API 考试题
1.[单选题]ElasticSearch 存放所有关键词的地方是()A)字典B)关键词C)词典D)索引答案:C解析:2.[单选题]DWS DN的高可用架构是:( )。
A)主备从架构B)一主多备架构C)两者兼有D)其他答案:A解析:3.[单选题]关于Hive与传统数据仓库的对比,下列描述错误的是:( )。
A)Hive元数据存储独立于数据存储之外,从而解耦合元数据和数据,灵活性高,二传统数据仓库数据应用单一,灵活性低B)Hive基于HDFS存储,理论上存储可以无限扩容,而传统数据仓库存储量有上限C)由于Hive的数据存储在HDFS上,所以可以保证数据的高容错,高可靠D)由于Hive基于大数据平台,所以查询效率比传统数据仓库快答案:D解析:4.[单选题]以下哪种机制使 Flink 能够实现窗口中无序数据的有序处理?()A)检查点B)窗口C)事件时间D)有状态处理答案:C解析:5.[单选题]下面( )不是属性选择度量。
A)ID3 使用的信息增益B)C4.5 使用的增益率C)CART 使用的基尼指数D)NNM 使用的梯度下降答案:D解析:C)HDFSD)DB答案:C解析:7.[单选题]关于FusionInsight HD Streaming的Supervisor描述正确的是:( )。
A)Supervisor负责资源的分配和任务的调度B)Supervisor负责接受Nimbus分配的任务,启动停止属于自己管理的Worker进程C)Supervisor是运行具体处理逻辑的进程D)Supervisor是在Topology中接收数据然后执行处理的组件答案:B解析:8.[单选题]在有N个节点FusionInsight HD集群中部署HBase时、推荐部署( )个H Master进程,( )个Region Server进程。
API 考试题
API Spec Q1, Spec 7-1,培训试题部门姓名成绩一、是非题(1.5分×20=30分)1、API Spec7代表套管油管规范()2、API Spec 7-1有效版本为第一版()3、API Spec 7-1要求的文件和记录保存期限为七年()4、控制要点就是组织保证在受控条件下所开展活动符合规定的文件化方法()5、组织只需对满足顾客要求的生产和服务运作的过程进行测量和监控()6、质量计划是指对产品实现过程进行策划后所形成的文件()7、对员工不仅要培训,还应评价提供培训的有效性()8、顾客没有投诉表示顾客满意()9、质量目标必须是可测量的()10、质量管理体系是通用的,产品要求也同样()11、管理评审必须按策划时间间隔进行()12、监视和测量设备应确保产品符合性所需的设备,也是控制产品实现过程的设备()13、程序文件指ISO9001:2000标准要求编写的程序文件()14、顾客要求时体系删减符合法规要求就可以接受()15、缺陷属于特殊的不合格()16、为了确保不合格不再重复发生,对采用的纠正措施的需求应进行评价()17、实现产品的符合性所需要的设施包括设备及维护服务()18、对员工能力的判断应从教育、培训、技能和经历方面考虑()19、组织只需对已识别的顾客要求实施评审()20、对供方的评价选择时,应对评价结果和跟踪措施进行记录()二、选择题(1.5分×20=30分)1、API Spec 7-1制造厂应保存的文件()a、设计文件b、设计验证文件c、评定记录d、以上全部2、焊接评定记录包括()a、焊接工艺评定记录b、焊工资格评定记录c、NDE人员资格评定记录d、测量和实验设备校正记录e、a + b + c + d3、对特殊过程的确认可采用下列()方法a、模拟b、试验c、顾客参与评审d、以上全部4、持续改进是指:()a、日常的改进活动b、长远的重大改进项目c、持续时间很长的技术改造项目d、投资很大的基本建设项目5、对质量管理体系业绩的测量是通过下述方法获得()a、内部审核和顾客满意监控b、产品测量和监视c、过程测量和监视d、a + b + c6、ISO9001:2008标准可与其它管理体系标准()a、包容b、相容c、不相容d、即能包容也能相容7、标准要求的文件除规定和程序文件外,还包括()a、质量计划b、质量记录c、为体系有效运行和得到控制的文件d、a + b + c8、ISO9001:2008标准对组织开展管理评审活动的要求是()a、确保质量管理体系持续的适宜性b、确保质量管理体系持续的适充分性c、确保质量管理体系持续的有效性d、a + b + c9、下列哪一项应作为管理评审的输入内容()a、顾客所作的第二方质量审核时提出的不符合报告b、主要竞争对手的服务质量对比调查报告c、公司准备增设和约部的可行性报告d、a + b + c10、产品要求可由()a、顾客提出规定b、组织预测顾客的要求规定c、法规规定d、a + b + c11、质量手册中可不包括()a、质量方针、目标;b、程序或其引用;c、过程顺序和相互关系;d、删减细节与合理性。
空气污染考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 空气污染的主要来源包括以下哪项?A. 海洋水汽B. 火山爆发C. 风力发电D. 太空尘埃答案:B2. 下列哪种气体不属于常见的空气污染物?A. 一氧化碳B. 二氧化硫C. 二氧化碳D. 氮氧化物答案:C3. 空气污染指数(API)达到多少以上,空气质量状况被认为是“优”?A. 50B. 100C. 200D. 300答案:A4. 以下哪种情况不属于空气污染对人类健康的影响?A. 呼吸道感染B. 心血管疾病C. 视力下降D. 皮肤疾病答案:D5. 什么是造成酸雨的主要污染物?A. 二氧化碳B. 二氧化硫C. 氮氧化物D. 颗粒物答案:B6. 以下哪种措施可以有效减少城市空气污染?A. 增加私家车数量B. 限制工业排放C. 焚烧垃圾D. 减少绿化面积答案:B7. 室内空气污染的主要来源包括以下哪项?A. 室外空气污染物的渗入B. 室内装修材料释放的有害气体C. 家用电器的辐射D. 所有以上选项答案:D8. 以下哪种气体对臭氧层破坏最大?A. 甲烷B. 二氧化碳C. 氟氯烃D. 二氧化硫答案:C9. 什么是PM2.5?A. 细颗粒物B. 粗颗粒物C. 二氧化碳D. 一氧化碳答案:A10. 以下哪种方法不能有效减少汽车尾气排放?A. 使用清洁能源B. 改进发动机技术C. 增加汽车使用频率D. 安装尾气净化装置答案:C二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)11. 空气污染物中的可吸入颗粒物(PM10)是指直径小于或等于________微米的颗粒物。
答案:1012. 空气污染指数(API)是一种________的空气质量评价方法。
答案:定量13. 汽车尾气中的________是导致光化学烟雾的主要污染物。
答案:氮氧化物14. 室内空气污染的来源包括________污染、生物污染和人为污染。
答案:化学15. 绿色植物可以通过________作用吸收空气中的有害物质。
程序员考试试题一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 在Java中,下列哪个关键字用于声明一个方法可以被其他类继承?A. publicB. protectedC. privateD. static2. 下面关于Python中的列表(list)和元组(tuple)的说法,哪一项是正确的?A. 列表和元组都是不可变的序列类型。
B. 列表和元组都可以包含不同类型的元素。
C. 元组可以使用append()方法添加元素。
D. 列表的元素不能被修改。
3. 以下关于数据库事务的描述,哪一项是错误的?A. 事务具有原子性。
B. 事务具有一致性。
C. 事务具有隔离性。
D. 事务可以不具有持久性。
4. 在HTML5中,用于创建交互式内容的标签是:A. <input>B. <canvas>C. <select>D. <output>5. 在JavaScript中,异步编程可以通过哪种机制实现?A. 回调函数B. 事件监听C. 定时器D. 以上都是二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)6. 在C语言中,用于定义一个字符串数组的关键字是_________。
7. 在CSS中,选择一个类名为“active”的元素,应使用选择器_________。
8. 在SQL中,用于查询表中所有记录的关键字是_________。
9. 在正则表达式中,表示匹配一个或多个字符的量词是_________。
10. 在面向对象编程中,一个对象的属性通常被称为它的_________。
三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)11. 正确:在JavaScript中,所有的函数都是一等公民。
()12. 错误:在HTML中,所有的标签都必须是成对出现的。
()13. 正确:在Java中,final关键字可以用来修饰方法,使其不可被重写。
()14. 错误:在数据库设计中,一个表的主键可以有多个值组成。
()15. 正确:在Python中,可以使用is关键字来比较两个对象的身份(即它们是否是同一个对象)。
( )A、滚动条B、边框颜色C、边框宽度D、源文件正确答案:A2、如果想要日活用户超过100万,那么周留存应大于( )A、20%B、10%C、25%D、15%正确答案:A3、下列不属于Sketch 的几何工具是( )A、三角工具B、圆形工具C、矩形工具D、其他形状正确答案:A4、在网页中,必须使用( )标记来完成超级链接。
A、<a>...</A.>B、…</p >C、<link>...</link>D、<li>...</li>正确答案:A5、下列不属于交互说明的内容的是( )A、手势说明B、提示文案C、文字说明D、动效说明正确答案:C6、从公司角度看,不属于产品定位价值的是( )A、定义产品范围B、体现公司信息化程度C、表示战略方向D、承载商业模式正确答案:A7、下列属于产品概述的有( )A、运行环境B、详细描述C、需求简述D、参考资料正确答案:D8、状态型进度条及相关信息需要完成以下任务( )A、改变性能B、向用户清晰地展示他可能需要的操作;C、向用户清楚地表明重要的进度节点;D、向用户清楚地表明当前状态;正确答案:B9、下列色相环中哪种色相关系对比最强烈,配色能给人饱满。
活跃、生动、刺激的强烈感受( )A、临近色相B、类似色相C、对比色相D、互补色相正确答案:D10、在H.TML 中,( )不是链接的目标属性。
