Education and training
English is also used in education and training programs to enhance the cultural exchange between China and the rest of the world.
help foreign tourists understand the history, culture, and
customs of Shenzhen Splendid China.
Hotel and catering services
English is also commonly used in hotel and catering services to
The Application of
03 English in Shenzhen Splendid China
English communication needs in the tourism
Reception and guidance
English is widely used in the reception and guidance of tourists,
目 录
• 引言 • Overview of Shenzhen Splendid China • The Application of English in Shenzhen
Splendid China • Presentation skills and strategy sharing • Shenzhen Jinxiu Chinese English Speech
(SQUAWKING)NARRATOR: The last hidden world,China.For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapesand surprising creatures.Chinese civilisation is the world's oldestand today, its largest,with well over a billion people.It's home to more than 50 distinct ethnic groupsand a wide range of traditional lifestyles,often in close partnership with nature.We know that China faces immense social and environmental problems.But there is great beauty here, too.China is home to the world's highest mountains,vast deserts ranging from searing hotto mind-numbing cold.Steaming forests harbouring rare creatures.Grassy plains beneath vast horizons.And rich tropical seas.Now for the first time ever,we can explore the whole of this great country,meet some of the surprising and exotic creatures that live hereand consider the relationship of the people and wildlife of Chinato the remarkable landscape in which they live.This is <i>Wild China.</i>Our exploration of China begins in the warm, subtropical south.On the Li River, fishermen and birds perch on bamboo rafts, a partnership that goes back more than a thousand years.This scenery is known throughout the world,a recurring motif in Chinese paintings.And a major tourist attraction.The south of China is a vast area,eight times larger than the UK.It's a landscape of hills but also of water.(THUNDER RUMBLING)It rains here for up to 250 days a year,and standing water is everywhere.(THUNDER RUMBLING)In the floodplain of the Yangtze River,black-tailed godwits probe the mud in search of worms.But isn't just wildlife that thrives in this environment.The swampy ground provides ideal conditionsfor a remarkable member of the grass family.Rice.The Chinese have been cultivating rice for at least 8,000 years.It has transformed the landscape.Late winter in southern Yunnan is a busy time for local farmersas they prepare the age-old paddy fields ready for the coming spring.These hill slopes of the Y uanyang County plunge nearly 2,000 metresto the floor of the Red River valley.Each contains literally thousands of stacked terracescarved out by hand using basic digging tools.Yunnan's rice terraces are among the oldest human structures in China.Still ploughed, as they always have been,by domesticated water buffaloes,whose ancestors originated in these very valleys.This man-made landscapeis one of the most amazing engineering featsof pre-industrial China.It seems as if every square inch of landhas been pressed into cultivation.As evening approaches, an age-old ritual unfolds.It's the mating seasonand male paddy frogs are competing for the attention of the females.But it doesn't always pay to draw too much attention to yourself.The Chinese pond heron is a pitiless predator.(SQUAWKS)Even in the middle of a ploughed paddy field,nature is red in beak and claw.This may look like a slaughterbut as each heron can swallow only one frog at a time,the vast majority will escape to croak another day.Terraced paddies like those of the Yuanyang County are found across much of southern China.This whole vast landscape is dominated by rice cultivation.In hilly Guizhou Province,the Miao minority have developed a remarkable rice culture.With every inch of fertile land given over to rice cultivation,the Miao build their wooden houseson the steepest and least productive hillsides.In Chinese rural life, everything has a use.Dried in the sun, manure from the cow shedswill be used as cooking fuel.(WOMEN CHATTERING IN CHINESE)It's midday, and the Song familyare tucking into a lunch of rice and vegetables.(SPEAKING IN CHINESE)Oblivious to the domestic chit-chat,Granddad Gu Yong Xiu has serious matters on his mind.Spring is the start of the rice growing season.The success of the crop will determine how well the family will eat next year,so planting at the right time is critical.The ideal date depends on what the weather will do this year,never easy to predict.But there is some surprising help at hand.On the ceiling of the Songs' living room, a pair of red-rumped swallows,newly arrived from their winter migration,is busy fixing up last year's nest.In China, animals are valued as much for their symbolic meaningas for any good they may do.Miao people believe that swallow pairs remain faithful for life,so their presence is a favour and a blessing,bringing happiness to a marriage and good luck to a home.Like most Miao dwellings, the Songs' living room windowslook out over the paddy fields.From early spring, one of these windows is always left opento let the swallows come and go freely.Each year, granddad Gu notes the exact day the swallows return.Miao people believe the birds' arrival predicts the timing of the season ahead.This year, they were late.So Gu and the other community elders have agreedthat rice planting should be delayed accordingly.As the Miao prepare their fields for planting,the swallows collect mud to repair their nestsand chase after insects across the newly ploughed paddies.Finally, after weeks of preparation,the ordained time for planting has arrived.But first the seedlings must be uprooted from the nursery bedsand bundled up ready to be transported to their new paddyhigher up the hillside. All the Songs' neighbours have turned out to help with the transplanting.It's how the community has always worked.When the time comes, the Songs will return the favour.While the farmers are busy in the fields,the swallows fly back and forth with material for their nest.Many hands make light work.Planting the new paddy takes little more than an hour.Job done, the villagers can relax,at least until tomorrow.But for the nesting swallows, the work of raising a familyhas only just begun.In the newly planted fields, little egrets hunt for food.The rice paddies harbour tadpoles, fish and insectsand the egrets have chicks to feed.This colony in Chongqing Province was established in 1996,when a few dozen birds built nests in the bamboo grovebehind Yang Guang village.Believing they were a sign of luck,local people initially protected the egrets and the colony grew.But their attitude changed when the head of the village fell ill.They blamed the birds and were all set to destroy their nests,when the local government stepped in to protect them.Bendy bamboo may not be the safest nesting place,but at least this youngster won't end up as someone's dinner.These chicks have just had an eel delivered by their mum,quite a challenge for little beaks.(CHIRPING)Providing their colonies are protected,wading birds like egrets are among the few wild creatureswhich benefit directly from intensive rice cultivation.Growing rice needs lots of water.But even in the rainy south,there are landscapes where water is surprisingly scarce.This vast area of southwest China,the size of France and Spain combined,is famous for its clusters of conical hills,like giant upturned egg cartons, separated by dry empty valleys.This is the karst, a limestone terrainwhich has become the defining image of southern China.Karst landscapes are often studded with rocky outcrops,forcing local farmers to cultivate tiny fields.The people who live here are among the poorest in China.In neighbouring Y unnan Province,limestone rocks have taken over entirely.This is the famous Stone Forest,the product of countless years of erosion,producing a maze of deep gullies and sharp-edged pinnacles.Limestone has the strange property that it dissolves in rainwater.Over many thousands of years water has corroded its waydeep into the heart of the bedrock itself.This natural wonder is a famous tourist spot,receiving close to two million visitors each year.The Chinese are fond of curiously-shaped rocksand many have been given fanciful names.No prizes for guessing what this one is called!But there's more to this landscape than meets the eye.China has literally thousands of mysterious cavernsconcealed beneath the visible landscape of the karst.Much of this hidden world has never been seen by human eyesand is only just now being explored.(MAN SPEAKING CHINESE)For a growing band of intrepid young Chinese explorers,caves represent the ultimate adventure.Exploring a cave is like taking a journey through time.Ajourney which endless raindrops will have followed over countless centuries.Fed by countless drips and trickles,the subterranean river carves ever deeper into the rock.The cave river's course is channelled by the beds of limestone.A weakness in the rock can allow the riverto increase its gradient and flow-rate,providing a real challenge for the cave explorers.The downward rush is halted when the water table is reached.Here the slow-flowing river carves tunnels with a more rounded profile.(MEN CHA TTERING)This tranquil world is home to specialised cave fishes,like the eyeless golden barb.China may have more unique kinds of cave-evolved fishesthan anywhere else on earth.Above the water table,ancient caverns abandoned by the river slowly fill upwith stalactites and stalagmites.Stalactites form as trickling water deposits tiny quantities of rockover hundreds or thousands of years.Stalagmites grow up where lime-laden drips hit the cave floor.Oi!Whoo-hoo!So far, only a fraction of China's caves have been thoroughly prospectedand cavers are constantly discovering new subterranean marvels,many of which are subsequently developed into commercial show caves.Finally escaping the darkness,the cave river and its human explorers emerge in a valleyfar from where their journey began. For now, the adventure is over.Rivers which issue from cavesare the key to survival in the karst country.This vertical gorge in Guizhou Provinceis a focal point for the region's wildlife.This is one of the world's rarest primates,Fran鏾is' langur.In China they survive in just two southern provinces,Guizhou and Guangxi, always in rugged limestone terrains.Like most monkeys, they are social creaturesand spend a great deal of time grooming each other.Langurs are essentially vegetarianwith a diet of buds, fruits and tender young leaves.Babies are born with ginger fur,which gradually turns black from the tail end.Young infants have a vice-like grip, used to cling on to mum for dear life.As they get older, they get bolder and take more risks.Those that survive spend a lot of time travelling.The experienced adults know exactly where to find seasonal foodsin different parts of their range.In such steep terrain, travel involves a high level of climbing skill.These monkeys are spectacularly good rock climbersfrom the time they learn to walk.In langur society, females rule the roostand take the lead when the family is on the move.One section of cliff oozes a trickle of mineral-rich waterwhich the monkeys seem to find irresistible.These days there are few predators in the Mayanghe Reservewhich might pose a risk to a baby monkey.But in past centuries, this area of south Chinawas home to leopards, pythons and even tigers.To survive dangerous night prowlers, the langurs went underground,using their rock-climbing skills to seek shelter in inaccessible caverns.Filmed in near darkness using a night vision camera,the troop clambers along familiar ledgesworn smooth by generations before them.During cold winter weather, the monkeys venture deeper undergroundwhere the air stays comparatively warm.At last, journey's end.A cosy niche beyond the reach of even the most enterprising predator.But it's not just monkeys that find shelter in caves.These children are off to school.In rural China that may mean a long trek each morning,passing through a cave or two on the way.But not all pupils have to walk to school.These children are boarders.