现代化学分离技术期末考试试题卷②一、选择题(每小题2分,共30分)1.能够除去发酵液中钙、镁、铁离子的方法是()A过滤B萃取 C 离子交换 D 蒸馏2.超滤膜截留的颗粒直径为( )A 0.02~10µmB 0.001~0.02µmC <2nmD < 1nm3.下列哪一个是速率分离过程()A.蒸馏B.吸收C膜分离D离心分离4.气体渗透过程的推动力是()A浓度差B范德华力C压力D直流电场5.反渗透主要用于()分离。
A.悬浮物B.不含固形物的料液C. 小分子有机物质溶液D. 电解质溶质6.下列哪种作用力不是分子间作用力()A色散力B共价键C诱导力D取向力7.等温等压下进行的以浓度差为推动力的典型的膜技术分离过程是()。
A反渗透B超滤 C 电渗析 D 透析8.下列哪一个是平衡分离过程()A蒸馏B吸收C膜分离D离心分离9.气体渗透是利用气体的()不同,渗透性不同的原理进行分离的过程。
A分子半径B压力 C 温度D气体组成10.反渗透的前处理通常需要加FeCl3进行絮凝,目的是去除水中的()。
A微生物 B金属氧化物C胶体D有机污染物11.蛋白质的回收与浓缩可选用()。
A增加放缓 B下降 C维持不变D达到极大值13.对于电渗析器,增加(),可提高脱盐效率。
A级B膜对数 C段D水量14.反渗透传质机理可以用“优先吸附-毛细孔流动”模型解释,该模型认为反渗透膜材料为()。
A亲水膜B疏水膜C离子交换膜D荷电膜15.那一种膜孔径最小()A反渗透B超滤C微滤 D 纳滤二、填空(每小题1分,共20分)1.以浓度差为推动力的膜过程有、、。
1. 分离化学中的纯度概念是( )A. 分离过程中目标化合物浓度增加B. 溶液中溶剂蒸发掉,溶液中所有组分浓度同程度增加的过程C. 通过分离操作使产物纯度增加的过程。
D. 表示纯化产物主组分含量高低或杂质多少2. 在常量分离中,当溶液中的金属离子还剩下( )时,即可认为沉淀完全。
A. 10-3mol/LB. 10-4 mol/LC. 10-5 mol/LD. 10-6 mol/L3. 用8-羟基喹啉从水溶液中萃取Al3+,组成的萃取体系是( )A. 简单分子萃取体系B. 中性络合萃取体系C. 螯合萃取体系D. 离子缔合萃取体系4. 下列体系中,形成协萃体系的是( )A. 乙酰基丙酮为萃取剂,萃取Al3+B. 用乙醚萃取FeCl3C. 形成高分子胺盐的萃取体系D. HTTA与2,2-联吡啶为萃取剂,萃取La3+5. 下列属于阴离子交换树脂的是( )A. RSO3HB. ROHC. RNH2(CH3)OHD. RCO2H6.可以作为离子交换树脂合成中的交联剂的是( )A. 苯乙烯B. 丙烯酸C. 甲基丙烯酸D. 二乙烯苯7. 吸附层析分离是利用( )A. 利用吸附剂表面对不同组分吸附性能的差异B. 利用不同组分在流动相和固定相之间的分配系数不同C. 利用不同组分对离子交换剂亲和力的不同D. 利用某些凝胶对于不同分子大小的组分阻滞作用的不同8. 层析用硅胶有不同标号,硅胶GF254代表( )A. 硅胶中不含粘合剂B. 由硅胶和煅石膏混合而成C. 硅胶中既含有煅石膏又含荧光指示剂D. 硅胶中只含有荧光指示剂9. 依据样品组分的分配系数和电泳速度的差别而分离的是( )A. 毛细管区带电泳B. 毛细管凝胶电泳C. 毛细管等点聚焦电泳D. 毛细管电色谱10.过滤粒径由小到大顺序排列正确的是( )A. 反渗透<超滤<微滤<一般过滤B. 反渗透<微滤<超滤<一般过滤C. 微滤<超滤<反渗透<一般过滤D. 超滤<反渗透<微滤<一般过滤11. 分离化学中的纯化是( )A. 分离过程中目标化合物浓度增加B. 溶液中溶剂蒸发掉,溶液中所有组分浓度同程度增加的过程C. 通过分离操作使产物纯度增加的过程。
现代分离技术(A 卷)一、在下列题目中,选出一个你认为正确的答案,并在该答案前的字母上画圈。
以下哪种方法不是减轻浓差极化的有效途径: A 提高操作温度 B 增加膜的透过率 C 提高料液流速 D 增加流体的扰动2、用精馏方法对七元混合物进行分离,在采用简捷法进行计算时,应对其中的(a )规定分离要求,规定了分离要求的组分称为(b ) ,其中易挥发的组分称为(c ) 。
(a )A 一个组分 B 两个组分 C 三个组分 D 四个组分 E 【 】 (b )A 重组分 B 难挥发组分 C 轻组分 D 关键组分 E 【 】 (c )A 最重组分 B 重关键组分 C 最轻组分 D 恒沸组分 E 【 】3、形成恒沸物的数学条件为: A. 1212121212lg 1x x γA =⎛⎫A + ⎪A ⎝⎭B. 1221p p θθγγ= C. 1212)()1(S αα= D. i iij j j p p θθγαγ= E. 【 】 4、若用第一下标i 代表组分数,第二下标j 代表塔板数,则第j 板上的i 组分的吸收因子应为: A.ij ij iL K V B.j ij jV K L C.ij j jK V L D.ij j ijL K V E.【 】5、在中压下,若气相为真实气体,但物质结构相近,气相可看成真实气体的理想混合物,液相可看成理想溶液,该情况下汽液平衡常数K i 的计算式为:A. iL iL iV iV f f θθϕϕB. i p pθ C. iL iV f f θθ D. i iL p p θγ E. 【 】6、以下哪种不是色谱分离的基本类型?A. 亲和B. 胶联C. 分配D. 排阻 7、吸附透过曲线有如下特性:(1)可以直接反映出固定床吸附器 处的情况。
填空部分:1、我们测定气相色谱仪灵敏度时,如果用102-白色担体,邻苯二甲酸二壬酯固定液,此时按两相所处的状态属于(气—液) 色谱;按固定相性质属于(填充柱) 色谱;按展示方式属于(冲洗) 色谱;按分离过程所依据的物理化学原理属于(分配)色谱。
现代分离技术习题(Modern separation technology exercises)
现代分离技术习题(Modern separation technologyexercises)现代分离技术习题(Modern separation technology exercises)The twentieth chapter, HPLCThinking questions and exercises1. the main similarities and differences between HPLC and gas chromatography are briefly described.The same point: both high efficiency, high speed, high selectivity chromatography method, both separation and analysis function, can be detected onlineDifference:Analysis of objects and ranges, selection of mobile phases,operating conditionsGC has the advantages of good gasification, good thermal stability and low boiling point, and occupies 20% of the machine. The mobile phase is a limited number of "inert" gas, which only acts as a carrier, and has little effect on the composition, and operates at atmospheric pressureHPLC can be made into solution after the dissolution of the sample, high boiling point, high molecular weight, difficult to gasification, ionic stability or unstable compounds, occupy 80% of the machine, the liquid phase for the liquid or a variety of liquid mixture. In additionto its carrying capacity, it can also be controlled and improved by solvent. At room temperature and under high pressure2. what is the chemical bonding phase? What are the common chemical bonding phases? Which liquid chromatography are used?A chemical reaction is used to bond the fixed liquid to the surfaceof the carrier and the resulting packing is called a chemically bonded phase. The utility model has the advantages that the use process is not lost, the chemical property is stable, the thermal stability is good,and the utility model is suitable for gradient elution.The commonly used Si-O-Si-C type bonding phases are classified into three kinds: non-polar, medium polarity and polarity according to polarity. The nonpolar bonded phase: such as the common ODS bonded phase, both the distribution and the adsorption effect, is widely used for the analysis of non-polar or weak polar compounds; the middle of the bonded phase: a common ether bonded phase, the bonded phase can be positive or reversed-phase chromatographic stationary phase, mobile phase polarityas the polarity: the bonded phase: common amino and cyano bonded phase, are used as chromatographic stationary phase, phase separation of sugar or amino bonded stationary phase is the most commonly used.3. what is called normal phase chromatography? What is reverse phase chromatography? Which compounds are applied separately?Normal phase chromatography: a method of chromatography having a polarity of mobile phase less than the polarity of the stationary phase.A molecular substance used to separate polar and