

• • • • • • •
中文名: 中文名: 潘玮柏 外文名: 外文名: Wilber Pan 别名: 潘帅 别名: 国籍: 国籍: 美国 出生日期: 1980年08月06日 出生日期: 1980年08月06日 职业: 职业: 歌手 演员 潮店老板 代表作品: 麻辣鲜师》 不良笑花》 代表作品: 《麻辣鲜师》《不良笑花》《熊猫 爱无限》 麻辣高校生》 唱片公司: 人 》《 爱无限 》《 麻辣高校生 》 等 唱片公司 : 环球唱片 • 经纪公司: 巨室音乐 经纪公司:
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兴趣爱好 愿望:做最好的歌手 嗜好:打篮球、唱歌、看书、打麻将 信仰:基督教 口头禅:哎呦、哎呦喂呀、怎么着、We'll see 最喜欢的花:玫瑰 最喜欢的音乐:Hip Hop, R & B, 华语流行曲,中国风 最喜欢的运动:篮球 最喜欢的演员:Will Smith成龙 专辑《808》-《小小蚂蚁》MV(20张) 最想见到的人:Michael Jordan 最喜欢的颜色:红、蓝、黑 最喜欢的食物:面食、卤肉饭、水饺 最喜爱的饮料:蕃茄汁 最喜欢的水果:西瓜 最喜欢的季节:夏季 最喜欢的穿着:宽大的衣服or西装+白色板鞋and牛仔裤,宽松的衣服 最喜欢的动物:狗,兔子 最喜欢的电影:所有Will Smith的电影 最喜欢的歌星:迈克尔·杰克逊,张学友,eminem,刘德华,2Pac 最想旅游的地点:法国 最满意身体部分:鼻子 最不喜欢的昆虫:蜘蛛 最喜欢收藏的东西:白球鞋、耳钉、牛仔裤、手表
Байду номын сангаас
潘玮柏( Pan)美籍华人, 潘玮柏(Wilber Pan)美籍华人, 台湾流行 2011年主演 年主演《 无限》当选台湾46 46届金钟 歌手 2011年主演《爱∞无限》当选台湾46届金钟 奖最佳男主角。潘玮柏刚出道时除身为ChannelV 奖最佳男主角。潘玮柏刚出道时除身为ChannelV 音乐台VJ VJ外 常在台北接拍平面及电视广告, 音乐台VJ外,常在台北接拍平面及电视广告, 2002年向歌坛发展 缔造出《高手》《零零七》 年向歌坛发展, 》《零零七 2002年向歌坛发展,缔造出《高手》《零零七》 等八张畅销专辑, 等八张畅销专辑,成为歌影视界的实力偶像全能 艺人,在大陆人气鼎旺。2009年更升级潮店老板 年更升级潮店老板, 艺人,在大陆人气鼎旺。2009年更升级潮店老板, 所开设的NPC潮流服饰店在上海、北京均有店铺。 NPC潮流服饰店在上海 所开设的NPC潮流服饰店在上海、北京均有店铺。 2011年跨界软件行业 年跨界软件行业, 2011年跨界软件行业,担任卡米果公司游戏创意 总监设计了下载量第一的“熊猫屁王”游戏, 总监设计了下载量第一的“熊猫屁王”游戏,成 为中国演艺界第一个成功跨足软件业的艺人。 为中国演艺界第一个成功跨足软件业的艺人。其 唱片全亚洲总销量已突破600万张。 600万张 唱片全亚洲总销量已突破600万张。



健康博览·2011/02明星档案原名:徐熙媛外文名:Barbie Hsu别名:珊珊(只有家人、朋友适用)生肖:龙星座:天秤座身高:163cm体重:44千克血型:B 型书籍作品《SOS 东京拼装地图》、《SOS 超猛青春》、《SOS 姐姐的秘密心事》、《蝴蝶飞了》、《大S 美容随笔》、《美容大王》电视剧《流星花园》、《青春六人行》、《齐天大圣孙悟空》、《流星花园Ⅱ》、《倩女幽魂》、《求婚事务所》、《战神》、《夜半歌声》、《转角,遇到爱》、《泡沫之夏真人版》、电影《疑神疑鬼》、《诡丝》、《保持通话》、《爱的发声练习》、《大内密探灵灵狗》、《全城热恋》、《未来警察》、《剑雨》、《唐伯虎点秋香2》、《龙凤店》、《未世录》、《百万巨鳄追缉令》、《魔法小葫芦》、《大武生》美容大王大S 的保养秘诀□口述/徐熙媛□文字整理/刘佩对于漂亮的大S ,你最想问她什么?当然是“要怎样才能拥有跟你一样透亮细滑的肌肤?”充满好奇心的大S ,试过数千款的保养品及上百种的医学美容疗程,她当然知道最有效的保养方式。

