on the condition of the liquid. In closed systems, follow supplier’s recommendations for maintaining liquid and establishing when liquid is to be changed. Be sure temperature is controlled so liquid cannot fall below its minimum allowable viscosity which occurs at its maximum operating temperature. Also, ensure that maximum viscosity at cold start-up does not cause pump inlet pressure to fall below its minimum required value.NEVER operate a pump without liquid in it!O perate only on liquids approved for use with pump.。

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Inspection and Testing Plan for Heat Exchanger Quality
1. 执行的标准、规范Applicable Code and Standard (3)
2.质量控制点Quality Control Point (4)
3. 质量控制表格和交工资料表格Applicable forms for quality control and turnover document (8)
Ins pect ion and T est ing Plan for H eat Ex c hanger Quality(R ev1).doc
Inspection and Testing Plan for Heat Exchanger Quality
1. 执行的标准、规范Applicable Code and Standard
●《建设工程监理规范》GB 50319 – 2000;
Code on Supervision of Construction Project, GB 50319 – 2000
●《石油化工工程建设交工技术文件规定》SH 3503 - 2001;
Regulation of T echnical Turnover Document for Construction of Petrochemical Industry Project, SH3503- 2001
Code on Construction and Acceptance Inspection of Heat Exchanging Equipment of
Industrial Project, SH3532-1995
●《石油化工设备安装工程质量检验评定标准》SH 3514 - 2001
Standard of Quality Inspection/Evaluation for Installation/Erection of Petrochemical Equipment, SH 3514 – 2001
Ins pect ion and T est ing Plan for H eat Ex c hanger Quality(R ev1).doc
2.质量控制点Quality Control Point
Inspection and Testing Plan for Heat Exchanger Quality
Ins pect ion and T est ing Plan for H eat Ex c hanger Quality(R ev1).doc
Ins pect ion and T est ing Plan for H eat Ex c hanger Quality(R ev1).doc
Ins pect ion and T est ing Plan for H eat Ex c hanger Quality(R ev1).doc
Ins pect ion and T est ing Plan for H eat Ex c hanger Quality(R ev1).doc
Inspection and T esting Plan for Heat Exc hanger Quality
3. 质量控制表格和交工资料表格Applicable forms for quality control and turnover document
●GB50319-2000-A2 《施工组织设计(方案)报审表》
Form of Request for Review/Approval of Construction Organization Plan, GB50319-2000-A2 ●GB50319-2000-A4 《————报审表》
Form of Request for Review/Approval of xxxxxx, GB50319-2000-A4
●GB50319-2000-A10 《工程竣工报验单》
Form of Request for Inspection of Work Completion, GB50319-2000-A10
●SH3514-2001-P602 《容器类设备安装分项工程质量检验评定表》
Form of Quality Evaluation of Sub-division Work of Vessel Equipment, SH3514-2001-P602
●SH3503-2001-J203 《基础复测记录》
Re-inspection Record of Foundation, SH3503-2001-J203
●SH3503-2001-J301 《设备开箱检验记录》
Equipment Open Package Inspection Record, SH3503-2001-J301
●SH3503-2001-J303 《卧式设备安装记录》
Horizontal Equipment Installation Record, SH3503-2001-J303
●SH3503-2001-J317B 《换热设备强度和严密性试验记录》
Heat Exchanging Equipment Strength and Tightness Test Record, SH3503-2001-J317B
●SH3503-2001-J204 《块体式设备基础允许偏差项目复测记录》
Re-inspection Record to Tolerance of Block Type Equipment Foundation, SH3503-2001- J204
●SH3503-2001-J115 《隐蔽工程记录》
Record for Cover-up Work, SH3503-2001-J115
Inspection and Testing Plan for Heat Exchanger Quality(Rev1).doc。
