《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》中有关消防疏散的规定提交日期:2003-09-29 浏览: 1559高层民用建筑设计防火规范》中有关消防疏散的规定4.1.5 高层建筑内的观众厅、会议厅、多功能厅等人员密集场所,应设在首层或二、三层;当必须设在其它楼层时,除本规范另有规定外,尚应符合下列规定: 一个厅、室的建筑面积不宜超过400m2。 一个厅、室的安全出口不应少于两个。 必须设置火灾自动报警系统和自动喷水灭火系统。 幕布和窗帘应采用经阻燃处理的织物。
4.1.6 当高层建筑内设托儿所、幼儿园时,应设置在建筑物的首层或二、三层,并宜设置单独出入口。
6.1.1 高层建筑每个防火分区的安全出口不应少于两个。
但符合下列条件之一的,可设一个安全出口: 十八层及十八层以下,每层不超过8户、建筑面积不超过650m2,且设有一座防烟楼梯间和消防电梯的塔式住宅。 每个单元设有一座通向屋顶的疏散楼梯,且从第十层起每层相邻单元设有连通阳台或凹廊的单元式住宅。 除地下室外的相邻两个防火分区,当防火墙上有防火门连通,且两个防火分区的建筑面积之和不超过本规范第 5.1.1条规定的一个防火分区面积的1.40倍的公共建筑。
6.1.2 塔式高层建筑,两座疏散楼梯宜独立设置,当确有困难时,可设置剪刀楼梯,并应符合下列规定: 剪刀楼梯间应为防烟楼梯间。 剪刀楼梯的梯段之间,应设置耐火极限不低于1.00h的实体墙分隔。 剪刀楼梯应分别设置前室。
6.1.3 高层居住建筑的户门不应直接开向前室,当确有困难时,部分开向前室的户门均应为乙级防火门。
6.1.4 高层公共建筑的大空间设计,必须符合双向疏散或袋形走道的规定。
6.1.5 高层建筑的安全出口应分散布置,两个安全出口之间的距离不应小于5.00m。
operación que completamentePORTONES BATIENTESincorporadoestándarde lujocajas de controlMecánicoReducción primaria: engranaje de gusano (tornillo sin fin) 1:27Velocidad: 90°en aproximadamente 12 segundos Exterior: aluminio sacadoMovimiento usable de la barra: 14.75”Desconexión ManualSe proporciona Desconexión por llave“Fail-secure” mecánico ( se aseguran las puertas cuando hay un corte del suministro eléctrico)NotaSe requieren los dispositivos secundarios de laprevención contra el atrapamiento con este operador de puertaCaracterísticas AvanzadasMecanismo de impulsión completamente encerrado Interruptores de límite ajustables incorporados que controlan con exactitud la velocidad de empezar /parar , y el movimiento del portón para una operación suave115 VAC entrada de energía 24 VDC energía de funcionamiento Se incluyen bateríasCargador de batería incorporadoPuertos para enchufar detectores para la salida o regresar90°en aproximadamente 12 segundos 110°máximo de apertura de la puertaCaracterística que permite operar portones batientes dualesCircuito de la energía de la cerradura magnética Interruptores incorporados de reajuste y de pruebaT emporizador del máximo funcionamiento Advertencia de alta corriente incorporadoTemp de Operación32°F hasta 145°F 0°C hasta 62°CReglamentario de SeguridadSatisface las normas de seguridad de UL 325y UL 991Listado ETLPeso de EnvíoAproximadamente 20-25 libras (9-11.3 kg)GarantíaGarantía de fábrica limitada de 2 añosClase de Máximo Longitud Máximo Peso Energíaoperación del Portón *del Portón *Tablero de Control ActuadorRespaldo I, II 14 Ft 500 Lbs.115 VAC, 60 Hz 24 VDCSe provee baterías4.3 m 227 kgd e l t a b l e r o d e c o n t r o l6002 EspecificacionesEspecificaciones Generales*Asume que la puerta y el material esta en buena condición y oscila en un plano nivelado6002 Actuador50" L x 4" H x 4" D1270mm W x 101mm H x 101mm DEl actuador del portón batiente del modelo 6002 ofrece conveniencia y confiabilidad en un diseño compacto. Se monta directamente en el portón y pilastra, simplificando la instalación y eliminando la necesidad de plataformas de concreto. El pistón impulsadopor el tornillo potente se conecta directamente al portón eliminando conexiones mécanicas débiles y es completamente encerrado para prevenir la suciedad y otros corrosivos transportados por el viento de contaminar la rosca del tornillo. Y no haynecesidad de preocuparse de los escapes, de las válvulas o de las bombas hidráulicas.Caja de Control Estándar 12.25" W x 16.75" H x 4" D(311mm W x 425mm H x 101mm D)Caja de Control de Lujo 14.25" W x 24.25" H x 4" D(362mm W x 616mm H x 101mm D)D O O R K I N G ,®I N C.120 Glasgow Avenue, Inglewood, California 90301 EE.UU. T el: 310-645-0023 FAX: 310-641-1586 Distribuido por:。
高层建筑内地观众厅、会议厅、多功能厅等人员密集场所,应设在首层或二、三层;当必须设在其它楼层时,除本规范另有规定外,尚应符合下列规定:一个厅、室地建筑面积不宜超过.一个厅、室地安全出口不应少于两个. 必须设置火灾自动报警系统和自动喷水灭火系统. 幕布和窗帘应采用经阻燃处理地织物.当高层建筑内设托儿所、幼儿园时,应设置在建筑物地首层或二、三层,并宜设置单独出入口.高层建筑每个防火分区地安全出口不应少于两个.但符合下列条件之一地,可设一个安全出口:十八层及十八层以下,每层不超过户、建筑面积不超过,且设有一座防烟楼梯间和消防电梯地塔式住宅.每个单元设有一座通向屋顶地疏散楼梯,且从第十层起每层相邻单元设有连通阳台或凹廊地单元式住宅.除地下室外地相邻两个防火分区,当防火墙上有防火门连通,且两个防火分区地建筑面积之和不超过本规范第条规定地一个防火分区面积地倍地公共建筑.塔式高层建筑,两座疏散楼梯宜独立设置,当确有困难时,可设置剪刀楼梯,并应符合下列规定:剪刀楼梯间应为防烟楼梯间.剪刀楼梯地梯段之间,应设置耐火极限不低于地实体墙分隔.剪刀楼梯应分别设置前室.塔式住宅确有困难时可设置一个前室,但两座楼梯应分别设加压送风系统.高层居住建筑地户门不应直接开向前室,当确有困难时,部分开向前室地户门均应为乙级防火门.高层公共建筑地大空间设计,必须符合双向疏散或袋形走道地规定.高层建筑地安全出口应分散布置,两个安全出口之间地距离不应小于.安全疏散距离应符合表地规定.高层建筑房间门或住宅户门至最近地外部出口或楼梯间地最大距离()位于两个安全出口之间地房间位于袋形走道两侧或尽端地房间医院病房部分其它部分旅馆、展览楼、教学楼其它安全疏散距离表跃廊式住宅地安全疏散距离,应从户门算起,小楼梯地一段距离按其倍水平投影计算.高层建筑内地观众厅、展览厅、多功能厅、餐厅、营业厅和阅览室等,其室内任何一点至最近地疏散出口地直线距离,不宜超过;其它房间内最远一点至房门地直线距离不宜超过. 位于两个安全出口之间地房间,当面积不超过时,可设置一个门,门地净宽不应小于.位于走道尽端地房间,当面积不超过时,可设置一个门,门地净宽不应小于.高层建筑内走道地净宽,应按通过人数每人不小于计算;高层建筑首层疏散外门地总宽度,应按人数最多地一层每个不小于计算.首层疏散外门和走道地净宽不应小于表地规定.高层建筑每个外门地净宽走道净宽单面布房双面布房医院居住建筑其它首层疏散外门和走道地净宽() 表疏散楼梯间及其前室地门地净宽应按通过人数每人不小于计算,但最小净宽不应小于.单面布置房间地住宅,其走道出垛处地最小净宽不应小于.高层建筑内设有固定座位地观众厅、会议厅等人员密集场所,其疏散走道、出口等应符合下列规定:厅内地疏散走道地净宽应按通过人数每人不小于计算,且不宜小于;边走道地最小净宽不宜小于.厅地疏散出口和厅外疏散走道地总宽度,平坡地面应分别按通过人数每人不小于计算,阶梯地面应分别按通过人数每人不小于计算.疏散出口和疏散走道地最小净宽均不应小于.疏散出口地门内、门外范围内不应设踏步,且门必须向外开,并不应设置门槛.观众厅座位地布置,横走道之间地排数不宜超过排,纵走道之间每排座位不宜超过个;当前后排座位地排距不小于时,每排座位可为个;只一侧有纵走道时,其座位数应减半.观众厅每个疏散出口地平均疏散人数不应超过人.观众厅地疏散外门,宜采用推闩式外开门.高层建筑地下室、半地下室地安全疏散应符合下列规定:每个防火分区地安全出口不应少于两个.当有两个或两个以上防火分区,且相邻防火分区之间地防火墙上设有防火门时,每个防火分区可分别设一个直通室外地安全出口.房间面积不超过,且经常停留人数不超过人地房间,可设一个门.人员密集地厅、室疏散出口总宽度,应按其通过人数每人不小于计算.建筑高度超过地公共建筑,应设置避难层(间),并应符合下列规定:避难层地设置,自高层建筑首层至第一个避难层或两个避难层之间,不宜超过层.通向避难层地防烟楼梯应在避难层分隔、同层错位或上下层断开,但人员均必须经避难层方能上下.避难层地净面积应能满足设计避难人员避难地要求,并宜按人计算.避难层可兼作设备层,但设备管道宜集中布置.避难层应设消防电梯出口.避难层应设消防专线电话,并应设有消火栓和消防卷盘.封闭式避难层应设独立地防烟设施.避难层应设有应急广播和应急照明,其供电时间不应小于,照度不应低于.建筑高度超过,且标准层建筑面积超过地公共建筑,宜设置屋顶直升机停机坪或供直升机救助地设施,并应符合下列规定:设在屋顶平台上地停机坪,距设备机房、电梯机房、水箱间、共用天线等突出物地距离,不应小于.出口不应少于两个,每个出口宽度不宜小于.在停机坪地适当位置应设置消火栓.停机坪四周应设置航空障碍灯,并应设置应急照明.除设有排烟设施和紧急照明者外,高层建筑内地走道长度超过时,应设置直接天然采光和自然通风地设施.高层建筑地公共疏散门均应向疏散方向开启,且不应采用侧拉门、吊门和转门.自动启闭地门应有手动开启装置.建筑物直通室外地安全出口上方,应设置宽度不小于地防火挑檐.疏散楼梯间和楼梯一类建筑和除单元式和通廊式住宅外地建筑高度超过地二类建筑以及塔式住宅,均应设防烟楼梯间.防烟楼梯间地设置应符合下列规定:楼梯间入口处应设前室、阳台或凹廊.前室地面积,公共建筑不应小于,居住建筑不应小于.前室和楼梯间地门均应为乙级防火门,并应向疏散方向开启.裙房和除单元式和通廊式住宅外地建筑高度不超过地二类建筑应设封闭楼梯间.封闭楼梯间地设置应符合下列规定:楼梯间应靠外墙,并应直接天然采光和自然通风,当不能直接天然采光和自然通风时,应按防烟楼梯间规定设置.楼梯间应设乙级防火门,并应向疏散方向开启.楼梯间地首层紧接主要出口时,可将走道和门厅等包括在楼梯间内,形成扩大地封闭楼梯间,但应采用乙级防火门等防火措施与其它走道和房间隔开.单元式住宅每个单元地疏散楼梯均应通至屋顶,其疏散楼梯间地设置应符合下列规定:十一层及十一层以下地单元式住宅可不设封闭楼梯间,但开向楼梯间地户门应为乙级防火门,且楼梯间应靠外墙,并应直接天然采光和自然通风.十二层及十八层地单元式住宅应设封闭楼梯间.十九层及十九层以上地单元式住宅应设防烟楼梯间.十一层及十一层以下地通廊式住宅应设封闭楼梯间;超过十一层地通廊式住宅应设防烟楼梯间.楼梯间及防烟楼梯间前室应符合下列规定:楼梯间及防烟楼梯间前室地内墙上,除开设通向公共走道地疏散门和本规范第条规定地户门外,不应开设其它门、窗、洞口.楼梯间及防烟楼梯间前室内不应敷设可燃气体管道和甲、乙、丙类液体管道,并不应有影响疏散地突出物.居住建筑内地煤气管道不应穿过楼梯间,当必须局部水平穿过楼梯间时,应穿钢套管保护,并应符合现行国家标准《城镇燃气设计规范》地有关规定.除通向避难层错位地楼梯外,疏散楼梯间在各层地位置不应改变,首层应有直通室外地出口.疏散楼梯和走道上地阶梯不应采用螺旋楼梯和扇形踏步,但踏步上下两级所形成地平面角不超过,且每级离扶手处地踏步宽度超过时,可不受此限.除本规范第 .条第款地规定以及顶层为外通廊式住宅外地高层建筑,通向屋顶地疏散楼梯不宜少于两座,且不应穿越其它房间,通向屋顶地门应向屋顶方向开启.地下室、半地下室地楼梯间,在首层应采用耐火极限不低于地隔墙与其它部位隔开并宜直通室外,当必须在隔墙上开门时,应采用乙级防火门.地下室或半地下室与地上层不宜共用楼梯间,当必须共用楼梯间时,宜在首层与地下或半地下屋地入口处,设置耐火极限不低于地隔墙和乙级防火门隔开,并应有明显标志.每层疏散楼梯总宽度应按其通过人数每人不小于计算,各层人数不相等时,其总宽度可分段计算,下层疏散楼梯总宽度应按其上层人数最多地一层计算.疏散楼梯地最小净宽不应小于表地规定.疏散楼梯地最小净宽度表高层建筑疏散楼梯地最小净宽度()医院病房楼居住建筑其它建筑室外楼梯可作为辅助地防烟楼梯,其最小净宽不应小于.当倾斜角度不大于,栏杆扶手地高度不小于时,室外楼梯宽度可计入疏散楼梯总宽度内.室外楼梯和每层出口处平台,应采用不燃材料制作.平台地耐火极限不应低于.在楼梯周围内地墙面上,除设疏散门外,不应开设其它门、窗、洞口.疏散门应采用乙级防火门、且不应正对梯段.公共建筑内袋形走道尽端地阳台、凹廊,宜设上下层连通地辅助疏散设施.消防电梯下列高层建筑应设消防电梯:一类公共建筑.塔式住宅.十二层及十二层以上地单元式住宅或通廊式住宅.高度超过地其它二类公共建筑.高层建筑消防电梯地设置数量应符合下列规定:当每层建筑面积不大于时,应设台.当大于但不大于时,应设台.当大于时,应设台.消防电梯可与客梯或工作电梯兼用,但应符合消防电梯地要求.消防电梯地设置应符合下列规定:消防电梯宜分别设在不同地防火分区内.消防电梯间应设前室,其面积:居住建筑不应小于;公共建筑不应小于.当与防烟楼梯间合用前室时,其面积:居住建筑不应小于;公共建筑不应小于.消防电梯间前室宜靠外墙设置,在首层应设直通室外地出口或经过长度不超过地通道通向室外.消防电梯间前室地门,应采用乙级防火门或具有停滞功能地防火卷帘.消防电梯地载重量不应小于.消防电梯井、机房与相邻其它电梯井、机房之间,应采用耐火极限不低于地隔墙隔开,当在隔墙上开门时,应设甲级防火门.消防电梯地行驶速度,应按从首层到顶层地运行时间不超过计算确定.消防电梯轿厢地内装修应采用不燃烧材料.动力与控制电缆、电线应采取防水措施.消防电梯轿厢内应设专用电话;并应在首层设供消防队员专用地操作按钮.消防电梯间前室门口宜设挡水设施.消防电梯地井底应设排水设施,排水井容量不应小于,排水泵地排水量不应小于.。
