


tm e p f r a e i ero m nc .
Ke wo ds:m a e m e a in; pus — ou e u a t y r i ge s g nt to le c pld ne r lne wor s; m a i u or ea i rt ron k x m m c r lton c ie i
中图分类号 : 3 1 TP 9 文献标志码 : A
I a e S g e a i n M e h d Ba e n PCNN nd m g e m nt to to sdo a Two d m e i n M CC — i nso
DE NG i g o Ln b ( tl r a e f P Ari e y Ac d my o LA ,H e e 2 0 3 , i a l f i 3 0 1 Ch n ) Ab ta t Th l o ih t a e m e t ma e t us - o p e e r ln t r s ( CNN) a d t — i n i n ma i s r c : e a g rt m h t s g n s i g s wi p le c u ld n u a e wo k h P n wo d me so x — mu c re a i n c i ro ( CC)wa r s n e .Th r sls g r h c o e a i n i wo d me so CC t a n t — m o r l t r e i n M o t sp e e t d e ei e s l a i mi p r t n t — i n in M o t o h n i wo
算 目标 和 背景 的最 大相 关 准则 系数 , 取最 大相 关
1 引 言


收 稿 日期 t 0 71 —4 2 0 —20 修 订 日期 :2 0 — 12 0 80 ・3
7 8
第l 5卷
自然 点火 。这就 意 味 着 不 同灰 度 输 入 的神 经 元 将 在不 同 的 时刻 点 火 ,而 相 同灰度 输 入 的神 经元 则 在 同

时刻 点 火 。此 时 的 P NN 是 将 图像 像 素 灰 度 映射 为 含 有 时 间特 性 的点 火 图 ,即每 一 时 刻 的 点火 图对 C

() 2
() 3 () 4

竺 !
I l

接 受 域 分 为 两 个 通 道 ,一 个 是 线 性 连 接 输 入 通
图 1 单 个 P N 神 经 元 模 型 C N
道 ,用 来 接 收邻 近 的其 它神 经 元 的输 入 信 息 ,另 一 个 是 反 馈 输 入 通 道 ,用 来 接 收外 部 刺 激 信 息

制 部 分 是 神 经 元 的 内部 活 动 项 ,它通 过 加 有 偏 置 的 线 性 连 接 部 分 与 外 部刺 激 信 息 相乘 获得 ;脉 冲 产 生
部 分 的 , 由外 部刺 激 信 息 , 连 接 输 入 信 息 厶, 同决 定 ;脉 冲 产 生 部 分 有 两个 作用 ,产 生 脉 冲 输 出 和 共
应于同一灰度 的像素 图,而不 同时刻的点火 图对应于不 同灰度的像素 图;( )有耦合链接的情况下, 2
即 ≠0。此 时 由于 P NN 中各 神经 元 间的 耦合 链 接 ,当 外部 刺 激 输 入 灰度 的神 经 元 Ⅳf t C , 在 时刻 点火
2 PCNN模 型



Fe b .2 O 1 3
自适应 分层 阈值 的简 化 P C NN红 外人 体 图像 分 割
周东国, 高 潮, 郭永彩
( 重 庆 大 学 光 电工 程 学 院 光 电技 术 及 系统 教 育 部 重 点 实 验 室 重 庆
( z d g 2 0 0 4 2 5 8 6 @1 6 3 . c o m)
降机 制 , 采 用 神 经 元 点 火 区 域 与 未 点 火 区 域 的 统 计 特 性 构 建 自适 应 分 层 阈值 ; 同 时结 合 神 经 元 同 步 点 火 机 制 并 引 入 最 近邻 均 值 聚类 规 则 控 制 神 经 元 点火 , 以达 到 较 高 的 分 割 精 度 . 在 真 实 红 外 人 体 图像 集 上 与 几 种 图 像 分 割 方 法 进 行
中 图 法分 类 号 :T P 3 9 1 . 4 1
S i m pl i f i e d Pul s e Co u p l e d Ne u r a l Ne t wo r k wi t h Ad a pt i v e Mu l t i l e v e l Th r e s ho l d f o r I n f r a r e d Hu ma n I ma g e S e g me n t a t i o n
4 0 0 0 3 0 )
摘 要 :针 对 红 外 人 体 图 像 中 人 体 目标 亮 度 分 布 不 均 匀且 易 与 背 景 混 叠 等 引起 分 割不 完整 的 问题 , 提 出 一 种 自适 应 分 层 阈值 的简 化 P C NN( S P C NN) 红 外 人 体 图像 分 割 方 法 . 该 方 法摒 弃 了传 统 S P C NN 模 型 中 的 动 态 阈 值 指 数 衰 减 下



脉 冲耦 合神 经 网 络 ( P C N N —P u l s e C o u p l e d
N e u r a l N e t w o r k ) 模 型 是 直接 来 自于 对 哺乳 动物 视
觉特 性研 究 的成果 , 目前 在 图像 模式识 别方 面得 到 了广 泛 的应 用 J 。对 于 图像 分 割 , P C N N模 型 具 有 能缩小 相似像 素点 距离 的特性 , 使 目标 与背景 区 域都 能保 持较好 的连 续性 , 这与 其他 图像分 割算 法
分 组成 , 各 组成 部分 可 以用 数学 方程 描述 如下 :
的灰度均值重复迭代来确定其较合适的阈值 , 该方 法无 需确 定迭 代次数 , 但 其 只对 迭代 阈值 进行 了分
析, 而没 有对 其它参 数进 行 有效 确 定 。文 献 [ 6 ] 提 出的利用 图像 本身 特性 信息 自适应设 置 参数方 法 , 该 方法 对不 同 图像 具有 较强 的适用性 , 但 是需对 每 个像 素 点都 要 计 算其 连接 强 度 参 数 口, 计算量大,
型参数 自动 确 定。仿 真 实验 表 明 , 该 方法可 有效地 对 不 同图像 进 行 自适 应 分割 , 与 传统 的 P C N N
图像 分割 方 法相 比具 有一 定的优越 性 。
关键 词 : 参 数确 定 ; 自适应 ; 图像 分割 ; 脉冲耦 合神 经 网络 ; 类间方 差
中图分类 号 : T P 1 8 3 文献 标识码 : A
影 响分 割速度 。针对 P C N N进行 图像 分 割 时 需 对 参 数进 行有效 确定 的 问题 , 从模 型各 参数 的特性 和
F [ n ]=
( 1 )



