For knights what does honor means? Fight for the glory! Even at the expense of everything! These are tenets (信条) knight stuck to.
Dare you sacrifice yourself? Perhaps substantial (物质的)interests, or perhaps your life. You must have such courage and energy, and you are able to be a qualified knight
There is no doubt that a coward(胆小的) person can’t to be a Knight. A man without courage never pass the test for knight. One of the requirements is valor. Knights should be fearless to the evil in the critical time . Knights should protect the weak bravely and never back down.
H e w a s the m ost Sir Lancelot truste d of King Arthur's knights a nd pla ye d a pa rt in m a ny of Arthur's victorie s. La nce lot is be st know n for his love a ffa ir w ith Arthur's w ife G uine ve re a nd the role he pla ye d in the se a rch for the H oly G ra il. La nce lot's life a nd a dve nture s ha ve be e n fe a ture d in se ve ra l M e die va l rom a nce s, ofte n w ith conflicting
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骑士:1、骑士简介(before we go any farther)对于中世纪骑士的传说The tale of the medieval knight :1. 夸大着种种浪漫的遐想exaggerate the variety of romantic daydream.2. 居住在古色古香的城堡中,过着贵族一般富足的生活;living in antique castle, lived a noble general rich life,3. 战胜邪恶的魔法师和巨人,保护善良但是无知的农民Defeat evil wizard and giant, protect kind but ignorance of farmers.(这多半来自我们对现状的不满和凭空想象It mainly comes from our present situation of discontent and imaginary)2、骑士成长历程Knight growth process——幼年、青年、中年、受封Rise a knight0——7——14——21出生于中古时代欧洲的贵族家庭Born in medieval European noble family(nobility、Noble origin、blue blood、high blood)----7岁离开住处贵族家族,开始学习成为骑士的必备知识Seven years later, really step knight's path .Start learning become knights knowledge necessary ----14岁起担任贵族的贴身随从(squire)侍从(squire)来源于法语的ecuyer,意思是shield-bearer(搬运盾牌的人),各种宗教知识和礼仪Various religious knowledge and etiquette ----直到21岁长大成人Until 21 years old become an adults.Special ceremony---- Dubbing: bath and prayers+ sealing ceremonyBefore the ceremony, Purify themselves, then wear white clothes and red robe. White said their clean, red said they were ready to fight for the honor.----One day does not eat, with a sword in the shield praying to god, pray before includes ask god to forgive their guilt----the master flat his sword, and press the right shoulder in squire,use sword back lightly touch its shoulder three times, and gave him his blessing. So then complete by sealing ceremony, squire officially become knights. 3、骑士比赛、精神Knight competitions, spiritIn the middle ages, knight should combat for lords and king,some days they still need to participate in some competitive activities. These competitive activity has a unique name and rules:Sword----long spear----joust----tournament champion骑士的八大精神:Knight's eight spirits谦卑humility、荣誉honors、英勇brave、牺牲sacrifice、怜悯mercy、灵性spirituality、诚实honest、公正fair骑士宣言:Knight declarationI will be brave against the strong. ——我将勇敢地面对强敌I will fight all who do wrong. ——我将毫无保留地对抗罪人I will fight for those who cannot fight. ——我将为不能战斗者而战I will help those who call me for help. ——我将帮助那些需要我帮助的人I will harm no woman. ——我将不伤害妇孺I will help my brother knight. ——我将帮助我的骑士兄弟I will be true to my friends. ——我将忠实地对待朋友I will be faithful in love.