第三节 民用建筑的安全疏散
3、接线3-1 控制器接线P4所有输出均为继电器触点输出。
DC:24V,2A;AC:220V/110V 1A P5外接开门到位输入开关(双稳态磁开关),要求开关动作时触点闭合。
4.操作4-2 基本操作※注:设定参数时必须先断开开关门输入信号,否则按P键将不起作用。
如果出现不慎将参数错误设定,通过将参数F017设定为1,并按P 键,可以将所有参数都复位到出厂设定值。
6.调试说明6-1 两个关键词的解释1)脱机运行状态:脱开电梯主控制器、脱开层门装置,门机单独运行的状态。
消防专业计算规则消防专业计算规则: 详细请参见《建筑设计防火规范GB50016—2023》、《高层民用建筑设计防火规范GB 50045-95》(如下简称建规和高规)一、《建规》中有关防火分区最大容许面积、安全出口数量、疏散楼梯宽度及距离旳计算规制:1. 有关防火分区:《建规第5.17条》条文中明确规定, 如建筑物旳耐火等级不不小于2级, 电影院不应超过2层或设置在三层及三层以上楼层。
详细见下表:民用建筑旳耐火等级、最多容许层数和防火分区最大容许建筑面积2.有关安全出口及疏散楼梯: 规范细则如下:民用建筑旳安全出口应分散布置。
每个防火分区、一种防火分区旳每个楼层, 其相邻两个安全出口近来边缘之间旳水平距离不应不不小于5.0m剧院、电影院和礼堂旳观众厅,其疏散门旳数量应经计算确定, 且不应少于2个。
每个疏散门旳平均疏散人数不应超过250人;当容纳人数超过2023人时, 其超过2023人旳部分, 每个疏散门旳平均疏散人数不应超过400人。
民用建筑旳安全疏散距离应符合下列规定:1. 直接通向疏散走道旳房间疏散门至近来安全出口旳距离应符合表旳规定;2. 直接通向疏散走道旳房间疏散门至近来非封闭楼梯间旳距离, 当房间位于两个楼梯间之间时, 应按表旳规定减少 5.0m;当房间位于袋形走道两侧或尽端时, 应按表旳规定减少2.0m;3、楼梯间旳首层应设置直通室外旳安全出口或在首层采用扩大封闭楼梯间。
当层数不超过4层时, 可将直通室外旳安全出口设置在离楼梯间不不小于等于15.0m处;4、房间内任一点到该房间直接通向疏散走道旳疏散门旳距离, 不应不小于表中规定旳袋形走道两侧或尽端旳疏散门至安全出口旳最大距离。
表直接通向疏散走道旳房间疏散门至近来安全出口旳最大距离(m)除本规范另有规定者外, 建筑中旳疏散通道、安全出口、疏散楼梯以及房间疏散门旳各自总宽度应经计算确定安全出口、房间疏散门旳净宽度不应不不小于0.9m, 疏散走道和疏散楼梯旳净宽度不应不不小于1.1m;不超过6层旳单元式住宅, 当疏散楼梯旳一边设置栏杆时, 最小净宽度不适宜不不小于1.0m。
Multipurpose push stationsNPS-R-006NPS-Y -001DescriptionMultipurpose push stations (NPS) are used for manual activation of SAFEPATH voice evacuation system pre-rcorded messages. The NPS is used to manually activate a message in an emergency or other type of event in which an automated voice message such as All Clear, Fire Test, and Evac Drill is needed or required.Applications•For use with and SAFEPATH multi-function facility communications system• Manual activation of messages in the event of an emergency •Manual activation of messages to alert or warn othersFeatures• UL 2017 Listed switch assembly•Available in five colors: Red, Green, Y ellow, White, or Blue • Custom wording available • Polycarbonate faceplate • Stainless steel backplate • ADA Compliant• Mounts to single gang electrical box•Interchangeable or replaceable Normally Open (NO) and •Normally Closed (NC) Single Pole, Single Throw gold-plated contact blocks rated for 3 amps @ 600 VAC or • 1 amp @ 250 VDC•Reset by depressing the “Push” button, and turning clockwise a ¼ turn• Comes with one (NO) contact and one (NC) contact •Measurements: 5” H x 3¼” W x 1½ DMPS-400X NPS-B-019Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States EatonLife safety & mass notification solutions 273 Branchport Ave.Long Branch, NJ 07740/massnotification © 2017 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. TD450142EN November 2017Technical Data TD450142ENEffective November 2017Wheelock NPS Push StationsWording MatrixWording Matrix for top of the Push StationAny “wording suffix” can be printed on any color push station.Examples:9767-003 NPS-R-003 Red Push Station, Colors 9771-010 NPS-B-010 Blue Push Station, LowNote: Custom wording is available, please contactcustomer service.Note:N Please read these specifications and associated installation instructions before using, specifying, or installing this product. Visit /massnotification for current installation instructions.T ablt 1. SptcificaoiNns and Nrdtring infNrmaoiNnModel NumberOrder CodeColor DescriptionNPS-R 9767Red Push station for manual message activation NPS-G 9768Green Push station for manual message activation NPS-Y 9769Yellow Push station for manual message activation NPS-W 9770White Push station for manual message activation NPS-B 9771BluePush station for manual message activation NPS-NO 0523Push station normally open contact NPS-NC 0524Push station normallyclosed contactWE ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT NICET CERTIFICATION3-YEAR WARRANTYArchitects and engineers specificationsPush stations shall be designed for manual activation of SAFEPATH voice evacuation system prerecorded messages. The faceplate shall be constructed of polycarbonate. The backplate shall be stainless steel. The switch assembly shall be a UL Standard 2017 listed Normally Open (NO) and Normally Closed (NC) Single Pole, Single Throw gold plated contact blocks rated for 3 amps @ 600 VAC or 1 amp @ 250 VDC. The push stations shall be ADA compliant. The push stations shall mount to a single gang electrical box. The push station shall be capable of being reset by depressing the “Push” button, and turning clockwise a ¼ turn. The push stations shall be available in five colors: red, green, yellow, white or blue. Custom word printing on the top of the push station shall be available.NPS dimensions shall be 5” H x 3¼” W x 1½ D.Note:N Due to continuous development of our products, specifications and offerings are subject to change without notice in accordance with Cooper Wheelock, Inc., dba Eaton, standard terms and conditions.T ablt 2. WNrdingWordingSuffixWordingSuffixLand Attack -001Emergencia -026Sea Attack -002Alarm Yellow -027Colors -003Delta -028Low Threat -004Alarm Red -029Medium Threat -005Withdrawel -030High Threat -006Emergency -031Small Craft -007Audio Test -032Unknown Object -008All Clear -033Code Bravo -009Fire Test -034Low -010Evac Drill -035Medium -011Weather -036High-012Chem-Bio -037Water Attack -013Suspicious -038Chemical Spill -014Fire a -039Gas Release -015All -040Evacuation -016Bomb -041Help-017Test -042Assistance -018Area-043Severe Weather -019Bomb Threat -044Tornado-020Terrorist Threat -045Medical Alert -021Toxic Chemical -046Power Shut Down -022Disaster -047Blank/No Wording -023Strobe -024Alert-025aFor non UL life safety applications。
RS Enclosure 门把说明手册说明书
