Random copolymers at a selective interface many chains with excluded volume interactions




Sample preparation for SEM, TEM and XRD SEM samples were prepared by drop-drying the samples from their aqueous suspensions onto silicon substrates. TEM samples were prepared by drop-drying the samples from their diluted aqueous suspensions onto copper grids. XRD samples were prepared by drop-drying the samples from their aqueous suspensions onto glass substrates.
reaction mixture was prepared by adding 1.2 ml of 0.2 M Co(Ac)2 aqueous solution to 24 ml of mGO EtOH suspension, followed by the addition of 0.50 ml of NH4OH (30% solution) and 0.70 ml of water at RT. The following steps were the same as above. The resulting Co3O4/N-rmGO hybrid was ~20 mg after lyophilization. The mass ratio of graphene in the hybrid was determined by thermal-gravimetric analysis, in which the hybrid material was heated in air at 500℃ for 2 hours and a weight loss of ~30 % was measured. This corresponded to the removal of graphene from the hybrid by oxidation. Co3O4 was about 70% by mass (~20% by atom) in our hybrid. rmGO was made through the same steps as making Co3O4/rmGO without adding any Co salt in the first step. N-rmGO was made through the same steps as making Co3O4/N-rmGO without adding any Co salt in the first step. This produced N-doped reduced GO with N clearly resolved in the GO sample by XPS (Fig.S2b). Free Co3O4 nanoparticle was made through the same steps as making Co3O4/N-rmGO without adding any mGO in the first step.



tpo32三篇托福阅读TOEFL原文译文题目答案译文背景知识阅读-1 (2)原文 (2)译文 (5)题目 (7)答案 (16)背景知识 (16)阅读-2 (25)原文 (25)译文 (28)题目 (31)答案 (40)背景知识 (41)阅读-3 (49)原文 (49)译文 (53)题目 (55)答案 (63)背景知识 (64)阅读-1原文Plant Colonization①Colonization is one way in which plants can change the ecology of a site.Colonization is a process with two components:invasion and survival.The rate at which a site is colonized by plants depends on both the rate at which individual organisms(seeds,spores,immature or mature individuals)arrive at the site and their success at becoming established and surviving.Success in colonization depends to a great extent on there being a site available for colonization–a safe site where disturbance by fire or by cutting down of trees has either removed competing species or reduced levels of competition and other negative interactions to a level at which the invading species can become established.For a given rate of invasion,colonization of a moist,fertile site is likely to be much more rapid than that of a dry, infertile site because of poor survival on the latter.A fertile,plowed field is rapidly invaded by a large variety of weeds,whereas a neighboring construction site from which the soil has been compacted or removed to expose a coarse,infertile parent material may remain virtually free of vegetation for many months or even years despite receiving the same input of seeds as the plowed field.②Both the rate of invasion and the rate of extinction vary greatly among different plant species.Pioneer species-those that occur only in the earliest stages of colonization-tend to have high rates of invasion because they produce very large numbers of reproductive propagules(seeds,spores,and so on)and because they have an efficient means of dispersal(normally,wind).③If colonizers produce short-lived reproductive propagules,they must produce very large numbers unless they have an efficient means of dispersal to suitable new habitats.Many plants depend on wind for dispersal and produce abundant quantities of small,relatively short-lived seeds to compensate for the fact that wind is not always a reliable means If reaching the appropriate type of habitat.Alternative strategies have evolved in some plants,such as those that produce fewer but larger seeds that are dispersed to suitable sites by birds or small mammals or those that produce long-lived seeds.Many forest plants seem to exhibit the latter adaptation,and viable seeds of pioneer species can be found in large numbers on some forest floors. For example,as many as1,125viable seeds per square meter were found in a100-year-old Douglas fir/western hemlock forest in coastal British Columbia.Nearly all the seeds that had germinated from this seed bank were from pioneer species.The rapid colonization of such sites after disturbance is undoubtedly in part a reflection of the largeseed band on the forest floor.④An adaptation that is well developed in colonizing species is a high degree of variation in germination(the beginning of a seed’s growth). Seeds of a given species exhibit a wide range of germination dates, increasing the probability that at least some of the seeds will germinate during a period of favorable environmental conditions.This is particularly important for species that colonize an environment where there is no existing vegetation to ameliorate climatic extremes and in which there may be great climatic diversity.⑤Species succession in plant communities,i.e.,the temporal sequence of appearance and disappearance of species is dependent on events occurring at different stages in the life history of a species. Variation in rates of invasion and growth plays an important role in determining patterns of succession,especially secondary succession. The species that are first to colonize a site are those that produce abundant seed that is distributed successfully to new sites.Such species generally grow rapidly and quickly dominate new sites, excluding other species with lower invasion and growth rates.The first community that occupies a disturbed area therefore may be composed of specie with the highest rate of invasion,whereas the community of the subsequent stage may consist of plants with similar survival ratesbut lower invasion rates.译文植物定居①定居是植物改变一个地点生态环境的一种方式。



Locating multiple optima using particle swarm optimizationR.Brits a ,A.P.Engelbrechta,*,F.van den Bergh b a Department of Computer Science,University of Pretoria,South Africab Meraka Institute,CSIR,Pretoria,South AfricaAbstractMany scientific and engineering applications require optimization methods to find more than one solution to multi-modal optimization problems.This paper presents a new particle swarm optimization (PSO)technique to locate and refine multiple solutions to such problems.The technique,NichePSO,extends the inherent unimodal nature of the standard PSO approach by growing multiple swarms from an initial particle population.Each subswarm represents a different solution or niche;optimized individually.The outcome of the NichePSO algorithm is a set of particle swarms,each representing a unique solution.Experimental results are provided to show that NichePSO can successfully locate all optima on a small set of test functions.These results are compared with another PSO niching algorithm,lbest PSO,and two genetic algorithm niching approaches.The influence of control parameters is investigated,including the relationship between the swarm size and the number of solutions (niches).An initial scalability study is also done.Ó2007Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.Keywords:Particle swarm optimization;Niching;Speciation1.IntroductionFunction optimization is the process of finding an optimal solution to an objective function describing a problem.Optimization can be either a minimization or maximization task.Optimization problems can be broadly categorized into unimodal and multi-modal problems.Unimodal problems have a single global opti-mum,x *,subject to (assuming minimization)f ðx ÃÞ6f ðx Þ8x 2R n ;where f ðx Þ:R n !R is the objective function and n is the dimension of the search space.Multi-modal prob-lems,on the other hand,have more than one optimum.These optima may all be global optima,or a mixture of global and local optima.A local optimum,x ÃL ,is subject to (assuming minimization)f ðx ÃL Þ6f ðx Þ8x 2L ;where L &R n .0096-3003/$-see front matter Ó2007Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.amc.2006.12.066*Corresponding author.E-mail addresses:rbrits@cs.up.ac.za (R.Brits),engel@cs.up.ac.za (A.P.Engelbrecht),fvdbergh@csir.co.za (F.van denBergh).Applied Mathematics and Computation 189(2007)1859–18831860R.Brits et al./Applied Mathematics and Computation189(2007)1859–1883Many scientific and engineering optimization problems have convoluted search spaces with large numbers of optima.In the case of more than one global optimum,algorithms are needed to obtain all these solutions.It may also be beneficial to locate all,or as many as possible,local optima.Function optimization has received extensive research attention,and several machine learning techniques such as neural networks[3,16],evolutionary algorithms[1],and swarm intelligence-based algorithms [23,12,13],have been developed and applied successfully to solve a wide range of complex optimization prob-lems.By far the largest part of this research concentrated on developing algorithms that can locate only a single solution.However,evolutionary algorithms research has produced a number of approaches tofind multiple solutions[19,27,18].These evolutionary algorithms are generally referred to as niching or speciation algorithms. Each possible solution,known as a niche,is represented by a grouping of homogeneous GA individuals.Eberhart and Kennedy recently introduced the particle swarm optimization(PSO)approach[22].It is sim-ilar to evolutionary algorithms in that it evolves a group of candidate solutions.PSO,however,allows each individual to maintain a memory of the best solution that it has found and the best solution found in the indi-vidual’s neighborhood.Each individual’s traversal of the search space is then influenced by its own memory of best positions,with the individual moving towards a stochastically weighted average of these best positions [38,41].The PSO algorithm has been shown to successfully solve a variety of unimodal optimization problems [35].Several techniques have been proposed to improve the PSO algorithm’s traversal of the search space [21,25,30,36,38,39].Attempts have been made to solve multi-modal optimization problems with PSO,in the form of niching techniques.Parsopoulos and Vrahatis[31]proposed an extension to a PSO convergence rate improvement technique as a sequential niching approach.The technique locates multiple optima by adapting the objective function’sfit-ness landscape each time a new solution is located.The nbest PSO is a parallel niching technique used to locate multiple solutions to simple systems of equations[4,5].This paper presents and empirically analyses the niching particle swarm optimization algorithm,NichePSO. NichePSO is aimed at locating multiple,optimal solutions to multi-modal optimization problems.Niches are identified by monitoring thefitness of individual particles,and growing subswarms from the initial particle swarm ing a global optimization strategy,subswarms then refine the solution represented by the niche.While the focus of this paper is on niching techniques for locating multiple solutions to multi-modal opti-mization problems,niching techniques have also been used to solve multi-objective optimization problems.In the case of multiple objectives,the objective function consists of K(possibly conflicting)sub-objectives,where the task is to optimize these sub-objectives concurrently.The objective function,f,is expressed as fðxÞ¼f f1ðxÞ;f2ðxÞ;...;f KðxÞg.Multi-objective optimization algorithmsfind good trade-offs between conflict-ing objectives rather than a single solution.A set of such solutions is referred to as the Pareto-optimal set. Several evolutionary algorithm approaches to multi-objective optimization have been developed.For an extensive treatment refer to[7,9].Recently,PSO techniques have been developed for solving multi-objective problems[7,8,15,20,32].It is significant to make a clear distinction between multi-objective and multi-modal optimization problems: Where solutions to multi-objective problems represent a combination of(possibly conflicting)solutions to each of the subgoals f iðxÞin f,solutions to multi-modal optimization problems represent possible values for x under a single objective function f.This is the main focus of our study:niching algorithms for multi-modal,single-objective problems.The standard PSO algorithm and extensions toit as used within the NichePSO are discussed in Section2. Section3presents an introduction to niching and existing niching techniques,introduced both in thefields of genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimizers.NichePSO is presented in Section4,with experimentalfind-ings reported in Section5.Section5also includes an empirical comparison between niching algorithms.2.Particle swarm optimizersThis section presents and discusses the original PSO algorithm.Modifications and improvements to the PSO algorithm have been suggested by several authors.This section discusses PSO improvements used bythe NichePSO algorithm,as well as improvements which have influenced it.The section ends with a short dis-cussion on the ability of the standard PSO to locate multiple solutions.2.1.The standard PSOParticle swarm optimizers are optimization algorithms modeled after the social behavior of birds in aflock [22].PSO is a population based search process where individuals,referred to as particles,are grouped into a swarm.Each particle in a swarm represents a candidate solution to the optimization problem.In a PSO sys-tem,each particle is‘‘flown’’through the multidimensional search space,adjusting its position in search space according to its own experience and that of neighboring particles.A particle therefore makes use of the best position encountered by itself and that of its neighbors to position itself toward an optimal solution.The effect is that particles‘‘fly’’toward a minimum,while still searching a wide area around the best solution.The per-formance of each particle(i.e.the‘‘closeness’’of a particle to the global optimum)is measured using a prede-finedfitness function which encapsulates the characteristics of the optimization problem.Each particle i maintain a current position,x i,current velocity,v i,and personal best position,y i.For the purposes of this paper,x i represents a position in an unconstrained,continuous search space.The personal best position associated with a particle i is the best position that the particle has visited thus far,i.e.a position that yielded the highestfitness value for that particle.If f denotes the objective function to be minimized,then the personal best of a particle at a time step t is updated asy i ðtþ1Þ¼yiðtÞif fðx iðtþ1ÞÞP fðy iðtÞÞ;x iðtþ1Þif fðx iðtþ1ÞÞ<fðy iðtÞÞ:ð1ÞDifferent PSO models have been developed based on the neighborhood topology particles use to exchange information about the search space[24].In the gbest model,which is used in this paper,the best particle is determined from the entire swarm and all other particlesflock towards this particle.If the position of the best particle is denoted by the vector^y,then^yðtÞ2f y0;y1;...;ysgj fð^yðtÞÞ¼min f fðy0ðtÞÞ;fðy1ðtÞÞ;...;fðy sðtÞÞg;ð2Þwhere s is the total number of particles in the swarm.For each iteration of a gbest PSO,the j th-dimension of particle i’s velocity vector,v i,and its position vector,x i,is updated as follows:v i;jðtþ1Þ¼wv i;jðtÞþc1r1;jðtÞðy i;jðtÞÀx i;jðtÞÞþc2r2;jðtÞð^y i;jðtÞÀx i;jðtÞÞ;ð3Þx iðtþ1Þ¼x iðtÞþv iðtþ1Þ;ð4Þwhere w is the inertia weight,c1and c2are the acceleration constants and r1;jðtÞ;r2;jðtÞ$Uð0;1Þ.Upper and lower bounds are usually specified on v i to avoid too rapid movement of particles in the search space;that is, v i;j is clamped to the range½Àv max;j;v max;j .The inertia weight,w,was introduced by Shi and Eberhart[34]to control the influence of the velocity vector on a particle’s position.Decreasing w from a relatively large value to a small value over time,results in rapid initial exploration of the search space,and facilitates later explo-ration.Small w-values result in small adaptations to particle positions,effectively yielding a local search.The PSO algorithm performs repeated applications of the update equations until a specified number of iter-ations has been exceeded,or until velocity updates are close to zero.The reader is referred to[38,41]for a study of the relationship between the inertia weight and the acceler-ation constants in order to select values that will ensure convergent behavior.2.2.The guaranteed convergence particle swarm optimizerThe gbest algorithm exhibits an unwanted property:when x i¼y i¼^y(for any particle i),the velocity update in Eq.(3)depends only on the w v iðtÞterm.When a particle approaches the global best solution,its velocity approaches zero,implying that eventually all particles will stop moving.This behavior does not guar-antee convergence to a global best solution,or even a local best,only to a best position found thus far[38,41]. Van den Bergh et al.introduced a new algorithm,called the Guaranteed Convergence PSO(GCPSO)[38,40], R.Brits et al./Applied Mathematics and Computation189(2007)1859–188318611862R.Brits et al./Applied Mathematics and Computation189(2007)1859–1883to pro-actively counteract this behavior in a particle swarm.Let s be the index of the global best particle.The velocity and position updates for the global best particle are then redefined to bev s;jðtþ1Þ¼Àx s;jðtÞþ^y jðtÞþwv s;jðtÞþqðtÞð1À2r2;jÞ;ð5Þx s;jðtþ1Þ¼^y jðtÞþwv s;jðtÞþqðtÞð1À2r2;jÞ:ð6ÞThe termÀx s‘resets’the particle’s position to the global best position^y;w v s signifies a search direction,and qðtÞð1À2r2ðtÞÞadds a random search term to the equation.The parameter q(t)is dynamically adapted to con-trol the size of the bounding box around yˆwithin which a local search is conducted to force a change in the value of yˆ,thereby preventing the above problem[38,40].2.3.Niching ability of standard PSOThis section provides a short summary of[14],where it is shown that the standard gbest PSO cannot locate multiple solutions,and that the standard lbest PSO is inefficient in doing so.For the gbest PSO,Van den Bergh and Engelbrecht[38,41],and Clerc and Kennedy[6]formally proved that all particles converge on a single attractor,which is a weighted average of the global best position and the personal best position of the particle. These formal proofs clearly show that the gbest PSO cannot locate,in the same execution of the algorithm, more than one solution.If the gbest PSO is executed a number of times,each time from different initial con-ditions,it may be the case that more than one unique solution is found.However,there is no such guarantee. In fact,there is not even a guarantee that the solution found is a local optimum,as proven in[38].The proof of convergence to the weighted average of personal best and global best positions have been done with respect to gbest PSO,and cannot be directly applied to lbest PSO.Based on this proof,the only thing that can be said is that for each neighborhood,a particle converges to a weighted average of its personal best and neighborhood best solutions.Since neighborhoods are constructed based on particles indices with some over-lap between neighborhoods,it is intuitively expected that the neighborhoods(and therefore all particles),will eventually converge on the same point.However,no such proof exist.Engelbrecht et al.[14]empirically showed that,for the lbest PSO,particles do form subgroups,which can be perceived as niches.Even if these subgroups can be considered as niches,it was shown in[14]that only a small number of solutions are found, and only when large swarm sizes are used.The conclusion from[14]is that the standard lbest PSO is inefficient in locating multiple solutions.For sake of completeness,Section5summarizes the results from[14]in com-parison with the results of NichePSO.The inability of gbest PSO and the inefficiency of lbest PSO in locating multiple solutions motivates research in the modification of the standard PSO to promote niching within a single swarm.3.Niching techniquesA number of algorithms have been suggested tofind multiple solutions to multi-modal optimization prob-lems using genetic algorithms,and to a lesser extend,PSOs.In GA parlance,optimization techniques that locate multiple optima in multi-modal function optimization problems are known as niching techniques.Both GAs and PSOs use a population of‘agents’(individuals,particles)partitioned in some way to focus on and locate different possible solutions in a single search space.Each subgroup in the partitioned population is known as a species.The behavioral pattern of individuals competing for the use of a resource in a subgroup and between elements in a subgroup,is known as speciation.Section3.1defines niching,while the remainder of this section summarizes only those niching methods from which NichePSO borrowed concepts,and those methods used in the empirical analysis done for this paper.3.1.What is niching?In an environment where a large number of individuals compete for the use of available resources,behav-ioral patterns emerge where individuals are organized into subgroups based on their resource requirements. Horn defines niching as a‘‘form of cooperation aroundfinite,limited resources,resulting in the lack of compe-tition between such areas,and causing the formation of species for each niche’’[19].Niches are thus partitions of an environment,and species are partitions of a population competing within the environment.Localization of competition is introduced by simply sharing resources among individuals competing for it.The terms niche and species can be used interchangeably.As an example,a school offish that live in a certain part of the ocean compete with each other for access to a potentially limited food supply.Food may not be available everywhere in their environment.Certainfish may learn to live in a small area around a food source,while others may learn to roam their environment and only feed when they require nourishment.If there was to be a single food source,it is a reasonable expectation that allfish would eventually exhibit similar behavior.They would all be required tofind food in the same place,and encounter the same resistance from otherfish.The social interaction and adaptation of individuals in an environment around multiple resources form the basis for the study of niching techniques with evolutionary optimization algorithms.In the evolutionary con-text,Horn defines implicit niching as the sharing of resources,and explicit niching as the sharing offitness.Niching methods can be categorized as either being sequential or parallel:•Sequential niching(or temporal niching)techniques develop niches sequentially over time.As niches are dis-covered,the search space of a problem is adapted to repel other individuals from traversing the area around the recently located solution.The search is repetitively applied to the adapted search space in order to focus on unexplored areas[2].•Parallel niching forms and maintains several different niches simultaneously.The search space is not mod-ified.Parallel niching techniques therefore not only depend onfinding a good measure to locate possible solutions,but also need to organize individuals in a way that maintains their organization in the search space over time,to populate locations around solutions[27,17,19,29].Regardless of the way in which niches are found(i.e.in parallel or sequentially),the distribution of indi-viduals can be formalized in a number of ways,according to their speciation behavior[27]:•Sympatric speciation occurs when individuals form species that coexist in the same search space,but evolve to exploit different resources(or more formally,different ecological niches).•Allopatric speciation differentiates between individuals based on spatial isolation in a search space.No inter-species communication takes place,and subspecies can develop only through deviation from the available ‘genetic’information.•Parapatric speciation allows new species to form as a result of segregated species sharing a common border.Communication between the initial species may not have been encouraged or intended.The PSO niching approach presented in Section4may be classified as using an allopatric speciation approach.Allopatric speciation will therefore be a more prevalent issue of discussion,as it defines the goals of multi-modal function optimization.3.2.Fitness sharingFitness sharing is one of the earliest GA niching techniques,originally introduced as a population diversity maintenance technique[17].It is a parallel,explicit niching approach.The algorithm regards each niche as a finite resource,and shares this resource among all individuals in the niche.Individuals are encouraged to pop-ulate a particular area of the search space by adapting theirfitness based on the number of other individuals that populate the same area.Thefitness f i of individual i is adapted to its sharedfitness:f0 i ¼f iPjshðd i;jÞ:A common sharing function isshðdÞ¼1Àðd=r shareÞa if d<r share0otherwise:R.Brits et al./Applied Mathematics and Computation189(2007)1859–18831863The symbol d represents a distance calculated between individuals i and j.The distance measure may be geno-typic or phenotypic,depending on the optimization problem at hand.If the sharing functionfinds that d i;j is less than r share,it returns a value in the range[0,1],which increases as d i;j decreases.The more similar i and j, the lower their individualfitnesses will become.Sharing assumes that the number of niches can be estimated, i.e.it must be known prior to the application of the algorithm how many niches there are.It is also assumed that niches occur at least a minimum distance,2r share,from each other.3.3.Sequential nichingSequential niching(SN),introduced by Beasley et al.[2],identifies multiple solutions by adapting an opti-mization problem’s objective function’sfitness landscape through the application of a derating function at a position where a potential solution was found.A derating function is designed to lower thefitness appeal of previously located solutions.By repeatedly running the algorithm,all optima are removed from thefitness landscape.Sample derating functions,for a previous maximum x*,includeG1ðx;xÃÞ¼k xÀxÃkraif k xÀxÃk<r 1otherwise(andG2ðx;xÃÞ¼e log m rÀk xÀxÃkr if k xÀxÃk<r1otherwise;(ð7Þwhere r is the radius of the derating function’s effect.In G1,a determines whether the derating function is con-cave(a>1)or convex(a<1).For a=1,G1is a linear function.For G2,m determines‘concavity’.Noting that lim x!0logðxÞ¼À1,m must always be larger than0.Smaller values for m result in a more concave derating function.Thefitness function f(x)is then redefined to beM nþ1ðxÞ M nðxÞÂGðx;s nÞ;where M0ðxÞ fðxÞand s n is the best individual found during run n of the algorithm.G can be any derating function,such as G1and G2.3.4.CrowdingCrowding(or the crowding factor model),as introduced by de Jong[10],was originally devised as a diver-sity preservation technique.Crowding is inspired by a naturally occurring phenomenon in ecologies,namely competition amongst similar individuals for limited resources.Similar individuals compete to occupy the same ecological niche,while dissimilar individuals do not compete,as they do not occupy the same ecological niche. When a niche has reached its carrying capacity(i.e.being occupied by the maximum number of individuals that can exist within it)older individuals are replaced by newer(younger)individuals.The carrying capacity of the niche does not change,so the population size will remain constant.For a genetic algorithm,crowding is performed as follows:It is assumed that a population of GA individ-uals evolve over several generational steps.At each step,the crowding algorithm selects only a portion of the current generation to reproduce.The selection strategy isfitness proportionate,i.e.morefit individuals are more likely to be chosen.After the selected individuals have reproduced,individuals in the current population are replaced by their offspring.For each offspring,a random sample is taken from the current generation,and the most similar individual is replaced by the offspring individual.Deterministic crowding(DC)is based on de Jong’s crowding technique,but with the following improve-ments as suggested by Mahfoud[27]:–Phenotypic similarity measures are used instead of genotypic measures.Phenotypic metrics embody domain specific knowledge that is most useful in multi-modal optimization,as several different spatial positions can contain equally optimal solutions.1864R.Brits et al./Applied Mathematics and Computation189(2007)1859–1883–It was shown that there exists a high probability that the most similar individuals to an offspring are its parents.Therefore,DC compares an offspring only to its parents and not to a random sample of the population.–Random selection is used to select individuals for reproduction.Offspring replace parents only if the off-spring perform better than the parents.3.5.Objective function stretchingObjective function stretching[30]was applied as a sequential PSO niching technique[31],similar to that of Beasley et al.[2].A particle swarm is trained using the gbest algorithm.Once the PSO has identified a local minimum fðxÃÞ,through comparing particlefitnesses to a performance threshold value,the objective function is stretched such that for each point x,where fðxÞ<fðxÃÞ,x is unaffected.All other points,such that fðxÞP fðxÃÞholds,are stretched so that x*becomes a local maximum.All particles are then repositioned randomly.Thefitness function f(x)is redefined as H(x),whereHðxÞ¼GðxÞþc2signðfðxÞÀfðxÃÞÞþ1Þ2tanhðlðGðxÞÀGðxÃÞÞÞandGðxÞ¼fðxÞþc1k xÀxÃkðsignðfðxÞÀfðxÃÞÞþ1Þ2:For a minimization problem,the sign(Æ)function is defined assignðxÞ¼þ1;x>0;0;x¼0;À1;x<0; 8><>:where x is a scalar value.Stretching of f(x)to H(x)ensures that subsequent iterations of the PSO algorithm does not focus on previously located solutions.Although effective in global optimization and to a lesser extent in multi-modal optimization,the stretching technique introduces the following problems:•If multiple acceptable solutions are located close to each other,the effect of G(x)may cause these alternative solutions never to be detected.•The adaptation of f(x)close to x leads to the introduction of‘trenches’in f around remaining potential solutions withfitness similar to that of x[4].•For some combinations of c1,c2l,new local optima are introduced[38].3.6.The nbest particle swarm optimizerThe nbest PSO was developed to solve unconstrained systems of equations(SEs)[5].Solving SEs here spe-cifically refer to the process offinding points of intersection between the individual equations making up a SEs.Standard PSO techniques,such as gbest and lbest can quickly and accurately solve SEs that have a single solution.However,it is frequently the case that complex SEs have multiple solutions.Such problems can be classified as multi-modal problems.Solutions to the SEs all have optimalfitness,and thefitness of any other potential,non-optimal solution,depends on its proximity to one of the optimal solutions.For a potential solution x i,thefitness function for solving a SE can in general be written asfðx iÞ¼X Kk¼1j z kðx iÞj;R.Brits et al./Applied Mathematics and Computation189(2007)1859–18831865where z kðx iÞrepresents each one of the K equations in the SE;each equation is algebraically rewritten to be equal to zero.While thisfitness function works well when an unique solution exists,it fails for multiple solu-tions.For example,consider the following SE:y¼2xÀ3;y¼À3xÀ1;y¼Àxþ1:The SE has three solutions(i.e.there are three intersections between the solutions).Tofind them all,thefitness function should consider a particle’s relative distance to a possible solution.Thus,to evaluate thefitness of x for this SE,thefitness function is redefined asf ABCðxÞ¼min f f AB;ACðxÞ;f BA;BCðxÞ;f CB;CAðxÞg;wheref AB;ACðxÞis thefitness of particle x with respect to equations y¼2xÀ3and y¼À3xþ1,f BA;BCðxÞis thefitness of particle x with respect to equations y¼À3xþ1and y¼Àxþ1,f CB;CAðxÞis thefitness of particle x with respect to equations y¼Àxþ1and y¼2xÀ3.This formulation of thefitness function implicitly assumes that all the lines in the system of equations actually intersect,and rewards a particle for being close to one of the solutions,and does not penalize it if the particle is still far from the global best particle.If there are no intersections between lines in a system of equations,and therefore no solution to the sys-tem of equations,particles will eventually settle on locations where lines in the system are the closest to each other.The lbest model’s neighborhood definition is motivated by the fact that it tries to promote the spread of information regarding good solutions to all particles,without considering a particle’s current position.When searching for a single optimum solution,this model is appropriate as it allows for efficient evaluation of the search space while avoiding premature convergence.However,when searching for multiple possible solutions, lbest is biased towardsfinding a single optimum solution in the search space due to overlapping neighbor-hoods.It has been experimentally shown that it is possible for index-based particle neighborhoods to emerge for relatively high iterations of the lbest algorithm(see results presented in Section5.5).The propagation of information about a local best solution within an index-based neighborhood,where neighborhoods are unique to particles,also hampers convergence.Neighborhoods constantly change as particles do not pursue a com-mon goal.nbest PSO however attempts to compensate for this deficiency.For nbest PSO,a neighborhood best,^y i,is defined for each particle,x i,as the center of mass of the positions of all the particles in the topological neighborhood of x i.The topological neighborhood is defined as the n i closest particles to x i,where the closest particles are found by calculating the Euclidean distance between x i and all other particles in the swarm.Formally,for each particle define the set B i,where B i consists of the k closest particles to x i at any given time step t;^y i is then^y i¼1kX kj¼1B i j;where B ij is the current position of the j th particle in neighborhood B i of particle x i at time t;k is a user defined parameter.Considering the above formulation of^y i,k should not be too small,as it will force a particle to blindly trail its closest neighbor.Also,if k is too large,it would yield an algorithm similar to gbest,but where the goal position would be an average particle position conveying no information about a possible good result. Particle updates are done as for normal gbest PSO,but with the difference that the position of the global best particle,yˆ,is replaced with^y i,which represents the average of the best positions of particles in the topological neighborhood of particle x i.Experimental results showed that nbest successfully locates multiple solutions to SEs[5,4].1866R.Brits et al./Applied Mathematics and Computation189(2007)1859–1883。