A、blankB、topC、selfD、new正确答案:D11、下列不属于社交类App的是( )A、instagramB、twitterC、领英D、百度正确答案:D12、40-20-10法则是由( )提出的A、FacebookB、GoogleC、TwitterD、instagram正确答案:A13、在移动应用程序UI界面中,我们常见到( )等设计都广泛应用到进度条,它的呈现形式多种多样,让人眼花缭乱。
OPEN BOOK1 A peripheral seal, on an internal floating roof, shall be designed to accommodate_____ of local deviation between the floating roof and the shell.(A) the manufacturer's standard(B) + 100 mm(C) + 1/8 inch(D) the inspector's experience2 Welders shall be qualified in accordance with .(A) API 1104(B) ASME Section V(C) ASME Section IX(D) AWS D1.13 To reduce burn-through potential, liquid flow rates should be between _________ and_________ when hot-tapping.(A) 0.4 – 1.3 m/sec(B) 1.5 – 4.0 ft/sec(C) 0.4 – 1.2 m/sec(D) 40 – 70 ft/sec4 Weld underbead cracking is normally found _______________________.(A) in the HAZ(B) in the throat of the weld(C) in the weld root(D) in the weld face5 A new tank will hold a product with the specific gravity of 1.05. The corrosionallowance is .10. The thickness of the first course is 1.25 inches; The hydrostatic test stress is 25,000 PSI. What is the thickness required for the annular plate? (Note:Include corrosion allowance).(A) 5/16"(B) 11/16"(C) 3/8"(D) 7/16"6 In order to comply with API 650, the finished surface of a weld reinforcement on plate1/2" thick, horizontal butt joints, may have a reasonably uniform crown not to exceed ________, for radiographic examination.(A) 1/4"(B) 3/16"(C) 1/8"(D) 1/16"7 What is the design thickness for the first course of a new tank 60’ tall, with a fill heightof 58’ and a diameter of 80’4”? The material of construction is A516M 485. Specific gravity of .6(A) .097(B) .416(C) 28.1(D) .2818 What is the hydrostatic test shell thickness of the tank in question 7?(A) .416(B) .281(C) .117(D) .5009 To what thickness should the tank in question 8 be constructed?(A) .281”(B) .416”(C) .500”(D) 1.00”10 If the first course of a new tank is 12.5 mm and the design metal temperature is -7℃,what is the material group?(A) Group I(B) Group II(C) Group III(D) Group IV11 What is the maximum reinforcement on a vertical butt joint, if the plate is .625 in.thick?(A) 3/32”(B) 1/8”(C) 3/16”(D) 1/4”12 Ultrasonic acceptance standards, in accordance with API 650, shall be ______.(A) ASME Section VIII(B) ASME Section V(C) ASME Section XI(D) Agreed upon by the purchaser and the manufacturer13 A material Test Report shows the following chemistries:C:0.15% Cr:1.25% V:0.02% Ni:0.35%Mn:0.20% Mo:1.00% Si:0.53% Cu:0.01%What is the approximate CE of this material using the formula supplied in RP 577?(A) 0.35(B) 0.7(C) 0.9(D) 0.5514 From the above CE number, what should typically be done after welding this steel?(A) no PWHT(B) preheating(C) PWHT(D) preheat and PWHT15 What is the minimum dimension for a shell ring replacement piece or segment?(A) The actual area requiring renewal, plus 6" on all four surrounding sides.(B) 12" or 12 times the "t" of the replacement plate, whichever is greater.(C) 10% of the individual ring segment involved.(D) 20% of the individual ring segment involved.16 The periphery of the insert plates shall have a _________ tapered transition to thethickness of the adjacent shell plates when it used.(A) 1 : 3(B) 1 : 4(C) Round corner smoothly to avoid stress concentration.(D) None of the above.17 Butt welded annular plates shall be required for ____________.(A) When purchaser required.(B) When bottom shell course of material Gr.IV to VI.(C) When shell course thickness above 25mm.(D) When the tank diameter above 100ft.18 What is the fin height for a new tank whose diameter is 150', first course 5/8”,the shellmaterial is A-36?(A) 40.9’(B) 400'(C) The tank strapping company win report, not an inspection problem(D) Not enough information to calculate19 A weld with a nominal thickness of 1.5 inch is to be radiographed using a film side holeIQI. The IQI designation should be:(A) 25(B) 30(C) 35(D) Both a and b are acceptable?20 The most common measure of weldability and hot cracking of stainless steel is the_________.(A) bend test(B) ferrite number(C) Charpy V-notch number(D) hydrogen number21 F numbers are assigned to electrodes based on their ______________.(A) alloy(B) chemistry(C) usability characteristics(D) flux coating22 The allowable unsharpness for a material that is 2" thick is:(A) .015(B) .020(C) .040(D) .030(E) Unsharpness is not allowed in any ASME Code23 A hole-type IQI is observed on a RT film for an aluminum weld. The IQI body is placedacross the weld, but the lead letter "F" and the l.D. markers are not in the area ofinterest. Per ASME V, this condition is:(A) Acceptable as shown(B) Unacceptable - wrong placement for aluminum welds(C) Unacceptable - hole IQI's cannot be used on this material(D) Unacceptable - hole type IQI's cannot be used across the weld when a film-sideset-up is used.24 After repairing of shell to bottom weld, reexamine the repaired welds and a minimumof___________.