The Movement Type ConceptWhat Is a Movement Type?When you enter a goods movement in the system, you must enter a movement type to differentiate between the various goods movements. A movement type is a three-digit identification key for a goods movement. The following table contains examples of movement types.Description of Movement TypesBelow you will find a short description of the standard movement types. The reversal movement type is the movement type + 1 (reversal of 101 = 102).101 Goods receipt for purchase order or orderIf the purchase order or order has not been assigned to an account, a stock type (unrestricted-use stock, stock in quality inspection, blocked stock) can be entered during goods receipt.If the purchase order or order has been assigned to an account, the goods receipt is not posted to the warehouse, but to consumption.In the case of non-valuated materials, the goods receipt is posted to the warehouse, although the purchase order has not been assigned to an account.Possible special stock indicators:• K Goods receipt for purchase order to consignment stock• O Goods receipt for purchase order to stock of material provided to vendor• E GR for purchase order or order to sales order stock• Q GR for purchase order or order to project stock.Goods receipt forsubcontract order: at goods receipt, the consumption of the components is posted at the same time (see movement type 543)Goods receipt forstock transport order: at goods receipt the transported quantity is posted in the receiving plant from stock in transit into unrestricted-use stock (stock in quality inspection or blocked stock).103 Goods receipt for purchase order into GR blocked stockYou cannot receive goods into goods receipt blocked stock for stock transport orders.K, O, E, Q105 Release from GR blocked stock for purchase orderMovement type 105 has the same effects as 101.Possible special stock indicators:K, O, E, Q121 Subsequent adjustment for subcontractingThis movement type cannot be entered manually.With a subsequent adjustment for a subcontract order it is possible to correct the consumption of components. In this case, the material produced by the supplier is credited with the excess consumption / under-consumption. For this reason, if there is a subsequent adjustment, an item is generated for the produced material using movement movement type 121.Movement type 121 does not have a reversal movement type.Possible special stock indicators:O, E, Q122 Return delivery to supplier or to productionUsing movement type 122, you can distinguish real return deliveries for a purchase order or order from cancellations (102).In the standard version, you must enter a reason for the return delivery if you are using movement type 122. This enables you to carry out evaluations for return deliveries.The effects of movement type 122 correspond to a cancellation of movement type 101.Possible special stock indicators:K, O, E, Q123 Reversal of return deliveryIf you returned a goods receipt using movement type 122, you can reverse the return delivery using movement type 123. This movement type has the same effects as movement type 101.Possible special stock indicators:K, O, E, Q124 Return delivery to vendor from GR blocked stockUsing movement type 124, you can return a goods receipt to GR blocked stock ( 103). Movement type 124 has the same effects as movement type 104.K, O, E, Q125 Return delivery from GR blocked stock - reversalIf you returned a goods receipt to GR blocked stock using movement type 124 , you can reverse the return delivery using movement type 125.Movement type 125 has the same effects as movement type 103.Possible special stock indicators:K, O, E, Q131 Goods receipt for run schedule headerThis movement type cannot be entered manually. It is generated automatically at notification of goods receipt for a run schedule header.Possible special stock indicators:E, Q141 Goods receipt for subsequent adjustment for active ingredientThis movement type cannot be entered manually. It is generated automatically upon subsequent adjustment for a proportion/product unit . Subsequent adjustment is necessary if the system finds that there has been excess consumption or under-consumption after a goods receipt posting.Possible special stock indicators:K, O, E, Q161 Return for purchase orderIf a purchase order item is marked as a returns item, the returns to vendor are posted using movement type 161 when the goods receipt for purchase order ( 101) is posted. Movement type 161 has the same effects as movement type 122.Possible special stock indicators:K, O, E, Q201 Goods issue for a cost centerThe goods can only be withdrawn from unrestricted-use stock.Possible special stock indicators:• K: Goods withdrawal from consignment stock• P: Goods withdrawal from the pipelineIf you have withdrawals from consignment stock and from pipeline, payables to suppliers ensue.221 Goods issue for a projectThe goods can only be withdrawn from unrestricted-use stock.K, Q231 Goods issue for a customer order (without Shipping)You use this movement type if you want to process the delivery without Shipping. The goods can only be withdrawn from unrestricted-use stock.Possible special stock indicators:E, K, Q241 Goods issue for an assetThe goods can only be withdrawn from unrestricted-use stock.Possible special stock indicators:K251 Goods issue for sales (without customer order)Use this movement type if you have not entered a customer order in SD. In the standard system, the movement is assigned to a cost center.The goods can only be withdrawn from unrestricted-use stock.Possible special stock indicators:K261 Goods issue for an orderThis refers to all withdrawals for orders (for example,DS:GLOS.3526C388AFAB52B9E10000009B38F974>production orders, maintenance orders), with the exception of customer orders.Possible special stock indicators:E, K, P, Q, WThe goods issue can be posted manually in Inventory Management or automatically when an order is confirmed or via a delivery in Shipping.281 Goods issue for a networkThe goods can only be withdrawn from unrestricted-use stock.The goods issue can also be posted via a delivery in Shipping.Possible special stock indicators:E, K, P, Q291 Goods issue for any arbitrary account assignmentWith this movement type, all account assignment fields are ready for input. You can assign the movement to any arbitrary account assignment object.The goods can only be withdrawn from unrestricted-use stock.Possible special stock indicators:E, K, P, Q301 Transfer posting plant to plant in one stepThe quantity is transferred from unrestricted-use stock in the issuing plant to unrestricted-use stock in the receiving plant.Possible special stock indicators:E, O, Q, V, W303 Transfer posting plant to plant in two steps - removal from storageThe quantity is transferred from unrestricted-use stock of the issuing plant tostock in transfer in the receiving plant.For technical reasons, you cannot carry out transfer postings from plant to plant in two steps for split valuation materials.Removal from storage can be posted with movement type 603 via Shipping. Possible special stock indicators:None305 Transfer posting plant to plant in two steps - placement in storageThe quantity is posted from stock in transfer to unrestricted-use stock in the receiving plant. The movement is not valuated.You can use movement type 605 in Shipping to post the goods receipt with reference to the delivery.Possible special stock indicators:None309 Transfer posting material to materialThe quantity is posted from unrestricted-use stock of the issuing material into unrestricted-use stock in the receiving material.Prerequisite: both materials have the same stockkeeping unit.Possible special stock indicators:E, O, Q, V, W311 Transfer posting storage location to storage location in one stepThe quantity is transferred from unrestricted-use stock of the issuing storage location to unrestricted use in the receiving storage location.Possible special stock indicators:E, K, M, QSee also 321, 343, 349, and 455 for other stock types313 Stock transfer storage location to storage location in two steps - removal from storageThe quantity is transferred from unrestricted-use stock of the issuing storage location to stock in transfer in the receiving storage location.Possible special stock indicators:None315 Transfer posting storage location to storage location in two steps - placement in storageIn the receiving storage location, the quantity is