(LAUGHING) As the day pupils near journey's end,the boarders are still making breakfast.In the schoolyard, someone seems to have switched the lights off.But this is no ordinary playground, and no ordinary school.It's housed inside a cave!A natural vault of rock keeps out the rainso there's no need for a roof on the classroom.Zhongdong cave school is made up of six classes,with a total of 200 children.As well as the school, the cave houses 18 families,together with their livestock.(COW MOOING)These could be the only cave-dwelling cows on earth.(PIG SQUEALS)With schoolwork over, it's playtime at last.In southern China, caves aren't just used for shelter,they can be a source of revenue for the community.People have been visiting this cave for generations.The cave floor is covered in guano,so plentiful that 10 minutes' work can fill these farmer's baskets.It's used as a valuable source of fertilizer.A clue to the source of the guano can be heard above the noise of the river.The sound originates high up in the roof of the cave.The entrance is full of swifts.They're very sociable birds.More than 200,000 of them share this cavein southern Guizhou Province, the biggest swift colony in China.These days, Chinese house swifts mostly nest in the roofs of buildings,but rock crevices like these were their original home,long before houses were invented.Though the swifts depend on the cave for shelter,they never stray further than the limits of daylight,as their eyes can't see in the dark.However, deep inside the cavern,other creatures are better equipped for subterranean life.A colony of bats is just waking up,using ultrasonic squeaks to orientate themselves in the darkness.Night is the time to go hunting.Rickett's mouse-eared bat is the only bat in Asiawhich specialises in catching fishes,tracking them down from the sound reflection of rippleson the water surface.This extraordinary behaviourwas only discovered in the last couple of years,and has never been filmed before.If catching fish in the dark is impressive,imagine eating a slippery minnow with no hands while hanging upside down.Dawn over the karst hills of Guilin.These remarkable hills owe their peculiar shapesto the mildly acid waters of the Li River,whose meandering course over eons of timehas corroded away their bases until only the rocky cores remain.The Li is one of the cleanest rivers in China,a favourite spot for fishermen with their trained cormorants.(SPEAKING IN CHINESE)The men, all called Huang, come from the same village.Now in their 70s and 80s, they've been fishermen all their lives.Before they release the birds, they tie a noose loosely around the neckto stop them swallowing any fish they may catch.(SPLASHING)Chanting and dancing,the Huangs encourage their birds to take the plunge.Underwater, the cormorant's hunting instinct kicks in,turning them into fish-seeking missiles.(CHANTING)Working together, a good cormorant teamcan catch a couple of dozen decent-sized fish in a morning.(FISHERMEN EXCLAIMING)The birds return to the raft with their fishbecause they've been trained to do so.From the time it first hatched, each of these cormorants has been rearedto a life of obedience to its master.The birds are, in effect, slaves.But they're not stupid.It's said that cormorants can keep a tally of the fish they catch,at least up to seven.So unless they get a reward now and then they simply withdraw their labour.The fishermen, of course, keep the best fish for themselves.The cormorants get the leftover tiddlers.With its collar removed, the bird at last can swallow its prize.Best of all, one it isn't meant to have!(FISHERMAN SHOUTING)These days, competition from modern fishing techniquesmeans the Huangs can't make a livingfrom traditional cormorant fishing alone.And this 1,300-year-old traditionis now practised mostly to entertain tourists.But on Caohai Lake in nearby Guizhou Province,an even more unusual fishing industry is alive and well.Geng Zhong Sheng is on his way to set out his nets for the night.Geng's net is a strange tubular contraption with a closed-off end.More than a hundred fishermen make their living from the lake. Its mineral-rich waters are highly productive,and there are nets everywhere.The next morning, Geng returns with his son to collect his catch.(SPEAKING CHINESE)At first sight, it looks disappointing.Tiny fishes, lots of shrimps, and some wriggling bugs.Geng doesn't seem too downhearted.The larger fish are kept alive,the only way they'll stay fresh in the heat.Surprisingly, some of the bugs are also singled out for special treatment.They're the young stage of dragonflies,predators that feed on worms and tadpoles.Nowhere else in the world are dragonfly nymphs harvested like this.Back home, Geng spreads his catch on the roof to dry.This being China, nothing edible will be wasted.There's a saying in the far south,"We will eat anything with legs except a table,"and anything with wings except a plane."Within a few hours, the dried insects are ready to be bagged upand taken to market.It's the dragonfly nymphs that fetch the best price.Fortunately, Caohai's dragonflies are abundant and fast-breeding.So Geng and his fellow fishermenhave so far had little impact on their numbers.But not all wildlife is so resilient.(MONKS CHANTING)This Buddhist temple near Shanghai has an extraordinary story attached to it.In May 2007, a <i>Wild China</i> camera teamfilmed this peculiar Swinhoe's turtle in the temple's fish pond.According to the monks, the turtle had been given to the templeduring the Ming dynasty, over 400 years ago.It was thought to be the oldest animal on earth.Soft-shelled turtles are considered a gourmet delicacy by many Chinese,and when it was filmed,this was one of just three Swinhoe's turtles left alive in China,the rest of its kind having been rounded up and eaten.Sadly, just a few weeks after filming,this ancient creature died.The remaining individuals of its species are currently kept in separate zoosand Swinhoe's turtle is now reckoned extinct in the wild.In fact, most of the 25 types of freshwater turtles in Chinaare now vanishingly rare.The answer to extinction is protection.And there is now a growing network of nature reserves throughout southern China.Of these, the Tianzi Mountain Reserve at Zhangjiajie is perhapsthe most visited by Chinese nature lovers,who come to marvel at the gravity-defying landscapeof soaring sandstone pinnacles.Winding between Zhangjiajie's peaks, crystal clear mountain streamsare home to what is perhaps China's strangest creature.This bizarre animal is a type of newt,the Chinese giant salamander.In China it is known as the baby fishbecause when distressed it makes a sound like a crying infant.It grows up to a metre and a half long,making it the world's largest amphibian.Under natural conditions, a giant salamander may live for decades.But like so many Chinese animals, it is considered delicious to eat.Despite being classed as a protected species,giant salamanders are still illegally sold for foodand the baby fish is now rare and endangered in the wild.Fortunately, in a few areas like Zhangjiajie,giant salamanders still survive under strict official protection.The rivers of Zhangjiajie flow north east into the Yangtze floodplain,known as The Land of Fish and Rice.On an island in a lake in Anhui Province,a dragon is stirring.This is the ancestral home of China's largest and rarest reptile,a creature of mystery and legend.Dragon eggs are greatly prized.These babies need to hatch out quick!It would seem someone is on their trail.For a helpless baby reptile,imprisoned in a leathery membrane inside a chalky shell,the process of hatching is a titanic struggle.And time is running out.(CHIRPING)It's taken two hoursfor the little dragon to get its head out of the egg.It needs to gather its strength now,for one final, massive push.Free at last,the baby Chinese alligators instinctively head upwardstowards the surface of the nest and the waiting outside world.(CHATTERING)But the visitors are not what they seem.(BOTH SPEAKING CHINESE)She Shizhen and her son live nearby.She has been caring for her local alligators for over 20 years,so she had a fair idea when the eggs were likely to hatch. Back home, she's built a pond surrounded by netting to keep out predators,where her charges will spend the next six monthsuntil they're big enough to fend for themselves.For the past 20 years,small-scale conservation projects like thisare all that have kept China's 150 wild alligators from extinction.Just south of the alligator country,dawn breaks over a very different landscape.The 1,800-metre-high granite peaks of the Huangshan or Yellow Mountain.To the Chinese, Huangshan's pines epitomisethe strength and resilience of nature.Some of these trees are thought to be over 1,000 years old.Below the granite peaks,steep forested valleys shelter surprising inhabitants.Huangshan macaques, rare descendants of the Tibetan macaques of western China,are unique to these mountain valleyswhere they enjoy strict official protection.(SCREECHING)After a morning spent in the treetops,the troop is heading for the shade of the valley.A chance for the grown-ups to escape the heatand maybe pick up a lunch snack from the stream.As in most monkey societies,social contact involves a lot of grooming.Grooming is all very well for grown-ups,but young macaques have energy to burn.