Semantic wikis for personal knowledge management
ABSTRACT Semantic Wikipedia
Semantic Wikipedia∗Heiko Haller,Markus Krötzsch,Max Völkel,Denny Vrandecic, Institute AIFB/FZI,Universität Karlsruhe(TH)76128Karlsruhe,Germany{hhaller,kroetzsch,voelkel,vrandecic}@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.deABSTRACTWikipedia is the world’s largest collaboratively edited source of encyclopaedic knowledge.But its contents are barely machine-interpretable.Structural knowledge,e.g.about how concepts are interrelated,can neither be formally stated nor automatically processed. Also the wealth of numerical data is only available as plain text and thus can not be processed by its actual meaning.We provide an extension to be integrated in Wikipedia,that al-lows even casual users the typing of links between articles and the specification of typed data inside the articles.Wiki users profit from more specific ways of searching and browsing.Each page hasan RDF export,that gives direct access to the formalised knowl-edge.This allows applications to use Wikipedia as a background knowledge base.Categories and Subject DescriptorsH.3.5[Information Storage and Retrieval]:Online Information Systems;H.5.3[Information Interfaces]:Group and Organiza-tion Interfaces—Web-based interactions;I.2.4[Artifical Intelli-gence]:Knowledge Representation;K.4.3[Computers and Soci-ety]:Organizational Impacts—Computer-supported collaborative workGeneral TermsHuman Factors,Documentation,Languages1.INTRODUCTIONThis paper describes an extension to be integrated in Wikipedia, that enhances it with Semantic Web[1]technologies.Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia,is well-established as the world’s largest on-line collection of encyclopaedic knowledge,also being an exampleof global,self-organising collaboration.∗This research was partially supported by the European Com-mission under contract IST-2003-506826“SEKT,”FP6-027705“NEPOMUK,”and FP6-507482“Knowledge Web Network of Ex-cellence,”and by the German BMBF project“SmartWeb.”Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).WikiSym’06,August21-23,2006,Odense,Denmark.ACM1-59593-413-8/06/0008.London is the capital city of England andof the United Kingdom.As of 2005, the total resident population ofLondon was estimated 7,421,328. GreaterLondon covers an area of 609 square miles.It is widely considered to be one of theworld's four primary global cities (along withNew York City, Tokyo and Paris).United Kingdom of Great Britainand Northern Ireland (usually shortened tothe United Kingdom, or the UK) is one oftwo sovereign states occupying the BritishIsles in northwestern Europe, the otherbeing the Republic of Ireland. The UK, withmost of its territory and population on theisland of Great Britain, shares a landborder with the Republic of Ireland on theisland of Ireland and is otherwiseEngland is the most populoushome nation of the United Kingdom(UK). It accounts for more than 83%of the total UK population, occupiesmost of the southern two-thirds of theisland of Great Britain and sharesland borders with Scotland, to thenorth, and Wales, to the west.2005 (MMV) was acommon year1 Events1.1 January1.2 February1.3 March1.4 April1.5 May1.6 June1.7 JulyNew York City officiallythe City of N ew York, is the mostpopulous city in the United Statesand the most densely populatedmajor city in North America.rParis is the capitaland largest city of France.Straddling the river Seine inthe country's north, it is amajor global cultural andpolitical centre in addition tobeing the world's mostvisited city.Tokyo (東京都)literally "eastern capital", is one of the47 prefectures of Japan and includesthe highly urbanized downtown areaformerly known as the city of TokyoUnitedKingdomLondonEnglandi sc ap i ta lo fi s ca p it a lo f1577303 km²p op ul a ti o nar ea7421328part ofFigure1:Currently there are pages and links(above),we fea-ture concepts and data connected by relations(below).Using Wikipedia currently means reading articles—There is no way to automatically gather information scattered across multiple articles,like“Give me a table of all movies from the1960s with Italian directors”.Although the data is quite structured(each movie on its own article,links to actors and directors),its meaning is un-clear to the computer,because it is not represented in a machine-processable,i.e.formalised way.To let the huge and highly motivated community of Wikipedians render the shared factual knowledge of Wikipedia machine-pro-cessable,we face several challenges:In addition to technical as-pects of this endeavour,the main challenge is to introduce semantic technologies into the established usage patterns of Wikipedia.We propose small extensions to the wiki link syntax and an enhanced article view to show the interpreted semantic data to the user.Pow-erful inline queries turn parts of a page into a dynamically updated list or table.These queries have the potential to replace the many hand-crafted lists(e.g.cities in Europe).We expose Wikipedia’sfine-grained human edited informationin a machine-readable way by using the W3C standards on RDF, XSD,RDFS,and OWL.This opens new ways to improve Wiki-pedia’s capabilities for querying,aggregating,or exporting knowl-edge,based on well-established Semantic Web technologies.We hope that Semantic Wikipedia can help to demonstrate the promised value of semantic technologies to the general public.The primary goal of this project is to supply an implemented ex-tension to be actually introduced into Wikipedia in the near future. The implementation is rapidly developing,and the software can be tested online at .2.IDEAOur primary goal is to provide an extension to MediaWiki which allows to make important parts of Wikipedia’s knowledge machine-processable with as little effort as possible[3].Since our system is conceived as an extension of MediaWiki it adheres to these core wiki principles—often referred to as the“wiki way”[2]—with all the advantages and disadvantages that this brings.We designed the following key elements for our annotations:•categories,which classify articles according to their content,•typed links,which classify links between articles accordingto their meaning,and•attributes,which specify simple properties related to the con-tent of an article.Categories already exist in Wikipedia,though they are mainly used to assist browsing.Typed links and attributes are novel features that are explained below and detailed in subsequent sections.We restricted the annotations to have as their subject always the topic of the current page.Thus it is not possible to make statements about a topic elsewhere then on the topic’s page.This helps locate erroneous statements.2.1Relating Concepts with Typed Links Typed links are obtained from normal links by slightly extending the way of creating a hyperlink between articles,as illustrated in Figure1.As for the Web in general,links are arguably the most ba-sic and also most relevant markup within a wiki,and their syntactic representation is ubiquitous in the source of any Wikipedia arti-cle.The introduction of typed links thus is a natural consequence of our goal of exploiting existing structural information.Through a minor,optional syntax extension,we allow wiki users to create (freely)typed links,which express a relation between two pages (or rather between their respective subjects).In order to explicitly state that London is the capital of Eng-land,in the“London”article one just extends the existing link to [[England]]by writing[[is capital of::England]].This states that a relation called“is capital of”holds between“London”and“England.”Typed links stay true to the wiki-nature of Wiki-pedia:Every user can add an arbitrary type to a link or change it. Of course existing link types should be used wherever applicable, but a new type can also be created simply by using it in a link.To make improved searching and similar features most efficient,the community will have to settle down to re-use existing link types. As in the case of categories,we allow the creation of descriptive articles on link types to aid this process.Note how typed links integrate seamlessly into current wiki us-age.Semantic MediaWiki places semantic markup directly within the text to ensure that machine-readable data agrees with the human-readable data of the article.The notation we have chosen makes the extended link syntax largely self-explicatory.In the Semantic Wikipedia,even very simple search algorithms would suffice to provide a precise answer to the question“What is the capital of England?”In contrast,the current text-driven search returns only a list of articles for the user to read through.Details on how the additional type information can be added in an unobtrusive and user-friendly way are given in the next section.2.2Data Values as Concept Attributes Attributes provide another interesting source of machine read-able data,which incorporates the great number of data values in the encyclopedia.Typically,such values are provided in the form of numbers,dates,coordinates,and the like.For example,one would like to obtain access to the population number of London.It should be clear that it is not desirable to solve this problem by creating a typed link to an article entitled“7421328”because this would cre-ate a unbearable amount of mostly useless number-pages whereas the textual title does not even capture the intended numeric mean-ing faithfully(e.g.the natural lexicographic order of titles does not correspond with the natural order of numbers).Therefore,we introduce an alternative markup for describing attribute values in various datatypes.In order for such extensions to be used by editors,there must be new features that provide some form of instant gratification.Se-mantically enhanced search functions improve the possibilities of finding information within Wikipedia.Additionally,Wikipedia’s machine-readable knowledge is made available for external use by providing an RDF export of each page.This enables the creation of additional tools to leverage Wikipedia contents and re-use it in other contexts.Thus,in addition to the traditional usage of Wiki-pedia,a new range of services is enabled inside and outside the encyclopaedia.Experience with earlier extensions,such as Wiki-pedia’s category system,assures us that the benefits of said services will lead to a rapid introduction of typed links into Wikipedia. 2.3Inline QueriesSemantic MediaWiki offers inline queries.In edit mode,the user can specify the query using a wiki-like syntax.In normal view-mode,the results of the query are displayed.The expressivity is less than SPARQL and the current implementation uses MySQL 4.1queries,as we could notfind a scalable,100%open-soure(i.e. not Java)triple store with SPARQL and inferencing support.As an example,we show a query asking for all actors born in Boston: <ask>[[Category:Actor]][[born in::Boston]]</ask>.3.CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOKWe have demonstrated that the system provides many immedi-ate benefits to Wikipedia’s users,such that an extensive knowledge base might be built up very quickly.The emerging pool of ma-chine accessible data presents great opportunities for developers of semantic technologies who seek to evaluate and employ their tools in a practical setting.In this way,Semantic Wikipedia can become a platform for technology transfer that is beneficial both to researchers and a large number of users worldwide,and that really makes semantic technologies part of the daily usage of the World Wide Web.4.REFERENCES[1]T.Berners-Lee,J.Hendler,and ssila.The SemanticWeb.Scientific American,(5),2001.[2]W.Cunningham and B.Leuf.The Wiki Way.QuickCollaboration on the Web.Addison-Wesley,2001.[3]M.Völkel et al.Semantic wikipedia.In Proc.of the WWW2006,Edinburgh,Scotland,May23-26,2006,MAY2006.。
• (iii) Affective meaning (情感意义) • This is what is communicated of the feelings and attitudes of the speaker towards the listener or what he is talking about. • 褒贬
• 他的父亲是希伯来语言学者,所以他从小 就受到了语言学的熏陶,特别是对犹太教 传统有浓厚兴趣。1945 年进入宾夕法尼亚 大学读语言学、数学和哲学,1947 年,在 宾夕法尼亚大学语言学教授 Z.哈里斯[Zellin Harris]的影响下他开始研究语言学。
• 1949 年获宾夕法尼亚大学文学学士学位, 1951 年在宾夕法尼亚大学完成硕士论文《 现代希伯莱语语素音位学》,1955 年又在 该校完成博士论文《转换分析》,获得博 士学位。
Associative meaning (联想意义)
• (i) Connotative(有隐含意义的) meaning (价值 意义) • This is the communicative value attributed to an expression over and above its purely conceptual meaning. • (ii) Social meaning (社会意义) • This refers to what is communicated of the social circumstances of language use, including variations like dialect, time, topic, and style.