transferred from the stock in transfer to the unrestricted-use stock.Possible special stock indicators:None317 Creation of a structured material from constituent components (Retail)A material split into its components using movement type 319 can be rejoined using movement type 317.Movement type 317 has the same effect as a cancellation of movement type 319. Possible special stock indicators:None319 Split structured material into components (Retail)You can enter the splitting of a structured material manually using movement type 319.You can configure Customizing so that a structured material (for example, aset, prepack, or display is automatically split into its components at goods receipt. The system posts the split using movement type 319. In this process, the BOM header material is posted and each of the component stocks are increased. You can also use this function if you use the Warehouse Management System (LE-WM).Possible special stock indicators:NoneExample:A box of the structured material S contains 3 pieces of the component K1 and 4 pieces of the component K2. The following material document items result after the material is split at goods receipt:Qty Unit Material Movement type1 box S 101 +1 box S 319 -4 piece K1 319 +5 piece K2 319 +321 Transfer posting stock in quality inspection - unrestricted-use stockThe quantity is transferred from stock in quality inspection into unrestricted-use stock. Here you can post the quantity to another storage location.You cannot use this movement type for QM-managed materials since transfer posting for these materials takes place via the usage decision.Possible special stock indicators:E, K, O, Q, V, W323 Transfer posting storage location to storage location - stock in quality inspection The quantity is transferred from stock in quality inspection in the issuing storage location into stock in quality inspection in the receiving storage location.Possible special stock indicators:E, K, Q325 Transfer posting storage location to storage location - blocked stockThe quantity is transferred from blocked stock in the issuing storage location into blocked stock in the receiving storage location.Possible special stock indicators:E, K, Q331 Withdrawal of sample from stock in quality inspectionThe sample is destructive, that is, the withdrawal has the same effects asscrapping. Possible special stock indicators:E, K, Q, V, W333 Withdrawal of sample from unrestricted-use stockThe sample is destructive, that is, the withdrawal has the same effects asscrapping. Possible special stock indicators:E, K, Q, V, W335 Withdrawal of sample from blocked stockThe sample is destructive, that is, the withdrawal has the same effects asscrapping. Possible special stock indicators:E, K, Q340 Revaluation of batchUsing this movement type, you can change a batch's valuation type. The system automatically calls up this movement type when you want to revaluate a batch by choosing Logistics -> Central Functions -> Batch Management -> Batch -> Change (transaction code MSC2N). There is no reversal movement type.Possible special stock indicators:E, Q341 Change in status of a batch (available to unavailable)This goods movement is automatically created when there is a change in thestatus of a batch and it is also used to transfer the unrestricted-use stock into restricted-use stock.Possible special stock indicators:E, K, M, O, Q, V, W343 Transfer posting blocked stock - unrestricted-use stockThe quantity is transferred from blocked stock to unrestricted-use stock. You can also post the quantity to another storage location.Possible special stock indicators:E, K, Q349 Transfer posting from blocked stock to stock in quality inspectionThe quantity is transferred from blocked stock to stock in quality inspection. Here you can transfer the quantity to another storage location.Possible special stock indicators:E, K, Q351 Goods issue for a stock transport order (without Shipping)The quantity is transferred from unrestricted-use stock in the issuing plant tostock in transit in the receiving plant.Movement type 351 is only used if the goods issue is posted without a delivery in Shipping. A goods issue for a stock transport order with delivery in Shipping is posted using movement types 641, 643, 645, or 647.The transfer posting is also possible for materials with split valuation.The goods issue for a stock transport order takes place using movement type 101. Possible special stock indicators:E, QFor special stock indicators E and Q and for purchase orders assigned to an account, ensure that the quantity is not posted to the stock in transit in the receiving plant. 411 Transfer posting of special stocks E, K, and Q to company's own stockThe quantity is transferred from unrestricted-use special stock E (sales order stock), unrestricted-use stock K ( consignment stock) and unrestricted-use special stock Q (project stock) to unrestricted-use storage location stock. The corresponding special stock indicator is required for this movement.If you do not use the special stock indicator, the system uses this movement type and movement type 311.For sales order stock, you can change the material number for this movement if you manage the material in your company's own stock under a different material number (for example, for configurable materials).Consignment stock is transferred to valuated stock, thus resulting in a vendor liability. 413 Transfer posting to sales order stockYou can use this movement type to carry out a transfer posting from your own unrestricted-use stock, other sales order stock, consignment stock, and project stock to a sales order stock.Possible special stock indicators:E, K, Q415 Transfer posting to project stockYou can use this movement type to carry out a transfer posting from your own unrestricted-use stock, consignment stock, and other project stock to a project stock. Possible special stock indicators:E, K, Q441 Transfer posting non-tied to tied emptiesPart of the stock of an "empties" material assigned to a full product is managed in the stock type "tied empties".Empties stock not assigned to a full product forms part of the stock type "unrestricted-use".Using movement type 441, you can make a transfer posting for an empties material from the stock type "unrestricted-use" to the stock type "tied empties". Movement type 442 reverses this transaction.Example:The full product "beer" has a stock of 15 cases. Part of the empties components "bottle" and "case" is tied empties stock.Material unrestricted-use tied emptiesBeer 15Bottle 240 360case 10 15451 Returns from customer (without Shipping)Using movement type 451, you post customer returns without a returns delivery inShipping into blocked stock returns.Possible special stock indicators:NoneSee also: 453, 651, 653453 Transfer posting blocked stock returns to unrestricted-use stockThe quantity is transferred from blocked stock returns to unrestricted-use stock and thereby transferred to valuated stock.With this movement you can transfer the quantity to another storage location at the same time.Possible special stock indicators:None455 Transfer posting storage location to storage location - blocked stock returnsThe quantity is transferred from blocked stock returns of the issuing storage location to blocked stock returns of the receiving storage location.Possible special stock indicators:None457 Transfer posting blocked stock returns to quality inspection stockThe quantity is transferred from blocked stock returns to quality inspection stock and thereby transferred to valuated stock.With this movement you can transfer the quantity to another storage location at the same time.Possible special stock indicators:None459 Transfer posting blocked stock returns to blocked stockThe quantity is transferred from blocked stock returns to blocked stock and thereby transferred to valuated stock.With this movement you can transfer the quantity to another storage location at the same time.Possible special stock indicators:None501 Goods receipt without purchase order - unrestricted-use stockThis movement type is used for deliveries from vendors that are not based on a purchase order. Invoice verification is not possible for these goods receipts.For a goods receipt for purchase order (101), the receipt of returnable transport packaging can be entered using movementtype 501 and special stock indicator M.Possible special stock indicators:E, K, M, Q503 Goods receipt without purchase order - stock in quality