(SCREECHING)Like so much monkey business,what starts off as a bit of playful rough-and-tumble,soon begins to get out of hand.The alpha male has seen it all before.He's not in the least bothered.But someone, or something, is watching,with a less than friendly interest.The Chinese moccasin is an ambush predator with a deadly bite.This is one of China's largest and most feared venomous snakes.But the monkeys have lived alongside these dangerous serpentsfor thousands of years.(MONKEYS SCREECHING)They use this specific alarm call to warn each otherwhenever a snake is spotted.Once its cover is blown, the viper poses no threat to the monkeys,now safe in the treetops.And life soon returns to normal.By late summer, the rice fields of southern China have turned to gold. The time has come to bring in the harvest.Nowadays, modern high-yield strainsare grown throughout much of the rice lands,boosted by chemical fertilizers and reaped by combine harvesters.This is the great rice bowl of China,producing a quarter of the world's rice.Insects, stirred up by the noisy machines,are snapped up by gangs of red-rumped swallows,including this year's youngsters,who will have fledged several weeks ago.This could be their last good feast before they head south for the winter.Mechanized farming works bestin the flat-bottomed valleys of the lowlands.To the south, in the terraced hills of Zhejiang Province,an older and simpler lifestyle persists.It's 7:00 in the morningand Longxian's most successful businessman is off to work.In the golden terraces surrounding the villagethe ears of rice are plump and ripe for harvesting.But today, rice isn't uppermost in Mr Yang's mind.He has bigger fish to fry.Further up the valley, the harvest has already begun.Yang's fields are ripe, too, but they haven't been drained yet.That's because for him, rice is not the main crop.The baskets he's carried up the hillside give a clue to Yang's business.But before he starts work,he needs to let some water out of the system.As the water level drops, the mystery is revealed.Golden carp.Longxian villagers discovered the benefits of transferringwild caught carp into their paddy fields long ago.The tradition has been going on here for at least 700 years.As the water level in the paddy drops, bamboo gates stop the fish escaping.The beauty of this farming methodis that it delivers two crops from the same field at the same time.Fish and rice.Smart ecology like this is what enables Chinato be largely self-sufficient in food, even today.Back in the village, Yang has his own smokehousewhere he preserves his fish ready for market.Longxian carp have unusually soft scales and a very delicate flavour,perhaps as a result of the local water.Meanwhile, outside the smokehouse,there's something fishy going on.(PEOPLE CHA TTERING)To mark the harvest, the village is staging a party.Children from Longxian schoolhave spent weeks preparing for their big moment. Everyone from the community is here to support them.The rice growing cycle is complete.By November, northern China is becoming distinctly chilly.But the south is still relatively warm and welcoming.Across the vast expanse of Poyang Lake, the birds are gathering.Tundra swans are long-distance migrants from northern Siberia.To the Chinese, they symbolise the essence of natural beauty.The Poyang Lake Nature Reserve offers winter refugeto more than a quarter of a million birdsfrom more than 100 species,creating one of southern China's finest wildlife experiences.The last birds to arrive at Poyangare those which have made the longest journey to get here,all the way from the Arctic coast of Siberia.The Siberian crane, known in China as the white crane,is seen as a symbol of good luck.Each year, almost the entire world populationof these critically endangered birdsmake a 9,000-kilometre roundtripto spend the winter at Poyang.Like the white cranes, many of south China's unique animalsface pressure from exploitation and competition with peopleover space and resources.But if China is living proof of anything,it is that wildlife is surprisingly resilient.Given the right help,even the rarest creatures can return from the brink.If we show the will, nature will find the way.。
2024年广州初中英语(沪教牛津版)七年级下册《Unit 2 素养综合检测》(含答案解析)
Unit 2·素养综合检测(满分100分,限时60分钟)Ⅰ.单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)1.—Where is your home, Peter?—It lies in the south of America.(选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项)A.hasB.isC.makes2.—I want to eat snacks. Let’s go to the town near our city.—Why? Is it famous for delicious food?(选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项)A.good forB.bad forC.known for3.—I am going to go on holiday. Would you like to go with me? —Yes, I’d love to. I also want to make myself relaxed.(选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项)A.take a tripB.go to bedC.take a photo4.If you want to know someone’s , you want to know where he or she lives.B.addressC.programme5.【思维品质·评价思维】(2023湖南岳阳中考)Yueyang is one of the top10 most beautiful in China this year.A.cityB.citiesC.citys6.My sister went to visit in Beijing last weekend.A.Jenny;the great wallB.jenny;the Great WallC.jenny;the great wallD.Jenny;the Great Wall7.【人与自我·自我管理】(2023辽宁沈阳四十三中期中)You must look after your dog, you won’t be allowed in the park again.A.andB.orC.soD.though8.—Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?—Either. tea coffee are my favorite.A.Not only;but alsoB.Both;andC.Neither;nor9.—Which activity will you have on weekends, staying at home or going shopping?—I prefer at home to shopping.A.staying;goingB.staying;goC.stay;goingD.stay;go10.(2022江苏泰州中考)—What a sunny day! Why not go camping with your friends?—.A.It’s my pleasureB.You’d better notC.No, I don’t mindD.That sounds greatⅡ.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)【新素材·新加坡之旅】(2023广东广州天河外国语学校单元测试) Last summer I spent two weeks in Singapore with my mother and my sister. Before this trip, I had heard that Singapore is one of the most beautiful and cleanest countries in 11. I hoped that I would have an unforgettable experience there. In fact, the trip was 12than I had expected.Many places in Singapore 13us. First, we visited the Singapore Zoo and Jurong Bird Park. Both the places are very large and many animals live there. So we had to 14 a whole day seeing all of the animals. However, the most interesting 15was to see the Bird Show in the Jurong Bird Park. We 16the performances of the birds a lot. The workers had trained the birds carefully and 17for a long time so that they could dance, sing and even play basketball. At the end of the show, they sent the visitors a message that people should 18 their awareness of protecting birds. I think it is a very helpful and practical 19of educating people about the nature protection.Secondly, after spending a week in relaxing and visiting some tourist spots in Singapore, my sister and I decided to attend a short-term English course because English is the 20language in Singapore and we thought we would improve our English quickly in this way. English was the only common language in this class, so all students there had to speak English during the lessons.The trip in Singapore was truly a nice one in my life. During the trip, I learned a lot and also improved my English. So I think it would be an unforgettable memory in my mind.11.A.Africa C.AmericaD.Europe12.A.worse B.longerC.fasterD.greater13.A.attracted B.affectedC.attackedD.held14.A.take B.costC.wasteD.spend15.A.accident B.eventC.caseD.report16.A.copied B.gaveC.dislikedD.enjoyed17.A.patiently B.carelesslyC.politelyD.confidently18.A.cure B.preventC.raiseD.reduce19.A.way B.roadC.resultD.street20.A.beautiful B.officialefulD.bestⅢ.阅读理解(每小题4分,共36分)A【新体裁·日记】(2023广东广州市黄广附属学校月考) Saturday, March 24thWe have arrived in the hot, wet city of Bangkok. This is our first day to Thailand. All the different smells make us want to try the food. We are going to eat something special for dinner tonight. The hotel we are staying in is cheap, but very clean. We plan to stay here for a few days, visit some places in the city, and then travel to Chiang Mai in the North.Tuesday, March 27thBangkok is wonderful and surprising! The places are interesting. We visited the famous market which was on water, and saw a lot of fruits and vegetables. Everything is so colorful, and we have taken hundreds of photos already! Later today we will leave for Chiang Mai.We will take the train north, stay in Chiang Mai for two days, and then catch a bus to Chiang Rai.Friday, March 30thOur trip to Chiang Rai was long and boring. We visited a small village in the mountains. The villagers here love the quiet life with no computers or phones. They are the kindest people I have ever met. They always smile and say “Hello”. Kathy and I can only speak a few words of Thai, so smiling is the best way to show our kindness. I feel good here and hope to be able to come back next year. This afternoon, we will go to Chiang Mai Airport and go back home.21.According to the passage, how long did the writer spend in Thailand?A.Three days.B.Five days.C.Seven days.D.Ten days.22.【新考法·文章出处题】This passage is probably from .A.a diaryB.a storyC.a reportD.a travel guide23.【新考法·事件排序题】Which of the following is the writer’s travel route in Thailand?A.Bangkok→Chiang Rai→Chiang Mai→Chiang RaiB.Bangkok→Chiang Mai→Chiang Rai→Chiang MaiC.Bangkok→Chiang Mai→Bangkok→Chiang MaiD.Chiang Rai→Bangkok→Chiang Rai→Chiang Mai24.The writer did the following things in Thailand EXCEPT .A.going sightseeingB.trying Thai foodC.taking a bus tripD.going swimming25.What did the writer think of the village in the mountains on the way to Chiang Rai?A.It was easy to understand the villagers’ words.B.It was very boring because of no computers or phones.C.He enjoyed the village life very much because of the tasty food.D.The villagers are very friendly.B(2023四川眉山中考)Do you like to travel alone? Or do you think it’s better to travel with friends? If you’re still deciding, please read on. I will explain the advantages of both ways.One of the great things about traveling alone is that you make the rules about where you go and what you eat. You’ll be surprised at what you discover about yourself without any influence.Traveling alone really shows you what you’re made of and helps you to discover inner strength(内心的力量)you didn’t know you had. Besides, it also gives you time to think, learn and grow. When your eyes are wide open, you’ll get a whole new outlook on the world.It’s easy to think that traveling alone is lonely. Although that may sometimes be true, you’re hardly ever alone. When you travel in aone-person team, this can provide a chance for you to enjoy the mostinteresting part of travel — communicating with the locals and meeting travelers from all corners of the world.In fact, traveling to know more about the world is not easy. There’s research to be done, flights to be booked and choices to be made, not to mention that things can — and often do — go wrong. One of the main advantages of traveling with friends is being able to share these things and support each other through the process, even if it’s just someone who will wait with your bag when you go to the bathroom.Just as your mother always says, it’s true that traveling with others can give you a sense of safety, especially if you’re new to travel. You know that if you get lost or have your wallet stolen, there’s someone to hold your hand when you try to explain your situation in a foreign police station.There’s no right or wrong way to travel. Whether you travel alone or team up with friends, it depends on you.26.How does the writer introduce the topic of the passage in Paragraph 1?A.By telling a story.B.By giving examples.C.By asking questions.D.By describing a scene.27.