——我将真诚地对待爱情4、骑士装备Knight equipment、纹章coat of arms勋章medals①shield纹章流传下来的足足有一百万种Survived fully has one million不管贵族或者贫民都可以拥有纹章Whatever nobleman or poor can have heraldry纹章管理局administration作为在混战中以及在早期比武时辨认的符号,从而引发了纹章的发展和流行Sparked crest development and popular,can be used to identify enemy②armor③Sword5、骑士爱情骑士在爱情故事中常为守护公主的却与公主没有结局的勇士The knight love story often as the warriors guardian princess,But with the princess no endings中世纪骑士的爱情观也有其独特之处,与现代人的观念并不相容,可说是独树一帜。
骑士精神的英文作文英文:As a knight, the spirit of chivalry is deeply ingrained in my being. It is not just a code of conduct, but a way of life. The knight's code of honor dictates that one shouldbe brave, loyal, courteous, and true to one's word. These values have been passed down through generations of knights, and they continue to inspire me to this day.One of the most important aspects of the knight's codeis bravery. A knight must be willing to face danger and adversity with courage and determination. This means standing up for what is right, even when it is difficult or unpopular. I remember a time when I stood up to a group of bullies who were harassing a young boy. It was not an easy thing to do, but I knew it was the right thing. My bravery inspired others to stand up as well, and soon the bullies were no longer a problem.Another key value of chivalry is loyalty. A knight must be true to his word and loyal to his friends and allies. This means standing by them in times of trouble and supporting them in their endeavors. I once had a friend who was going through a difficult time. I stood by him and helped him through his struggles. My loyalty to him strengthened our bond, and he has remained a close friend ever since.Courtesy is also an important part of the knight's code.A knight must be polite and respectful to all people, regardless of their social status or background. This means treating others with kindness and consideration, and always striving to be a gentleman. I remember a time when I heldthe door open for an elderly woman who was struggling to carry her groceries. She thanked me and told me that I reminded her of her late husband, who was also a gentleman. It was a small act of courtesy, but it made a bigdifference in her day.Finally, a knight must be true to his word. This means keeping promises and fulfilling obligations, even when itis difficult or inconvenient. I once made a promise to a friend that I would help him move to a new apartment. When the day came, I was feeling sick and tired, but I knew I had to keep my promise. I showed up and helped him move, and he was grateful for my help.In conclusion, the spirit of chivalry is a way of life for me as a knight. It inspires me to be brave, loyal, courteous, and true to my word. These values have helped me to become a better person, and I hope to pass them on to future generations of knights.中文:作为一名骑士,骑士精神已经深深地扎根于我的内心。