(A) 75mm in defective side.(B) 150mm in defective side.(C) 75mm in both sides of defect.(D) 150mm in both sides of defect.25 A new tank will hold a product with the specific gravity of 1.05; The corrosionallowance is .1 0; Thethicknessofthefirstcourseisl.25inches; Hydrostatictest stress25,000 PSI. What is the thickness required for the annular plate? (Note: lncludecorrosion allowance).(A) 5/16”(B) 11/16"(C) 3/8"(D) 7/16"The following applies to quest ions 26 through 31 below:An inspection is performed on an AST 24' tall, 22' fill height, 94' diameter, waterstorage service, earth foundation. There is one area of general internal corrosion on the south side of the shell 20" wide and 20" in vertical length. There is evidence ofbottom settlement.26 Calculate the minimum thickness of the first course based on product alone.(A) 1.175"(B) 1.000"(C) 0.551"(D) 0.219"27 Calculate the minimum thickness for the third course, if each course is 4' in height.(A) .122"(B) .100"(C) .275"(D) .300"28 Calculate the "L” length for an area of general corrosion found 10' from the bottom onthe south side of the shell, T2=.125".(A) 40”(B) 12.68”(C) 6.80”(D) 11.75”29 There are three pits aligned vertically on the north side of the tank, in the first course.The diameter of the pits are 1.250", 1 ", and .500" in length along a vertical line 8" long.Note: Assume pit depth of slightly less than one-half of the minimum acceptable tank shell thickness, exclusive of the corrosion allowance.(A) Because the pits are aligned vertically no repair is required(B) Scattered pits may be ignored(C) If the pit is round, it may be ignored(D) A repair is required30 Three circumferentially scattered pits are located on the west side of the tank 18" fromthe bottom. The pits measure .500", ,477" and .732" in diameter. Note: Assume pitdepth of one-half of the minimum acceptable tank shell thickness, exclusive of thecorrosion allowance.(A) Because the pits are scattered circumferentially no repair is required(B) All pits may be ignored(C) If the pit is round, it may be ignored(D) A repair is required31 A bulge is found on the tank floor, the diameter of the bulge is 30". What is themaximum permissible height for the bulge?(A) 11.1"(B) .460"(C) .962"(D) 1.11 "32 The general Brinell Hardness limit for 5CR-Mo steels is:(A) 200(B) 225(C) 241(D) 25033 At what temperatures does SE-797 provide guidelines for measuring the thickness ofmaterials using the contact pulse-echo method?(A) Not to exceed 93° F(B) Not to exceed 200° C(C) Not to exceed 200° F(D) Not to exceed 100°C34 A weld will be radiographed using a source-side wire IQI. The weld is 3/8" thick with1/16" reinforcement on both sides. What ASTM IQI set will be required?(A) Set A(B) Set B(C) Set C(D) Set D(E) (A) and (D)35 If a WPS is qualified using a base material that is 9" thick, the correct base metalthickness range shown in the WPS should be:(A) 3/16"-12" thick(B) 1/16"-14" thick(C) 3/16"-18" thick(D) 3/16"-9.9" thic(E) 3/16"-maximum to be welded36 A welding procedure is qualified on P5A to P5A steel. This WPS is then qualified toweld on:(A) P5A - P4 steels(B) P5A - P5B steels(C) P4 - P4 steels(D) All of the above37 The radiographic density through an IQI is measured at 2.6 with a densitometer usinggamma RT. The allowable density through the weld will be, if no shim is used.(A) 2.0-4.0(B) 1.8-4.0(C) 2.21 - 3.38(D) 2.0-2.9938 Which of the following is an essential variable for the GMAW process?(A) Wire diameter(B) Travel speed(C) Interposes temperature(D) Electrical characteristics (short arc to spray or vice-versa)(E) Groove design39 One of the procedural requirements for MT examination that must be addressed is:(A) Magnetizing time(B) Developer application(C) Type of particles, wet or dry(D) (A) and (B) above40 A 4T hole on a 20 IQI has a diameter of:(A) .80”(B) .043”(C) .080”(D) .070”QUESTIONS ( 41 ~ 50 ) are based on WPS/PQR SAW-1, attached:41 The deposited weld metal thickness range listed on the WPS:(A) is correct as shown(B) is incorrect - should be 3/16” - 2” max.(C) should be 4” max.