
常用口语(General Spoken English): 中文读法 序号 中文单词 Pronunciatio47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 三思而后行 他在这儿有很多朋友 他已经病了几周了 这是你我之间的秘密 你帮助我真是太好了 耐心是自信心的一种表 现 你能到我的住处来接我 吗? 你过敏吗? 他开车比你小心 金钱不过是我们的仆人 她虽穷,人品却很端正 他们雇用他为顾问 你明晚有空吗? 你还是把事实告诉我为 好 他会责备你的粗心大意 这事不值得大惊小怪 这是我给你们的一点心 意 你很快就会习惯这项工 作的 这个玩笑开得有点过分 了 你知道,我是个很和善 的人 这个问题将在今晚解决 这家公司是我们的老客 户 你想得真周到 san si er hou xing ta zai zhe you hen duo peng you ta yi jing bing le ji zhou le zhe shi ni wo zhi jian de mi mi ni bang zhu wo zhen shi tai hao le nai xin shi zi xin xin de yi zhong biao xian ni neng dao wo de zhu chu lai jie wo ma ? ni guo min ma? ta kai che bi ni xiao xin jin qian bu guo shi wo men de pu ren ta sui qiong,ren pin que hen duan zheng ta men gu yong ta wei gu wen ni ming wan you kong ma?
安 津 选 矿 厂 常 用 单 词

英文使用手册说明书English Usage Manual1. IntroductionThe English Usage Manual is a comprehensive guide that provides instructions and guidelines for the effective and proper use of the English language. This manual covers various aspects of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and style, and is intended for both native speakers and non-native speakers of English.2. GrammarThe grammar section of this manual covers the different parts of speech, sentence structure, verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, pronouns, articles, and more. It provides explanations and examples to help users understand and apply the rules of English grammar correctly.3. PunctuationPunctuation marks play a crucial role in conveying meaning and clarity in written English. This section of the manual explains the usage of common punctuation marks such as commas, periods, question marks, exclamation marks, quotation marks, and more. It also provides guidelines on how to properly use these marks in different scenarios.4. SpellingCorrect spelling is essential for effective communication in English. This section offers guidance on the correct spelling of commonly misspelled words, homophones, and frequently confused words. It also provides tips on improving spelling skills and utilizingresources such as dictionaries and spell-check tools.5. StyleStyle refers to the way in which language is used to convey ideas and information. This section outlines different style guidelines and conventions for writing in English. It covers aspects such as formal and informal writing, tone, word choice, sentence structure, and paragraph development. Users will find tips on how to improve their writing style and make it more coherent, engaging, and appropriate for different contexts.6. Common ErrorsThe common errors section addresses typical mistakes made by English learners and provides explanations on how to avoid them. It includes common grammar and spelling errors, as well as errors related to punctuation and style. This section aims to help users recognize and correct their mistakes to enhance their overall proficiency in English.7. Usage TipsThis section contains various usage tips and recommendations to assist users in making the right choices when using English. It offers guidance on tricky grammar rules, idiomatic expressions, formal and informal language, and more. Users can refer to this section for quick answers to specific usage queries.8. ConclusionThe English Usage Manual serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking to improve their English language skills. It provides practical guidelines and explanations for correct grammar,punctuation, spelling, and style. By following the instructions and advice provided in this manual, users can enhance their proficiency in using English effectively and confidently.。
安全管理手册 英文

安全管理手册英文A safety management manual serves as a guide for organizations to create and implement effective safety protocols and procedures. It outlines the necessary steps and instructions to ensure a safe working environment for employees and visitors. The following is a comprehensive reference content for an English-written safety management manual:1. Introduction:The introduction section introduces the purpose and scope of the safety management manual. It highlights the importance of prioritizing safety in the workplace and emphasizes the commitment of the organization towards providing a safe and healthy working environment.2. Legal and Regulatory Compliance:This section provides an overview of the relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards that the organization must comply with. It includes information on government regulations, occupational health and safety laws, and any specific regulatory requirements applicable to the industry.3. Safety Policy:The safety policy outlines the organization's commitment to safety and provides a high-level overview of the safety objectives and goals. It emphasizes the importance of employee involvement and encourages reporting of safety hazards or incidents.4. Roles and Responsibilities:This section defines the roles and responsibilities of keyindividuals involved in safety management. It identifies the responsibilities of management, supervisors, employees, and safety committees. It also clarifies the chain of command and escalation procedures for reporting safety concerns.5. Risk Assessment and Hazard Identification:This section explains the process of conducting risk assessments and hazard identification to proactively identify potential safety hazards. It provides guidelines on how to assess risks, prioritize hazards, and implement necessary control measures to mitigate these risks.6. Emergency Response and Crisis Management:This section outlines the organization's emergency response and crisis management procedures. It includes information on evacuation protocols, emergency contacts, and communication procedures. It also provides guidelines for fire safety, first aid, and other emergency situations.7. Training and Education:This section emphasizes the importance of providing adequate training and education to employees on safety procedures and practices. It provides guidance on conducting safety training programs, safety inductions, and periodic refresher courses. It also encourages employee participation in safety drills and exercises. 8. Incident Reporting and Investigation:This section outlines the process for reporting and investigating safety incidents. It provides guidelines on reporting procedures, incident documentation, and investigation techniques. Itemphasizes the importance of learning from incidents to prevent future occurrences.9. Safety Inspections and Audits:This section provides guidance on conducting regular safety inspections and audits to identify potential safety gaps. It includes checklists, templates, and procedures for inspecting equipment, facilities, and work areas. It also emphasizes the need for regular follow-up and corrective actions.10. Safety Communication and Promotion:This section emphasizes the importance of effective safety communication and promotion within the organization. It provides guidance on creating safety awareness campaigns, posting safety notices, and utilizing various communication channels to share safety-related information.11. Continuous Improvement:This section emphasizes the need for continuous improvement in safety management. It provides guidance on collecting and analyzing safety data, setting safety performance indicators, and establishing review processes to identify areas for improvement.12. Appendices:The appendices section includes additional resources, such as safety checklists, forms, and templates, relevant to specific safety procedures or activities.A safety management manual provides the necessary guidance and instructions to ensure a safe working environment. It serves as areference document for employees, supervisors, and management to follow and implement safety practices effectively and consistently throughout the organization.。
(员工手册)英文版的员工手册The Company Philosophy (3)I.The Company Mission (3)II.About the Handbook (4)III.EmploymentAppointment (5)Joining Formalities (5)Probationary Period (5)Work Schedule (6)Work Behavior (6)Performance Expectations (7)Performance Evaluation (7)Job Description (8)Roles Responsibilities (8)Promotions (8)Transfers (8)pensationPay (9)Pay Periods (9)Pay Mode (9)Compensatory and Overtime Pay (9)V.Attendance and LeavesAttendance (10)Timings (10)Holidays (10)Flexi – Hours (10)Leaves (11)VI.BenefitsCertification and Training expenses (12)Hospitalisation and Health Insurance (12)Tax Planning (12)VII.Work Place BasicsClean Work – Place (13)Confidentiality (13)Patents and Copyrights (13)Misconduct (13)Disciplinary Actions (13)Personal Appearance (13)Business Attire (13)Casual Attire (13)Inappropriate Attire (13)Personal Belongings (14)Smoking Policy (14)Equipment & Facilities (14)Parking (14)Telephone Use (14)Internet Use (14)municationBulletin Board (15)Instant Messenger (15)Web Mail (15)IX.GrievancesGrievances Handling (15)Process Improvement (15)Employee Suggestion Program (15)X!. Closing (16)About the Hand BookAs an employee of Halcyon Technologies, you have your own unique duties and responsibilities. This handbook is designed to assist the employees of Halcyon Technologies who are governed by the Rules and Regulations of the Company. It is to help you understand the system you work for by providing an overview of important rights, policies and benefits you have as an employee of Halcyon. Though this Handbook is not intended to cover all the policies and procedures in great detail. For more detailed questions, contact the HR Department.This handbook applies to all the employees who are in permanent, probationary and trainee appointments.Employment1)Appointment:Your appointment is based on your performance in therecruitment process of our Company. Your appointment is subject to the terms and conditions mentioned in the Appointment Letter given to you.You need to give your acceptance by signing and returning the duplicate copy of the Appointment Letter to the HR department. Your Signing the Appointment Letter implies that you agree to the terms and conditions mentioned in the Appointment Letter.2) Joining Formalities:At the time of joining, you will be given with a New EmployeeJoining Application, which you need to fill in completely and submit it to the HR Department. You are also requested to bring the following original certificates along with two sets of copies (A4 size only). These documents arealso essential to obtain a Visa when you may be required in the future to go abroad on business/ work. So it would be in your interest to ensure that they are all in place at the time of joining the organization.a)Signed Copy of Offer letter.b)Degree / Provisional / Course completion Certificate of all College /University qualifications.c)Mark sheets of all College / University qualifications (all semesters)d)Certificates & Mark sheets of 10th & 12th classese)3 passport size photographsf)Copy of your passport (if you don’t have a pass port, kindly apply forone immediately, since it would be to your advantage to have one atthe time of joining)g)Relieving letter (incase you are already employed)h)Latest Pay Slip/Form 16 (if already employed)i)Four wheeler driving license (if already obtained)All the above documents will be kept in Employee’s Permanent Personnel File along with the New Employee Joining Form.In addition to the above requirements you need to open a Salary Account withHDFC Bank for your Salary Credits. The Formalities to open an account can bediscussed with the HR department.3) Probationary Period: The probationary period serves as an extension of theselection process and gives both you and your supervisor time to see if the job is right for you, and you are right for the job. As per the Company standards you will be on probation for a period of 3 months from the date of joining and may be confirmed as a permanent employee upon successfulcompletion of your probation. Your performance during this period will be appraised based on certain standards set by the company which will be discussed with you at the time of joining. In addition to your performance during the Probationary Period, your confirmation as a permanent employee is subject to your submitting the requisite documents as required by the Company, mentioned above in the section of “Joining Formalities”.If you demonstrate satisfactory work progress during the ProbationaryPeriod andthe decision is made to continue your employment at the end of theprobationaryperiod, you will receive a permanent Appointment Letter in this regard. Ifworkprogress is not satisfactory, an employee can be terminated with anopportunity forappeal at the management’s discretion.4) Work Schedule: The standard workweek schedule is five days per week,eighthours a day plus a one hour meal period. Other schedules apply to part-time and some shift employees.The Company also has a Flexible Work Schedule. Wherein employees have theoption to choose a variable work schedule that allows employees to choose a dailywork schedule and meal period which is most compatible with the Company requirements as well as their personal needs. The employee and the supervisorshall agree upon in advance of such Variable Work Schedule to be followed, consistent with the needs of the Company.The following general rules apply to the Flexible Work Schedule:An employee, who arrives later than scheduled time, may bepermitted to make up the deficit by working that much longer at theend of the workday according to the work needs of the Company.Otherwise, the tardiness shall be charged to the appropriate leavecategory.Supervisors shall take appropriate action to correct any abuse ormisuse ofthis privilege which may include deductions from employee’s pay.If an employee reports to work early, the employee may, with thesupervisor’s permission, begin work at that time and leave at acorrespondingly early hour.If an employee leaves work early without permission, the time shall be deducted from the employee’s pay or may be charged to the appropriateleave account if justified.An employee working later than schedule due to workload, can claimthe extra hours worked accordingly the next day, with the consent ofthe supervisor, keeping in mind the next day’s deliverables.5)Work Behavior:It is essential that all employees accept personalresponsibility for maintaining high standards of conduct and job performance, including observance of the Company rules and policies.Violations of these standards will result in disciplinary action. Disciplinary action is considered a dimension of performance evaluation. It is a corrective process to help employees overcome work-related shortcomings, strengthen work performance and achieve success.6)Performance Expectations: At the time of joining you will be given a copyof your Job Description along with a set of expectations that the Company is looking in you. These set of expectations will be made in consultation with you.7)Performance Evaluation:Annual Performance Evaluation will be doneduring the month of April every year for each employee having been employed for six months or longer. The evaluation period will cover the period 1st April through 31st March. Self Appraisal forms will be given to each employee to appraise themselves on what their accomplishments were during the Appraisal Year. Completed forms have to be returned, through appropriate channels, to the HR Team. Upon receipt of the evaluation form, the following actions will be accomplished:T he Immediate Supervisor will:a)Complete the evaluation form as promptly as possible.Exceptional must be discussed in Comments section of theevaluation form. Describe why performance is not satisfactoryand specify how performance can be improved, or explainwhy performance is outstanding.b)Discuss evaluation with the employee emphasizing strong andweak points in job performance. Commend the employee fora job well done if applicable and discuss specific correctiveaction if warranted. Set mutual goals for the employee toreach before the next performance evaluation.Recommendations should specifically state methods tocorrect weaknesses and/or prepare the employee for futurepromotions.c)Allow the employee to make any written comments he/shedesires. Have employee sign the evaluation form and initialafter supervisor's comments.d)Forward the original copy of the evaluation form to the HRDepartment. Retain a copy of the completed form for thedepartment and the employee.e)Subsequent to the completion of this evaluation by thesupervisor, and review by the employee, revisions must bediscussed by both parties. In addition, if changes in the formare made after the employee has signed the form, the level ofauthority making the changes must notify the immediatesupervisor and give the employee and supervisor copies ofthe revised evaluation.The Director will:a)Review each form to ensure further actions on the appraisal.b)See that proper actions have been taken to resolve anyidentified conflicts.c)Account for all evaluation forms in his area of responsibility.d)Forward all original forms together as a group to the HRDepartment.HR Team will:Review for completeness and accuracy. Any unresolvedproblems will be brought to the attention of the concerned lineof authority. The completed form will be placed in theEmployee's Permanent Personnel File.8)Job Description: At the time of joining the employee will be given with a setof JobDescription, that he needs to perform at the Job. In addition to it, according the employee position in the Organisation and the requirements of the company, the employee may be a given a new set of Job Description discussed mutually by the employee and the supervisor. Signed Job Description sheet has to be submitted to the HR Department which will be placed in the Employee's Permanent Personnel File and will be used for future appraisals.9)Roles and Responsibilities: The Roles and Responsibilities of the employeewillbe specified by the immediate superior of the employee at the time of Joining. Apart from the Roles mentioned initially, the Company may assign new Roles and Responsibilities to the employee as and when required.10)Promotions: Based on your Performance Appraisals, accordingly youmight bepromoted to a senior position as decided by the Company.11)Transfers:You are also liable to be transferred to any of the newOffices that theCompany might open or you may at times need to work on some of the Companyassignments abroad. Transfers may involve a promotion, reassignment, demotionor lateral move. Your leave credits and all the other benefits go with you.Your Personnel File is also transferred to your new Office.Compensation1)Pay: Your Pay will be according to the Pay structure specified in yourAppointment Letter. You will be paid a Net Salary after making the necessary deductions. The Company is required by law to deduct the following from your pay:Income Tax at the prevailing rate.Professional Tax.Provident Fund.Absences from work not covered by authorized leave credits2)Pay Periods: Your Payday will be on the last day of each month. If thisday falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a holiday, payday will be on the preceding business day.3)Pay Mode: Your Pay Mode will be direct deposit to your Salary Accountwith HDFC Bank. You will receive a Salary Slip indicating the net amount deposited into your account after any additions, subtractions anddeductions in your salary.4)Compensatory and Overtime Pay:Attendance and Leaves1)Attendance: The Company has installed a Proximity Card Reader at theentrance of the Office and you are provided with an Identity cumProximity card, which you need to swipe in the machine to get yourattendance recorded. You need to strictly maintain the Work schedule assigned to you.2)Timings: The general office timings are from 8:30 A.M. in the Morning to5:45 P.M in the Evening, with a one hour break for Lunch from 1:00 P.M to 2:00 P.M. The reporting time to the Office (8.30 A.M) will have a grace period of 10 Minutes. Employees reporting to the Office after thereporting time will have to undergo Loss of Pay for that day, with anexception of Two such late comings in a months. The above mentioned rules will not apply if:The Employee is under a Flexible Work Schedule; orThe Employee has notified his Superior in advance of the Late Coming for that day3)Holidays: The Company has decided to set the following days asHolidays:Makara SankranthiRepublic DayHoliUgadi/Telugu New Year Day.Good FridayIndependence DayGandhi JayanthiRamzanVijaya DashimiDiwaliBakridChristmasIf any employee observes religious holidays other than those set aside by the Company, the HR Department will work with the employee toexchange another holiday for the religious holiday or adjust theschedule of the employee4)Flexi-Hours: Flexi – Hours is already being discussed under the topicFlexible Work Schedule in the 4th Point of Employment Section of this Hand Book.5)Leaves: You are entitled to the following kind of Leaves:Sick Leave: you earn 12 Days in a Year as sick leave. With yoursupervisor’s approval, you may use sick leave for:Illness or injury preventing you from doing your jobMedical appointments for you or your immediate familyIllness of one of your immediate family membersDeath of an immediate family memberWhen you cannot come to work because of illness or injury, keepin touch with your supervisor to report your progress. You mayneed to submit a doctor’s certificate or other evidence to verifythe reason for taking sick leave.Casual Leave: You also earn 6 Days in a year as Casual Leave.Benefits1) Hospitalisation and Health Insurance: The Company is providing thebenefits of Cashless Hospitalisation to all the employees and theirimmediate dependants. The Company will pay the premiums of any such HealthInsurance Policy. The employee at the time of Joining needs to fill up the HealthInsurance application form and submit it to the HR Department. The employeewill get a Health Insurance Card, the list of Hospitals, the Claiming process etc.from the Health Insurance Company directly within One month of Joining2) Certification and Training Expenses: With the objective of promotingQualityand keeping its employees updated on the latest technologies, theCompanyhas formulated a policy of giving away expenses pertaining to theCertificationand Training. The Company will bear the expenses if any employee wantsto get certified in any of the Course related to the Job the Employee isinto.In addition to it the company may at its discretion bear the expenses of atraining module, if the Company feels such a Training has a directimplication with the Productivity.3) Tax Planning: The Company will also Guide you on your Tax Issues. TheCompany will show you different avenues of investments to plan your tax.The Company if required can provide you some discount on your Investments.4) Dinner and Cab Allowance: Dinner Allowance will be given to Employees whomay have to stay back beyond their Work Schedule for a longer duration.In addition to it Employees staying back till late hours (i.e. Beyond 12:00A.M) will be provided with a Cab Allowance.Work Place Basics1)Clean Work – Place: It is the duty of every employee to maintain a cleanand tidy work place in and around his/her desk and also in the remaining places of the Office.2)Confidentiality: During the course of his/her employment the employeemay be disclosed with certain Technical and Business information of the Company as well as that of the Client such as methods, processes, pricing data, financial data, customer list etc. The employee need to maintain confidentiality of the information he has with him. In addition to it the Employee has to Sign a Non Disclosure Agreement at the time of Joining.3)Patents and Copyrights: The Company has the exclusive rights over theentire job done by the employee at the Company.4)Misconduct:The employees are expected to maintain a cordialrelationship with their Co –Employees, Superiors and Sub –Ordinates.The Company has a Zero Tolerance approach towards Cases of Sexual Harassment. The Company will make sure that employees who bring the charges do not face any sort of retaliation, the company also assures the employees of their confidentiality.5)Disciplinary Actions: The Company will take disciplinary action on thosewho are found guilty or who are leveled with charges of improper misconduct.6)Personal Appearance:The employees are expected to come to theOffice dressed in appropriate attire as specified by the Company.7)Business Attire: Business Attire is applicable from Monday to Thursday.The following dress code applies to Business Attire.For Gentlemen: They are expected to dress in business formals, i.e., a full / half-sleeved shirt, formal trousers and formal leather shoes (brown, black or tan).For Ladies: They are expected to be in a saree or salwar / churidar kameez, or dressed in western business formals,8)Casual Attire: Casual Attire is applicable on Fridays. The following dresscode applies for Casual Attire.For Gentlemen: They may opt to wear jeans, a t-shirt, and sports shoes.For Ladies: They may opt to wear jeans and a t-shirt.9)Inappropriate Attire: Shorts, sundresses, Rubber Slippers, Fancy sandalsare not considered appropriate. Slippers / sandals are not appropriate at all on all working days.10)Personal Belongings: Employees have to be utmost careful with theirpersonal belongings, while working in the office. It is advised that the employees should not bring any expensive item to the office for their own benefit.11)Smoking Policy:The Company is dedicated in maintaining a drug-free work environment. The entire Office is a No Smoking area.Employees are requested to keep a note of the Smoking Policy of the Company. Violators will have to face the disciplinary actions suggested by the Company.12)Equipment & Facilities:The Company thrives to facilitate theemployees with certain facilities which help the employee both personally and professionally. The Company will keep on adding many more facilities as and when required. Currently the Company provides you with the following facilities:Pantry, where everyone can have there Lunch.Cold Water ContainerCoffee/Tea Vending Machine.Separate Restrooms for Men and Women.Network PrinterWeb-mail Provision with an Official E-mail ID13)Parking: The Company also provides you with a parking provision, ifyou commute by a vehicle. You need to intimate the HR Department at the time of Joining about the requirement of a parking place.14)Telephone Use: Employees have also the provision of receiving callson the Office Phone, subject to the condition that the work doesn’t get hampered. They can also make any outgoing call with the permission of the Supervisor.15)Internet Use:The Company’s internal network is conn ected to theInternet. Every employee with computer access to the internal network has access to the Internet, including use of E-mail and the World Wide Web. While the Internet is a great resource for our organization, it is the responsibility of each employee to use this resource responsibly and respectfully. It is assumed that the predominant use of these resources will be for work use, and that any personal use of E-mail or the World Wide Web will be limited. Personal use will never be a priority over work matters. If an employee is found spending excessive time on personal use of these resources, this privilege may be revoked for that employee.E-mail sent from the Company should be treated the same as any other communication that is sent. All communications represent the Company as a whole, and as such, should be written in a professional and appropriate manner. This also applies to any material that is published on the Company Website.Communication1)Bulletin Board: The Company will keep a Bulletin Board at a prominentLocation in the Office for all its internal communications. Employees are requested to update themselves on the changes in the Bulletin Board.2)Instant Messenger: The Company also uses an Instant Messengerconnected through a network, for an internal communication. Employees can also make use of the Messenger facility to communicate within themselves. Employees are restricted to send any obscene or vulgar messages to Co-Employees using the Instant Messenger. Offenders will have to face a disciplinary action suggested by the Company.3)Web Mail: The Company will also use the Web Mail to communicate withthe employees.Grievances1)Grievances Handling:A positive relationship between employees andsupervisors is based on mutual trust, respect, and open communication.If an employee has a problem or grievance concerning the employment, the Employee should first discuss the issue or concern with his immediate supervisor. In most cases, these discussions can clear up any misunderstanding or conflict. If the Employee is not successful in resolving the concerns about his employment, Work related grievances or any other unresolved issue, the Employee can approach the HRDepartment to address work-related problems or complaints fairly andwithout fear of reprisal.2)Process Improvement:The Company also has a Process ImprovementProgram where the Employees are supposed to fill up Feedback Formstwice in a year. Employees can also suggest any improvements, if any inthe feedback form3)Employee Suggestion Program: In addition to the Process ImprovementProgram the Company also has an Employee Suggestion Program, wherean employee can suggest anything which might be useful to theCompany in any aspect. They can approach the HR department to givethe Suggestions in a written format.ClosingYour work with Halcyon Technologies has a full potential for enriching your Professional Life which in turn will be beneficial for the Company in achieving its Goals. Keep in mind that through your employment, you are a vital resource of Halcyon TechnologiesHopefully, this handbook has helped you understand what is expected of you, your avenues to find out more informationas well as outlining some of the advantages and benefits of employment with Halcyon Technologies。