例如,7 的标记是 7S。
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第35卷第4期1998年4月计算机研究与发展COM PU T ER R ESEA RCH &D EV ELO PM EN T V o l 135,N o 14A p r .1998 原稿收到日期:1997204228;修改稿收到日期:1997210221.本课题得到国家自然科学基金资助.陈栋,博士,主要从事数据库设计和知识发现方面的研究.徐洁磐,教授,主要从事数据库和知识库方面的研究.Kn ight :一个通用知识挖掘工具陈 栋 徐洁磐(南京大学计算机软件新技术国家重点实验室 南京 210093)(南京大学计算机科学与技术系 南京 210093)摘 要 现有知识挖掘系统普遍存在通用性不好,发现方法单一的弱点.文中介绍了一个通用知识挖掘工具:Knigh t 系统.Knigh t 系统可以适应多个应用领域的不同要求,在知识发现流程中,引入了进化程序设计、信息论等新的思想方法.关键词 知识挖掘,遗传算法中图法分类号 T P 18KN IGHT :A GENERAL PURPOSE DATA M IN ING S Y STE MChen Dong and Xu J iepan(S ta te K ey L abora tory f or N ovel S of t w a re T echnology ,N anj ing U n iversity ,N anj ing 210093)(D ep a rt m en t of Co mp u ter S cience &T echnology ,N anj ing U n iversity ,N anj ing 210093)Abstract T he existing data m ining system s are task 2o riented and lack of enough discovery m eth 2ods .H ere p resented is a general 2purpo se system :Knigh t .It is suitable fo r different app licati on ar 2eas.In its know ledge discovery p rocess the system emp loys the evo luti onary p rogramm ing m ethod 2o logy and info r m ati on concep t .Key words data m ining ,genetic algo rithmClass nu m ber T P 181 引 言当今,数据挖掘技术方兴未艾.数据挖掘技术所表现出的广阔应用前景吸引了众多的研究人员和商业机构.一批数据挖掘系统被开发出来,并在商业、经济、金融、管理等领域都取得了应用性成果.其中,比较有代表性的有:Q uest ,KDW ,Exp lo ra ,I M A CS ,I NL EN ,DBM iner .这些系统基本上代表了自80年代以来的数据挖掘技术的发展[1,2],采用的发现方法综合了数据库、专家系统、模式识别、机器学习、统计学、科学发现和数据分析等领域的研究成果.但总的说来,这些系统基本上还停留在实验阶段,在适用性、系统效率方面还不尽人意.Knigh t [3]系统是南京大学计算机系开发的一个知识挖掘系统.Knigh t 系统的目标是一个通用的知识挖掘工具,它不是为某个特定的应用而设计的,Knigh t 系统的知识发现过程对涉及的数据无既定的领域知识要求,因而可用来处理不同领域的知识发现任务.Knigh t [3]系统的又一特点是系统在知识发现算法中引入遗传算法和信息论思想.新思想方法的引入势必会对知识发现的效率和知识的质量产生影响,Knigh t 系统在这方面作了有益的尝试.2 系统模型Knigh t 系统的构架参考了M .Ch ristopher 描述的KDD 系统的概念模型[4],并在其基础上,对各部分进行了调整和细化.Knigh t 系统由发现交互界面、数据库接口模块、发现预处理模块、知识发现模块、知识评价模块和知识库管理模块几部分组成,它们的结构如图1所示.图1 knigh t 系统模型示意图其中,发现交互界面接收用户输入的发现任务,进行语法分析,将发现任务分解为:SQL 查询、知识类型、约束条件、控制参数和领域知识五个部分,并控制系统中其它模块的执行,将结果反馈给用户.数据库接口模块是系统的数据库存取机制,利用ODBC 提供的调用,执行SQL 查询,并将查询结果载入内存,供随后的数据处理.发现预处理模块根据约束条件调用不同的预处理子模块,对知识发现过程中涉及的数据进行预处理,以减小计算量,提高知识发现的起点.根据约束条件的不同,预处理模块可以进行四种预处理,他们分别是:剪枝、过滤、规格化和归约.知识发现模块根据知识类型取值,选择相应的发现算法子模块,执行发现任务.Knigh t 系统能处理六种形式的知识,与此相适应,知识发现模块由六个子模块组成.①聚类分析子模块;②特征知识发现子模块;③分类知识发现子模块;④关联规则发现子模块;⑤函数依赖发现子模块;⑥基于查询的知识发现子模块.9334期陈 栋等:Knigh t :一个通用知识挖掘工具知识评价模块根据发现规则对数据的适应程度,判定获得知识的级别.知识库管理模块负责发现知识的存取.它包括的操作是:知识查询,知识增加,知识更新,知识删除.3 发现语言发现语言用于描述发现任务,选择发现目标,明确发现任务所作用的数据范围,声明用户所关注的兴趣属性.Knigh t 系统的发现语言采用类似SQL 语言的形式. D ISCOV ER target FROMdom ain W H ER Efocus 2constraints I N T ER EST Sinteresting po ints PA RAM ET ERsuppo rt ,confidence COND IT I ONdiscre —cond contin —cond DOM A I N dom ain 2know ledgeI N T ER EST S 子句指出用户感兴趣属性,其作用是约束发现目标,细化发现任务.PA RAM ET ER 子句指定知识发现过程涉及的支持度和置信度阈值.COND IT I ON 子句给出预处理所需的两种规格化条件.DOM A I N 子句给出用户感兴趣属性的语义层次关系,其作用是对该属性进行归约,提高发现知识的抽象度.FROM 子句和W H ER E 子句的语法和语义与SQL 语言中的相同.