OUTLINE /CDRH5D18DIMENSIONS (mm)/ インダクタンス測定周波数(L)Measuring Freq. (L)CDRH5D1810 kHz/ インダクタンス公差Tolerance of Inductance CDRH5D18外形寸法図磁気構造図Rev1.0 09/2004North AmericaTel:(1) 847 545-6700Fax:(1) 847 545-6720E-mail: sales@ JapanTel:(81) 03 3667-3302Fax:(81) 03 3667-3408Hong KongTel:(852) 2880-6688Fax:(852) 2565-9600E-mail: sales@ TaiwanTel:(886) 2 2726-2177Fax:(886) 2 2728-2726E-mail: sales@SingaporeTel:(65) 6296-3388Fax:(65) 6296-3390E-mail: sales@ EuropeTel:(32) 2673-9565Fax:(32) 2672-0454E-mail: sales@CONSTRUCTION概要LAND PATTERNS (mm)推奨ランド寸法4.1µH – 100µH ± 30%(N)SMD type power inductors where by the electrode is attached to the ferrite core directly.They are also magnetically shielded to prevent noise radiation.特殊処理の電極をコアに直接取り付けた面実装パワーインダクタです。
/ 無鉛製品についてAbout Lead-free products . Lead-free products are now available for sale. To order a lead-free product, please add"NP" after the product type: 無鉛製品は現在、販売されております。
Calendar 2018TEAPO Electronics (DG) Co.,Ltd53 weeks / 250 Working Days /115off days - NormalJanuary February MarchWEEK MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN WEEK MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN WEEK MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN1801 1 2345671805123418091234元旦十六十七十八小寒二十廿一十六十七十八立春十四元宵节十六十七180289101112131418065678910111810567891011廿二廿三廿四廿五廿六廿七廿八二十廿一廿二小年廿四廿五廿六惊蛰十九二十妇女节廿二廿三廿四180315161718192021180712131415161718181112131415161718廿九三十腊月初二初三大寒初五廿七廿八情人节除夕春节初二初三植树节廿六廿七廿八廿九二月龙抬头180422232425262728180819202122232425181219202122232425初六初七腊八初九初十十一十二雨水初五初六初七初八初九初十初三初四春分初六初七初八初九180529303118092627281813262728293031十三十四十五十一十二十三初十十一十二十三十四十五April May JuneWEEK MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN WEEK MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN WEEK MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 1813118181234561822123十六劳动节十七十八青年节二十廿一儿童节十九二十18142345678181978910111213182345678910十七十八十九清明廿一廿二廿三廿二廿三廿四廿五廿六护士节廿八廿一廿二芒种廿四廿五廿六廿七18159101112131415182014151617181920182411121314151617廿四廿五廿六廿七廿八廿九三十廿九四月初二初三初四初五初六廿八廿九三十五月初二初三父亲节181616171819202122182121222324252627182518192021222324三月初二初三初四谷雨初六初七小满初八初九初十十一十二十三端午初六初七夏至初九初十十一1817232425262728291822282930311826252627282930初八初九初十十一十二十三十四十四十五十六十七十二十三十四十五十六十七181830十五July August SeptemberWEEK MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN WEEK MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN WEEK MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 18261183112345183512建党节建军节廿一廿二廿三廿四廿二廿三182723456781832678910111218363456789十九二十廿一廿二廿三小暑廿五廿五立秋廿七廿八廿九七月初二廿四廿五廿六廿七廿八白露三十18289101112131415183313141516171819183710111213141516廿六廿七廿八廿九六月初二初三初三初四初五初六七夕初八初九教师节初二初三初四初五初六初七182916171819202122183420212223242526183817181920212223初四初五初六初七初八初九初十初十十一十二处暑十四中元节十六初八初九初十十一十二十三秋分18302324252627282918352728293031183924252627282930大暑十二十三十四十五十六十七十七十八十九二十廿一中秋节十六十七十八十九二十廿一18313031十八十九October November DecemberWEEK MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN WEEK MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN WEEK MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 1840 1 23456718441234184812国庆节廿三廿四廿五廿六廿七廿八廿四廿五廿六廿七廿四廿五1841891011121314184556789101118493456789寒露九月初二初三初四初五初六廿八廿九立冬十月初二初三初四廿六廿七廿八廿九冬月初二初三184215161718192021184612131415161718185010111213141516初七初八重阳初十十一十二十三初五初六初七初八初九初十十一初四初五初六初七初八初九初十184322232425262728184719202122232425185117181920212223十四霜降十六十七十八十九二十十二十三十四感恩节十六十七十八十一十二十三十四十五冬至十七184429303118482627282930185224252627282930廿一廿二万圣节十九二十廿一廿二廿三十八圣诞二十廿一廿二廿三廿四185331廿五周日周六法定假补假调休调休上班盘点日1、 有关2018年节假日休假状况如下说明 :(一)元 旦:1月1日放假,与周末连休。
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dg∕tj08-308-2018 埋地塑料排水管道工程技术标准
dg∕tj08-308-2018 埋地塑料排水管道工程
dg/tj08-308-2018 埋地塑料排水管道工程技术标准是中国国家标准化管理委员会发布的标准,用于规范埋地塑料排水管道工程的设计、施工和验收。
AE CC 2018中英文对照一、File 文件New >New Project 新项目文件(Ctrl+Alt+N)New Team Project 新团队项目文件New Folder 新文件夹(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N)Adobe Photoshop File 新Photoshop文件Open Project 打开项目文件(Ctrl+O)Open Team Project 打开团队项目文件Open Recent > 打开最近的文件Browse in Bridge 在Bridge里浏览(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+O)Close 关闭(Ctrl+W)Close Project 关闭项目Save 保存(Ctrl+S)Save As >Save As 另存为(Ctrl+Shift+S)Save a Copy 另存为副本Save a Copy As XML 另存为XML(apex)文件Save a Copy As CC(14) 另存为CC14文件Save a Copy As CC(13) 另存为CC13文件Increment and Save 增量保存Revert 恢复Import 导入>File 文件(Ctrl+I)Multiple Files 多个文件(Ctrl+Alt+I)From Libraries 从资料库Adobe Premiere Pro Project Adobe Premiere Pro文件Pro Import After Effects 增效工具Vanishing Point(.vpe) 灭点文件Placeholder 占位符Solid 固态层Import Recent Footage 导入最近的素材Export 导出>Add to Adobe Media Encoder Queue 添加到Adobe媒体编码器Add to Render Queue 添加到渲染序列Adobe Premiere Pro Project 输出Adobe Premiere Pro 项目Add Fonts from Typekit 从Typekit网站添加字体Adobe Dynamic Link Adobe Dynamic链接Find 查找(Ctrl+F)Add Footage to Comp 添加素材到合成(Ctrl+/)New Comp from Selection 基于选择创建一个合成(Alt+\)Dependencies > 整理工程文件Collect Files 收集文件Consolidate All Footage 整合所有素材Remove Unused Footage 删除未用过的素材Reduce Project 减少项目Find Missing Effects 查找缺失的效果Find Missing Fonts 查找缺失的字体Find Missing Footage 查找缺失的素材Watch Folder 监视文件夹Scripts 脚本>Run Scripts File 运行脚本文件Open Script Editor 打开脚本编辑器Recent Script Files 最近的脚本文件Create Proxy 创建代理>StillMovieSet Proxy 设置代理Interpret Footage 解释素材Replace Footage 替换素材Reload Footage 重新加载素材(Ctrl+Alt+L)License 许可证Reveal In Explorer 在资源管理器中显示Reveal in Bridge 在Bridge中显示Project Settings 项目设置(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+K)Exit 退出(Ctrl+Q)二、Edit 编辑Undo 撤销(Ctrl+Z)Redo 重做(Ctrl+Shift+Z)History 历史Cut 剪切(Ctrl+X)Copy 复制(Ctrl+C)Copy with property links 带属性链接复制(Ctrl+Alt+C)Copy expression only 仅复制表达式Paste 粘贴(Ctrl+V)Clear 清除Duplicate 重复(Ctrl+D)Split layer 拆分图层(Ctrl+Shift+D)Lift work Area 提升工作区域Extract Work Area 提取工作区域Select All 全选(Ctrl+A)Deselect All 全部取消选择(Ctrl+Shift+A)Label 标签Purge 清理>All memory & Disk Cache 所以内存和磁盘缓存All memory 所以内存Undo 撤销Image cache Memory 图像缓存内存Snapshot 快照Edit Original 编辑原稿(Ctrl+E)Edit in Adobe Audition 在Audition中编辑Team Project 团队项目>Get Latest Changes 获取最后的版本Share My Changes 分享我的版本Resolve Conflicts 恢复冲突Convert Team Project To Project 将团队项目转为私人项目Media Management 媒体管理Templates 模版>Render Setting 渲染模板设置Output Module 输出模板设置Preferences 首选项>General... 