Unlocking and opening the door1. Insert the key into handle and turn key 180 degrees, counter-clockwise.2.Flip door handle up and then rotate handle 90 degrees towards center of door to allowdoor to open.Swing handleInstalling swing handle1. Hook bottom of handle into lower edge of lock cutout in door panel.2.Snap top of handle into lock cutout, be sure toengage fully snap retaining features. T o remove, use flat screw driver to push in on retaining features and pull lock back out.3.Assemble lock pawl as orientated in figure above.RS Enclosure door handlesRS offers three options1 Swing handle, Kit # RSHDLS for door handles:2 Combination lock handle, Kit # RSHDLC3 HFID lock handle, Kit # RSHDLHThis section covers basic operation and methods required to install, remove, reverse or change swing, combination and HFID handles on doors.AB C D1Swing handleUnlocking and opening the doorTo unlock a combination lock swing handle: 1. Set three numbered thumb wheels to zero. 2. Flip door handle up.3.Rotate handle 90 degrees towards center of door toallow door to open.Combination lock swing handleInstalling combination lock swing handleThe following shows how to install or remove a combination swing handle. 1. Disassemble swing handle and align lock with lock cutout in door panel.2. Assemble handle by securing upper spacer and lower cover as shown using supplied screws.3.Assemble lock pawl as orientated in figure.T o change original lock setting1. Make sure combination wheels are at original set position “0-0-0.”2. Use a sharply pointed object(ie: screw driver, pen, etc.) and insert tip into small round hole located on bottom of lock cylinder, push up and hold. 3. Turn three wheels to your desired new combination position and release tip.T o reset1. Turn combination to current set position.2.Repeat steps 2 and 3 above to set new code.Note:To ensure a save and complete locking of number lock, all three number wheels have to be adjusted. Always write down and remember new number.RS DooR hanDlESABCD E F G2Combination lock handleRS DooR hanDlESUnlocking and opening the doorUse optional battery pack kit # RSHFIDBATT(sold separately) to provide temporary external power source to activate locking mechanism.Note : Refer to Dirak Quick Installation Guide (included) for further details on how to access and configure E-LineHFID locking system.HFID lock swing handleInstalling HFID swing handleThe following shows how to install or remove a HFID swing handle. 1. Disassemble HFID handle and align lock with lock cutout in door panel.2. Assemble handle by securing upper spacer and lower cover as shown using supplied screws.3.Assemble lock pawl as orientated in figure 1, E above.Note: T orque requirements for screws: • Upper Screws = .73 – 1.10 ft-lb [1-1,2 N-m]• Lower Screws = .29 ft-lb [0,4 N-m]4.Route control cable from HFID handle down and across bottom of door and enter to enclosure via hinge side, use plastic wire clips (H) to secure. See Figure 2 above.*6.Use plastic clips and adhesive pad to route cable, as well as secure control box and power supply within enclosure.5.Route wire and connect to control module inside enclosure.AB CD E F G3HFID lock handle Figure 1Figure 2IJHLKBecause enclosure and equipment layout vary, it is best for install professionals to complete final installation once layout and equipment have been finalized. Additional HFID administration software is available, kit # RSHFIDADMSW.* Recommended cable path on doorEaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122 United States © 2016 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USA Publication No. IL159018EN June 2016Eaton is a registered trademark. All trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITYThe information, recommendations, descriptions and safety notations in this document are based on Eaton Corporation’s (“Eaton”) experience and judgment and may not cover all contingencies. If further information is required, an Eaton sales office should be consulted. Sale of the product shown in this literature is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policies or other contractual agreement between Eaton and the purchaser.THERE ARE NO UNDERSTANDINGS, AGREEMENTS, WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFICALL Y SET OUT IN ANY EXISTING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. ANY SUCH CONTRACT STATES THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF EATON. THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BECOME PART OF OR MODIFY ANY CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES.In no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or user in contract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damage or loss whatsoever, including but not limited to damage or loss of use of equipment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power, additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claims against the purchaser or user by its customers resulting from the use of the information, recommendations and descriptions contained herein. The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.Follow us on social media to get thelatest product and support information.。
ASSA ABLOY 家用门电子撬门系列说明书
Listings and Patents • UL 1034 burglary-resistant listed and
suitable for outdoor use
• UL 294 (Rev. 6) Listed
• ANSI/BHMA A156.31, Grade 1
• RoHS compliant
easy adjustments • Stainless steel construction • Static strength to 2,000 lbs. • Dynamic strength to 120 ft-lbs. • Endurance 1,000,000 cycles • Field selectable fail secure/fail safe • Dual voltage 12 or 24VDC • Non-handed. Horizontal adjustability • Five year limited warranty
• NFPA 80-07 compliant
• UL Listed to ANSI 250.13 Severe windstorm listed
• Florida Building Code Approved (FL#14307)
• UL 1034 burglary-resistant listed and suitable for outdoor use
• UL 294 (Rev.6) Listed
• ANSI/BHMA A156.31 Grade 1
• RoHs compliant
• Patents: 6,390,520, 6,392,520 and 8,454,520
Yale SquareBolt® Exit Device For information call 800.626.7590 or visit us online at ©2015, Hanchett Entry Systems, Inc., an ASSA ABLOY Group company.
Busch-Welcome IP H81381P.-.-03 户外按钮开门器使用说明书
2TMD041800D0012 │ 14.04.2021Product manualBusch-Welcome® IPH81381P.-.-03 IP pushbutton outdoor station1Notes on the instruction manual (4)2Safety (4)3Intended use (5)4Environment (6)4.1Busch-Jaeger devices (6)5Product description (7)5.1Device type (7)5.2Control elements (8)5.3Terminal description (9)5.4Lock type and connection (10)6Technical data (11)7Mounting/Installation (12)7.1Requirement for the electrician (12)7.2Mounting (13)7.2.1Preparation (13)7.2.2Installation height (13)7.2.3Surface-mounted installation (15)7.2.4Flush-mounted installation (16)7.2.5Cavity wall installation (18)7.2.6Dismantling (19)7.2.7Replacing the nameplate (19)8Commissioning (20)9Operation (22)9.1Calling a resident (22)9.2Calling a guard unit (23)9.3Turn on a light (24)10Cyber security (25)10.1Disclaimer (25)10.2Performance and service (25)10.3Deployment guideline (26)10.4Upgrading (26)10.5Backup/Restore (26)10.6Malware prevention solution (26)10.7Password rule (26)11Notice (27)Notes on the instruction manual 1Notes on the instruction manualPlease read through this manual carefully and observe the information it contains. This willassist you in preventing injuries and damage to property and ensure both reliable operation anda long service life for the device.Please keep this manual in a safe place. If you pass the device on, also pass on this manualalong with it. Busch-Jaeger accepts no liability for any failure to observe the instructions in thismanual.2SafetyWarningElectric voltage!Dangerous currents flow through the body when coming into direct or indirectcontact with live components.This can result in electric shock, burns or even death.