inspectionThis movement type is used for deliveries from vendors that are not based on a purchase order. Invoice verification is not possible for these goods receipts. Possible special stock indicators:E, K, Q505 Goods receipt without purchase order - blocked stockThis movement type is used for deliveries from vendors that are not based on a purchase order. Invoice verification is not possible for these goods receipts. Possible special stock indicators:E, K, Q511 Free-of-charge delivery from vendorThe quantity is posted to unrestricted-use stock. If there is a material with moving average price, the moving average price is reduced accordingly.Possible special stock indicators:None521 Goods receipt without order - unrestricted-use stockThis movement type is used for deliveries from production that are not based on an order.Possible special stock indicators:E, Q523 Goods receipt without order - stock in quality inspectionThis movement type is used for deliveries from production that are not based on an order.Possible special stock indicators:E, Q525 Goods receipt without order - blocked stockThis movement type is used for deliveries from production that are not based on an order.Possible special stock indicators:E, Q531 Goods receipt from by-product from the orderThe goods receipt of a by-product usually refers to an order, but it can be enteredwithout a reference.If a component is entered with a negative quantity in the order, a reservation item is created with 531 (instead of 261 ). The receipt of a by-product can be entered when the component for the order is withdrawn from stock or it can be entered as an 'other goods receipt'.Possible special stock indicators:E, QSee also: 545 and 581541 Transfer posting unrestricted-use stock - stock of material provided to vendor With this movement type you provide the subcontractor with the components required for subcontract orders. The quantity is posted into unrestricted-use stock of material provided to vendor.If there is a goods receipt for a subcontract order ( 101 ) consumption of components is posted from this stock.The transfer posting can be posted via a delivery in Shipping.Possible special stock indicators:None543 Consumption from stock of material provided to vendorThis movement cannot be entered manually.The consumption of components for a subcontract order is posted using goods receipt for purchase order ( 101). It can be corrected by means of a subsequent adjustment. For special stock indicators E and Q, you must ensure that the quantity is not posted to the stock of material provided to vendor, but to the unrestricted-use sales order or project stock.Possible special stock indicators:E, O, Q545 Goods receipt from by-product from subcontractingIf a component is entered with a negative quantity for the subcontract order, the receipt of the by-product is posted to stock provided to vendor during goods receipt for purchase order or during the subsequent adjustment.For special stock indicators E and Q, you must ensure that the quantity is not posted to the stock of material provided to vendor, but to the unrestricted-use sales order or project stock.Possible special stock indicators:E, O, Q551 Scrapping from unrestricted-use stockPossible special stock indicators:E, K, O, Q, V, W553 Scrapping from stock in quality inspectionPossible special stock indicators:E, K, O, Q, V, W555 Scrapping from blocked stockPossible special stock indicators:E, K, Q561 Initial entry of stock - unrestricted-use stockDuringinitial entry of stock balances, when the R/3 system is active, you enter the physical warehouse stock figures or the book inventory from your old system into the R/3 Materials Management component. This data entry usually takes place by means of batch input.Possible special stock indicators:E, K, M, O, Q, V, W563 Initial entry of stock - quality inspectionDuringinitial entry of stock balances, when the R/3 system is active, you enter the physical warehouse stock figures or the book inventory from your old system into the R/3 Materials Management component. This data entry usually takes place by means of batch input.Possible special stock indicators:E, K, O, Q, V, W565 Initial entry of stock - blocked stockDuringinitial entry of stock balances, when the R/3 system is active, you enter the physical warehouse stock figures or the book inventory from your old system into the R/3 Materials Management component. This data entry usually takes place by means of batch input.Possible special stock indicators:E, K, Q571 Goods receipt for assembly order to unrestricted-useThis movement cannot be entered in Inventory Management. It can only be entered inrepetitive manufacturing using the Goods receipt for sales order function.Possible special stock indicators:E, Q573 Goods receipt for assembly order to quality inspectionThis movement cannot be entered in Inventory Management. It can only be entered in repetitive manufacturing using the Goods receipt for sales order function.Possible special stock indicators:E, Q575 Goods receipt for assembly order to blocked stockThis movement cannot be entered in Inventory Management. It can only be entered in repetitive manufacturing using the Goods receipt for sales order function.Possible special stock indicators:E, Q581 Goods receipt of a by-product from the networkThe goods receipt of a by-product usually refers to anetwork, but can be entered without reference.If a component is entered with a negative quantity in the network, a reservation is created with 581 (instead of 281 ). The receipt of a by-product can be entered during the withdrawal for the network or as an 'other goods receipt'.Possible special stock indicators:E, Q601 Goods issue for delivery (Shipping)In Shipping, this movement type is created automatically with the Goods issue for delivery function.The quantity is taken from unrestricted-use stock.Possible special stock indicators:E, K, Q603 Goods issue for stock transport order (Shipping) with additionalitemIf you issue goods for a stock transport order in Shipping using movement type 641, you can use this movement type to assign an extra item to the order.The ordered material is transferred to the stock in transit of the receiving plant. The material for the additional item is transferred from unrestricted-use stock in the issuing plant to stock in transfer in the receiving plant.You can also use this movement type without referencing a purchase order.Possible special stock indicators:NoneSee also: 303, 641605 Goods receipt for a stock transport order (Shipping) withadditional itemYou can use this movement type to transfer into unrestricted-use stock the material you posted into stock in transfer in the receiving plant using movement type 603. You post the goods movement with reference to the purchase order (if available) or the delivery.Possible special stock indicators:NoneSee also: 305 and 641621 Transfer posting unrestricted-use - returnable packaging (Shipping)The quantity is transferred from unrestricted-use stock to the returnable packaging stock at customer.Possible special stock indicators:none623 Goods issue from returnable packaging stock at customer (Shipping)This quantity is withdrawn from unrestricted-use returnable packaging stock at the customer.Possible special stock indicators:V631 Transfer posting unrestricted use - customer consignment stock (Shipping)The quantity is transferred from unrestricted-use stock to consignment stock at customer.Possible special stock indicators:E, Q633 Goods issue from customer consignment (Shipping)The quantity is withdrawn from unrestricted-use consignment stock at the customer. Possible special stock indicators:W641 Goods issue for a stock transport order (Shipping)The quantity is transferred using a delivery in Shipping from unrestricted-use stock of the issuing plant to stock in transit of the receiving plant.The goods receipt for the stock transport order takes place using movement type 101and can, if required, refer to the purchase order or to the delivery. If a purchase order item is flagged as a returns item in the stock transport order, you can post the goods receipt of the returns in the issuing plant with movment type 671.Possible special stock indicators:E, QFor the special stock indicators E and Q and for purchase orders assigned to an account, you must ensure that the quantity is not posted to the stock in transit of the receiving plant.See also: 351, 643, 671643 Goods issue for a