科学家最宝贵的品质考研英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Most Valuable Qualities of ScientistsAs a student aspiring to pursue a career in scientific research, I have often pondered the essential qualities that define a truly great scientist. While technical prowess and academic brilliance are undoubtedly crucial, I have come to realize that the most exceptional scientists possess a unique blend of intellectual and personal traits that transcend mere knowledge and skills. These qualities are the bedrock upon which groundbreaking discoveries and paradigm-shifting theories are built, and they are what separate the ordinary from the extraordinary in the realm of scientific exploration.Curiosity: The Catalyst for DiscoveryAt the core of every scientific endeavor lies an insatiable curiosity – a relentless desire to unravel the mysteries of the universe, to push the boundaries of human understanding, and to challenge the status quo. Great scientists are driven by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, constantly questioning theworld around them and seeking answers to the most perplexing conundrums. From the pioneering work of Isaac Newton, whose curiosity about the nature of gravity revolutionized our understanding of the physical world, to the groundbreaking discoveries of Marie Curie, whose inquisitive spirit propelled her to uncover the secrets of radioactivity, curiosity has been the driving force behind some of the most profound scientific breakthroughs.Critical Thinking: The Cornerstone of Scientific ReasoningThe ability to think critically and analyze problems from multiple perspectives is an indispensable quality for any scientist worthy of the name. Great scientists do not merely accept established theories and dogmas at face value; rather, they scrutinize them with a critical eye, constantly questioning assumptions and seeking evidence to support or refute existing paradigms. This intellectual rigor and unwavering commitment to objective analysis have paved the way for countless scientific revolutions, from the Copernican revolution that shattered the geocentric model of the universe to the groundbreaking work of Charles Darwin, whose theory of evolution by natural selection challenged long-held beliefs about the origins of life.Perseverance: The Fuel for Scientific ProgressScientific inquiry is often a long and arduous journey, fraught with obstacles, setbacks, and failures. It is the perseverance and unwavering determination of great scientists that enable them to overcome these challenges and continue their quest for knowledge, undeterred by temporary setbacks or disheartening failures. The history of science is replete with examples of scientists who defied the odds and persevered against all odds, such as Albert Einstein, whose revolutionary theories of relativity were initially met with skepticism and resistance, or Rosalind Franklin, whose crucial contributions to the discovery of the double-helix structure of DNA were initially overlooked due to gender bias.Creativity: The Spark of InnovationWhile scientific progress is built upon a foundation of rigorous methodology and empirical evidence, true breakthroughs often require a spark of creativity – the ability to think outside the box, to challenge conventional wisdom, and to envision novel solutions to seemingly intractable problems. Great scientists possess an innate ability to synthesize disparate ideas and forge new connections, allowing them to approach challenges from unconventional angles and uncover insights that elude their more conventional counterparts. From thegroundbreaking work of Nikola Tesla, whose creative genius revolutionized the field of electrical engineering, to the visionary ideas of Stephen Hawking, whose theoretical contributions have reshaped our understanding of the cosmos, creativity has been the driving force behind many of the most profound scientific achievements.Collaboration and CommunicationWhile the image of the solitary genius toiling away in isolation may be a romantic one, the reality of modern scientific research is that it is a highly collaborative endeavor, requiring effective communication and teamwork among researchers from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. Great scientists must possess the ability to articulate their ideas clearly and persuasively, to listen to and incorporate the perspectives of others, and to foster an environment of open and constructive dialogue. By embracing collaboration and fostering an atmosphere of intellectual exchange, scientists can leverage the collective knowledge and expertise of their peers, accelerating the pace of discovery and amplifying the impact of their work.Ethical Integrity: The Moral Compass of ScienceScience is not merely a pursuit of knowledge; it is a discipline that carries immense ethical responsibilities and implications.Great scientists must possess a deep sense of ethical integrity, a commitment to upholding the highest standards of intellectual honesty, and an unwavering dedication to the responsible and ethical application of their discoveries. From the pioneering work of Jonas Salk, whose development of the polio vaccine saved countless lives, to the cautionary tale of the Manhattan Project, which highlighted the grave consequences of scientific knowledge unchecked by ethical considerations, the ethical conduct of scientists has profound implications for humanity and the world we inhabit.As I embark on my journey to become a scientist, I am acutely aware of the immense responsibility that comes with this noble pursuit. It is not merely a matter of acquiring knowledge and technical skills; it is a lifelong commitment to cultivating the qualities that define true greatness in the scientific篇2The Most Valuable Qualities of a ScientistAs a student aspiring to become a scientist, I've spent a lot of time contemplating what truly makes a great researcher. What qualities and traits are essential for unlocking the mysteries of the universe and driving scientific progress? Based on myobservations and experiences, I believe the most valuable qualities of a scientist are insatiable curiosity, relentless perseverance, and integrity grounded in humility.Insatiable CuriosityAt its core, science is fueled by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and understanding. The greatest scientists are those who possess an insatiable curiosity that compels them to constantly question, explore, and push the boundaries of what is known. They are driven by a deep yearning to unravel the complexities of the natural world, to uncover the fundamental principles that govern the universe, and to unearth the solutions to problems that have long confounded humanity.This unwavering curiosity manifests itself in a willingness to challenge conventional wisdom, to embrace uncertainty, and to venture into uncharted territory. It is a quality that prevents scientists from becoming complacent or satisfied with the status quo. Instead, it propels them to continually ask probing questions, to seek out new perspectives, and to approach familiar concepts with fresh eyes.Truly curious scientists are not content with merely accumulating facts; they seek to understand the underlying mechanisms, the interconnections, and the broader implications.They are driven to explore the "why" and "how" behind phenomena, not just the "what." This insatiable curiosity is the spark that ignites scientific revolutions, propelling humanity towards groundbreaking discoveries and paradigm shifts.Relentless PerseveranceScience is a pursuit that demands unwavering perseverance in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles and setbacks. The path to scientific breakthroughs is often paved with frustration, failure, and disappointment. Experiments may yield perplexing results, hypotheses may be disproven, and years of painstaking work may seemingly lead to dead ends.It is in these moments that a scientist's perseverance is truly tested. The great scientists are those who possess an unshakable determination to push forward, to learn from their mistakes, and to continue searching for answers with unwavering resolve. They understand that failure is not a defeat but rather an opportunity to gain valuable insights and refine their approach.This relentless perseverance is fueled by a combination of passion, resilience, and an uncompromising commitment to their goals. It enables scientists to weather the storms of doubt, criticism, and adversity that are inherent in the scientific endeavor. They possess the mental fortitude to endure longhours in the lab, to meticulously analyze data, and to tirelessly refine their theories and experiments until they achieve a breakthrough.Moreover, perseverance is not limited to the pursuit of a single objective; it extends to the broader quest for knowledge itself. Great scientists recognize that the pursuit of understanding is a lifelong journey, filled with detours, obstacles, and ever-evolving challenges. They embrace this journey with an unwavering spirit, driven by the knowledge that each discovery, no matter how small, contributes to the collective understanding of the world around us.Integrity Grounded in HumilityScience is a collaborative endeavor built upon a foundation of trust, transparency, and intellectual honesty. It is a pursuit that demands the highest levels of integrity, both in the conduct of research and in the communication of findings. Without integrity, the entire scientific enterprise would crumble, eroding the credibility and reliability upon which progress depends.At the heart of scientific integrity lies humility – a recognition that our understanding of the universe is inherently limited and that our theories and conclusions are subject to revision in the face of new evidence. Truly great scientists approach their workwith a sense of awe and respect for the complexities of the natural world, acknowledging that there is always more to learn and that their findings may one day be superseded or refined.This humility manifests itself in a willingness to scrutinize one's own work with a critical eye, to embrace constructive criticism, and to acknowledge the contributions and perspectives of others. It is a quality that safeguards against arrogance, dogmatism, and the temptation to manipulate or misrepresent data to fit preconceived notions.Moreover, integrity grounded in humility fosters an environment of collaboration and open discourse. Scientists who possess this quality are not threatened by differing viewpoints or contradictory evidence; instead, they welcome them as opportunities to deepen their understanding and refine their theories. They recognize that scientific progress is a collective endeavor, built upon the foundations laid by countless minds across generations and disciplines.ConclusionIn the ever-evolving landscape of scientific inquiry, the qualities of insatiable curiosity, relentless perseverance, and integrity grounded in humility are the bedrock upon which true progress is built. These traits transcend the boundaries of anyspecific discipline or field, serving as the driving force behind humanity's quest to understand the universe and unlock its secrets.As a student aspiring to join the ranks of the great scientists, I am deeply inspired by these qualities and strive to embody them in my own journey. It is my sincere hope that by cultivating these traits, I can contribute, however small, to the collective pursuit of knowledge that has defined humanity's greatest achievements and propelled us ever forward into the unknown.篇3The Most Valuable Qualities of ScientistsAs someone aspiring to become a scientist, I've spent a lot of time thinking about what truly makes a great researcher. Sure, intelligence and technical knowledge are important, but I don't think those are the most essential qualities. In my opinion, the best scientists possess an insatiable curiosity, unwavering perseverance, and a humble ability to admit what they don't know.First and foremost, an unquenchable thirst for knowledge is absolutely vital for any scientist worth their salt. The desire to constantly learn and understand the world around us is whatdrives scientific discovery and progress. The greatest minds in history like Newton, Einstein, and Curie all possessed an intense curiosity that propelled them to explore the boundaries of human understanding.A scientist without curiosity is like a sailor without a compass – aimlessly adrift with no sense of direction. The curious mind is always asking questions, poking and prodding at explanations, and refusing to simply accept things at face value. They approach every situation with a sense of wonder, determined to get to the root of how and why things work the way they do.I'll never forget in my freshman biology class when we learned about the incredible complexity of cellular biology and the millions of tiny molecular machines operating in perfect synchrony within every living cell. Instead of just memorizing the textbook diagrams, our professor (a brilliant and impassioned scientist himself) encouraged us to let our curiosity run wild. "Don't just accept what the book tells you, ask yourself how this all came to be! How did evolution arrange such an intricate dance of proteins and enzymes? What evolutionary mechanisms carved these nanoscopic factories from the chaos of random mutation?"His contagious curiosity ignited a fire within me that day that still burns bright. That's the attitude I aspire to – a childlike sense of wonder and unrelenting inquisitiveness about the natural world. Because at the end of the day, curiosity is the spark that has always driven humanity's scientific efforts to reveal the secrets of the cosmos.However, curiosity alone is not enough – it must be coupled with grit, perseverance, and a willingness to face failure head on. Science is an arduous endeavor, fraught with obstacles, dead ends, and disappointments. Every major breakthrough is built on the shoulders of those who stopped at nothing to turn their curiosity into tangible understanding.The path of least resistance is a fruitless one for scientists. Instead, they must forge ahead despite tremendous challenges and setbacks. It took Michael Faraday years of painstaking experimentation before he could prove the concept ofelectro-magnetic induction. Marie Curie labored for over four years, processing literal tons of radioactive material, to eventually discover the elements radium and polonium. Their brilliant minds were matched only by their steadfast determination.I've already experienced my share of frustrations and "failed" experiments during my undergraduate research projects. Weeks of diligently following protocols, only for the results to defy my expectations. Hours meticulously constructing a computer model, just to find a crippling flaw that sends me back to square。



