


他是一个头脑冷静、注重实际、有 正义感、富有同情心、朴素善良、正直勇 敢、追求自由的白人少年。他不守寡妇的 规矩,厌恶所谓“正确”的事情,拒绝寡 妇的“教化”。但他渴望自由,想要拥有 自己的生活方式。在某种意义上说,哈克 是美利坚民族的经典代表人物,他的成长 过程是值得我们学习的。
细腻深入而又富有个性的心理描写是马克•吐温揭示人物内心世界 和思想品质的重要方法,也是他刻画人物性格的重要手段之一。他通过 人物的语言、行动和动作,细腻深入地描绘出人物的复杂的心理及其变 化过程,从而揭示人物内心世界的秘密,突出人物的性格特征。
四、个性化口语的运用及第一人称叙述 方式的采用 1.运用个性化口语进行描述,开创了美国 文学作品的新风格,大量使用黑人土话, 准确再现了密苏里黑人方言,维护了黑人 文化 2、小说通过哈克天真无邪的儿童视角展 开了叙述,使故事情节曲折生动,主人 公的经历紧张惊险,扣人心弦。
1. 幽默中隐含着深刻含意。 把幽默和讽刺巧妙地结合起来,使读者从他那
令人发笑的叙述中发掘隐藏在其中的深刻含意, 表达对庸俗无聊的资产阶级、伪善的宗教和勾心 斗角的新闻界的辛辣讽刺。 2. 取材于现实生活的幽默,巧妙地运用夸张与漫 画手法,突出所描写的对象,唤起读者的联想,加强 艺术感染力,马克·吐温十分重视运用精炼的、漫画 式的夸张,甚而是怪诞的笔法,来增强小说的幽默和 讽刺效果。
“爹”是哈克生理上的父亲也是本 部小说中唯一与哈克有血缘关系的人。 他是一个酒鬼,醉酒后疯疯癫癫,暴打 哈克,他是哈克逃跑的直接原因。可以 说,爹在哈克整个成长过程中没有起到 很大的积极作用。



Finn and Jim: The White–and–Black Relationship
I escape for
I escape for my cruel father and
the “civilized” society!
For Huck, Jim was not his companion, but more importantly, he became his intimate friend.
He is one of the greatest writers in world literature.
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Ernest Hemingway :
All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn. ... There was nothing before. There has been nothing as good since.
the slavery Faithful to Huck Warmhearted to friend Protective Make great help to the
growth of Huck
Chapter 1 The Old Morality in America
Mark Twain put the story just before the Civil war. At that time, the southerners took slavery for granted and did not feel guilty for that.


1、小说表现了“不分种族,人人平等”的 废奴思想。通过对吉姆这一形象的塑造,小 说表明了不论种族肤色,人人平等、和睦相 处的废奴思想。
2、小说表达了对自由、平等的理想社会的 追求,表现了美国民族自由不羁、勇于开拓 的时代精神。
3、小说表达了马克•吐温对美国社会现实的 不满和厌倦。
马克•吐温,是19世纪后期美国 现实主义文学的杰出代表。他的创作 大致分为三个时期:包括早期19世 纪60年代的创作、中期19世纪70 年代到90年代的创作以及晚期19世 纪末到20世纪初的创作,而《哈克 贝利•费恩历险记》就是他创作中期 的杰出作品。豪威尔斯评价他是美国 文学中“唯一的、不可比拟的林 肯,……体现了美国精神的真正实 质”。
细腻深入而又富有个性的心理描写是马克•吐温揭示人物内心世界 和思想品质的重要方法,也是他刻画人物性格的重要手段之一。他通过 人物的语言、行动和动作,细腻深入地描绘出人物的复杂的心理及其变 化过程,从而揭示人物内心世界的秘密,突出人物的性格特征。
四、个性化口语的运用及第一人称叙述 方式的采用 1.运用个性化口语进行描述,开创了美国 文学作品的新风格,大量使用黑人土话, 准确再现了密苏里黑人方言,维护了黑人 文化 2、小说通过哈克天真无邪的儿童视角展 开了叙述,使故事情节曲折生动,主人 公的经历紧张惊险,扣人心弦。