cross-companystock transport order (Shipping)It is used only for cross-company stock transport orders with SD billing and invoice. The quantity is withdrawn from the unrestricted-use stock of the issuing plant. No stock in transit is created here. In the second step, the goods receipt must be entered in the receiving plant. If a purchase order item is flagged as a returns item in the stock transport order, you can post the goods receipt of the returns in the issuing plant with movment type 673.Possible special stock indicators:ESee also: 351, 641, 673645 Goods issue for a cross-companystock transport order in one step (Shipping)Unlike movement type 643 when a goods issue is posted using movement type 645, a goods receipt line is generated automatically 101). If a purchase order item is flagged as a returns item in the stock transport order, you can post the goods receipt of the returns in the issuing plant with movment type 675.Possible special stock indicators:ESee also: 675647 Goods issue for a stock transport order in one step(Shipping)Unlike movement type 641 when a goods issue is posted using movement type 647, a goods receipt line (movement type 101) is generated automatically in the receiving plant. If a purchase order item is flagged as a returns item in the stock transport order, you can post the goods receipt of the returns in the issuing plant with movement type。
SAP移动类型详细说明SAP移动类型详细说明101 Goods receipt for purchase order or order 101有关采购订单或生产订单的收货If the purchase order or order has not been assigned to an account, a stock type (unrestricted-use stock, stock in quality inspection, blocked stock) can be entered during goods receipt.如果采购订单或订单没有指定科目,其库存类型(非限制使用库存、质量检验库存、冻结库存)可以在收货的时候输入。
If the purchase order or order has been assigned to an account, the goods receipt is not posted to the warehouse, but to consumption.如果采购订单或订单已经存在科目分配,收货没有过帐到仓库库存中,而是过帐到消耗中(PS.如成本中心、固定资产、办公用品等)。
In the case of non-valuated materials, the goods receipt is posted to the warehouse, although the purchase order has not been assigned to an account.对于无评估物料的情况,收货时也会过帐到仓库中,尽管采购订单中没有分配科目。
Possible special stock indicators:相关的特殊库存标识:K Goods receipt for purchase order to consignment stockK有关寄售库存采购订单的收货O Goods receipt for purchase order to stock of material provided to vendorO有关委外加工库存采购订单的收货(分包)E GR for purchase order or order to sales order stockE有关销售订单库存的收货Q GR for purchase order or order to project stock.Q有关项目库存采购订单的收货Goods receipt for subcontract order: at goods receipt, the consumption of the components is posted at the same time (see movement type543)有关分包订单的收货:在收货时,组件的消耗过账也会同时进行(参见移动类型543)(PS.委外加工后返回的物料,原先在库存中的状态为:分包,在101收货的同时,系统会自动作543的转储动作将物料从分包库存转储到非限制自有库存中)。
Control Functions of the Movement Type移动类型的控制功能在库存管理中,移动类型有着重要的控制功能。
Use of movement type移动类型的使用Inventory Management (MM-IM)库存管理(MM-IM)分类码指定了物料移动的类型(例如,收货,发货,库存转储)移动类型能够激发系统去查找过帐规则,以确定财务会计系统的科目(库存及消耗科目)如何记帐,以及物料主数据中的库存值如何更新。
Logistics __execution (LE)后勤执行(LE)分类码在仓库管理系统中用来描述在一个复杂的仓库(仓库号)中的库存移动(IS-H)用于医院的特定行业组件(IS-H) (略)Classification of a movement category.复制,更改移动类型在这个步骤中,你可以修改已存在的移动类型的设置定义新的移动类型当你输入一个货物移动,你始终必须输入一个移动类型。
ERP的基础是物流那么怎样在系统中控制物流?最基础的需求是控制进/出/消耗包括1/从哪里进来(采购订单/生产订单/其他库位) 到哪里去(销售订单/生产订单/成本中心/内部订单/其他库位/其他工厂) 2/这种移动的原因(可以对移动进行控制,例如在用户报损可以细分各部门责任) 3/这种移动的数量和金额对库房帐和财务帐带来的影响以及这种影响能否自动实现(MM-FI的sap系统中用于标志物料移动(收货/发货/转储/转储记帐)的三位的数字/字母通常分几大类:收货发货转储库房调整常用的有:收货类101 采购订单收货103 采购订单收货至冻结状态122 无采购订单退货161 按退货采购订单退货131 从生产订单收货501 无采购订单收货511 免费收货发货类201 成本中心消耗261 内部订单消耗541 委外加工发货551 库房报损转储类301 工厂间转储(一步) 311 存储地点间转储309 编码转换321-325 库存类为冻结/质检状态的记帐修改移动调整类盘赢盘亏一般控制比较严4系列移动类型没用过哪位讲讲?通常我们说的移动类型是IM(库存管理)移动类型---*0403更新移动类型在某电子行业重复制造模式企业的应用以部门为线串一下1/库房收货处唯一任务是收货按采购订单号码清点货物数量整理通知IQC准备质检101 按采购订单收货MB01 没上WM会收到PO指定的存储地点有WM会收到收货区(是对应WM移动类型决定)使用QM模块并在主数据中设定必须做IQC的物料收货后自动转为质检库存类直到作出使用决定后再移动501 无采购订单收货511 免费收货MIGO/MB1C2/库房材料库主要任务是WM转储/库存调拨/按生产订单投料/非生产消耗/盘库WM转库就不讲了库存调拨有工厂间调拨301 存储地点间调拨311 事务码都是MB1B还分一步和两步方法例如用303+305 效果与301类似但两个工厂都需要做动作用内部订单控制月底结算双方对帐对特殊库存状态(special storage category)物料库存调拨需要用特殊移动类型质检料的转库323 冻结料的转库325对库存状态变化质检->自由库存321 MB1B编码转换309 MB1B由于生产方式是重复制造采用反冲方法将原材料转入supply area 通过生产线软件取数据自动confirm生产订单然后反冲先根据order消耗然后发货到生产线收货区对材料261消耗到订单对应前端MB1C 对半成品/成品101收货对应前端MB31报损551 MB1C 这里的移动原因一般是强制输入的以便月底报表区分各部门数据(供应商原因/研发原因/各生产线原因)借料系统里面没有拷一个出来就是自然是借到成本中心来控制月底盘库701/702 Or 711/712 这个用户看不到对盘库差异清算自动产生3/库房发货处这里的移动类型也看不见对这里人员是根据delivery note和shipping noification发货601 销售出库633 寄售出库(总部->分公司)541 委外加工发货成本计算方法1、首先根据价格控制S 或V2、价格控制为S (标准价格)的话,移动平均价=(前期库存金额(以往收货数量×标准价格)+本期收货数量×物料标准价格)/当前库存数量3、价格控制为V (移动平均价的话),移动平均价=(前期库存金额(以往收货数量×采购价格)+本期收货数量×物料采购价格)/当前库存数量标准价格计价,同时变动成本减少;原材料标准价格与产成品之间的标准价格差异均被转到当期的损益中。
SAP移动类型简介SAP移动类型简介SAP系统中⽤于标志物料移动(收货/发货/转储/转储记帐)的三位的数字/字母通常分⼏⼤类:收货发货转储库房调整常⽤的有:101 采购订单收货 103 采购订单收货⾄冻结状态 122 ⽆采购订单退货 161 按退货采购订单退货 131 从⽣产订单501 ⽆采购订单收货 511 免费收货201 成本中⼼消耗 261 内部订单消耗541 委外加⼯发货551 库房报损301 ⼯⼚间转储(⼀步) 311 存储地点间转储 309 编码转换 321-325 库存类为冻结/质检状态的记帐修改移动调整类盘赢盘亏⼀般控制⽐较严通常我们说的移动类型是IM(库存管理)移动类型移动类型在重复制造模式企业的应⽤唯⼀任务是收货按采购订单号码清点货物数量整理通知IQC准备质检101 按采购订单收货 MB01 没上WM会收到PO指定的存储地点有WM会收到收货区(是对应WM移动类型决定)使⽤QM模块并在主数据中设定必须做IQC的物料收货后⾃动转为质检库存类直到作出使⽤决定后再移动501 ⽆采购订单收货511 免费收货 MIGO/MB1C主要任务是WM转储/库存调拨/按⽣产订单投料/⾮⽣产消耗/盘库WM转库就不讲了库存调拨有⼯⼚间调拨 301 存储地点间调拨 311 事务码都是MB1A还分⼀步和两步⽅法例如⽤ 303+305 效果与301类似但两个⼯⼚都需要做动作⽤内部订单控制⽉底结算双⽅对帐对特殊库存状态(special storage category)物料库存调拨需要⽤特殊移动类型质检料的转库 323 冻结料的转库 325对库存状态变化质检->⾃由库存 321 MB1B编码转换 309 MB1B由于⽣产⽅式是重复制造采⽤反冲⽅法将原材料转⼊supply area 通过⽣产线软件取数据⾃动confirm⽣产订单然后反冲先根据order消耗然后发货到⽣产线收货区对材料 261消耗到订单对应前端MB1C 对半成品/成品 101收货对应前端MB31报损 551 MB1C 这⾥的移动原因⼀般是强制输⼊的以便⽉底报表区分各部门数据(供应商原因/研发原因/各⽣产线原因)借料系统⾥⾯没有拷⼀个出来就是⾃然是借到成本中⼼来控制⽉底盘库 701/702 Or 711/712 这个⽤户看不到对盘库差异清算⾃动产⽣这⾥的移动类型也看不见对这⾥⼈员是根据delivery note和shipping noification发货601 销售出库633 寄售出库(总部->分公司)541 委外加⼯发货101 按采购订单收货到库存102 按采购订单收货到仓库 - 冲销103 按采购订单收货到收货冻结库存104 按采购订单的收货 -> 收货冻结库存 - 冲销105 批准仓库中冻结的收货库存106 批准仓库中冻结的收货库存 - 冲销107 向已评估冻结库存的收货108 向已评估冻结库存的收货-冲销109 来⾃已评估冻结库存的收货110 来⾃已评估冻结库存的收货-冲销122 向供应商退货123 退货冲销124 ⾃GR冻结库存的退回交货125 ⾃GR冻结库存的退回交货 - 冲销161 采购订单退回201 仓库中成本中⼼的消耗201 K 寄售存储中的成本中⼼消耗201 P 管道中的成本中⼼消耗202 库存中成本中⼼的消耗-冲销202 K 寄售中的成本中⼼消耗 - 冲销202 P 管道中的成本中⼼消耗-冲销221 库存中项⽬的消耗221 K 寄售项⽬的消耗221 Q 项⽬中的项⽬消耗222 库存中的项⽬消耗 - 冲销222 K 寄售项⽬的消耗 - 冲销222 Q 项⽬中的项⽬消耗-冲销231 仓库中的销售订单消耗231 E ⾮限制销售订单库存中的销售订单消耗231 K 寄售存储中的销售订单消耗231 Q ⾮限制项⽬库存中的销售订单消耗232 仓库中的销售订单消耗 - 冲销232 E ⾮限制销售定单中的销售订单消耗 - 冲销232 K 寄售中的销售订单消耗 - 冲销232 Q ⾮限制项⽬中的销售订单消耗-冲销241 仓库中的资产消耗241 K 寄售资产的消耗242 仓库中的资产消耗 - 冲销242 K 寄售资产的消耗 - 冲销251 仓库中的销售消耗251 K 寄售存储中的销售消耗252 仓库中的销售消耗 - 冲销252 K 寄售中的销售消耗 - 冲销261 仓库中的订单消耗261 E ⾮限制销售订单库存中的订单消耗261 K 寄售存储中的订单消耗261 P 管道中的订单消耗261 Q ⾮限制项⽬库存中的订单消耗261 W 客户处寄售中的订单消耗262 仓库中的订单消耗 - 冲销262 E ⾮限制销售订单库存中的订单消耗 - 冲销262 K 寄售中的订单消耗 - 冲销262 P 管道中的订单消耗-冲销262 Q ⾮限制项⽬中的订单消耗-冲销262 W 客户的寄售订单消耗-冲销281 库存中的⽹络消耗281 E ⾮限制销售订单库存中的⽹络消耗281 K 来⾃托售库存的⽹络消耗281 P 管道中的⽹络消耗281 Q ⾮限制项⽬中的⽹络消耗282 库存中的⽹络消耗-冲销282 E ⾮限制销售订单中的⽹络消耗-冲销282 K 来⾃托售库存的⽹络消耗-冲销282 P 管道中的⽹络消耗-冲销282 Q ⾮限制项⽬中的⽹络消耗-冲销291 仓库中所有帐户分配的消耗291 E ⾮限制销售订单库存中所有帐户分配的消耗291 K 寄售存储中所有帐户分配的消耗291 P 管道中所有帐户分配的消耗291 Q ⾮限制项⽬中所有帐户分配的消耗291 W 客户寄售中的所有帐户分配的消耗292 仓库中所有帐户分配的消耗 - 冲销292 E ⾮限制销售订单中所有帐户分配的消耗 - 冲销292 K 寄售中所有帐户分配的消耗 - 冲销292 P 管道中所有帐户分配的消耗-冲销292 Q ⾮限制项⽬中所有帐户分配的消耗-冲销292 W 销售订单寄售中所有科⽬分配的消耗 - 冲销331 为从质量检测中抽样⽽提取331 E 为从质检销售订单中抽样⽽提取331 K 为从质检寄存中抽样⽽提取331 Q 来⾃质量检查项⽬的抽样的提取331 V 来⾃在客户的质量检查可退包装库存的抽样的提取331 W 来⾃在客户的质量检查寄存库存的抽样的提取332 为从质量检测中抽样⽽提取332 E 为从质检销售订单中抽样⽽提取 - 冲销332 K 为从质检寄存中抽样⽽提取 - 冲销332 Q 来⾃质量检查项⽬的抽样的倒冲-冲销332 V 来⾃在客户的质量检查可退包装库存的抽样的提取332 W 来⾃在客户的质量检查寄存库存的抽样的提取 -333 为从⾮限制使⽤库存中抽样⽽提取333 E 为从⾮限制销售订单中抽样⽽提取333 K 为从⾮限制寄存中抽样⽽提取333 Q 来⾃⽆限制项⽬的抽样的提取333 V 来⾃⽆限制客户处可退库存的抽样的提取333 W 来⾃⽆限制客户处寄存库存的抽样的提取334 为从⾮限制使⽤库存中抽样⽽提取 - 冲销334 E 为从冻结的销售订单中抽样的提取 - 冲销334 K 为从⾮限制寄存中抽样⽽提取 - 冲销334 Q 来⾃⽆限制项⽬的抽样的倒冲-冲销334 V 来⾃⽆限制客户处可退库存的抽样的提取-冲销334 W 来⾃⽆限制客户处寄存库存的抽样的提取-冲销335 为从冻结的库存中抽样的提取335 E 为从冻结的销售订单中抽样的提取 - 冲销335 K 为从冻结的的寄存中抽样的提取335 Q 来⾃被冻结计划的抽样的提取335 V 来⾃被冻结客户处可退包装库存的抽样的提取335 W 从客户冻结寄存库存中抽样336 从冻结的库存中抽样 - 冲销336 E 从冻结销售订单中抽样 - 冲销336 K 从冻结寄存中抽样 - 冲销336 Q 从冻结项⽬中抽样-冲销336 V 从客户处冻结可退包装库存中抽样 - 冲销336 W 从客户处冻结寄存库存中抽样 - 冲销351 从⾮限制使⽤库存到在运货物的转帐351 K 从⾮限制使⽤库存到在运货物的转帐352 ⾮限制使⽤库存到在途库存的转帐 - 冲销451 客户退货452 客户退货- 冲销501 到⾮限制性使⽤库存的⽆采购订单收货501 E 到⾮限制销售订单库存的⽆采购订单的收货501 K 接收⽆采购订单到⾮限制寄存商品501 M 到⽆限制RTP中的⽆采购订单的收货-冲销501 Q 到⽆限制项⽬中的不含采购订单的收货502 到⾮限制使⽤库存的⽆采购订单收货 - 冲销502 E 到⾮限制销售订单的⽆采购订单收货 - 冲销502 K 接收⽆采购订单到⾮限制寄存商品 - 冲销502 M 到⾮限制RTP中的⽆采购订单的收货-冲销502 Q 到⽆限制项⽬中的不含采购订单的收货-冲销503 到质量检验库存的⽆采购订单收货503 E 到质检销售订单库存的⽆采购订单收货503 K 到质检寄售的⽆采购订单收货503 Q 到质量检查项⽬中的不含采购订单的收货504 接收⽆采购订单到质检库存 - 冲销504 E 接收⽆采购订单到质检销售订单 - 冲销504 K 接收⽆采购订单到质检寄存商品 - 冲销504 Q 到质量检查项⽬中的不含采购订单的收货-冲销505 接收⽆采购订单到冻结库存505 E 接收⽆采购订单到冻结销售订单库存505 K 接收⽆采购订单到冻结寄存商品505 Q 到被冻结项⽬库存中的不含采购订单的收货506 接收⽆采购订单到冻结库存 - 冲销506 E 接收⽆采购订单到冻结销售订单 - 冲销506 K 接收⽆采购订单到冻结寄存商品 - 冲销506 Q 