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There is a glass of watermelon juice.

There are three glass es of strawberry juice.


(1)一般疑句 Is the kite red and blue ?(筝是色的?)

一般疑句的回答必 Yes 或 No 开Yes , it is./No , it isn’ t.

(2)疑句 Is the kite red or blue ?(筝是色是色?)

疑句的回答必是二一:It’ s red或It.’ s blue.

3.关于 like 后面接不同的名和

like apples / like green ones(可数名复数)

like the apple / like the green one(可数名数)

like jelly(不可数名)

like dancing=like to dance()

would like to dance( would like to do=want to do)

be like me/her/his father⋯(解像,作介)


What nice grapes !(复数)

What a nice girl !(数)

5.whose 所有格提

Whose bag is this ? ----- It ’s peter ’ s.(this/that 回答用 it ’s)

Whose knives are those ?----- They are his knives.(these/those回答用they ’)re

6.so 和 too 解如此、太后面跟形容

It ’ s sothick. /He is so puzzled.

It ’ s toonoisy.

7.How+ 助 +主 +

The pineapple is rough.(划提)

How does the pineapple feel?

This cherry is sweet.(划提)

How does this cherry taste?

8.祈使句和 can 句型永用原形,即使有now ,也不能是行

祈使句Let ’makes a card now.

Kitty , don’t put your book on the floor. (否定句在前加don’t)can 句型Can Lucy read the book now ?

(容易犯的:看Lucy 一个人就用三 reads ,或看 now 用行)

9. There be就近原,后面所接必看清是否是可数名从而确定be

There is a cat and two dogs.(离得近的是数)

There are two dogs and a cat.(离得近的是复数)

There is some paper .(不可数)

There are some paper rabbits . (前面有修的名复数)

There are some sheep .(复数相同)

There is some string .(不可数)

There is a lot of apple juice .(前面有修的不可数)

10.both 和 all 放在 be 之后, do 之前

We are both tall.(be之后)

They are all blind.(be之后)

We both run fast.(do之前)

The brothers all touch the elephant.(do之前)

11.one of the 复数,三 One of

the boy s is Tom. says one of

the brother s


行:当句子里有志性的如 now ,look ,listen ,it ’几s⋯点 (祈使句和 can 句型除外 ),或是某个有上下情景的句子表示个作在正在生,

构 be+doing

Listen , birds are singing.

Where’ s Sam? He is playing football outside.

一般:当句子里有志性的如every morning ,on Moday ,at

weedends , always , usually ,等,表示述某个事 .当主是

often , sometimes ,never , at ⋯几点I,you ,复数原形,当主是


Our classmate watch es TV at weedends.

(不能受 our 影响,主是classmate 数, watch 三加 es)

His friend s always stay at home.


It ’ s two o’ clock. isKittyreading a book.

Kitty reads a book at two o’ clock.

13. 球运前不加 the :play basketball

三餐前不加 the :have dinner

器前必有the :play the drum

14. 将来,志性tomorrow,next Sunday等

will+do /be going to do

She will go to the park.

15. 去式,志性last night

His clock stop ped at ten thirty last night.


(1)整点: six o ’ clock

(2)1-29 分( 15 分除外)用 past : ten past seven(7:10 )(3)15分: a quarter past two(2:15 )

(4)30分: half past five( 5:30 )

(5)45分: a quarter to two(1:45 )