发现语言首先被分析转换成标准SQL 语言和控制信息,图2给出发现语言的处理过程示意图.与传统的知识发现语言相比,Knigh t 系统的发现语言增加了COND IT I ON 子句和DOM A I N 子句.一方向,对数据对象的规格化和归约有助于减少计算,提高效率,另一方面,可以很好地适应用户不同层次的知识发现任务的需要,增加了系统的灵活性.图2 发现语言处理过程示意图4 Kn ight 系统的设计思想及特点411 知识的表示知识的表示形式有多种.自然语言描述直观,易于理解,为早期的一些专用系统所采用,如Exp lo ra .但自然语言描述限制较多,知识形式过于单一,往往无法满足多种发现任务的需要.形式逻辑描述有利于推导,表示简单、灵活,一些通用系统如I NL EN 大都采用这种形式.形式逻辑描述的缺陷也是明显的,结果知识不够直观,对用户要求较高.除此之外,知识的表示还有神经网络、框架表示、产生式系统等多种,它们各有优劣.043计算机研究与发展1998年Knigh t 系统在知识表示形式上充分考虑了系统的特点.Knigh t 系统的目标是一个通用的知识挖掘工具,为了支持多种知识的发现,需要多种不同的知识发现算法,适应不同发现算法的知识表示形式也不尽相同,因此,为提高发现算法的效率,Knigh t 系统采用了灵活的知识表示形式,即允许不同的知识发现算法采用不同的知识表示形式.Knigh t 系统的知识表示形式有四种,分别是:(1)逻辑规则:逻辑规则是形式逻辑描述的一种,用它来表示数据间的蕴含关系非常自然.在Knigh t 系统中,关联规则发现子模块和基于查询的知识发现子模块发现的知识采用逻辑规则表示;(2)宏元组:特征知识和分类知识是普化知识的两个方面,它的实质是对给定数据对象集的抽象和概括.系统采用了面向属性归约方法,一次归约就是一次元组的合并.Knigh t 系统用最终获得的宏元组来表示普化知识,非常简捷.(3)向量距离:Knigh t 系统的聚类分析模块采用了全新的聚类分析方法.它选用向量空间模型作为问题的描述,用遗传算子来替代传统算法中复杂的数学运算.根据算法的特点,系统用聚类中心向量和分类半径(向量距离)表示所得的分类模型.(4)数据方程:函数依赖发现子模块旨在发现属性间的函数关系,Knigh t 系统用以属性名为变量的数学方程表示.412 知识的预处理知识挖掘系统的处理对象是大规模数据库,数据量大,知识分散,发现算法复杂度高.一般来说,需要用户在控制机制中提供一定的交互式指导:①选择要展开工作的数据范围;②鉴别相关的域;③细化目标.Knigh t 系统的知识预处理模块完成相应功能.除了基本的剪枝和过滤,Knigh t 系统还提供了两个全新的预处理过程:规格化和归约.规格化指将元组集按规格化条件进行合并.规格化条件定义了属性的多个取值到给定虚拟值的对应关系.Knigh t 系统支持两种形式的规格化条件,分别适用于取值连续的数值属性和取值分散的属性.归约指将元组按语义层次结构合并.语义层次结构定义了元组属性值之间的IS 2A 语义关系.规格化和归约能大量减少元组个数,提高计算效率.同时,规格化和归约过程提高了知识发现的起点,使得一个发现算法能够发现多层次的知识,适应不同应用的需要.413 知识发现Knigh t 系统的知识发现模块提供了六种发现过程,按发现方法可分为五类:关联规则发现,普化知识发现,聚类分析,函数依赖发现,基于查询的知识发现.详尽的算法介绍[5]不现实也不必要,本文着重介绍Knigh t 系统在发现过程中引入的新的思想方法.(1)基于遗传算法的聚类分析方法聚类分析问题可以描述为:给定n 维空间R n 中的m 个向量,把每个向量归属到C 个聚类中的某一个,使得每个向量与其聚类中心的距离最小.聚类分析问题的实质是一个全局最优问题.K 均值算法是应用较广的算法,但它不一定能得到全局最优.其他一些寻优效果较好的方法大多需要大量的时间空间开销.鉴于遗传算法具有计算简单、优化效果好的特点,以及它在处理组合优化问题方面所具有的优势,Knigh t 系统就聚类分析问题引入遗传算法的思想.所有聚类中心组成问题的解,以向量距离的离差平方和作为评价函数,在系统设计的遗传算子交换和突变的交替作用下,不断获得新的解集,即新的聚类中心集合,从而使聚类分析逐步导向全局最优.Knigh t 系统采用扩展的遗传算法,解的表示(如图3)不选用二进制位串.一个聚类中心向量表示为一个基因(Gene ),所有聚类中心组成染色体(Ch romo som e ).1434期陈 栋等:Knigh t :一个通用知识挖掘工具Gene:cluster—centerCh romo som e:cluster—center cluster—center…cluster—center图3 解的表示 Knigh t系统设计了两种遗传算子:交换和突变.交换和突变操作引起聚类中心发生变化,在迭代过程中应对相应或距离接近的聚类中心进行归并,以减少聚类中心数目.①交换(cro ssover):交换操作示意如图4所示,图中,两个父辈染色体P1,P2,两个子染色体C1,C2.假设交换由第二个基因开始,一直到第i个基因结束.图4 交换操作示意图②突变(m utati on):突变操作示意如图5所示.图中P为突变前的染色体,C为突变后的染色体,箭头指示出了发生突变的基因CC i,及突变后的基因new.一般来说,new不属于原来的基因值域,而是CC i中各维变化的结果.迭代收敛结束后,我们得到聚类结果,每个类C j对应有一个聚类中心Z j再计算出每个类的最大半径R j,R j=m ax(‖X ij-Z j‖),i=1…m j,j=1…c. 于是,得到分类规则:如果‖X-Z j‖≤R j,则X∈C j.图5 突变操作示意图(2)信息论思想和谱化知识发现特征知识和分类知识是普化知识的两种主要形式,支持这两种知识发现的系统很多,其发现算法基本上可以分为两类:数据立方方法和面向属性归约方法.Knigh t系统采用了后者.普通的基于面向属性归约方法在归约属性的选择上有一定的盲目性.在归约过程中,当供选择的可归约属性有多个时,通常是随机选取一个进行归约.事实上,不同的属性归约次序获得的结果知识可能是不同的,根据信息论最大熵的概念,应该选用一个信息丢失最小的归约次序.