60. All Rights Reserved.健康博览·2011/02★春天是调整肤质的最好季节春天不像夏天紫外线那么强、不像秋冬那么干,所以只要稍微防晒、稍微保湿,就可以达到很好的保养效果。




★好的保湿及美白保养品一个晚上就见效有些人觉得保养品需要一点时间才能看得出效果,但根据个人经验,大S 觉得在短时间内就看得出效果的保养品才值得继续用下去。






2009 零零七
2011 八零八
电视剧:麻辣鲜师,麻辣高校生,不良笑花(男主),熊猫 人(客串),爱无限(男主) 配音作品:台版功夫熊猫1、2,牛兄牛弟(安逗)
游戏设计:iPhone动作游店铺:· NPC· New Project Center(与国内VJ李晨共同 投资) 上海总店 开业日期:2009.07.02 个人自创品牌「Undisputed」 总店地址:卢湾区长乐路139号 北京分店 开业日期:2010.02.06 分店地址:朝阳区三里屯北街81号那里花园一层
At last ,please listen to a song called Be with you by will and Akon.
wilber pan introduced
潘玮柏 Wilber pan America born Chinese
性格:浪漫 幽默 随和 活泼 开朗 音乐类型:流行音乐、嘻哈、节奏蓝调 rap
唱片公司:环球唱片 嗜好:打篮球、唱歌、看书、打麻将
Favourite sport:basketball Favourite music:Hip pop, R & B, 华语流行曲,中国风 Favourite basketball player:Michae Jordan Album:2002 壁虎漫步 2003 我的麦克风 2004 WuHa 2005 高手,时尚混音酷乐 2006 反转地球 2007 玩酷 2008 Will‘s未来式


2017年5月6日,出席爱钱进“发现小小幸福”三周年庆典,与盛一伦一起启动善款捐赠仪式,向“春晖博爱” 慈善组织捐赠人民币两百万元,而这些爱心捐款则用于北京春晖博爱儿童救助公益基金会的所属项目,为春晖博 爱弱势儿童送去最诚挚的温暖与关怀 。
安静的男子--潘玮柏(7张)潘玮柏以他的幽默、新潮的洋派风格,特有的亲和力与独树一个的偶像魅力,奠 定了他在台湾乐坛的地位,而专辑《高手》也表现了他在词曲等多方面的音乐才华 。潘玮柏外型佳,他不仅RAP 功力不错,而且还有创作能力。潘玮柏有被塑造成优质solo男偶像的条件,他的身上散发一股年轻的优雅气质, 由于长年在国外生活,因此他有着ABC的大方热情,不同的是,他更多了一种无厘头式的自发性幽默感,像电影 《MAN IN BLACK》中穿西装耍帅的威尔史密斯(网易评) 。
2004年3月26日,获得“第11届中国歌曲排行榜颁奖典”年度最受欢迎港台地区新人奖 ;同年9月,推出 第三张个人音乐专辑《Wu Ha》,收录了包括《快乐崇拜》、《我不识广东话》等在内的10首歌曲 ;同年,获 得“中国音乐榜”最佳新人奖。
潘玮柏晒全家合照2015年年底,潘玮柏因肺部感染纤维化,因而自律神经失调,病情严重到甚至一度进加护 病房 。
潘玮柏通过专辑《零零七》首度转型为轻熟男,他身穿西装展现出他帅气笔挺的姿态,显得Man味十足(腾 讯评) 。
潘玮柏一向以阳光大男孩儿形象示人,而他留起小胡子则显出他另一面的熟男气质(新浪评) 。
2020年7月29日,潘玮柏工作室针对部分网络用户涉嫌侵犯潘玮柏及宣云名誉权的行为发布律师声明,要求 相关用户立即停止侵权并公开致歉,否则将依法追责。

pop stars翻译

pop stars翻译

pop stars翻译pop stars翻译:流行歌手用法:指在当代音乐流派中备受欢迎且广泛受到关注的歌手。

例句:1. Beyoncé is one of the most iconic pop stars of our time. (碧昂丝是我们这个时代最具代表性的流行歌手之一。

