Implementation of Attack Theory on Fastcore Crypto-chip


Incentive-based modeling and inference of attacker intent, objectives, and strategies

Incentive-based modeling and inference of attacker intent, objectives, and strategies

Incentive-Based Modeling and Inference of Attacker Intent,Objectives,and StrategiesPENG LIU and WANYU ZANGPennsylvania State UniversityandMENG YUMonmouth UniversityAlthough the ability to model and infer attacker intent,objectives,and strategies(AIOS)may dramatically advance the literature of risk assessment,harm prediction,and predictive or proactive cyber defense,existing AIOS inference techniques are ad hoc and system or application specific. In this paper,we present a general incentive-based method to model AIOS and a game-theoretic approach to inferring AIOS.On one hand,we found that the concept of incentives can unify a large variety of attacker intents;the concept of utilities can integrate incentives and costs in such a way that attacker objectives can be practically modeled.On the other hand,we developed a game-theoretic AIOS formalization which can capture the inherent interdependency between AIOS and defender objectives and strategies in such a way that AIOS can be automatically inferred.Finally, we use a specific case study to show how attack strategies can be inferred in real-world attack–defense scenarios.Categories and Subject Descriptors:C.2.0[Computer-Communication Networks]:Security and ProtectionGeneral Terms:Security,TheoryAdditional Key Words and Phrases:Attacker intent and strategy modeling,attack strategy infer-ence,game theory1.INTRODUCTIONThe ability to model and infer attacker intent,objectives,and strategies(AIOS) may dramatically advance the state of the art of computer security for several reasons.First,for many“very difficult to prevent”attacks such as DDoS,given the specification of a system protected by a set of specific security mechanisms, This work was supported by DARPA and AFRL,AFMC,USAF,under award number F20602-02-1-0216,and by Department of Energy Early Career PI Award.Authors’addresses:P.Liu and W.Zang,School of Information Sciences and Technology, Pennsylvania State University,University Park,PA16802;email:pliu@;M.Yu,De-partment of Computer Science,Monmouth University,West Long Branch,NJ07764. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage and that copies show this notice on thefirst page or initial screen of a display along with the full citation.Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored.Abstracting with credit is permitted.To copy otherwise,to republish,to post on servers, to redistribute to lists,or to use any component of this work in other works requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.Permissions may be requested from Publications Dept.,ACM,Inc.,1515 Broadway,New York,NY10036USA,fax:+1(212)869-0481,or permissions@.C 2005ACM1094-9224/05/0200-0078$5.00ACM Transactions on Information and System Security,Vol.8,No.1,February2005,Pages78–118.Incentive-Based Modeling and Inference of AIOS•79 this ability could tell us which kind of strategies are more likely to be taken by the attacker than the others,even before such an attack happens.Such AIOS inferences may lead to more precise risk assessment and harm prediction.Second,AIOS modeling and inference could be more beneficial during run time.A big security challenge in countering a multiphase,well-planned,care-fully hidden attack from either malicious insiders or outside attackers is“how to make correct proactive(especially predictive)real-time defense decisions during an earlier stage of the attack in such a way that much less harm will be caused without consuming a lot of resources?”Although many proactive de-fense techniques are developed such as sandboxing[Malkhi and Reiter2000] and isolation[Liu et al.2000],making the right proactive defense decisions in real time is very difficult primarily due to the fact that intrusion detection during the early stage of an attack can lead to many false alarms,which could make these proactive defense actions very expensive in terms of both resources and denial of service.Although alert correlation techniques[Cuppens and Miege2002;Ning et al. 2002]may reduce the number of false alarms by correlating a set of alerts into an attack scenario(i.e.,steps involved in an attack)and may even tell which kind of attack actions may follow a given action[Debar and Wespi2001], they are limited in supporting proactive intrusion response in two aspects.(1) When many types of(subsequences of)legitimate actions may follow a given suspicious action,alert correlation can do nothing except for waiting until a more complete attack scenario emerges.However,intrusion response at this moment could be“too late.”(2)When many types of attack actions may follow a given(preparation)action,alert correlation cannot tell which actions are more likely to be taken by the attacker next.As a result,since taking proactive defense actions for each of the attack actions can be too expensive,the response may have to wait until it is clear what attack actions will happen next—perhaps during a later stage of the attack.However,late intrusion response usually means more harm.By contrast,with the ability to model and infer AIOS,given any suspicious action,we can predict the harm that could be caused;then we can make better and affordable proactive intrusion response decisions based on the corresponding risk,the corresponding cost(e.g.,due to the possibility of false alarms),and the attack action inferences.Moreover,the intrusion response time is substantially shortened.However,with a focus on attack characteristics[Landwehr et al.1994]and attack effects[Browne et al.2001;Zou et al.2002],existing AIOS inference tech-niques are ad hoc and system or application specific[Gordon and Loeb2001; Syverson1997].To systematically model and infer AIOS,we need to distin-guish AIOS from both attack actions and attack effects.Since the same attack action can be issued by two attackers with very different intents and objectives, AIOS cannot be directly inferred from the characteristics of attacks.Although the attacker achieves his or her intents and objectives through attacks and their effects,the mapping from attack actions and/or effects to attacker intents and/or objectives is usually not one-to-one but one-to-many,and more inter-estingly,the(average)cardinality of this mapping can be much larger than the mapping from attacker intents and/or objectives to attack actions and/or ACM Transactions on Information and System Security,Vol.8,No.1,February2005.80•P.Liu et al.effects.This asymmetry nature indicates that in many cases using AIOS mod-els to predict attack actions can be more precise than using the set of actions already taken by the attacker based on either their effects or the causal rela-tionship between them and some other attack actions.1As a result,although a variety of attack taxonomies and attribute databases have been developed, people’s ability to model and infer AIOS,to predict attacks,and to do proactive intrusion response is still very limited.Nevertheless,a good understanding of attacks is the foundation of practical AIOS modeling and inference.In this paper,we present a systematic incentive-based method to model AIOS and a game-theoretic approach to inferring AIOS.On one hand,we found that the concept of incentives can unify a large variety of attacker intents;the con-cept of utilities can integrate incentives and costs in such a way that attacker objectives can be practically modeled.On the other hand,we developed a game-theoretic AIOS formalization which can capture the inherent interdependency between AIOS and defender objectives and strategies in such a way that AIOS can be automatically inferred.Finally,we use a specific case study to show how attack strategies can be inferred in real-world attack–defense scenarios.The proposed framework,in some sense,is an economics-based framework since it is based on economic incentives,utilities,and payoffs.The rest of the paper is organized as follows.In Section2,we discuss the related work.Section3presents a conceptual,incentive-based framework for AIOS modeling.In Section4,we present a game-theoretic formalization of this framework.Section5addresses show to infer AIOS.In Section6,we use a specific case study to show how attack strategies can be inferred in real-world attack–defense scenarios.In Section7,we mention several future research issues.2.RELATED WORKThe use of game theory in modeling attackers and defenders has been addressed in several other research.In Syverson[1997],Syverson talks about“good”nodes fighting“evil”nodes in a network and suggests using stochastic games for rea-soning and analysis.In Lye and Wing[2002],Lye and Wing precisely formalize this idea using a general-sum stochastic game model and give a concrete ex-ample in detail where the attacker is attacking a simple enterprise network that provides some Internet services such as web and FTP.A set of specific states regarding this example are identified,state-transition probabilities are assumed,and the Nash equilibrium or best-response strategies for the players are computed.In Browne[2000],Browne describes how static games can be used to an-alyze attacks involving complicated and heterogeneous military networks.In his example,a defense team has to defend a network of three hosts against an attacking team’s worms.The defense team can choose either to run a worm 1To illustrate,consider a large space of strategies the attacker may take according to his or her intent and objectives where each strategy is simply a sequence of actions.An attack action may belong to many strategies,and the consequences of the action could satisfy the preconditions of many other actions,but each strategy usually contains only a small number of actions.ACM Transactions on Information and System Security,Vol.8,No.1,February2005.Incentive-Based Modeling and Inference of AIOS•81 detector or not.Depending on the combined attack and defense actions,each outcome has different costs.In Burke[1999],Burke studies the use of repeated games with incomplete information to model attackers and defenders in in-formation warfare.In Hespanha and Bohacek[2001],Hespanha and Bohacek discuss zero-sum routing games where an adversary(or attacker)tries to in-tersect data packets in a computer network.The designer of the network has to find routing policies that avoid links that are under the attacker’s surveillance. In Xu and Lee[2003],Xu and Lee use game-theoretical framework to analyze the performance of their proposed DDoS defense system and to guide its design and performance tuning accordingly.Our work is different from the above game theoretic attacker modeling works in several aspects.First,these works focus on specific attack–defense scenarios, while our work focuses on general AIOS modeling.Second,these works focus on specific types of game models,for example,static games,repeated games, or stochastic games;while our work focuses on the fundamental characteris-tics of AIOS,and game models are only one possible formalization of our AIOS framework.In addition,our AIOS framework shows the inherent relationship between AIOS and the different types of game models,and identifies the condi-tions under which a specific type of game models will be feasible and desirable. Third,our work systematically identifies the properties of a good AIOS for-malization.These properties not only can be used to evaluate the merits and limitations of game-theoretic AIOS models,but also can motivate new AIOS models that can improve the above game theory models or even go beyond standard game-theoretic models.In Gordon and Loeb[2001],information security is used as a response to game theoretic competitor analysis systems(CAS)for the purpose of protecting a firm’s valuable business data from its competitors.Although understanding and predicting the behavior of competitors are key aspects of competitor analysis, the behaviors CAS want to predict are not cyber attacks.Moreover,security is what our game theoretic system wants to model while security is used in Gordon and Loeb[2001]to protect a game-theoretic system.The computational complexity of game-theoretic analysis is investigated in several research.For example,Conitzer and Sandholm[2002]show that both determining whether a pure strategy Bayes–Nash equilibrium exists and de-termining whether a pure strategy Nash equilibrium exists in a stochastic (Markov)game are NP-hard.Moreover,Koller and Milch[2001]show that some specific knowledge representations,in certain settings,can dramatically speed up equilibriumfinding.The marriage of economics and information security has attracted a lot of in-terests recently(a lot of related work can be found at the economics and security resource page maintained by Ross Anderson at /∼rja14 /econsec.html).However,these work focuses on the economics perspective of security(e.g.,security market,security insurance),while our approach is to apply economics concepts to model and infer AIOS.In recent years,it is found that economic mechanism design theory[Clarke 1971;Groves1973;Vickrey1961]can be very valuable in solving a variety of Internet computing problems such as routing,packet scheduling,and web ACM Transactions on Information and System Security,Vol.8,No.1,February2005.82•P.Liu et topology.caching[Feigenbaum et al.2002;Nisan and Ronan2001;Wellman and Walsh2001].Although when market-based mechanisms are used to defend against at-tackers[Wang and Reiter2003],the AIOS are incentive based,which is consis-tent with our framework,market-based computing does not imply an in-depthAIOS model.Finally,it should be noticed that AIOS modeling and inference are very differ-ent from intrusion detection[Lunt1993;McHugh2001;Mukherjee et al.1994].Intrusion detection is based on the characteristics of attacks,while AIOS mod-eling is based on the characteristics of attackers.Intrusion detection focuses onthe attacks that have already happened,while AIOS inference focuses on theattacks that may happen in the future.3.AN INCENTIVE-BASED FRAMEWORK FOR AIOS MODELINGIn this section,we present an incentive-based conceptual model of attackerintent,objectives,and strategies.Our model is quite abstract.To make ourpresentation more tangible,we willfirst present the following example,whichwill be used throughout the paper to illustrate our concepts.Example1.In recent years,Internet distributed denial-of-service(DDoS)attacks have increased in frequency,severity,and sophistication and becomea major security threat.When a DDoS attack is launched,a large number ofhosts(called zombies)“controlled”by the attackerflood a high volume of pack-ets toward the target(called the victim)to downgrade its service performancesignificantly or make it unable to deliver any service.In this example,we would model the intent and objectives and infer thestrategies of the attackers that enforce brute-force DDoS attacks.(Althoughsome DDoS attacks with clear signatures,such as SYNflooding,can be effec-tively countered,most DDoS attacks without clear signatures,such as brute-force DDoS attacks,are very difficult to defend against since it is not clear whichpackets are DDoS packets and which are not.)An example scenario is shownin Figure1where many zombies(i.e.,a subset of source hosts{S0,...,S64})are flooding a couple of web sites(i.e.,the victims)using normal HTTP requests.Here,Rx.y denotes a router;the bandwidth of each type of links is marked;andthe web sites may stay on different subnets.ACM Transactions on Information and System Security,Vol.8,No.1,February2005.Incentive-Based Modeling and Inference of AIOS•83 Although our modeling and inference framework can handle almost every DDoS defense mechanism,to make this example more tangible,we select pushback[Ioannidis and Bellovin2002],a popular technique,as the security mechanism.Pushback uses aggregates,that is,a collection of packets from one or moreflows that have some properties in common,to identify and rate limit the packets that are most likely to cause congestion or DoS.Pushback is a coordinated defense mechanism that typically involves multiple routers.To il-lustrate,consider Figure1again,when router R1.0detects a congestion caused by a set of aggregates,R1.0will not only rate-limit these aggregates,but also request adjacent upstream routers(e.g.,R2.1)to rate-limit the corresponding aggregates via some pushback messages.The effectiveness of pushback can be largely captured by four bandwidth parameters associated with the incoming link to the victims(i.e.,the link that connects R1.0and R0.0):(a)B N,the total bandwidth of this link;(b)B ao,the (amount of)bandwidth occupied by the DoS packets;(c)B lo,the bandwidth occupied by the legitimate packets;(d)B lw,the bandwidth that the legitimate users would occupy if there are no attacks.For example,pushback is effective if after being enforced B ao can become smaller and B lo can become larger.We build our AIOS models on top of the relationships between the attacker and a computer system(i.e.,the defender).In our model,the computer sys-tem can be any kind(e.g.,a network system,a distributed system,a database system).We call it the system for short.For example,in Example1the sys-tem consists of every router on a path from a zombie to a victim.The attacker issues attacks to the system.Each attack is a sequence of attack actions associ-ated with the system.For example,an action can be the sending of a message, the submission of a transaction,the execution of a piece of code,and so on.An attack will cause some effects on the system,that is,transforming the system from one state to another state.For example,in Example1the main attack effects are that many legitimate packets could not reach the victims.Part of the system is a set of specific security mechanisms.A mechanism can be a piece of software or hardware(e.g.,afirewall,an access controller,an IDS).A mechanism usually involves a sequence of defense actions associated with the system when being activated.For example,in Example1a router sending out a pushback message is a defense action,and this action can trigger the receiving router(s)to take further defense actions.A security mechanism is activated when an event arrives which causes a set of specific conditions to be satisfied.Many of these conditions are associated with the effects of an attack action in reactive defense,or the prediction of an incoming attack action in proactive defense.For example,in Example1a packet arriving at a router is an event.When there is no congestion at the router,this event will not activate any security mechanism.However,when this event leads to“the detection of a congestion”(i.e.,the condition),pushback will be activated.And it is clear that whether this condition can be satisfied is dependent upon the accumulated effects of the previous DoS packets arriving at the router.Finally,a defense posture of the system is defined by the set of security mechanisms and the ways they are activated.For example,in Example1,pushback may be configured ACM Transactions on Information and System Security,Vol.8,No.1,February2005.84•P.Liu et stay at various defense postures based on such parameters as congestion thresholds and target drop rate,which we will explain in Section3.3shortly.The attacker-system relation has several unique characteristics(or proper-ties)that are important in illustrating the principles of our attack strategy inference framework.These properties are as follows.—Intentional Attack Property.Attacks are typically not random.They are planned by the attacker based on some intent and objectives.—Strategy-Interdependency Property.Whether an attack can succeed is depen-dent on how the system is protected.Whether a security mechanism is effec-tive is dependent on how the system is attacked.In other words,the capacity of either an attack or a defense posture should be measured in a relative way.We will define the notion of strategy shortly.And we will use concrete attack and defense strategies derived from Example1to illustrate this property shortly in Section3.3.—Uncertainty Property.The attacker usually has incomplete information or knowledge about the system,and vice versa.For example,in Example1the attacker usually has uncertainty about how Pushback is configured when he or she enforces a DDoS attack.3.1Incentive-Based Attacker Intent ModelingDifferent attackers usually have different intents even when they issue the same attack.For example,some attackers attack the system to show off their hacking capacity,some hackers attack the system to remind the administrator of a securityflaw,cyber terrorists attack our cyberspace for creating damage, business competitors may attack each other’s information systems to increase their market shares,just to name a few.It is clear that investigating the char-acteristics of each kind of intents involves a lot of effort and complexity,and such complexity actually prevents us from building a general,robust connec-tion between attacker intents and attack actions.This connection is necessary to do almost every kind of attacker behavior inference.We focus on building general yet simple intent models.In particular,we believe that the concept of economic“incentives”can be used to model attacker intent in a general way.In our model,the attacker’s intent is simply to maximize his or her incentives.In other words,the attacker is motivated by the possibility of gaining some incentives.Most,if not all,kinds of intents can be modeled as incentives such as the amount of profit earned,the amount of terror caused, and the amount of satisfaction because of a nice show-off.For an example,in Example1the incentives for the attacker can be the amount of DoS suffered by the legitimate users.For another example,the incentives for an attacker that enforces a worm attack can be the amount of network resources consumed by the worm’s scanning packets plus the amount of DoS caused on certain type of services.We may use economics theory to classify incentives into such categories as money,emotional reward,and fame.To infer attacker intents,we need to be able to compare one incentive with another.Incentives can be compared with each other either qualitatively or ACM Transactions on Information and System Security,Vol.8,No.1,February2005.Incentive-Based Modeling and Inference of AIOS•85 quantitatively.Incentives can be quantified in several ways.For example,prof-its can be quantified by such monetary units as dollars.For another exam-ple,in Example1,the attacker’s incentives can be quantified by two metrics: (a)B ao/B N,which indicates the absolute impact of the DDoS attack;and(b)B lo/B lw,which indicates the relative availability impact of the attack.Accord-ingly,the attacker’s intent is to maximize B ao/B N but minimize B lo/B lw.One critical issue in measuring and comparing incentives is that under different value systems,different comparison results may be obtained.For example,dif-ferent types of people value such incentives as time,fame,and differently.As a result,very misleading attacker strategy inferences could be produced if we use our value system to evaluate the attacker’s incentives.After an attack is enforced,the incentives(e.g.,money,fame)earned by the attacker are dependent on the effects of the attack,which are typically captured by the degradation of a specific set of security measurements that the system cares about.Each such measurement is associated with a specific security met-ric.Some widely used categories of security metrics include but not limited to confidentiality,integrity,availability(against denial-of-service),nonrepudia-tion,and authentication.For example,in Example1the major security metrics of the system are(a)B lo,which indicates the absolute availability provided by the system;and(b)B lo/B lw,which indicates the relative availability provided by the system.In our model,we call the set of security metrics that a system wants to protect the metric vector of the system.(Note that different systems may have different metric vectors.)For example,the metric vector for the system in Example1can be simply defined as B lo,B lo/B lw .At time t,the measurements associated with the system’s metric vector are called the security vector of the system at time t,denoted by V s t.As a result,assume an attack starts at time t1 and ends at t2,then the incentives earned by the attacker(via the attack)maybe measured by degradation(V s t1,V s t2),which basically computes the distance be-tween the two security vectors.For example,in Example1assume the securityvector is V s t1= 1000Mbps,100% before the attack and V s t2= 50Mbps,5%after the attack,then degradation(V s t1,V s t2)= −950Mbps,−95% .The above discussion indicates the following property of AIOS inference:—Attack Effect Property.Effects of attacks usually yield more insights about at-tacker intent and objectives than attack actions.For example,in Example1,a DoS packet indicates almost nothing about the attacker’s intent which canonly be seen after some DoS effects are caused.3.2Incentive-Based Attacker Objective ModelingIn real world,many attackers face a set of constraints when issuing an attack, for example,an attacker may have limited resources;a malicious insider may worry about the risk of being arrested and put into jail.However,our intent model assumes no constraints.To model attacker motivations in a more realistic way,we incorporate constraints in our attack objective model.In particular,we classify constraints into two categories:cost constraints and noncost constraints.(a)Cost constraints are constraints on things that the attacker can“buy”or “trade”such as hardware,software,Internet connection,and time.Such things ACM Transactions on Information and System Security,Vol.8,No.1,February2005.86•P.Liu et al.are typically used to measure the cost of an attack.In addition,risk is typically a cost constraint.(b)Noncost constraints are constraints on things that the attacker cannot buy such as religion-based constraints and top secret attacking tools that the attacker may never be able to“buy.”The cost of an attack is not only dependent on the resources needed to en-force the attack,but also dependent on the risk for the attacker to be traced back,arrested,and punished.Based on the relationship between incentives and costs,we classify attackers into two categories:(a)rational attackers have concerns about the costs(and risk)associated with their attacks.That is,when the same incentive can be obtained by two attacks with different costs,ratio-nal attackers will pick the one with a lower cost.(b)Irrational attackers have no concerns about the costs associated with their attacks.They only want to maximize the incentives.Given a set of(cost)constraints,inferring the attack actions of an irrational attacker is not so difficult a task since we need only tofind out“what are the most rewarding attack actions in the eyes of the attacker without violating the constraints?”By contrast,we found that inferring the attack actions of a rational attacker is more challenging.In this paper,we will focus on how to model and infer the IOS of rational attackers.In our model,an attacker’s objective is to maximize his or her utilities through an attack without violating the set of cost and noncost constraints associated with the attacker.The utilities earned by an attacker indicate a distance be-tween the incentives earned by the attacker and the cost of the attack.The dis-tance can be defined in several ways,for example,utilities=incentives−cost, utilities=incentives.Note that the cost of an attack can be measured by a set of cost values which captures both attacking resources and risk.To illustrate,let us revisit Example1.The attacker’s total incentives may be measured byαB ao/B N+(1−α)(1−B lo/B lw),whereαdetermines how the attacker weighs the two aspects of the impact of the DDoS attack.The attack’s costs in this example are not much,though the attacker needs a computer and Internet access to“prepare”the zombies and the needed controls.The cost will become larger when the risk of being traced back is included.Let us assume the cost is a constant numberη.Then the attacker’s utilities can be measured by αB ao/B N+(1−α)(1−B lo/B lw)−η,and the attacker’s objective can be quantified as MaxαB ao/B N+(1−α)(1−B lo/B lw).3.3Incentive-Based Attacker Strategy ModelingStrategies are taken to achieve objectives.The strategy-interdependency prop-erty indicates that part of a good attacker strategy model should be the defense strategy model because otherwise we will build our AIOS models on top of the assumption that the system never changes its defense posture,which is too restrictive.See that whenever the system’s defense posture is changed,the defense strategy is changed.In our model,attack strategies are defined based on the“battles”between the attacker and the system.Each attack triggers a battle which usually involves multiple phases.(For example,many worm-based attacks involve such phases ACM Transactions on Information and System Security,Vol.8,No.1,February2005.。