最大熵[6]在科学、工程的许多应用已被成功地用作标准.Knigh t系统在其特征知识和分类知识的发现243计算机研究与发展1998年算法中引入了最大熵的方法,对于多个可选的属性,通过比较各个属性归约后所得数据子空间熵的大小来确定最优的归约次序.优化的属性归约次序保证了Knigh t 系统的特征知识和分类知识发现方法能获得高质量的结果知识.注意到归约属性的选择仅与相应数据子空间熵的相对大小有关,无需计算其准确值,Knigh t 系统采用比较和估算相接合的方法,大大减少了计算量.(3)基于查询的知识发现知识挖掘系统获取的知识常常与用户的兴趣相去甚远,这主要是由于在一个知识挖掘系统(特别是通用的知识挖掘系统)中,知识发现的实施依赖于用户对发现任务的描述,准确的任务描述要求对系统的知识发现种类有足够的了解、有一定的领域知识.对于普通用户,这样的要求往往得不到满足.基于查询的知识发现方法是一种全新的知识发现方法,它接受用户的数据库查询,分析查询的结果数据,获得以查询条件为前提,结果数据特征为结论的蕴含式知识.对于关系数据库中多表之上的查询,算法将查询涉及的单表中元组分为两类:对查询结果有贡献的元组称为正实例,其余的元组称为反实例.对正实例集和反实例集运用统计方法和面向属性的归约方法、数据立方方法等一系列普化知识的发现方法进一步分析,分别得到正反实例集的特征描述,于是,系统最终可以获得查询条件与正实例集特征描述间的蕴含关系以及查询条件与反实例集特征描述间的否定蕴含关系.5 结 论数据挖掘技术涉及领域广,难点多,发展时间短,理论不够完整,研究人员面临极大的挑战.Knigh t 系统在这方面作了有益的尝试,Knigh t 系统综合了前人的研究成果,同时引入新的思想方法.Knigh t 系统有两个特点:系统是一个通用的知识发现工具,适用于多个应用领域;系统在知识发现过程中引入新的思想方法,提高了知识发现的效率和获得知识的质量.参考文献1 H arinarayan V ,U ll m an J D ,R ajaram an A .I mp lem enting data cubes efficiently .In :P roc A CM S IG M OD Int’l Conf on M anagem ent of D ata .M ontreal ,1996.205_2162 H an J ,Fu Y Exp lo rati on of the pow er of attribute 2o riented inducti on in data m ining .In :Fayyad U M ,P iatetsky 2Shap iro G ,Sm yth P et a l eds .A dvances in Know ledge D iscovery and D ata M ining .Califo rnia :AAA I M IT P ress ,1996.399_4213 Ch iu D avid K Y ,A ndrew K C W .Cheung B .Info r m ati on discovery th rough h ierarch icalm axi m um entropy discretiza 2ti on and synthesis .In :P iatetsky 2Shap iro G ,F raw ley W J eds .Know ledge D iscovery in D atabase .Califo rnia :AAA I M IT P ress ,1991.125_1394 M atheus C J ,Chan P K ,P iatetsky 2Shap iro G .System fo r know ledge discovery in databases .IEEE T rans on Know l 2edge and D ata Engineering ,1993,5(6):903_9135 Chen M ing 2Syan ,H an J iaw ei ,Yu P S .D ata m ining :A n overview from a database perspective .IEEE T rans on Know ledge and D ata Engineering ,1996,8(6):867_8816 李德毅1发现状态空间理论1小型微型计算机系统,1994,15(11):1—63434期陈 栋等:Knigh t :一个通用知识挖掘工具。
本研究基于Knight不确定环境下,通过构建具有流动 性的期权定价模型,得出了一些有意义的结论。首先, 我们发现Knight不确定环境下期权定价与经典BlackScholes模型有所不同,体现了期权价格与波动率之间 的非线性关系。其次,我们发现流动性对期权价格有着 显著影响,尤其是在高流动性环境下,期权价格会相对 较低。此外,我们还发现买卖价差对期权价格的影响较 小,但会对市场波动产生影响。
使用随机过程来模拟股票价格的 变化,如几何布朗运动或者跳跃 扩散过程。
根据历史数据或者市场数据,估 计模型参数,如波动率、无风险 利率等。
1 2 3
在模型中考虑Knight不确定性,即在不确定环 境下对未来股票价格的预测存在不确定性。
未来我们可以进一步拓展和深化本研究的研究内容和 范围。首先,我们可以考虑将更多的影响因素纳入模 型中,以更准确地刻画市场行为。其次,我们可以研 究美式期权和其他衍生品的定价问题,以更全面地了 解Knight不确定环境下的金融衍生品定价问题。此外 ,我们还可以探讨如何将本研究的结果应用于实践领 域,如投资组合优化、风险管理等。
通过对具有流动性的期权进行实证分析,可以发现考虑流动 性因素的期权定价模型能够更准确地预测期权的实际价格。 这表明流动性对期权价格有着重要的影响,因此在构建期权 定价模型时应该考虑流动性因素。
Knight不确定环境下期权定价的数值模 拟
英国文学选读 骑士-knight
王露1020307117 谢雯1020307120
The Canterbury Tales
The General Prologue
There was a knight, a most distinguished man, who from the day on which he first began To ride abroad had followed chivalry, Truth,honor,freedomand all courtesy. He had done nobly in his sovereign's war, And ridden into battle, none more far As well in Christendom as in heathen places, And ever honored for his noble graces.