【新考法·代词指代题】What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?A.Traveling alone.B.Inner strength.C.Outside influence.D.Traveling with others.28.Traveling with friends has the following advantagesEXCEPT .A.sharing a lot of thingsB.knowing yourself betterC.getting support easilyD.having a sense of safety29.【新考法·文章结构题】What’s the structure of the passage?(①=Paragraph 1 ②=Paragraph 2...)Ⅳ.根据句意及首字母提示完成句子(每小题1分,共5分)30. (2023广东广州市黄广附属学校月考)My house l between two big trees.31.Guangzhou is one of the biggest cities in the s of China.32.She is an e cook. Her dishes are probably the best in the world.33.Every Monday morning, students stand under the national f to show their respect to their country.34.We spent the afternoon along the c and we picked up some shells.Ⅴ.用所给单词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,共5分)35.(2022广东广州南海中学期中)The Louvre Museum is one of the most famous places in (French).36.I won’t let you go there alone. It’s (possible).37.She has many hobbies, such as (play) chess.38.There are (near) 7,000 workers in this factory.39.The restaurant is amazing. You can try (have) dinner with your friends there.Ⅵ.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词(每小题2分,共8分)40.如果你饿了,为什么不吃点面包呢?If you are hungry, have some bread?41.我们去海边散步吧。
锦绣中华民俗村:中华文化的璀璨缩影The Splendid China Folk Culture Village, a unique tourist attraction located in Shenzhen, China, offers visitors a fascinating journey through the rich and diverse cultural heritage of the Chinese nation. This vibrant village, a replica of China's diverse ethnic cultures, is a testament to the country's vast and vibrant history.Upon entering the village, one is immediately transported to a world where the sights, sounds, and smells of China's various ethnic groups come alive. The village is divided into distinct regions, each representing adifferent ethnic group or region of China. From thebustling streets of Beijing's Hutong to the serene rice paddies of the south, the village brings these diverse landscapes to life.One of the most striking features of the Splendid China Folk Culture Village is its meticulous attention to detail. The architecture, costumes, and even the daily activities of the villagers are all carefully researched and recreated to reflect the authenticity of each ethnic group. Visitors can observe traditional craftsmen practicing their skills,such as pottery making, embroidery, and woodcarving, while local musicians and dancers perform traditional songs and dances.Moreover, the village is not just a static display of culture. It is a lively, interactive experience that allows visitors to participate in traditional activities. Visitors can try their hand at calligraphy, participate in folk games, or even learn how to cook traditional Chinese dishes. This immersive experience makes the Splendid China Folk Culture Village a truly unique and memorable destination.In addition to its cultural significance, the village also serves as a bridge between the past and the present, connecting visitors to the rich history and traditions of China. It is a powerful reminder of the country's rich cultural heritage and the diverse ethnic groups that have contributed to its development over the centuries.The Splendid China Folk Culture Village is not just a tourist attraction; it is a living museum that showcasesthe best of Chinese culture. It is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in learning more about the diverseand vibrant cultural landscape of China.**锦绣中华民俗村:中华文化的璀璨缩影**位于中国深圳的锦绣中华民俗村,是一个独特的旅游胜地,为游客提供了一次穿越中华民族丰富多样文化遗产的迷人旅程。
英语作文锦绣中华主题比赛介绍The Magnificent China English Essay Competition Introduction。
China, a land of rich history and diverse culture, has always been a source of fascination for people around the world. To celebrate the beauty and grandeur of this nation, we are pleased to announce the Magnificent China English Essay Competition. This competition aims to provide a platform for students to showcase their English writing skills while exploring the themes and elements that make China truly magnificent.The competition is open to students of all ages, from primary school to university level. Participants will have the opportunity to not only demonstrate their language proficiency but also deepen their understanding of Chinese culture and heritage. Through this competition, we hope to foster cultural exchange and promote a greater appreciation for the wonders of China.To participate in the Magnificent China English Essay Competition, students are required to submit an original essay on a topic related to Chinese history, culture, or traditions. The essay should be written in English and should be no less than 700 wordsin length. Participants are encouraged to choose a topic that resonates with them personally and allows them to delve into the rich tapestry of Chinese civilization.In their essays, participants may explore a wide range of subjects, such as the Great Wall of China, the Forbidden City, traditional Chinese cuisine, or even famous Chinese individuals throughout history. The possibilities are endless, and participants are encouraged to think outside the box and present unique perspectives on these topics. It is important, however, to ensure that the essays remain grounded in factual information and avoid perpetuating stereotypes or misconceptions about China.Judging for the Magnificent China English Essay Competition will be based on several criteria. Firstly, participants' essays will be evaluated based on their language proficiency, including grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. Secondly, judgeswill assess the content of the essays, looking for originality, depth of research, and theability to present a compelling argument or narrative. Finally, participants will also be judged on their overall presentation, including formatting, organization, and clarity of ideas.The winners of the Magnificent China English Essay Competition will be awarded a variety of prizes, including certificates of achievement, cash prizes, and the opportunity to have their essays published in a special collection. Additionally, winners will be invited to attend an award ceremony where they will have the chance to meet renowned scholars and experts in the field of Chinese studies.We believe that the Magnificent China English Essay Competition will not only inspire students to explore the beauty of China but also foster a love for the English language. By combining these two passions, we hope to create a platform that encourages cultural appreciation, language proficiency, and academic excellence.In conclusion, the Magnificent China English Essay Competition offers students a unique opportunity to showcase their writing skills while exploring the rich history and culture of China. We encourage all students with a passion for English and an interest in China to participate in this prestigious competition. Let your words paint a vivid picture of the wonders of China and join us in celebrating the magnificence of this extraordinary nation.。
英语作文锦绣中华主题比赛介绍English:The "Splendid China" theme essay competition aims to celebrate the rich culture, history, and diversity of China through the written word. Participants are encouraged to explore various aspects of Chinese civilization, such as traditional arts, literature, philosophy, and technological advancements, and reflect on how these elements have influenced the country's development and global impact. By encouraging writers to delve into the beauty and complexity of Chinese heritage, the competition not only promotes a deeper understanding of China but also fosters cross-cultural dialogue and appreciation. Through their essays, participants have the opportunity to showcase their creativity, critical thinking skills, and insights into the unique characteristics that define China as a nation. Ultimately, the goal of the competition is to inspire a sense of pride and appreciation for China's cultural legacy, while also encouraging individuals to engage with and contribute to the ongoing narrative of China's place in the world.中文翻译:“锦绣中华”主题作文比赛旨在通过文字来庆祝中国丰富的文化、历史和多样性。
锦绣中华英文作文China, a country with a long history and splendid culture, has always been a place that fascinates peoplefrom all over the world. The rich and diverse cultural heritage of China is like a magnificent tapestry, wovenwith threads of tradition, innovation, and resilience.The Great Wall, a symbol of China's ancientcivilization, stretches across the northern part of the country, standing as a testament to the ingenuity and determination of the Chinese people. It is a marvel of engineering and a reminder of the country's enduring spirit.Chinese traditional festivals, such as the Spring Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival, are vibrant and colorful celebrations that bring families and communities together. The customs and rituals associated with these festivals reflect the values of filial piety, harmony, and gratitude.Chinese cuisine, with its diverse flavors and regional specialties, is a reflection of the country's vast andvaried landscape. From the spicy dishes of Sichuan to the delicate flavors of Cantonese cuisine, Chinese food is a feast for the senses.The Chinese language, with its intricate characters and tonal pronunciation, is both a challenge and a beauty to behold. It is a language that carries the weight of thousands of years of history and literature, and it continues to evolve and adapt to the modern world.Chinese traditional arts, such as calligraphy, painting, and opera, are expressions of the country's artistic prowess and cultural sophistication. These art forms have been passed down through generations, embodying thecreativity and craftsmanship of the Chinese people.In modern times, China has become a global powerhousein technology, innovation, and economic development. The country's rapid growth and modernization have made it aforce to be reckoned with on the world stage.The natural beauty of China, from the majestic mountains to the tranquil rivers, has inspired poets, artists, and travelers for centuries. The landscapes of China are a testament to the country's enduring connection to the land and its reverence for nature.In conclusion, China's rich cultural heritage, vibrant traditions, and rapid development make it a fascinating and dynamic country that continues to captivate the world.。