到被冻结项⽬中的不含采购订单的收货-冲销511 免费收货511 M 不含RTP费⽤的供货的收货512 免费收货- 冲销512 M 不含RTP费⽤的收货-冲销521 接收⽆⽣产订单到⾮限制使⽤库存521 E 接收⽆⽣产订单到⾮限制销售订单521 Q 到⽆限制项⽬中的不含⽣产订单的收货522 接收⽆⽣产订单到⾮限制使⽤库存 - 冲销522 E 接收⽆⽣产订单到⾮限制销售订单 - 冲销522 Q 到质量检查项⽬库存中的不含⽣产订单的收货-523 接收⽆⽣产订单到质量检查库存523 E 接收⽆⽣产订单到质检销售订单库存523 Q 到质量检查项⽬中的不含⽣产订单的收货524 接收⽆⽣产订单到质量检查库存 - 冲销524 E 接收⽆⽣产订单到质检销售订单库存 - 冲销524 Q 到质量检查项⽬中的不含⽣产订单的收货-冲销525 接收⽆⽣产订单到冻结库存525 E 接收⽆⽣产订单到冻结销售订单库存525 Q 到被冻结项⽬中的不含⽣产订单的收货526 接收⽆⽣产订单到冻结库存 - 冲销526 E 接收⽆⽣产订单到冻结销售订单库存 - 冲526 Q 到被冻结项⽬中的不含⽣产订单的收货-冲531 到⾮限制使⽤库存的副产品收货531 E 到⾮限制销售订单库存的副产品收货531 Q 到⽆限制项⽬中的副产品的收货532 ⾮限制使⽤库存中的副产品收货 - 冲销532 E 副产品到⾮限制销售订单的收据 - 冲销532 Q 副产品到⾮限制项⽬的收据 - 冲销551 为从⾮限制使⽤库存中中报废⽽提取551 E 为从冻结的销售订单库存中报废⽽提取551 K 为从⾮限制寄存中报废⽽提取551 O 从⾮限制使⽤分包库存报废551 Q 从⾮限制使⽤项⽬库存报废551 V 从⾮限制使⽤客户处空箱报废551 W 从⾮限制使⽤客户寄售库存报废552 为从⾮限制使⽤库存中报废⽽提取 - 冲销552 E 从⾮限制使⽤销售订单库存报废-冲销552 K 为从冻结的寄存中报废⽽提取 - 冲销552 O 从⾮限制使⽤分包库存报废-冲销552 Q 从⾮限制使⽤项⽬库存报废-冲销552 V 从⾮限制使⽤客户处空箱报废-冲销552 W 从⾮限制使⽤客户寄售库存报废-冲销553 为从质量检查库存中报废⽽提取553 E 为从质检销售订单库存中报废⽽提取553 K 为从质检寄存中报废⽽提取553 O 为从质检 SC 库存中报废⽽提取553 Q 从质检项⽬库存报废553 V 为从客户⽅质检空集装箱报废⽽提取553 W 为从质检客户⽅寄售报废⽽提取554 为从质量检查中报废⽽提取 - 冲销554 E 为从质检销售订单中报废⽽提取 - 冲销554 K 为从质检寄存中报废⽽提取 - 冲销554 O 为从质检 SC 库存中报废⽽提取554 Q 从质检项⽬库存报废-冲销554 V 为从客户⽅质检空集装箱报废⽽提取554 W 为从质检客户⽅寄售报废⽽提取555 为从冻结的库存中报废⽽提取555 E 为从冻结的销售订单库存中报废⽽提取555 K 为从冻结的寄存中报废⽽提取555 Q 从被冻结项⽬库存报废556 为从冻结的库存中报废⽽提取 - 冲销556 E 为从冻结的销售订单中报废⽽提取 - 冲销556 K 为从冻结的寄存中报废⽽提取 - 冲销556 Q 从被冻结项⽬库存报废-冲销557 从在途库存发货 (调整过帐)557 E 从销售订单在途库存发货 (调整过帐)557 Q 从项⽬在途库存发货 (调整过帐)558 到在途库存的收货 (调整过帐)558 E 到销售订单在途库存的收货 (调整过帐)558 Q 到在途库存项⽬的收货 (调整过帐)561 接收库存初始余额到⾮限制使⽤库存561 E 接收库存初始余额到⾮限制使⽤销售订单库存561 K 初始化⾮限制寄售库存561 M 初始化⾮限制RPT库存561 O 接收库存初始余额到⾮限制使⽤分包库存561 Q 到⾮限制项⽬的各库存余额初始条⽬收货561 V 初始化客户处的⾮限制退还包装物库存561 W 初始化客户处的⾮限制寄售库存562 接收库存初始余额到⾮限制使⽤分包库存-冲销562 E 到⾮限制销售订单的各库存余额初始条⽬的收货 - 冲销562 K 初始化⾮限制寄售库存 - 冲销562 M 初始化⾮限制寄售库存 - 冲销562 O 初始化⾮限制分包库存 - 冲销562 Q 到⾮限制项⽬的各库存余额初始条⽬的收货 - 冲562 V 初始化客户处的⾮限制退还包装物库存 - 冲销562 W 初始化客户处的⾮限制寄售库存 - 冲销563 初始化质检库存563 E 初始化质检销售订单库存563 K 初始化质检寄售库存563 O 初始化质检分包库存563 Q 初始化质检项⽬库存563 V 初始化客户处的质检退还包装物库存563 W 初始化客户处的质检寄售库存564 初始化质检库存 - 冲销564 E 初始化质检销售订单库存 - 冲销564 K 初始化质检寄售库存 - 冲销564 O 初始化质检分包库存 - 冲销564 Q 初始化质检项⽬库存-冲销564 V 初始化客户处的质检退还包装物库存 - 冲销564 W 初始化客户处的质检寄售库存 - 冲销565 初始化冻结库存565 E 初始化冻结的销售订单库存565 K 初始化冻结的寄售库存565 Q 初始化冻结的项⽬库存566 初始化冻结库存 - 冲销566 E 初始化冻结的销售订单库存 - 冲销566 K 初始化冻结的寄售库存 - 冲销566 Q 初始化冻结的项⽬库存-冲销571 到⽆限制使⽤库存的总装订单的收货571 E 为了⽆限制客户订货的总装订单的收货571 Q 为了⽆限制项⽬的总装订单的收货572 为了⽆限制使⽤库存的总装订单的收货-冲572 E 为了⽆限制客户订货的总装订单的收货-冲572 Q 为了⽆限制项⽬的总装订单的收货-冲销573 为了质量检查的总装订单的收货573 E 为了QI客户订货的总装订单的收货573 Q 为了质量检查项⽬的总装订单的收货574 质量检验的装配订单收货-冲销574 E 为了质量检查客户订货的总装订单的收货-574 Q 为了质量检查项⽬的总装订单的收货-冲销575 被冻结库存的总装订单的收货575 E 被冻结客户订货的总装订单的收货575 Q 被冻结的计划的总装订单的收货576 被冻结库存的总装订单的收货-冲销576 E 被冻结客户订货的总装订单的收货-冲销576 Q 被冻结项⽬的总装订单的收货-冲销581 ⽹络中的副产品收货581 E ⽹络到⾮限制销售订货的副产品收货581 Q ⽹络到⾮限制项⽬的副产品收货582 来⾃⽹络的副产品收货-冲销582 E 从⽹络到⽆限制客户订货的副产品收货-冲582 Q 从⽹络到⽆限制项⽬的副产品收货-冲销界⾯MB1A的物料移动类型:201 从仓库发货到成本中⼼的花费201 K 从寄售库存发货到成本中⼼的花费201 P 管道中的成本中⼼消耗202 库存中成本中⼼的消耗-冲销202 K 寄售中的成本中⼼消耗 - 冲销202 P 管道中的成本中⼼消耗-冲销221 库存中项⽬的消耗221 K 寄售项⽬的消耗221 Q 项⽬中的项⽬消耗222 库存中的项⽬消耗 - 冲销222 K 寄售项⽬的消耗 - 冲销222 Q 项⽬中的项⽬消耗-冲销231 仓库中的销售订单消耗231 E ⾮限制销售订单库存中的销售订单消耗231 K 寄售存储中的销售订单消耗231 Q ⾮限制项⽬库存中的销售订单消耗232 仓库中的销售订单消耗 - 冲销232 E ⾮限制销售订单中的销售订单消耗 - 冲销232 K 寄售中的销售订单消耗 - 冲销232 Q 从⾮限制项⽬库存发货到销售订单-冲销241 仓库中的资产消耗241 K 寄售资产的消耗242 仓库中的资产消耗 - 冲销242 K 寄售资产的消耗 - 冲销251 仓库中的销售消耗251 K 寄售存储中的销售消耗252 仓库中的销售消耗 - 冲销252 K 寄售中的销售消耗 - 冲销261 从仓库发货到订单的花费261 E ⾮限制销售订单库存中的订单消耗261 K 寄售存储中的订单消耗261 P 管道中的订单消耗261 Q ⾮限制项⽬库存中的订单消耗261 W 客户处寄售中的订单消耗262 从仓库发货到订单的花费 - 冲销262 E ⾮限制销售订单库存中的订单消耗 - 冲销262 K 寄售中的订单消耗 - 冲销262 P 管道中的订单消耗-冲销262 Q ⾮限制项⽬中的订单消耗-冲销262 W 客户的寄售订单消耗-冲销281 库存中的⽹络消耗281 E ⾮限制销售订单库存中的⽹络消耗281 K 来⾃托售库存的⽹络消耗281 P 管道中的⽹络消耗281 Q 从⾮限制项⽬发货到⽹络的花费282 从库存发货到⽹络的花费-冲销282 E ⾮限制销售订单库存中的⽹络消耗-冲销282 K 来⾃托售库存的⽹络消耗-冲销282 P 管道中的⽹络消耗-冲销282 Q ⾮限制项⽬中的⽹络消耗-冲销291 仓库中所有帐户分配的消耗291 E ⾮限制销售订单库存中所有帐户分配的消耗291 K 寄售存储中所有帐户分配的消耗291 P 管道中所有帐户分配的消耗291 Q ⾮限制项⽬中所有帐户分配的消耗291 W 客户寄售中的所有帐户分配的消耗292 仓库中所有帐户分配的消耗 - 冲销292 E ⾮限制销售订单中所有帐户分配的消耗 - 冲292 K 寄售中所有帐户分配的消耗 - 冲销292 P 管道中所有帐户分配的消耗-冲销292 Q ⾮限制项⽬中所有帐户分配的消耗-冲销292 W 销售订单寄售中所有科⽬分配的消耗 - 冲销331 从库存中为随机抽样⽽提取331 E 为从质检销售订单中抽样⽽提取331 K 为从寄存中抽样的提取331 Q 来⾃质量检查项⽬的抽样的提取331 V 来⾃在客户的质量检查可退包装库存的抽样的提331 W 来⾃在客户的质量检查寄存库存的抽样的提取332 为抽样提取- 冲销332 E 为从质检销售订单中抽样⽽提取 - 冲销332 K 从寄存库存中为抽样⽽提取 - 冲销332 Q 来⾃质量检查项⽬的抽样的倒冲-冲销332 V 来⾃在客户的质量检查可退包装库存的抽样的提332 W 来⾃在客户的质量检查寄存库存的抽样的提取 -333 为从⾮限制使⽤库存中抽样⽽提取333 E 为从⾮限制销售订单中抽样⽽提取333 K 为从⾮限制寄存中抽样⽽提取333 Q 来⾃⽆限制项⽬的抽样的提取333 V 来⾃⽆限制客户处可退库存的抽样的提取333 W 来⾃⽆限制客户处寄存库存的抽样的提取334 为从⾮限制使⽤库存中抽样⽽提取 - 冲销334 E 为从冻结的销售订单中抽样的提取 - 冲销334 K 为从⾮限制寄存中抽样⽽提取 - 冲销334 Q 来⾃⽆限制项⽬库存的抽样的倒冲-冲销334 V 来⾃⽆限制客户处可退库存的抽样的提取-冲销334 W 来⾃⽆限制客户处寄存库存的抽样的提取-冲销335 为从冻结的库存中抽样的提取335 E 为从冻结的销售订单中抽样的提取 - 冲销335 K 为从冻结的的寄存中抽样的提取335 Q 来⾃被冻结计划的抽样的提取335 V 来⾃被冻结客户处可退包装库存的抽样的提取335 W 从客户冻结寄存库存中抽样336 从冻结的库存中抽样 - 冲销336 E 从冻结销售订单中抽样 - 冲销336 K 从冻结寄存中抽样 - 冲销336 Q 来⾃被冻结项⽬库存的抽样的倒冲-冲销336 V 从客户处冻结可退包装库存中抽样 - 冲销336 W 从客户处冻结寄存库存中抽样 - 冲销551 为报废提取551 E 为从冻结的销售订单库存中报废⽽提取551 K 为从寄存库中报废⽽提取551 O 从⾮限制使⽤分包库存报废551 Q 从⾮限制使⽤项⽬库存报废551 V 从⾮限制使⽤客户处空箱报废551 W 从⾮限制使⽤客户寄售库存报废552 为报废提取- 冲销552 E 从⾮限制使⽤销售订单库存报废-冲销552 K 为从寄存库中报废⽽提取 - 冲销552 O 从⾮限制使⽤分包库存报废-冲销552 Q 从⾮限制使⽤项⽬库存报废-冲销552 V 从⾮限制使⽤客户处空箱报废-冲销552 W 从⾮限制使⽤客户寄售库存报废-冲销553 为从质量检查库存中报废⽽提取553 E 为从质检销售订单库存中报废⽽提取553 K 为从质检寄存中报废⽽提取553 O 为从质检 SC 库存中报废⽽提取553 Q 从质检项⽬库存报废553 V 为从客户⽅质检空集装箱报废⽽提取553 W 为从质检客户⽅寄售报废⽽提取554 为从质量检查中报废⽽提取 - 冲销554 E 为从质检销售订单中报废⽽提取 - 冲销554 K 为从质检寄存中报废⽽提取 - 冲销554 O 为从质检 SC 库存中报废⽽提取554 Q 从质检项⽬库存报废-冲销554 V 为从客户⽅质检空集装箱报废⽽提取554 W 为从质检客户⽅寄售报废⽽提取555 为从冻结的库存中报废⽽提取555 E 为从冻结的销售订单库存中报废⽽提取555 K 为从冻结的寄存中报废⽽提取555 Q 从被冻结项⽬库存报废556 为从冻结的库存中报废⽽提取 - 冲销556 E 为从冻结的销售订单中报废⽽提取 - 冲销556 K 为从冻结的寄存中报废⽽提取 - 冲销556 Q 从被冻结项⽬库存报废-冲销557 从在途库存发货 (调整过帐)557 E 从销售订单在途库存发货 (调整过帐) 557 Q 从项⽬在途库存发货 (调整过帐)558 到在途库存的收货 (调整过帐)558 E 到销售订单在途库存的收货 (调整过帐) 558 Q 到在途库存项⽬的收货 (调整过帐)905 从仓库发货到订单的花费906 从仓库发货到订单的花费 - 冲销907 从仓库发货到成本中⼼的花费907 K 从寄售库存发货到成本中⼼的花费907 P 从管道发货到成本中⼼908 从库存发货到成本中⼼-冲销908 K 从寄售库存发货到成本中⼼ - 冲销908 P 从管道发货到成本中⼼-冲销951 从仓库发货到销售951 K 从寄售库存发货到销售952 从仓库发货到销售 - 冲销952 K 从寄售库存发货到销售 - 冲销界⾯MB1B中的物料移动类型:301 E ⼯⼚到⼯⼚(⼀步)转帐301 O ⼯⼚到⼯⼚(⼀步)转帐301 Q ⼯⼚到⼯⼚(⼀步)转帐301 V ⼯⼚到⼯⼚(⼀步)转帐301 W ⼯⼚到⼯⼚(⼀步)转帐302 ⼯⼚到⼯⼚(⼀步)转帐- 冲销302 E ⼯⼚到⼯⼚(⼀步)转帐 - 冲销302 O ⼯⼚到⼯⼚(⼀步)转帐 - 冲销302 Q ⼯⼚到⼯⼚(⼀步)转帐 - 冲销 302Q302 V ⼯⼚到⼯⼚(⼀步)转帐 - 冲销 302V302 W ⼯⼚到⼯⼚(⼀步)转帐 - 冲销 302W303 ⼯⼚到⼯⼚的转帐- 移出仓库 303304 ⼯⼚到⼯⼚的转帐 - 移出仓库 - 冲销 304305 ⼯⼚到⼯⼚的转帐 - ⼊库 305306 ⼯⼚到⼯⼚的转帐 - 库存⼊库 - 冲销 306309 物料到物料的转帐 309309 E 转帐销售订单 - 物料到物料 309E309 O 转帐分包库存-物料到物料 309O309 Q 转帐项⽬库存-物料到物料 309Q309 V 转帐客户退还包装物库存-物料到物料 309V 309 W 传送⼊帐客户寄存物料到物料 309W 310 物料到物料转帐 - 冲销 310310 E 转帐销售订单 - 物料到物料- 冲销 310E310 O 转帐分包库存-物料到物料- 冲销 310O 310 Q 转帐项⽬库存-物料到物料- 冲销 310Q 310 V 转帐寄售库存-物料到物料- 冲销 310V 310 W 转帐寄售库存-物料到物料- 冲销 310W 311 库存地点转帐 (⼀步) 311311 E 库存地点转帐(⼀步)- 销售订单 311E311 K 库存地点转帐 (⼀步)- 寄售 311K311 M 仓储地点的转帐(⼀步)-RTP 311M 311 Q 仓储地点的转帐(⼀步)-项⽬ 311Q 312 库存地点转帐 (⼀步) - 冲销 312312 E 转帐库存地点(⼀步)- 销售订单 - 冲销 312E 312 K 转帐库存地点(⼀步)- 寄存 - 冲销 312K312 M 仓储地点的转帐(⼀步)-RTP-冲销 312M 312 Q 仓储地点的转帐(⼀步)-项⽬-冲销 312Q 313 库存地点到库存地点的转帐 - 移出仓库 313 314 库存地点到库存地点的转帐 - 移出仓库 - 冲销 314 315 库存地点到库存地点的转帐 - 放⼊仓库 315 316 库存地点到库存地点的转帐 - 放⼊仓库 - 冲销 316 317 创建结构物料 317318 创建结构物料-冲销 318319 把结构化物料分成部件 319320 把结构化物料分成部件 - 冲销 320321 质检到⾮限制库存的转帐 321321 E 质检销售订单到⾮限制销售订单的转帐 321E321 K 质检寄存到⾮限制寄存转帐 321K321 O 从质量检查 SC 库存到⾮限制的SC库存的转帐 321O 321 Q 从质量检查项⽬到⾮限制的项⽬库存的转帐 321Q321 W 从质量检查客户寄售到冲销库存的转帐 321W322 质量检验到⾮限制库存的转帐 - 冲销 322322 E 质检销售订单到⾮限制销售订单转帐 - 冲销 322E322 K 质检寄售到⾮限制寄售的转帐 - 冲销 322K322 O 从质量检查 SC 库存到⾮限制的SC库存的转帐-冲销 322O 322 Q 从质量检查项⽬到没有限制的项⽬的转帐-冲销 322Q 322 W 从质量检查客户寄售到冲销库存的转帐 - 冲销 322W 323 ⼚内质量到质量的转帐 323323 E ⼯⼚内质检销售订单到质检销售订单的转帐 323E323 K ⼯⼚内质检寄售到质检寄售的转帐 323K323 Q 从质量检查项⽬到⼯⼚内的质量检查项⽬的转帐 323Q 324 ⼯⼚内质检到质检的转帐 - 冲销 324324 E ⼯⼚内质检销售订单到质检销售订单转帐 - 冲销 324E 324 K ⼯⼚内质检寄售到质检寄售的转帐 - 冲销 324K324 Q 从质量检查项⽬到⼯⼚中的质量检查项⽬的转帐-冲销 324Q 325 ⼚内冻结库存到冻结库存的转帐 325325 E ⼯⼚内由冻结销售订单转移到冻结销售订单 325E325 K ⼯⼚内由冻结寄存转移到冻结寄存 325K325 Q 从冻结项⽬到⼯⼚中的冻结项⽬的转帐 325Q326 ⼯⼚内冻结库存到冻结库存的转帐 - 冲销 326326 E ⼯⼚内冻结销售订单到冻结销售订单的转帐 - 冲销 326E 326 K ⼯⼚内冻结寄售到冻结寄售的转帐 - 冲销 326K326 Q 从冻结项⽬到⼯⼚中的冻结项⽬的转帐-冲销 326Q 343 冻结库存到⾮限制使⽤库存的转帐 343343 E 由冻结销售订单到⾮限制销售订单 343E343 K 由冻结寄售转移到⾮限制寄售 343K343 Q 从冻结项⽬到⾮限制的项⽬库存的转帐 343Q344 冻结库存到⾮限制使⽤库存转帐-冲销 344344 E 冻结销售订单到⾮限制销售订单的转帐 - 冲销 344E344 K 由冻结寄存到⾮限制寄存-冲销 344K344 Q 从冻结项⽬到没有限制的项⽬的转帐-冲销 344Q349 冻结库存到质检库存的转帐 349349 E 由冻结销售订单到质检销售订单 349E349 K 由冻结寄存到质检寄存 349K349 Q 从冻结的项⽬到质量检查项⽬的转帐 349Q。
SAP MM 移动类型-入门篇
511 免费收货 MIGO/MB1C
2/库房材料库 主要任务是WM转储/库存调拨/按生产订单投料/非生产消耗/盘库
库存调拨 有工厂间调拨 301 存储地点间调拨 311 事务码都是MB1A
还分一步和两步方法 例如用 303+305 效果与301类似 但两个工厂都需要做动作 用内部订单控制
GI: goods issue (consumption/usage, withdrawal) or goods receipt without reference;发料
GR: goods receipt with reference to a purchase order or production order
这里的移动类型也看不见 对这里人员是根据delivery note和shipping noification发货
601 销售出库
633 寄售出库(总部->分公司)
541 委外加工发货 ▲什么是Movement type ?