Origins of Knighthood
• two elements: feudalism service as a mounted warrior • Time: Middle Ages(about 476-1453 ) • original place: south of France
the whole Europe
Knight in Lir •Chevalier •Horseman
Notable literary portrayals of knighthood
• • • • • Geoffrey Chaucer's The Knight's Tale Baldassare Castiglione's The Book of the Courtier Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur Arthurian tales (Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae, the Pearl Poet's Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, etc.).
the wrong kind of knight好句
the wrong kind of knight好句"The Wrong Kind of Knight" is a captivating tale that explores themes of courage, honor, and the complexities of knights and chivalry. The following are some of the noteworthy sentences from the story that exhibit its rich vocabulary, profound insights, and engaging narrative:"In a world where knights were expected to be strong and brave, Gareth felt like a squirming worm, weak and unworthy." This sentence beautifully captures Gareth's inner turmoil and self-doubt, setting the stage for his journey of self-discovery and growth."The knight's code was a heavy weight on his shoulders, a burden that seemed to grow heavier with each passing day." This metaphorical description of the knight's code as a weight on Gareth's shoulders effectively illustrates the pressure and responsibility that knights felt to uphold their honor and chivalry."In the dim light of the torch, the dragon's eyes glowed menacingly, and Gareth's heart sank. He knew he was no match for such a beast." This vivid description of the dragon and Gareth's fear heightens the tension and excitement, making the reader anxious to see how he will overcome this challenge."As he faced the dragon, Gareth realized that true courage wasn't about being fearless, but about facing your fears and doing what was right despite them." This profound insight into courage and bravery is a powerful message that resonates with readers, reminding us that courage is not the absence of fear, but the willingness to overcome it."The dragon's roar echoed through the cave, shaking the very foundation of Gareth's resolve. But he stood his ground, determined to prove that he was more than just a pretty face and a fancy uniform." This sentence showcases Gareth's determination and resolve, as he defies the dragon and challenges his own limitations, growing as a character in the process.These sentences not only exhibit the author's skillful use of language but alsoconvey profound themes and insights that make "The Wrong Kind of Knight" a memorable and thought-provoking read.。
1.[C]骑士,武士 a man of noble rank trained to fight, especially on horseback
2.[C]爵士 a man who has the title Sir, given to him by the king or queen
派生:knighthood n.骑士的地位或资格
black knight 黑骑士
knight-errant 侠客, 侠义心肠的人...
knight-errantry 骑士作风
Knight Templar 圣殿骑士团骑士...