《孟德尔随机化研究指南》中英文版全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Mendel's Randomization Research GuideIntroductionMendel's Randomization Research Guide is a comprehensive resource for researchers in the field of genetics who are interested in incorporating randomization into their study designs. Developed by Dr. Gregor Mendel, a renowned geneticist known for his pioneering work on the inheritance of traits in pea plants, this guide provides a detailed overview of the principles and methods of randomization in research.Key ConceptsRandomization is a crucial tool in scientific research that helps to eliminate bias and increase the validity of study findings. By randomly assigning participants to different treatment groups or conditions, researchers can ensure that the groups are comparable and that any observed differences are truly due to the intervention being studied.The guide covers a range of topics related to randomization, including the importance of random assignment, the different types of randomization methods, and the potential pitfalls to avoid when implementing randomization in a study. It also provides practical guidance on how to design and conduct randomized experiments, including tips on sample size calculation, randomization procedures, and data analysis methods.Benefits of RandomizationRandomization offers several key benefits for researchers, including:1. Increased internal validity: Random assignment helps to ensure that the groups being compared are equivalent at the outset of the study, reducing the risk of confounding variables influencing the results.2. Improved generalizability: By minimizing bias and increasing the reliability of study findings, randomization enhances the external validity of research findings and allows for more generalizable conclusions to be drawn.3. Ethical considerations: Randomization is considered a fair and unbiased method for allocating participants to differentgroups, helping to ensure that all participants have an equal chance of receiving the intervention being studied.Practical ApplicationsThe guide provides practical examples of how randomization can be applied in research studies, ranging from clinical trials to observational studies. For example, researchers conducting a randomized controlled trial may usecomputer-generated randomization software to assign participants to different treatment groups, while researchers conducting an observational study may use stratified random sampling to ensure that key variables are evenly distributed across study groups.In addition, the guide outlines best practices for implementing randomization in research studies, including the importance of blinding participants and investigators to group assignment, documenting the randomization process, and conducting sensitivity analyses to assess the robustness of study findings.ConclusionIn conclusion, Mendel's Randomization Research Guide is an invaluable resource for researchers seeking to incorporaterandomization into their study designs. By following the principles and methods outlined in the guide, researchers can enhance the validity and reliability of their research findings, ultimately leading to more impactful and meaningful contributions to the field of genetics.篇2Mendel Randomization Research GuideIntroduction:The Mendel randomization research guide is a comprehensive manual that provides researchers with detailed instructions on using Mendelian randomization (MR) in their studies. MR is a statistical method that uses genetic information to investigate causal relationships between exposures, known as risk factors, and outcomes, such as diseases or health-related outcomes. This guide aims to help researchers understand the principles of MR, design robust studies, and interpret their results accurately.Key Sections:1. Introduction to Mendelian Randomization:- Overview of MR as a method for assessing causality- Explanation of the assumptions underlying MR studies- Discussion of the advantages and limitations of MR compared to traditional observational studies2. Study Design:- Selection of genetic instruments for exposure variables- Matching of genetic instruments to outcome variables- Consideration of potential biases and confounding factors- Power calculations and sample size considerations3. Data Analysis:- Methods for instrumental variables analysis- Sensitivity analyses to assess the robustness of results- Techniques for handling missing data and population stratification4. Interpretation of Results:- Methods for assessing causality using MR- Consideration of biases and limitations in MR studies- Implications of findings for public health and clinical practiceCase Studies:The Mendel randomization research guide includes several case studies that demonstrate the application of MR in various research settings. These case studies illustrate the steps involved in designing MR studies, selecting appropriate genetic instruments, analyzing data, and interpreting results. Researchers can use these examples as a guide for conducting their own MR studies and interpreting their findings.Conclusion:The Mendel randomization research guide is a valuable resource for researchers interested in using MR to investigate causal relationships in health research. By following the guidelines outlined in this manual, researchers can design rigorous MR studies, analyze their data accurately, and draw meaningful conclusions about the impact of risk factors on health outcomes. This guide will help advance the field of epidemiology and pave the way for more robust and reliable research in the future.篇3Mendel Randomization Research GuideIntroductionThe Mendel Randomization Research Guide is a comprehensive resource aimed at providing researchers with the necessary tools and techniques to conduct randomized studies in the field of genetics. The guide covers various aspects of Mendel randomization, a method that uses genetic variants as instruments for studying the causal effects of exposures or interventions on outcomes.Key Concepts1. Mendelian Randomization: Mendelian randomization is a technique that uses genetic variants as instrumental variables to study the causal relationship between an exposure and an outcome. By leveraging genetic variability, researchers can overcome confounding and reverse causation biases that often plague traditional observational studies.2. Instrumental Variables: Instrumental variables are genetic variants that are associated with the exposure of interest but do not have a direct effect on the outcome, except through the exposure. These genetic variants serve as instruments for estimating the causal effect of the exposure on the outcome.3. Bias Minimization: Mendel randomization helps minimize bias in observational studies by mimicking the random assignment of exposures in a controlled experiment. By usinggenetic variants as instruments, researchers can ensure that any observed associations are less likely to be influenced by confounding factors.Guide Contents1. Study Design: The guide provides detailed information on how to design Mendelian randomization studies, including selecting genetic instruments, conducting power calculations, and assessing instrument validity.2. Data Collection: Researchers will learn about the various data sources available for Mendel randomization studies, such as genome-wide association studies, biobanks, and electronic health records.3. Analysis Methods: The guide covers statistical techniques for analyzing Mendelian randomization data, includingtwo-sample MR, inverse variance-weighted regression, and sensitivity analyses.4. Reporting Guidelines: Researchers will find guidelines on how to report Mendelian randomization studies in a clear and transparent manner, following best practices in scientific research.ConclusionThe Mendel Randomization Research Guide offers a comprehensive overview of the principles, methods, and applications of Mendelian randomization in genetic research. By following the guidelines outlined in the guide, researchers can conduct rigorous and unbiased studies that provide valuable insights into the causal effects of exposures on health outcomes.。




突变:Genic mutation:基因突交是指基因组DNA分子发生的突然的、可遗传的变异现象。







单亲遗传( uniparental inheritance):基因和遗传因子仅遗传自一个亲本。


双亲遗传( biparental inheritance):基因与遗传因子遗传自两个亲本;仅适用于有性繁殖生物。

共显性标记:( co-dominant markers)可以区分杂合子与纯合子的分子标记。

显性标记:( dominant markers)难以区分纯合与杂合个体的分子标记。

限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP):一种显性分子标记技术,用一种或多种限制性内切酶,对整个基因组或预选的DNA片段进行消化,从而生成多条DNA 片段。


单核苷酸多态:( single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP )由单核苷酸替换所导致的两条DNA序列间的一个变异。

微卫星(microsatellite):一种DNA片段,由短的串联序列组成,通常以不超过5个碱基对的单元重复多次,如:在(AG),代表的微卫星片段中,序列AG重复了10 次。