常规Previews... 预览Display 显示Import... 导入Output 输出Grids & Guides... 网格与辅助线Label... 标签Media &Disk Ca che… 媒体与磁盘缓存Video Preview… 视频预演Appearance… 用户界面颜色New Project 新项目Auto-Save… 自动保存Memory… 内存Audio Hardware… 音频硬件Audio Output Mapping… 音频输出映射Sync Settings... 同步设置Type... 类型Sync Settings 同步设置Keyboard Shortcuts 快捷键(Ctrl+Alt+')Paste mocha mask 粘贴Mocha 遮罩三、Composition 合成New Composition 新建合成(Ctrl+N)Composition Settings 合成设置(Ctrl+K)Set Poster Time 设置海报时间Trim Comp to Work Area 将合成裁剪到工作区(Ctrl+Shift+X)Crop Comp to region of interest 裁减合成到目标区域Add to Adobe Media Encoder Queue 添加到AME队列(Ctrl+Alt+M)Add to Render Queue 添加到渲染队列(Ctrl+M)Add Output Module 添加到输出模块Preview 预览>Play Current Preview 播放当前预览Audio 声音Save Frame As 帧另存为File 文件Photoshop Layers Photoshop图层Pre-render 预渲染Save Current Preview 保存当前预览Open in Essential Graphics 在基本图形里打开Composition Flowchart 合成和流程图(Ctrl+Shift+F11)Composition Mini-Flowchart 合成和迷你流程图(Tab)VR 虚拟现实四、Layer 图层New 新建>Text 文字(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T)Solid... 实色(Ctrl+Y)Light... 灯光(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L)Camera.. 摄象机(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C)Null Object 虚拟对象(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Y)Shape Layer 形状图层Adjustment Layer调节层(Ctrl+Alt+Y)Adobe Photoshop File... Adobe Photoshop文件Layer Settings 图层设置Open Layer 打开图层Open layer Source 打开图层源Reveal in Explorer 在资源管理器中显示Mask 蒙版Mask 遮罩>New Mask 新建遮罩(Ctrl+Shift+N)Mask Shape 遮罩形状(Ctrl+Shift+M)Mask Feather 遮罩羽化(Ctrl+Shift+F)Mask Opacity 遮罩不透明度Mask Expansion 遮罩扩展Reset Mask 重置遮罩Remove Mask 移除遮照Remove All Masks 移除所有遮罩Mode 模式>None 无Add 相加Subtrace 相减Intersect 交集Lighten 变亮Darken 变暗Difference 差值Inverted 反转(Ctrl+Shift+I)Locked 锁定Motion Blur 运动模糊>Same As Layer 与层相同Feather Falloff 羽化衰减Unlock All Masks 解锁所有遮罩Lock Other Masks 锁定其他遮罩Hide Locked Masks 隐藏已锁定遮照Mask and Shape Path 蒙版和形状路径RotoBezier 旋转曲线Closed 关闭Set First Vertex 设置首个顶点Free Transform Points 自由变换点(Ctrl+T)Quality 品质>Best 最佳Draft 草图Wireframe 线框Bilinear 双线性Bicubic 双三次插值Switches 开关>Hide Other Video 隐藏其他视频层(Ctrl+Shift+V)Show All Video 显示所有视频层Unlock All Layers 解锁所有层(Ctrl+Shift+L)Shy 退缩Lock 锁定(Ctrl+L)Audio 音频Video 视频(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V)Solo 独奏Effect 特效Collapse 塌陷Motion Blur 运动模糊Adjustment Layer 调节层Transform 变换>Reset 复位Anchor Point 定位点Position 位置(Ctrl+Shift+P)Scale 缩放Orientation 方向(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R)Rotation 旋转(Ctrl+Shift+R)Opacity 透明度(Ctrl+Shift+O)Flip Horizontal 水平方向翻转Flip Vertical 垂直方向翻转Center In View 视点居中(Ctrl+Home)Center Anchor Point in Layer Content 定位点局中(Ctrl+Alt+Home)Fit to Comp 适配到合成(Ctrl+Alt+F)Fit to Comp Wideth 适配为合成宽度(Ctrl+AltShift+H)Fit to Comp Height 适配为合成高度(Ctrl+AltShift+G)Auto-Orient 自动定向(Ctrl+Alt+O)Time 时间>Enable Time Remapping启用时间重置Time-Reverse Layer 时间反向层Time Stretch 时间伸缩Freeze Frame 冻结帧Freeze On Last Frame 冻结在最后一帧Frame Blending 帧混合>Off 关Frame Mix 帧融合Pixel Motion 像素运动3D Layer 3D 图层Guide Layer 参考线图层Environment Layer 环境图层Add marker 添加标记Preserve Transparency 保持透明度Blending Mode 混合模式> Normal 正常Dissolve 溶解Dancing Dissolve 动态溶解Darken 变暗Multiply 正片叠底Color Burn 颜色加深Classic Color Burn 典型颜色加深Linear Burn 线性加深Darken Color 暗色Add 添加Lighten 变亮Screen 屏幕Color Dodge 颜色减淡Classic Color Dodge 典型颜色减淡Linear Dodge 线性减淡Lighter Color 亮色Overlay 叠加Soft Light 柔光Hard Light 强光Linear Light 线性光Vivid light 艳光Pin Light 点光Hard Mix 强烈混合Difference 差值Classic Difference 典型差值Exclusion 排除Subtract 减去Divide 划分Hue 色相位Saturation 饱和度Color 颜色Luminosity 亮度Stencil Alpha Alpha模版Stencil Luma 亮度模版Silhouette Alpha Alpha轮廓Silhouette Luma 亮度轮廓Alpha Add Alpha添加Luminescent Premul 冷光预乘Next Blending Mode 下一混合模式Previous Blending Mode 上一混合模式Track Matte 跟踪蒙版>No Track Matte 无Alpha Matte Alpha蒙版Alpha Inverted Matte 反相Alpha蒙版Luma Matte 亮度蒙版Luma Inverted Matte 反相亮度蒙版Layer Styles 图层样式>Convert to Editable Styles转换为可编辑样式Show All 全部显示Remove All 全部移除Drop Shadow 阴影Inner Shadow 内侧阴影Outer Glow 外侧辉光Inner Glow 内侧辉光Bevel and Emboss斜边与浮雕Satin 光泽Color Overlay 颜色叠加Gradient Overlay渐变叠加Stroke 描边Group Shapes 组合形状Ungroup Shapes 取消组合形状Arrange 排列>Bring Layer to Front图层置顶(Ctrl+Shift+])Bring Layer Forward图层置上(Ctrl+])Send Layer Backward图层置下(Ctrl+[)Send Layer to Back图层置底(Ctrl+Shift+[)Convert to Editable Text转换为图层合同Create Shapes from Text 从文本创建形状Create Masks from text 从文本创建蒙版Create Shapes from Vector layer 从矢量图层创建形状Create Keyframes from Date 从数据创建关键帧Camera 摄像机Auto-Trace 自动跟踪Pre-compose 预合成五、Effect 效果Effect Controls 效果控制(F3)Gaussian Blur(这里是最后使用过的一个效果)(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E)Remove All 移除全部效果(CtrlShift+E)3D Channel 三维通道特效--3d chanel extract 提取三维通道--depth matte 深度蒙版--depth of field 场深度--Extractor 提取器--fog 3D雾化--ID Matte ID蒙版--Identifier 标识符Audio 音频--Backwards 倒播--Bass & Treble 低音和高音--Delay 延迟--Flange & Chorus 变调&和声--High-Low Pass 高通/低通--Modulator 调制器--Parametric EQ EQ参数--Reverb 混响--Stereo Mixer 立体声混合--Tone 音质Blur & Sharpen 模糊与锐化特效--Bilateral Blur 双向模糊--Camera Lens Blur 摄像机镜头虚化模糊--Camera-Shake Deblur 摄像机抖动消除--CC Cross Blur CC交叉模糊--CC Radial Blur CC放射模糊--CC Radial Fast Blur CC快速放射模糊--CC Vector Blur CC矢量模糊--Channel blur 通道模糊--Compound blur 复合模糊--Directional blur 定向模糊--Fast Blur 快速模糊--Gaussuan