(D) none of the above42 The joint design shown on the WPS:(A) must be qualified by the PQR(B) is acceptable as shown(C) must be re-qualified if an open root joint will be used(D) should be qualified with a backing strip instead of weld metal43 An essential variable that has not been addressed on both the WPS and PQR is:(A) QW-404.36(B) QW-403.9(C) QW-403.13(D) all of the above44 The pipe diameter range listed on the WPS:(A) is acceptable as shown(B) is incorrect - plate does not qualify for pipe(C) should be >24” O.D.(D) should be shown as > 2 7/8” O.D.45 Post-weld heat treatment as shown on the WPS/PQR is:(A) incorrect, as all codes require PWHT in this thickness(B) i ncorrect, as the PQR should be PWHT’d(C) incorrect as the WPS should specify required PWHT of production welds(D) none of the above46 The tension test results shown on the PQR are:(A) acceptable as shown(B) unacceptable due to insufficient width of specimens(C) unacceptable due to insufficient number of specimens(D) unacceptable because multiple specimens cannot be used in this thickness ofplate coupon47 The bend test results shown on the PQR are:(A) acceptable as shown(B) unacceptable due to insufficient number of specimens(C) unacceptable due to wrong type of bend test specimen(D) unacceptable due to wrong size of specimen48 The tension test results shown on the PQR are:(A) sufficiently strong to meet the Code(B) too weak to meet the Code(C) 1.5% over the rated base metal tensile strength, and therefore, do not meet theCode(D) unacceptable because the results look “bogus”49 The PQR:(A) does not need to be signed(B) must be signed to be “Code legal”(C) must be signed by the President of the Company(D) none of the above50 An essential variable that is addressed on the WPS but not addressed on the PQR is:(A) QW 404.25(B) QW 406.1(C) QW 407(D) QW 404.34CLOSE BOOK1 In case of conflict between API-12C, API-650 and API-653 standards involving"in-service" AST's, which of the three codes will govern?(A) API-12C(B) API-650(C) API-6532 Which of the following have the ultimate responsibility for complying with API-653standard provisions?(A) On-site Inspector(B) Contractor Involved(C) Owner/operator of equipment(D) Relevant State or Federal Agency3 Internal pressures inside tanks may vary. Which of the following pressures representthe maximum amount and is still considered to be atmospheric storage?(A) 3 oz. psig(B) 1.0 lb. psig(C) 1.5 lb. psig(D) 2.5 lb. Psig4 What is the joint efficiency of a lap riveted joint with one (1) row of rivets?(A) 45%(B) 60%(C) 75%(D) 80%5 All prior reported brittle fracture tank failures have occurred under which of thefollowing conditions/situations?(A) Atmospheric temperature of 20℉or lower.(B) During a hydro test where the test water was 50°F or colder.(C) Shortly after erection, following a repair/alteration, first cold weather filling orchange to lower temperature service.(D) Where a testing medium other than water was used.6 Prior to examination, each adjacent surface shall be cleaned within at least ______ ofthe area to be examined.(A) 1”(B) 1.5”(C) 2”(D) 3”7 The procedure qualification test is used to determine:(A) The skill of the welder(B) That the proposed production weldment is capable of having the requiredproperties(C) The corrosion –resistance(D) None of the above8 A welding electrode has the marking E-6010. The “1” marking indicates:(A) Flat position only(B) Horizontal position only(C) All positions(D) Only good for heat treated welds9 May a welder who is qualified using a double-groove weld, make a single V-grooveweld without backing?(A) Yes(B) No(C) Not enough information provided(D) Yes, because backing is not an essential variable for a welder10 What is the maximum defect permitted on the convex surface of a welder qualificationbend test after bending , except for corner cracks and corrosion resistant weldoverlay?(A) 1/4 inch(B) 1/8 inch(C) 1/16 inch(D) 3/16 inch(E) No defects are allowed11 When external UT measurements are used to determine a rate of general, uniformcorrosion (relevant to shell integrity) which of the following values cannot beexceeded?(A) 10 years maximum(B) 20 years maximum(C) 5 years (after commissioning), or at 5 year intervals (where corrosion rate is notknown).(D) Five years or RCA/4N, whichever is more.12 What primary factor determines the interval between internal and externalinspections?(A) Jurisdictional regulations(B) Tank service history, unless special reasons indicate an earlier inspection isrequired.(C) Known (or suspected) corrosion activity of product.