Ke r s ma e sg et in P l ope ua Ne ok P NN) mai lcr l iec t in y wod :i g e n t ;us C u ldNe l t r ( C m a o e r w ; xma o ea v re o t i r
C m ue n ier ga d p lain 计算机 工程 与应 用 o p t E gn ei n A pi t s r n c o
PN C N和最大相关准则相结合的图像分割方法
邓成锦 , 聂仁灿, 周冬明, 赵东风
D NG C e gi , E R n a , HO Do g n , HAO D n fn E h nj NI e cn Z U n mig Z n o ge g
D NG e gi , E Re cn, HOU Do g n ’ t a・ g eme tt n lo i m o ie P N t xma E Ch n j NI n a Z n n mig e l ma e sg na o ag r h c mbn d CN wi ma i l I i t h crea v rtr nCo ue n ie r g a d A p ct n ,0 14 ( 4 :7 —7 . orlt eci i . mp trE gn ei n p l ai s2 1 。7 1 ) 171 9 i eo n i o Abta t P l u ld NerlNe r ( C N) i a n w gn rt n whc a ilgclb c go n fat c ln u s c: us Cope ua r e t kP N wo s e e eai ih hs a boo ia ak ru d o rf i e- o i a i






本文首先分析了小波域收缩阈值去噪方法的优点及不足,再结合Curvelet变换的特点改进Normal Shrink阈值算法的尺度参数,提出一种改进的自适应阈值降噪方法。


本文在分析了离散Contourlet变换,连续Contourlet 变换和无下采样的Contourlet变换的基本原理的基础上,结合脉冲耦合神经网络模型提出了一种图像分割方法。



【相似文献】[1]. 顾晓东,郭仕德,余道衡.一种基于PCNN的图像去噪新方法[J].电子与信息学报, 2002,(10)[2]. 邓承志,汪胜前,钟华,刘祝华.基于Contourlet变换的图像去噪算法[J].电视技术, 2004,(10)[3]. 顾晓东,余道衡,郭仕德.关于PCNN应用于图像处理的研究[J].电讯技术, 2003,(03)[4]. 董鸿燕,扬卫平,沈振康.基于Contourlet变换的自适应图像去噪方法[J].红外技术, 2006,(09)[5]. 邓承志,曹汉强,汪胜前.非高斯双变量模型contourlet图像去噪(英文)[J].红外与激光工程, 2006,(02)[6]. 王忠华.基于Contourlet变换的子带自适应图像去噪[J].南昌航空工业学院学报(自然科学版), 2006,(02)[7]. 张军英,樊秀菊,董继扬,石美红.一种改进型脉冲耦合神经网络及其图像分割[J].电子学报, 2004,(07)[8]. 夏辉,穆希辉,马振书,兰箭.基于最大交叉熵的PCNN简化模型在图像分割中的应用[J].军械工程学院学报, 2007,(01)[9]. 张久文,敦建征,孟令锋.基于Contourlet的图像PCA去噪方法[J].计算机工程与应用, 2007,(21)[10]. 张军英,樊秀菊,董继扬,石美红.一种改进型脉冲耦合神经网络及其图像分割[J].计算机工程与应用, 2003,(08)【关键词相关文档搜索】:计算机应用技术; 多尺度几何分析; PCNN; Contourlet变换; 图像去噪; 图像分割【作者相关信息搜索】:武汉科技大学;计算机应用技术;陈东方;何亮;。



1 优化 的 P N C N模 型
构成 P N 的单个 神经元 的基本 模 型如 图 1 a 所 示 , CN () 神
经元 由接收 、 调制和脉冲产生器三部分组成 。利用 P N C N进行
图像处理时 , 网络结构与 图像 结构相 同 , 即神经元 与 图像 像素
一 一
对应 。为 了表述 方便 , 下面 以二 维 P N C N为 例分 析模 型
漏 电容积分 的连接 时间常数 , 一般情况下 , 神经元 , 与所有相 连神经元之 间的反馈域 时间常数 均相同 , 链接域时 问常数也相 同; F 分别为反馈域 、 V、 链接域 的幅度 系数 ; n为第 n时刻 ; , 为PN C N第 ( , 个 神经元 , i) 的脉冲输出。 调制部分 中 , 先给链接 输入加 一个正 的单位偏 置 , 后与 然

接收 调制 脉冲 接收 调制 脉冲 接收 调制 脉冲 部 分 部 分 产 生 器 部 分 部 分 产 生器 部 分 部 分 产 生器 ( )以常量作为 点火 闽 ( )本 文改进 的优化 b c ( )P N @ a C N ̄ 经元基本模型 值 的优化P N C N模型 PN C N模型
() 1
() 2
式() 2 中, 1 和( ) 下标 表 示位置 (,) 的神经元 ; L i 处 F
分别 为第 ( J 个神 经元 的反馈 输入 和链接 输入 ; i) S 为外 部输 入刺激信号 , 这里为输入 图像 中第 ( √ 个 像素 的密度 ; i) m和 w 分别是反馈输 入和链 接输入 中神经元之间 的连接权系数矩阵 ; 和 毗 分 别为神经元 对 其邻域 内的其他 神经元输 出进行
日( )= 一( 0o2 0+ 1 o2 1 p p g P p g ) l l P ( 3 1)
























(一) PCNN-FCM联合算法该算法是将FCM(模糊C均值聚类算法)与PCNN相结合,实现图像分割的一种方法。



(二) PCNN-水平集方法该方法则是一种基于PCNN和水平集相结合的图像分割方法,其主要思想是在过程中运用水平集方法对图像进行曲线演化,并通过PCNN对图像信息进行提取。