1xx GR from Pur/Prd and return
2xx GI for Consumption
3xx,4xx Transfer
5xx GR W/O ref to Pur/Prd Order
6xx LE-SHP movement types
7xx Physical inventory(IM:70x/WM:71x)
161 按退货采购订单退货
131 从生产订单收货
MvT移动类型文本含义一般用途T-code101GR 收货直接收货工单入库,购买成品入库MIGO/CO11N102用于PO冲销的收货冲销直接收货冲销工单入库MIGO/CO11N103进入冻结库存的收货收入质检仓送检单MIGO104到冻结冲销的收货冲销收入质检仓(待检退货等)待检退货等MIGO105来自冻结库存的收货从质检仓收货入库收货入库MIGO106来自冻结的收货冲销冲销入库异常及向供应商退货向供应商退货及入库异常冲销MIGO121收货后续调整122RE 向供应商退货向供应商退货(101、105)MIGO123RE退货供应商冲销冲销向供应商退货(122)MIGO124收货退货冻结库存冻结库存退货(103)MIGO125收货退货冻结库存冲销冲销冻结库存退货(124)MIGO131收货132收货141收货后续调整142收货后续调整161收货退货创建退货采购订单向供应商退货162收货退货冲销冲销创建退货采购订单向供应商退货201有关成本中心的发货向成本中心发料计划外领料MB1A Maintaining Account Assignment Data 202有关成本中心的收货成本中心退料或冲销成本中心发料计划外退料 MB1A Maintaining Account Assignment Data 221有关项目的发货向项目发货WBS element/networks Maintaining Account Assignment Data 222有关项目的收货项目退货或冲销项目发货WBS element/networks Maintaining Account Assignment Data 231有关销售订单的发货销售订单的发货Sales order no., sales order item Maintaining Account Assignment Data 232有关销售订单的收货销售订单的退货或重销销售订单的发货Sales order no., sales order item Maintaining Account Assignment Data 241有关资产的发货向资产的发货Main asset number, asset sub-number Maintaining Account Assignment Data 242有关资产的收货向资产的发货Main asset number, asset sub-number Maintaining Account Assignment Data 251有关销售的发货有关销售的发货无销售订单的发货Cost center MB1A Maintaining Account Assignment Data 252有关销售的收货有关销售的收货无销售订单的收货(或冲销无采购订单的收货)Cost center MB1A Maintaining Account Assignment Data 261有关订单的发货工单领料工单批料(migo)、工单超补领(MB1A)Order number MIGO/MB1A Maintaining Account Assignment Data 262有关订单的收货工单退料(或冲销工单领料)工单退料(或冲销工单领料)Order number MB1A Maintaining Account Assignment Data 281有关网络的发货有关网络的发货Network or operation Maintaining Account Assignment Data 282有关网络的收货有关网络的收货Network or operation Maintaining Account Assignment Data 291发货的全部帐户分配向所有对象发货(可选择发货到对象的类型)Any account assignment Maintaining Account Assignment Data 292收货的全部帐户分配向所有对象收货(可选择发货到对象的类型)Any account assignment Maintaining Account Assignment Data 301TF工厂间的转移工厂间的转移(one step)302TR工厂间的转储303TF出库到工厂304TR出库到工厂305TF厂内库存转储计划306TR厂内库存交易计划309TF转储采购物料到物料TF转储采购物料到物料物料变更MB1B310TR转储采购物料到物料TR转储采购物料到物料物料变更MB1B311TF厂内移储TF厂内移储移库(寄售退货及免费订单退货时,也使用该移动类型)MB1B312TR 厂内转储TR 厂内转储移库(冲销311)MB1B313TF出库到库存地从出库库存到库存地314TR出库到库存地冲销出库库存到库存地315TF库存地库存转储计划316TR库存地库存转储计划317创建结构化物料318RE创建结构化物料319拆分结构化物料320RE拆分结构化物料321TF质量到非限制质检库存到非限制库存Stock in quality inspection to unrestricted-use stock (321)322TR 质量到非限制冲销质检库存到非限制库存323TF厂内质量324TR厂内质量325TF厂内冻结326TR厂内冻结331GI 到采样QI332RE 到采样QI333GI 到采样非限制334RE 到采样非限制335GI 到采样冻结336RE 到采样冻结340批次重估341TF 非限制到限制从非限制库存移动到限制库存MB1B342TF 限制到非限制从限制库存移动到非限制库存MB1B343TF冻结到非限制冻结库存到非限制库存Blocked stock to unrestricted-use stock344TR 冻结到非限制冲销冻结库存到非限制库存349TF 冻结到QI冻结库存到质检库存Blocked stock to stock in quality inspection350TR冻结到QI冲销冻结库存到质检库存351TF在途库存352TR 在途库存411TF库存地到库存地寄售入库(K)、MTO(E)寄售转自有(K)、MTO到MTS MB1B412TR库存地到库存地寄售入库(K)、MTO(E)寄售转自有(K)、MTS到MTO MB1B413TF库存地到销售订单MTO(E)销售订单库存之间转储414TR库存地到销售订单MTO(E)销售订单库存之间转储415TF 库存地到项目416TR 库存地到项目441TP 非限制到 tiedEmp442TP tiedEmp.到非限制451GI退货Returns from customer without Shipping用于未使用SD模块或货物不需要转回自己公司库存MB1C452RE 退货(冲销)冲销451453总储备退回发出处总储备退回发出处从发货仓(虚拟仓位)到我司仓库(标准退货时使用)MB1B454总储备到退货总储备到退货冲销453MB1B455TF库存转储退货456TR库存转储退货457TP 退货到总储备 QI客户退货的转回(质检库存)458TP 总储备QI到退货客户退货的转回(质检库存)冲销459TP退货到总储备冻结客户退货的转回(冻结库存)460TP 总储备冻结到退货客户退货的转回(冻结库存)冲销501无PO的收货无采购订单的收货502RE无PO的收货无采购订单的退货503收货到QI504RE收货到数量505收据到收货506RE收货到冻结511免费交货512无费用的RE交货521无订单的收货无订单的收货M厂料头料尾522RE无生产订单的收货无订单的收货的冲减523无生产订单的QI收货质检库存无订单的收货524RE无生产订单的质量质检库存无订单的收货冲销525无生产订单的冻结收货冻结库存无订单的收货526RE无生产订单冻结冻结库存无订单的收货冲销531副产品收货532RE副产品541对转包库存的GI仓库对转包库存的GI仓库托工发料MB1B542RE转包库存到仓库RE转包库存到仓库托工退料(或冲销托工发料)MB1B543GI发货销售订单存货GI发货销售订单存货托工收货毛坯的冲销MIGO544GI收货销售订单存货GI收货销售订单存货托工退货(或冲回收货)毛坯的冲回MIGO545副产品SC收货546GI 发货 SC 副产品551GI报废GI报废(仓库物料报废)仓库物料报废(托工报废或托工调帐(O))MB1B552RE报废RE报废(仓库物料报废)仓库物料报废冲销(托工报废或托工调帐(O))MB1B553GI报废QI质检库存报废554RE报废QI质检库存报废冲销555GI报废冻结冻结库存报废556RE报废冻结冻结库存报废冲销557GI调整转运558GI调整转运561库存余额的初始条目库存余额的初始条目系统初始库存盘入562RE初始条目库存余额RE初始条目库存余额(初始库存冲销)系统初始库存盘入563初始条目库存余额:QI质检限制性初始库存系统初始库存盘入564RE库存余额输入:QI质检初始库存冲销系统初始库存盘入565库存余额输入:冻结冻结初始库存系统初始库存盘入566RE库存余额输入:冻结冻结初始库存冲销系统初始库存盘入571收货装配572RE 收货装配573收货 QI 装配574RE 收货 QI 装配575收货冻结装配576RE 收货冻结装配581收货副产品网络582RE 副产品 网络601GD发货: 交货(内销)GD发货: 交货(内销)发货过帐(标准销售订单)602RE交货冲销(内销)603TF出库到工厂604TR出库到工厂605TF厂内库存转储计划606TR厂内库存交易计划621GI返回式包装:借贷622GI返回式包装:退货623GI发货:客户退货包装624GI收货:客户退货包装631GI寄售: 借贷寄售订单发货到办事处发货过帐(寄售销售订单)(不产生FI单据)632GI寄售: 退货寄售订单发货到办事处冲销发货过帐(寄售销售订单)(不产生FI单据)633GI发货: 客户寄售寄售结算发货订单由办事处发货到客户处发货过账(寄售结算发货订单)(结算成本)634GI收货: 客户寄售冲销633冲销发货过账(寄售结算发货订单)(结算成本)635TF托售出租636TR寄售退货交货641TF在途库存642TR 在途库存643TF 至跨公司间644TR 至跨公司间645TF 跨公司646TR 跨公司647TF在途库存648TR 在途库存651GD退货 退回客户退货退回(限制性使用库存的转回)发货过账(标准及免费换货客户退货退回发货仓)SD-SLS 652GD退货 退货冲销冲销651冲销发货过账(标准及免费换货客户退货退回发货仓)SD-SLS 653GD 退货 非限制客户退货退回(非限制性使用库存的转回)SD-SLS 654GD 退货 非限制 冲销冲销客户退货退回(非限制性使用库存的转回)SD-SLS 655GD 退货 QI客户退货退回(质检状态使用库存的转回)SD-SLS 656GD 退货 QI 冲销冲销客户退货退回(质检状态使用库存的转回)SD-SLS 657GD 退货冻结客户退货退回(冻结使用库存的转回)SD-SLS 658GD 退货冻结冲销冲销客户退货退回(冻结使用库存的转回)SD-SLS 661GI向供应商退货662RE退货到供应商冲销671TR 在途库存672TF在途库存673TF 至跨公司间674TR 至跨公司间675TR 跨公司676TF 