首 页信息公开办税服务税收宣传公众参与财政部 国家税务总局关于在北京等8省市开展交通运输业和部分现代服务业营业税改征增值税试点的通知财税[2012]71号字体:【大】 【中】 【小】各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局)、国家税务局、地方税务局,新疆生产建设兵团财务局: 经国务院批准,将交通运输业和部分现代服务业营业税改征增值税试点范围,由上海市分批扩大至北京等8个省(直辖市)。
现将有关事项通知如下: 一、试点地区。
三、试点地区自新旧税制转换之日起,适用下列试点税收政策文件: (一)《交通运输业和部分现代服务业营业税改征增值税试点实施办法》(财税〔2011〕111号); (二)《交通运输业和部分现代服务业营业税改征增值税试点有关事项的规定》(以下称《试点有关事项的规定》,财税[2011]111号); (三)《交通运输业和部分现代服务业营业税改征增值税试点过渡政策的规定》(以下称《试点过渡政策的规定》,财税[2011]111号); (四)《财政部 国家税务总局关于应税服务适用增值税零税率和免税政策的通知》(财税[2011]131号); (五)《总机构试点纳税人增值税计算缴纳暂行办法》(财税[2011]132号); (六)《财政部 国家税务总局关于交通运输业和部分现代服务业营业税改征增值税试点若干税收政策的通知》(以下称《试点若干政策通知》,财税[2011]133号); (七)《财政部 国家税务总局关于交通运输业和部分现代服务业营业税改征增值税试点若干税收政策的补充通知》(财税[2012]53号)。
131号文件-财政部 国家税务总局关于应税服务适用增值税零税率和免税政策的通知
国家税务总局公告2012年第38号国家税务总局关于北京等8省市营业税改征增值税试点增值税一般纳税人资格认定有关事项的公告根据《财政部国家税务总局关于在北京等8省市开展交通运输业和部分现代服务业营业税改征增值税试点的通知》(财税[2012]71号)、《财政部国家税务总局关于在上海市开展交通运输业和部分现代服务业营业税改征增值税试点的通知》(财税[2011]111号)及《增值税一般纳税人资格认定管理办法》(国家税务总局令第22号),现就试点纳税人有关增值税一般纳税人资格认定事项公告如下:一、除本公告第二条外, 营业税改征增值税试点实施前(以下简称试点实施前)应税服务年销售额超过500万元的试点纳税人,应向国税主管税务机关(以下简称主管税务机关)申请办理一般纳税人资格认定手续。
1 / 1。
财税[2011]131-133号 关于应税服务适用增值税零税率和免税政策的通知
一、现行法律法规涉与差额征税的基本规定(一)政策规定1.《财政部国家税务总局关于在XX市开展交通运输业和部分现代服务业营业税改征增值税试点的通知》(财税〔2011〕111 号)附件2第一条第(三)项规定,即:(1)试点纳税人提供应税服务,按照国家有关营业税政策规定差额征收营业税的,允许其以取得的全部价款和价外费用,扣除支付给非试点纳税人(指试点地区不按照《试点实施办法》缴纳增值税的纳税人和非试点地区的纳税人)价款后的余额为销售额。
2.《财政部国家税务总局关于交通运输业和部分现代服务业营业税改征增值税试点若干税收政策的通知》(财税〔2011〕133 号)第五条规定,即:试点纳税人中的一般纳税人按《试点有关事项的规定》第一条第(三)项确定销售额时,其支付给非试点纳税人价款中,不包括已抵扣进项税额的货物、加工修理修配劳务的价款。
财税[2011]第110号 国家税务总局关于印发《营业税改征增值税试点方案》的通知
财税[2011]110号:财政部国家税务总局关于印发《营业税改征增值税试点方案》的通知2011-11-16 财税[2011]110号各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局)、国家税务局、地方税务局,新疆生产建设兵团财务局:《营业税改征增值税试点方案》已经国务院同意,现印发你们,请遵照执行。
财政部 国家税务总局 关于在全国开展交通运输业和部分现代服务业营业税改征增值税试点税收政策的通知
( 4 ) 国家 税 务 总局 规 定 的其 他 凭 证。 附件3 还规 定, 经人 民银 行 、 银 监 会、 商 务 部 批 准 经 营 融资 租赁 业
政策一致, 明确 这 一 规 定 可以降 低 纳 税 人 的合 规 成 本 。
3 . 附件2 规定, 原 增 值 税 一 般 纳 税 人 自用的应 征 消 费税 的 摩 托 车、 的 国际 运 输 服 务 , 试 点 期 间扣 缴 义 务 人 暂 按 3 %的 征 收 率 代 扣 代 缴 汽车 、 游艇, 其 进 项 税 额 准 予 从 销项 税 额 中抵 扣。 增值税 。
如 果 属 于 适 用 增 值 税 一 般 计 税 方 法 的, 实行免抵退 税办法 , 退 税 率 务 的试 点纳 税 人 中的一 般 纳 税 人 , 提 供 有 形 动产 融 资 租 赁 服 务 , 对其 为其 按 照( 《 试 点 实 施 办 法 第十二条第( 一) 至( 三) 项 规 定 适 用的 增 值 增 值 税 实际 税 负超 过 3 %的部 分 实行 增 值 税 即征即退 政 策 。
上 述 凭 证 是 指:
若运输提供 方在境外, 且 所 在 国 家与 中国没 有 签 订 双 边 运 输 协 定 的, 由扣 缴 义 务 人 按 1 1 %的增 值 税税 率 代扣 代 缴 增 值 税 。
降低 企业的经营成本。 但是, 可 以预 见 税 务 机 关 加 强 税 务 稽 查 和 审
税税率 - 如 果 属 于 适 用简 易 计 税 方 法 的, 实行 免 征 增 值 税 办 法 。 外 贸
就航运业的“营改增”改革,专注于货代行业的公众微信号“货代的那点事儿”发表了一系列的见解与分析,本刊编辑特整理了如下几大焦点问题,以供航运界相关人员参考:一、“营改增”对各利益方的影响1. 对船公司的影响营改增的序幕拉开后,由于船东造船造柜、租船租柜等主要开支票据无法作为进项抵扣,船东不得不以“营业额”来缴纳增值税,这与改革前按营业额缴纳营业税相比,船东的税务支出不降反增。
2. 对货代公司的影响船东开具增值税发票给货代,货代再开具增值税发票给货主,货代公司在船东和发货人中间起到的是一个承上启下的作用。
一、货代费用种类与税率1、公路运输:11% 增值税率2、港杂费、海运费等(1)一般纳税人 6%(2)小规模纳税人 3%(年营业额500万)(3)附加税率约0.83%《财政部、国家税务总局关于交通运输业和部分现代服务业营业税改征增值税试点若干税收政策的通知》(财税〔2011〕133号)规定,提供船舶代理服务的单位和个人,受船舶所有人、船舶经营人或者船舶承租人委托向运输服务接受方或者运输服务接受方代理人收取的运输服务收入,应当按照水路运输服务缴纳增值税。
Appendix 1 of Cai Shui [2013] No.37: Measures for the Implementation of Pilot Project of VA T for Business Tax Reform in Transportation and Certain Modern Service IndustriesAppendix 1:Measures for the Implementation of Pilot Project of V AT for Business Tax Reform in Transportation and Certain Modern Service IndustriesChapter I Taxpayers and Withholding AgentsArticle 1. Units and individuals who provide transportation services and some modern services (hereinafter referred to as taxable services) within the territory of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as within the territory of China) are V AT taxpayers. Taxpayers providing taxable services shall be subject to V AT in accordance with these measures, and no longer pay business tax.The term "units" refers to enterprises, administrative units, institutions, military units, social organizations and other units.The term "individuals" refers to individual businesses and other individuals.Article 2. Where a unit operates by means of contracting, leasing or affiliation, if the contractor, lessee or affiliated person (hereinafter referred to as the “contractor”) operates in the name of the contract-issuing party, lessor or party affiliating others (hereinafter referred to as “contract-issuing party”) and the contract-issuing party assumes the relevant legal liabilities, thus such contract-issuing party shall be the taxpayer; otherwise, the contractor shall be the taxpayer.Article 3. Taxpayers are divided into general taxpayers and small-scale