– Disconnect the mains power supply prior to installation and/or disassembly!– Permit work on the 100-240 V supply system to be performed only byspecialist staff!Intended use 3Intended useAs part of the Busch-Welcome® IP system, this device can only be used with accessories fromthat system.Security modeThis outdoor station runs in "Security mode" by default to guarantee high security.In "Security mode", this outdoor station requires a certificate issued by the managementsoftware before it can function normally.Compatible modeIf there is no management software, this outdoor station needs to run in "Compatible mode" tofunction normally. This can be set on the indoor station. Please refer to the product manual for .IP touch 7".Video privacyVideo privacyMaking and saving video recordings can infringe on personal rights! Alwaysobserve the applicable legal and labeling requirements for the placement andoperation of video components!Environment 4EnvironmentConsider the protection of the environment!Used electric and electronic devices must not be disposed of with householdwaste.– The device contains valuable raw materials that can be recycled. Therefore,dispose of the device at the appropriate collecting facility.4.1Busch-Jaeger devicesAll packaging materials and devices from Busch-Jaeger bear the markings and test seals forproper disposal. Always dispose of the packing materials and electric devices and theircomponents via an authorized collection facility or disposal company.Busch-Jaeger products meet the legal requirements, in particular the laws governing electronicand electrical devices and the REACH ordinance.(EU-Directive 2012/19/EU WEEE and 2011/65/EU RoHS)(EU-REACH ordinance and law for the implementation of the ordinance (EG) No.1907/2006)5Product description 5.1Device typeArticlenumber Product ID Product name Colour Size (HxWxD) Unit: mmH81381P1-S-032TMA130010X0019OS, IPpush, 1 gang Stainlesssteel135 x 277 x 29H81381P2-S-032TMA130010X0020OS, IPpush, 2 gang Stainlesssteel135 x 277 x 29H81381P3-S-032TMA130010X0021OS, IPpush, 3 gang Stainlesssteel135 x 277 x 295.2Control elementsNo.Function 1Camera2Speaker and microphone integration 3Round pushbutton 4End strip5.3Terminal descriptionNo.Function1Reset button2Micro USB update connector3Plug-in clamps (DC+...GND) for standalone power supply4Plug-in clamps (LOCK...GND) for door opener5Plug-in clamps (COM...NC...NO) for floating output, door opener6LAN (PoE)7Connector for next module8Connector for exit button9Connector for the sensor used for door status detection10Connector for 5" display module11Connector for previous module5.4Lock type and connectionLock type PicOperation type VoltageWiring typeElectrical strikelock, 12V Power on to open12 V ⎓/~Type A/BElectrical strike lock, 24V Power on to open24 V ⎓/~Type BElectrical rim lock, 12 VPower on to open12 V ⎓Type A/BElectrical mortise lockPower off to open12 V ⎓Type CMagnetic lock Power off to open12/24 V ⎓Type CTechnical data 6Technical dataDesignation ValueRating voltage24 V DCOperating voltage range20-27 V DCRating current 27 V DC, 300 mA 24 V DC, 330 mAOperating temperature-40 °C…+55 °CProduct dimensions135mm x 276.9 mm × 17.6 mm Camera type CMOSCamera viewing angle130°Resolution ratio HD (1280 x 720 pixel)Power supply for door opener18 V, 4 A impulse, max. 250 mA holdingFloating output for door opener 230 V AC, 3 A 30 V DC, 3 AVideo codec H.264Audio codec G.711IP level IP 54IK level IK 07Network connection standard IEEE 802.3, 10Base-T/100Base-TX, auto MDI/MDI-X7Mounting/InstallationWarningElectric voltage!Dangerous currents flow through the body when coming into direct or indirectcontact with live components.This can result in electric shock, burns or even death.– Disconnect the mains power supply prior to installation and/or disassembly!– Permit work on the 100-240 V supply system to be performed only byspecialist staff!7.1Requirement for the electricianWarningElectric voltage!Install the device only if you have the necessary electrical engineeringknowledge and experience.– Incorrect installation endangers your life and that of the user of the electricalsystem.– Incorrect installation can cause serious damage to property, e.g. due to fire.The minimum necessary expert knowledge and requirements for the installationare as follows:– Apply the "five safety rules" (DIN VDE 0105, EN 50110):1. Disconnect2. Secure against being re-connected3. Ensure there is no voltage4. Connect to earth and short-circuit5. Cover or barricade adjacent live parts.– Use suitable personal protective clothing.– Use only suitable tools and measuring devices.– Check the type of supply network (TN system, IT system, TT system) tosecure the following power supply conditions (classic connection to ground,protective grounding, necessary additional measures, etc.).7.2Mounting7.2.1 PreparationUse gloves to protect yourself against cuts.7.2.2 Installation heightNoteThe following installation situations must be avoided without fail to ensure picture quality:■Direct light■Direct sunlight■Extremely bright picture background■Highly reflective walls on the opposite side of the door station7.2.3 Surface-mounted installation7.2.4 Flush-mounted installation1. Flush-mounted without pre-installation box2. Flush-mounted with pre-installation box7.2.5 Cavity wall installation7.2.6 Dismantling7.2.7Commissioning 8CommissioningThe outdoor station must be configured via the indoor station.Step1: Outdoor station enters engineering mode■Power on the outdoor station, wait a while until all 3 LED indicators go out.■Hold the first button on the outdoor station for 10 s until all 3 LED indicators start to flash.TipThe outdoor station will quit engineering mode after 5 minutes.Step 2: Indoor station enters engineering modeOn the extra screen on the indoor station, click "System" to enter the settings screen.Commissioning On the "System settings" screen, click "Engineering settings", enter the engineering password (default is 345678) to enter the settings page.Step3: Indoor station configures outdoor stationOn the "Engineering settings" screen, click "Outdoor station settings" to configure the outdoor station.Please refer to the product manual for the IP touch 7".9Operation9.1Calling a residentPress the button to start a call (default) and press again to restart the call.9.2Calling a guard unitIf the outdoor station has been configured via the indoor station, we can press the pushbutton to call the designated guard unit. Please refer to the product manual for the IP touch.9.3Turn on a lightIf the outdoor station is configured by the indoor station, we can press the pushbutton to switch on the light connected to the IP actuator. Please refer to the product manual for the IP touch.10 Cyber security10.1DisclaimerH81381P.