高胆红素血症新生大鼠脑组织凋亡诱导因子、细胞色素C表达的实验研究白丹,阴怀清,武师润,阴崇娟,梁钢,李国婧摘要目的:探讨高胆红素血症新生大鼠脑组织凋亡诱导因子(AIF)㊁细胞色素C(Cty-C)表达的实验研究㊂方法:将120只清洁级7d 龄SD大鼠随机分为对照组㊁模型组㊁Z-VAD-FMK干预组,每组40只,3组分别于造模后6㊁24㊁48㊁72㊁96h断头取脑组织,每时间点取8只㊂模型组制备采用胆红素腹腔注射法(100μg/g)㊂Z-VAD-FMK干预组在模型组基础上即刻腹腔注射Z-VAD-FMK3μg/g(处死前每日1次)㊂分别应用原位缺口末端标记法(TUNEL)㊁免疫组化法测定脑组织海马(CA1)区不同时间点细胞凋亡和Cty-C和AIF表达情况㊂结果:模型组㊁Z-VAD-FMK干预组海马区脑组织6h开始出现细胞凋亡和Cty-C㊁AIF表达,模型组㊁Z-VAD-FMK干预组6h细胞凋亡指数分别为17.7ʃ2.4㊁12.9ʃ1.1,Cty-C阳性细胞平均灰度值分别为140.5ʃ11.3㊁142.9ʃ13.1,AIF阳性细胞平均灰度值分别为169.5ʃ11.9㊁170.7ʃ10.0;随时间延长,细胞凋亡及Cty-C㊁AIF表达逐渐增多,96h达高峰,模型组㊁Z-V AD-FMK干预组96h 细胞凋亡指数分别为38.0ʃ6.0㊁33.6ʃ3.8,Cty-C阳性细胞平均灰度值分别为109.6ʃ8.0㊁127.3ʃ9.8;AIF阳性细胞平均灰度值分别为139.7ʃ9.4㊁141.0ʃ7.1;对照组各时间点海马区脑组织未见明显细胞凋亡和Cty-C㊁AIF表达㊂结论:高胆红素血症所致脑损伤机制与线粒体损伤Cty-C㊁AIF表达增多有关,且非Caspase依赖性细胞凋亡也在一定程度上参与了此进程㊂关键词高胆红素血症;脑组织;细胞色素C;凋亡诱导因子;实验研究d o i:10.12102/j.i s s n.1672-1349.2023.15.013Experimental Study on Expression of Apoptosis-inducing Factor and Cytochrome C in Brain Tissue of Neonatal Rats with HyperbilirubinemiaBAI Dan,YIN Huaiqing,WU Shirun,YIN Chongjuan,LIANG Gang,LI GuojingFirst Hospital of Shanxi Medical University,Taiyuan030001,Shanxi,ChinaCorresponding Author YIN Huaiqing,E-mail:***************Abstract Objective:To investigate experimental study on expression of apoptosis-inducing factor(AIF)and cytochrome C(Cty-C)in brain tissue of neonatal rats with hyperbilirubinemia.Methods:A total of120clean SD rats aged7days were randomly divided into control group,model group,and Z-VAD-FMK intervention group.Brain tissue was extracted from the three groups at6,24,48,72,and96h after modeling.The model group was prepared by intraperitoneal injection of bilirubin(100μg/g).The Z-VAD-FMK intervention group was immediately intraperitoneally injected with Z-VAD-FMK3μg/g on the basis of the model group(once a day before death). Apoptosis and the expression of Cty-C and AIF in hippocampus(CA1)were measured by in situ notch end labeling(TUNEL)and immunohistochemistry at different time points.Results:Apoptosis and Cty-C and AIF expression began to appear in hippocampus brain tissue of model group and Z-VAD-FMK intervention group at6h.The apoptotic indices of the model group and Z-VAD-FMK intervention group at6h were(17.7ʃ2.4)and(12.9ʃ1.1),respectively.The average gray values of Cty-C positive cells were(140.5ʃ11.3)and(142.9ʃ13.1),and the average gray values of AIF positive cells were(169.5ʃ11.9)and(170.7ʃ10.0),respectively.Apoptosis and expressions of Cty-C and AIF gradually increased with time,and reached the peak at96h.The apoptotic indices of the model group and Z-VAD-FMK intervention group at96h were(38.0ʃ6.0)and(33.6ʃ3.8),respectively.The average gray values of Cty-C positive cells were(109.6ʃ8.0)and(127.3ʃ9.8),respectively.The average gray values of AIF positive cells were(139.7ʃ9.4)and (141.0ʃ7.1),respectively.There were no obvious apoptosis and Cty-C and AIF expression in hippocampal brain tissue of control group at all time points.Conclusion:The mechanism of brain injury induced by hyperbilirubinemia is related to the increased expression of Cty-C and AIF in mitochondrial injury.Non-Caspase-dependent apoptosis also participated in this process with certain exten. Keywords hyperbilirubinemia;brain tissue;cytochrome C;apoptosis-inducing factor;experimental study基金项目山西省卫生健康委员会科研课题(No.2022007)作者单位山西医科大学第一医院(太原030001)通讯作者阴怀清,E-mail:***************引用信息白丹,阴怀清,武师润,等.高胆红素血症新生大鼠脑组织凋亡诱导因子㊁细胞色素C表达的实验研究[J].中西医结合心脑血管病杂志, 2023,21(15):2785-2789.高胆红素血症是新生儿期的常见疾病,严重者可因游离胆红素过多透过血脑屏障并沉积于基底神经核㊁丘脑等部位造成严重脑损伤,即胆红素脑病[1],严重影响患儿生活质量㊂因此,研究高胆红素血症脑损伤可能的发病机制,进而寻找有效的干预措施具有重要意义㊂以往针对胆红素导致脑组织损伤的研究多集中在Caspase依赖性细胞凋亡途径㊂前期研究结果显示,高胆红素血症脑损伤机制与脑细胞凋亡(促凋亡蛋白Bax及抑凋亡蛋白Bcl-2的表达)有关[2-3]㊂最近的研究认为,机体还有Caspase非依赖性的细胞死亡途径,包括线粒体途径㊁蛋白酶体的降解及细胞的自噬作用,而线粒体途径是其中较为重要的途径[4-6]㊂细胞损伤后线粒体膜的通透性发生改变,从而导致细胞死亡相关蛋白细胞色素C(Cty-C)和凋亡诱导因子(AIF),从线粒体释放入细胞质中,其再分别触发Caspase依赖性和Caspase非依赖性的细胞凋亡途径[7]㊂胆红素致脑组织损伤过程是否有Caspase非依赖性细胞凋亡参与,尤其是在新生大鼠高胆红素血症时AIF是否参与了脑损伤的过程,具体机制目前仍不清楚㊂Z-VAD-FMK是一种不可逆的广谱Caspase 抑制剂,可以穿透细胞膜进而抑制Caspase依赖性的细胞凋亡,所以常用于观察组织细胞凋亡是否由Caspase激活来介导㊂本研究通过观察新生大鼠高胆红素血症以及Z-VAD-FMK干预后,海马区脑组织细胞凋亡和AIF㊁Cty-C表达情况,探讨线粒体损伤在高胆红素血症脑损伤中的作用,从而为临床治疗新生儿高胆红素血症提供思路㊂1材料与方法1.1实验材料1.1.1实验动物选择清洁级7d龄健康SD新生大鼠120只,体质量13~19g,雌雄不限,反应良好,购自山西医科大学生理实验室,动物许可证号:SYXK(晋)2018-001㊂1.1.2实验仪器高速离心机㊁电子秤㊁移液枪㊁自动脱水机㊁智能漂片器㊁-20ħ冰箱㊁切片机㊁高速搅拌器㊁石蜡包埋机㊁奥林巴斯显微镜㊁电控恒温干燥箱等㊂1.1.3主要试剂胆红素(MCE)㊁Z-VAD-FMK(MCE)㊁兔抗大鼠Cty-C抗体(博士德)㊁兔抗大鼠AIF抗体(博士德)㊁链霉亲和素-生物素复合物(SABC)免疫组化试剂盒(博士德)㊁生物素化羊抗小鼠免疫球蛋白G(IgG)抗体(博士德),二氨基联苯胺(DAB)㊁二甲基亚砜(DMSO)㊁显色试剂㊁PGE400㊁吐温-80㊁原位缺口末端标记法(TUNEL)检测试剂盒(博士德)等㊂1.2实验方法1.2.1实验动物分组将7d龄SD大鼠120只,随机分为对照组㊁模型组㊁Z-VAD-FMK干预组,每组40只㊂根据处死时间不同,每组再随机分成5个亚组:6h组㊁24h组㊁48h 组㊁72h组㊁96h组,每组8只㊂1.2.2胆红素溶液的配制参考陈舜年等[8]方法配制胆红素溶液,称取胆红素溶于氢氧化钠(0.5mol/L)溶液中,每10mg胆红素溶于氢氧化钠10mL,全程注意避光㊂1.2.3干预剂配制及注射方法Z-VAD-FMK制剂稀释方法:取15μL的澄清DMSO贮备液加入60μL的PEG300中,混合均匀;向上述体系中加入7.5μL的吐温-80,混合均匀;然后继续加入67.5μL生理盐水定容至150μL㊂1.2.4动物模型制备方法模型组腹腔注射胆红素溶液每次100μg/g[9]; Z-VAD-FMK干预组在高胆模型建立后即刻腹腔注射Z-VAD-FMK3μg/g,处死前每日1次;对照组大鼠腹腔注射等体积生理盐水1次㊂3组新生大鼠均在注射完毕后回到原饲养环境中继续由母鼠喂养㊂1.2.5大鼠脑组织提取及标本制备各组大鼠依据不同时间点麻醉(吸入乙醚)后开胸暴露心脏,立即剪断颈外静脉,并将生理盐水注入左心室至流出液转为清亮,注入10%多聚甲醛后取脑,再将脑组织从视交叉及其后5mm处做冠状切口(大小约为0.5cmˑ0.5cmˑ0.5cm),最后置于10%多聚甲醛中固定㊂标本经常规脱水㊁石蜡包埋㊁连续冠状切片(厚度4μm)㊂1.2.6大鼠脑组织病理观察各组大鼠海马区脑组织切片经苏木精-伊红(HE)染色㊁封片,用光学显微镜观察其病理学改变㊂1.2.7免疫组化法测定大鼠海马(CA1)区脑组织Cty-C 及AIF海马CA1区脑组织切片按SABC免疫组化试剂盒要求逐步操作,最后光镜下观察阳性细胞表达㊂阴性对照切片使用代替一抗的5%磷酸缓冲盐溶液(PBS),其余操作步骤按照SABC免疫组化试剂盒要求逐步操作㊂1.2.8TUNEL检测细胞凋亡将制备好的各组大鼠海马区脑组织切片按TUNEL试剂盒骤步说明逐步操作㊂光镜下找凋亡细胞(凋亡后细胞核呈黄棕褐色),高倍镜下(400ˑ)随机选取5个视野,计算凋亡指数(apoptosisindex,AI)=阳性细胞数/细胞总数ˑ100%㊂1.2.9图像分析在相同放大倍数(10ˑ40)和同样光强度下进行图像采集,用Image Pro Plus6.0软件统计阳性细胞平均灰度值㊂平均灰度值越高表明阳性表达越弱,反之亦然㊂1.3统计学处理应用SPSS25.0统计软件处理㊂符合正态分布的定量资料以均数ʃ标准差(xʃs)表示,多组间比较采用方差分析,组间两两比较采用t检验㊂以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义㊂2结果2.1各组大鼠异常行为改变情况实验前所有新生大鼠健康状态均良好,造模至实验结束未见新生大鼠死亡;造模后6~48h模型组㊁Z-VAD-FMK干预组新生大鼠开始出现反应迟钝㊁活动减少,很少发生翻滚㊁震颤,无抽搐发生;造模后72㊁96h,模型组新生大鼠反应迟钝明显加重㊁翻滚动作,震颤次数明显增加,抽搐表现明显,Z-VAD-FMK干预组各时间点异常行为少于同时间点模型组;对照组大鼠未见明显异常㊂2.2各组脑组织损伤情况模型组新生大鼠6h脑组织出现轻度水肿,随时间延长脑组织损伤逐渐加重,24~48h水肿明显并可见不同程度脑组织萎缩,72h出现液化坏死,96h液化坏死进一步加重㊂与模型组比较,Z-VAD-FMK干预组各时间点脑组织损伤程度均有所减轻,72㊁96h未见明显液化及坏死;对照组各时间点脑组织未见明显异常㊂2.3各组大鼠海马区脑组织病理损伤程度比较模型组㊁Z-VAD-FMK干预组大鼠脑组织均出现不同程度的神经细胞水肿㊁变性㊁坏死,核固缩和核碎裂出现在病灶中心;与模型组比较,Z-VAD-FMK干预组各时间点脑组织病理损伤程度有所减轻;对照组各时间点脑组织病理未见明显异常㊂2.4各组海马区脑组织Cty-C表达比较造模后6h,模型组㊁Z-VAD-FMK干预组大鼠海马(CA1)区脑组织均出现Cty-C表达,随时间延长Cty-C 表达逐渐增多,造模后96h达到高峰;24㊁48㊁72㊁96h, Z-VAD-FMK干预组海马区脑组织Cty-C表达低于模型组(P<0.05);对照组各时间点海马区脑组织未见或仅有少量Cty-C表达㊂详见图1㊁表1㊂图1各组96h海马区脑组织Cty-C表达表1各组不同时间海马区脑组织Cty-C表达阳性细胞灰度值比较(xʃs)组别6h24h48h72h96h 对照组150.4ʃ10.0150.9ʃ10.2151.1ʃ10.1151.8ʃ9.9151.4ʃ9.7模型组140.5ʃ11.3①131.3ʃ10.2①125.8ʃ7.1①118.6ʃ9.6①109.6ʃ8.0①Z-VAD-FMK干预组142.9ʃ13.1①140.1ʃ7.4①②138.2ʃ10.7①②132.3ʃ7.3①②127.3ʃ9.8①②F值 1.6188.28314.84227.42135.909P0.199<0.001<0.001<0.001<0.001注:与对照组比较,①P<0.05;与模型组比较,②P<0.05㊂2.5各组海马区脑组织AIF表达造模后6h,模型组㊁Z-VAD-FMK干预组大鼠海马(CA1)区脑组织均出现AIF表达,随时间延长AIF表达逐渐增多,造模后96h达到高峰;Z-VAD-FMK干预组各时间点AIF表达与模型组比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);对照组各时间点脑组织海马区未见或仅有少量AIF表达㊂详见图2㊁表2㊂图2各组96h海马区脑组织AIF表达表2各组不同时间海马区脑组织AIF表达阳性细胞灰度值比较(xʃs)组别6h24h48h72h96h 对照组182.4ʃ9.6182.9ʃ11.5182.4ʃ11.1182.1ʃ12.0182.7ʃ12.5模型组169.5ʃ11.9①160.0ʃ13.1①152.0ʃ13.1①145.6ʃ7.7①139.7ʃ9.4①Z-VAD-FMK干预组170.7ʃ10.0①161.9ʃ8.7①153.6ʃ8.9①147.8ʃ8.7①141.0ʃ7.1①F值 4.51710.96525.59939.85054.364 P0.008<0.001<0.001<0.001<0.001注:与对照组比较,①P<0.05㊂2.6各组不同时间海马区脑组织神经细胞凋亡指数比较造模后6h,模型组㊁Z-VAD-FMK干预组大鼠海马(CA1)区脑组织开始出现细胞凋亡,随时间延长细胞凋亡数逐渐增多,于96h达到高峰;与模型组比较,Z-VAD-FMK干预组各时间点海马区脑组织神经细胞凋亡指数均低于模型组(P<0.05);各时间点对照组海马区脑组织均未见或仅有少量凋亡细胞㊂详见图3㊁表3㊂图3各组96h海马区脑组织细胞凋亡情况表3各组不同时间海马区脑组织神经细胞凋亡指数比较(xʃs)单位:%组别6h24h48h72h96h 对照组 4.8ʃ1.1 5.9ʃ1.5 5.9ʃ1.6 5.6ʃ1.3 5.5ʃ1.5模型组17.7ʃ2.4①24.3ʃ5.0①29.9ʃ5.4①35.2ʃ5.2①38.0ʃ6.0①Z-VAD-FMK干预组12.9ʃ1.1①②19.0ʃ2.8①②24.3ʃ3.1①②31.1ʃ2.5①②33.6ʃ3.8①②F值165.676102.857143.895257.930205.842 P<0.001<0.001<0.001<0.001<0.001注:与对照组比较,①P<0.05;与模型组比较,②P<0.05㊂3讨论高胆红素血症是新生儿期的常见疾病,其发生率为37.6%[10]㊂由于间接胆红素的神经毒性作用,严重者可表现出不同的神经功能障碍[11-12]㊂目前,胆红素所致脑损伤机制仍不十分清楚,有研究认为与神经细胞凋亡密切相关㊂细胞凋亡是机体在正常的生长发育㊁细胞分化和病理状态中,细胞受到内外刺激后发生的自主性自杀过程[13]㊂目前,研究者认为Caspases 是介导细胞凋亡的主要酶类[14]㊂然而,最近的研究认为,机体还有Caspase非依赖性的细胞死亡途径,其中线粒体途径是其中较为重要的途径[4-6]㊂线粒体是细胞凋亡调控的关键原件[15],线粒体膜通透性改变是凋亡最主要的标志之一㊂Rodrigues 等[16]通过体外细胞培养发现,未结合胆红素的细胞毒性作用是通过改变线粒体膜的通透性,进而释放Cty-C,并作用于半胱氨酸水解酶,最终导致神经细胞凋亡㊂Wang等[17]研究认为,Caspase-9和AIF在成肌细胞的拉伸诱导细胞凋亡中起重要作用,并且AIF诱导细胞凋亡的方式与Caspase-9无关㊂Yang等[18]研究表明,在X射线诱导的乳腺癌细胞死亡中,AIF以不依赖于Caspase的方式诱导了细胞凋亡㊂Ding等[19]研究认为,在谷氨酸引起的神经细胞凋亡中,AIF的上调起到了非常重要的作用㊂本研究结果显示,模型组㊁Z-VAD-FMK干预组于造模后6h脑组织海马区出现细胞凋亡和Cty-C㊁AIF 表达,随时间延长细胞凋亡和Cty-C㊁AIF表达逐渐增多,均于96h达到高峰;各时间点对照组海马区脑组织均未见明显细胞凋亡和Cty-C㊁AIF表达;Z-V AD-FMK干预组海马区脑组织Cty-C表达低于模型组,而Z-VAD-FMK干预组各时间点AIF表达与模型组比较差异无统计学意义,凋亡细胞的出现和Cty-C㊁AIF表达趋势基本一致,一定程度上说明了细胞凋亡参与了高胆红素血症脑损伤的进程,且高胆红素血症时线粒体损伤Cty-C㊁AIF表达在一定程度上引起了脑细胞凋亡;非Caspase依赖的细胞凋亡途径也在一定程度上参与了高胆红素血症脑损伤的进程㊂4小结综上所述,本实验一定程度上说明了细胞凋亡参与了高胆红素血症脑损伤的进程,其机制与线粒体损伤Cty-C㊁AIF表达增多有关,且非Caspase依赖的细胞凋亡途径也在一定程度上参与了高胆红素血症脑损伤的进程㊂参考文献:[1]WATCHKO J F.Bilirubin-induced neurotoxicity in the pretermneonate[J].Clinics in Perinatology,2016,43(2):297-311. 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英文回答:The Newton-Raphson method is an iterative optimization algorithm utilized for locating the local minimum or maximumof a given function. Within the realm of optimization, the Newton-Raphson method iteratively updates the current solution by leveraging the second derivative information of the objective function. This approach enables the method to converge towards the optimal solution at an accelerated pacepared to first-order optimization algorithms, such as the gradient descent method. Nonetheless, the Newton-Raphson method necessitates the solution of a system of linear equations involving the Hessian matrix, which denotes the second derivative of the objective function. Of particular note, when the Hessian matrix possesses a rank of one, it introduces a special case for the Newton-Raphson method.牛顿—拉弗森方法是一种迭代优化算法,用于定位特定函数的局部最小或最大值。

R bozyme的名词解释

R bozyme的名词解释

R bozyme的名词解释R bozyme是一种重要的RNA分子,具有自切割和催化作用。

本文将对R bozyme的起源、特点、作用机制和应用进行详细解释,突显其在生物学研究和医学领域的重要性。

R bozyme最早是在研究自我剪切RNA(self-cleaving RNA)的过程中被发现的。

自我剪切RNA是一类在一定条件下,能自行切割成两部分并将其连接回来的RNA 分子。

然而,R bozyme是自我剪切RNA中的一种特殊类型,具有更广泛的功能和机理。

R bozyme的特点之一是其RNA序列具有高度的保守性,这意味着不同生物种类中R bozyme的序列相似度较高。

此外,R bozyme的结构也相对稳定,这使得它在各种环境条件下仍能保持催化活性。

R bozyme的作用机制主要依赖于其自身的特殊结构。



而底物核酸则是被切割的目标,它包含了R bozyme需要识别和切割的特定序列。

当底物核酸与催化核酸结合后,R bozyme可以通过构象变化使催化核酸活性位点与底物核酸配对,从而实现切割和连接过程。

R bozyme的催化活性使得它在生物学研究领域具有重要意义。

科学家们可以利用R bozyme的特性来研究RNA的结构和功能。

通过对R bozyme的结构和催化机制的深入研究,我们可以更好地理解RNA分子在细胞内的功能和相互作用。

此外,R bozyme还有潜在的应用价值。

由于其自切割和催化能力,R bozyme可以被利用来设计新型的RNA技术。

例如,科学家可以利用R bozyme来实现靶向RNA分解,从而在基因调控和基因治疗等领域发挥重要作用。

另外,R bozyme还可以被应用于构建人工合成的RNA分子,用于制药和生物工程等领域。

尽管R bozyme的研究还处于初级阶段,但它的发现和特性已经引起了科学界的广泛兴趣。

科学家们正致力于深入研究并探索R bozyme的更多应用。



遗传学名词解释(中英对照版)abortive transduction 流产转导:转导的DNA片段末端掺入到受体的染色体中,在后代中丢失。

acentric chromosome 端着丝粒染色体:染色体的着丝粒在最末端。

Achondroplasia 软骨发育不全:人类的一种常染色体显性遗传病,表型为四肢粗短,鞍鼻,腰椎前凸。

acrocetric chromosome 近端着丝粒染色体:着丝粒位于染色体末端附近。

active site 活性位点:蛋白质结构中具有生物活性的结构域。

adapation 适应:在进化中一些生物的可遗传性状发生改变,使其在一定的环境能更好地生存和繁殖。

adenine 腺嘌呤:在DNA中和胸腺嘧啶配对的碱基。

albino 白化体:一种常染色体隐性遗传突变。


allele 等位基因:一个座位上的基因所具有的几种不同形式之一。

allelic frequencies (one frequencies)在群体中存在于所有个体中某一个座位上等位基因的频率。

allelic exclusion 等位排斥:杂合状态的免疫球蛋白基因座位中,只有一个基因因重排而得以表达,其等位基因不再重排而无活性。

allopolyploicly 异源多倍体:多倍体的生物中有一套或多套染色体来源于不同物种。

Ames test 埃姆斯测验法:Bruce Ames 于1970年人用鼠伤寒沙门氏菌(大鼠)肝微粒体法来检测某些物质是否有诱变作用。

amino acids 氨基酸:是构成蛋白质的基本单位,自然界中存在20种不同的氨基酸。

aminoacyl-tRNA 氨基酰- tRNA:tRNA的氨基臂上结合有相应的氨基酸,并将氨基酸运转到核糖体上合成蛋白质。

aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase 氨基酰- tRNA合成酶:催化一个特定的tRNA结合到相应的tRNA分子上。