moderately polarsubstances dissolved in organic solvents; used in the separation of substances containing differentfunctional groups.Reversed-phase chromatography: a method for chromatography having a polarity of mobile phase greater than the polarity of the stationary phase. A molecular compound used to separate nonpolar to moderatelypolar compounds.4. briefly describe the separation mechanism of reversed-phasebonded phase chromatography.A typical reversed-phase bond chromatography is a system consistingof nonpolar stationary phases and polar mobile phases. Stationary phases are commonly used in the eighteen alkyl (ODS or C18) bonded phase; the mobile phase is usually methanol water or acetonitrile water. Anatypical reversed-phase chromatography system consists of a weak polaror moderately polar bonding phase and a mobile phase having a polarity greater than the stationary phase.The surface of the antiphase bonded phase has nonpolar alkylfunctional groups and an amorphous silanol group. The silanol group has the adsorption properties, and the amount of the remaining silanolgroups depends on the coverage. For the separation mechanism ofreversed-phase chromatographic retention mechanism at present, there is no consensus, there are two views, one that belongs to the distribution of chromatography, another that belongs to the adsorption chromatography. The mechanism of the partition chromatography is that the polar organicsolvent with mixed polar solvent (water, ten organic solvent) is adsorbed on the non-polar alkyl coordination group surface, The component molecules are assigned in the mobile phase with the liquid phase adsorbed by the non-polar alkyl ligand. The mechanism of adsorption chromatography can be explained by the theory of solvent extraction. The theory treats nonpolar alkyl linkage phases as molecular hairs covered with a bound eighteen alkyl group on the surface of silica gel, which has strong hydrophobic properties. When the polar solvent water and organic solvent composition of the mobile phase to separate organic compounds, on the one hand, the non-polar part of the nonpolar component molecules or component molecules, due to hydrophobic interaction, will be "squeeze out from the water, produce association between hydrophobic alkyl stationary phase. As a result, the component molecules are retained in the fixed phase. On the other hand, the polar component of separated material under the action of the polarity of mobile phase, make it from the fixed phase, reduce the retention, obviously this dissociation process, namely, the two force difference, determines the retention behavior of molecules inchromatography. Generally speaking, on a stationary phase with alkyl nonpolar part of the surface area of the large base or isolated molecules in the mobile phase or the surface tension and the dielectric constant is bigger, the stronger association, k'distribution ratio is greater, the greater the value of reserves. It is not difficult tounderstand that in reversed-phase bonded chromatography, the polar components first flow out, and the less polar components flow out.What are the differences between the 5. ion chromatography,Reversed-phase Ion Pair Chromatography and ion suppression chromatography?Ion chromatography (Ion Chromatography): the ion exchange resin is the stationary phase, and the electrolyte solution is the mobile phase.A conductivity detector is used as a universal detector. The reaction principle of the sample component on the separating column and the restraining column is the same as that of the ion exchange chromatography. Ion chromatography is the best method for the analysis of anions in solution. It can also be used for the analysis of cations.Reversed-phase Ion Pair Chromatography (IPC or PIC): in reversed-phase chromatography, an ion pair reagent is added to the polar mobile phase to form a neutral ion pair between the measured component and its counter ion, increasing K and tR to improve separation. Apply to stronger organic acids and bases.Reversed-phase ion suppression chromatography: in reversed phase chromatography, the buffer solution is used to adjust the pH value of the mobile phase, so as to inhibit the dissociation of the group and increase its K and tR, so as to improve the separation. Apply to extremely weak acid and base matter (pH=3~7 weak acid, pH=7~8 weak base, amphoteric compound)What is the separation mechanism of 6. affinity chromatography? What are the characteristics?Conventional wisdom holds that affinity chromatography is based on ligand ligand affinity reaction and uses differential migration theory of chromatography to achieve separation of target molecules, and is only a selective filtration method for component separation. However, this theory is based on ligandligand affinity reactions that are homogeneous reactions and macroscopic equilibrium thermodynamics. However, in fact, the partition coefficients of the target molecules in the two phase are too large, and the adsorption isotherms on the stationary phase are mostly linear. Therefore, the retention mechanism of biological macromolecules