作为一种常用的图像分割算法,脉冲耦合神经网络(Pulse-Coupled Neural Network,简称PCNN)在时、频域特性研究方面具有很大的优势。








三、PCNN的时域特性研究1. 脉冲间隔学习PCNN中的脉冲传输时间和脉冲间隔对图像分割结果影响较大。


2. 相位响应研究PCNN在不同的输入相位下,对图像的分割效果也会有所不同。


4. 考虑多种时域特性PCNN不仅可以根据图像的相位来进行分割,还可以利用图像的幅度信息、脉冲传输时间等时域特性。


四、PCNN的频域特性研究1. 频率响应研究PCNN在不同的输入频率下,对图像的分割效果也会发生变化。












二、基于PCNN模型的图像分割流程基于PCNN模型的图像分割技术可以分为图像预处理、PCNN 神经网络模型的训练和图像分割三个基本步骤。

1. 图像预处理图像预处理是对输入图像进行预先处理以获得更好的分割结果。



2. PCNN神经网络模型的训练在实际应用中,人们往往需要训练一个可靠的神经网络模型来实现图像分割。


3. 图像分割在得到训练完成的PCNN神经网络模型后,就可以利用这个模型对待分割的图像进行分析和处理了。



三、基于PCNN模型的图像分割技术的特点基于PCNN模型的图像分割技术具备以下几个特点:1. 对于图像中的复杂区域,该方法具备很高的分割精度。







如文献[3]中对红色绿色蓝色(RGB)各分量进行滤波转换到LAB(L为像素亮度,A为红色到绿色范围,B为黄色到蓝色范围)彩色空间,用分水岭方法获取封闭区域及质心,再利用模糊C均值(fuzzy C means,FCM)聚类进行分割。



基于压缩感知与自适应PCNN的医学图像融合高媛;贾紫婷;秦品乐;王丽芳【摘要】针对非下采样轮廓波变换(NSCT)域内基于脉冲耦合神经网络(PCNN)的图像融合方法融合效果较差、计算复杂度较高等问题,提出一种在非下采样剪切波变换(NSST)域内基于压缩感知(CS)和自适应PCNN的融合算法.源图像在NSST域内被分解成高低频,采用改进的PCNN融合低频子带系数,使用像素的平方差总和当作其激励因素,选取方向梯度总和作为其链接强度,对计算量较大的高频子带系数采用CS进行处理,经过NSST逆变换获得融合图像.实验结果表明,与NSCT融合算法、NSST与PCNN相结合的算法等相比,该算法能获得较好的信息熵、空间频率、边缘信息评价因子,且运行时间较短.【期刊名称】《计算机工程》【年(卷),期】2018(044)009【总页数】6页(P224-229)【关键词】压缩感知;非下采样剪切波变换;脉冲耦合神经网络;图像融合;核磁共振成像【作者】高媛;贾紫婷;秦品乐;王丽芳【作者单位】中北大学计算机与控制工程学院,太原030051;中北大学计算机与控制工程学院,太原030051;中北大学计算机与控制工程学院,太原030051;中北大学计算机与控制工程学院,太原030051【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP3910 概述由于单个模态的图像信息存在局限性,只有利用多种模态的图像医生才能获得更加综合详细的信息,因此多模态图像融合应运而生。

比如,计算机断层成像[1](Computerized Tomography,CT)能清晰地呈现骨骼信息及其病变,但存在骨伪影而且对软组织分辨率不高。

而核磁共振成像(Magnetic Resonance Imaging,MRI)中对软组织及其病变的显示较好,并且没有骨伪影的干扰。




基于迭代自组织数据聚类阈值PCNN的图像分割法曾海妮;彭建盛【摘要】基于迭代自组织数据聚类阈值的脉冲耦合神经网络的图像分割算法改进了传统脉冲耦合神经网络在图像分割中由于不恰当的参数选择而导致图像欠分割和过分割的问题.基于迭代自组织数据聚类阈值的脉冲耦合神经网络图像分割算法无需确定参数和循环次数,也不需要用特定原则确定循环结束的条件,只需利用图像中的每个像素点的灰度值进行聚类,然后利用改进的迭代自组织数据算法确定图像的初始聚类数目以及聚类中心,并以此作为脉冲耦合神经网络的最佳阈值,一次点火过程自动完成分割.实验结果表明,这种算法具有较好的分割结果和分割速度,提高了分割的准确性.【期刊名称】《河池学院学报》【年(卷),期】2014(034)002【总页数】6页(P71-76)【关键词】脉冲耦合神经网络;迭代自组织数据聚类;图像分割【作者】曾海妮;彭建盛【作者单位】河池学院物理与机电工程学院,广西宜州546300;河池学院物理与机电工程学院,广西宜州546300【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP3910 引言图像分割是把图像具有不同性质的区域分成若干份,使这些区域互不相交并满足一定的性质,以提出感兴趣目标的技术。




脉冲耦合神经网络(Pulse Coupled Neural Network,PCNN)具有良好的生物视觉特性,能解决图像中目标和背景在灰度范围内重叠的情况,不需要训练就可以进行空间分割[1],但是PCNN分割也有很多缺点:参数多,分割结果与参数密切相关且没有理论解释或指导如何选择模型参数。




结合PCNN和自适应DGA算法的视网膜血管分割丁雪梅;李为相;毛祥宇【摘要】为辅助诊断眼底疾病,提出一种眼底图像血管自动分割方法.首先利用对比度受限制的自适应直方图均衡化(CLAHE)技术与二维高斯匹配滤波器增强血管与背景对比度;然后利用自适应分布式遗传算法(ADGA)对PCNN参数设置自动寻优,将寻优得到的参数用于PCNN血管分割;最后采用面积滤波和区域连通性方法对分割结果进行后处理,得到优化后的血管检测结果.通过在国际上公认的彩色眼底图像库STARE中的实验结果表明,相比于利用传统的DGA算法对PCNN参数寻优,所提方法将分割的平均准确度从0.9293提高到0.9454,具有更高的鲁棒性、有效性和可靠性.【期刊名称】《计算机工程与应用》【年(卷),期】2018(054)021【总页数】7页(P201-207)【关键词】脉冲耦合神经网络(PCNN);血管分割;视网膜;分布式遗传算法(DGA);参数寻优【作者】丁雪梅;李为相;毛祥宇【作者单位】南京工业大学电气工程与控制科学学院,南京 211800;南京工业大学电气工程与控制科学学院,南京 211800;南京工业大学电气工程与控制科学学院,南京 211800【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.411 引言眼底视网膜血管形态学结构的变化反映了许多全身性的心脑血管疾病,可以辅助医生诊断疾病的类型及严重程度。







第32卷第5期光电工程V ol.32, No.5 2005年5月 Opto-Electronic Engineering May, 2005文章编号:1003-501X(2005)05-0093-04一种基于PCNN的图像分割方法王红梅, 张 科, 李言俊(西北工业大学航天学院, 陕西西安 710072)摘要:针对脉冲耦合神经网络无法确定最优分割的问题,提出了一种将脉冲耦合神经网络和类间方差准则相结合的图像分割方法。