taxpayers.Taxpayers whose annual sales amount of taxable services subject to V AT (hereinafter referred to as the annual sales amount of taxable services) exceed the required standards of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation are general taxpayers; taxpayers whose annual sales amount of taxable services do not exceed the required standards are small-scale taxpayers.Other individuals whose annual sales amount of taxable services exceed the required standards do not belong to general taxpayers; non-enterprise entities, enterprises and individual businesses which do not often provide taxable services may choose to pay taxes as small-scale taxpayers.Article 4. Small-scale taxpayers with sound accounting who can provide accurate taxation information may apply for the determination of eligibility as general taxpayers to in-charge taxation authorities for being general taxpayers.The term “sound accounting” refers to having accounts and ledgers prepared in accordance with the unified national accounting rules and accounting according to valid and effective vouchers.Article 5. Taxpayers complying with the conditions of general taxpayer shall apply to the in-charge taxation authorities for the determination of eligibility as general taxpayers. The specific measures shall be formulated by the State Administration of Taxation.Except as otherwise provided by State Administration of Taxation, a taxpayer shall not be converted to the small-scale taxpayer once having been identified as the general taxpayer.Article 6. Units and individuals outside the territory of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as outside the territory of China) provide taxable services within the territory of China but do not have business establishments, then the withholding agent shall be the agent within the territory; if there is no agent within the territory, the withholding agent shall be the recipient.Article 7. Upon approval by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation, two or more taxpayers may be regarded as one taxpayer for paying tax on a consolidated basis. The specific measures shall be separately formulated by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation.Chapter II Taxable ServicesArticle 8. Taxable services include land transportation services, water transportation services, air transportation services, pipelines transportation services, R&D and technical services, IT related services, cultural & creative services, logistics and ancillary services, tangible personal property leasing services, certification and consulting services, radio, film and television services.The specific scope of taxable services shall be subject to the "Notes on the Scope of Taxable Services" as attached to these Measures.Article 9. The term "provision of taxable services" refers to the provision of taxable services with compensation, but excluding the taxable services provided in non-taxable business activities."With compensation" means acquirement of money, goods or other economic benefits.Non-taxable business activities include:(1) Activities of non-enterprise units, in accordance with the laws and administrative regulations, to receive government funds or administrative fees for the performance of state administration and public service functions.(2) Taxable services provided by the staff of units or individual businesses for the units or employers.(3) Taxable services provided by units or individual businesses for their staff.(4) Other circumstances as regulated by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation.Article 10. The term "provision of taxable services within the territory of China" means the provider or the recipient of taxable services is in the territory of China.The following situations do not fall into the scope of providing taxable services within the territory of China:(1) Taxable services whose consumption is entirely aboard provided by offshore units or individuals to domestic units or individuals.(2) Tangible personal property which is entirely used aboard leased by offshore units or individuals to domestic units or individuals.(3) Other circumstances as regulated by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation.Article 11. The following circumstances of units and individual businesses shall be regarded as the provision of taxable services:(1) The provision of services of transportation and certain modern service industries to other units or individuals without compensation, except for the service activities which are defined as charitable in nature or serve the public.