SAT 写作万能例子总结SAT 写作备考的重要部分就是总结例子,能够使用少量的例子应对各类SAT 写作题目对于减少大家的备考工作量是非常重要的。
下面小编就为大家整理了部分SAT 写作万能例子,供大家在备考的时候进行适当的参考和借鉴。
任何一个SAT 写作的题目都和人有关系,人可以被从两个方面进行描述:inner:人们的内心世界,或者叫做peoples psychological behavior outer:人们所处的环境。
因此,当我们看到题目的时候,我们认为inner 可以战胜outer,我们就会认为一个方面好写一些,反之,另一个方面好写一些。
既然SAT 写作所有的题目都有这样一个共同的特点,那么也就意味着SAT 写作在组织的过程中也可以使用一些共通的例子来论证我们的观点:Liz Merry Homeless to HarvardChristopher Gardner The Pursuit of HappinessFood Inc.Remove the veil of food industryLiz Merry from Homeless to HarvardChristopher Gardner from the Pursuit of HappinessJohn Nash from A Beautiful MindLie to meFarmers from Food IncRon Clark from Ron Clarks story这些例子几乎可以涵盖所有的SAT 写作题目。
通过这样几个例子就可以完成SAT 些的论述,就可以很好地完成论证过程,既轻松有。
1.Christopher Reeve/克里斯托弗里夫写作例子:Christopher Reeve was an American actor whoisbest known for his portrayal of the superhero Superman.However, unlike theman of steel he was in his movies, Reevebecame quadriplegic after being thrownfrom a horse in anequestrian competition in 1995. As a result, he requiredawheelchair and breathing apparatus for the rest of his life.Despite thesetbacks, Reeve was reinvented by that experienceand brought the kind ofenergy and enthusiasm that made himsuccessful as a film star to an entirelydifferent issue, with hugeeffect. He lobbied on behalf of people with spinalcord injuriesfor human embryonic stem cell research and establishedtheChristopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, a non-profitresearch organizationwhich raises money for research in spinalcord injuries. Also, he lobbied forscientists to be allowed toconduct stem cell research in the hopes ofeventually curingparalysis and other current incurable diseases such as Alzheimer’sand Parkinson’s. Through this, Reeve will be remembered as“Superman”not only inthe movies, but also in reality. (175字)2.Charles Schulz/查尔斯舒尔茨写作例子:Charles Monroe Schulz is an Americancartoonist, whose comic strip Peanuts is considered to be one of the most popularand influential in the history of the medium. Although Charles was a shy, timidteenager, he was steadfast and persistent. It is hisself-defeatingstubbornness and admirable perseverance in trying his best against all oddsthat made him a popular figure. He can never win a ballgame but continues toplay baseball; he can never fly a kite successfully but continues to do so.Although his drawings were first rejected by his high school yearbook and thenrefused by Disney, he persevered and created the world renowned Charlie Brownand Snoopy, known as Peanut comic, which reflects his own life. Peanuts ran for50 years, and, at its peak, appeared in more than 2,600 newspapers in75countries. (138字)3.The Last Leaf by O. Henry/欧亨利的最后一片叶子Johnsy is an inhabitant of an art colony inGreenwich Village, where pneumonia is taking its toll. Eventually, Johnsy isstricken with the disease and gives up all desire to live. Outside her windowresides an old ivy vineon which only a few leaves remain. Convinced that shewill die when the last leaf falls, Johnsy watches the vine incessantly. This morbid fascination distresses her big hearted neighbor Mr. Berhman, an oldpainter scraping by as an artist’s model and still dreaming of painting hismasterpiece. Time passes, Johnsy remains fascinated by the withering vine. Toher growing astonishment, a single last leaf attaches itself firmly to thevine. Taking this as an embodiment of hope, Johnsy’s condition ameliorated. Inthe meantime, her neighbor has been taken to hospital with pneumonia, where helater dies. It is later discovered that he had contracted the disease after stayingup all night to paint the perfect image of a single leaf on the brick walloutside Johnsy’s window.(167字)4.Franklin Roosevelt/富兰克林罗斯福写作例子:Franklin Roosevelt was the 32nd presidentof the United States who rose to prominence during the Great Depression. Duringthat time, President Hebert Hoover’s economic program was unsatisfactory andineffective and kept millions of people under poverty and hunger. In the midstof despair, Franklin Roosevelt, who had long been questioning Hoover’s economicprogram, was elected as the President to combat the economic crisis. Heassembled a group of elites and constructed a more effective economic programcalled New Deal. The new program provided money and supplies to needy familiesand created jobs for theunemployed. As a result, President Roosevelteffectively rekindled hope to millions of despondent Americans. New Deal provedto be an important turning point in the history of America. It made a powerfulstart of a strong government role in the nation’s economic affairs thatremained and developed to the present day. (146字)5.Thomas Edison/托马斯爱迪生写作例子:Thomas Edison is considered to be one ofthe most prolific inventors in history, holding 1,093 US patents under hisname. He is one of the first inventors to apply the principles of massproduction and large teamwork to the process of invention, and therefore isoften credited with the creation of the first industrial research laboratory.To find a long lasting material for the light bulb, Edison and his team workedfor many years and experienced more than 1,500 failures through the process.However, their research was not hampered by setbacks and their hard work wasfinally paid off in 1879. Using a small carbonized bamboo filament, Edison andhis team were able to produce a light bulb that was able to last over 40 hours.After soughting further improvements, Edison finally filed for US patent 223898in November4, 1879. His invention of the light bulb not only revolutionized thenascent electric industry, but also made electricity viable to mankind. (161字)以上相关信息由三立在线为你提供,希望阅读完以上文章后,你能有所收获,对学习有一定的帮助,更多资讯请访问三立在线,专业老师为你指导讲解相关疑惑,为你的考试之路保驾护航。
近年SAT Essay(文章写作)话题集合及精品素材推荐SAT考生应当了解,SAT Essay的话题范围并不是漫无边际,而是有规律可循的。
一. 人生、成败类典型话题集合1. Is it more important to remain consistent than to change one's mind when circumstances change? (2013年12月)—此道题与以下两道考题极为相似:Should people adapt to their new surroundings, or should they refuse to change? (2010年10月)Should people change their decisions when circumstances change, or is it best for them to stick with their original decisions? (2009年1月)2. Does being content with the way things are prevent people from improving themselves and doing better? (2013年10月)3. Is preparing for the future more important than enjoying the present? (2013年5月)4. Is it a mistake to value action over thought? (2013年5月)5. Is it best to determine how wise people are by how happy they are? (2013年5月)6. Are people likely to be dissatisfied rather than content once they have achieved their goals? (2013年3月)7. Is money the most significant factor in determining a person's quality of life? (2013年1月)8. Should people change their behavior depending on what situation they are in? (2013年1月)9. Is it better to aim for small accomplishments instead of great achievements? (2012年11月)10. Are people too serious? (2012年11月)11. Are people likely to succeed by repeating actions that worked for them in the past? (2012年6月)12. Should people accept unfairness and find ways to make the best of it? (2012年5月)13. Is it better for people to act on their feelings than to talk about them? (2012年5月)14. Should people be treated according to what they are capable of achieving instead of what they have actually done? (2012年1月)15. Is it wrong or harmful to motivate people to learn or achieve something by offering them rewards? (2012年1月)二. 创新、发展、科技类典型话题集合1. Does progress result only from struggle and conflict? (2014年1月)2. Are people who do not follow society’s traditional paths to advancement more likely to be successful than those who do? (2014年1月)3. Should we hold on to the old when innovations are available, or should we simply move forward? (2014年1月)4. Does society place too much value on convenience? (2013年12月) —此题与同年10月一道考题较为相似:Do people place too much value on newness? (2013年10月)5. Is imitation of others always harmful? (2013年11月)6. 3. Is it necessary for people to imitate others before they can become original and creative? (2013年3月)7. Is there really much more for people to invent and discover in the world today? (2012年12月)三. 