Syllabic Priming Effects 2




Wear272 (2011) 43–49Contents lists available at ScienceDirectWearj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e:w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m/l o c a t e/w e arEffect of the addition of carbonaceousfibers on the tribological behavior of a phenolic resin sliding against cast ironS.Betancourt a,∗,L.J.Cruz a,A.Toro ba New Materials Research Group,School of Engineering,Pontificia Bolivariana University,Circular1a N.70–01,Medellín,Colombiab Tribology and Surfaces Group,School of Materials Engineering,National University of Colombia,Cra80N.65-223,Medellín,Colombiaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received20January2011Received in revised form12July2011 Accepted22July2011Available online 30 July 2011Keywords:CarbonaceousfibersPhenolic resinCompositesSliding contactCast iron a b s t r a c tThe tribological behavior of novolac phenolic resin matrix composites reinforced with three kinds of carbonaceousfibers was studied in sliding contact against cast iron.Slow pyrolysis was used to obtain carbonaceousfibers from Colombian plantainfiber bundles(crops residues from Urabáregion).After the carbonization process the samples were heated up to either1200or1400◦C ensuring that many morphological aspects of the naturalfibers were retained.Then,novolac phenolic resin with HMTA as curing agent and the carbonaceousfibers were used to obtain a composite material by compression molding process.Samples with different type and volume fraction of carbonaceousfibers were prepared and tested in sliding contact against cast iron in a pin-on-disc wear testing machine.At the end of the tests,the worn surfaces and the debris were analyzed by SEM.A decrease in both friction coefficient and wear of composites was observed with the increase infiber volume fraction,which was associated to a beneficial effect of the detachment of carbonaceous material from the worn surface.Under the tested conditions,this material remains at the interface between the composite and the cast iron and helps reduce the shear resistance of the interface.On the other hand, surface fatigue and adhesion wear was identified as the dominant wear mechanism of the phenolic resin matrix.© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionPyrolysis process transforms lignocellulosic materials into char-coal and slow heating rate pyrolysis gives rise to a porous carbon frame with the morphology derived from its precursor[1–3],which can be used to ceramic synthesis such as silicon carbide,alu-mina and titania[3].Typical lignocellulosic precursors of charcoal materials that retain morphological aspects of precursor are wood resources.Although non-wood plants are used to get carbon pow-ders and activated carbon,fibrous wastes from agricultural residues of edibles fruits from Musa species such as commercial plantain (Musa AAB,cv“Dominico Harton”)produced in Colombia have been used to get carbonaceousfibers[4–7].The sliding friction coefficients of some carbon-based materi-als,either amorphous or crystalline,are among the lowest for any solids.They are important ingredients of brake composite materi-als including different types such as graphite,coke,carbon black, and carbonfiber[8].Charcoal and carbonaceous substances,for instance,have good frictional characteristics even though they do not exhibit the basal slip properties of graphitic structures.∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+5744488388;fax:+5743544532.E-mail the other hand,novolac phenolic resin is a common binder for resin-based friction materials[9].Tribological applications of phenolic resins are usually limited due to their relatively poor stability and wear resistance.Therefore,it is imperative to incorpo-rate various reinforcing andfilling constituents such as reinforcing fibers,abrasives,binders,fillers,and friction modifiers(solid lubri-cants)into phenolic resin-based friction composites with the purpose of increasing their stability and wear resistance[10–12].The type and relative amount of solid lubricants and abrasives in brake friction materials significantly affect the brake performance [13].Solid lubricants are added in relatively small amounts but they strongly affect wear resistance,stopping distance,friction stability and torque variation.Graphite and MoS2are frequently used in commercial brake linings and other chalcogenide compounds such as Sb2S3,ZnS,PbS,and Cu2S are often added for better brake per-formance.However,a few reports focused on the effect of solid lubricants on tribological properties of solidfilms coated on the metal substrates are available[14,15].Charcoal in particular has been reported as a potential replace-ment for graphite into composites for antifriction and antiwear applications as aluminum alloys applications[16,17],wood ceram-ics and in brake friction materials using carbonized coconut char powders[18].Nevertheless,it is rarely discussed in the literature the effect of charcoal materials on wear mechanisms acting on the0043-1648/$–see front matter© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.wear.2011.07.01444S.Betancourt et al./Wear272 (2011) 43–49surfaces in contact.In this work,novolac phenolic resin matrix composites reinforced with three kinds of carbonaceousfibers and different volume fraction of reinforcement were prepared.Chem-ical composition and structural characteristics of carbonaceous fibers were studied.Tribological behavior of composites was tested in sliding contact against cast iron in a pin-on-disc wear testing machine.Worn surfaces were studied by SEM and wear mecha-nisms were identified.2.Materials and experimental methods2.1.MaterialsCarbonaceousfibers were obtained by pyrolysis of plantain fibers from leaf sheaths from Urabá,Colombia region.A mechani-cal extraction process for plantainfibers was used according to the method described in[19].The samples were further air-dried for at least24h and milled with a RETSCH SM100(Haan,Germany)to obtain a particle size smaller than5mm.Three types of carbonaceousfibers(T1000,T1200,T1400)were synthesized by slow pyrolysis performed in an electrical tube fur-nace MTI GSL1600-80X.T1000samples were heated from room temperature up to1000◦C,held at this temperature for90min and then cooled down to room temperature in N2atmosphere with99.9999%purity.T1200and T1400samples were initially treated under the same conditions used for T1000samples,and then submitted to a second thermal process at1200◦C and1400◦C, respectively.The heating(5◦C min−1)and cooling(−5◦C min−1) rates,as well as the nitrogenflow rate(200ml min−1),were the same for all the samples.Phenolic resin powder containing hexamethylenetetramine as curing agent was used as the matrix.Resin and carbonaceousfibers were molded by compression molding process.Previously,both components were mixed for5min by stirring them in a blender so as to improve the dispersion of the mixture.Contents of car-bonaceousfibers were2.5,5.0,7.5,10and12.5%(v/v)and phenolic resin was the balance.Fully mixed raw material was loaded into a 140mm diameter and3.5mm high steel mold and hot pressed at 200bar,165◦C for15min in a thermo hydraulic pressing machine.2.2.ExperimentalThe carbon,hydrogen,nitrogen and sulphur content of the car-bonaceousfiber bundles were determined using a LECO-CHNS-932 microanalyzer.Oxygen content was determined by means of a LECO-VTF-900furnace coupled to the microanalyzer.Ash content and moisture were determined for each carbon content in accor-dance with UNE32001and32002standards,respectively.For XRD analysis,carbonaceousfibers were ground to afine powder and the measurements were carried out in X’Pert Pro MPD,Panalytical, diffractometer operating at25mA and40kV,using Cu-Ka radiation.Table2Pin-on-disc testing conditions.Tribological test conditionsEnvironmental temperature25±2◦C Atmosphere Air–Relative speed1m s−1 Load15.11NTest distance1000m2.3.Tribological behaviorFriction and wear behavior of the phenolic resin and composites were evaluated by using a pin-on-disc tribometer.A cast iron brake disc(220mm in diameter and8mm in thickness)was adapted for the tests and the surfacefinishing wasfixed to circa Ra=0.5␮m in all the samples.Table1presents some of the most relevant metallurgical and chemical characteristics of cast iron disc.Phenolic and composite pins were glued to a metallic pin holder with conventional instant glue and machined by lathe turning to get thefinal dimensions shown in Fig.1a.The pin wasfixed to a rigid arm(Fig.1b)and put in contact with the surface of the disk in movement,while a normal load was applied by dead weights (Fig.1c).A general view of the equipment is shown in Fig.1d.All samples were tested under the same test conditions summarized in Table2and three replicas were obtained for each experimen-tal condition.Friction force was registered10times per second with the aid of a load cell connected to a data acquisition card and software Labview5.1provided by National Instruments under an educational contract.After each friction test,the pins were ultra-sonically cleaned in alcohol for5min,dried in air and weighed in an analytical balance Sartorius CPA225D with resolving power of 0.01mg.2.4.Surface examinationThe worn surfaces of disks and pins were examined by stere-omicroscopy(Nikon SMZ1500)and scanning electron microscopy (JEOL5910LV)in order to identify the main wear mechanisms act-ing during the tests.3.Results and discussionElemental composition offibers after pyrolysis process and sec-ond thermal treatment are shown in Table3.All samples have high amount of carbon as a consequence of carbonization of ligno-cellulosic compounds.A second thermal treatment increases the carbon content and reduces the amount of oxygen and hydrogen by volatilization.These changes are considered typical in carbon materials due to exposure to high temperature[20].Carbonaceuosfibers produced from plantainfibers bundles were crystallographically characterized by means of X-ray diffrac-Table1Metallurgical and chemical characteristics of cast iron disc.Nominal chemical composition(wt.%)C 3.65–3.85Sn Max.0.10 Si 2.15–2.795Cu Max.0.60 S Max.0.15Mo Max.0.10 P Max.0.10Ni Max.0.20 Mn0.5–0.9Fe Balance Cr Max.0.25Microstructure Graphite type:1–1A(sheets) Grain size:ASTM3–4 Pearlite:90%min.Ferrite:5%max. Cementite:5%max.Hardness170–217HBS.Betancourt et al./Wear272 (2011) 43–4945Fig.1.Details of positioning of the samples(a–c)and general aspect of pin-on-disc tribometer(d). tion as seen in Fig.2.All samples presented crystalline andamorphous phases associated to carbonaceous material and crys-tals of inorganic substances.Identification of diffraction angles andmineral substance is summarized in Table4as a function of car-bonization temperature.Table3Chemical composition of carbonaceousfibers measured by elemental analysis.Element(wt.%)SampleT1000T1200T1400Carbon66.6775.9180.12Hydrogen 1.37 1.21 1.29Nitrogen0.520.530.33Sulphur0.120.090.12Oxygen14.059.568.08Table4Crystallographic analysis of carbonaceousfibers(refer to Fig.2).Sample Peak2Â(◦)Mineral/chemical formulaT 1000a29.50Calcite/CaCO3b31.95Butschliite/K2Ca(CO3)2 c33.30d43.64T 1200e31.16Butschliite/K2Ca(CO3)2 f33.32g42.92T 1400h26.35Calciumcarbide/CaC2i32.65T1000samples show peaks corresponding to calcium and potas-sium crystals such as Calcite(CaCO3)and Butschliite(K2Ca2(CO3)3),the latter being a non-conventional phase found in wood ashesaccording to Winbo et al.[20].Amorphous region showsdiffuseFig.2.X-ray diffractograms of samples obtained by different processing parameters.Diffuse bands around2Â=26◦and44◦correspond to(002)and(100)planes of agraphite-like carbon structure.Peaks a to i are identified in Table4.46S.Betancourt et al./Wear 272 (2011) 43–49Fig.3.Friction force vs.testing time curves.Non-reinforced phenolic resin (a)and samples with 7.5%reinforcement content:T 1000(b),T 1200(c)and T 1400(d).bands at 2Â=26.5◦and 42.4◦,which correspond to typical crys-talline planes of non-graphitic carbon materials (002and 100,respectively)[21–23].Structural changes are observed in T 1200and T 1400samples due to the changes in thermal history.Calcite inorganic mineralpeak disappears and a slight shift of Butschliite peak is observed.Also,T 1400samples show a new crystalline phase identified as cal-cium carbide,which is not observed in T 1000and T 1200samples.Intensity of carbon 002and 100peaks increased for both sam-ples.Packing of basic structural unities (graphenes)along c axisisFig.4.Coefficient of friction (a)and wear rate (b)of phenolic resin and carbonaceous composites in pin-on-disc tests.S.Betancourt et al./Wear272 (2011) 43–4947Fig.5.Aspect of the worn surface of reinforcement-free resin.SEM.The arrows represent the sliding direction.a thermal activated process which occurs at temperatures higher to1000◦C[24].3.1.Friction coefficient and wear resistanceAfter a running-in period that lasted around100s for all the samples,a stable friction force was measured during testing of both phenolic and composite samples,as can be verified,for instance,in Fig.3where the friction force vs.testing time curves for non-reinforced phenolic resin samples and T1000,T1200and T1400 samples with7.5%of carbonaceousfiber content are shown.Results of the measurements of stable friction coefficient dur-ing pin-on-disc tests are shown in Fig.4.All composites exhibit an important reduction of friction coefficient as the carbon content is increased.The maximum relative reduction(near to40%)was observed for12.5%carbon content in T1200samples(Fig.4a). Fig.6.Aspect of the worn surface of composite pin.SEM.The arrows represent the sliding direction.48S.Betancourt et al./Wear 272 (2011) 43–49Fig.7.Aspect of the worn surface of grey iron disc SEM.Arrow represents sliding direction.Darker zones correspond to polymer adhered to the disc’s surface.The reduction in wear rate with the addition of carbonaceous fibers was much more dramatic,with relative variations up to 85%with respect to pure phenolic resin,as seen in Fig.4b.The results did not reveal statistical differences among the wear rates of samples T 1000with 2.5,5.0,and 7.5%of carbonaceous fibers.Similar results were obtained for T 1200composites with the same reinforcement content.According to friction coefficient and wear rate results,the addition of carbonaceous fibers to phenolic resin led to an improve-ment in tribological behavior due to significant reduction in wear rates while the friction coefficient values remained quite stable.This behavior can be attributed to the presence of graphite-like crystalline layers into the amorphous structure of carbonaceous material,which were detected by means of X-ray diffraction (see diffuse bands in diffractograms of Fig.2),as well as to the benefi-cial effect of the detachment of carbonaceous fibers that remain trapped between the composite and the cast iron during the tests.3.2.Examination of worn surfacesThe typical aspect of the worn surface of fiber-free phenolic resin samples is shown in Fig.5.Plastic deformation is observed up to some extent (Fig.5a and b)and evidences of fatigue-related wear mechanisms are clearly identified in Fig.5c where a parti-cle of material is about to be detached as a result of the joining of cracks that grew parallel to the contact surface.The character-istic pattern consisting of regularly spaced cracks perpendicular to the sliding direction (Fig.5d)has been previously observed in thermoset polymers sliding against smooth surfaces [25,26].These marks were systematically observed at the worn surface of the fiber-free samples and effectively denote the occurrence of fatigue-related phenomena.Crazing evidences can also be observed in Fig.5d,which are normally expected in polymers submitted to sliding wear conditions.In regards to composite samples,worn surface examination revealed a random distribution of carbonaceous fibers,with nopreferred orientation with respect to the sliding direction.Fig.6a shows a low magnification image of the surface of a typical sam-ple,where a number of features such as holes and incomplete carbonaceous fibers can be observed.Typical vascular plant mor-phology can be observed in carbonaceous fibers,Fig.6b and c,in a region where the fibers were broken and the inner part was exposed.Similarly to what was found in fiber-free pheno-lic resin samples,crazing and surface fatigue of the polymer are the dominant wear mechanisms,although some cracks were observed along the fibers as well.A fragment of broken fibers clearly shows the morphology of carbonaceous fibers which retain cellular features from precursor and evidences the fracture of carbonaceous material as one of the active wear mechanisms,Fig.6d.Regarding the analysis of the disc’s surface,evidences of adhe-sion of phenolic resin on the disc were found by SEM as shown in Fig.7.In Fig.7a,a slightly darker region that corresponds to the mark left by the fragments of matrix attached to the asperities of the surface of the disc during sliding contact can be observed.Accord-ing to the detailed examination of the worn surfaces,it can be said that initially the resin partially fills the valleys of the surface rough-ness of the disc and next it continues to accumulate in the whole contact area (Fig.7b–d).Therefore,two main wear mechanisms are active:adhesive wear and surface fatigue.A sequence of events occurring during sliding of composite sam-ples against cast iron is proposed according to the analysis of worn surfaces (Fig.8):once pin and disc surfaces are put in contact,stresses are produced by effect of the normal load and tangential forces during sliding.The main wear mechanisms of phenolic resin are adhesion and surface fatigue.On the other hand,once the car-bonaceous fibers get in contact with cast iron they crack and suffer brittle fracture.Some fragments remain at the interface between pin and disk so the carbonaceous material is crushed and a fine powder is formed.Then,a fine distribution of carbonaceous parti-cles is spread over the contact interface acting as a solid lubricant that provides the conditions for the stable friction coefficient and reduced wear rate observed in the experiments.S.Betancourt et al./Wear272 (2011) 43–4949Fig.8.Schematic of the sequence of events leading to wear of phenolic matrix composites reinforced with carbonaceousfibers in contact with cast iron.4.ConclusionsThe tribological behavior of phenolic resin composites rein-forced with carbonaceousfibers sliding against cast iron was studied.A reduction in wear rate of composites was observed with the increase in carbonaceousfiber volume fraction.Friction coef-ficient also showed a trend to reduce with the increase offiber volume fraction,although the measured values were close to those found in pure phenolic resin samples.Adhesion,surface fatigue and crazing were identified as the dominant wear mechanisms of the phenolic matrix while brittle fracture was the main cause of detachment of carbonaceousfibers.The analysis of the worn surfaces revealed that a signifi-cant amount of carbonaceous material removed from the matrix remained at the interface between the composite pins and metallic discs,which was associated to prevention of adhesive wear of the phenolic matrix and a possible function of carbonaceous material as a solid lubricant.References[1]C.Byrne,D.Nagle,Carbonization of wood for advanced materials applications,Carbon35(1997)259–266.[2]P.Greil,Biomorphous ceramics from 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look and say
What is the girl doing?
Do you know
Many hobbies can give us knowledge. Take birdwatching for example. People watch wild birds in nature, and get to know their names, looks and habits. Today, there are more and more birdwatchers.
➢ get to know 了解;逐渐了解 know v.知道 knowledge n.知识 knowledgeable adj.知识渊博的
➢ look n.看;外貌; v.看(前调看的动作); have alook 看一看 have a look at...看一看.... have a good look 有好的外貌 look at...看.. look +adj.看起来怎么样
02 Language points
知识点 What is the girl doing ?
What is/are sb doing sth? 某人在做什么? Sb is/am/are doing sth. 某人正在做什么?
there be 表示某个时间或地方“存在”某人或某物,而have 表示主语“拥有”某人或某物,作宾语的某人或某物属主语所 有。
02 Listening
Look at the pictures, can you guess what happened?
Listen to the school news report and choose the best title.