关键词:图像分割;脉冲耦合神经网络;类间方差中图分类号:TP391文献标识码:AImage segmentation method based on PCNNWANG Hong-mei, ZHANG Ke, LI Yan-jun(College of Astronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072,China)Abstract:Aiming at determining the optimal result of Pulse-Coupled Neural Network for image segmentation, a novel method is proposed which combines the PCNN with between-cluster variance.The fired nerves and the unfired nerves of PCNN corresponding to pixels of image are considered as target and the background respectively. The between-cluster variance between the target and the background is calculated at each process of iteration. The optimal segmentation result is obtained when the maximum value of the between-cluster variance is achieved. Experimental results show that the method can achieve better image segmentation and has a common applicability. The simulation time for segmenting an image with the size of 256 by 256 is about 0.8 second.Key words:Image segmentation;Pulse-coupled neural network;Between-cluster variance引言脉冲耦合神经网络(Pulse-Coupled Neural Network,简称PCNN) [1]是由Eckhorn为解释猫大脑视觉皮层中实验所观察到的与特征有关的神经元同步行为现象而提出的。






【作者单位】西安工程大学;汤普森河大学数学与统计学系 0C8






1.一种基于交叉熵的改进型PCNN图像自动分割新方法 [J], 刘勍;马义德;钱志柏
2.一种新的基于PCNN的图像自动分割算法研究 [J], 赵峙江;张田文;张志宏
3.基于区间参数寻优的PCNN红外图像自动分割方法 [J], 王力;王敏
4.一种基于矢量PCNN的彩色图像自动分割算法 [J], 刘勍;马小姝;张利军;马义德;董忠
5.基于PCNN的手腕骨图像自动分割方法研究 [J], 钟亚平;



【摘要】近年来的研究表明,脉冲耦合神经网络(Pulse Coupled Neural Network,PCNN)可有效地用于图像分割.然而对于不同图像,常需要选取适当的网络参数,以得到有效的分割结果.但是,目前网络参数的选取还主要停留在人工调整和确定阶段,尚无一种能够根据图像本身特性自动确定参数的方法,这在很大程度上限制了PCNN的应用.针对这一问题,本文提出了一种基于简化PCNN的自适应图像分割方法,通过利用图像本身空间和灰度特性自动确定网络参数,实现对不同图像的分割.实验结果表明,本文算法可以有效地对不同图像进行自动分割,具有一定的健壮性.
1.一种基于互相关匹配的简化PCNN及其图像分割 [J], 胡俊
2.一种参数自适应的简化PCNN图像分割方法 [J], 周东国;高潮;郭永彩
3.一种基于简化PCNN的红外图像分割方法 [J], 陈兴杰;柴晓冬
4.一种基于PCNN图像分割和LSB的自适应隐写 [J], 魏伟一;杨阳;朱强军
5.一种基于PCNN的参数自适应图像分割方法 [J], 汤灿明;张欣;杨贝贝;贺建婷因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



一种基于PCNN图像分割和LSB的自适应隐写魏伟一;杨阳;朱强军【期刊名称】《西北师范大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2016(052)002【摘要】为了提高图像LSB隐写时的嵌入容量与视觉质量,结合图像的位面图内容特性,提出了一种基于图像 PCNN分割的LSB自适应隐写方案。