道德、社会、教育、艺术类典型话题集合1. Do consumers have a responsibility to purchase goods only from companies and people whose actions are beneficial to others? (2013年12月)2. Do material possessions make us truly happy? (2013年11月)3. Does money lead to selfishness? (2012年5月)四. 个人、集体、权威类典型话题集合1. Should people make more decisions on their own and rely less on the advice of experts? (2014年1月)—此题与2009年底的一道考题相似:Is it a mistake to believe something simply because an authority claims that it is true? (2009年12月)2. Are teams or groups beneficial for individuals, or does group membership prevent individuals from forming their own moral judgments? (2013年12月)—此题与两年前的一道考题很相似:Doesaccepting the values of a group allow people to avoid taking responsibility for their own thoughts and actions? (2011年6月)3. Is flexibility the sign of a strong and wise leader? (2013年11月)4. Has the emphasis on individualism in our society caused people to forget the importance of belonging to a community? (2013年5月)5. Are people too willing to agree with those in charge? (2013年3月)6. Should leaders be judged according to how well they treat people? (2012年12月)7. Do the actions of high achievers benefit all people? (2012年10月)五.媒体、英雄、名人类典型话题集合1. Are advertisements harmful to teenagers? (2013年11月)2. Do we place too little value on privacy? (2013年10月)3. Does having too much information about public figures distract us from the important issues? (2013年10月)4. Do advertisements contribute to unhappiness and dissatisfaction? (2012年5月)附精选素材(参加SAT培训的学生将免费得到此类精选素材):教师简介:蒋洋洋,上海新航道托福及SAT主讲,剑桥大学商学院管理学硕士,北京国际关系学院英美文学硕士,美国马瑞埃塔大学国际关系及英国剑桥大学英国文学交流学习。
SAT优秀作文素材范文SAT优秀作文素材范文Prompt:All progress has resulted from people who took unpopular positions. Adlai Stevenson, speech at Princeton, 1954.Assignment:Do you agree with this statement? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your postion on this issue. Support your point of view with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.SAT Essay SampleI believe that progress is achieved by people that take unpoplar positions. To be popular often means trying to please everyone. Progress, on the other hand, comes from making difficult decisions that often dont satisfy everyone. Whether its politicians, parents, or even myself, progress has often come from making unpopular decisions.Many politicians have to make unpopular decisions. Abraham Lincoln is revered today but during his lifetime the Civil War was very unpopular. There was rioting over the draft and the destruction of lives and property wasnt popular either. But without the unpopular decisions he made it is hard to imagine what the United States would be like today.My parents also make unpopular decisions. One such decision was when they sent me to summer camp when I was 14.I didnt want to go but it turned out to be a terrific experience. I learned a lot about wildlife and nature. At the time it was not a popular thing to do but I really benefitted from it.。
SAT写作SAT写作题目的类别并不是很多,很容易归结为下面的几个,大家在备考的时候,可以从下面的几个类别出发:1、动机类精神vs物质2、改变/ 科技/ 创新类3、成功/ 英雄/ 困难类4、了解自身类5、大众观点类(媒体/ 团体/ 主流)6、选择类7、万能题目8、其他(谎言/ 隐私/ 教育)我们就可以看到那些SAT写作题目是最常见的,大家在备考自己的SAT写作考试的时候,可以根据自己的实际掌握情况,和对话题的熟悉情况,对这些题目进行更加详细的练习,这样就能更好的掌握了。
1.Is a person responsible, through the example he or she sets, for the behavior of other people?2.Do we put too much value on the ideas or actions of individual people?3.Should people take more responsibility for solving problems that affect their communities or the nation in general?4.Is it always best to determine one's own views of right and wrong, or can we benefit from following the crowd?5.Is there any value for people to belong only to a group or groups with which they have something in common?6.Are organizations or groups most successful when their members pursue individual wishes and goals?7.Do people accomplish more when they are allowed to do things in their own way?8.Should each individual decide what and how to learn?9.Does the success of a community—whether it is a class, a team, a family, a nation, or any other group—depend upon people's willingness to limit their personal interests?10. Do we tend to accept the opinions of others instead of developing our own independent ideas?11. Is it more valuable for people to fit in than to be unique and different?这一类题目似乎跟第一类有些交集,但这里探讨的更多是个人与集体的辨证关系。
SAT英语作文素材分享Spacewoman Stuck in Orbit with Too Much Shrimp Peggy Whitson, the American astronaut spending her 130th day in space, said on Sunday that she was happy in orbit, but maybe she brought along too much shrimp.Sometimes, when you come to space, your tastes change.One of my favorite foods on the ground is shrimp, and up here I cant stand it, said Whitson, the science officer on the International Space Station .A quick check of the stations manifest showed that Whitson had planned more than 40 shrimp meals for her stay.The guys like it because they get all my shrimp, she said, referring to her two Russian crewmates, Valery Korzun and Sergei Treshcvev.The three members of the space stations Expedition Five team held a joint news conference with the six astronauts from the space shuttle Atlantis on Sunday.39;m having a great time up here.Its fun to live here and do the science, said Whitson, a biochemist conducting and monitoring dozens of studies on the station.When someone asked about her plans for Christmas, Whitson said Its hard to imagine being back home because I guess I feel like this is my home right now.I dont have my husband, but other than that, this is my home.Whitson, due to return to Earth with Korzun and Treschev aboard a U.S.shuttle in November, said some changes in space take more getting used to than others.Salsa can usually overcome space blandness.We could probably eat paper if we had it with salsa, she said.But calluses are another matter.In weightlessness, she never actually stands, but does sway about with her feet in foot restraints.It was really interesting to me to lose the calluses from the bottom of your feet and to get calluses on the top of your feet after being up here for a few months, she said.SAT英语作文素材分享1.SAT作文素材分享ConfronttheTraumaofCancer2.SAT作文素材分享243.SAT作文阅历分享4.SAT作文技巧分享5.SAT作文类别分享6.SAT作文分阅历分享7.SAT考试作文素材分享8.有关Superman的SAT作文素材分享。
最新最全SAT 写作万能例子汇总SAT 考试作文Essay 素材分享ConformityConformity is the act of matching attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors to what individuals perceive is normal of their society or social group. This influence occurs in small groups and society as a whole, and may result from subtle unconscious influences, or direct and overt social pressure. Conformity can occur in the presence of others, or when an individual is alone. For example, people tend to follow social norms when eating or watching television, even when alone.People often conform from a desire for security within a grouptypically a group of a similar age, culture, religion, or educational status. Unwillingness to conform carries the risk of social rejection. In this respect, conformity can be a means of avoiding bullying or deflecting criticism from peers, though it can also reflect suppression of personality. Conformity is often associated with adolescence and youth culture, but strongly affects humans of all ages.Although peer pressure may manifest negatively, conformity can have good or bad effects depending on the situation. Driving on the correct side of the road could be seen as beneficial conformity. Conformity influences formation and maintenance of social norms, and helps societies function smoothly and predictably via the self-elimination of behaviors seen as contrary to unwritten rules. In this sense it can be perceived as a positive force that prevents acts that are perceptually disruptive or感谢大家的阅读,本文由我司收集整编。
SAT 写作例子素材