SYLLABLE AFFILIA TION OF FINAL CONSONANT CLUSTERS UNDERGOES A PHASE TRANSITION OVERSPEAKING RA TESPhilip Gleason, Betty Tuller, & J. A. Scott KelsoProgram in Complex Sy stems and Brain SciencesCenter for Complex Sy stems, Florida Atlantic UniversityABSTRACT Previous work (Tuller & Kelso, 1990) reported achange in sy llable affiliation, which was reflected by a change in the relative phase, of glottal and lip movements, as the rate of speaking a VC sy llable increased. That is /ip#ip#.../ becomes /pi#pi#.../ as speaking rate is sy stematically increased. Here we report a change in the syllable affiliation of part of a final consonant cluster; /opt#opt#.../ becomes /top#top#.../ at higher speaking rates. The relative phase between the time series generated by two supralary ngeal structures, the lip and tongue tip, was measured in three way s, by discrete Fourier transform, by the cospectrum, and by dy namic time warping. Speaking rate was controlled using a metronome that began at 1 Hz and increased to 3.25 Hz in 0.083 Hz steps every 12 repetitions. Subjects repeated the target word "opt," "hopped," or "top" in time with the metronome while movements of their tongue, tongue blade, lower lip, and jaw were tracked by an alternating magnetic field device, the Articulograph AG100. Phonetic analy sis confirmed the presence of a transition from VCC to CVC sy llable at higher speaking rates. The perceptual change corresponds to a statisticall significant change in the measurements of relative phase, indicating that perceived s llable affiliation is determined, to some extent, by relative timing of articulatory events. This effect is consistent across the five subjects whose results are reported here. Three methods of measuring relative timing are compared, and the theoretical issues behind these methods are discussed.1. METHOD1.1. Articulatory RecordingAn Articulograph (AG100, manufactured by Carstens Medizinelektronik GmbH) was used to track movements of the tongue, lips, and jaw. This device uses three radio transmitters mounted on a helmet, with the transmitters distributed equally around the helmet on the midline, to track the movements of up to five small (3 mm X 3 mm X 1 mm) receivers (referred to as pellets) which are glued to a subject's mouth using a surgical adhesive. A pair of thin wires from each pellet led out of the subject's mouth to a preamplifier clipped to a towel around the subject's neck.The first pellet was placed under the upper lip on the maxilla just below the frenulum as an unmoving reference point. The second receiver was placed on the corresponding point on the mandible to track jaw movements, the third on the vermilion border of the lower lip on the mid-sagittal plane, the fourth on the centerline of the tongue blade 3 cm. from the tongue tip, and the fifth on the lower surface of the tongue tip so as not to interfere with the production of /t/.The Articulograph signal was recorded by a micro-computer, while the subject's speech was recorded by a VAX mini-computer. The two recordings were synchronized by a signal at the start of recording, and by start and stop time stamps written by the recording software.1.2. SubjectsSubjects were undergraduates at Florida Atlantic University who participated in the experiment for course credit and graduate student volunteers. Ten subjects were recorded and five of those subjects were analyzed. Subjects were rejected because of instrumental failure, or because the subject failed to follow the metronome, even at slow apeeds or failed to produce sy llables which could be evaluated as "opt" or "top".1.3. ProcedureDuring the experimental session, the subject was asked to repeat a word in time with a metronome click presented over plastic airline headphones. The metronome's rate was increased by 1/12 Hz every 12 beats, from 1.0 Hz to 3.25 Hz. giving a total of 28 plateaus of steady speaking rate. The subject was seated in a sound insulated booth, wearing the Articulograph helmet and the airline headphones. A boom microphone was placed approximately 3 inches in front of the subject.The subject inevitably had to take several breaths during a trial and was instructed to stop speaking while inhaling, to resume speaking at themetronome frequency, and to keep pace with the metronome. The subject was also told that her pronunciation might not be as good at higher speeds. If she felt a change of pronunciation occurring she should allow it to happen, and concentrate on keeping pace with the metronome. Five trials of the target word "opt" were recorded, followed by five trials of the target word "hopped", followed by five trials of "top." This order of blocking trials was intended to keep the subject from switching to "top" deliberately. In what follows, we omit discussion of "hopped" trials. These three target words were chosen because lip closure for /p/ and tongue contact with the alveolar ridge for /t/ are clear points of demarcation in both the Articulograph trace and the acoustic recording.2. ANALYSIS2.1. Three Measures of Relative PhaseThe Discrete Fourier Transform is applied to each syllable, as defined by the peak-to-peak distance of the y direction of the tongue tip trace. A DFT is calculated for both the tongue tip y motion, and the lower lip y motion over the same time window. The difference between the phase of the first components of these two DFTs yields the relative phase. The DFT method suffers from the use of arctan, but for this data it is a good method if the movements of the articulators are roughly sinusoidal. To the extent that the shape of a cycle deviates from a sinusoid the phase value is significantly altered by redistributing weight between the real and imaginary components. An advantage of the method is its insensitivity to high frequency noise. Cospectrum is used to calculate relative phase by taking a peak to peak interval in one time series which determines a window. A cospectrum is calculated between two time series over that window, and the relative phase between the two series is the phase of the first component of the DFT. This method is analytically the same as the first method, but the resulting values are different for numerical reasons. The statistical results based on this method were the same as those based on the first method.Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) is an algorithm which finds the optimal (lowest cost) order-preserving alignment between two sequences for a given cost function. Fig 1 shows the DTW alignment of two time series of Articulograph data. Note that peaks are aligned to peaks, valleys to valley s, and that inflection points are also aligned.roughly the same length as one of the input time series, while the DFT and cospectrum produce one value per cycle. In the analysis the mean value per cycle (defined as a peak to peak window) of the DTW was used as the "relative phase".2.2. Plateau Alignment Subjects varied from trial to trial in the speaking rate at which they made the transition from producing a syllable perceived as "opt" to one perceived as "top". Plateaus were aligned across trials in order to align the first transition point, defined as the first instance in which the subject produced an "opt" followed by three "top"'s. The plateau in which the transition occurred was labeled plateau 0, and previous plateaus were numbered -1, -2, etc. to -6. Following plateaus were numbered 1, 2, etc. to 6. Thus a window of 13 plateaus centered the point of first transition was used in the analysis. All 5 of a subject's "opt" trials were aligned and pooled. "top" trials were paired with "opt" trials and aligned on the basis of speaking rate, then pooled across trials to form a set of 13 plateaus which could be compared to the 13 plateaus from the "opt" trials.2.3. Pre-transition & Post-transition AnalysisSeparate statistical analyses were run on pre-transition plateaus, and on post-transition plateaus. Subjects' productions were spearated on the basis of whether a listener perceived the syllable as "opt" or "top". In the pre-transition case productions were either "opt" or "top". In the post-transition plateaus there were three types of productions: "opt", "top" and "opt>top" which is a "top" production which occurred in an "opt" trial as the result of rapid speech. The pre-transition analy sis included 5 subjects, and 6 plateaus (-6..-1); the post-transition analy sis included 5 subjects and 7 plateaus (0..6).3. RESULTSThe DFT and DTW measures and the cospectrum measure gave nearly identical results as far as the main effects of interest here are concerned. For the sake of brevity we will report only the cospectrum measure.In the pre-transition plateaus there were main effects (p<0.05 or better) of subject, F(4,17)=37.87, and percept F(1,11)=8.89. There was no significant main effect of plateau, F(5,83)=0.08, and there were no significant interactions.In the post-transition plateaus there weresignificant main effects of subject F(4,17)=28.83 and of production F(2,28)=31.48. There was no significant effect of plateau nor were there any interactions. In addition Tukey 's Studentized Range (HSD) Test revealed that "top" productions from "opt" trials were no different from "top"productions from "top" trials, but both were significantly different from "opt" productions.Figure 2 shows the distribution of the mean relative phase between tongue and lip motion, averaged across trials of "opt" and "top", pre- and post-transition. Note there are clear differences in the timing relations for the two utterances. Also, when "opt" switches to "top", the relative phase adopts the appropriate value of the "new" syllabic form.There was no consistent increase in the variance of the relative phase in the plateaus immediately preceding the transition plateau. However, the mode of the relative phase distributions for each pre-transition plateau showed a slow andconsistent shift toward the relative phase values associated with productions of "top".1111111JJJJ J JJJJ JJ J JH HHH H H HH HHH HH-0.6-0.55-0.5-0.45-0.4-0.35-0.3-0.25-0.2 R e l a t i v e p h a s etransition plateauOPTTOPOPT>TOP Figure 2. Mean relative phase (radians) of tongue and lip motion around the transition plateau.Triangle = "opt", circle = "top", X = "opt>top".4. DISCUSSIONRelative phase is clearly a correlate of syllable affiliation. Measuring relative phase is a difficult issue because jaw, lip and tongue movements are not sinusoidal (see Fig 1), and so using Fourier analysis is an approximation to the shape of speech gestures. Nevertheless, with a metronome and iterated speech, a speaker's movements aresufficiently regular that the significance of relative phase to perception has been demonstrated. A more fine grained method of analysis, the DTW, proved to be too sensitive although it is possible that some other measure derived from the DTW would be better than the mean value per cycle.The data did not show an increase in variance near the point of transition. Thus the notion that the change of syllable affiliation reflects a second order phase transition is not supported (or the experimentally determined timescales are notoptimal for detecting such transitions). Instead, the trend of the mode of the per plateau distributions indicates a smooth transition between sy llable affiliations. This view is supported by the phonetic observation that there are intermediate statesbetween "opt-opt" and "top-top", i.e. the /t/ becomes ambisy llabic. This smooth transition is reminiscent of other motor behaviors, such as the relative coordination between the arms and legs which exhibit slow shifts in the phasing due to eigenfrequency differences among the components. (Kelso & Jeka, 1995).Acknowledgements This work was supported by National Institutes of Mental Health Training Grant in Complex Systems and Brain Sciences MH 19116.5. REFERENCES1. Jeka, J. J., & Kelso, J. A. S. (1995). ManipulatingSymmetry in the Coordination Dynamics of Human Movement. Journal of Experimental Psy chology : Human Perception and Performance, 21 (2), 360-3742. Tuller, B., & Kelso, J. A. S. (1990). PhaseTransitions in Speech Production and Their Perceptual Consequences. In Jeannerod (Ed.), Attention & Performance XIII , (pp. 429-451).。




2.学习—表现差异(learning-performance distinction):个体学到的和在外显行为中表达出来或做出来之间的差异。

3.经典条件作用(classical conditioning):一种由一个刺激或事件预示另一个刺激或事件之到来的基本学习方式。

4.无条件刺激(unconditioned stimulus,UCS):任何能够自然引起有机体反射性行为的刺激。

5.无条件反应(unconditioned response,UCR):由无条件刺激引发的反应。

6.中性刺激(neutral stimulus,NS):一种通常在UCS—UCR反射中无任何意义的刺激。

7.条件刺激(conditioned stimulus,CS):与无条件刺激相匹配的中性刺激,如巴甫洛夫实验中的声音,被称为条件刺激,因为它诱发UCR行为的力量是以它与UCS的联系为条件的。

8.条件反应(conditioned response,CR):由条件刺激单独引发的反应。


10.消退(extinction):若多次呈现条件刺激,却始终没有无条件刺激与之相伴出现,有机体的条件反应就会逐渐减弱,甚至不再反应11.自发恢复(spontaneous recovery):已经消退的条件反应,经过一段时间后,通常能够再次被条件刺激激发而出现。

12.刺激泛化(stimulus generalization):当条件作用建立之后,一些和条件刺激相类似的刺激,虽然它们从来没有和无条件刺激匹配过,也能引起有机体不同程度的反应。

13.刺激辨别(stimulus discrimination):和刺激泛化相反,是指有机体通过学习,能够在一些维度上将条件刺激和其他刺激区别开来,选择性地对条件刺激做出反应的现象。




今天为大家带来的是ACCA F2重要考点解析1.Target cost= target selling price –target profit = market price – desired profit margin.2.cost gap= estimated cost – target cost.3.TQM :①preventing costs② appraisal costs③ internal failure costs④external failure cost3.Alternative costing principle: ①ABC(activity based costing)②Target costing③Life cycle ④TQMspeyre=5.Paashe price index=7.Fisher =8.Time series: ①trend②seasonal variation: ⑴ 加法模型sum to zero; ⑵ 乘法模型sum to 4 ③cyclical variation④random variation9.pricipal budget factor 关键预算因子:be limited the activities10.budget purpose :①communication ②coordination ③compel the plan④motivative employees ⑤resource allocation11.Budget committee 的功能:①coordinated②administration12.Budget : ①function budget ②master budget : 1. P&L ; 2. B/S ; 3. Cash Flow13.Fixed Budget: 不是在于固不固定,而是基于一个业务量的考虑,financail expression.Flexible Budget: 包含了固定成本和变动成本,并且变动成本的变化是随着业务量的变化而改变。