英文中文(Energy storing) Springoperating mechanism弹簧储能操动机构(Frequency)channel 频道(Led) from 由….引来(Led) to 引至(Optical) fibre cable 光缆(Wave) band 波段1 core standby 备用1芯1-phase 2-pole plug 单相二极1-phase 2-wire system 单相二线制2-layer air grille 双层格栅风口2-layer air louver 双层百叶风口2-stage cooling tower 二级冷却塔3-phase 4-pole socket 三相四极插座3-phase 4-wire system 三相四线制3-phase 5-wire system 三相五线制3-phase plug 三相插头A course ofexchange/Rate ofexchange兑换率A.C contactor 交流接触器A.C kilowatt hour meter 交流电度表A.C operation 交流操作Abnormal 异常Abort 中断,停止Abrader 研磨,磨石,研磨工具Abrades glass/Polished glass 磨光玻璃Abscissa 横坐标Absence 失去Absence of brush 无(碳)刷Absolute altitude 绝对标高Absolute atmosphericpressure绝对大气压Absolute/ABS 绝对的Absorb 吸附Absorbent 吸附剂Absorbent concentration 吸附浓度Absorbent equipment 吸附装置Absorbent pressure 吸附压力Absorbent process 吸附过程Absorbent temperature 吸附温度Absorber 吸附器Absorptance 吸收比,吸收率Absorption capacity 吸收能力,吸声性能Absorption dryer 吸附式干燥器Absorption system 吸附系统AC Lub oil pump 交流润滑油泵Acceleration 加速Accelerator 加速器Accept/Receiving/Division接受Acceptance 验收Acceptance check 验收检查Access 存取Access opening on duct 风管检测孔Accomplish/Complete 完成英译汉词汇手册Accordion door 折门Accumulator 蓄电池,累加器Accumulator battery 蓄电池组Accuracy 准确,精确Acetylene generationstation乙炔发生站Acid 酸性,酸的Acid cleaning /Aicdwashing酸洗Acid resistant coating 防酸涂料Acid-containing wastewater suffer含酸废水处理池Acid-etched glass 酸蚀刻玻璃Acid-proof 耐酸的Acid-proof agent 防酸剂Acid-resisting steel 耐酸钢Acknowledge 确认,响应Acquisition 发现,取得Across column 跨柱Action 动作Action current 动作电流Action range 动作范围Action time/Actuatingtime动作时间Activatedcarbon/Activatedcharcoal活性炭Active carbon filter 活性炭过滤器Active power meter 有效功率表Active power/Real power 有效功率Actual cooling capacity 实际冷量actuator 执行机构Adapter/Joint/Connector 接头,连接器Additional factor for windforce风力附加率Additional heat loss 附加耗热量Additional reinforcingsteel bar附加钢筋Address 地址Adequate 适当的,充分的Adiabat 绝热线Adiabatic humidifying 绝热加湿Adjust 调整,校正Adjustable 可调节的Adjustable damper 可通风的Adjusting nut 调整螺栓Adjustment forillumination照明调节Administration office 行政办公室Admission intake 进气Admission mode 进汽方式Admitting pipe 进入管,输入管Admix 混合Admixture/Hybrid/Mixture 混合物Aerated concrete 加气混凝土Aerated concrete block 加气混凝土砌块Aerial天线(系统,装置),架空线Aerial contaminant 空气污染物Aerial light/Aviation light 航空灯Aerial line 天线Aerodynamic noise 气流噪声Aerogenic 产气的,产生气体的Aerosphere/Atmosphere 大气After 以后After cooler 后冷却器Aftercondenser 后冷凝器Afterfilter 后过滤器Against beam 紧贴梁底Against slab 紧贴板底Aggregate size 集料粒径(混凝土)Agreement 协议、协定Air 风,空气Air bath 空气浴Air blanketing 空气夹层Air blast 鼓风,喷气,强气流,空气喷射Air blower/Blastfan/Blower鼓风机Air bottle/Air receiver 空气罐Air brake 气闸Air buffer 空气缓冲器Air chamber 空气室Air change volume 换风量Air channel/Aer chute/Airduct work风道Air circuit breaker 空气断路器Air circulation/Air cycle 空气循环Air clean unit 空气自净器Air cleaner 空气净化器Air cleaning/Airpurification空气净化Air cleanliness 空气洁净度Air cock/Air lock 气阀Air collector 集气罐Air compressor 空气压缩机Air compressor room 空压机房Air compressorstation/Compressor room空压站Air condenser 空气冷凝器Air condition feed pipe 空调供水管Air conditioner 空气调节器Air conditioning control 空气调节控制Air conditioning coolingload空调冷负荷Air conditioning design 空气调节设计Air conditioning energyconsumer空调耗能系数Air conditioningequivalent空气调节设备Air conditioninginstallation空气调节装置Air conditioning plant 空气调节机房Air conditioning process 空气调节过程Air conditioning returnpipe空调回水管Air conditioning space 空气调节空间Air conditioning system 空气调节系统Air conditioning systemcooling load空气调节系统冷负荷Air conditioning unit 空气调节机组Air conditioning watersystem空调水系统Air conditioning with icestorage/Ice coolingairconditioning system冰蓄冷空调Air conduit/Air duct 风管Air consumption 空气消耗量Air contaminant/Airpollutant空气污染物Air contamination 空气污染Air contamination control 空气污染控制Air cook/Air relief cock 放风旋塞Air cooled condenser 空气冷却冷凝器Air cooler 空气冷却器Air cooling 空气冷却Air cooling byevaporation蒸发空气冷却Air cooling dryer 风冷式干燥机Air cooling evaporator 空气冷却式汽化器Air cooling system 空气冷却系统Air cooling unit 空气冷却机组Air cup 喷雾嘴Air current/Air stream/Airflow气流Air curtain 空气幕Air cycle equipment 空气循环设备Air damper/Ventilationvalve风阀Air diffuser 散流器Air discharge/Air exhaust 排气Air distribution velocity 空气分布速度Air distribution/Space airdiffusion气流组织Air drain of ceiling 顶棚通风孔Air drying 空气干燥Air duct 通风道Air duct design 风管设计Air duct installation 风管系统Air duct pressure 风管压力Air ejector 抽气器Air exchange 换气Air exchange rate/Airchange换气次数Air exhaust duct/Exhaustpipe排气管Air exhaust equipment 排气设备Air exhaustfan/Discharge fan排气扇Air exhaust in toilet 卫生间排风系统Air filter空调器容量空气过滤器Air filtration 空气过滤Air free 无空气的Air gap 气隙Air governor 送风调节器Air grid 通风格栅Air grille 格栅风口Air handling units 空调机组Air heater 空气加热器Air heating 空气加热Air heating system 空气加热系统Air heating unit 空气加热机组Airhumidification/Air-humidifying空气加湿Air humidifier 空气加湿器Air humidity 空气湿度Air induction 空气诱导Air infiltration/Leakageinfiltration空气渗入Air inlet 进风口Air intake fan/Induceddraft fan引风机Air intake shaft 进气道Air intake tower 进风塔Air lock 气塞Air louver with guideblade带导流片百叶风口Air moistening 空气湿Air operated/Pneumatic 气动的Air outlet 出风口Air preheater 空气预热器,转轮式换热器Air pressure 风压Air rate 通风量Air receiver 贮气罐Air regulation 风量调节Air regulator 风量调节器Air relief valve/Dischargevalve/Exhaust valve排气阀Air return 回风Air return system 回风系统Air return throughcorridor走廊回风Air seasoning wood 气干木材Air shaft/Vent shaft 通风井Air shower pass box 风浴式传递箱Air shower room 风淋室Air steam 空气流量Air strainer 空气粗滤器,空气滤网Air suction opening with side plate 插板式吸风口Air suction/Aspiration 吸气Air supply 送风Air supply and returnmethod送回风方式Air supply box 送风机箱Air supply grille/Airsupply opening/Supplyair outlet送风口Air supply system 送风系统Air supply with slide plate 插板式送风口Air tap 空气旋塞Air temperature 空气温度Air terminal 风道末端Air though tunnel 地道风Air treatment 空气处理Air treatment volume 空气处理量Air velocity 空气速度Air volume 空气体积,风量Air washer 空气洗涤器,淋水室Air washing 空气洗涤Air way 空气通道Air wetting 空气湿润Air zoning 风区送风Air-blast heater/Hot airgenerator热风器Airborne contaminant 空气中的污染物Airborne particlescounter尘埃离子计数器Air-concrete slab 加气混凝土板Air-conditioned building 设有空气调节的房屋Air-conditioned room 空调机房Air-conditioned rooms 空调房间Air-conditioning/Airhandling空气调节Air-cooled chiller 风冷冷水机组Air-cooled heatpump/water chiller风冷热泵冷水机组Air-cooled heat pumps 风冷热泵Air-cooled split type airconditioner风冷分体式空调机Air-exhaust ventilator 排气通风机Airless 不通风的Airport 飞机场Air-supply fan/Force draftfan送风机Alabaster glass 雪花玻璃Alarm 报警,报警器Alarming valve 报警阀Algorithm 算法Alkaline tank 碱液箱All-air system 全空气系统Allowable arrow 容许误差Allowable concentration 容许浓度Allowable load 容许负荷Allowable load 容许荷载Allowable pressure 容许压力Allowable resistance 容许阻力Allowable stress design 容许应力设计Alluvial deposit 冲击土层Along beam 沿梁Along wall 沿墙Alphanumeric 字母数字Alternate load 交替荷载Alternating current 交流电Alternating current (A.C) 交流Altitude 高度,海拔Aluminium 铝Aluminium alloy window 铝合金窗Aluminium bar 铝合金压条Aluminium powder 铝粉Aluminosilicate refractoryfiber硅酸面板纤维Aluminum alloy porousplate铝合金孔板Aluminum arrester 铅避累雷器Aluminum conductor 铅线Aluminum paint 银粉漆,铝涂料Aluminum plate 铝板Aluminum-coiltransformer铝线变压器Amber glass 琥珀玻璃Ambient air 周围的空气Ambient condition 周围的条件Ambient environment 周围的环境Ambient pressure 周围的压力Ambient temp 环境温度Ambient temperature 周围的温度Ambient/Peripheral 周围的Ammeter 电流表,安培计Ammeter/Current meter 电流表Ammonia 氨气Ammonia tank 氨水箱Ampere 安培Amplification 放大Amplifier 放大器Analog 模拟Analog input 模拟输入Analog-to-digital(A/D) 模拟转换Analysis 分析Analysis of rigid frame 刚架分析Analysis of truss 桁架分析Analyzing instruments 分析仪表Anchor bar 锚固筋Anchor bolt 锚固螺栓Anchor length 锚固长度Anchorage/Fixed support 固定支座Anechoic chamber 微波暗室Anemograph/Windgauge风速计Angle 角度Angle bar/Angle steel 角钢Angle brick 角砖Angle of incidence 入射角Angle of lag 滞后角Angle of lead 超前角Angle of reflection 反射角Angle pipe/Bend 弯管Angle steel purlin 角钢檩条Angle steel stiffening 角钢支撑Angle valve 角阀Anion 阴离子Anionic exchanger 阴离子交换器Annex 附录Announce 通知,宣布Annual 年的,年报Annual consumption 年消耗量Annual energy output 年发电量Annual rainfall 年降雨量Annual yield/output 年生产量Anode 阳极,正极Antenna amplifier 天线放大器Antenna/Aerial 天线Anthracite 无烟煤Anticipate 预期,期望Anti-condensation lining 防凝水内衬Anticorrosive paint 防腐蚀涂料Anticorrosive/Antiseptic 防腐剂Anti-dazzle glass 防眩光玻璃Antifiriction 润滑剂Anti-interference 抗干扰Antilithic 去垢剂Antirust coat 防锈层Anti-static aluminiumalloy floor抗静电铝合金地面Anti-static raised floor 抗静电活动地板Anti-vibration 抗震动Antivibrator/Dashpot/Vibration absorber减振器Anti-water blade 反水板Anti-wind beam 防风梁Anuxiliary equipment 辅助设备Apartment 公寓Aperture efficiency 开孔率Aph slow motion motor 空预器低速马达Apparatus dew point 机器露点Apparent capacity 视在容量Apparent power 视在功率Applicable temperaturerange适用温度范围Application program 应用程序Approach 近似值,接近Approval 审批Approved by …由……审核Apron flashing 遮檐板Apron strip 盖缝条Aquastat 水溢自动调节器Aqueous vapour 水(蒸)气Aquosity/Dank 潮湿Arc 电弧,弧光Arc extinction contactor 消弧接触器Arc furnace 电弧炉Arc lamp 弧光灯Arch window 拱窗Arched beam 拱梁Arched floor 拱形楼面Architect 建筑师Architectrual level 建筑标高Architectural engineering 建筑工程Architectural rendering 建筑渲染图Architectural shades andshadows建筑阴影(投影)图Architectural sketch 建筑草图Architecture 建筑Archives management 档案管理Area 面积,区域Area flood lighting 大面积泛光照明Area lighting 大面积照明Area occupied bybuilding/Built-up area建筑占地面积Area of roads and plaza 道路及广场面积Argon 氩气Argon purifier 氩气纯化装置Armature 电枢,转子衔铁Armored cable 铠装电缆Armoured glass 钢化玻璃Arrangement 布置Artificial climateroom/Phytotron人工气候室Artificial earthing 人工接地Artificial filling 人工填土Artificial ground 人工地基Artificial lighting 人工照明Artificial marble 人造大理石Artificial ventilation 人工通风Asbestos board 石棉板Asbestos packing 石棉板填料Asbestos tile 石棉瓦Asbestos/Mountain cork 石棉Asbestos-cement sheet 石棉水泥板Aseismatic 抗(地)震Aseismatic structure 抗震等级Asepsis 无菌操作Ash 灰烬,废墟Ash handling 除灰Ash settling pond 沉渣池Ash slurry pump 灰浆泵ASHRAE美国供暖、制冷、空调工程师协会Ashtree 水曲柳ASHVE 美国暖通工程师协会Asphalt coat 沥青涂料Asphalt damp-proofcourse沥青防潮层Asphalt felt 油毛毡Asphalt filler flat roof 沥青嵌缝平屋面Asphaltic base 沥青底子Asphaltic base oil 沥青冷底子油Aspirator/Dustarrester/Dust catcher吸尘器Assemble/Install/Installation/Mount/Set up安装Assembled clean room 装配式洁净室Assembled-monolithicstructure装配-整体式结构Assembly 装配Assembly building 装配大楼Assemblydrawing/Erectiondiagram装配图Assembly line 装配线Assembly shop 装配车间Assistant's room 助理室Assume 假定,采取,担任Assumed load 假定荷载Asynchronous 异步的Asynchronous motor 异步马达Atmosphere pollution 大气污染Atmosphere pressure 大气压Atmosphere temperature 大气温度Atomizing 雾化Attached sash window 子母扇窗Attemperater 减温器,调温器Attempt 企图Attention/Caution 注意Attenuation/Deamplificati on 衰减Audio-frequencyamplifier音频放大器Audio-frequency mixer 音频混合器Audio-visual alarm 声光报警Auditorium 礼堂Auto air releasevalve/Automatic ventvalve自动排气阀Auto reclose 自动重合闸Auto transfer 自动转移Autoformer 自耦变压器Automatic air breaker 自动空气断路器Automatic aircompressor自动空气压缩机Automatic air star-deltastarter自动空气式星三角起动器Automatic check 自动检测Automatic control 自控Automatic control system 自动系统Automatic door 自动门,法式门Automatic fire vent自动排烟天窗,自动出烟口Automatic powerregulator自动功率调整器Automatic reclosing 自动重合闸Automatic regulation 自动调节Automatic sprinklingpump自动喷水灭火泵Automatic switch-on ofstandby power supply备用电源自动投入Automatic vent 自动放气阀Automatic voltage 自动调压器regulatorAutomatic window 自动开窗Automatic/AUTO 自动Auto-sprinkling alarm 自动喷水式报警装置Auto-valve arrester 阀式避雷器Auxiliaries 辅件Auxiliary power/Servicepower厂用电Auxiliary relay 辅助继电器Auxiliary shop 辅助车间Auxiliary/AUX 辅助的Available 有效的,可用的Average dailyconsumption日平均用(水)量Average hourly waterconsumption平均时用水量Average luminance 平均照度Average pressure 平均压力Average temperature 平均温度Average velocity 平均速度Avoid 避免,回避Avometer 万用表,安伏欧表计Awning window 遮阳式窗Axial 轴向的Axial direction 轴向Axial fan/Aerofoil fan 轴流风机Axial flow air supply/Swirlair supply opening旋流送风口Axial flow cooling tower 轴流式冷却塔Axial flow fan 轴流式通风机Axial flow pump 轴流泵Axial symmetric load 轴向对称荷载Axis 轴,轴线Axis disp protection 轴向位移,保护Axis of bent 标桩Axis of column row 柱列轴线Axle 轴,车轴,心捧Back 背后,反向的Back filled earth 回填土Back lighting逆光照明,逆孤,后照明Back pressure 背压Back pressure return 余压回水Back prop 脚手支撑架Back stair 内楼梯Back up 支持,备用Back valve/One-wayvalve单向阀Back wall 背墙Back ward 向后Back wash 反冲洗Backfill 回填Backfill compactor 回填压实机Backfill density 回填密度Backwater反洗水,反冲水(滤池)回水Baffle隔板,遮光板,挡雨板,遏声器Bag filter 袋式过滤器Bag house/Bag type airfilter clothbag步袋除尘器Bakelite胶木,电木,酚醛塑料Baking finish 烘漆,烤漆Balance 平衡Balance of cuts andfills/Balanced earthwork平衡挖填Balance pipe 均压管Balanced load 平衡负荷Balcony 阳台,露台,楼座,高架平台Ball 球Ball check valve 球形止回阀Ball check/Ball unit/Ballvalve/Globe valve球阀Ball