Now they were called songs of deeds because strangely enough,they were written to describe the heroic deeds or actions of warriors,the
knights during conflicts.
骑士招聘作文英文怎么写英文,As a knight, the recruitment process is pivotalin finding the right candidates to join our esteemed order. Allow me to outline the criteria and process for becoming a knight.First and foremost, bravery and valor are the cornerstones of knighthood. A knight must be willing to face danger and adversity head-on, without faltering. For example, in one of our recent battles against the dragon, Sir Robert displayed immense courage by charging fearlessly into the fray, inspiring his fellow knights to victory.Secondly, chivalry and honor are non-negotiable traits for any knight. Respect towards others, especially towards those weaker or in need, is paramount. I recall an instance where Dame Eleanor demonstrated exceptional chivalry by aiding a wounded traveler on her journey, even though it meant delaying her own quest.Furthermore, loyalty to the king and the realm is of utmost importance. A knight must be willing to defend the kingdom and its people with unwavering loyalty. Sir William exemplified this virtue when he refused to betray theking's trust, even under immense pressure from external forces.Additionally, skill in combat and mastery of weaponry are essential for any aspiring knight. Training in various forms of combat, such as swordsmanship and archery, is rigorous but necessary. Sir Henry spent countless hours honing his skills with the sword, eventually becoming one of the most formidable swordsmen in the kingdom.Lastly, a knight must possess a noble heart and a sense of justice. Acts of kindness and compassion towards all, regardless of their station in life, distinguish a true knight. Lady Isabella's tireless efforts to protect the innocent from injustice, even at great personal risk, serve as a shining example of this virtue.中文,作为一名骑士,招聘流程对于找到合适的候选人加入我们尊贵的骑士团至关重要。
骑士精神的英语In the realm of chivalry, the knight's spirit is not merely a tale of old; it is a beacon of honor and integrity that resonates through the ages. It is the courage to stand for what is right, even when the odds are against you.This spirit of knighthood is a tapestry woven with threads of loyalty, bravery, and compassion. Knights of old were not just warriors; they were protectors of the weak and defenders of the innocent, embodying a code of conduct that transcends time.In today's world, the essence of knighthood is not confined to the battlefield. It is the quiet heroism of everyday acts of kindness, the unwavering commitment to justice, and the steadfast pursuit of truth and fairness.The knight's spirit is also about humility and respect. It teaches us to acknowledge our own flaws while respecting the dignity of others, to be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.Chivalry is not dead; it is alive in the hearts of those who choose to embody its principles. It is the silent strength that guides us to act with honor, to serve with pride, and to live with purpose.In the face of adversity, the knight's spirit is areminder to persevere. It is the inner fortitude that allows us to rise above our challenges, to face our fears, and to emerge stronger and more resolute.The legacy of the knight is not one of conquest, but of contribution. It is about leaving a positive mark on the world, about making a difference in the lives of others, and about being a force for good.Ultimately, the knight's spirit is a timeless ideal that calls us to be our best selves. It is a call to arms, not for battle, but for a life lived with honor, dignity, and a heart full of compassion.。