(D) Change of service to a product with a specific gravity 10% higher than priorstored product.13 Which of the areas described below are considered to be the "critical zone" involvingtank bottom repair?(A) Within the annular ring, within 12" of shell, or within 12" of inside edge of annularplate ring.(B) Any area where 3–plate laps are located(C) Within 36" (measured vertically) from any shell penetration above.(D) Within 3" from the shell on the bottom plates14 Select the minimum number of "t" measurements required (along the circumference ofany proposed "hot-tap" nozzle location):(A) One (1) on horizontal centerline (3" from edge) on each side of proposed shellopening cut.(B) Four (4)(C) Eight (8)(D) Establishment of both a minimum and average "t" over the entire nozzleinstallation area.15 What type of contour cut (if any) and what degree of bevel (if any) is required on thenozzle "barrel" end that is to be joined to shell during a "hot-tap".(A) No contour cut required, 30° outside bevel.(B) No contour cut required, 45° outside bevel.(C) Cut to shell contour and outside beveled for full penetration attachment weld.(D) No contour cut required. 1/8" corner radius (minimum).16 A common weld defect encountered with the GMAW-S welding process is:(A) LOP(B) slag(C) LOF(D) cracking17 From the above CE number, what should typically be done after welding this steel?(A) no PWHT(B) preheating(C) PWHT(D) preheat and PWHT18 A typical test for hardenability is the ___________.(A) bend test(B) Rockwell test(C) Jominy Bar test(D) Charpy V-notch test19 NDE examiners should be qualified to ______ when specified by the referencingcode.(A) ASME XII(B) API 570(C) SNT-TC-1A(D) API 51020 A welder continuity log should be maintained to allow verification that each welder hasutilized each welding process within a _______ period.(A) one yea(B) 3 month(C) 2 year(D) six month21 Each pass of the UT transducer should overlap the previous pass by _____% of thetransducer dimension.(A) 1%(B) 5%(C) 10%(D) 15%22 Metals with a high coefficient of thermal expansion are more susceptible to:(A) transverse cracking(B) lack of fusion(C) warpage and distortion(D) linear porosity23 A film density of 1.0 will allow _______% of light through to the film.(A) 1%(B) 10%(C) 0.01%(D) 0.001%24 How does preheating carbon steel tend to reduce hydrogen-induced delayedcracking?(A) eliminates SCC(B) prevents carbon migration(C) slows the cooling rate – prevents martensite formation(D) makes the grains grow so they won’t crack25 GMAW can be used in 3 distinct modes of transfer. The coolest or fastest freezing ofthese transfers is:(A) spray(B) short circuiting(C) pulse-spray(D) globular26 When reconstructing tank shells with a material "t" exceeding 1.50", what minimumpre-heat is specified?(A) No preheat required, if air temperature exceeds 70℉.(B) 200℉.(C) 225℉.(D) 300℉.27 In re-erecting a tank shell, what length "sweep-board" and what are maximumallowable values for weld seam peaking?(A) 0.50" (1/2") with 36" horizontal sweep board?(B) 0.25" (1/4") on verticals; 0.50" (1/2") on horizontal with 36" board(C) 0.75" (3/4") with 48" board.(D) 1.00" (1") with 48" board.28 Welding procedure Specs (WPS) are established in Section 11 of API-653.Welders/operators must be qualified in accordance with which of the codes listed.(A) AWS(B) Section V ASME(C) Section VIII ASME(D) Section IX ASME29 API-653 (Section 12) requires greater radiographic examination of tank shell weldsthan does API-650. Relevant to new or repaired vertical joints in existing shell plates, how many radiographs are required?(A) Twice those required by API-650.(B) API 650 requirements plus one (1) in every joint.(C) One (1) for each welder or operator involved on each ring.(D) Two (2) for each welder or operator involved on each ring for all platethicknesses.30 According to API 650, which of the following types of connections shall be stressrelieved?(A) All nozzles(B) All Group I, II, III or IIIA opening connections less than 12 inches(C) All Group IV, IVA, V or VI opening connections requiring reinforcement(D) All connections requiring reinforcement31 Upon completion, the roof of a tank designed to be gas tight shall be tested by whichone of the following methods?(A) Magnetic particle testing of all welds(B) Application of internal air pressure not exceeding the weight of the roof platesand applying a solution suitable for the detection of leaks .(C) Penetrant testing the weld joints(D) Visual inspection of the weld joints32 Each welder making welds on a tank shall be certified by the _______.