• (v) Collective meaning (搭配意义) • This refers to what is communicated through association with words which tend to occur in the environment of another word. • 美女 帅哥(v) • 美哥 帅女(x)
semantics知识点总结Semantics is the study of meaning in language. It is concerned with how words and sentences are interpreted, how meaning is assigned to linguistic expressions, and how meaning is inferred from language. In this summary, we will explore some key concepts and topics in semantics, including the following:1. Meaning and reference2. Sense and reference3. Truth-conditional semantics4. Lexical semantics5. Compositional semantics6. Pragmatics and semantics7. Ambiguity and vagueness8. Semantic changeMeaning and referenceMeaning is a fundamental concept in semantics. It refers to the content or interpretation that is associated with a linguistic expression. The study of meaning in linguistics is concerned with understanding how meaning is established and conveyed in language. Reference, on the other hand, is the relationship between a linguistic expression and the real world entities to which it refers. For example, the word "dog" refers to the concept of a four-legged animal that is commonly kept as a pet. The study of reference in semantics is concerned with understanding how words and sentences refer to objects and entities in the world.Sense and referenceThe distinction between sense and reference is an important concept in semantics. Sense refers to the meaning or concept associated with a linguistic expression, while reference refers to the real world entities to which a linguistic expression refers. For example, the words "morning star" and "evening star" have the same reference - the planet Venus - but different senses, as they are used to describe the planet at different times of the day. Frege, a prominent philosopher of language, introduced this important distinction in his work on semantics.Truth-conditional semanticsTruth-conditional semantics is an approach to semantics that seeks to understand meaning in terms of truth conditions. According to this view, the meaning of a sentence isdetermined by the conditions under which it would be true or false. For example, the meaning of the sentence "The cat is on the mat" is determined by the conditions under which this statement would be true - i.e. if there is a cat on the mat. Truth-conditional semantics has been influential in the development of formal semantics, and it provides a formal framework for analyzing meaning in natural language.Lexical semanticsLexical semantics is the study of meaning at the level of words and lexical items. It is concerned with understanding the meanings of individual words, as well as the relationships between words in a language. Lexical semantics examines how words are related to each other in terms of synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, and other semantic relationships. It also explores the different senses and meanings that a word can have, and how these meanings are related to each other. Lexical semantics plays a crucial role in understanding the meaning of sentences and discourse.Compositional semanticsCompositional semantics is the study of how the meanings of words and sentences are combined to create complex meanings. It seeks to understand how the meanings of individual words are combined in sentences to produce the overall meaning of a sentence or utterance. Compositional semantics is concerned with understanding the rules and principles that govern the composition of meaning in natural language. It also explores the relationship between syntax and semantics, and how the structure of sentences contributes to the interpretation of meaning.Pragmatics and semanticsPragmatics is the study of how language is used in context, and how meaning is influenced by the context of language use. Pragmatics is closely related to semantics, but it focuses on the use of language in communication, and how meaning is affected by factors such as the speaker's intentions, the hearer's inferences, and the context in which the language is used. While semantics is concerned with the literal meaning of linguistic expressions, pragmatics is concerned with the implied meaning that arises from the use of language in context.Ambiguity and vaguenessAmbiguity and vagueness are common phenomena in natural language, and they pose challenges for semantic analysis. Ambiguity refers to situations where a linguistic expression has multiple possible meanings, and it is unclear which meaning is intended. For example, the word "bank" can refer to a financial institution or the edge of a river. Vagueness, on the other hand, refers to situations where the boundaries of a linguistic expression are unclear or indistinct. For example, the word "tall" is vague because it is not always clear what height qualifies as "tall". Semantics seeks to understand how ambiguity and vagueness arise in language, and how they can be resolved or managed in communication.Semantic changeSemantic change refers to the process by which the meanings of words and linguistic expressions evolve over time. Over the course of history, languages undergo semantic change, as words acquire new meanings, lose old meanings, or change in their semantic associations. Semantic change can occur through processes such as metaphor, metonymy, broadening, narrowing, and generalization. Understanding semantic change is important for the study of historical linguistics and the diachronic analysis of language.ConclusionSemantics is a rich and complex area of study that plays a fundamental role in understanding the meaning of language. It encompasses a wide range of topics and concepts, and it has important implications for fields such as philosophy of language, cognitive science, and natural language processing. By exploring the key concepts and topics in semantics, we can gain valuable insights into how meaning is established and conveyed in language, and how we can analyze and understand the rich complexity of linguistic expressions.。
semantic translation英文介绍
semantic translation英文介绍Semantic translation is a form of translation in which the target text tries to convey the meaning of the source text in the target language as accurately as possible. This type of translation focuses on the meaning rather than the form of the text. In semantic translation, the translator attempts to understand the meaning of the source text and convey it in the target language in the most natural and accurate way possible.In semantic translation, the translator usually translates word for word in the source text, but sometimes it is necessary to modify the text to better suit the target language and culture. For example, the word "telephone" is translated as "电话" in Chinese, and the word "milk shake" is translated as "奶昔" in Chinese. These translations convey the meaning of the words in the source language while maintaining the essence and style of the text in the target language.Semantic translation is very important in cross-cultural communication and globalized economy, as it helps people understand and exchange ideas in different languages. It is also an important part of translation studies and plays an important role in promoting cultural exchange and integration.。
Semantic Web Query Languages
More expression testing (date-time support, for example)
Using DESCRIBE clauses to return descriptions of the resources matching the query part. Enables sorting. Specify OPTIONAL triple or graph query patterns Testing the absence, or non-existence, of tuples.
Query File
Query File
Executing SPARQL Queries Using Jena and Java
Set class path, this may differ according to Jena version. Write your java program and execute it. Using Jena and Java gives you the ability to process query output in the way you like. Example program
SeRQL )Sesame RDF Query Language(
Based on several existing languages, most notably RQL, RDQL and N3. SeRQL is easier to parse than RQL. Missing functions: eg. aggregation (minimum, maximum, average, count) SeRQL is not safe as it provides various recursive built-infunctions.
Background of the article
The article was written by a psychologist who has extensive experience in helping individuals overcome challenges in their lives.
04 comprehension and question answering
Reading comprehension questions
Main Idea Questions
These questions ask about the overall theme or central idea of the passage.
05 Writing skills and exercises
Writing Skills Sharing
Paragraph Development
介绍段落发展的基本技巧, 如主题句、支持句和结论句 的使用,以及如何通过逻辑 和连贯性来构建段落。
Vocabulary and Grammar
分享一些常用的高级词汇和 复杂的语法结构,以及如何 在写作中正确使用它们,以 提高文本的准确性和流畅性 。
02 03
Multiple choice
Exercises with multiple choice questions testing students' understanding of different grammar points are provided.
Sentence correction
Failure to use the correct form of the verb
Presented by Sha Pengfei (沙鹏飞 03研 沙鹏飞) 研 沙鹏飞
Indeed, it is well said, in every object there is inexhaustible meaning.
Thomas Carlyle
– Then, now, yesterday, tomorrow, …
Textual deixis
– This, that, the above, the following, …
I.4.The distinction between Syntax and Semantics:
To build a meaning interpretation for a sentence we need to carry out semantic analysis:
For e.g. the sentence Jane reprimanded her forgetful computer describes a state of affairs in the world. Jane – proper noun, refers to an entity in the world whose name is Jane her forgetful computer – a definite noun phrase, refers to an entity in the world that has certain properties:
Each one of these definitions reflects a different sense of the word. Dictionaries often give synonyms for particular word senses. For the word go, the synonyms are move, depart, pass, vanish, reach, and extend.
Ylvi- Multimedia-izing the Semantic Wiki
Ylvi - Multimedia-izing the Semantic WikiNiko Popitsch1 , Bernhard Schandl2 , Arash Amiri1 , Stefan Leitich2 , and Wolfgang Jochum2Research Studio Digital Memory Engineering, Vienna, Austria {niko.popitsch,arash.amiri} University of Vienna, Department of Distributed and Multimedia Systems {bernhard.schandl,stefan.leitich,wolfgang.jochum} Semantic and semi-structured wiki implementations, which extend traditional, purely string-based wikis by adding machine-processable metadata, suffer from a lack of support for media management. Currently, it is difficult to maintain semantically rich metadata for both wiki pages and associated media assets; media management functionalities are cumbersome or missing. With Ylvi, a semantic wiki based on the METIS multimedia framework, we combine the advantages of structured, type-/attribute-based media management and the open, relatively unstructured wiki approach. By representing wiki pages as METIS objects, we can apply sophisticated media management features to the wiki domain and provide an extensible, multimedia-enabled semantic wiki.1IntroductionWikis facilitate simple, efficient, collaborative document creation and evolution. Based on our experience, we believe that wikis are a promising approach and will spread out to new application fields, such as corporate intranets, collaborative knowledge management systems, and e-learning scenarios. However, while traditional wikis (for example MediaWiki3 or MoinMoinWiki4 ) are unable to semantically structure information, current developments in the field of semanticallyenabled wikis [5, 1, 3] suffer from unsatisfactory support for the management of multimedia data, like videos, audio, or complex media presentations. In this paper, we present Ylvi, a wiki implementation based on the METIS media management framework[2]. Ylvi combines the collaborative properties of traditional wiki systems with strong semantic features that characterize a structured media management framework to implement typed articles, semantic annotations, typed links, and advanced query processing.2Semantic Features in YlviYlvi makes extensive use of the METIS framework as its underlying media object management layer. METIS is a middleware component for the rapid development3 4This work was supported by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour. MediaWiki: MoinMoinWiki: multimedia applications with a focus on metadata processing. Its data model is comparable to RDF/RDF Schema and can be extended by complex data types (dynamically loaded Java classes) that are essential for the development of advanced multimedia applications. Media objects can be typed, thereby inheriting strongly typed attributes that can be used to describe the media. Semantic models (ontologies) can be defined using an available Prot´g´[4] interface. METIS e e provides a plug-in framework for extending its core functionalities and semantics, including plug-in media-locators, data types, functions and predicates as well as sub-data models (so-called semantic packs, e.g. for meta data standards like Dublin Core). A query engine can be used to search along multiple dimensions (metadata values, semantic types, media features), and the Apache Lucene5 full-text engine was incorporated for indexing text-based content. METIS implements its own multi-channel publishing strategy—basically a complex pipeline of XSLT transformations—for media aggregation. Ylvi treats both wiki articles and multimedia objects in a uniform way: Both are modeled as METIS media objects that can be typed and attributed and may participate in directed, typed links. An overview of the semantic features provided by Ylvi is depicted in Figure 1 and described in more detail below.type hierarchymultiple inheritanceMODELmulti-typing of articles and mediaA Atyped linksINSTANCEattributed media and articlesA Aarticle/media embeddingarticlelinkexternal resourcesmediaInternetFig. 