The Scarlet Letter (红字)HawthorneHester Prynne, the unmarried protagonist, commits adultery with the Reverend Dimmesdale. A child (Pearl) is born out of wedlock.The Reverend Dimmesdale keeps his affair with Hester secret from the Puritan community he ministers to. He is consumed with guilt and shame. His secret slowly devours him from the inside. As punishment for her sins, the community sentenced Hester to wear a scarlet ―A‖(for adulteress) embroidered on her dress. Although shunned by the community, Hester openly accepts her fate and transforms her personality. She works diligently to make herself a productive member on the fringes of society and doing needlework for the less fortunate and tending to her child. In the end, her selfless, charitable work endears her to the Puritan community.Civil Rights Movement (Time: 1955-1968 )(民权运动)In 1955 Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white person. Although she was arrested and jailed, her brave efforts inspired the Montogomery Bus Boycott which last for over a year. Martin Luther King was inspired by her example and became known as one of the most admired figures of the Civil Rights Movement. He organized hundreds of non-violent protests and gave an unforgettable speech entitled ―I have a dream‖. Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks helped get the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed. Unfortunately, the social progress was accompanied by a tragic sacrifice: the assassination of Dr. King by a southern madman.In 1960, at a restaurant in Greensboro of North Carolina, 4 black college students sit still in defiance of the malicious behavior of the waiter. Responded warmly by black students in the south, this action quickly developed into a large scale sit-in movement. Finally, nearly 200 restaurants in the city were forced to abolish the racial segregation. Martin Luther King (马丁路德金)Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 –April 4, 1968) was an American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He is best known for being an iconic figure in the advancement of civil rights in the United States and around the world, using nonviolent methods following the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. King has become a national icon in the history of modern American liberalism.A Baptist minister, King became a civil rights activist early in his career. He led the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott and helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957, serving as its first president. King's efforts led to the 1963 March on Washington, where King delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech. There, he expanded American values to include the vision of a color blind society, and established his reputation as one of the greatest orators in American history.In 1964, King became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end racial segregation and racial discrimination through civil disobedienceand other nonviolent means. By the time of his death in 1968, he had refocused his efforts on ending poverty and stopping the Vietnam War.King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. He was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1977 and Congressional Gold Medal in 2004; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was established as a U.S. federal holiday in 1986.Movements for Women’s Rights (Feminist Movements) (女权运动)(1) Around the 1930s women started to question their role in society. Why were women not allowed a say in the government? Why couldn’t men and women possess the same rights? During a protest in front of the White House, women were arrested and sent to a special prison. In order to become noticed, the National Women’s Rights association In a literal sense sacrificed those who were arrested and replaced them with more women. This process repeated itself until, Alice Paul, a Women’s Rights leader, protested in front of the White House herself. She joined her comrades in the prison, where they were abused and mistreated. Finally once their mistreatment was exposed to the public, the President of the United States set them free and granted their wishes of equality and rights. Their sacrifices were not in vain as the women were able to accomplish their goal and change the country forever.(2) Susan Brownell AnthonyBorn February 15, 1820Adams, MassachusettsDied:March 13, 1906 (aged 86)Rochester, New YorkOccupation:Suffragist, women's rights advocateSusan Brownell Anthony (February 15, 1820 –March 13, 1906) was a prominent American civil rights leader who played a pivotal role in the 19th century women's rights movement to introduce women's suffrage into the United States. She was co-founder of the first Women's Temperance Movement with Elizabeth Cady Stanton as President. She also co-founded the women's rights journal, The Revolution. She traveled the United States and Europe, and averaged 75 to 100 speeches per year. She was one of the important advocates in leading the way for women's rights to be acknowledged and instituted in the American government.During the presidential election in 1872, Anthony leaded a group of women to vote for the president. Later, she was arrested and persecuted because it was illegal for women to vote at that time.However, she was not deterred by the punishment and kept on fighting for women’s suffrage.Susan B. Anthony c. 1855On January 8, 1868, Anthony first published the women's rights weekly journal The Revolution. Printed in New York City, its motto was: "The true republic—men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothingless." Anthony worked as the publisher and business manager, while Elizabeth Cady Stanton acted as editor. The main thrust of The Revolution was to promote women’s and African-Americans’ right to suffrage, but it also discussed issues of equal pay for equal work, more liberal divorce laws and the church’s position on women’s issues. The journal was backed by independently wealthy George Francis Train, who provided $600 in starting funds. His financial support ceased by May 1869, and the paper began to operate in debt. Anthony insisted on expensive, high-quality printing equipment, and she paid women workers the high wages she thought they deserved. She banned any advertisements for alcohol- and morphine-laden patent medicines; all such medicines were abhorrent to her. However, revenue from non-patent-medicine advertisements was too low to cover costs. In addition, Anthony got President Johnson to subscribe to the weekly journal before the first publication.In June 1870, Laura Curtis Bullard, a Brooklyn-based writer whose parents became wealthy from selling a popular morphine-containing patent medicine called "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup", bought the rights to The Revolution for one dollar, with Anthony assuming its $10,000 debt, an amount equal to $184,000 in current value. Anthony used her lecture fees to repay the debt, completing the task in six years. Under Bullard, the journal adopted a literary orientation and accepted patent medicine ads, but it folded in February 1872.Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel (香奈儿,创新,有主见)Gabrielle "Coco" Bonheur Chanel (19 August 1883 –10 January 1971) was an influential French fashion designer, founder of the famous brand Chanel, whose modernist thought, practical design, and pursuit of expensive simplicity made her an important and influential figure in 20th-century fashion. She was the only fashion designer to be named on Time 100: The Most Important People of the Century.In 1883, Chanel was born to an unwed mother, Jeanne Devolle, a laundrywoman, in a facility for the indigent in Saumur, France. Having learned the sewing arts, Chanel was able to find employment as a seamstress. In 1910, she opened a millinery shop in Paris. At that time when gaudy decoration dominated design field, she went against the mainstream and brought people unique products. Following the idea of simplicity and luxury, she made caps and cloths with delicate needle techniques and novel style, put some masculine elements into female clothes, and designed lady handbag with fine chain. All of those presented refreshingly new perspectives about fashion and products of Chanel quickly gained great popularity around the world. After Chanel established herself as a top designer in the world, she kept on creating new things such as tricot sailor dress and little black dress. Today, the brand is still an unmatched legendary in fashion. It is the pursuit of difference and innovation that make Chanel outstanding.Jay Chou (周杰伦,勤奋,天分,有主见,敢于创新,意志坚定)Jay Chou is one of the most predominant and influential composers and singers in Asia. Grown up in a single parent family, Chou has been an introverted and shy since he was a little boy. Though, he was not good at studying, Jay never belittled himself. He felt in his heart an irresistible passion for music and spared no efforts to pursue his dream and exploit his talents. After graduated from middle school, he worked in a restaurant where he often played the piano for costumers and always received warm applause. While working, he begin to write popular songs and seized every chance to give his talent a full play. In the September of 1997, he attended a talent show in Taiwan and gained appreciation form a famous star Wu Zongxian. With the help of Wu, he began his career in a music company.Jay Chou produced many popular songs, however when he invited some renowned singers to sing his songs, they refused. Disappointed and depressing for a while, Jay didn’t give up. Finally, he decided to sing those songs himself! He was criticized by many people for being in articulate in singing. However, he didn’t make compromise to them and kept on writing and recording songs for himself. In 2001, his first album Jay was released and surprisingly, it made a hit in China. In this album, he created songs with multiple styles such as rap, hip-pop, blues and beautiful style. His songs contains many new elements that are absent from those of his rivals and thus gained great popularity among young people. In 2003, Jay Chou was on the cover of. Now, he is the most well-known star who has literally influenced the whole post 80 and 90 generations in China. His story shows that, talent, self determination, persistence and industry are indispensable elements for success.(His song took China by the storm in …His albums attained platinum status with their sales worldwide)Kekule (克库勒,专注,努力,灵感)In 1861, Kekule, the organic chemist of Germany, began the study of benzene structure——an unsolved problem in the field then. He was nearly deprived of all social activities and literally put all his heart into the research. Laboursome and monotonous as it may be to other people, the job is rather fascinating to Kelule. During daytime, he stayed in laboratory and was busy in conducting experiments, making molecular models and analyzing molecular structure. In the evening, he usually discussed his hypothesis of benzene structure with his friends and gained some new knowledge through fierce debates. At spare time, he repeatedly imaged the molecular world and the moment he closed his eyes, he thought he could even touch those tiny molecule. One day, he dreamed about a coiling snake biting its own tail, which greatly sparked his inspiration. When he woke up, he immediately draw up what he saw in the dream and successfully discovered the structure of benzene. Obviously, Kekule would not have made the achievement had he not been concentrated in the course.Liu Lu (中南大学刘璐,有远见,不受主流传统观念的影响,坚持,有毅力)Liu Lu, a sophomore in Central South University (one of the key universities in China) majored in Mathematics. Unlike his peers who were busy doing homework assigned by teachers and struggling to get good grades in examinations, he devoted himself seetapun enigma --- a world—class puzzle in mathematic field. Being fascinated by the problem, he spent most of his time in library, searching for materials. Many of books he referred to were written in English, so he had to overcome great difficulties to read them. Many day and nights, he found himself absorbed in those foreign materials, with a dictionary at hand. Almost insulated form social activities, Liu Lu was called ―autistic person‖ by his classmates. Despite all kinds of misunderstandings and ridicules, he kept on ruminating on the puzzle every day. Eventually, after two years’ painstaking work, he unveiled the answer to the world and ended the long-term conundrum. Not driven by scholarship offered by university, Liu Lu pursued his dream following his inclination and passion and finally achieved enormous success.事物的两面性About 80 years ago communications between people were often time consuming and laborious. It might take several weeks for a letter to reach the destination. Nowadays, however, with the soaring development of internet, people are able to connect people within seconds no matter where they are. Efficient as the communication turns out to be, the progress does bring drawbacks to mental states of and relationships among people. While chatting online, people today don’t cherish the opportunity to connect with others and are easier to become impatient and irritated. Physically, they get to each other more quickly and frequently, mentally, they are more distant. Besides, people tend to spend a lot of time indulging in such things as computer game, online shopping and social media, paying less attention to friends and relatives around them. In this sense, high-tech device estranges people.In the novel Brave New World, people live in a highly developed society where all kinds of tiring work is done by automatic machine. Free from daily chores, people make full use of every minute to do their job and make ―contribution‖ to community. Though materially wealthy, people are barren and cold in spirit. They are shamed of the blood relationship between people and consider it immoral to have a ―mother‖ or ―father‖. When the hero offers to clean the floor for the girl he loves, his idea is received with ridicule and misunderstanding. High technologies in the ―brave new world‖impart citizens with a lot convenience. But at the same time, they deprive people of ways to express love and emotions and estrange them. `Henry Ford. (福特,创新,挑战权威,有主见)Growing up on a remote Michigan farm, Henry Ford, however, showed much more interests in the industrial future than in the agricultural past. Like most pioneer farmers, his father, William, hoped that his eldest son would join him on the farm,enable it to expand, and eventually take it over. But Ford hated farm work and did everything he could to avoid it. Though scolded many times by his parents for being lazy in agricultural work, Ford didn’t compromise to them. When he Like most children before and since, he became fascinated by peering into the workings of a timepiece and watching the movement of ratchets and wheels. Soon he was repairing clocks and watches for friends, working at a bench he built in his bedroom.After consuming a large mount of time at observations and experiments, in 1908, Ford designed the Ford Model T, which distinguished itself with excellent spare parts and low cost. At the same year, he introduced to his company the assembly line, a revolutionary manufacturing process made it possible for anyone to own a car. Since than, Henry Ford, the man who put the world on wheels, enormously improved the efficiency of the work.Back in the early 1900s, slaughterhouses used what could have been called a ―dis-assembly line.‖ That is. The carcass of a slain steer or a pig was moved past various meat-cutters, each of whom cut off only a certain portion. Ford reversed this process to see if it would speed up production of a part of an automobile engine called a magneto. Rather than have each worker completely assemble a magneto, one of its elements was placed on a conveyer, and each worker, as it passed, added another component to it.Is preparing for the future more important than enjoying the present? (牛顿,任正非)Louis Pasteur once said: ―Chance favors only the prepared mind.