Medical record
Guide to Medical Records
GUIDE TO MEDICAL RECORDSGeneral Data: name, age, sex, occupation, marital status (S., M., W., D.)1. Chief Complaint: weakness, malaise, chills, fever, sleep, pain, headache, appetite, weight, stomach and bowels, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, urine, genitalia, neuropsychiatric disorders, respiration (inspiration+expiration), shortness of breath, bleeding or discharge, etc.2. Present Illness: onset (date, mode), duration before present entry, exciting cause and environmental influences, prodromal symptoms前驱症状, general symptoms, course or progress (location, duration, severity, continuity, intermission, radiation, treatment), aggravating and alleviating factors, loss of weight, appetite and strength, sleep, bowel movement, frequency of urination, menstruation, etc.3. Past History:a.Former places of residence, previous state of health (robust, delicate), experiencewith similar disease, immunity to/against/towards infectious diseases.b.Previous illness: measles, mumps, chicken-pox, pertussis, influenza, scarlet fever,(猩红热)diphtheria, typhoid fever, bronchitis, pneumonia, encephalitis, meningitis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, dysentery痢疾, cholera霍乱, pleurisy, smallpox, tonsillitis, rheumatism, asthma, malaria, tuberculosis, jaundice, allergy, etc.c.Venereal disease: specific symptoms and signs, treatment, etc.d.Accidents (date, any disability, sequelae); operation and hospitalization (date,procedure, name of hospital, physician, complications, bleeding tendency).4. Family History: family tendency, presence of hereditary disorders, cancer, tuberculosis, mental disorder and nervous affection, rheumatism, diabetes, hypertension, cerebral vascular accident, hemophilia, syphilis, tumor, epilepsy, allergy, etc. any contact with diseased individuals, relationship of patient’s child hood and adult life; age, health condition, and cause of death of parents, grandparents, self, spouse, siblings or relatives.5. Personal History:a.Social history: fears, mental status, education, financial condition, number ofdependents, family harmony or friction, hygienic condition at home.b.Marital history: duration of marriage, 1st or 2nd marriage, age and health of spouseand children, if died, cause and age at time of death, number of children, number of pregnancies, miscarriages, stillbirths.c.Occupational history: duration of employment, past work, exact nature of work,exposure to occupational hazards, whether work is satisfactory or not.d.Habits: alcohol, tobacco, narcotic, coffee, tea, appetite, food habits, regularity ofmeals, rapidity of eating, bowel movements, sleep, exercise, interests, etc.主诉咽痛、高烧两天。
最全的医学英语之NO.11、抗生素医嘱[Antibiotic order]Prophylaxis 预防性用药Duration of oder 用药时间Procedure 操作,手术Empiric theraphy 经验性治疗Suspected site and organism 怀疑感染的部位和致病菌Cultures ordered 做培养Documented infection 明确感染Site and organism 部位和致病菌Explanation required 解释理由Antibiotic allergies 何种抗生素过敏No known allergy 无已知的过敏Drug+dose+Route+frequency药名+剂量+途径+次数2、医嘱首页[Admission / transfer] Admit / transfer to 收入或转入Resident 住院医师Attending 主治医师Condition 病情Diagnosis 诊断Diet 饮食Acitivity 活动Vital signs 生命体征I / O 记进出量Allergies 过敏3、住院病历[case history]Identification 病人一般情况Name 姓名Sex 性别Age 年龄Marriage 婚姻Person to notify and phone No. 联系人及电话Race 民族I.D.No. 身份证Admission date 入院日期Source of history 病史提供者Reliability of history 可靠程度Medical record No 病历号Business phone No 工作单位电话Home address and phone No 家庭住地及电话Chief complaint 主诉History of present illness 现病史Past History 过去史Surgical 外科Medical 内科Medications 用药Allergies 过敏史Social History 社会史Habits 个人习惯Smoking 吸烟Family History 家族史Ob/Gyn History 婚姻/生育史Alcohol use 喝酒Review of Systems 系统回顾General 概况Eyes,Ears,Nose and throat 五官Pulmonary 呼吸Cardiovascular 心血管GI 消化GU 生殖、泌尿系统Musculoskeletal 肌肉骨骼Neurology 神经系统Endocrinology 内分泌系统Lymphatic/Hematologic 淋巴系统/血液系统Physical Exam 体检Vital Signs 生命体征P 脉博Bp 血压R 呼吸T 温度Height 身高Weight 体重General 概况HEENT 五官Neck 颈部Back/Chest 背部/胸部Breast 乳房Heart 心脏Heart rate 心率Heart rhythm 心律Heart Border 心界Murmur 杂音Abdomen 腹部Liver 肝Spleen 脾Rectal 直肠Genitalia 生殖系统Extremities 四肢Neurology 神经系统cranial nerves 颅神经sensation 感觉Motor 运动*Special P.E. on diseased organ system[专科情况]*Radiographic Findings[放射]*Laboratory Findings[化验]*Assessment[初步诊断与诊断依据]*Summary[病史小结]*Treatment Plan[治疗计划]4、输血申请单[Blood bank requisition form](1)reason for infusion[输血原因]▲红细胞[packed red cells, washed RBCs]: *Hb<8.5 [血色素<8.5]*>20% blood volume lost [>20%血容量丢失]*cardio-pulmonary bypass with anticipated Hb <8[心肺分流术伴预计血色素<8]*chemotherapy or surgery with Hb <10[血色素<10的化疗或手术者]▲全血[whole blood]:massive on-going blood loss[大量出血]▲血小板[platelets]:*massive blood transfusion >10 units[输血10单位以上者]*platelet count <50×103/μl with active bleeding or surgery[血小板<5万伴活动性出血或手术者]*Cardio-pulmonary bypass uithpl<100×103/μl wit h octive bleeding[心肺分流术伴血小板<10万,活动性出血者]*Platelet count <20×103/μl[血板<2万]▲新鲜冰冻血浆[fresh frozen plasma]:*documented abnormal PT or PTT with bleeding or Surgery[PT、PTT异常的出血或手术病人]*specific clotting factor deficiencies with bleeding/surgerg[特殊凝血因子缺乏的出血/手术者]*blood transfusion >15units[输血>15个单位] *warfarin or antifibrinolytic therapy with bleeding[华法令或溶栓治疗后出血]*DIC[血管内弥漫性凝血]*Antithrombin III dficiency[凝血酶III 缺乏](2)输血要求[request for blood components]*patient blood group[血型]*Has the patient had transfusion or pregnancy in the past 3 months? [近3个月,病人是否输过血或怀孕过?]*Type and crossmatch[血型和血交叉]*Units or ml[单位或毫升]5、出院小结[discharge summary]Patient Name[病人姓名]Medical Record No.[病历号]Attending Physician[主治医生]Date of Admission[入院日期]Date of Discharge[出院日期]Pirncipal Diagnosis[主要诊断]Secondary Diagnosis[次要诊断]Complications[并发症]Operation[手术名称]Reason for Admission[入院理由]Physical Findings[阳性体征]Lab/X-ray Findings[化验及放射报告]Hospital Course[住院诊治经过]Condition[出院状况]Disposition[出院去向]Medications[出院用药]Prognosis[预后]Special Instruction to the Patient(diet, physical activity)[出院指导(饮食,活动量)]Follow-up Care[随随访]6、住院/出院病历首页[Admission/discharge record]Patient name[病人姓名]race[种族]address[地址]religion[宗教]medical service[科别]admit (discharge) date[入院(出院)日期]Length of stay [住院天数]guarantor name [担保人姓名]next of kin or person to notify[需通知的亲属姓名]relation to patient[与病人关系]previous admit date[上次住院日期]admitting physician [入院医生]attending phgsician[主治医生]admitting diagnosis[入院诊断]final (principal) diagnosis[最终(主要)诊断]secondary diagnosis[次要诊断]adverse reactions (complications)[副作用(合并症)] incision type[切口类型]healing course[愈合等级]operative (non-operative) procedures[手术(非手术)操作]nosocomial infection[院内感染]consutants[会诊]Critical-No. of times[抢救次数]recovered-No. of times[成功次数]Diagnosis qualitative analysis[诊断质量]OP.adm.and discharge Dx concur [门诊入院与出院诊断符合率]Clinical and pathological Dx concur[临床与病理诊断符合率]Pre- and post-operative Dx concur [术前术后诊断符合率]Dx determined with in 24 hours (3 days) after admission[入院后24小时(3天)内确诊]Discharge status[出院状况]recovered[治愈]improved[好转]not improved[未愈]died [死亡]Dispositon[去向]home[家]against medical ad[自动出院]autosy[尸检]transferred to[转院到。
标签:电子病历;现状;问题;对策电子病历(Electronic Medical Record,简称EMR)是指医务人员在医疗活动过程中,使用医疗机构信息系统生成的文字、符号、图表、图形、数据、影像等数字化信息,并能实现存储、管理、传输和重现的医疗记录,是病历的一种记录形式[1]。
1国内电子病历的发展现状我国的电子病历系统的发展大概经历了:源于医院信息管理系统(Hospital Information System HIS)-独立发展-与HIS集成三个阶段[2]。
据e 医疗网调查显示2010年全国医院经过政府采购的电子病历建设实施项目,软件实际签约额在1亿~1.5亿元之间,2011年电子病历软件市场总量达到2.5亿元。
尽管很多大型医院已经拥有了医护工作站、移动医护工作站、药房系统、全院PACS(Picture Archiving and Communication Systems 影像归档和通信系统)等系统,可以实现部分界面和工作流程的集成,但由于不在一个平台上,大量临床数据分散在不同的系统中,很难实现高效方便地获取患者信息系统。
随着中外交流的加强,专业英语对医院也是越来越重要!花了点时间整理了下“住院病历的英汉对照”的格式,发上来和大家分享,希望对能用到的人有所帮助!POMR (Problem-Oriented Medical Records)表格式住院病历Biographical data:一般项目:Name Age Sex Marital status Nativity Race姓名年龄性别婚否籍贯民族Occupation Date of admission Informant History职业入院日期病史叙述者病史Chief complaint主诉History of present illness现病史Past history既往史:Previous health status: well ordinary bad Infectious diseases平素健康状况:良好一般较差传染病史Immunizations Allergies: N Y clinical manifestation预防接种史过敏史无有临床表现allergen: Trauma: Surgery:过敏原外伤史手术史Review of systems:(Tick if positive, cross out if negative. If postive, you should write down your disease history and brief course of diagnose and therapy)系统回顾:(有打√无打×阳性病史应在下面空间内填写发病时间及扼要诊疗经过) Respiratory system:呼吸系统Sore throat chronic cough sputum hemoptysis wheezing咽痛慢性咳嗽咳痰咯血哮喘dyspnea chest pain呼吸困难胸痛cadiovascular system:循环系统Palpitation dyspnea on exertion hemoptysis syncope心悸活动后气促咯血晕厥edema of lower limbs precordial pain hypertention下肢水肿心前区疼痛高血压Digestive system:消化系统Anorexia sour regurgitation belching nausea vomitting食欲减退反酸嗳气恶心呕吐abdominal distention abdominal pain constipation diarrhea腹胀腹痛便秘腹泻hematemesis melena hematochezia jaundice呕血黑便便血黄疸Urinary system:泌尿系统Lumbago frequent micturition urgent micturition urodynia腰痛尿频尿急尿痛dysuria hematuria nocturia polyuria oliguria facial edema排尿困难血尿夜尿多尿少尿面部水肿Hematopoietic system造血系统Fatigue dizziness blurred vision gingival bleedig乏力头昏牙龈出血subcutaneous hemorrhage ostealgia epistaxis皮下出血骨痛鼻衄Metabolic and endocrine system:代谢及内分泌系统Excessive appetite anorexia sweats cold intolerance食欲亢进食欲减退多汗畏寒polydipsia tremor hands change of character obvious obesity 多饮双手震颤性格改变显著肥胖emaciation hirsutism hair losing pigmentation消瘦多毛毛发脱落色素沉着chang of sexual function amenorrhea性功能改变闭经Musculoskeletal system肌肉骨骼系统Floating arthralgia arthraliga swelling of joints游走性关节痛关节痛关节红肿deformiteies of jionts myalgia atrophy of muscle关节变形肌肉痛肌肉萎缩Nervous system神经系统Dizziness headache vertigo syncope degeneration of memory 头昏头痛眩晕晕厥记忆力减退visual disturbance insomnia disturbance of consciousness视力障碍失眠意识障碍tremor spasm paralysis paresthesia颤动抽搐瘫痪感觉异常Personal history:个人史Birthplace Occupation sexual history smoking N Y出生地职业冶游史吸烟无有about years average pieces per day ceased for years约年平均支/日戒烟年alcohol intake N occasional frequent about years嗜酒无偶有经常约为年average ml per day others平均 ml/日其他Marital history:婚姻史:Marrying age companion’s state of health结婚年龄配偶健康状况Menorrhea and Childbearing:月经及生育史Menarche age cycle lasting for days date of last period初潮每次持续时间末次月经时间(age of menopause)绝经年龄Amount of flow: little normal large menstrual pain: N Y经量少正常多痛经无有cycle: regular irregular pregnancy times natural labor经期规则不规则妊娠次顺产times abortions times premature delivery times胎流产胎早产胎stillbirths times difficult labor and its condition死产胎难产及病情Familly history (pay attention to the congenital diseases andcommunicable diseases and communicable dieases related to the paitent家族史(注意与患者现病有关的遗传病和传染性疾病)Father: still alive illness died cause of deaths mother:父:健在患病已故死因母 still alive illness died cause of death siblings: others:健在患病已故死因兄弟姐妹子女其他Physical examination体格检查Vital signs生命体征:Temperature体温pulse脉搏 /min次/分respiration呼吸 /min次/分B.P血压 mmHgGeneral Appearance一般状况:Development发育:ortho-sthenic type正常asthenic type不良sthenic type超常nutrition营养:well良好fairly中等poor不良cachexia恶病质Facial features面容:normal无病容acute急性chronic慢性病容others其他Expression表情:natural自知painful痛苦anxious忧虑dreadful恐惧indifferent淡漠Position: active semi-recumbent others体位:自主半卧位其他Gait: normal abnormal步态正常不正常Conciousness: aware somnolence confusion stupor coma神志清楚嗜睡模糊昏睡昏迷delirium coppperatio; well badly谵妄配合检查合作不合作Mucocutaneous color: normal red pale cyaosis stainted皮肤粘膜色泽无病容潮红苍白紫绀yellow pigmentation lesions:N Y (type and distribution)黄染色素沉着皮疹无有(类型及分布)Subcutaneous hemorrhange: N Y(type and distribution)皮下出血无有(类型及分布)Hair: normal reduced edema: N Y(position and degree)头发分布正常减退水肿无有(部位及程度)Hepatic palm: N Y spider angionma:N Y(position numbers ) others:肝掌无有蜘蛛痣无有(部位数目) 其他Lymphnodes:淋巴结Superficial lymph nodes: non-swelling swelling(position and characteristics)全身淋巴结肿大无肿大肿大(部位及特征)Head : cranium : size : normal large small deformity:头部头颅大小正常大小畸形N Y(coxycephaly squared skull deforming skull)无有(尖颅方颅变形颅)Others: tenderness mass sunk (position)其他异常:压痛包块凹陷(部位)Eyes eyelid: normal edema ptosis trichiasis conjunctive :眼睑正常水肿下垂倒睫结膜normal hyperemia edema hemrrhage正常充血水肿出血eye ball: normal proptosis depression tremor眼球正常突出凹陷震颤motion dysfunction(left right)运动障碍Sclera :normal yellow cornea : normal abnormal ( left right )巩膜无黄染有黄染角膜正常异常(左右)Pupils: equal roundness same size unequal left cm瞳孔等圆等大不等左 cmreaction to light: normal delay (left right) disappear (left right) 对光反射正常迟钝(左右)消失(左右)Others:其他Ears: auricle :normal deformity fistula others (left right )耳耳廓正常畸形瘘管其他(左右)excretions of external auditory canal: N Y (left right feature)外耳道分泌物无有(左右性质)Tenderness of mastoid : N Y audation dysfunction: N Y (left right)乳突压痛无有听力粗试障碍无有(左右)Nose: shape : normal: abnormal ( ) other abnormalities:N Y鼻外形正常异常()其他异常无有Nosalala flap obsruction excretions nasal sinus tenderness:鼻翼扇动鼻塞分泌物鼻旁窦压痛N Y (position )无有(部位)Mouth lips :red syanosis pale herpes fissure mucosa :normal口唇红润发绀苍白疱疹皲裂粘膜正常abnormal ( pale petechia)异常(苍白出血点)Opening of parotid gland duct: normal abnormal (swelling腮腺导管开口正常异常(肿胀suppurative excretions)脓性分泌物)Tongue:normal abnormal (coverings tremor leaning to left or right)舌正常异常(舌苔伸舌震颤向左、向右偏斜)Gums: normal swelling pus overflow hemorrhage pigments牙龈正常肿胀溢脓出血色素沉着lead line tooth:regular edentulous carious teeth铅线牙列齐缺牙—|—龋齿—|—Tonsils: pharynx: voice: normal hoarse扁桃体咽声音正常嘶哑Neck:resistence:N Y carotid artery pulsation: normal increased颈部抵抗感无有颈动脉搏动正常增强decreased (left right) jugular vein:normal distention减弱(左右)颈静脉正常充盈high distention trachea:middle deviation to (left right)怒张气管正中偏移(向左向右)Hepatojugular reflux:(-) (+) thyroid: normal swelling degree肝颈静脉回流征:(-)(+)甲状腺正常肿大度Symmetry 对称Dominance in one side: spreading nodular:soft hard others :N Y 侧为主弥漫性结节性质软质硬其他无有(tenderness tremor bruits)(压痛震颤血管杂音)Chest topography:normal barrel chest pigeon chest funnel chest胸部胸廓正常桶状胸鸡胸漏斗胸flat chest bulging or retraction (left right )扁平胸膨隆或凹陷(左右)bulging in the precordial region tenderness of sternum心前区膨隆胸骨压痛Breast: normal symmetrical abnormal : left right(gynecomastia乳房正常对称异常左右(男乳女化mass tenderness excretions of nipples)包块压痛乳头分泌物)Lung肺Inspection : movement of respiration : normal abnormal : left视诊呼吸运动正常异常左right( increased decreased)右(增强减弱)Intercostal space :normal wide narrow(position)肋间隙正常增宽变窄(部位)Palpation : vocal fremitus:normal abnormal :left right (increased触诊:语颤正常异常左右(增强decreased ) pluernal friction rubs: N Y(position)减弱胸膜摩擦感:无有(部位)Subcutaneous crepitus: N Y(posotion) percussion: resonance皮下捻发感无有(部位)叩诊正常清音abnormal dullness flatness hyperresonance tympany异常叩诊音浊音实音过清音鼓音Lower borders:scapular line: right intercostal space, left肺下界肩胛线右肋间左intercostal space Range of mobility: right cm , left cm肋间移动度右 cm,左 cmDusculation: breath regular irregular听诊呼吸规整不规整Breath sound: normal abnormal( feature, position )呼吸音正常异常(性质,部位描写)Rale: N Y :ronchi: sonorous sibilant啰音:无有:干性鼾音哨笛音Moist rales: coarse medium fine rales crepitus湿性大中小水泡音捻发音Vocal conduction: normal abnormal: reduced increased(position)语音传导正常异常减弱增强(部位)Plueral friction rubs: N Y (position)胸膜摩擦音无有(部位)Heart 心Inspection:bulging in precordial region : N Y apex impulse:视诊心前区隆起无有心尖搏动normal unseen increased diffusing position: normal正常未见增强弥散心尖搏动位置正常deviation ( the distance from midclavicular line cm)移动(距左锁骨中线内外厘米)Other precordial pulsations: N Y (position)其他部位搏动无有(部位)Palpation:apex impulse:normal increased thrust unclear触诊心尖搏动正常增强抬举感触不清thrills :N Y (position period) percardial friction rubs:N Y震颤无有(部位时期)心包摩擦感无有Percussion:relative cardiac outline: normal shrink extant (right left )叩诊相对浊音界正常缩小扩大(右左)Ausculation: heart rate bpm/min rhythm(regular irregular听诊心率次/分心律(齐不齐)absolutly irrgelar) heart sound:S1normal increased decreased绝对不齐心音 S1 正常增强减弱split S2 normal increased decreased split分裂 S2 正常增强减弱分裂S3 N Y S4 N Y A2 P2S3 无有 S4 无有 A2 P2Extra heart sound N gallop (diastolic presystotic summalion额外心音无奔马律(舒张期收缩前期重叠gallop) opening snap others murmurs: N Y (degree conduction)开瓣音其他杂音无有(图示并描述传导)Pericardial friction rubs N Y心包摩擦音无有Peripheral vessals: normal pistal shot of big arteries周围血管无异常血管征大血管枪击音Duroziez’s sign water hammer pulse capillary pulsa tion二重杂音水冲脉毛细血管搏动pulse deficit paradoxical pulse pulsus alternans other脉搏短绌奇脉交替脉其他Abdoman腹部Inspection: shape normal distention frog abdomen( size cm)视诊外形正常膨隆蛙腹(腹围厘米)scaphoid apical abdomen gastral pattern intestinal pattern舟腹尖腹胃型肠型peristalsis abdominal respiration:existance disappear umbilicus:蠕动波腹式呼吸存在消失脐normal protruding excretions others: N Y(venous distention of正常凸出分泌物其他异常无有(腹壁静脉曲张abdoman purple striae surgical scars hernia)条纹手术疤痕疝)Palpation: soft muscle tension position tenderness N Y触诊柔软腹肌紧张部位压痛无有rebound tenderness N Y fluidthtill N Y succussions plash N Y 反跳痛无有液波震颤无有振水音无有Mass N Y(position size) discription of feature liver:can’t be 腹部包块无有(部位大小)特征描述肝未触及touched can be touched :subcostal cm under xipfoid process可触及肋下厘米剑突下discription of feature gallbladder: can’t be touched can be touched特征描述胆囊未触及可触及size cm tenderness N Y Murphy’s sign spleen: can’t be 大小厘米压痛无有 Murphy征脾未触及touched can be touched distance from costal margin cm可触及肋下厘米Kideny:can’t be touched can be touched size consistency肾未触及可触及大小硬度tenderness mobility tenderness of ureters: N Y (position)压痛移动度输尿管压痛点无有(部位)percussion: borders of liver dull(existance shrink obliteration )叩诊肝浊音界(存在缩小消失)Upper borders of liver on right midclavicular line intercostal space 肝上界位于右锁骨中线肋间shifting dullness N Y tenderness in renal region N Y (right left )移动性浊音无有肾区叩痛无有(右左)ausculation : borhorygmus normal increased decreased听诊肠鸣音正常增强减弱disappear gurgling N Y vessal bruits N Y (position)消失气过水声无有血管杂音无有(部位)Genitalia :not examined normal abnormal Rectum and Anus :生殖器未查正常异常肛门直肠not examined normal abnormal未查正常异常Spine and Extremities脊柱四肢Spine : normal deformities (lateral anterior posterior protruding)脊柱正常畸形(侧前后凸)Spinous process : tenderness pain while percussed ( position )棘突压痛叩痛(部位)Mobility : normal restricted extremeties: normal abnormal移动度正常受限四肢正常异常deformity swelling of joints joints stiffness畸形关节红肿关节强直tenderness of muscles atrophy of muscles肌肉压痛肌肉萎缩Venous distention of lower limbs (position and feature ) acropachy下肢静脉曲张(部位及特征)杵状指Nervus System神经系统Abdominal wall reflex ( normal ) muscle tone ( normal )腹壁反射(正常)肌张力(正常)Myodynamia ( degree ) paralysis of limbs N Y (left right肌力(级)肢体瘫痪无有(左右upper lower) biceps reflex left (normal) right (normal)上下)肱二头肌反射左(正常)右(正常) knee jerk left (normal) right( normal) achilles jerk left膝健反射左(正常)右(正常)跟腱反射左(normal) right ( normal )正常右(正常)Hoffmann’s di gn left (+)(-) right(+)(-)Hoffmann征左(+)(-) 右(+)(-)Babinski’s sign left(+)(-) right(+)(-)Babinski 左(+)(-)右(+)(-)Kernig’s sign left(+)(-)right(+)(-) othersKernig征左(+)(-)右(+)(-)其他Laboratory findings实验室及器械检查结果(The important laboratory examination .X-ray . ECG and other result areincluded) (重要的化验、X线、心电图及其他有关化验) Nunber of X-rayX线片号Abstract病历摘要Diagnosis(impressions)入院诊断Recorder病史记录者Examiner并使审阅者Date of record 记录日期 . ..。
英文病历书写范例(内科)Medical Records for AdmissonMedical Number: 701721General informationName: Liu SideAge: EightySex: MaleRace: HanNationality: ChinaAddress: NO.35, Dandong Road, Jiefang Rvenue, Hankou, Hubei.Tel: 857307523Occupation: RetiredMarital status: MarriedDate of admission: Aug 6th, 2001Date of record: 11Am, Aug 6th, 2001Complainer of history:patient’s son and wifeReliability: ReliableChief complaint: Upper bellyache ten days, haematemesis, hemafecia and unconsciousness for fo ur hours.Present illness:The patient felt upper bellyache about ten days ago. He didn’t pay attention to it and thought heha date something wrong. At 6 o’cloc k this morning he fainted and rejected lots of blood and gore. T hen hemafecia began. His family sent him to our hospital and received emergent treatment. So the patient was accepted because of “upper gastrointestine hemorrhage and exsanguine shock”. Since the disease coming on, the patient didn’t urinate. Past historyThe patient is healthy before.No history of infective diseases. No allergy history of food and drugs.Past history Operative history: Never undergoing any operation. Infectious history: No history of s evere infectious disease. Allergic history: He was not allergic to penicillin or sulfamide. Respirator y system: No history of respiratory disease. Circulatory system: No history of precordial pain. Ali mentary system: No history of regurgitation.Genitourinary system: No history of genitourinary disease.Hematopoietic system: No history of anemia and mucocutaneous bleeding. Endocrine system: No acromegaly. No excessive sweats. Kinetic system: No history of confinement of limbs. Neural sys tem: No history of headache or dizziness. Personal historyHe was born in Wuhan on Nov 19th, 1921 and almost always lived in Wuhan. His living condition s were good. No bad personal habits and customs.Menstrual history: He is a male patient. Obstetrical history: NoContraceptive history: Not clear.Family history: His parents have both deads. Physical examinationT 36.5℃, P 130/min, R 23/min, BP 100/60mmHg. He is well developed and moderately nourished.Active position. His consciousness was not clear. His face was cadaverous and the skin was not sta ined yellow. No cyanosis. No pigmentation. No skin eruption. Spider angioma was not seen. No pi tting edema. Superficial lymph nodes were not found enlarged. HeadCranium: Hair was black and white, well distributed. No deformities. No scars. No masses. No ten derness.Ear: Bilateral auricles were symmetric and of no masses. No discharges were found in external au ditory canals. No tenderness in mastoid area. Auditory acuity was normal.Nose: No abnormal discharges were found in vetibulum nasi. Septum nasi was in midline. No nare s flaring. No tenderness in nasal sinuses. Eye: Bilateral eyelids were not swelling. No ptosis. No e ntropion. Conjunctiva was not congestive. Sclera was anicteric. Eyeballs were not projected or dep ressed. Movement was normal. Bilateral pupils were round and equal in size. Direct and indirect p upillary reactions to light were existent.Mouth: Oral mucous membrane was not smooth, and there were ulcer can be seen. Tongue was in midline. Pharynx was congestive. Tonsils were not enlarged.Neck: Symmetric and of no deformities. No masses. Thyroid was not enlarged. Trachea was in mi dline. ChestChestwall: Veins could not be seen easily. No subcutaneous emphysema. Intercostal space was nei ther narrowed nor widened. No tenderness.Thorax: Symmetric bilaterally. No deformities. Breast: Symmetric bilaterally.Lungs: Respiratory movement was bilaterally symmetric with the frequency of 23/min. thoracic e xpansion and tactile fremitus were symmetric bilaterally. No pleural friction fremitus. Resonance was heard during percussion. No abnormal breath sound was heard. No wheezes. No rales. Heart: No bulge and no abnormal impulse or thrills in precordial area. The point of maximum imp ulse was in 5th left intercostal space inside of the mid clavicular line and not diffuse. No pericardi al friction sound. Border of the heart was normal. Heart sounds were strong and no splitting. Rate 150/min. Cardiac rhythm was not regular. No pathological murmurs.Abdomen: Flat and soft. No bulge or depression. No abdominal wall varicosis. Gastralintestinal ty pe or peristalses were not seen. Tenderness was obvious around the navel and in upper abdoman. T here was not rebound tenderness on abdomen or renal region. Liver and spleen was untouched. No masses. Fluidthrill negative. Shifting dullness negative. Borhorygmus not heard. No vascular mur murs. Extremities: No articular swelling. Free movements of all limbs.Neural system: Physiological reflexes were existent without any pathological ones. Genitourinary system: Not examed. Rectum: not exanedInvestigationBlood-Rt: Hb 69g/L RBC 2.70T/L WBC 1. 