in affinity chromatography and the mathematical model of chromatography process have been a relatively weak link, which needs to be further improvedAffinity chromatography has high specificity, the separation, purification, concentration after biological samples have high purity, greatly reduce the subsequent determination (such as HPLC) when the background noise,Thus, the subsequent determination has very high sensitivity.What are the similarities and differences between the 7. rate theoretical equations in HPLC and those in GC? How to guide theselection of HPLC experimental conditions?Solution: the main factors causing chromatographic peaks in liquid chromatography are eddy current diffusion, mobile flow phase mass transfer, retained mobile phase mass transfer, and off column effect.In gas chromatography, radial diffusion is often significant, while the effect of radial diffusion in liquid chromatography is weak and can often be neglected. In addition, liquid retention, mass transfer and off column effects are more prominent in liquid chromatography.In high performance liquid chromatography, the complete expressionfor liquid-liquid partition chromatography, Van, and Deemter equationsisTherefore, the experimental conditions of HPLC should be as follows: 1. Small grain size and uniform spherical chemical bonding phase; the low viscosity mobile phase should not flow too fast; and the column temperature is appropriate.8., try to discuss the factors that affect the separation degree of HPLC, how to improve the separation degree?(1) chromatographic filling propertiesThe performance of liquid chromatographic column separation is determined by the three parameters: the size of the stationary phase, the length of the column, the column pressure and the pressure drop determined by the filling condition. The three parameter determines the sample component retention time, K thermodynamic factors not only with the retention time of chromatographic process, and also directly decide on the viscosity parameters and flow performance of column columnefficiency and the degree of separation phase, these parameters are important factors affecting the chromatographic separation process dynamics. But in high-performance liquidchromatography, the preparation of separation column is a very demanding technical work, usually the purchase of commercial products, rarely prepared by itself.(2) the polarity of mobile phase and mobile phaseIn liquid chromatography, changing the composition and polarity of eluent is the most direct factor to improve the separation. Liquid chromatography is unlikely to improve mass transfer by increasing column temperature. Therefore, most of them are constant temperature analysis. The mobile phase selection is especially important in liquid chromatography. The mobile phase can significantly change the separation of components.(3) flow velocityWhen the velocity is greater than 0.5 cm/s, the curve from H to u is a straight line with little slope. The column efficiency is not greatly improved by decreasing the flow velocity. But in actual operation, the flow is still an important optional parameter for adjusting the separation and the peak time.9., discuss the choice of the separation conditions of reversed-phase HPLC.Reverse phase HPLC is a liquid chromatographic separation model with surface non-polar carrier as stationary phase and solvent with strongerpolarity than stationary phase as mobile phase. The retention values of samples in reversed-phase HPLC chromatography are mainly determined by the fixed surface area, the type and concentration of bonding phases,and the retention values usually increase with the increase of chain length or the hydrophobicity of the bonded phase. The solute retention value is directly proportional to the surface area of the fixed surface, and when other conditions are the same, the solute has a short retention value on the low surface area chromatographiccolumn. The retention value of the sample can also be adjusted by changing the composition of the mobile phase or the strength of the solvent. The strength of the solvent depends on the nature of theorganic solvent and its concentration in the mobile phase.10. is the intensity of the mobile phase the same in the positiveand reverse phase HPLC?In normal phase chromatography, because the stationary phase is polar, the stronger the solvent polarity is, the stronger the elution capacity is, i.e., the strong solvent is a strong solvent. In reversed-phase chromatography, as the stationary phase is nonpolar, the strength of the solvent increases with decreasing polarity of the solvent,A solvent with a weak polarity is a strong solvent.11. what is called gradient elution? What are the similarities and differences between it and GC?In an analysis period, according to certain procedures for changing the mobile phase composition or concentration, known as gradient elution.It is an important method to improve the separation of liquid chromatography.Gradient elution and gas chromatography in the temperature programmed is similar, but the former is the continuous