‖Throughout history, great achievements were, in most cases, made by those who were not content with reality and strive for a better future. Hence, I believe that planning for the future outweighs enjoying the present. I shall elaborate my point of view through the example of Newton who discovered gravity and Ren Zhengfei, founder and CEO of Huawei, one of the most prestigious communication companies in China.One day, Newton sat under an apple tree reading. Suddenly, he was hit by an apple falling down. Instead of savoring the fresh fruit and relishing the moment with a carefree mind, he thought about a question: why did the apple drop down rather than flied into the sky? This seemingly ridiculous query soon got him mesmerized. Newton made a bold assumption that there was a force compelling the apple to go this way. After a large number of observations, researches and experiments, he finally put forward a brand new conception of ―gravity‖. His discovery gave an reasonable explanation about the way things with each other, and marked an enormous breakthrough in physics. Here, it is the preparing mind of Newton that urged him to propose the meaningful hypothesis and spared no efforts to verify it. In the end, the little ―apple‖ supplement vitamin to the whole science body.Another example to support my statement is Ren Zhengfei. In 1987, Ren established Huawei. With the development and launch of new product C&C08, Huawei successfully occupied the market share in 1993. Not satisfied with what he had achieved, however, Ren kept making reforms and innovations. He found smalltowns and countryside vast market for the products and endeavored to advocate products there; having foreseen the development of new technology, he led stuff to expand products, which inlcuded router, switchboard, and telephone ect, catering to demands of varied customers; facing the challenge of climate change, he initiated a ―Green Project‖, aiming at decreasing products’ energy consumption and emission of carbon dioxide. With great insight and updated planning for future, Ren Zhengfei distinguished himself as an excellent entrepreneur and successfully transformed Huawei into the most vigorous cooperation in China.From what I stated above, it is safe and fair to say that our world belongs to those who stay hungry for what is to come and those who always plan for the future. Copernicus (哥白尼)During 15th and 16th century, people in Europe believed that the sun and all the planets revolved around the Earth. Since geocentric theory was in accordance with creeds of Roman Catholic, it occupied a dominant position. In 1515, Copernicus, Polish astronomer and mathematician claimed that earth did not spin on its own axis, but moved around the Sun. Once this theory was released, it was strongly attacked by people. Copernicus, labeled as ―heretic‖ and ―unorthodox‖ by critics, suffered from persecution. However, he didn’t compromise to the authority and relentlessly righted for truth. After long-term research and observation, in 1535, he completed great book where he elaborated the way plants and stars move. Besides, he indefatigably made speeches and delivered lectures in Europe, aiming to get people informed of the genuine knowledge. His efforts exerted deep influence on people, and now heliocentric theory has been vindicated by scientists. Here, it was Copernicus’s defiance to authority and pursuance for truth that accelerated the development of astronomy.Giordano Bruno (布鲁诺)During 15th and 16th century, people in Europe believed that the sun and all the planets revolved around the Earth. Since geocentric theory was in accordance with creeds of Roman Catholic, it occupied a dominant position. Bruno, scientist and philosopher in Italy, however, went against the mainstream. Firmly believing in the heliocentric theory put forward by Copernicus after long term observation and research, he passionately advocated the theory to people in his country. His behavior was labeled as ―heretic‖and ―unorthodox‖. As a result, Bruno was violently criticized and seriously persecuted. However, he didn’t compromise to majority and authority. He struggled to write books about his belief, indefatigably delivered speech in public, aiming to get people informed of the genuine knowledge. In 1600, he was burned to death by Roman Catholics. Before the death, he shouted ―fire can never conquer me; the future world will understand me and my value.‖Indeed, today, his belief has turned out to be true. Bruno was a true hero who sacrificed himself in pursuance of the truth.Weizheng (魏征)Weizheng is a famous remonstration official in Chinese Tang dynasty. He was always dauntless to tell truth to Tang Taizong, emperor of his time. Once during a visit, Taizong found the daughter of a imperial official was a singular beauty. He then decided to invited her into the palace and made her his concubine. Having heard that the girl had already been engaged to another man, Weizheng immediately went into the palace, advising Taizhong not to marry the girl. What’s more, he blamed emperor for being autocratic, which he pointed was lethal to the development of the country. Though a little angry, the emperor accepted the official’s criticism and suggestion, which were indeed beneficial to the future of the country. According to historical materials, Weizheng gave more than 60 significant suggestions and proposals to emperor at the risk of lese-majeste. It was Weizheng’s courage to telling the truth that helped the emperor behaved in right direction, and further enhanced the prosperity of Tang dynasty.。
Is society better off when many people question authority?The speaker asserts that when many people question authority society is better off . While I contend that certain forms of disobedience can be harmful to any society, I agree with the speaker otherwise. In fact, I would go further by contending that soci ety’s well-being depends on challenges to authority, and that when it comes to political and legal authority, these challenges must come from many people.本段必背短语:better off好Certain forms of disobedience某些形式的反抗(注意积累“反抗权威”的表达方式)Admittedly, when many people question authority some societal harm might result, even if a social cause is worthy. Mass resistance to authority can escalate to violent protest and rioting, during which innocent people are hurt and their property damaged and destroyed. The fallout from the 1992 Los Angeles riots aptly illustrates this point. The “authority” that the rioters sought to challenge was that of the legal justice system, which acquitted police officers in the beating of Rodney King. The means of challenging that authority amounted to flagrant disregard for criminal law on a mass scale-by way of looting, arson, and even deadly assault. This violent challenge to authority resulted in a financially crippled community and , more broadly, a turning back of the clock with respect to racial tensions across America.本段必背短语:question authority质疑权威Mass resistance to authority大部分人反抗权威Escalate升级Protest and rioting反抗和暴动The ...aptly illustrates this point.(本句可作为模板句使用)While violence is rarely justifiable as a means of questioning authority, peaceful challenges to political and legal authority, by many people, are not only justifiable but actually necessary when it comes to enhancing and even preserving society’s well-being. In particular, progress in human rights depends on popular dissension. It is not enough for a charismatic visionary like Gandhi or King to call for change in the name of justice and humanity; they must have the support of many people in order to effect change. Similarly, in a democracy citizens must respect timelesslegal doctrines and principles, yet at the same time question the fairness and relevance of current laws. Otherwise, our laws would not evolve to reflect changing societal values. It is not enough for a handful of legislators to challenge the legal status quo; ultimately, it is up to the electorate at large to call for change when change is needed for the well-being of society.本段必背短语:justifiable有道理的Status quo现状Questioning authority is also essential for advances in the sciences. Passive acceptance of prevailing principles quells innovation, invention, and discovery, all of which clearly benefit any society. In fact, the very notion of scientific progress is predicated on rigorous scientific inquiry- in other words, questioning of authority. For example, the theories of a sun-centered solar system, of humankind’s evoluting from other life-forms, and of the relativity of time and space,clearly flew in the face of “authoritative” scientific as well as religious doctrine of their time. Moreover, when it comes to science a successful challenge to authority need not come from a large number of people. The key contributions of a few individuals—like Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, Darwin, Einstein, and Hawking—often suffice.本段必背句子:Passive acceptance of prevailing principles quells innovation, invention, and discovery, all of which clearly benefit any society. 被动地接受权威压抑创新、发明和发现。