1G/L PLT 120G/L History summary1. Patient was male, 80 years old2. Upper bellyache ten days, haematemesis, hemafecia and unconsciousness for four hours.3. No special past history.4. Physical examination: T 37.5℃, P 130/min, R 23/min, BP 100/60mmHg Superficial lymph node s were not found enlarged. No abdominal wall varicosis. Gastralintestinal type or peristalses were not seen. Tenderness was obvious around the navel and in upper abdoman. There was not rebound tenderness on abdomen or renal region. Liver and spleen was untouched. No masses. Fluidthrill ne gative. Shifting dullness negative. Borhorygmus not heard. No vascular murmurs. No other positive signs. 5. investigation information:Blood-Rt: Hb 69g/L RBC 2.80T/L WBC 1.1G/L PLT 120G/LImpression: upper gastrointestine hemorrhage Exsanguine shock出院小结(DISCHARGE SUMMARY), ===============Department of GastroenterologyChanghai Hospital,No.174 Changhai Road Shanghai, China Phone: 86-21-25074725-803 DISCHARGE SUMMARYDA TE OF ADMISSION: October 7th, 2005 DA TE OF DISCHARGE: October 12th, 2005 ATTE NDING PHYSICIAN: Yu Bai, MD PA TIENT AGE: 18ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS:V omiting for unknown reason: acute gastroenteritis?BRIEF HISTORYA 18-year-old female with a complaint of nausea and vomiting for nearly one month who was see n at Department of Gastroenterology in Changhai Hospital, found to have acute gastroenteritis and non-atrophic gastritis. The patient was subsequently recovered and discharged soon after medicati on.REVIEW OF SYSTEMShe has had no headache, fever, chills, diarrhea, chest pain, palpitations, dyspnea, cough, hemopty sis, dysuria, hematuria or ankle edema.PAST MEDICAL HISTORYShe has had no previous surgery, accidents or childhood illness.SOCIAL HISTORY: She has no history of excessive alcohol or tobacco use.FAMIL Y HISTORYShe has no family history of cardiovascular, respiratary and gastrointestinal diseases. PHYSICAL EXAMINA TIONTemperature is 37, pulse 80, respirations 16, blood pressure 112/70. General: Plump girl in no app arent distress. HEENT: She has no scalp lesions. Her pupils are equally round and reactive to light and accommodation. Extraocular movements are intact. Sclerae are anicteric. Oropharynx is clear. There is no thyromegaly. There is no cervical or supraclvicular lymphadenopathy. Cardiovascular: Regular rate andrhythm, normal S1, S2. Chest: Clear to auscultation bilateral. Abdomen: Bowel sounds present, no hepatosplenomagaly. Extremities: There is no cyanosis, clubbing or edema. Neurologic: Cranial n erves II-XII are intact. Motor examination is 5/5 in the bilateral upper and lower extremities. Sens ory, cerebellar and gait are normal.LABORATORY DATAWhite blood cells count 5.9, hemoglobin 111g/L, hematocrit 35.4. Sodium 142, potassium 4.3, chl oride 106, CO2 25, BUN 2.6mmol/L, creatinine 57μmol/L, glucose 4.1mmol/L, Albumin 36g/L. Endoscopic ExamChronic non-atrophic gastritisHOSPITAL COURSEThe patient was admitted and placed on fluid rehydration and mineral supplement. The patient im proved, showing gradual resolution of nausea and vomiting. The patient was discharged in stable c ondition.DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS Acute gastroenteritisChronic non-atrophic gastritisPROGNOSISGood. No medications needed after discharge. But if this patient can not get used to Chinese food, she had better return to UK as soon as possible to prevent the relapse of acute gastroenteritis. The patient is to follow up with Dr. Bai in one week. ___________________________ Yu Bai, MD D: 12/10/2005。
内科诊所门诊病历书写范文模板英文版Internal Medicine Clinic Outpatient Medical Record Writing TemplateWhen it comes to writing medical records for outpatient visits at internal medicine clinics, it is important to be thorough and accurate. The following template can serve as a guide for healthcare professionals to ensure that all necessary information is included in the patient's medical record:Patient Information:Name:Age:Gender:Date of Birth:Address:Phone Number:Occupation:Chief Complaint:Briefly describe the reason for the patient's visit, including any symptoms or concerns they may have.History of Present Illness:Detail the patient's current symptoms, when they started, and any factors that may have contributed to their condition.Past Medical History:List any previous medical conditions, surgeries, or hospitalizations the patient has had.Medications:Include a list of all current medications the patient is taking, including dosages and frequencies.Allergies:Note any allergies the patient has to medications, foods, or other substances.Family History:Document any relevant family history of medical conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, or cancer.Social History:Include information about the patient's lifestyle habits, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and exercise.Physical Exam:Record the findings of the physical examination, including vital signs, general appearance, and any abnormal findings.Assessment and Plan:Summarize the patient's diagnosis, any additional tests or procedures needed, and the treatment plan moving forward.Follow-Up:Provide instructions for follow-up appointments, referrals, or any other necessary steps for the patient's care.By following this template, healthcare professionals can ensure that all essential information is documented in the patient's medical record, facilitating continuity of care and effective communication among healthcare providers.中文版内科诊所门诊病历书写范文模板当涉及到在内科诊所门诊就诊的病历书写时,准确和详细是至关重要的。
Medical Record
Reimbursement purposes
Uses of the record for legal and billing purposes are scondary and should not distract or interfere with good patient wyers and insurers insist on written documentation as evidence of performance ,but guidelines that encourage treating charts instead of patients are bad medicine.
Reimbursement purposes
Proper care of a patient over time requires that a complete medical record be kept at the site of care.The record should record,preferably on standardized forms,basic patient data,such as their demographics,list of active and past medical problems,surgical history,injury history,medication history,allergies(过敏) and drug intolerances,sexual history,family history,social history,personal habits, preventive care services, and specific counseling ing standardized forms enables the information to be recorded in a uniform way for each patient ,allowing rapid review of the pertinent information at each visit.
Medical Record
Out-patient Case History
Male, aged 39 C. C.: fever, headache and cough for two days. P. E.: G. C. looks fair. Pharynx congested and tonsils enlarged. Chest and abdomen negative. Imp. U. R. I. Rp: Penicillin 400, 000v, i. m. q. d. ×3 days. Somidon 1 tab. p.o. t. i. d. ×2 days Vit. C 100mg p.o. t. i. d. ×3 days. O/D two days. Signature ___________
In-patient Case History
An in-patient case history is also termed as History and Physical. It is an account of a patient’s present complaints with descriptions of his past medical history, and the description of the present conditions as well as physical examinations and impression about the conditions. It usually comprise general data, chief complaint, history of present illness, past history, personal history / personal and social history,, family history, physical examination, laboratory date and diagnosis. For female patient, it also includes menstrual history, marital and obstetrical history.
Medical records should be written accurately and without errors.2.病历应当包括患者的基本信息和疾病情况。
The medical record should include basic information about the patient and their condition.3.病历中的诊断、治疗方案和药物使用应当符合医学规范。
Diagnosis, treatment plans, and medication use in medical records should adhere to medical standards.4.病历书写应当清晰易懂,以保证医护人员的工作效率。
Medical records should be written clearly and comprehensively to ensure the efficiency of healthcare professionals.5.病历书写应当保护患者隐私,不得泄露个人信息。
Medical records should protect patient privacy and should not disclose personal information.6.病历中的特殊治疗和手术记录应当详细描述,以便后续跟踪和评估。
Special treatment and surgical records in medical records should be detailed to facilitate follow-up and evaluation.7.病历中的实验室检查结果和影像学资料应当清楚、准确,并与相关医嘱对应。
Laboratory test results and imaging data in medical records should be clear, accurate, and correspond to relevant medical orders.8.病历中的过敏史、家族史等重要信息应当得到重视,确保医疗安全。
POMR (Problem-Oriented Medical Records)表格式住院病历Biographical data:一般项目:Name Age Sex Marital status Nativity Race姓名年龄性别婚否籍贯民族Occupation Date of admission Informant History职业入院日期病史叙述者病史Chief complaint主诉History of present illness现病史Past history既往史:Previous health status: well ordinary bad Infectious diseases平素健康状况:良好一般较差传染病史Immunizations Allergies: N Y clinical manifestation预防接种史过敏史无有临床表现allergen: Trauma: Surgery:过敏原外伤史手术史Review of systems:(Tick if positive, cross out if negative. If postive, you should write down your disease history and brief course of diagnose and therapy)系统回顾:(有打√无打×阳性病史应在下面空间内填写发病时间及扼要诊疗经过) Respiratory system:呼吸系统Sore throat chronic cough sputum hemoptysis wheezing咽痛慢性咳嗽咳痰咯血哮喘dyspnea chest pain呼吸困难胸痛cadiovascular system:循环系统Palpitation dyspnea on exertion hemoptysis syncope心悸活动后气促咯血晕厥edema of lower limbs precordial pain hypertention下肢水肿心前区疼痛高血压Digestive system:消化系统Anorexia sour regurgitation belching nausea vomitting食欲减退反酸嗳气恶心呕吐abdominal distention abdominal pain constipation diarrhea腹胀腹痛便秘腹泻hematemesis melena hematochezia jaundice呕血黑便便血黄疸Urinary system:泌尿系统Lumbago frequent micturition urgent micturition urodynia腰痛尿频尿急尿痛dysuria hematuria nocturia polyuria oliguria facial edema排尿困难血尿夜尿多尿少尿面部水肿Hematopoietic system造血系统Fatigue dizziness blurred vision gingival bleedig乏力头昏牙龈出血subcutaneous hemorrhage ostealgia epistaxis皮下出血骨痛鼻衄Metabolic and endocrine system:代谢及内分泌系统Excessive appetite anorexia sweats cold intolerance食欲亢进食欲减退多汗畏寒polydipsia tremor hands change of character obvious obesity 多饮双手震颤性格改变显著肥胖emaciation hirsutism hair losing pigmentation消瘦多毛毛发脱落色素沉着chang of sexual function amenorrhea性功能改变闭经Musculoskeletal system肌肉骨骼系统Floating arthralgia arthraliga swelling of joints游走性关节痛关节痛关节红肿deformiteies of jionts myalgia atrophy of muscle关节变形肌肉痛肌肉萎缩Nervous system神经系统Dizziness headache vertigo syncope degeneration of memory 头昏头痛眩晕晕厥记忆力减退visual disturbance insomnia disturbance of consciousness视力障碍失眠意识障碍tremor spasm paralysis paresthesia颤动抽搐瘫痪感觉异常Personal history:个人史Birthplace Occupation sexual history smoking N Y出生地职业冶游史吸烟无有about years average pieces per day ceased for years约年平均支/日戒烟年alcohol intake N occasional frequent about years嗜酒无偶有经常约为年average ml per day others平均ml/日其他Marital history:婚姻史:Marrying age companion’s state of health结婚年龄配偶健康状况Menorrhea and Childbearing:月经及生育史Menarche age cycle lasting for days date of last period初潮每次持续时间末次月经时间(age of menopause)绝经年龄Amount of flow: little normal large menstrual pain: N Y经量少正常多痛经无有cycle: regular irregular pregnancy times natural labor经期规则不规则妊娠次顺产times abortions times premature delivery times胎流产胎早产胎stillbirths times difficult labor and its condition死产胎难产及病情Familly history (pay attention to the