change of the mobile phase polarity, pH or ionic strength, and temperature change. Programmed temperature is also an important method to improve gas chromatographic separation.12. what are the principles and characteristics of evaporative light scattering detectors?Evaporative light scattering detector (Evaporative Light-scattering Detector) is a universal detector that can detect organic substances such as ginsenosides and Huang Qijia glycosides that have no UV absorption.One, ELSD principleConstant velocity (high performance liquid chromatograph, countercurrent chromatography and high performance capillary electrophoresis) eluent after entering the detector, first by high-pressure gas atomization, droplet atomization formed into the evaporation chamber (drift tube, drift tube), mobile phase and low boiling components by evaporation, the remaining small droplets of high boiling components divided into the scattering cell, passing through the scattering cell by scattering, light scattering by photoelectric tube receiving form an electrical signal, electric signal through theamplifying circuit, analog-to-digital conversion circuit, a digital computer - chromatogram signal chromatography workstation.Two, characteristics1., the eluent needs to be atomized, so the purity and pressure ofthe atomization will affect the signal-to-noise ratio of the detector.2., the mobile phase to evaporate, so can not use volatilesubstances to regulate the pH value of the mobile phase. The components of the lower boiling point of the material can be vaporizedby adjusting the evaporation temperature. In the absence of evaporationof the material under test, the higher the temperature, the morecomplete the evaporation of the mobile phase, the better the baseline of the chromatogram, and the higher the signal-to-noise ratio. If the measured material is close to or below the boiling point flowevaporation temperature phase, however, is unable to detect; 100% of the water as the mobile phase, temperature is only the evaporation chamberis set to 150 degrees Celsius, organic matter lower boiling point than water can be separated by gas chromatography detection. Since the flow phase and solvent evaporates, the chromatogram collected by the ELSD detector generally has no solvent peak; and the gradient elution has no refractive parallax effect and generally does not exhibit baseline drift.3. to detect light scattering changes, all materials entering the scattering pool can be detected, and the response value is only relatedto the amount of matter.The 4. concentration is not linear with the peak area, and followsthe logarithm of the natural logarithm.13. what is the commonly used method of quantitative analysis of HPLC? Which methods need correction factor to correct peak area? Which methods do not have to correct the factor?The commonly used methods for quantitative analysis of HPLC are:External standard method: external standard work curve method, external standard point method, external standard two point method, etc.Internal standard method: internal standard work curve method,internal standard point method, internal standard two point method, internal standard comparison method, etc.The calibration factor is not necessary when using the standardcurve method of internal standard and external standard, and other methods need correction factor to correct peak area14. point out the elution sequence of benzene, naphthalene and anthracene in reversed-phase chromatography and explain the reason.The order of polarity of the three is from large to small, benzene, naphthalene and anthracene,Therefore, the elution order in reverse phase chromatography is benzene, naphthalene and anthracene, and benzene is the first peak.15. which HPLC method should be used to separate the following substances?(1) ethanol and butanol; (2) Ba2+ and Sr2+; (3) pentanoic acid and butyric acid; (4) high molecular weight glucoside.(1) positive phase bonded phase chromatography(2) ion exchange chromatography(3) ion pair chromatography(4) steric exclusion chromatography;"Chromatography analysis" exercisesChapter 1 Introduction to chromatography analysisJudgment question:1 the following conditions will increase the performance of the chromatographic column:A reduces the velocity of the mobile phase; ()B particles uniformly packed; ()C increases the diameter of the stationary phase particles; ()D increases the column temperature. ()Question 1: Please select the most suitable chromatographic analysis method for the following samples.The thermal instability of the sample. (2) low boiling aromatic hydrocarbons. () the complex, multiple groups of samples. ()A gas chromatography.B liquid chromatography.2. points out which of the following parameter changes will cause an increase in relative retention values?