1. 挑战权威(就是哥白尼挑战教会坚持日心说的。
但因为我不了解所以么有写天文学方面的其他生物学的有达尔文政治上有罗斯福新政)2. 苦难与成功(1)残疾帮就是身体残疾仍然活蹦乱跳的包括罗斯福(罗斯福是个很好的例子因为悬崖边的别墅里一场大火跳进冰冷的水里得了小儿麻痹症但仍然blah blah blah 百科上都有;)霍金帕金森海伦凯乐。
(2)奋斗帮林肯(他的失败史要是放我身上我早自杀了)居里夫人肖邦J.K.罗琳3. 内外动力(1)life, will-见苦难与成功(2)dream马丁路德金(3)liberty: bolivar, george washington, gandhi, willian wallace (勇敢的心里的苏格兰英雄)(4)pursuit of happiness: Christ Gardner(就那电影the pursuit of happiness里的)(5)道德(主要慈善和下面一条还不太一样) 居里夫人(镭运用到医疗事业)、特雷莎修女、南丁格尔(6)责任:林肯、甘地、华盛顿、曼德拉、丘吉尔(这个比较多)4. 竞争与合作:苹果和微软可口可乐和百事可乐肯德基和麦当劳360和qq = =(这个是负面例子别写)5. 科技与进步汽车提高了人们的速度但是也造成了城市拥堵和严重的大气污染核威慑手机和email缩短了人们的现实距离、增加了心灵距离啊6. happy accident 这个考得不多你可以记一下门捷列夫-睡梦中发现了元素周期表的合理排发伦琴-X ray贝尔-电话(怎么happy的我就不知道了你可以去查查)准备例子的时候,可以上网查一下名人完整一点的资料,因为有的人的经历、特质可以写好几种类型的作文题。
SAT的ESSAY写作素材SAT的ESSAY写作素材Marathon boy, four, runs into storm of exploitation claimsFor his armies of cheering fans in Indias slums, he is a small but nimble miracle, destined to run his way into history as one of the worlds greatest athletes. Budhia Singh, a four-year-old urchin, can complete a 26-mile marathon faster than many runners who are twice his height and many times his age. But just as fame and fortune beckon - and a trip to Britain to star in a television documentary - doctors who have examined the child phenomenon have laid down an early finishing line to his career. Alarmed at television footage of him collapsing in the final stages of a record-breaking 43-mile run, Indian health officials ordered police to take him into hospital on Friday for tests to see if the intense exercise was damaging his young body. Results delivered yesterday confirmed those fears - with doctors warning that he will soon be a physical wreck. Making a child this age run marathons on a regular basis will lead to him being physically burnt out in a few years, said Dr Manabendra Bhattacharya of the Sports Authority of India, who discovered that Budhia had abnormally high pulse and blood pressure readings. Its not desirable to submit such a young body to so much stress and strain. Those who think theyre doing the child a service by promoting him to run such long distances are causing him terrible damage. Budhia - hailed as the worlds youngest marathon runner, although he has no birth certificate to prove his age - is now the subject of a legal wrangle between the state authorities and his coach, who stands accused of exploiting and maltreating the boy. The controversy is being played out amidhuge media interest in the boys story, a tale of rags to riches that has transfixed the Indian public. The son of an illiterate dishwasher mother and an alcoholic beggar father, Budhia was sold for 800 rupees to a street hawker after his father died three years ago. His physical stamina was spotted by a judo coach, Biranchi Das, who caught him bullying another child near his club one day and ordered him to him run round an athletics track as a punishment. When he returned five hours later, expecting the child to be long gone, he found him still doing laps.Since then Mr Das, who claims to have legally adopted him, has been training him up, feeding him a high-protein diet of meat, eggs, milk and soya beans. He runs up to 20 miles every second day, and has taken part in six big races, bringing offers of lucrative sponsorship deals, according to Mr Das. But his achievements have been less well received by some government officials, who are anxious to counter Indias image as a country that turns a blind eye to child exploitation. Pramila Malik, a minister of state for women and child welfare, accused Mr Das of turning the boy into a performing monkey. Mr Das, 39, said that he was making no money out of Budhia and insisted he only had the childs interests at heart. I have a doctor check on him every few days and hes fine, he said. He has the backing of Budhias mother, Sukanti Singh, 35, and her son is likewise unconcerned. I love running, I never get tired, he said. Budhia is due to fly to London on May 15 at the behest of British-based Touch Productions, which is making a documentary about him for Five and the Discovery Channel. T ouch says that it is paying the expenses of the trip but that no fee is being paid to the boy, his mother or carers. British experts sided with Dr Bhattacharya. Richard Godfrey, a sports science lecturer and former chiefphysiologist at the British Olympic Medical Centre, said: This lad will probably stop growing soon because the impact from his running will have damaged the ends of his bones. Malcolm Brinkworth, the executive producer of Touch Productions, stressed that the health concerns would be raised. We are making an objective documentary, looking very carefully at the issues involved. Were not trying to be part of any process of exploiting this child, he said.。
John Nash(1928-)When the young Nash had applied to graduate school at Princeton in 1948, his old Carnegie Tech professor, R.J. Duffin, wrote only one line on his letter of recommendation: "This man is a genius". It was at Princeton that Nash encountered the theory of games, then recently launched by John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern. However, they had only managed to solve non-cooperative games in the case of "pure rivalries" (i.e. zero-sum). The young Nash turned to rivalries with mutual gain. His trick was the use of best-response functions and a recent theorem that had just emerged - Kakutani's fixed point-theorem. His main result, the "Nash Equilibrium", was published in 1950 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. He followed this up with a paper which introduced yet another solution concept - this time for two-person cooperative games - the "Nash Bargaining Solution" (NBS) in 1950. A 1951 paper attached his name to yet another side of economics - this time, the "Nash Programme", reflecting his methodological call for the reduction of all cooperative games into a non-cooperative framework.His contributions to mathematics were no less remarkable. As an undergraduate, he had inadvertently (and independently) proved Brouwer's fixed point theorem. Later on, he went on to break one of Riemann's most perplexing mathematical conundrums. From then on, Nash provided breakthrough after breakthrough in mathematics. In 1958, on the threshold of his career, Nash got struck by paranoid schizophrenia. He lost his job at M.I.T. in 1959 (he had been tenured there in 1958 - at the age of 29) and was virtually incapicated by the disease for the next two decades or so. He roamed about Europe and America, finally,returning to Princeton where he became a sad, ghostly character on the campus - "the Phantom of Fine Hall" as Rebecca Goldstein described him in her novel, Mind-Body Problem. The disease began to evaporate in the early 1970s and Nash began to gradually to return to his work in mathematics. However, Nash himself associated his madness with his living on an "ultralogical" plane, "breathing air too rare" for most mortals, and if being "cured" meant he could no longer do any original work at that level, then, Nash argued, a remission might not be worthwhile in the end. As John Dryden once put it:Great wits are sure to madness near allied, And thin partitions do their bounds divide.Key words: economist illness Nobel price winner3.法拉第,迈克尔法拉第(1791 -- 1867)是英国物理学家、化学家,也是著名的自学成才的科学家。