%In order to improve the embedding capacity and visual quality in image LSB steganographic , combining with the character of cover's biplanes , a novel LSB steganographic embedding based on PCNN image segmentation is presented . The method extracts the first 4 plane images and partitions by way of PCNN method , then adds the 4 segmentation as the number of embedded for every pixel and embed secret information with LSB . Experimental results show that the proposed method not only provides better visual quality and higher payload , but also does not save the embedding length data .【总页数】4页(P43-46)【作者】魏伟一;杨阳;朱强军【作者单位】西北师范大学计算机科学与工程学院,甘肃兰州 730070;西北师范大学计算机科学与工程学院,甘肃兰州 730070;西北师范大学计算机科学与工程学院,甘肃兰州 730070【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP309.2【相关文献】1.一种基于简化PCNN的自适应图像分割方法 [J], 毕英伟;邱天爽2.基于图像分割的LSB隐写信息盲检测方法 [J], 胡玲娜;蒋铃鸽;何晨3.一种基于PCNN的参数自适应图像分割方法 [J], 汤灿明;张欣;杨贝贝;贺建婷4.基于图像分割的LSB隐写信息盲检测方法 [J], 胡玲娜;蒋铃鸽;何晨5.基于图像分割的LSB隐写信息盲检测方法 [J], 胡玲娜;蒋铃鸽;何晨因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 34 (2010) 308–320Contents lists available at ScienceDirectComputerized Medical Imaging andGraphicsj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /c o m p m e d i m agImage segmentation by EM-based adaptive pulse coupled neural networks in brain magnetic resonance imagingJ.C.Fu a ,C.C.Chen b ,J.W.Chai b ,c ,d ,∗,S.T.C.Wong e ,I.C.Li aaComputer Aided Measurement and Diagnostic Systems Laboratory,Department of Industrial Engineering and Management,National Yunlin University of Science and Technology,Taiwan,ROC bDepartment of Radiology,Taichung Veterans General Hospital,Taiwan,ROC cDivision of Radiology,College of Medicine,China Medical University,Taiwan,ROC dMedical School,National Yang-Ming University,Taiwan,ROC eCenter for Bioengineering and Informatics,The Methodist Hospital Research Institute and Department of Radiology,The Methodist Hospital,Weill Medical College,Cornell University,USAa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 23April 2009Received in revised form 5November 2009Accepted 3December 2009Keywords:Pulse coupled neural network Expectation maximization Image segmentationMagnetic resonance imaginga b s t r a c tWe propose an automatic hybrid image segmentation model that integrates the statistical expectation maximization (EM)model and the spatial pulse coupled neural network (PCNN)for brain magnetic res-onance imaging (MRI)segmentation.In addition,an adaptive mechanism is developed to fine tune the PCNN parameters.The EM model serves two functions:evaluation of the PCNN image segmentation and adaptive adjustment of the PCNN parameters for optimal segmentation.To evaluate the performance of the adaptive EM–PCNN,we use it to segment MR brain image into gray matter (GM),white matter (WM)and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).The performance of the adap-tive EM–PCNN is compared with that of the non-adaptive EM–PCNN,EM,and Bias Corrected Fuzzy C-Means (BCFCM)algorithms.The result is four sets of boundaries for the GM and the brain parenchyma (GM +WM),the two regions of most interest in medical research and clinical applications.Each set of boundaries is compared with the golden standard to evaluate the segmentation performance.The adap-tive EM–PCNN significantly outperforms the non-adaptive EM–PCNN,EM,and BCFCM algorithms in gray mater segmentation.In brain parenchyma segmentation,the adaptive EM–PCNN significantly outper-forms the BCFCM only.However,the adaptive EM–PCNN is better than the non-adaptive EM–PCNN and EM on average.We conclude that of the three approaches,the adaptive EM–PCNN yields the best results for gray matter and brain parenchyma segmentation.© 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI)provides high resolution images with differentiate tissues,based on the T1local tissue parameters,T2relaxation times and proton density.High quality MR images are not only indispensable to clinicians in diagnosis,treatment,and surgery planning,but also contain unique features that make them amenable to tissue segmentation and classifica-tion [1].MRI is a non-invasive and powerful tool in the diagnosis of cerebral related disease,the monitoring of pathological changes and the establishment of preventive medical measures.Advances in modern brain MRI techniques enable the collection of large anatomical data sets in a short time.Brain tissue segmentation∗Corresponding author at:Department of Radiology,Division of Chest Radiology,Taichung Veterans General Hospital,No.160,Sec.3,Chung-Kang Rd,Taichung 407,Taiwan,ROC.Tel.:+886968950029.E-mail address:hubt@.tw (J.W.Chai).is an essential element of MRI analysis,and is important for data compression,quantitative analysis,registration,visualization and computer aided surgery [24].Compared to acquisition,image pro-cessing and analysis are lengthy and labor-intensive.Although many segmentation techniques have been proposed for clinical applications,MRI approaches pose problems in the selection of the image features,the level of operator supervision,and the accuracy of tissue classification [6].On the other hands,manual segmenta-tion of brain tissues from series of 2D MR images is impractical in real applications.Thus,effective image segmentation algorithms are needed.Image segmentation models can be grouped into three major types:statistical,structural,and hybrid [18].In statistical models,the image is segmented based on the distribution of intensities within the intensity histogram.In structural models,the spatial relation between neighboring pixels is the basis for image seg-mentation.Hybrid models integrate two or more statistical and/or structural classification models.A more detailed description of the three model types is given below.0895-6111/$–see front matter © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/pmedimag.2009.12.002J.C.Fu et al./Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics34 (2010) 308–3203091.1.Statistical modelsStatistical models assume that each type of tissue is character-ized by nearly uniform intensity.Therefore,the image intensity distribution is the basis for tissue classification.Statistical models can be further classified as non-parametric or parametric.In para-metric statistical models,curvefitting algorithms are applied tofit the envelope of the histogram to a linear combination of various probability density functions.The estimated statistical parameters can then be applied for tissue segmentation[29].Grabowski et al. (1999)proposed a mixture model for brain MRI tissue segmen-tation.First,a region-based model was employed to remove the skull.Then,Gaussian curvefitting was applied to the preprocessed histogram to segment the images into GM,WM and CSF[11].Fris-tion et al.applied the expectation maximization(EM)algorithm to detect pixel intensity values using a priori knowledge of the his-togram map characteristics of GM,WM,and CSF in normal subjects [10].Lu et al.applied the EM algorithm to segment brain tissues in raw diffusion-weighted MR images[20].In non-parametric sta-tistical models,information on the probability distribution is not required for image segmentation.Hall et al.(1992)applied a non-parametric model Fuzzy C-Means(FCM)algorithm to three types of MR images(T1,T2,and Spin Density)for tissue classification[13]. One main drawback of the FCM algorithms was that the results were influenced by noises and artifacts.One major constraint to sta-tistical models is that they only consider the intensity probability distribution.Since the spatial relationship between the pixels and their neighborhood is not included in the model,the global optimal solution is not guaranteed in cases involving spatial relationships.1.2.Structural modelsIn structural models,each tissue type is characterized by spa-tial clustering.The structural algorithms can be further classified as edge-based and region-based.In edge-based algorithms,the image is segmented by detection of the boundary between dif-ferent tissue types.Edge-based algorithms are generally sensitive to the noise and artifacts[8,19].Region-based algorithms com-pute the area of the tissues by choosing initial solution seeds and extending these areas until they arefipared to edge-based algorithms,region-based algorithms are generally less sensitive to noise and artifacts.Fathi et al.