(1) the column length increased; (2) the ratio increased; (3) the column temperature decreased; (4) the phase velocity of mobile phase decreased.3. it is pointed out that the following conditions can reduce the height of theoretical plate:(1) increasing the column length; (2) decreasing the Dt value; (3) decreasing the speed of the flow line; (4) decreasing the diameter of the fixed phase particles,(5) increasing column temperature. Explain why.Simple answer:1. What is the balance of chromatographic distribution? How do the partition coefficients, the capacity factor, the relative rate, and the distribution temperature line measure the distribution balance of the components in the two phases?2, what factors do the theoretical equations of the plate derive from? What is their significance?3, try to explain the function and shortcomings of the plate theory in the interpretation of chromatographic separation.4, try to explain the theoretical basis of Van Deemter equation and the implications of its expressions.What is the practical significance of the 5 and Van Deemterequations? What is the reason for the deformation of the coupled curve?6. Test the basis and classification of chromatography.7. Briefly describe the types and characteristics of chromatographic columns.8. The separation principle and characteristics of chromatographyare briefly described.9. The characteristics and application scope of gas chromatography (OLC, GSC, CGC), high performance liquid chromatography (HPlC) and supercritical fluid chromatography are briefly described.10. Besides the factors discussed in the Van Deemte equation, what are the factors that affect the broadening of chromatographic peaks? How to overcome it in actual work?11, select the plate height (H) what is the color spectrumseparation index according to the operating conditions?12, try to explain the meaning of A, B and C constants in Van Deemter equation, and the unit and its calculation method.13, a gas chromatography column marked: OV - 101 column, the column efficiency of n is higher than 1200, which marked the correct way? Why?14, compare the chromatography (GC, HPLC) and chemical analysis, mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy, the similarities and differences between fluorescence spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, atomic spectrometry, electrochemical analysis method, analysis method and how to improve the development of chromatography?15. Mark the name of each parameter in the chromatogram (see below) and point out the parameters of the qualitative and quantitative chromatographyFixed film thickness 16, higher than the B A column column, other conditions completely different, is two on the optimal linear velocity (uopt) value of the same?17, there is a lower boiling paraffin homologen samples withnonpolar stationary liquid chromatographic column, low column temperature and low liquid loading ratio, or high high liquid column temperature, load ratio (good to complete the same time analysis)? Why?Calculation problem:1. there is a liquid chromatography column, t, M = 4 points, and now the A and B, C, D, four components of the retention value and peak width as follows:Please calculate the n value and N eff value of each component.2. on a chromatographic column, the peak time of air peak is 0.5 minutes, the sample peak time is 2.44 minutes, and the peak width is 9.7 seconds. Assuming that the chromatographic peaksare normally distributed and the chromatographic column is 1 meters long, the theoretical plate number of the column, the theoretical height of the tray, the number of effective plates and the height of the effective plate are calculated.3. A and B two components are separated at column 100. The partition coefficient of A is 110, and the partition coefficient of B is 120. How long will it take to separate the two from 1.1? The theoretical plate height is 0.1mm.The second chapter gas chromatography analysisJudgment question:1 using polar column (GC) analysis of samples, the first out of the peak component is:A boiling high component; ()B large molecular weight component; ()C polar component; ()Choice question:1 select the most suitable gas chromatography stationary phase (or fixative) according to the sample.The n-pentane, octane. (2) N 2, O 2. ()A zeolite.B methyl silicone rubber SE-30.C polyethylene glycol PEG -20M.Simple answer:By experiment, do you think a newly prepared gas liquid packed column needs aging before use? Why?Please list at least four qualitative methods commonly used in chromatography.What is the quantitative correction factor? Why is correction factor introduced in chromatographic quantitative analysis?4. after the analysis of the experiment, we will estimate what type of fixative or stationary phase should be used.