Multichannel ellipsometer for real time spectroscopy of thin film deposition from 1.5 to 6.5 eVJ. A. Zapien, R. W. Collins, and R. MessierCitation: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 71, 3451 (2000); doi: 10.1063/1.1288260View online: /10.1063/1.1288260View Table of Contents: /resource/1/RSINAK/v71/i9Published by the American Institute of Physics.Related ArticlesMulti-channel far-infrared HL-2A interferometer-polarimeterRev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 10E336 (2012)Collinearity alignment of probe beams in a laser-based Faraday effect diagnosticRev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 10E320 (2012)Spatial heterodyne Stokes vector imaging of the motional Stark-Zeeman multipletRev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 10D510 (2012)Far-infrared polarimetry diagnostic for measurement of internal magnetic field dynamics and fluctuations in the C-MOD Tokamak (invited)Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 10E316 (2012)First results from the J-TEXT high-resolution three-wave polarimeter-interferometerRev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 10E306 (2012)Additional information on Rev. Sci. Instrum.Journal Homepage: Journal Information: /about/about_the_journalTop downloads: /features/most_downloadedInformation for Authors: /authorsMultichannel ellipsometer for real time spectroscopy of thinfilm deposition from1.5to6.5eVJ.A.Zapien,R.W.Collins,a)and R.MessierDepartment of Engineering Science and Mechanics and the Materials Research Laboratory,The Pennsylvania State University,University Park,Pennsylvania16802͑Received9March2000;accepted for publication9June2000͒A rotating polarizer multichannel ellipsometer has been optimized for operation well into theultraviolet͑UV͒spectral range.With this instrument,132spectral points in the ellipsometricparameters͑␺,⌬͒over the photon energy range from1.5eV͑827nm͒to6.5eV͑191nm͒can becollected in a minimum acquisition time of24.5ms,corresponding to one optical cycle of therotating polarizer.Averages over two and80optical cycles͑obtained in49ms and1.96s,respectively͒give standard deviations in͑␺,⌬͒of less than͑0.04°,0.08°͒and͑0.007°,0.015°͒,respectively,for the energy range from3.5to6.0eV,as determined from successive measurementsof a stable thermally oxidized silicon wafer.Key modifications to previous instrument designsinclude:͑i͒a tandem in-line Xe/D2source configuration for usable spectral output from1.5to6.5eV;͑ii͒MgF2Rochon polarizers for high transmission in the UV without the need for opticalactivity corrections;͑iii͒a spectrograph with a grating blazed at250nm and two stages of internallymounted order-sortingfilters;and͑iv͒nonuniform grouping of the pixels of the photodiode arraydetector for a more uniform spectral resolution versus photon energy,with energy spreads per pixelgroup ranging from0.02eV at1.6eV to0.05eV at5.1eV.As an example of the application of thisinstrument,results of real time spectroscopic ellipsometry studies are reported for the deposition ofan amorphous silicon nitride thinfilm by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering onto a silicon wafersubstrate.©2000American Institute of Physics.͓S0034-6748͑00͒04909-1͔I.INTRODUCTIONReal time spectroscopic ellipsometry͑RTSE͒has beenapplied widely in thinfilm studies to characterize the evolu-tion offilm thicknesses,optical properties,and micro-structure.1In the instrument designfirst applied by Kimet al.,2the basic components of the rotating polarizer multi-channel ellipsometer include:͑i͒a Xe lamp as a broadbandsource,͑ii͒collimating optics,͑iii͒a continuously rotatingpolarizer,͑iv͒a reflecting sample,͑v͒afixed analyzer,͑vi͒focusing optics,͑vii͒a prism spectrograph,and͑viii͒a pho-todiode array͑PDA͒detection system.Such an instrumentis capable of collecting spectra in the ellipsometry angles ͑␺,⌬͒and the polarized reflectance R simultaneously with a minimum acquisition time of␲/␻ϳ15ms,where␻is the polarizer angular rotation frequency.3,4The spectra obtainedby current state-of-the-art multichannel ellipsometers typi-cally range from1.5to4.5eV with the upper limit depend-ing sensitively on the instrument design and sample reflec-tance.This spectral range of operation severely limits theanalysis capabilities in studies of wide band gap materials,examples being nitrides and oxides which are useful in avariety of applications extending from microelectronics tooptical and wear-resistant coatings.Although ellipsometerswith single channel detection have been applied for manyyears covering the spectral range from1.5to5.5eV,5andmore recently to an upper spectral limit of6.5eV,6,7they do so with the use of scanning double monochromators and long collection times.As a result,such instrument designs are unsuitable for adaptation to real time spectroscopy of thin film growth.With the increasing demands in wide band gap materials performance and reliability,there is a compelling need to extend the upper limit of RTSE deeper into the ultraviolet ͑UV͒above5.0eV.In this way one can take full advantage of the capabilities of the technique,as has been demonstrated for Si-based thinfilms studied over the1.5–4.5eV spectral range.8The primary spectral limitation in the UV for current multichannel ellipsometer designs results from a sharp re-duction in the irradiance output of the light source,a high-pressure Xe lamp,for photon energies above3.5eV.This effect is often compounded by a reduction in the spectral throughput of the ellipsometer.For example,the reflection efficiency of the spectrograph grating may fall rapidly in the UV unless the grating is chosen with a blaze approaching the lowest accessible wavelengths.In addition,the low light lev-els at the UV-detecting pixels of the PDA must compete with the stray light originating from the stronger visible light that enters the spectrograph in parallel.Stray light can have a number of sources ranging from defects in the optical com-ponents of the spectrograph to multiple reflections between the protective window of the PDA and the array surface.9 In this article,we describe in detail the design enhance-ments to the rotating-polarizer multichannel ellipsometer that result in a useful spectral range in͕(␺,⌬),R͖from1.5eV ͑827nm͒to6.5eV͑191nm͒,while maintaining high speed data acquisition necessary for RTSE.10In addition to thea͒Author to whom correspondence should be addressed;electronic mail:rwc6@REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS VOLUME71,NUMBER9SEPTEMBER200034510034-6748/2000/71(9)/3451/10/$17.00©2000American Institute of Physicsinstrument design details,we provide an illustrative example of the application of the instrument for thin film growth analysis.In this example,the deposition of an amorphous silicon nitride (a -SiN x )thin film on a crystalline Si (c -Si)wafer by reactive radio-frequency ͑rf ͒magnetron sputtering is characterized using a two-layer model that simulates the separate processes of interface formation and bulk film growth.II.INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENTFigure 1shows a schematic of the components of the UV-extended multichannel ellipsometer designed to span the photon energy range from 1.5to 6.5eV.In this instrument design,the broadband source incorporates a see-through deu-terium (D 2)lamp 11with the conventional high-pressure Xe lamp mounted behind it.The combined emission from this tandem Xe–D 2source configuration can be tailored by ad-justing an iris between the two lamps and,thus,controlling the irradiance from the Xe lamp that is allowed to pass through the center of the discharge of the D 2lamp.An UV achromatic objective 12is used to collimate the combined source output.The achromatic objective was preferred over an off-axis parabolic mirror for the following two reasons.First,the mirror was found to provide less collimating power for a weak,extended source such as the D 2lamp,and sec-ond,the mirror also made it more difficult to eliminate un-desirable source polarization effects which lead to errors in the data for the rotating polarizer configuration.In the instrument design of Fig.1,the rotating polarizer and fixed analyzer are constructed from MgF 2Rochon elements.13The advantages of MgF 2over quartz elements used in earlier ellipsometer designs 14include lower reflection losses,the absence of optical activity effects,and most im-portantly,greater transmittance above 5.7eV.The rotating polarizer element is specified by the manufacturer as gener-ating a displacement of Ͻ1arc min ͑or Ͻ0.02°͒in the trans-mitted beam over the rotational period.13This narrow speci-fication minimizes the possibility of periodic beam misalignment as the polarizer rotates.In fact,irradiance mea-surements performed over half rotations of the polarizer agree to better than 0.05%,indicating that such spatial dis-placements are experimentally insignificant.A second UV achromatic objective is mounted after the fixed analyzer to focus the collimated beam onto the entrance slit of the spectrograph.The detection stage consists of a grating spectrograph 15and a silicon PDA detector with 1024pixels.16The spectrograph uses an aberration-corrected holo-graphic grating with 285grooves/mm blazed at 250nm.A nonuniform pixel-grouping mode ͑26pixels @16ϫ;40pix-els @8ϫ;and 66pixels @4ϫ͒has been used to improve the photon energy resolution at high energy which would other-wise degrade due to the linear dispersion of the diffraction grating versus wavelength.In this nonuniform grouping mode,a photon energy spread per pixel group has been ob-tained that closely matches the spectrograph resolution for the 0.1mm slit used here ͑see Table I ͒.Figure 2presents the unprocessed PDA output ͑in arbi-trary units ͒for the Xe lamp alone and for the tandem Xe–D 2source,both measured in the straight-through configuration.Also shown are the positions of two thin ͑0.07and 0.19mm ͒plastic color filters 17mounted directly on top of the silicon PDA that serve to reject higher order diffractions from the grating.The inset of Fig.2shows the transmittance of both filters as measured by the PDA.For the UV-extended multi-channel ellipsometer,two filters have been preferred over a previous single filter design 18for two reasons.First,with the extended UV range there is a need to reject the second order diffraction for wavelengths as short as 380nm ͑3.26eV ͒.Second,when relying on a single filter,it is necessary for its cutoff wavelength to be sharp and as close as possible to theTABLE I.͑a ͒Photon energy spread ⌬E per pixel group for the 1024pixel PDA of the UV-extended multichannel ellipsometer,using uniform and nonuniform pixel grouping modes;͑b ͒the full width at half-maximum ͑FWHM ͒of spectral lines from a low pressure mercury lamp using a fully ungrouped mode with 0.05and 0.1mm spectrograph entrance slits.͑a ͒Energy spread per pixel group Uniform grouping Nonuniform grouping Energy ͑eV ͒Group size ⌬E ͑eV ͒Group size ⌬E ͑eV ͒1.6080.01160.022.2480.02160.042.3180.0280.023.5080.0580.053.5480.0540.035.0780.1040.056.3980.1640.08͑b ͒Spectrograph resolution FWHM of the emission lines ofa low pressure Hg lamp Energy ͑eV ͒0.05mm slit0.10mm slit2. of the rotating polarizer multichannel ellipsometer ca-pable of covering the 1.5–6.5eV spectral range.The maximum polarizer rotation frequency is 20.4Hz.3452Rev.Sci.Instrum.,Vol.71,No.9,September 2000Zapien,Collins,and Messierhighest photon energy where second order diffraction is present.As a result,a loss in the detected intensity in favor of a gain in rejection efficiency is unavoidable.Figure 2and its inset shows that with the two filters selected here,second order rejection has been achieved with minimum irradiance losses.With the use of the tandem Xe–D 2source and this two filter scheme,a remarkably flat spectral output over the energy range from 2.0to 5.5eV has been achieved ͑see Fig.2͒.In the present configuration,the PDA outputs drop from their peak values by a factor of 20at 4.1eV when the Xe lamp alone is used and at 6.6eV when the tandem Xe–D 2source is used.Above these photon energies,stray light cor-rections are essential to maintain accuracy.9The new instrument is well suited for real time charac-terization of wide band gap materials.For the first applica-tions of this new instrument,a magnetron sputtering system is mounted at the vertical goniometer axis of the ellipsometer as shown in Fig.1.Optical access is provided by two vitre-ous silica windows mounted on ultrahigh vacuum ͑UHV ͒compatible flanges.The substrate holder is attached to a pre-cision x –y –z -tilt manipulator that allows precise alignment of the sample using controls external to the vacuum system.The substrate holder can be heated to 400°C and biased using either pulsed direct current or rf.Materials of interest that can be deposited in the present configuration include boron nitride ͑BN ͒,silicon nitrides (SiN x ),silicon oxyni-trides (SiO y N x ),and tantalum oxide (Ta 2O 5),among others.For the application presented here,an a -SiN x thin film was deposited using rf plasma excitation.Further details of the specific deposition process studied here are given in Sec.IV.III.INSTRUMENT THEORY AND OPERATIONA comprehensive review of the calibration,error correc-tion,and data reduction for rotating polarizer multichannelellipsometers in general can be found in the literature.19Here,we emphasize detection system error correction,in-strument calibration,and data reduction as it relates to the performance of the instrument at high energy.In addition,we highlight various improvements in error correction estab-lished since the previous reports.9,19First,in Sec.III A the basic mode of data collection will be reviewed for an ideal ͑error-free ͒system.Characterization and correction of themain error sources for the UV-extended multichannel ellip-someter will be discussed in Sec.III B.Finally,Sec.III C outlines the determination of the polarizer and analyzer cali-bration angles and summarizes data reduction.A.Data collection principlesFor an error-free system with a polarizer mechanical ro-tation frequency of ␻,the irradiance at any pixel k of the detector exhibits the wave formI k Ј͑t ͒ϭI 0k Ј͑1ϩ␣k Јcos 2␻t ϩ␤k Јsin 2␻t ͒.͑1͒Here ␣kЈand ␤k Јare the normalized 2␻Fourier coefficients of the irradiance wave form,uncorrected for the absolute phase of polarizer rotation.Because the PDA is an integrating de-tector,these coefficients can be determined from the follow-ing equations:␣kЈϭͩ␲2ͪ͑S 1k ϪS 2k ϪS 3k ϩS 4k ͒/͑S 1k ϩS 2k ϩS 3k ϩS 4k ͒,͑2a ͒␤kЈϭͩ␲2ͪ͑S 1k ϩS 2k ϪS 3k ϪS 4k ͒/͑S 1k ϩS 2k ϩS 3k ϩS 4k ͒.͑2b ͒Here the ͕S jk ,j ϭ1,...,4͖values represent the raw data;each value is an integration of the irradiance wave form over the time interval between two successive readouts ͑i.e.,the exposure time ͒.Readouts are triggered four times per optical cycle ͑one-half mechanical cycle ͒synchronously with the polarizer rotation using the output of an optical encoder.As a result,the exposure time is ␲/4␻.For an error-free ellip-someter aligned in the straight-through configuration with the sample removed,the light entering the fixed analyzer should be linearly polarized.Under these conditions,the re-sidual function should vanish for all pixels k .This function is defined byR k ϭ1Ϫ͑␣k Ј2ϩ␤k Ј2͒1/2.͑3͒Deviations in R k from zero can be traced to various errors including source polarization,ellipsometer misalignment,polarizer imperfections,and detection system errors such as nonlinearity and image persistence.The residual function will be studied in detail when image persistence errors are considered in Sec.III B.Ellipsometer calibration also employs the residual func-tion as discussed in Sec.III C.Calibration procedures deter-mine the absolute phase of the wave form of Eq.͑1͒in terms of the true angle of the polarizer transmission axis P Ј,mea-sured with respect to the plane of incidence.Specifically,such procedures identify the value of P Јat the onset of the S 1k integration.This value denoted ϪP Sk is a linear function of pixel group number k ͑for uniform grouping ͒with a slope equal to the polarizer rotation during the elapsed time be-tween the readout of two successive pixel groups.B.Systematic errorsThe principles described in Sec.III A assume instrument ideality.In practice,several systematic errors specifictoFIG.2.Unprocessed output of the photodiode array ͑in arbitrary units ͒plotted vs photon energy obtained in the straight-through configuration for a Xe lamp alone ͑light line ͒and for a tandem Xe–D 2source ͑bold line ͒.The inset shows the measured transmittance for filters 1͑line ͒and 2͑points ͒.3453Rev.Sci.Instrum.,Vol.71,No.9,September 2000Multichannel ellipsometerPDA detection systems have been identified and accounted for,including:͑i͒detector nonlinearity,͑ii͒detector image persistence,and͑iii͒spectrograph stray light.Previous stud-ies have shown that the nonlinearity effect varies signifi-cantly depending on the commercial supplier of the PDA. For the UV-extended multichannel ellipsometer,the detector nonlinearity has been characterized by measuring the inte-grated irradiance over increasingly long exposure times and by repeating this measurement using different spectrograph slit widths in order to vary the count rate at each detector pixel.With this procedure,count rates ranging from10to 1200counts/ms for integration times ranging from5to600 ms have been analyzed.͑The saturation level for this PDA system is214counts.͒Analyses of the observed counts ver-sus exposure time at the different pixels give linear regres-sion coefficients between0.99995and0.99999for the dif-ferent count rates used here.Such results are considered sufficient to rule out detector nonlinearity as a significant source of error for the purposes of ellipsometric measurements.9Stray light refers to the small fraction of light that reaches the detector after following a path different than the designed one.Sources of stray light include:͑i͒scattered background light within the spectrograph-detector enclosure;͑ii͒multiply reflected light between the detector element and its window;and͑iii͒leakage between detector pixel groups. To avoid stray light source͑ii͒,the detector window has been removed for the instrument developed here.Although a cor-rection procedure for source͑i͒has been developed,19it has yet to be implemented for the UV-extended ellipsometer. Because of the rapid falloff in the Xe lamp output,stray light corrections for photon energies aboveϳ4.1eV are required for previous multichannel ellipsometer designs.Owing to the remarkablyflat output of the tandem Xe–D2source,such corrections for the present design are not required in most applications even at energies as high as6.5eV.It is clear that for samples in which the reflected irradiance is strongly modulated,however,the͑␺,⌬͒data can be quite sensitive to stray light errors over the spectral ranges of low reflectance. As a result,stray light corrections are to be implemented in the future for highest accuracy.For the discussion to follow, it is important to remark that stray light may not contribute to errors in the residual function measured in the straight-through configuration because the linear polarization pro-duced is independent of photon energy,and hence,the stray and true light may be indistinguishable.As noted above,the experimental errors that contribute to a nonzero residual function include:͑i͒source polariza-tion,͑ii͒misalignment and imperfection of the optical com-ponents,and͑iii͒PDA image persistence.Figure3shows the residual function versus energy for the optimally aligned in-strument.The characteristic features observed here have been found to be reproducible throughout the system devel-opment and optimization,which included modification or re-placement of the Xe lamp,collimating optics,polarizer and analyzer elements,and spectrograph diffraction grating,as well as incorporation of the D2lamp.More definitive in-sights into the nature of the nonzero residual function were obtained by rotating the detector180°with respect to the diffraction grating.Upon rotation,the relationship between the pixel number and photon energy is reversed;however, the measured residual function deviations from zero were found to be precisely reversed as well.Thus,the measured errors are specific to the pixels of the detector.From more detailed studies to be described next,it was determined that a pixel-dependent image persistence factor was needed to cor-rect the errors in the residual function across the spectrum.The image persistence correction factor as a function of pixel number is estimated using two independent measure-ments.In thefirst,more direct approach,repetitive measure-ments versus time are performed as a fast shutter is being closed͑5ms open-to-close transfer time͒.For an image persistence-free detector,the integrated irradiance measured when the shutter is fully closed over the entire exposure time should be zero͑after background correction͒.In reality,how-ever,some counts are detected that persist from the previous nonzero detector readout͑when the shutter is at least par-tially open͒.The image persistence correction factor͑IPCF͒is then defined as the ratio of the persisting counts divided by the counts detected during the previous readout.This mea-surement must be done at the same high speed and grouping mode as the RTSE measurements.As a result,the determi-nation of the IPCF by this method has relatively poor signal to noise ratio.For this reason,a second method for determin-ing the IPCF is adopted.In this method,it is assumed that the entire error in the measured residual function is due to image persistence.The corresponding IPCF for each pixel group is then determined from a numerical inversion of the measured residual function at that group.The correct IPCF is given by the value that leads to a zero residual function.The good agreement between the IPCF measured by both tech-niques,as shown in Fig.4,supports the assumption that the contributions to the nonzero residual function from other sources of error are negligible.A measure of the residual function after implementation of an average IPCF obtained in multiple error analyses is shown in Fig.5͑a͒.The effect of the IPCF on measurements of a c-Si wafer substrate with a 20Ånative oxide is presented in Fig.5͑b͒.A considerable improvement in the⌬spectra at low energies can be ob-served.The effect of the IPCF in this region is more notice-able because the image persistence and the instrument sensi-tivity to systematic errors are both greaterhere.FIG.3.Residual function measured in the straight-through configuration for the well aligned UV-extended multichannel ellipsometer.The characteristic features shown here have been found to be reproducible throughout the ellipsometer optimization.3454Rev.Sci.Instrum.,Vol.71,No.9,September2000Zapien,Collins,and MessierC.Ellipsometer calibration and data reductionThe calibration procedures as they relate to the UV-extended operational range of the multichannel ellipsometer are described in this section.The general case has been treated extensively by Nguyen et al.19and includes incorpo-ration of the effects of source polarization as well as optical activity in both polarizer and analyzer elements.For the par-ticular case of the UV-extended multichannel ellipsometer,the use of MgF 2Rochon elements for the rotating polarizer and fixed analyzer eliminates the need for optical activity corrections.Further simplification of the description of Ref.19results because source polarization has been found to be negligible in the present instrument.Under these conditions,the theoretical irradiance at pixel group k of the detector is I k ͑t ͒ϭI 0k ͓1ϩ␣k cos 2͑␻t ϪP Sk ͒ϩ␤k sin 2͑␻t ϪP Sk ͔͒,͑4͒where the Fourier coefficients ␣k and ␤k are related to thecoefficients ␣k Јand ␤k Јof Eq.͑1͒through a 2P Sk rotationtransformation,i.e.,R (2P Sk )͕(␣Ј,␤Ј)͖→(␣,␤).The residual function calibration procedure relies on the fact that for a strongly absorbing isotropic sample measured at oblique incidence,the light beam reflected from thesample is linearly polarized only if the incident beam is lin-early polarized along the parallel (p)or perpendicular (s)directions with respect to the plane of incidence.14As the incident linear polarization is rotated away from these direc-tions,the reflected beam gradually acquires nonzero elliptic-ity.In the rotating polarizer configuration,a plot of the re-sidual function ͓see Eq.͑3͔͒versus the analyzer reading A yields minima in R (A )for A ϭA S ͑corresponding to the reading when the analyzer transmission axis lies in the p direction ͒and for A ϭA S ϩ␲/2͑corresponding to the reading when the analyzer transmission axis lies in the s direction ͒.The phase angle spectrum of the polarizer P Sk is obtained from the phase function which is defined by⌰͑A ͒ϭ͓tan Ϫ1͑␤Ј/␣Ј͔͒/2͑5a ͒ϭP Sk ϩ͕͓tan Ϫ1͑␤/␣͔͒/2͖͑5b ͒and evaluated at A ϭA S or A ϭA S ϩ␲/2to obtain the spectra in P Sk .In practice for higher accuracy,a second order poly-nomial fit to R (A )in the neighborhood of A ϭA S or A ϭA S ϩ␲/2is used ͑rather than the raw data ͒to determine the value of A ϭA S at which R (A )is a minimum.Similarly,a linear fit to ⌰(A )in the neighborhood of A ϭA S or A ϭA S ϩ␲/2is evaluated at A S to determine the spectrum in P Sk .For weakly absorbing materials,the residual function ap-proach fails and an alternative calibration method is pre-ferred.An effective alternative is based on the zone-difference phase function,defined by 20⌽͑A ͒ϵ⌰͑A ͒Ϫ⌰͑A ϩ␲/2͒.͑6͒The A -axis intercept of a linear fit to the experimental zone-difference phase function ⌽in the neighborhood of A ϭA S provides the value of A S .The P Sk spectrum can be obtained,as before,by evaluating the linear fit to the phase function Eqs.͑5͒at A S .The zone-difference phase function calibra-tion is most accurate for ͉⌬͉Ͻ30°or ͉⌬͉Ͼ150°,conditions found for weakly absorbing materials.An example of the zone-difference phase function method is presented in Fig.6for an optically polished glassy carbon sample.The results for A S and ␦P S are shown,where ␦P S represents the devia-tion of the experimental P Sk values from the best linearfitFIG.4.Image persistence correction factor ͑IPCF ͒measured independently from the ratio of the integrated irradiances between two successive readouts as a fast shutter is being closed ͑solid line ͒and from the residual function under the assumption that the departure from zero in the straight-through configuration is due solely to image persistence ͑points ͒.FIG.5.͑a ͒Residual function measurement after incorporation of the IPCF shown in Fig.4;͑b ͒measurement of a c -Si wafer with a 20Ånative oxide before ͑lines ͒and after ͑squares ͒incorporation of the IPCF in the data reduction.A uniform ͑8ϫ͒grouping mode wasused.FIG.6.Results of a zone-difference phase function calibration procedure for a bulk glassy carbon sample yielding the analyzer offset angle A S ͑i.e.,the analyzer scale reading when the transmission axis is aligned along the p direction ͒͑solid points ͒,and ͑ii ͒the deviation ␦P S in the polarizer phase angle from the best fitting linear function vs pixel number ͑open points ͒.3455Rev.Sci.Instrum.,Vol.71,No.9,September 2000Multichannel ellipsometerversus pixel number.Maximum deviations of 0.05°from the average values are obtained for both A S and ␦P S over the photon energy range from 2.0to 6.0eV.In summary,complete data analysis is performed as fol-lows.Once the ͕S jk ,j ϭ1,...,4͖values have been cor-rected using the IPCF as described in Sec.III B,the experi-mental values of the 2␻Fourier coefficients ␣k Јand ␤k Јare obtained from Eqs.͑2͒.A rotation transformation by 2P Sk ,determined in the calibration,is used to calculate the phase corrected Fourier coefficients ␣k and ␤k in Eq.͑4͒.Finally,spectra in the ellipsometric angles ␺k and ⌬k are determined according totan ␺k ϭ͓͑1ϩ␣k ͒/͑1Ϫ␣k ͔͒1/2͉tan ͑A ϪA S ͉͒,͑7a ͒cos ⌬k ϭ␤k /͑1Ϫ␣k 2͒1/2,͑7b ͒where tan ␺k exp(i ⌬k )ϭr pk /r sk ,with r pk and r sk denotingthe spectra in the complex amplitude reflection coefficients in the p and s directions.The indeterminate sign of ⌬k in Eq.7͑b ͒is inherent in rotating polarizer systems;a positive sign is chosen here for a bare substrate (⌬k Ͼ0).IV.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONA.Multichannel ellipsometer performancePerformance characterization of the UV-extended multi-channel ellipsometer has been undertaken by assessing in-strument precision and accuracy.To obtain information on the instrument precision,100consecutive spectral measure-ments were collected separately for three different thermally oxidized Si wafers with stable oxide thicknesses of 121,991,and 1608Å.These thicknesses were chosen to provide com-posite spectra in the precision that avoid the regions ⌬ϳ0°or 180°and ␺ϳ0°or 90°,where the precision is the poorest for the rotating-polarizer configuration.Figure 7shows a com-posite of the standard deviations in ͑␺,⌬͒,plotted as a func-tion of the photon energy using results from the three samples.The data in Fig.7are obtained as averages of 1and40polarizer rotations per consecutive spectral measurement,requiring 49ms ͑open symbols ͒and 1.96s ͑filled symbols ͒,respectively.It has been found that for the 40-rotation aver-ages the precision in ͑␺,⌬͒from 2.2to 6.2eV is near or below ͑0.01°,0.02°͒,corresponding to a sensitivity better than ϳ0.01monolayer.The highest precision of ͑0.004°,0.007°͒is obtained at the PDA output maximum at 5.2eV ͑see Fig.2͒.Even when the averaging is set at one polarizer rotation,which allows monolayer resolution at deposition rates as high as 50Å/s,the precision in ͑␺,⌬͒from 2.5to 6eV is near or below ͑0.05°,0.1°͒,i.e.,a sensitivity better than ϳ0.05monolayer.The first indication of accuracy is given by the residual function R measured in the straight-through configuration and presented in Fig.5͑a ͒.As described in Sec.III B,these results for R have been obtained using a pixel dependent image persistence correction factor.The maxi-mum R values of 6ϫ10Ϫ4after the correction correspond to maximum systematic errors in cos ⌬of 3ϫ10Ϫ3.This can lead to maximum inaccuracies in ⌬ranging from 0.17°for ⌬ϭ90°to ϳ3.5°for ⌬ϭ0°or 180°,where the rotating po-larizer configuration shows the highest and lowest accura-cies,respectively.The most significant random and uncorrected systematic errors were incorporated into the RTSE data analysis proce-dure through the biased estimator,given by␹2ϭ͓1/͑n Ϫm Ϫ1͔͚͒k ϭ1n͑␳k ,exp Ϫ␳k ,cal ͒2/͑␦␳k ͒2,͑8͒where n ,m ,and ␳k ,exp ͑cal ͒represent the number of data points,the number of parameters in the optical model of the sample,and the experimental ͑calculated ͒spectra,respec-tively.The quantity ␦␳k represents the estimated errors in the measurement of ␳for pixel group k .The need of a biased estimator to weight more strongly the higher accuracy re-gions of the spectra in ex situ spectroscopic ellipsometry has been discussed in the literature.21Here we have propagated a number of errors through to ␳k for the rotating polarizer configuration,including:͑i ͒the uncertainty in determining the analyzer offset A S and polarizer phase P Sk angles;͑ii ͒the fluctuations in the measured ͕S jk ,j ϭ1,...,4͖arising from fluctuations in the polarizer rotation frequency;and ͑iii ͒the noise in the detector dark current which is assumed to limit the precision of the measured S jk values.As discussed pre-viously,the remaining systematic errors are deemed to be of lesser significance once the image persistence has been taken into account.The uncertainties in A S and P Sk ͓i.e.,␦A S and ␦P S used to compute ␦␳k in Eq.͑8͔͒can be estimated from the ellipsometer calibration to be ϳ0.07°͑see Fig.6͒.Error ͑ii ͒is assumed to be proportional to the measured irradiance,and a proportionality constant of 0.005has been determined from measurements of the variations in the polarizer motor frequency.To estimate the error contribution from dark cur-rent noise,20consecutive spectra with the shutter closed are collected.Ideally,when the first spectrum is used to establish a background correction,all subsequent corrected spectra should be zero.However,a few counts are still detected due to thermally generated electron–hole pairs in thedepletionFIG.7.Standard deviation in 100consecutive measurements of the ͑␺,⌬͒spectra obtained as a composite of measurements on three c -Si wafers with different stable oxide thicknesses ͑121,991,and 1608Å͒.Each measure-ment is taken as an average over one polarizer rotation requiring 49ms ͑open symbols ͒and 40polarizer rotations requiring 1.96s ͑filled symbols ͒.3456Rev.Sci.Instrum.,Vol.71,No.9,September 2000Zapien,Collins,and Messier。