(1999)added fuzzy logic the flood-fill algorithm for segmentation of brain MR images tissue into gray matter(GM),white matter(WM)and cerebrospinalfluid [9].Niessen et al.(1998)combined an edge-based and a region-based structural method to classify brain MR image voxels as WM, GM,or CSF[23].For image segmentation applications,algorithms that simulate biological mechanisms–such as pulse coupled neu-ral networks(PCNN)–are drawn attention.The PCNN is inspired by the work of Eckhorn et al.[8].It is an un-supervised neural net-work,which simulates the synchronous pulse bursts in cat’s visual cortex.PCNN’s are useful in image processing,especially image seg-mentation[22].Applications include detection of the left ventricle boundary echocardiographic images,and tissue and organ segmen-tation of brain,abdomen,and lung magnetic resonance images[31]. Keller and McKinon used the PCNN to segment tissues and organs in brain and abdominal magnetic resonance images,respectively [17].Murresan combined the PCNN with the Fourier transform in pattern recognition[22].Moreno-Baron et al.integrated the PCNN with wavelets to quantify and analyze the sensor signals from an electronic tongue[21].Li et al.applied the PCNN for a region-based image sensor fusion scheme[18].Wang and Ma applied a multi-channel PCNN for multi-modality medical image fusion[34].Own and Hassanien developed a PCNN-based segmentation algorithm to detect the boundaries of prostate tumors in transrectal ultrasound images[25].Badr applied the PCNN to obtain signatures for brain lobe activity from single photon emission computerized tomogra-phy(SPECT)images as input for syntactic and semantic diagnosis [3].The advantage of PCNNs is that the segmentation mechanism conforms to the clustering property of organs or tissues in medical imaging.The major drawback is the lack of a stopping mechanism, which leaves users to design ad-hoc stopping rules or arbitrarily assign the number of iterations[12,18].1.3.Hybrid modelsThe idea of hybrid models is to integrate statistical and struc-tural segmentation models for more robust results than what can be achieved with a single model.Tang et al.(2000)integrated the spectral analysis and intensity threshold technique for brain MR image segmentation[32].Zhang et al.(2001)combined the Markov randomfield and the EM algorithm to segment the brain tissue into the WM and GM in brain MR images[36].The main draw-back of Markov randomfields is that they are time-consuming [34].Pluempitiwiriyawej et al.developed a stochastic active con-tour scheme for cardiac MR image segmentation to solve problems with low contrast images of papillary muscles subject to turbulent bloodflow by combining stochastic region-based and edge-based information[27].To locate the modified Talairach cortical land-marks,Hu et al.proposed a model incorporating range-constrained thresholding and morphological operations to segment the planes containing the cortical landmarks[15].Yan and Kassim applied an active contour algorithm for vessel segmentation in MR angiog-raphy images[35].Ahmed et al.[2]proposed the Bias Corrected Fuzzy C-Means(BCFCM)algorithm to remove the effect of the noise and non-uniformities by integrating spatial neighborhood,with the histogram,and fuzzy logic techniques.Hou et al.[14]proposed a similar method,which employs the spatial neighborhood and in FCM approaches in the segmentation of brain MR images[14].The BCFCM algorithm adds a spatial parameter to the objec-tive function,which encourages the identical classification of adjacent pixels to reduce the interference caused by noise andnon-Fig.1.Flow chart of the system.310J.C.Fu et al./Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics34 (2010) 308–320Fig.2.One example of image enhancement by non-isotropic spreading filter.(a)Original image,(b)enhanced image,(c)close view of original image,(d)close view of enhanced image.uniformities.Though BCFCM includes the spatial relationship,it does not consider distance between the pixel and its neighborhood.In PCNNs,the neighborhood interrelationship is assumed to follow a Gaussian distribution [35].Accurate construction of brain tissues depends on accurate seg-mentation of the original MR images.Because of the large volume of images,it is impractical to conduct the segmentation manually.Therefore,an effective segmentation algorithm is highly needed.In this paper,we propose a hybrid automatic segmentation algo-rithm that integrates the statistical expectation maximization (EM)model and the structural PCNN model.The EM algorithm deter-mines the required number of iterations for each type of tissue.Meanwhile,the EM output is used to adaptively adjust the PCNN model parameter.The proposed EM-based adaptive PCNN (adap-tive EM–PCNN)automatically segments brain MR images into WM,GM and CSF.In experiments,the performance of the EM–PCNN is compared with that of the non-adaptive EM–PCNN,the EM and another hybrid model BCFCM.2.System architectureFig.1gives a flow chart for the system architecture.The sys-tem works in two stages.In the first stage,the original input image is first enhanced using a non-isotropic spreading filter [30].The non-isotropic spreading filter increases the signal-to-noise ratio by reducing the noise while simultaneously preserving the edges [26].Then,Region-of-Interest (ROI),the intracranial tissues,is extracted from the original MR images.In the second stage,the ROI is seg-mented into WM,GM and CSF.Since the WM and parenchyma (GM +WM)are the areas of the greatest interest in clinical applica-tions,those tissues are used for segmentation measurements.Then,the Jaccard similarities of each segmented area and the golden stan-dard are derived as measures of the segmentation performance.As further performance verification,the adaptive EM–PCNN seg-mentation performance is compared with the performance of the non-adaptive EM–PCNN,the EM and another hybrid model (the BCFCM).The non-adaptive EM–PCNN is a simplified version of the adaptive EM–PCNN.Both algorithms share the same structure,except that the non-adaptive EM–PCNN does have a parameter adjustment mechanism.2.1.Stage 1:image pre-processingThe purpose of the first stage is to enhance and extract the intracranial tissues within the MR image.The output image is further segmented into WM,GM and CSF.In this paper,the non-isotropic spreading filter and the revised Watershed algorithm are applied to enhance the MR images and remove the non-intracranial tissues [6,30].Fig.2shows an example of image enhancement by the non-isotropic spreading filter.Fig.2a and b shows the origi-nal MR image and the processed image.A close-up view shown in Fig.2c and c illustrates the effect of enhancement.For intracranial tissue extraction,experimental results showed that the revised Watershed can completely separate the skull from the intracranial tissues.No further algorithms such as morpholog-ical processing are required for this task.A detailed explanation of the intracranial tissue extraction is given below.Step 1:Fig.3a shows the MR image input.First,the gradient ofthe input image is calculated.Then,the gradient image is subjected to the complementary operation.Fig.3b shows the output of the complementary operation,with thecor-Fig.3.The intracranial tissue extraction procedure.(a)Input image for segmentation,(b)output of Step 1,(c)3D visualization,(d)output of Step 2,(e)close view,(f)output of Step 3,(g)output of Step 4.J.C.Fu et al./Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics34 (2010) 308–320311Fig.4.One intracranial MR image and its histogram.