1. Features of the Ylvi Semantic WikiType Hierarchy – Ylvi is able to use ontologies (e.g. formulated in OWL) for the typing of articles and links. These can be imported by using the abovementioned Prot´g´ interface. e e Multi-Typing – In Ylvi, each article/media object can be an instance of an arbitrary number of types that are defined in the ontology.5Apache Lucene: Attributed Media and Articles – Article types in Ylvi are associated with a set of strongly typed attributes that can be defined using an expressive model (e.g. cardinality restrictions, default values, derived attributes). Each article/media object that is an instance of a type may define values for the respective types’ attributes (e.g. picture dimensions, e-mail address, document author). Typed Links – Traditional wikis support simple, purely navigational, unidirectional linking of wiki pages, and minimal inclusion of media objects (mostly images) into wiki pages. Ylvi allows the definition of multi-typed links between articles and media objects; consequently, Ylvi also supports the embedding of media objects or other articles in Ylvi articles. In contrast to other semantic wikis, Ylvi does not only relate articles as a whole, but also retains the exact position of a link within the source code of an article. Multiple links between the same article pair are not collapsed, but are kept as multiple navigational and logical connections. This allows for example the enrichment of query results with excerpts from the articles in the result set, or ordering of result sets based on the links’ textual context. Typed Links to External Resources – As Ylvi does not distinguish between internal and external links, external resources (e.g. other wikis or web resources) can be integrated by using the same syntax, and these links can be typed and queried as well. Sophisticated Synonym Handling – Traditional wikis use the page name as a unique identifier within the scope of one wiki instance. In this case, the wiki must rely on the manual definition of disambiguation pages 6 , which are not machineprocessable. Many semantic wikis, like IkeWiki[5], approach this problem by using an URI as an article identifier. However, this imposes two drawbacks: (1 ) in most cases, URIs are not intended for human consumption and are hard to read and to remember, and (2 ) the wiki has no mechanism to automatically detect ambiguous pages. In Ylvi, we use both a non-unique page name and an internal, auto-generated, unchanging page number as identifier. Users may link to a page using the page name (then, Ylvi automatically creates a disambiguation page), or may eliminate the ambiguity and link to a page using its internal page number. Search – Ylvi implements a hybrid semantic search, enabling queries for articles and media objects along multiple semantic dimensions (full-text, types, attributes, links).3Enriching a Wiki User Interface with Semantic FeaturesMarkup – Wiki content is usually expressed in a simple markup language that is easily adopted by non-technical users. Unfortunately, so far no standardized wiki6see e.g. /wiki/Wikipedia:Disambiguationmarkup language exists7 . As it was our intention to develop an open and flexible system, Ylvi does not implement a particular markup language but rather provides the possibility to configure rendering pipelines consisting of plug-in components that convert markup elements into rendering directives for the chosen A output channel (e.g. HTML or L TEX). The single exception to this is the markup for link definition and semantic annotations. For the definition of (typed) links, Ylvi uses a MediaWiki-like syntax; for typing and attribute intstantiation, two new syntax elements are introduced (see Fig. 2).~name=Ylvi~ is a friend of [friend_of[Wickie]] and lives in her hometown [born_in, lives_in[http://www.flake.nk|Flake]] (depicted in {{Image:flake.gif}}). She is a typical <<Viking>>Ylvi is a friend of Wickie and lives in her hometown ). Flake (depicted in She is a typical Viking.Fig. 2. Ylvi syntax and rendering exampleSemantic annotations of Ylvi articles are expressed by using the shown markup elements (and some variations) – no special user interface is required for this. This has several advantages: – A single, coherent input paradigm is used for content and annotations. – Semantic annotations are part of an article’s content and therefore benefit from all functionality applicable to text-based content in a wiki (versioning, diff, merging, quick copy/paste, . . . ). – Semantic annotations remain in the article’s source code even if the corresponding model elements (e.g. types, attributes) are removed. This makes sense as these annotations may still represent useful metadata of the article and may be automatically reused if the corresponding elements are added to the system again. Rendering – To display an Ylvi article, its source code is passed through the rendering pipeline. The plug-ins interpret the markup (including the semantic annotations) of the article, transform it to a suitable output format (e.g. HTML) and enrich it with additional information that is relevant to the user.7although there are already ongoing initiatives, see /tiki-index.php?page=RFCWiki and /cgi-bin/ instance, one may introduce a plugin that converts a designated markup of GPS coordinates into a list of articles annotated with nearby coordinates. Ontology Manipulation – As described above, we define wiki markup only for semantic annotation, not for the definition and manipulation of semantic concepts (i.e. ontology editing). We do this because ontology development is a non-trivial problem and requires sophisticated user interfaces and tool support. Although Ylvi provides simple online ontology editing features (e.g. adding a new type to the ontology), we heavily rely on the available METIS extension for Prot´g´, which allows the user to transfer Prot´g´ models into METIS, and e e e e makes the structures defined therein available for Ylvi.4ConclusionIn this paper, we have presented Ylvi, a semantic wiki that has extended functionality for media management. We described how we have merged the traditional wiki approach of collaborative content creation, the extended functionalities of semantic wikis (typed links, typed articles, attributes), and the power of a sophisticated media management framework. We demonstrated how we allow the user to integrate semantic markup directly into a wiki page and how we can use these context-conserving annotations to improve search results. With Ylvi, we have realized a wiki implementation that combines elaborate semantic features with an open, extensible architecture. In the future, we intend to extend Ylvi’s functionality by introducing user management and more accurate markup-based annotation and querying features, and we will extend Ylvi’s semantic features by allowing links to be attributed, which supports the expression of more meaningful relations between articles. We consider Ylvi as a suitable framework for the creation of semantic, media-centric (intranet) applications and will continue to develop it into a solid knowledge management and exchange platform.References1. D. Aumueller. Towards a semantic wiki experience - desktop integration and interactivity in WikSAR. In Proceedings of the ISWC 2005 Workshop on The Semantic Desktop. Galway, Ireland, November 6 2005. 2. R. King, N. Popitsch, and G.-U. Westermann. METIS - A Flexible Database Foundation for the Unified Management of Multimedia Content. In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems (MIS 2004), 2004. 3. M. Kr¨tzsch, D. Vrandecic, and M. V¨lkel. Wikipedia and the semantic web - the o o missing links. In Proceedings of Wikimania 2005. Wikimedia Foundation, July 2005. 4. N.F. Noy, M. Sintek, S. Decker, et al. Creating Semantic Web Contents with Protege2000. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 16(2), 2001. 5. S. Schaffert, A. Gruber, and R. Westenthaler. A Semantic Wiki for Collaborative Knowledge Formation. Semantics 2005, Vienna, Austria, 2005.。
semantic知识点总结Definition and Importance of SemanticsSemantics is the study of meaning in language and the interpretation of words, phrases, and sentences. It examines how words and symbols convey meaning, how meanings are structured and organized, and how meanings are used in communication. Semantics is a fundamental aspect of language and communication, as it enables people to understand and convey meaning effectively.The importance of semantics lies in its role in language comprehension, communication, and reasoning. It allows individuals to understand the meaning of the words and sentences they encounter, to interpret and infer meaning from context, and to express themselves effectively. Semantics also plays a crucial role in the development of language, as it helps children and language learners to acquire and understand the meanings of words and symbols.Role of Semantics in Language UnderstandingSemantics plays a crucial role in language understanding, as it enables individuals to comprehend the meaning of words, phrases, and sentences. It involves several key processes, including lexical semantics (the meanings of individual words), compositional semantics (the derivation of meaning from word combinations), and pragmatic semantics (the use of language in context).Lexical semantics focuses on the meanings of individual words and how they are organized and structured in the mental lexicon. It examines the different types of word meanings, including denotation (the literal meaning of a word) and connotation (the associated or suggested meanings of a word). Lexical semantics also explores the relationships between words, such as synonyms (words with similar meanings) and antonyms (words with opposite meanings), and the polysemy (multiple meanings) and homonymy (same form, different meanings) of words.Compositional semantics is concerned with how the meaning of a phrase or sentence is derived from the meanings of its constituent words and the syntactic structure of the sentence. It involves processes such as semantic composition, which combines word meanings to form sentence meanings, and semantic ambiguity resolution, which resolves multiple possible interpretations of a sentence. Compositional semantics also considers the influence of context and pragmatic information on meaning derivation, such as the use of inference and presupposition in language understanding.Pragmatic semantics focuses on the use of language in context and the interpretation of meaning in communication. It considers how speakers and listeners use context, background knowledge, and communicative intentions to convey and infer meaning. Pragmatic semantics also examines various communicative phenomena, such as implicature (indirect or implied meaning), speech acts (the performative function of language), anddiscourse coherence (the organization and connection of utterances in a conversation or text).Aspects of Semantic Knowledge in Linguistics and Cognitive ScienceSemantic knowledge is a central topic in linguistics and cognitive science, as it provides insights into the nature, structure, and processing of meaning in language and cognition. It encompasses various aspects of language and cognition, including lexical semantics, conceptual semantics, and computational semantics.Lexical semantics is the branch of semantics that focuses on the meanings of individual words and how they are organized and structured in the mental lexicon. It examines the different types of word meanings, semantic relations between words, and the representation and processing of word meanings. Lexical semantics also considers the influence of semantic properties, such as imageability (the ease with which a word evokes mental images) and concreteness (the degree to which a word refers to tangible objects or experiences), on word processing and memory.Conceptual semantics is concerned with the representation and organization of concepts and meanings in the mind. It explores how people categorize and classify the world, how they form and distinguish concepts, and how they encode and retrieve meaning from memory. Conceptual semantics also investigates the relationships between language and thought, such as the influence of linguistic categories and structures on conceptual organization and the influence of conceptual knowledge on language comprehension and production.Computational semantics is the area of semantics that addresses the computational modeling and processing of meaning in language and cognition. It focuses on developing formal and computational models of meaning representation, meaning inference, and meaning generation. Computational semantics also considers the use of natural language processing (NLP) techniques, such as semantic parsing, semantic role labeling, and semantic similarity measurement, to extract and analyze semantic information from texts and to build intelligent systems that understand and generate natural language.In addition, there are other important aspects of semantic knowledge in linguistics and cognitive science, such as cross-linguistic semantics (the study of semantic universals and variation across languages), diachronic semantics (the study of semantic change over time), and psycholinguistic semantics (the study of the cognitive processes and mechanisms underlying language understanding and production). These aspects contribute to our understanding of how meaning is structured and processed in language and cognition and how semantic knowledge is represented and used in different linguistic and cognitive contexts.In conclusion, semantic knowledge is a crucial aspect of human cognition and communication. It plays a central role in language understanding, as it enables individuals to comprehend and convey meaning effectively. Semantic knowledge encompasses variousaspects of language and cognition, such as lexical semantics, conceptual semantics, and computational semantics, and provides insights into the nature, organization, and processing of meaning in language and cognition. By exploring and understanding semantic knowledge, we can gain a deeper understanding of how language and thought are intertwined and how we make sense of the world through meaning.。
Lecture 5 Semantics
Some approaches to meaning
Naming theory (Plato) The conceptualist view Contextualism Behaviorism (Bloomfield)
Naming theory (Plato)命名说
Words are names or labels for things. 该理论是把词看作所指事物的名称 Limitations: 1) Applicable to nouns only. 2) There are nouns which denote things that do not exist in the real world, e.g. ghost, dragon, unicorn, phenix… 3) There are nouns that do not refer to physical objects but abstract notions, e.g. joy, impulse, hatred…
Lecture 5: Semantics
Language without meaning is meaningless. Roman Jakobson
What is semantics? Approaches to meaning Sense and reference Word/lexical meaning
Philosophers are mainly interested in the relation between linguistic expressions, such as the words of a language, and persons, things, and events in the world to which these words refer. Within the domain of linguistics, semantics is mainly concerned with the analysis of meaning of words, phrases, or sentences and sometimes with the meaning of utterances in discourse or the meaning of a whole text.
3 Knowledge Representation and Ontologies Logic, Ontologies and Semantic Web Languages