s-n curvess-n 曲线saccharin 糖精sacrificial anodes 牺牲阳电极sacrificial red 祭红saddle 鞍座(陶)safety glass 安全玻璃safflower oil 红花子油saggar 匣钵sagging 下垂sago starch 西米淀粉sags 表膜不匀sails 帆salicylaldehyde hydrazone 柳醛? salicylanilide 柳醛苯胺saligenin 水杨醇salt bridge 盐效应salt cake 盐饼salt effect 无盐聚电解salt glaze 盐岫salt rejection 盐挡阻salt solutions 盐溶液saltfree polyelectrolyte solutions 质溶夜saltlike complexes 盐状复体saltpeter 硝石sampling 取样sampling probe function 取样探测功能sand 砂sand cloth 砂布sand filter 砂砾过滤器sand grinder 砂磨sand paper 砂纸sand seal 砂封sand-faced 砂面的sand-lime brick 砂灰砖sand-stone 砂石sanding 铺砂磨sanding disc 金刚砂研磨盘sandpaper 砂纸sandwich cells 夹层电池sandwich complex 夹层复体sandwich construction 夹层建筑sandwich panels 夹层仪表板sang de boeuf 宝石红sanitary earthenware 卫生陶器sanitary landfills 卫生填土santicizers 消毒剂saponification numbers 皂化值saponified acetate process 皂化醋纤法saponified acetate rayon 皂化醋纤嫘萦saponified poly 皂化聚醋酸乙烯sapphire 蓝宝石sapwood 边材saran 赛冉sarcosine 靛蓝 = 磺酸sarfish-type initiators 星鱼型引发剂satin glaze 缎光釉satin white 缎光白sato etching 佐藤蚀刻saturated calomel electrode 饱和甘汞电极saturated hydrocarbon polymers 饱聚体saturation coefficient 饱和系数saturation curve 饱和曲线saturn space vehicle 土星太空舱saucer pit defect 碟状坑缺陷sausage model 烧瓶型saw mark 锯痕saw wire 线锯钢线sawdust 锯屑scab 疤scale 垢(玻)scale wax 鳞状腊,块蜡scaling 片落scan bus method 扫描汇流排法scan path method 扫描路径法scan path test 扫描路径试验scaning electron microscopy 扫描电子显微镜scanned beam current 扫描波束电流scanning acoustic tomograph 超音波断层扫描摄影装置scanning auger electron microscope 扫描型奥格电子显微镜scanning electron microscope 扫描型电子显微镜scanning function 扫描功能scanning projection aligner 扫描型投影对准曝光器scanning transmission electron microscope 扫描透射型电子显微镜scanning tunneling microscopy 扫描隧道型显微镜学scarfjoint 嵌接scattering 散射scattering factor 散射引数scattering loss 散射损失scavenger 清扫机schematic editor 简图编辑器schiff bases 希夫咸schlieren optical system 暗线照像光学系统schreiner calendering 施赖讷压光scintillation 闪烁scintillation counters 闪烁计数机scission 切开scission yields 切开产率scorch time 焦化时间scotch kiln 苏格兰窑scotching 捣打scouring 洗涤scrap 残余物scrap rubber 废橡皮scraping 刮scrapings 刮料scraps 废坯scratch 刮线scratch tests 画痕试验screen 筛screen analysis 筛析screen pack 网包screen printing 网板印染screen printing inks 网板印染油墨screenback hardboard 单面光硬板screening 筛选screening agents 掩蔽剂screening tests 筛分试验screw closures 螺旋盖头screw extrusion 螺杆挤压screw injection-molding machine 螺杆射出模制机screw plasticating injection molding 螺杆塑炼射出模制screw plasticators 螺杆塑炼机screw preplasticators 螺杆预塑机screw press 螺旋压机screw-plunger perplastication system 螺杆活塞预塑系统screwless extruders 无螺杆挤压机screws 螺杆scribing 划片,划割,划线scroop 挤丝机scrubbing 洗气sculpture 雕刻sculpture techniques 雕刻技巧scum 浮霜(陶);浮沫(玻)scumming 乏光(搪)scurf 碳积sea of gate 标准闸门电子组件sea plants 海生植物sea-water magnesia 海水苦土seal 封sealant 封闭剂sealant-grade polysulfide polymers 封闭级多硫化物聚体sealed glass tubes 封闭玻璃管sealers 涂封物sealing 密封sealing glass 熔封玻璃seals 封印seals, cryogenic 低温封印seam 缝seamless flooring 无缝地板铺设search level 搜抹速度search speed 焊接工具保持部下降量,搭接深度season cracking 季候缝裂seasoning 风乾处理seat 座seaweed gums 海藻胶sebacic acid 皮脂酸sebacic acid derivatives 皮脂酸衍sebacic acid esters 皮脂酸酯secco etching 射哥蚀刻second bond off 第二接合点剥离second bonding 第二接合,第二压接second moment 次级偶甩second virial coefficient 第二展向系数second-order fluids 二级流体second-order termination 二级终止second-order transition 二级转变second-surface decorating 亮件背面装饰secondary acetate 仲醋纤secondary air 辅空气;二次空气secondary amines 仲胺secondary antioxidants 副抗氧化剂secondary cellulose acetate 仲醋纤secondary charge effect 二次充电效应secondary crusher 二次辊碎机secondary crystallization 二级晶化secondary electron emission 次生电发射secondary electron image survey function 二次电子影像观测功能secondary emulsifiers 次级乳化剂secondary ion mass spectroscopy 二次离子质谱学secondary mechanical relaxations 二次机械松弛secondary plasticizers 辅助塑化剂secondary structure 际会构架sectioning 割截sedimentary claysecondary clay sedimentation 沈积sedimentation coefficient 沈积系数sedimentation coefficient distribution 沈积系数分布sedimentation equilibrium 沈积平衡sedimentation velocity 沈积速率sedimentation-velocity 沈积速度法see saw type wire saw 交互转换式线锯seed chuck 籽晶夹头seed crystal 籽晶seed cut 种子棒切割seed fibers 种籽纤维seed flax 亚麻种籽seed lift rate 籽晶升降速率seed lift travel 籽晶升降行程seed rotation rate 籽晶旋转速率seed shaft 籽晶轴seeding 播种seedlac 粗虫胶seedmeal glues 籽肉胶seedmeal proteins 籽肉蛋白质segment anisotropies 段间向异性segment fraction of polymer 聚体片段segment-interaction parameters 段间互应变根segmental friction factors 段间磨擦因素segmental jump concept 段间跳跃概念segmented polyurethanes 段间聚胺酯segregation 偏析segregation of noncrystallizable impurities 不结晶什质的分离selection of materials 物料选择selective deposition 选择淀积selective precipitation 选择沈淀selectivity 选择性selectivity coefficient 选择系数selenium polymers 晒化物聚体selevtive elution 选择洗提self bias 自给偏压self diagnostic function 自我诊断功能self-aligned contact etching 自我对准接解孔蚀刻self-extinguishing 自行熄灭self-extinguishing property 自熄特性self-ignition temperature 自燃温度self-nucleating technique 自核技巧self-organization 自引组合self-potting tubing 自熔制管semi full cutting 半全切割semi-conducting glaze 半导性釉semi-conductor 半导体semi-continuous kiln 半连续窑semi-porcelain 半瓷semi-silica refractory 半矽质耐火物semi-vitreous 半瓷化;半玻化semiautomatic controls 半自动控制semiautomatic molds 半自动模semibleached pulp 半漂白纸浆semicarbazide 氨基semichemical pulp 半化学纸浆semichermical pulping 半化学纸浆法semiconducting jacket 半导包套semiconduction 半导性semiconductive polymers 半导聚体semiconductor bonding wafer 半导体接合晶圆semiconductor devices 半导体设备semiconductors 半导体semiconduting properties 半导特性semicrystalline polymers 半晶聚体semicustom ic 客户半定制ic semidurable fire-retardant finish 半永久性防火尾工semigloss paints 半有光油漆semigloss wall paints 半有光壁漆semimechanical pulping 半机械纸浆法semipermanent storage structures 半永久储存构架semipermeable membranes 半透膜semipositive molds 半溢式模semirigid cellular materials 半硬多孔物料semirigid cellular plastics 半硬多孔塑胶semitransparent materials 半透明物料sender 发送机sensitization 敏化sensitizers 敏化剂sentinel pyrometer 示温锭separan 赛派栏絮凝剂separate feeding 隔开输送separate-pot mold 分罐模separation by implantation of oxygen soi wafersimox soi 晶圆separation factor 分离因素sephadex chromatography 赛发呆移差术sepiolite 海泡石septaphosphate 七磷酸盐sequence 次序sequence control 次序控制sequence copolymers 定序共聚体sequence distribution 序列分配sequence, nonrandom 非随意序列sequence-length distribution 序列长度分配sequential damper 时序风门,时序排气器sequential pattern generator 序列图案产生器sericin 丝胶sericite 绢云母series-zone model 层域模式serine proteinases 丝氨酸蛋白质serpentine 蛇纹石serrated saddle 齿状垫座serum albumin 血清蛋白serving of cable 辫里sesquimethylolurea 倍半甲基set setting 定型,凝结set values 定型值seter 托架seting 装窑;凝结setting length of tool 压接头至超音波叭头之设定长度setting-up agent 釉稠调节剂setup boxes 装置匣sewage treatment 污水处理sewer brick 污[水]沟砖sewer pipe 污水管sewing 缝合sgraffito 刮花shadow wall 隔火墙shaft 炉颈shaft kiln 竖窑shale 页岩shale planer 开石机shallow pit defect 浅坑缺陷shape birefringence 气式双折射shape of beam 光束形状shape, cross-sectional 截面形状shaped articles 特型制品sharp fold surface 锐摺面sharpening 削尖shear 剪切shear creep 剪切蠕变shear degradation 剪切退解shear loading 剪切负荷shear modulus 剪切损失模数shear rate 剪切速率shear relaxation 剪切松弛shear storage modulus 剪切储存模数shear strain 剪应变shear strength 剪切强度shear stress 剪应力shear test 剪切试验shear waves 剪切波shear-cone preplasticator 剪锥预塑机shear-thickening materials 剪力增稠物料shear-thinning fluids 剪力减稠液shearing action 剪切作用shearing mode/failure mode 剪切模式/故障模式sheath 皮鞘sheath-and-core bicom-ponent fibers 鞘蕊双重纤维sheathing-siding 鞘边sheep stock 羊群sheepskins 羊皮纸sheet calendering 全张压延sheet casting 全张浇铸sheet extrusion 全张挤压sheet forming 全张成型sheet glass 平板玻璃sheet molding compounds 全张模制化物sheet polymers 成片聚体sheet rubber 成片橡胶sheeting 压片sheets 板片shelf aging 搁置老化shelf life 搁置寿命shellshelling shell flour 粉shell molding 箱模制shell moulding 壳模制造shellac 虫胶shellac modified 变性虫胶shellolic acids 脑酸shield 掩体shielding glass 屏遮玻璃(从原子能)shielding solvents 掩蔽溶剂shift factor 转移因素shikimic acid 草酸shock isolation 震荡隔离shock resistance 耐冲击性shoe applications 鞋靴用途shoe heels 鞋跟shoe parts 鞋靴零件shoe products 鞋靴产品shoe sloes 鞋底shoe-upper material 鞋面物料shore durometer 鞋靴硬度计shore hardness tester 萧氏硬度[试验]计short-fiber substrates 短纤维衬底short-oil alkyd resins 短油醇酸树脂short-term fracture 短期破断shorten material 减黏材料shortstops 急速中止shot 注射shot capacity 注射能力shoulder 肩部shoulder angle 过肩角shredding 撕裂shrend 水淬shrink mark 收缩记号shrinkage 收缩shrinkage volumetric 容量收缩shrinking stress 收缩应力shrinkproofing 防缩shut-off nozzles 停闭喷咀shutter 快门光闸shuttle kiln 梭动窑side arch 侧拱砖side chains 侧链side etching 侧面蚀刻side lap 侧搭side-by-side bicomponent fibers 并排双重纤维side-seam cements 边缝水泥siderite 菱铁矿sidewall protection layer 侧壁保护层siege 台座sieve 筛sigma-blade mixer 弓刀混合机标志sign off 签字保证sign off simulator 签字保证模拟器signal glass 号志玻璃signal strength 信号强度signs 标志silane diols 矽烷双醇silanemonols 矽烷单醇silanes 矽烷silanolates 矽烷醇衍silanols 矽烷醇silastic 矽橡胶silazane polymers 矽氮烷聚体silex 燧石silica 氧化矽,矽石silica and silicates 矽石及矽酸盐silica fabrics 矽石织物silica fibers 矽石纤维silica fireclay 矽石火黏土silica foam 矽石泡沫silica gel 矽凝胶silica glass 矽石玻璃silica glass membranes 矽石玻璃膜silica mm 矽石silica modulus 矽石模数silica retractory 矽石耐火物silica sand 矽砂silica sol 矽石溶胶silica, amorphous 非晶形矽石silica, synthetic 合成矽石silica-water solutions 矽石水溶液silicate 矽酸盐silicate bond 矽酸黏合剂silicate cement 矽酸盐水泥silicate glasses 矽酸盐玻璃silicon 矽素silicon carbide 碳化矽silicon carbide whiskers 碳化矽晶丝silicon carbide-tungsten wire composite properties 碳矽钨线混合体silicon compiler 矽晶自动编辑器silicon compounds 矽化物silicon oxyhydride 矽氧氢化物silicon polymers 矽聚体silicon-bridged polymers 矽乔聚体silicon-carbon bond 碳矽互silicon-nitrogen polymers 矽氮聚体silicon-nitrogen polymers, linear prepn 线式矽氮聚体silicon-oxygen polymers types 氧矽聚体silicon-oxygen tetrahedron 氧矽四面体silicone 矽峒silicone elastomers 聚矽氧弹体silicone emulsions 聚矽氧乳液silicone fluids 聚矽氧液体silicone gel 聚矽氧凝胶silicone greases 聚矽氧润膏silicone monomers 矽氧单体silicone rubber 聚矽氧橡胶silicone surfactants 聚矽氧界面活化剂silicones 聚矽氧silicones, cellular 蜂窝聚矽氧silicones, reinforced 加强聚矽氧silicones, rtv 室温硫化聚矽氧silicosis 矽肺病silk 蚕丝silk fibroin 蚕丝纤silk gum 蚕丝胶silk protein 丝蛋白silk-screen printing 丝网印刷silk-screen process 丝网印刷法;绢印法sillmanite 矽线石siloxanes 氧矽烷siloxazane polymers 环氧矽氮烷聚体silphenylenes 对一双甲矽烷苯silsesquioxanes silver 倍半氧矽烷银silt density index(sdi)淤泥密度指标(sdi) silver halides 卤化银silver ions 银离子silver luster 银光料silver nitrate 硝酸银silvering 上银silvichemicals 森林化物sily1 hydrides 甲矽烷基氢化物silylamine polymers 甲矽烷基胺聚体silylamines 甲矽烷基胺silylation 甲矽烷化silylization system 甲矽烷基化处理系统simple 凹坑,表面微凹simple extension 简单延伸simple microscope 普通显微镜simple proteins 简单simple shear 简单剪切simple shearing 简单剪切simulated annealing 模拟退火simultaneous grafting 同时接技simultaneous irradiation reactions 同时照射反应sin echo method 旋转回音化sinapy1 alcohol 芥子醇singeing 燃芒single cassette rotor 单个套装匣转子single crystal 单晶体single crystals 单晶single plate 单板single point boding 单端子接合single point tab bonding tool 单点tab 接合工具single side lapping machine 单面磨光机single side polishing machine 单面抛光机single station cleaning equipment 单站洗涤装置single t state 单介状态single wafer processing 单晶圆处理方式single wafer processing cleaner 单晶圆加工洗涤机single-base propellants 单基推进剂single-bridged coordination polymers 单桥配位聚合single-bridged polymers 单桥聚体single-bucket excavator 单斗挖掘机single-cavity centor-gated mold 单穴心闸模single-cavity hot-runner mold 单穴热道模single-crystal fibers 单晶纤维single-crystal patterns 单晶图案single-orifice designs 单孔设计single-point methods 单点法single-screw extruders 单螺杆挤压机single-screw, single-stage extruders 单螺杆单段挤压机single-spindle rotational-molding machine 单心轴回转模型机single-tab gate 单顶闸single-toggle jaw crusher 单肘颚轧机singulation/separate 分离sink mark 沈标sinter 烧结sintered glass 烧结玻璃sintering 熔结sinusoidal experiments 正弦试验sio2 film fluorine doped silicon dioxide 掺杂氟素二氧化矽膜sirtl etching 沙特蚀刻sisal fibers 剑麻纤维sit array 区分地段阵列site 区分地段,划分地段site array 区分地段阵列site binding 定位结合site flatness 区分地段平面度site fpd 区分地段焦点平面偏差site size 区分地段大小site tir 区分地段总指示器读数size 大小;度分;胶料size analysis 粒度分折sizing 上胶sizing materials 上胶物料skein dyeing 纱束染色skein-dyeing machine 纱束染色机skeleton oven 骨架炉skew 相位差,时间偏差skew rays 歪斜光skewback 拱座skid tests 滑距试验skiing 滑溜skim coat 平板纸光skimmed milk 脱脂奶skimmer 撇渣器skimmer block 阻渣砖skin 皮skins 皮类skip measurement 跳越测试skiving 削片slab glass 光学玻璃板slabstock 板材slack waxes 松蜡slag 熔渣slag cement 熔渣水泥slag notch 放渣口slag pocket 积渣室slaking 水化slashing 割裂sleeper wall 地龙墙sleeve 套筒sleeves 套筒slef-extinguishing plastics 自熄塑胶slew rate 转动数率,变化率sliced wafer 已切割晶圆slicing machine 切割机slide-off transfer 胶模印花纸slider-pad extruder 滑垫挤压机slip 滑脱slip additives 助滑添料slip agents 助滑剂slip depressants 抑滑剂slip glaze 泥釉slip joint 滑接头slip plane 滑动面slipware 泥釉陶slotting wheel 起槽磨轮slow pumping/slow roughing 缓慢排气slow vent 缓慢通气sludge removal system 淤泥排除系统slug 泥饼(陶);结块(玻);圆柱媒(泥) slugged bottom 厚底slugging 缓涌slump 坍度(泥);流动度(搪)slump test 流动度试验slurry 泥状研磨剂slurry polymerization 浆状聚合slurry separator 研磨剂分离器slurrying 浆化slush casting 熔附铸造slush cating slushing 熔附模制slushing 减水small-angle electron diffraction 小角电子绕射smalt 花?青;大青smart model 精灵模型smear test 画素之电荷流量试验smeatic state 碟状液晶态smectic phase 碟状液晶相smoke-gray film 烟灰薄膜smokeless powder 无烟火药smokes 烟雾smoothness 平滑度snack foods 小吃食品snakeskin glaze 蛇皮釉snap cure 快速硬化snitaryware 卫生陶瓷snubbing pin 制止销snyder process 斯奈德程序soak time 热炼时间soaking 浸热soaps 肥皂soapstone 皂石socket board 插座基板socket type contract 插座型接触soda cellulose 钠纤维素soda process 钠法soda pulping 钠制浆sodium 钠sodium 2,3,4,6,-tetrachlorophenoxide 2,3,4,6,-四氯苯酚钠sodium acetylide 乙炔钠sodium acrylate 丙烯酸钠sodium alginate 藻酸钠sodium amide 氨基化钠sodium azodiformate 偶氮双甲酸钠sodium bicarbonate 碳酸氢钠sodium borohydride 硼氢化钠sodium carbonate 碳酸钠sodium carboxymethy1-cellulose 甲基纤维素钠sodium carboxymethy1-hydroxyethylcellulose 甲基乙基纤维素钠sodium carrier 钠载体sodium caseinate 酪酸钠sodium cellulose glycolate 乙酸钠纤维素sodium ch1oroacetate 氯醋酸钠sodium chlorite 亚氯酸钠sodium chlorite bleaching 亚氯酸钠漂白sodium dichromate 重铬酸钠sodium dithionite 双硫研酸钠sodium doclecyl sulfate 双硫研酸钠sodium ethylenesulfonate 乙烯研酸钠sodium ethylenesulfonate polymers 乙烯磺钠聚体sodium gallate 没食子酸钠sodium hydrosulfite 次硫酸氢钠sodium hydroxide 氢氧化钠sodium hypotchlorite 次氯酸钠sodium metaborate 偏硼酸钠sodium methacrylate 甲基丙烯酸钠sodium methoxide 甲醇钠sodium o-phenylphenoxide 邻-苯基苯酚钠sodium p-styrenesulfonate 对-苯乙烯磺酸钠sodium perborate 高硼酸钠sodium peroxide 过氧化钠sodium phosphate glasses 磷酸钠玻璃sodium polyacrylate 聚丙烯酸钠sodium polyphosphate 聚磷酸钠sodium polyphosphate solution 聚酸钠溶液sodium polysulfides 多硫化钠sodium protocatechuate 原儿茶酸钠sodium sulfate 硫酸钠sodium tetraborate 四硼酸钠sodium thiocyanate 硫氰酸钠sodium tungstate 钨酸钠sodium-naphthalene complex 钠复体soft fibers 软纤维soft fibrids 软原纤质soft landing 软性着陆soft macro cell 软性巨集功能电路胞soft resin shellac 软树脂虫胶soft roughmg 软性排气soft vent 软性通气soft x rays 软x 光线soft-bake 软性烘烤处理soft-paste porcelain 软质瓷softeners 软化剂softening point 软化点softening points 软化点softpmud process 软泥法software error 软体错误softwood 软材soi lwood lignin 软木质素soil redeposition 土壤调节剂soil release 免污soil releasers 免污剂soil repellents 驱污剂soil retardancy 阻污剂soil retardants 阻污soil stabilization 土壤安定sol-air temperature 溶胶空气温度sol-to-gel transitions 溶胶凝胶转移solar absorptivity 阳光吸收性solar furnace 太阳炉solar radiation 阳光照射solar ulatraviolet radiation 阳光紫外线照射solarization 老化作用solder bonding 焊剂接合solder dip test system 浸焊测试系统solder dipping machine 浸焊剂装置solder plating machine 镀焊装置solder sealing equipment 焊料密封装置solder sleeve 焊铁套筒soldier block 立砌砖sole 炉底solid casting 实铸法solid dolution 固溶体solid fatty polyamides 固体脂肪聚醯胺solid fiber boxes 固体纤维盒solid phase epitaxial growth system 固相磊晶生长系统solid polysulfide elastomers 固体聚硫化物弹体solid propellants 啦体推进剂solid vaporizer 固体蒸发源solid-propellant motors 固体推进剂马达solid-propellant rockets 固体推进剂火箭solid-state measurements 固态测剂solid-state polymerization 固态聚合solidification ratio 固化比率solidification shrinkage crack solidus sols 溶胶soltion viscosity 溶液粘度solubility 溶度solubility coefficient 溶度系数solubility evaluation 溶度评估solubility fractionation 溶度分级solubility of polymers 聚体溶度solubility parameters 溶度参数solubility spectra 溶度谱solubilization 溶化solubilizer removal method 助溶剂除去法solubilizer-deficient feed method 助溶剂不足加料法solubilizing ability 溶化能力soluble polyurethane elastomers 可溶聚氨基甲酸乙弹性体solute 溶质solute-solvent interaction 溶质-溶剂相互作用solution adhesives 溶液粘着剂solution blending 溶液掺合solution ceramics 陶瓷护层solution chlorination 溶液氯化solution coating 溶液涂膜solution condensation 溶液缩合solution copolymerization 溶液共聚合solution dyeing 溶液染色solution extrusion 溶液挤压solution grafting 溶液接技solution heat treatment solution measurements 溶液测定solution polycondensation 溶液聚缩合solution polymrization 溶液聚合solution properties 溶液特性solution spinning 溶液纺丝solution techniques 溶液技术solution-solvent viscosity ratio 溶液溶剂粘度比solution-spun fibers 溶液纺丝纤维solutions 溶液solvent adhesives 溶剂粘着剂solvent bonding 溶剂黏合solvent casting 溶剂浇铸solvent cement 溶剂粘合剂solvent coating 溶剂涂膜solvent cracking 溶剂裂开solvent crazing 溶剂隙裂solvent extraction 溶剂萃取solvent finishing 溶剂尾工solvent gradient 溶剂坡度solvent hydrogen bonding 溶剂氢结合solvent molding 溶剂模制solvent processing 溶剂加工solvent release 溶剂脱离solvent resistance 溶剂抗性solvent selection 溶剂选择solvent transfer coefficients 溶剂移动系数solvent treatment 溶剂处理solvent welding 溶剂焊接solvent-based coatings 溶剂基涂膜solvent-based polishes 溶剂基擦亮剂solvent-bleeding resistance 抗溶剂渗出solvent-polymer systems 溶剂聚体系统solvent-segment interactions 溶剂段节相互反应solventless coating 无溶剂涂膜solvents 溶剂solvents for polymerization 聚合用溶液sonic measurements 声音测定sorbic acid 山梨酸sorbitol 山梨糖醇sorel cement 苏鲁水泥soret effect 抹瑞效应sori 弯度sori control system 弯度控制系统sorption 吸着sorption equilibrium 吸着平衡。