1. 幽默中隐含着深刻含意。 把幽默和讽刺巧妙地结合起来,使读者从他那
令人发笑的叙述中发掘隐藏在其中的深刻含意, 表达对庸俗无聊的资产阶级、伪善的宗教和勾心 斗角的新闻界的辛辣讽刺。 2. 取材于现实生活的幽默,巧妙地运用夸张与漫 画手法,突出所描写的对象,唤起读者的联想,加强 艺术感染力,马克·吐温十分重视运用精炼的、漫画 式的夸张,甚而是怪诞的笔法,来增强小说的幽默和 讽刺效果。

马克·吐温及作品《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》 ppt课件

马克·吐温及作品《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》  ppt课件

马克·吐温开创了美国小说口语化的先河。直接受 口语化影响的作家有:舍伍德·安德森、海明威、 福克纳等。美国诗人T•S•艾略特、庞德、E•E•卡明 斯等人的诗歌所表现出的口语化特点,也同马 克·吐温的文风有密切关系。
T•S•艾略特说他在英美开创了新文风,是“英语的 新发现”。肖伯纳认为他是英语的语言大师。
3、晚期(90年代后期)民主理想破灭后的悲观厌 世。 19世纪末,随着美国进入帝国主义发展阶段, 马克·吐温晚年在作品中流露出对现实的失望和对 “人类”(实为有产阶级)的悲观态度。
马克·吐温写了一些游记、杂文、政论,如《赤道环 行记》(1897)、中篇小说《败坏了哈德莱堡的人》 (1900)、《人是怎么回事?》(1906)、最重要 的著作是他口授而由秘书笔录的《自传》、《神秘 来客》(1916)等的批判揭露意义也逐渐减弱,而 绝望神秘情绪则有所伸长。
哈克天真无邪,教养不够,正直坦诚,经验不足, 凭直觉办事,好冲动、爱冒险,喜欢各种新奇的 事物,对前景充满好奇心,四处流动,忙忙碌碌, 总想到别处去碰碰运气。
哈克是一个现代流浪儿典型。哈克在密西 西比河上流浪,他是一个现代流浪儿,和 传统流浪汉不同的是,他的旅行冒险不是 为了追求物质利益,而是为了追求自由, 表现出文明的倾向。他不愿做虚伪的“文 明人”,宁愿下地狱。他帮助黑奴隶吉姆 逃跑,反对种族歧视。
哈克贝利·费恩 汤姆 吉姆
道格拉斯寡妇 华森小姐 ”国王“与”公爵 “ 莎莉姨妈
小说描述了哈克与吉姆在密西西比河上的 漂流历险经历。


That is a lie!
The emotional conflict
Conflicts of Huck and Jim
Conflict of racial problem
Huck Social yoke
get rid of
Jim Slavery
They made the greatest friendship
Chapter 3 The Steady Friendship Between Huck and Jim
Love Equality
• Love is the objective of existence. Humans exist before their essence. It is love that urges Huck to convince himself no to tell the secret that Jim is a run away slave. It is love that ties Huck to Jim at all the dangerous moments in the adventures on the river. And it is love that encourages Huck to run risk to save Jim out of the hut where Jim lost his freedom again. At the end of the novel,Huck gets to know the importance of love and responsibility.
The Friendship Under the Racism in The Adventures of


Mark Twain put the story just before the Civil war. At that time, the southerners took slavery for granted and did not feel guilty for that.
Finn and Jim: The White–and–Black Relationship
Innocents Abroad (1869) The Gilded Age (1873) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Adventures of Huckleberry F
A Million-Pound Note (1893)
He is one of the greatest writers in world literature.
Huckleberry Finn
Adapted child Smart Love the nature Pursuit freedom Kindhearted Bravery Devoted to friend Strong-minded
Slave of Miss Watson
How a white and a black could be friends? Huck is a white boy while Jim a black slave. At first beginning, Huck is hesitate whether he should help Jim escape. His education and traditional conception in mind tells him that


That is a lie!
The emotional conflict
Conflicts of Huck and Jim
Conflict of racial problem
Huck Social yoke
get rid of
Jim Slavery
They made the greatest friendship
For Jim, He cares Huck like a mother and guides him like a father.
Even though they were close, they came from two completely opposite races, with Jim being a black. To help Jim or not was the problem haunting Huck throughout the whole Journey for his sound heart conflicted with the contemporary social morals.
Mark Twain: Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835--1910)
Literature is an art of language. Mark Twain’s language is artistic and like a sharp weapon without doubt. Mark Twain is famous for his humor and satire.
Finn and Jim: The White–and–Black Relationship
I escape for