Blur 高斯模糊--Radial Blur 径向模糊--Sharpen 锐化--Smart Blur 智能模糊--Unshart Mask 钝化蒙版Channel通道特效--Arithmetic 通道运算--Blend 混合--Calculations 计算--CC Composite 对自身进行混合模式处理--Channel Combiner 通道合成器--Compound Arithmetic 复合运算--Invert 反转--Minimax 最小/最大--Remove Color Matting 移除颜色遮罩--Set Channels 设置遮罩--Set Matte 设置通道--Shift Channels 转换通道--Solid Composite 固态层合成Color Correction 颜色校正--Auto Color 自动色彩调整--Auto Contrast 自动对比度--Auto Levels 自动色阶--Black White 黑色和白色--Brightness Contrast 亮度和对比度--Broadcast Colors 广播放色--CC Color Neutralizer CC颜色中和剂--CC color offset 色彩偏移--CC Kernel 颜色内核--CC Toner CC调色--Change Color 更改颜色--Change To Color 更改为颜色--Channel Mixer 通道混合器--Color Balance 颜色平衡--Color Blance(HIS) 颜色平衡(HIS)--Color Link 颜色链接--Color Stabilizer 颜色稳定器--Colorama 彩光/色光--Curves 曲线调整--Equalize 色调均化--Exposure 曝光度--Gamma/Pedestal/Gain 灰度系数/基值/增益--Hue/Saturation 色相/饱和度--Leave Color 分离颜色--Levels (Individual Controls) 色阶(单独控件) --Lumetri Color Lumetri调色--Photo Filter 照片滤镜--PS arbitrary Map PS任意映射--Selective Color 可选颜色--Shadow/Highlight 阴影/高光--Tint 色调/色度--Tritone 三色调--Vibrance 自然饱和度Distort扭曲特效--Bezier Warp 贝赛尔曲线变形--Bulge 凹凸镜--CC Bend It 区域卷曲效果--CC Blobbylize 融化效果--CC Flo Motion 两点收缩变形--CC Griddler 网格状变形--CC Lens 鱼眼镜头效果--CC Page Turn卷页效果--CC Power Pin 带有透视效果的四角扯动工具--CC Ripple Pulse 扩散波纹变形,必须打关键帧--CC Slant 倾斜变形--CC Smear 涂抹变形--CC Split 简单的胀裂效果--CC Split 2 不对称的胀裂效果--CC Tiler 简便的电视墙效果--Corner Pin 边角定位--Detail-preserving Upscale 保留细节放大--Displacement Map 置换图--Liquify 液化--Magnify 像素无损放大--Mesh Warp 网络变形--Mirror 镜像--Offset 偏移--Optics Compensation 光学补偿--Polar Coordinates 极坐标转换--Reshap 改变形状--Ripple 波纹--Rolling Shutter Repair 果冻效应修复--Smear 漩涡条纹--Spherize 球面化--Transform 变换--Turbulent Displace 湍流置换--Twirl 旋转扭曲--Warp 变形--Warp Stabilizer VFX 变形稳定器VFX --Wave Warp 波形变形Expression Controls表达式控制特效--3d Point Control 3D点控制--Angel Control角度控制--Checkbox Control复选框控制--Color Control颜色控制--Layer Control图层控制--Point Control点控制--Slider Control滑块控制Generate 生成--4-Color Gradient 四色渐变--Advanced Lightning 高级闪电--Audio Spectrum 音频频谱--Audio Waveform 音频波形--Beam 光束--CC Glue Gun 喷胶效果--CC Light Burst 2.5 光线缩放--CC Light Rays 光芒放射,加有变形效果--CC Light Sweep 过光效果--cc Threads cc线程--Cell Pattern 单元格图案--Checkerboard 棋盘--Circle 圆形--Ellipse 椭圆--Eyedropper Fill 吸管填充--Fill 填充--Fractal 分形--Gradient Ramp 梯度渐变--Grid 网格--Lens Flare 镜头光晕--Paint Bucker 油漆桶--Radio Waves 无线电波--Scribble 涂写--Stroke 描边--Vegas 勾画--Write-on 手写效果Immersive Video 沉浸式视频--VR Blur 模糊--VR Chromatic Aberrations 色差--VR Color Gradients 色彩渐变--VR Converter 转变器--VR De-Noise 去噪--VR Digital Glitch 数字干扰--VR Fractal Noise 分形杂色--VR Glow 发光--VR Plane to Sphere 平面到圆柱--VR Rotate Sphere 旋转圆柱--VR Sharpen 锐化--VR Sphere to Plane 圆柱到平面Keying 抠像特效--Advanced Spill Suppressor 高级溢出抑制器--CC Simple Wire Removal 简单的去除钢丝工具--Color Difference Key 颜色差值键--Color Range 色彩范围(效果较差)--Difference Matte 差值遮罩(已淘汰)--Extract 提取(已淘汰)--Inner/Outer Key 内部/外部键--Key Cleaner 抠像清除器--Keylight(1.2) 主光--Linear Color Key 线性颜色键Matte 遮罩特效--Matte Choker 遮罩阻塞工具--Mocha shape 摩卡形状--Refine Hard Matte 调整实边遮罩--Refine Soft Matte 调整柔和遮罩--Simple Choker简单阻塞工具Noise & Grain 杂色和颗粒特效--Add Grain 添加颗粒--Dust & Scratches 蒙尘与划痕--Fractal Noise 分形杂色--Match Grain 匹配颗粒--Median 中间值--Noise 杂色--Noise Alpha 杂色通道--Noise HLS 杂色色彩模型--Noise HLS Auto 自动生成HLS通道杂色--Remove Grain 移除颗粒--Turbulent Noise 湍流杂色Obsolete 过时--basic 3D 基本3D--basic test 基本文字--color key 颜色键--Fast Blur(Legacy) 快速模糊(传统)--Gaussian Blur 高斯模糊(传统)--Lightning 闪光--Luma Key 亮度键--Path Text 路径文本--Reduce Interlace Flicker 降低交错闪烁--Spill Suppressor 溢出抑制Perspective 透视--3D Camera Tracker 3D摄像机跟踪器--3D Glasses 3D眼镜--Bevel Alpha 斜面Alpha--Bvevel Edges 边缘斜面--CC Cylinder 圆柱体贴图--CC Environment cc环境--CC Sphere 球化效果--CC Spotlight 点光源效果--Drop Shadow 投影--Radial Shadow 径向阴影Simulation 模拟特效--Card Dance 卡片动画--Caustics 焦散--CC Ball Action CC 滚珠操作--CC Bubbles CC 吹泡泡--CC Drizzle CC 细雨滴--CC Hair CC 毛发--CC Mr.Mercury CC 水银滴落--CC Particle Systems ⅡCC 粒子仿真系统--CC Particle World CC 粒子仿真世界--CC Pixel Polly CC 像素多边形--CC Rainfall CC 下雨--CC Scatterize CC 散射效果--CC Snowfall CC 下雪--CC Star Burst CC 星爆--Foam 泡沫--Particle Playground 粒子运动场--Shatter 碎片--Wave World波纹环境Stylize 风格化特效--Brush Storkes画笔描边--Cartoon 卡通/漫画--cc Block Load 块加载--CC Blur Film 胶片模糊--CC Glass 玻璃透视效果--CC HexTile 蜂巢--CC Kaleida 不错的万花筒效果--CC Mr Smoothie 像素溶解运动--CC Plastic 塑料--CC RepeTile 多种方式的叠印效果--CC Threshold 简单的阈值工具--CC Threshold RGB RGB分色阈值工具--CC Vignette 暗角--Color Emboss 彩色浮雕--Emboss 浮雕--Find Edges 查找边缘--Glow 发光--Mosaic 马赛克--Motion Tile 动态拼贴--Posterize 色调分离--Roughen Edges 毛边--Scatter 散布--Strobe Light 闪光灯--Texturize 纹理化--Threshold 阈值Text 文字特效--Numbers 编号--Timecode 时间码Time 时间特效--cc Force Motion Blur 强制动态模糊--CC Wide Time 多重的帧融合效果--Echo 残影/重影--Pixel Motion Blur 像素运动模糊--Psterize Time 色调分离时间--Time Difference 时差--Time Displacement 时间置换--Timewarp 时间扭曲Transition 过渡转场特效--Block Dissolve 块溶解--Card Wipe 卡片擦除--CC Glass Wipe 玻璃状擦除--CC Grid Wipe 网格擦除--CC Image Wipe 图像式擦除--CC Jaws 锯齿状过渡--CC Light Wipe 照明式擦除--CC Line Sweep 线扫描--CC Radial Scalewipe 径向缩放擦除--CC Scale Wipe 拉伸式缩放--CC Twister 扭曲过渡--CC Warpomatic 翘曲过渡--Gradient Wipe 渐变擦除--Iris Wipe 光圈擦除--Linear Wipe 线性擦除--Radial Wipe 径向擦除Utlity 实用特效--Apply Color LUT 应用颜色LUT--CC Overbrights 过亮--Cineon Converter Cineon 转换器--Color Profile Converter 颜色配置文件转换器--Grow Bounds 范围扩散--HDR Compander HDR压缩扩展器--HDR Highlight compression HDR高光压缩--Venetian blinds 百叶窗六、Animation 动画Save Animation preset 保存动画预设Apply Animation preset 将动画预设应用于Recent Animation Presets 最近动画预设Browse Presets 浏览预设Add Keyframe 添加关键帧Toggle Hold Keyframe 切换定格关键帧(Ctrl+Alt+H)Keyframe Interpolation 关键帧插值(Ctrl+Alt+K)Keyframe Velocity 关键帧速度(Ctrl+Shift+K)Keyframe Assistant 关键帧辅助>Convert Audio to Keyframes 转换音频为关键帧Convert Expression to Keyframes 转换表达式为关键帧Easy Ease 缓和曲线Easy Ease In 缓和曲线淡入点Easy Ease Out 缓和曲线淡出点Exponential Scale 时间反向关键帧RPF Camera Import RPF摄象机导入Sequence Layers... 