congenital diseases andcommunicable diseases and communicable dieases related to the paitent家族史(注意与患者现病有关的遗传病和传染性疾病)Father: still alive illness died cause of deaths mother:父:健在患病已故死因母still alive illness died cause of death siblings: others: 健在患病已故死因兄弟姐妹子女其他Physical examination体格检查Vital signs生命体征:Temperature体温pulse脉搏/min次/分respiration呼吸/min次/分B.P血压mmHgGeneral Appearance一般状况:Development发育:ortho-sthenic type正常asthenic type不良sthenic type超常nutrition营养:well良好fairly中等poor不良cachexia恶病质Facial features面容:normal无病容acute急性chronic慢性病容others其他Expression表情:natural自知painful痛苦anxious忧虑dreadful恐惧indifferent淡漠Position: active semi-recumbent others体位:自主半卧位其他Gait: normal abnormal步态正常不正常Conciousness: aware somnolence confusion stupor coma神志清楚嗜睡模糊昏睡昏迷delirium coppperatio; well badly谵妄配合检查合作不合作Mucocutaneous color: normal red pale cyaosis stainted皮肤粘膜色泽无病容潮红苍白紫绀yellow pigmentation lesions:N Y (type and distribution)黄染色素沉着皮疹无有(类型及分布)Subcutaneous hemorrhange: N Y(type and distribution)皮下出血无有(类型及分布)Hair: normal reduced edema: N Y(position and degree)头发分布正常减退水肿无有(部位及程度)Hepatic palm: N Y spider angionma:N Y(position numbers )others:肝掌无有蜘蛛痣无有(部位数目) 其他Lymphnodes:淋巴结Superficial lymph nodes: non-swelling swelling(position and characteristics) 全身淋巴结肿大无肿大肿大(部位及特征)Head : cranium : size : normal large small deformity:头部头颅大小正常大小畸形N Y(coxycephaly squared skull deforming skull)无有(尖颅方颅变形颅)Others: tenderness mass sunk (position)其他异常:压痛包块凹陷(部位)Eyes eyelid: normal edema ptosis trichiasis conjunctive :眼睑正常水肿下垂倒睫结膜normal hyperemia edema hemrrhage正常充血水肿出血eye ball: normal proptosis depression tremor眼球正常突出凹陷震颤motion dysfunction(left right)运动障碍Sclera :normal yellow cornea : normal abnormal ( left right )巩膜无黄染有黄染角膜正常异常(左右)Pupils: equal roundness same size unequal left cm瞳孔等圆等大不等左cmreaction to light: normal delay (left right) disappear (left right) 对光反射正常迟钝(左右)消失(左右)Others:其他Ears: auricle :normal deformity fistula others (left right )耳耳廓正常畸形瘘管其他(左右)excretions of external auditory canal: N Y (left right feature)外耳道分泌物无有(左右性质)Tenderness of mastoid : N Y audation dysfunction: N Y (left right)乳突压痛无有听力粗试障碍无有(左右)Nose: shape : normal: abnormal ( ) other abnormalities:N Y鼻外形正常异常()其他异常无有Nosalala flap obsruction excretions nasal sinus tenderness:鼻翼扇动鼻塞分泌物鼻旁窦压痛N Y (position )无有(部位)Mouth lips :red syanosis pale herpes fissure mucosa :normal口唇红润发绀苍白疱疹皲裂粘膜正常abnormal ( pale petechia)异常(苍白出血点)Opening of parotid gland duct: normal abnormal (swelling腮腺导管开口正常异常(肿胀suppurative excretions)脓性分泌物)Tongue:normal abnormal (coverings tremor leaning to left or right)舌正常异常(舌苔伸舌震颤向左、向右偏斜)Gums: normal swelling pus overflow hemorrhage pigments牙龈正常肿胀溢脓出血色素沉着lead line tooth:regular edentulous carious teeth铅线牙列齐缺牙—|—龋齿—|—Tonsils: pharynx: voice: normal hoarse扁桃体咽声音正常嘶哑Neck:resistence:N Y carotid artery pulsation: normal increased颈部抵抗感无有颈动脉搏动正常增强decreased (left right) jugular vein:normal distention减弱(左右)颈静脉正常充盈high distention trachea:middle deviation to (left right)怒张气管正中偏移(向左向右)Hepatojugular reflux:(-) (+) thyroid: normal swelling degree肝颈静脉回流征:(-)(+)甲状腺正常肿大度Symmetry 对称Dominance in one side: spreading nodular:soft hard others :N Y 侧为主弥漫性结节性质软质硬其他无有(tenderness tremor bruits)(压痛震颤血管杂音)Chest topography:normal barrel chest pigeon chest funnel chest 胸部胸廓正常桶状胸鸡胸漏斗胸flat chest bulging or retraction (left right )扁平胸膨隆或凹陷(左右)bulging in the precordial region tenderness of sternum心前区膨隆胸骨压痛Breast: normal symmetrical abnormal : left right(gynecomastia 乳房正常对称异常左右(男乳女化mass tenderness excretions of nipples)包块压痛乳头分泌物)Lung肺Inspection : movement of respiration : normal abnormal : left 视诊呼吸运动正常异常左right( increased decreased)右(增强减弱)Intercostal space :normal wide narrow(position)肋间隙正常增宽变窄(部位)Palpation : vocal fremitus:normal abnormal :left right (increased 触诊:语颤正常异常左右(增强decreased ) pluernal friction rubs: N Y(position)减弱胸膜摩擦感:无有(部位)Subcutaneous crepitus: N Y(posotion) percussion: resonance皮下捻发感无有(部位)叩诊正常清音abnormal dullness flatness hyperresonance tympany异常叩诊音浊音实音过清音鼓音Lower borders:scapular line: right intercostal space, left肺下界肩胛线右肋间左intercostal space Range of mobility: right cm , left cm肋间移动度右cm,左cmDusculation: breath regular irregular听诊呼吸规整不规整Breath sound: normal abnormal( feature, position )呼吸音正常异常(性质,部位描写)Rale: N Y :ronchi: sonorous sibilant啰音:无有:干性鼾音哨笛音Moist rales: coarse medium fine rales crepitus湿性大中小水泡音捻发音Vocal conduction: normal abnormal: reduced increased(position)语音传导正常异常减弱增强(部位)Plueral friction rubs: N Y (position)胸膜摩擦音无有(部位)Heart 心Inspection:bulging in precordial region : N Y apex impulse:视诊心前区隆起无有心尖搏动normal unseen increased diffusing position: normal正常未见增强弥散心尖搏动位置正常deviation ( the distance from midclavicular line cm)移动(距左锁骨中线内外厘米)Other precordial pulsations: N Y (position)其他部位搏动无有(部位)Palpation:apex impulse:normal increased thrust unclear触诊心尖搏动正常增强抬举感触不清thrills :N Y (position period) percardial friction rubs:N Y震颤无有(部位时期)心包摩擦感无有Percussion:relative cardiac outline: normal shrink extant (right left ) 叩诊相对浊音界正常缩小扩大(右左)Ausculation: heart rate bpm/min rhythm(regular irregular听诊心率次/分心律(齐不齐)absolutly irrgelar) heart sound:S1 normal increased decreased绝对不齐心音S1 正常增强减弱split S2 normal increased decreased split分裂S2 正常增强减弱分裂S3 N Y S4 N Y A2 P2S3 无有S4 无有A2 P2Extra heart sound N gallop (diastolic presystotic summalion额外心音无奔马律(舒张期收缩前期重叠gallop) opening snap others murmurs: N Y (degree conduction)开瓣音其他杂音无有(图示并描述传导)Pericardial friction rubs N Y心包摩擦音无有Peripheral vessals: normal pistal shot of big arteries周围血管无异常血管征大血管枪击音Duroziez’s sign water hammer pulse capillary pulsation二重杂音水冲脉毛细血管搏动pulse deficit paradoxical pulse pulsus alternans other脉搏短绌奇脉交替脉其他Abdoman腹部Inspection: shape normal distention frog abdomen( size cm)视诊外形正常膨隆蛙腹(腹围厘米)scaphoid apical abdomen gastral pattern intestinal pattern舟腹尖腹胃型肠型peristalsis abdominal respiration:existance disappear umbilicus:蠕动波腹式呼吸存在消失脐normal protruding excretions others: N Y(venous distention of正常凸出分泌物其他异常无有(腹壁静脉曲张abdoman purple striae surgical scars hernia)条纹手术疤痕疝)Palpation: soft muscle tension position tenderness N Y触诊柔软腹肌紧张部位压痛无有rebound tenderness N Y fluidthtill N Y succussions plash N Y反跳痛无有液波震颤无有振水音无有Mass N Y(position size) discription of feature liver:can’t be 腹部包块无有(部位大小)特征描述肝未触及touched can be touched :subcostal cm under xipfoid process可触及肋下厘米剑突下discription of feature gallbladder: can’t be touched can be touched特征描述胆囊未触及可触及size cm tenderness N Y Murphy’s sign spleen: can’t be 大小厘米压痛无有Murphy征脾未触及touched can be touched distance from costal margin cm可触及肋下厘米Kideny:can’t be touched can be touched size consistency肾未触及可触及大小硬度tenderness mobility tenderness of ureters: N Y (position)压痛移动度输尿管压痛点无有(部位)percussion: borders of liver dull(existance shrink obliteration )叩诊肝浊音界(存在缩小消失)Upper borders of liver on right midclavicular line intercostal space 肝上界位于右锁骨中线肋间shifting dullness N Y tenderness in renal region N Y (right left )移动性浊音无有肾区叩痛无有(右左)ausculation : borhorygmus normal increased decreased听诊肠鸣音正常增强减弱disappear gurgling N Y vessal bruits N Y (position)消失气过水声无有血管杂音无有(部位)Genitalia :not examined normal abnormal Rectum and Anus :生殖器未查正常异常肛门直肠not examined normal abnormal未查正常异常Spine and Extremities脊柱四肢Spine : normal deformities (lateral anterior posterior protruding)脊柱正常畸形(侧前后凸)Spinous process : tenderness pain while percussed ( position )棘突压痛叩痛(部位)Mobility : normal restricted extremeties: normal abnormal移动度正常受限四肢正常异常deformity swelling of joints joints stiffness畸形关节红肿关节强直tenderness of muscles atrophy of muscles肌肉压痛肌肉萎缩Venous distention of lower limbs (position and feature ) acropachy下肢静脉曲张(部位及特征)杵状指Nervus System神经系统Abdominal wall reflex ( normal ) muscle tone ( normal )腹壁反射(正常)肌张力(正常)Myodynamia ( degree ) paralysis of limbs N Y (left right肌力(级)肢体瘫痪无有(左右upper lower) biceps reflex left (normal) right (normal)上下)肱二头肌反射左(正常)右(正常)knee jerk left (normal) right( normal) achilles jerk left膝健反射左(正常)右(正常)跟腱反射左(normal) right ( normal )正常右(正常)Hoffmann’s dign left (+)(-) right(+)(-)Hoffmann征左(+)(-) 右(+)(-)Babinski’s sign left(+)(-)right(+)(-)Babinski 左(+)(-)右(+)(-)Kernig’s sign left(+)(-)right(+)(-) othersKernig征左(+)(-)右(+)(-)其他Laboratory findings实验室及器械检查结果(The important laboratory examination .X-ray . ECG and other result areincluded)(重要的化验、X线、心电图及其他有关化验) Nunber of X-rayX线片号Abstract病历摘要Diagnosis(impressions)入院诊断Recorder病史记录者Examiner并使审阅者Date of record记录日期第一章病人身份[Identification] • [Name] 姓名• [Sex] 性别• [Age] 年龄• [Occupation]职业• [Date of birth] 出生日期• [Marriage (Marital status)] 婚姻• [Race] 民族• [P lace of birth (Birth place)] 籍贯• [Identification No.(code of ID card No.)] 身份证号码•[Department of work and TEL. No. (Unit and Business phone No.)] 工作单位及电话• [Home address and phone No.] 家庭住址及电话• [Post code] 邮政编码• [Person to not ify (Correspondent) and phone No.] 联系人及电话• [Source (Complainer;offerer;supplier; provider) of history] 病史陈术者• [Reliability of history] 病史可*程试• [Medical security (Type of payment)] 医疗费用• [Ty pe of admission (Patient condition)] 住院类别(入院时病情)• [Medical record No.] 病历号• [Clinic diagnosis] 门诊诊断• [Date of admission (admission date)] 入院日期• [Date of record] 记录日期1、年龄的表示方法(以36岁为例)•36 years old (y/o) •Age 36 •36 year-old •The age of 36 •36 years of age 2、性别的表示方法• [Male,♂] 男性• [Female,♀] 女性3、职业的表示方法•工人[Worker] •退休工作[Retired worker] •农民[Farmer (peasant)] •干部[Leader (cadre)] •行政人员[administrative personnel (staff)] •职员[staff member] •商人[Trader (Businessman)] •教师[Teacher] •学生[Student] •医生[Doctor] •药剂师[Pharmacist] •护士[Nurse] •军人[Soldier] •***[Policeman]•工程师[Engineer] •技术员[Technician] •家政人员[Housekeeper] •家庭主妇[Housewife] •营业员[Assistant] •服务员[Attendant] •售票员[Conductor] 4、民族的表示方法•汉[Han] •回[Hui] •蒙[Meng] •藏[Tibetan] •朝鲜[Korean] •美国人[American] •***人[Japane se] •英国人[Britisher] 5、医疗费用的表示方法• [Self pay (Individual medical care)] 自费• [Governm ent insruance (Public medical care)] 公费• [Insurance] 保险• [Local insurance] 本地医保• [Non-local in surance] 外地医保• [Labor protestion care] 劳保6、婚姻状况的表示方法• [Married] 已婚• [S ingle (Unmarried)] 未婚• [Diverced] 离婚• [Widow] 寡妇• [Wi dower] 鳏夫7、病史可*程度的表示方法• [Reliable] 可* • [Unreliable] 不可* • [Not entir ely] 不完全可* • [Unobtainable] 无法获得8、住址的表示方法•[NO.3,Qing Chun Road Eas t,Hangzhou, Zhejiang] 浙江省杭州市庆春东路3号•[XinDong Cun, Cheng Guan Town, Zhu Ji municipality, zhejiang province.] 