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A series of colorful celebration activities begin on the first day of the first lunar month.

春节过了以后,就是在过去中国的农村里边,文艺的活动逐渐地展开了,有各种的文艺节目,像我们现在看到的北京花会一样,高跷、旱船,另外就是唱戏After the Spring Festival, all kinds of entertainment programs used to be given in the rural areas in China. Just like the flower exhibition in Beijing now, the entertainment programs include walking on stilt s, taking a boat on ground and operas. 不管是城里人,还是在农村,人们都要做的一件事就是拜年。民间流行的拜年活动先是从家里开始的。

No matter in the city or in the

countryside, all the people will do one thing that is to extend Spring Festival greetings. This activity begins at first between family members. 一般是我们晚辈要给长辈拜年,比如给父母和父母的兄弟姐妹,大爷、大妈等拜年。

Normally we will extend our Spring Festival greetings to our elders, such as our parents, uncles and aunts. 亲戚之间在春节期间走动,有互拜平安的意思。Relatives will drop each other a visit during the Spring Festival to give their best wishes.


To drop a Spring Festival visit is to give your new year greetings when you are out. Have a luck talk. Happy new year! May you come into a good

fortune! A luck talk can bring luck to people in the new year. 身体非常重要,所以春节的问候往往加上" 身体健康" 。Health is very important. So new greetings normally have "Good health!" 万事如意,心想事成。

Hope everything goes your way. May you succeed at/in whatever you try.


Have a successful career!

drop a Spring Festival visit a

拜年luck talk 吉祥话除了以往的到家里


The traditi onal way of exte nding Spring Festival greeti ngs in cludes to drop a visit or to send new year cards. In rece nt years, people bega n to use telepho ne, email and sms to exte nd their Spring Festival wishes.

虽然拜年的方式变化了,但对孩子们来讲,有一件事是不变的,那就是拜年时长辈们会给压岁钱,因为压岁钱多是放在红纸袋里的,所以人们也称之为"红包Although people have different ways of extending the Spring Festival wishes now, for children, one thing still remains unchanged. This is, when they pay a Spring Festival visit to their elders, elders will give them Yasuiqian, i.e. gift money. Since Yasuiqian is money put into a small red paper envelope, people also call

it "red bag/envelope/packet". 一般是这样,家里给压岁钱就是给小孩子。磕头拜年,父母给压岁钱。Normally, our

elders give us children new year money. We kowtow to them and give them our best wishes. They will give us new year money.

can dies 糖果

sun flower seeds 瓜子

Y asuiqia n = gift money = red bag 红包过年时,言行要特别谨慎,因为中国人


During the Spring Festival, one must be extremely careful in his or her acts and words.

Because Chin ese people want to have a nice start at the begi nning of each year.

Therefore there are many taboos duri ng the Spring Festival. Some words should not be spoke n and some things should not be done.

Yuan xiao Festival/the Lantern

Festival 元宵节

To break is great for n ext year!