序列图层Time-Reverse Keyframes 指数比例Animate Text动画文本>Enable Per-character 3D 激化逐字3D化Anchor Point 轴心点Position 位置Scale 缩放Skew 倾斜Rotation 旋转Opacity 不透明度All Transform Properties 所有变换Fill Color 填充色>RGB RGBHue 色相Saturation 饱和度Brightness 亮度Opacity 透明度Stroke Color 描边色>RGB RGBHue 色相Saturation 饱和度Brightness 亮度Opacity 透明度Stroke Width 描边宽度Tracking 跟踪Line Anchor 行定位Line Spacing 行间Character Offset 字符偏移Character Value 字符值Blur 模糊Add Text Selector 添加文本选择器>Range 范围Wiggly 抖动Expression 表达式Remove All Text Animators 移除所有的文本动画器Add Expression 添加表达式(Alt+Shift+=)Separate Dimensions 单独尺寸Track Camera 跟踪摄像机Track in mocha AE 在mocha AE中跟踪Warp Stabilizer VFX 变形稳定器VFXTrack Motion 跟踪运动Track Mask 跟踪蒙版Track this Property 跟踪此属性Reveal Properties with Keyframes 显示关键帧的属性(U)Reveal Properties with Animation 显示动画的属性Reveal All modified Properties 显示所有修改的属性七、View 视图New Viewer 新建查看器(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N)Zoom in 放大(.)Zoom out 缩小(,)Resolution 分辨率>Full 最佳(Ctrl+J)Half 一半(Ctrl+Shift+J)Third 三分之一Quarter 四分之一(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+J)Custom.... 自定义Use Display Color Management 使用显示色彩管理Simulate opuput 模拟输出Show Rulers 显示标尺(Ctrl+R)Show Guides 显示参考线(Ctrl+;)Snap to Guides 对齐到参考线(Ctrl+Shift+;)Lock Guides锁定参考线(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+;)Clear Guides 清除参考线Show Grid 显示网络(Ctrl+')Snap to Grid 对齐到网络(Ctrl+Shift+')View options 视图选项(Ctrl+Alt+U)Show layer Controls 显示图层控件(Ctrl+Shift+H)Reset 3D View 重置3D 视图Switch 3D view 切换3D视图>Active Camera 有效摄象机(F12)Front 前视图(F10)Left 左视图Top 顶视图Back 后视图Right 右视图Bottom 底视图Custom View 1 自定视图1 (F11)Custom View 2 自定视图2Custom View 3 自定视图3Assign Shortcut to “Active Camera” 分配3D视频快捷键Switch to last 3D view 切换到上一个3D视图(ESC)Look at Selected Layers 查看选定图层(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+\)Look at All layers 查看所有图层Go to Time 转到时间(Alt+Shift+J)八、Window 窗口Workspace工作区>All Panels 全部面板Animation 动画Color 色彩Default 默认(Shift+F10)Effests 特效Essential Graphics 基本图形Libraries 资源库Minimal 简约Motion Tracking 动态跟踪Paint 绘图Small Screen 小屏幕(Shift+F12)Standard 标准(Shift+F11)Text 文字Undocked Panels 解除面板停靠Reset "Default"to Saved Layout 重置默认到已保存的布局Save Changes to this Workspace 保存修改到当前的工作区Save as New Workspace 保存为新工作区Edit Workspace 编辑工作区Assign Shortcut to "Default" Workspace 将快捷键分配给“默认”工作区Find Extensions on Exchange... 在Exchange网站查找扩展Extensions 扩展Align 对齐Audio 音频Brushes 画笔Character 字符Effects & Presets 效果和预设Info信息Mask interpolation 蒙版插值法Media Browser 媒体浏览器Metadata 元数据Motion Sketch 动态草图Paint 绘画Paragraph 段落Preview 预览Progress 进度Smoother 工具Tools 工具Tracker 跟踪器Wiggler 摇摆器Composition:*** 合成***Effect Controls:*** 效果控件***Flowchart :(none) 流程图(无)Footage: (none) 素材(无)Layer: (none) 图层(无)Project 项目Render Queue 渲染队列Timeline: *** 时间轴:***。
18 - Le registre à décalage V3
Detector 0
Detector 1 Detector 2 Detector 3 Detector 4 Detector 5 Detector 6 Detector 7
Detector 5
Detector 6 Detector 7
D1 A2
Bad containers
A1 D0 A0
Detector 0
Detector 1 Detector 2 Detector 3 Detector 4 Detector 5 Detector 6 Detector 7
Detector 5
Detector 6 Detector 7
D1 A2
Bad containers
A1 D0 A0
Enabling of axe 1 Filling OK axe 1 Enabling of axe 2 Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used
Actuator 1 position ( 128) Detector 1 Filling result position (352) position (0)
Detector 5
Detector 6 Detector 7
D1 A2
Bad containers
A1 D0 A0
Enabling of axe 1 Filling OK axe 1 Enabling of axe 2 Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used
Actuator 1 position ( 128) Detector 1 Filling result position (352) position (0)
solidworks2018中文版曲面·钣金·焊接设计完全自学手册1. 引言随着现代工业的发展,三维设计软件已经成为设计师不可或缺的工具。
在众多三维设计软件中,SolidWorks 是一个备受推崇的选择。
本文将为初学者带来一本详尽的 SolidWorks 2018 中文版曲面·钣金·焊接设计完全自学手册。
2. SolidWorks 2018中文版简介SolidWorks是一款功能强大的三维CAD软件,它提供了广泛的工具和功能,以支持用户进行曲面、钣金和焊接设计。
SolidWorks 2018中文版作为最新版本,增加了许多新功能和改进,使用户能够更高效地进行设计和模拟。
3. 曲面设计曲面设计是 SolidWorks 的一个重要模块,它允许设计师创建复杂的曲面几何体。
在 SolidWorks 2018 中文版中,曲面设计工具得到了更多的改进和增强。
4. 钣金设计钣金设计是 SolidWorks 的另一个核心功能,它使设计师能够轻松地创建和编辑钣金零件。
SolidWorks 2018 中文版提供了强大的钣金设计功能,包括弯曲、展开和剪切等。
5. 焊接设计焊接设计是 SolidWorks 中一个重要的模块,它提供了广泛的焊接工具和功能。
SolidWorks 2018 中文版针对焊接设计进行了一系列的改进和增强,使得用户可以更加方便地模拟和分析焊接过程。
6. 个人观点和理解作为一名 SolidWorks 专家,我对于曲面、钣金和焊接设计有着深刻的理解和丰富的经验。
LT1945 Dual Micropower DC/DC Converter with Positive and Negative Outputs
s s
s s s s s
s s s s
Generates Well-Regulated Positive and Negative Outputs Low Quiescent Current: 20µA in Active Mode (per Converter) <1µA in Shutdown Mode Operates with VIN as Low as 1.2V Low VCESAT Switch: 250mV at 300mA Uses Small Surfaቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱe Mount Components High Output Voltage: Up to ±34V Tiny 10-Pin MSOP Package
Switch Saturation Voltage (VCESAT)
0.60 0.55 0.50 1.24 40
VIN, SHDN1, SHDN2 Voltage ................................... 15V SW1, SW2 Voltage .................................................. 36V NFB1 Voltage ........................................................... –3V FB2 Voltage ...............................................................VIN Current into NFB1 Pin ........................................... –1mA Current into FB2 Pin .............................................. 1mA Junction Temperature ........................................... 125°C Operating Temperature Range (Note 2) .. – 40°C to 85°C Storage Temperature Range ................. – 65°C to 150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec).................. 300°C