关于中国传统文化的中考英语阅读理解Chinese traditional culture, with its rich history and profound influence, is a subject of fascination and admiration worldwide. From its ancient philosophies to its time-honored customs, Chinese culture embodies a unique blend of tradition, wisdom, and elegance.One of the most iconic aspects of Chinese traditional culture is Confucianism, which has profoundly shaped the social, political, and ethical values of Chinese society for over two millennia. Founded by Confucius, this philosophy emphasizes the importance of moral cultivation, filial piety, and social harmony. Through teachings such as the Five Relationships and the importance of rituals, Confucianism provides a guiding framework for personal conduct and societal order.In addition to Confucianism, Taoism is another significant philosophical tradition in China. Rooted in the teachings of Laozi, Taoism advocates for living in harmony with the natural order and embracing simplicity and spontaneity. The concept of "wu wei," or non-action, encourages individuals to let go of desires and ego, leading to a state of effortless action and inner peace. Taoist practices such as tai chi and qigong are not only forms of physical exercise but also pathways to spiritual cultivation and self-awareness.Moreover, Chinese traditional culture is renowned for its rich literary heritage, spanning poetry, prose, and classical texts. Classical Chinese poetry, characterized by its concise yet profound language and deep symbolism, reflects the beauty of nature, human emotions, and the passage of time. Poets like Li Bai and Du Fu are revered for their contributions to this art form, which continues to inspire readers around the world.In addition to poetry, classical Chinese literature includes masterpieces such as "Dream of the Red Chamber," "Journey to the West," and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms." These literary works offer insights into Chinese history, culture, and values, while also captivating readers with their compelling narratives and vivid characters.Furthermore, Chinese traditional culture is rich in artistic expressions, including calligraphy, painting, and traditional Chinese medicine. Calligraphy, regarded as the highest form of visual art in Chinese culture, combines brushwork, ink, and paper to create elegant and expressive characters. Each brushstroke is imbued with meaning and emotion, making calligraphy not just a form of writing but also a form of artistic expression and spiritual practice.Similarly, traditional Chinese painting emphasizes harmony, balance, and capturing the essence of the subject matter. Whether depicting landscapes, flowers, or animals, Chinese painters strive to convey the beauty of nature and evoke emotions in the viewer. Techniques such as ink wash painting and meticulous brushwork are central to this artistic tradition, which has influenced artists around the world.Additionally, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) offers a holistic approach to health and wellness, incorporating herbal medicine, acupuncture, and qigong exercises. Based on the principles of yin and yang, as well as the Five Elements, TCM seeks to restore balance and harmony within the body, mind, and spirit. With its emphasis on prevention and treating the root cause of illness, TCM continues to be practiced alongside modern medicine, providing a comprehensive approach to healthcare.In conclusion, Chinese traditional culture encompasses a rich tapestry of philosophy, literature, art, and medicine, reflecting the wisdom, creativity, and spiritual insights of the Chinese people throughout history. From the timeless teachings of Confucianism and Taoism to the exquisite beauty of classical poetry and painting, Chinese culture continues to inspire and enrich the lives of people around the world.。
快捷英语中考传统文化阅读English:With the rapid development of technology and the influence of western culture, traditional Chinese culture is facing challenges in the modern world. However, it is crucial for young people to understand and appreciate their own cultural heritage. Traditional Chinese culture, with its rich history and profound wisdom, has a lot to offer in terms of values, ethics, and social norms. By studying traditional Chinese culture, students can gain a deeper understanding of their own identity and develop a sense of pride in their heritage. Furthermore, traditional Chinese culture can provide valuable lessons and serve as a source of inspiration for solving contemporary issues and promoting social harmony. By integrating traditional values with modern thinking, young people can contribute to the preservation and continuation of traditional Chinese culture while also adapting it to the needs of a rapidly changing society.中文翻译:随着科技的快速发展和西方文化的影响,传统的中国文化在现代社会面临着挑战。
锦绣中华英语作文China, a land of rich history, diverse traditions, and remarkable innovation, has witnessed the birth and development of a magnificent culture. The cultural heritage of China can be traced back thousands of years, encompassing various aspects such as philosophy, literature, art, cuisine, and martial arts. This essay aims to explore the splendors of Chinese culture, shedding light on its distinctive traits and enduring significance.One of the most renowned features of Chinese culture is its profound philosophy. Ancient Chinese philosophers, including Confucius, Laozi, and Zhuangzi, have made remarkable contributions to the philosophical realm. Confucianism, emphasizing ethical values, social harmony, and filial piety, has deeply influenced Chinese society, playing a pivotal role in shaping Chinese values, customs, andinterpersonal relationships. Taoism, on the other hand, advocates simplicity, humility, and living in accordance with nature, offering individuals an alternative spiritual path. These philosophical teachings have fostered a unique mindset among the Chinese people, promoting harmony, wisdom, and a holistic view of life.In terms of literature, Chinese culture boasts an immense wealth of literary classics. The poetry of the Tang Dynasty, often deemed as the golden age of Chinese poetry, has left an indelible mark on Chinese literature and beyond. The highly expressive and condensed nature of Chinese poetry evokes a profound aesthetic experience, embracing themes such as nature, love, and the fleeting nature of human existence. Simultaneously, Chinese classical novels, such as "Journey to the West," "Romance of the Three Kingdoms," and "Dream of the Red Chamber," have captivated readers worldwide with their intricate plots, vivid characters, and timeless moral lessons.Chinese art, characterized by its distinctive styles and techniques, exemplifies the creativity and aesthetics of the culture. Traditional Chinese painting, known for its focus on natural scenery, landscapes, and ink wash techniques, exudesa sense of tranquility and harmony. The renowned painting "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" by Zhang Zeduan vividly portrays the vibrant urban life of theNorthern Song Dynasty, demonstrating the meticulous attention to detail and narrative storytelling in Chinese art. Moreover, Chinese calligraphy, as a highly regarded art form, combines visual beauty with the artistic expression of written characters. The elegant strokes and rhythmic flow of Chinese calligraphy not only serve as a means of communication butalso reflect the spiritual and cultural essence of China.The realm of Chinese cuisine also reflects the cultural diversity and exquisite tastes within the country. With its emphasis on balancing flavors, textures, and colors, Chinese cuisine has gained global recognition and popularity. Fromthe delicate dim sum of Cantonese cuisine to the fiery spiceof Sichuan cuisine, each regional cuisine showcases a distinctive culinary tradition. Moreover, the philosophy ofyin and yang, rooted in Chinese culture, guides the selection and combination of ingredients to maintain harmony andbalance in every dish.The martial arts of China, such as Tai Chi, Kung Fu, and Wushu, embody both a physical discipline and a spiritual pursuit. These ancient martial arts not only showcase impressive combat techniques but also promote personal growth, self-discipline, and mental focus. By emphasizing the harmonious integration of body, mind, and spirit, Chinese martial arts have become widely practiced and respectedaround the world.In conclusion, the splendor of Chinese culture is encompassed by its profound philosophy, rich literature, expressive art forms, savory cuisine, and disciplined martialarts. By appreciating and preserving these cultural treasures, China continues to inspire and fascinate people from all corners of the globe. This enduring cultural heritage servesas a bridge, connecting the past with the present and empowering future generations to embrace their roots andcreate new wonders.。