3Knowledge Representation and OntologiesLogic,Ontologies and Semantic Web LanguagesStephan Grimm1,Pascal Hitzler2,Andreas Abecker11FZI Research Center for Information Technologies,University of Karlsruhe,Germany {grimm,abecker}@fzi.de2Institute AIFB,University of Karlsruhe,Germanyhitzler@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.deSummary.In Artificial Intelligence,knowledge representation studies the formalisation of knowl-edge and its processing within machines.Techniques of automated reasoning allow a computer sys-tem to draw conclusions from knowledge represented in a machine-interpretable form.Recently, ontologies have evolved in computer science as computational artefacts to provide computer systems with a conceptual yet computational model of a particular domain of interest.In this way,computer systems can base decisions on reasoning about domain knowledge,similar to humans.This chapter gives an overview on basic knowledge representation aspects and on ontologies as used within com-puter systems.After introducing ontologies in terms of their appearance,usage and classification,it addresses concrete ontology languages that are particularly important in the context of the Semantic Web.The most recent and predominant ontology languages and formalisms are presented in relation to each other and a selection of them is discussed in more detail.3.1Knowledge RepresentationAs a branch of symbolic Artificial Intelligence,knowledge representation and reasoning aims at designing computer systems that reason about a machine-interpretable representa-tion of the world,similar to human reasoning.Knowledge-based systems have a computa-tional model of some domain of interest in which symbols serve as surrogates for real world domain artefacts,such as physical objects,events,relationships,etc.[45].The domain of interest can cover any part of the real world or any hypothetical system about which one desires to represent knowledge for computational purposes.A knowledge-based system maintains a knowledge base which stores the symbols of the computational model in form of statements about the domain,and it performs reasoning by manipulating these symbols.Applications can base their decisions on domain-relevant questions posed to a knowledge base.3.1.1A Motivating ScenarioTo illustrate principles of knowledge representation in this chapter,we introduce an exam-ple scenario taken from a B2B travelling use case.In this scenario,companies frequently38Stephan Grimm,Pascal Hitzler,Andreas Abeckerbook business trips for their employees,sending them to international meetings and con-ference events.Such a scenario is a relevant use case for Semantic Web Services,since companies desire to automate the online booking process,while they still want to bene-fit from the high competition among various travel agencies and no-frills airlines that sell tickets via the internet.Automation is achieved by computational agents deciding about whether an online offer of some travel agencyfits a request for a business trip or not,based on the knowledge they have about the offer and the request.Knowledge represented in this domain of“business trips”is aboutflights,trains,booking,companies and their employees, cities that are source or destination for a trip,etc.Knowledge-based systems use a computational representation of such knowledge in form of statements about the domain of interest.Examples of such statements in the busi-ness trips domain are“companies book trips for their employees”,“flights and train rides are special kinds of trips”or“employees are persons employed at some company”.This knowledge can be used to answer questions about the domain of interest.From the given statements,and by means of automated deduction,a knowledge-based system can,for ex-ample,derive that“a person on aflight booked by a company is an employee”or“the company that booked aflight for a person is this person’s employer”.In this way,a knowledge-based computational agent can reason about business trips, similar to the way a human would.It could,for example,tell apart offers for business trips from offers for vacations,or decide whether the destination city for a requestedflight is close to the geographical region specified in an offer,or conclude that a participant of a businessflight is an employee of the company that booked theflight.3.1.2Forms of Representing KnowledgeIf we look at current Semantic Web technologies and use cases,knowledge representation appears in different forms,the most prevalent of which are based on semantic networks, rules and logic.Semantic network structures can be found in RDF graph representations [30]or Topic Maps[41],whereas a formalisation of business knowledge often comes in form of rules with some“if-then”reading, business rules or logic programming formalisms.Logic is used to realise a precise semantic interpretation for both of the other forms.By providing formal semantics for knowledge representation languages,logic-based formalisms lay the basis for automated deduction.We will investigate these three forms of knowledge representation in the following.Semantic NetworksOriginally,semantic networks stem from the“existential graphs”introduced by Charles Peirce in1896to express logical sentences as graphical node-and-link diagrams[43].Later on,similar notations have been introduced,such as conceptual graphs[45],all differing slightly in syntax and semantics.Despite these differences,all the semantic network for-malisms concentrate on expressing the taxonomic structure of categories of objects and the relations between them.We use a general notion of a semantic network,abstracting from the different concrete notations proposed.A semantic network is a graph whose nodes represent concepts and whose arcs rep-resent relations between these concepts.They provide a structural representation of state-ments about a domain of interest.In the business trips domain,typical concepts would be3Knowledge Representation and Ontologies39“Company”,“Employee”or“Flight”,while typical relations would be“books”,“isEm-ployedAt”or“participatesIn”.Figure3.1shows an example of a semantic network for the business trips domain.Fig.3.1.A Semantic Network for Business TripsSemantic networks provide a means to abstract from natural language,representing the knowledge that is captured in text in a form more suitable for computation.The knowledge expressed in the network from Figure3.1coincides with the content of the following natural language text.“Employees of companies are persons,while both persons and companies are le-gal panies book trips for their employees.These trips can beflights or train rides which start and end in cities of Europe or the panies them-selves have locations which can be cities.The company UbiqBiz books theflight FL4711from London to New York for Mister X.”Typically,concepts are chosen to represent the meaning of nouns in such a text,while relations are mapped to verb phrases.The fragment Company books−−−−−→Trip is read as “companies book trips”,expressed as a binary two However, this is not mandatory;the relation books−−−−−→could also be“lifted”to a concept Booking with relations hasActor−−−−−−−−→pointing to Company,−−−−−−−−→,hasParticipant−−−−−−−−−−−−→and hasObjectEmployee and Trip,respectively.In this way,its ternary character wouldthe original network where the information about an employee’s involvement in booking is implicit.In principle,the concepts and relations in a semantic network are generic and could stand for anything relevant in the domain of interest.However,some particular relations for some standard knowledge representation and reasoning cases have evolved.40Stephan Grimm,Pascal Hitzler,Andreas AbeckerThe semantic network in Figure3.1illustrates the distinction between general concepts, like Employee,and individual concepts,like MisterX.While the latter represent con-crete individuals or objects in the domain of interest,the former serve as classes to group together such individuals that have certain properties in common,as e.g.all employees.The particular relation which links individuals to their classes is that of instantiation,denoted by isA−−−−→.Thus,MisterX is called an instance of the concept employee.The lower part of the network is concerned with knowledge about individuals,reflecting a particular situation of the employee MisterX participating in a certainflight,while the upper part is concerned with knowledge about general concepts,reflecting various possible situations.The most prominent type of relation in semantic networks,however,is that of subsump-tion,which we denote by kindOf−−−−−−→.A subsumption link connects two general concepts and expresses specialisation or generalisation,respectively.In the network in Figure3.1,a flight is said to be a special kind of trip,i.e.Trip subsumes Flight.This means that any flight is also a trip,however,there might be other trips which are notflights,such as train rides.Subsumption is associated with the notion of inheritance in that a specialised concept inherits all the properties from its more general parent concepts.For example,from the net-work one can read that a company can be located in a European city,since locatedAt−−−−−−−−→points from Company to Location while EUCity is a kind of City which is itself a kind of Location.The concept EUCity inherits the property of being a potential location for a company from the concept Location.Other particular relations that can be found in semantic network notations are,for ex-ample,partOf−−−−−−→to denote part-whole relationships,etc.Semantic networks are closely related to another form of knowledge representation called frame systems.In fact,frame systems and semantic networks can be identical in their expressiveness but use different representation metaphors[43].While the semantic network metaphor is that of a graph with concept nodes linked by relation arcs,the frame metaphor draws concepts as boxes,i.e.frames,and relations as slots inside frames that can befilled by other frames.Thus,in the frame metaphor the graph turns into nested boxes.The semantic network form of knowledge representation is especially suitable for cap-turing the taxonomic structure of categories for domain objects and for expressing general statements about the domain of interest.Inheritance and other relations between such cate-gories can be represented in and derived from subsumption hierarchies.On the other hand, the representation of concrete individuals or even data values,like numbers or strings,does notfit well the idea of semantic networks.RulesAnother natural form of expressing knowledge in some domain of interest are rules that re-flect the notion of consequence.Rules come in the form of IF-THEN-constructs and allow to express various kinds of complex statements.Rules can be found in logic programming systems,like the language Prolog[31],in deductive databases[34]or in business rules systems.The following is an example of rules expressing knowledge in the business trips do-main,specified in their intuitive if-then-reading.3Knowledge Representation and Ontologies41(1)IF something is aflight THEN it is also a trip(2)IF some person participates in a trip booked by some companyTHEN this person is an employee of this company(3)FACT the person MisterX participates in aflight booked by the company UbiqBiz(4)IF a trip’s source and destination cities are close to each otherTHEN the trip is by trainThe IF-part is also called the body of a rule,while the THEN-part is also called its head.Typically,rule-based knowledge representation systems operate on facts,which are often formalised as a special kind of rule with an empty body.They start from a given set of facts,like rule(3)above,and then apply rules in order to derive new facts,thus“drawing conclusions”.However,the intuitive reading with natural language phrases is not suitable for compu-tation,and therefore such phrases are formalised to predicates and variables over objects of the domain of interest.A formalisation of the above rules in the typical style of rule languages looks as follows.(1)Trip(?t):−Flight(?t)(2)Employee(?p)∧isEmployedAt(?p,?c):−Trip(?t)∧books(?c,?t)∧Company(?c)∧participatesIn(?p,?t)∧Person(?p)(3)Person(MisterX)∧participatesIn(MisterX,FL4711)∧Flight(FL4711)∧books(UbiqBiz,FL4711)∧Company(UbiqBiz):−(4)TrainRide(?t):−Trip(?t)∧startsFrom(?t,?s)∧endsIn(?t,?d)∧close(?s,?d) In most logic programming systems a rule is read as an inverse implication,starting with the head followed by the body,which is indicated by the symbol:−that resembles a backward arrow.In this formalisation,the intuitive notions from the text,that were concepts and relations in the semantic network case,became predicates linked through variables and constants that identify objects in the domain of interest.Variables start with the symbol? and take as their values the constants that occur in facts such as(3).Rule(1)captures inheritance–or subsumption–between trips andflights by stating that“everything that is aflight is also a trip”.Rule(2)draws conclusions about the status of employment for participants of businessflights.From the facts(3),these two rules are able to derive the implicit fact that“MisterX is an employee of UbiqBiz”.While the rules(1)and(2)express general domain knowledge,rule(4)can be inter-preted as part of some company’s travelling policy,stating that trips between close cities shall be conducted by train.In business rules,for example,rule-based formalisms are used with the motivation to capture complex business knowledge in companies like pricing mod-els or delivery policies.Rule-based knowledge representation systems are especially suitable for reasoning about concrete instance data,i.e.simple facts of the form Employee(MisterX).Com-plex sets of rules can efficiently derive implicit such facts from explicitly given ones.They are problematic if more complex and general statements about the domain shall be derived which do notfit a rule’s head.42Stephan Grimm,Pascal Hitzler,Andreas AbeckerLogicBoth forms,semantic networks as well as rules,have been formalised using logic to give them a precise semantics.Without such a precise formalisation they are vague and ambigu-ous,and thus problematic for computational purposes.From just the graphical representa-tion of the semantic network in Figure3.1,for example,it is not clear whether companies can only bookflights for their own employees or for employees of partner companies as well.Neither is it clear from the fragment Company books−−−−−→Trip whether every com-pany books trips or just some company.Also for rules,despite their much more formal appearance,the exact meaning remains unclear when,for example,forms of negation are introduced that allow for potential conflicts between rules.Depending on the choice of procedural evaluation orflavour of formal semantics,different derivation results are being produced.The most prominent and fundamental logical formalism classically used for knowledge representation is the“first-order predicate calculus”,orfirst-order logic for short,and we choose this formalism to present logic as a form of knowledge representation here.First-order logic allows one to describe the domain of interest as consisting of objects,i.e.things that have individual identity,and to construct logical formulas around these objects formed by predicates,functions,variables and logical connectives[43].We assume that the reader is familiar with the notation offirst-order logic from formalisations of various mathematical disciplines.Similar to semantic networks,most statements in natural language can be expressed in terms of logical sentences about objects of the domain of interest with an appropriate choice of predicate and function symbols.Concepts are mapped to unary,relations to binary predicates.We illustrate the use of logic for knowledge representation by axiomatising parts of the semantic network from Figure3.1more precisely.Subsumption,for example,can be directly expressed by a logical implication,which is illustrated in the translation of the following fragment.Employee kindOf−−−−−−→Person∀x:(Employee(x)→Person(x))Due to the universal quantifier,the variable x in the logical formula ranges over all domain objects and its reading is“everything that is an employee is also a person”.Other parts of the network can be further restricted using logical formulas,as shown in the following example.Company books−−−−−→Trip∀x,y:(books(x,y)→Company(x)∧Trip(y))∀x:∃y:(Trip(x)→Company(y)∧books(y,x)) The graphical representation of the network fragment leaves some details open,while the logical formulas capture the booking relation between companies and trips more precisely. Thefirst formula states that domain and range of the booking relation are companies and trips,respectively,while the second formula makes sure that for every trip there does actu-ally exist a company that booked it.In particular,more complex restrictions that range over larger fragments of a network graph can be formulated in logic,where the intuitive graphical notation lacks expressiv-ity.As an example consider the relations between companies,trips and employees in the following fragment.3Knowledge Representation