GSD2004A-GS18中⽂资料Document Number Dual Common-Anode Small-Signal High-Voltage Switching DiodeFeaturesSilicon Epitaxial Planar DiodeFast switching dual common-anode diode, espe-cially suited for applications requiring high voltage capability Mechanical DataCase : SOT-23 (TO-236AB) Plastic case Weight : approx. 8.8 mgPackaging Codes/Options :GS18 / 10 k per 13" reel (8 mm tape), 10 k/box GS08 / 3 k per 7" reel (8 mm tape), 15 k/boxParts TableAbsolute Maximum RatingsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified1) Device on Fiberglass Substrate, see layout on bottom of second pageThermal CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified1) Device on Fiberglass Substrate, see layout on bottom of second pagePartOrdering codeMarkingRemarksGSD2004AGSD2004A-GS18 or GSD2004A-GS08DBATape and ReelParameterTest condition Symbol Value Unit Continuous reverse voltage V R 240V Peak repetitive reverse voltage V RRM 300V Peak repetitive reverse current I RRM 200mA Forward current (continuous)I F 225mA Peak repetitive forward current I RFM625mA Non-repetitive peak forward currentt p = 1 µs I FSM 4.0A t p = 1 sI FSM 1.0A Power dissipationP tot3501)ParameterTest condition Symbol Value Unit Typical thermal resistance junction to ambiant air R thJA 3571)°C/W Junction temperature T j 150°C Storage temperature rangeT S- 65 to + 150°C Document Number 85727Electrical CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified1)Device on Fiberglass Substrate, see layout on bottom of second pageTypical Characteristics (T amb = 25 °C unless otherwise specified)ParameterTest conditionSymbol Min T yp.MaxUnit Reverse breakdown voltage I R = 100 µA V BR 300V Leakage current V R = 240 VI R 100nA V R = 240 V , T j = 150°C I R 100µA Forward voltage I F = 20 mA V F 0.830.87V I F = 100 mAV F 1.00V Diode capacitance V F = V R = 0, f = 1 MHz C tot 5.0pF Reverse recovery timeI F = I A = 30 mA, I rr = 3.0 mA, R L = 100 ?t rr50nsFigure 1. Typical Instantaneous Forward CharacteristicsFigure 2. Typical Reverse Characteristics185431001010.1I -F o r w a r d C u r r e n t (m A )F V F -Forward Voltage (mV )10210310410510V R -Reverse Voltage (V )I -R e v e r s e L e a k a g e C u r r e n t (n A )RLayout for R thJA testThickness:Fiberglass 1.5 mm (0.059 in.)Copper leads 0.3 mm (0.012 in.)Package Dimensions in mm (Inches)Document Number Ozone Depleting Substances Policy StatementIt is the policy of Vishay Semiconductor GmbH to1.Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.2.Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution andoperatingsystems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment.It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs).The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents.1.Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendmentsrespectively2.Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA) in the USA3.Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively. Vishay Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do notcontain such substances.We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical designand may do so without further notice.Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use Vishay Semiconductors products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify Vishay Semiconductors against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal damage, injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, GermanyTelephone: 49 (0)7131 67 2831, Fax number: 49 (0)7131 67 2423 Document Number 85727。
广东2018市政定额材料损耗表摘要:I.引言A.广东2018 市政定额材料损耗表的背景与重要性B.文章目的与结构II.2018 市政定额材料损耗表概述A.市政定额材料损耗表的定义与作用B.2018 市政定额材料损耗表的内容与特点III.广东2018 市政定额材料损耗表的具体内容A.材料损耗表的分类与适用范围B.各类材料损耗率的标准与计算方法IV.广东2018 市政定额材料损耗表的应用A.在工程造价估算中的应用B.在工程成本控制中的应用V.广东2018 市政定额材料损耗表的意义与影响A.对工程造价估算的准确性提升B.对工程成本控制的积极作用VI.结论A.广东2018 市政定额材料损耗表的重要性总结B.对未来相关领域发展的展望正文:广东2018 市政定额材料损耗表是针对市政工程中材料损耗的一项重要规定,对于工程造价估算和成本控制具有重要作用。
本文将详细介绍广东2018 市政定额材料损耗表的背景、具体内容、应用及其意义与影响。
广东2018 市政定额材料损耗表是根据广东省市政工程的特点与需求,结合全国范围内的相关经验与技术标准制定而成,具有较高的权威性和实用性。
其次,广东2018 市政定额材料损耗表包括各类材料损耗率的标准与计算方法。
在实际应用中,广东2018 市政定额材料损耗表主要用于工程造价估算和成本控制。
广东2018 市政定额材料损耗表的制定与实施,对于提高工程造价估算的准确性、降低工程成本具有积极作用。
公司简介1手册章节与ISO 9001标准章节对照表41 范围82 规范性引用文件83 术语和定义84 组织环境84.1 理解组织及其环境84.2 理解相关方的需求和期望84.3 确定质量管理体系的范围94.4 质量管理体系及其过程95 领导作用95。
1 领导作用和承诺95。
2 方针105。
3 组织的岗位、职责和权限116 策划116。
1 应对公司风险和机遇的措施11----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6。
2 质量目标及其实现的策划126.3 变更的策划127 支持137。
1 资源137.2 能力157.3 意识157.4 沟通157.5 成文信息158 运行178。
1 运行策划和控制178。
2 产品和服务的要求188.3 产品和服务的设计和开发198.4 外部提供的过程、产品和服务的控制218。
5 制造和服务提供228。
6 产品和服务的放行248.7 不合格输出的控制259 绩效评价25----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9.1 监视、测量、分析和评价259.2 内部审核269。
3 管理评审2710 改进2910.1 总则2910.3 持续改进30附录1 组织机构图31附录2 高管及部门职责33附录3管理过程清单40附录4 职能分配矩阵表42附录5 质量目标44附录6程序文件清单44附录7国家标准清单 (47)附录8更改履历 (48)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------颁布令为保障公司正常运行,公司决定导入 ISO 9001:2015《质量管理体系--要求》,并依据ISO 9001:2015《质量管理体系——要求》编制《质量手册》第一版,按照ISO19001:2008质量管理体系要求对企业进行管理。
累計全年總耗電5,528吉瓦時,按年上升3%;因配合將修訂的排放標準要求,天然氣機組自2017年12 月至2018年中旬停運進行升級工程,2018年以內地購入為主,佔總量近九成,內地購電增加24%,本地電廠產電則減少62%,而垃圾焚化中心機組在2018年中旬因進行年檢維修,購電減少14%。
ISO 45001-2018中文翻译版
INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 国际标准ISO 45001Occupational health andsafety management systems —Requirements with guidance for use职业健康安全管理体系----要求及使用指南Systèmes de management de la santé et de la sécurité au travail — Exigences et lignes directrices pour leur utilisationReference numberISO 45001:2018(E)©ISO 2018ISO 45001:2018(E)COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT© ISO 2018, Published in SwitzerlandAll rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.ISO copyright officeCP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva Phone: +4122 749 01 11Fax: +41 22 749 09 47Email: copyright@Website: Published in Switzerlan L d icISO 45001:2018(E)© ISO 2018 – All rights reservedContents 目次 PageForeword 前言 .................................................................................................................................................................................... v Introduction 引言 .......................................................................................................................................................... vi 1Scope 范围 ............................................................................................................................................................1 2Normative references 规范性引用文件 .......................................................................................................1 3Terms and definitions 术语和定义 ...............................................................................................................1 4 Context of the organization 组织环境 .........................................................................................................8 4.1 Understanding the organization and its context 理解组织及其环境 ............................................. 8 4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of workers and other i nterested parties ............ 8 4.3 Determining the scope of the OH&S management system 确定职业健康安全管理体系的范围 ..... 8 4.4 OH&S management system 职业健康安全管理体系 .. (8)5 Leadership and worker participation 领导作用以及从业人员参与...................................................9 5.1 Leadership and commitment 领导作用及承诺 ........................................................................................ 9 5.2 OH&S policy 职业健康安全方针 .................................................................................................................... 9 5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities 组织的岗位、职责及权限 ................. 10 5.4 Consultation and participation of workers 从业人员的协商和参与 . (10)6 Planning 策划 ................................................................................................................................................... 11 6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities 应对风险和机遇的措施 .......................................... 11 6.1.1 General 总则....................................................................................................................................... 11 6.1.2 H azard identification and assessment of risks and opportunities 危险源辨识及风险和机遇的评价 .............. 12 6.1.3 D etermination of legal requirements and other requirements 确定法律法规要求和其他要求 ...................... 13 6.1.4 Planning action 策划措施 ............................................................................................................. 13 6.2 OH&S objectives and planning to achieve them 职业健康安全目标及其实现的策划 .......... 14 6.2.1 OH&S objectives 职业健康安全目标 ........................................................................................ 14 6.2.2 Planning to achieve OH&S objectives 职业健康安全目标实现的策划 . (14)7 Support 支持 ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 7.1 Resources 资源 ................................................................................................................................................... 15 7.2 Competence 能力 .............................................................................................................................................. 15 7.3 Awareness 意识 .......................................................................................................................................................... 15 7.4 Communication 沟通 ....................................................................................................................................... 15 7.4.1 General 总则....................................................................................................................................... 15 7.4.2 Internal communication 内部沟通 ........................................................................................... 16 7.4.3 External communication 外部沟通 .......................................................................................... 16 7.5 Documented information 成文信息 .......................................................................................................... 16 7.5.1 General 总则....................................................................................................................................... 16 7.5.2 Creating and updating 创建及更新 .......................................................................................... 17 7.5.3 Control of documented information 成文信息的控制 .. (17)8 Operation 运行 ................................................................................................................................................. 17 8.1 Operational planning and control 运行策划及控制 ............................................................................ 17 8.1.1 General 总则....................................................................................................................................... 17 8.1.2 E liminating hazards and reducing OH&S risks 消除危险源并减少职业健康安全风险 ...... 18 8.1.3 Management of change 更改控制 ............................................................................................. 18 8.1.4 Procurement 采购 ........................................................................................................................... 18 8.2 Emergency preparedness and responsee 应急准备和响应 (19)9Performance evaluation 绩效评价 ............................................................................................................ 