释放杀伤介质(NKCF、TNF、IFN) 胞吐颗粒(穿孔素、颗粒酶)
诱导凋亡( FasL-Fas)
吞噬 ADCC 直接杀伤 分泌CK 介导炎症
3. 半胱天冬蛋白酶(caspases)
• 是一组对底物天冬氨酸部位有特异水解作用,其 活性中心富含半胱氨酸的蛋白酶 • (cysteine-containing aspartate-spicific protease) • Cysteine 半胱氨酸 • Aspartate 天冬氨酸
• 影响核酸的结构与功能


凋亡诱导复合物(DISC) 胞质中游离的caspase8聚集到这个复合物上被激活 细胞caspase8浓度不够 切割Bid tBid从胞质到线粒体 CtyC 释放
• 细胞有足够caspase8 • • • 死亡受体活化, 细胞凋亡
与病原体和吞噬细胞(Fc受体和补体受体)结合 帮助促进吞噬
(antibody- dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, ADCC)
• 正常活细胞因核酸酶处于无活性状态,这是由于核酸酶和抑制物结合在 一起,如抑制物被破坏,核酸酶即可激活,引起DNA片段化。现知 caspase可以裂解这种抑制物而激活核酸酶,因而把这种酶称为 Caspase激活的脱氧核糖核酸酶(caspase-activated deoxyribonulease CAD),而把它的抑制物称为ICAD。有意义的是CAD 只在ICAD存在时才能合成并显示活性,因而ICAD对CAD的活化与抑制是 必需要的。