float trap 浮子式输水器Ball float valve 浮球阀Ballast 镇流器Baluster column 栏杆形柱Bar 酒吧,巴,条杆Bar chair 钢筋支座Bar cropper 钢筋截断器Bar screen materialclassifier栅形滤网Bar space 钢筋间距Bare conductor 裸导线Barricade 防护栅Base 基础,根据Base mode 基本方式Base plate plan (柱脚)垫板平面图Basement 地下室Basic data andinformation for siteselection选厂基础资料Basic data of design 设计基础资料Basic load 基本荷载Batch processing unit 批处理单元Bathroom 浴室Bathub 浴盆Batter pile 斜桩Battery 电池Battery -charging room 充电室Battery room 蓄电池室Bawk/Binding beam 连系梁Bay 开间Bay window 凸窗Bayonet lamp 插式灯头Bayonet socket 卡口插座Beam 梁Beam anchor 梁端锚栓Beam axal schematicdrawing梁轴线示意图Beam bottom level 梁底标高Beam ceiling 露梁顶棚Beam on elasticfoundation弹性基础梁Beam reinforcementtable梁钢筋表Beam section type 梁断面形式Beam span 梁跨度Beam strength梁的抗挠强度,(小)梁强度Beam with doublereinforcement双筋梁Beam with singlereinforcement单面配筋的梁Bearer/Bearing block 垫块Bearing course 承压层Bearing partition 承重隔墙Bearing pile 支撑桩Bearing plate 支撑板Bearing value 承载值Bearing wall 承重墙Bearing wall structure 承重墙结构Bearing/BRG 轴承,支撑,跨距Bed course 垫层Bedding mortar 砂浆垫层Bedroom 卧室Before 在…之前Behavior 工况Behavior of structures 结构性能Bell 铃Bell and pipe 承插管Bell joint/Female joint 承插接头Belt 带,皮带Belt drive 皮带传动Belt pulley/Belt wheel 皮带轮Bench 工作台Bench excavation 台阶式挖掘Bench mark 水准基点Bench method 台阶式挖土法Bend 挠度,弯曲Bend muffler 消声弯头Bending 弯曲Bending radius/Curveradius弯曲半径Bending schedule 弯钢筋表Bent bar 弯起钢筋Besel 监视孔Bicycle shed 自行车棚Bidet 净身盆Bifurcated type stair 双分叉式楼梯Bill of piping quantity 各种管道数量表Bin 锡Bind flange 法兰堵板Binding 绑扎Binding agent 粘结剂Binding post 接线柱Binding wire 绑扎用钢丝Binomial method 二项式法Biohazard cabinet 生物安全柜Birch 桦木Bird's eye view 鸟瞰图Bitumen/Asphalt 沥青Bitumen-lining 沥青衬里Bitumen-sealingcompound沥青嵌缝料Black 黑色Black and white TV 黑白电视机Black out 大停电,全厂停电Blacksmith shop 锻工车间Blade/Vane 叶片Blak flange 法兰盲板Blank window 假窗BLAS 偏置,偏压Blast cap/Ventilationcowl风帽Bleed 放气,放水Blind/Louver/Shutter 百叶窗Block 砌块Block flooring 快料楼面Block stone 条石,块石Blocking signal 闭锁信号Blow 吹Blow down/Blow through 排污Blowdown valve 排污阀Blower 通风机Blower system 鼓风系统Blowlamp 喷灯Blow-off pipe 吹除管Blow-off valve 排空阀Blue 蓝色Blue glass 兰色玻璃Bms watchdog Bms看门狗,bms监视器Boarding ceiling 板顶棚Boiler base 锅炉支座Boiler efficiency 锅炉效率Boiler feedwaterpump/BFP锅炉给水泵Boiler house/Boiler room 锅炉房Boiler room beader 锅炉房蒸汽容量Boiler/BLR 锅炉Boiling point 沸点Boil-off 蒸发汽化Bolt 螺栓Bolt head with feather 带销螺栓头Bolt washer 螺栓垫圈Boom bar 弦杆Boost centrifugalpump/BST CEP凝升泵Boost/BST 增压,提高Booster fan 升压风机Booster pump 强压泵Booster pump/BP 升压泵Bootstrap 模拟线路,辅助程序Border line 边线,界线Bore 孔,腔Boring log 钻探柱状土Borrow fill 借土填方Bottom 底部Bottom chord 下弦Bottom layer 下层钢筋Bottom level 底标高Bottom rail 下梃Bottom supply 下送风Bottom transom 栏杆下档Botton head bolt 源头螺栓Bow beam 弓形梁,弯梁Bow window 弓形窗,凸肚窗Bowl lamp 碗口灯Bowl lift 铲斗提升Bowl sink 洗涤池Bowl urinal 挂式小便器Box stair 箱型楼梯Box-frame structure 箱形框架结构BRACA 英国制冷空调协会Brace 支撑Brace rod 拉杆,联结杆Brace system 支撑体系Bracing 系杆Bracing member 支撑构件Bracing panel 支撑板Bracket 支架,托架,括号Bracketed stair 悬臂式楼梯Branch duct 分支风道Branch feeder 支馈线Branch line 支线Branch pipe 支管Branch vent 通气支管Brancher 分支器Branching network 分支网络Brash 碎石堆,脆性,易脆的Brass 黄铜Breadth/Width 宽度Break 断开,断路Break room/Lobby/Restroom休息室Break/Cut off 断开,切断Breakdown voltage 击穿电压Breaker 断路器,隔离开关Breaker coil 跳闸线路Breast beam 过梁Breast wall 胸墙Breeze 微风,煤粉Brens-chluss 熄火,燃烧终结Brick 砖,块料Brick and concrete mixedstructure砖混结构Brick cavity wall 空心砖墙Brick floor 砖楼面Brick masonry structure 砖石结构Brick wall 砖墙Brick wall joint detaildrawing砖墙节点详图Brick with groove 带槽砖Brick-cap parapet 砖顶压檐墙,砖压顶女儿墙Bridge电桥,跨接,桥形网络Brigade 班,组,队,大队Brightness 亮度Broadcast 广播Broadcast and soundsystem广播音箱系统Broadcast station 广播站Broadcast system 广播系统Brown coal 褐煤Brownout 节约用电Brush 刷涂,电刷,刷子Brush graining 漆画木纹Brush over 用刷上色Brush rocker 电刷摇环Brushing 刷光Buchholtz protecter 瓦斯保护Bucket 斗,吊斗Budget 预算,采购Budgetary estimation 概算Buffer corridor 缓冲走道Buffer tank 缓冲箱Build joint 构造缝Building accessories 建筑附件Building area/Floor area 建筑面积Building carcass/Buildingskeleton建筑骨架Building cluster 建筑群Building code 建筑规范Building design 建筑设计Building material 建筑材料Building occupationcoefficient建筑系数Building seismic designcode建筑抗震设计规范Building specification 建筑法规Building volume ratio 容积率Built 建立Built in wall 嵌装在墙上Built-in fitting 预埋件Built-in fixtures 嵌入式灯具Built-in length 埋入深度Bulb 灯泡Bulkhead 挡墙,板桩Bulletin 公告,公报Bump 碰,撞击Buried depth 埋深Buried directlyunderground直埋Burner 燃烧器Burner managementsystem燃烧器管理系统Burner oxygen 燃烧用氧Bus 总线Bus section 母线段Bus station 汽车站Busbar 母线Busbar frame 母线支架Buscouple 母联Bushing block 衬里砌块Butt joint 平缝Butterfly bolt 蝶形螺栓Butterfly check valve 蝶式止回阀Butterfly valve 蝶阀Button 按钮By pass conduit 旁通管路By pass connection 旁通连接By pass damper 旁通风门By pass duct 旁通风管By pass valve 旁通阀Bypass filter 旁滤器Bypass pipe 旁路管Bypass valve 旁路阀Bypass/BYP 旁路C E (Civil Engineering) 土木工程Cabinet 柜子Cable 电缆Cable armouring 电缆铠装Cable box 电缆箱,有线电视机Cable bridge 电缆桥架Cable cabinet 电缆箱,分线盒Cable cleat 电缆夹具Cable compound 电缆膏Cable duct 电缆槽Cable hanger 电缆吊架,电缆吊竿Cable junction box 电缆分线箱Cable line 电缆线路Cable manhole 电缆入孔Cable pit 电缆井Cable plug 电缆接线头Cable termination joint 电缆终端头Cable tray 电缆托架Cable trench 电缆沟Cable tunnel 电缆隧道Cable tunnel exit 电缆隧道口Cadmium plating 电镀镉Calcimine 可赛银粉,石灰浆底Calculated capacity 计算容量Calculating ourdoortemperature for heating采暖室外计算温度Calculating outdoor temperature for ventilation(winter) 通风(冬季)室外计算温度Calculator 计算器Caliber 管径、尺寸、大小Calking 堵缝Caloric 热的、热量Caloric value 发热量、热值Calorie 卡Calorie/Heatresistance/Heat-transferresistance/Heatvolume/Thermalresistance热量Calorific 发热的、热量的Calorific efficiency/Heatrate热效率Camera 摄象机Cancel 取消Candle light 烛光Canopy 雨篷Canopy hood 雨篷罩Canted window 多角窗Canteen 食堂Cantilever slab 悬臂板Cantilevered balcony 外挑阳台Cantilevered beam 挑梁Cantilevered platform 外挑平台Cantilevered wall 悬臂墙Capacitance/CAPAC 电容Capacitive ballast 容式镇流器Capacitive reactance 容抗Capacitor 电容器Capacity 容量,出力,能量Capital cost 投资费Capital expenditure 基本建设费Capital repair/Majoroverhaul大修Capitation 按人计算,人头税Capped filter 压盖式过滤器Capping beam schedule 压顶梁截面表Caption ofdrawing/Drawing heading标题栏Car garage 汽车库Carbon dioxide/Dioxide 二氧化碳Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳Carbon steel 碳素钢Card (电子)板,卡Card lock 推拉把手Cardinal principle 基本原理Carpet 地毯Carrier搬运机,载波,带电粒子Carrier protection 高频保护Cascade/CAS 串级Case pipe 套管Cassette type 天花嵌入式Cast aluminum 铸铝Cast copper 铸铜Cast iron 铸铁Cast iron drain pipe 排水铸铁管Cast iron pipe 铸铁管Cast iron soil pipe 铸铁污水管Cast iron supply waterpipe给水铸铁管Cast iron water pipe 铸铁给水管Cast steel 铸钢Cast-in-place concretefloor现浇混凝土楼面Cast-in-site concrete 现场浇注混凝土Cast-in-site terrazzo floor 现浇水磨石楼面Casual 偶然的,临时,不规则的Casual inspection 不定期检查,临时检查Casualty 人身事故,伤亡,故障Catalog/Content 目录Catastrophe 灾祸、事故Catastrophe failure 重大事故Catch basin 截流井,滤污器Cathode 阴板、负极Cathode raytube/CRT/Video displayunit/VDU显示器Cation exchanger 阳离子交换器CATV system 有线电视系统Caving 断层Ceiling 顶棚,天花板Ceiling air diffuser 顶棚空气散流器Ceiling air supply laminar 顶棚净化机组flowCeiling coil 顶棚供暖盘管Ceiling concealed 吊顶暗装Ceiling convector 顶棚对流加热器Ceiling duct 天花板管道Ceiling fan 顶棚风扇Ceiling hanger 顶棚吊筋Ceiling height 房间高度Ceiling hook 顶棚吊钩Ceiling joist 平顶格栅Ceiling outlet 天花板出风口Ceiling panel 顶棚镶板Ceiling panel strip 顶棚的木压条Ceiling plate 顶棚嵌板Ceiling rail 顶棚周边压条Ceiling tile 吊顶板(块)Ceiling-panel heating 顶棚供暖Cell 小室Cement 水泥Cement and sandcushion水泥砂浆垫层Cement board 水泥板Cement finish 石灰罩面Cement grade 水泥标号Cement mortar 水泥砂浆Cement mortar floor 水泥砂浆楼面Cement mortar strength 水泥砂浆强度Cement plastering 水泥抹面Cement sand bed 水泥砂浆层Cement screed 水泥浆找平层Cement skirting 水泥踢脚Cement tile floor 水泥花砖楼面Cement troweled 水泥压光Center 中心Center elevation 中心标高Center line wall 排架轴线Center nozzle 中部下水口Centigrade 摄氏温标Centimeter/cm 厘米Central air conditioning 中央空调,集中空调系统Central alarm 集中报警器Central control 中央控制Central control room 中控室Central heating 集中供暖Central heating plant 供暖总站Central plant 集中机房Central processingunit/CPU中央处理器Central processor 中央处理机Central refrigerating 集中制冷Central supply 集中送风Central vacuum 中央清扫真空Central ventilationsystem/Fresh airsystem/Primary airsystem新风系统Centric load 中心荷载Centrifugal 离心的Centrifugal compressor 离心式压缩机Centrifugal compressor water cooled condensing unit 离心压缩机水冷冷凝单元Centrifugal cooling tower 离心式冷却塔Centrifugal dualcompressor离心式双体空压机Centrifugalfan/Centrifugal blower离心风机Centrifugal glass woolpipe sheath离心玻璃棉管壳Centrifugalhumidifier/Spinning diskhumidifier离心加湿器Centrifugal oil waterseparator离心式油水分离器Centrifugal pump 离心泵Centrifugal refrigeratingmachine离心式制冷机Centrifugal refrigeratingunits离心式制冷机组Centrifugal reinforcedconcrete离心法制钢筋混凝土管Centrifugal spun dustseparator离心旋风式除尘器Centrifugal ventilator 离心通风机Certificate 证明书,执照Certification of fitness 合格证书,质量证书Cesspipe 污水管Cesspool/Sewer tank 污水池Chain ink 钢丝网门Chain pendant 吊链式Chain system 链式Chamber 接待室,会议室Change 改变Channel 通道,频道Channel glass 槽形玻璃Channel purlin 槽钢檩条Channel steel 槽钢Channel style axial-flowfan管道式轴风机Character 字符Characteristic curve 特性曲线Characteristics 特性,特性曲线Charge 负荷,充电,加注Charge indicator 验电器,带电指示器Chart/Diagram 图表Chassis 底座,机壳Chassis earth 机壳接地Check valve/Nonreturnvalve止回阀Check/Review 检查Checked by …由……校对Cheese head bolt (平顶)圆头螺栓Chemical 化学Chemical analysis 化学分析Chemical change 化学变化Chemical dosing 化学加药,化学计量Chemical store 化学品存放间Chemisorption 化学吸附Chemosphere/Ozonelayer臭氧层Chest 室Chief 主要的,首长,首领Chief designer 总设计师Chief engineer 总工程师,主任工程师Chief operator 值班长Chilled water 冷冻水Chilled water circulatingcapacity冷冻水循环量Chilled water circulationpump冷冻水循环泵Chilled water distributor冷冻水分水器,闭式膨胀水箱Chilled water filled pipe 冷冻供水管Chilled water pump 冷冻水泵Chilled water return pipe 冷冻回水管Chilled water secondarypump/Hot watercirculation pump热水循环泵Chilled water system 冷冻水系统Chiller 冷冻机Chiller station 冷冻站Chimney 烟囱,烟道Chimney drain 垂直排水系统Chimney effects 烟囱效应Chimney jamb 壁炉侧壁,烟囱侧壁Chimney stack屋顶烟囱,高达烟囱,集合烟囱Chinese fir 杉木Chinese weepingcypress柏木Chlorine 氯Chorine detection 氯气探测Chromatic spectrum 色谱Chromium plating 镀铬Cinema 电影院Circle air duct 圆形风管Circle cross section 圆形截面Circle damper 圆形风阀Circle wing typeradiator/Circular wingradiator圆翼形散热器Circle/Round 圆形Circuit 电路,环路数Circuit breaker 电路断路器Circuit diagram 电路图Circular current 环流Circular vent pipe 圆形通风管Circulating 循环Circulating air 循环空气Circulating air flow 循环风量Circulating cooling water 循环冷却水Circulating fan 风扇,循环风机Circulating water pump 循环水泵Circulating waterflow rate 循环水量Cistern 水池,槽City gas supply 城市煤气供应City hot water supply 城市热水供应City planning 城市规划City water inlet 城市进口水City water supply 城市给水City water/Tap water 自来水Civil 土建,民用的Civil construction 民用建筑Cladding wall 维护墙Clamp 夹具,钳Clarification 澄清Class 类,等级,程度Class of insulation 绝缘等级Classification of lightning protection 防雷分类Clay shingle 粘土瓦Clay stratification 粘土层Clayey sand 粘质沙土Clayey silt 砂石层Clean 清洁的,纯净的Clean air supply unit 净化送风单元Clean bench 净化工作台Clean class 洁净度,洁净等级Clean corridor 净化走道Clean room 洁净室Clean tunnel 洁净隧道Cleanup/Cleaning/Depurate/Purification净化Clean work table 洁净工作台Cleaning air conditioningunit净化空调组Cleanness/Digree ofcleanness净化度Cleanout 清扫孔、清扫口Cleanse 净化,洗净,消毒Clear 清除Clear distance 净距离,净空Clear height/Headroom 净高Clear span 净跨Clearance 净空Clearing of fault 故障清除Client 建设单位Client/Consumer/User 用户Climate 气候Climatic change 气候变化Climatron 大型人工气候室Clinch bolt/Clamp bolt 夹紧螺栓Clinic 医务室Clinker floor 缸砖楼面Clip tile(brick) 工字钢底砖Cloakroom 衣帽间Clock interface unit/CIU 时钟接口单元Clock system 子母钟系统Clockwise 顺时针,右旋的Close/Shut off 关闭Closed cooling tower 封闭式冷却塔Closed expansion watertank自动补水装置Closed luminaire 封闭式灯具Closed radiator 闭式散热器Closed return 壁式回水Closed staircase 封闭楼梯间Closed switch 封闭式开关Closed-loop 闭环Closet basin 盥洗盆Closet door 壁橱门Closet tank 马桶水箱Closing circuit 合闸回路Closing position relay 合闸位置继电器Closure of fixtures 灯具遮板,挡板Closure/Partition 隔板Club 俱乐部Cluster 电池组,组,群Coal 煤Coal ash 煤灰Coal breaker/Coalcrusher碎煤机Coal bunker 煤仓Coal consumption 耗煤量,煤耗Coal dust 煤粉Coal gas gauge 煤气表Coal handling 输煤设备,输煤装置Coal hopper 煤斗Coal slag quantity 灰渣量Coal yard 煤场Coal-fired power plant 燃煤发电厂Coarse 粗的,不精确的Coarse filtration 粗过滤Coaxial cable 同轴电缆Cock 旋塞,龙头,气门Code 编号,代号,密码Code for architecturaland structural design建筑及结构设计规范Code for constructionand acceptance施工及验收规范Code for electrical designand installation电气设计及装置规范Code for heating andventilating design andinstallation供暖及通风设计及装置规范Code for soil andfoundation地基及基础规范Code for water supplyand drainage给排水规范Coefficient of absorptionof radiant heat辐射热吸收系数Coefficient of contraction 压缩系数Coefficient of expansion 膨胀系数Coefficient of expansionby heat热膨胀系数。