英语一2024考研真题### English I 2024 Postgraduate Entrance Examination#### Section I: Listening Comprehension (Omitted)#### Section II: Reading ComprehensionPart AYou will read four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions. For each question, there are four suggested answers. Choose the best one.Passage 1: The Impact of Technology on EducationIn recent years, the integration of technology into education has become increasingly prevalent. The use of digital tools and online platforms has transformed the way students learn and teachers teach. This passage explores the positive and negative impacts of technology on the educational landscape.Questions:1. What is the primary focus of the passage?A. The history of educational technologyB. The benefits of technology in educationC. The challenges faced by educatorsD. The overall impact of technology on education2. According to the passage, which of the following is a benefit of using technology in education?A. Increased student engagementB. Reduced costs for textbooksC. Improved physical health of studentsD. Decreased reliance on traditional teaching methodsPassage 2: Climate Change and Its Effects on BiodiversityThe effects of climate change on the planet are profound and far-reaching. This passage examines the impact of climate change on biodiversity, discussing how various species are adapting or struggling to survive in a changing environment.Questions:1. What is the main topic of the passage?A. The causes of climate changeB. The effects of climate change on biodiversityC. The solutions to climate changeD. The economic impact of climate change2. The passage suggests that climate change has which of the following effects on species?A. Increased migration ratesB. Decreased genetic diversityC. Increased population sizesD. Reduced habitat availabilityPart BThe following is a longer passage with a set of questionsthat require a more in-depth understanding of the text.Passage 3: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in HealthcareArtificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the healthcare industry, offering new ways to diagnose and treat diseases. This passage discusses the various applications of AI in healthcare and the ethical considerations that arise from its use.Questions:1. What is the main argument of the passage?A. AI is the future of healthcare.B. AI has no place in healthcare.C. AI should be used with caution in healthcare.D. AI is a threat to healthcare professionals.2. According to the passage, which of the following is a potential ethical concern regarding AI in healthcare?A. The high cost of AI technologyB. The potential for AI to replace human doctorsC. The lack of AI regulationD. The potential for AI to make incorrect diagnoses#### Section III: Cloze TestRead the following passage with ten blanks. For each blank, choose the best word from the options provided to complete the passage.In the modern world, communication is more important thanever. With the rise of social media and instant messaging, people can connect with others across the globe in an instant. However, with this increased connectivity comes the responsibility to communicate effectively and respectfully.[Example: The first blank is omitted]1. The ability to communicate clearly can have a profound impact on one's personal and professional life.A. significantB. minimalC. temporaryD. superficial2. Miscommunication can lead to misunderstandings and even conflicts.A. occasionallyB. rarelyC. frequentlyD. seldom#### Section IV: TranslationTranslate the following sentences from English to Chinese. Ensure that your translations are accurate and convey the original meaning.1. The rapid development of technology has brought about unprecedented changes in our daily lives.2. It is essential to maintain a balance between work and leisure to ensure a healthy lifestyle.#### Section V: WritingWrite an essay of about 200 words on the topic "The Influence of Social Media on Modern Society." Your essay should include the following points:- The prevalence of social media in modern society- The positive and negative impacts of social media- Your personal opinion on the role of social media in societyPlease note that this is a fictional representation of a potential English I 2024 postgraduate entrance examination and is not an actual test paper.。


• 只限于获得两个要因和交互作用 的情报
A 设计 B +1 +1 -1
A -1 +1 -1 +1
B A*B -1 +1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1
低 高
B b (1)

ab a

22 完全要因实验的例
情况 在某一制品的反应中药品的吸水速度改善设定为PROJECT的目标. 对Analyze阶段中分析的影响吸水速度的最大的要因催化剂和反应温度取两个 水平后按如下条件进行随机实验 实验条件 A : 催化剂(%) : 0.3, 0.5 B : 反应温度(℃) : 150, 170 实验条件 实验 1 2 3 4 A 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.5 B 150 150 170 170 吸水速度 94 102 98 110 6
2) 按照因子数确认可能的设计
确认使用可能的设计(只 有完全要因实验才可以)
22 完全要因实验的例-在Minitab的设计
Stat > DOE > Factorial > Create Factorial Design…(Designs) 3) 选择设计
Block 数的选择
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 图的结果 有效水平未显示在图表
22 完全要因实验的例-在Minitab的设计
确认回归式(ANOVA分析) Stat > DOE > Factorial > Analyze Factorial Design …

scientist studying the effects of

scientist studying the effects of

Scientists studying the effects of various phenomena play a crucial role in expanding our understanding of the natural world, human behavior, and the complex interplay between different variables. This process involves systematic investigation, data collection, analysis, and interpretation to draw meaningful conclusions. Let's explore the broader concept of scientists studying the effects of different factors and delve into the methodologies, significance, and challenges associated with such studies.### **Introduction:**Scientists engaging in the study of effects often aim to uncover causal relationships, identify patterns, or understand the impact of certain factors on a given system. This exploration encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, environmental science, and social sciences. The effects being studied can be diverse, ranging from the microscopic level of particles to the macroscopic level of ecosystems or human societies.### **Methodologies in Studying Effects:**1. **Experimental Design:**- **Controlled Experiments:** Scientists often use controlled experiments to isolate specific variables and observe their effects systematically. This involves manipulating one variable while keeping others constant.2. **Observational Studies:**-**Longitudinal Studies:** Researchers track subjects over an extended period to observe changes and identify potential causative factors.- **Cross-Sectional Studies:** Examining a diverse group at a single point in time to uncover correlations and associations.3. **Field Studies:**-**Ecological Studies:** Scientists study effects within natural environments, observing interactions between organisms and their surroundings.-**Social Science Field Studies:** Researchers may conduct surveys or interviews to understand the effects of social, economic, or cultural factors on individuals or communities.4. **Computer Modeling:**- **Simulation Studies:** Scientists use computer models to simulate real-world scenarios, allowing them to predict and analyze potential effects without real-world experimentation.### **Significance of Studying Effects:**1. **Scientific Advancement:**- **New Discoveries:** Research on the effects of various factors often leads to the discovery of new phenomena, principles, or relationships.-**Advancement of Knowledge:** Building on existing knowledge, scientists contribute to the continuous advancement of their respective fields.2. **Problem Solving:**- **Environmental Solutions:** Studying the effects of human activities on the environment aids in developing strategies for sustainable resource use and conservation.- **Medical Breakthroughs:** Understanding the effects of drugs, diseases, and lifestyle on health contributes to medical advancements and improved healthcare.3. **Policy Formulation:**-**Informed Decision-Making:** Governments and organizations use scientific studies to formulate policies addressing societal issues, such as public health, education, and environmental protection.-**Risk Assessment:** Studying the effects of potential hazards helps in assessing and mitigating risks to human health and safety.4. **Technological Innovation:**- **Materials Science:** Studying the effects of different materials on each other contributes to the development of new materials with enhanced properties.-**Engineering Advancements:** Understanding the effects of forces, temperature, and other factors on structures and systems informs engineering practices and innovations.### **Challenges in Studying Effects:**1. **Complexity of Systems:**-**Interconnected Variables:** Natural systems are often complex, with numerous interconnected variables. Isolating the effect of one variable while keeping others constant can be challenging.2. **Ethical Considerations:**- **Human Subjects:** In social and medical studies, ethical considerations, such as informed consent and the potential for harm, must be carefully addressed.-**Environmental Impact:** Researchers studying ecological effects must consider the potential impact of their studies on the environment.3. **Resource Limitations:**-**Financial Constraints:** Conducting comprehensive studies requires financial resources for equipment, personnel, and data analysis.- **Time Constraints:** Longitudinal studies, in particular, can be time-consuming, requiring sustained funding and commitment.4. **Data Interpretation:**-**Statistical Challenges:** Interpreting data and drawing meaningful conclusions require statistical expertise to avoid misinterpretation or bias.- **Correlation vs. Causation:** Distinguishing between correlation and causation is critical to avoid drawing incorrect causal relationships.### **Case Study: Studying the Effects of Climate Change:**Consider a case study where scientists are studying the effects of climate change:1. **Methodology:**- **Observational Studies:** Scientists analyze long-term climate data, including temperature records, sea-level measurements, and ice core samples.-**Computer Modeling:** Climate scientists use sophisticated models to simulate future climate scenarios based on different emission scenarios.2. **Significance:**- **Policy Impact:** Findings contribute to global efforts to mitigate climate change, shaping international agreements and policy decisions.-**Environmental Awareness:** Studying the effects raises public awareness of climate change impacts, fostering environmentally conscious behaviors.3. **Challenges:**- **Data Uncertainty:** Climate systems are intricate, and uncertainties in data interpretation can pose challenges in predicting future scenarios.- **Global Collaboration:** Studying a phenomenon as pervasive as climate change requires international collaboration and coordination.### **Conclusion:**In conclusion, scientists studying the effects of various factors contribute significantly to human knowledge, technological innovation, and policy formulation across diverse disciplines. The methodologies employed, the significance of their findings, and the challenges they face vary depending on the field of study. Despite challenges, the pursuit of understanding the effects of different variables remains integral to scientific progress and addressing global challenges.。


Evaluation on public research institute 32 institutes are evaluated for 2019’s performance
Feasibility study on big R&D programs
Programs with more than $ 50 million budget
Resource allocation among R& D Programs
PI from existing R&D evaluation systems are not actively utilized in budget allocation so far
However, as the authority of resource allocati on is transferred to the central budget authorit y, more active use of PI is expected
Evaluation on program results heavily relies on performanc e indicators
Cost-benefit indicators are rarely adopted in the eval uation process, even though they suggested in the PI pool
Hard to come up with relevant information
Establishing reliable peer review process is hard
Existence of strong social ties among scientists tends to hi nder objective evaluation process



山东省济南市2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题一、阅读理解The Half Price Books summer reading program, called Summer Reading Camp, gives out free Half Price Books gift cards to kids who read for at least 300 minutes during the months of June and July. This program is for kids from preschool to 14 years of age, in 8th grade or under. There’s also a limit of one reading log(日志) per month for each child. How to Get Free Gift Cards from the Half Price Books Summer Reading ProgramVisit Summer Reading Camp and register. As the summer program gets closer, you'll receive more information in your email.Each day your child reads during June and July, have them write the number of minutes they’ve read on that day on the calendar. The goal is to read for at least 15 minutes each day of the week. At the end of each week, kids can add up their week’s total minutes and have a grown-up sign it. After the child has read at least 300 minutes, fill out their name, age, and total minutes, as well as your name, email, and location information. Cut out the completed part of the form and bring it to your local Half Price Books to get your reward. Encouraging Y our Child through the Half Price Books Summer Reading ProgramWhen your kids are finished with a week, a month, or the whole program, you can fill out a Best Reader Award to keep them encouraged about their progress.As for what your child reads this summer, Half Price Books has put together a list of staff picks by grade level, best alphabet books, 40 books every child should read, and 21 books to start the baby's library.1.Who can attend Summer Reading Camp?A.A 4-month baby.B.A 15-year-old girl.C.A primary school boy D.A college graduate2.How can daily reading be guaranteed in this program?A.By cutting out the forms.B.By submitting reading logs.C.By filling out total reading minutes D.By keeping records on the calendar. 3.What can parents do to encourage their children to read?A.Present a reading award.B.Buy recommended books.C.Give suggestions on reading D.Share post-reading feedback.Matthew Weihmuller, despite being blind from birth, earned his master’s degree in music at Florida State University. He also tours with a band that shows elements of jazz and rock. Additionally, he is a composer, using specialized music technology for the blind. He frequently engages as a speaker, having been a guest lecturer at John Hopkins University.While explaining his shift from performance to teaching, Weihmuller said, “All great performers teach, and it’s the only way to pass along this craft, especially about jazz music. I found that teaching became more my calling than performing. I wanted to make a difference, and that was really important to me.”Innovatively, Weihmuller uses a unique teaching method to enhance communication among jazz students. When practising a play, he turns off the lights, removes the visualelements and forces students to rely more on their other senses. They have to feel their instrument with their fingers and hands. Weihmuller’s own blindness has fueled his mastery of other senses, particularly crucial in playing jazz. “You have to turn your disadvantage into an advantage. Where there is a will, there is a way.” Weihmuller said.Reflecting on his early struggles with sheet music, Weihmuller recalled the challenge of obtaining braille(盲文) music, which was not as accessible then as it is today. To overcome this obstacle, he had to create his own braille music, a process that continued through his college years.Weihmuller has a strong desire to influence his students with value of perseverance and musical progression. His ultimate goal is to inspire others facing challenges and disabilities. He added, “I do hope that when they leave my classroom, they’re not only better musicians but also better people.”4.What can we learn about Weihmuller from Paragraph 1?A.He has multiple roles.B.He owns a music band.C.He complains of his disability.D.He gives talks worldwide.5.What drives Weihmuller to turn to music teaching?A.The duty to help performers.B.The strong desire to succeed.C.The will to pass down music.D.The aim to gain independence.6.Why did Weihmuller turn off lights in his music class?A.To reduce students’ anxiety.B.To train physical abilities.C.To teach students better.D.To test learning results.7.Which of the following can best describe Weihmuller?A.Outgoing and caring.B.Courageous and honest.C.Creative and determined.D.Knowledgeable and patient.Most people think that weeds are something to be pulled up and thrown away. Now, purslane(马齿苋) may be the key to creating drought resistant crops in a world that is getting warmer.Scientists at Yale University found that purslane can create a new form of photosynthesis(光合作用) that allows this weed to endure drought conditions. “This is a very rare ‘super plant’ —one that could be potentially useful in crop engineering.” said Edwards, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology.Purslane actually enhances its photosynthesis efficiency to match the high levels found in plants like corn, which enables it to maintain productivity under high temperatures. On the other hand, this plant employs a special way of photosynthesis. It stores carbon dioxide at night and uses it during the day, which makes it remarkably resistant to heat. The uniqueness of purslane lies in these two characteristics. Yale team conducted an analysis of the genes in the leaves of the plant and found that they are totally integrated and operate in the same cells. Understanding how this works could allow scientists to engineer main crops like corn to resist long-lasting droughts.Growing across the US, purslane has small round leaves, and red, yellow, or pink flowers. You can plant it in your garden just about anywhere. With its sour-salty taste, it is a healthy food rich in vitamins, minerals, and Omega-3s. You can enjoy it raw in salads or cooked as a dish.“In terms of engineering the plant into a crop like corn, there is still a lot of work to do before that could become a reality,” Edwards said in the news release. Finding and growing new food crops that can survive the effects of climate change is a win-win for a planet that is getting hotter and drier. Who knew this common weed could be the key?8.What makes purslane a “super plant” according to Paragraph 2?A.Its unique taste and color.B.Its ability to grow anywhere.C.Its high capacity in storing water.D.Its uncommon way of photosynthesis. 9.What is the advantage of purslane’s storing carbon dioxide at night?A.Increasing its productivity.B.Helping it to resist drought.C.Allowing it to grow faster.D.Reducing its need for sunlight.10.What can we learn about purslane as food?A.It is rich in nutrition.B.It is not widely accepted.C.It is not suitable in salads.D.It is mainly cooked as a dish.11.What is the main purpose of the text?A.To promote the planting of purslane.B.To warn readers of the danger of the weed.C.To describe different types of photosynthesis.D.To show purslane’s potential in crop engineering.A cohort is a group of people who share a particular characteristic. Typically, the shared characteristic is a life event that took place in a particular time period, like birth or high school graduation. Cohorts often consist of people who have experienced significant life events in the same period, such as starting college the same year or experiencing a natural disaster.The impact of the characteristics of a cohort on the results of a research study is called a cohort effect. Cohort effects influence research results because the shared experiences of a cohort can impact research results. Once a research was done to see how easily people learned to play a mobile game featuring AI. The participants ranged from 20 to 80 years old. The finding showed that compared with the younger participants, the older participants had much more difficulty in learning how to play the game. However, the research finding could also be the result of cohort effects in that older participants would have far less exposure to mobile devices than younger participants, making it more difficult for them to learn how to play the new game. Thus, it is important to take cohort effects into account in research.Cohort effects are a particular issue in studies that use cross-sectional (横断面) methods. In cross-sectional studies, researchers collect and compare data from participants in two or more age-related cohorts at a single point in time. Cross-sectional studies are more efficient but morelikely to be affected by cohort effects.Meanwhile, longitudinal (纵向) studies which collect data from the same participants over time, can better guard against cohort effects. These studies observe changes directly, and eliminate cohort effect concerns. However, they are costly and time-consuming.In conclusion, understanding cohort effects is crucial for interpreting research findings accurately. While longitudinal studies offer a solution, their practical limitations leave cross sectional studies as the more common but potentially cohort-influenced method.12.What does a cohort typically feature?A.The same gender.B.The identical college.C.Some consistent ideal.D.Some shared experience.13.How does the author explain cohort effects in Paragraph 2?A.By conducting a research.B.By presenting an example.C.By proposing a suggestion.D.By playing a mobile game.14.What does the underlined word “eliminate” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A.Remove.B.Consider.C.Raise.D.Increase. 15.What is the text mainly about?A.Ways to improve cohort-influenced researches.B.The development of science research methods.C.The impact of cohort effects on research findings.D.Copmarisons of cross-sectional and longitudinal methods.It’s believed that health and happiness are two basics that make up a good life. And the two turn out to be more closely related than we might think. The question of whether one causes the other or if the two are correlated is difficult to figure out. 16It’s difficult to distinguish the relationship between health and happiness. 17 Does dealing with a chronic (慢性的) illness consistently worsen mood? Researchers try to answer these questions, but the relationship will always be challenging to say for certain.Happiness is associated with a series of physical health benefits, such as lower blood pressure, reduced risk of heart disease, a stronger immune (免疫的) system, and even a longer life. Positive emotions are also linked to good health in older adults and a reduced risk of injury inyoung adults. 18 People who report feeling a stronger sense of happiness and well-being live longer, on average, than those who report weaker feelings, and the effect exists for both men and women.19 Some research suggests that when people take better care of themselves, they come to feel happier. Some research suggests that people who are healthier just have a more positive attitude to life and the world. Still another research suggests that an essential factor such as genetics or personality contributes to both.Exercise stimulates the body to produce certain chemicals such as hormones (荷尔蒙).20 Exercise also shifts our focus away from current concerns and damaging self-talk and leads us to spend time outside or with others.A.Do certain foods boost happiness?B.Does a happy person also have better health?C.Meanwhile, happiness is related with a longer life.D.However, there’s no doubt that a strong connection exists.E.The exercise we do and the diseases we face all play a role.F.There are various theories for why health may lead to happiness.G.These chemicals are responsible for the feeling of a “runner’s high”.二、完形填空Alicia, a black girl, fell in love with dance when she was three years old. But she didn’t realize her 21 could help her achieve her career until she led a new training program in the Juilliard School.Over the years, she has been training hard and seizing every 22 to participate in professional dance competitions and her fame 23 gradually. She even won an 24 offered by the Dance Theatre of Harlem at 17. Although she had always been 25 as the odd girl because of her color, she felt it all right. Her bright career also 26 her performances in well-known dance theaters. Unluckily, she was injured during a training, but she kept going. However, the injuries 27 forced her to leave the stage, turning her focus on art education.Consistent with the creative philosophy of Juilliard School, Alicia got 28 by theschool. She has been buried in dance teaching since then. After she was appointed to be in charge, she became the first youngest woman of color to 29 the novel dance program. From then on, she has 30 herself to shaking up what is taught and how to make art dance more creative and colorful than ever.Alicia now requires students to 31 hip-hop and West African dance courses, which allows them to have more 32 to choose techniques that interest them. They are encouraged to come as they are, and that even 33 to what they wear to class. “I want them to be as free and 34 as they can. I hope that they have 35 in their careers and therefore they can make it to the end.” she said with a broad smile.21.A.courage B.dream C.passion D.confidence 22.A.motive B.action C.duty D.chance 23.A.continued B.spread C.declined D.changed 24.A.experience B.investment C.award D.occupation 25.A.respected B.appointed C.treated D.promoted 26.A.saw B.made C.kept D.affected 27.A.immediately B.exactly C.frequently D.eventually 28.A.rewarded B.accepted C.refused D.punished 29.A.head B.praise D.judge 30.A.adapted B.helped C.applied D.resigned B.improve C.explain D.take 32.A.freedom C.intelligence D.time 33.A.extends B.sticks C.refers D.contributes 34.A.humorous B.enthusiastic C.modest D.generous 35.A.trouble B.success C.memory D.perseverance三、语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Generation of higher order gauss-laguerre modes in single-pass 2nd harmonic generation