下面就让店铺给大家分享SAT写作考试备考常见的参考素材吧,希望能对你有帮助!SAT写作备考素材:达芬奇Leonardo da Vinci(1452 – 1519)Leonardo da Vinci was born in April 15, 1452 in Vinci, Italy. Leonardo's mastery in art, science and engineering have earned him a place among the most prolific geniuses of history. He was one of the most important artists of the Italian Renaissance, a period when the arts and sciences flourished. At age 17, Leonardo and his father moved to Florence, where he apprenticed to Verrocchio. His brilliance soon eclipsed that of his master. In 1472 Leonardo became a member of the painter's guild of Florence, where he had contact with other great Florentine artists including Michelangelo Buonarroti.In 1481 Leonardo left Florence for Milan to offer his service to the local Duke. During this period he painted the Virgin of the Rocks and the Last Supper. In 1499 Leonardo left Milan, traveling through Mantua, to the court of Isabella d'Este; to Venice, where he consulted on architecture from 1495 to 1499; and in 1502 and 1503 was military engineer for Cesare Borgia. After his service to the Borgias, Leonardo returned to Florence. It was during the period between 1503 and 1506, while working primarily in Florence, that he had his greatest following and painted such classics as the "Mona Lisa."Leonardo left Florence for Milan in 1506, although he returned in 1507-8 to fight for his inheritance from his Uncle. In1509 he returned to Milan and devoted much of his time to scientific studies, and to engineering projects such as channeling the course of the Adda river. In 1512 Leonardo left Milan again, and from 1513 to 1516 was in Rome under the protection of Giuliano de Medici, the brother of Pope Leo X. Here Leonardo came into contact with Michelangelo, and another young rival, Raphael. After the death of Giuliano dei Medici, Leonardo accepted an invitation from French friends and moved to the castle of Cloux near Amboise, where he stayed with his faithful pupil Melzi until the end of his life. Leonardo died on May 2, 1519, and was buried in the cloister of San Fiorentino in Amboise.名言:Iron rusts from disuse; stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen; …even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind.SAT写作备考材料:牛顿Newton helped define the laws of gravity and planetary motion, co-founded the field of calculus, and explained laws of light and color, among many other discoveries. A famous story suggests Newton discovered the laws of gravity by watching an apple fall from a tree, though there's no proof that this is true. Newton was knighted in 1705.Extra credit: Newton was the first scientist given the honor of burial in Westminster Abbey... He is often ranked 1-2 with Albert Einstein among history's leading physicists... Newton held the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at Cambridge -- a post later held by Stephen Hawking...Newton was good friends with astronomer Edmond Halley, of Halley's Comet fame.British great physicist, mathematician, astronomer.The boon space Si say:"Newton established astronomy because ofdiscovering gravitational theory, because of carry on light of resolve but established the optics of science, established mathematics of science because of establishing binomial equation axioms and infinite theories, established the mechanics of science because of knowing the man's natural character of the mechanics."Really, Newton made to lay foundation stone sexual contribution in the natural science realm and be rated as science huge Jiang.Newton was born at a farmer family of Lincolnshire in British the north.In 1661 pass examination Cambridge university the inside Ni Di a school especially, graduate in 1665, at this time just in time plague, Newton goes home to avoid epidemic disease for two years, the period almost considered his whole life in each aspect study, especially he wins from cradle to the grave of a few major contributions:Gravitational theory, classic mechanics, calculus and optics.Newton discovers gravitational theory, built up classic mechanics, he uses a formula the biggest ephemeris sport in the cosmos and minimum grain sport of the son unify.The cosmos becomes thus clear:All of whichever sports are to without cause take place, is all long long of a series of cause and effect chain be an appearance, a link within, is can accurate description.People break several thoughts that the wills of thousand in the last years absolute beings rule world, start believe there is no thing is can't be accurate by intelligence knowing pare at his ories, Newton greater contribution makes people from now on start believe science.Newton is 1 far far above the wise science giant of the in those days owner, his quest to the truth is a such Chi fan, with as for all of his ories results just reveal to the public under the urgesincerely of other people and say that the creation is the biggest fun to Newton.Isaac Newton's discoveries were so numerous and varied that many consider him to be the father of modern science. A graduate of Trinity College, Cambridge, Newton developed an intense interest in mathematics and the laws of nature which ultimately led to his two most famous works: Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687) and Opticks (1704). SAT写作备考资料:莎士比亚Born in 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England (historians believe Shakespeare was born on April 23, the same day he died in 1616). The son of John Shakespeare, a glover, and Mary Arden, of farming stock. Much uncertainty surrounds Shakespeare's early life. He was the eldest of three sons, and there were four daughters. He was educated at the local grammar school, and married Anne Hathaway, from a local farming family, in 1582. She bore him a daughter, Susanna, in 1583, and twins, Hamnet and Judith, in 1585.Shakespeare moved to London, possibly in 1591, and became an actor. From 1592 to 1594, when the theatres were closed for the plague, he wrote his poems "Venus and Adonis" and "The Rape of Lucrece." His sonnets, known by 1598, though not published until 1609, fall into two groups: 1 to 126 are addressed to a fair young man, and 127 to 154 to a "dark lady" who holds both the young man and the poet in thrall. Who these people are has provided an exercise in detection for numerous critics. The first evidence of his association with the stage is in 1594, when he was acting with the Lord Chamberlain's company of players, later "the King's Men'. When the company built the Globe Theatre south of the Thames in 1597, he became a partner,living modestly at a house in Silver Street until c.1606, then moving near the Globe. He returned to Stratford c.1610, living as a country gentleman at his house, New Place. His will was made in March 1616, a few months before he died, and he was buried at Stratford.The modern era of Shakespeare scholarship has been marked by an enormous amount of investigation into the authorship, text, and chronology of the plays, including detailed studies of the age in which he lived, and of the Elizabethan stage. Authorship is still a controversial subject for certain plays, such as Titus Andronicus, Two Noble Kinsmen, and Henry VI, part I. This has involved detailed studies of the various editions of the plays, in particular the different quarto editions, and the first collected works, The First Folio of 1623. It is conventional to group the plays into early, middle, and late periods, and to distinguish comedies, tragedies, and histories, recognizing other groups that do not fall neatly into these categories.。