比如,John Smith是一个常见的英语人名,其中John是名字,Smith是姓氏。
例如,John F. Kennedy中的F代表"Fitzgerald"。
例如,Yangtze River是中国最长的河流之一,Mount Everest是世界上最高的山峰。

汽车常见的故障1. 油耗大有可能因为汽车故障问题,或发动机磨损老旧,或是胎压不足。
如果你的车不是很旧,或你是一个非常优秀的司机,胎压又丝毫没有问题,你就可以去检查一下故障问题了...相关英文:Oil change with oil filter replacement 换机油和油滤Air filter replacement 发动机空气滤芯更换Tune the engine 发动机调整Fuel system cleaning 油路清理Fuel filter replacement 燃油滤清器更换2. 空调不凉、有异味不凉的原因:制冷剂不足或过多,制冷剂与冷冻机油含杂质过多造成堵塞,或压缩机风扇问题。
有异味简单的讲就是冷凝器表面发霉了,有细菌... 长时间下去会对车里人的健康有影响,请注意定时更换空调滤芯、清理空气道。
相关英文:Air conditioning repair/ adding Freon 空调修理或添加氟利昂Cabin filter replacement 换空调滤芯3. 行车过程中发动机温度超过正常标准原因:也许是冷却系统有严重的漏水情况,或是风扇传送带松脱,也可能是水泵轴与叶轮松脱,总之... 送修吧...相关英文:Radiator repair 散热器修理Anti-freeze change 防冻液更换4. 刹车问题有时候刹车片薄了需要换,有时候刹车有尖锐的声音,等等刹车问题都需要认真对待哟。
相关英文:Brake pads replacement 换刹车片Brake fluid change 换刹车油Brake rotor resurfacing 刹车盘翻新Brake calipers adjustment 刹车卡钳调整Check level and refill brake fluid 检查+添加刹车油5. 车打不着火如果你上车之后发现车子打不着火,那么很大的可能是你的电瓶坏掉了或是没电了...相关英文:Battery replacement 电瓶更换Alternator repair 交流发电机修理6. 轮胎异常磨损轮胎异常磨损虽然轮胎磨损是我们一定会面对的问题,但是不正常的轮胎磨损可能预示着你的爱车生病了。