19 9.1 M onitoring, measurement, analysis and performance evaluation 监视、测量、分析和绩效评价 ....... 19 9.1.1 General 总则....................................................................................................................................... 19 9.1.2 Evaluation of compliance 合规性评价 .................................................................................... 20 9.2 Internal audit 内部审核 .................................................................................................................................. 20 9.2.1 General 总则....................................................................................................................................... 20 9.2.2 Internal audit programme 内部审核方案 .............................................................................. 21 9.3 Management review 管理评审 .. (21)ISO 45001:2018(E)10Improvement改进 (22)10.1General总则 (22)10.2Incident, nonconformity and corrective action事件、不符合及纠正措施 (22)10.3Continual improvement持续改进 (23)Annex A (informative) Guidance on the use of this document附录A 本文件的使用指南 (24)Bibliography参考文献 (26)ISO 45001:2018(E)© ISO 2018 – All rights reservedForeword 前言ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see /directives ).Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see /patents ).Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement.For an explanation on the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: /iso/foreword.html .This document was prepared by Project Committee ISO/PC 283, Occupational health and safety management systems .引言0.1背景组织要为从业从业人员及能受其活动影响的其他人员的职业健康安全负责,该责任包括促进和保护其身心健康。
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IN1, IN2NO4COM2NO2NC3IN3, IN4NC1COM4NC2GNDNO3COM3COM1NO1V+NC4Top ViewDG2018DN QFN-16 (3 X 3)Low Voltage, Dual DPDT and Quad SPDT Analog SwitchesFEATURESD Low Voltage Operation (1.8 V to 5.5 V)D Low On Resistance– r DS(on) : 6 W @ 2.7 V D Low Voltage Logic Compatible– DG2019: V INH = 1 V D High Bandwidth: 150 MHz D QFN-16 PackageBENEFITSD Ideal for Both Analog and Digital Signal SwitchingD Reduced Power Consumption D High AccuracyD Reduced PCB Space D Fast Switching D Low LeakageAPPLICATIONSD Cellular PhonesD Audio and Video Signal Routing D PCMCIA CardsD Battery Operated Systems DPortable InstrumentationDESCRIPTIONThe DG2018 and DG2019 are low voltage, single supply analog switches. The DG2018 is a dual double-pole/double-throw (DPDT) with two control inputs that each controls a pair of single-pole/double-throw (SPDT). The DG2019 uses one control pin to operate four independent SPDT switches.When operated on a +3-V supply, the DG2018’s control pins are compatible with 1.8-V digital logic. The DG2019 has an available feature of a V L pin that allows a 1.0-V threshold for the control pin when V L is powered with 1.5 V.Built on Vishay Siliconix’s low voltage submicron CMOS process, the DG2018 and DG2019 are ideal for highperformance switching of analog signals; providing low on-resistance (6 W @ +2.7 V), fast speed (T on , T off @ 42 ns and 16 ns), and a bandwidth that exceeds 150 MHz.The DG2018 and DG2019 were designed to offer solutions that extend beyond audio/video functions, to providing the performance required for today’s demanding mixed-signal switching in portable applications.An epitaxial layer prevents latch-up. Brake-before-make is guaranteed for all SPDT’s. All switches conduct equally well in both directions when on, and blocks up to the power supply level when off.FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM AND PIN CONFIGURATIONTRUTH TABLEIN1, IN2LogicNC1 and NC2NO1 and NO20ON OFF 1OFFONIN3, IN4LogicNC3 and NC4NO3 and NO40ON OFF 1OFFONORDERING INFORMATIONTemp RangePackagePart Number-40 to 85°CQFN-16 (3 x 3 mm)DG2018DNIN NO4COM2NO2NC3V L NC1COM4NC2GNDNO3COM3COM1NO1V+NC4Top ViewDG2019DN QFN-16 (3 X 3)FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM AND PIN CONFIGURATIONTRUTH TABLELogicNC1, 2, 3, and 4NO1, 2, 3, and 4ON OFF 1OFFONORDERING INFORMATIONTemp RangePackagePart Number-40 to 85°CQFN-16 (3 x 3 mm)DG2019DNABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSReference to GNDV+-0.3 to +6 V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN, COM, NC, NO -0.3 to (V+ + 0.3 V). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continuous Current (Any terminal) "50 mA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peak Current "100 mA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Pulsed at 1 ms, 10% duty cycle)Storage Temperature (D Suffix)-65 to 150°C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Power Dissipation (Packages)bQFN-16 (3 x 3 mm)c 850 mW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Notes:a.Signals on NC, NO, or COM or IN exceeding V+ will be clamped by inter-nal diodes. Limit forward diode current to maximum current ratings.b.All leads welded or soldered to PC Board.c.Derate 4.0 mW/_C above 70_CSPECIFICATIONS (V+ = 3 V)Test ConditionsOtherwise Unless SpecifiedLimits−40 to 85_CParameterSymbolV+ = 3 V, "10%(DG2018 Only) V IN = 0.5 or 1.4 V e(DG2019 Only) V L = 1.5 V, V IN = 0.4 or 1.0 V eTemp aMin b Typ c Max bUnitAnalog SwitchAnalog Signal Range d V NO , V NC ,V COMFullV+VOn-Resistance r ON V+ = 2.7 V, V COM = 0.2 V/1.5 VI NO , I NC = 10 mA RoomFull 61215r ON Flatnessr ON Flatness V+ = 2.7 V= 0 to V+ I I Room 0.52Wr ON Match Between Channels D r ON V COM = 0 to V+, I NO , I NC = 10 mARoom 0.63I NO(off),I NC(off)V+ = 3.3 V, V Room Full −1−100.3110Switch Off Leakage CurrentI COM(off)NO , V NC =0.3 V/3 VV COM = 3 V/ 0.3 