摄影比赛主题锦绣中华英语作文The vast and diverse landscape of China has long captivated the hearts and imaginations of photographers from around the world. From the towering peaks of the Himalayas to the serene waters of ancient rivers, the country's natural wonders offer an endless source of inspiration for those who wield the camera. It is no surprise then that the recent photographic competition themed "The Splendor of China" has generated tremendous interest and enthusiasm among both professional and amateur shutterbugs.The competition was open to photographers of all skill levels and backgrounds, with the goal of showcasing the breathtaking beauty and rich cultural heritage of the Middle Kingdom. Participants were encouraged to explore the country's stunning natural landscapes, vibrant cityscapes, and timeless traditions, capturing the essence of China's unique identity through their lenses.One of the standout entries in the competition was a series of photographs by a young Chinese photographer named Mei Ling. Her work, titled "Echoes of the Past," delved into the ancient water townsof Zhejiang province, where traditional architecture and way of life have been preserved for centuries. Mei Ling's images masterfully blend the timeless and the contemporary, juxtaposing the weathered wooden structures and cobblestone streets with the occasional glimpse of modern life.In one particularly striking photograph, a lone fisherman casts his net into the still waters of a canal, his silhouette reflected in the glassy surface. The scene evokes a sense of timelessness, as if this moment could have taken place decades or even centuries ago. Mei Ling's keen eye for composition and her ability to capture the subtle interplay of light and shadow have earned her widespread acclaim from the competition's judges and the broader photography community.Another standout entry came from a seasoned photographer named Zhang Wei, whose series "Guardians of the Silk Road" explored the remote and rugged landscapes of China's western regions. Zhang's images transport the viewer to a world of towering mountains, vast deserts, and ancient fortresses that have borne witness to the ebb and flow of history.One particularly captivating photograph depicts a group of Tibetan nomads tending to their yaks against the backdrop of the snow-capped Himalayas. The image conveys a sense of the timeless,almost primal, connection between these hardy people and the land they call home. Zhang's use of muted tones and his keen eye for detail have earned him praise for his ability to capture the essence of these remote and often overlooked regions of China.The competition also featured several entries that showcased the country's vibrant urban centers, with photographers capturing the energy and dynamism of cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. One such entry was a series of photographs by a Hong Kong-based photographer named Lee Siu-Fung, whose work "Neon Dreams" explored the dazzling and ever-changing cityscapes of the Pearl River Delta region.Lee's images are a riot of color and light, with neon signs, skyscrapers, and bustling streets all vying for the viewer's attention. Yet, amid the chaos, Lee manages to find moments of stillness and contemplation, such as in a photograph of a lone pedestrian crossing a busy intersection, their silhouette illuminated by the glow of the surrounding lights.The competition's judges were particularly impressed by Lee's ability to capture the energy and dynamism of these urban environments while also finding the humanity and beauty within them. His work has been praised for its technical excellence, as well as its ability to convey the unique character and personality of China's rapidlyevolving cities.As the competition drew to a close, the organizers were inundated with entries from photographers around the world, each offering a unique perspective on the splendor of China. The sheer diversity and quality of the submissions made the task of selecting the winners an immensely challenging one for the judges.Ultimately, the top prizes were awarded to a mix of established and up-and-coming photographers, each of whom had managed to capture the essence of China's rich cultural heritage and natural beauty in their own distinctive way. The winning entries will be featured in a traveling exhibition that will tour major cities across the country, offering the public a chance to experience the beauty and wonder of China through the eyes of these talented photographers.For the participants, the competition has been a transformative experience, not only in terms of the recognition and accolades they have received but also in the way it has deepened their understanding and appreciation of China's remarkable diversity. Many have expressed a renewed sense of wonder and excitement about the country, and have vowed to continue exploring its wonders through the lens of their cameras.As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of the 21stcentury, the power of photography to connect people and foster greater understanding has never been more important. The "Photographic Competition - The Splendor of China" has served as a powerful reminder of the enduring beauty and cultural richness of this ancient and dynamic land, and has inspired a new generation of photographers to capture its essence for the world to see.。
关于传统文化的中考英语阅读题China is a country with a long history and rich traditional culture. Traditional culture plays an important role in shaping the values and beliefs of the Chinese people. In recent years, with the rapid development of society, the traditional culture has also attracted more attention, especially among the younger generation. In this article, we will explore the significance of traditional culture and its impact on Chinese society.First and foremost, traditional culture serves as the spiritual backbone of the Chinese people. It embodies the wisdom and experience of our ancestors, providing guidance and inspiration for contemporary life. Through traditional cultural practices such as Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, people can cultivate virtues such as filial piety, respect for elders, and harmony with nature. These values are deeply rooted in Chinese society and continue to influence people's behavior and decision-making.Moreover, traditional culture is a source of national pride and identity. It reflects the unique customs, rituals, and art forms that have been passed down from generation to generation. Chinese traditional festivals, such as the Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, are important occasions for family reunions and cultural celebrations. The traditional arts, such as calligraphy, painting, and opera, are also cherished forms of expression that showcase the beauty and creativity of Chinese culture.Furthermore, traditional culture plays a crucial role in promoting social cohesion and harmony. It fosters a sense of community and belonging among the people, as they come together to participate in shared traditions and rituals. For example, the practice of ancestor worship and offering sacrifices is a way for families to honor their heritage and strengthen familial bonds. Traditional cultural activities, such as dragon boat racing and lion dancing, also bring people together in joyous and festive occasions.Additionally, traditional culture has a profound impact on various aspects of Chinese society, including education, governance, and healthcare. The teachings of Confucius, for instance, have influenced the moral and ethical principles that underpin the Chinese education system. Traditional Chinese medicine, with its emphasis on holistic healingand balance, continues to be a popular alternative to modern healthcare practices. Furthermore, the principles of harmony and balance found in traditional culture have also influenced Chinese philosophy and governance.In conclusion, traditional culture is an integral part of Chinese society, shaping the values, beliefs, and practices of the people. It serves as a spiritual anchor, a source of national pride, and a promoter of social cohesion. Its impact extends to various aspects of society, enriching the lives of the Chinese people. As we continue to embrace modernity, it is essential to preserve and promote our traditional culture, ensuring that it remains a vibrant and cherished part of our heritage.。
学校组织锦绣中华摄影比赛,英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Last week, our school organized a "Splendid China" photography competition. It was so much fun!First, we had to take photos of different places and things that represent China's culture and traditions. I took a picture of a traditional Chinese dragon dance at a festival, and my friend took a photo of the Great Wall of China. Everyone was so excited to show off their photos and share stories about what they learned.Next, we had to edit our photos using different filters and effects on the computer. It was cool to see how we could make our pictures even more beautiful and interesting. Some of us even added captions in Chinese to explain what our photos were about.Finally, we had a big exhibition in the school hall where all the photos were displayed. There were pictures of Chinese food, festivals, landmarks, and even traditional costumes. It was amazing to see how talented everyone in our school is!At the end of the competition, there were prizes for the best photos. I didn't win, but I had so much fun taking part and learning more about China. I can't wait for the next photography competition at school!In conclusion, the "Splendid China" photography competition was a great opportunity for us to learn more about Chinese culture and traditions. It was a fun and creative way to showcase our photography skills. I can't wait for the next event like this at school!篇2Our school organized a photography competition called "Splendid China" and it was super fun! The competition was open to all students from different grades. We were so excited to show off our photography skills and capture the beauty of China in our pictures.Before the competition started, we had a mini workshop on photography techniques. We learned about lighting, angles, and composition. It was like being a real photographer! Then, armed with our cameras or smartphones, we set out to explore different parts of the school to take our best shots.There were so many beautiful things to capture - the blooming flowers in the school garden, the colorful murals on the walls, and even the smiling faces of our friends. Some students even went outside the school to take pictures of the surrounding neighborhood.After a week of shooting, we had to select our best photo to submit for the competition. It was so hard to choose just one! The submissions were then displayed in the school hall for everyone to see. It was amazing to see the different perspectives and creativity of our classmates.Finally, the winners were announced at a special ceremony. There were prizes for the top three photos, as well as honorable mentions for other outstanding entries. It was such a proud moment to see our photos being recognized.Overall, the "Splendid China" photography competition was a great experience. It not only allowed us to showcase our talents but also appreciate the beauty of our country. We can't wait for the next competition to come!篇3Our school recently organized a "Splendid China Photography Contest" and it was so much fun! All the studentswere really excited to participate and show off their photography skills.I, personally, love taking pictures of beautiful scenery and interesting things around me. So, when I heard about the contest, I immediately signed up. I grabbed my camera and started exploring different places to capture the beauty of China.One of my favorite photos that I submitted was of the Great Wall of China. It was such an amazing experience to see this wonder of the world up close and personal. I also took some pictures of traditional Chinese architecture, like the Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven.During the contest, we had a special exhibition where all the students could display their photos. It was so cool to see all the different perspectives and styles of photography. Some focused on nature, while others captured daily life in China.After the exhibition, we had a voting session to choose the winners. It was so tough because all the photos were amazing! In the end, three winners were chosen and they received special prizes for their outstanding work.Overall, the "Splendid China Photography Contest" was a big success. It was a great opportunity for us to share our love forphotography and showcase the beauty of our country. I can't wait for the next contest!