手册英文(汇总7篇)手册英文第1篇Time flies, a flash of the new semester is about to begin, and slowly away from us in 20__, the first semester of university life is officially announced the end, but the year 20__, which will always have our beautiful This year we for our own goals, dreams, we cried we laughed, we also experienced the University of study and life, and here to get to know a lot of good students together, good friends, good20__ was a very important and memorable year for me because there was a big change in my life both in my studies and in my University of the time day, week, month in the past, we met each other new students, together with military training, learning together, their choice of favorite University life is very rich and very free, some people are busy, leisurely you can 24 hours at the computer game, but some people are busy, can be busy to the day without even the rest of time, I think the University has Two kinds of people, play dead and busy dead people, in fact, this is likean endless ladder on both sides, we are beginning to set sail in the middle, forward and backward are in an I like the latter, so tired though, butRecalling the freshman, I also have a lot of things to do in many ways is not good In view of the lack of last semester, I feel we should try to start from the following aspects, and strive to do: 1 learning(1) the study of specialized courses, should be clear objectives, take the initiative to overcome various learning difficulties, and constantly improve their interest in(2) to treat public courses, to recognize its practical value, and strive to indirect interest in public courses into direct learning(3) the study of elective courses, attention should be paid to only stay in the shallow understanding and understanding of the (4) adjust the learningAfter entering the university, the teacher-led teaching model has become a student-led self-learning Teachers teach knowledge in the classroom, the students not only to digest the understanding of classroom learning content, but also a lot of reading therelevant books and It can be said that the level of self-learning ability to become the most important factors affecting academic In college, the content of teaching content, including more and more large, sitting alone in the classroom hard to read is difficult to We must learn to use modern high-tech teaching methods to master and enhance the knowledge Such as the Internet, libraries, to get a lot of information to improve their Of course, college freshmen have to change some of the original concept: in the university, the test scores are not the most important indicators to measure people, people pay more attention to the comprehensive ability of the cultivation and overall quality Here, the competition is potential,Interpersonal relationsCommunication is the most important part of interpersonal relationships, is between people to pass emotions, attitudes, facts, beliefs and ideas of the process, so good communication refers to a two-way communication process, not a person in speech, Or play the other side to sing a one-man show, so in the study of life we should listen to each other's heart to say what? To understand each other thinking? The other side feel? And their own ideas back toeach So I build good interpersonal relationships, we should start from the following aspects: the depth of self-awareness and acceptance; often sincere attitude; humble and gentle heart; moderate self-expression; respect and appreciate others; seek common values partner . 3 reasonable time arrangementsStudents learning time is limited, reasonable time, great I feel that we should make full use of the study time during the day because of good mental state during the day, memory, active thinking, daytime learning efficiency is equivalent to one and a half hours of the Every day before the class we are in the mind to do a simple learning plan, set yourself a small goal, to prevent unintended Pre-school supplies ready to learn what to do a simple preview, focus on lectures in Also, do not just focus on the whole Second, to co-ordinate arrangements for extra-curricular learning time, to deal with things for the priorities, you can use the "ABC" time classification, according to prioritized tasks are divided into A (important), B (minor), C (general) Important things to do first; secondary things, then deal with; flexible handling of the general In doing homework to adjust their state, as far as possible to make the brain, physical, emotional state in the best, the pursuit ofhigherTime flies, in a blink of an eye we in the beautiful campus of Agricultural University ushered in the sophomore of the second semester, each new start is a challenge, I believe that in this new semester, we can continue to Challenge yourself, continuous progress, the pursuit of a more exciting life!手册英文第2篇101 middle school has its strict school rules and discipline, the purpose is to let us become a good moral character and good I have been very loose in the junior high school period, but in 101 after I realized that as a student should have the character, from school to now, I have been strict self-discipline, abide by school rules and regulations, actively take the initiative for the school, To do a compliance 101I love the motherland in school, respect teachers, unite students, helpful, is a good helper teacher, the students good I study diligently, positive, like and students to discuss and solve problems, often participate in class school organization of various inside and outsideOf course, I also deeply aware of their own deficiencies, theword is not very good to write, and sometimes things will be only three minutes of enthusiasm, I believe that as long as overcome these problems, I can doI can consciously abide by the rules of secondary school students, and actively participate in various activities, respect teachers, and students live in harmony, love and love the collective, willing to help others, labor actively and willingly, consciously exercise, and often participate in and organize class school organization of various classesI have good character, cheerful, love life, have a strong practical ability and organizational手册英文第3篇High the next semester of life has officially opened the I want to combine the recent situation in the development of a learning goal: first, reasonable time, adjust the schedule, assign good learning, work, entertainment Second, the quality and quantity to complete the assignment of the teacher, the teacher assignments are generally her years of teaching experience in the summary, with high value, earnestly take the exam, exam carefully In addition, actively read the books and information, to expand their knowledge;often ask questions, discuss with students, to seize the time to learn some other areas of professional knowledge, knowledge is always手册英文第4篇Passionate, cheerful personality I, good psychological quality, life, work optimistic, sincere, frank, good interpersonal relationships, can endure hardship, have strong adaptability and self-learning ability, not susceptible to external environment In learning, I have good grades, many times to be In the study of professional knowledge, but also pay more attention to the combination of theory and The use of spare time to learn the food industry related to other content, so that knowledge can be adapted to socialAt school, I have been a student cadre, a strong sense of responsibility, a strong organizational skills, leadership and a good teamI have a wide range of interests, like reading, listening to music, sports, participated in various cultural and sports activities in various schools and colleges of activities to achieve good手册英文第5篇After a semester of study, I learned a lot of knowledge, basically adapted to the high school And in the school which participated in the school chorus, art teacher to help open class, was named the school three good students; - from Fangshan District, a high school student electronic platform★ blink of an eye, high school's first semester has At the same time as a representative of the language, I can also finish the task of the teacher layout; this semester I also organized a class meeting, conducted speeches, "I have been able to do a good job in this class, "Unconsciously I have the ability to improve in all I also recognize their own shortcomings, such as the lack of systematic study of the contents of the review, I do not know where to start from scratch; physical activity is not active and so ★ I am learning this semester progress, especially in math scores more However, I have not fully meet the goals set, mainly because they did not develop good study habits, lazy thinking is more serious, there are luck, but also the degree of effort is not 手册英文第6篇Time flies, a flash of the new semester is about to begin, andslowly away from us in 20xx, the first semester of university life is officially announced the end, but the year 20xx, which will always have our beautiful Memories. This year we for our own goals, dreams, we cried we laughed, we also experienced the University of study and life, and here to get to know a lot of good students together, good friends, good brothers.20xx was a very important and memorable year for me because there was a big change in my life both in my studies and in my life. University of the time day, week, month in the past, we met each other new students, together with military training, learning together, their choice of favorite associations. University life is very rich and very free, some people are busy, leisurely you can 24 hours at the computer game, but some people are busy, can be busy to the day without even the rest of time, I think the University has Two kinds of people, play dead and busy dead people, in fact, this is like an endless ladder on both sides, we are beginning to set sail in the middle, forward and backward are in an idea. I like the latter, so tired though, but full.Recalling the freshman, I also have a lot of things to do in many ways is not good enough. In view of the lack of last semester,I feel we should try to start from the following aspects, and strive to do: 1 learning(1) the study of specialized courses, should be clear objectives, take the initiative to overcome various learning difficulties, and constantly improve their interest in learning.(2) to treat public courses, to recognize its practical value, and strive to indirect interest in public courses into direct learning interest.(3) the study of elective courses, attention should be paid to only stay in the shallow understanding and understanding of the phenomenon.(4) adjust the learning method.After entering the university, the teacher-led teaching model has become a student-led self-learning model. Teachers teach knowledge in the classroom, the students not only to digest the understanding of classroom learning content, but also a lot of reading the relevant books and literature. It can be said that the level of self-learning ability to become the most important factors affecting academic performance. In college, the content of teaching content, including more and more large, sitting alone in theclassroom hard to read is difficult to adapt. We must learn to use modern high-tech teaching methods to master and enhance the knowledge learned. Such as the Internet, libraries, to get a lot of information to improve their ability. Of course, college freshmen have to change some of the original concept: in the university, the test scores are not the most important indicators to measure people, people pay more attention to the comprehensive ability of the cultivation and overall quality improvement. Here, the competition is potential, all-round.Interpersonal relationsCommunication is the most important part of interpersonal relationships, is between people to pass emotions, attitudes, facts, beliefs and ideas of the process, so good communication refers to a two-way communication process, not a person in speech, Or play the other side to sing a one-man show, so in the study of life we should listen to each other's heart to say what? To understand each other thinking? The other side feel? And their own ideas back to each other. So I build good interpersonal relationships, we should start from the following aspects: the depth of self-awareness and acceptance; often sincere attitude; humble and gentle heart;moderate self-expression; respect and appreciate others; seek common values partner . 3 reasonable time arrangementsStudents learning time is limited, reasonable time, great significance. I feel that we should make full use of the study time during the day because of good mental state during the day, memory, active thinking, daytime learning efficiency is equivalent to one and a half hours of the night. Every day before the class we are in the mind to do a simple learning plan, set yourself a small goal, to prevent unintended lectures. Pre-school supplies ready to learn what to do a simple preview, focus on lectures in class. Also, do not just focus on the whole time. Second, to co-ordinate arrangements for extra-curricular learning time, to deal with things for the priorities, you can use the "ABC" time classification, according to prioritized tasks are divided into A (important), B (minor), C (general) three. Important things to do first; secondary things, then deal with; flexible handling of the general things. In doing homework to adjust their state, as far as possible to make the brain, physical, emotional state in the best, the pursuit of higher efficiency.Time flies, in a blink of an eye we in the beautiful campus ofAgricultural University ushered in the sophomore of the second semester, each new start is a challenge, I believe that in this new semester, we can continue to Challenge yourself, continuous progress, the pursuit of a more exciting life!手册英文第7篇Is a sun-like day, the sun does not retain the distribution of all the We stand in the hot sun, when I stood Junzi, Jisi heat flow across the face, leaving the shining beads of I glanced upwards, and the abominable sun seemed to worry that we could not see its power, and suddenly felt the prickly eye Junzi a station is half an hour, the whole body has long been numb, sore knees Department, under the foot, such as a group of fire in the non-stop burning, back, waist, shoulder pain, such as general And even hope for an hour of drinking water but also with full strength running, can not the last one, to avoid the so-called "running circle" of the bad Military training not only honed our personal will, but also cultivate our collective sense of Let us gradually from the unfamiliar to the familiar, slowly become a tacit Because in the future study and work or even work, are not independent, we can not develop without the collective, we need to enter the school beforethe adoption of military training to develop the concept of collective honor, students and students to cultivate a tacit understanding, which may be in the future Learning so that we help each other, and common progress, which is one of the significance of military training。

英文缩写展开及翻译的整理日常使用类:KPI——Key Performance Indication关键业绩指标DPI——Day Performance Indication日业绩指标MIS——Management Information System信息管理系统CRC——Customer Record Card 客户销售记录OJT——On Job Training市场协同作业Back Check——市场查核Routine Call——路线拜访Price of——降价Reference——参考DMS——data management system数据管理系统EDMS——electric data management system电子数据管理系统Instant Noodles——即食面Workshop——专题讨论会,研讨会Total——总数;合计Food——食品Non-Food——非食品Instant Noodles——速食面AC-niesen——市调数据MAT——moving annual today 从当月回推一年SMART原则——目标订定的原则S(Specific)具体的,明确的;M(Measurable)可衡量的;A(Attainable);可达到的;R(Relevant)相关性;T(Time-based)明确的截止时间PDCA——管理循环P(Plan)计划D(do)执行C(Check)检核A(Action)改善职务名称类:SD——sales director 销售总监SM——sales Manager 销售经理SOM——Sales Operation ManagerTM——trade marketing 通路企划MOM——Marketing Operation Management (地方营运主管)MO——Marketing Operation 地方推广专员(以前的MS)BM——Brand Manager品牌经理(品牌主管)ABM——Assistance Product Manager助理品牌经理(产品人)直营常用类:FMCG——fast moving consume goods 快速消费品Trading Term——商业合约Monthly Rebate——月返:每月不因销售金额大小给与客户的无条件的返利折扣,通称月返Data Sharing/Information Free——资讯费:因客户要求各项销售数据或订单传输及对账单等资料提供费,也称讯息费New Store Open Free——新店开店赞助费Incentive Rebate——年返:每年双方因销售目标金额大小给与客户的有条件返利,通称年返Direct Mail Free——海报费:因促销商品讯息刊登在客户的海报上收的费用Display Free——陈列费Listing Free——新品费:新品项上架费用也可称条码费Net Costing——净成本=进货价格-促销折扣Initial Margin——前毛利=(售价-进货成本)/售价RSP——Retail Selling Price 产品贩售价格PP——Promotion Price 促销时的售价EDLP——Every Day Low Price 每日低价平价Revenue——销售额Net Sales——销售净额=扣除退货的未税金额GM——Gross Margin毛利CM——Commercial Margin商业利润IM——Initial Margin 前毛利BM——Back Margin后毛利Payment Term——帐期Net Profit——净损益(扣除费用/税率后)Invoice——发票BEP——Break Even Point损益平衡点ROI——return on investmen 投资收益率/利润率DC——Delivery Center 仓储Return Goods——退货Order Fill Rate——订单满足率Logistic——仓储运输Budget/Spending——预算/花费TG Free——端架费MD Free——地堆费DMS—— Database Management System正常平均单品销售数PDMS——Promotion Database Management System促销期间单品销售量EDI——Electronic Data Interchange电子订单系统ECR——Efficient Consumer Response有效客户恢复系统B2B——Business To Business生意往来的系统YTD——Year to date年销售进度到今天JBP——Joint Business Plan 联合商业计划Scorecard——平衡计分卡BR——Business Review 生意回顾CAM——Category Management 品类管理Grocery——杂货Like for Like——既存店的同比SKU——Store Keeping Unit 店内保存单品VPO——Volume Per Outlet 单店销量=垂直成长DST——陈列库存目标Stock——库存OOS——Out of Stock缺货CCU——CITY COMMERCIAL MERCHANDISE UNIT城市采购中心企划常用类:(一)媒体相关1、CPRP——cost per rating point 收视点成本,每一个收视率百分点所需要花费的成本2、GRP——Gross Rating Point 一定时期所有投放收视率总和3、Reach——到达率,一定期间内有机会接触广告一次或以上的人口百分比(二)产品及促销相关1、IMC——Integrated Market Communication,即整合营销。