(a)Simulated intracranial MR image,(b)intensity histogram,(c)distributions estimated by EM.responding3D visualization in Fig.3c.The intensity of theintracranial area is lower than skull and skin,which enablethe separation of the intracranial tissues from other tissuetypes.Step2:The step1output undergoes the watershed algorithm to segment the image into basins.Fig.3d shows the watershedalgorithm output.Fig.3e shows a close view of a section ofFig.3d.The white dotted lines are the borders of the basins.Since the output images are over-segmented,merging willbe required during post-processing.Step3:If all of the intensity level in two adjacent basins fall within the assigned pre-flooding height,these two basinsare merged.Fig.3f shows the binary output of the basin-merging process.Step4:Only the object with the biggest area in Fig.3f is reserved.The reserved area is mapped back to the original MR image.The mapped image(Fig.3g)shows the intracranial tissues.2.2.Stage2:image segmentationThe adaptive EM–PCNN,a hybrid automatic image segmenta-tion algorithm combining the EM algorithm and PCNN,is used to segment the intracranial tissues into WM,GM and CSF.In clinical applications,WM and parenchyma(GM+WM)are the two targets at greatest interest and the CSF is generally not at interest.There-fore,the WM and parenchyma(GM+WM)segmentations are used to measure the performance.A brief description of the EM–PCNN algorithm is given below.Step1.The intracranial image intensity histogram is calculated.The EM is applied to the histogram to estimate the distribu-tion parameters for WM,GM and CSF portions of the image.From these,thresholds for classification of the WM,GM andCSF can be derived.Step2.The PCNN is applied to segment the brain MR image.When the histogram of the PCNN segmentation exceeds a thresh-old,the segmented area in that iteration includes two typesof tissues.In this case,the PCNN back up a previous itera-tion.Step3.A feedback mechanism is used to adjust the PCNN param-eter to reduce the expansion of the segmented area in thenext iteration.After the next iteration,the PCNN parameteris reset to its original value.Step4.The probability distributions parameters EM generated are used as afitness function to evaluate the number of itera-tions for each type of tissue.Since the proposed algorithm contains an adaptive mechanism, it is named adaptive EM–PCNN.A more detailed description of the adaptive EM–PCNN in brain MR image segmentation is given below.Fig.4a and b shows the example of an intracranial MR image and its histogram,respectively.Three peaks in the histogramshow Fig.5.The architecture of PCNN[5].312J.C.Fu et al./Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics34 (2010) 308–320the mode of three types of tissues.Most published literatures in thefields of medical image processing used Gaussian distribution to model the tissues(organs)since Gaussian distribution naturally fits the behavior of tissues(organs)in the acquired images.The EM algorithm has a closed-form M-step for the mixture distributions with Gaussian componentsfitted by maximum likelihood estima-tion(MLE)[4].Therefore,EM algorithm with the basis of Gaussian distribution is employed.Since there are three types of tissues in the MR images,three is set as the number of Gaussian distribution in EM algorithm.Fig.4c shows the results of curvefitting to the histogram by Gaussian probability density function.The red lines represent the estimated distributions of CSF,GM,and WM;and the black dashed line represents the combination of the estimated distributions.A PCNN consists of three parts:dendritic tree,modulationfield and pulse generator,as shown in Fig.4.Each neuron in the dendritic tree(input layer)corresponds to a pixel in the input image.Each neuron couples with its neighborhood within certain range.The coupling strength is in inverse proportion to the distance,which is commonly modeled by a Gaussian equation.The segmentation starts from small areas with high intensity and gradually expand to the larger area through iterations[33].Fig.5shows the archi-tecture of a PCNN.In this paper,the PCNN external input(S)is the intracranial MR image.Each pixel of the input image is mapped to a corresponding neuron in the PCNN’s input layer.Y(t)denotes the PCNN’s output image at iteration t.In Fig.5,the bold lines and the thin lines represent matrix manipulation and scalar manipulation, respectively.The structure of the PCNN is described as follows.Dendritic tree is the input layer of the network.It contains two types of input called the feeding input F(t)and the linking input L(t),where t is the iteration number.The linking input receives information from local stimulus[Y(t)and L(t)],where Y(t)is the binary PCNN output.L ij(t)denotes the element of the matrix L(t) corresponding to the pixel in the i th row and the j th column of the image.It can be regarded as the value of a single neuron.The value of L ij(t)is given byL ij(t)=e−˛L×L ij(t−1)+V L×K ij·Y(t−1)where e−˛L is the decay weight of the linking input;V L is the cou-pling weight of the linking input;K ij is the coupling matrix,which serves as a convolution mask with the center at(i,j).The feeding input F(t)receives not only the local stimulus [Y(t)and F(t)]but also external stimulus S.In this paper,S is the intracranial MR Image.F ij(t)denotes the element of the matrix F(t) corresponding to the pixel in the i th row and the j th column of the image.The equation for F ij(t)isF ij(t)=e−˛F×F ij(t−1)+V F×K ij.Y(t−1)+S ijwhere e−˛F is the decay weight of the feeding input;V F is the cou-pling weight of the feeding input;K ij is the coupling matrix,which serves as a convolution mask with the center at(i,j);S ij is the ele-ment of the matrix S corresponding to the pixel in the i th row and the j th column of the MR image.Modulationfield gathers two output channels[F(t)and L(t)] from the dendritic tree.The output of the modulationfield(U(t))is the internal activation of the neuron.It is made by adding a bias to the L(t)and multiplying this by F(t).The equation is givenU(t)=F(t)×(1+ˇL(t))whereˇis the link weight parameter.Pulse generator controls thefiring events in the model.Â(t)in the pulse generator is the dynamic threshold of the neuron.The equation of the dynamic thresholdÂ(t)is givenÂ(t)=e−˛Â×Â(t−1)+VÂ×Y(t−1)Fig.6.The overshooting effect in PCNN segmentation.where˛Âis the decay weight(or time constant);Â(t)is the thresh-old value in the last iteration;VÂis the normalized constant;Y(t−1) is the output image in the last iteration.Then,each neuron in the dynamic threshold is compared with its corresponding internal energy U(t).If U(t)>Â(t),then the corre-sponding output neuron is equal to1.Otherwise,it is equal to0. Each iteration updates the internal activation of the neuron(U(t)) and the output for every neuron in the network(Y(t)),based on the stimulus signal from the image(S)and the previous state of the network(Y(t)).The dynamic threshold ensures that activated PCNN output expands smoothly in spatial domain.Conventional PCNNs cannot expand the segmented area adap-tively[25].This causes the algorithm to overshoot when the segmented area reaches the borders of a different type of tissue, leading to segmentation of two types of tissue in a single iteration. Under such case,the histogram of the segmented area covers the threshold of two types of tissues.Fig.6shows one typical example of the overshoot effect,which leads to the poor classification perfor-mance.The misclassification occurs when the iteration is crossing the threshold of WM and GM and the threshold of the GM and CSF, which is shown as the point a and the point b in Fig.6,respectively.In a PCNN,the value of the decay weight˛Âis inverse proportion to the expansion rate of the segmented area.To solve the problem of the misclassification caused by the overshoot,we adjust adaptively the expansion rate of the PCNN by varying value of˛Â.While the segmented area crossing the border of different tissues,the value