SAT考试写作经典素材:挑战权威类Dare and the world always yields。
If it beats you sometimes,dare it again and again and it will succumb。
——W.M ThackerayImagination is more important than knowledge。
Knowledge is limited。
Imagination encircles the world。
——Albert EinsteinI start where the last man left off。
——Thomas EdisonThe further backward you can look,the further forward you will see。
——Winston ChurchillYou’ll learn more about a road by traveling it than by consulting all the maps in the world。
Don‘t bot her just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors.Try to be better than yourself。
——William Faulkner American writerFollow your own course,and let people talk。
——Italian poet Alghieri DanteSAT考试写作经典素材:成功幸福根源类Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration。
——Thomas EdisonFew things are impossible to diligence and skill。
优质文档在您身边/双击可除sat写作素材整理Lincoln & Helen Keller & Forrest Gump:In addition, through experiences of lives burgeon the individual achievements in the future. Instructions and inspirations in the early time of one’s life can bequeath one the advanced personality and practical skills, which probably results in success when they grow up. Numerous examples stand for my point on this topic, such as Abraham Lincoln, Helen Keller and Forrest Gump. On one hand, the poverty in life and failures during elections did not despair Lincoln, and he nevertheless triumph in his political life with his perseverance, and abolished the slavery for his dream of equality and human rights;on the other, the innate physical imperfection could not prevent one from success. Helen Keller, inspired by her family teacher, stood up in adversities and became the most famous moral writer throughout the globe. Her personal experience rescued millions of people from the depth of desperation; what is more, people can benefit from others as well. The intellectual defect never discouraged Forrest Gump. Instead, encouraged by his mum and friend, he learned to keep on chasing what he considered precious and understood the essence of the life.Environment technology:The unlimited use of fossil fuels, which became indispensable to our industry today, really gives rise to unexpected catastrophes. Although changes in energy uses ushered in a new era of Scientific Revolution, the burn of fossil fuels, rather than a clean and efficient way to get energy, will finally strike the human society. The natural gas, coal and oil used to power industrial processes and motor vehicles put harmful compounds into the atmosphere, such as CO2, CO, SO2and tiny solid particles. The emission of these chemical gases may cause disasters. In 1952, about 4000 people died in London in the notorious event called London Fogs. What is more, this burning activity is also bringing about a global-scale climatic change, known as the Global Warming. Warmer temperatures are expected to partially melt the polar ice cap, leading to a sea-level rise of 1 meter by the year 2100. If sea levels do rise at this rate, Florida Ever glade would be inundated under salt water in the next century!The seemingly advanced technology, rather than benefits us today, induces more trouble out of people’s expect. On one hand, the newly-invented appliances may deprive us of our opportunities and interests to get close to the nature. We have color television to enjoy the televised view of Rocky Mountains, but we lost the primitive beauty of nature in a concrete forest; on the other, new。
SAT考试作文素材分享On this vivid pla, it appears colorful with azure blue seawater, lush green plants and many world famous buildings. Among these largest artificial articles in the world, many originated from the same architectIeoh Ming Pei.Ieoh Ming Pei, the 1983 Laureate of the Pritzker Architecture Prize, is a founding partner of I. M. Pei Partners based in New York City. He was born in China in 1917, the son of a prominent banker. He came to the United States in 1935 to study architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Harvard Graduate School of Design .During World War Ⅱ, he served on the National defense Research Commission at Princeton, and from 1945 to 1948, taught at Harvard. In 1948 he aepted the newly created post of director of Architecture at Webb Knapp, Inc., the real estate development firm, and this association resulted in major architectural and planning projects in Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington, Pittsburgh and other cities. In 1958, he formed the partnership of I. M. Pei Associates, which became I. M. Pei Parteners in1966. The partnership received the 1968 Architectural Firm Award of The American Institute of Architects.Pei has designed over forty projects in this countryand abroad, twenty of which have been award winners. Hismore prominent missions have included the East Building of the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D .C.; the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library near Boston; the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado; the Dallas City Hall in Texas; the Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Centre and Raffles City in Singapore; the West Wing of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; the Fragrant Hill Hotel near Beijing, China, designed to graft advanced technology onto the roofs of indigenous building and thereby sow the seed of a new ,distinctly Chinese form of modern architecture; the Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse , New York; and the Texas Commerce Tower in Houston.。
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Fossett makes history Flying from horizon to horizon, Steve Fossett completed the first nonstop, flight 'round-the-world without refueling on Thursday afternoon, landing gracefully in Kansas at 2:49 pm ET.
A cheering crowd gathered to usher the GlobalFlyer and its 60-year-old pilot into the record books, something that has become almost routine for Fossett in recent years. The aviator now holds three record-breaking circumnavigations of the globe, the two others by balloon and sailboat. "It's something I've wanted to do for a long time," Fossett said as he stepped out of the plane, his legs wobbly after nearly three days in the cockpit. "It has been a major ambition of mine." The sometimes tense journey across three oceans and dozens of countries began in Salina, Kansas, on Monday evening. The 25,000-mile (40,234 kilometer) voyage took 67 hours and two minutes. It was financed by Fossett's longtime friend and investor, Richard Branson, who heads Virgin Atlantic Airways.
As GlobalFlyer approached the airport, Fossett deployed small parachutes to slow the craft down. After touching down smoothly, Fossett taxied the plane toward a hangar and Branson waved a black-and-white checkered flag as the jet came to a stop. Fossett's flight team opened a bottle of champagne onto the runway. GlobalFlyer was built by Scaled Composites, the same firm that designed and launched the world's first civilian manned spacecraft, SpaceShipOne, last year. Burt Rutan, aerospace engineer and head of Scaled Composites, said the plane, and the pilot, performed admirably. Despite the successful homecoming, the GlobalFlyer encountered dark moments during its flight. At one point, controllers thought the plane would run out of fuel far short of its target.
Fossett and the GlobalFlyer team considered abandoning the trip when they were over Hawaii on Wednesday because the experimental plane came up about 2,600 pounds of fuel short after taking off. The jet burns 102 pounds of fuel per hour. The team speculated that fuel was vented from four tanks shortly after takeoff. Fossett decided to press on because of favorable tail winds. "If I have engine trouble, there will be no trouble with gliding," Fossett had said earlier in the day before landing. When more data arrived from the aircraft, projections showed the fuel would propel the aircraft throughout its entire 25,000-mile trip.