(1) determination of SO2 and H2S in air; (2) determination of moisture in several hundred ppm grades in acetone;(3) determination of trace organic phosphorus andorganochlorine pesticides residues in vegetables and fruits;(4) determination of trace amounts of benzene, toluene and xylene in styrene in the production section of styrene;(5) analysis of C2 - C4 hydrocarbon in petroleum cracking gas; (6) determination of ortho - and para - cresol in cresol wastewater;(7) analysis of C4 - C2 alcohols.5. what are the common carrier gas? How to select and purify carrier gas?6. gas system leakage may occur what? Why?What are the similarities and differences between 7. gas liquid chromatographic stationary phases and gas solidchromatographic stationary phases?8. what are the requirements for chromatographic fixative? How are they classified?What is the relationship between the order of the 9. components and the intermolecular force?10. briefly describe the meanings and characteristics of WCOT, SCOT and PLOT column abbreviations.11. why 0.2mm fine bore capillary column must be split during operation12., why does capillary gas chromatography have to be combined witha tail blowing device, such as no tail blowing operation?13. compare the difference between capillary gaschromatography and packed column gas chromatography.Calculation problem:1. the content of fatty acids in eggs was analyzed by chromatography. The relative correction factor of 0.43 palmitic acid, oleic acid area correction factor is 0.52, the relative correction factor of 0.37stearic acid, linoleic acidrelative correction factor was 0.41; palmitic acid peak area of 80mm 2, the peak area is 100mm oleic acid 2, stearic acid peak area for the50mm 2, the peak area of Asia oleic acid is 70mm 2. Please calculate the percentage of palmitic acid in eggs by normalization method2. there are four chromatographic peaks on the color spectrum. The distance from the introduction to the highest point of each group is as follows:Air 2.50 min; heptane 16.4 min; toluene 19.2 min; octane 31.5 min.Please calculate the retention index of toluene.3. a mixture of ethanol, heptane, benzene and ethyl acetate was analyzed. The measured peak area of them was 5, 9, 4, and 7.0cm 2, by manual check their relative weight correction factor of FW were 0.64,0.70, 0.78 and 0.79 respectively, according to the normalization method for weight percent concentration of them.The third chapter is the analysis of HPLCJudgment question:1, to improve the selection performance of columns, which of the following most effective measures should be adopted?:A uses a highly selective stationary phase; ()B reduces theaffinity of the relative component of the flow; ()C increase column length; ()Choice question:1 if you wish to analyze the following compounds by liquid chromatography, please select the optimum separation type.The determination of halogenated alkane isomers. (2) glutathione S-transferase separation in animal liver. ()Separation and determination of proteins and molecular weight in the serum. () the separation of chicken ovomucoid occurred in the ionization under alkaline conditions. (A) liquid liquid partition chromatography, B affinity chromatography, C, volume exclusion chromatography, D ion exchange chromatographyE liquid solid adsorption chromatographyFill in the:In reversed-phase ion pair chromatography, equilibrium ion concentration increases with retention values (); equilibrium ions increase in hydrophobicity, retention values (); mobile phase The ratio of water to water decreases, the organic solvent increases, and the retention value (); if the component is acid, when the pH value of the mobile phase decreases, the retention value (...).Simple answer:1. point out the elution sequence of n-hexane and acetic acid in reverse liquid liquid partition chromatography and explain the reason.2. what is the chemical bonding phase? What are the characteristics?3., compare the HPLC and GC separation principle, instrument structure and application methods of similarities and differences.4. How does high-performance liquid chromatography achieve efficient and high-speed separations (compared with classical column chromatography)?5. Briefly describe the main influencing factors and improvement methods of chromatographic peak broadening of HPLC.6. What are the classes of HPLC methods? What is their essence?7. Describe the characteristics of positive Reversed-phase Ion Pair Chromatography and the factors affecting the separation of components.8. What are the effects of the following conditions on the separation and detection of components?(1) when using an ultraviolet absorption detector, the mobilephase is hexane containing impurities (Fang Ting)(2) in liquid solid chromatography, by containing a small amount of polar impurities (such as water) of n-hexane as mobile phase(3) in the gradient elution, the non-polar mobile phase with a trace of polar impurities is used to replace the more volatile mobile phase.The fourth chapter is thin layer chromatography analysisBrief answer: 1.. Compared with liquid chromatography analysis,what's special about thin layer chromatography?2. briefly describe the working process of thin layer chromatography analysis.。
填空部分:1、我们测定气相色谱仪灵敏度时,如果用102-白色担体,邻苯二甲酸二壬酯固定液,此时按两相所处的状态属于(气—液) 色谱;按固定相性质属于(填充柱) 色谱;按展示方式属于(冲洗) 色谱;按分离过程所依据的物理化学原理属于(分配)色谱。
11、气相色谱中,对硫、磷化合物有高选择性和高灵敏度的检测器是火焰光度检测器(FP D)和硫磷检测器(SPD);对大多数有机化合物有很高灵敏度的是氢火焰离子化检测器(FI D)。
. 第一章提取与分离技术一、名词解释1、机械破碎法2、物理破碎法3、温度差破碎法4、压力差破碎法5、超声波破碎法6、渗透压变化法7、化学破碎法8、酶促(学)破碎法9、自溶法10、抽提11、盐溶12、盐析13、沉淀分离法14、分段盐析15、K S分段盐析16、β分段盐析17、等电点沉淀法18、有机溶剂沉淀法19、复合沉淀法20、金属盐沉淀法21、选择性变性沉淀法二、填空题1、细胞破碎的方法有、和。
A 调整期B 对数生长期C 平衡期D衰退期2、提取膜结合酶采用法破碎细胞最佳。
A 高压冲击法B 突然降压法C 渗透压变化法3、超声波破碎法最适合于破碎。
A 动物细胞B 植物细胞C 微生物细胞4、利用超声波法破碎微生物细胞对期的细胞破碎效果最佳。