浙江省诸暨市(县)城关镇新东村9、病史陈述者的表示方法• [Patient himself (herself)] 患者本人• [Her husband] 患者的丈夫• [His wife] 患者的妻子• [Patient`s colleague] 患者的同事• [Patient`s neighbor] 患者的邻居• [Patient `s Kin (Mother; Son; daughter;brother;Sister)] 患者的亲属(父亲、母亲、儿子、女儿、兄弟、姐妹) • [Taximan] 出租车司机• [Traffic police] 交通*** 10、日期的表示方法•2002年10月1日[10-1-2002(10/1/2002; Oct.1,2002; Oct.lst,2002)](美国) •2002年10月1日[1-10-200 2(1/10/2002; 1 Oct.,2002; 1st of Oct.,2002)] (英国) 11、住院类别的表示方法• [Emergent (Emergency call)] 急诊• [Urgent] 危重• [Elective (General)] 一般(普通)12、入院时病情的表示方法• [Stable] 稳定• [Unstable] 不稳定• [Relative stable] 相对稳定• [Critical(Imminent)] 危重• [Fair (General)] 一般第二章主诉[Chief Complaint] 1、主诉的表示方法:症状+时间(Symptom+Time)•症状+for+时间如:[Chest pain for 2 hours] 胸痛2小时•症状+of+时间如:[Nausea and vomiting of three days` duration] 恶心呕吐3天•症状+时间+in duration 如:[Headache 1 month in duration] 头痛1月•时间+of+症状如:[Two-day history of fever] 发热2天2、常见症状• [Fever] 发热• [Pain] 疼痛• [Edema]水肿• [Mucocutaneous hemorrh age (bleeding)] 皮肤粘膜出血• [Dyspnea (Difficuly in b reathing;Respiratory difficulty;short of breath)] 呼吸困难• [Cough and expectoration (Sp utum;Phlegm)] 咳嗽和咯痰• [Hemoptysis] 咯血• [Cyanosis] 紫绀• [Palpitation] 心悸• [Chest discomfort] 胸闷• [Nausea (Retch;Dry Vomi ting)and Vomiting] 恶心和呕吐• [He matemesis (Vomiting of blood)] 呕血• [Hematochezia (Hemafecia)] 便血• [Diarrhea] 腹泻• [Constipation (Obstipation)] 便秘• [Vertigo (Giddiness; Dizziness)] 眩晕• [Jaundice (Icterus)] 黄疸• [Convulsion] 惊厥• [Disturbance of consciousn ess] 意识障碍• [Hemat uria] 血尿• [Frequent micturition,urgent micturition and dysuria] 尿频,尿急和尿痛• [Inc ontinence of urine] 尿失禁• [Retention of urine] 尿潴留(1)发热的表示方法• [Infective (Septic)fever] 感染性发热• [Non-infective (Aseptic)fever] 非感染性发热• [Dehydration (I nanition)fever] 脱水热• [Drug fever] 药物热• [Functional hypothermia] 功能性低热• [A bsorption fever] 吸收热• [Central fever] 中枢性发热• [Fever type] 热型▲[Continuous fever] 稽留热▲[Remittent fever] 驰张热▲[Intermittent fever] 间歇热▲[Undulant f ever] 波状热▲[Recurrent fever] 回归热▲[Periodic fever] 周期热▲[Irregular fever] 不规则热▲[Ephemeral fever] 短暂热▲[Double peaked fever] 双峰热• [Fever of und etermined(unknown) origin, FUO] 不明原因发热• [Rigor (shivering;chill;shaking chill;agu e)] 寒战• [Chilly Sensation (Fell chilly;cold fits;coldness)] 畏寒• [Ultra-hyperpyrexia] 超高热• [Hyperthermia (A high fever;hyperpyrexia;ardent fever)] 高热• [Moderate fever] 中度发热• [Hypothermia (Low-grade fever;slight fever;subfebrile temperature)] 低热• [B ecome feverish (Have a temperature)] 发热• [Crisis] 骤降• [Lysis] 渐降• [Typhoid fev er] 伤寒热• [Rheumatic fever] 风湿热• [Cancerous fever] 癌性发热• [Fervescence peri od] 升热期• [Defervescence period] 退热期• [Persistent febrile period] 持续发热期(2)疼痛的表示方法• [Backache (Back pain)] 背痛• [Lumbago] 腰痛• [Headache] 头痛▲[Vasomotor headache] 血管舒缩性头痛▲[Post-traumatic headache] 创伤后头痛▲[Migrai ne headache] 偏头痛▲[Cluster headache] 丛集性头痛• [Chest pain] 胸痛• [Precardial pain] 心前区痛• [Retrosternal pain] 胸骨后痛• [Abdominal pain (Stomachache)] 腹痛•[Acrodynia (pain in limbs)] 肢体痛• [Arthrodynia (Art hralgia)] 关节痛• [Dull pain] 钝痛• [Sharp pain] 锐痛• [Twinge pain] 刺痛• [Knife-like pain (Piercing pain)] 刀割(刺)样痛• [Aching pain] 酸痛• [Burning pain] 烧灼痛• [Colicky (Griping;cramp) pain] 绞痛• [Colic] 绞痛• [Bursting pain] 胀痛(撕裂痛)• [Hunger pain] 饥饿痛• [Tic pa in] 抽搐痛• [Bearing-down pain] 坠痛• [Shock-like pain] 电击样痛• [Jumping pain] 反跳痛•[Tenderness pain] 触痛(压痛)• [Girdle-like pain] 束带样痛• [Wandering pain] 游走性痛• [Throbbing pain] 搏动性痛• [Radiating pain] 放射性痛• [Cramping pain] 痉挛性痛• [Boring pain] 钻痛• [Intense pain] 剧痛• [Writhing pain] 痛得打滚• [Dragging pain]牵引痛• [Labor pain] 阵痛• [Cancerous pain] 癌性疼痛• [Referred pain] 牵涉痛• [Pe rsistent pain (Unremitting pain)] 持续性痛• [Constant pain] 经常性痛• [Intermittent pai n] 间歇性痛(3)水肿的表示方法• [Mucous edema (Myxedema)] 粘液性水肿• [Cardiac (Cardiogenic) edema] 心源性水肿• [Nephrotic (renal) edema] 肾源性水肿• [Hepatic edema] 肝源性水肿• [Alimentary (Nutritional) edema] 营养不良性水肿• [Angioneurotic edema] 血管神经性水肿• [Pitting] 凹陷性• [Nonpitting] 非凹陷性• [Localized (Local) edema] 局限性水肿• [Generaliz ed edema (Anasarca)] 全身性水肿• [Hydrops] 积水• [Elephantiasic crus] 橡皮肿• [Cerebral(Brain) edema] 脑水肿• [Pulmonary edema (Hydropneumonia0] 肺水肿• [Hydrocephalus] 脑积水• [Edema of endoscrinopathy] 内分泌病性水肿• [Invisible (Recessive) edema] 隐性水肿• [Frank edema] 显性水肿• [Inflammatory edema] 炎性水肿• [Idiopathic edema] 特发性水肿• [Cyclical edema] 周期性水肿• [Ascites (Abdominal effusion;hydroperiotoneum)] 腹水• [Pleural effusion (Hydrothorax)] 胸水• [Pericardial effusion (Hydropericardium)] 心包积液• [Bronchoedema] 支气管水肿• [Slight (M ild)] 轻度• [Moderate] 中度• [Serious] 重度• [Transudate] 漏出液• [Exudate] 渗出液(4)呼吸困难的表示方法• [Cardiac dyspnea] 心原性呼吸困难• [Inspiratory] 吸气性• [Expiratory] 呼气性• [Mixed] 混合性• [Obstructive] 梗阻性• [Dyspnea at rest] 静息时呼吸困难• [Dyspnea on exertion] 活动时呼吸困难• [Dysp nea on lying down] 躺下时呼吸困难• [Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea,PND] 夜间阵发性呼吸困难• [Orthopnea] 端坐呼吸• [Asthma] 哮喘• [Cardiac asthma] 心源性哮喘• [Bronchial asthma] 支气管性哮喘• [Hyperpnea] 呼吸深快• [Periodic breathing] 周期性呼吸• [Tachypnea (Rapid or fast breathing;accelerate d breathing;short of breath)]气促• [Bradypnea (Slow breathing)] 呼吸缓慢• [Irregular breathing] 不规则呼吸(5)皮肤粘膜出血的表示方法• [Bleeding spots in the skin] 皮肤出血点• [Petechia] 瘀点• [Eccymosis] 瘀斑• [Purpura] 紫癜• [Splinter hemorrhage] 片状出血• [Oozing of the blood (Errhy sis)] 渗血• [Blood blister (Hemophysallis)] 血疱• [Hemorrhinia (Nasal bleeding)] 鼻衄• [Ecchymoma] 皮下血肿(6)咳嗽与咯痰的表示方法• [Dry cough (Nonproductive cough;hacking cough)] 干咳• [Sharp cough] 剧咳• [Wet cough (Moist cough)] 湿咳• [Productive cough (Loose cough)] 排痰性咳• [Chronic cough] 慢性咳嗽• [Irritable cough] 刺激性咳嗽• [Paroxysmal cough] 发作性(阵发性)咳嗽• [Cough continually] 持续性咳嗽• [Spasmodic cough] 痉挛性咳嗽• [Whooping cough] 百日咳• [Winter cough] 冬季咳• [Wheezing cough] 喘咳• [Short cough] 短咳• [Distressed cough] 难咳• [Shallow cough] 浅咳• [Droplet] 飞沫• [Frothy sputum] 泡沫样痰• [Bloody sputum] 血痰• [Mucous (Mucoid) sputum] 粘液样痰• [Purulent sputum] 脓痰• [Mucopurulent sputum] 粘液脓性痰• [White (Yellow,green) sputum] 白(黄,绿)痰• [Fetid (Foul) sputum] 恶臭痰• [Iron-rust (Rusty) sputum] 铁锈色痰• [Chocolate coloured sputum] 巧克力色痰• [Thick sputum] 浓痰• [Thin sputum] 淡痰• [Viscous sputum] 粘痰• [Transparent sputum] 透明痰• [Much (Large amounts of) sputum] 大量痰• [Moderate amounts of sputum] 中等量痰• [Not much (Small amounts of ) sputum] 少量痰(7)内脏出血的表示方法• [Goldstein’s hemoptysis]戈耳斯坦氏咯血• [Massive hematemesis]大量呕血• [Epistasis (Nosebleed;Nasal bleeding; Hemorrhinia;rhinorrhagia)]鼻衄• [Hematuria] 血尿• [Initial hematuria] 初血尿• [Idiopathic hematuria] 特发性血尿• [Painless hematuria] 无痛性血尿• [Terminal hematuria] 终末性血尿• [Gross (Macroscopic) hematuria] 肉眼血尿• [Microscopic hematuria] 镜下血尿• [Hematuria in the whole process of urination] 全程血尿• [Gingival bleeding (Ulaemorrhagia;gum bleeding)] 牙龈出血• [Hematochezia] 便血• [Bloody stool] 血便• [Black stool (Melena)] 黑便•[Tarry stool] 柏油样便• [Bleeding following trauma] 外伤后出血• [Spontaneous bleeding] 自发性出血• [Bleeding Continuously] 持续出血• [Occult blood,OB] 隐血• [Hematobilia] 胆道出血• [Hemathorax] 血胸• [Hemarthrosis] 关节积血• [Hematocoelia] 腹腔积血• [Hematoma] 血肿• [Hemopericardi um] 心包积血• [Cerebral hemorrhage] 脑出血• [Subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH)] 蛛网膜下腔出血• [Excessive (Heavy) menstrual flow with passage of clots] 月经量多伴血块• [Mild (Moderate) menses] 月经量少(中等)• [Painless Vaginal bleeding] 无痛性阴道出血• [Postcoital bleeding] 性交后出血• [Puls ating bleeding] 搏动性出血• [Post-operation wound hemorrhage] 术后伤口出血• [Excessive bleeding after denal extraction] 拔牙后出血过多(8)紫绀的表示方法• [Congenital cyanosis] 先天性紫绀• [Enterogenous] 肠源性• [Central] 中枢性• [Peripheral] 周围性• [Mixed] 混合性• [Acrocyanosis] 指端紫绀(9)恶心与呕吐的表示方法• [Vomiturition (Retching)] 干呕• [Feel nauseated] 恶心感• [Postprandial nausea] 饭后恶心• [Hiccup] 呃逆• [Sour regurgitation] 返酸• [Fecal (Stercoraceous) vomiting] 吐粪• [undigested food Vomiting] 吐不消化食物• [Bilious Vomiting] 吐胆汁(10)腹泻与便秘的表示方法• [Moning diarrhea] 晨泻• [Watery (Liquid)diarrhea] 水泻• [Mucous diarrhea] 粘液泻• [Fatty diarrhea] 脂肪泻• [Chronic (Acute)] 慢性(急性)• [Mild diarrhea] 轻度腹泻• [Intractable (Uncontrolled)diarrhea] 难治性腹泻• [Protracted diarrhea] 迁延性腹泻• [Bloody stool] 血梗• [Frothy stool] 泡沫样便• [Formless (Formed)stool] 不成形(成形)便• [Loose (Hard) stool] 稀(硬)便• [Rice-water stool] 米泔样便• [Undigested stool] 不消化便• [Dysenteric diarrhea] 痢疾样腹泻• [Inflammatory diarrhea] 炎症性腹泻• [Osmotic] 渗透性• [Secretory] 分泌性• [Malabsorption] 吸收不良性• [Lienteric] 消化不良性• [Pancreatic diarrhea] 胰性腹泻• [Tenesmus] 里急后重• [Pass a stool (Have a passage; open or relax the bowel)] 解大便• [Have a call of nature] 便意• [Fecal incontinence (Copracrasia)] 大便失禁• [Functional constipation] 功能性便秘• [Organic constipation] 器质性便秘• [Hab itual constipation] 习惯性便秘• [Have a tendency to be constipated] 便秘倾向(11)黄疸的表示方法• [Latent (occult) jaundice] 隐性黄疸• [Clinical jaundice] 显性黄疸• [Nuclear icterus] 核黄疸• [Physiologic icterus] 生理性黄疸• [Icterus simplex] 传染性黄疸• [Toxemic icterus] 中毒性黄疸• [Hemol ytic] 溶血性• [Hepatocellular] 肝细胞性• [Obstructive] 阻塞性• [Congenital] 先天性• [Familial] 家族性• [Cholestatic] 胆汁淤积性• [Hematogenous] 血源性• [Malignant] 恶性• [Painless] 无痛性(12)意识障碍的表示方法• [Somnolence] 嗜睡• [Confusion] 意识模糊• [Stupor] 昏睡• [Coma] 昏迷• [Delirium]谵妄• [Syncope (swoon; faint)] 晕厥• [Drowsiness] 倦睡(13)排尿的表示方法• [Enuresis (Bed-wetting)] 遗尿• [Anuria] 无尿• [Emiction interruption] 排尿中断• [Interruption of urinary stream] 尿线中断• [Nocturia] 夜尿• [Oliguria] 少尿• [Polyuria] 多尿• [Pass water (Make water; ur inate; micturition)] 排尿• [Frequent micturition (Frequency of micturition; fruquent urination; Pollakiuria)] 尿频• [Urgent micturition (Urgency of urination or micturition)] 尿急• [Urodynia (Pain on micturition; painful micturition; alginuresis; micturition pain)] 尿痛• [Dysuria (Difficulty in micturition; disturbance of micturition)] 排尿困难• [Small urinary stream] 尿线细小• [Void with a good stream] 排尿通畅• [Guttate emiction (Dribbling following urination;terminal dribbling)] 滴尿• [Bifurcation of urination] 尿流分*• [Residual urine] 残余尿• [Extravasation of urine] 尿外渗• [Stress incontinence] 压力性尿失禁• [Overflow incontinence] 溢出性尿失禁• [Paradoxical in continence] 反常性尿失禁3.少见症状• [Weekness( Debility; asthenia; debilitating)] 虚弱(无力)• [Fatigue (Tire; lassitude)] 疲乏• [Dis comfort (Indisposition; malaise)] 不适• [Wasting (thin; underweight; emaciation; lean)] 消瘦• [Night sweating] 盗汗• [Sweat (Perspiration)] 出汗• [Cold sweat] 冷汗• [Pruritus (Iching)] 搔痒• [Asthma] 气喘• [Squeezing (Tightness; choking; pressing) sensation of th e chest] 胸部紧缩(压榨)感• [Intermittent claudication] 间歇性跛行• [Difficulty in swallowing( Dysphagia; difficult swallowing; acataposis)] 吞咽困难• [Epigastric (Upper abdominal) discomfort] 上腹部不适• [Anorexia (Sitophobia)] 厌食• [Poor appetite (Loss of appetite)] 纳差•[Heart-burn( Pyrosis)] 胃灼热• [Stomachache( Pain in stomach)] 胃部痛• [Periumbilial pain] 脐周痛• [Belching (Eructation)] 嗳气• [Sour regurgitation] 返酸• [Abdominal distention(bloating)] 腹胀• [Pass gas( Break wink)] 肛门排气• [Small(Large) stool] 大便少(多)• [Expel(P ass) worms] 排虫• [Pain over the liver] 肝区痛• [Lumbago] 腰痛• [Pica(Parorexia; allotriophagy)] 异食癖• [Dysmenorrhea] 痛经• [Menoxenia (Irregular menstruation)] 月经不调• [Polymenorrhea (Epimenorrhea)] 月经过频• [Oligomenorrhea] 月经过少• [Excessive menstruation (Menorr hagia; menometrorrhagia; hypermenorrhea)] 经量过多• [Hypomenorrhea (Scantymenstruation)] 经量过少• [Menopause (Menostasia; menostasis)] 绝经• [Amenorrhea (Menoschesis)] 闭经• [Leukorrhagia] 白带过多• [A***uality (lack of libido)] 无性欲• [Hypo***uality] 性欲低下• [Hyper***uality] 性欲亢进• [Prospermia (Ejaculatio praecox)] 早泄• [Impotency (impotence)] 阳萎• [Nocturnal emission (Spermatorrhea)] 遗精• [Lack of potency] 无性交能力• [Hair loss] 脱发• [Joint pain (Arthralgia; arthrodynia)] 关节痛• [Polydipsia (Excessive thirst)] 多饮(烦渴)• [Polyphagia (Excessive appetite; hyperorexia; bulimia)] 多食• [Cold (Heat) intolerance] 怕冷(热)• [Dwarfism (Excessive height)] 身材矮小(高大)• [Excessive sweating] 多汗• [Hands tremble] 手抖• [Obesity (Fatty)] 肥胖• [Agitation (Anxiety;nervous irritability)] 焦虑(忧虑)•[Mania] 躁狂• [Hallucination] 幻觉• [Aphasia (Logopathy)] 失语• [Amnesia (Poor memorization;memory deterioration)] 记忆力下降• [Hemianesthesia] 偏身麻木• [Formication] 蚁走感• [Tingling] 麻刺感• [Hyperpathia] 痛觉过敏• [Hypalgesia] 痛觉减退• [Illusion] 错觉• [Hemiplegia] 半身不遂• [Insomnia (Poor sleepness;sleeplessness)] 失眠• [Nightmare] 多梦• [Numbness] 麻木• [Pain in limbs (Acrodynia)] 肢体痛• [Limitation of motion] 活动受限• [Tetany] 手足抽搐• [Discharge of pus] 流脓• [Blurred vision(Hazy vision;blurring of vision; dimness of vision)]视物模糊• [Burning (Dry) sensation] 烧灼(干燥)感• [Tearing (Dacryorrhea;Lacrimation)] 流泪• [Double vision (Diplopia)] 复视• [Strabismus] 斜视• [Hemianopia] 偏盲• [Tired eyes (Eyestrain)] 眼疲劳• [Foreign body sensation] 异物感• [Lose the sight (Lose of vision)] 失明• [Dimi nution of vision] 视力减退• [Nictition] 眨眼• [Ophthalmodynia (Eye-ache;ocular pain)] 眼痛• [Photophobia] 畏光• [Spots before the eyes] 眼前黑点• [Deafness(Anacusia)] 耳聋• [Auditory dysesthesia] 听力减退• [Otalgia (Otodynia;pain in the ear ;ear-ache)] 耳痛• [Stuffy fee ling in the ear] 耳闭气• [Tinnitus] 耳鸣• [Outophony] 自声过强• [Nasal obstruction (blockage)] 鼻塞• [Dryness of the nose] 鼻干燥• [Rhinorrhea (Snivel;Nasal discharge)] 流鼻涕• [Sneezing] 打喷嚏• [Snoring] 打鼾• [Hyposmia (Reduction of the sense of smell)] 嗅觉减退• [Anosm ia (Complete loss of sense of smell)] 嗅觉丧失• [Dysphonia] 发音困难• [Hoarseness] 声嘶• [Pain on swallowing] 吞咽痛• [Saliva dribblies from the mouth] 流涎• [Troaty voice] 声音沙哑• [Stridor] 喘鸣• [Red and swollen] 红肿• [Scurf] 头皮屑• [Show] 见红• [Amniotic fluid escape d] 破水• [Uterine contraction] 宫缩• [Acalculia] 计算不能• [Apathy] 情感淡漠• [Delusion] 妄想现病史书写的重点包括:一、主诉中症状的详细描述;二、疾病的发展过程;三、诊疗经过;四、目前的一般情况。