mendelian randomization-based methods

mendelian randomization-based methods

Mendelian randomization (MR) is a statistical method used in genetic epidemiology to estimate the causal effect of an exposure on an outcome using genetic variants as instrumental variables. The method is based on the principles of Mendelian inheritance, which state that genetic variants are randomly allocated at conception and remain constant throughout life. This random allocation creates a natural experiment that can be used to estimate the causal effect of an exposure on an outcome.MR-based methods involve three main steps:1. Selection of genetic variants: Genetic variants that are strongly associated with the exposure of interest are selected as instrumental variables. These variants should also be independent of any confounding factors that may affect the outcome.2. Estimation of the effect of the genetic variant on the outcome: The effect of each genetic variant on the outcome is estimated using regression analysis.3. Estimation of the causal effect of the exposure on the outcome: The causal effect of the exposure on the outcome is estimated by combining the effects of all genetic variants on the outcome using meta-analysis techniques.MR-based methods have several advantages over traditional observational studies, including the ability to control for confounding factors and reverse causation bias. However, they also have some limitations, such as the assumption that the genetic variants are valid instrumental variables and that they have nopleiotropic effects (i.e., they only affect the exposure and not the outcome through other pathways).中文翻译如下:孟德尔随机化(Mendelian randomization,MR)是一种用于遗传流行病学的统计方法,它利用遗传变异作为工具变量来估计某个暴露因素对结果的因果效应。







【3.无限次重复伯特兰模型的应用】无限次重复伯特兰模型在多个领域具有广泛的应用,如:(1) 经济学:研究市场中企业的定价策略、产品质量等方面;(2) 社会学:分析人们在合作与竞争中的行为模式,以及社会规范的形成过程;(3) 生物学:探讨生物种群进化中的竞争与合作现象。

【4.无限次重复伯特兰模型的优缺点】优点:(1) 理论上,无限次重复伯特兰模型可以揭示代理们在无限次重复博弈中的行为规律;(2) 该模型具有一定的普适性,可以应用于多种领域。