V Room Full −1−100.3110nAChannel-On Leakage CurrentI COM(on)V+ = 3.3 V, V NO , V NC = V COM = 0.3 V/ 3 VRoom Full−11.00.3110Digital ControlDG2018Full 1.4Input High Voltage V INHV L = 1.5 V DG2019Full 1.0DG2018Full 0.5VInput Low Voltage V INLV L = 1.5 VDG2019Full 0.4Input Capacitance C inf = 1 MHz Full 9pF Input CurrentI INL or I INHV IN = 0 or V+Full−11m A Dynamic CharacteristicsTurn-On Time t ON= 20 V R W C RoomFull 425565Turn-Off Timet OFF V NO or V NC = 2.0 V, R L = 300 , C L = 35 pFRoom Full 162535nsBreak-Before-Make Time t d V NO or V NC = 2.0 V, R L = 50 W , C L = 35 pFFull 1Charge Injection d Q INJ C L = 1 nF, V GEN = 0 V, R GEN = 0 W Room −1.46pC Off-Isolation d OIRR C = 5 pF f = 1 MHzRoom −54Crosstalk dX TALK R L = 50 W , C L = 5 pF, f = 1 MHz Room −53dBN C NO(off)Room 9N O , N C Off Capacitance d C NC(off) = 0 or V+ f = 1 MHzRoom 9Channel On Capacitance C NO(on)V IN = 0 or V+, f = 1 MHz Room 30pF Channel-On Capacitance dC NC(on)Room30Power SupplyPower Supply Current I+V IN = 0 or V+Full0.011.0m ANotes:a.Room = 25°C, Full = as determined by the operating suffix.b.Typical values are for design aid only, not guaranteed nor subject to production testing.c.The algebraic convention whereby the most negative value is a minimum and the most positive a maximum, is used in this data sheet.d.Guarantee by design, nor subjected to production test.e.V IN = input voltage to perform proper function.SPECIFICATIONS (V+ = 5 V)Test ConditionsOtherwise Unless SpecifiedLimits−40 to 85_CParameterSymbolV+ = 5 V, "10%,(DG2018 Only) V IN = 0.8 or 1.8 V e(DG2019 Only) V L = 1.5 V, V IN = 0.4 or 1.0 V eTemp aMin b Typ c Max bUnitAnalog SwitchAnalog Signal Range d V NO , V NC ,V COMFullV+VOn-Resistance r ON V+ = 4.5 V, V COM = 3 V, I NO , I NC = 10 mARoomFull 4810r ON Flatnessr ON Flatness V+ = 4.5 V= 0 to V+ I I Room 0.6 1.2Wr ON Match Between ChannelsD r ON V COM = 0 to V+, I NO , I NC = 10 mARoom 0.61.2Switch Off Leakage Current I NO(off),I NC(off)Room Full −1−100.03110fI COM(off)V+ = 5.5 VV NO , V NC = 1 V/4.5 V, V COM = 4.5 V/1 VRoom Full −1−100.03110nAChannel-On Leakage Current fI COM(on)V+ = 5.5 V, V NO , V NC = V COM = 1 V/4.5 VRoom Full−1−100.03110Digital ControlDG2018Full 1.8Input High Voltage V INHV L = 1.5 V DG2019Full 1.0DG2018Full 0.8VInput Low Voltage V INLV L = 1.5 VDG2019Full 0.4Input Capacitance C inFull 9pF Input CurrentI INL or I INHV IN = 0 or V+Full11m A Dynamic CharacteristicsTurn-On Time t ON= 3 V R C RoomFull 444852Turn-Off Timet OFF V NO or V NC = 3 V, R L = 300 W , C L = 35 pFRoom Full 193335nsBreak-Before-Make Time t d V NO or V NC = 3 V, R L = 50 W , C L = 35 pF Full 1Charge Injection d Q INJ C L = 1 nF, V GEN = 0 V, R GEN = 0 W Room −2.46pC Off-Isolation d OIRR C = 5 pF f = 1 MHzRoom −54Crosstalk dX TALK R L = 50 W , C L = 5 pF, f = 1 MHz Room −53dBSource Off Capacitance C NO(off)Room 7.5Source-Off Capacitance d C NC(off) = 0 or V+ f = 1 MHzRoom 7.5Channel On Capacitance C NO(on)V IN = 0 or V+, f = 1 MHz Room 30pF Channel-On Capacitance dC NC(on)Room30Power SupplyPower Supply Range V+ 1.85.5V Power Supply Current I+V IN = 0 or V+Full0.011.0m ANotes:a.Room = 25°C, Full = as determined by the operating suffix.b.Typical values are for design aid only, not guaranteed nor subject to production testing.c.The algebraic convention whereby the most negative value is a minimum and the most positive a maximum, is used in this data sheet.d.Guarantee by design, nor subjected to production test.e.V IN = input voltage to perform proper function.f.Not production tested.TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (25_C UNLESS NOTED)−60−40−2020406080100Supply Current vs. Input Switching FrequencyInput Switching Frequency (Hz)I + − S u p p l y C u r r e n t (A )0246810123456r ON vs. V COM and Supply VoltageV COM − Analog Voltage (V)− O n -R e s i s t a n c e (r O N W )01234567890123456r ON vs. Analog Voltage and TemperatureV COM − Analog Voltage (V)− O n -R e s i s t a n c e (r O N W )1100010000Supply Current vs. Temperature−150−125−100−75−50−2502550751001251500.00.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5Leakage vs. Analog VoltageV COM , V NO , V NC −Analog Voltage (V)Temperature (_C)10100I +− S u p p l y C u r r e n t (p A )10 M2 M 10 mA 1 m A 100 nA −60−40−20204060801001100010000Leakage Current vs. TemperatureTemperature (_C)10100L e a k a g e C u r r e n t (p A )L e a k a g e C u r r e n t (p A )10 nA1 mA4 M 6 M 8 M 10 m A 100 m ATYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (25_C UNLESS NOTED)−60−40−2020406080100Switching Time vs. Temperaturevs. Supply VoltageTemperature (_C)t O N /t o f f − S w i t c h i n g T i m e (n s )Switching Voltage vs. Supply Voltage (V+) IN vs. V L (Typ)V L (V)V t h − T h r e s h o l d V o l t a g e−6−4−202468100123456Charge Injection at Source vs. Analog VoltageQ − C h a r g e I n j e c t i o n (p C )V COM − Analog Voltage (V)100 K1 M100 M1 GFrequency (Hz)Insertion Loss, Off Isolation and Crosstalkvs. Frequency10 M L o s s , O I R R , X t a l k (d B )V t h − T h r e s h o l d V o l t a g eV + − Supply Voltage (V)TEST CIRCUITSFIGURE 1.Switching TimeC L (includes fixture and stray capacitance)Logic InputV OUTV+0 VLogic InputSwitch OutputLogic “1” = Switch OnLogic input waveforms inverted for switches that have the opposite logic sense.V OUT +V COMǒR LR L )R ONǓV INHV INLFIGURE 2.Charge InjectionV genV+determined by sense of switch.FIGURE 3.Break-Before-Make IntervalC L (includes fixture and stray capacitance)0 VLogic InputSwitchOutputV O V NC = V NOV+V OV INLV INHTEST CIRCUITSFIGURE 4.Off-Isolation FIGURE 5.Channel Off/On CapacitanceNO ńNC。