跨公司677TR 在途库存678TF在途库存6A1TF GI16A2TR GI16A3TF CC GI16A4TR CC GI16A5TF CC GI16A6TR CC GI16A7TF GI16A8TR GI16B1TF GI26B2TR GI26B3TF CC GI26B4TR CC GI26B5TF CC GI26B6TR CC GI26B7TF GI26B8TR GI26K5TF GI2 托售6K6TR GI2 托售6W5TF GI1 托售6W6TR GI1 托售701GR实际盘点: 仓库盘盈盘盈702GI实际盘点: 仓库盘亏盘亏703GR实际盘点: QI质检物料盘盈704GI实际盘点: QI质检物料盘亏707GR实际盘点: 已冻结冻结物料盘盈708GI实际盘点: 冻结冻结物料盘亏711GI存货差异: 仓库712GR存货差异: 仓库713GI存货差异:QI714GR存货差异: 质检715GI存货差异: 退货716GR存货差异: 退货717GI存货差异: 冻结718GR存货差异: 冻结721SlsVal.rec.n.afftMgs722SlsVal.iss.n.afftMgs731SlsVal.rec. afftgMgs732SlsVal.iss. afftgMgs841842843844901GD发货: 交货(外销)902RE交货冲销(外销)Z03有关内部订单的发货有关内部订单的发货M厂料头料尾退库、公司间交易走内部订单发货方等操作MB1AZ04有关内部订订单的收货有关内部订订单的收货公司间交易走内部订单收货方的操作MB1AZ09TF转储采购物料到物料TF转储采购物料到物料托工退货毛坯件的转回MB1BZ10TR转储采购物料到物料TR转储采购物料到物料冲销转回的托工退货毛坯件MB1BZ41向供应商的电镀退货向供应商的电镀退货向供应商的电镀退货Z42电镀退货冲销电镀退货冲销电镀退货冲销。
SAP移动类型设置!(2009-08-15 10:45:52SAP系统中的货物移动是由移动类型控制的,移动类型是用3位数的数值代码(3位数字或字母数据组合)来表示的,用来区分不同的货物移动。
值得一提的是,在OMJJ中,有包含了WM关联的相关设置,如图1:WM移动类型WM移动类型则用来控制仓库号的内部货物移动,它是通过Shipment Type,即所谓的装运类型来把具有相同移动性质的物料移动归集成组,标准系统定义了如下四种形式:A Stock rmvl(出库/拣配)E Stock plcmnt(入库/库存放置)U Posting chge(记帐变更/转储记帐)X Whse superv.(仓库监控/仓库内部调仓)WM移动类型相关配置如图2:TCODE: OMLJ其中,装运类型可通过事务OMLI来定义,如图3:WM作货物移动时,会考虑以下问题:1)货物要作做样的移动?(入库、出库、记帐变更、仓位调整?)2)货物从哪里移动?(源存储类型是什么?源仓位是什么?)3)货物移动到哪里?(目的地存储类型是什么?目的地仓位是什么?)WM移动类型为货物移进或移出仓库提供了以下一些所需要的信息:·临时存储区·临时仓位的类型(预定义,动态,固定)·用于处理、确认和打印转储订单的控制标识·是否允许手工创建TR及TO·TO创建时相关控制参数(如是否允许预分配库存、超量交货等)·TO的创建方式(是否自动)及确定方式·用于搜索仓库内存储类型的标识(干预存储类型检索的因子)IM移动类型与WM移动类型的关联那么,IM移动类型是如何跟WM移动类型联系到一块呢?这里,我们需要引入一个新概念:“IM-WM参考移动类型”(Reference Movement type),它是架起IM移动类型与WM移动类型之间的桥梁。
1. 移动类型和物料凭证:
2. 移动类型和科目确定:
3. 库存调拨、在途库存:
4. 在途库存、中转库存:
通过事务代码MB1B而不是STO形成的在途称为stock in transfer,通过STO形成的在途称为stock in transit。
SAP MM移动类型概念详述
SAP MM移动类型概念详述时间:2010-09-11 11:54来源:SAP MM 作者:SAP MM 点击:次什么是移动类型?当你在SAP系统输入一个货物移动时,你必须输入一个移动类型来区分不用的货物移动。
Goods Movements and Movement Types货物移动与移动类型移动类型的控制功能,在库存管理中,移动类型有着重要的控制功能。
(LE)后勤执行(LE)分类码在仓库管理系统中用来描述在一个复杂的仓库(仓库号)中的库存移动(IS-H)用于医院的特定行业组件(IS-H) (略)复制,更改移动类型在这个步骤中,你可以• 修改已存在的移动类型的设置• 定义新的移动类型当你输入一个货物移动,你始终必须输入一个移动类型。
它对下列动作是必不可少的:• 更新数量栏位• 更新库存及消耗科目• 选定用于输入凭证的字段• 打印收货/发货标签注意在其它步骤中,你已经完成了现有的移动类型的设置。
S A P物料和科目关系设置说明后勤应该如何实时和财务集成,原则上,应该尽量让后勤人员在物料交易时不过多涉及财务专业知识,而是让系统自动产生会计凭证,ERP各模块都自动和财务集成,下面一步步详细说说ERP实现后勤自动过帐的基本原理,其它模块的自动集成参考其他章节。
一般,系统推荐的评估等级(Valuation Level)是工厂,此时评估范围(Valuation Area)=工厂。
什么是评估类(Valuation Class)和评估类别(Valuation Category)呢?如图2。
财务人员当然更喜欢直接从科目上直接进行报表分析.评估类如何配置呢?Tcode:OMSK图3中使用Tcode:OMSK定义和分配评估类的,首先定义帐户分配参考比如0001(参考原材料)和0010(制成品参考),如图3-[1], 然后定义好评估类,将评估类归属于某个帐户分配参考,如评估类0710和0720归属帐户分配参考0001,如图3-[2], 最后将物料类型对应到帐户分配参考,如图3-[3],如物料类型ROH对应到帐户分配参考0001,这步有什么意义呢? 简单地说,就是限制特定物料类型只能选择特定,现在属于物料类型ROH的物料的评估类只能选择0710和0720,这样可杜绝原材料被某个马大哈不小心选择了产成品的评估类,这样都能整出个配置,多人性化。
委外操作手册一、创建信息记录(新增询价基本资料)路径:后勤>商品管理>采购>主数据>信息记录>ME11-建立 1.1作业目的:创建物料新的价格基本资料。
1.3栏位说明:输入交易代码ME11或于ME11 –创建处以Mouse连续点两下. 1.4注意事项:无。
一般,系统推荐的评估等级(Valuation Level)是工厂,此时评估围(Valuation Area)=工厂。
什么是评估类(Valuation Class)和评估类别〔Valuation Category〕呢?如图2。
财务人员当然更喜欢直接从科目上直接进展报表分析.评估类如何配置呢?Tcode:OMSK图3中使用Tcode:OMSK定义和分配评估类的,首先定义分配参考比方0001(参考原材料)和0010(制成品参考),如图3-[1], 然后定义好评估类,将评估类归属于某个分配参考,如评估类0710和0720归属分配参考0001,如图3-[2], 最后将物料类型对应到分配参考,如图3-[3],如物料类型ROH对应到分配参考0001,这步有什么意义呢? 简单地说,就是限制特定物料类型只能选择特定,现在属于物料类型ROH的物料的评估类只能选择0710和0720,这样可杜绝原材料被某个马大哈不小心选择了产成品的评估类,这样都能整出个配置,多人性化。
一般,系统推荐的评估等级(Valuation Level)是工厂,此时评估范围(Valuation Area)=工厂。
什么是评估类(Valuation Class)和评估类别(Valuation Category)呢?如图2。
财务人员当然更喜欢直接从科目上直接进行报表分析.评估类如何配置呢?Tcode:OMSK图3中使用Tcode:OMSK定义和分配评估类的,首先定义帐户分配参考比如0001(参考原材料)和0010(制成品参考),如图3-[1], 然后定义好评估类,将评估类归属于某个帐户分配参考,如评估类0710和0720归属帐户分配参考0001,如图3-[2], 最后将物料类型对应到帐户分配参考,如图3-[3],如物料类型ROH对应到帐户分配参考0001,这步有什么意义呢? 简单地说,就是限制特定物料类型只能选择特定,现在属于物料类型ROH的物料的评估类只能选择0710和0720,这样可杜绝原材料被某个马大哈不小心选择了产成品的评估类,这样都能整出个配置,多人性化。
详细流程如图:有时候也会配置在VF01处直接产生财务会计凭证(建议不这样设置)2.SAP对FI-SD的解决方案一:(MM模块配置)发货借:主营业务成本1000 贷:贸易商品1000(SD模块配置)开票借:应收账款1755 贷:主营业务收入1500应价税费-应交增值税(销项税)255 (FI模块配置)收款借:银行存款1755 贷:应收账款1755SAP对FI-SD的解决方案二:发货借: GI 1000 贷:贸易商品1000开票借:应收账款1755 贷:主营业务收入1500主营业务成本1000 应价税费-应交增值税(销项税)255 GI 1000收款借:银行存款1755 贷:应收账款1755GI:goods issue方案一存在的问题是:可能存在多笔开票计入次月,也就是说成本记在了本月,收入却记在了次月,造成一个月没利润或利润很低,而另一个月利润却又超高,税务集中在一个月处理(会额外增加企业的一些成本)。
客户主数据表:KNA1 客户主数据(一般数据)KNB1 客户主数据(公司代码层数据) KNVV 客户主数据(销售视图层数据)KNVP 合作伙伴(客户销售四方)(销售四方:订货方、收货方、付款方、开票方)4.创建客户主数据界面的科目组也叫做客户账户组,客户账户组的作用是:给客户分类;确定客户代码范围;确定客户主数据界面字段的显示,隐藏等。