病案的归档就是根据病案号(medical record number,MRN),将病案按一定的顺序进行系统排列、上架,从而能快速检索和查阅,满足日常工作的需要。
[1] 病案档案与普通档案相比有其特殊性,住院病案保管时间长,保存期不少于30年。
专利名称:MEDICAL RECORD SYSTEM 发明人:GRAIL, Sven, F., H.,CHRISTODOULOU, George 申请号:CA1996000654 申请日:19960927 公开号:WO97/011635P1 公开日:199704 03
摘要:A system for providing the delivery of health care services to patients and in particular method and apparatus for monitoring the delivery of such services is disclosed. The system provides a method and apparatus by which an appropriate frequency of periodic treatment for patients is determined by scores or ratings assigned to selected criteria in a routine examination in which each of the criteria is weighted and in which each of the criteria is indicative of the health status of the patient. The ratings are combined with the weighting of its corresponding criterion, which are then accumulated to provide an overall score for the patient. The overall score is compared to a set of predetermined range of results which correspond to a particular health care servive to be provided, which is for example the recall frequency of a dental patient.
病历文书中常用基本用语的英文翻译导语:来源:梅斯医学1、抗生素医嘱[Antibiotic order]·Prophylaxis [预防性用药]Duration of order[用药时间] 24hrProcedure[操作,手术]·Empiric therapy [经验性治疗]Suspected site and organism[怀疑感染的部位和致病菌] 72hr Cultures ordered[是否做培养]·Documented infection[明确感染]Site and organism[部位和致病菌] 5days·Other[其它]Explanation required [解释理由] 24hr·Antibiotic allergies[何种抗生素过敏]No known allergy [无已知的过敏]·Drug dose Route frequency[药名剂量途径次数]2、医嘱首页[Admission / transfer]·Admit / transfer to [收入或转入]·Resident [住院医师] Attending[主治医师]·Condition [病情]·Diagnosis[诊断]·Diet [饮食]·Activity [活动]·Vital signs[测生命体征]·I / O [记进出量]·Allergies[过敏]3、住院病历[case history]·Identification [病人一般情况]Name[性名]Sex[性别]Age [年龄]Marriage[婚姻]Person to notify and phone No.[联系人及电话] Race[民族]I.D. No.[身份证]Admission date[入院日期]Source of history[病史提供者]Reliability of history[可靠程度]Medical record No[病历号]Business phone No.[工作单位电话]Home address and phone No.[家庭住地及电话] ·Chief complaint[主诉]·History of present illness[现病史]·Past History[过去史]Surgical[外科]Medical[内科]Medications[用药]Allergies[过敏史]Social History[社会史]Habits[个人习惯]Smoking[吸烟]Family History[家族史]Ob/Gyn History[ 婚姻/生育史]Alcohol use[喝酒]·Review of Aystems[系统回顾]General[概况]Eyes, Ears, Nose and throat[五官] Pulmonary[呼吸]Cardiovascular[心血管]GI[消化]GU[生殖、泌尿系统]Musculoskeletal[肌肉骨骼]Neurology[神经系统]Endocrinology[内分泌系统]Lymphatic/Hematologic[淋巴系统/血液系统] ·Phys ical Exam[体检]Vital Signs[生命体征]λP[脉博]Bp[血压]R[呼吸]T[温度]Height[身高]Weight[体重]General[概况]λHEENT[五官]Neck[颈部]Back/Chest[背部/胸部]Breast[乳房]Heart[心脏]λHeart rate[心率]Heart rhythm[心律]Heart Border[心界]Murmur[杂音]Abdomen[腹部]λLiver[肝]Spleen[脾]Rectal[直肠]Genitalia[生殖系统]λExtremities[四肢]λNeurology[神经系统]cranial nerves[颅神经]sensation[感觉]Motor[运动]*Special P.E. on diseased organ system[专科情况]*Radiographic Findings[放射]*Laboratory Findings[化验]*Assessment[初步诊断与诊断依据]*Summary[病史小结]*Treatment Plan[治疗计划]4、输血申请单[Blood bank requisition form](1)reason for infusion[输血原因]▲红细胞[packed red cells, wshed RBCs]:*Hb<8.5 [血色素<8.5]*>20% blood volume lost [>20%血容量丢失]*cardio-pulmonary bypass with anticipated Hb <8[心肺分流术伴预计血色素<8]*chemotherapy or surgery with Hb <10[血色素<10的化疗或手术者]▲全血[whole blood]:massive on-going blood loss[大量出血]▲血小板[platelets]:*massive blood transfusion >10 units[输血10单位以上者]*platelet count <50×103/μl with active bleeding or surgery[血小板<5万伴活动性出血或手术者]*Cardio-pulmonary bypass uith pl<100×103/μl with octivebleeding[心肺分流术伴血小板<10万,活动性出血者]*Platelet count <20×103/μl[血板<2万]▲新鲜冰冻血浆[fresh frozen plasma]:*documented abnormal PT or PTT with bleeding orSurgery[PT、PTT异常的出血或手术病人]*specific clotting factor deficiencies with bleeding/surgerg[特殊凝血因子缺乏的出血/手术者]*blood transfusion >15units[输血>15个单位]*warfarin or antifibrinolytic therapy with bleeding[华法令或溶栓治疗后出血]*DIC[血管内弥漫性凝血]*Antithrombin III dficiency[凝血酶III 缺乏](2)输血要求[request for blood components]*patient blood group[血型]*Has the patient had transfusion or pregnancy in the past 3 months? [近3个月,病人是否输过血或怀孕过?]*Type and crossmatch [血型和血交叉]*Units or ml[单位或毫升]5、出院小结[discharge summary]Patient Name[病人姓名]λMedical Record No.[病历号]λAttending Physician[主治医生]λDate of Admission[入院日期]λDate of Discharge[出院日期]λPrincipal Diagnosis[主要诊断]λSecondary Diagnosis[次要诊断]λComplications[并发症]λOperation[手术名称]λReason for Admission[入院理由]λPhysical Findings[阳性体征]λLab/X-ray Findings[化验及放射报告]λHospital Course[住院诊治经过]λCondition[出院状况]λDisposition[出院去向]λMedications[出院用药]λPrognosis[预后]λSpecial Instruction to the Patient(diet, physicalλ activity)[出院指导(饮食,活动量)]λFollow-up Care[随随访]λ6、住院/出院病历首页[Admission/discharge record] ·Patient name[病人姓名]·race[种族]·address[地址]·religion[宗教]·medical service[科别]·admit (discharge) date[入院(出院)日期]·Length of stay [住院天数]·guarantor name [担保人姓名]·next of kin or person to notify[需通知的亲属姓名] ·relation to patient[与病人关系]·previous admit date[上次住院日期]·admitting physician [入院医生]·attending physician [主治医生]·admitting diagnosis[入院诊断]·final (principal) diagnosis[最终(主要)诊断]·secondary diagnosis[次要诊断]·adverse reactions (complications)[副作用(合并症)]·incision type[切口类型]·healing course[愈合等级]·operative (non-operative) procedures[手术(非手术)操作] ·nosocomial infection[院内感染]·consultants [会诊]·Critical-No. of times[抢救次数]·recovered-No. of times[成功次数]·Diagnosis qualitative analysis[诊断质量]OP.adm.and discharge Dx concur [门诊入院与出院诊断符合率] Clinical and pathological Dx concur[临床与病理诊断符合率] Pre- and post-operative Dx concur [术前术后诊断符合率]·Dx determined with in 24 hours (3 days) after admission[入院后24小时(3 天)内确诊]·Discharge status[出院状况]recovered[治愈]improved[好转]not improved[未愈]died [死亡]·Dispositon[去向]home[家]against medical ad[自动出院]autosy[尸检]transferred to[转院到]。
词语|病例翻译常见术语1、抗生素医嘱[Antibiotic order]Prophylaxis [预防性用药]Duration of order[用药时间] 24hrProcedure[操作,手术]Empiric therapy [经验性治疗]Suspected site and organism[怀疑感染的部位和致病菌] Cultures ordered[是否做培养]Documented infection[明确感染]Site and organism[部位和致病菌]Other[其它]Explanation required [解释理由]Antibiotic allergies[何种抗生素过敏]No known allergy [无已知的过敏]Drug+ dose+ Route+ frequency[药名+剂量+途径+次数] 2、医嘱首页[Admission / transfer]Admit / transfer to [收入或转入]Resident [住院医师] Attending[主治医师]Condition [病情]Diagnosis[诊断]Diet [饮食]Activity [活动]Vital signs[测生命体征]I / O [记进出量]Allergies[过敏]3、住院病历[case history]Identification [病人一般情况]Name[性名]Sex[性别]Age [年龄]Marriage[婚姻]Person to notify and phone No.[联系人及电话]Race[民族]I.D. No.[身份证]Admission date[入院日期]Source of history[病史提供者]Reliability of history[可靠程度]Medical record No[病历号]Business phone No.[工作单位电话]Home address and phone No.[家庭住地及电话]Chief complaint[主诉]History of present illness[现病史]Past History[过去史]Surgical[外科]Medical[内科]Medications[用药]Allergies[过敏史]Social History[社会史]Habits[个人习惯]Smoking[吸烟]Family History[家族史]Ob/Gyn History[ 婚姻/生育史]Alcohol use[喝酒]Review of Aystems[系统回顾]General[概况]Eyes, Ears, Nose and throat[五官] Pulmonary[呼吸]Cardiovascular[心血管]GI[消化]GU[生殖、泌尿系统]Musculoskeletal[肌肉骨骼]Neurology[神经系统]Endocrinology[内分泌系统]Lymphatic/Hematologic[淋巴系统/血液系统] Physical Exam[体检]Vital Signs[生命体征]lP[脉博]Bp[血压]R[呼吸]T[温度]Height[身高]Weight[体重]General[概况]lHEENT[五官]Neck[颈部]Back/Chest[背部/胸部]Breast[乳房]Heart[心脏]lHeart rate[心率]Heart rhythm[心律]Heart Border[心界]Murmur[杂音]Abdomen[腹部]lLiver[肝]Spleen[脾]Rectal[直肠]Genitalia[生殖系统]Extremities[四肢]lNeurology[神经系统]cranial nerves[颅神经]sensation[感觉]Motor[运动]Special P.E. on diseased organ system[专科情况] Radiographic Findings[放射]Laboratory Findings[化验]Assessment[初步诊断与诊断依据]Summary[病史小结]Treatment Plan[治疗计划]4、输血申请单[Blood bank requisition form] (1)reason for infusion[输血原因]红细胞[packed red cells, wshed RBCs]:*Hb<8.5>8.5><>*>20% blood volume lost [>20%血容量丢失]*cardio-pulmonary bypass with anticipated Hb [心肺分流术伴预计血色素 ]*chemotherapy or surgery with Hb <><>全血[whole blood]:massive on-going blood loss[大量出血]血小板[platelets]:*massive blood transfusion >10 units[输血10单位以上者]*platelet cou nt <50×103 l="" with="" active="" bleeding="" or="">50×103><>*Cardio-pulmonary bypass uith pl<100×103 lwith="" octive="">100×103><>*Platelet count <20×103>20×103><>新鲜冰冻血浆[fresh frozen plasma]:*documented abnormal PT or PTT with bleeding orSurgery[PT、PTT异常的出血或手术病人]*specific clotting factor deficiencies with bleeding/surgerg[特殊凝血因子缺乏的出血/手术者]*blood transfusion >15units[输血>15个单位]*warfarin or antifibrinolytic therapy withbleeding[华法令或溶栓治疗后出血]*DIC[血管内弥漫性凝血]*Antithrombin III dficiency[凝血酶III 缺乏](2)输血要求[request for blood components]*patient blood group[血型]*Has the patient had transfusion or pregnancy in the past 3 months? [近3个月,病人是否输过血或怀孕过?]*Type and crossmatch [血型和血交叉]*Units or ml[单位或毫升]5、出院小结[discharge summary]Patient Name[病人姓名]lMedical Record No.[病历号]lAttending Physician[主治医生]lDate of Admission[入院日期]lDate of Discharge[出院日期]lPrincipal Diagnosis[主要诊断]lSecondary Diagnosis[次要诊断]lComplications[并发症]lOperation[手术名称]lReason for Admission[入院理由]lPhysical Findings[阳性体征]lLab/X-ray Findings[化验及放射报告]lHospital Course[住院诊治经过]lCondition[出院状况]lDisposition[出院去向]lMedications[出院用药]lPrognosis[预后]lSpecial Instruction to the Patient(diet,physical activity)[出院指导(饮食,活动量)]lFollow-up Care[随随访]l6、住院/出院病历首页[Admission/discharge record]Patient name[病人姓名]race[种族]address[地址]religion[宗教]medical service[科别]admit (discharge) date[入院(出院)日期]Length of stay [住院天数]guarantor name [担保人姓名]next of kin or person to notify[需通知的亲属姓名]relation to the patient[与病人关系]previous admit date[上次住院日期]admitting physician [入院医生]attending physician [主治医生]admitting diagnosis[入院诊断]final (principal) diagnosis[最终(主要)诊断]secondary diagnosis[次要诊断]adverse reactions (complications)[副作用(合并症)]incision type[切口类型]healing course[愈合等级]operative (non-operative) procedures[手术(非手术)操作] nosocomial infection[院内感染]consultants [会诊]Critical-No. of times[抢救次数]recovered-No. of times[成功次数]Diagnosis qualitative analysis[诊断质量]OP.adm.and discharge Dx concur [门诊入院与出院诊断符合率] Clinical and pathological Dx concur[临床与病理诊断符合率]Pre- and post-operative Dx concur [术前术后诊断符合率]Dx determined with in 24 hours (3 days) afteradmission[入院后24小时(3 天)内确诊]Discharge status[出院状况]recovered[治愈]improved[好转]not improved[未愈]died [死亡]Dispositon[去向]home[家]against medical ad[自动出院]autosy[尸检]transferred to[转院到]本文转自:华译翻译。
病历书写相关英语作文Title: The Importance of Proper Medical Record Documentation。