-. products are designed to be connected and to communicate information and datavia a network interface, which should be connected to a secure network. It is customer‘s soleresponsibility to provide and continuously ensure a secure connection between the product and customer‘s network or any other network (as the case may be) and to establish and maintainappropriate measures (such as but not limited to the installation of firewalls, application ofauthentication measures, encryption of data, installation of antivirus programs, etc.) to protectthe H81381P.-. product, the network, its system and interfaces against any kind of securitybreaches, unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data orinformation. Busch-Jaeger and its affiliates are not liable for damages and/or losses related tosuch security breaches, unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft ofdata or information.Although Busch-Jaeger provides functionality testing on the products and updates that werelease, you should institute your own testing program for any product updates or other majorsystem updates (to include but not limited to code changes, configuration file changes, thirdparty software updates or patches, hardware change out, etc.) to ensure that the securitymeasures that you have implemented have not been compromised and system functionality inyour environment is as expected.10.2Performance and serviceNetwork performanceType ValueEthernet24 Mbps (37,449 packets/sec)ARP12 Mbps (18,724 packets/sec)ICMP22 Mbps (34,328 packets/sec)IP22 Mbps (34,328 packets/sec)Port and servicePort Service Purpose5070UDP To be used by SIP client.7777TCP/UDP To be used for device management.10777TLS Secure channel for device management7005TCP To be used for connectivity detection when this feature is enabled.8887TCP To be used for firmware update.10.3Deployment guidelineAll devices need to work in security mode by default and. all devices in one system shall besigned by a public CA at commissioning stage, normally management software works as CA.It’s suggested that compatible mode only to be used when device needs to communicate with previous generation products. In this mode, data transmission between devices are notencrypted, it may lead to data leaks and has the risk of being attacked.When user decide to remove the device from system, user shall reset the device to factorysetting in order to remove all the configuration data and sensitive data in the device. This willprevent sensitive data leak.It is recommended to apply "MAC filter" and "Rate limiter“ in the switch to prevent DOS attack.10.4UpgradingDevice supports firmware updates via management software, a signature file will be used toverify the authentication and integrity of firmware.10.5Backup/RestoreNone.10.6Malware prevention solutionThe H81381P.-. device is not susceptible to malware, because custom code cannot beexecuted on the system. The only way to update the software is by firmware upgrades. Onlyfirmware signed by Busch-Jaeger can be accepted.10.7Password ruleThe user must change the engineering password when accessing the engineering settings for the first time. This engineering password must not include continuously increasing ordecreasing numbers (e.g. 123456, 654321), and three consecutive identical numbers aresimilarly not permitted (e.g. 123444, 666888).Notice 11 NoticeWe reserve the right to at all times make technical changes as well as changes to the contentsof this document without prior notice.The detailed specifications agreed to at the time of ordering apply to all orders. Busch-Jaegeraccepts no responsibility for possible errors or incompleteness in this document.We reserve all rights to this document and the topics and illustrations contained therein. Thedocument and its contents, or excerpts thereof, must not be reproduced, transmitted or reusedby third parties without prior written consent by Busch-Jaeger.Busch-Jaeger Elektro GmbH A member of the ABB Group Freisenbergstraße 258513 Lüdenscheid www.BUSCH-JAEGER.de ***************.com Central sales service:Tel.: +49 2351 956-1600Fax: +49 2351 956-1700Copyright © 2021 Busch-Jaeger Elektro GmbH All rights reserved2T M D 041800D 0012。
Belimo EF24A 建筑物技术服务中的旋转安全门闩说明书
EF24AActuador rotativo con función de seguridadpara el ajuste de compuertas en serviciostécnicos de edificios• Compuerta de aire de tamaño hastaaprox. 6 m²• Par de giro del motor 30 Nm• Tensión nominal AC/DC 24 V• Control Todo-nadaDatos técnicosDatos eléctricos Tensión nominal AC/DC 24 VFrecuencia nominal50/60 HzRango de tensión nominal AC 19.2...28.8 V / DC 21.6...28.8 VConsumo de energía en funcionamiento9.5 WConsumo energía en reposo 4.5 WConsumo de energía para dimensionado16 VAConexión de la alimentación / control Cable 1 m, 2x 0.75 mm² (sin halógenos)Funcionamiento en paralelo Si (tenga en cuenta los datos defuncionamiento)Datos de funcionamiento Par de giro del motor30 NmPar de giro de la función de seguridad30 NmSentido del movimiento del motor seleccionable según montaje L/Rseleccionable según montaje L/RSentido de movimiento de la función deseguridadAccionamiento manual Por medio de una manivela y un interruptor decierreÁngulo de giro Máx. 95°Nota de el ángulo de giro Ajustable a partir del 33% en incrementos de5% (con tope mecánico)Tiempo de giro del motor75 s / 90°Tiempo de giro con función de seguridad<20 s @ -20...50°C / <60 s @ -30°CNivel de potencia sonora, motor56 dB(A)71 dB(A)Nivel de potencia sonora, con función deseguridadInterfaz mecánica Accionador del eje, abrazadera universal12...26.7 mmIndicador de posición MecánicosVida útil Mín. 60 000 posiciones de seguridadDatos de seguridad Clase de protección IEC/EN III, Tensión extra-baja de seguridad (SELV)Grado de protección IEC/EN IP54CEM CE según 2014/30/UECertificación IEC/EN IEC/EN 60730-1 y IEC/EN 60730-2-14Prueba de higiene De conformidad con VDI 6022 parte 1 / SWKIVA 104-01, limpiable y desinfectable, bajasemisionesTipo de acción Tipo 1.AATensión de resistencia a los impulsos0.8 kVEF24ADatos de seguridadGrado de polución 3Humedad ambiente Máx. 95% de RH, sin condensación Temperatura ambiente-30...50°C [-22...122°F]Temperatura de almacenamiento -40...80°C [-40...176°F]Mantenimientosin mantenimiento PesoPeso 4.6 kgDatos técnicos•••••••Notas de seguridadEste dispositivo ha sido diseñado para su uso en sistemas estacionarios de calefacción,ventilación y aire acondicionado y no se debe utilizar fuera del campo específico de aplicación, especialmente en aviones o en cualquier otro tipo de transporte aéreo.Aplicación en exterior: sólo es posible en el caso de que el dispositivo no esté expuestodirectamente a agua (de mar), nieve, hielo, radiación