【反渗透前应该预过滤,尽量控制浓差极化程度;实验完成对膜进行逆洗】浓差极化的危害:影响浓差极化的因素:a 透水速率;b 溶液黏度;c 溶质在溶液中的扩散系数;d 表面溶液的流动情况。
现代⽣化技术复习题. 第⼀章提取与分离技术⼀、名词解释1、机械破碎法2、物理破碎法3、温度差破碎法4、压⼒差破碎法5、超声波破碎法6、渗透压变化法7、化学破碎法8、酶促(学)破碎法9、⾃溶法10、抽提11、盐溶12、盐析13、沉淀分离法14、分段盐析15、K S分段盐析16、β分段盐析17、等电点沉淀法18、有机溶剂沉淀法19、复合沉淀法20、⾦属盐沉淀法21、选择性变性沉淀法⼆、填空题1、细胞破碎的⽅法有、和。
A 调整期B 对数⽣长期C 平衡期D衰退期2、提取膜结合酶采⽤法破碎细胞最佳。
A ⾼压冲击法B 突然降压法C 渗透压变化法3、超声波破碎法最适合于破碎。
一、环境保护中的分离技术1.1 大气污染治理大气污染是当前全球面临的严重问题之一。
1.1.1 除尘技术1.1.2 脱硫技术1.1.3 脱氮技术1.1.4 VOCs分离技术1.2 水处理中的分离技术水资源是人类生存和发展的基础,而水污染问题也日益严重。
1.2.1 沉淀技术1.2.2 膜分离技术1.2.3 吸附技术1.2.4 活性炭过滤技术二、医学研究中的分离技术2.1 蛋白质分离技术蛋白质是构成生物体的重要组成部分,对于了解生物体的结构和功能具有重要意义。
2.1.1 凝胶电泳技术2.1.2 液相色谱技术2.1.3 质谱技术2.1.4 亲和层析技术2.2 细胞分离技术细胞是生命的基本单位,对于研究生物学、医学等领域具有重要意义。
2.2.1 离心分离技术2.2.2 流式细胞术技术2.2.3 磁珠分离技术2.2.4 免疫分离技术三、工业生产中的分离技术3.1 化学品分离技术化学品分离技术在工业生产中起到了至关重要的作用。
3.1.1 蒸馏技术3.1.2 结晶技术3.1.3 萃取技术3.1.4 色谱技术3.2 石油炼制中的分离技术石油炼制是现代工业生产中的重要环节,分离技术在石油炼制中起到了关键作用。
第一章1、分离过程分类?机械分离传质分离(平衡分离、速率控制分离) 反应分离分离装置中,利用机械力简单地将两相混合物相互分离的过程称为机械分离过程。
2、按膜的形态分类?按膜的形状分为平板膜(Flat Membrane)、管式膜(Tubular Membrane)和中空纤维膜(Hollow Fiber)、卷式膜。
常规过滤能够截留10~100 μm 得固型颗粒。
第1章绪论重点:1.3 分离过程的本质1.5 分离方法的评价§1.1 分离科学及其研究内容分离是利用混合物中各组分在物理性质或化学性质上的差异,通过适当的装置或方法,使各组分分配至不同空间区域或者不同时间依次分配至同一空间区域的过程。
分离科学研究内容:§1.3 分离过程的本质有效识别混合物中不同组分间物理、化学和生物学性质的差别(选择依据),利用能够识别这些差别的分离介质或扩大这些差别的分离设备来实现组分间的分离或目标产物的纯化。
富集、浓缩和纯化的区分根据目标组分在原始溶液中的相对含量(摩尔分数)的不同进行区分:§1.4 分离方法的分类常用到得分离方法:萃取分离法(包括溶剂萃取、胶团萃取、双水相萃取、超临界流体萃取、固相萃取、固相微萃取、溶剂微萃取等)、色谱分离方法、膜分离方法(包括渗析、微滤、超滤、纳滤、反渗透、电渗析、膜萃取、膜吸收、渗透汽化、膜蒸馏等)、电化学分离法、沉淀分离法等。
1、名词解释1)分配系数;指一定温度下;处于平衡状态时;组分在流动相中的浓度和在固定相中的浓度之比;以K表示..分配系数与组分、流动相和固定相的热力学性质有关;也与温度、压力有关..在不同的色谱分离机制中;K有不同的概念:吸附色谱法为吸附系数;为选择性系数或称交换系数;凝胶色谱法为渗透参数2)絮凝;使水或液体中悬浮微粒集聚变大;或形成絮团;从而加快的;达到固-液分离的目的;这一现象或操作称作3)层析分离;是利用各组分、、分子的形状与大小、分子的电荷性与的不同;将多组分混合物进行分离的方法..主要是利用不同物质在固定和流动相上的亲和性差异;利用移动速度的不同进行分离..4)吸附分离;吸附是利用吸附剂对液体或气体中某一组分具有选择性吸附的能力;使其富集在吸附剂表面;再用适当的洗脱剂将其解吸达到分离纯化的过程5)分子印迹技术分子印迹技术是指为获得在空间结构和结合位点上与某一分子印迹分子完全匹配的聚合物的实验制备技术..6)反渗析;利用反渗透膜选择性的只能通过溶剂通常是水的性质;对溶液施加压力;克服溶液的渗透压;使溶剂通过反渗透膜而从溶液中分离出来的过程..7)共沉淀分离;共分离法是富集痕量组分的有效方法之一;是利用溶液中主沉淀物称为析出时将共存的某些微量组分载带下来而得到分离的方法8)离子交换分离;通过分子中的活性离子将溶液中带相反电荷的物质吸附在离子交换剂上;然后用适当的洗脱溶剂将吸附物质再从离子交换剂上洗脱下来;达到分离的目的..9)沉降分离;在外力场作用下;利用分散相和连续相之间密度差;使之发生相对运动而实现非均相混合物分离..10)液膜分离;液膜萃取;也称液膜分离;是将第三种液体展成膜状以隔开两个液相;使料液中的某些组分透过液膜进入接收液;从而实现料液组分的分离..11)临界胶团浓度;分子在溶剂中缔合形成的最低浓度12)液膜分离;13)反相色谱;根据流动相和相对不同;液相色谱分为和反相色谱..流动相大于固定相极性的情况;称为反相色谱..合相色谱可作反相色谱.. 14);是用一定的介质在离心管内形成一连续或不连续的密度梯度;分离是借助于混合样品穿过密度梯度层的沉降或上浮来达到的15)泡沫吸附分离;以泡沫作分离介质;并利用各种类型对象物质离子;分子;胶体颗粒;固体颗粒;悬浮颗粒等与泡沫表面的吸附相互作用;实现表面活性物质或能与表面活性剂结合的物质从溶液主体母液中分离泡沫分离过程是利用待分离物质本身具有表面活性如表面活性剂或能与表面活性剂通过化学的如配位反应、物理的力如静电引力结合在一起如金属离子、有机化合物、蛋白质和酶等;在鼓泡塔内被吸附于气泡表面;得以表面富集..然后借气泡上升带出溶液主体并进行收集;再用化学、热或机械的方法破坏泡沫;将溶质提取出来以达到净化主体溶液、浓缩待分离物质的目的..2、问答1)溶剂萃取过程的机理是什么什么是萃取选择萃取剂的原则是什么常规液-液萃取是利用液液混合物各组分在另一溶剂中溶解度的差异而实现分离..利用在两个互不相溶的液相中各种组分包括目的产物溶解度或分配系数的不同;从而达到分离的目的..萃取;又称溶剂萃取或液液萃取;亦称抽提;是利用系统中组分在溶剂中有不同的溶解度来分离混合物的单元操作..即是利用化合物在两种互不相溶或微溶的溶剂中溶解度或分配系数的不同;使化合物从一种溶剂内转移到另外一种溶剂中的方法..1.和原溶液中的溶剂互不相溶2.对溶质的溶解度要远大于原溶剂;萃取剂与溶质相似;相似相溶3.萃取剂溶解极少量或完全不溶杂质4.容易与待萃取物质分离5.萃取剂不能与原溶液发生任何反应6.萃取剂最好是无毒原则:1萃取剂的选择性和选择性系数;萃取剂选择性越高;对溶质溶解能力越大;对于一定分离任务;可减少萃取剂用量;降低回收溶剂操作的能量消耗;并获得高纯度的产品;2萃取剂与稀释剂的互溶度;互溶度越小;越有利于萃取分离;3萃取剂的回收难以与经济性;萃取剂回收越容易;成本越低;4其他物性;萃取剂与被分离混合物有较大的密度差;界面张力要适中;较低的黏度和凝固点;化学稳定性和热稳定性;对设备腐蚀小;来源充分;价格低廉等..2)在液相色谱、溶剂萃取分离和蒸馏分离过程中;分别涉及的最主要的分子间相互作用是什么液相色谱设计的分子间作用力主要有;范德华力;静电相互作用等..溶剂萃取主要利用的各组分在溶剂中溶解度的差异;蒸馏分离主要是范德华力3)试述溶剂萃取的原理及影响因素;简述当前萃取方法的新技术常规液-液萃取是利用液液混合物各组分在另一溶剂中溶解度的差异而实现分离..萃取剂的选择性;温度等..超临界流体萃取;双水相萃取技术;凝胶萃取;膜萃取;反向胶团萃取;液膜萃取等等4)简述吸附色谱和凝胶色谱分离技术的原理吸附色谱法是靠溶质与吸附剂之间的分子吸附力的差异而分离的方法;凝胶色谱是基于分子大小不同而进行分离的一种分离技术;又称之凝胶过滤、凝胶渗透过滤、分子筛过滤、阻滞扩散层析或排阻层析..5)何谓超临界流体萃取;并简述其分离原理超临界流体萃取;也叫气体萃取、流体萃取、稠密气体萃取、蒸馏萃取;或称之为压力流体萃取..是以超临界条件下的流体为萃取剂;从液体或固体中萃取出特定成分;以达到某种分离目的的一种化工新技术超临界流体萃取是利用超临界流体具有的类似气体的扩散系数;以及类似液体的密度溶解能力强的特点;利用超临界流体为萃取剂进行的萃取单元操作..其特点是安全、快速、无毒、能耗低、产品分离简单;但设备投资较大..6)何谓双水相萃取;影响双水相萃取有哪些常见的双水相构成体系有哪些利用物质在互不相容的两水相间分配系数的差异来进行萃取的方法..影响因素:成相高聚物的相对分子量..一般来说;蛋白等高分子量物质易集中于低分子量相;成相高聚物浓度——界面张力;分配物质的分子量;盐种类;浓度;电荷;pH值;温度;其它因素..离子型高聚物-非离子型高聚物分子间斥力..PEG聚乙二醇-DEXTRAN葡萄糖高聚物-相对低分子量化合物盐析作用..PEG 聚乙二醇-硫酸铵7)简述结晶过程中晶体形成的条件;影响结晶的因素主要有哪些要使固体溶质从溶液中结晶析出;溶液必须呈过饱和状态;也就是必须有过饱和度作为推动力;过饱和溶液是不稳定的;容易析出其中过量的溶质而产生晶核;然后晶核长大;成为宏观的晶体..要使晶核能够产生而且能够长大;需要有一个推动力;这个推动力是一种浓度差;也就是溶液的过饱和度..产生晶核的过程称为成核或晶核形成晶核长大的过程称为晶体..结晶成长..由于过饱和度的大小直接影响着晶核形成过程和晶体生长过程的快慢;而这两个过程的快慢又影响着结晶产品中晶体的粒度及粒度分布;因此过饱和度是考虑结晶问题时一个极其重要的因素..影响因素1、浆料的过饱和度;这个主要由温度来控制;温度越低过饱和度越低..过饱和度越大;则;产生晶核越多;结晶体粒径越小..2、停留时间;时间越长;则产生的结晶体粒径越大..停留时间与液位有关;液位越高;停留时间越强..3、容器的搅拌强度;搅拌越强;容易破碎晶体;结晶体粒径越小4、杂质成分;杂质成分较多;则比较容易形成晶核;结晶体粒径越小..8)简述气相色谱工作原理及载气流速对色谱分析的影响;利用试样中各组份在气相和固定液液相间的分配系数不同;当汽化后的试样被载气带入色谱柱中运行时;组份就在其中的两相间进行反复多次分配;由于固定相对各组份的吸附或溶解能力不同;因此各组份在色谱柱中的运行速度就不同;经过一定的柱长后;便彼此分离;按顺序离开色谱柱进入检测器;产生的离子流讯号经放大后;在记录器上描绘出各组份的色谱峰..载气流速是气相色谱分析的另一重要操作条件;正确地选择载气流速;可以提高色谱柱的分离效能;缩短分析时间;载气流速快;出峰快;过快会造成各组分峰不能完全分开..一般在气相色谱仪中利用转子流量计皂膜流速计等来测量载气的流速流动相是气相;流动相中样品混合物经过固定相时;就会与固定相发生作用;由于各组分在性质和结构上的差异;与固定相相互作用的类型、强弱也有差异;因此在同一推动力的作用下;不同组分在固定相滞留时间长短不同;从而按先后不同的次序从固定相中流出..9)简述生物分离过程的特点产品丰富:产品的多样性导致分离方法的多样性;绝大多数生物分离方法来源于化学分离;生物分离一般比化工分离难度大:成分复杂;悬液中的目标产物浓度低;生物活性条件相对温和;生物产品要求高质量;获得高纯度的干燥产品;卫生..10)膜分离技术的类型和定义举例说明其应用..膜分离是以天然或合成薄膜为质量分离剂;以压力差、化学位差等为推动力;根据液体或气体混合物的不同组分通过膜的渗透率的差异来实现分离、分级、提纯或富集的过程..微孔过滤MF、透析D、电渗析ED、反渗透RO、超滤UF、气体分离GP和纳滤NF..