实用工具手册平口螺丝刀Flat-head Screwdriver十字螺丝刀Phillips Screwdriver钢卷尺Steel Tape Ruler游标卡尺Vernier Caliper活动扳手Adjustable Wrench尖嘴钳Needlenose Pliers老虎钳 Vice木质圆头锤子Wood ball pein Hammer钢质羊角锤Steel Claw Hammer冲子Pin Punch橡胶锤Rubber Mallet钢丝刷(清理接线柱,线路板及金属件)Wire Brush(used for cleaning posts,circuit boards &metal)钢丝球Steel Wool大力锤Sledge Hammer斜口钳Dykes or Diagonal Pliers电烙铁Solder Iron焊锡Solder电热剥线钳Electronic wire Stripper镊子Tweezer钢锯Hacksaw弯钩钳Wire Bender吸锡器Solder Sucker吸锡带Solder Braid六方扳手 Allen Key勾扳 C-Spanner热风枪Heat Gun锉刀File螺母套筒扳手 Nut driver or Socket spanner套筒扳手 Socket spanner卡簧钳 Snap ring pliers Or Circlip pliers开口扳手 Open end wrench生胶带 Thread sealing tape电工绝缘胶带 Electrical insulating tape绝缘黑胶布 Cloth insulation tape耐高温胶带 Kapton tape热缩管 Heat-shrinkable tube扭矩扳手 Torque wrench管钳 Pipe wrench台钳 Bench vice内六角螺丝 Allen screw or inner-hexagon screw剥线钳Wire stripper兆欧表Megameter数字万用表Digital multimeter防静电手腕Anti-static wrist strap or ESD wrist strap硅脂Silicon grease锁紧垫圈Lock washer弹簧垫片Spring lock washer尼龙束线带Nylon Zip-tie放大镜Magnifying glass助焊剂Flux蜡质扎线绳Waxed stringPin puller or Pin pusher线路拉拔器Electronics extractionWinch聚四氟乙烯垫片Teflon spacer润滑脂Lubricating grease取针工具pin puller or pin extraction插针工具pin insertion管脚整形器Base pin bender数字电容表Digital capacitance meter钢直尺Steel ruler捆扎带Ratchet strap转接头Adaptor高度游标卡尺Height Vernier Caliper内径千分尺Inside Micrometer千分表Dial Indicator深度游标卡尺Depth Vernier Caliper外径千分尺Outside Micrometer焊垫片Wire lug螺母Nut香蕉插头Banana plug航空插头Aviation plug导轨Guide rail同轴电缆Coaxial cable钉子Nail梅花扳手Double box end wrenches电源插座Outlet手电钻hand electric drill钻头Aiguille开口/梅花扳手Combination wrenches表笔Probe手砂轮Hand grinder海绵Sponge棘轮扳手Ratchet wrenches。

AOperation Manual of Non-segregatedPhase Bus ductLiaoning Beichen Electrical EquipmentsCo.,Ltd.2.、Catalog2.1、Equipment description(Non-segregated phase bus duct) 2.2、Procedures and Notice of Equipment installation, adjustment,start-up,operation,running and stop2.3、Equipment design parameter and chart2.4、Equipment inspection,test report and certification2.5、Equipment Mechanical proportion installation drawing2.6、Equipment Electric installation drawing(Ditto)2.7、Other associated equipment technical documents thatmatched with the equipments2.8、Special provisions and others3、Equipment Summary(Non-segregated phase bus duct) 3.1、Description of main function and character of equipment Non-segregated phase bus duct:Metal enclosed busbar,which Three-phase busbar conductor enclosed in a common metal shell. This project set four main transformers.Each generator main outlet and neutral point outlet uses common enclosed busbar. Main outlet connects with11kV high-voltage switch cubical by common enclosed busbar,Neutral point outlet connect with generator neutral point cubical by common enclosed busbar.Four main transformer low-voltage sides connect with11kV switch cubical by common enclosed busbar.4、Procedures and Notice of Equipment installation,adjustment, start-up,operation,Running and stop4.1、Procedures and Notice of Equipment Installation4.1.1、The following tools and equipments should be prepared in advance before installation:Crane,Wrench,Torque Wrench,Sleeve Wrench(24#、19#、17#、14#),Screwdriver,Wooden Hammer,Track level bar,Square, Emery paper,Copper Brush(or Steel Brush),Cleaning cloth, Painting equipments,Argon arc welding equipments,Welding Machine,Cleaning tools,Conductive paste,Fluid sealant, Asbestos Cloth,Bus location Supporter,Rope or Steel ropes with rubber bushing.4.1.2、The welding of Bus and Shell should be done by qualifiedargon arc welder.The filth and Oxide film at the welded junction should be cleaned before welding.The purity of filling welding wire should not be lower than L2(not lower than99.5%).While the ambient temperature is lower than10℃,in order to ensure the quality of welding wire,measurements such as raising temperature before welding and heat preservation during welding should be taken.The total cross section of welding wire should not be smaller than1.25times of that of the welded conductor’s total section.4.1.3、To ensure the installation quality,installation personnel should stick to the following principles:、Construction workers participated should strictly follow theEquipments unpacking and acceptanceFamiliar with drawings,construction standards and installation instructioncheck civil construction and manufacturer’s drawing dimension Installation tools and construction preparationInstallation on Steel beam and supporting structure:Lifting and location of enclosed busbarLifting and location,adjusting and connections on PT cubicle,LA cubicle,Neutral point cubicle,slightly positive pressure cubicle,air compressor.Correct on concentricity,electric clearance,position and dimension.Inspect and test on isolator,CT,PT,LA and the likeWelding on bus fracture clamperInspection and acceptance on conductors inside shellinside cleaning of enclosed busbarpaint repairWelding on Shell fracturesDebugging on slightly positive pressure and sealing treatment Accessory installationpaint repairrainfall test4.1.4Installation of bus supporting steel girderFor the Installation of bus supporting steel girder,in accordance with the construction drawing,they should be pre-welded and fixed to the Steel structure supporter in the bus civil construction corridor,meanwhile,fund the unified horizontal level to lay the bus.、Installation orderThe installation order should be in accordance with General Assembly Drawing.Section by section check bus components, phase order and order No.,then section by section assembly andpositioning them.Installation order should be better to begin from Generator outlet box(or from transformer,or exciter or Switch Cubicle).The head and end of each section should not be reversed.Before installing and swinging,the inside dusts and sundries in each bus section should be carefully cleaned.For Site General Assembly Schematic Diagram of Enclosed busduct,pls see drawing14.1.4.2No Knocking and Scratching on the Silver plating bolted surface of Bus clamp terminal in lifting are permitted,and do not randomly filling either.When connecting,remove the protection packing on the bus clamp terminal,then clean the silver-plated surfaces of terminals and copper braided wires,then paint conducting fat to the sliver plated surfaces of all terminals.Install copper braided wire terminal,fix the bolt and nut plate with torque wrench,its fastening torque value should be in accordance with the specification of list14.1.5、The connection of Shell section and section should be connected with bolt and fixed the bolt with torque wrenches(its torque value should comply with List1).After the section connection,install the rain cover,then Sealing the maintenance hole.Do not add sealing strip to the interface of outside vertical section rectangle maintenance hole bottom in order to avoid rain flowing into the bus.Bolt fastening peak torque(list1)bolt specification(N。
操作指导手册 英文

操作指导手册英文An operations manual is a comprehensive document that provides all the details necessary to perform specific operations or activities within an organization. It is a reference tool that outlines the processes and procedures to be followed to ensure consistency, quality, and efficiency in the execution of various tasks. The operations manual serves as a valuable resource for employees, helping them understand their roles, responsibilities, and the steps required to complete their work effectively.The primary purpose of an operations manual is to establish a standardized approach to carrying out organizational activities. It documents the best practices, guidelines, and protocols that have been developed and refined over time to optimize performance and minimize errors or inconsistencies. By having a centralized repository of this information, the manual ensures that all employees, regardless of their level of experience or position within the company, can access the necessary instructions and guidance to perform their duties.One of the key benefits of an operations manual is its ability to promote consistency across the organization. When all employees follow the same set of procedures, it helps to maintain a high level of quality and reliability in the organization's outputs. This consistency is particularly important in industries where compliance with regulations or standards is crucial, such as healthcare, finance, or manufacturing. The operations manual serves as a tool to ensure that all processes are executed in accordance with the established policies and guidelines, reducing the risk of non-compliance or errors.Moreover, an operations manual can be an invaluable resource for training and onboarding new employees. By providing a comprehensive overview of the organization's operations, the manual can help new hires quickly understand their roles and responsibilities, and how their work fits into the larger organizational context. This can significantly reduce the time and resources required to get new employees up to speed, as they can refer to the manual for guidance and reference as they become acclimated to their new environment.In addition to promoting consistency and facilitating training, an operations manual can also contribute to the overall efficiency of an organization. By documenting the step-by-step procedures for completing various tasks, the manual can help employees work more efficiently and effectively, reducing the likelihood of mistakes orunnecessary duplication of effort. This can lead to cost savings, improved productivity, and a more streamlined workflow.The content and structure of an operations manual can vary depending on the size, industry, and specific needs of the organization. However, there are typically several key components that are common to most operations manuals:1. Introduction: This section provides an overview of the purpose and scope of the operations manual, as well as any relevant background information about the organization or the specific operations being covered.2. Organizational Structure and Roles: This section outlines the organizational hierarchy, the roles and responsibilities of each department or team, and the lines of reporting and communication within the organization.3. Policies and Procedures: This is the most extensive section of the manual, detailing the step-by-step processes and procedures for carrying out various operational tasks. This may include information on procurement, inventory management, customer service, human resources, and any other relevant operational functions.4. Quality Control and Assurance: This section outlines theorganization's quality control measures, including any inspection or testing protocols, as well as the procedures for addressing and resolving any quality-related issues or non-conformances.5. Emergency and Contingency Plans: This section provides guidance on how to respond to unexpected events or emergencies, such as natural disasters, equipment failures, or security breaches, to ensure the continuity of operations.6. Appendices and Reference Materials: This section may include additional resources, such as forms, templates, checklists, or contact information, that employees can refer to as needed.Developing and maintaining an effective operations manual requires a collaborative effort across the organization. It is essential to involve key stakeholders, such as subject matter experts, department heads, and frontline employees, to ensure that the manual accurately reflects the organization's current practices and addresses the needs of all users. Regular reviews and updates are also crucial to keep the manual current and relevant as the organization evolves and adapts to changing circumstances.In conclusion, an operations manual is a critical tool for organizations of all sizes and industries. By providing a comprehensive and standardized guide to operational processes and procedures, themanual can help to promote consistency, efficiency, and quality in the execution of various tasks. Whether for training new employees, ensuring compliance with regulations, or optimizing workflow, the operations manual is an invaluable resource that can contribute to the overall success and resilience of an organization.。

实用工具手册平口螺丝刀Flat-head Screwdriver十字螺丝刀Phillips Screwdriver钢卷尺Steel Tape Ruler游标卡尺Vernier Caliper活动扳手Adjustable Wrench尖嘴钳Needlenose Pliers老虎钳 Vice木质圆头锤子Wood ball pein Hammer钢质羊角锤Steel Claw Hammer冲子Pin Punch橡胶锤Rubber Mallet钢丝刷(清理接线柱,线路板及金属件)Wire Brush(used for cleaning posts,circuit boards &metal)钢丝球Steel Wool大力锤Sledge Hammer斜口钳Dykes or Diagonal Pliers电烙铁Solder Iron焊锡Solder电热剥线钳Electronic wire Stripper镊子Tweezer钢锯Hacksaw弯钩钳Wire Bender吸锡器Solder Sucker吸锡带Solder Braid六方扳手 Allen Key勾扳 C-Spanner热风枪Heat Gun锉刀File螺母套筒扳手 Nut driver or Socket spanner套筒扳手 Socket spanner卡簧钳 Snap ring pliers Or Circlip pliers开口扳手 Open end wrench生胶带 Thread sealing tape电工绝缘胶带 Electrical insulating tape绝缘黑胶布 Cloth insulation tape耐高温胶带 Kapton tape热缩管 Heat-shrinkable tube扭矩扳手 Torque wrench管钳 Pipe wrench台钳 Bench vice内六角螺丝 Allen screw or inner-hexagon screw剥线钳Wire stripper兆欧表Megameter数字万用表Digital multimeter防静电手腕Anti-static wrist strap or ESD wrist strap硅脂Silicon grease锁紧垫圈Lock washer弹簧垫片Spring lock washer尼龙束线带Nylon Zip-tie放大镜Magnifying glass助焊剂Flux蜡质扎线绳Waxed stringPin puller or Pin pusher线路拉拔器Electronics extractionWinch聚四氟乙烯垫片Teflon spacer润滑脂Lubricating grease取针工具pin puller or pin extraction插针工具pin insertion管脚整形器Base pin bender数字电容表Digital capacitance meter钢直尺Steel ruler捆扎带Ratchet strap转接头Adaptor高度游标卡尺Height Vernier Caliper内径千分尺Inside Micrometer千分表Dial Indicator深度游标卡尺Depth Vernier Caliper外径千分尺Outside Micrometer焊垫片Wire lug螺母Nut香蕉插头Banana plug航空插头Aviation plug导轨Guide rail同轴电缆Coaxial cable钉子Nail梅花扳手Double box end wrenches电源插座Outlet手电钻hand electric drill钻头Aiguille开口/梅花扳手Combination wrenches表笔Probe手砂轮Hand grinder海绵Sponge棘轮扳手Ratchet wrenches。

SAFETY HANDBOOK员工安全手册Content1.Safety policy2.Safety philosophies3.Applicable safety rules4.Safety instructions•Personal protective equipment•Welding and cutting•Gas bottles•Machines, mechanical equipment•Maintenance, machines, premises•Lifting operations – manual, with crane•Electricity•Compressed air•Handling chemicals•Tools-hand tools, portable power tools or ones operated by compressed air •Wor at heights•Ladders – portable, fixed•Accidents involving slipping and falling•Fire•Transport5.Terms and definition6.Reporting of accident/near miss7.Safety signs and explanation8.Proposal of safety recognition and reward systems1. Safety Policy无锡海德鲁铝业管理层相信事故预防和有效生产是同等重要的。

1.art. 一个(件……)2.vt. 放弃;抛弃3.n. 能力4.有能力做某事 (ability)5.adj. 有能力的;能干的6.能够做某事 (able)7.adj. 反常的,异常的8.adv. 在船(或飞机、车等)上;上船,登机 / prep. 在(船、飞机或车等)上9.prep. 关于10.prep. 在……上方 / adv. 在上方11.adv. 在(到)国外12.n. 不在;缺席13.某人不在 / 缺席 (absence)14.adj. 不在的,缺席的;心不在焉的15.不在……; 自……缺席 (absent)16.adj. 心不在焉的(合成词)17.adj. 完全的,绝对的,不容置疑的18.vt. 吸收;理解19.全神贯注于……(absorb)Translation1.我向你保证我有能力解决这个问题。
(absorb)1. n. 吸收; 专心2. adj.抽象的 / n. 摘要;梗概3. adj.学术上的;学业上的4. n. 学院5. n. 重音;口音;强调6. v. 接受;认可7. adj. 可接受的8. adj. 不能接受的9. n. 接近;进入;利用10. 可接近;可进入;可利用(access)11. adj. (某地)易到达的;(某物)易到手的;(某人)易亲近的12. 对某人而言乘某交通工具可到达某地(accessible)13. n. 意外事件;事故14. 偶然地,意外地(accident/chance)15. 交通事故 / 车祸(accident)16. adj. 偶然的;意外的17. n. 住处;膳宿;方便设施18. vt. 陪伴;为……伴奏(或伴唱)19. vt. 实现;完成;达到20. adv. 按照,根据21. 根据……(according)Translation1.在旧社会,出身贫寒的人很少有受教育的机会。