Generation of higher order gauss-laguerre modes in single-pass 2nd harmonic generation
Generation of higher order Gauss-Laguerre modes in single-pass 2nd harmonic generation
Preben Buchhave and Peter Tidemand-Lichtenberg
DTU Physics, Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark *Corresponding author:
©2008 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (190.2620) Harmonic generation and mixing; (190.4410) Nonlinear optics, parametric; (190.4420) Nonlinear optics, transverse effects.
difference frequency generation. However, nonlinear effects such as depletion and phase shift were not included, and the method only applies to very low power beams. In this paper an alternative formulation is used, where the beams are expanded in higher order Gauss-Hermite (G-H) or Gauss-Laguerre (G-L) modes after passage of each thin slab. The choice of mode expansion depends on the symmetry of the problem. Since both G-H and G-L modes form complete orthogonal sets of functions, an expansion of the beams in these modes fully describes the result of the interaction, and diffraction due to the distortion of the wave front is included by the mix of the higher order modes. Besides forming an alternative way of performing a wave propagation calculation, this method has the advantage that it allows to follow the generation of higher order modes both spatially and temporally through the crystal. Furthermore it is possible to calculate the power generated in each of these modes. It is also possible to input higher order pump modes or superposition of modes and calculate the power conversion efficiency into the generated modes, a method that has recently been used in generation of squeezed light in higher order G-H modes [6]. In the calculations the phase matching may be adjusted at will; it is for example possible to adjust the phase matching to compensate at least partially for the Gouy phase shift in a particular mode and thus selectively generate light in one mode by pumping in another mode [7]. In the following, single pass second harmonic generation (SHG) in an efficient nonlinear crystal pumped by a pump beam of known mode composition is considered. As an example we shall look at a single mode Q-switched Nd:YAG laser pulse frequency doubled through a PPKTP crystal and investigate the formation of higher order G-L modes as the fields propagate through the crystal, as well as illustrate the temporal development of the pulse shape as a function of time. 2. Wave propagation with G-L expansion The calculations are performed in the following way: 1. The crystal is divided into thin slabs normal to the optical axis. 2. The three interacting beams that make up the total field incident on a slab interact on their way through the slab. The slab is assumed so thin that the nonlinear differential equations governing the interaction (the coupled wave equations) can be approximated by difference equations, and diffraction effects on the way through the slab are unimportant (plane wave approximation within a slab). Losses can be included in each slab. The beams may be focused anywhere inside or outside the crystal. Collinear beams are assumed, although the simulations can easily be expanded to include non-collinear beams and walk-off. 3. After passage of a slab, the field incident on the slab has been distorted due to the nonlinear interaction. The fields leaving the slab are expanded in G-L modes. 4. The beam waist radius and phase of the individual modes of the expansion are recalculated for the position of the next slab. The different phase shifts of the different order G-L modes implicitly take care of diffraction. 5. The G-L modes with the new phases and beam waists are added for each beam, and these new beams are used as input for the next slab; the calculation is repeated from 2. 6. The output beams are found by summing the G-L modes leaving the last slab. 2.1. Nonlinear interaction The coupled wave equations (CWE) for the 2nd order nonlinear interaction between three beams, described by the normalized electric fields a j ( x, y, z ) , where j identifies the field, are in the difference equation form given by [8]

Effects of processing on the content and composition of isoflavones during manufacturing of tofu

Effects of processing on the content and composition of isoflavones during manufacturing of tofu

Process Biochemistry37(2002)1117–1123Effects of processing on the content and composition ofisoflavones during manufacturing of soy beverage and tofuC.-J.C.Jackson a,*,J.P.Dini a,vandier a,H.P.V.Rupasinghe a,H.Faulkner a,V.Poysa b,D.Buzzell b,S.DeGrandis ca Guelph Center for Functional Foods,Laboratory Ser6ices Di6ision,Uni6ersity of Guelph,95Stone Road West,Guelph,Ont.,Canada N1H8J7b Greenhouse and Processing Crops Research Center,Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,Harrow,Ont.,Canada N0R1G0c BioLaunch Inc,Box242,Rockwood,Ont.,Canada N032K0Received16August2001;received in revised form22October2001;accepted24October2001AbstractIsoflavones present in soybean(Glycine max)have been credited with performing several health-promoting functions,such as, prevention of cardiovascular diseases,cancers,and menopausal symptoms.In this study,the effect of the processing of soybean on the total content of isoflavones(including aglycones and glucosides)and the relative concentrations of12isoflavone compounds during the preparation of soy beverage and tofu were investigated.The mean recoveries of isoflavones in soy beverage and tofu in relation to their initial concentration in the raw soybeans were54and36%,respectively.The estimated percentage of total isoflavones lost in the water used to soak raw soybeans,the okara(waste from heat-treated slurry),and whey were4,31, and18%,respectively.The isoflavone profile of raw soybeans was altered as a result of processing.During processing,the detectable levels of aglycones,glucosides,and acetyl glycoside groups increased,whilst the corresponding malonyl glucosides decreased.The loss of isoflavones through the by-products,such as,okara and whey,was considerable.Appropriate techniques should be developed to recover and utilize these functional constituents from soybean by-products.In addition,processing techniques have to be optimized,so that thefinal products contain the nutrient and nutraceutical content of the starting material as much as possible.©2002Elsevier Science Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Isoflavones;Daidzein;Genistein;Glycitein;Soybeans;Okara;Whey;Value-added products/locate/procbio1.IntroductionIsoflavones are a group of naturally occurring hetero-cyclic phenols found mainly in soybean(Glycine max) and have been credited with performing several health-promoting functions.Twelve isoflavone components have been isolated from soybeans;three aglycones (daidzein,genistein and glycitein)and their respective nine glucosidic conjugates(Fig.1).The glucosides in-clude three7-O-glucosides(daidzin,genistin and glycitin),three6¦-O-acetyl glucosides(6¦-O-acetyl-daidzin,6¦-O-acetyl-genistin and6¦-O-acetyl-glycitin) and three6¦-O-malonyl-glucosides(6¦-O-malonyl-daidzin,6¦-O-malonyl-genistin and6¦-O-malonyl-glycitin).Several investigators have suggested that soy food consumption may contribute to lower rates of certain chronic diseases such as hormone-dependent cancers, certain cardiovascular diseases,and osteoporosis.The lower incidence of certain diseases has been reported in Asian countries where soybean consumption is high (average intake of isoflavones is40–80mg per day) [1–3].Soy foods are suggested to provide a protective effect on the breast,intestine,liver,bladder,prostate, skin and stomach from cancer development[4,5]. Genistein,which possesses weak estrogenic activity,has been shown to act in animal models as an anti-estrogen and,therefore,may play a protective role in hormon-ally-influenced cancers,such as breast cancer[6,7]. Experiments on both animals and humans have shown that soybean protein has hypocholesterolemic*Corresponding author.Tel.:+1-519-767-6246;fax:+1-519-767-6240.E-mail$-see front matter©2002Elsevier Science Ltd.All rights reserved. PII:S0032-9592(01)00323-5C.-J.C.Jackson et al./Process Biochemistry37(2002)1117–1123 1118and anti-atherogenic property[8].Recently,in a meta analysis of the effects of soy protein intake on serum lipids,soy protein significantly decreased serum concen-trations of total cholesterol,low density lipoproteins (LDL)cholesterol and triglycerides when compared with protein of animal origin[9,10].Studies in primates indicate that soy protein may exert its anti-atherogenic effects via associated isoflavones[11].Soy isoflavones also have antioxidant properties,which may protect LDL from oxidation[12].Consumption of25g of soybean protein per day can contribute to the lowering of serum cholesterol levels and the prevention of heart disease[13].This health claim places soy foods among a selected category of‘functional foods’possessing unique medicinal,as well as,nutritional value. Epidemiological studies have shown that women who have higher intake of soy foods have lower rates of osteoporosis[5].Genistein administration in two ovariectamized rat models,reduced rates of bone loss [9],and isoflavones may directly inhibit bone resorption [14].As isoflavones are weak estrogens,ingestion of soybean foods has been proposed as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy for post-menopausal women[15].The processing of soybeans affects the nutritional content of the soy food products significantly[16,17]. There have been reports on the isoflavone content of some soybean varieties and soy foods as well as the effects of processing on these compounds[18–20].Dis-tribution of isoflavones in commercial soy food prod-ucts is determined by the variety of the soybeans,the processing conditions,and by dilution with non-soy ingredient[16].Heat processing,enzymic hydrolysis and fermentation significantly alter the distribution of the isoflavone components in soy foods[16].Certain processing methods,such as boiling,milling,and protein coagulation in tofu production do not destroy daidzein or genistein significantly,while other methods such as roasting(high heat treatment)result in a15–21%loss of daidzein and genistein,respectively[21]. Defoaming during the heating process of soy beverage production may also remove isoflavones[22].The ob-jective of this investigation was to analyze the isoflavone levels after each processing step,from On-tario grown soybean to soy beverage and tofu prepara-tion,in order to determine the effect of processing on distribution,retention and transformation of isoflavones.2.Materials and methods2.1.MaterialsRCAT Angora,a soybean cultivar with high levels of isoflavones[20]was grown and soy products were processed at the Greenhouse and Processing Crops, Research Center,Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, (GPCRC-AAFC),Harrow,Ont.,Canada.Soy bever-age and momen tofu was prepared as described by Mullin et al.[23](Fig.1).HPLC grade acetonitrile and methanol were purchased from Caledon(Mississauga, Ont.).2.2.Isofla6one standardsSix isoflavone standards were used in quantification of total isoflavones;daidzein(Sigma Chemical Co,St. Louis,MO),genistein(Fluka Biochemika, Ronkonkonma,NY),glycitein and glycitin(Plantech, UK),and daidzin and genistin(Indofine Chemical Company,Belle Mead,NJ)and their extinction coeffi-cients were measured(Table1).The glucosides6¦-O-malonyldaidzin,6¦-O-malonylgenistin,6¦-O-malonyl-glycitin,6¦-O-acetyldaidzin,6¦-O-acetylgenistin and6¦-O-acetylglycitin were isolated in our laboratory and used for peak confirmation only.The identity of all standards was confirmed by mass spectra.Fig.1.Structures of the12isoflavones in soybean.C.-J.C.Jackson et al./Process Biochemistry37(2002)1117–11231119Table1Extinction coefficients of isoflavone standards used in the quantifica-tion of unknownsm at u max Molecularu max(nm)Standard Workingrange(m g/ml)weight26000254Daidzein0.2–110250373002702620.5–120 Genistein262Glycitein223872840.1–20258Daidzin290004160.3–90417004322620.3–80 Genistin26303Glycitin4462620.1–35amount of water(ca.400ml)was added to the soy-beans,and the mixture was blended using a commercial Waring blender at high speed for4min.The remaining water was boiled and added to the heavy slurry and blended at high speed for1min to form light slurry.A commercial juice extractor was used to extract the soy beverage from the slurry.The slurry was poured into the extractor,the soy beverage was collected,and the okara(grit)was re-centrifuged to extract the remaining soy beverage.The volume of soy beverage was mea-sured to determine the beverage yield per kg soybean seed protein.Soy beverage was heated up to98°C(with stirring) and held at the same temperature for two minutes. Coagulant solution(1.5g glucono delta lactone(GDL) in20ml distilled water)was combined with the heated soy beverage in a beaker,and this mixture was allowed to stand for30min to solidify to tofu.The tofu was removed from the beaker and wrapped infine-mesh polyester cloth.The whey was collected,and the tofu was placed in the running cold water for at least one hour.The weight of the tofu was then recorded to determine the yield of tofu per kg soybean seed protein.2.4.Isofla6one extractionAll samples were freeze-dried,and these dried sam-ples were used in the isoflavone analyses.Approxi-mately,0.3g offinely ground raw soybean,0.15g of soaked soybean,0.05g of slurry,0.5g of dried bever-age of okara,0.5g of tofu,and0.2g of whey were weighed into125mlflat bottomflasks,and12ml of extraction solution(acetonitrile:0.1N HCl in5:1ratio) was added to eachflask.The solution was mixed using a rotary shaker(120rpm)overnight at room tempera-ture.Extracts were suctionfiltered into250ml round bottomflasks through Whatman No.42filter paper and washed twice with12ml volumes of extraction solu-tion.Samples were condensed to approximately1ml using a vacuum rotary evaporator(Bu¨chi,Brinkmann, Switzerland)with a water bath at30°C.The dried material was re-dissolved in a mixture of methanol:water(80:20,v:v)to afinal volume of10ml andfiltered through a0.22m m PTFE syringefilter (MSI,Westboro,MA)prior to HPLC analysis(modifi-cation of Wang and Murphy,[16]).All steps were performed in reduced light conditions to minimize light-induced isoflavone degradation.2.5.HPLC analysis of isofla6onesAnalysis of isoflavones was performed by a modifica-tion of a method described by Wang and Murphy[16]. High Performance Liquid Chromatograph(HPLC)ap-paratus consisted of Waters(Marlborough,MA)600E multisolvent delivery system,717plus auto sampler,The quantities of malonyl-and acetyl-glucosides were estimated by using the standard curves of their respec-tive aglycone or glucosides and correcting for their molecular weight.Biochanin-A,an isomer of glycitein, which was not found in soybeans,was used to estimate analyte recovery.2.3.Soy be6erage and tofu preparationSoy beverage and soft(silken)tofu was prepared based on traditional methods[26]as described in detail by Mullin et al.,[23](Fig.2)While there are many variations of tofu processing methods used in industrial facilities,the method[23]used in this study is a labora-tory scale procedure developed following many Asian end users and designed to emphasize differences in protein quality among cultivars by using a constant water:protein ratio of18:1.It has good reproducibility within and across laboratories for evaluating cultivars for soymilk and tofu yield and quality[23].Protein and moisture contents of soybeans were de-termined using a Grainspec near infra-red whole grain analyzer(Foss Electric Multispec Division,York,UK).A standard amount of water per gram protein(18:1) was used to prepare soy beverage.Half of the required Fig.2.The major steps involved in soy beverage and tofu prepara-tion.C.-J.C.Jackson et al./Process Biochemistry37(2002)1117–1123 1120996photodiode array(PDA)detector monitoring at200–350nm or a Waters486tunable absorbance UVdetector set at254nm,and an NEC computer withMILLENNIUM(version2.10)chromatography software.The column used was a YMC-pack ODS-AM-303column(5m m,250×4.6mm i.d.)(YMC Inc,Wilming-ton,NC)equipped with an AM direct connect C-18guard column.All HPLC analyses were performed atambient temperature.A Hewlett–Packard8452A diodearray spectrophotometer was used to verify the concen-trations of stock standards prior to use.The mobile phases for HPLC consisted of solvent(A)0.1%(v/v)acetic acid infiltered MilliQ water,and(B)0.1%(v/v)acetic acid in acetonitrile.The solvent gradi-ent was as follows:Solvent B was increased from15to25%over35min,then increased to26.5%within next12min,andfinally to50%within50s and held at thatpercentage for next14.50min.Theflow rate was1 ml/min up to48min and increased to1.3ml/min from 48.50min till63min.A Water996series photodiode array detector(Millipore Corp,Marborough,MA) monitored from200to350nm.The minimum de-tectable concentrations for genistein and daidzein were 100and185ng/ml,respectively.UV spectra were recorded and area responses were integrated by Waters software(MILLENNIUM,version2.10).2.6.Calibration cur6es and reco6eryCrystalline standards were dissolved in80% methanol to give a concentration of about1000m g/ml. The concentrations of the stock solutions were calcu-lated using the absorbance value at the wavelength of maximum absorption(u max)of diluted standard solu-tions,the molecular weight of the isoflavone and the extinction coefficient[24].The purity of each standard was determined by the percentage of the peak area in the HPLC/PDA chromatograph.Standard curves were obtained by plotting standard concentration(at nine concentrations)as a function of peak area in HPLC chromatograms.High linearity(R\0.99)was obtained for each curve.Quantities of6¦-O-acetyl-daidzin,6¦-O-acetyl-genistin,6¦-O-acetyl-glycitin,6¦-O-malonyl-daidzin,6¦-O-malonyl-genistin and6¦-O-malonyl-glycitin were determined by using standard curves for daidzin,genistin,and glycitin,respectively,and adjust-ing for the molecular weight differences.Recovery was estimated using added biochanin-A. All samples were spiked with approximately100m l of biochanin-A solution(1000m g/ml)in80%methanol. The solvent was allowed to dry prior to the addition of extraction solvent better to imitate endogenous isoflavones.Recovery values ranged from80to100%. The HPLC chromatography of the twelve isoflavones are illustrated in Fig.3.Fig.3.Reverse-phase HPLC chromatogram of the twelve isoflavones in soybean.2.7.Statistical analysesThe processing treatment was replicated three times. All experimental units were analyzed in duplicate.Val-ues were presented as the average of six replicate mean9S.D..One-way ANOVA was performed to de-termine significant differences in isoflavones present in the soy product during the different processing steps (h=0.05).3.Results and discussionThis investigation showed that the total recovery of isoflavones in tofu was as low as36%(based on dry matter)when compared with the amount present in raw soybean cv.RCAT Angola(Table2).However,the recovery of isoflavones in the soy beverage was54%.It is apparent that each processing step in tofu manufac-turing contributes to the loss of isoflavones,resulting in a considerable amount of isoflavones being lost in the resultant by-products.Similar to the present results, Wang and Murphy[17]observed recovery of total isoflavones in traditional momem tofu as33%.How-ever,recovery of isoflavones from soy beverage was higher(67%)in the present study compared with that in Wang and Murphy’[17]study where it was only36%. The difference seems to result from the type of coagu-lant used in tofu preparation.It is apparent from this study that use of glucano delta lactone(GDL)as the coagulant might be better and more efficient than CaCO4that was used in the previous study[17]in terms of recovering isoflavones in tofu from soy beverage. The loss of isoflavones with the soaking water as estimated by the differences in the amount detected in raw soybeans and soaked soybeans was4%.The totalC.-J.C.Jackson et al./Process Biochemistry37(2002)1117–11231121isoflavone content of the slurry(550mg)was lower than that of the raw soaked soybeans(690mg)(Table 2)and a change in distribution of isoflavone compo-nents was observed(Table3).Grinding of soaked-soy-bean in boiling water seems to result in the major loss of isoflavones during processing.The present study also showed that the composition of the isoflavones could vary from one step to another during processing.The malonyl conjugates were espe-cially unstable when exposed to heat.The levels of isoflavone aglycones,daidzein and genistein,increased by12-and23-fold,respectively,due to the soaking, heating,and grinding processes.Levels of malonyl daidzin and malonylgenistin decreased,due to the cleavage of malonyl ester groups to form daidzin and genistin upon heating and grinding.It is well docu-mented that the profile of isoflavones changes due to temperature during processing[25–27].It is also re-ported that malonyl glucosides are easily decarboxy-lated to their corresponding acetyl derivatives,as we observed[2,27].When the slurry wasfiltered to extract the soy bever-age,approximately two-thirds of the isoflavones parti-tioned into the soy beverage,while only one-third fractionated into the by-product,okara(Table2).The protein content of okara was similar to that of soy beverage and tofu(about5%)suggesting that a signifi-cant portion of the nutritional content of the soybean is being lost along with the okara.Therefore,there is a great potential for utilizing the okara as an animal feed with a good source of protein and isoflavones.There was a greater percentage of aglycones(15.4%),glu-cosides(28.9%)and acety-genistin(0.89%)in the okara as compared with the soy beverage(5.41%aglycones, 22.2%glucosides and0.34%acetyl-genistin)(Table3),likely due to the low solubility of aglycones in the aqueous media.In the soy beverage,a greater percent-age of malonyl-glucosides(72%)were present than in okara(54.9%)(Table3).The yield of tofu was2.75g fresh tofu per gram dry soybean(404g fresh tofu from147g dry soybeans in starting material),and the tofu contained36%of the isoflavones presented in the starting material(i.e.260 mg isoflavones in tofu relative to720mg isoflavones in raw soybeans,Table2).There was a67%recovery of isoflavones in tofu when the soy beverage was coagu-lated using GLD to form tofu(i.e.260mg isoflavones in tofu relative to390mg isoflavones in soy beverage, with little change in the distribution of isoflavone com-ponents between soy beverage and tofu(Table2). When estimated from the amount of isoflavones present in the soy beverage and tofu,assuming no loss due to heating and coagulation,the maximum isoflavone content in the whey would be about18%of the total isoflavone present in the starting material.In contrast,Wang and Murphy[17]observed44%of isoflavone in whey.The different results could be partly due to the manner in which the tofu was prepared using different coagulant,the whey was collected,or the soybean variety used[20,26].The percentage of each of the components in the soy beverage and tofu was very similar,except that about5%of the malonyl-glucosides were converted to glucosides in the tofu derived from the soy beverage(Table3).The heating process in-volved in making tofu from the soy beverage was likely responsible for this conversion[25].Results indicate that the loss of isoflavones was significant when the soy beverage is coagulated to form tofu,and the type of coagulant may have different influence.Isoflavones may be associated with proteins,and the losses ofTable2Impact of processing on yield,percent moisture,percent protein and isoflavone contents(three aglycones)in soybeans products and by-products Yield(g)%Moisture a%Protein b(wetProduct Total isoflavoneDaidzein c(mg)Genistein c(mg)Glycitein c(mg)(mg)weight)147909.7790.06–Raw soybean250A720A18A450A690B42.690.431393Soaked soybean19A430B240A19.590.9Soaked water NC d11009087.990–Cooked slurry200B340D 6.0BD550DSoy beverage68293888.990.1 4.6490.01140D240E10B390E82.191.1 4.5490.0684E130EOkara 4.0D418938220F404917Tofu87.590.3 5.0390.0595E160F 6.8B260FWhey NC dThe yield,%moisture and%protein values represent the mean9standard deviation;n=3.The daidzein,genistein,glycitein and total isoflavone contents in each column with different superscripts are significantly different(P B0.05).a Percent moisture was calculated from the difference between wet and freeze-dried samples.b Percent protein was calculated by the Dumas combustion method(AOAC992.23).c To estimate the total isoflavone content,individual isoflavone glycoside and aglycone forms were normalized for their molecular weight differences and summed.Values were calculated in dry basis.d NC,not collected.C.-J.C.Jackson et al./Process Biochemistry37(2002)1117–11231122Table3Effects of processing on the distribution of twelve isoflavonesGlucosides(mg)a Malonyl glucosides(mg)aProduct Acetyl glucosides(mg)aAglycones(mg)a Total(mg) Gen.Gly.Dai.Gen.Gly.Dai.Gen.Dai.Gly.Dai.Gen.Gly.2.6A ND130A150A11A330A680A20ARaw soybean ND3.4A4.7A ND1325A8.7B ND120A140A12A320A6.5B630BSoaked soybean23A ND7.6B ND1267B60C 1.2A105B120B 3.7BCD200BCooked slurry390C40C 6.8B ND8.7C ND933D22D0.8A68C81C 5.6B160C15D330DSoy beverage11C ND 2.4F ND695C31D 1.1A48D53C 2.2C64D130E 2.8D ND 3.2DOkara ND22E355E12E0.5B57E63D 4.5D100E7.8B200FTofu 6.5B 1.3 2.9D ND455FDifferent subscripts in a column represent significant differences(P B0.05);Dai.,daidzein;Gen.,genistein;Gly.,glycitein;ND,not detectable.a Values were calculated on dry weight basis as mg of individual component(mg per g dry weight).isoflavones in whey may be due to protein-associated isoflavones being released into the whey.It is necessary in future to develop optimum conditions for coagula-tion of soy beverage into tofu to retain the maximum amount of isoflavones in thefinal product.The estimated total mass of isoflavones lost in the soaking water,okara and whey were30,220,and13 mg,respectively.These values represent isoflavone losses of4,31and\18%,respectively(relative to the total isoflavone in starting material,720mg),through-out the processing steps(Table2).The soaking and cooking steps in soy beverage and tofu production yielded higher concentrations of aglycones and glu-cosides with decreased concentrations of malonyl derivatives,which were,observed previously[17].There were slight increases in the levels of acetyl-genistin and acetyl-daidzin throughout the processing of soybeans to soy beverage and tofu.In conclusion,it was shown that some isoflavones were lost in the processing steps,which involved heat-ing,grinding,and various fractionations.The isoflavones,which remain in the by-products(okara and whey),are not currently utilized fully in North America as food or feed sources.This study suggests that the development of efficient processing techniques is warranted for better utilization of soybean in soy beverage and tofu preparation,as well as,to make use of their by-products in value-added foods or animal feeds.AcknowledgementsThis research was funded by Ontario Soybean Grow-ers and the work was carried out collaboratively with University of Guelph and GPCRC-AAFC,Harrow, Ont.,Canada.The soybean(RCAT Angora)was kindly provided by Gary Ablett at the University of Guelph and the preparation of soy beverage and tofu were performed by D.Jessop at GPCRC-AAFC,Har-row,Ont.,Canada.References[1]Barnes S,Grubbs C,Setchell K,Carlson J.Soybeans inhibitmammary tumours in models of breast cancer.In:Pariza M, Aeschbacher H,Felton J,Sato S,editors.Mutagens and carcino-gens in the diet.New York:Wiley-Liss,1990:239–53.[2]Coward L,Barnes N,Setchell K,Barnes S.Genistein daidzein,and their b-glucoside conjugates:Antitumor isoflavones in soy-bean foods from American and Asian diets1993.[3]Aldercreutz C,Goldin B,Gorbach S,Hockerstedt K,WatanabeS,Hamalainen E,Markkanen M,Makela T,Wahala K.Soy-bean phytoestrogen intake and cancer risk.J Nutr 1995;125(Suppl3):757S–70S.[4]Messina M,Barnes S.The role of soybean products in reducingcancer risks.J Natl Cancer Inst1991;83:541–6.[5]Messina M,Persky V,Setchell K,Barnes S.Soy intake andcancer risk:a review of the in vitro and in vivo data.Nutr Cancer1994;21(2):113–31.[6]Hendrich S,Lee K.Antioxidant and anticarcinogenic effect ofsoybean isoflavones.Int News Fats Oil Related Mater 1993;4:529(abstract).[7]Zava D,Duwe G.Estrogenic and antiproliferative properties ofgenistein and otherflavonoids in human breast cancer cells in vitro.Nutr 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c14-test 2-section 4单词整理