Medical record documentation is a critical aspect of healthcare delivery and patient care. It serves as a comprehensive repository of a patient's medical history, treatment plans, and outcomes. Effective documentation not only facilitates communication among healthcare providers but also ensures continuity of care, patient safety, and legal compliance. In this essay, we will delve into the significance of proper medical record documentation and its impact on patient care and healthcare systems.First and foremost, accurate and detailed medical record documentation is essential for providing quality patient care. When healthcare providers meticulously record patient information, including medical history, symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatments, and follow-up plans, they create a comprehensive picture of the patient's healthstatus. This information enables healthcare professionals to make informed clinical decisions, tailor treatment plans to individual needs, and monitor patient progress effectively. Without proper documentation, there is a risk of miscommunication, medical errors, and compromisedpatient safety.Furthermore, medical record documentation plays a crucial role in promoting interdisciplinary collaboration and communication among healthcare team members. In a healthcare setting, multiple providers, including physicians, nurses, specialists, and allied health professionals, may be involved in a patient's care. Accurate documentation ensures that all team members have access to relevant patient information, fostering collaboration and coordination of care. For example, a nurse may rely on a physician's notes to administer medications safely, while a specialist may use diagnostic test results documented by another healthcare provider to inform treatment decisions.Moreover, thorough medical record documentation isessential for legal and regulatory compliance. Healthcare organizations are required to maintain accurate and complete medical records to meet legal and accreditation standards. Inaccurate or incomplete documentation not only jeopardizes patient care but also exposes healthcare providers and organizations to legal risks, including malpractice claims, regulatory penalties, and loss of accreditation. Therefore, healthcare professionals must adhere to established documentation standards and guidelines to ensure compliance and mitigate legal risks.In addition to its clinical and legal significance, proper medical record documentation is essential for healthcare data analysis, research, and quality improvement initiatives. Aggregated patient data from medical records can be analyzed to identify trends, patterns, and disparities in healthcare delivery and outcomes. This information enables healthcare organizations to implement evidence-based practices, improve clinical workflows, and enhance patient outcomes. Furthermore, research studiesrely on accurate medical record documentation to generate new knowledge, advance medical science, and inform clinicalpractice guidelines.Despite its importance, medical record documentation presents challenges and complexities for healthcare providers. Time constraints, documentation burden, and electronic health record (EHR) usability issues are common barriers to effective documentation. Healthcare organizations must invest in training, technology solutions, and workflow redesign to streamline documentation processes and alleviate documentation-related burdens on providers. Moreover, fostering a culture of documentation excellence through education, feedback, and accountability can promote adherence to documentation standards and improve overall documentation quality.In conclusion, proper medical record documentation is essential for delivering high-quality patient care, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, ensuring legal compliance, and advancing healthcare quality and research. Healthcare providers must recognize the importance of accurate and comprehensive documentation and strive to uphold documentation standards in their clinical practice.By prioritizing documentation excellence, healthcare organizations can enhance patient safety, improve healthcare outcomes, and optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery.。
学生医疗记录Student Medical Record 请填写用粗体字标注的表格。
Please fill out in BLOCK CAPITALS.请用中文填写好身体健康表。
Please fill out the medical form in English.个人历史PERSONAL HISTORY请注意,上海李文斯顿美国学校不接受有严重食物过敏的学生。
Pl ease be aware that LAS is not enrolling new students with any serious food all ergies.疫苗记录VACCINATION RECORD在家长联系不到的紧急情况下,应与以下人员联系:PERSON(S) TO NOTIFY IN AN EMERGENCY IF PARENTS CANNOT BE REACHED.*如果您由于什么原因而不在上海了,请将您缺席的日期以及您不在期间应与哪位联系的姓名以及联系方式及时告知您孩子的班主任老师以免有任何紧急突发事件发生。
* If you are out of town for any reason, please notify your child’s teacher regarding the duration of your a bsence and the name and telephone number of a person to contact in case of an emergency involving your child.在校服药MEDICINE AT SCHOOL保险信息INSURANCE INFORMATION所有学生必须持有自己的医疗保险。
All students must have their own medical insurance. Medical insurance details are required at the time of admission and must be kept up to date for the duration of a student’s enrollment at SLAS.如果有重大的医疗紧急事件发生,并且需要及时就医的情况,那么上海长宁区中心医院将会是首选,其地址为:仙霞路1111号,电话:(8621) 62909911 – 1333 或者1337。
Medical record
MEDICAL RECORDGENERAL INFORMATIONDEPARTMENT: RESPIRATORY MEDICINE HOSPITAL WARD:17 BED NUMBER:1762 HOSPITALIZATION NUMBER: E21168NAME: Yang Baikui(杨柏奎) OCCUPATION:RetirementSEX: Male ADDRESS & PHONE: Yangzhou huáng gōng huā yuán 16-301 AGE:82 years HISTORY PRESENTER: Patient(杨柏奎)MARITAL STATUS: Married CONTACT: Yang Sheng (杨胜) 1390527557PLACE OF ORIGIN: Yangzhou, Jiangsu ADMISSION TIME: 2011-02-27NATIONALITY: Chinese RECORD DATE: 2011-03-05Chief Complaint:Repeated cough, sputum, with Shortness of breath (asthma) from 30 years, increased from last one day.History of Present Illness: Patient from nearly 30 years, when the season change from winter to spring appeared repeated cough, sputum, sputum present with large amount of white mucus, with shortness of breath (asthma) after some activities or some exercise. The symptoms gradually increased. Then the patient was come to our hospital for the treatment. The patient was diagnosed chronic bronchitis, emphysema, then we gave him anti-infective, eliminating phlegm to smooth wheezing and then after the processing of symptomatic and supportive treatment the symptoms improved. But again repeated attack of cold, and repeated coughing, coughing white mucus phlegm, after one day cold became very serious, with asthma. Then the patient comes to our hospital. In chest X-ray it showed chronic bronchitis, emphysema was changed, so we suggest him to check-in for further diagnosis and treatment in our department. The illness in patient with fever, no night sweats, hemoptysis, no chest pain, heart palpitations, no headache, faint, no belching/eructation, no sour regurgitation, no nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, abdominal distension, lower extremity edema unparalleled, spiritual food anorexia, toilet as usual.Past Medical History:Patient had a history of coronary artery disease ", denied hypertension,history of diabetes ", denied “hepatitis, schistosoma,history of tuberculosis ". No surgery and injury history. Have penicillin allergy.Systematic reviewHead and Neck features:without visual impairment, deafness, tinnitus, vertigo, epitasis, toothache, gingival bleeding and history of hoarseness.Circulatory system: without palpitations, dyspnea on exertion, pericardial pain, lower extremity edema, ascites, dizziness, headache, syncope, a history of hypertension and rheumatism.Digestive system:without belching, acid regurgitation, dysphagia, abdominal pain, and diarrhea, vomiting, jaundice, hematemesis and melena history.Genitourinary system: No urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria, flank pain, hematuria, urine abnormalities, difficulty urinating, blood pressure, history of facial edema.Hematopoietic system:without pale skin, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, memory loss, heart palpitations, sore tongue, skin and mucous membrane bleeding, jaundice, lymph nodes and hepatosplenomegaly, bone pain history.Endocrine and metabolic systems:without heat intolerance, sweating, fatigue, headache, visual disturbances, polydipsia, polyuria, edema, significant obesity or significant weight loss history. No increase or loss of hair, pigmentation, sexual function changes.Musculoskeletal system:No joint pain, joint swelling, joint deformities, limb movement disorder and weakness, muscle atrophy.Nervous system:no headaches, fainting, memory loss, language disorders, insomnia, disturbance of consciousness, paresthesia, paralysis, convulsions.Mental state: without hallucinations, delusions, disorientation, mood disorders history.Personal history :long-term living in the country of origin of birth, no "schistosomiasis, malaria," history of exposure to contaminated water, no alcohol and special hobby, no "dust, toxic substances,"Obstetrical history: marriage age, marital medical examination. 5-6Family history: no history of genetic diseases and infectious diseases.PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONT: 37.4o C Pulse: 95 beats / min Respiratory: 21 times / min BP: 160/75mmHg General condition:normal development, eutrophic, normal body shape, conscious, spirit is poor, medium nutrition, irritability, hands, limbs, tamper with co-operative examination, facial flushing. Automatic postures, screening cooperationSkin and Mucous Membrane:systemic skin mucous membrane without yellow dye, erythema, rash and pigmentation.Lymph glands: Systemic shallow lymph node enlargement and not palpable.Head and Skull :normal head shape, hair color black, shiny, normal distribution, uniform luster, and head no scarring.Eye: eyelids no edema, no bleeding from conjunctiva, sclera jaundice-free, transparent cornea, bilateral and other large and round pupil diameter of 3mm, sensitivity to light reflection.Ear:No pyorrhea (pus) and papillary tenderness, normal hearing.Nose: nasal patency, septal deviation and, no runny nose, maxillary sinus and frontal sinus without tenderness.Mouth:labial red, no cyanosis, teeth in order, no redness pyorrhea no swelling gums, pus, tonsil normal no swelling, no hoarse voice.Neck: without resistance, bilaterally symmetrical, no jugular vein engorgement, and carotid artery pulse can be seen, the middle trachea, thyroid not enlarged.Chest:thoracic is symmetrical, Pectoral type breathing mainly, normal breathing rhythm.Lungs:Inspection: Respiratory movements on both sides are equal, barrel chest.Palpation: breathe on both sides of equal mobility, reduce tremor on both sides of the language, no pleural friction feeling..Percussion: opaque,lung had unvoiced systolic verticals clavicle on the midline between the fifth rib,shoulder line 9 ribs, left shoulder line between the first 10 ribs, lungs mobility of the lower bound of degrees about 4cm.Auscultation : low breath sounds of both lungs smells and low scattered on dry rales sound.Heart:Inspection: no pericardial bulge, the apex beat in the left 5th intercostal space mid clavicular line within 1.0cm. Pulse range of about 1.5cm in diameterPalpation: apex without tremor, friction sensitivity and the lifting of the beat, apex beat position above. Percussion: the relative cardiac dullness boundary is as follows:Chest radiograph (2011-02-27 inspection NO: 300062541): chronic bronchitis with emphysema.Electrocardiogram (2011-02-27 in hospital):partial sinus heart rate, left axis deviation, complete right bundle branch block, suggesting left ventricular hypertrophy, PR interval prolongation.Routine blood test (2011-02-27 in hospital): WBC9.4x109 / l, N79.9 %AbstractPatient YangBaiKui((杨柏奎) Male, 82years old, because of " repeated cough, sputum, with Shortness of breath (asthma) from 30 years, increased from last one day. Patient had a history of coronary artery disease ", denied hypertension,history of diabetes ", denied “hepatitis, hi story of tuberculosis ". history. Have penicillin allergy.Patient nearly from last 30 years, When the season change from winter to spring appeared repeated cough, sputum, sputum present with large amount of white mucus, with shortness of breath(asthma) after some activities or some exercise. The symptoms