篇4Our school organized a photography competition called "Splendid China" and I was so excited to participate! The theme of the competition was to capture the beauty of China through our lenses.I grabbed my camera and set out to take some amazing photos. I took pictures of the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the beautiful countryside. I even snapped a photo of a cute panda at the zoo! I had so much fun exploring and taking pictures of all the wonderful things in China.After taking all my photos, I submitted them to the competition. I was so nervous waiting for the results, but when they finally came in, I couldn't believe it - I had won first place! I was so happy and proud of myself for capturing the beauty of China in my photos.The competition was a great experience and I learned a lot about photography and the beauty of my country. I can't wait to participate in more competitions in the future and continue to capture the beauty of China through my lens. I'm so grateful tomy school for organizing such a fun and inspiring competition. Thank you, Splendid China!篇5One day, our school organized a photography competition about the beauty of China. We were all so excited because we love taking pictures and exploring new places. The theme of the competition was "Jinxiu Zhonghua", which means the Splendid China.I grabbed my camera and started to explore the school grounds to find the perfect shot. I saw my classmates running around, trying to capture the beauty of our school buildings and playground. Some of them even climbed up the trees to get a better angle. It was so much fun!After taking lots of photos, we gathered in the school hall to show our pictures to the judges. They were so impressed by the creativity and talent of our classmates. Some of the photos captured the traditional Chinese architecture, while others showed the modern side of China with skyscrapers and technology.When the winners were announced, we all cheered and clapped for our friends. It was such a great feeling to see ourhard work pay off. The first prize went to a student who took a stunning shot of the Great Wall, while the second prize went to a photo of the Terracotta Warriors.Overall, the photography competition was a huge success. We all had a great time exploring and capturing the beauty of China. It was a day to remember! I can't wait for the next competition.篇6Our school recently organized a photography competition called "Beautiful China". It was so much fun! There were so many cool photos taken by students from different grades.At first, I was a bit nervous because I've never taken part in a photography competition before. But my friends and teachers encouraged me to give it a try. So I grabbed my camera and started exploring the school campus to find some beautiful spots to capture.I saw some of my classmates taking pictures of the blooming flowers in the garden, some were capturing the beautiful sunset behind the school building, and some were even photographing their friends in funny poses. It was really exciting to see everyone so engaged in photography.When the deadline for submitting the photos arrived, I felt a mix of nervousness and excitement. I submitted my best shots and hoped for the best. The judging process took a few days, and finally, the winners were announced in the school assembly.I was so happy to hear my name called as the winner in the junior category! I couldn't believe it! My friends cheered for me, and my teachers congratulated me. It was such a proud moment for me.Through this competition, I not only improved my photography skills but also learned to appreciate the beauty of our country. I can't wait to participate in more photography competitions in the future!I am grateful to my school for organizing such a wonderful event that allowed us to showcase our talent and creativity. I am looking forward to more exciting events like this in the future. Thank you, school, for making us feel proud and confident!。
锦绣中华主题活动比赛英语作文China, the land of ancient civilizations and rich cultural heritage, is a captivating destination that captivates the hearts and minds of people from around the world. As a participant in the "Splendid China" themed activity competition, I am honored to share my perspective on the wonders that this extraordinary country has to offer.From the towering peaks of the Himalayas to the serene shores of the East China Sea, China's diverse landscapes are a testament to the country's natural beauty. The majestic Great Wall, a man-made wonder that stretches across the northern regions, stands as a symbol of China's enduring spirit and the ingenuity of its people. The Forbidden City, the former imperial palace in the heart of Beijing, is a breathtaking display of Chinese architecture and the legacy of the Ming and Qing dynasties.Beyond the iconic landmarks, China's cultural richness is equally awe-inspiring. The ancient art of calligraphy, with its graceful strokes and profound meaning, is a testament to the country's deep reverence for the written word. The delicate porcelain and vibrant silk fabrics produced in China have long been sought after by collectors andconnoisseurs worldwide, showcasing the country's mastery of craftsmanship.The culinary diversity of China is another aspect that captivates the senses. From the delicate flavors of Cantonese cuisine to the bold and spicy Sichuan dishes, each region of China boasts its own unique culinary traditions, reflecting the country's vast geography and cultural diversity. The art of tea ceremony, a deeply rooted practice in Chinese culture, is a tranquil and meditative experience that allows one to appreciate the nuances of this ancient beverage.The rich tapestry of China's history is woven with the stories of countless dynasties, each contributing to the nation's enduring legacy. The Terracotta Warriors, discovered in the Shaanxi province, are a testament to the grandeur of the Qin Dynasty and the remarkable craftsmanship of ancient Chinese artisans. The ancient Silk Road, a network of trade routes that connected China to the West, not only facilitated the exchange of goods but also the sharing of ideas, philosophies, and cultural traditions.Beyond the tangible aspects of Chinese culture, the country's philosophical and spiritual traditions have had a profound impact on the world. The teachings of Confucius, Lao-Tzu, and Buddha have influenced the way of life for millions of people, promoting values of harmony, balance, and personal growth. The ancient practice oftraditional Chinese medicine, with its emphasis on holistic healing and the integration of the mind, body, and spirit, continues to captivate the global community.As a participant in the "Splendid China" themed activity competition, I am deeply inspired by the opportunity to showcase the richness and diversity of this extraordinary country. China's enduring legacy, its natural wonders, and its cultural treasures are a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of the Chinese people. Through this competition, I hope to share my appreciation for the beauty and significance of China's heritage, inspiring others to explore and discover the wonders that this remarkable nation has to offer.。
杭州市锦绣中学八年级英语下册期末阅读理解汇编一、八年级英语下册阅读理解专项训练1.阅读理解The film Forever Enthralled was directed by the director(导演)Chen Kaige, and famous stars acted in it, such asZhang Ziyi and Chen Hong. This film shows Mei Lanfang's life.Mei, a master of Beijing opera, grew up in a family of Beijing opera performers. He began to perform on the stage(舞台)in 1904 when he was 10 years old. He learnt his acting skills and played female roles and became highly good at singing, dancing and acting. He turned himself into a performer of almost all types of the "Dan" female roles.In July 1937, the Japanese army occupied(占领) Beijing. The officer of the army told Mei to perform for them and promised to give him a lot of money. Mei refused to do so, and from then on, he gave up performing on stage during the war. This made him poor until the war ended in 1945.After 1949, he made the Dan have an important place in Beijing opera through many years of hard working. In his 50-year stage life, he used new acting skills and made lots of good operas. So he became the symbol of Beijing opera.(1)The movie Forever Enthralled shows the life of_________ .A. a famous actressB. a film directorC. an unknown film starD. a master of Beijing opera(2)During the war, Mei refused to appear on stage because he _______.A. had a lot of other things to doB. did not like to perform Beijing operaC. had enough money to live a good lifeD. hated performing for the Japanese army(3)How does the writer mainly introduce Mei's life in the passage?A. By presenting several facts.B. By discussing a point of view.C. By using a timeline of events.D. By listing a group of examples.2.阅读理解A son took his old father to a restaurant for an evening dinner. His father was very old and weak. So while his father was eating, he always dropped(落下)food on his clothes. Many people in the restaurant watched him in disgust(厌恶地), but his son kept quiet.After he finished eating, his son quietly took him to the washroom, washing the food and the other dirty things carefully. When they came out, the whole restaurant was watching them in silence. The son paid the waiter for their food and started walking out with his father.At that time, an old man in the restaurant called out to the son and asked him, "Don't you think you have left something behind?""No sir, I haven't," the son replied."Yes, you have! You left a lesson for every son and hope for every father," the old man said.The restaurant went silent. No one said anything.(1)Why did the father always drop food on his clothes?A. Because he was very careless.B. Because he was very old and weak.C. Because his son didn't care about him.D. Because the waiter was very careless.(2)What did the son do after dinner?A. He went home straight with his father.B. He had a fight with the waiter.C. He talked with the old man happily.D. He helped his father wash the food and other dirty things.(3)According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. The son was angry with the other people.B. The son was patient (耐心地) with his father.C. The son didn't pay for the food.D. The other people were angry with the son.(4)From the story, we can learn thatA. the son should care for his fatherB. the father should look after his sonC. the son should take his father to eat dinnerD. the son should leave something after dinner3.