(2) Other circumstances as regulated by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation.Chapter III Tax Rates and Levying RatesArticle 12. V AT rates:(1) For providing tangible personal property leasing services, the tax rate is 17%.(2) For providing transportation services, the tax rate is 11%.(3) For providing modern services (except tangible personal property leasing services), the tax rate is 6%.(4) For taxable services as regulated by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation, the tax rate is zero.Article 13. The VAT levying rate is 3%.Chapter IV Calculation of Tax PayableSection I General ProvisionsArticle 14. V AT taxation methods include general taxation method and simple taxation method/Article 15. General taxpayers shall be subject to the general taxation method for providing taxable services.General taxpayers to provide the specific taxable services as regulated by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation may choose simple taxation method for taxation purposes, however, the selection cannot be changed within 36 months once been made.Article 16. Small-scale taxpayers shall be subject to the simple taxation method for providingtaxable services.Article 17. If offshore units and individuals provide taxable services within the territory of China without business establishment, the withholding agent shall calculate the amount of tax which shall be withheld according to the following formula:Amount of tax which shall be withheld = price paid by the recipient ÷(1 + tax rate) ×tax rateSection II General Taxation MethodArticle 18. Tax payable subject to the general taxation method is the balance of the current output tax deducting the current input tax. The formula for computing the tax payable is:Tax payable = current output tax - current input taxIf the current output tax is less than the current input tax and is lack of deduction, the deficiency can be carried forward to the next period for continuous deduction.Article 19. Output tax refers to the amount of V AT calculated in accordance with the sales amount and V A T rate of taxable services provided by taxpayers. The formula for computing the output tax is:Amount of output tax = sales amount ×tax rateArticle 20. The sales amount subject to general taxation method does not include output tax. Taxpayers who use the pricing method of combining sales amount and output tax shall calculate the sales amount according to the following formula:Sales amount = sales amount including tax ÷(1 + tax rate)Article 21. Input tax refers to the amount of V AT paid or burdened by taxpayers for purchasing goods or accepting processing, repairs and replacement services and taxable services.Article 22. The following input tax is allowed to be deducted from the output tax:(1) Amount of VAT indicated on the special V AT invoice (including special VA T invoice for freight transport services, uniform invoice for the sales of tax-control motor vehicle) obtained from the seller or provider.(2) Amount of V AT indicated on the Customs import V AT payment receipt obtained from the Customs.(3) As for the purchase of agricultural products, except for receiving a special V AT invoice or customs import VAT payment receipt, the input tax calculated according to the purchasing price of agricultural products as indicated on the purchase invoice or sales invoice and the deduction rate of 13%. The formula is:Amount of input tax = purchasing price ×deduction ratePurchasing price refers to the price indicated on the purchase invoice or sales invoice issued for agricultural products purchased by the taxpayer, and the tobacco tax paid according to regulations.(4) As for the acceptance of rail transport services, the input tax calculated according to the amount of transportation fees indicated on the settlement document of rail transport costs and the deduction rate of 7%. The formula for computing the input tax is:Amount of input tax = amount of transportation costs ×deduction rateThe term "amount of transportation costs" includes transportation costs (including railway interim management line and railway specific line transportation costs) and construction funds; it does not include loading and unloading expenses, insurance and other incidentals.