solar o gases nocivos y que se asegure que las condiciones ambientales se mantienen en todo momento dentro de los umbrales de acuerdo con la ficha de datos.Sólo especialistas autorizados deben realizar la instalación. Durante la instalación, deberán cumplirse todas las regulaciones de instalación legales o institucionales que correspondan.El dispositivo sólo se puede abrir en el centro del fabricante. No contiene piezas que el usuario pueda reemplazar o reparar.No se deben retirar los cables del dispositivo.Para calcular el par de giro necesario, deberán respetarse las especificaciones facilitadas por el fabricante de la compuerta en lo relativo a la sección transversal, el diseño, el lugar de instalación y las condiciones de ventilación.El dispositivo contiene componentes eléctricos y electrónicos y no se puede desechar con los residuos domésticos. Deben tenerse en cuenta todas las normas y requerimientos locales vigentes.Modo de funcionamientoMontaje directo y sencilloEstabilizador del ejeAccionamiento manualÁngulo de giro ajustable Alta fiabilidad funcionalCaracterísticas del productoEl actuador mueve la compuerta hasta la posición de funcionamiento al mismo tiempo que tensa el muelle de retorno. Cuando se interrumpe la alimentación, la energía del muelle vuelve a colocar la compuerta en la posición de seguridad.Montaje directo y sencillo en el eje de la compuerta con una abrazadera universal, suministrada con un dispositivo antirrotación para impedir que el actuador gire.La nuez de arrastre del actuador con muelle de retorno está equipada de fábrica con unestabilizador del eje que permite estabilizar el conjunto de compuerta, el eje de la compuerta y el actuador.Está compuesta por dos anillos de soporte de plástico y deberá dejarse en su sitio, retirarse parcial o completamente en función del lugar de instalación y del diámetro del eje.Al utilizar la manivela, se puede accionar la compuerta de forma manual y fijar con elconmutador de bloqueo en cualquier posición. El desbloqueo se lleva a cabo de forma manual o automática aplicando tensión.Ángulo de giro ajustable mediante topes mecánicos.El actuador se encuentra protegido contra sobrecargas, no necesita ningún contacto limitador y se detiene automáticamente cuando alcanza el final de carrera.AccesoriosAccesorios mecánicosDescripciónModelo Indicador de posiciónIND-EFB Abrazadera reversible, rango de nuez ø12...26.7 mmK9-2EF24ADescripciónModelo Palanca de transmisión Ancho de la ranura 8.2 mm, rango de nuez ø14...25 mmKH10Palanca para actuador Ancho de la ranura 8.2 mmKH-EFB Kit de montaje para acoplamiento para montaje plano o lateral ZG-EFB Mecanismo antirrotación 230 mm, Multipack 20 uds.Z-ARS230Manivela 63 mmZKN2-BAccesoriosColores de los hilos:1 = negro 2 = rojoInstalación eléctricaAlimentación del transformador de aislamiento de seguridad.Es posible realizar una conexión en paralelo de otros actuadores. Respete los datos de funcionamiento.Esquema de conexionadoAC/DC 24 V, todo-nadaMontaje del eje largo del estabilizador delejeMontaje del eje corto del estabilizador delejeNotas de instalaciónSin embargo, el estabilizador del eje se deberá utilizar cuando se instale el dispositivo antirrotación en el lado contrario de la abrazadera con un diámetro del eje <20 mm.En caso de que se realice una instalación de un eje largo:• es necesario utilizar un estabilizador del eje para diámetros del eje de 12...20 mm• no es necesario utilizar un estabilizador del eje para diámetros del eje de 21...26,7 mm y se puede extraer.En caso de que se instale un eje corto, no es necesario ningún estabilizador del eje. Se puede retirar o, si lo permite la longitud del eje, dejar en la nuez de arrastre.EF24ADimensionesLongitud del ejeMin. 117Min. 20Rango de nuez。
2 Remote ControlsThis opener is supplied with a three-button remote control (the second and third buttons can be used to control an additional opener or gate if it contains a Linear MegaCode™ receiver). Additional single and multi-button remote controls can be purchased. The short wire on the back of the opener serves as an antenna for the remote controls.operate well.1 Press the opener’s LEARN button. The opener’s light15 seconds. while the red light is still on.2 the red light will flash once if a remote was added, or the opener’s light and the red light will flash four times if a remote was removed.3 Repeat Steps 1 & 2 for any additional remote controls.To Remove all Remote Controls 1 seconds or more.2 Release the LEARN button. opener’s light will blink three times signaling that erased. The red light will turn off, then turn on for 15 seconds. A remote control can be entered during thistime using Step 2 above.Testing1opener’s antenna wire so it points up.2 Stand clear of the door,button and verify that the opener starts.Replacing a Remote Control’s Batteriesto light at all when the remote is activated, the batteries need replacing.1 Open the remote’s case and remove the circuit board.2 Replace old batteries with two T ype 2032 batteries.3 release the door and see if the door balances. should stay in place. Close the door.� N OTE:door travel isn’t smooth, have a qualified garage door professional adjust or repair the door.4 T o reconnect the opener, flip the release lever up and run the opener.5 Perform the Safety Beam T est (Section 4).6 Perform the Safety Reversal System Test as describedin Section 8.After Servicing the Opener1 Perform the Safety Beam T est (Section 4).2 (Section 5).3 Perform the Safety Reversal System T est (Section 8).Every 6 MonthsCheck the belt or chain tension.• For belt-drive rails, examine the length of the tension spring in the traveler. It should be about 1” long.• the turnbuckle and the rail. The turnbuckle should be slightly above the rail.� N OTE: Too much or too little chain tension will cause excessive sprocket noise.Chain AdjustmentIf necessary, use the following steps to adjust the chain.1 Hold the turnbuckle with a flat blade screwdriver and loosen the two locknuts with a 7/16” end wrench.2 T wist the turnbuckle to adjust the chain tension. Adjust the chain until the turnbuckle is sightly above the rail.3 Hold the turnbuckle with a flat blade screwdriver and tighten the two locknuts with a 7/16” end wrench.Belt AdjustmentThe tension spring in the traveler keeps the belt taut. Thefactory setting for the tension spring length is .9” long. If the tension spring is longer than 1”, adjust the belt.1through the large slot.2 is between .9” and 1” long.Every YearCheck the door hardware for lubrication needs. Lubricatemanufacturer’s recommended procedures.MODEL LDCO801BELT-DRIVE OR CHAIN-DRIVE DC MOTOR GARAGE DOOR OPENERHOMEOWNER’S INSTRUCTIONSFor Sectional Type DoorsIMPORTANT SAFETY NOTESPlease read the instructions carefully! This garage door opener is designed to provide safe and reliable service