c14-test 2-section 4单词整理

C14 Test 2 - Section 4 单词整理1. 介绍本文将针对C14 Test 2 - Section 4中出现的一些重要单词进行整理和解释,以便帮助大家更好地理解和掌握这些单词的用法和意义。

2. analyzeanalyze是一个动词,意思是“分析”,通常用于描述对某个问题或情况进行系统细致的研究和分析。

例如:We need to analyze the data before reaching any conclusions.(在得出任何结论之前,我们需要分析这些数据。

)3. crucialcrucial是一个形容词,意思是“至关重要的”,用于强调某个事情或因素的重要性。

例如:Effectivemunication is crucial in any relationship.4. depictdepict是一个动词,意思是“描述”或“描绘”,通常用于描述艺术作品或文字对事物的详细描绘。

例如:The p本人nting depicts a beautiful countryside scene.(这幅画描绘了美丽的乡村风景。

)5. emphasizeemphasize是一个动词,意思是“强调”或“着重”。


例如:The speaker emphasized the need for urgent action.6. efficientefficient是一个形容词,意思是“高效的”或“有效率的”,用于描述某个系统或过程能够在少量资源下达到最大产出。

例如:The new system is more efficient than the old one.7. factofacto是拉丁语中“事实”的意思,通常用于表示某个观点或说法是根据实际情况而非猜测得出的。

例如:The decision was made based on the fact that the project was behind schedule.8. simulatesimulate是一个动词,意思是“模拟”或“模仿”,用于描述通过模拟实验或情况来研究某个问题或情况。


The objective of this paper is to clarify the effect of the rubber particle size on the toughening behaviour of rubbertoughened PMMA under different fracture test methods, i.e. the impact test and the three- point bending test. For this purpose, a systematic model study has been carried out using core-shell type particles, which are made up of a poly(n-butyl acrylate) (PBA) core and a PMMA outer shell with a uniform particle size and composition. The fracture surfaces and the deformation region were observed by using various microscopy techniques. The deformation mechanism is also discussed in connection with the test method. EXPERIMENTAL
(Keywords: poly(methyl methacrylate); toughening behaviour; particle size)
INTRODUCTION It is well known that poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) can be toughened by the addition of rubbery particles. The deformation and fracture behaviour of rubber-toughened PMMA has been the subject of much study ~-~l. Although many studies have been reported on the mechanical behaviour of rubber-toughened PMMA, the deformation mechanism for rubber-toughened PMMA is still ambiguous, and contradictory results have been reported. PMMA itself is deformed mainly by crazing t2-14, but the deformation mechanism of rubber- toughened PMMA is influenced by the strain rate, the specimen geometry and the test method. Different deformation mechanisms, i.e. shear yielding ~'2'4 and crazing 3"6'9, have been proposed according to the different test methods. Therefore, the deformation of rubber-toughened PMMA may possibly show different behaviour as the test conditions are changed. The effect of the rubber phase fraction on the toughening behaviour is still unclear. Some authors have reported that the fracture toughness (Klc) showed a sharp transition from 7 and brittle to ductile with increasing rubber phase content, others have found that the Ktc values increased monotonically with rubber content to a maximum value and then decreased with further increase of the rubber phase fraction8. With respect to the effect of the particle size, the optimum panicle size for maximum toughness of rubber-toughened PMMA is known to be around

priming effect英语阅读理解

priming effect英语阅读理解

priming effect英语阅读理解
1.什么是启动效应(Priming Effect)
1.什么是启动效应(Priming Effect)
启动效应(Priming Effect)是一种心理学现象,指的是先前的刺激会影响后续的认知过程。












priming effect英语阅读理解

priming effect英语阅读理解

priming effect英语阅读理解全文共四篇示例,供您参考第一篇示例:什么是Primingeffect?Primingeffect 是指某一种刺激在一段时间内对相关的刺激产生潜在影响的现象。


Primingeffect 是认知心理学中一个重要的概念,它揭示了人类认知的潜在机制,对于人类信息加工方式的研究具有深远的意义。

Primingeffect的种类Primingeffect 主要包括两种:积极效应和消极效应。




Primingeffect在广告宣传中的应用在广告宣传中,Primingeffect 被广泛应用。



在广告宣传中,如何利用Primingeffect 来影响消费者的认知和情绪,已成为广告公司和市场营销人员需要认真考虑的问题。

Primingeffect对快速决策的影响在快速决策中,Primingeffect 也扮演着重要的角色。

在信息过载的社会里,人们需要快速做出决策,Primingeffect 会影响他们的认知方式和情绪,进而影响他们的决策。



Primingeffect与社会认知的关系更深入地,Primingeffect 还与社会认知有着密切的关系。

Unit 5 Lesson 2 The Objectives of Education(教学课件)

Unit 5 Lesson 2 The Objectives of Education(教学课件)

【温故】必修一U1contribution n [C]
贡献:I admire Edison a lot because he made a great contribution to the world. 捐款;捐献物:I gave a contribution of $100 to / toward the church. 2008 湖南 稿件;作品:This is a magazine with contributions from well-known travel writers. ► contributor n [C] 捐款人;撰稿人;起作用的因素
critical issue / role / state / condition 关键问题/关键作用/严峻(或重要)的情形/严重的病情
The first 24 hours after the operation are the most critical. Reducing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is of critical importance. 减少大气层中的二氧化碳含量极其重要。
We gain from cutting trees but we will suffer much more than we will benefit. 2009 安徽
n [C] 好处;利益;[U] 利润:The official’s illegal gains will be turned in to national treasury.He will do anything for gain. 增加 反 loss:a gain in earnings Regular exercise is the best way of preventing weight gain.