(A) erection/fabrication manufacturer(B) purchaser(C) Nuclear Regulatory Commission(D) certified inspector33 Per API 650, external floating roof deck plates having support leg or other rigidpenetrations closer than ____ inches to lap weld seams must be full fillet welded not less than 2 inches on 10 inch centers.(A) 6(B) 12(C) 14(D) 1834 Upon completion of welding of the new tank bottom, the welds shall be inspected bywhich one of the following methods?(A) Radiographs(B) Vacuum or air pressure(C) Penetrant testing(D) Hammer testing35 The maximum reinforcement thickness for vertical butt joints, less than or equal to1/2" thick is .(A) 1/16"(B) 1/8"(C) 3/32"(D) 3/16"36 What designation is used to indicate the IQI is on the film side?(A) an “F”(B) an “E”(C) a “D”(D) an “FS”37 A wire IQI shall be placed ___________ the weld, with the wires _________ to theweld.(A) Adjacent to, perpendicular(B) Adjacent to, parallel(C) only perpendicular(D) none of the above38 The location markers required by ASME V are required __________________.(A) be written with a sharpie pen(B) be vibra-etched(C) appear as radiographic images(D) both A & B, above39 What are materials of prime concern for brittle fracture(A) Aluminum(B) 300 Series SS(C) Low alloy steels(D) Nickel base alloys40 Which condition is the highest corrosion rate of atmospheric corrosion(A) Marine environments(B) Industrial environments(C) Inland locations(D) Dry rural environments41 What have been effective for underground structures in preventing MIC(A) Wrapping(B) Proper application of biocides(C) Cathodically protecting(D) a&c42 What is frequently used to estimate soil corrosivity(A) Measuring the structure to soil potential(B) Cathodic protection(C) Soil resistivity(D) pH43 What element of the alloy has a major affect on Cl-SCC resistance(A) Ni(B) Cr(C) Mo(D) Cu44 What alloys are more resistant for Caustic Stress Corrosion Cracking at 200℃(A) PWHT’d Carbon steel(B) Low alloy steels(C) 300 Series SS(D) Nickel base alloys45 Which is susceptible to Cl-SCC(A) 400SS(B) 316SS(C) Carbon steel(D) C27646 Annular bottom plates shall have a radial width that provides at least _____inchesbetween the inside of the shell and any lap-welded joint in the remainder of thebottom.(A) 10(B) 30(C) 24(D) 1847 The maximum acceptable undercutting of the base metal for vertical butt joints is ___inch.(A) 3/32(B) 1/8(C) 1/64(D) 3/6448 A double-welded butt weld is ______.(A) a joint between two abutting parts lying in approximately the same plane(B) a joint between two abutting parts lying in approximately the same plane that iswelded from both sides(C) a joint between two overlapping members in which the overlapping edges ofboth members are welded with fillet welds(D) a fillet weld whose size is equal to the thickness of the thinner joined member49 Openings in tank shells larger than required to accommodate an NPS _____ inchflanged or threaded nozzle shall be reinforced.(A) one(B) two(C) three(D) four50 The acceptability of welds examined by radiography shall be judged by the standardsin .(A) ASME Section V, Division 7(B) ASME Section IX, Paragraph QW-191(C) ASME Section VIII, Division 1, Paragraph UW-51(b)(D) API 110451 When bottom annular plates are required by paragraph 3.5.1 of API 650, the radialjoints shall be radiographed. For single welded butt joints using a backup bar, one spot radiograph shall be taken on _____ percent of the radial joints.(A) 10(B) 30(C) 50(D) 10052 Annular bottom plates must extend a minimum of _______ inches outside the tankshell.(A) 1 1/2(B) 2(C) 3(D) 453 The maximum operating temperature for tanks constructed to API 650 (not includingappendices) is _______.(A) 500℉(B) 500℃(C) 200℉(D) 200℃54 Who is responsible for compliance with the API 650 standards?(A) Manufacturer(B) Purchaser(C) State Inspector(D) API 653 Inspector55 A new tank is under construction. How many radiographs are required on the firstcourse vertical welds if the shell is 35 mm thick?(A) One radiograph shall be taken in every vertical joint(B) 100% of the vertical joint(C) Two radiographs shall be taken in the vertical joint(D) No radiographs required56 All bottom plates shall have a minimum nominal thickness of _____ inch, exclusive ofany corrosion allowance specified by the purchaser for the bottom plates.(A) 3/8(B) .250(C) .516(D) .32557 Repairs of defects shall not be attempted on a tank that is filled with _____ or on atank that has contained ____ until the tank has been emptied, cleaned and gas freed in a safe manner.