缺点:(1) 实际应用中,模型的假设条件较为理想化,难以完全符合现实情况;(2) 模型的求解过程较为复杂,需要较高水平的数学技巧。






英语专业八级考试TEM-8阅读理解练习册(1)(英语专业2012级)UNIT 1Text AEvery minute of every day, what ecologist生态学家James Carlton calls a global ―conveyor belt‖, redistributes ocean organisms生物.It’s planetwide biological disruption生物的破坏that scientists have barely begun to understand.Dr. Carlton —an oceanographer at Williams College in Williamstown,Mass.—explains that, at any given moment, ―There are several thousand marine species traveling… in the ballast water of ships.‖ These creatures move from coastal waters where they fit into the local web of life to places where some of them could tear that web apart. This is the larger dimension of the infamous无耻的,邪恶的invasion of fish-destroying, pipe-clogging zebra mussels有斑马纹的贻贝.Such voracious贪婪的invaders at least make their presence known. What concerns Carlton and his fellow marine ecologists is the lack of knowledge about the hundreds of alien invaders that quietly enter coastal waters around the world every day. Many of them probably just die out. Some benignly亲切地,仁慈地—or even beneficially — join the local scene. But some will make trouble.In one sense, this is an old story. Organisms have ridden ships for centuries. They have clung to hulls and come along with cargo. What’s new is the scale and speed of the migrations made possible by the massive volume of ship-ballast water压载水— taken in to provide ship stability—continuously moving around the world…Ships load up with ballast water and its inhabitants in coastal waters of one port and dump the ballast in another port that may be thousands of kilometers away. A single load can run to hundreds of gallons. Some larger ships take on as much as 40 million gallons. The creatures that come along tend to be in their larva free-floating stage. When discharged排出in alien waters they can mature into crabs, jellyfish水母, slugs鼻涕虫,蛞蝓, and many other forms.Since the problem involves coastal species, simply banning ballast dumps in coastal waters would, in theory, solve it. Coastal organisms in ballast water that is flushed into midocean would not survive. Such a ban has worked for North American Inland Waterway. But it would be hard to enforce it worldwide. Heating ballast water or straining it should also halt the species spread. But before any such worldwide regulations were imposed, scientists would need a clearer view of what is going on.The continuous shuffling洗牌of marine organisms has changed the biology of the sea on a global scale. It can have devastating effects as in the case of the American comb jellyfish that recently invaded the Black Sea. It has destroyed that sea’s anchovy鳀鱼fishery by eating anchovy eggs. It may soon spread to western and northern European waters.The maritime nations that created the biological ―conveyor belt‖ should support a coordinated international effort to find out what is going on and what should be done about it. (456 words)1.According to Dr. Carlton, ocean organism‟s are_______.A.being moved to new environmentsB.destroying the planetC.succumbing to the zebra musselD.developing alien characteristics2.Oceanographers海洋学家are concerned because_________.A.their knowledge of this phenomenon is limitedB.they believe the oceans are dyingC.they fear an invasion from outer-spaceD.they have identified thousands of alien webs3.According to marine ecologists, transplanted marinespecies____________.A.may upset the ecosystems of coastal watersB.are all compatible with one anotherC.can only survive in their home watersD.sometimes disrupt shipping lanes4.The identified cause of the problem is_______.A.the rapidity with which larvae matureB. a common practice of the shipping industryC. a centuries old speciesD.the world wide movement of ocean currents5.The article suggests that a solution to the problem__________.A.is unlikely to be identifiedB.must precede further researchC.is hypothetically假设地,假想地easyD.will limit global shippingText BNew …Endangered‟ List Targets Many US RiversIt is hard to think of a major natural resource or pollution issue in North America today that does not affect rivers.Farm chemical runoff残渣, industrial waste, urban storm sewers, sewage treatment, mining, logging, grazing放牧,military bases, residential and business development, hydropower水力发电,loss of wetlands. The list goes on.Legislation like the Clean Water Act and Wild and Scenic Rivers Act have provided some protection, but threats continue.The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported yesterday that an assessment of 642,000 miles of rivers and streams showed 34 percent in less than good condition. In a major study of the Clean Water Act, the Natural Resources Defense Council last fall reported that poison runoff impairs损害more than 125,000 miles of rivers.More recently, the NRDC and Izaak Walton League warned that pollution and loss of wetlands—made worse by last year’s flooding—is degrading恶化the Mississippi River ecosystem.On Tuesday, the conservation group保护组织American Rivers issued its annual list of 10 ―endangered‖ and 20 ―threatened‖ rivers in 32 states, the District of Colombia, and Canada.At the top of the list is the Clarks Fork of the Yellowstone River, whereCanadian mining firms plan to build a 74-acre英亩reservoir水库,蓄水池as part of a gold mine less than three miles from Yellowstone National Park. The reservoir would hold the runoff from the sulfuric acid 硫酸used to extract gold from crushed rock.―In the event this tailings pond failed, the impact to th e greater Yellowstone ecosystem would be cataclysmic大变动的,灾难性的and the damage irreversible不可逆转的.‖ Sen. Max Baucus of Montana, chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, wrote to Noranda Minerals Inc., an owner of the ― New World Mine‖.Last fall, an EPA official expressed concern about the mine and its potential impact, especially the plastic-lined storage reservoir. ― I am unaware of any studies evaluating how a tailings pond尾矿池,残渣池could be maintained to ensure its structural integrity forev er,‖ said Stephen Hoffman, chief of the EPA’s Mining Waste Section. ―It is my opinion that underwater disposal of tailings at New World may present a potentially significant threat to human health and the environment.‖The results of an environmental-impact statement, now being drafted by the Forest Service and Montana Department of State Lands, could determine the mine’s future…In its recent proposal to reauthorize the Clean Water Act, the Clinton administration noted ―dramatically improved water quality since 1972,‖ when the act was passed. But it also reported that 30 percent of riverscontinue to be degraded, mainly by silt泥沙and nutrients from farm and urban runoff, combined sewer overflows, and municipal sewage城市污水. Bottom sediments沉积物are contaminated污染in more than 1,000 waterways, the administration reported in releasing its proposal in January. Between 60 and 80 percent of riparian corridors (riverbank lands) have been degraded.As with endangered species and their habitats in forests and deserts, the complexity of ecosystems is seen in rivers and the effects of development----beyond the obvious threats of industrial pollution, municipal waste, and in-stream diversions改道to slake消除the thirst of new communities in dry regions like the Southwes t…While there are many political hurdles障碍ahead, reauthorization of the Clean Water Act this year holds promise for US rivers. Rep. Norm Mineta of California, who chairs the House Committee overseeing the bill, calls it ―probably the most important env ironmental legislation this Congress will enact.‖ (553 words)6.According to the passage, the Clean Water Act______.A.has been ineffectiveB.will definitely be renewedC.has never been evaluatedD.was enacted some 30 years ago7.“Endangered” rivers are _________.A.catalogued annuallyB.less polluted than ―threatened rivers‖C.caused by floodingD.adjacent to large cities8.The “cataclysmic” event referred to in paragraph eight would be__________.A. fortuitous偶然的,意外的B. adventitious外加的,偶然的C. catastrophicD. precarious不稳定的,危险的9. The owners of the New World Mine appear to be______.A. ecologically aware of the impact of miningB. determined to construct a safe tailings pondC. indifferent to the concerns voiced by the EPAD. willing to relocate operations10. The passage conveys the impression that_______.A. Canadians are disinterested in natural resourcesB. private and public environmental groups aboundC. river banks are erodingD. the majority of US rivers are in poor conditionText CA classic series of experiments to determine the effects ofoverpopulation on communities of rats was reported in February of 1962 in an article in Scientific American. The experiments were conducted by a psychologist, John B. Calhoun and his associates. In each of these experiments, an equal number of male and female adult rats were placed in an enclosure and given an adequate supply of food, water, and other necessities. The rat populations were allowed to increase. Calhoun knew from experience approximately how many rats could live in the enclosures without experiencing stress due to overcrowding. He allowed the population to increase to approximately twice this number. Then he stabilized the population by removing offspring that were not dependent on their mothers. He and his associates then carefully observed and recorded behavior in these overpopulated communities. At the end of their experiments, Calhoun and his associates were able to conclude that overcrowding causes a breakdown in the normal social relationships among rats, a kind of social disease. The rats in the experiments did not follow the same patterns of behavior as rats would in a community without overcrowding.The females in the rat population were the most seriously affected by the high population density: They showed deviant异常的maternal behavior; they did not behave as mother rats normally do. In fact, many of the pups幼兽,幼崽, as rat babies are called, died as a result of poor maternal care. For example, mothers sometimes abandoned their pups,and, without their mothers' care, the pups died. Under normal conditions, a mother rat would not leave her pups alone to die. However, the experiments verified that in overpopulated communities, mother rats do not behave normally. Their behavior may be considered pathologically 病理上,病理学地diseased.The dominant males in the rat population were the least affected by overpopulation. Each of these strong males claimed an area of the enclosure as his own. Therefore, these individuals did not experience the overcrowding in the same way as the other rats did. The fact that the dominant males had adequate space in which to live may explain why they were not as seriously affected by overpopulation as the other rats. However, dominant males did behave pathologically at times. Their antisocial behavior consisted of attacks on weaker male,female, and immature rats. This deviant behavior showed that even though the dominant males had enough living space, they too were affected by the general overcrowding in the enclosure.Non-dominant males in the experimental rat communities also exhibited deviant social behavior. Some withdrew completely; they moved very little and ate and drank at times when the other rats were sleeping in order to avoid contact with them. Other non-dominant males were hyperactive; they were much more active than is normal, chasing other rats and fighting each other. This segment of the rat population, likeall the other parts, was affected by the overpopulation.The behavior of the non-dominant males and of the other components of the rat population has parallels in human behavior. People in densely populated areas exhibit deviant behavior similar to that of the rats in Calhoun's experiments. In large urban areas such as New York City, London, Mexican City, and Cairo, there are abandoned children. There are cruel, powerful individuals, both men and women. There are also people who withdraw and people who become hyperactive. The quantity of other forms of social pathology such as murder, rape, and robbery also frequently occur in densely populated human communities. Is the principal cause of these disorders overpopulation? Calhoun’s experiments suggest that it might be. In any case, social scientists and city planners have been influenced by the results of this series of experiments.11. Paragraph l is organized according to__________.A. reasonsB. descriptionC. examplesD. definition12.Calhoun stabilized the rat population_________.A. when it was double the number that could live in the enclosure without stressB. by removing young ratsC. at a constant number of adult rats in the enclosureD. all of the above are correct13.W hich of the following inferences CANNOT be made from theinformation inPara. 1?A. Calhoun's experiment is still considered important today.B. Overpopulation causes pathological behavior in rat populations.C. Stress does not occur in rat communities unless there is overcrowding.D. Calhoun had experimented with rats before.14. Which of the following behavior didn‟t happen in this experiment?A. All the male rats exhibited pathological behavior.B. Mother rats abandoned their pups.C. Female rats showed deviant maternal behavior.D. Mother rats left their rat babies alone.15. The main idea of the paragraph three is that __________.A. dominant males had adequate living spaceB. dominant males were not as seriously affected by overcrowding as the otherratsC. dominant males attacked weaker ratsD. the strongest males are always able to adapt to bad conditionsText DThe first mention of slavery in the statutes法令,法规of the English colonies of North America does not occur until after 1660—some forty years after the importation of the first Black people. Lest we think that existed in fact before it did in law, Oscar and Mary Handlin assure us, that the status of B lack people down to the 1660’s was that of servants. A critique批判of the Handlins’ interpretation of why legal slavery did not appear until the 1660’s suggests that assumptions about the relation between slavery and racial prejudice should be reexamined, and that explanation for the different treatment of Black slaves in North and South America should be expanded.The Handlins explain the appearance of legal slavery by arguing that, during the 1660’s, the position of white servants was improving relative to that of black servants. Thus, the Handlins contend, Black and White servants, heretofore treated alike, each attained a different status. There are, however, important objections to this argument. First, the Handlins cannot adequately demonstrate that t he White servant’s position was improving, during and after the 1660’s; several acts of the Maryland and Virginia legislatures indicate otherwise. Another flaw in the Handlins’ interpretation is their assumption that prior to the establishment of legal slavery there was no discrimination against Black people. It is true that before the 1660’s Black people were rarely called slaves. But this shouldnot overshadow evidence from the 1630’s on that points to racial discrimination without using the term slavery. Such discrimination sometimes stopped short of lifetime servitude or inherited status—the two attributes of true slavery—yet in other cases it included both. The Handlins’ argument excludes the real possibility that Black people in the English colonies were never treated as the equals of White people.The possibility has important ramifications后果,影响.If from the outset Black people were discriminated against, then legal slavery should be viewed as a reflection and an extension of racial prejudice rather than, as many historians including the Handlins have argued, the cause of prejudice. In addition, the existence of discrimination before the advent of legal slavery offers a further explanation for the harsher treatment of Black slaves in North than in South America. Freyre and Tannenbaum have rightly argued that the lack of certain traditions in North America—such as a Roman conception of slavery and a Roman Catholic emphasis on equality— explains why the treatment of Black slaves was more severe there than in the Spanish and Portuguese colonies of South America. But this cannot be the whole explanation since it is merely negative, based only on a lack of something. A more compelling令人信服的explanation is that the early and sometimes extreme racial discrimination in the English colonies helped determine the particular nature of the slavery that followed. (462 words)16. Which of the following is the most logical inference to be drawn from the passage about the effects of “several acts of the Maryland and Virginia legislatures” (Para.2) passed during and after the 1660‟s?A. The acts negatively affected the pre-1660’s position of Black as wellas of White servants.B. The acts had the effect of impairing rather than improving theposition of White servants relative to what it had been before the 1660’s.C. The acts had a different effect on the position of white servants thandid many of the acts passed during this time by the legislatures of other colonies.D. The acts, at the very least, caused the position of White servants toremain no better than it had been before the 1660’s.17. With which of the following statements regarding the status ofBlack people in the English colonies of North America before the 1660‟s would the author be LEAST likely to agree?A. Although black people were not legally considered to be slaves,they were often called slaves.B. Although subject to some discrimination, black people had a higherlegal status than they did after the 1660’s.C. Although sometimes subject to lifetime servitude, black peoplewere not legally considered to be slaves.D. Although often not treated the same as White people, black people,like many white people, possessed the legal status of servants.18. According to the passage, the Handlins have argued which of thefollowing about the relationship between racial prejudice and the institution of legal slavery in the English colonies of North America?A. Racial prejudice and the institution of slavery arose simultaneously.B. Racial prejudice most often the form of the imposition of inheritedstatus, one of the attributes of slavery.C. The source of racial prejudice was the institution of slavery.D. Because of the influence of the Roman Catholic Church, racialprejudice sometimes did not result in slavery.19. The passage suggests that the existence of a Roman conception ofslavery in Spanish and Portuguese colonies had the effect of _________.A. extending rather than causing racial prejudice in these coloniesB. hastening the legalization of slavery in these colonies.C. mitigating some of the conditions of slavery for black people in these coloniesD. delaying the introduction of slavery into the English colonies20. The author considers the explanation put forward by Freyre andTannenbaum for the treatment accorded B lack slaves in the English colonies of North America to be _____________.A. ambitious but misguidedB. valid有根据的but limitedC. popular but suspectD. anachronistic过时的,时代错误的and controversialUNIT 2Text AThe sea lay like an unbroken mirror all around the pine-girt, lonely shores of Orr’s Island. Tall, kingly spruce s wore their regal王室的crowns of cones high in air, sparkling with diamonds of clear exuded gum流出的树胶; vast old hemlocks铁杉of primeval原始的growth stood darkling in their forest shadows, their branches hung with long hoary moss久远的青苔;while feathery larches羽毛般的落叶松,turned to brilliant gold by autumn frosts, lighted up the darker shadows of the evergreens. It was one of those hazy朦胧的, calm, dissolving days of Indian summer, when everything is so quiet that the fainest kiss of the wave on the beach can be heard, and white clouds seem to faint into the blue of the sky, and soft swathing一长条bands of violet vapor make all earth look dreamy, and give to the sharp, clear-cut outlines of the northern landscape all those mysteries of light and shade which impart such tenderness to Italian scenery.The funeral was over,--- the tread鞋底的花纹/ 踏of many feet, bearing the heavy burden of two broken lives, had been to the lonely graveyard, and had come back again,--- each footstep lighter and more unconstrained不受拘束的as each one went his way from the great old tragedy of Death to the common cheerful of Life.The solemn black clock stood swaying with its eternal ―tick-tock, tick-tock,‖ in the kitchen of the brown house on Orr’s Island. There was there that sense of a stillness that can be felt,---such as settles down on a dwelling住处when any of its inmates have passed through its doors for the last time, to go whence they shall not return. The best room was shut up and darkened, with only so much light as could fall through a little heart-shaped hole in the window-shutter,---for except on solemn visits, or prayer-meetings or weddings, or funerals, that room formed no part of the daily family scenery.The kitchen was clean and ample, hearth灶台, and oven on one side, and rows of old-fashioned splint-bottomed chairs against the wall. A table scoured to snowy whiteness, and a little work-stand whereon lay the Bible, the Missionary Herald, and the Weekly Christian Mirror, before named, formed the principal furniture. One feature, however, must not be forgotten, ---a great sea-chest水手用的储物箱,which had been the companion of Zephaniah through all the countries of the earth. Old, and battered破旧的,磨损的, and unsightly难看的it looked, yet report said that there was good store within which men for the most part respect more than anything else; and, indeed it proved often when a deed of grace was to be done--- when a woman was suddenly made a widow in a coast gale大风,狂风, or a fishing-smack小渔船was run down in the fogs off the banks, leaving in some neighboring cottage a family of orphans,---in all such cases, the opening of this sea-chest was an event of good omen 预兆to the bereaved丧亲者;for Zephaniah had a large heart and a large hand, and was apt有…的倾向to take it out full of silver dollars when once it went in. So the ark of the covenant约柜could not have been looked on with more reverence崇敬than the neighbours usually showed to Captain Pennel’s sea-chest.1. The author describes Orr‟s Island in a(n)______way.A.emotionally appealing, imaginativeB.rational, logically preciseC.factually detailed, objectiveD.vague, uncertain2.According to the passage, the “best room”_____.A.has its many windows boarded upB.has had the furniture removedC.is used only on formal and ceremonious occasionsD.is the busiest room in the house3.From the description of the kitchen we can infer that thehouse belongs to people who_____.A.never have guestsB.like modern appliancesC.are probably religiousD.dislike housework4.The passage implies that_______.A.few people attended the funeralB.fishing is a secure vocationC.the island is densely populatedD.the house belonged to the deceased5.From the description of Zephaniah we can see thathe_________.A.was physically a very big manB.preferred the lonely life of a sailorC.always stayed at homeD.was frugal and saved a lotText BBasic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the Second World War is the country' s impressive population growth. For every three Canadians in 1945, there were over five in 1966. In September 1966 Canada's population passed the 20 million mark. Most of this surging growth came from natural increase. The depression of the 1930s and the war had held back marriages, and the catching-up process began after 1945. The baby boom continued through the decade of the 1950s, producing a population increase of nearly fifteen percent in the five years from 1951 to 1956. This rate of increase had been exceeded only once before in Canada's history, in the decade before 1911 when the prairies were being settled. Undoubtedly, the good economic conditions of the 1950s supported a growth in the population, but the expansion also derived from a trend toward earlier marriages and an increase in the average size of families; In 1957 the Canadian birth rate stood at 28 per thousand, one of the highest in the world. After the peak year of 1957, thebirth rate in Canada began to decline. It continued falling until in 1966 it stood at the lowest level in 25 years. Partly this decline reflected the low level of births during the depression and the war, but it was also caused by changes in Canadian society. Young people were staying at school longer, more women were working; young married couples were buying automobiles or houses before starting families; rising living standards were cutting down the size of families. It appeared that Canada was once more falling in step with the trend toward smaller families that had occurred all through theWestern world since the time of the Industrial Revolution. Although the growth in Canada’s population had slowed down by 1966 (the cent), another increase in the first half of the 1960s was only nine percent), another large population wave was coming over the horizon. It would be composed of the children of the children who were born during the period of the high birth rate prior to 1957.6. What does the passage mainly discuss?A. Educational changes in Canadian society.B. Canada during the Second World War.C. Population trends in postwar Canada.D. Standards of living in Canada.7. According to the passage, when did Canada's baby boom begin?A. In the decade after 1911.B. After 1945.C. During the depression of the 1930s.D. In 1966.8. The author suggests that in Canada during the 1950s____________.A. the urban population decreased rapidlyB. fewer people marriedC. economic conditions were poorD. the birth rate was very high9. When was the birth rate in Canada at its lowest postwar level?A. 1966.B. 1957.C. 1956.D. 1951.10. The author mentions all of the following as causes of declines inpopulation growth after 1957 EXCEPT_________________.A. people being better educatedB. people getting married earlierC. better standards of livingD. couples buying houses11.I t can be inferred from the passage that before the IndustrialRevolution_______________.A. families were largerB. population statistics were unreliableC. the population grew steadilyD. economic conditions were badText CI was just a boy when my father brought me to Harlem for the first time, almost 50 years ago. We stayed at the hotel Theresa, a grand brick structure at 125th Street and Seventh avenue. Once, in the hotel restaurant, my father pointed out Joe Louis. He even got Mr. Brown, the hotel manager, to introduce me to him, a bit punchy强力的but still champ焦急as fast as I was concerned.Much has changed since then. Business and real estate are booming. Some say a new renaissance is under way. Others decry责难what they see as outside forces running roughshod肆意践踏over the old Harlem. New York meant Harlem to me, and as a young man I visited it whenever I could. But many of my old haunts are gone. The Theresa shut down in 1966. National chains that once ignored Harlem now anticipate yuppie money and want pieces of this prime Manhattan real estate. So here I am on a hot August afternoon, sitting in a Starbucks that two years ago opened a block away from the Theresa, snatching抓取,攫取at memories between sips of high-priced coffee. I am about to open up a piece of the old Harlem---the New York Amsterdam News---when a tourist。


收稿日期: 2022 ̄07 ̄16ꎬ 修回日期: 2022 ̄08 ̄20ꎮ
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(31970250) ꎮ
This work was supported by a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31970250) .
interference due to similar reproductive biological characteristics. Fruits can be formed in
hand ̄pollination hybridization experiments of Sagittaria trifolia L. and S. pygmaea L.ꎬ but the
植物科学学报 2022ꎬ 40(6) : 762 ~770
http: // www.plantscience.cn
Plant Science Journal
DOI:10 11913 / PSJ 2095-0837 2022 60762
唐莎莎ꎬ 费采虹ꎬ 杨聪ꎬ 尚书禾ꎬ 熊浩镧ꎬ 王欣怡ꎬ 汪小凡. 野慈姑和矮慈姑种间花粉传递与生殖干扰不对称性[ J] . 植物科学学报ꎬ 2022ꎬ 40
缘本地物种对可能为同域分布ꎬ 并占据相同的栖息

ꎮ 作为进化生态学研究关注的重要科学问题ꎬ
待深入研究ꎬ 以拓展对于物种间相互作用与共存机
优势ꎬ 但异种花粉管也能在雌蕊群中生长并进入胚
珠 [25] ꎮ 前期研究发现ꎬ 二者种间杂交能形成膨大








研究样本的选择原则英文回答:Principles of Sample Selection.1. Probability Sampling:Simple random sampling: Every subject has an equal chance of being selected.Stratified sampling: The population is divided into subgroups (strata) based on shared characteristics, and subjects are randomly selected from each stratum.Cluster sampling: The population is divided into clusters, and a random sample of clusters is chosen.2. Non-probability Sampling:Convenience sampling: Subjects are selected becausethey are easily accessible.Snowball sampling: Subjects are recruited through referrals from other participants.Quota sampling: Subjects are selected to match the demographic characteristics of the population.Purposive sampling: Subjects are selected based on their specific characteristics or knowledge of the research topic.3. Additional Considerations:Sample size: The number of subjects needed for statistical significance.Response rate: The proportion of subjects who participate in the research.Representativeness: The degree to which the sample reflects the target population.Bias: Any systematic error that influences the results.中文回答:研究样本选择原则。



一、翻译并解释名词:(10x4分)1.allele 等位基因一个位点的序列变异。

2.Effective population size (Ne) 有效种群大小在一个具有相等性比、随机交配的理想种群中表现出与特定统计(全部成体数目)规模相对应的真实的种群杂合性随时间丧失的速率相同的个体数。

3.F-statistics F 统计检验用于评估个体间、亚种群间和整个种群间杂合性的分布的统计方法,被广泛应用于定量亚种群的遗传分化。

4.Genetic load 遗传负荷相对于理论最佳值来说降低了的基因型适合度。

5.Hardy-Weiberg equilibrium哈温平衡当所有等位基因频率是已知的时候,在一个大的随机交配种群中的纯合子和杂合子的预期比例。


6.Bottleneck effect瓶颈效应种群的规模大为缩小,随后常常有一个(种群的)恢复。

7.Selection sweep选择扫荡。

课件:Occurrence of a beneficial mutation,Only individuals carrying the mutation reproduce,‘Population bottleneck’,Mainly affects linked loci。