Chapter 2 The Progress of Their Friendship
The Beginning of Their Friendship The Emotional Conflicts of Huck and Jim
The Decision of Their Friendship
How a white and a black could be friends? Huck is a white boy while Jim a black slave. At first beginning, Huck is hesitate whether he should help Jim escape. His education and traditional conception in mind tells him that it is illegal to help a slave run away.
Innocents Abroad (1869) The Gilded Age (1873) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876)
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) A Million-Pound Note (1893)
Along their way down the river, Huck begins to understand and recognize Jim as an equal human being, and accept Jim as a faithful companion. Jim does his best to look after Huck, like a father, a true friend, he never blames Huck even he is in great perilous condition. In the end of the story, they aware that all human beings are equal as long as the nature is pure and kind. Huck and Jim becomes faithful friend.


▪ For Jim, He cares Huck like a mother and guides him like a father.
▪ Even though they were close, they came from two completely opposite races, with Jim being a black. To help Jim or not was the problem haunting Huck throughout the whole Journey for his sound heart conflicted with the contemporary social morals.
Innocents(1873) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) A Million-Pound Note (1893)
▪ Along their way down the river, Huck begins to understand and recognize Jim as an equal human being, and accept Jim as a faithful companion. Jim does his best to look after Huck, like a father, a true friend, he never blames Huck even he is in great perilous condition. In the end of the story, they aware that all human beings are equal as long as the nature is pure and kind. Huck and Jim becomes faithful friend.
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Jim is Miss Watson's big, mild-mannered slave to whom Huck becomes very close in the novel, when they reunite after Jim flees Miss Watson to seek refuge from slavery, and Huck and Jim become fellow travelers on the Mississippi River.
The book is noted for its colorful description of people and places along the Mississippi River. Set in a Southern antebellum society that had ceased to exist about twenty years before the work was published, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an often scathing satire on entrenched attitudes, particularly racism.
青年:在密西西比河上作领航员,南北战争爆发后,去西部 淘金,后在报社作记者,开始创作生涯。
《汤姆·索亚历险记》(1876)是对童年生活的生动描写 《在密西西比河上》 (1883)回忆了作者当年的航行生
涯。 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》 (1884)反映了南北战争以
Main Characters about the story
Huckleberry Finn is a boy about thirteen or fourteen years old. He has been brought up by his father, the town drunk, and has a hard time fitting into society. Tom Sawyer and his friends occasionally call him "Huck Finn".
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
by Mark Twain
马克吐温(Mark Twain),真实姓名是萨缪 尔·兰亨·克莱门(Samuel Langhorne Clemens)美国著名作家和演说家,美国批判现 实主义文学的奠基人。
"Pap" Finn, Huck's father, is the town drunk. He is often angry at Huck and resents him getting any kind of education. He also returns to Huck whenever he needs more money for alcohol.
It is told in the first person by Huckleberry "Huck" Finn, a friend of Tom Sawyer and narrator of two other Twain novelswyer, Detective). It is a direct sequel to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
前美国社会生活。 《赤道环游记》 (1897)谴责帝国主义的殖民政策,赞
扬殖民地人民的反帝斗争。 《自传》 (1942)是马克吐温晚年的主要作品,在去世
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》是一部美国著名作家马克·吐温的儿童文 学作品,也是《汤姆历险记》的续集。《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》也 是美国文学史上相当重要的作品之一。
Perennially popular with readers, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has also been the continued object of study by literary critics since its publication. It was criticized upon release because of its coarse language and became even more controversial in the 20th century because of its perceived use of racial stereotypes and because of its frequent use of the racial slur "nigger", despite strong arguments that the protagonist and the tenor of the book are anti-racist.
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel by Mark Twain, first published in the United Kingdom in December 1884 and in the United States in February 1885. Commonly named among the Great American Novels, the work is among the first in major American literature to be written throughout in vernacular(方言写成的)English, characterized by local color regionalism.