(A) nitrogen(B) oil(C) water(D) grain58 Misalignment in completed vertical joints over 5/8" shall not exceed what percentageof the plate thickness?(A) 25% with a maximum of 1/16"(B) 2% with a maximum of 3/64"(C) 5% with a maximum of 3/8"(D) 10% with a maximum of 1/8"59 Reinforcing plates of shell penetrations shall be given a(n) ________ test, inaccordance with API Standard 650.(A) diesel(B) air(C) stress(D) gas60 Column-based clip-guides shall be welded to the tank bottom to prevent __________.(A) internal erosion(B) structural uplifting(C) lateral movement of column bases(D) lateral expansion and contraction61 The most common method used for monitoring underground structures is to measure(A) The structure to soil potential(B) Salts(C) Soil resistivity(D) pH62 Cl-stress corrosion cracking usually occurs at metal temperatures(A) Above about 60℉(15℃)(B) Above about 120℉(49℃)(C) Above about 140℉(60℃)(D) Below about 140℉(60℃)63 Atmospheric Corrosion becomes more severe at metal temperatures between(A) 10℉(-12℃) and 350℉(175℃),(B) 100℉(38℃) and121℉(49℃),(C) 250℉(121℃) and 350℉(175℃),(D) 212℉(100℃) and 250℉(121℃)64 If the WPS shows a single "Vee" groove is to be used and the PQR was qualified witha double "Vee" groove:(A) The WPS can be used without re-qualification(B) The WPS must be requalified(C) The PQR must be retested(D) The WPS must be modified to show the correct joint65 A common root pass welding defect is:(A) Porosity(B) Lack of penetration(C) Tungsten inclusion(D) Overlap66 A welding electrode is marked E8018. The first two digits mean that the electrode has:(A) 80 kg weld strength(B) 80 psi stress(C) 80,000 ksi tensile strength(D) 80,000 psi tensile strength67 The primary difference between GMAW and FCAW is:(A) The wire feeder used(B) The gas used(C) The wire used(D) The power source used68 Per ASME IX a welding operator may be qualified by:(A) Test plates (bend tests)(B) Production weld radiograph(C) Radiography of a test pipe(D) (A) and (B) above(E) ALL of the above69 An ASME magnetic particle field indicator is made up of how many "PIE" sectionsfurnace brazed together?(A) 2(B) 4。
API Q1第八版增补1培训考试题(
姓名:部门:评分:API Q1第八版增补1培训考试题一:名词解释(每题5分)1:验收检验通过监视或测量,证实产品符合规定的要求。
4:PDCA:P:(策划)D:(实施)C:(检查)A:(处置)二:填空题(每题5分)1:为符合要求和正时质量管理体系有效运行而提供证据的记录,保存期限应不少于(5 )年。
app考试试题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪项不是移动应用(App)的特点?A. 用户友好的界面B. 易于分发C. 高度依赖网络连接D. 可定制性2. 在开发移动应用时,通常使用哪种语言编写iOS应用?A. JavaB. SwiftC. PythonD. C++3. 以下哪个框架不是用于开发Android应用的?A. React NativeB. FlutterC. AngularD. Xamarin4. 一个App的用户界面(UI)设计应该遵循什么原则?A. 极简主义B. 复杂的图形设计C. 过多的动画效果D. 忽略用户操作习惯5. 在移动应用开发中,API的作用是什么?A. 提供用户界面设计B. 允许应用访问互联网C. 提供数据存储解决方案D. 连接不同的服务和应用程序6. 下列哪项不是移动应用开发过程中需要考虑的安全问题?A. 数据加密B. 防止SQL注入C. 用户身份验证D. 应用界面的颜色选择7. 哪种类型的App通常不需要用户登录?A. 社交媒体应用B. 游戏应用C. 新闻阅读应用D. 在线购物应用8. 在App中实现推送通知功能,通常需要使用什么技术?A. SMSB. EmailC. Push Notification ServicesD. QR Code9. 下列哪项不是移动应用测试的内容?A. 功能测试B. 性能测试C. 用户体验测试D. 硬件兼容性测试10. 在App开发中,敏捷开发方法的主要优势是什么?A. 严格的计划和控制B. 快速响应变化C. 长期和固定的开发周期D. 较少的客户参与二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 移动应用的性能优化中,___________ 是指App在前台运行时的性能。
12. 在iOS应用开发中,用于构建用户界面的框架是___________。
13. Android应用开发中,___________ 是用于定义用户界面布局的XML文件。
1、润滑油基础油可分为(D )A一类B二类C三类D五类2、(D )字母代表汽油机油,( C )字母代表柴油机油。
A、GB、CC、BD、S3、SAE是什么意思(A ),代表(E )A美国汽车工程师协会B美国石油协会标准C美国齿轮制造商协会标准D 美国材料与试验协会标准E粘度等级F质量等级4、API是什么意思(B ),代表(F )A美国汽车工程师协会B美国石油协会标准C美国齿轮制造商协会标准D 美国材料与试验协会标准E粘度等级F质量等级5、按照SAE等级分类,可分为( D )A单级油与二级油B单级油与三级油C多级油与二级油D单级油与多级油6、按照API等级,下列哪个等级最高(B )A、SLB、SMC、SFD、SE7、在粘度等级当中“W”是代表什么意思(A )A冬天B夏天C春天D秋天8、在严寒的北方,对于一辆新的凯美瑞汽车使用以下哪种油最合适(A )A,SM 5W40 B,SL 20W50 C,CI-4 20W50 D,SG/CF 15W409、如长期在市区驾驶,汽车停车启步频繁,会加剧发动机磨损、加快机油污染,因此须(B )。
A延长换油期B缩短换油周期C按正常公里数换油D加入新机油10、造成汽车刚大修后出现拉缸、烧瓦的现象,以下最主要原因有(A )A选用的润滑油粘度过高B选用的润滑油的质量过高C选油的价格过高D选用了多级油11、刚买的北京现代汽车,使用以下哪种产品最合适(C )A,CI-4 15W40 B,SG 20W50 C,SM 5W40 D,SL 15W4012、以下哪种类型的润滑油使用的温度最广(C )A,CD 15W40 B,SG 10W40 C,SM 0W40 D,SL 10W40二、多项选择题,每题3分,共12题,共36分。
2022年自考专业(电子商务)电子商务英语考试真题及答案一、单项选择题 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)依据句子的意思选择一个正确的答案,请将其代码填涂在“答题纸”相应的位置上。