and Ontologies43 Company books←−−−−−−−−−−−Employee−−−−−→Trip participatesIn←−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−employedAt∀x:∃y:(Trip(x)→Employee(y)∧participatesIn(y,x)∧books(employer(y),x)) The logical formula expresses additional knowledge that is not captured in the graph rep-resentation.It states that,for every trip,there must be an employee that participates in this trip while the employer of this participant is the company that booked theflight.Rules can also be formalised with logic.An IF-THEN-rule can be represented as a logical implication with universally quantified variables.For example,a common formali-sation of the ruleIF a trip’s source and destination cities are close to each otherTHEN the trip is by trainis the translation to the logical formula∀x,y,z:(Trip(x)∧startsFrom(x,y)∧endsIn(x,z)∧close(y,z)→TrainRide(x)). However,the typical rule-based systems do not interpret such a formula in the classical sense offirst-order logic but employ different kinds of semantics,which are discussed in Section3.2.Since a precise axiomatisation of domain knowledge is a prerequisite for processing knowledge within computers in a meaningful way,we focus on logic as the dominant form of knowledge representation.Therefore,we investigate different kinds of logics and formal semantics more closely in a subsequent section.In the context of the Semantic Web,two particular logical formalisms have gained momentum,reflecting the semantic network and rules forms of knowledge representation. The graph notations of semantic networks have been formalised through description log-ics,which are fragments offirst-order logic with typical Tarskian model-theoretic seman-tics but restricted to unary and binary predicates to capture the notions of concepts an relations.On the other hand,rules have been formalised through logic programming for-malisms with minimal model semantics,focusing on the derivation of simple facts about individual objects.Both description logics and logic programming can be found as underly-ing formalisms in various knowledge representation languages in the Semantic Web,which are addressed in Section3. about KnowledgeThe way in which we,as humans,process knowledge is by reasoning,i.e.the process of reaching conclusions.Analogously,a computer processes the knowledge stored in a knowledge base by drawing conclusions from it,i.e by deriving new statements that follow from the given ones.The basic operations a knowledge-based system can perform on its knowledge base are typically denoted by tell and ask[43].The tell-operation adds a new statement to the knowledge base,whereas the ask-operation is used to query what is known.The statements that have been added to a knowledge base via the tell-operation constitute the explicit knowledge a system has about the domain of interest.The ability to process explicit knowledge computationally allows a knowledge-based system to reason over a domain of interest by deriving implicit knowledge that follows from what has been told explicitly.44Stephan Grimm,Pascal Hitzler,Andreas AbeckerThis leads to the notion of logical consequence or entailment.A knowledge base KB is said to entail a statementαifα“follows”from the knowledge stored in KB,which is written as KB|=α.A knowledge base entails all the statements that have been added via the tell-operation plus those that are their logical consequences.As an example,consider the following knowledge base with sentences infirst-order logic.KB={Person(MisterX),participates(MisterX,FL4711),Flight(FL4711),books(UbiqBiz,FL4711),∀x,y,z:(Flight(y)∧participates(x,y)∧books(z,y)→employedAt(x,z)),∀x,y:(employedAt(x,y)→Company(x)∧Employee(y)),∀x:(Person(x)→¬Company(x))}The knowledge base KB explicitly states that“MisterX is a person who participates in theflight FL4711booked by UbiqBiz”,that“participants offlights are employed at the company that booked theflight”,that“the employment relation holds between companies and employees”and that“persons are different from companies”.If we ask the question “Is MisterX employed at UbiqBiz?”by sayingask(KB,employedAt(MisterX,UbiqBiz))the answer will be yes.The knowledge base KB entails the fact that“MisterX is employed at UbiqBiz”,i.e.KB|=employedAt(MisterX,UbiqBiz),although it was not“told”so ex-plicitly.This follows from its general knowledge about the domain.A further consequence is that“UbiqBiz is a company”,i.e.KB|=Company(UbiqBiz),which is reflected by a positive answer to the questionask(KB,Company(UbiqBiz)).This follows from the former consequence together with the fact that“employment holds between companies and employees”.Another important notion related to entailment is that of consistency or satisfiability. Intuitively,a knowledge base is consistent or satisfiable if it does not contain contradictory facts.If we would add the fact that“UbiqBiz is a person”to the above knowledge base KB by sayingtell(KB,Person(UbiqBiz)),it would become unsatisfiable because persons are said to be different from companies.We explicitly said that UbiqBiz is a person while at the same time it can be derived that it is a company.In general,an unsatisfiable knowledge base is not very useful,since in logical for-malisms it would entail any arbitrary fact.The ask-operation would always return a posi-tive result independent from its parameters,which is clearly not desirable for a knowledge-based system.The inference procedures implemented in computational reasoners aim at realising the entailment relation between logical statements[43].They derive implicit statements from a given knowledge base or check whether a particular statement is entailed by a knowledge base.3Knowledge Representation and Ontologies45 An inference procedure that only derives entailed statements is called sound.Soundness is a desirable feature of an inference procedure,since an unsound inference procedure would potentially draw wrong conclusions.If an inference procedure is able to derive every statement that is entailed by a knowledge base then it is called pleteness is also a desirable property,since a complex chain of conclusions might break down if only a single statement in it is missing.Hence,for reasoning in knowledge-based systems we desire sound and complete inference procedures.3.2Logic-Based Knowledge-Representation FormalismsFirst-order(predicate)logic is the prevalent and single most important knowledge repre-sentation formalism.Its importance stems from the fact that basically all current symbolic knowledge representation formalisms can be understood in their relation tofirst-order logic. Its roots can be traced back to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle,and modernfirst-order predicate logic was created in the19th century,when the foundations for modern mathematics were laid.First-order logic captures some of the essence of human reasoning by providing a notion of logical consequence as already mentioned.It also provides a notion of universal truth in the sense that a logical statement can be universally valid(and thus called a tautology), meaning that it is a statement which is true regardless of any preconditions.Logical consequence and universal truth can be described in terms of model-theoretic semantics.In essence,a model for a logical theory3describes a state of affairs which makes the theory true.A tautology is a statement for which all possible states of affairs are models.A logical consequence of a theory is a statement which is true in all models of the theory.How to derive logical consequences from a theory–a process called deduction or infer-encing–is obviously central to the study of logic.Deduction allows to access knowledge which is not explicitly given but implicitly represented by a theory.Valid ways of deriv-ing logical consequences from theories also date back to the Greek philosophers,and have been studied since.At the heart of this is what has become known as proof theory.Proof theory describes syntactic rules which act on theories and allow to derive logical consequences without explicit recurrence to models.The notion of universal truth can thus be reduced to syntactic manipulations.This allows to abstract from model theory and enables deduction by symbol manipulation,and thus by automated means.Obviously,with the advent of electronic computing devices in the20th century,the automation of deduction has become an important and influentialfield of study.Thefield of automated reasoning is concerned with the development of efficient algorithms for de-duction.These algorithms are usually required to be sound,and completeness is a desired feature.The fact that sound and complete deduction algorithms exist forfirst-order predicate logic is reflected by the statement thatfirst-order logic is semi-decidable.More precisely,3A logical theory denotes a set of logical formulas,seen as the axioms of some theory to be mod-elled.46Stephan Grimm,Pascal Hitzler,Andreas Abeckersemi-decidability offirst-order logic means that there exist algorithms which,given a the-ory and a query statement,terminate with positive answer infinite time whenever the state-ment is a logical consequence of the theory.Note that for semi-decidability,termination is not required if the statement is not a logical consequence of the theory,and indeed,ter-mination(with the correct negative answer)cannot be guaranteed in general forfirst-order logical theories.For some kinds of theories,however,sound and complete deduction algorithms exist which always terminate.Such theories are called decidable,and they have certain more-or-less obvious advantages,including the following.•Decidability guarantees that the algorithm always comes back with a correct answer infinite time.4Under semi-decidability,an algorithm which runs for a considerable amount of time may still terminate,or may not terminate at all,and thus the user cannot know whether he has waited long enough for an answer.Decidability is particularly important if we want to reason about the question of whether or not a given statement is a logical consequence of a theory.•Experience shows that practically efficient algorithms are often available for decidable theories due to the effective use of heuristics.Often,this is even the case if worst-case complexity is very high.3.2.1Description LogicsDescription logics[3]are essentially decidable fragments offirst-order logic,5and we have just seen why the study of these is important.At the same time,description logics are expressive enough such that they have become a major knowledge representation paradigm, in particular for use within the Semantic Web.We will describe one of the most important and influential description logics,called ALC.Other description logics are best understood as restrictions or extensions of ALC.We introduce the standard description logic notation and give a formal mapping into standard first-order logic syntax.The Description Logic ALCA description logic theory consists of statements about concepts,individuals,and their re-lations.Individuals correspond to constants infirst-order logic,and concepts correspond to unary predicates.In terms of semantic networks,description logic concepts correspond to general concepts in semantic networks,while individuals correspond to individual con-cepts.We deal with conceptsfirst,and will talk about individuals later.Concepts can be named concepts or anonymous(composite)d concepts consist simply of a name,say“human”,which will be mapped to a unary predicate in4It should be noted that there are practical limitations to this due to the fact that computing resources are always limited.A theoretically sound,complete and terminating algorithms may thus run into resource limits and terminate without an answer.5To be precise,there do exist some description logics which are not decidable.And there exist some which are not straightforward fragments offirst-order logics.But for this general introduction,we will not concern ourselves with these.。
戴炜栋语言学-Chapter 5 Semantics
戴炜栋语言学-Chapter 5 Semantics●5.1 What is semantics?什么是语义学●Semantics can be simply defined as the study of meaning.●5.2 Some views concerning the study of meaning一些理论●The naming theory命名论●提出者:Plato柏拉图●认为:the linguistic forms or symbols,in other words, the words used in a languageare simply labels of objects they stand for.●局限性limitation:●only be applicable to nouns仅用于名词●there are still some nouns that do not exist in the real world就算是名词,还有很多虚构的,不存在的例如ghost,dragon●还有抽象名词abstract notions 例如 impluse冲动,sadness伤心●The conceptualist view概念论●提出者:Odgen and Richards●内容:This view holds that there is no direct link between a linguistic form and whatit refers to (i.e. between language and the real world) ; rather, in the interpretation ofmeaning they are linked through the mediation of concepts in the mind.●优点:●缺点:what precisely the link between the symbol and the concept remainsunclarified.语言符号和头脑中的图像的关系解释不清;当我们说出一个句子,不可以说一个字就蹦出来一个图像。
One difficulty in the study of meaning:
--- The word ‘meaning’ itself has different meanings.
M is uncertain…context-dependent.
领导:“你这是什么意思?”小明:“没什 么意思。意思意思。”领导:“你这就不够意思 了。”小明:“小意思,小意思。”领导:“你 这人真有意思。”小明:“其实也没有别的意 思。”领导:“那我就不好意思了。”小明: “是我不好意思。” 问:以上“意思”分别是什么意思?
What’s the meaning of “man”? Man ≥ human +adult +male (bravery ,resilience, strength ,lack of sentiment) We can see that words acquire considerable meanings from the situational, social , cultural contexts in which they are used.
Linguistic (5 - 8)
Conventional (5, 6 )
Non-linguistic (1 - 4)
Intentional (7, 8)
Natural Conventional (2, 3) (1)
Intentional (4)
Chomsky: A sentence, while grammatical, can be meaningless. A good sentence has to be well-formed not only in nature, but in meaning and logic as well.
Topic 14 Semantic Guessing in the First Round of t
For example, if a student encounters an unfamiliar word but recognizes a synonym or antonym nearby, they can use this information to infer the meaning of the unknown word.
in the First Round of the
College Entrance
Examination English
• introduction • Semantic guessing at the lexical level • Semantic Guessing at the Sentence Level • Semantic guessing at the paragraph level
Recognize coherence and cCoohhereensceiorenfers to the logical
flow of ideas within a text, while cohesion refers to the grammatical and lexical devices used to link sentences and paragraphs. Recognizing these can aid in understanding the overall meaning of a text.
Semantic wikipedia