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MvT移动类型文本含义101GR 收货直接收货102用于PO冲销的收货冲销直接收货103进入冻结库存的收货收入质检仓104到冻结冲销的收货冲销收入质检仓(待检退货等)105来自冻结库存的收货从质检仓收货入库106来自冻结的收货冲销冲销入库异常及向供应商退货121收货后续调整122RE 向供应商退货向供应商退货(101、105)123RE退货供应商冲销冲销向供应商退货(122)124收货退货冻结库存冻结库存退货(103)125收货退货冻结库存冲销冲销冻结库存退货(124)131收货132收货141收货后续调整142收货后续调整161收货退货创建退货采购订单向供应商退货162收货退货冲销冲销创建退货采购订单向供应商退货201有关成本中心的发货向成本中心发料202有关成本中心的收货成本中心退料或冲销成本中心发料221有关项目的发货向项目发货222有关项目的收货项目退货或冲销项目发货231有关销售订单的发货销售订单的发货232有关销售订单的收货销售订单的退货或重销销售订单的发货241有关资产的发货向资产的发货242有关资产的收货向资产的发货251有关销售的发货有关销售的发货252有关销售的收货有关销售的收货261有关订单的发货工单领料262有关订单的收货工单退料(或冲销工单领料)281有关网络的发货有关网络的发货282有关网络的收货有关网络的收货291发货的全部帐户分配向所有对象发货(可选择发货到对象的类型)292收货的全部帐户分配向所有对象收货(可选择发货到对象的类型)301TF工厂间的转移工厂间的转移(one step)302TR工厂间的转储303TF出库到工厂304TR出库到工厂305TF厂内库存转储计划306TR厂内库存交易计划309TF转储采购物料到物料TF转储采购物料到物料310TR转储采购物料到物料TR转储采购物料到物料311TF厂内移储TF厂内移储312TR 厂内转储TR 厂内转储313TF出库到库存地从出库库存到库存地314TR出库到库存地冲销出库库存到库存地315TF库存地库存转储计划316TR库存地库存转储计划317创建结构化物料318RE创建结构化物料319拆分结构化物料320RE拆分结构化物料321TF质量到非限制质检库存到非限制库存322TR 质量到非限制冲销质检库存到非限制库存323TF厂内质量324TR厂内质量325TF厂内冻结326TR厂内冻结331GI 到采样QI332RE 到采样QI333GI 到采样非限制334RE 到采样非限制335GI 到采样冻结336RE 到采样冻结340批次重估341TF 非限制到限制342TF 限制到非限制343TF冻结到非限制冻结库存到非限制库存344TR 冻结到非限制冲销冻结库存到非限制库存349TF 冻结到QI冻结库存到质检库存350TR冻结到QI冲销冻结库存到质检库存351TF在途库存352TR 在途库存411TF库存地到库存地寄售入库(K)、MTO(E)412TR库存地到库存地寄售入库(K)、MTO(E)413TF库存地到销售订单MTO(E)414TR库存地到销售订单MTO(E)415TF 库存地到项目416TR 库存地到项目441TP 非限制到 tiedEmp442TP tiedEmp.到非限制451GI退货Returns from customer without Shipping 452RE 退货(冲销)冲销451453总储备退回发出处总储备退回发出处454总储备到退货总储备到退货455TF库存转储退货456TR库存转储退货457TP 退货到总储备 QI客户退货的转回(质检库存)458TP 总储备QI到退货客户退货的转回(质检库存)冲销459TP退货到总储备冻结客户退货的转回(冻结库存)460TP 总储备冻结到退货客户退货的转回(冻结库存)冲销501无PO的收货502RE无PO的收货503收货到QI504RE收货到数量505收据到收货506RE收货到冻结511免费交货512无费用的RE交货521无订单的收货无订单的收货522RE无生产订单的收货无订单的收货的冲减523无生产订单的QI收货质检库存无订单的收货524RE无生产订单的质量质检库存无订单的收货冲销525无生产订单的冻结收货冻结库存无订单的收货526RE无生产订单冻结冻结库存无订单的收货冲销531副产品收货532RE副产品541对转包库存的GI仓库对转包库存的GI仓库542RE转包库存到仓库RE转包库存到仓库543GI发货销售订单存货GI发货销售订单存货544GI收货销售订单存货GI收货销售订单存货545副产品SC收货546GI 发货 SC 副产品551GI报废GI报废(仓库物料报废)552RE报废RE报废(仓库物料报废)553GI报废QI质检库存报废554RE报废QI质检库存报废冲销555GI报废冻结冻结库存报废556RE报废冻结冻结库存报废冲销557GI调整转运558GI调整转运561库存余额的初始条目库存余额的初始条目562RE初始条目库存余额RE初始条目库存余额(初始库存冲销)563初始条目库存余额:QI质检限制性初始库存564RE库存余额输入:QI质检初始库存冲销565库存余额输入:冻结冻结初始库存566RE库存余额输入:冻结冻结初始库存冲销571收货装配572RE 收货装配573收货 QI 装配574RE 收货 QI 装配575收货冻结装配576RE 收货冻结装配581收货副产品网络582RE 副产品 网络601GD发货: 交货(内销)GD发货: 交货(内销)602RE交货冲销(内销)603TF出库到工厂604TR出库到工厂605TF厂内库存转储计划606TR厂内库存交易计划621GI返回式包装:借贷622GI返回式包装:退货623GI发货:客户退货包装624GI收货:客户退货包装631GI寄售: 借贷寄售订单发货到办事处632GI寄售: 退货寄售订单发货到办事处633GI发货: 客户寄售寄售结算发货订单由办事处发货到客户处634GI收货: 客户寄售冲销633635TF托售出租636TR寄售退货交货641TF在途库存642TR 在途库存643TF 至跨公司间644TR 至跨公司间645TF 跨公司646TR 跨公司647TF在途库存648TR 在途库存651GD退货 退回客户退货退回(限制性使用库存的转回)652GD退货 退货冲销冲销651653GD 退货 非限制客户退货退回(非限制性使用库存的转回)654GD 退货 非限制 冲销冲销客户退货退回(非限制性使用库存的转回)655GD 退货 QI客户退货退回(质检状态使用库存的转回)656GD 退货 QI 冲销冲销客户退货退回(质检状态使用库存的转回)657GD 退货冻结客户退货退回(冻结使用库存的转回)658GD 退货冻结冲销冲销客户退货退回(冻结使用库存的转回)661GI向供应商退货662RE退货到供应商冲销671TR 在途库存672TF在途库存673TF 至跨公司间674TR 至跨公司间675TR 跨公司676TF 跨公司677TR 在途库存678TF在途库存6A1TF GI16A2TR GI16A3TF CC GI16A4TR CC GI16A5TF CC GI16A6TR CC GI16A7TF GI16A8TR GI16B1TF GI26B2TR GI26B3TF CC GI26B4TR CC GI26B5TF CC GI26B6TR CC GI26B7TF GI26B8TR GI26K5TF GI2 托售6K6TR GI2 托售6W5TF GI1 托售6W6TR GI1 托售701GR实际盘点: 仓库盘盈702GI实际盘点: 仓库盘亏703GR实际盘点: QI质检物料盘盈704GI实际盘点: QI质检物料盘亏707GR实际盘点: 已冻结冻结物料盘盈708GI实际盘点: 冻结冻结物料盘亏711GI存货差异: 仓库712GR存货差异: 仓库713GI存货差异:QI714GR存货差异: 质检715GI存货差异: 退货716GR存货差异: 退货717GI存货差异: 冻结718GR存货差异: 冻结721SlsVal.rec.n.afftMgs722SlsVal.iss.n.afftMgs731SlsVal.rec. afftgMgs732SlsVal.iss. afftgMgs841842843844901GD发货: 交货(外销)902RE交货冲销(外销)Z03有关内部订单的发货有关内部订单的发货Z04有关内部订订单的收货有关内部订订单的收货Z09TF转储采购物料到物料TF转储采购物料到物料Z10TR转储采购物料到物料TR转储采购物料到物料Z41向供应商的电镀退货向供应商的电镀退货Z42电镀退货冲销电镀退货冲销一般用途T-code工单入库,购买成品入库MIGO/CO11N冲销工单入库MIGO/CO11N送检单MIGO待检退货等MIGO收货入库MIGO向供应商退货及入库异常冲销MIGOMIGOMIGOMIGOMIGO计划外领料MB1A Maintaining Account Assignment Data 计划外退料 MB1A Maintaining Account Assignment Data WBS element/networks Maintaining Account Assignment Data WBS element/networks Maintaining Account Assignment Data Sales order no., sales order item Maintaining Account Assignment Data Sales order no., sales order item Maintaining Account Assignment Data Main asset number, asset sub-number Maintaining Account Assignment Data Main asset number, asset sub-number Maintaining Account Assignment Data 无销售订单的发货Cost center MB1A Maintaining Account Assignment Data 无销售订单的收货(或冲销无采购订单的收货)Cost center MB1A Maintaining Account Assignment Data 工单批料(migo)、工单超补领(MB1A)Order number MIGO/MB1A Maintaining Account Assignment Data 工单退料(或冲销工单领料)Order number MB1A Maintaining Account Assignment Data Network or operation Maintaining Account Assignment Data Network or operation Maintaining Account Assignment Data Any account assignment Maintaining Account Assignment Data Any account assignment Maintaining Account Assignment Data 物料变更MB1B物料变更MB1B移库(寄售退货及免费订单退货时,也使用该移动类型)MB1B移库(冲销311)MB1BStock in quality inspection to unrestricted-use stock (321)从非限制库存移动到限制库存MB1B 从限制库存移动到非限制库存MB1B Blocked stock to unrestricted-use stockBlocked stock to stock in quality inspection寄售转自有(K)、MTO到MTS MB1B 寄售转自有(K)、MTS到MTO MB1B 销售订单库存之间转储销售订单库存之间转储用于未使用SD模块或货物不需要转回自己公司库存MB1C 从发货仓(虚拟仓位)到我司仓库(标准退货时使用)MB1B 冲销453MB1B无采购订单的收货无采购订单的退货M厂料头料尾托工发料MB1B 托工退料(或冲销托工发料)MB1B 托工收货毛坯的冲销MIGO 托工退货(或冲回收货)毛坯的冲回MIGO 仓库物料报废(托工报废或托工调帐(O))MB1B 仓库物料报废冲销(托工报废或托工调帐(O))MB1B系统初始库存盘入系统初始库存盘入系统初始库存盘入系统初始库存盘入系统初始库存盘入系统初始库存盘入发货过帐(标准销售订单)发货过帐(寄售销售订单)(不产生FI单据)冲销发货过帐(寄售销售订单)(不产生FI单据)发货过账(寄售结算发货订单)(结算成本)冲销发货过账(寄售结算发货订单)(结算成本)发货过账(标准及免费换货客户退货退回发货仓)SD-SLS冲销发货过账(标准及免费换货客户退货退回发货仓)SD-SLSSD-SLS 用库存的转回)SD-SLSSD-SLS 用库存的转回)SD-SLSSD-SLSSD-SLS 盘盈盘亏M厂料头料尾退库、公司间交易走内部订单发货方等操作MB1A 公司间交易走内部订单收货方的操作MB1A 托工退货毛坯件的转回MB1B 冲销转回的托工退货毛坯件MB1B 向供应商的电镀退货电镀退货冲销。