社会科学研究方法与论文写作智慧树知到期末考试答案章节题库2024年北京第二外国语学院1.What are key components of research design? ()答案:Timeframe.###Sampling Strategy.###Data Collection Methods.2.The following aspects of informed consent that are essential in researchethics include ().答案:Researchers explaining potential risks andbenefits.###Participants being allowed to withdraw from the study.3.When should all authors be included in the in-text citation, according to theAPA style? ()答案:When there are two authors.###When there are three to fiveauthors.4.What are some essential tips for writing an effective abstract? ()答案:Use keywords###Emphasize points differently from thepaper.###Use passive verbs5.Which statements are suggested solutions for improving the Methodologysection? ()答案:Eliminate the use of first-person pronouns.###Provide a clearrationale for the chosen methods.6.What's the difference between methodology and method? ()答案:Methodology encompasses the broader theoretical framework and guiding philosophy of the research process.###Methods encompass the specific techniques and procedures employed for data collection andanalysis.###Methodology is presented as a distinct section in aresearch thesis, explaining the overall approach and rationale.7.What are the downsides of mere listing in a literature review? ()答案:It does not present themes or identify trends.###It often indicatesa lack of critical synthesis.8.The common problems to be aware of in thesis writing include().答案:Excessive reliance on qualitative data###Lack of theoreticalsupport###Failure to integrate theory and practice.###Misuse of tense ponents that are typically embedded in the structure of an academicpaper, especially the journal article, include ()答案:Introduction###Results and Discussion10.Which of the following examples are misconducts? ()答案:Facilitating academic dishonesty.###Unauthorizedcollaboration###Misuse of Patients11.What are the three main elements of a definition, as mentioned in the lecture?()答案:Term, Category, and Features.12.In the Methods section, why is it important to detail the tools or materials fordata collection? ()答案:To explain how instruments to be used to answer researchquestions.13.Which is the method suggested to avoid plagiarism when summarizinginformation from sources? ()答案:Summarize immediately after reading without referring back tothe source.14.The purpose of control variables in research is ().答案:To keep certain factors constant and prevent them frominfluencing the dependent variable.15.What is the purpose of using sampling techniques in research? ()答案:To draw conclusions about the population based on data collected from the sample.16.According to Wallwork’s tips for the final check, what is one way to ensureyour paper is as good as possible before submission? ()答案:Anticipate referees’ comments.17.What does external validity assess? ()答案:The extent to which research findings can be applied orgeneralized to other situations and populations.18.Which of the following expressions are correctly used in the Methods Section?()答案:"We conducted the experiment in a controlled environment."19.Which of the following is NOT a recommended guideline for using tables in aresearch paper? ()答案:Using as many tables as possible to provide comprehensiveinformation.20.What does a structured abstract typically include to make it more readable?()答案:Eye-catching font for the title21.What is the main function of the preparation stage in writing a literaturereview? ()答案:To locate relevant literature and prepare for writing.22.The primary focus of academic integrity is ().答案:Fostering honesty and responsible behavior.23.The act of using someone else’s ideas and writings as your own can beconsidered as ().答案:Plagiarism24.Which step is NOT part of the suggested three-step approach for revisingyour paper? ()答案:Rewrite the entire paper.25.Which is not the reason for an overly broad title being problematic? ()答案:It encourages depth in the study.26. A good thesis or dissertation should tell the reader not just “what I havedone,” but “why what I have done matters.” ()答案:对27.Coherence in academic writing refers to the clarity of the thesis statementand the organization of the paper. ()答案:对28.The research methods section helps readers and reviewers gauge thetransparency, validity, and reliability of the research. ()答案:对29.Research papers are published to share new, original results and ideas withthe academic community. ()答案:对30.Relying solely on secondary sources ensures the originality of researchfindings. ()答案:错31.In introduction writing, it is recommended to delve into an exhaustive reviewof the entire field to provide comprehensive context. ()答案:错32.The Background Method in introduction writing kicks off by presenting aproblem and then addressing the solution. ()答案:错33.Multiculturalism seeks to enhance the self-esteem and identities ofmarginalized groups. ()答案:对34. A Doctoral-level literature review is typically less comprehensive than aMaster's-level literature review. ()答案:错35."Hoaxing" involves deliberately publishing false information with theintention of deceiving others. ()答案:对36.Reflecting on the research process at the end is essential for evaluating itsstrengths and limitations. ()答案:对37. A well-crafted title should engage a wide audience effectively. ()答案:对38.In order to avoid plagiarism, it is suggested to avoid citing references. ()答案:错39.Predicting difficulties and providing countermeasures in a research proposalis essential to show the depth of thinking and enlist expected guidance. ()答案:对40.Conducting a literature review is not necessary when selecting a researchtitle. ()答案:错41.What can authors do to ensure a timely publication in a journal that reviewspapers for job hunting purposes?()答案:Submit the manuscript without checking for errors###Seekinformation from editors about review times###Be efficient in making revisions42.When preparing a manuscript for publication, it is crucial to focus on ethicalstandards.()答案:对43.Why do researchers want to publish their papers?()答案:To share new results and ideas44.How can you identify an appropriate journal for publication? ()答案:Look for journals that publish work similar to your research.45.The editor-in-chief makes the final decision on whether a submitted paper isaccepted or rejected in the review process.()答案:对ing cut and paste extensively is recommended during the final check tosave time.()答案:错47.Exchanging texts with another student for proofreading is encouraged to findcareless errors in your own work.()答案:对48.What is the key idea that should be remembered by the audience from yourtalk?()答案:The key idea of your research49.Why is it important to avoid errors that may distort meaning in your writtenwork? ()答案:To enhance the quality of your writing###To ensure clarity ofcommunication50.What is the main purpose of doing a presentation?()答案:To engage, excite, and provoke the audience51.Making academic writing more tentative involves avoiding over-generalizations and using linguistic hedges and tentative phrases.()答案:对52.What is the purpose of the checklist questions provided for paper revision?()答案:To help improve the writing53.Which of the following are strategies for achieving cohesion in academicwriting? ()答案:Organizing the paper logically###Using transitional words andphrases###Employing reference words54.Redundancy and colloquialisms are considered desirable features ofconciseness in academic writing. ()答案:错55.What should you do when revising your paper writing to improve clarity andspecificity? ()答案:Be self-contained56.What are the characteristics of informative abstracts? ()答案:They may replace the need for reading the full paper###Theycommunicate specific information about the paper###They provide aconcise summary of the paper’s content57.Structured abstracts may have clear subheadings to mark different sections.()答案:对58.What is the recommended maximum word limit for a conference abstract?()答案:250 words59.Which tense is often used when writing an abstract? ()答案:Present tense60.The primary purpose of an informative abstract is to indicate the subjectsdealt with in a paper. ()答案:错61.What are some reasons for using citations in academic writing? ()答案:To show you are a member of a particular disciplinarycommunity###To acknowledge the intellectual property rights ofauthors###To avoid plagiarism62.Self-plagiarism is not considered an ethical concern in academic writing.()答案:错63.What is the primary purpose of citation in academic writing? ()答案:To acknowledge the intellectual property rights of authors64.What is self-plagiarism? ()答案:Presenting one's own previously published work as new65.All sources cited in the text must be documented in the References section.()答案:对66.Which type of conclusion is more common in research papers and theses andfocuses on summarizing research outcomes and aligning them with the initial thesis? ()答案:Thesis-oriented Conclusion67.What are the four sections typically found in the Conclusion section of aresearch paper, according to the material? ()答案:Summary of findings, implications, limitations, further studies68.What is one of the purposes of the conclusions chapter? ()答案:To forestall criticisms by identifying limitations of the research69.Which of the following are types of conclusions discussed in the material? ()答案:Summary type###Field-oriented conclusion###Evaluation type of conclusion###Recommendation type of conclusion70.The conclusion section in academic papers typically follows a uniformstructure across all disciplines.()答案:错71.What is one of the purposes of making comparisons with previous studies inacademic writing? ()答案:To justify the methods or procedures followed72.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a common type of graphicalfigure in the material? ()答案:Map illustrations73.What can we do in demonstrating our research results in paper? ()答案:Use figures and tables to summarize data###Show the results ofstatistical analysis74.In which field are Qualitative Research methods often used?()答案:Liberal Arts and Social Sciences75.What factors should be considered when choosing research methods for athesis? ()答案:Traditional approaches.###Research questions andobjectives.###Nature of the subject matter.76.What does "Research Design" refer to in the research process?()答案:The overall plan guiding the research study.77.All the following moves are included in the method section except ().答案:Describing the commonly used methods in certain field.78.The research methods section in a thesis is often presented as a distinctsection, separate from the literature review.()答案:对79.What are the two core abilities essential for writing an effective literaturereview? ()答案:Information seeking and critical appraisal.80.Where can a literature review be placed in a research paper or thesis? ()答案:In different places depending on research goals and fieldconventions.81.Which type of literature review focuses on organizing literature aroundspecific research questions?()答案:Question-oriented review.82.The purpose of creating a visual representation, such as a literature map, isto replace the need for drafting concise summaries.()答案:错83.What are the recommended tenses to use when discussing the content of thesources in a literature review? ()答案:Simple Past.###Present Perfect.###Simple Present.84.What is the role of the Problem Statement in the Introduction? ()答案:Justify the importance of the research.85.Which is NOT one of the three methods could be used to write anintroduction? ()答案:Reference Method86.The location and structure of the introduction are standardized across alltypes of research theses. ()答案:错87.In Metadiscourse research, what is the recommended way for a researcher torefer to themselves in the introduction?()答案:Refer to themselves as "this thesis" or a specific section.88.What are the key elements included in Move 2 of the "Create a ResearchSpace" (CARS) framework?()答案:Identifying gaps in prior research.###Indicating a gap.89.What role do Research Grant Proposals play?()答案:Both securing financial support and convincing funding agencies.90.What questions does a research proposal eloquently answer? ()答案:How are you going to do it?###What do you plan toaccomplish?###Why do you want to do it?91.The "Aims/Purposes" section in a research proposal outlines the centralissues to be tackled in the study. ()答案:对92.To whom is a research proposal usually submitted for approval and support?()答案:Funding agencies, academic institutions, or research supervisors.93.What is the purpose of predicting difficulties and providing countermeasuresin the research proposal?()答案:To show the depth of thinking and enlist expected guidance.94.The recency of sources is crucial in research, and older sources are alwayspreferred for their depth.()答案:错95.Which database is specifically mentioned for searching Master's and DoctoralDissertations? ()答案:CNKI96.When conducting a critique of a study, what should be considered about themethods used?()答案:The validity for studying the problem.97.What is the primary characteristic of primary sources in research materialcollection? ()答案:They offer synthesized information from various perspectives. 98.What are common approaches to collecting primary source materialsmentioned in the lecture? ()答案:Surveys and questionnaires###Controlled experiments###One-on-one interviews99.What are potential mistakes in the title selection process? ()答案:Having unclear titles that do not convey the subjectmatter.###Using contemporary language to make the title appearoutdated.100.How does the researcher balance the focus of a research title?()答案:By clearly defining the scope of the study.101.What is the purpose of conducting a comprehensive literature review in the title selection process? ()答案:To identify gaps, controversies, or areas requiring furtherexploration.102.An overly narrow title might limit the potential impact and relevance of the research. ()答案:对103.What is the significance of a well-chosen title? ()答案:It significantly enhances the academic value of the work.104.What are key characteristics of deconstruction in literary theory? ()答案:Highlighting textual undecidability and paradoxes.###Challenging traditional assumptions about language and meaning.###Questioning binary oppositions.105.What distinguishes quantitative data from qualitative data in research? ()答案:Quantitative data are numerical, while qualitative data can bedescribed in words.106.What is the primary goal of case studies in applied linguistics? ()答案:To enhance understanding of a phenomenon, process, person, or group.107.Case studies use a single data source, such as interviews, to explore particular phenomena. ()答案:错108.What are the three types of cultural studies? ()答案:New historicism, postcolonialism, American multiculturalism. 109.The dependent variable in a study investigating the effects of different study methods on exam performance is ().答案:Exam performance110.What role does a moderating variable play in a research study? ().答案:It influences the strength or direction of the relationship between independent and dependent variables.111.External validity assesses the extent to which research findings can be applied to populations, settings, or conditions beyond the specific study. ()答案:对112.How does deduction differ from induction in research? ()答案:Deduction is the process of reasoning from general principles tospecific predictions.113.The purposes of research include ()答案:Solving real-world problems###Testing existingtheories###Meeting graduation requirements###Advancingknowledge114.The potential academic consequences for students who engage in academic dishonesty include ().答案:Monetary fines、Academic suspension and Expulsion from theInstitute115.The three key principles that experimental researchers need to carefully consider and implement before, during and after recruiting researchparticipants are ().答案:Anonymity###Informed consent###Confidentiality116.It is unethical to conduct research which is badly planned or poorly executed.()答案:对117.The primary focus of academic integrity in the context of research ethics is ().答案:Fostering responsibility and trustworthiness in academic work 118.The pillars of academic integrity include all the aspects except ()答案:Excellence119.The primary purpose of literature reviews in research articles is ().答案:To evaluate previously published material120.Methodological articles typically present highly technical materials, derivations, proofs, and details of simulations within the main body of thearticle. ()答案:对121.In a research article, many different sections can be found in empirical studies, including ().答案:Method###Literature review###Introduction###Discussion 122.According to the lecture, which step in the procedures of thesis writing involves drafting a title and abstract? ()答案:Step 1: Choice of Topic123.The primary use of case studies is ().答案:To illustrate a problem or shed light on research needs。



管理学英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "management" refers to the process of:A. Making decisionsB. Organizing resourcesC. Directing and controlling activitiesD. All of the above答案:D2. Which of the following is NOT a function of management?A. PlanningB. StaffingC. MotivatingD. Selling答案:D3. The process of setting goals and deciding on actions to achieve these goals is known as:A. OrganizingB. LeadingC. PlanningD. Controlling答案:C4. Which of the following is an example of a managementprinciple?A. Division of laborB. CentralizationC. DelegationD. All of the above答案:D5. In the context of management, "controlling" refers to:A. The process of ensuring that things are done as plannedB. The process of making plansC. The process of organizing resourcesD. The process of motivating employees答案:A6. The concept of "span of control" is related to:A. The number of employees a manager can effectively superviseB. The range of activities a manager is responsible forC. The level of authority a manager hasD. The type of control systems a manager uses答案:A7. The management function that involves influencing people to work towards organizational goals is:A. OrganizingB. LeadingC. PlanningD. Controlling答案:B8. Which of the following is a characteristic of effective communication?A. ClarityB. AmbiguityC. DisorganizationD. Lack of feedback答案:A9. The "scientific management" theory was developed by:A. Henri FayolB. Max WeberC. Frederick TaylorD. Abraham Maslow答案:C10. In the context of management, "empowerment" means:A. Giving employees the authority to make decisionsB. Centralizing all decision-making powerC. Reducing the role of employees in decision-makingD. Ignoring employee input in decision-making答案:A二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)1. The four basic functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and ________.答案:controlling2. The management principle that suggests that there is an optimal span of control for each manager is known as ________.答案:span of control3. The management approach that focuses on the social needsof employees is known as the ________ approach.答案:human relations4. The process of identifying, selecting, orienting, training, and compensating employees is known as ________.答案:staffing5. A management style that involves a high level of task orientation and a low level of relationship orientation is known as ________ leadership.答案:autocratic6. The concept of "management by objectives" was developed by ________.答案:Peter Drucker7. The "Maslow's hierarchy of needs" theory suggests that people are motivated by a series of needs, starting with physiological needs and ending with ________ needs.答案:self-actualization8. In a ________ structure, there is a clear chain of command and a narrow span of control.答案:hierarchical9. The process of comparing actual performance with planned performance is known as ________.答案:budgeting10. The management function that involves setting goals and determining the sequence of actions needed to achieve them is known as ________.答案:strategic planning三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)1. What are the three key characteristics of an effective organizational structure?答案:An effective organizational structure should havethe following characteristics: clarity of roles and responsibilities, a clear chain of command, and a balance between centralization and decentralization.2. Explain the difference between leadership and management.答案:Leadership is the process of influencing, motivating, and directing individuals towards the achievement of organizational goals. Management, on the other hand, is a broader concept that includes planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources to achieve goals.3. What are the main principles of scientific management according to Frederick Taylor?答案:The main principles of scientific management includethe scientific selection and training of workers, the scientific selection of tasks and tools, the scientific determination of work methods, and the scientific scheduling of work and rest periods.4. Describe the four stages of the control process.。



免疫名词解释历年题1. Recirculation of lymphocytes(淋巴细胞再循环)It means the continuo us movement of lymphocytes across the sites through out blood and lym phatic vessels, and it is critical for the initiation and effector phases of i mmune response.2. hapten(半抗原) antigen which can combine with the corresponding Ab or sensitized T lymphocyte but can not evoke the immune response independently.3. TD-Ag(thymus dependent Ag) Ag stimulates B cells to produce Ab with the help of T cells and macrophage.4. TI-Ag(thymus independent Ag)Ag stimulates B cells to produce Ab without the help of T cells and macrophage.5. heterophile Ag(异嗜性抗原)common antigens shared by different sp ecies and play an important role in immunopathology and diagnosis.6. HVR(hypervariable region)超变区Most of sequence differences am ong antibodies are confined to three short stretches in the V regions of heavy and light chains are called HVR7. CDR(complementary determinant region)互补决定区The sequences of the antibodies form an antigen binding surface that is complementary to the three dimensional structure of the bound antigen It is also called complementary determinant regions.8. idiotype (独特型) Igs produced by each B cells clone possessing unique structure respectively in HVR or CDR, the unique structure is call ed idiotype of Ig.9. monoclonal Ab (mAb 单克隆抗体) It is prepared by hybridoma tec hnique. Immunized spleen cells (B cells) fuse with myeloma cells and for m hybridoma with property of proliferating Ab10. conformational determinants 构象决定簇They are composed of amin o acid residues are not in a sequence but become special juxtaposed infolded protein. They are usually on the surface of antigen and be recog nized by B cells and Ab.11. ADCC(antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity)It is a proce ss in which NK cells are target to Ab coated cells, resulting in lyses Ab coated cells .FcRⅢ is expressed on NK cell membrane and mediate b inding of IgG.12. MAC membrane attack complex 攻膜复合体A lytic complex of the terminal components of complement cascade, Including C5678and multico pies of C9,which forms in the membrane of target cells MAC causes let hal ionic and osmotic changes in cells.13. CK cytokine 细胞因子A group of low molecular weight polypeptides or proteins which are secreted by activated immunocytes or some matri x cells and possess high activity and various functions. Their major funct ions are to mediate and regulation immune response and inflammation r eaction.14. CAM or AM cell adhesion molecules 黏附分子The cell surface mol ecules whose function is to promote adhesive interaction with other cells or the extra cellular matrix and play a crucial role in cell interaction, re cognition, activation and migration.15. CD cluster of differentiation 分化簇It is a group of cell surface mol ecules associated with the development and differentiation of immune cel ls.16. MHC major histocompatibility complex主要组织相容性复合体It is a g roup of genes which encode for major histocompatibility antigens and rel ate to immune response.17. HLA human leukocyte antigen 人类白细胞抗原The major histocomp atibility antigens for human bodies which associated with histocompatibilit y and immune response.18. HLA complex The MHC of human, a cluster of genes which encode for HLA and related to histocompatibility and immune response.19. MHC restriction In interaction of T cell and APC or target cells, T cells not only recognize specific antigen but also recognize polymorphic r esidules of MHC molecules.20. PAMP(pathogen associated molecular pattern) 病原相关分子模式dist inct structures or components that are common for many pathogens ,such as LPS, dsRNA of viruses etc.21. PRR (pattern recognition receptor) The receptors that can recognize PAMP, located on the surface of macrophage, including mannose rece ptor, scavenger receptor , toll like receptor etc.22. APC a group of cells which can uptake and process antigen and p resent antigen-MHC-Ⅰ/Ⅱ complex to T cells, playing an important role in immune response.23. TCR complex a group of membrane molecules on T cells that can specifically bind to antigen and pass an activation signal into the cell, c onsisting of TCR(αβγδ),CD3 (γεδε)andζ-ζ。