if installed and tested as described in these instructions. A garage door is the largest mechanical appliance in a residence. Care must be taken to prevent injury or death during installation and operation of the garage door and garage door opener.1 Using the Garage Door OpenerOpening the Door1 With the door in view, press the wall station’s UP/opener on the remote control, or enter a valid access code and press ST ART/STOP on a remote keypad.2 When the opener is activated, the opener’s light will turn on and the door will begin to open.3 The door will open until the open limit is reached. If an obstacle is encountered (opener’s light flashes four times) while the door is opening, the door will stop.4 The opener’s light will stay on for about five minutes after the door stops.Closing the Door1 With the door in view, press the wall station’s UP/DOWN ARROW button or the button assigned to the opener on the remote control, or enter a valid access code and press ST ART/STOP on a remote keypad.2 When the opener is activated, the opener’s light willturn on and the door will begin to close.3 The door will close until the close limit is reached. If an obstacle is encountered (opener’s light flashes four times), or the safety beam is interrupted (opener’s light flashes three times) during closing, the door will stop, then re-open.4 The opener’s light will stay on for about five minutes after the door stops.Stopping the Door Mid-travel1 The door can be stopped immediately at any time by pressing the wall station’s UP/DOWN ARROW button, the remote control’s pushbutton, or press the START/STOP button on a remote keypad (if the remote keypad was used to start the door).2 move in the opposite direction.Vacation Lock for Additional Security1 position to prevent remote controls from opening the door after the door is completely closed. The remotes can close the door, but not open it. The door can still be opened or closed by using the wall station’s UP/DOWN ARROW pushbutton.� N OTE: To signal that the vacation switch is locked,the opener’s light and red light will flash five times if a remote is activated in an attempt to open the door.2 Slide the wall station’s LOCK switch to the unlocked position to return the opener to normal operation.Controlling the Opener’s Light1 station’s LIGHT button. The light will remain on until the LI cycled.2 I LIGHT button will turn the opener’s light off.Disconnecting the Door from the Opener1 carefully pull the red release handle. USE CAUTION IF THE DOOR IS OPEN, THE DOOR MAY DROP .2 manually.3 T reconnects.PROFESSIONAL INST ALLA TION BY:7 Automatic Door Force SetupThe opener automatically measures the door force throughout the entire travel of the door each time the opener cycles. The opener will automatically adjust to changing door hardware conditions over time due to weather and wear. Y our installer has used these steps during setup of the opener. Y ou can also perform these steps at any time.The opener determines that there is an obstruction if a higher than expected amount of force is detected during a door cycle. If an obstruction is encountered during a closing cycle, the opener and door will stop then fully open. If an obstruction is encountered during an opening cycle, the opener and door will stop.Safety Reversal System Test1 Lay a2 x 4 board flat on the floor where it will be struck by the center of the door as it closes.2 Verify that the door reverses when it strikes the board. The door must striking the board.9 Adjusting the Force Factor (Installation Option, Normally Not Used)The opener uses the peak force measured during each of the last four complete cycles plus a “force factor” to calculate the maximum allowed force setting for the current door cycle. If the calculated maximum force setting is exceeded during the current door cycle, the opener reacts to the obstruction. As door hardware conditions change over time with weather and wear, the calculation of the maximum door force setting using the four cycle running average will compensate for the current conditions of the installation.10 Field ResetIn installations where the door spring, door, or hardware is being replaced, and the opener was already programmedfor the old door, reset the opener using the following steps.11 TroubleshootingFCC NOTICEChanges or modifications not expressly described in this manual or approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with Industry Canada and FCC Part 15. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.LIMITED WARRANTYThis product is warranted to the original consumer against defects in material and workmanship for: MODEL ELECTRONICS MECHANICAL MOTOR BELT CHAIN LDCO801 1 year 5 years Lifetime Lifetime 5 yearsThis product is warranted to the original consumer against defects in material and workmanship for the periods mentioned above. Nortek Security & Control (NSC) will repair, or at its option, replace, any device that it finds requires service under this warranty, and will return the repaired or replaced device to the consumer at NSC’s cost. Devices must be sent to NSC for service at owner’s expense. This warranty does not apply to damage to the product from negligence, abuse, abnormal usage, misuse, accidents, normal wear or tear or due to failure to follow Seller’s instructions, or arising from improper installation, storage or maintenance. In no event will NSC be responsible for incidental, compensatory, punitive, consequential, indirect, special or other damages. The remedies provided by this warranty are exclusive. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental and consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. Any warranties implied by law are limited to the time periods set forth above. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.For warranty service and shipping instructions contact NSC at the phone number shown below. In order to be protected by this warranty, save your proof of purchase and send a copy with equipment should repair be required. All products returned for warranty service require a Return Product Authorization Number (RP A#). Contact NSC T echnical Services at 1-800-421-1587 for an RP A# and other important details.4 Testing the Infrared Safety BeamThe safety beam has two components, a sender and a receiver. The sender produces a narrow infrared beam that travels across the bottom of the door opening to the infrared receiver. If an object blocks the infrared beam while the door is closing, the door will stop, then reverse and fully open (the opener’s light will flash three times).As a safety feature, the opener will ignore signals from all remote controls if the door is open and the infrared safety beam is blocked or out of alignment. In this case, the door can be forced closed by pressing and holding the wall station’s up/down arrow pushbutton (be sure the door area is in clear view).1 Check that the opener has power. The green lights onthe sender and receiver should be lit.2 If the receiver’s green light is on, but the red light is off, the receiver has power but is not detecting the infraredbeam from the sender. The red light might flash when the beam is partially detected. This can be caused by mis-alignment or something blocking the beam. Adjustsender towards the ceiling and stop when the red light on the receiver begins to flicker. Rotate the sender back towards a horizontal position with the floor and stop as soon as the red light on the receiver lights solid. Thebeam is now properly aligned.