Knight Mobile Tool Box Knight 手机伴侣 说明书
Knight Mobile Tool Box Knight 手机伴侣用户手册版权所有2003-2005目录第1章软件介绍 (2)第2章安装驱动程序 (3)2.1 安装USB驱动程序 (3)2.2 安装Knight 手机伴侣软件 (9)第3章启动说明 (16)第4章 KNIGHT电话簿同步操作说明 (17)4.1 读取电话簿 (19)4.2 编辑电话簿 (24)4.3 输出到手机 (28)4.4 和PIM 同步 (29)4.5 备份、合并和恢复 (32)4.6 打印 (36)4.7 疑难问题解答 (37)第5章 KNIGHT 图片铃声同步操作说明 (38)5.1铃声篇 (40)5.1.1 操作概要 (40)5.1.2 铃声编辑 (41)5.1.3 编辑铃声步骤实例 (45)5.2图片篇 (49)5.2.1 操作概要 (49)5.2.2 图片编辑 (50)5.2.3 编辑图片步骤实例 (54)5.3疑难问题解答 (59)第6章 KNIGHT GPRS拨号器操作说明 (60)6.1 软件特性 (60)6.2使用说明 (60)6.3疑难问题解答 (68)第1章软件介绍欢迎使用Knight 手机伴侣软件,它包含以下3个软件:Knight 电话簿同步:方便的管理Lenovo手机中的电话簿。
Knight 图片铃声同步:将编辑后的铃声和图片在Lenovo手机和电脑间传送,使您的手机更具个性化。
Knight GPRS拨号器:让您用手机随时上网,浏览网页,收发电子邮件。
第2章安装驱动程序2.1 安装USB驱动程序在运行Knight 手机伴侣之前,请先安装USB驱动程序。
如不安装USB驱动,将无法使用Knight 手机伴侣软件。
在安装程序的主界面,点击USB驱动按钮:图 2-1安装主界面点击之后,程序将开始自动安装手机的USB驱动程序。
如下图:图 2-2安装软件点击“下一步”图 2-3 安装完成注意:在Windows xp 和Windows 2000操作系统下,如果您在执行USB安装前已经插入传输线,请重新拔掉再插入一次,以便系统重新侦测这个设备。
以此来分析在不确定条件下,以主观期望效用理论为基础发展的Choquet 期望效用理论行为决策模型。
1944年V on Neumann 等从一系列严格的理性偏好假定出发,运用逻辑和数学工具建立起风险投资者决策的期望效用函数。
二、传统的不确定性行为决策模型2.1 风险与不确定性定义与区别对于风险与不确定性,许多经济学家对这两者的区别进行过研究。
为了说明风险与不确定性的差异,Knight把概率区分为三种来分析:先验概率(a priori probability)、统计概率(statistical probability)和估计(estimate)。
骑士册封仪式流程The knighting ceremony is a time-honored tradition that has been practiced for centuries in many cultures around the world. It is a formal event where a person is bestowed with the title of "knight" by a monarch or other authority figure. In Chinese culture, the equivalent ceremony is known as the "册封仪式," which is steeped in symbolism and tradition.骑士册封仪式是一项历史悠久的传统,在世界上许多文化中都有实践。
The ceremony typically begins with the candidate for knighthood being presented to the presiding officer, who may be a king, queen,or other high-ranking individual. The candidate is then invited to kneel before the presiding officer, signifying their submission and loyalty to their liege. This act of kneeling is symbolic of the humility and servitude that is expected of a knight.仪式通常以候骑士头衔的候选人被介绍给主持人开始,主持人可能是国王、王后或其他高级官员。
knights翻译汉语翻译n. 骑士, 爵士vt. 授以爵位词型变化:形容词名词:knightliness动词过去式:knighted过去分词:knighted现在分词:knighting第三人称单数:knights英语解释:名词knight:originally a person of noble birth trained to arms and chivalry; today in Great Britain a person honored by the sovereign for personal merita chessman shaped to resemble the head of a horse; can move two squares horizontally and one vertically (or vice versa)同义词:horse动词knight:raise (someone) to knighthood同义词:dub例句:1.Chess includes rook,knight, bishop, queen, king and pawn.2.国际象棋有车、马、象、后、王和卒。
3.That knight ran his sword through his opponent.4.那个骑士用刀刺穿他的对手。
5.The knight was murdered by his foes.6.那位骑士被他的敌人谋杀了。
7.That scientist--- whose work is very important--- has been made a knight.8.那位科学家---他的工作非常重要---被封为爵士。
9. A feudal knight ranking between a knight bachelor and a baron, who was entitled to leadmen into battle under his own standard.10.方旗爵士一种封建骑士爵位,其勋位在最低级爵士和男爵之间,有权率领随从在自己的方旗下上阵作战11.The knight swore he would revenge his father's death.12.骑士发誓要为他父亲向敌人报仇。
1. Knight: 为...封骑士
例句:Queen Elizabeth II knighted him for his services to music.
2. Knight: 征战沙场
例句:The knights rode into battle with their swords at the ready.
3. Knight: 给予尊敬,赞扬
例句:The Queen was delighted to receive a visit from the renowned knight.
4. Knight: 工作/扮演骑士
例句:He knighted the young boy and told him to carry out his duties with honor.