Algorithms with numbers

Algorithms with numbers

Chapter1Algorithms with numbersOne of the main themes of this chapter is the dramatic contrast between two ancient problems that atfirst seem very similar:Factoring:Given a number N,express it as a product of its prime factors.Primality:Given a number N,determine whether it is a prime.Factoring is hard.Despite centuries of effort by some of the world’s smartest mathemati-cians and computer scientists,the fastest methods for factoring a number N take time expo-nential in the number of bits of N.On the other hand,we shall soon see that we can efficiently test whether N is prime! And(it gets even more interesting)this strange disparity between the two intimately related problems,one very hard and the other very easy,lies at the heart of the technology that enables secure communication in today’s global information environment.En route to these insights,we need to develop algorithms for a variety of computational tasks involving numbers.We begin with basic arithmetic,an especially appropriate starting point because,as we know,the word algorithms originally applied only to methods for these problems.1.1Basic arithmetic1.1.1AdditionWe were so young when we learned the standard technique for addition that we would scarcely have thought to ask why it works.But let’s go back now and take a closer look.It is a basic property of decimal numbers thatThe sum of any three single-digit numbers is at most two digits long.Quick check:the sum is at most9+9+9=27,two digits long.In fact,this rule holds not just in decimal but in any base b≥2(Exercise1.1).In binary,for instance,the maximum possible sum of three single-bit numbers is3,which is a2-bit number.2122Algorithms2+1N,to within a constant factor(Exercise1.5).This simple rule gives us a way to add two numbers in any base:align their right-hand ends,and then perform a single right-to-left pass in which the sum is computed digit by digit,maintaining the overflow as a carry.Since we know each individual sum is a two-digit number,the carry is always a single digit,and so at any given step,three single-digit numbers are added.Here’s an example showing the addition53+35in binary.Carry:1111110101(53)100011(35)S.Dasgupta,C.H.Papadimitriou,and U.V.Vazirani23 is the kind of question we shall persistently be asking throughout this book.We want the answer expressed as a function of the size of the input:the number of bits of x and y,the number of keystrokes needed to type them in.Suppose x and y are each n bits long;in this chapter we will consistently use the letter n for the sizes of numbers.Then the sum of x and y is n+1bits at most,and each individual bit of this sum gets computed in afixed amount of time.The total running time for the addition algorithm is therefore of the form c0+c1n,where c0and c1are some constants;in other words, it is linear.Instead of worrying about the precise values of c0and c1,we will focus on the big picture and denote the running time as O(n).Now that we have a working algorithm whose running time we know,our thoughts wander inevitably to the question of whether there is something even better.Is there a faster algorithm?(This is another persistent question.)For addition,the answer is easy:in order to add two n-bit numbers we must at least read them and write down the answer,and even that requires n operations.So the addition algorithm is optimal,up to multiplicative constants!Some readers may be confused at this point:Why O(n)operations?Isn’t binary addition something that computers today perform by just one instruction?There are two answers. First,it is certainly true that in a single instruction we can add integers whose size in bits is within the word length of today’s computers—32perhaps.But,as will become apparent later in this chapter,it is often useful and necessary to handle numbers much larger than this,perhaps several thousand bits long.Adding and multiplying such large numbers on real computers is very much like performing the operations bit by bit.Second,when we want to understand algorithms,it makes sense to study even the basic algorithms that are encoded in the hardware of today’s computers.In doing so,we shall focus on the bit complexity of the algorithm,the number of elementary operations on individual bits—because this account-ing reflects the amount of hardware,transistors and wires,necessary for implementing the algorithm.1.1.2Multiplication and divisionOnward to multiplication!The grade-school algorithm for multiplying two numbers x and y is to create an array of intermediate sums,each representing the product of x by a single digit of y.These values are appropriately left-shifted and then added up.Suppose for instance that we want to multiply13×11,or in binary notation,x=1101and y=1011.The multiplication would proceed thus.24Algorithms1101×101110001111(binary143)In binary this is particularly easy since each intermediate row is either zero or x itself,left-shifted an appropriate amount of times.Also notice that left-shifting is just a quick way to multiply by the base,which in this case is2.(Likewise,the effect of a right shift is to divide by the base,rounding down if needed.)The correctness of this multiplication procedure is the subject of Exercise1.6;let’s move on andfigure out how long it takes.If x and y are both n bits,then there are n intermediate rows,with lengths of up to2n bits(taking the shifting into account).The total time taken to add up these rows,doing two numbers at a time,is,O(n)+O(n)+···+O(n)n−1timeswhich is O(n2),quadratic in the size of the inputs:still polynomial but much slower than addition(as we have all suspected since elementary school).But Al Khwarizmi knew another way to multiply,a method which is used today in some European countries.To multiply two decimal numbers x and y,write them next to each other,as in the example below.Then repeat the following:divide thefirst number by2, rounding down the result(that is,dropping the.5if the number was odd),and double the second number.Keep going till thefirst number gets down to1.Then strike out all the rows in which thefirst number is even,and add up whatever remains in the second column.1113526252(strike out)1104S.Dasgupta,C.H.Papadimitriou,and U.V.Vazirani25 function multiplyThe same algorithm can thus be repackaged in different ways.For variety we adopt a third formulation,the recursive algorithm of Figure1.1,which directly implements the rulex·y= 2(x· y/2 )if y is evenx+2(x· y/2 )if y is odd.Is this algorithm correct?The preceding recursive rule is transparently correct;so check-ing the correctness of the algorithm is merely a matter of verifying that it mimics the rule and that it handles the base case(y=0)properly.How long does the algorithm take?It must terminate after n recursive calls,because at each call y is halved—that is,its number of bits is decreased by one.And each recursive call requires these operations:a division by2(right shift);a test for odd/even(looking up the last bit);a multiplication by2(left shift);and possibly one addition,a total of O(n)bit operations. The total time taken is thus O(n2),just as before.Can we do better?Intuitively,it seems that multiplication requires adding about n multi-ples of one of the inputs,and we know that each addition is linear,so it would appear that n2 bit operations are inevitable.Astonishingly,in Chapter2we’ll see that we can do significantly better!Division is next.To divide an integer x by another integer y=0means tofind a quotient q and a remainder r,where x=yq+r and r<y.We show the recursive version of division in Figure1.2;like multiplication,it takes quadratic time.The analysis of this algorithm is the subject of Exercise1.8.1.2Modular arithmeticWith repeated addition or multiplication,numbers can get cumbersomely large.So it is for-tunate that we reset the hour to zero whenever it reaches24,and the month to January after every stretch of12months.Similarly,for the built-in arithmetic operations of computer pro-26Algorithms functiondivide+=6S.Dasgupta,C.H.Papadimitriou,and U.V.Vazirani27 N−1.For example,there are three equivalence classes modulo3:···−9−6−30369······−8−5−214710······−7−4−125811···Any member of an equivalence class is substitutable for any other;when viewed modulo3, the numbers5and11are no different.Under such substitutions,addition and multiplication remain well-defined:Substitution rule If x≡x (mod N)and y≡y (mod N),then:x+y≡x +y (mod N)and xy≡x y (mod N).(See Exercise1.9.)For instance,suppose you watch an entire season of your favorite television show in one sitting,starting at midnight.There are25episodes,each lasting3hours.At what time of day are you done?Answer:the hour of completion is(25×3)mod24,which(since 25≡1mod24)is1×3=3mod24,or three o’clock in the morning.It is not hard to check that in modular arithmetic,the usual associative,commutative,and distributive properties of addition and multiplication continue to apply,for instance:x+(y+z)≡(x+y)+z(mod N)Associativityxy≡yx(mod N)Commutativityx(y+z)≡xy+yz(mod N)DistributivityTaken together with the substitution rule,this implies that while performing a sequence of arithmetic operations,it is legal to reduce intermediate results to their remainders modulo N at any stage.Such simplifications can be a dramatic help in big calculations.Witness,for instance:2345≡(25)69≡3269≡169≡1(mod31).1.2.1Modular addition and multiplicationTo add two numbers x and y modulo N,we start with regular addition.Since x and y are each in the range0to N−1,their sum is between0and2(N−1).If the sum exceeds N−1,we merely need to subtract off N to bring it back into the required range.The overall computation therefore consists of an addition,and possibly a subtraction,of numbers that never exceed 2N.Its running time is linear in the sizes of these numbers,in other words O(n),where n= log N is the size of N;as a reminder,our convention is to use the letter n to denote input size.To multiply two mod-N numbers x and y,we again just start with regular multiplication and then reduce the answer modulo N.The product can be as large as(N−1)2,but this is still at most2n bits long since log(N−1)2=2log(N−1)≤2n.To reduce the answer modulo N,we28AlgorithmsS.Dasgupta,C.H.Papadimitriou,and U.V.Vazirani29 function modexpconsists of numbers that are smaller than N,and so the individual multiplications do not take too long.But there’s a problem:if y is500bits long,we need to perform y−1≈2500 multiplications!This algorithm is clearly exponential in the size of y.Luckily,we can do better:starting with x and squaring repeatedly modulo N,we get x mod N→x2mod N→x4mod N→x8mod N→···→x2 log y mod N.Each takes just O(log2N)time to compute,and in this case there are only log y multiplications. To determine x y mod N,we simply multiply together an appropriate subset of these powers, those corresponding to1’s in the binary representation of y.For instance,x25=x110012=x100002·x10002·x12=x16·x8·x1.A polynomial-time algorithm isfinally within reach!We can package this idea in a particularly simple form:the recursive algorithm of Fig-ure1.4,which works by executing,modulo N,the self-evident rulex y= (x y/2 )2if y is evenx·(x y/2 )2if y is odd.In doing so,it closely parallels our recursive multiplication algorithm(Figure1.1).For in-stance,that algorithm would compute the product x·25by an analogous decomposition to the one we just saw:x·25=x·16+x·8+x·1.And whereas for multiplication the terms x·2i come from repeated doubling,for exponentiation the corresponding terms x2i are generated by repeated squaring.Let n be the size in bits of x,y,and N(whichever is largest of the three).As with multipli-cation,the algorithm will halt after at most n recursive calls,and during each call it multiplies n-bit numbers(doing computation modulo N saves us here),for a total running time of O(n3).1.2.3Euclid’s algorithm for greatest common divisorOur next algorithm was discovered well over2000years ago by the mathematician Euclid,in ancient Greece.Given two integers a and b,itfinds the largest integer that divides both of them,known as their greatest common divisor(gcd).30Algorithms function EuclidThe most obvious approach is tofirst factor a and b,and then multiply together their common factors.For instance,1035=32·5·23and759=3·11·23,so their gcd is3·23=69. However,we have no efficient algorithm for factoring.Is there some other way to compute greatest common divisors?Euclid’s algorithm uses the following simple formula.Euclid’s rule If x and y are positive integers with x≥y,then gcd(x,y)=gcd(x mod y,y). Proof.It is enough to show the slightly simpler rule gcd(x,y)=gcd(x−y,y)from which the one stated can be derived by repeatedly subtracting y from x.Here it goes.Any integer that divides both x and y must also divide x−y,so gcd(x,y)≤gcd(x−y,y).Likewise,any integer that divides both x−y and y must also divide both x and y,so gcd(x,y)≥gcd(x−y,y).This means that after any two consecutive rounds,both arguments,a and b,are at the very least halved in value—the length of each decreases by at least one bit.If they are initially n-bit integers,then the base case will be reached within2n recursive calls.And since each call involves a quadratic-time division,the total time is O(n3).function extended-Euclid1.2.4An extension of Euclid’s algorithmA small extension to Euclid’s algorithm is the key to dividing in the modular world.To motivate it,suppose someone claims that d is the greatest common divisor of a and b: how can we check this?It is not enough to verify that d divides both a and b,because this only shows d to be a common factor,not necessarily the largest one.Here’s a test that can be used if d is of a particular form.Lemma If d divides both a and b,and d=ax+by for some integers x and y,then necessarily d=gcd(a,b).Proof.By thefirst two conditions,d is a common divisor of a and b and so it cannot exceed the greatest common divisor;that is,d≤gcd(a,b).On the other hand,since gcd(a,b)is a common divisor of a and b,it must also divide ax+by=d,which implies gcd(a,b)≤d.Putting these together,d=gcd(a,b).Writing(a mod b)as(a− a/b b),wefindd=gcd(a,b)=gcd(b,a mod b)=bx +(a mod b)y =bx +(a− a/b b)y =ay +b(x − a/b y ). Therefore d=ax+by with x=y and y=x − a/b y ,thus validating the algorithm’s behavior on input(a,b).=2·11=3·3=1·2=2·1−0−(2)=−1·2.The second-last line of the gcd calculation tells us that1=3−1·2.Substituting:1=−1·2−1·2−4·2−4(11)=−4·11=−4·11−2·11−34·11form ax+kN.So if gcd(a,N)>1,then ax≡1mod N,no matter what x might be,and therefore a cannot have a multiplicative inverse modulo N.In fact,this is the only circumstance in which a is not invertible.When gcd(a,N)=1(we say a and N are relatively prime),the extended Euclid algorithm gives us integers x and y such that ax+Ny=1,which means that ax≡1(mod N).Thus x is a’s sought inverse.Example.Continuing with our previous example,suppose we wish to compute11−1mod25. Using the extended Euclid algorithm,wefind that15·25−34·11=1.Reducing both sides modulo25,we have−34·11≡1mod25.So−34≡16mod25is the inverse of11mod25. Modular division theorem For any a mod N,a has a multiplicative inverse modulo N if and only if it is relatively prime to N.When this inverse exists,it can be found in time O(n3) (where as usual n denotes the number of bits of N)by running the extended Euclid algorithm.This resolves the issue of modular division:when working modulo N,we can divide by numbers relatively prime to N—and only by these.And to actually carry out the division,we multiply by the inverse.N,for if N can indeed be factored as N=K·L, then it is impossible for both factors to exceed√Fermat’s little theorem If p is prime,then for every 1≤a <p ,a p −1≡1(mod p ).Proof.Let S be the nonzero integers modulo p ;that is,S ={1,2,...,p −1}.Here’s the crucial observation:the effect of multiplying these numbers by a (modulo p )is simply to permute them.For instance,here’s a picture of the case a =3,p =7:654321123456Let’s carry this example a bit further.From the picture,we can conclude{1,2,...,6}={3·1mod 7,3·2mod 7,...,3·6mod 7}.Multiplying all the numbers in each representation then gives 6!≡36·6!(mod 7),and dividing by 6!we get 36≡1(mod 7),exactly the result we wanted in the case a =3,p =7.Now let’s generalize this argument to other values of a and p ,with S ={1,2,...,p −1}.We’ll prove that when the elements of S are multiplied by a modulo p ,the resulting numbers are all distinct and nonzero.And since they lie in the range [1,p −1],they must simply be a permutation of S .The numbers a ·i mod p are distinct because if a ·i ≡a ·j (mod p ),then dividing both sides by a gives i ≡j (mod p ).They are nonzero because a ·i ≡0similarly implies i ≡0.(And we can divide by a ,because by assumption it is nonzero and therefore relatively prime to p .)We now have two ways to write set S :S ={1,2,...,p −1}={a ·1mod p,a ·2mod p,...,a ·(p −1)mod p }.We can multiply together its elements in each of these representations to get(p −1)!≡a p −1·(p −1)!(mod p ).Dividing by (p −1)!(which we can do because it is relatively prime to p ,since p is assumed prime)then gives the theorem.functionprimalityPick some a The problem is that Fermat’s theorem is not an if-and-only-if condition;it doesn’t say what happens when N is not prime,so in these cases the preceding diagram is questionable.In fact,it is possible for a composite number N to pass Fermat’s test (that is,a N −1≡1mod N )for certain choices of a .For instance,341=11·31is not prime,and yet 2340≡1mod 341.Nonetheless,we might hope that for composite N ,most values of a will fail the test.This is indeed true,in a sense we will shortly make precise,and motivates the algorithm of Figure 1.7:rather than fixing an arbitrary value of a in advance,we should choose it randomly from {1,...,N −1}.In analyzing the behavior of this algorithm,we first need to get a minor bad case out of the way .It turns out that certain extremely rare composite numbers N ,called Carmichael num-bers ,pass Fermat’s test for all a relatively prime to N .On such numbers our algorithm will fail;but they are pathologically rare,and we will later see how to deal with them (page 38),so let’s ignore these numbers for the time being.In a Carmichael-free universe,our algorithm works well.Any prime number N will of course pass Fermat’s test and produce the right answer.On the other hand,any non-Carmichael composite number N must fail Fermat’s test for some value of a ;and as we will now show ,this implies immediately that N fails Fermat’s test for at least half the possible values of a !Lemma If a N −1≡1mod N for some a relatively prime to N ,then it must hold for at least half the choices of a <N .Proof.Fix some value of a for which a N −1≡1mod N .The key is to notice that every element b <N that passes Fermat’s test with respect to N (that is,b N −1≡1mod N )has a twin,a ·b ,that fails the test:(a ·b )N −1≡a N −1·b N −1≡a N −1≡1mod N.Moreover,all these elements a ·b ,for fixed a but different choices of b ,are distinct,for the same reason a ·i ≡a ·j in the proof of Fermat’s test:just divide by a.The set {1,2,...,N −1}The one-to-one function b →a ·b shows that at least as many elements fail the test as pass it.Hey,that was group theory!For any integer N ,the set of all numbers mod N that are relatively prime to N constitute what mathematicians call a group :•There is a multiplication operation defined on this set.•The set contains a neutral element (namely 1:any number multiplied by this remains unchanged).•All elements have a well-defined inverse.This particular group is called the multiplicative group of N ,usually denoted Z ∗N .Group theory is a very well developed branch of mathematics.One of its key concepts is that a group can contain a subgroup —a subset that is a group in and of itself.And an important fact about a subgroup is that its size must divide the size of the whole group.Consider now the set B ={b :b N −1≡1mod N }.It is not hard to see that it is a subgroup of Z ∗N (just check that B is closed under multiplication and inverses).Thus the size of B must divide that of Z ∗N .Which means that if B doesn’t contain all of Z ∗N ,the next largest size it can have is |Z ∗N |/2.We are ignoring Carmichael numbers,so we can now assertIf N is prime,then a N −1≡1mod N for all a <N .If N is not prime,then a N −1≡1mod N for at most half the values of a <N .The algorithm of Figure 1.7therefore has the following probabilistic behavior.Pr (Algorithm 1.7returns yes when N is prime )=1Pr (Algorithm 1.7returns yes when N is not prime )≤1function primality2We can reduce this one-sided error by repeating the procedure many times,by randomly pick-ing several values of a and testing them all(Figure1.8).Pr(Algorithm1.8returns yes when N is not prime)≤1=1.(x/ln x)Such abundance makes it simple to generate a random n-bit prime:•Pick a random n-bit number N.•Run a primality test on N.•If it passes the test,output N;else repeat the process.≈109primes ≈20,000compositesall numbers ≤25×109After primality testThe typical setting for cryptography can be described via a cast of three characters:Alice and Bob,who wish to communicate in private,and Eve,an eavesdropper who will go to great lengths to find out what they are saying.For concreteness,let’s say Alice wants to send a specific message x ,written in binary (why not),to her friend Bob.She encodes it as e (x ),sends it over,and then Bob applies his decryption function d (·)to decode it:d (e (x ))=x .Here e (·)and d (·)are appropriate transformations of themessages.Bob x x =d (e (x ))Alice and Bob are worried that the eavesdropper,Eve,will intercept e (x ):for instance,she might be a sniffer on the network.But ideally the encryption function e (·)is so chosen that without knowing d (·),Eve cannot do anything with the information she has picked up.In other words,knowing e (x )tells her little or nothing about what x might be.For centuries,cryptography was based on what we now call private-key protocols .In such a scheme,Alice and Bob meet beforehand and together choose a secret codebook,with which they encrypt all future correspondence between them.Eve’s only hope,then,is to collect some encoded messages and use them to at least partially figure out the codebook.Public-key schemes such as RSA are significantly more subtle and tricky:they allow Alice to send Bob a message without ever having met him before.This almost sounds impossible,because in this scenario there is a symmetry between Bob and Eve:why should Bob have any advantage over Eve in terms of being able to understand Alice’s message?The central idea behind the RSA cryptosystem is that using the dramatic contrast between factoring and primality ,Bob is able to implement a digital lock ,to which only he has the key .Now by making this digital lock public,he gives Alice a way to send him a secure message,which only he can open.Moreover,this is exactly the scenario that comes up in Internet commerce,for example,when you wish to send your credit card number to some company over the Internet.In the RSA protocol,Bob need only perform the simplest of calculations,such as multi-plication,to implement his digital lock.Similarly Alice and Bob need only perform simple calculations to lock and unlock the message respectively—operations that any pocket com-puting device could handle.By contrast,to unlock the message without the key ,Eve must perform operations like factoring large numbers,which requires more computational power than would be afforded by the world’s most powerful computers combined.This compelling guarantee of security explains why the RSA cryptosystem is such a revolutionary develop-ment in cryptography .0=x, whereSo given what Eve knows,all possibilities for x are equally likely!The downside of the one-time pad is that it has to be discarded after use,hence the name.A second message encoded with the same pad would not be secure,because if Eve knew x⊕r and z⊕r for two messages x and z,then she could take the exclusive-or to get x⊕z,which might be important information—for example,(1)it reveals whether the two messages begin or end the same,and(2)if one message contains a long sequence of zeros(as could easily be the case if the message is an image),then the corresponding part of the other message will be exposed.Therefore the random string that Alice and Bob share has to be the combined length of all the messages they will need to exchange.The one-time pad is a toy cryptographic scheme whose behavior and theoretical properties are completely clear.At the other end of the spectrum lies the advanced encryption standard (AES),a very widely used cryptographic protocol that was approved by the U.S.National Institute of Standards and Technologies in2001.AES is once again private-key:Alice and Bob have to agree on a shared random string r.But this time the string is of a smallfixed size,128to be precise(variants with192or256bits also exist),and specifies a bijection e r from128-bit strings to128-bit strings.The crucial difference is that this function can be used repeatedly,so for instance a long message can be encoded by splitting it into segments of128 bits and applying e r to each segment.The security of AES has not been rigorously established,but certainly at present the gen-eral public does not know how to break the code—to recover x from e r(x)—except using tech-niques that are not very much better than the brute-force approach of trying all possibilities for the shared string r.1.4.2RSAUnlike the previous two protocols,the RSA scheme is an example of public-key cryptography: anybody can send a message to anybody else using publicly available information,rather like addresses or phone numbers.Each person has a public key known to the whole world and a secret key known only to him-or herself.When Alice wants to send message x to Bob,she en-codes it using his public key.He decrypts it using his secret key,to retrieve x.Eve is welcome to see as many encrypted messages for Bob as she likes,but she will not be able to decode them,under certain simple assumptions.The RSA scheme is based heavily upon number theory.Think of messages from Alice to Bob as numbers modulo N;messages larger than N can be broken into smaller pieces.The encryption function will then be a bijection on{0,1,...,N−1},and the decryption function will be its inverse.What values of N are appropriate,and what bijection should be used? Property Pick any two primes p and q and let N=pq.For any e relatively prime to(p−1)(q−1):1.The mapping x→x e mod N is a bijection on{0,1,...,N−1}.2.Moreover,the inverse mapping is easily realized:let d be the inverse of e modulo(p−1)(q−1).Then for all x∈{0,...,N−1},(x e)d≡x mod N.Thefirst property tells us that the mapping x→x e mod N is a reasonable way to encode messages x;no information is lost.So,if Bob publishes(N,e)as his public key,everyone else can use it to send him encrypted messages.The second property then tells us how decryption can be achieved.Bob should retain the value d as his secret key,with which he can decode all messages that come to him by simply raising them to the d th power modulo N. Example.Let N=55=5·11.Choose encryption exponent e=3,which satisfies the condition gcd(e,(p−1)(q−1))=gcd(3,40)=1.The decryption exponent is then d=3−1mod40=27. Now for any message x mod55,the encryption of x is y=x3mod55,and the decryption of y is x=y27mod55.So,for example,if x=13,then y=133=52mod55.and13=5227mod55.Let’s prove the assertion above and then examine the security of the scheme.Proof.If the mapping x→x e mod N is invertible,it must be a bijection;hence statement2 implies statement1.To prove statement2,we start by observing that e is invertible modulo (p−1)(q−1)because it is relatively prime to this number.To see that(x e)d≡x mod N,we examine the exponent:since ed≡1mod(p−1)(q−1),we can write ed in the form1+k(p−1)(q−1)for some k.Now we need to show that the differencex ed−x=x1+k(p−1)(q−1)−xis always0modulo N.The second form of the expression is convenient because it can be simplified using Fermat’s little theorem.It is divisible by p(since x p−1≡1mod p)and likewise by q.Since p and q are primes,this expression must also be divisible by their product N.Hence x ed−x=x1+k(p−1)(q−1)−x≡0(mod N),exactly as we need.。