WIRE MESH GABION MESHSurface treatment:Electro galvanized:Hot-dip galvanized:Galfan coated:PVC coatedGabion SpecificationLength(M) Width(M) Height(M) Diaphragm Volume Tolerance 2 1 0.3 1 0.6Length ±5% Width ±5% Height ±5%3 1 0.3 2 0.94 1 0.3 3 1.2 2 1 0.5 1 1 3 1 0.5 2 1.5 4 1 0.5 3 2 1 1 1 0 1 1.5 1 1 0 1.5 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 4 1134Mesh sizeOpening (mm)Wire dia.(mm)StrandsPVC coated wire dia. inner/ourside(mm) 60×80 2.0-2.8 3 2.0/3.0-2.5/3.5 80×100 2.0-3.2 3 2.0/3.0-2.8/3.8 80×120 2.0-3.2 3 2.0/3.0-2.8/3.8 100×120 2.0-3.4 3 2.0/3.0-2.8/3.8 100×150 2.0-3.4 3 2.0/3.0-2.8/3.8 120×150 2.0-4.032.0/3.0-3.0/4.0C 型钢管货架(C type Steel Racking )(K-002A/K-002B)This rack is connected with the P shape Beam and the C shape upright through the plug,it‟s designed for manually storage goods,the advantages are the light weight,heavy load capacity and it can assembled freely and adjust in the height.中A型货架(Medium Duty Racking A)(K-003)It has simple structure and nice appearance.Assembling can be made without using a single bolt.It is easy to install and disassemble,and the layer height may be adjusted within per pith(50mm)中型货架(Medium Duty Racking)(K-004) This rack is the most economical rack.It is between medium duty tack A and medium duty rack B in loading circumstances.It has special hole shape(Butterfly shape hole)、main and auxiliary rack connected endless、wide joint contact area、solid durable rack、P-type beam allowable to install wood plate,and it is easy jogging,widely used.重型横梁式货架(Heavy Duty Pallet Racking)(K-007)As a ordinary kind rack but provide good storage utility and easypicking styles.Pallet racking is suitable for storage of heavy items with pallets and forklifts when choosing pallet racking,the clients have to consider the size,weight and levels of pallets to decide the specification of upright and beams.Fixed pallet racking is commonly used by.IRON&STEEL WIREAccording to customer‟s requirements,we can supply hot dipped galvanized wire,electro galvanized wire,black annealed wire,oxygen-free annealed wire,bright wire etc.The wire used for armouring cable,wire mesh,blasting,redrawing,blinding and so on.Diameter from BWG 3 to BWG36(0.10mm-6.58mm),with good quality,perfect tensile strength and elongation,common and heavy zinc coating.轻型仓储货架Light Duty Storage Rack Description:1.Easy assemble and re-configure2.Loading capacity between 200-300kg/layer3.Special specification is available4.Function:racks for home/garage/warehouse/storage room5.Good quality,anti-rusty and durable中型仓储货架Medium-Duty Storage Rack Description:1.Easy assemble and re-configure2.Loading capacity between 300-500kg/layer3.Function:racks for home/garage/warehouse/storage room4.Special specification is available5.Good quality,anti-rusty and durable重型仓储货架(托盘式货架)Pallet Rack Description:1.Designed for flexibility and easy access of all pallets2.Can accommodate moving beam levels to different levels to accommodate different size pallets3.Easy install and re-configure4.Function:racks for warehouse/storage room5.Good quality,anti-rusty and durable铝板网系列Product description1.Material:aluminum alloy2.Hole patterns:diamond,arc holes,hexagonal holes,etc3.Thickness:.05mm-5mm4.Width:3M MAX5.LWD:300MM MAX6.SWD:120MM MAX7.Surface treatment:powder coating,baking varnish,painting,anodic Oxidation,PVDF,etc8.Application:normally used as curtain wall of museum,cultural center,the flagship store of super grade products,luxury hotel and commercial office building,etc钢板网系列Product description:1.Material:hot rolled,cold rolled,galvanized plate,stainless steel plate,aluminum,nickel,titanium,copper,etc2.Hole patterns:diamond,hexagonal holes,deformed holes,fish scale hole etc3.Thickness:0.5-14mm4.Width:3.0M MAX5.LWD:300MM MAX6.SWD:120MM MAX7.Finishes:hot dip galvanized,power coatedes:mainly applied as platforms and stair treads for construction,vessels,bridges and boilers,floors and fence,speaker grills,machines and window guards,ventilation systems,platform and scaffoldings,etc防滑板系列Product description:1.Material:hot rolled,cold rolled,aluminum,stainless steel,etc2.Hole patterns:crocodile mouth,round raised hold,and tears shape,etc3.Thickness:1.5mm-5mm4.Length:10‟.(3.66m) Max5.Application:works great as the safety grating of sewage treatment plant,power plant,and work plant,etc,as well as the platform scaffoldings and stair treads for snowy places金刚网Diamond MeshProduct introduction:It is weaved of 316、304 stainless steel wire and hot-dipped galvanized,electrostatic powder coated.304、316 stainless steel wire have strong antirust,vandal resistant capability,the resisting shear capability is stronger.Product characteristic:the surface of mesh is neat and smooth,longitude and latitude crankle degree is uniform,a outstanding characteristic is hard like iron plate.it is a right election for insect prevention,guard against theft,bulletproof and suitable for high-grade dwelling and villa‟ safety protection.不锈钢轧花网Stainless Steel Crimped Mesh Materials:black steel wire,white steel wire,lead wire,stainless steel wire,etcWeaving and characteristics:crimped before woven,stable structureUses:mainly used in coal,mine building,etcIRON&STEEL WIREWOODEN CASE NAIL WIRE,STAPLE WIRE,BRUSH WIRE Specification:0.48mm-2.00mmTolerance:±0.02mmTensile strength:500-800N/mm²;800-1000N/mm²Zinc coating:10-25g/㎡Packing:spoolBB20,BB35,K355,HY100,MP100,500LBS,1000LBS,650LBS pape barrelIRON&STEEL WIRESTITCHING WIRESpecification:0.4mm-1.0mmTolerance:±0.01mmTensile strength:925-1130N/mm²or 1000-1200N/mm²or as per customers requirementsZinc coating:8-16g/m²Application:used for making staples,paper clip,material wire forbinding paper and booksWIRE MESHSTEEL BAR WELDED MESHSteel bar welded mesh is a new construction material featuring high strength and cost effectiveness.The mesh is welded and formed by a fully automated welding line all in one time.features of the product include:1.High strength,tensile strength exceeding 550mpa2.Convenient for installation,saving 70% of time as compared to manually bound mesh3.Cost effective,saving more than 39% of steel bars,reducing overall costs by more than10%4.Facilitating enhancement of project quality,reducing surface cracking of roads,ground and concrete floors of building by more than 75%.WIRE MESHEURO FENCESpecification:1.Electro welded wire mesh,plastic coated on galvanized core,green RAL6005 powder coating2.Tensile strength:line wires:450-550N/mm²cross wire:600-700N/mm²3.Mesh:100*50mm4.Wire:2.2/1.7mmHEIGHT LENGTH REF WEIGHT60CM 10M 3.7KGS80CM 10M 5KGS100CM 10M 6KGS120CM 10M 7.5KGS60CM 25M 9.3KGS80CM 25M 12.5KGS100CM 25M 15.5KGS120CM 25M 18.5KGS150CM 25M 23KGS180CM 25M 28KGS200CM 25M 31KGSEuro fence is well suitable for a wide range of application as fencing,decoration or protection for various facilities in industry,agriculture,transport,etcIRON &STEEL WIREPVC COATED WIRE,PVC GLUED WIRE PVC glued wire is to stick the PVC cloth on the wire firmly.There is no space between the PVC cloth and the wire,so it wouldn‟t cause the cloth break or desquamate.This product passed the 200 hours anti-aging test from Japan and the PVC cloth has the SGS certificate of poison free.PVC coated wire is not stick the PVC cloth on the wire, so there is some spaces between the PVC cloth and the wire.Other specifications are same as PVC glued wire.Specification:0.50mm-6.0mmCore wire:galvanized wire,black annealed wireTensile stregth:300-1100/mm²or according to customersrequirementsStandard:JIS,KS,ASTM,BS,GB,etcApplication:mesh weaving(chain-link fence gabion mesh,gardening binding and decorating,etc)Packing:5kg-800kg coil package,or according to customers‟requirementsWOODEN SIEVEWooden sieve is handmade products,it include sieve frame and sieve bottom.Sieve frame is made from high quantity wood and the sieve bottom is made of the high quality metal mesh,iron wiremesh ,galvanized wire mesh ,stainless steel wire mesh Wooden sieve height:80-140mmWooden sieve outer diameter:28-50mmMesh:3-100meshWire diameter:0.025-8mm The mesh can be made according the purpose.Advantage:high quality wooden sieve have surface smooth,no spots,no burr.Usage:sieve is mainly used for screening small particles,powder and separation of impurities.It can sieving seeds,rice millet and other grains,also can screening cement,sand and other building material.Sift sugar,white sugar such as the kitchen is okay木框筛Wooden sieve is handmade products,it include sieve frame and sieve bottom.Sieve frame is made from high quantity wood and the sieve bottom is made of the high quality metal mesh,iron wire mesh ,galvanized wire mesh,stainless steel wire mesh. Wooden sieve height:80-140mmWooden sieve outer diameter:28-50mmMesh:3-100meshWire diameter:0.025--8mm. The mesh can be made according to the purpose.Advantage:high quality wooden sieve have surface smooth,no spots,no burrUsage:sieve is mainly used for screening small particles,powder and separation of impurities.It can sieving seeds,rich,millet and other grains,also canscreening cement,sand and building material.Sift sugar white sugar such as the kitchen is okay仓库笼(Wire Container)(K-025)1.Rational warehousing management2.Saving storage space3.Consecutive usage4.Easy to operate5.Durable铝合金窗纱(ALUMINUM ALLOY WINDOW SCREEN)Aluminum window screen is widely used for windows and corridors to prevent insects from interrupting.Sometimes,it also be used in some special place,such as filter or top of sewer etcOur product has following advantages:1.Offer good air ventilation2.Offer good outside visibility3.Weather resistant resistant finish4.DurableAgainst corrosion specification as following:Mesh size:18*16mesh, 18*14mesh ,14*14mesh ,16*14mesh16*16mesh,18*18mesh etcMaterial:Al-mg alloyWeaving:plain weaveColor:sliver,black,charcoal etcSize and wire diameter as your request.Or we produce it as per your detailed requirementWIRE MESHWELDED WIRE MESHWelded wire mesh made of high quality iron wire through automatic process and sophisticated welding technique.Surface treatment1.Hot-dipped galvanized after (before) welding2.Electro galvanized after(before) welding3.PVC coated4.In stainless steelStandard mesh in roll of 5m,10m,25m,30m and 45m long,and 0.5m-1.8m wideMesh Wire gaugeINCH MM BWG1/4″×1/4″ 6.4*6.4 22,23,24,253/8″×3/8″10.6*10.6 19,20,21,221/2″×1/2″12.7*12.7 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 5/8″×5/8″16*16 18,19,20,213/4″×3/4″19*19 16,17,18,19,20,211″×1″25.4*25.4 14,15,16,17,18,19,201-1/2″×1-1/2″38*38 14,15,16,17,18,191″×1/2″25.4*12.7 16,17,18,19,20,211″×2″25.4*50.8 14,15,16,17,18,192″×2″50.8*50.8 12,13,14,15,16,173″×3″75*75 16,17,184″×4″100*100 12,13,14,15,166″×6″150*150 12,14,166″×12″150*300 12,14,16PACKAGE:1.Each roll packed by water proof paper2.Each roll shrink wrapped3.Pallet packApplication:Widely used in industry,agriculture,building and mining.They also used in garden including supporting plants,climbers,tree guards and so on.WIRE MESHSQUARE IRON WIRE MESHSquare iron wire mesh is made of selected iron wire with precision,construction,uniform mesh,fine rust-resisting and durable function.Surface Treatment1.Hot-dipped galvanized after (before) woven2.Electro galvanized after(before) woven3.Standard square iron wire mesh4.Crimped square iron wire meshSpecification:MESH WIDTH(M) LENGTH(M)9*9 0.6,0.8,0.9,1.0,1.2 15,25,3010*10 0.6,0.8,0.9,1.0,1.2 15,25,3011*11 0.6,0.8,0.9,1.0,1.2 15,25,3014*14 0.6,0.8,0.9,1.0,1.2 15,25,3014*16 0.6,0.8,0.9,1.0,1.2 15,25,3016*16 0.6,0.8,0.9,1.0,1.2 15,25,3016*18 0.6,0.8,0.9,1.0,1.2 15,25,3018*18 0.6,0.8,0.9,1.0,1.2 15,25,30 Package:Packed in rolls wrapped with water proof paper then covered withhessian-cloth.special packing may be arranged if necessary. Application:ing in industries and constructions,to sieve grain powder,filter liquid and gas2.For safety guards on machinery enclosures3.Substitute for wood strips in making wall and ceiling金属门楣、过梁——U型METAL LINTEL-UL103XQY metal lintels are horizontal members designed to carry brick/block across door and window opening.Manufactory using high yield steel,its surface is perforated,then formed into channel section and finally rust protected.Available to cater up to wall widths of 200mm.Benefits:1.Time saving:construction with wet brick/blockwork can begin immediately after installing the lintel.2.Cost effectiveness:saves on building cost as XQY lintels arecheaper than traditional lintels3.Ease of handling:lintels are lightweight and can be lifted and installed by a single person4.Efficient plaster key:makes plastering easy and provides a stronger bondAvailable in various sizes a range of sizes makes it easy to order and install,to suit different requirementsUsing the loading charts1.Determine the width of the opening2.Calculate the load(in tons) that will sit on the entire width of the opening3.Depending on the wall thickness,locate on the appropriate table the intersection of the opening width against the loading reading4.From the point of intersection,project the point upwards until it reaches the nearest curve5.The lintel represented by the curve will satisfy the building requirementsNote:when ordering lintels,ensure 200mm end bearings are included in the length of lintels i.e.add 400mm to lintel length第九页100m wide solid walls见Excel表格一第十页金属门楣——100毫米厚的墙XQY channel lintel --100mm wall width材料规格Material specification 产品代码product codeLUG 1050A LUG 1050B LUG 1050C LUG 1075C内部宽度internalwidth(mm)130 103 103 103内部法兰盘internal flange(mm)50 50 50 50材料厚度materialthickness(mm)2.0 2.53.0 3.0大约重量approx weight(kg/m)3.24.0 4.8 6.0金属门楣——200毫米厚墙XQY channel lintel --200mm wall width材料规格Material specification 产品代码product codeLUG 2050A LUG 2050B LUG 2050C LUG 2075C内部宽度internalwidth(mm)203 203 203 203内部法兰盘internal flange(mm)50 50 50 75材料厚度materialthickness(mm)2.0 2.53.0 3.0大约重量approx weight(kg/m)4.8 6.0 7.2 8.3 75-100m wide solid wallsWall width (mm)Linteldimension(mm)W HGaugecoedSteelthickness(mm)Weight(kg/m)Safeworkingload(t)Lengthsavailable(m)75 70 25 - 0.8&1.2 1.2 0.7 0.9&1.2 100 90 25 - 0.8&1.2 1.8 0.7 0.9&1.2Xinqingye (此为他们的公司名)metals lintels is used to replace conventional casting of concrete lintels over door opening.Xinqingye light weight lintels are manufactured using steel of galvanized coating type 275g for anti-corrosion.It complies with the requirements and conforms to BS5950 part 2.Notes:when using these lintels normal building practice should ne observed in that one course of blockwork(nominal height 200mm) should be laid on the lintel and the mortar allowed to harden for at least 24 hours before additional loads are applied.The product offers the follows benefits1.Light weight yet stronger than conventional concrete lintels2.Easy to install into position with out heavy lifting equipment needed3.High quality corrosion protection system i.e,galvanized to G275 for both internal and U-channel lintels4.Material design for better key to plaster5.Sage working loads are tabulated for reference to the type and design loads for end-users.(Refer to prof.Engineer and Setsco Load Reports)6.Eliminates the need to cast concrete and saves time resulting in more speedy construction of walls材料规格Material specificationLC9L:70 H:25 LC10L:90 H:25金属门楣宽度Lintel width(mm)70 90 金属门楣高度Lintel height(mm)25 25 材料厚度Material thickness(mm)1.2 1.2 大约重量Approx weight(kg/m)1.2 1.8 金属门楣最短长度Minimum lintellength(mm)800 800金属门楣最长长度Maximum lintellength(mm)1200 1200尾端承载End bearing 根据两端至少75毫米的尾端承载based on minimum end bearing of 75mm both ends安全负荷量X最长长度(吨)Safe working load×atmax.length(t)0.7 0.7护角网/砖带网护角网Angel beadAngel bead is made into galvanized sheet or stainless steel which expanded into A type.Angel bead‟s two limbs can connected with compo firmly,can form straight border on edges and corners of stuccowork to resist fight break or chap and protect the weak part, the limb can insert into the compo in any sides absolutely.Angel bead is very important for whitewash plaster.Because in the construction of building and finish of building.It may cause the corner place easy to destory.Angel bead form a smooth,straight,clean corner,and protect the corner stopping cataclasm.It also can save plenty time when construction.The usual length is 2.4-3m.We can also make as customer‟s requirement.砖带网Brickwork reinforcement meshBrick work reinforcement mesh is widely used in engineering architecture.made in to high quality galvanized metal sheet which processed by advanced product equipment.Brick work reinforcement mesh has the effection of reinforcement during brickwork.The mesh is used in to everyplace of cement slurry which exist in brickwork let the brickwork let the brick and cement slurry formed a whole,drink in the stress and shake maximum,the mesh has the best anti-shake effection.Reference Wall width (mm) Coild width(mm) Coil length (m) CM50 100 50 50 OR 20CM64 114 64 50 OR 20CM100 150 100 100 OR 20CM114 164 114 100 OR 20CM150 200 150 100 OR 20CM178 228 178 100 OR 20CM200 250 200 100 OR 20CM229 279 229 100 OR 20CM305 355 305 100 OR 20免拆模版网Fast -ribbed formworkA complete avoided-dismantling mould meshes include two parts,that is continuously protruding U bone shape and fish bone tight side.The strength of …V‟shape mesh bone,continuous pareuelarranged “V” mesh bone is the main source of the strength of steel mesh ,the mesh can bend as the “V”shape bone parellel direction.There are neat hole-punch on the surface of steel.There are protruding on the hole-punch,it can stretch and combine the steel and the material.型号厚度(mm)重量(kg)宽度(mm)长度(mm)面积(㎡)030 030 2.6 450 2200 0.99 035 035 3.0 450 2200 0.99 040 040 3.4 450 2200 0.99 045 045 3.8 450 2200 0.99 050 050 4.2 450 2200 0.99扩张有筋网Rib lathRib lath is widely used as plaster backing on ceilings,walls and stud partitions,rib lath is also ideal for refurbishing damaged or aged masonry walls when a key for rendering is not certain due to disintegration or softening of the wall face.Manufactured in galvanized steel to BS EN 10143:1993with quality zince coating plies BS 1369 part 1:1987 specification for expanded metal and ribbed lathing.Reference Weight (kg/㎡) Meterial Seize(cm) Rib height(mm) RIB 148 1.48 Galvanized 250×60 10steel250×60 10 RIB184 1.84 Galvanizedsteel250×60 10 RIB222 2.22 GalvanizedsteelRIB1485 1.48 Galvanized250×60 10steelRIB1845 1.84 Galvanized250×60 10steel。