阅读理解A little girl had a doll. She loved it so much that she would treat it with great care, even though her friends would laugh at her for being so careful.As time passed, the girl grew up, moved houses, became an adult, got married, had children, and finally became a lovely little old woman with many grandchildren.One day, she returned to her hometown, found her original house, and went in. Among hundreds of old things, she found her doll. It was as well looked after as before. She took it home with her and gave it to her granddaughter. Her granddaughter loved it.Each time the old woman saw her granddaughter play with the doll, tears (眼泪)of joy would roll down her cheeks (脸颊). She was so glad to see that it was in the hands of her granddaughter.(1)When the woman was a little girl, she had a______ and she loved it so much.A. dogB. dollC. toy carD. ball(2)Those friends laughed at her because she______.A. looked so thin and uglyB. didn't get on well with her friendsC. treated her doll so carefullyD. didn't like to play games with them(3)When the old woman found her doll, ________.A. it looked old and terribleB. she threw it awayC. she took it home and kept it to herselfD. it was as well looked after as before(4)What does the underlined word "original" mean in the third paragraph?A. 豪华的B. 原来的C. 新建的D. 木质的(5)Whenever the old woman saw her granddaughter play with the doll, she would________.A. feel very glad and joyfulB. think of her old friendsC. want to buy her granddaughter a new dollD. wish to go back to her hometown again4.阅读下面的材料,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
中考英语传统文化类阅读理解(The essay is written in English as requested, incorporating emotional elements, addressing multiple perspectives, and aiming for an IELTS-level standard. However, due to character limitations, the essay is approximately 2500 characters.) The rise of "Zhongkao English Traditional Culture Reading Comprehension" signifiesa fascinating shift in China's educational landscape. It's no longer just about mastering grammar rules and vocabulary; it's about fostering a deep understandingand appreciation for the richness of Chinese culture. This integration oflanguage learning and cultural exploration is a beautiful tapestry, weavingtogether threads of history, philosophy, art, and literature. Imagine a student delving into a passage about the Spring Festival, their eyes widening with wonderas they learn about the vibrant traditions, the symbolic foods, and theheartwarming family reunions. Or picture them exploring the intricate world of Chinese calligraphy, marveling at the graceful strokes and the profound meaning behind each character. These reading comprehension passages become portals to a different world, sparking curiosity and igniting a passion for cultural discovery. This approach isn't just about acquiring knowledge; it's about fostering empathyand understanding. As students engage with diverse cultural perspectives, theybegin to see the world through a different lens. They develop a respect for traditions that may be different from their own, and they learn to appreciate the beauty and complexity of human experience. This fosters a sense of global citizenship, preparing them to navigate an interconnected world with open heartsand open minds. Of course, there are challenges to overcome. Integratingcultural content into language exams requires careful selection of materials thatare both engaging and accessible to students of different language levels. Italso demands a shift in teaching methodologies, encouraging interactive andstudent-centered approaches that go beyond rote memorization. But the potential rewards are immense. By nurturing a love for both language and culture, weempower our students to become not just proficient communicators, but alsoculturally aware and empathetic individuals. Ultimately, the "Zhongkao English Traditional Culture Reading Comprehension" is a testament to the evolving natureof education. It's a recognition that language learning is not just a technicalskill, but a gateway to understanding ourselves and the world around us. And as we embark on this journey of cultural exploration, we open ourselves up to a world of wonder, connection, and endless possibilities.。
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初中英语专项阅读—锦绣中华AShandong has a lot of places of great interest. You’re planning to have a trip there. So you went to a travel service(旅行社) to get more information for your trip. Here is a leaflet(传单).Answer the following questions according to the information.1. Which places of interest can be seen in Ji’nan?_____________________________________2. How do travelers go to Tai’an?_____________________________________3. Where do travelers spend the night of the second day during the trip?_____________________________________4. What’s the most exciting thing to do on Mount Taishan?_____________________________________5. Why does Qufu attract a lot of visitors?_____________________________________BMy first Spring Festival in North China was a bit of shock. Where was the spring? There was snow on the ground and ice on the Summer Palace Lake and a northwest wind was blowing. In England, where I come from, we think of flowers in spring.Then I had another problem. In Beijing, although there is snow and ice, i t’s often sunny over the Spring Festival. So I liked to be out, to walk in the snow round the Summer Palace Lake or to skate on Kunming Lake. Then I’d come home and find that old friends had called on us while we were out. So gradually(渐渐地) I learned how the Chinese people spent the Spring Festival. The first day is for family get-together. The second and third days are for paying and receiving visits. So I changed our holiday life style and stayed at home or called on friends those days.These days I don’t always stay in Beijing for the Spring Festival. Sometimes we go on a trip to some other parts of China. Last year we were lucky enough to go to Hainan Island. Instead of skating, we went swimming. That was fun. The sea water in February was warmer than it is in the middle of the summer in England.Choose the best answer according to the passage.( )1. In the first sentence, “shock” means “_____”.A. happinessB. interestC. angerD. surprise( )2. Where is the writer from?A. China.B. England.C. The USA.D. Canada.( )3. What is the weather like in spring in England?A. Snowy.B. Icy.C. Warm with flowers.D. Hot.( )4. What do people do on the first day of the Spring Festival in China?A. They stay at home with the family.B. They go out for a walk or go skating.C. They pay and receive visits.D. They go to the cinema.( )5. Where did the writer spend the last Spring Festival?A. In Beijing.B. On Hainan Island.C. In England.D. We don’t know.Key: A 1. Baotu Spring, Daming Lake and the Yellow River.2. By bus.3. At South Heaven Gate.4. Watching the beautiful sunrise on the mountain.5. Because it is the birthplace of Confucius.B 1-5 DBCABCE’mei Mountain offers many activities. The snow on it is good, and it is well equipped with skiing facilities(设备). Tourists can also view the four wonders: the sea of clouds, the halo(光环) of Buddha, the sunrise, and sacred(神圣的) light of E’mei Mountain.Xiamen is a beautiful city of Fujian Province. It has many sea entertainment activities which include parachuting(跳伞), fast boat, motorboat, sailing and swimming competitions. It is a good place for tourists to have a vacation and do fitness exercises here.Hainan Island Diving TourTime: Any time of the year mainly in winter, when there will be interesting sports and leisure(休闲) diving activities. Place:Yalong Bay at Sanya, Dadonghai, Wuzhizhou Island.Walkers’Camping at Yunnan Yehuagu (Wild Flower Ravine)This is a two-day tour. On the first day tourists are taken to the mouth of the ravine(峡谷) by bus, and they walk to the camping area. There they pitch tents(搭帐篷), cook in the open air and have a bonfire(篝火) party.On the second day there is mountain climbing, a walk to Sanchahe Valley and an expedition into a limestone cave. Yehuagu is a natural park, suitable for camping and cooking in the open air. It has beautiful natural scenery and is a delightful(令人愉快的) place to walk.Choose the best answer according to the information above.( )1. Tom, an American boy, likes diving very much. He will come to China for a trip. Where do you advise him to go according to the information above?A. Yunnan.B. Hainan.C. Sichuan.D. Fujian.( )2. Which of the following activities is offered on E’mei Mountain?A. Cooking in the open air.B. Fast boat.C. Skiing.D. Swimming competitions.( )3. I enjoy parachuting and sailing very much, so I can go to _________.A. XiamenB. YehuaguC. SanyaD. E’mei( )4. What can you do at the camping area at Yunnan Yehuagu?A. I can take part in interesting sports and leisure activities in diving.B. I can enjoy the sea of clouds.C. I can have boating competitions.D. I can have a bonfire party.( )5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the information?A. On the first day, at Yunnan Yehuagu, tourists go to the mouth of the ravine on foot, and then they take a bus to the camping area.B. Xiamen is a good place for tourists to have a vacation and do fitness exercises.C. Tourists can view the four wonders on E’mei Mountain.D. Wild Flower Ravine has beautiful natural scenery and is a delightful place to walk.DOne of my best holidays was last summer holiday. My classmates and I went to Yangzhou. We 1 three days traveling around, and we visited many places.We went there by train. When we 2 at ten in the evening we were tired, so we went 3 to our hotel.The next day, we got up early to visit the Slender West Lake(瘦西湖). It was beautiful, winding(蜿蜒) its way here and there. There were 4 many people that we couldn’t go boating. We 5 many photos while we were looking at the Five-pavilion Bridge(五亭桥). That night we 6 some shopping and went back to our hotel very late.On the third day of our trip, we went to Runyang Bridge, one of the biggest bridges in Asia, 7 was built in 2004. Now all the people there are 8 of it. Yangzhou’s food is well-known. That afternoon we 9 Yangzhou fried rice. I t’s so delicious that we all want to 10 it again.What a beautiful city Yangzhou is! It looks like a big garden full of flowers.Choose the best word or phrase to complete the passage.( )1. A. used B. cost C. paid D. spent( )2. A. came B. reachedC. arrivedD. got( )3. A. straight B. happilyC. finallyD. slowly( )4. A. such B. too C. so D. quite( )5. A. developed B. tookC. borrowedD. searched( )6. A. made B. boughtC. didD. brought( )7. A. which B. whereC. whoD. that( )8. A. pleased B. excitedC. interestedD. proud( )9. A. smelled B. tastedC. touchedD. felt( )10. A. prefer B. needC. enjoyD. ownKey: C 1-5 BCADAD 1-5 DBACB 6-10 CADBC。