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(Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, in press) Masked priming effects with syllabic neighbors in a lexical decision taskManuel Carreiras1 and Manuel Perea21 Universidad de La Laguna2 Universitat de ValènciaRUNNING HEAD: Syllabic priming effectsCorrespondence:Manuel CarreirasDepartamento de Psicología CognitivaUniversidad de La Laguna38205-Tenerife (Spain)phone: +34 922 317515fax: +34 922 317461e-mail: mcarreir@ull.esAbstractFour lexical decision experiments were conducted to analyze whether the previous presentation of a syllabic “neighbor” (e.g., boca and bono; which share the first syllable in Spanish) influences recognition performance using a masked priming paradigm. The results showed an inhibitory effect of more frequent syllabic primes (boca-BONO; Experiment 1) and some facilitation of nonword syllabic primes (bofa-BONO; Experiments 2-3). Further, when monosyllabic pairs were used (ziel-ZINC; Experiment 3), no priming effects of the two first letters were found. Finally, by using only syllables as primes (ca**** vs. cas***), latencies to CV and CVC words were faster when preceded by primes that corresponded to the first syllable than by primes that contained one letter more or less than the first syllable (Experiment 4). The results are interpreted in the context of activation models that take into account a syllabic level of representation.Key words: syllables; masked priming; neighbors; word recognitionMasked priming effects with syllabic neighbors in the lexical decision taskRecent research on orthographic neighborhood effects in visual word recognition has found that the identification of a word is modulated by the number and frequency of similarly spelled words (e.g., see Andrews, 1997; Carreiras, Perea, & Grainger, 1997; Grainger & Jacobs, 1996; Pollatsek, Perea, & Binder, 1999, for recent reviews). Although investigation of the effects of lexical similarity provides valuable information into the processes underlying word recognition, most of these studies have focused on short monosyllabic words, which may not be representative of the language and even less in some languages than in others. For instance, while 12% of English words are monosyllabic (Cutler, 1990), less than 2% of Spanish words are monosyllabic (Justicia, Santiago, Palma, Huertas, & Gutiérrez, 1996). ( However, when a token count is used, the percentage of monosyllabic words in Spanish is much higher, 36%) As Rastle and Coltheart (2000; see also Andrews, 1997; Forster & Taft, 1994) pointed out, any comprehensive model needs to confront the problems which arise when multisyllabic words are considered.The focus on monosyllabic words is not accidental. It is closely related to the fact that interest in the perceptual processes of encoding has changed to focus on the nature of the representational structures and the organization of the mental lexicon (e.g., Coltheart, Curtis, Atkins, & Haller, 1993; Grainger & Jacobs, 1996; McClelland & Rumelhart, 1981; Morton, 1969; Seidenberg & McClelland, 1989). The search for a perceptual unit underlying word reading, which was an important topic of research twenty years ago, has almost disappeared from recent discussions on word recognition, because of the change of metaphors guiding research in the field, as well as the implicit assumptions of most of the current computational models. Nonetheless, the fact that it has been overshadowed, does not necessarily mean that is not important, or that is not implicit in the assumptions of the models. All computational models rely on untested assumptions about the perceptual unitunderlying reading but these seemingly theoretically irrelevant assumptions are critical for the success of the models. For instance, the different types of input that are implemented in the Interactive Activation model (McClelland & Rumelhart, 1981), the Dual Route Cascaded model (DRC model, Coltheart et al., 1993, 2001), the Connectionist model of Plaut, McClelland, Seidenberg, and Patterson (1996), and the Connectionist model of Ans, Carbonnel, and Valdois (1998) allow the explanation of different effects.The Interactive Activation model assumes independent position-specific letter detectors and has been implemented only for four-letter words. Therefore, the model is completely insensitive to the relationship between letters at different positions, as well as to how to deal with similar words of different length. Such assumptions are critical to the model’s performance because they determine which words are considered similar and therefore the cohort of words activated by a particular input. Thus, this model would predict that words which share the same letters, but in a different order, should not be considered similar, and neither should words that share some initial parts but are of different length. Thus, they should not influence the time required to select and recognize a target word that shares either the same letters in a different order or an initial syllable if they are of different length in terms of number of letters. However, recent research on lexical similarity challenges the position independence assumption (e.g., Andrews, 1996) as well as the fact that words which share the first syllable but have different number of letters seem to be activated during the process of word recognition (Perea & Carreiras, 1998).The word length problem is considered in Coltheart et al.’s (1993) DRC model. This model allows the activation of all monosyllabic words that share the initial parts, so the DRC will be sensitive to similarities between the beginnings of the words, but not when these overlap at the ends. However, there is evidence that orthographic bodies play a major role in wordrecognition in English (Forster & Taft, 1994; Treiman, Mullennix, Bijeljac-Babic, & Richmond-Welty, 1995).The Plaut et al. (1996) model, which is a computational implementation of the PDP (parallel distributed processing) approach to visual word identification, makes strong assumptions about the perceptual units. Subsyllabic segments of “onset”, “vowel” and “coda” are considered perceptual units in the model. This seems a very efficient way of coding within-word position for monosyllabic words. Among other things, it avoids the “dispersion problem” present in the Interactive Activation model, and it makes it unnecessary to code the order of elements within the letter string. Such efficiency of using subsyllabic segments derives from the high degree of constraint on the phonemes and letters that are legal in word onsets and codas. In short, these subsyllabic codes are in fact “perceptual units”. Thus, Plaut et al.’s simulations demonstrate the utility of subsyllabic segments to the representational structure of the lexical processing system.Finally, Ans et al. (1998) have proposed a connectionist distributed model for polysyllabic words in which mapping from orthography to phonology emerges from the integrated activation of previously experienced whole words and word syllabic segments. The model is composed of two orthographic input layers (one of which is a “clean-up” layer), a phonological output layer, and an intermediate layer mediating between them. Phonological encoding in the phonological layer takes into account three kinds of phonological unit: phonemes, syllables, and syllabic constituents (onset and rime). But is there any empirical evidence to sustain the idea that sublexical units such as the syllable are important in reading?Evidence for syllabic parsingPrevious research has largely ignored the issue of how multisyllabic words might be processed. As Forster and Taft (1994) and Andrews (1997) pointed out, dealing with multisyllabic words raises a number of questions. On the one hand, it has been suggested that the syllable is an access unit for multisyllabic words (Taft & Forster, 1976; Taft, 1979), where the first syllable is represented in the input system as a means of gaining access to the full information about the word (Taft, 1991). On the other hand, in the framework of an Interactive Activation model, Ferrand, Segui, and Grainger (1996; see also Colé, Magnan, & Grainger, 1999) suggested that sublexical input phonology could be coded syllabically. In either case, multisyllabic words might be susceptible to interference from syllabically-defined neighbors.Although the influence of the syllable in English is not entirely conclusive (see for instance, Seidenberg, 1987 vs. Rapp, 1992; Prinzmetal, Hoffman, & Vest, 1991; Prinzmetal, Treiman, & Rho, 1986; Tousman & Inhoff, 1992) —in part because the boundaries among syllables are not well defined (Taft & Radeau, 1995)— the syllable appears to play an important role not only in the visual recognition of multisyllabic words in languages with clearly-defined syllable boundaries (e.g., French: Colé, Magnan, & Grainger, 1999; Rouibah & Taft, 2001; Taft & Radeau, 1995; Spanish: Álvarez, Carreiras, & Taft, 2001; Álvarez, Taft, & Carreiras, 1998; Carreiras, Álvarez, & de Vega, 1993; Domínguez, de Vega, & Cuetos, 1997; Perea & Carreiras, 1995, 1998).Interestingly, Carreiras et al. (1993) found that disyllabic Spanish words with high-frequency syllables were identified more slowly than those with low-frequency syllables in a lexical decision task (“the syllable frequency effect”). They suggested that not only are orthographic neighbors (i.e., words that share all letters but one, e.g., Spanish: casa-cara)being activated in the process of visual word recognition —as is usually supposed— but also syllabic neighbors (i.e., words that share a syllable with the target word, especially the first syllable). That is, the word casa would be partially activated (or accessible) when the word cazo is presented. In later studies, we (Perea & Carreiras, 1995, 1998; see also Álvarez, Carreiras, & Taft, 2001) found that the factor responsible for this inhibitory effect was not the frequency of the syllable per se, but rather the number of higher frequency syllabic neighbors of the target word (at least in the lexical decision task and in the progressive demasking task). It seems that the number of higher frequency syllabic neighbors appears to modulate the lexical access of Spanish words (via lexical inhibition): words with many higher frequency syllabic neighbors will be recognized more slowly than words with few higher frequency syllabic neighbors in tasks in which resolution of the candidate set is needed, such as the lexical decision task (i.e., assuming that the processing of the stimuli is deep, see Grainger & Jacobs, 1996). Interestingly, the syllable frequency effect is reliable when the materials are controlled for bigram frequency, orthographic or morphological factors (e.g., see Álvarez et al., 2001; Carreiras et al., 1993; Perea & Carreiras, 1995, 1998). In sum, the basic conclusion from these studies is that “any model of lexical access has to incorporate a syllabic level of representation or include the syllable as a sublexical unit of processing in Spanish” (Álvarez et al., 2001, p. 533).The main goal of this study is to examine the nature of the similarity relationships between lexical representations by means of a priming paradigm, since this procedure can provide insight into how co-activation of a syllabic neighbor might influence activation of a target representation (see Andrews, 1997). It is important to bear in mind that in experiments with a single-word paradigm such as those described above, the issue concerns whether partial activation of neighboring words that were never presented influences responses to the target word. However, in a priming paradigm, an item is explicitly activated and the effect on target performance is measured. Furthermore, a priming paradigm avoids the potentialcontamination from uncontrolled variables that may occur in an unprimed paradigm (see Forster, 2000). In this context, the masked priming paradigm (Forster & Davis, 1984; Forster, 1987, 1998; Forster, Mohan, & Hector, in press) provides a simple and clean methodological tool for manipulating the hypothetical competition from a given word’s syllabic neighbors. Furthermore, the application of conscious strategies is severely hampered by this procedure and the obtained priming effects are supposed to reflect automatic processes rather than strategic effects (see Forster, 1998). Even in such extreme conditions, that is, with a brief prime presentation duration and forward masking, it is hypothesized that processing has been initiated on the prime stimulus, causing a rise in activation of any representations involved in such processing. Thus, when the target stimulus is presented immediately after prime offset, a certain number of lexical representations will be in a heightened state of activation when processing begins on the target word. If this target word shares the first syllable with the prime, then the activation levels of some representations that were raised during prime processing will continue to be supported by information from the target word. In this way, these representations that remain in a heightened state of activation during target processing will influence target recognition. Interestingly, if we assume that the initial access to a lexical entry in a disyllabic word can be obtained via the first syllable (e.g., Taft, 1979), it is the first syllable that controls the priming effect across neighboring items.Form-priming effects obtained with the masked priming techniqueThe literature on form-priming effects in the lexical decision task (e.g., using “blue” to prime “BLUR”) with the masking technique combined with limited prime exposition durations has primarily focused on monosyllabic word-word or nonword-word pairs. Interestingly, the lexical status of the prime is relevant to the priming effect (Drews & Zwitserlood, 1995; Grainger, 1992), at least when close distractors are used as nonword targets (e.g., UNIVORSE; see Forster & Veres, 1998, for a discussion of this point). When the primesare words, form-priming effects are ordinarily inhibitory (compared with an unrelated control condition), at least when the prime is of higher frequency than the target (see Bijeljac-Babic, Biardeau, & Grainger, 1997; de Moor & Brysbaert, 2000; Ferrand & Grainger, 1994; Grainger, 1992; Grainger, Colé, & Segui, 1991; Perea et al., 1995; Segui & Grainger, 1990; but see Forster & Veres, 1998). Nonetheless, these effects are facilitative when word pairs are related in form and meaning —e. g., made-MAKE— (see Forster, Davis, Schocknetch, & Carter, 1987; Grainger et al., 1991). In contrast, when the primes are nonwords similar in orthography (or phonology) to the target, priming effects tend to be facilitative (e.g., Ferrand & Grainger, 1992, 1993, 1994; Forster et al., 1987; Forster, 1987; Forster & Taft, 1994; Sereno, 1991).These results can be readily explained in the context of activation-based models (e.g., see Ferrand & Grainger, 1994; Grainger, 1992; Grainger & Ferrand, 1996; Grainger & Jacobs, 1996; McClelland & Rumelhart, 1981). If the prime is a nonword (and perhaps a low-frequency word), only sublexical units (e.g., letters and, possibly, letter clusters) will be significantly activated at the beginning of target processing but no lexical units will be significantly activated. Because of the sublexical facilitation, the processing of targets that share letters with the prime will be faster than the processing of unrelated targets. However, if the prime is a high-frequency word, it is likely that the primes will activate their corresponding word units. When the related target is presented, the prime nodes will be likely to receive further activation (because of orthographic similarity) and lateral inhibition at the lexical level will cancel out any sublexical facilitation from the related target. As a result, inhibition may occur, especially for low-frequency targets (since these are subjected to a longer period of inhibition from the high-frequency related words).In addition, at a 57-ms SOA Ferrand and Grainger (1994) found phonological priming using nonword primes in French that shared only one letter in the same position but had the samepronunciation (e.g., the prime mair and the target mere are pronounced identically in French). However, at that SOA no effects of orthographic priming were found (although these appeared at shorter SOAs). Ferrand and Grainger (1994) suggested that there are two pathways from the letter level to the word level, one would be orthographic (sublexical input orthography) and the other would be phonological (sublexical input phonology). More recently, Ferrand et al. (1996) suggested that sublexical phonological representations might be organized syllabically. Given that the syllabic representations located at the level of sublexical input phonology would send activation to whole-word representations, words that share one syllable could influence the process of word recognition (see Ferrand et al., 1996). If this is so, it is likely that syllabic neighbors (especially words that share the first syllable) will show masked priming effects in much the same way as orthographic neighbors. Consequently, when the prime is a high-frequency word, its activation level will be large enough to send some inhibition to lower-frequency syllabic neighbors. This possibility will be tested in Experiment 1. In contrast, some facilitation (or a null effect) is expected for nonword syllabic primes via sublexical facilitation, since no lexical units will be strongly activated and so some sublexical facilitation due to the letter and syllable levels may appear. This possibility will be tested in Experiment 2.Only a few published studies have examined masked priming effects with word pairs in which the related condition was composed of word primes that were notorthographic/phonological neighbors of the targets, although they were different from those used in the present series of experiments. Grainger et al. (1991; Experiment 2) found that primes that share the initial letters with the target, (e.g. the French word murir) inhibited the processing of the related targets (muret; compared with an unrelated control condition) at a 64-ms SOA. In contrast, pairs that shared final information (e.g., accord-rebord) did not show any priming effects at all. Grainger et al. (1991) suggested that this could well be due to a left-to-right bias effect, in which priming effects are stronger for words sharing initialinformation than final information. Nonetheless, an alternative explanation is that since most of the related primes in the orthographic condition in the Grainger et al. study shared the first syllable with the target, part of the inhibitory effect might have been due to lexical inhibition via the syllable level. In addition, Drews and Zwitserlood (1995) used a 66 ms SOA with the masked priming technique in the lexical decision task. The orthographically related primes used by Drews and Zwitserlood always contained the target word plus a pseudoaffix (e.g., kerst-KERS; the Dutch for Christmas and cherry, respectively). That is, orthographically related pairs were not merely orthographically similar but also had a meaningful cluster in common (an existing lexical morpheme). Drews and Zwitserlood (1995) found some inhibition when the primes were orthographically related words, whereas they failed to find facilitative priming effects when the primes were orthographically related nonwords (compared with an unrelated word condition). These findings suggest that lexical units other than those with the same number of letters as the target word are activated during the word recognition process (see also Carreiras et al., 1993; de Moor & Brysbaert, 2000; Perea & Carreiras, 1998).In sum, the present experiments will explore whether or not the previous presentation of a syllabic neighbor influences recognition performance in Spanish using a masked priming paradigm. Experiments 1 and 2 address the question of whether inhibitory effects can be produced on low frequency targets when they share their initial syllable with a high frequency prime (Experiment 1), and whether they become facilitative when they share their initial syllable with a nonword prime (Experiment 2). The rationale behind this manipulation is that the matching of an initial syllable could facilitate sublexical processing; however, this facilitation could be overwhelmed by lexical inhibition when the matching of the initial syllable forms a high-frequency neighbor. In order to minimize the influence of strategic processes, we used short stimulus-onset asynchronies (SOAs) between the prime and thetarget (64 and 80 ms) in Experiments 1 and 2. These two SOAs were chosen on the basis of a pilot study in our laboratory (Carreiras & Perea, 1995).Recently, Forster and Veres (1998) found that when the nonword distractors do not have any similarly spelled words (e.g., ANIVORSE), form-priming effects —at least for long words— tend to be facilitative with word and nonword primes. Perhaps this effect might have been due to shallow processing of the stimuli because the lexical status of the prime was relevant when the nonword distractors had similarly spelled words (e.g., UNIVORSE; Forster & Veres, 1998, Experiment 2). (For instance, lexical decisions with “easy” nonword distractors could be made on the basis of a global lexical activity rather than on the basis of unique word identification, see Coltheart et al., 2001; Grainger & Jacobs, 1996; Paap & Johansen, 1994.) Although it may be interesting to examine which type of distractor gives the clearest picture of the underlying processes, in the present series of experiments nonword distractors were created by changing a single letter from a Spanish word. As a result, it seems reasonable to assume that responses to word targets on most trials would be based on a lexical unit reaching threshold rather than a lexical decision response made on the basis of global lexical activity.Finally, the purpose of Experiments 3 and 4 is to tease apart whether the priming effects are due to syllabic structure or simple orthographic overlap. Specifically, Experiment 3 involves primes and targets that share the first two letters and the first syllable in one condition (as in Experiments 1-2) and primes and targets that share the first two letters but not the first syllable (by using pairs of monosyllabic items, e.g., ziel-zinc) in another condition. Experiment 4 addresses the question of whether or not latencies to words are faster when preceded by primes that correspond to the first syllable than when preceded by primes that contained one letter more or less than the first syllable (e.g., pa****-PASIVO vs. pas***-PASIVO; pa****-PASTOR vs. pas***-PASTOR), similarly to the Ferrand et al. (1996) experiments.Experiment 1MethodParticipants. A total of eighty psychology students from the Universidad de La Laguna took part in the experiment to fulfill a course requirement. All were native speakers of Spanish.Materials. Forty-two disyllabic Spanish words, all of them of four letters, were selected from the Spanish word pool (Alameda & Cuetos, 1995; Cobos et al., 1995) based on a count of two million Spanish words. Forty words had a CV CV structure, and two words had a VC CV structure. All the target words were of low frequency, with a mean frequency of 6.8 (range: 1-22) per two million words. The average number of orthographic neighbors for the target words was 13.1 (range: 1-25). We also selected forty-two disyllabic high-frequency words (mean frequency: 435.5; range: 78-2097) of four letters sharing the first syllable with their corresponding target (e.g., (Throughout the paper, we denote syllable structure using a dot, though the stimuli themselves did not contain the dot). The items used in the word conditions are listed in the Appendix. In addition, forty-two unrelated control primes matched in length, syllabic structure and word frequency with the related primes were also selected. None of the unrelated primes shared any letters (in any position) with their corresponding targets (e.g., ca.ja-BO.NO).In addition, we used forty-two nonwords, forty with a CV CV structure and two with a VC CV structure. In all cases, nonwords were orthographically legal and were constructed by changing one middle letter from a Spanish word which was not in the experimental set.Similarly to word targets, nonwords targets were preceded by related word primes (e.g.,; faro is the Spanish for lighthouse) or unrelated word primes (e.g., bo.lo-FA.ZA; bolo is the Spanish for skittle). The average number of orthographic neighbors for the target nonwords was 8.7 (range: 1-17).Design. Stimulus-onset asynchrony (64, 80 ms) was varied between participants (40 participants in each group), whereas Syllabic priming (related, unrelated) was varied within participants.Procedure. Participants were tested individually in a quiet room. Presentation of the stimuli and recording of reaction times were controlled by PC compatible microcomputers. Reaction times were measured from target onset until participants' response. On each trial, a forward mask consisting of a row of four hash marks (####) was presented for 500 ms on the center of the screen. Next, a centered lowercase prime word was presented for 64 or 80 ms. Primes were immediately replaced by an uppercase target item. Participants were instructed to press one of two buttons on the keyboard to indicate whether the uppercase letter string was a legitimate Spanish word or not. This decision had to be taken as quickly and as accurately as possible. When the participant responded the target disappeared from the screen. After an inter-trial interval of 1 sec. the next trial was presented. Participants were not informed of the presence of lowercase words. Both word-word pairs and word-nonword pairs were counterbalanced across two experimental lists so that if the pair was in one list, BO.NO would be preceded by its unrelated prime, ca.ja in the other list. Stimulus presentation was randomized, with a different order for each participant. Each participant received a total of 20 practice trials (with the same manipulation as in the experimental trials) prior to the 84 experimental trials. Each participant was given a total of 84 experimental trials: 42 word-word trials and 42 word-nonword trials. The whole session lasted approximately 13 min.Results and DiscussionIncorrect responses (11.5%) were excluded from the latency analysis. In addition, in order to avoid the influence of outliers, reaction times less than 300 ms or greater than 2,000 ms (less than 1% of the data) were excluded in a first pass, and then all reaction times more than 2.0 standard deviations above or below the mean for that participant in all conditions were also excluded1. These conventions were applied throughout the series of experiments. The percentage of trials that were removed due to the screening procedure was similar in the related and the unrelated condition. For target words, these percentages were 4.6% and6.1% for the related and unrelated condition, respectively.Participant and item ANOVAs based on the participants' and items' response latencies and percentage of errors were conducted based on a 2 (SOA: 64, 80 ms) x 2 (Syllabic relatedness: related, unrelated) x 2 (List: list 1, list 2) design. List was included in the analysis to extract the variance due to the lists (see Pollatsek & Well, 1995). SOA and List were nonrepeated measures factors in the by-participants analysis (F1), whereas Syllabic relatedness was a within-participants factor. In the analysis by items (F2), List was the only nonrepeated measures factor. The mean lexical decision time and the percentage of errors on the words in each experimental condition are displayed in Table 1.Insert Table 1 about hereThe ANOVA on the latency data showed that the effect of syllabic relatedness was statistically significant, F1(1,76)=4.27, MSE=1631, p<.05; F2(1,37)=4.44, MSE=1383,p<.05, which reflected that, on average, targets preceded by syllabic neighbors were。
