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China’s state grain trader to go global as changing diet spurs search for feed
The head of Cofco, the Chinese state-owned grain trader, has laid out plans to turn the company into a publicly listed global powerhouse, highlighting Beijing’s decision to relax its policy of food self-sufficiency. 中国的国有粮食贸易商中粮集团(Cofco)负责人阐述了相关计划,拟将这家公司转型为一家公开上市的全球大公司,突显北京方面决定放松粮食自给自足政策。
Ning Gaoning, Cofco chairman, told a Financial Times conference in Lausanne that China’s farm impor ts would rise from 120m tonnes to 200m tonnes in a decade as people consumed more meat and milk. “This is a transformation period in China,” he said.中粮集团董事长宁高宁(右图)在英国《金融时报》在洛桑举行的会议上表示,随着人们对肉和奶制品的消费需求上升,10年后中国的农产品进口将从现在的1.2亿吨增至2亿吨。宁高宁说:“这是中国的一个转型期。”
The diets of the country of 1.4bn have changed as living standards rose with industrialisation. More meat and dairy on tables has strained arable land and water resources, pushing China abroad in search of grain to feed livestock. 随着中国成为工业化国家,人民生活水平不断提高,14亿人口的饮食发生了改变。人们的餐桌上出现了更多的肉类和奶制品,造成了耕地和水资源的紧张,迫使中国到海外寻找喂养牲畜所需的谷物。
Cofco’s ambitious plans will put it in competition with foreign suppliers that dominate global flows of agricultural commodities such as US-based Archer Daniels Midland and Cargill. 中粮集团雄心勃勃的计划将令其与主导全球农产品流动的外国供应商展开竞争,如总部位于美国的ADM公司(Archer Daniels Midland)以及嘉吉(Cargill)。
Mr Ning said: “People ask me: are you going to be a buyer or a competitor in the future? I think we will co-operate, but sometimes we will compete. We will compete in a very, very friendly way.”宁高宁说:“有人问我:未来你打算成为一个买家还是一个竞争者?我想我们会去合作,但有时我们也会竞争。我们将以一种非常、非常友好的方式去竞争。”
David MacLennan, chief executive of Cargill, said he thought Cofco’s expansion plans were “fantastic”. He said: “It is transformational but it’s not surprising. It’s a country of a billion three, a billion four. They need to eat.”嘉吉首席执行官戴维•麦克伦南(David MacLennan)表示,他认为中粮集团的扩张计划“非常棒”。麦克伦南说:“此举是重大转型,但并不令人意外。中国有13、14亿人口,他们要吃饭。”
Cofco is a leading state-owned grain buyer but also controls a sprawling empire of hotels, shopping malls and vineyards. It already has listed units including soya trader China Agri-Industries Holdings and Mengniu Dairy. 中粮集团是一家大型国有粮食收购集团,但也控制着一个庞大的商业帝国,涵盖酒店、商场和葡萄园。中粮旗下已经上市公司包括大豆贸易商中国粮油控股有限公司(China Agri-Industries Holdings)以及蒙牛乳业(Mengniu Dairy)。
Cofco spent $3bn last year on a 51 per cent stake in a joint venture with Noble Group of Hong Kong and control of Dutch agricultural trading house Nidera to extend to regions such as Brazil, the US, Ukraine and Russia. Mr Ning said he would integrate the operations into a “global agricultural company”. 去年中粮集团斥资30亿美元与香港来宝集团(Noble Group)成立合资公司,中粮持有合资公司51%的股权,该公司还买下了荷兰农业贸易公司Nidera 的控股权,将贸易地盘扩大到巴西、美国、乌克兰和俄罗斯。宁高宁表示,他将这些业务整