Semantic WikipediaMarkus Krötzsch a Denny Vrandeˇc i´c aMax Völkel b Heiko Haller b Rudi Studer a,ba Institut AIFB,Universität Karlsruhe(TH),Germany,{mak|dvr|rst}@a.deb FZI,Karlsruhe,Germany,{voelkel|haller}@fzi.deAbstractWikipedia is the world’s largest collaboratively edited source of encyclopaedic knowledge. But in spite of its utility,its content is barely machine-interpretable and only weakly struc-tured.With Semantic MediaWiki we provide an extension that enables wiki-users to seman-tically annotate wiki pages,based on which the wiki contents can be browsed,searched,and reused in novel ways.In this paper,we give an extended overview of Semantic MediaWiki and discuss experiences regarding performance and current applications.Key words:Semantic Web,Wikis,Wikipedia,Collaborative content editing1IntroductionWikis have become popular tools for collaboration on the web,and many vibrant online communities employ wikis to exchange knowledge.For a majority of wikis, public or not,primary goals are to organise the collected knowledge and to share this information.Wikis are usually viewed as tools to manage online content in a quick and easy way,by editing some simple syntax known as wikitext.This is mainly plain text with some occasional markup elements.Wikipedia is the best known example for a wiki.It aims at creating a multilingual, free encyclopaedia that everyone can edit.The information contained in Wikipe-dia however is hardly usable by external tools:using Wikipedia currently means reading articles–there is no way to gather information scattered across multiple articles,like to request a list of all movies from the1960s with Italian directors. Although the data is quite structured(each movie has its own article,there are links to actors and directors),its meaning is unclear to the computer,because it is not represented in a machine-processable,i.e.formalised way.Preprint submitted to Elsevier31August2007Fig.1.Architecture of SMW’s main components in relation to MediaWiki. Semantic MediaWiki(SMW)is a semantically enhanced wiki engine that enables users to annotate the wiki’s contents with explicit,machine-readable information. Using this semantic data,SMW addresses core problems of today’s wikis:•Consistency of content:The same information often occurs on many pages.How can one ensure that information in different parts of the system is consistent, especially as it can be changed in a distributed way?•Accessing knowledge:Large wikis have thousands of pages.Finding and com-paring information from different pages is challenging and time-consuming.•Reusing knowledge:Many wikis are driven by the wish to make information accessible to many people.But the rigid,text-based content of classical wikis can only be used by reading pages in a browser or similar application.SMW is free software,available as an extension of the popular wiki engine Media-Wiki.Figure1provides an overview of SMW’s core components which we will discuss in more detail throughout this paper.The integration between MediaWiki and SMW is based on MediaWiki’s extension mechanism:SMW registers for cer-tain events or requests,and MediaWiki calls SMW functions when needed.SMW thus does not overwrite any part of MediaWiki,and can be added to existing wikis without much migration age information about SMW,installation instruc-tions,and the complete documentation are found at SMW’s homepage.1Next,Section2explains how structural information is collected in SMW,and how this data relates to the OWL DL ontology language.Section3surveys SMW’s main features for wiki users:semantic browsing,semantic queries,and data exchange on the Semantic Web.Queries are the most powerful way of retrieving data from SMW,and their syntax and semantics is presented in detail.The practical use of SMW is the topic of Section4,where we consider existing usage patterns in(non-semantic)Wikipedia,usage statistics from a medium-sized SMW site,and typical current uses of SMW.Section5focusses on performance,first by discussing mea-1/wiki/SMW2sured processing times on a real SMW installation,and next by comparing SMW’s query performance with various RDF stores.We conclude by reviewing some re-lated systems(Section6),and give a short summary and outlook(Section7).All descriptions refer to SMW1.0,the most recent version at the time of this writing. 2Annotation of Wiki PagesThe main prerequisite of exploiting semantic technologies is the availability of suitably structured(“semantic”)data.For this purpose,SMW introduces ways of adding further structure to MediaWiki by means of annotating textual content of the wiki.In this section,we recall some of MediaWiki’s current means of struc-turing data,and introduce SMW’s annotations with properties.Finally,a formal semantic interpretation of the wiki’s structure in terms of OWL DL is presented. The primary structural mechanism of most wikis is the organisation of content within wiki pages.In MediaWiki,these pages are further classified into names-paces,which distinguish different kinds of pages according to their s-paces cannot be defined by wiki users,but are part of the configuration settings of a site.A page’s namespace is signified by a specific prefix,such as“User:”for user homepages,“Help:”for documentation pages,or“”for various kinds of discussion pages.Page titles without a known namespace prefix simply belong to the main namespace.Most pages are subject to the same kind of technical pro-cessing for reading and editing,denoted Page display and manipulation in Fig.1. The major exception are so-called special pages–built-in query forms without user-edited content–that use“Special:”as a namespace prefix(compare Fig.1). Adhering to MediaWiki’s basic principles,semantic data in SMW is also structured by pages,such that all semantic content explicitly belongs to a page.Semantically speaking,every page corresponds to an ontological element(including classes and properties)that might be further described by annotations on that very page.This locality is crucial for maintenance:if knowledge is reused in many places,users must still be able to understand where the information originated.Different names-paces are used to distinguish the semantic rôles that wiki pages may play:they can be individual elements(the majority of the pages,describing elements of the domain of interest),categories(used to classify individual elements,and also to create subcategories),properties(relationships between two pages or a page and a data value),and types(used to distinguish different kinds of properties,as de-scribed in the Section2.2).Categories have been introduced into MediaWiki in 2002,whereas properties and types were introduced by SMW.The following section describes existing structuring features in MediaWiki,fol-lowed by the newly introduced semantic annotations enabled by SMW.Section2.3 defines a mapping of the structural features within SMW to the OWL standard used3for exporting the knowledge within a wiki.2.1Content Structuring in MediaWikiThe primary method for entering information into a wiki currently is wiki text,a simplified markup language that is transformed into XHTML pages for reading. Accordingly,wiki text already provides many facilities for describing formatting, and even some for structuring content.For defining the interrelation of pages within a wiki,hyperlinks are arguably the most important feature.They are vital for nav-igation,and sometimes even used to classify articles informally.In Wikipedia,for example,articles may contain links to pages of the form“as of2005”to state that the given information might need revalidation or updates after that year.Many wiki engines generally use links for classifying pages.For instance,searching for all pages with a link to the page“France”is a good way tofind information about that country.In MediaWiki,however,this use has been replaced by a more elaborate category system.Every page can be assigned to one or many categories,and each category is associated with a page in the“Category:”namespace.Category pages in turn can be used to browse the classified pages,and also to organise categories hierarchically.Page categories and their hierarchy can be edited by all users via special markup within wiki texts.Overall,the category system probably is the one function of MediaWiki that is closest in spirit to the extensions of SMW. Another structuring problem of large wikis are synonymous and homonymous ti-tles.In case of synonyms,several different pages for the same subject may emerge in a decentralised editing process.MediaWiki therefore has a redirect mechanism by which a page can be caused to forward all requests directly to another page.This is useful to resolve synonyms but also for some other tasks that suggest such for-warding(e.g.the mentioned articles“as of2005”are redirects to the page about the year2005).Homonyms in turn occur whenever a page title is ambiguous,and may refer to many different subjects depending on context.This problem is addressed by so-called disambiguation pages that briefly list the different possible meanings of a title.Actual pages about a single sense then are augmented with parentheses to distinguish them, the case of“1984(book)”.Afinal formatting feature of significance to the structure of the wiki is Media-Wiki’s template system.The wiki parser replaces templates with the text given on the template’s own page.The template text in turn may be parametrized.This can be used to achieve a higher consistency,since,for example,a table is then defined only once,and so all pages using this table will look similar.The idea of capturing semantic data in templates has been explored inside Wikipedia2and in external projects[2].2See,e.g.,/wiki/Hilfe:Personendaten.4In addition to the above,MediaWiki knows many ways of structuring the textual content of pages, sections or tables.SMW,however,aims at collecting in-formation about the(abstract)concept represented by a page,not about the asso-ciated text.The layout and structure of article texts do hardly carry such data in a machine-accessible way,since they must follow didactic considerations.The possi-bility of assigning semantic information to single sections also seems less relevant in the context of Wikipedia,the main target application of SMW,since Wikipedia normally contains independent pages for significant subtopics anyway.2.2Semantic annotations in SMWSMW collects semantic data by letting users add annotations to the wiki text of pages via a special markup.The processing of this markup is performed by the components for Parsing and Rendering in Fig.1.While annotation syntax is most relevant(and most visible)to wiki editors,it is but a small part of the overall SMW system.The underlying conceptual framework,based on properties and types is rather more relevant.Properties in SMW are used to express binary relationships between one semantic entity(as represented by a wiki page)and some other such entity or data value. Each wiki-community is interested in different relationships depending on its topic area,and therefore SMW lets wiki users control the set of available properties. SMW’s property mechanism follows standard Semantic Web formalisms where bi-nary properties also are a central expressive mechanism.But unlike RDF-based lan-guages,SMW does not view property statements(subject-predicate-object triples) as primary information units.SMW rather adopts a page-centric perspective where properties are a means of augmenting a page’s contents in a structured way. MediaWiki offers no general mechanism for assigning property values to pages, and a surprising amount of additional data becomes available by making binary relationships in existing wikis explicit.The most obvious kind of binary relations in current wikis are hyperlinks.Each link establishes some relationship between two pages,without specifying what kind of relationship this is,or whether it is significant for a given purpose.SMW allows links to be characterised by properties, such that the link’s target becomes the value of a user-provided property.But not all properties take other wiki pages as values:numeric quantities,calendar dates, or geographic coordinates are examples of other available types of properties.For a concrete example,consider the article shown in Fig.2(top).The markup elements are easy to read:'''...'''is used for text that should appear bold-faced, and text within square brackets[[...]]is transformed into links to the wiki page of that name.The given links to England,United Kingdom,and2005do not carry any semantics yet.To state that London is the capital of England,one just extends5'''London'''is the capital city of[[England]]and of the[[United Kingdom]].As of [[2005]],the population of London was estimated7,421,328.Greater London covers anarea of609square miles.[[Category:City]]'''London'''is the capital city of[[capital of::England]]and of the[[capital of::United Kingdom]].As of[[2005]],the population of London was estimated[[population::7,421,328]]. Greater London covers an area of[[area::609square miles]].[[Category:City]]Fig.2.Source of a page about London in MediaWiki(top)and in SMW(bottom).Fig.3.A semantic view of London.the link to[[England]]by writing[[capital of::England]].This asserts that “London”has a property called“capital of”with the value“England.”This is even possible if the property“capital of”has not been introduced to the wiki before. Figure2(top)shows further interesting datavalues that are not corresponding to hyperlinks,e.g.the given population number.A syntax for annotating such values is not as straightforward as for hyperlinks,but we eventually decided for using the same markup in both cases.An annotation for the population number therefore could be added by writing[[population::7,421,328]].In this case,“7,421,328”is not referring to another page and we do not want our statement to be displayed as a hyperlink.To accomplish this,users mustfirst declare the property“population”and specify that it is of a numerical type.This mechanism is described below.If a property is not declared yet,then SMW assumes that its values denote wiki pages such that annotations will become hyperlinks.An annotated version of the wikitext for“London”is shown in Fig.2(bottom),and the resulting page is displayed in Fig.3.The box at the bottom of this page sums up the discovered annotations,and possibly provides some related information.Properties are introduced to the wiki by just using them on some page,but it is often desirable to specify additional information about properties.SMW supports this by introducing wiki pages for properties.For example,a wiki might contain a page“Property:Population”where“Property:”is the namespace prefix.A property page can contain a textual description of the property that helps users to employ it consistently throughout the wiki,but it also can specify semantic features of a prop-6erty.One such feature is the aforementioned(data)type of the property.In the case of“Property:Population”one would add the annotation[[has type::Number]]to describe that the property expects numerical values.The property“has type”is a built-in property of SMW with the explicated special interpretation.It can also be described on its property page but it cannot be modified or deleted.SMW provides a number of datatypes that can be used with properties.Among those are“String”(character sequences),“Date”(calendar dates),“Geographic co-ordinate”(locations on earth),and the default type“Page”that creates links to other pages.Each type provides own methods to process user input,and to display data values.SMW supplies a modular Datatype API as shown in Fig.1that can also be extended by application-specific datatypes.Just like properties,types also have dedicated pages within the wiki,and every type declaration creates a link to the ac-cording page.To some extent,it is also possible to create new customised datatypes by creating new type pages.These pages of course cannot define the whole com-putational processing of a data value,but they can create parametrised versions of existing types.The main application of this is to endow numerical types with conversion support for specific units of measurement.For example,the property “Area”in Fig.2(bottom)might use a custom type that supports the conversion between km2and square miles.Unit conversion is of great value for consolidating annotations that use different units,which can hardly