应用:海水淡化;中药提纯;果汁浓缩;血液透析;气体分离等..11)简述各种膜分离物质的原理、过程及应用渗透是水通过半透膜;从低溶质浓度一侧到高溶质浓度一侧;直到两侧的水的化学位达到平衡..而反渗透是在推动力作用下;溶剂水从高溶质浓度一侧到低溶质浓度一侧;克服的是渗透压..反渗透是以压力差为推动力的分离操作;其功能是截留离子物质而仅透过溶剂..过程模型主要有微孔模型、孔隙开闭理论和溶解-扩散理论..海水淡化..微滤:当压力推动流体透过膜或其他过滤介质;从流体中分离微米大小的粒子时;这个过程为微滤..筛分机理;液相澄清;蛋白质液澄清..固相回收;酵母浓缩..超滤膜是按分子大小而去除的压力推动膜过程..一般孔径为2 - 50nm;能够截留分子量300 – 500000 Da的物质..一般物质的大小相差10倍时;分离效果最佳..所能除去的物质包括糖、生物分子、高分子聚合物、胶体物质..超滤的一般操作压力为 2–5 bar..筛分机理;果汁澄清;水处理;反渗透预处理..纳滤NF是介于反渗透和超滤之间的一种压力驱动型膜分离技术..过程模型主要有微孔模型、孔隙开闭理论和溶解-扩散理论制造饮用水..12)简述各种超滤和反渗透膜分离物质的原理及过程..见上题13)盐析的原理及影响因素破坏蛋白质分子水化层;电荷中和;使之聚集成更大的分子团..在高浓度中性盐存在下;蛋白质等生物分子物质在水溶液中溶解度降低;产生沉淀的过程..影响因素:溶质种类的影响;溶质浓度的影响;蛋白质浓度大;盐的用量小;共沉淀作用明显;分辨率低;蛋白质浓度小;盐用量大;分辨率高;PH值;影响蛋白质表面静电荷的数量;盐析温度..14)简述气相色谱工作原理及载气流速对色谱分析的影响..15)试述溶剂萃取的原理及影响因素;简述当前萃取方法的新技术..16)微孔膜过滤技术的应用食品果汁浓缩;除菌;医药除菌;中药提纯;;饮用水;检测微生物限度检查;水质检测;臭氧剂的鉴定17)影响电泳分离的主要因素电泳分离蛋白质的原理是什么影响电泳的主要因素:带电粒子迁移率、电解质溶液的组成、外加电位梯度、电泳时间等.. 在电解质溶液中;位于电场中的带电离子在电场力的作用下;以不同的速度向其所带电荷相反的电极方向迁移的现象..分离的依据:不同带电粒子迁移率的差别蛋白质是两性电解质;当PH > pI时带负电荷;在电场作用下向正极移动:PH > PI时带正电荷;在电场作用下向负极移动:PH=PI时净电荷为零;在电场作用下既不向正极移动也不向负极移动;此时的PH值即是该蛋白的PI值..各种蛋白质中由不同种类的氨基酸一不同的比例组成;因而有不同的等电点;这是其固有的理化常数..蛋白质在电场中汰动一段时间后;便会集中到确定的位置上呈一条致密区带..若样品为混合的蛋白质溶液时;由于不同蛋白质的等电点和分子量是不同的;因此经电泳后;就形成了泳动度不同的区带..利用此性质;便可把混合液中不同的蛋白质或其它物质分离开;也可用其对样品的纯度进行鉴定..18)简述在色谱分离及电泳分离过程中;影响分子迁移与扩散的因素①和功能基极性有关..极性增加的顺序:烷烃、不饱和烃、醚、酯、酮、醛、醇、酚和羧酸;同一类化合物极性基团越多;极性越..②小分子的化合物比大分子的化合物极性大..③和某些细微结构有关;如氢键、异构体等..1. 待分离生物大分子的性质:待分离生物大分子所带的电荷、分子大小和性质都会对电泳有明显影响..一般来说;子带的电荷量越大、直径越小、形状越接近球形;则其电泳迁移速度越快..2. 缓冲液的性质:缓冲液的pH值会影响待分离生物大分子的解离程度;从而对其带电性质产生影响;溶液pH值距离其等电点愈远;其所带净电荷量就越大;电泳的速度也就越大;尤其对于蛋白质等两性分子;缓冲液pH还会影响到其电泳方向;当缓冲液pH大于蛋白质分子的等电点;蛋白质分子带负电荷;其电泳的方向是指向正极..为了保持电泳过程中待分离生物大分子的电荷以及缓冲液pH值的稳定性;缓冲液通常要保持一定的离子强度;一般在0.02-0.2;离子强度过低;则缓冲能力差;但如果离子强度过高;会在待分离分子周围形成较强的带相反电荷的离子扩散层即离子氛;由于离子氛与待分离分子的移动方向相反;它们之间产生了静电引力;因而引起电泳速度降低..另外缓冲液的粘度也会对电泳速度产生影响..3. 电场强度:电场强度V/cm是每厘米的电位降;也称电位梯度..电场强度越大;电泳速度越快..但增大电场强度会引起通过介质的电流强度增大;而造成电泳过程产生的热量增大..4. 支持介质的筛孔:支持介质的筛孔大小对待分离生物大分子的电泳迁移速度有明显的影响..在筛孔大的介质中泳动速度快;反之;则泳动速度慢..19)什么是电渗带电质点泳动速度与电渗的关系如何电渗是支持物本身所带的电荷吸附溶液中性质相反的离子;在电场中移动的结果..其带电愈高;电渗力愈大..当颗粒的泳动方向与电渗方向一致时;加快颗粒的泳动速度;当颗粒的泳动方向与电渗方向相反时;则降低颗粒的泳动速度..20)试讨论影响高效液相色谱HPLC分离度的各种因素;如何提高分离度1 色谱填充性能液相色谱柱分离性能的优劣;是由固定相粒度、柱长、由柱内径和填充状况决定的柱压降这三个参数度决定的..这三个参数度也决定了样品组分的保留时间;保留时间不仅与色谱过程的热力学因素k有关;还直接与决定柱效与分离度的柱性能参数及流动相的黏度有关;这些参数都是影响色谱分离过程动力学的重要因素..但在高效液相色谱中;分离柱的制备是一项技术要求非常高的工作;一般都是购买商品柱;很少自行制备..2 流动相及流动相的极性液相色谱中;改变淋洗液组成、极性是改善分离的最直接因素..液相色谱不可能通过增加柱温来改善传质..因此大多是恒温分析..流动相选择在液相色谱中显得特别重要;流动相可显着改变组分分离状况..3 流速流速大于0.5 cm/s时; H~u曲线是一段斜率不大的直线..降低流速;柱效提高不是很大..但在实际操作中;流量仍是一个调整分离度和出峰时间的重要可选择参数..21)试述柱层析的基本操作过程..1 装柱..柱子下面的活塞一定不要涂润滑剂;会被淋洗剂带到产品中的;可以采用四氟节门的..干法和湿法装柱觉得没什么区别;只要能把柱子装实就行..装完的柱子应该要适度的紧密太密了淋洗剂走的太慢;一定要均匀不然样品就会从一侧斜着下来..书中写的都是不能见到气泡;我觉得在大多数情况下有些小气泡没太大的影响;一加压气泡就全下来了..当然假如你装的柱子总是有气泡就说明需要多练习了..但是柱子更忌讳的是开裂;甭管竖的还是横的;都会影响分离效果;甚至作废2 加样..用少量的溶剂溶解样品加样 ;加完后将底端的活塞打开 ;待溶剂层下降至石英砂面时 ;再加少量的低极性溶剂 ;然后再打开活塞 ;如此两三次 ;一般石英砂就基本是白色的了..加入淋洗剂 ;一开始不要加压 ;等溶解样品的溶剂和样品层有一段距离 2~4 cm ;再加压 ;这样避免了溶剂如二氯甲烷等夹带样品快速下行..很多样品在上柱前粘性较大 ;上样后在柱上又会析出 ;这一般都是比较大量的样品才会出现 ;是因为填料对样品的吸附饱和所致..有些样品溶解性差;能溶解的溶剂比如 DMF;DMSO等又不能上柱 ;这样就必须用干法上柱了..3 淋洗剂的选择..感觉上要使所需点在rf0.2~0.3左右的比较好..不要认为在板上爬高了分的比较开;过柱子就用那种极性;假如rf在0.6;即使相差0.2也不轻易在柱子上分开;因为柱子是一个多次爬板的状态;可以通过公式的比较:0.6/0.8一次的分离度;肯定不如0.2/0.3的三次方或四次方大..4 样品的收集用硅胶作固定相过柱子的原理是一个吸附与解吸的平衡..所以假如样品与硅胶的吸附比较强的话;就不轻易流出..这样就会发生;后面的点先出;而前面的点后出..这时可以采用氧化铝作固定相..另外;收集的试管大小要以样品量而定;非凡是小量样品;假如用大试管;可能一根就收到了三个样品;wuwu..假如都用小试管那工作量又太大..5 最后的处理..柱分后的产品;由于使用了大量的溶剂;其中的杂质也会累积到产品中;所以假如想送分析;最好用少量的溶剂洗涤一下;因为大部分的杂质是溶在溶剂里的;一洗基本就没了;必要时进行重结晶..另外;再过柱的时候;有时会出现气泡;一是和使用的溶剂有关;假如是易挥发的溶剂;如乙醚、二氯甲烷等;在室温稍高的情况下;很轻易出现这种现象;因此;在室温高的时候;可以选择沸点较高;挥发相对小的溶剂..还有;使用混合溶剂时;使用的两种溶剂的沸点应该相差不大;如:乙酸乙酯和石油醚60~90;而乙醚却要选择30-60的石油醚..二是:不论是用带砂板的还是塞棉花的;在装柱之前;都要将空气用加压的方法将空气排干;这样就可避免柱中有空气过柱子需要耐心;不要着急22)离子交换过程离子交换的机理是什么影响交换速度的因素离子交换法是一种借助于离子交换剂ion exchange resin上的离子和废水中的离子进行交换反应而除去废水中有害离子的方法..机理:离子交换剂上的可交换离子与溶液中的其他同性离子的交换反应;是一种特殊的吸附过程;通常是可逆化学吸附..影响交换速度的因素1 薄膜扩散:离子浓度溶液离子浓度低;树脂交换容量大时;薄膜扩散受阻..溶液离子浓度过高;树脂易发生收缩现象;内扩散受阻..水流速度水流速度增加;水膜变薄;薄膜扩散加快..树脂颗粒的大小树脂颗粒小;比表面积增加;利于薄膜扩散..2 内扩散:离子电荷离子电荷越大;扩散系数越小;不利于内扩散..树脂交联度交联度越低;树脂网孔越大;有利于离子的内扩散..离子的水化度离子水化程度大;水合离子半径越大;不利于离子的内扩散..23)根据溶解度不同;蛋白质有几种分离纯化方法..盐析法、有机溶剂沉淀法、重金属盐沉淀法、生物碱或酸类沉淀法、加热变性沉淀法..中性盐对蛋白质的溶解度有显着影响;一般在低盐浓度下随着盐浓度升高;蛋白质的溶解度增加;此称盐溶;当盐浓度继续升高时;蛋白质的溶解度不同程度下降并先后析出;这种现象称盐析;将大量盐加到蛋白质溶液中;高浓度的盐离子如硫酸铵的SO4和NH4有很强的水化力;可夺取蛋白质分子的水化层;使之“失水”;于是蛋白质胶粒凝结并沉淀析出..24)简述中药有效成分常用的提取、分离方法..1.经典的提取分离方法传统中草药提取方法有:溶剂提取法、水蒸汽蒸馏法两种..溶剂提取法有浸渍法、渗源法、煎煮法、回流提取法、连续提取等..分离纯化方法有;系统溶剂分离法、两相溶剂举取法、沉淀法、盐析法、透析法、结晶法、分馏法等..2.现代提取分离技术的应用近年应用于中药提取分离中的高新技术有:超临界流体萃取法、膜分离技术、超微粉碎技术、中药絮凝分离技术、半仿生提取法、超声提取法、旋流提取法、加压逆流提取法、酶法、大孔树脂吸附法、超滤法、分子蒸馏法..超临界流体萃取法SFE:该技术是80年代引入中国的一项新型分离技术..其原理是以一种超临界流体在高于临界温度和压力下;从目标物中萃取有效成分;当恢复到常压常温时;溶解在流体中成分立即以溶于吸收液的液。
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现代分离科学与技术复习题HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】1、名词解释1)分配系数,指一定温度下,处于平衡状态时,组分在流动相中的浓度和在固定相中的浓度之比,以K表示。
4)吸附分离,吸附是利用吸附剂对液体或气体中某一组分具有选择性吸附的能力,使其富集在吸附剂表面,再用适当的洗脱剂将其解吸达到分离纯化的过程5)分子印迹技术分子印迹技术是指为获得在空间结构和结合位点上与某一分子(印迹分子) 完全匹配的聚合物的实验制备技术。
PEG (聚乙二醇)-硫酸铵7)简述结晶过程中晶体形成的条件,影响结晶的因素主要有哪些?要使固体溶质从溶液中结晶析出,溶液必须呈过饱和状态;也就是必须有过饱和度作为推动力;过饱和溶液是不稳定的,容易析出其中过量的溶质而产生晶核;然后晶核长大,成为宏观的晶体。
一般孔径为2 - 50nm,能够截留分子量300 – 500000 Da的物质。
超滤的一般操作压力为 2–5 bar。
影响因素:溶质种类的影响;溶质浓度的影响,蛋白质浓度大,盐的用量小,共沉淀作用明显,分辨率低,蛋白质浓度小,盐用量大,分辨率高;PH 值,影响蛋白质表面静电荷的数量;盐析温度。