(5) As for the acceptance of taxable service provided by offshore units or individuals, the amount of V AT indicated on the PRC tax payment receipt of released taxes (hereinafter referred to tax payment receipt) obtained from tax authorities or domestic agents.Article 23. If the V AT deduction certificate obtained by a taxpayer does not comply with laws, administrative regulations or the relevant provisions of the State Administration of Taxation, its input tax shall not be deducted from the output tax.V AT deduction certificate includes special V AT invoice, Customs import V AT payment receipt, purchasing invoice of agricultural products, sales invoice of agricultural products, settlement document of rail transport costs and tax payment receipt.A taxpayer who deducts input tax based on tax payment receipt shall have a written contract, proof of payment, and statement of account or invoice of the offshore unit. If the information is incomplete, the input tax shall not be deducted from the output VA T.Article 24. The input tax of the following items shall not be deducted from the output V AT:(1) Taxable items subject to the simple taxation method, non-VAT taxable items, V AT-free items, goods purchased for the collective welfare or personal consumption, and acceptance of processing, repairs and replacement services and taxable services. The fixed assets, patents, non-patented technology, goodwill, trademarks, copyrights, tangible personal property leasing as involved therein only refer to the fixed assets, patents, non-patented technology, goodwill, trademarks, copyrights, tangible personal property leasing which are specifically used for the said items.(2) Abnormal losses of goods purchased and the associated processing, repairs and replacement services and transportation services.(3) Abnormal losses of goods purchased (excluding fixed assets) as consumed in unfinished products and finished goods, repairs and replacement services and transportation services.(4) Acceptance of passenger transport services.Article 25. The term "non-V AT taxable items" refers to non-VAT taxable services, transfer ofintangible assets (except patents, non-patented technology, goodwill, trademarks and copyrights), sales of real estate and real estate in progress.The term "non-VAT taxable services" refers to the taxable services subject to business tax other than the items as listed in the "Notes on the Scope of Taxable Services".The term "real estate" refers to the property which cannot be moved or whose nature, shape will be changed after movement, including buildings, structures and other land attachments.Taxpayers' new construction, renovation, expansion, repair, decoration of real estate belong to construction in progress of real estate.The term "individual consumption" includes entertainment expenses.The term "fixed assets" refers to the machine, machinery, transport equipment which have been used for more than 12 months and other equipment, tools, appliances, etc. associated with production and operation.The term "abnormal losses" refers to the losses which are stolen, lost, mouldy and rotten resulted from mismanagement, and the goods which are confiscated by law-enforcing departments or which are enforced to be eliminated by taxpayers.Article 26. As for taxpayers who are subject to general taxation method, if they are engaged in tax items which are subject to simple taxation method, non-V AT taxable services and V AT-exempt items at the same time and they cannot divide the input tax which shall not be deductible, the amount of such input tax shall be calculated according to the following formula:Input tax which shall not be deductible = all amount of input tax which cannot be divided in the current period ×(sales volume of tax items which are subject to the simple taxation method + turnover of non-VAT taxable services + sales volume of V AT-exempt items) ÷(total sales volume of the current period + total turnover of the current period)In-charge taxation authorities can square up the input tax which shall not be deductible on the basis of the above formula and annual data.Article 27. As for the purchase of goods, acceptance of processing, repairs and replacement services or taxable services whose input taxes have been deducted, if the circumstances (except for taxable items subject to the simple taxation method, non-V AT taxable services, V AT-exempt items) specified in Article 24 of Measures occur, the amount of such input taxes