Decree 248 Single Window Operation Manuals and Tut

Decree 248 Single Window Operation Manuals and Tut

Voluntary Report –Voluntary - Public Distribution Date:December 22, 2021Report Number:CH2021-0174Report Name:Decree 248 Single Window Operation Manuals and Tutorial Country:China - People's Republic ofPost: BeijingReport Category:Agricultural Situation, Agricultural Trade Office Activities, Policy and Program Announcements, National Plan, Beverages, Agriculture in the News, Citrus, Coffee, Dairy and Products, Market Development Reports, Avocado, Canned Deciduous Fruit, Dried Fruit, Fresh Deciduous Fruit, Fresh Fruit, Kiwifruit, Raisins, Stone Fruit, Strawberries, Fishery Products, Grain and Feed, Livestock and Products, MISC-Commodity, Oilseeds and Products, Potatoes and Potato Products, Poultry and Products, Sugar, Tomatoes and Products, Tree Nuts, Vegetables, WinePrepared By:Alan HallmanApproved By:Adam BransonReport Highlights:The report contains FAS China's understanding of the overseas facility registration process as required by the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China (GACC) in Decree 248. In addition, this report contains attachments of unofficial translations of the Competent Authority and Overseas Enterprise Operation Manuals for the GACC Single Window registration website. In addition, the report contains information from recent training sessions and background information on Decree 248 to facilitate self-registration for U.S. food and agribusiness operations affected by Decree 248.General Information:This report provides information related to FAS China’s understanding of the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China (G ACC) overseas facility registration process. This report includes translations of GACC operation manuals for 1) Competent Authorities; 2) Overseas Enterprises; and 3) a tutorial to the Single Window website self-registration process developed by a third party. In addition, the report has an Excel table attachment that includes the Harmonized System (HS) tariff codes and commodity descriptions affected by Decree 248. FAS China conveys its thanks and appreciation to staff and officers at the Embassies of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and other colleagues at the United States Embassy in Beijing, China who jointly translated the two GACC manuals.Decree 248 notified by GACC requires the registration of overseas food production and cold storage facilities that produce or handle specific food products exported to China. The regulation sets out two registration pathways for facilities that produce products within its scope – self-registration, and registration by a competent authority located in the exporting country.Article 7 of Decree 248 lists 18 product categories that GACC initially indicated would require an overseas facility to register before having product be presented for customs clearance in China. GACC indicated that it expects facilities producing products in those categories to register through a competent authority. In addition, Article 9 of Decree 248 requires the self-registration of overseas facilities that are outside of the 18 product categories. Since publishing the list of 18 product categories GACC has provided and continues making “systems improvements” to a table of Chin a’s Harmonized System (HS) tariff codes at the 10-digit level inside the Single Window website that are apparently the actual scope of goods that require registration. The table also provides GACC inspection and quarantine codes and additional descriptions for the products affected by Decree 248. However, there are several food and related products that are not in GACC’s table. Moreover, some commodities can fall in or outside the scope of Decree 248 depending upon their end use.For example, although the HS code 0805100000 for “Oranges, Fresh or Dried” is included on the table, the GACC inspection and quarantine code indicates that only those facilities handling “Oranges, Fresh or Dried” that have also been “candied” or “sweetened” need to self-register. In other words, facilities handling “regular” oranges are not required to register with the GACC under Decree 248.Another example is sorghum, which appears in the table under the Chinese HS code 1007900000 with GACC inspection and quarantine codes 102 and 103 – for other edible sorghum, inshell and shelled, respectively. GACC is requesting that facilities handling inshell or shelled sorghum for human consumption register that facility through a competent authority. Based on this information, there is no expectation that U.S. exporters of sorghum for non-food use register under Decree 248. However, the United States Government already provides a complete list, based on a previous agreement, of U.S. grain exporting companies to GACC for food and non-food sorghum. Numerous attempts to seek clarification from GACC have gone unanswered.GACC recently announced that a facility registration number will have to be presented during customs clearance for imports of commodities covered by Decree 248 starting on January 1, 2022. GACC has said that products produced prior to January 1, 2022, will not require facility registration numbers printed on the inner and outer packaging of the products. GACC officials have also said that either the GACC facility registration number or the facility registration number issued by the competent authority in the exporting country must be printed on the inner and outer packaging of products produced on or after January 1, 2022. Because the destination of most products is not known at the time of production or manufacturing, U.S.-based facilities working with these products will need to assess what facility registration number to use on products that could be destined for China.The Single Window self-registration website requires that facilities attempting to register select a Chinese 10-digit HS code and the 3-digit GACC inspection and quarantine code to identify their product(s). The attached Excel table can be a guide for identifying this information. If a facility cannot identify which HS code may be used, they should consider the description and end-use of their product(s) and/or contact their existing or a potential importer to assess the tariff line that will be used for customs clearance. Companies attempting to self-register should contact GACC staff, identified below, when they have questions about the Single Window system and the applicability of the registration requirements to their establishments and product(s). As China continues making “system improvements” to the Single Window website, facilities attempting to self-register should consult official information and conduct a “Product type Query” in the Single Window website. The attached table and the information in the Single Window website also include a column where GACC indicates if facilities producing that product should self-register or be registered by a competent authority.The self-registration process requires a significant amount of information. Registrants may find it helpful to review the rest of this report and the attached translation of GACC’s operation manual for enterprises before commencing.The translation of GACC’s operation manual for competent authorities is attached as a reference. U.S.-based facilities that GACC is requesting register through a competent authority are encouraged to read the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Constituent Update dated December 6. It can be found at this link.FAS China has published the following reports on Decrees 248 and 249 to inform and educate U.S. food and agricultural stakeholders.∙Decrees 248 and 249 – January 1 Implementation Date [Public Notice 103] – December 14, 2021∙Decree 248 - FDA Constituent Update – December 8, 2021∙Decree 248 Single Window User Manual and Training - November 30, 2021∙Decree 248 HS Codes Published in GACC Single Window – November 30, 2021∙Informing Industry and Supporting Trade Facilitation as China Implements Decrees 248 and 249 –November 10, 2021∙Decree 248 Information Update – November 19, 2021∙GACC Issues Interpretation of Decree 248 - November 6, 2021∙Decree 248 Foreign Facilities Self-Registration Website Launched - November 3, 2021∙Decree 248 Unofficial Self-Registration Guide for Overseas Food Facilities - November 2, 2021∙Notes from Information Sessions on GACC Decrees 248 and 249 - October 22, 2021∙GACC Issues Explanatory Letter on Decree 248 - October 8, 2021∙Interpretative Guidance on Imported Food Labeling Requirements in Decree 249 - August 13, 2021 ∙Decrees 248 and 249 Status Update on Facilities Registration and Food Safety Measures - May 25, 2021∙Administrative Measures on Import and Export Food Safety - Decree 249 - May 7, 2021∙Overseas Facilities Registration Regulation - Decree 248 - April 20, 2021∙China Notified the Draft Administrative Measures on Import and Export Food Safety - December 11, 2020∙China Notifies Revised Overseas Facilities Registration Regulations as TBT 1522 - December 2, 2020∙China Released Draft Administrative Measures for Registration of Overseas Producers of Imported Foods - December 6, 2019Attachments:211221 GACC 248 SW Overseas Enterprise Operation Manual Eng Translation.docx211221 FAS China Third Party SW Self Registration Guide.docx211215 GACC Decree 248 HS Code List English Translation.xlsx211223 GACC 248 SW Competent Authority Operation Manual Eng Translation.docx。



英语作文反恐的几种战略Title: Strategies for Counterterrorism in English Composition。

Counterterrorism encompasses a range of strategies aimed at preventing and mitigating terrorist threats. In the global fight against terrorism, various approaches have been developed and implemented to enhance security and safeguard communities. This essay discusses several strategies employed in counterterrorism efforts.1. Intelligence Gathering and Analysis:Intelligence gathering is a fundamental aspect of counterterrorism. It involves collecting, analyzing, and disseminating information about potential threats,terrorist activities, and networks. This includes human intelligence (HUMINT), signals intelligence (SIGINT), imagery intelligence (IMINT), and open-source intelligence (OSINT). Analyzing gathered intelligence helps inidentifying terrorist cells, their capabilities, and intentions, enabling authorities to thwart attacks before they occur.2. Law Enforcement Cooperation:Collaboration among law enforcement agencies at national and international levels is crucial for combating terrorism. Interagency coordination facilitates the sharing of intelligence, resources, and expertise, enhancing the ability to track and apprehend terrorists. Additionally, partnerships with international counterparts enable joint operations, extradition of suspects, and prosecution of transnational terrorist networks.3. Border Security and Immigration Control:Strengthening border security and implementing rigorous immigration control measures are essential for preventing terrorists from entering or exiting countries undetected. This includes deploying advanced screening technologies, enhancing border surveillance, and improvinginformation sharing among immigration and security agencies. By fortifying borders and regulating immigration, governments can mitigate the risk of terrorist infiltration and movement.4. Counterterrorism Legislation and Legal Frameworks:Enacting robust counterterrorism legislationprovides legal authorities with the tools necessary to investigate, prosecute, and punish individuals involved in terrorist activities. Legal frameworks should strike a balance between protecting civil liberties and empowering law enforcement agencies to combat terrorism effectively. Provisions for surveillance, detention, and prosecution of terrorists under due process are integral components of comprehensive counterterrorism laws.5. Community Engagement and Counter-Narratives:Engaging communities vulnerable to radicalizationand extremism is vital for preventing terrorist recruitment and fostering resilience against extremist ideologies.Community outreach programs, education initiatives, and dialogue platforms can challenge terrorist narratives, promote inclusivity, and address underlying grievances. By empowering communities to reject violence and extremism, societies can undermine the appeal of terrorist ideologies and disrupt recruitment efforts.6. Military Operations and Counterinsurgency:In regions afflicted by terrorism and insurgency, military operations play a significant role in dismantling terrorist infrastructure and restoring security. Counterinsurgency strategies focus on winning hearts and minds, prioritizing civilian protection, and building trust with local populations. Military force is employed judiciously, alongside efforts to address root causes of conflict, promote governance, and support socioeconomic development.7. Cybersecurity and Counterterrorism Online:As terrorists increasingly utilize the internet andsocial media for propaganda, recruitment, and coordination, cybersecurity measures are crucial for disrupting online terrorist activities. Governments and tech companies collaborate to counter terrorist content online through content removal, platform monitoring, and counter-messaging campaigns. Additionally, enhancing cybersecurity infrastructure protects critical digital systems from cyberattacks aimed at causing disruption and chaos.8. International Cooperation and Multilateral Initiatives:Terrorism is a transnational threat that necessitates global cooperation and solidarity. International alliances, such as the United Nations, NATO, and regional organizations, facilitate collective responses to terrorism through diplomatic efforts, capacity-building assistance, and joint operations. Multilateral initiatives address common challenges, promote information sharing, and coordinate counterterrorism strategies across borders.In conclusion, effective counterterrorism requires acomprehensive and multi-dimensional approach encompassing intelligence gathering, law enforcement cooperation, border security, legal frameworks, community engagement, military operations, cybersecurity, and international cooperation. By employing these strategies in tandem, governments can enhance security, disrupt terrorist networks, and safeguard societies from the scourge of terrorism.。



Section I: Listening Comprehension (25 points)Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations and 3 long conversations. After each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C), and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.1. A) He is a teacher. B) He is a student. C) He is a doctor. D) He is a writer.2. A) She will go to the library. B) She will go to the cinema. C) She will go to the supermarket. D) She will go to the post office.3. A) She is interested in sports. B) She is good at playing chess. C) She is passionate about painting. D) She is fond of reading books.4. A) The man will buy a new car. B) The man will sell his old car. C) The man will take the bus. D) The man will walk to work.5. A) She will cook dinner. B) She will go shopping. C) She will watch a movie. D) She will go to bed early.6. A) He is a lawyer. B) He is a doctor. C) He is a teacher. D) He is a journalist.7. A) The woman will go to the beach. B) The woman will go to the park.C) The woman will go to the museum. D) The woman will go to the cinema.8. A) He is going to study abroad. B) He is going to find a job. C) Heis going to travel. D) He is going to retire.9. A) She is a doctor. B) She is a teacher. C) She is a nurse. D) She isa student.10. A) He is a student. B) He is a teacher. C) He is a doctor. D) He isa writer.Section II: Structure and Vocabulary (25 points)Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.11. I am going to ________ (go) to the party tonight.A) go B) went C) going D) gone12. She ________ (not be) able to come because she is sick.A) doesn't B) isn't C) hasn't D) won't13. The teacher said that the test ________ (be) difficult for us.A) would B) will C) is D) was14. If I ________ (know) the answer, I would have helped you.A) know B) knew C) have known D) had known15. She ________ (not like) to go out in the rain.A) doesn't B) didn't C) hasn't D) won't16. He ________ (be) late for work every day.A) always B) usually C) often D) seldom17. The book ________ (be) very interesting.A) is B) was C) will be D) would be18. She ________ (not go) to the party because she is too busy.A) doesn't B) isn't C) hasn't D) won't19. I ________ (not see) him for a long time.A) haven't B) didn't C) won't D) wouldn't20. ________ (be) careful when you cross the road.A) You must B) You are C) You were D) You willSection III: Reading Comprehension (30 points)Directions: There are 3 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Passage 1When it comes to exercise, many people believe that they need to spend hours at the gym to get in shape. However, recent studies have shownthat short bursts of high-intensity exercise can be just as effective. This type of exercise, known as High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), involves short periods of intense exercise followed by short rest periods.The benefits of HIIT are numerous. It can help improve cardiovascular health, increase muscle strength, and burn fat more efficiently than traditional long-duration exercise. Additionally, HIIT can be more convenient for people with busy schedules, as it can be completed in as little as 20 minutes.Questions 21-25:21. What is the main idea of the passage?A) The importance of exercise for health.B) The benefits of high-intensity interval training.C) The disadvantages of traditional exercise.D) The reasons why people avoid exercise.22. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of HIIT?A) Improved cardiovascular health.B) Increased muscle strength.C) Longer rest periods.D) Efficient fat burning.23. What is the advantage of HIIT for people with busy schedules?A) It requires less time.B) It is more enjoyable.C) It is less intense.D) It is more effective.24. How long does a typical HIIT session last?A) 20 minutesB) 30 minutesC) 45 minutesD) 1 hour25. What is the tone of the passage?A) NegativeB) PositiveC) NeutralD) CriticalPassage 2The internet has revolutionized the way we communicate and access information. While it has brought numerous benefits, it has also introduced several challenges. One of the most significant challenges is the spread of misinformation. With the vast amount of information available online, it can be difficult to discern what is true and whatis false.Misinformation can have serious consequences. It can lead to misunderstandings, harm reputations, and even influence elections. To combat this problem, it is important for individuals to develop criticalthinking skills and verify the accuracy of the information they encounter.One way to do this is by checking the sources of information. Reliable sources are more likely to provide accurate information. Additionally, individuals should be cautious of information that is presented without evidence or is from unknown sources.Questions 26-30:26. What is the main topic of the passage?A) The benefits of the internet.B) The challenges of the internet.C) The role of critical thinking in the digital age.D) The impact of misinformation on society.27. What is the main challenge mentioned in the passage?A) The lack of access to information.B) The spread of misinformation.C) The difficulty of finding reliable sources.D) The lack of internet connectivity.28. What can individuals do to combat the spread of misinformation?A) They should avoid using the internet.B) They should rely on their intuition.C) They should develop critical thinking skills.D) They should ignore the information they find online.29. Why is it important to check the sources of information?A) To save time.B) To ensure accuracy.C) To avoid boredom.D) To impress others.30. What is the tone of the passage?A) NegativeB) PositiveC) NeutralD) CriticalPassage 3Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. It is caused by human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, which release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat, leading to a rise in global temperatures and a range of negative impacts, including extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and the loss of biodiversity.To address climate change, it is important to take action at both the individual and global levels. Individuals can reduce their carbon footprint by adopting sustainable practices, such as reducing energy consumption, using public transportation, and consuming less meat. On a global scale, governments and organizations need to work together to implement policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote renewable energy.Questions 31-35:31. What is the main topic of the passage?A) The causes of climate change.B) The effects of climate change.C) The solutions to climate change.D) The importance of sustainable practices.32. What are the human activities that contribute to climate change?A) The use of renewable energy.B) The reduction of energy consumption.C) The burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.D) The promotion of public transportation.33. What are some of the negative impacts of climate change?A) Improved agricultural productivity.B) Increased biodiversity.C) Extreme weather events and rising sea levels.D) Lower global temperatures.34. What can individuals do to help address climate change?A) They should consume more meat.B) They should reduce their carbon footprint.C) They should stop using electricity.D) They should travel by plane more often.35. What is the tone of the passage?A) NegativeB) PositiveC) NeutralD) CriticalSection IV: Writing (20 points)Directions: Write an essay of about 150 words on the following topic: The Importance of Learning a Second Language. You should start your essay with a brief introduction, develop your ideas in the bodyparagraphs, and conclude with a summary of your main points. Remember to use appropriate vocabulary and sentence structures.---This is a simplified example of an English high school entrance examination paper. Actual exam papers may include more complex questions and a wider variety of content.。


Vital player in the development of core competencies
Can be used to develop individual HR systems
Recruitment and Selection
Based on past behaviour as the most valid predictor of future behaviour
US - input oriented – what the individual brings to the job
UK - output oriented – the skills, attitudes and knowledge , expressed in behaviours for effective job performance
a job or situation
McClelland 1993
Underlying traits, motives, skills,
characteristics and knowledge related to
superior performance
Boyatsis 1982
Uk v. US definitions
Armstrong 1991
Features of HRM
Management focussed and top management driven
Line management role key Emphasises strategic fit – integration
with business strategy Commitment oriented Two perspectives – ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ Involves strong cultures and values