be avoided in a larger wiki.2.3Mapping to OWLThe formal semantics of annotations in SMW is given via a mapping to the OWL DL ontology language.Most annotations can easily be exported in terms of OWL DL, using the obvious mapping from wiki pages to OWL entities:normal pages corre-spond to abstract individuals,properties correspond to OWL properties,categories correspond to OWL classes,and property values can be abstract individuals or typed literals.Most annotations thus are directly mapped to simple OWL state-ments,similar to RDF triples.It must be noted that this semantic data is not meant to describe the page’s HTML-document but rather its(intended)subject.OWL further distinguishes object properties,datatype properties,and annotation properties,and SMW properties may represent any of those depending on their type.Types themselves do not have OWL semantics,but may decide upon the XML Schema type used for literal values of a datatype property.Finally,containment of pages in MediaWiki’s categories is interpreted as class membership in OWL. SMW offers a number of built-in properties that may also have a special seman-tic interpretation.The above property“has type,”for instance,has no equivalent in OWL and is interpreted as an annotation property.Many properties that pro-vide SMW-specific meta-information(e.g.for unit conversion)are treated similarly.7Fig.4.Browsing through the wiki knowledge base.MediaWiki supports the hierarchical organisation of categories,and SMW can be configured to interpret this as an OWL class hierarchy(this may not be desirable for all wikis[15]).Moreover,SMW introduces a special property“subproperty of”that can be used for property hierarchies.No type checking is done when declar-ing subproperties,but subproperty statements between incompatible types are ne-glected for semantic processing.Overall,the schematic information representable in SMW is intentionally shallow,since the wiki is not intended as a general pur-pose ontology editor that requires users to have specific knowledge about semantic technologies.Yet SMW has also been used in conjunction with more expressive background ontologies,evaluated by external OWL inference engines[16].OWL DL constraints subject and objects of statements to individuals,whereas SMW does not have such constraints,thus allowing a kind of meta-modelling.Se-mantically this kind of meta-modelling is similar to“punning”as introduced by OWL1.1[8],which does not make reasoning substantially more complex.3Exploiting SemanticsHowever simple the process of semantic annotation may become,the majority of users will justifiably neglect it as long as it does not bear immediate benefits.In the following,we introduce several features of SMW that show contributors the usefulness of semantic markup.3.1BrowsingAs shown Fig.3,the rendered page includes a so called Factbox which is placed at the bottom of the page to avoid disturbing normal reading.The Factbox summarises the given annotations,provides feedback on possible errors,e.g.if a given data value does notfit a property’s type,and offers links to related functions.These links can be used to browse the wiki based on its semantic content.The page8QUERY::=CONJ(’||’CONJ)*PROP::=’[[’TITLE’::’VALUE(’||’VALUE)*’]]’CONJ::=ATOM(’’ATOM)*VALUE::=’+’|SUB|((’>’|’<’|’!’)?STR)ATOM::=SUB|PROP|CAT|PAGE CAT::=’[[Category:’TITLE(’||’TITLE)*’]]’SUB::=’<q>’QUERY’</q>’PAGE::=’[[:’FULLTITLE(’||’FULLTITLE)*’]]’QUERY::=’(’CONJ(’ ’CONJ)*’)’PROP::=’∃’TITLE’.(’VALUE(’ ’VALUE)*’)’CONJ::=’(’ATOM(’ ’ATOM)*’)’VALUE::=’ ’|SUB|(’ge(’|’le(’|’ne(’|’eq(’)STR’)’ATOM::=SUB|PROP|CAT|PAGE CAT::=’(’TITLE(’ ’TITLE)*’)’SUB::=’(’QUERY’)’PAGE::=’({’FULLTITLE’}’(’ {’FULLTITLE’}’)*’)’Fig.5.Production rules for SMW queries(top)and according DL queries(bottom). title in the Factbox heading leads to a semantic browsing interface that shows not only the annotations within the given page,but also all annotations where the given page is used as a value(Fig.4).The magnifier icon behind each value leads to an inverse search for all pages with similar annotations.Both of those user interfaces are realised as special pages,architecturally similar to the special page OWL Ex-port in Fig.1.In addition,the Factbox shows links to property pages,which in turn list all annotations for a given property.All those browsing features are intercon-nected by appropriate links,so that users can easily navigate within the semantic knowledge base.3.2QueryingSMW includes a query language that allows access to the wiki’s knowledge.The query language can be used in two ways:either to directly query the wiki,or to add the answer to a page by creating an inline query(cf.Fig.1).The latter enables editors to add dynamically created lists or tables to a page,thus making up-to-date query results available to readers who are not even aware of semantic queries. Figure6shows a query result as it might appear within an article about Switzerland. Compared to manually edited listings,inline queries are more accurate,easier to create,and easier to maintain.The syntax of SMW’s query language is closely related to wiki text,whereas its semantics corresponds to certain class expressions in OWL DL.Each query is a disjunction of conjunctions.Fundamental conditions are encoded as query atoms whose syntax are similar to that of SMW’s annotations.For instance,[[located in::England]]is the atomic query for all pages with this annotation.Queries with other types of properties and category memberships are constructed after the same principle.Instead of singlefixed values one can also specify ranges of values,and even specify nested query expressions.A simplified form of SMW’s query language is defined in Fig.5(top).The main control symbols used to structure queries are:||as the disjunction operator,<q> and</q>as(sub)query delimiters,+as empty condition that matches everything,9Fig.6.A semantic query for all cantons of Switzerland,together with their capital,popula-tion,and languages.The data stems from an automatically annotated version of Wikipedia.and<,>,!to express comparison operators≤,≥,and .Some nonterminals in Fig.5are not defined for reasons of space:TITLE is for page titles,FULLTITLE is for page titles with namespace prefix,and STR is for Unicode strings.In those,we do not permit symbols that could be confused with other parts of the query, titles must not start with<.SMW provides means to escape such characters.The following is an example query for all cities that are located in an EU-country or that have more than500,000inhabitants:[[Category:City]]<q>[[located in::<q>[[Category:Country]][[member of::EU]]</q>]]||[[population:: >500,000]]</q>.The formal semantics of such queries is given by a mapping to class expressions in OWL DL,i.e.a query retrieves all inferred members of the according OWL class.It is not hard to see that every SMW query emerges from a unique sequence of production steps,and we can follow the same steps in the gram-mar in the lower part of Fig.5.The result is a description logic(DL)concept which could be translated to OWL DL as usual(which space does not permit here).For-mally,this also requires to define the underlying DL-language,to introduce punning to allow the same names for DL roles,concepts,and individuals,to give concrete domains for SMW’s datatypes,and tofix the interpretation of ge,le,ne,eq and (when used for datatype properties).We omit these easy but tedious definitions for reasons of space,and only note that our above example corresponds to the fol-lowing DL concept:City (∃located_in.(Country ∃member_of.{EU}) ∃,000)).Just like OWL DL,SMW’s query language does not support explicit variables, which essentially disallows cross-references between parts of the query.For in-stance,it is not possible to ask for all people who died in the city they were born in.This restriction makes query answering tractable,which is essential for SMW’s usage in large wikis.In contrast,when variables are allowed querying is at least NP-hard,and it becomes harder still even for tractable fragments of OWL1.1[10]. SMW-queries as introduced above merely define a result set of pages.In order to retrieve more information about those results,SMW allows so-called print requests as parts of queries.For instance,writing[[has capital::∗]]within a query will cause all values of the property“Has capital”to be displayed for each result.Fig.6 shows a typical output for a query with multiple print ing further pa-rameters in query invocation,result formatting can be controlled to a large degree.10In addition to tabular output,SMW also supports various types of lists and enumer-ations,interactive timelines3,and many further custom formats.3.3Giving Back to the WebThe Semantic Web is all about exchanging and reusing knowledge,facilitated by standard formats that enable the interchange of structural information between pro-ducers and consumers.Section2.3explained how SMW’s content is grounded in OWL DL,and this data can also be retrieved via SMW’s web interface for OWL export.As shown in Fig.1,this service is implemented as a special page,which can be queried for information about certain elements.The link“RDF feed”within each Factbox also leads to this service(see Fig.3).Exported data is provided in OWL/RDF encoding,using appropriate URIs as iden-tifiers to prevent confusion with URLs of the wiki’s HTML documents.The gener-ated OWL/RDF is“browsable”in the sense that URIs can be used to locate further resources:all URIs point to a web service of the wiki that uses content negotiation to redirect callers either to the OWL export service or to the according wiki page. Together with the compatibility to both OWL and RDF this enables a maximal reuse of SMW’s data.Even tools like Tabulator[3]that incrementally retrieve RDF resources during browsing can easily retrieve additional semantic data on user re-quest.SMW furthermore provides scripts for generating the complete export of all data within the wiki,which is useful for tools that are not tailored towards online operation such as the faceted browser Longwell.4Samplefiles of such export are found at /RDF/.4Practical ExperiencesIn this section we describe the use of SMW in practical applications,and discuss some basic usage data,observed problems and successes.It is clearly important to ask how annotations are typically used within a wiki,and in which way exist-ing usage schemes need to be augmented or modified when introducing semantic features.However,this question is much more complex than it might seem atfirst, since each wiki has its own usage and editing culture and workflows,which can hardly be generalised to other wikis.Without conclusive studies on the usage of wikis in general,any prediction on the effect of introducing semantics in these en-vironments lacks justification.Moreover,raw data for conducting such studies is generally not available.Of course public wikis provide access to all content and 3/timeline/4/wiki/Longwell11editing logs,but actual edits are just a small part of wiki usage that hardly captures the actual editing workflow.The usage of the wiki for reading and searching is even harder to estimate,given that page access counts are not available on larger wikis. We therefore try to derive usage data from different sources.Firstly,we look at comparable workflows in Wikipedia,as the most well studied and maybe least typ-ical wiki.Secondly,we discuss usage data from ,as a much smaller semantic wiki site with the advantage of being completely accessible to us for such studies.Thirdly,we review some existing uses of SMW in other wikis,focussing on general successes and problems that occurred in those settings.4.1Structuring of Wikipedia ContentOne way of estimating the use of SMW annotations in Wikipedia is to compare it to existing features that are likely to have similarities with respect to editing or usage.For this purpose we focus on Wikipedia’s category system.Just like SMW’s properties,categories are conceived as an aid for structuring the wiki,and users manage not only page classification but also the available categories in general,in-cluding their(hierarchical)organisation.From a user perspective,the purpose of categories is tofind information,and the according browsing features are compara-ble to SMW’s functions for plex querying as in SMW has no coun-terpart in Wikipedia,and must be excluded from our considerations.Yet we believe that the below observations on categories are good indicators of the presumed use of properties.Reading access in Wikipedia is monitored only very coarsely,and we are in fact more interested in the process of adding(category or SMW)annotations to the wiki.The overall editing processes in Wikipedia are still not understood properly. Afirst analysis was conducted in[13],where it was found that wiki editors can roughly be classified into two groups:most edits are performed by a small group of core contributors,whereas most content is contributed by a much larger group of content authors.The former group has more expertise and interest in the wiki as a whole,whereas the latter group takes interest in a small set of articles,usually of their specific expertise.As[13]puts it:“an outsider makes one edit to add a chunk of information,then insiders make several edits tweaking and reformatting it.In addition,insiders rack up thousands of edits doing things like changing the name of a category across the entire site–the kind of thing only insiders deeply care about.”More extensive studies are required to refine our picture of the editing in Wikipedia,but thesefirst observations indicate that structural enhancements like categorisation are mostly handled by just a small portion of contributors. Another important aspect of categorisation in Wikipedia are the associated semi-official workflows,guidelines,and rules.Such policies are an important part of12。
情报学报第 卷第 期 , 年 月,收稿日期: 年 月 日作者简介:朱虹,女, 年生,北京大学计算语言学研究所博士生,研究方向:计算语言学。
: 。
刘扬,男, 年生,博士,北京大学信息学院副教授,研究方向:自然语言处理,词汇语义学。
)本文相关研究得到国家 计划( )、国家自然科学基金项目( )和全国博士学位论文作者专项资金资助项目( )的支持。
词汇语义知识库的研究现状与发展趋势 )朱虹刘扬(北京大学计算语言学研究所,北京 )摘要作为文本内容理解的媒介与载体,词汇语义知识库已被广泛应用于信息检索、信息提取、问答系统、自动文摘等方面,成为自然语言处理不可或缺的基础资源。
本文介绍词汇语义知识库研究与开发的现状,重点分析了 、 、 及 等具有代表性的词汇语义知识库的具体情况。
关键词本体词汇语义知识库多语自然语言处理State-of-the-art and Prospect of Lexical Semantic Knowledge Bases( , , )abstract ,, , ,Keywords , , ,引言随着 应用的普及和深入,大规模真实文本内容计算和理解的要求日益紧迫。
自然语言处理( , )作为实现文本计算和理解的必经之路,在近半个世纪的研究过程中,在语法和语义等方面形成了一些的理论体系和计算模型,在机器翻译、信息检索、信息提取等重要领域取得了初步成果。
早期, 主要集中在词法和句法分析上,基于规则的、基于统计的,以及规则和统计相结合的语法分析技术率先在各种 领域得到广泛运用。
目前较为成熟的句法分析模型有中心语驱动的短语结构文法( )、词汇功能语法( )、依存语法( )等。
Outline: 1. Definition of semantics
2. What is meaning? 3. Different kinds of meaning 4. Major theories on the study of meaning 5. Sense relationship between words 6. Sense relations between sentences 7. Analysis of meaning (componential analysis, predication analysis)
2. what is meaning?
What does “imperialism” mean? (signify) I didn't mean to hurt you. (intend) Life without faith has no meaning. (value) I know the guy you mean. (refer to ) He doesn't’t know the meaning of the word “fear”(sense) Ten dollars would mean a lot to me. (matter) I found a road that wasn’t meant to be there.(supposed to) Perhaps you are meant to become a journalist rather than a lawyer.(destined)
As a technical term in semantics, the word of meaning should have its definition. However, it is a controversial issue and so far there is no agreement at this point among linguists.