1、He won a decisive victory, 16% ahead of his nearest_______.A.rivalB.candidateC.decadeD.ally2、A______farmer today is at least three times more productive than in 1950.efulB.classicC.classicalD.typical3、There was a______of suppressed anger on his face.A.lookB.seeC.watchD.view4、What’s the matter? It says the network is______.A.doneB.unreachableC.unstructuredD.immobile5、It provides a more efficient way for the client to______data and information from the system.A.retrieveB.returnC.buildD.remember6、______some students are able to find employment after graduation, others will have to return to school and earn an advanced degree.A.SinceB.WhileC.BecauseD.If7、The scientists wanted to keep people_______about the breakthrough in their experiment.rmrmedrmingD.to inform8、When I first arrived in Japan, I was surprised______the way people greeted each other.A.ofB.toC.withD.at9、Not until that day______the importance of good manners ina job interview.A.did I realizeB.I did realizeC.I have realizedD.have I realized10、The market economy is quickly changing people’s idea on______is accepted.A.thatB.whichC.whatD.how二、阅读理解 (本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)阅读下面的短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,请将其代码填涂在“答题纸”相应的位置上。
10、API 5CT标准名称是。
11、API 5DP标准执行规范等级交货。
12、API 5DP标准中规定应保存的记录,至少应保存年。
13、第9版API 5CT生效日期是。
1、API 5CT中标准螺纹是指()
A. 炉批
B. 批
A. 代号2
B. 代号1
4、API 5DP标准中的产品是指:()
A. 钻杆
B. 钻杆、钻杆管体和钻杆接头
5、API 5DP标准从什么时间开始实施:()
A. 2009年8月
B. 2010年8月1日
harmonyos应用开发者基础认证 上机考试题
API SPEC Q1 9th内审员培训考试题姓名:分数:一、单项选择题(75分,每题3分)1.关于API SPEC Q1 9th下列说法正确的是:()A.和ISO9001:2008标准可等同使用B.是石油天然气行业服务企业管理体系规范C.是API 产品会标认证审核的依据D.石油天然气行业制造企业必须强制认证2.API SPEC Q1 9th作为最新版本,下列哪些项不是新增条款()A.采购B.风险评估和管理C.应急策划D.管理变更3.下列哪个条款是API SPEC Q1 9th规定可删减的条款()A. 4.4.3 文件控制B. 5.8 试验、测量和监视设备的控制C. 5.1 合同评审D. 5.7.2质量计划4.下列哪个条款不在我公司质检站的职责范围内()A. 5.7.7 检验和试验B. 5.8试验、测量和监视设备的控制C. 5.9 产品释放D. 5.6.1 采购控制5.工作环境包括()A.建筑物、工作场所和相关公共设施B.工艺设备及其维护(硬件和软件)C.支持性维护(如交通、通讯、信息系统)D.以上答案都是6.关于人力资源控制要求下列叙述错误的是()A.人力资源就是指的对公司相关人员的培训要求;B.API Spec Q1 9th中人力资源控制的目的是使质量管理体系范围内相关职责的人员达到必要的能力。
D.API Spec Q1 9th中明确要求提供质量管理体系培训和岗位培训7.我公司的外包过程有()A.螺纹镀铜和磷化B.计量器具维修C.工装外协加工D.以上答案都是8.关于质量方针描述正确的是:()A.应将其形成文件,并在组织内所有相关职能和级别达到沟通、理解、实施和保持。
阿里云api考试题库及答案阿里云API考试题库及答案1. 阿里云的弹性计算服务(ECS)支持哪些类型的虚拟机实例?A. 通用型B. 内存型C. 计算型D. 所有以上选项答案:D2. 阿里云的负载均衡服务(SLB)支持哪些协议?A. TCPB. UDPC. HTTPD. HTTPS答案:D3. 在阿里云的云数据库服务(RDS)中,以下哪项不是数据库引擎支持的类型?A. MySQLB. SQL ServerC. PostgreSQLD. Oracle答案:B4. 阿里云的云存储服务(OSS)支持的最大单文件上传大小是多少?A. 5GBB. 50GBC. 100GBD. 无限制答案:D5. 阿里云的云监控服务(CloudMonitor)允许用户自定义哪些指标?A. CPU使用率B. 内存使用率C. 磁盘I/OD. 所有以上选项答案:D6. 阿里云的容器服务(ACK)支持哪些容器编排工具?A. KubernetesB. Docker SwarmC. MesosD. 所有以上选项答案:A7. 阿里云的云安全服务(CloudSecurity)提供哪些安全功能?A. DDoS防护B. Web应用防火墙C. 入侵检测系统D. 所有以上选项答案:D8. 阿里云的API网关服务支持哪些类型的API?A. RESTful APIB. WebSocket APIC. 函数计算APID. 所有以上选项答案:D9. 阿里云的云数据库服务(RDS)支持哪些备份类型?A. 实时备份B. 定时备份C. 手动备份D. 所有以上选项答案:D10. 阿里云的云服务器负载均衡(SLB)支持哪些健康检查类型?A. TCP检查B. HTTP检查C. HTTPS检查D. 所有以上选项答案:D。
1. 没有加入填充金属的自动化焊接可利用那种方法来进行:a. GTAWb. OFWc. 闪光对接焊d. SMAWe. 以上都不是2. 用作保护电弧的气体可包括:a. 惰性气体、活性气体、或惰性及活性气体的混合气b. 惰性气体c. 活性气体d. 任何焊接气体e. 以上都不是3. 对焊工资格而言,应预备各试样作拉伸强度、刻槽锤断、及弯曲试验。
当拉伸强度试验被省略了时:a. 焊工不能达到资格b. 该焊缝必须重新焊c. API1104没有涵盖这情况d. 用拉伸强度试样进行刻槽锤断试验e. 必须进行额外的面弯弯曲测试4. 对于相同公称厚度的管端,中心线校正方面的要求是:a. 不超过1/4吋b. 不超过1/8吋c. 不超过1/32吋d. 不超过1/16吋e. 以上都不是15. 程序评定中要被接受,每个刻槽断裂试样的外露面应:a. 没有超过1/4吋的夹渣b. 夹渣之间最少有3/4吋的无缺陷的焊接金属c. 完全焊透和熔合d. 以上都不是6. 对焊焊接时应按程序规格使用对管器,在完成根部焊道前,何时可以除去外对管器,a. 焊道的已完成部份形成大约相同的焊段及大约平均分布于接头的圆周上b. 焊道的已完成部份应在除去对管器后被除掉及重焊c. 焊道的已完成部份应在除去对管器前进行喷砂d. 焊道的已完成部份应为最少4吋长,不论管的大小e. 以上都不是7. 在测试焊工资格时,要为直径相等或少于33.4mm的喉管进行破坏性的测试,这样:a. 必须采用射线测试b. 整条喉管必须用作弯曲测试c. 一个全断面拉伸强度试样可以取代背弯及刻槽锤断试样d. 对这直径尺寸的喉管不可以作破坏性的测试e. 以上都不是8. 在地面以上焊接喉管时,在焊缝位置围绕喉管的工作空间最少应为:a. 12吋b. 16吋c. 20吋d. 24吋e. 30吋9. 下列哪種變化時需要重新做焊接工藝評定:a. 管壁厚度分組的變化;b. 從旋轉焊變為固定焊;c. 填充金屬從一種類別變為另一種類別;d. 以上任何變化;e. 僅B和C10. 当采用机动自动化式或半自动化焊接时,以下哪一项应在焊前利用打磨工序作去除:2a. 表面气孔集群b. 焊道起点c. 高点d. 以上都是e. 以上都不是11. 生产喉管焊缝外面接近最后焊道的咬边应:a. 不被允许b. 不可超过0.031吋或喉管壁厚的12.5%,以较薄者为准c. 不可超过0.016吋或喉管壁厚的6%,以较薄者为准d. 不可少于0.016吋或喉管壁厚的6%,以较薄者为准e. 以上都不是12. 焊接检验人员应由甚么机构或条件作资格认定: a. 美国焊接学会b. 美国无损检测学会c. 美国石油学会d. 美国机械工程师学会e. 公司接受的就其负责之指定检验工作相关的经验和培训13. 焊接可以采用以下哪些方法来进行:a. SAWb. SMAWc. GTAWd. GMAWe. 以上都是14. 从RT检出没有高-低的未焊透缺陷 ,IP,,加上以下哪种情况会被视作不可接受:a. 在任何12吋长的连续焊缝中,IP显示的总长度超过3吋b. 在任何12吋长的连续焊缝中,IP显示的总长度超过2吋c. 在任何12吋长的连续焊缝中,IP 显示的总长度超过1吋d. 在任何12吋长的连续焊缝中,IP显示的总长度超过1/2吋 e. 在任何12吋长的连续焊缝中,IP显示的总长度超过1/4吋15. 因冷隔导致之未熔合,IFD,的定义为:3a. 焊接金属在接头根部没有熔化b. 在焊接金属与母材之间幷露出表面的表面缺陷c. 在相邻焊道间或焊接金属与母材之间不露出表面的缺陷d. 沿焊趾的不密实e. b及c均正确16. 在甚么情况下,用手动氧切割为喉管端作现场开焊接坡口是被接受的, a. 当获得公司授权时b. 当坡口端是合理地平滑和齐整时c. 当坡口端的尺寸符合WPS要求时d. 以上都是e. 以上都不是17. 从RT检出的任何长度的内部凹陷,IC,,可以被接受,只要: a. 该IC的射线影像的黑度不超过最薄相邻母材的黑度 b. 该IC的射线影像的黑度一定要超过最薄相邻母材的黑度 c. IC是永不可以接受的d. 超声检验没有显示该ICe. 以上都不是18. 平行伸长夹渣,ESI,的显示,相距约为根部焊道的阔度,应被视为单独的显示,除非其中任何一个显示的阔度超过1/16吋。
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API Spec Q1, Spec 7-1,培训试题
1、API Spec7代表套管油管规范()
2、API Spec 7-1有效版本为第一版()
3、API Spec 7-1要求的文件和记录保存期限为七年()
1、API Spec 7-1制造厂应保存的文件()
量和实验设备校正记录e、a + b + c + d
d、a + b + c
d、a + b + c
d、a + b + c
d、a + b + c
d、a + b + c
d、a + b + c 。
d、a + b + c
d、a + b + c
d、a + b + c
d、a + b + c
三、简答题( 40分)