7s管理知识30问 7S Management Knowledge 30 Questions. English Answer:1. What are the 7Ss of management?> Shared Values.> Strategy.> Structure.> Systems.> Staff.> Style.> Skills.2. How do the 7Ss interact with each other?> The 7Ss are interconnected and interdependent,forming a holistic view of an organization.3. What is the role of shared values in an organization?> Shared values guide the organization's behavior and decision-making.4. How does strategy influence the other 6Ss?> Strategy sets the direction for the organization and aligns the other 6Ss.5. What is the purpose of organizational structure?> Structure defines the relationships andresponsibilities within the organization.6. How do systems support organizational goals?> Systems provide the processes and procedures to achieve organizational objectives.7. What is the importance of staff in an organization?> Staff are the human resources that carry out the organization's activities.8. How does leadership style affect organizational performance?> Leadership style influences the way the organization is managed and employees are motivated.9. Why are skills essential for organizational success?> Skills enable the organization to execute its strategy and achieve its goals.10. How can the 7Ss be used to improve organizational performance?> By aligning and optimizing the 7Ss, organizations can enhance their effectiveness and efficiency.11. What are the benefits of using the 7S framework?> The 7S framework provides a comprehensive understanding of an organization and facilitates change management.12. How can organizations assess their 7Ss?> Organizations can use various tools and techniques to evaluate their 7Ss.13. What are some common challenges in implementing the 7Ss?> Challenges include resistance to change, lack of alignment, and resource constraints.14. How can organizations overcome challenges inimplementing the 7Ss?> Organizations can overcome challenges through communication, stakeholder involvement, and gradual implementation.15. What are the implications of the 7Ss for organizational culture?> The 7Ss shape and reflect the organization's culture.16. How can the 7Ss be used to diagnose organizational problems?> By examining the alignment and effectiveness of the7Ss, organizations can identify areas for improvement.17. What is the relationship between the 7Ss and organizational change?> The 7Ss provide a framework for understanding and managing organizational change.18. How can the 7Ss be used to create a sustainable organization?> By integrating environmental and social considerations into the 7Ss, organizations can promote sustainability.19. What are some best practices for implementing the 7Ss effectively?> Best practices include stakeholder involvement, continuous monitoring, and flexibility.20. How can organizations leverage technology to support the 7Ss?> Technology can enhance communication, collaboration, and data analysis for the 7Ss.21. What is the role of leadership in implementing the 7Ss?> Leadership plays a crucial role in communicating, facilitating, and sustaining the 7Ss.22. How can the 7Ss be used to promote innovation in an organization?> By fostering a culture of experimentation, risk-taking, and cross-functional collaboration, the 7Ss can support innovation.23. What are some ethical considerations in implementing the 7Ss?> Organizations must ensure that the 7Ss are implemented in an ethical and responsible manner.24. How can the 7Ss be used to build a learning organization?> By creating a culture of continuous learning, sharing, and knowledge management, the 7Ss can foster a learningorganization.25. What is the impact of globalization on the 7Ss?> Globalization influences the 7Ss by increasing interconnectedness, competition, and cultural diversity.26. How can organizations use the 7Ss to adapt to a rapidly changing environment?> By aligning the 7Ss with the external environment, organizations can enhance their adaptability.27. What are the key performance indicators for measuring the effectiveness of the 7Ss?> KPIs include employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, financial performance, and innovation metrics.28. How can organizations create a balanced and aligned 7Ss?> By considering the interdependencies and trade-offs between the 7Ss, organizations can achieve balance and alignment.29. What is the future of the 7S framework?> The 7S framework continues to evolve and adapt to changes in the business landscape.30. How can organizations leverage the 7Ss to gain a competitive advantage?> By aligning and optimizing the 7Ss, organizations can differentiate themselves and enhance their competitiveness.中文回答:1. 7s管理知识包括哪些方面?> 战略(Strategy)。


Invasion and attack
intrusion : refers to any threat and damage behavior of the
system resources (such as non-authorized or unauthorized access to system resources, wiretapping information), the implementation of intrusion "person" referred to as an intruder.
"Denial of service" example: LAND attack
Spoofed IP packet Source address: Port 139 Destination address: Port 139 Package was sent back to its own
The attack principle is: the target host has been in a busy payable or has been in a state of waiting for a response to provide services for other hosts using a variety of means constantly sent to the target host false request or junk information.

scaffolding theory

scaffolding theory

scaffolding theoryScaffolding theory is a learning theory that was developed by Jerome Bruner in the 1960s. This theory suggests that learning is an active process that involves the learner and the teacher working together to build knowledge. The teacher provides support, guidance, and feedback while the learner actively engages in the learning process.The term "scaffolding" refers to the temporary support that a teacher provides to a student. This support can take many forms, such as providing examples, asking leading questions, or breaking down complex tasks into smaller steps. The goal of scaffolding is to help students develop their skills and knowledge so that they can eventually work independently.According to scaffolding theory, there are three key components of effective scaffolding: contingency, fading, and transfer of responsibility.Contingency refers to the idea that teachers should be responsive to their students' needs and adjust their teachingstrategies accordingly. For example, if a student is struggling with a particular concept, the teacher may need to provide additional support or guidance until the student has mastered the concept.Fading refers to gradually reducing the amount of support provided by the teacher as students become more proficient in a particular skill or concept. This allows students to gradually take on more responsibility for their own learning.Transfer of responsibility refers to the ultimate goal of scaffolding: helping students become independent learners who can apply what they have learned in new situations. Teachers should gradually transfer responsibility for learning from themselves to their students so that students can become self-directed learners.Scaffolding theory has been applied in many different educational settings, from early childhood education to higher education. It has been shown to be effective in helping students learn new skills and concepts, particularly when combined with other teaching strategies such as active learning and problem-based learning.One example of scaffolding in action might be a math teacher who is teaching her class how to solve algebraic equations. She might begin by providing an example problem and walking her students through the steps needed to solve it. As her students become more proficient, she might gradually reduce the amount of guidance she provides and encourage them to work independently. Finally, she might provide a set of practice problems for her students to work on independently, with only minimal guidance from her.Overall, scaffolding theory provides a useful framework for understanding how teachers can support their students' learning. By providing temporary support and gradually transferring responsibility to their students, teachers can help their students become independent learners who are able to apply what they have learned in new situations.。



adVanced gastric carcinoma,and those or II。一6R mRNA were lO%,50%,80%肌d
88.4%respectively.The positiVe raIes of儿,·6 and IL·6R、Vere signi6caⅡtly diHbrent between normal gastric mucosas a【1d precancerous lesion(P<O.05),and
there were signi6cam diff己rence for the expression of IL一6 aIld IL一6R between precaIlcerous lesion and early gastric carcinoma(P<O.05),whereas no statistical

表达的失衡,它们相辅相成,阻止细胞凋亡的发生,从而促进胃癌的发生发 展。临床上,对FaS、FasL、BcI一2进行相应的调节将可能成为治疗胃癌的 有效辅助手段之‘。 关键词:胃癌 白细胞介素6(1L.6) 白细胞介素6受体(IL.6R) FaS FasL Bcl一2 原位杂交 免疫组织化学

objectiVes:The one purpose ofthe present thesis is to study the expression aIld
regulatjon of IL一6 柚d its receptor(IL-6R) in no册al gas研c
diagnosis a11d immune treamlent of gastnc carcinoma.The other purp_ose of血e













关键词:防暴武器系统,系统评价理论与方法,雷达云图,作战效能中图分类号:TJ01;E924.3文献标识码:ADOI :10.3969/j.issn.1002-0640.2020.08.032引用格式:李青,战仁军,彭维仕.基于雷达图的防暴武器系统作战效能评估方法[J ].火力与指挥控制,2020,45(8):186-190.基于雷达图的防暴武器系统作战效能评估方法*李青1,2,战仁军1,彭维仕1*(1.武警工程大学装备管理与保障学院,西安710086;2.中国人民武装警察部队第一机动总队特战三支队,石家庄050800)Operational Effectiveness Evaluation Method of Riot Weapon SystemsLI Qing 1,2,ZHAN Ren-jun 1,PENG Wei-shi 1*(1.School of Equipment Management and Support ,People Armed Police Engineering University ,Xi ’an 710086,China ;2.Three Detachment of Special Operations in 1-th Mobile Divisions for People Armed Police ,Shijiazhuang 050800,China )Abstract :This paper proposes a new method based on radar chart to evaluate the combat effectiveness of the anti-riot weapon system ,which is presented to evaluate the combat effectiveness of riot weapon system scientifically ,rationally and intuitively.Firstly ,the combat effectiveness index system of riot weapon system is established.Secondly ,construct the radar cloud chart of the anti-riot weapon system.Then ,the fan-shaped area characteristics of each index in the radar chart are extracted to solve the problem that the evaluation result of the traditional radar chart method is not unique ,andthe combat effectiveness evaluation model of the riot weapon system is further designed.Finally ,an example is given to verify the correctness and rationality of the proposed method.The research work provides scientific guidance for the combat application and performance optimization of riot weapon system.Key words :anti-riot weapon system ,systematic evaluation theory and method ,radar cloud chart ,operational effectivenessCitation format :LI Q ,ZHAN R J ,PENG W S.Operational effectiveness wvaluation method of riot weapon systems [J ].Fire Control &Command Control ,2020,45(8):186-190.0引言在复杂的国际环境和激烈的地区冲突中,恐怖主义是国际社会面临的主要问题。






关键词:《国际贸易术语解释通则》;贸易术语;国际商会;新变化;应用解析中图分类号:F752文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1673-8578.2021.01.008New Changes and Application Analysis of Incoterms2020//WANG QingyingAbstract:Incoterms is the most influential international practice in interpreting trade terms in the world.The latest edition of Inco­terms2020which was officially implemented on January1,2020,will have a significant impact on world commodity import and export trade.This paper analyzes the new changes of the2020edition on the basis of comparing the2020edition with the2010edition. Combining with China's import and export business practice,we analyze the possible impact of the implementation of Incoterms2020 on China's foreign trade,and discuss general principles which should be concerned from the perspectives of foreign trade enterprises, colleges and universities.Keywords:Incoterms;trade terms;ICC;new changes;application analysis1国际贸易术语解释通则概述国际贸易术语是表示国际贸易交易商品价格的专门用语,因此也称为“国际价格术语”,由于世界各国对国际贸易术语的认知、习惯做法、法律法规差异很大,为了减少运用国际贸易术语时的争议和纠纷,一些国际组织和商业团体先后制定了解释国际贸易术语的国际惯例,其中在当今世界上使用范围最广、影响力最大的解释贸易术语的国际惯例是《国际贸易术语解释通则》(Incoterms),由国际性的民间组织———国际商会于1936年初次制定,该惯例历经1953年、1967年、1976年、1980年、1990年、2000年、2010年、2020年八次修订,并于2010年取得注册商标Incoterms®,1980年以后每十年修订一次。



第6卷第1期指挥信息系统与技术V01.6 No.1 2015年2月Command Info rmatio n S y st e m and T e ch n0109y Feb.2015·实践与应用·doi:10.15908/j.cnki.cist.2015.01.007 海军合同对海突击作战方法与技术沈良(中国电子科技集团公司第二十八研究所南京210007)摘要:针对海军合同对海突击作战已构成海上作战基本形态,介绍了海军合同对海突击作战的特点及基本要点,阐述了海军合同对海突击作战的实施方法,从情况研判分析、突击目标和突击时间确定、突击方式选择、突击兵力编成、火力协同规划和组织兵力行动协同等作战要素,分析了实施海军合同对海突击作战的关键技术。


关键词:合同对海突击作战;导弹临空时间;兵力协同;火力协同规划中图分类号:E273.3 文献标识码:A文章编号:1674—909X(2015)01—0035—05Method and Technology for NaVy CooperatiVe Sea CombatShen Liang(The28t h R es ea rc h I ns ti tu te of Ch in a E1e ct r o n ic s T e c hn o lo g y Gro up C orp or ati on,Na nj ing 210007,C hi na) Abstract:The nav y c o o p e ra t i v e s e a combat has become the basic combat modality o n the sea.Th echaracteristics and basis essent ial s of n aV y co operatiVe s e a combat ar e intro du ced.The implemen—ta ti on me thods for thenavy coo p e r a t i ve s e a combat ar e described.Key technologies for imple—menting the combat factors,including the situation analysis,assault target s,co mba t time as ce卜tai ne d,c om bat mode selection,force composition,fire strike p lann in g,and troops a ct i o n o rgani—z at i o n a re analyzed.Finally,the application c as e is giv e n.Key words:cooperative s ea combat;missile arrival time;force coord in at io n;fire cooperativeplann ing1)海战场情况瞬息万变0目敌海上目标具有快速、灵活的机动能力,兵力行海军合同作战指由海军2个或2个以上兵种,动的动态性、随意性较大,而且其预警探测、火力打按照统一作战目标和作战计划协同进行的一系列作击及快速反应能力很强,容易造成海战场情况和作战行动口]。