shall be deducted from the current input tax; if such an amount cannot be determined, the amount of input tax which should be deductible shall be calculated based on the current actual costs.Article 28. As for taxpayers who provide taxable services which are subject to general taxation method, the amount of V AT refunded to the purchaser because of suspension of services orpurchase allowance shall be deducted from the output tax of the current period; the amount of V A T recovered due to suspension of services, return of the purchased goods or purchase allowance shall be deducted from the input tax of the current period.Article 29. Those in one of the following circumstances shall calculate the amount of taxes payable in accordance with the sales volume and the V AT rate, and the amount of such taxes payable cannot be credited against input tax or use the special VAT invoice, neither:(1) The financial accounting of general taxpayers is unsound, or taxpayers cannot provide accurate taxation information.(2) Those who shall but fail to apply for the qualification accreditation of general taxpayer.Section III Simple Taxation MethodArticle 30. Tax payable subject to simple taxation method is the amount of VA T, which is calculated according to the sales volume and the V AT rate and which cannot be used as deductions of input tax. The formula for computing the tax payable is:Tax payable = sales volume ×tax rateArticle 31. The sales volume subject to simple taxation method does not include tax amount payable, taxpayers who adopt the pricing method of combining the sales volume and the tax amount payable shall calculate the sales volume according to the following formula:Amount of sales volume = tax-inclusive sales value ÷(1+tax rate)Article 32. For taxpayers who provide taxable services which are subject to the simple taxation method the sales volume refunded to the receiving party because of suspension of services or purchase allowance shall be deducted from the sales volume of the current period. If there is any excess tax paid because of the remaining balance after deducting the current sales volume, such an amount can be deducted from the subsequent taxes payable.Section IV Determination of Sales VolumeArticle 33. Sales volume refers to the full price and non-price charges obtained by taxpayers from providing taxable services.Non-price charges refer to the fees of various properties charged outside the price, excluding government-controlled funds or administrative fees collected on behalf of governments.Article 34. Sales volume is denominated in Renminbi.Taxpayers who settle the sales volume in currencies other than RMB shall converted the currencies into Renminbi, and the Renminbi conversion rate for the sales amount to be selected can be the central parity of RMB exchange rate prevailing on the date or that on the first day of the month in which the sales take place. Taxpayers shall determine in advance the conversion rate tobe adopted. Once determined, no change is allowed within 12 months.Article 35. If a taxpayer provides taxable services which are subject to different tax rates or levying rates, the sales amounts shall be calculated separately; if the sales amounts have not been calculated separately, the higher tax rate shall apply.Article 36. If a taxpayer is simultaneously engaged in taxable items subject to business tax, the sales amount of taxable services and the turnover of taxable items subject to business tax shall be separately calculated; if the taxpayer fails to do so, the sales amount of taxable services shall be evaluated by in-charge taxation authorities.Article 37. If a taxpayer is simultaneously engaged in items which are eligible for tax exempt or tax reduction, the sales amount of such items shall be separately calculated; if the taxpayer fails to do so, no exemption or reduction is allowed.Article 38. In any circumstance where the suspension or discount of provision of taxable services incurs or there is anything wrong about invoices after the issuance of special V A T invoices for taxable services from taxpayers, they shall issue special V AT invoices in red characters in accordance with the provisions of the State Administration of Taxation; for those who fail to do so, they cannot deduct the output tax or sales amount according to Article 28 and Article 32 of the Measures.Article 39. For taxpayers providing taxable services, if the price and the discount