of the˛Âis reduced to slow down the expansion rate of the segmented area.After then,the value of the˛Âreturns to the preset rate.The steps of the algorithm are described as follows.1.From the EM output,we can calculate the intersection of thedistributions of two types of tissues as the threshold of WM and GM and the threshold of the GM and CSF.Those two thresholds in histogram are statistically optimal solution to separate tissues.Fig.7shows the optimal threshold based on the EM.2.For each iteration,the segmented area dilates along the pro-file of the previous iteration.Then,the corresponding histogram intensity slides down from the previous iteration.If the range of the histogram intensity covers the threshold,it means the segmented area over expands in that iteration.Fig.8shows one example of the overshoot in one iteration.The˛Âis then reduced with proportion to the percentage of the number of overshot pix-els.Since the0<A/B<1,˛B must be greater than0and less than ˛Â.Its value is given by˛B=ABײÂwhere˛B is the adjusted decay weight;A is the number of pixels with intensity at or exceeding the threshold;B is the number ofJ.C.Fu et al./Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 34 (2010) 308–320313Fig.7.The optimalthreshold.Fig.8.An example of overshoot.pixels segmented during the current iteration;˛Âis the preset decay weight.3.Return the segmented area back to the previous iteration and rerun the PCNN with the adjusted decay weight ˛B .4.After this iteration,reset the decay weight back to the original value ˛Â,then go to Step 2.Table 1The chosen values of the PCNN parameters.˛L V L ˛F V F K ˇ˛ÂV Â20.0120.01310.0810Fig.9shows a flow chart for the adaptive algorithm.Since the segmentation measurements do not include the CSF,iteration can stops when the intensity of the segmented area exceeds the CSF/GM threshold (line b in Fig.6).The neural network parameters are interactively selected and verified.Table 1lists the set of parameters applied in this paper.Fig.10illustrates how the adaptive PCNN handles overshooting.The pixels in the right hand side of the threshold in Fig.8remain,which is shown as Fig.10a.The overshot area is segmented in the next iteration,which is shown as Fig.10b.Fig.11shows how the segmented area and its corresponding histogram progress in a typical series of iterations.The histograms show that the intensity of the segmented area decreases from the previous iteration.The binary diagrams show the segmented area in each iteration.Fig.12shows how the segmented area accumulates in a typi-cal series of iterations.The progress of the segmented area,which dilates along the profile from the previous iteration,displays the PCNN’s property of the structural models.For each iteration,we applied conditional probability in the his-togram to classify the segmented area by type.In histogram-based classification,we classify the segmentation output as CSF,GM,or WM using the MLE conditional probabilities of the three tissue types given a specific iteration.The conditional probabilities can be derived from the EM output and the upper and lower histogram bounds for each segmentation iteration.A more detailed descrip-tion of the MLE approach can be found in [28,30].In Table 2,P (A )denotes the MLE conditional probability of tissue type A given a specific iteration,where A can be CSF,GMor WM.The formula for P (A )isP (A )=Weight (A )×Cdf (A )Fig.9.Flow chart of adaptive PCNN algorithm.314J.C.Fu et al./Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics34 (2010) 308–320Fig.10.An example of the PCNN strategy for handling overshooting.(a)Segmentation by adjusted decay weight and (b)segmentation in the next iteration.where A is CSF,GM or WM;Weight (A )is the ratio of the number of type A pixels to the sum of pixels of all tissue types,which can be derived from the EM output;Cdf (A )is the cumulative density function of tissue A on the range extending from the lower bound to the upper bound.The results in Table 2show that the first 4iterations are classified as WM.From the 5th to the 13th iterations,the segmented area is classified as GM.After the 13th iteration,the segmented area is classified as CSF.Fig.13shows an example of the input image and the golden standard for locating WM,GM,and CSF.The EM–PCNN has the properties of both the statistical and structural models.Fig.13b shows an example of the classification output of the adaptive EM–PCNN.In this paper,the segmentation performance of the adaptive EM–PCNN is compared with that of the non-adaptive EM–PCNN,expectation maximization (EM),and hybrid BCFCM models.As a statistical model in its own right,EM can be applied independently of the PCNN for automatic image segmentation [7].In the EM imple-mentation in this paper,the pixels in the MR images are classified solely based on the thresholds a and b ,as shown in Fig.6.A pixel is classified as GM if its intensity is at least b but lower than a ,and as WM if its intensity is equal to or higher than a .The BCFCM is based on the Fuzzy C-Means (FCM)algorithm,which has been applied with some success in MR soft tissue seg-mentation and partial volume estimation [16].The FCM strategy is to minimize the following objective function J with respect to the membership function u and the centroids v i J =ci =1N k =1u pik ||x k −v i ||2Table 2A typical classification result.Iteration P (CSF)P (GM)P (WM)Result 10.000000.000000.00043WM 20.000000.001180.17389WM 30.000000.008520.08720WM 40.000000.011500.01757WM 50.000010.030840.00929GM 60.000040.069710.00255GM 70.000110.076500.00026GM 80.000300.080050.00003GM 90.000500.051470.00000GM 100.001350.048670.00000GM 110.001880.021470.00000GM 120.003020.011450.00000GM 130.001370.002140.00000GM 140.005410.003380.00000CSF 150.004700.000940.00000CSFwhere N is the set of histogram pixel intensities;p is a weightingexponent on each fuzzy membership;u ik and x k are the member-ship value and the image intensity at location k ;v i is the centroid of class i .FCM assumes that the images are spatially invariant.In Bias Corrected Fuzzy C-Means (BCFCM),the so-called “neighborhood effect”[2]acts as a regularizer and biases the solution toward piecewise-homogeneous labeling.The BCFCM employs a term which makes the label of a pixel dependent on the labels of other pixels in its neighborhood.The modified objective function is given byJ =ci =1Nk =1u pik ||x k −v i ||2+˛N Rci =1N k =1u pik ⎛⎝y r ∈N k||x r −v i ||2⎞⎠where N k is the set of neighboring pixels in window x k ;N r is the number of the elements in N k ;␣is weight of the neighbors term.The neighborhood effect acts as a regularizer and biases the solution toward piecewise-homogeneous labels.This feature is par-ticularly useful for segmenting scans corrupted by salt and pepper noise [2].Fig.14a–c illustrate the segmentation output by non-adaptive EM–PCNN,EM and BCFCM,respectively.The segmentation output of the EM–PCNN is visibly closer to the golden standard than that of the BCFCM.However,visual inspec-tion alone does not show that the adaptive EM–PCNN outperforms the EM and non-adaptive EM–PCNN.Statistical analysis is required for performance verification.The following section describes the statistical analysis in detail.2.3.Performance evaluationIn this paper,Jaccard similarity is employed as the index for performance evaluation.The formula of Jaccard similarity is given:J (S 1,S 2)= S 1∩S 2S 1∪S 2where S 1is the golden standard;S 2is the segmented area;∩is intersection operator;∪is union operator.The golden standard S 1is the binary tissue images defined by the BrainWeb.S 2is segmentation output either from adaptive EM–PCNN,non-adaptive EM–PCNN,EM or BCFCM.The range of the Jaccard similarity falls from 0and 1.The higher of the Jaccard sim-ilarity means the segmented area matches more with the golden standard.Single-tailed paired-samples t -tests are conducted to verify whether the proposed adaptive EM–PCNN outperforms sig-nificantly other three methods.。