Mobile Security Catching Up?Revealing the Nuts and Bolts of the Security of Mobile DevicesMichael Becher,Felix C.Freiling University of Mannheim,Germany Johannes Hoffmann,Thorsten Holz,Sebastian Uellenbeck,Christopher WolfHorst G¨o rtz Institute(HGI)Ruhr-University Bochum,GermanyAbstract—We are currently moving from the Internet society to a mobile society where more and more access to information is done by previously dumb phones.For example,the number of mobile phones using a full blown OS has risen to nearly 200%from Q3/2009to Q3/2010.As a result,mobile security is no longer immanent,but imperative.This survey paper provides a concise overview of mobile network security,attack vectors using the back end system and the web browser,but also the hardware layer and the user as attack enabler.We show differences and similarities between“normal”security and mobile security,and draw conclusions for further research opportunities in this area.Keywords-mobile security;smartphones;surveyI.I NTRODUCTIONThe beginning of the smartphone era can be seen as be-ginning with the new millennium.Since then,numerous new “smart”devices like BlackBerries,iPhones and,recently, Android-based phones have been introduced that revolu-tionized the market.At the same time,many articles about smartphone security and the potential of malicious software on them were published[1]–[8].Quite often,studies had statements similar to the following quote by Gartner which estimated“that by the end of2007,enough factors will have come together that the risk of mobile attacks will be much greater.Those factors include less heterogeneity in operating systems,more penetration of smartphones and a greater in-cidence of people actually accepting downloads and sending executables to one another on mobile devices”[9].However, up to now the expected plethora of attacks has not been observed.Many researchers and practitioners are expecting a major security incident with mobile phones ever since these devices began to become more powerful:with increased processing power and memory,increased data transmission capabilities of the mobile phone networks,and with open and third-party extensible operating systems,phones become an interesting target for attackers.However,no major incident has hap-pened as of the time of this writing.The reasons for this are unclear.However,certain inherent aspects seem to have a positive effect on security,one of them being the heterogeneity of mobile operating systems. Contrary to the prediction quoted above,heterogeneity of mobile operating systems has actually increased instead ofTable IG LOBAL S ALES F IGURES AND M ARKET S HARE OF M OBILEO PERATING S YSTEMS FOR T HIRD Q UARTER OF2009AND2010[11]3Q’093Q’10OS units/1k share[%]units/1k share[%]Symbian18,31444.629,480↑36.6↓Android1,424 3.520,500↑↑25.5↑↑iOS7,40417.113,484↑16.7↓RIM8,52220.711,908↑14.8↓Windows3,2597.92,247↓ 2.8↓Linux1,918 4.71,697↓ 2.1↓Others612 1.51,214↑ 1.5=Total41,093100.080,532100.0 decreased.Besides the operating systems Windows Mobile and Symbian OS,the mobile world has seen the advent of the iPhone’s iOS and the Linux-based Android operating system during the last few years.Despite of their young age, both operating systems already gained their market share and they are predicted to even increase it in the future.Table I provides an overview of global salesfigures and market share for mobile operating systems and the huge growth of Android is clearly visible.Second,it might simply be the case that mobile operating systems are sufficiently secure today as voiced by Bontchev[10].Hence,this might be another reason why no major security incident has happened until now.Third,there may be additional factors such as the different network topologies:for the Internet,it is nearly end-to-end,while strongly hierarchical for mobile st but not least,there is also the effect of the“self-defeating prophecy”of mobile security:Having the strong example of desktop insecurity,plus plausible attack scenarios,the claims of mobile insecurity might have triggered mobile security.Overall,the reasons for the non-existence of major security incidents for mobile phones are still unclear up to now.However,we recently saw thefirst real attacks against smartphones:In March2010,Iozzo and Weinmann demon-strated a drive-by download attack against an iPhone3GS that enabled an attacker to steal the SMS database from the phone[12].In November2010,one of thefirst public exploits to perform an attack against the mobile browser2011 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacyshipped with Android was released[13].Recently,Wein-mann introduced thefirst over-the-air exploitation of mem-ory corruptions in GSM software stacks[14]and Oberheide and Lanier identified several attack vectors against the iTunes App Store[15].So it is not far fetched to ask whether we are now at the beginning of an era of attacks against smartphones?In this paper,we survey the area of smartphone secu-rity.This topic covers all mechanisms that are intended to increase the security of sophisticated mobile devices.The contributions of this paper are two-fold.First,we survey and structure the state of the art in the area of smartphone security.We systematize the research that has been done in this area in the last years and provide a categorization. Second,we present directions of future research on these subjects and outline challenges that we expect to emerge.In summary,this paper provides a detailed overview of different aspects of the topic smartphone security and it serves as a guide for past,present,and future work in this area.II.F ROM M OBILE TO S ECURITYIn this section,wefirst introduce some terms we use throughout the paper and then clarify why mobile security is a topic of its own.This extends some preliminary work by Oberheide and Jahanian,who recently performed a brief survey of this area[8].A.Initial DefinitionAs afirst approach,the investigation subject of this paper is defined as:any mobile device that contains a smartcard that is controlled by a mobile network operator(MNO). Intuitively,this is the definition of a mobile phone.This definition is too broad for us because it also covers mobile phones that are not in the focus of this paper.These are mainly the kind of phones that can only be used for the phone functionality(plus text messaging and some basic other functionality),often aligned with a limited display size. Such phones are called feature phones.They sometimes have proprietary operating systems and are not extensible with additional software.Even though the applications on these phones can be attacked,e.g.,Denial of Service(DoS)attacks with malformed short messages,they are not the typical attack target of mobile malicious software.Other exceptions are some restricted environments that are not in the focus of this paper either:USB sticks that enable laptops to use the mobile network are also not covered. Moreover,there are some other devices with operator-controlled smartcards that are a restricted environment of their own(e.g.,machine-to-machine types of communica-tion).Both are not extensible with third-party software and the operating systems are proprietary developments. Mobile devices also have other communication interfaces like WLAN and Bluetooth,and malicious software exists that only uses these interfaces for spreading.Consequently,devices can be imagined that do not have a connection to a mobile network,i.e.,do not contain an operator-controlled smartcard,but are attackable by mobile malware. Fortunately,all relevant mobile device operating systems provide the interface to the mobile network together with the local communication interfaces.That is why the intuitive definition from the beginning still holds.B.Definition&DiscussionA more rigid definition follows now as well as a dis-tinction concerning the possible security mechanisms.We define an MNO smartcard as follows:an MNO smartcard is a smartcard inside the mobile device that is controlled by a mobile network operator.Whenever this term is used in this paper,it can be used for all smartcards in mobile devices that are controlled by an MNO regardless of the actually used technology.A second important term is smartphone, which we define as follows:a smartphone contains an MNO smartcard with a connection to a mobile network.Moreover, it has an operating system that can be extended with third-party software.The term“smartphone”as one word is chosen inten-tionally.It is supposed to denote that not only“smart phones”are under attack,but that the smartphone with its two main properties defines a class of attack targets and protection needs,which takes place in a setting with mobile devices connected to the network over a wireless link and a more centralized environment of the network operators. Additional properties of these smartphones can be found in the literature[16].We sometimes use the term mobile device as a synonym for smartphone within this paper. Smartphones offer various services to its users.Popular is messaging as Short Message Service(SMS)and Multimedia Messaging Service(MMS).They use certain protocols that are explained in the literature[17]and we discuss the security aspects of them later.In contrast to mobile devices,traditional computers are called hereafter ordinary computers.When theirfixed loca-tion is emphasized,they are called desktop computers. C.Specifics of Mobile DevicesA central question for the topic smartphone security is: In what sense is research on the security of mobile devices different from common security research?Is it possible to transfer known security solutions from ordinary desktop computers to mobile devices?Could it possibly be the same, only with the additional word“mobile”in the title?We argue that there are specifics of mobile device security that justify independent research on this topic.We discuss in the following unique features of mobile security compared to ordinary computer security.They are the basis to novel security mechanisms especially designed for mobile devices and their infrastructure,and these mechanisms cannot be transferred from existing computer security solutions.InR e p u t a t i o nSecurity-unaware userLimited device resources Creation of costsNetwork environmentExpensive wireless linkFigure 1.Specifics of Mobile Devicesaddition,mobile devices have a specific bundle of attack vectors which are new to some organizations and also individuals.An overview of these differences is shown in Figure 1and they will be introduced subsequently.1)Creation of Costs:The specific creation of costs is the inherent possibility for attackers to generate costs for the user and revenue for the attacker.It has two aspects:events that are billed by mobile network operators (e.g.,phone calls or messages)and arising payment systems.Billed Events:The problem of billed events existed previously in desktop security when dial-up connections via modem or ISDN lines were common.Malware (so called dialers )could dial premium-rate numbers and with it directly provide profit to the malware author.With the appearance of broadband connections (like DSL)this problem mostly vanished,because the computer is now directly connected to a computer network and does no longer have a direct interface to the premium-rate numbers of the telephone network.However,with mobile devices the cost aspect will likely be a problem for a long time.Even if flat rates for data or voice services become common,separately charged premium services will most likely be still available.Payment Systems:A first type of payment systems uses the messaging functionality of mobile phones as a trustwor-thy channel for transmitting authorization information,e.g.,online banking with mobile transaction numbers or online payment services.In general,there are two communication channels that need to be compromised.However,the mobile device is the only channel that needs to be compromised if an attacker has access to the authentication information of the targeted account.Customized mobile malware might forward the messages to the attacker [18]or respond to them in the expected form.The necessity of these attacks being customized makes it more probable that mobile malware will use the cost-creating functionality of the mobile network.A second type of payment systems uses mobile phones as payment devices and physical proximity as part of the authorization process,e.g.,payments based on Near FieldCommunication (NFC).In this case,the required proximity to the receiver of the payment enhances the security and makes these attacks unlikely compared with directly using the mobile network cost-creating functionality.When this feature becomes more widespread and more standardized,we expect a strong increase of incidents.2)Network Environment:The specific network envi-ronment consists of the three aspects strong connection,firmware update process,and remote device management.Strong Connection:Strong connection means the pres-ence of the MNO and its influence on the device.Different from ordinary computers where the network provider almost always has no influence on the user’s machine,the MNO owns the smartcard inside the mobile phone.Furthermore,the smartcard is a trusted device.It is possible to create trusted applications on the mobile phone with enhanced security.Although TPMs (Trusted Platform Module)appear in mobile devices,it remains an open question how to easily bootstrap trust between MNO and TPM.Firmware Update Process:The process of updating the firmware of mobile devices changed rapidly during the last few years.A few generations of mobile phones ago,an update of a firmware could only be done in a local setting,possibly only by the device manufacturer himself.With the rise of smartphones and extensible operating systems,more sophisticated hardware architectures have been introduced.These new architectures enable firmware or third-party soft-ware updates remotely.Even though remote updates are possible today and up-dates nowadays do not differ much from ordinary computers,updating mobile devices remains a challenging task.If not connected to a host computer on a regular basis,an update process has to use the expensive wireless interface.Updating the firmware over the air is an important func-tionality to update vulnerable parts of the mobile device’s operating system.It is also a critical feature,because most update procedures cannot be interrupted without damaging the device.Instead of a complete firmware update,the ex-change of single files of the operating system’s file structure is better suited.This is especially true in terms of wireless communication and device resource costs.An additional aspect is the entity that starts the update.This has traditionally been the mobile network operator,but only recently manufacturers started to control the firmware update process themselves (examples are iOS and Android).Remote Device Management:An important feature of mobile devices is the ability to be managed by a remote entity.This is due to the fact that usually some entity has more power over the device than in ordinary computer environments,e.g.,the mobile network operator,the device manufacturer,or the corporate IT department.A user typically notices such feature changes as remote configuration updates,for example,when MMS or WAP (Wireless Application Protocol )settings are pushed to thedevice by the MNO.Other feature changes are mainly targeted at corporate environments,where the IT department has to enforce a corporate security policy on such devices. Examples of these features are disabling Bluetooth,WLAN, or memory card interfaces to prevent leaks of corporate data from protected devices.An interesting feature in this context is the remote wiping functionality.Lost or stolen devices can be deleted completely by a remote entity[19],[20].This feature is mandatory in some regulated industries.3)Limited Device Resources:A smartphones typically has limited resources as we discuss in the following.Resource Limitations:The limited resources of a mo-bile device are the most obvious difference to ordinary computers.Even though it is always said that mobile devices today have the computing power of desktop computers of “some years ago”,they are still limited compared to high-end computers.The main limiting factors are the CPU and memory such as RAM.These two factors limit the so-phistication of possible security solutions,e.g.,sophisticated intrusion detection algorithms that hardly work for real-life applications on ordinary computers cannot be transferred to mobile devices in the foreseeable future.Battery:A unique factor of smartphones is the battery, which severely limits the resources available for a security solution from the point of view of the general acceptance factor.Although Joe Sixpack might not notice this point, it is important that a security solution does not constantly drain large portions of available CPU time to avoid battery exhaustion.4)Double Expensive Wireless Link:Another specific of mobile security is the expensive wireless link.The term expensive is meant twofold here.First in terms of computa-tional costs for the algorithms and second in terms of battery power.It does not point to monetary costs for the user here.Expensive Computation Costs:Compared to local com-putations on the device,the wireless link is always expensive for an algorithm.Thus,solutions for increasing security of mobile devices should try to avoid this communication. On the other hand,transferring computation load from the device to the mobile network is desirable as the device resources are limited.Hence,we have a trade-off here between the limited device resources(e.g.,processing power and memory),the design of security algorithms using the computing resources of the mobile network,and the expen-sive communication between these two,which needs to be balanced out and which might lead to different solutions for the same user during the lifespan of a mobile device.High Monetary Communication Costs:A minor aspect are the communication costs,i.e.,the costs of using the mobile munication cost means that either the user has to pay for the security solution or the network operator has to consider these communication costs in the calculation of itsflat rate conditions.However,this is only a side aspect compared to the computation costs.5)Reputation:The specific reputation can be seen asa weak specific of mobile devices.The mobile network operator will invoice every event that generated costs,even though it might have been generated by malicious software or an attacker.Therefore,it can be thought that the mobile network operator could be held responsible from the user’s point of view.In case of a widespread mobile malware outbreak with several network operators involved,mobile malware might even have an impact on the reputation of the entire mobile phone system in general.III.A TTACK V ECTOR C LASSES AND A TTACK M ODELS In this section,we present a classification of attack vectors for smartphones which we use as a framework for the rest of this paper.Its intention is to show the relevant attack vectors that can be used by an attacker.Mobile device threats are classified here as belong-ing to one out of four classes:hardware-centric,device-independent,software-centric,and user layer attacks[21]:•Hardware-centric attacks belong to mobile device se-curity only from a broader point of view.Even though they are suited to violate security properties(e.g., confidentiality of personal data violated by forensic analysis),they are not suited to be easily exploitable by an attacker,because these vulnerabilities typically cannot be exploited remotely,but only with physical access to the mobile device.•Device-independent attacks directly belong to the pro-tection targets of the mobile device user:eavesdropping on the wireless connection or leaking mirrored personal data on back end systems both violate confidentiality of the user’s personal data.•In the context of this paper,the most important class of technical vulnerabilities for mobile devices are software-centric attacks.Especially the rise of the—hardly security-specified—mobile web browser led to various exploited vulnerabilities in the recent past.•User layer attacks contain every exploit that is not of technical nature.Many of today’s mobile malware samples are not based on a technical vulnerability,but trick the user into overriding technical security mecha-nisms[5].This is an important class of vulnerabilities, even if not of technical nature.Nevertheless,we do not discuss this aspect in detail in this paper since the topic is too broad to cover within our analysis.From the point of view of defending against vulnerabil-ities,every class is separate from the others and needs its own security mechanisms.We will discuss the individual vectors in the next few sections.In addition to these attack vectors,we also consider different attack models.Basically,attack vectors investigate vulnerabilities on the victim’s side,while attack models limit the power of an attacker.More specifically,we distinguish between passive attackers who do not alter the content sentand active attackers who might do.Obviously,the secondis more powerful than thefirst,while the passive attackeris more likely to go unnoticed compared to the active one.Both attackers might have the following goals:•Eavesdropping:A passive attacker tries to intercept the conversation between mobile phone and base stationand therefore(implicitly)between the user of the phoneand her caller.In Section V-A,we will see how anactive attacker can make this scenario far more likely.•Availability Attacks:One possible example is an active attacker blocking the signal of the mobile phone or base station,for example via jamming and therefore rendering the mobile service unusable.•Privacy Attacks:A passive attacker might use the smartphone’s ID to locate its owner.Again,this attack can be made more efficient using an active attacker.•Impersonation Attacks:In a nutshell,one mobile phone impersonates as another in such an attack.For example,a mobile phone uses the service of a base stationwithout billing facility for the base station,i.e.,theservice is used in a fraudulent way.In the next four sections,we investigate in detail thesecurity aspects of the four different security classes andpresent past work and future challenges in these areas.IV.H ARDWARE-C ENTRIC S ECURITY A SPECTSWe subdivide this attack vector into attacks on removablesecurity modules of mobile devices,especially the MNOsmartcard,and attacks against the device itself.A.Intercepting MNO Smartcard Communication Communication between the mobile device and the MNO smartcard is not encrypted because a man-in-the-middle (MITM)attack on this communication was considered infea-sible when this interface was specified.However,nowadays a product named TurboSIM[22]successfully implements an MNO smartcard MITM attack.It is a small chip that intercepts the communication between the MNO smartcard and the mobile device and is attached by removing a small part of the smartcard’s plastic frame.With the usage of Tur-boSIM it was possible to successfully remove the SIM lock of the iPhone[23].As the hardware interface is the same for 2G SIM(Subscriber Identity Module)cards and3G UICCs (Universal Integrated Circuit Card),it is possible to use TurboSIM for both settings.A recently started project called Osmocom SIMtrace is also able to trace the communication between the SIM card and the mobile device[24]. Without regarding the limitations of the actual imple-mentation of TurboSIM,in general,such a MITM attack can change all communication between MNO smartcards and mobile devices and even inject new messages.This can be mitigated by encrypting the communication:As the attacking devices have no access to the internals of the MNO smartcard or the mobile device,the attack would no longer be easily realizable.However,it is difficult to address this attack vector with billions of vulnerable devices deployed world-wide.From a high-level point of view,it is an engineering task,but there are several challenges involved.For the solution sketched above,we are now faced with the problem of the initial key exchange using only an untrusted channel.B.Attacking the DeviceHardware-centric attacks that target the mobile device itself can be subdivided according to the status of the mobile device:switched on(JTAG attacks)or switched off(forensic analysis).1)JTAG Attacks:Joint Test Action Group(JTAG)is a standard for testing and debugging hardware.Even though this debugging functionality is no longer necessary in mobile devices that are sold to end users,the JTAG functional-ity is sometimes still accessible.This functionality allows inspecting the device on a deep level,being able to lead to exploitable vulnerabilities.This threat is addressed by industry requirements[25].2)Forensic Analysis:The forensic analysis of mobile devices is an attack vector targeting the confidentiality of the stored data.It is an unexpected attack vector and it is only valid in the case of an attacker getting physical access to the device.There are two common possibilities for that: an attacker that takes the device for a limited period of time without the owner noticing it,and a legitimate change of ownership.Especially the second case is common today and as some studies show,it encompasses data from personal conversations to confidential corporate data[26],[27]. From a high-level point of view,this attack vector can be closed quite easily by adding sound encryption schemes to the data.Since smartphones are carried around they are prone to getting lost or stolen.In order to protect the stored data on it,non-volatile memory should be encrypted. Further,a secure store for cryptographic keys should be used to protect these against threats from the smartphones’applications itself.A TPM or special functionality of a SIM card may be utilized for this.Dealing with the solution in more detail leads to the consideration that cryptographic functions need the limited device resource processing power, leading to increased battery usage.Therefore,encryption vs. battery life need to be weighted against each ing specific hardware oriented ciphers,this choice becomes easier.In particular,designing a battery-friendly cipher is an open question which would have impact on this question.V.D EVICE-I NDEPENDENT S ECURITY A SPECTS Device-independent vulnerabilities directly belong to the protection targets of mobile device users.Both eavesdrop-ping the wireless connection(Section V-A)and leaking mirrored personal data on back end systems(Section V-H)violate the confidentiality of the user’s personal data.Similar to the device-centric attacks of Section IV,these attacks cannot be exploited by mobile malware either.An exception could be the wireless pairing process,which could be influenced by mobile malware,e.g.,by forcing the device to connect to a rogue access point or base station.A.GSM:Cryptography for Protecting the Air Link Unlike land lines,GSM uses radio waves to connect different participants.More specifically,a mobile phone and a base station are linked via an(encrypted)channel.From a security point of view,we have several issues to consider in this setting.Within the GSM specification,several security mech-anisms are in place to prevent the attacks outlined in Section III—at least in principle.In a nutshell,each GSM phone holds a SIM card which supplies all cryptographic secrets and also cryptographic algorithms.Note the design decision here to split the mobile and user data(e.g.,address book)from the cryptographic secrets.In particular,we speak about the A3algorithm for authentication,the A8algorithm for key derivation,and the A5algorithms(A5/1,A5/2, and A5/3)for encryption and the“algorithm”A5/0for no encryption.For describing the protocol,we will use a more concise notion—skipping details on lower protocol levels—without abstracting away any security problem.In the following,we relate the security objectives from above to the corresponding steps in the protocol,and also discuss weaknesses and possible mitigations or even remedies. B.Initial Connection and EncryptionTo use the mobile system,a phone must prove that it has access to a genuine SIM card.To this end,symmetric cryptography is used.While asymmetric crypto might be better suited for this purpose,it was too heavy weight 25years ago when the protocols were designed and still puts a burden on the battery of mobile devices.Hence,all solutions below use symmetric cryptography only.In a nutshell,a secret s is used together with some fresh randomness or a nonce r to derive a new authentication string a:=A3(s,r),and a fresh shared key k:=A8(s,r). This key k is now used to encrypt further communica-tion between the base station and the mobile phone.The corresponding protocol is depicted in Figure2.The above protocol has some interesting features regarding the require-ments discussed above.In particular,we can see that step3 authenticates the mobile against the base station and there-fore prevents fraud,in particular an impersonation attack. In addition,each mobile is given a temporary identifier t in step4.This prevents tracking and hence privacy attacks.In the steps at the bottom of thefigure,the protocol generates a fresh session key k that ensures that communication is protected from eavesdropping.Only jamming as a special availability attack is not prevented in this context.However,Figure2.Initial Handshake in GSMtechnically,there is nothing we can do from a cryptographic perspective to counter this attack.We therefore rely on other protocol layers to take care of this(e.g.,by frequency hopping).C.Initial ProblemsWithout taking any further parts of the protocol into account,we start with an analysis of known weaknesses and possible remedies.First,we note that the key derivation algorithm A8is used for any encryption algorithm A5/1,/2,/3—and that A5/2is far weaker than its counterparts.In particular,A5/2has been specifically weakened for the use in non-Western countries and can be broken in a matter of seconds[28].Apart from using a weak algorithm,GSM made a second,vital mistake: Rather thanfirst encrypting the message and then encoding it for air transit,GSM specified it the other way around.As a result,cryptanalysis has plenty of redundancy to work with (which was subsequently exploited in the attack referenced above).Moreover,each mobile phone can be told which algorithm to use in a specific network by this very network. Hence,the following attack is feasible:1)The mobile device is tricked by its counterpart intobelieving that only A5/2is supported by the current network.2)Key derivation takes place with some“random”valuer(cf.Figure2).3)A phone conversation using the corresponding key kis encrypted.4)This session key is derived by breaking A5/2[28].5)Now,all conversation encrypted with this sessionkey k can be eavesdropped,no matter which encryp-tion was used.Interestingly,the latter also applies to phone conversations which previously were recorded by an eavesdropper.The reason is the following observation:the mobile has no control over the random value r,but an active attacker has full control over it.The problem is made worse by the fact that no network authentication takes place.Hence, everybody can set up a rogue base station,called an“IMSI Catcher”(International Mobile Subscriber Identity)[29].。