amount are separately specified on the same invoice, the sales amount can be calculated according to the price after deducting the discount; if the discount amount is specified on a separate invoice, the price shall be deemed as the sales amount and the discount amount shall not be deducted from the sales amount.Article 40. For a taxpayer whose price used in providing taxable services is obviously low or high and without a legitimate business purpose, or the taxpayer has activities of deemed provision of taxable services as regulated in Article 11 of the Measures but without invoiced sales amounts, the in-charge taxation authorities have the right to determine the sales amount according to the following sequence:(1) Determined according to the average selling price of the taxpayer on the same taxable services in the recent period;(2) Determined according to the average selling price of other taxpayers on the same taxable services in the recent period;(3) Determined according to the composite assessable price. The formula of the composite assessable value shall be:Composite assessable price =Cost ×(1 + cost-profit ratio)The cost-profit ratio shall be determined by the State Administration of Taxation.Chapter V The Time at Which Tax Liability and Tax Withholding Obligations Arise, andTax Payment PlacesArticle 41. The time at which an obligation to pay the V AT arises shall be as follows:(1) For provision of taxable services, it is the date on which the sales price payment is received or the sales voucher as requested is obtained. If an invoice is issued in advance, it shall be the same day when the invoice is issued.The term "the sale amount is received " refers the payment received by taxpayers during the process of providing taxable services or after the provision is finished.The term "the date on which the sales voucher as requested is obtained" refers to the date of payment determined in the written contract; in case of no written contract or no payment date provided in the contract, it means the date on which the taxable services have been completed.(2) If a taxpayer requires advance receipt for provision of tangible personal property leasing services, its tax obligation shall arise on the date when it receives the advance payment.(3) If a taxpayer has the deemed provision of taxable services as regulated in Article 11 of the Measures, its tax obligation shall arise on the date when the provision of taxable services is finished.(4) The time on which V AT withholding liability arises is the date on which the taxpayer's liability to V AT arises.Article 42. The places for the payment of V AT are as follows:(1) Businesses with a fixed establishment shall file tax returns with the local in-charge taxation authorities at the place where the establishment is located or at the place of residence. If the head office and branch are not situated in the same county (or city), they shall file tax returns separately with their respective local in-charge taxation authorities; the head office may, upon the approval of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation or their authorized financial and taxation authorities, file tax returns on a consolidated basis with the local in-charge taxation authorities where the head office is located.(2) Businesses without a fixed base shall file tax returns with the local in-charge taxation authorities where the taxable services take place; for those who fail to do so, the local in-charge taxation authorities at the place where the establishment is located or at the place of residence shall collect the overdue tax.(3) The withholding agents shall file tax returns for the tax with-held to the in-charge taxation authorities at the places where the business establishments are located or where they live.Article 43. The VAT assessable period shall be one day, three days, five days, ten days, fifteen days, one month or one quarter. The actual assessable period of a taxpayer shall be determined bythe in-charge taxation authorities according to the amount of the tax payable of the taxpayer. The provision of regarding one quarter as a tax payment deadline is applicable to small-scale taxpayers and other taxpayers as regulated by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation. The tax that cannot be assessed in regular periods may be assessed on a transaction-by-transaction basis.Taxpayers that adopt one month or one quarter as an assessable