8.IAM 无限等位基因模型其中突变不是以可预料的方式一个接一个发生,而大多数突变是像产生SNP(单核苷酸多态性)那样出现的。

9.Linkage disequilibrium (LD) 连锁不平衡。

术语表:Linkage equilibrium 连锁平衡:由重组促成的情形,其中遗传位点在繁殖期相互独立分离。


百度:连锁平衡:HLA 不同基因座位的各等位基因在人群中以一定的频率出现。

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a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /9711253v 1 [c o n d -m a t .s o f t ] 25 N o v 1997Random copolymers at a selective interface:many chains with excluded volume interactions Gongwen Peng †,§,Jens-Uwe Sommer †and Alexander Blumen ††)Theoretische Polymerphysik,Universit¨a t Freiburg,Rheinstr.12,D–79104Freiburg,Germany §)Department of Physics and Astronomy,Bowling Green State University,Bowling Green,OH 43403February 1,2008Abstract We investigate numerically,using the bond–fluctuation model,the adsorp-tion of many random AB–copolymers with excluded volume interactions at the interface between two solvents.We find two regimes,controlled by the total number of polymers.In the first (dilute)regime,the copolymers near the interface extend parallel to it,while in the second regime they extend perpendicular to it.The density at the interface and the density in the bulk depend differently on the total number of copolymers:In the first regime the density at the interface increases more rapidly then in the bulk,whereas theopposite is true in the second regime.PACS numbers:61.25.Hq,83.70.HqI.IntroductionRecently copolymers at selective interfaces have received much attention[1–6].Consider as an example a block copolymer consisting of a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic part and situated next to an oil–water interface.The difference in the monomers’selectivity(which we denote by kTχ)favors the localization of the copolymer at the interface,with each block in its favorable solvent.However,for random copolymers frustrated situations may arise,since the chain’s connectivity forces some monomers to stay in their unfavorable solvent.Garel et al[3]have studied the localization transition of an ideal random chain at a selective interface. In previous publications[7,8]we have extended this approach to single chain under good solvent conditions,and we have shown that for the adsorption of random copolymers a simple scaling picture works very well.The scaling picture is based on the fact that the static properties of a single adsorbed chain consisting of N monomers may be understood in terms of blobs.A blob is made of g monomers; hence in it one of the monomer species is on the average in excess by g1/2.The blob stays in its preferred solvent as long as its total interface selectivity,∼g1/2χk B T, counterbalances its translational free energy,k B T.This leads to gχ2=C,where C is model dependent numerical constant.For our lattice simulation model C turns out to be larger ually this constant C(which does not play any role in a scaling argumentation)is set to unity.It follows that the number of blobs in the chain,N/g,equals Nχ2/C.In fact Nχ2turns out to be the scaling variable of the problem,as we have confirmed through Monte Carlo simulations[7,8].In Ref.[9] we extended our analysis to asymmetric interface potentials,so that the chain as a whole prefers one solvent side.This problem leads to two new critical exponents(as predicted from scaling);we succeeded in evaluating these exponents based on oursimulation data[9].The present article is devoted to copolymer systems consisting of many chains, so that the polymer bulk densityρb is significant.As we proceed to show,due to their interaction with the interface and depending onρb the copolymers display(at least)two distinct regimes.At very lowρb the interface is only partially covered with adsorbed blobs;the shape of the adsorbed chains is ratherflat,since their extension is larger parallel to the interface than perpendicular to it.In fact,the extension of isolated chains perpendicular to the interface does not depend on N, but only on the interface selectivityχ[7,8].Asρb increases,the adsorbed,flat chains influence each other through excluded volume interactions.The chains at the interface form thus a two-dimensional semi-dilute solution.Increasingρb further leads to an interface completely saturated with blobs;thus the interface densityρs depends in a complex manner onρb.If the adsorption is strong enough,i.e.if the free energy of adsorption per chain is much larger than kT,the surface can become saturated for values ofρb for which the volume phase is still highly diluted. Then the adsorbed chains form large loops,resulting in an adsorption layer width which is of the order of the radius of gyration of the polymers in the bulk.This effect is well-known for homopolymer adsorption[14,15].However,increasingρb beyond the saturation value a different behavior emerges:The chains extend in the direction perpendicular to the interface,since the loops of the adsorbed chains begin to stretch in a hairpin-like fashion.Such a brush-like regime for multiblock-copolymers at selective interfaces was recently predicted by Leclerc and Daoud[16]. The reason for this behavior is that the majority blobs(or blocks in Ref.[16])can be squeezed without much loss of interface energy,since only the alternation of the two blob types across the interfacefixes the chain.In this way more polymer chainscan be adsorbed at the interface.Our simulation results confirm this picture qualitatively.Distinct from the be-havior of adsorbed homopolymers,we report here forρb larger than a characteristic valueρ∗b the stretching of the adsorbed copolymers in the direction perpendicular to the interface and their contraction parallel to it.II.Simulation algorithmOur Monte Carlo simulations for copolymers were performed using the bond–fluctuation method(BFM)[10,11].The BFM is a lattice algorithm where each monomer is represented by a lattice cell.Thus on a three–dimensional simple cubic lattice each monomer occupies eight neighboring lattice sites.The length of a bond√connecting two neighboring monomersfluctuates between2andon the underlying cubic lattice.A move is taken into consideration only if it satis-fies the requirements of self–avoidance and of non–breaking of bonds.Furthermore, energetically unfavorable moves are statistically permitted according to the usual prescription involving the Boltzmann factor.III.Simulation ResultsWe study the density dependence of the adsorption properties by changing n, the number of polymers in the L×L×H box.Here we take L=50and H=100and focus on the results obtained using copolymers of length N=64with a monomer–solvent interaction parameter ofχ=3.15.Results for other copolymer lengths and for otherχparameters will be mentioned when appropriate.Note that in the single chain case(n=1)the parameters N=64andχ=3.15let the system be located in the well adsorbed scaling regime,see Ref.[7,8].An initial configuration is generated by randomly placing thefirst monomer of each polymer in the system and then randomly adding the subsequent monomers, such that self–avoidance and the restrictions on the bonds are obeyed.The energetic aspects of the interaction with the solvents are then taken care of by the usual Boltzmann factor;the monomer–monomer interaction is only accounted for through the excluded volume aspect.This means that both solvents are good for both species.We established numerically that the relaxation time(determined using the autocorrelation function of the radius of gyration R g and of its z–component R g⊥[13])is around50,000Monte Carlo steps(MCS),where a MCS consists of nN move attempts;we thus view the copolymers as having reached equilibrium after 200,000MCS.Averages are then calculated from the configurations obtained in the subsequent200,000MCS.In order to improve the statistics we average over resultsfrom8independent runs.In Figure1(a)we plot the densities of the A–type monomers(ρA)and of the B–type monomers(ρB)as a function of the height z.We pause to make clear how these densities are normalized.In the lattice,bond–fluctuation model used here,the maximal number of monomers which can be accommodated in the given volume is 1Hz(ρA(z)+ρB(z))=¯ρ.(1)The number of polymers in Fig.1(a)is n=paring with the results for single chain,Fig.1of Ref.[7],wefind that now the monomer densities are still nonzero quite far away from the interface(i.e.from z=10to z=30and from z=70to z=90in Fig.1(a)).Furthermore,at such distancesρA andρB are equal and are independent of z.In this range we identify this constant with the bulk density. When approaching the impenetrable boundaries at z=0and at z=100,ρA andρB drop to zero.In the following we will not consider the range from z=0to z=10 and from z=90to z=100any further.Close to the interfaceρA andρB peak on their favorable side.The densities decay smoothly on their favorable side and sharply across the selective interface,so that their values on the unfavorable side near the interface lie below the bulk density.This differs from ourfindings for single chain,for which we found that the bulk density is zero and that densities close to the interface on the unfavorable side display a secondary peak[7].In Fig.1(b)we showρA+ρB as a function of z.The result is a symmetric peak centered at the interface and superimposed on a bulk density background.In Fig.2(a)we plot the bulk densityρb against the average density¯ρ,as given by Eq.(1).We see thatρb becomes extremely low for largeχand small¯ρ(but does not disappear completely).The densityρb increases linearly with¯ρfor larger¯ρ. Fig.2(b)shows the density at the interfaceρs=(ρA(H/2)+ρB(H/2)+ρA(H/2+ 1)+ρB(H/2+1))/2as a function of¯ρ.For small¯ρ,ρs increases rapidly,while for larger¯ρit increases more slowly,the cross-over region being around¯ρ≃0.02. From the Figure the almost linear increase ofρs in the range of large¯ρis also clear. Fig.2(c)shows a plot ofρs versusρb,where again the two regimes can be seen.To understand these regimes we plot in Fig.2(d)ρs−ρb against¯ρ.In terms of Fig.1(b)ρs−ρb is in fact the peak’s height relative to the background.We see from Fig.2(d) thatρs−ρb attains its maximum around¯ρc≃0.02.For¯ρ<¯ρc,ρs−ρb increases with increasing¯ρwhile for¯ρ>¯ρc it decreases with increasing¯ρ.This means that in the low¯ρregime(¯ρ<¯ρc)adding more polymers to the system leads mainly to an increase in density at the interface,whereas for higher¯ρvalues(¯ρ>¯ρc)adding more polymers to the system leads to an overall increase in density in the bulk.In the second regime bothρs andρb increase almost linearly with¯ρ,whereasρs−ρb decreases roughly linearly with increasing¯ρ.Extrapolating the linear dependence in the second regime of Fig.2(d)toρs−ρb=0leads to¯ρ≃0.95.We note that a third regime may exist at still higher¯ρvalues,when the copolymer concentration in the bulk reaches the semi-dilute range,but investigations in exploring rather dense systems are beyond the scope of the present paper.For the record,we like to point out that varying the copolymers’length,using N=64and N=128,we obtained plots almost identical to those shown in Fig.2. For differentχparameters(χ=2.20,3.15and4.20),wefind thatρb is independent ofχwhileρs increases with increasingχ.The difference betweenρA andρB provides a means to quantify the interfacial selectivity.Fig.3(a)displays the data for n=50.We plotρA−B≡ρA−ρB for z≤H/2andρA−B≡ρB−ρA for z≥H/2+1;this leads to a symmetric peak.We find in this density regime(¯ρ≃0.1)that the width of the peak is independent of N but is controlled byχ.Fig.3(b)shows how the width of the peak in Fig.3(a)varies as a function of¯ρfor differentχ.Here the width is taken as full width at half-height (FWHH),i.e.the difference z2−z1,withρA−B(z1)=ρA−B(z2)=1N i=1[(x(k)i−x(k)CM)2+(y(k)i−y(k)CM)2]/N)1/2.Now we have to specify which 2copolymers belong to the space around the interface.For this we use aσ-criterion: If the z–component of the polymer’s center of mass is within a distanceσfrom the interface,i.e.if|z(k)CM−z0|≤σ,we view the polymer as being near the interface, otherwise as being far from it(here again we disregard the far-offregions close to thefixed boundaries).Now,evidently2σshould be taken larger than the peak’s FWHH. Since the FWHH,Fig.3(b),depends on¯ρ,we chooseσ=10in what follows(we checked that the choice ofσdoes not change the features reported below,provided that2σis reasonably larger than the FWHH).We now average R(k)g⊥and R(k)for theg polymers near the interface to obtain R g⊥and R g ;we do the same for the polymers far from the interface,which leads to R g⊥and R g .In Fig.4(a)and Fig.4(b)we present plots of R g⊥and R g and of R g⊥and R g as functions of¯ρ.Let usfirst consider the bulk phase,away from the interface.As can be readily inferred from Fig.4(b), R g⊥is close to R g for all¯ρ,which means that the bulk copolymers’shape is not affected by the interface and that it is isotropic in space. Note that the largefluctuations of the data points for small¯ρvalues arise from the fact that almost no chains are located in the bulk until the interface is saturated, see also Fig.2(a).The situation is completely different for polymers near the interface,Fig.4(a). For very small values of¯ρ,R g⊥is considerably smaller than R g ;hence adsorbed chains tend to be ratherflat.Fig.4(a)shows that R g decreases monotonically with increasing¯ρ,whereas the opposite is true for R g⊥.This is analogous to the behavior of adsorbed homopolymers,as discussed by Bouchaud and Daoud[14].Comparing Fig.4(a)with Fig.2(c)one notes that the chain’s extension is,in contrast to the surface density,a smooth function of¯ρalso at the saturation value¯ρc.However, increasing the density beyond the value¯ρ∗≃0.05,where R g =R g⊥,the extension perpendicular to the interface gets to be larger than the parallel extension.This is in accordance with Ref.[16],which predicts(as discussed in the Introduction) that above a characteristic bulk concentration the loops of the adsorbed chains will stretch in the direction perpendicular to the interface,in a hairpin-like fashion.Note that also the chain’s extension parallel to the interface,R g ,decreases below its bulk value R g (compare Figs.4(a)and(b)),i.e.the adsorbed chains begin to get squeezed parallel to the interface.Thus varying the bulk concentration only by a small amount(0<ρb<0.1)the chain’s geometry changes from aflat,pancake-like shape into a brush-like assembly of stretched loops.This picture is also supported by the behavior ofρs as a function of¯ρin the saturated surface regime(¯ρ>¯ρc).As can be inferred from Fig.2b,the surface concentration increases even beyond the sat-uration threshold¯ρc(which is given in Figs.2already by the second numerical point).IV.ConclusionsWe have investigated the behavior of many random copolymers in the presence of a selective interface.Previous studies[3,6,7,8]showed that a simple scaling picture works very well for random copolymer adsorption.In this paper we have extended our previous work to consider the effects of sizeable chain concentrations. We found that there are at least two regimes controlled by the polymer density,as can be inferred from Figs.2and Fig.4a.In the very low density regime(except for the adsorption mechanism)copoly-mers at interfaces behave similarly to homopolymers at surfaces.Starting from a single chain,which in the adsorbed state isflat,an increase in the chains’density leads to their crowding at the interface.As usual for polymer adsorption,the inter-face may be fully covered by chains even when the bulk density is still highly diluted (compare the surface densityρs and the bulk densityρb for the second numerical point in Fig.2(c)).This can be easily understood from the fact that the adsorption energy per chain is in most cases a huge quantity compared to the translational free energy per chain,i.e.to kT.In the second regime,however,where the interface is already covered,the only way of adding more chains to it is to squeeze the chains in a brush-like fashion.As a consequence,R g⊥,the radius of gyration of the adsorbed chains perpendicular to the interface exceeds the average value R g⊥in the bulk.A means of picturing this situation is a brush-like assembly of stretched loops[16].AcknowledgmentsWe are grateful to M.Daoud and T.Ohta for useful discussions.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft,by the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie,by PROCOPE administrated by the DAAD,and by the Monbusho Grant–in–Aid,Japan.G.P.thanks both the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for support during different stages of the work.References[1]H.R.Brown,V.R.Deline and P.F.Green,Nature(London)341,221(1989).[2]C.-A.Dai,B.J.Dair,K.H.Dai,C.K.Ober,E.J.Kramer,C.-Y.Hui and L.W.Jelinski,Phys.Rev.Lett.73,2472(1994).[3]T.Garel,D.A.Huse,S.Leibler and H.Orland,Europhys.Lett.8,9(1989).[4]C.Yeung,A.C.Balazs and D.Jasnow,Macromolecules25,1357(1992).[5]A.Grosberg,S.Izrailev and S.Nechaev,Phys.Rev.E50,1912(1994).[6]J.-U.Sommer and M.Daoud,Europhys.Lett.32,407(1995).[7]G.Peng,J.-U.Sommer and A.Blumen,Phys.Rev.E53,5509(1996)[8]J.-U.Sommer,G.Peng and A.Blumen,J.Phys.II France6,1061(1996).[9]J.-U.Sommer,G.Peng and A.Blumen,J.Chem.Phys.105,8376(1996)[10]I.Carmesin and K.Kremer,Macromolecules21,2819(1988).[11]H.P.Deutsch and K.Binder,J.Chem.Phys.94,2294(1991).[12]H.-L.Trautenberg,Th.H¨o lzl and D.G¨o ritz,Comput.Theoret.Polym.Sci.6,135(1996)[13]P.-Y Lai and K.Binder,J.Chem.Phys.95,9288(1991).[14]E.Bouchaud and M.Daoud J.Physique48,1919(1987)[15]G.J.Fleer,M.A.Cohen Stuart,J.M.H.M.Scheutjens,T.Cosgrove and B.Vin-cent,Polymers at Interfaces,Chapman&Hall,London(1993)[16]E.Leclerc and M.Daoud Macromolecules30,293(1997)Figure CaptionsFigure1(a):Densities of the A–monomers(ρA)(diamonds)and of the B–monomers (ρB)(crosses)at the height z.Here the number of polymers is n=50,the length of all polymers is N=64,and the monomer–solvent interaction parameter isχ=3.15.Figure1(b):Display of|ρA+ρB|vs.z,see Fig.1(a)for definitions.Figure2(a):The bulk density(ρb)vs.the average density(¯ρ),see text for details.Figure2(b):The density at the interface(ρs)vs.¯ρ.Figure2(c):ρs vs.ρb.Figure2(d):ρs−ρb vs.¯ρ.Figure3(a):ρA−B(the absolute value ofρA−ρB)vs.the height z.Here n=50.Figure3(b):The FWHH of Fig.3(a)vs.¯ρfor three differentχparameters,χ=2.20 (diamonds),χ=3.15(crosses),χ=4.20(squares).Figure3(c):ρA−B(z0)vs.¯ρ,with z0being the interface’s location.Figure4(a):Radius of gyration for polymers near the interface:R g⊥(diamonds) and R g (crosses)vs.¯ρ.Figure4(b):Radius of gyration for polymers away from the interface: R g⊥(dia-monds)and R g (crosses)vs.¯ρ.。