� N OTE: If the receiver’s red light remains off, check for: 1) Dirt on the receiver’s lens, 2) Sunlight shining into the receiver’s lens, 3) A short in the safety beamwiring (from staples or at the opener terminals).3 With the door closed and the opener disengaged from the door,ARROW button to move the traveler (the part on the belt or chain that the trolley engages with) to the upposition (away from the door). NOTE: Do not cycle theopener to full travel without the door connected.4 Push the wall station’s UP/DOWN ARROW button again. While the traveler is moving to the down position (toward the door), block the safety beam. THE TRAVEL MUST STOP , THEN REVERSE TO THE UP POSITION. The opener’s light and red light should flash three times.5 Place an object in the path of the safety beam. Check that constant pressure is required on the wall station’s pushbutton before traveler returns to the up position.� N OTE: The garage door opener will not respond to a CLOSE command from a remote control if the safety beam is blocked.6 T Raise the door manually until the opener reconnects.5 Adjusting the Open and Close LimitsThe limit settings control how far the door will open or close. The limits should be set so the door opens just short of any door stops, and closes at the floor level.Adjusting the Open Limit1 Use the wall station or a remote control to move thedoor to the open limit position.2 LEARN buttons for three seconds. The green indicator and opener’s light will flash twice then stay on.3 Use the UP and DOWN buttons to jog the door at slow speed to fine-tune the open limit position.4 setup. The green indicator and the opener’s light will flash two times.Adjusting the Close Limit 1 Use the wall station or a remote control to move thedoor to the close limit position.2 On the back of the opener, press both the DOWN andand opener’s light will flash twice then stay on3 Use the UP and DOWN buttons to jog the door at slow speed to fine-tune the close limit position.4 press the LEARN button to store the setting and exit setup. The red indicator and the opener’s light will flash two times.6 Replacing the Opener’s LampIf the opener’s safety lamp fails to light manually or when the opener is cycled, the light bulb needs replacing. Use the following steps to replace the light bulb.1 Remove the light cover to expose the light bulb and lamp socket.2 Replace the light bulb with a 100 watt maximum rough service bulb (sometimes called a garage door bulb).3 Reattach the light cover.4 Press the wall station’s lamp button to test the lamp.Copyright © 2020 Nortek Security & Control, LLC10031424 Rev-AChanging the Force Factor SettingAs an installation option, the opener’s “force factor”can be adjusted to change the amount of pressureexerted on an obstacle before the opener reacts to theobstruction.1 Press both the UP and DOWN buttons for threeseconds. The red and green indicators and opener’s light will flash twice.2 Use the UP or DOWN buttons to set the force factor. Pressing the UP button increases the force factor, pressing the DOWN button decreases the force factor.3 After selecting the force factor, press the LEARN button to store the setting and exit setup. The red and green indicators and the opener’s light will flash two times. (If the force factor is not set within one minute, the opener will return to normal operation at its previous force factor setting.)4 After changing the force factor setting, perform theSafety System Reversal T est.1 Press and hold down the UP , DOWN, and LEARN buttons at the same time for ten seconds. The redand green indicators and the opener’s light will flashtwice.2 Release the buttons. The opener will reset forcesetting and erase all set limits, but will still retain all programmed remote controls in memory.3 AFTER PERFORMING A FIEL D RESET, BOTHTHE OPEN AND CL OSE L IMITS MUST BE ADJUSTED AND THE AUTOMATIC DOOR FORCE SETUP COMPL ETED BEFORE THE OPENER WILL FUNCTION.。
Urn Knocker Fitting Instructions64321If fitting to PVCu profile pre-drill the fixing holesensuring the drill bit pierces the steel reinforcement. If fitting to timber drill to a maximum depth of 15mm. You will require both a 2mm drill bit and a 5mm drill bit. The two holes with washers underneath will require a 5mm drill bit. The three counter-sunk holes will require a 2mm drill bit. Place the bracket in the correct place with the two washers sitting over the 5mm drilled holes. Screw into place using 3.5mm PVCu screws into the three counter-sunk holes on the bracket. Once screwed into place the knocker can be pushed onto the bracket ensuring the fixing lugs enter the washers. The knocker may require a gentle tapping to ensure good fit and alignment.The Fab & Fix knocker fits to the door profile using adiscrete bracket that is unseen when the knocker is fitted. Ensure that the bracket has retained the two washers and place the bracket, correct side up and with the attached washers facing the door.With the knocker bracket correctly located markthe fixing holes with a pen or pencil. 5 holes in total unless fitting a spyhole viewer.If available always use a drill punch to mark drillingpositions using the pencil marks as a guide. Theindent made by the point will ensure the drill does not slip.PVCu Timber / Composite15.00mmSteel / AluminiumRe-inforcementDrill Bit2 x 5mm Drill Bit3 x 2mm Drill BitFab&Fix , The Moorings Business Park, Channel Way, Exhall, Coventry. CV6 6RH Tel:024********Fax:024********Email:***************************5。
阔福工业用门一般由三个主要部件组成:* 由铰链连接的门板构成门扉; * 轴上平衡组件 * 轨道,包括墙轨道和屋顶轨道(视配件种类而定)工作原理该门的开关通过门扉在轨道中的运行实现的。
1. slb:标准配件标准的墙轨和屋顶轨道。
2. shb:高提升配件加长墙轨道/较高安装的屋顶轨道。
3. vlb:垂直提升配件仅有墙轨道,无屋顶轨道。
4. cl:低提升配件短的墙轨道,加长的屋顶轨道。
5. shc:特殊提升配件轨道如shb配件,但平衡轴位于屋顶轨道的后端。
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致群死群伤恶性事故累有发生。在许多建筑设计中 ,人们 往往忽视安
全疏散的防火措施 ,而用户只求经济Байду номын сангаас益 ,尽量降低造价 ,通道门只用 一般防火锁取而代之 ,都未考虑到一 旦建筑内发生火灾 ,造成人员伤亡 财产损失将是惨重的。 而从我国消防规范以及建筑规范中 ,也没有十
分明确规定 ,就是 从 98 年度出台的建规修改条文中第 5.3.14 规定
建筑安全疏散的性能设计是建筑防火整体性能设计的重要组成部 分 ,安全疏散性能设计 ,首先应确定安全疏散设计 的目标 ,综合考虑安 全疏散的设计以提供合理的疏散方法与其他安全防护措施 ,以保证建筑 尤其是高层建筑中的所有人 员在紧急情况下迅速疏散。但是目前人们 安全疏散意识不强 ,疏散通道往往被人为堵塞 ,许多高层建筑为了达到 防盗之 目的 ,甚至把安全疏散通道门锁牢 ,达不到安全疏散的要求 ,导