outbound travel:出境游Outbound travel by Chinese citizens started in 1997 with destinations consisting merely of Thailand,Singapore,Malaysia,the Philippines as well as China’s Hong Kong and Macao. Only 5.32 million Chinese citizens traveled abroad the same year,the official said.assembly line:装配线Airbus agreed with Premier Wen Jiabao on Sunday to study the possibility of setting up an assembly line in China —— a move that could see its jets being built outside Europe for the first time.attrition:人员自然缩减Wagoner said the job cuts will come primarily through attrition and early-retirement packages to mitigate the impact on broker:货币经纪人China’s banking regulator on Friday published detailed rules for the implementation of provisions to manage money巨片、大片Hong Kong blockbusters swept the major prizes of Taiwan’s 42nd Golden Horse Film Awards,considered one of the top awards events of the Chinese-language film industry.smooth over:消除The accord is aimed at smoothing over a rough spot in the US-China trade relationship before President George Bush visits Beijing in the middle of this month.reshuffle:改组;调整A financial reshuffle by the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China,which was transformed into a joint stock company,is more or less finished.severence pay:解雇金“Laying of workers is a tough decision to make because of the strong relation with workers and the high severance pay,” he said.cutoff point:起征点China’s month ly personal income tax cutoff point was lifted to 1,600 yuan from 1,500 yuan after drawing on public opinions from the first-ever legislature hearing held on Sept. 27.write off:勾销债款Reform measures,including 2 billion yuan (US$246 million)in central bank bills to help write off bad loans as well as efforts to improve management,have already yielded results.upstart:暴发户;新贵Facingintense competition both from global rivals like General Motors Corp. and domestic upstarts like Chery Automobile Co.,VW has seen its market share drop to 18 percent,from well over 50 percent in the into:买入股票Once finalized,the deal would mark the European firm’s first direct investment in China’s banking industry,after it lost a bid to buy into Bank of Beijing in March to Dutch rival ING and the World Bank’s International Finance Corp.liquidator:清算人Stephen Liu Yiu-keung and Yeo Boon-ann have been appointed as joint liquidatorsof the company,to implement the transactions outlined in the Settlement Deed.brisk:兴旺的;生机勃勃的It is estimated that the sales volume of gold and jewelry during the week-long holiday saw a year-on-year increase of around 35 percent as business was brisk throughout the countryat a discount:打折扣The valuation i s at a discount to the country’s number-five lender,Bank of Communications (BoCom),whose shares trade at about 2.2 times book.peak season:高峰期The first and last three days will be thepeak season of the National Day holiday. The aviation industry has entered into high season,with 400,000 passengers transporting everyday and load factor is close to 75 percent.headcount:职员总数“These headcount reductions are indispensable. They will contribute to significant improvements in the competitiveness of Mercedes-Benz through an increase in productivity,” the company said.bow out:由…退出Dozens of MP3 player manufacturers in Shenzhen are bowing outas fierce competition has severely squeezed their profit maker:做市商The People’s Bank of China may name banks including HSBC Holdings Plc.,Citigroup Inc. and Bank of China as market makers in the yuan,a step toward a freely traded currency,bankers and traders familiar with the situation said.tone up:增加“These firms make a de cisive contribution to job creation. Our aimis to liberate their massive potential to improve competitiveness,tone up employment,boost economic growth and encourage social cohesion,” Sioufas said.gyration:波动Disruptions to oil and gas supplies may add to energy price gyrations,they said.wean off:使脱离China’s central bank pledged Monday to keep the newly unshackled yuan basically stable but urged fresh efforts to wean the economy off export-driven growth.curb:抑制;控制The physical and psychological damage caused by Hurricane Katrina is likely to reverberate across the global economy in ways that will curb growth well into 2006,economists say.perk up:振作起来There were no significant changes from prior quarters,and SupportSoft met revenue estimates. During the conference call,however,management raised an issue that made my ears perk up.cap:限制In an effort to gain some control over what motorists pay at the pump,Hawaii on Wednesday became the first state in the U.S. to set caps on the wholesale price of抵押贷款Rates on 30-year mortgages declined this week after posting increases for six consecutive weeks.proceeds:收益The Internet search leader said it will use the proceeds for “general corporate purposes,” including possible acquisitions. Google added that it currently has no agreements or commitments to make a material purchase.downturn:衰退“Six weeks after the July 7 attacks killed 56 people,including four suicide bombers,the Greater London Authority (GLA)accepts there has been some downturn,”the economic daily reported.inflation :通货膨胀Consumer inflation shot up in July as rising gasoline prices pinched drivers’ wallets from coast to coast.Initial public offering:公开募股Now the startup founded by two Chinese veterans of American tech firms is preparing to follow Google’s example with an initial public offering in the United States,hoping to raise $45 million.Skew:曲解;歪曲However,that comparison is skewed because the sale of I BM’s personal computer division to China’s Lenovo Group Ltd. closed on May 1,lowering the figures IBM posted in the remaining two months of the quarter. Looking only at continuing operations,IBM showed a profit of $1.85 billion,$1.14 per share.Population:种群,族群“There are clear differences between the two populations that had not been previously recognized and these were confirmed by the studies on DNA,” said Isabel Beasley, a doctoral student at James Cook University’s School of Tropical Environmental Studies and Geography.Unionized:工会组织的But aside from giving interns valuable experience,the program is a relatively cheap source of labor for Disney and sometimes worries the unionized workers,although union officials approved the program when it began almost 25 years ago.Same-store sales:同店销售额Wal-Mart Stores Inc. raised its forecast for June same-store sales,citing demand for seasonal and general merchandise.Threshold:上限,极限With $60 no longer a threshold - and with continued concerns about refining capacities - prices appeared set to go even higher,analysts said.Big-ticket:高价的,昂贵的Entrepreneurs grumble that executives pander to big-ticket electronics vendors and industrial manufacturers - not the teddy bear enthusiasts and numismatists whowere faithful a decade ago,when eBay was founded and enjoyed a kitschy obscurity. They complain about shoddy customer service,including site crashes and anti-fraud software that too often mistakes a legitimate business for a huckster.Cartel:同业联盟,卡特尔The anticipated increase would bring the official quota to 28 million barrels per day - a symbolic gesture,analysts said,since the cartel is already pumping that much. Including Iraq,which is not bound by the official quota,OPEC’s daily output was 29.3 million barrels a day in May,according to the International Energy AgencyNewswire:新闻专线The April figure was also better than the 4.5 percent forecast by economists surveyed by Dow Jones Newswires.Happy Hour:欢乐时光Beer-swilling Britons face a sobering prospect:an unhappy hour. A group representing about half the country’s pubs and bars said Monday it is curbing Happy Hour offers and other deals that encourage irresponsible drinking,a British pastime that has come under increasing attack from the government.Bear out:证实Scientists are excited about a vitamin again. But unlike fads that sizzled and fizzled,the evidence this time is strong and keeps growing. If it bears out,it will challenge one of medicine’s most fundamental beliefs:that people need to coat themselves with sunscreen whenever they’re in the sun. Doing that may actually contribute to far more cancer deaths than it prevents,some researchers think.Stitch:缝合,缝缀The goal of the merger is to stitch together two geographically distinct carriers with a history of financial struggles into a stronger airline that would compete better with lower-cost rivals such as Southwest Airlines Inc. and JetBlue Airways Corp. US Airways has a strong presence on the East Coast,and in the Caribbean,while America West operates across the West from hubs in Phoenix and Las Vegas.Out-of-state:外州的Wine lovers can’t be barred from shipping home bottles purch ased from out-of-state vineyards they visit in person or on the Internet,the Supreme Court said Monday in a decision toasted by the wine industry.Shade:细微差别Disney’s profit of $698 million,or 33 cents a share,was a shade above Wall Street estimates and contrasts with the $537 million,or 26 cents,it earned a year earlier. Revenue in the period ended April 2 climbed 9% to $7.8 billion.Ratification:批准,承认Bahrain has its own agreement awaiting U.S. Congress ratification. Two other members of the six-state Gulf Cooperation Council —— Oman and the United Arab Emirates —— have started talks on free trade deals with the U.S.Repellent:驱虫剂After years of promoting the chemical DEET as the best defense against West Nile-bearing mosquitoes,the government for the first time is recommending the use of two other insect repellents.Thriller:惊悚片Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn’s “The Interpreter” translated into solid box-office as the United Nations thriller debuted with $22.8 million to top the weekend for Hollywood.Peck:啄,轻吻The “MareNostrum,” built by IBM Corp.,boasts 40 teraflops of speed. It can make more calculations in one second than a human pecking at a calculator could make in 10 million years.Buyout:全部买下Shares in Lenovo Group,the largest Chinese maker of personal computers,rose Thursday after three buyout funds bought a stake in the company for $350 million.Oust:驱逐,罢黜Mr Hurd,currently head of smaller US computer services group NCR,will replace Carly Fiorina,who was ousted from HP in February. HP’s shares closed up 8.1% in Tuesday trading in New York,following initial speculation of Mr Hurd’s appointment.Realism:真实性,逼真度A judge has ordered Sony Corp. to pay $90.7 million to a company that develops technology that enhances video game realism but immediately stayed an order that would halt U.S. sales of Sony’s popular PlayStation consoles.Epizootic:家畜流行病The report said the State Emergency Veterinary and Anti-Epizootic Committee was working on the problem,reporting outbreaks in “a few” locations,including the Hadang Chicken Farm,one of Pyongyang’s largest.Capsize:倾覆Bernard Ebbers,the once-swaggering CEO of WorldCom,was convicted Tuesday of engineering the largest corporate fraud in U.S. history - an $11 billion accounting scandal that capsized the big telecom company three years ago.Clearance:官方证明书Lenovo Group has obtained U.S. government clearance for the purchase of IBM’s PC unit.Fish outof water:如鱼离水“’Pacifier’ did be tter than anyone expected,but you can’t underestimate the family audience,” said Paul Dergarabedian,president of Exhibitor Relations Co.,which tracks box-office figures. “I think people like to see a fish-out-of-water story,an action star in a very une xpected role.”Distillate fuel:馏出燃料On Wednesday, a US government report showed that inventories of distillate fuel,a category that include heating oil and diesel,fell 1.7 million barrels to 110 million. Analysts had expected a 1.2-million-barrel decline.PSP:便携式游戏机The PSP machine, a challenger to Nintendo Co.’s long-standing grip on the handheld video gaming market,will be sold as a “value pack” for $250 in the UnitedStates and for $300 Canadian dollars. It will include numerous accessories and - for the first million sold - a copy of the “Spider-Man 2” movie on the new Universal Media Disc format that Sony designed for the PSP.Shoot up:暴涨,迅速生长Shares in Google jumped 9 percent to a record high after the company reported net income shot up more than seven times from a year earlier,beating estimates by a wide margin.Holidaymaker:度假者The devastating tsunami that wiped out cities,seaside communities and holiday resorts in southern Asia has not put holidaymakers off visiting the region,a survey has found.Get an edge:取胜When it comes to recruiting students for college,admissions officials are turning to increasingly outlandish stunts to get the attention of high schoolers. Birthday cards,ski weekends and even reality TV shows are being used by colleges and universities to get an edge.Shirtsleeve:只穿衬衣的,非正式的Hiring the shirtsleeve crowd represents a shift in the economy toward higher-paying jobs and a more skilled workforce. It also indicates that some companies that squeezed their middle managements four years ago are starting to rebuild them.。