period shall file tax return within 15 days following the end of the period. If an assessable period of one day, three days, five days, ten days or fifteen days is adopted, the tax shall be prepaid within five days following the end of the period and a monthly return shall be filed with any balance of tax due settled within 15 days from the first day of the following month.The tax payment deadlines for withholding agents shall be determined with reference to the stipulations of the above two paragraphs.Chapter VI Tax ReliefArticle 44. Taxpayers who provide taxable services which are eligible for tax exemption, tax reduction provisions may give up such tax reliefs and pay V AT according to the Measures. After giving up tax reliefs, they cannot re-apply for tax reliefs within 36 months.If a taxpayer is simultaneously subject to the provisions of tax exemption and zero tax rate for the provision of taxable services, the application of the zero tax rate shall prevail.Article 45. For taxpayers whose sales amounts have not reached the VAT minimum threshold, the V AT shall be exempted. For those whose sales amounts reach the minimum threshold, the V AT shall be calculated based on the total sales amount.The V AT minimum threshold is not applicable to individual industrial and commercial households who have been identified as the general taxpayers.Article 46. Ranges of V AT minimum thresholds are as follows:(1) For tax payment as scheduled, the range of V AT minimum threshold shall be taxable sales amount of RMB 5,000 Y uan to RMB 20,000 Yuan monthly.(2) For one tax payment, the range of V AT minimum threshold shall be sales amount of RMB 300 Yuan to RMB 500 Yuan per time (or per day).The adjustment of V AT minimum thresholds shall be regulated by the Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation. Financial offices (bureaus) of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and the State Administration of Taxation shall, within the prescribed ranges, determine the V AT minimum thresholds applicable to their locations based on the actual situations, and then report to the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation for the record.Chapter VII Administration of Tax Levy and CollectionArticle 47. The VA T changed from business tax shall be imposed by the State Administration of Taxation.Article 48. If a taxpayer provides taxable services which are subject to zero tax rate, the taxpayer shall apply for tax refund (exemption) at in-charge taxation authorities; the specific measures shall be formulated by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation.Article 49. A taxpayer who provides taxable services shall issue the special V AT invoice to the recipient who asks for one, and separately indicate the sales amount and the output tax in the special VAT invoice.Under one of the following situations, the invoice to be issued shall be an ordinary invoice rather than the special VAT invoice:(1) Provision of taxable services to individual consumers;(2) Taxable services applicable to provisions of V AT exemption.Article 50. As for the taxable services provided by a small-scale taxpayer, if the recipient asks for the special V AT invoice, the small-scale taxpayer may apply to in-charge taxation authorities for issuing one.Article 51. The administration of V AT levy & collection on taxpayers shall be subject to the Measures and the "Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Administration of Tax Levy & Collection" and the relevant existing provisions for administration of V AT levy & collection.Chapter VIII Supplementary RulesArticle 52. Taxpayers shall make financial accounting for V AT in accordance with the national unified accounting system.Article 53. The Measures shall come into force on August 1, 2013.Appendix:Notes on the Range of Taxable ServicesI. Transportation industryThe term "transportation industry" refers to business activities which use means of transport to deliver goods or passengers to destination, and change their spatial positions, including land transport services, marine transportation services, air transport services and pipeline transport services.(1) Land transport servicesLand transport services refer to transport business activities that transport goods or passengers by。
1. 航空运输企业提供的旅客利用里程积分兑换的航空运输服务,不征收增值税。
2. 航空运输企业根据国家指令无偿提供的航空运输服务,属于《试点实施办法》第十一条规定的以公益活动为目的的服务,不征收增值税。
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