单词列表- acquire: 获得- adapt: 适应- analyze: 分析- approach: 方法,途径- attitude: 态度- behavior: 行为- concept: 概念- context: 上下文- contribute: 贡献- demonstrate: 展示- emphasize: 强调- enhance: 增强- evaluate: 评估- expand: 扩展- function: 功能- illustrate: 说明- interact: 互动- interpret: 解释- involve: 涉及- motivate: 激励- participate: 参与- potential: 潜力- principle: 原则- promote: 促进- react: 反应- relate: 相关- require: 需要- select: 选择- strategy: 策略- technique: 技巧- theory: 理论- vary: 变化短语列表- be aware of: 意识到- be based on: 基于- be capable of: 能够- be concerned with: 关注,涉及- be familiar with: 熟悉- be responsible for: 负责- be satisfied with: 对...满意- be similar to: 类似于- be skilled in: 擅长- be willing to: 愿意- by means of: 通过- in addition to: 除了...之外- in contrast to: 与...相比- in order to: 为了- in terms of: 就...而言- in the process of: 在...的过程中- on the other hand: 另一方面- take into account: 考虑到结论本文档提供了新标准大学英语1课程中一些重要的词汇和短语,希望能对学生的研究有所帮助。

英文电子专业词汇(新手必备)1 backplane 背板2 Band gap voltage reference 带隙电压参考3 bench top supply 工作台电源4 Block Diagram 方块图5 Bode Plot 波特图6 Bootstrap 自举7 Bottom FET Bottom FET8 bucket capacitor 桶形电容9 chassis 机架10 Combi-sense Combi-sense11 constant current source 恒流源12 Core Saturation 铁芯饱和13 crossover frequency 交叉频率14 current ripple 纹波电流15 Cycle by Cycle 逐周期16 cycle skipping 周期跳步17 Dead Time 死区时间18 DIE Temperature 核心温度19 Disable 非使能,无效,禁用,关断20 dominant pole 主极点21 Enable 使能,有效,启用22 ESD Rating ESD额定值23 Evaluation Board 评估板24 Exceeding the specifications below may result in permanent damage to the device, or device malfunction. Operation outside of the parameters specified in the Electrical Characteristics section is not implied. 超过下面的规格使用可能引起永久的设备损害或设备故障。
25 Failing edge 下降沿26 figure of merit 品质因数27 float charge voltage 浮充电压28 flyback power stage 反驰式功率级29 forward voltage drop 前向压降30 free-running 自由运行31 Freewheel diode 续流二极管32 Full load 满负载33 gate drive 栅极驱动34 gate drive stage 栅极驱动级35 gerber plot Gerber 图36 ground plane 接地层37 Henry 电感单位:亨利38 Human Body Model 人体模式39 Hysteresis 滞回40 inrush current 涌入电流41 Inverting 反相42 jittery 抖动43 Junction 结点44 Kelvin connection 开尔文连接45 Lead Frame 引脚框架46 Lead Free 无铅47 level-shift 电平移动48 Line regulation 电源调整率49 load regulation 负载调整率50 Lot Number 批号51 Low Dropout 低压差52 Miller 密勒53 node 节点54 Non-Inverting 非反相55 novel 新颖的56 off state 关断状态57 Operating supply voltage 电源工作电压58 out drive stage 输出驱动级59 Out of Phase 异相60 Part Number 产品型号61 pass transistor pass transistor62 P-channel MOSFET P沟道MOSFET63 Phase margin 相位裕度64 Phase Node 开关节点65 portable electronics 便携式电子设备66 power down 掉电67 Power Good 电源正常68 Power Groud 功率地69 Power Save Mode 节电模式70 Power up 上电71 pull down 下拉72 pull up 上拉73 Pulse by Pulse 逐脉冲(Pulse by Pulse)74 push pull converter 推挽转换器75 ramp down 斜降76 ramp up 斜升77 redundant diode 冗余二极管78 resistive divider 电阻分压器79 ringing 振铃80 ripple current 纹波电流81 rising edge 上升沿82 sense resistor 检测电阻83 Sequenced Power Supplys 序列电源84 shoot-through 直通,同时导通85 stray inductances. 杂散电感86 sub-circuit 子电路87 substrate 基板88 Telecom 电信89 Thermal Information 热性能信息90 thermal slug 散热片91 Threshold 阈值92 timing resistor 振荡电阻93 Top FET Top FET94 Trace 线路,走线,引线95 Transfer function 传递函数96 Trip Point 跳变点97 turns ratio 匝数比,=Np / Ns。
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英文缩写展开及翻译的整理日常使用类:KPI——Key Performance Indication关键业绩指标DPI——Day Performance Indication日业绩指标MIS——Management Information System信息管理系统CRC——Customer Record Card 客户销售记录OJT——On Job Training市场协同作业Back Check——市场查核Routine Call——路线拜访Price of——降价Reference——参考DMS——data management system数据管理系统EDMS——electric data management system电子数据管理系统Instant Noodles——即食面Workshop——专题讨论会,研讨会Total——总数;合计Food——食品Non-Food——非食品Instant Noodles——速食面AC-nielsen——市调数据MAT——moving annual today 从当月回推一年SMART原则——目标订定的原则S(Specific)具体的,明确的;M(Measurable)可衡量的;A(Attainable);可达到的;R(Relevant)相关性;T(Time-based)明确的截止时间PDCA——管理循环P(Plan)计划D(do)执行C(Check)检核A(Action)改善职务名称类:SD——sales director 销售总监SM——sales Manager 销售经理SOM——Sales Operation ManagerTM——trade marketing 通路企划MOM——Marketing Operation Management (地方营运主管)MO——Marketing Operation 地方推广专员(以前的MS)BM——Brand Manager品牌经理(品牌主管)ABM——Assistance Product Manager助理品牌经理(产品人)直营常用类:FMCG——fast moving consumer goods 快速消费品Trading Term——商业合约Monthly Rebate——月返:每月不因销售金额大小给与客户的无条件的返利折扣,通称月返Data Sharing/Information Free——资讯费:因客户要求各项销售数据或订单传输及对账单等资料提供费,也称讯息费New Store Open Free——新店开店赞助费Incentive Rebate——年返:每年双方因销售目标金额大小给与客户的有条件返利,通称年返Direct Mail Free——海报费:因促销商品讯息刊登在客户的海报上收的费用Display Free——陈列费Listing Free——新品费:新品项上架费用也可称条码费Net Costing——净成本=进货价格-促销折扣Initial Margin——前毛利=(售价-进货成本)/售价RSP——Retail Selling Price 产品贩售价格PP——Promotion Price 促销时的售价EDLP——Every Day Low Price 每日低价平价Revenue——销售额Net Sales——销售净额=扣除退货的未税金额GM——Gross Margin毛利CM——Commercial Margin商业利润IM——Initial Margin 前毛利BM——Back Margin后毛利Payment Term——帐期Net Profit——净损益(扣除费用/税率后)Invoice——发票BEP——Break Even Point损益平衡点ROI——return on investmen 投资收益率/利润率DC——Delivery Center 仓储Return Goods——退货Order Fill Rate——订单满足率Logistic——仓储运输Budget/Spending——预算/花费TG Free——端架费MD Free——地堆费DMS—— Database Management System正常平均单品销售数PDMS——Promotion Database Management System促销期间单品销售量EDI——Electronic Data Interchange电子订单系统ECR——Efficient Consumer Response有效客户恢复系统B2B——Business To Business生意往来的系统YTD——Year to date年销售进度到今天JBP——Joint Business Plan 联合商业计划Scorecard——平衡计分卡BR——Business Review 生意回顾CAM——Category Management 品类管理Grocery——杂货Like for Like——既存店的同比SKU——Store Keeping Unit 店内保存单品VPO——Volume Per Outlet 单店销量=垂直成长DST——陈列库存目标Stock——库存OOS——Out of Stock缺货CCU——CITY COMMERCIAL MERCHANDISE UNIT城市采购中心企划常用类:(一)媒体相关1、CPRP——cost per rating point 收视点成本,每一个收视率百分点所需要花费的成本2、GRP——Gross Rating Point 一定时期所有投放收视率总和3、Reach——到达率,一定期间内有机会接触广告一次或以上的人口百分比(二)产品及促销相关1、IMC——Integrated Market Communication,即整合营销。
4、POP——即英文“point of purchase”的缩写。
“point of purchase AD.”其英文原意为“在购物场所能促进销售的广告”。
5、DM——Direct Market,直销广告(Direct Market AD)。
是英文Direct MailAdvertising的简称,即直接邮递广告,也称直邮广告,是指通过邮政系统将广告直接送给广告受众的广告形式。
6、POSM——Point of Sales Materials 辅助销售材料,例如吊旗,跳跳卡,冰箱贴,地贴店招,横幅,海报,宣传单张,价格牌,瓶颈标签,吊牌等,促销纪念品、现场销售派送品、免费试用品等,堆头,促销台等7、SOP——Standard Operation Procedure三个单词中首字母的大写 ,即标准作业程序,就是将某一事件的标准操作步骤和要求以统一的格式描述出来,用来指导和规范日常的工作.SOP的精髓,就是将细节进行量化,用更通俗的话来说,SOP就是对某一程序中的关键控制点进行细化和量化.8、KA——即Key Account,中文意为“重要客户”,"重点客户",对于企业来说KA卖场_--就是营业面积、客流量和发展潜力等三方面的大终端。
9、NKA——national key account 全国直营客户10、LKA——local key account 地方直营客户11、P&L——Profit and Loss 利润与损失12、A&P——Advertisement and Promotion广告费用与促销费用13、A1——A1(Non-TV):指非电视广告费用如:平面广宣制作费、报纸杂志广告费、公车候车亭广告费等14、A2——A2(TV):指电视广告费用如:电视广告相关设计制作费、发布费、佣金等15、SP——s ales promotion促销16、CP——c onsumer promotion 消费者促销;展销会、试吃、赠品、商场促销、现金卡、旅游招待、告知卡/中奖卡、空袋兑换等17、TP——trade promotion 通路促销18、TP1:TP1-折让3(经销商返利)TP1-其它(车铺补助)TP2:TP2-折让2(随车搭赠)TP2-其它(上架费、通路推展、礼品/赠品、陈列费、销售奖励、专案促销、会务费、劳务费、铺货、长短促结案后返等)以上为经销部分;TP3:TP3-折让2(随车搭赠)TP3-其它(上架费、通路推展、端架/陈列/堆箱费、DM费、年/节费、物流配送费、赞助费、销售奖励、退佣、劳务费、资讯费、专案费等)TP3-折让4(折价供货价差等)以上为直营部分19、S WOT——分别代表strengths(优势)、weaknesses(劣势)、opportunities(机会)、threats(威胁)。
20、U&A——Used & Attitude消费者使用习惯和使用态度21、Campaign——同一系列口味及规格集合,例:东北炖22、LOGO——商标、标识。
例:“这个味儿流行”24、BOM——Billing of Material 物料清单25、PATTEN——图标。
例:“东北炖”26、FAB:feature advantage benefits产品属性利益点27、STP:STP理论中的S、T、P分别是Segmenting、Targeting、Positioning三个英文单词的缩写,即市场细分、目标市场和市场定位的意思28、USP:理论(独特的销售主张,Unique Selling Proposition)。