用维基组织语义数据(Wikis for Semantic Data)当前的很多项目都是基于第一类,它们将词条作为概念(Concept),超链接作为对象或数据属性(Property),这种模型被称之为“维基本体(Wikitology)”。
这类语义维基的主要代表是Semantic MediaWiki(简称SMW)。
通过点击按钮查找所有具有相同属性值(property value)的语义数据。
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Semantic Wikis forPersonal Knowledge ManagementEyal Oren1,Max V¨o lkel2,John G.Breslin1,and Stefan Decker11DERI Galway,Irelandstname@2Forschungzentrum Informatik,Karlsruhe,Germanyvoelkel@fzi.deAbstract.Wikis are becoming popular knowledge management tools.Analysing knowledge management requirements,we observe that wikisdo not fully support structured search and knowledge reuse.We showhow Semantic wikis address the requirements and present a general archi-tecture.We introduce our SemperWiki prototype which offers advancedinformation access and knowledge reuse.1IntroductionWikis are collaborative hypertext environments,focused on open access,ease-of-use,and modification[8].Wiki syntax is simple and allows creation of links and textual markup of lists and headings.Wikis commonly support binary data attachments,versioning and change management,change notification,full-text search,and access control.Wikis are successful tools for collaborative information collection,as observed in the relatively high quality of the Wikipedia encyclopedia[4].Lately,wikis are becoming popular for personal and organisational knowledge management as well.Knowledge workers use them individually,organisations deploy them internally,and project organisations collaborate through restricted-access wikis3.Since managing and enabling knowledge is“key to success in our economy and society”[16,p.6],we analyse the requirements for knowledge management and how wikis support these requirements.Because knowledge is fundamentally created by individuals[9,p.59],it is crucial to support these individuals in their personal knowledge management.Considering the knowledge creation spiral[9, p.62–73],knowledge workers require support in:1.authoring:codifying knowledge into information,enabling sharing2.finding and reminding:finding and reminding of existing knowledge[17]3.knowledge reuse:combining an existing body of knowledge[7]4.collaboration:developing ideas through social interactionsThis material is based upon works supported by the Science Foundation Ireland under Grants No.SFI/02/CE1/I131and SFI/04/BR/CS0694and by the European Commission under the Nepomuk project FP6-027705.3our institutes use wikis for managing projects,clusters,and external collaborations;see /cgi-bin/view/Main/TWikiStories for more anecdotes.1.1Personal knowledge management toolsCurrent tools for personal knowledge management have limitations:analog ap-proaches are not automated and cannot be searched,traditional digital ap-proaches are restrictive and do not support ad hoc structures.Traditional tools such as todo lists or paper piles are very common[6]and are suitable for authoring,but they do not supportfinding,reminding,knowledge reuse,or collaboration.Hierarchicalfiling(of emails andfiles)allows browsing and(full-text)searching,but does not support authoring,knowledge reuse,re-minding,and collaboration.Personal information management tools(e.g.MS Outlook)manage email,calendar,and tasks and supportfinding and reminding, but they do not support authoring,knowledge reuse,and collaboration.1.2Wikis for knowledge managementWikis support authoring and collaboration to a high extent and are popular due to their simplicity and easy collaborative access[2].On the other hand,wikis do not enable knowledge reuse and have only limited support forfinding and reminding.These limitations result from a lack of structure in the wiki content:al-most all information is written in natural language,and has little machine-understandable semantics.For example,a page about the author John Grisham could contain a link to the page about his novel“The Pelican Brief”.The English text would say that John Grisham wrote the Pelican Brief,but that informa-tion is not machine-understandable,and can therefore not be used for querying, navigating,translating,or aggregating any information.More specifically,wikis do not allow structured access to data and do not facilitate consistent knowledge reuse:Structured access A wiki does not offer structured access for browsing or searching information.One cannot currently query wiki systems,because the information is unstructured.For example,users looking for“How old is John Grisham?”,“Who wrote the Pelican Brief?”,or“Which European authors have won the Nobel price for literature?”cannot ask these questions directly.Instead, they have to navigate to the page that contains this information and read it themselves.For more complicated queries that require some background knowl-edge users need to manually combine the knowledge from several sources.Another example of structured access to information can be found in page navigation:wikis allow users to easily make links from one page to other pages, and these links can then be used to navigate to related pages.But these explicit links are actually the only means of navigation4.If no explicit connection is made between two related pages,e.g.between two authors that have the same publishing company,then no navigation will be possible between those pages. 4except for back-references that appear on a page and show pages that reference it.Knowledge reuse Reusing information through reference and aggregation is common in the real world.Consider for example that books are generally writ-ten by an author and published by the author’s publisher.The books authored by John Grisham(on his page)should therefore also automatically appear as books published by Random House(on their page).But creating such a view is currently not possible in a wiki,and instead the information has to be copied and maintained manually.In current wikis it is either assumed that people will speak a common lan-guage(usually English)or that translations to other languages will be provided. But manually translating pages is a maintenance burden,since the wiki system does not recognise the structured information inside the page text.For example, a page about John Grisham contains structured information such as his birth date,the books he authored,and his publisher.Updates to this information have to be migrated manually to the translated versions of this page.2Semantic WikisA Semantic wiki allows users to make formal descriptions of resources by anno-tating the pages that represent those resources.Where a regular wiki enables users to describe resources in natural language,a Semantic wiki enables users to additionally describe resources in a formal language.The authoring effort is rel-atively low:the semantic annotations are very similar to the layout or structural directives that are already in widespread use in ordinary wikis.Using the formal annotations of resources,Semantic wikis offer additional features over regular ers can query the annotations directly(“show me all authors”)or create views from such queries.Also users can navigate the wiki using the annotated relations(“go to other books by John Grisham”),and users can introduce background knowledge to the system(“all poets are authors;show me all authors”).In designing a Semantic wiki system several architectural decisions need to be taken.In this section,we explain the basic architecture and outline the design choices and their consequences.2.1Architecture OverviewA Semantic wiki consists(at least)of the following components:a user interface, a parser,a page server,a data analyser,and a data store,as shown in Fig.1. First we introduce each component,then we discuss the information access,the annotation language,and the ontological representation of the wiki. overview:The page server encapsulates the business logic of the wiki and ex-poses its data in the neutral wiki interchange format WIF[15].The user interface lets the user browse and query the wiki pages.When a page is edited,the WIF is converted to wiki syntax and the changed wiki syntax is parsed back to WIF.The content store stores all data as RDF,allowingenabling users to browse for an appropriate server:includes standard wiki functionality such as version management, binary attachments,and access control.parser:converts the text written by the user into objects:it parses the text for semantic annotations,layout directives,and links.This is transmitted in the wiki interchange format WIF.content store:is responsible for storing and retrieving the semantic annota-tions,and for exchanging data with other information systems(such as other semantic wikis).An an off-the shelve RDF triple store can be analyser:is responsible for computing a set of related resources froma given page.In a regular wiki,this meansfinding all back-references,i.e.pages that link to the current one.In a Semantic wiki the relations between resources are much richer:the data analyser can use the annotations about the current and other pages to search for relevant relations in the content store(such as“other books by current author”or“other people with these parents”).2.2Annotation languageFor the user of a Semantic wiki,the most visible change compared to conventional wikis is the modified annotation language.For Semantic wikis the annotation language is not only responsible for change in text style and for creating links, 5descriptions can be shared and understood if written in a common terminology,and browsing ontologies helpsfinding an appropriate common term.but also for the semantic annotation of wiki pages and for writing embedded queries in a page.Annotation primitives As in conventional wikis,internal links are written in CamelCase or by enclosing them in brackets;external links are written as full absolute URIs,or are abbreviated using namespace abbreviations.syntax meaningrdf:type foaf:Person page has rdf:type foaf:Persondc:topic[]page has dc:topic dc:topic TodoItem page has dc:topic http://wikinamespace/TodoItem dc:topic‘‘todo’’page has dc:topic“todo”?s dc:topic?o embedded query for all pages and their topics?s dc:topic TodoItem embedded query for all todo itemsTable1:Annotation syntaxThe additional syntax for semantic annotations is shown in table1:anno-tations are written on a separate line,and consist of a predicate followed by an object.Predicates can only be resources(identifiable things),objects can be either resources or literals.An example page is displayed infigure2.It describes John Grisham,an author published by Random House.JohnGrishamJohn Grisham is an author and retired lawyer.rdf:type foaf:Persondc:publisher RandomHouseFig.2:Example pageSubject of annotations Wiki pages often refer to real-world resources.Anno-tations can refer to a wiki page but also to the resource described on that page. For example,the triple“W3C created-on2006-01-01”can refer to the creation date of the organisation or to the creation date of the wiki page about that organisation.The question“what do URIs exactly identify”(of which the annotation sub-ject is a subclass)is an intricate open issue on the Semantic Web6:a URI can for example identify an object,a concept,or a web-document.6see /DesignIssues/HTTP-URI.html.Our approach is to explicitly distinguish the “document”and the “real-world concept”that it describes.Since we expect more annotations of the real-world concepts than annotations of the page itself,we attribute annotations by default to the real-world concept,and allow annotations about the page (such as its creation date,version,or author)to be made by prepending annotations with an exclamation mark.For example,figure3a shows a page that describes the World Wide Web consortium.The page explains the W3C and the annotations state that the organisation is directed by Tim Berners-Lee.The last annotation,prepended with an exclamation mark,refers to the page (document)instead of to the W3C organisation:it states that the page was created on 2006-01-01.We use the “semper:about”predicate to relate the page to the concept that it describes.W3CThe World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)develops interoperabletechnologies (specifications,guidelines,software,andtools)to lead the Web to its full potentialsemper:about urn://rdf:type wordnet:Organizationswrc:head /People/Berners-Lee/card#iNow we have an annotation about the page itself:!dc:date "2006/01/01"(a)example page(b)RDF representationFig.3:RDF representation of an example pageEmbedded queries Users can embed queries on any wiki page.These embed-ded queries are executed when a page is visited,and their results are included in the displayed page7.They could for example show aggregations(such as all the books written by John Grisham);embedding queries in page allows knowledge reuse by persistently combining pieces from different sources.As shown earlier in Table1,embedded queries are written using triple pat-terns,sequences of subject,predicate,object,that can contain variables(names that start with a question mark).A triple pattern is interpreted as a query: triples matching the pattern are returned.Patterns can be combined to form joins.Fig.4shows the earlier example page about John Grisham,including an embedded query at the bottom of the page.The query returns all books written by JohnGrisham;it creates a view on the data that is displayed below the page text.JohnGrishamJohn Grisham is an author and retired lawyer.rdf:type foaf:Persondc:publisher RandomHousethis query shows all his books:?book dc:creator JohnGrishamTheFirm dc:creator JohnGrishamTheJury dc:creator JohnGrishamThePelicanBrief dc:creator JohnGrishamFig.4:Page showing embedded query2.3Information accessInformation can be accessed by structured navigation and querying facilities. Navigation Navigation in ordinary wikis is limited to explicit links entered by users;it is not possible to navigate the information based on structural relations.A Semantic wiki provides the metadata necessary to navigate the information in a structured way.For example,knowing that John Grisham is an author,we can show all other authors in the system,and offer navigation to them.Our approach for structural navigation is based on faceted meta-data brows-ing[18].In faceted browsing,the information space is partitioned using orthog-onal conceptual dimensions(facets)of the data,which can be used to constrain 7Views resulting from embedded queries could be read-only or editable.Editable views cause some maintenance issues(should the change be recorded in the version history of the result page or of the page affected by the edit)similar to the view-update problem in databases.the relevant elements in the information space.For example,a collection of art works can consists of facets such as type of work,time periods,artist names, geographical locations,etc.Common faceted browsing approaches construct the facets manually for a specific data collection.But since in a Semantic wiki users are free to add ar-bitrary metadata,manual facet generation does not suffice;instead,we have developed a technique to automatically generate facets for arbitrary data[11]. Querying We distinguish three kinds of querying functionality:keyword search, queries,and views:1.A keyword-based full-text search is useful for simple information retrieval,and supported by all conventional wiki systems.2.Structured queries use the annotations to allow more advanced informationretrieval.The user can query the wiki for pages(or resources)that satisfy certain properties.To retrieve for example all authors one can query for“?x type author”.Triple patterns can be combined to form database-like joins:“?x type author and?x has-publisher?y”retrieves all authors and their publishing companies.3.As discussed earlier,users can create persistent searches by embedding queriesin pages.A query included on a page is executed each time the page is visited and continuously shows up-to-date query results.3ImplementationSemperWiki8is our prototype implementation of a Semantic wiki.We give only a brief overview of the implementation,see[10]for details.Figure5shows a screenshot from the desktop version,displaying a page about Armin Haller.The page freely intermixes natural language and simple semantic annotations stating that he is a male person.On the right hand side related items are shown based on the semantic ers are offered more intelligent navigation based on the metadata,in addition to the explicit links between pages.On the bottom of the page we see an embedded query,that shows a continuously up-to-date view of all pages created by Eyal Oren.SemperWiki addresses the noted limitations of ordinary wikis.Concern-ing structured access,users canfind related information through associative browsing:the wiki analyses the semantic relations in the data and provides nav-igational links to related ers can search for information using structured queries,in addition to simple full-text search.Concerning information reuse,the semantic annotations allow better trans-lation and maintenance;the annotations are language independent9and can be understood and reused without ers can also write embedded queries, 8/9if ontologies contain translations of concept and property labels.Fig.5:Navigating and Information reusecreating saved searches(database views).These views can be revisited and reused,and provide a consistent picture of structured information.Furthermore all information is represented in RDF using standard Semantic Web terminolo-gies which allows information exchange.4Related WorkSeveral efforts consider using Wikis as collaborative ontology editors,such as On-toWiki[5]or DynamOnt[3].These efforts focus on ontology engineering rather than improving Wiki systems;they for instance do not follow the free-text edit-ing model of Wikis.Souzis[12]describes an architecture for Semantic wikis but focuses on anno-tating and representing page structure while we are concerned with page content, and discusses specific implementation decisions rather than generic architecture choices.Platypus[13]is a wiki with semantic annotations,but adding and using annotations requires significantly more effort than normal text.Both WikSAR [1]and Semantic Wikipedia[14]offer easy-to-use annotations,but neither al-low reuse of existing Semantic Web terminologies,and both only allow simple annotations of the current page(thereby excluding blank nodes).Furthermore, none of the above consider the representation distinction between documentsand pages.5ConclusionWikis are successful for information collection,but do not fully satisfy the re-quirements of personal knowledge management.We have shown how Semantic wikis augment ordinary wikis:using metadata annotations they offer improved information access(through structured navigation such as faceted browsing and structured queries)and improved knowledge reuse(through embedded queries and information exchange).We have implemented our architecture in afirst prototype and plan to validate its usability in a future user study. 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