gradually increased. Then the patient was come to our hospital for the treatment. The patient was diagnosed chronic bronchitis, emphysema, then we gave him anti-infective, eliminating phlegm to smooth wheezing and then after the processing of symptomatic and supportive treatment the symptoms improved. But again repeated attack of cold, and repeated coughing, coughing white mucus phlegm, after one day cold became very serious, with asthma. Then the patient comes to our hospital. In chest X-ray it showed chronic bronchitis, emphysema was changed, so we suggest him to check-in for further diagnosis and treatment in our department. The illness in patient with fever, no night sweats, hemoptysis, no chest pain, heart palpitations, no headache, faint, no belching/eructation, no sour regurgitation, no nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, abdominal distension, lower extremity edema unparalleled, spiritual food anorexia, toilet as usual. Admission examination: T: 37.4oC, P: 95 times / min, R: 21 times / min, BP: 160/75mmHg conscious, the spirit of poor, non-cyanotic lips, middle trachea, barrel chest, both sides of the tactile language flutter reduction, percussion was too voiceless, lungs breath sounds low, smell, and scattered in the dry rales sound. Heart rate 95 beats / min, the law together, did not hear and pathological murmurs. Full Chest X-ray: chronic bronchitis with emphysema. ECG:partial sinus heart rate, left axis deviation, complete right bundle branch block, suggesting left ventricular hypertrophy, PR interval prolongation.Routine blood test: WBC9.4x109 / l, N79.9 %Initial diagnosis: Acute exacerbation of chronicobstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)EmphysemaCoronary heart diseaseIntern’s Signature:Teacher’s signat ure:。
案号、患者姓名、单位地址、家庭住址、身 关部门同意后查
第二章 病历的建立
第七条 医疗机构应当建立门(急)诊病历和
当将病历标识号码与患者身份证明编号相关 联,使用标识号码和身份证明编号均能对病 历进行检索。
第三章 病历的保管
第十条 门(急)诊病历原则上由患者
负责保管。医疗机构建有门(急)诊病 第十条 在患者住
历档案室或者已建立门(急)诊电子病 院期间,其住院病
历的,经患者或者其法定代理人同意, 历由所在病区负责 其门(急)诊病历可以由医疗机构负责 集中、统一保管。
保管。 住院病历由医疗机构负责保管。
●医技报告资料也应该规范,病历书写基 本规范中缺少实质内容要求。
第八条 在医疗 机构建有门(急) 诊病历档案患者 的门(急)诊病历, 应当由医疗机构 指定专人送达患 者就诊科室;患 者同时在多科室 就诊的,应当由 医疗机构指定专 人送达后续就诊 科室。
在患者每次 诊疗活动结束后 24小时内,其 门(急)诊病历应 当收回。
患者的化验 单(检验报 告)、医学 影像检查资 料等在检查 结果出具后 24小时内归 入门(急)诊
① 体温单 ② 医嘱单 ③入院记录 ④病程记录 ⑤术前讨论记录 ⑥手术同意书
⑦麻醉同意书 ⑧麻醉术前访视记录 ⑨手术安全核查记录 ⑩手术清点记录 ⑾麻醉记录 ⑿手术记录 ⒀麻醉术后访视记录 ⒁术后病程记录 ⒂病重(病危)患者护理记录 ⒃出院记录、死亡记录 ⒄输血治疗知情同意书 ⒅特殊检查(特殊治疗)同意书 ⒆会诊记录 ⒇病危(重)通知书 (21)病理资料 (22)辅助检查报告单 (23)医学影医像疗检机构查病资历管料理。规定解析
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MEDICAL RECORDGENERAL INFORMATIONDEPARTMENT: RESPIRATORY MEDICINE HOSPITAL WARD:17 BED NUMBER:1762 HOSPITALIZATION NUMBER: E21168NAME: Yang Baikui(杨柏奎) OCCUPATION:RetirementSEX: Male ADDRESS & PHONE: Yangzhou huáng gōng huā yuán 16-301 AGE:82 years HISTORY PRESENTER: Patient(杨柏奎)MARITAL STATUS: Married CONTACT: Yang Sheng (杨胜) 1390527557PLACE OF ORIGIN: Yangzhou, Jiangsu ADMISSION TIME: 2011-02-27NATIONALITY: Chinese RECORD DATE: 2011-03-05Chief Complaint:Repeated cough, sputum, with Shortness of breath (asthma) from 30 years, increased from last one day.History of Present Illness: Patient from nearly 30 years, when the season change from winter to spring appeared repeated cough, sputum, sputum present with large amount of white mucus, with shortness of breath (asthma) after some activities or some exercise. The symptoms gradually increased. Then the patient was come to our hospital for the treatment. The patient was diagnosed chronic bronchitis, emphysema, then we gave him anti-infective, eliminating phlegm to smooth wheezing and then after the processing of symptomatic and supportive treatment the symptoms improved. But again repeated attack of cold, and repeated coughing, coughing white mucus phlegm, after one day cold became very serious, with asthma. Then the patient comes to our hospital. In chest X-ray it showed chronic bronchitis, emphysema was changed, so we suggest him to check-in for further diagnosis and treatment in our department. The illness in patient with fever, no night sweats, hemoptysis, no chest pain, heart palpitations, no headache, faint, no belching/eructation, no sour regurgitation, no nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, abdominal distension, lower extremity edema unparalleled, spiritual food anorexia, toilet as usual.Past Medical History:Patient had a history of coronary artery disease ", denied hypertension,history of diabetes ", denied “hepatitis, schistosoma,history of tuberculosis ". No surgery and injury history. Have penicillin allergy.Systematic reviewHead and Neck features:without visual impairment, deafness, tinnitus, vertigo, epitasis, toothache, gingival bleeding and history of hoarseness.Circulatory system: without palpitations, dyspnea on exertion, pericardial pain, lower extremity edema, ascites, dizziness, headache, syncope, a history of hypertension and rheumatism.Digestive system:without belching, acid regurgitation, dysphagia, abdominal pain, and diarrhea, vomiting, jaundice, hematemesis and melena history.Genitourinary system: No urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria, flank pain, hematuria, urine abnormalities, difficulty urinating, blood pressure, history of facial edema.Hematopoietic system:without pale skin, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, memory loss, heart palpitations, sore tongue, skin and mucous membrane bleeding, jaundice, lymph nodes and hepatosplenomegaly, bone pain history.Endocrine and metabolic systems:without heat intolerance, sweating, fatigue, headache, visual disturbances, polydipsia, polyuria, edema, significant obesity or significant weight loss history. No increase or loss of hair, pigmentation, sexual function changes.Musculoskeletal system:No joint pain, joint swelling, joint deformities, limb movement disorder and weakness, muscle atrophy.Nervous system:no headaches, fainting, memory loss, language disorders, insomnia, disturbance of consciousness, paresthesia, paralysis, convulsions.Mental state: without hallucinations, delusions, disorientation, mood disorders history.Personal history :long-term living in the country of origin of birth, no "schistosomiasis, malaria," history of exposure to contaminated water, no alcohol and special hobby, no "dust, toxic substances,"Obstetrical history: marriage age, marital medical examination. 5-6Family history: no history of genetic diseases and infectious diseases.PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONT: 37.4o C Pulse: 95 beats / min Respiratory: 21 times / min BP: 160/75mmHg General condition:normal development, eutrophic, normal body shape, conscious, spirit is poor, medium nutrition, irritability, hands, limbs, tamper with co-operative examination, facial flushing. Automatic postures, screening cooperationSkin and Mucous Membrane:systemic skin mucous membrane without yellow dye, erythema, rash and pigmentation.Lymph glands: Systemic shallow lymph node enlargement and not palpable.Head and Skull :normal head shape, hair color black, shiny, normal distribution, uniform luster, and head no scarring.Eye: eyelids no edema, no bleeding from conjunctiva, sclera jaundice-free, transparent cornea, bilateral and other large and round pupil diameter of 3mm, sensitivity to light reflection.Ear:No pyorrhea (pus) and papillary tenderness, normal hearing.Nose: nasal patency, septal deviation and, no runny nose, maxillary sinus and frontal sinus without tenderness.Mouth:labial red, no cyanosis, teeth in order, no redness pyorrhea no swelling gums, pus, tonsil normal no swelling, no hoarse voice.Neck: without resistance, bilaterally symmetrical, no jugular vein engorgement, and carotid artery pulse can be seen, the middle trachea, thyroid not enlarged.Chest:thoracic is symmetrical, Pectoral type breathing mainly, normal breathing rhythm.Lungs:Inspection: Respiratory movements on both sides are equal, barrel chest.Palpation: breathe on both sides of equal mobility, reduce tremor on both sides of the language, no pleural friction feeling..Percussion: opaque,lung had unvoiced systolic verticals clavicle on the midline between the fifth rib,shoulder line 9 ribs, left shoulder line between the first 10 ribs, lungs mobility of the lower bound of degrees about 4cm.Auscultation : low breath sounds of both lungs smells and low scattered on dry rales sound.Heart:Inspection: no pericardial bulge, the apex beat in the left 5th intercostal space mid clavicular line within 1.0cm. Pulse range of about 1.5cm in diameterPalpation: apex without tremor, friction sensitivity and the lifting of the beat, apex beat position above. Percussion: the relative cardiac dullness boundary is as follows:Chest radiograph (2011-02-27 inspection NO: 300062541): chronic bronchitis with emphysema.Electrocardiogram (2011-02-27 in hospital):partial sinus heart rate, left axis deviation, complete right bundle branch block, suggesting left ventricular hypertrophy, PR interval prolongation.Routine blood test (2011-02-27 in hospital): WBC9.4x109 / l, N79.9 %AbstractPatient YangBaiKui((杨柏奎) Male, 82years old, because of " repeated cough, sputum, with Shortness of breath (asthma) from 30 years, increased from last one day. Patient had a history of coronary artery disease ", denied hypertension,history of diabetes ", denied “hepatitis, hi story of tuberculosis ". history. Have penicillin allergy.Patient nearly from last 30 years, When the season change from winter to spring appeared repeated cough, sputum, sputum present with large amount of white mucus, with shortness of breath(asthma) after some activities or some exercise. The symptoms gradually increased. Then the patient was come to our hospital for the treatment. The patient was diagnosed chronic bronchitis, emphysema, then we gave him anti-infective, eliminating phlegm to smooth wheezing and then after the processing of symptomatic and supportive treatment the symptoms improved. But again repeated attack of cold, and repeated coughing, coughing white mucus phlegm, after one day cold became very serious, with asthma. Then the patient comes to our hospital. In chest X-ray it showed chronic bronchitis, emphysema was changed, so we suggest him to check-in for further diagnosis and treatment in our department. The illness in patient with fever, no night sweats, hemoptysis, no chest pain, heart palpitations, no headache, faint, no belching/eructation, no sour regurgitation, no nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, abdominal distension, lower extremity edema unparalleled, spiritual food anorexia, toilet as usual. Admission examination: T: 37.4oC, P: 95 times / min, R: 21 times / min, BP: 160/75mmHg conscious, the spirit of poor, non-cyanotic lips, middle trachea, barrel chest, both sides of the tactile language flutter reduction, percussion was too voiceless, lungs breath sounds low, smell, and scattered in the dry rales sound. Heart rate 95 beats / min, the law together, did not hear and pathological murmurs. Full Chest X-ray: chronic bronchitis with emphysema. ECG:partial sinus heart rate, left axis deviation, complete right bundle branch block, suggesting left ventricular hypertrophy, PR interval prolongation.Routine blood test: WBC9.4x109 / l, N79.9 %Initial diagnosis: Acute exacerbation of chronicobstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)EmphysemaCoronary heart diseaseIntern’s Signature:Teacher’s signat ure:。