对外经济贸易大学 管理学原理 考点 精华 UIBE

对外经济贸易大学 管理学原理 考点 精华 UIBE

对外经济贸易大学管理学原理考点精华 UIBECHAPTER 1•Manager(管理者)➢Someone who works with and through otherpeople by coordinating and integrating theirwork activities in order to accomplishorganizational goals•First-line Managers(基层管理者)➢Are at the lowest level of management andmanage the work of non-managerial employees. •Middle Managers(中层管理者)➢Manage the work of first-line managers.•Top Managers(高层管理者)➢Are responsible for making organization-widedecisions and establishing plans and goals thataffect the entire organization.What Is Management?(什么是管理)•Coordinating working activities (协调)•Managerial Concerns➢Efficiency(效率)❖“Doing things right”–G etting the most output for the leastinputs➢Effectiveness(效果)❖“Doing the right things”–A ttaining organizational goals•Functional Approach(管理职能)➢Planning (计划)❖D efining goals, establishing strategies toachieve goals, developing plans to integrateand coordinate activities.➢Organizing (组织)❖A rranging work to accomplishorganizational goals.➢Leading (领导)❖W orking with and through people toaccomplish goals.➢Controlling (控制)❖M onitoring, comparing, and correcting thework.•Management Roles Approach (管理角色)➢Interpersonal roles(人际)❖F igurehead, leader, liaison➢Informational roles (信息)❖M onitor, disseminator, spokesperson ➢Decisional roles (决策)❖E ntrepreneur, Disturbance handler,resource allocator, negotiator•Skills Approach(管理技能)➢Technical skills (技术技能)❖K nowledge and proficiency in a specificfield➢Human skills (人际技能)❖T he ability to work well with other people ➢Conceptual skills (概念技能)❖T he ability to think and conceptualizeabout abstract and complex situationsconcerning the organization••An Organization Defined➢A deliberate arrangement of people toaccomplish some specific purpose•Common Characteristics of Organizations➢Have a distinct purpose (goal)➢Composed of people➢Have a deliberate structureCHAPTER 2Scientific ManagementTaylor’s Four Principles of Management1.Develop a science for each element of anindividual’s work, which will replace the old rule-of-thumb method. 科学方法2.Scientifically select and then train, teach, anddevelop the worker. 科学培训3.Heartily cooperate with the workers so as to ensurethat all work is done in accordance with the principles of the science that has been developed.忠心合作4.Divide work and responsibility almost equallybetween management and workers. 职责平等5.Frank and Lillian Gilbreth 吉尔布雷斯夫妇1.Focused on increasing worker productivitythrough the reduction of wasted motion2.Developed the microchronometer to timeworker motions and optimize performance6.Henri Fayol 亨利.法约尔1.Believed that the practice of management wasdistinct from other organizational functions2.Developed fourteen principles of managementthat applied to all organizational situations Division of work.Authority.Discipline.Unity of command.Unity of direction.Subordination of individual interest to the interests of the organization. Remuneration.Centralization.Scalar chain.Order.Equity.Stability of tenure of personnel.Initiative.Esprit de corps.7.Max Weber 马克斯.韦伯1.Developed a theory of authority based on anideal type of organization (bureaucracy•Organizational Behavior (OB)➢The study of the actions of people at work;people are the most important asset of anorganizationThe Hawthorne Studies (霍桑实验•A series of productivity experiments conducted at Western Electric from 1927 to 1932.•Experimental findings➢Productivity unexpectedly increased underimposed adverse working conditions.➢The effect of incentive plans was less thanexpected.•Research conclusion➢Social norms, group standards and attitudesmore strongly influence individual output andwork behavior than do monetary incentivesCHAPER 3The Manager: Omnipotent or Symbolic? •Omnipotent View of Management (管理万能论)➢管理者应该直接对组织的成败负责➢不同组织间效能或效率的差异,是由于管理者的决策与行动差异所致➢组织的绩效好坏难以归咎是管理者的直接影响,但管理者仍要为组织绩效负起大部分责任•Symbolic View of Management (管理象征论)•组织的成败大部分是由于管理者无法掌握的外力所造成•管理者对成果的掌握能力,会受到外部因素的影响和束缚•这些因素包括经济、市场(顾客)的变化、政府政策、竞争者行为、特定产业状况、专利技术的控制以及前任管理者的决策等•管理者透过行动,象征性地控制和影响组织的运作•Organizational Culture➢A system of shared meanings and commonbeliefs held by organizational members thatdetermines, in a large degree, how they acttowards each other.➢“The way we do things around here.”•Values, symbols, rituals, myths, andpractices➢Implications:•Culture is a perception.•Culture is shared.•Culture is descriptive.The source of an organization’s culture and how that culture continues 看书上How Employees Learn Culture•Stories (故事)➢Narratives of significant events or actions ofpeople that convey the spirit of the organization •Rituals (仪式)➢Repetitive sequences of activities that expressand reinforce the values of the organization •Material Symbols➢Physical assets distinguishing the organization •Language➢Acronyms and jargon of terms, phrases, andword meanings specific to an organizationCHAPER 6The Decision-Making Process•The Decision-Making Process (决策制定过程)➢Identifying a problem and decision criteria andallocating weights to the criteria. (界定问题,设立决策的准则,分配准则的权重)➢Developing, analyzing, and selecting analternative that can resolve the problem. (发展、分析、选择能解决问题之方案)➢Implementing the selected alternative. (执行方案)➢Evaluating the decision’s effectiveness. (评估决策的效能)Step 1: Identifying the Problem•Problem (问题)➢A discrepancy between an existing and desiredstate of affairs. (理想情况与现实状况之间存在了某种差距)•Characteristics of Problems (问题的特性)➢A problem becomes a problem when a managerbecomes aware of it. (管理者察觉问题所在)➢There is pressure to solve the problem. (压力——解决问题的动机)➢The manager must have the authority,information, or resources needed to solve theproblem. (管理者必须有解决问题所需之职权、信息和各项资源)Step 2: Identifying Decision Criteria•Decision criteria are factors that are important (relevant) to resolving the problem.Step 3: Allocating Weights to the Criteria•Decision criteria are not of equal importance:•各个决策准则,其重要性并不完全一致Step 4: Developing Alternatives 步骤四:开发备择方案•Identifying viable alternatives 确认可行的方案➢Alternatives are listed (without evaluation) thatcan resolve the problem. 列出解决问题的各种可行方案(但不予以评估)Step 5: Analyzing Alternatives•Appraising each alternative’s strengths and weaknesses评估每个方案的优劣➢An alternative’s appraisal is based on its abilityto resolve the issues identified in steps 2 and 3. 方案的评估是根据第二、三步骤所发展的准则,透过这样的分析,每个方案的优劣即可清楚呈现Step 6: Selecting an Alternative 步骤六:选择方案•Choosing the best alternative (选出最佳方案)➢The alternative with the highest total weight ischosen.选出得分最高的方案Step 7: Implementing the Decision 步骤七:执行•Putting the chosen alternative into action.•将决策付诸行动➢Conveying the decision to and gainingcommitment from those who will carry out thedecision.将方案有关的讯息传给执行决策者,并获得他们的认同与承诺Step 8: Evaluating the Decision’s Effectiveness 步骤八:评估决策的效能•The soundness of the decision is judged by its outcomes.决策正确与否,可由决策的结果加以检视Making Decisions (决策模式)•Rationality (理性)➢Managers make consistent, value-maximizingchoices with specified constraints.➢Assumptions are that decision makers: (理性假设)❖A re perfectly rational, fully objective, andlogical.❖H ave carefully defined the problem andidentified all viable alternatives.❖H ave a clear and specific goal❖W ill select the alternative that maximizesoutcomes in the organization’s interestsrather than in their personal interests. •Bounded Rationality (有限理性)➢Managers make decisions rationally, but arelimited (bounded) by their ability to processinformation.➢Assumptions are that decision makers: (有限理性假设)❖W ill not seek out or have knowledge of allalternatives❖W ill satisfice—choose the first alternativeencountered that satisfactorily solves theproblem—rather than maximize theoutcome of their decision by considering allalternatives and choosing the best. •Escalation of Commitment (承诺升级)➢Increasing or continuing a commitment toprevious decision despite mounting evidencethat the decision may have been wrong.What is Intuition? (何谓直觉)•Structured Problems (结构化问题)➢Involve goals that clear.➢Are familiar (have occurred before).➢Are easily and completely defined—informationabout the problem is available and complete.Programmed Decision (程序化决策)➢A repetitive decision that can be handled by aroutine approach.•Unstructured Problems (非结构化问题)•Problems that are new or unusual and for which information is ambiguous or incomplete. •Problems that will require custom-made solutions •Nonprogrammed Decisions (非程序化决策)➢Decisions that are unique and nonrecurring.➢Decisions that generate unique responses. Decision-Making Conditions•Certainty (确定性决策)➢管理者得以作出准确决策的最理想状况,因为所有可能方案的结果都是已知•Risk (风险决策)➢在风险情况下,决策者可依据个人经验或资料,预估各方案成败与结果的机率•Uncertainty (不确定性决策)➢当管理者对可能的结果与机率一无所知时,将迫使他们靠直觉、创意、征兆观察和胆识来作决策•Uncertainty (不确定性)➢Limited or information prevents estimation ofoutcome probabilities for alternativesassociated with the problem and may forcemanagers to rely on intuition, hunches, and“gut feelings”.•Maximax: the optimistic manager’s choiceto maximize the maximum payoff (最大收益最大化)找出每种可能决策的最好结果,选择其中具有最大报酬的决策Maximin: the pessimistic manager’s choice to maximize the minimumpayoff (最小收益最大化)找出每种决策的最差结果,选择其中最大报酬的决策•Minimax: the manager’s choice tominimize his maximum regret. (最大遗憾最小化)找出每种决策的最大潜在遗憾,选择其中最小的决策。


them is called goal sett ing.
T 5. Goals and pla ns are valuable to an orga ni zati on because they provide legitimacy(合法),ratio nale(基本原理)for decisi ons and an in crease in motivati on(积极性)and commitme nt(承诺).
T 2. Authority is the right to use resources, make decisions and issue orders in an orga ni zati on.
F 3. Give n the challe nges to meet customer n eeds and adapt to the en vir onment, most orga ni zatio ns today discourage man agers to delegate authority to the lower levels.
‘control with'others. This is in agreement with the idea of a learning
orga ni zatio n.
T 4. Empowerme nt means givi ng employees the power, freedom, kno wledge, and
decidi ng on the tasks and resources n eeded to atta in them.
F 4. Efficie ncy refers to the degree to which the orga ni zati on achieves a stated
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All slide data from [2] unless otherwise noted
DPA Detail
Utilizes statistical analysis and error correction Two-phase attack: 1. Data Collection; in other words, SPA 2. Data analysis Focuses on statistical analysis of data yielding information on relationship between processed data & power use HO-DPA integrates multiple data collection sources
SPA Detail
System’s power consumption directly observed Fundamental power-analysis technique Major functions (DES rounds, RSA operations) easily observed Focus on identifying function use (i.e., squaring vs. multiplication) to determine parts of key [1] Some DES & RSA implementations vulnerable Easy to defend against
Each builds on previous
Power-Analysis Attack Generalities
Shared fundamental approach across all types [2]: “Power consumption of a device[...] is statistically correlated to the operations it performs” This information then yields information relating to the key used Greater variance in power consumption means greater vulnerability Power-saving techniques such as those used by Feldhofer, et. al. [3] can leave chip vulnerabctors
Cryptanalysis, linear cryptanalysis: More traditional Identify weaknesses in algorithm Implementation: Newer approach Find ways implementation leaks valuable information Sub-categories: Passive; i.e. timing attacks or power-analysis Active; i.e. tamper attacks (this is exactly what you think it is)
function [2] How are the traces compared?
distance-of-mean test: Average used to estimate real mean value.
Only real data is direct input to statistical test; inefficient use of model information. [4]
3 Measurements on the AES chip
The AES operates on 128-bit data blocks and supports three key sizes (128, 192, and 256 bits). The encryption operation consists of four operations: SubBytes, ShiftRows, MixColumns and AddRoundKey. These four operations compose one encryption round. For 128-bit keys, the encryption operation starts with a single AddRoundKey operation followed by 9 identical encryption rounds. There is a slightly different final encryption round without the MixColumns operation.
Elisabeth Oswald @ IAIK/COSIC
Combining the Model & The Basic Principle Revisited Measurements
Known Input: Data Unknown Input: Temperature, ... Known Input: Data, ... Hypothetical Key
Power Analysis Attacks
Power-Analysis Attack on an ASIC AES Implementation
Ors, et. al.
Presented by Michael Cloppert
Discussion Overview
Introduction to Alternate Cryptographic Attack Vectors Power-Analysis Attacks Hypothetical Models & Comparisons Implementation of Attack Theory on Fastcore Crypto-chip Fastcore in Brief DPA Methodology & Simulated Attack “Real” Attack Concluding Comments
SubBytes & ShiftRows functions order changed for efficient implementation
3.2 Measurements
Fastcore is an efficient ASIC realization of the AES algorithm in a standard 0.25 µm CMOS process with en/decryption rates in excess of 2 Gb/s.1 Fastcore contains two separate datapaths for the encryption and decryption operations. Figure 1 shows a simple block diagram highlighting the encryption datapath structure of Fastcore. The encryption operation is performed on 128-bit values in parallel internally, but the external chip interface is limited to 16 bits for plaintext and ciphertext. The input and output buffers are used to store plaintext and ciphertext values and transfer them to/from the chip respectively. Each encryption round requires a round key, that is generated from the encryption key using a key schedule algorithm. The key schedule routine is implemented in the Key Expansion Unit. The round keys in Fastcore are generated on-the-fly, parallel to the encryption operation. In Fastcore, the order of SubBytes and ShiftRows has been changed and the first ShiftRows operation has been moved to the initial AddRoundKey operation. The result is a functionally equivalent, but slightly different encryption round structure seen in Figure 1. This transformation allows a more efficient implementation in hardware. The last encryption round shares the SubBytes operation with the standard encryption round followed by an additional AddRoundKey operation.
All slide data from [2]
Hypothetical Models & Comparisons
This is key to DPA: the differential between modeled and measured traces