)2. Justin Bieber is a Canadian pop star who rose to fame at a young age. (贾斯汀·比伯是一位年轻红极一时的加拿大流行歌手。

)3. Madonna is a pop star who has been relevant for decades. (麦当娜是一位在音乐界已拥有几十年声望的流行歌手。

)4. Rihanna is a Barbadian pop star who has sold millions of records worldwide. (蕾哈娜是一位巴巴多斯流行歌手,她的唱片在全世界销售量达到了数百万张。

)5. Michael Jackson is considered to be one of thegreatest pop stars of all time. (迈克尔·杰克逊被认为是有史以来最伟大的流行歌手之一。

)6. Lady Gaga is a pop star known for her unique style and powerful vocals. (lady gaga是一位拥有独特风格和强大嗓音的流行歌手。

)7. Adele is a British pop star who has won numerousawards for her soulful music. (阿黛尔是一位英国流行歌手,因其充满灵魂的音乐而赢得了无数奖项。

)8. Taylor Swift is a pop star who has successfully incorporated country and pop music into her sound. (泰勒·斯威夫特是一位成功地将乡村音乐和流行音乐融合在一起的流行歌手。


01 剧情简介
03 音乐原声
02 分集剧情 04 幕后花絮
05 播出信息
07 争议内容
06 剧集评价
《偷心大圣PS男》是一部由刘俊杰执导,小小彬、蓝正龙、温升豪、隋棠、白歆惠等主演的台湾偶像剧。 2010年2月28日在台湾台视首播。2010年08月08日在香港无线剧集台播出,其剪辑版本为34集。
虽然《偷心大圣ps男》连续十几周获得偶像剧收视冠军,但其剧情拖沓一直被观众所诟病,到了后期剧情毫 无实质性进展,情节拖泥带水。 (易娱乐评)
《偷心大圣PS男》被指剧情抄袭德国电影《没有耳朵的兔子》后,2010年3月播出的一段床戏中又与电影 《情人节快乐》里的床戏体位与造型不谋而合,再度被友批为抄袭。三立戏剧副总监陈一俊认为这是恶意抹 黑。
主创出席新闻发布会(5张)《偷心大圣PS男》剧组紧跟潮流,为重燃络时代宅男宅女们的追剧热情,瞄准当 下年轻人常用的Facebook、、Twitter等,用无孔不入的时尚新元素来增添看点。名模、富二代、型男意味着华 丽的时装,炫丽的名车和才貌双全的靓仔、Macbook、iPhone、奥迪高级跑车这些元素集合在一起,也足够吸引 眼球。 (大洋评)
官方海报及宣传图(5张)在某天开娃娃车送小朋友回家的途中,夏和杰意外跟豪门第二代孟成恩(温升豪饰) 发生冲突,自大的夏和杰杠上了狂傲的孟成恩。孟成恩为了证明自己高人一等,对夏和杰全面宣战:只要是夏和 杰想要的东西,他通通都要抢走,包括第一名模阿曼达。



他总是那么孩子气 ,
潘玮柏失‘声’2年8个月,开唱‘壁虎漫步’接棒环球唱片新人‘第4棒’! 当年由刘德华在‘歌唱比赛中’发掘潘玮柏,并计划已歌手‘身份进军歌坛, 却'阴差阳错'让潘玮柏苦等20个月!等待发片期间.潘玮柏从Channel[V]VJ ,偶像剧‘麻辣鲜师’等工作储备‘歌手身份’应具备演艺能量,并坚持婉拒 ‘综艺节目’,‘校园主持’等‘高条件’邀约,就为了‘赌一口气’待发片时一展‘才 艺’! 潘玮柏从小立志当“超级偶像”歌手,在台湾‘偶像始祖~小虎队’ 经纪人(苗秀丽)及‘实力推手~林晓培’经纪人(陈中)的连手栽培 ,打造下,终于一偿宿愿以‘唱’,‘跳’,‘创作’,RAP‘,’外型‘5项全能进入环球 大家 族,环球唱片计划打造潘玮柏成为继蔡依林,许慧欣之后的新独立偶像! 在12\17发行个人首张专辑{壁虎漫步}的潘玮柏,曲风走向‘绅 士嘻哈风‘,兴’舞‘力杀遍的师兄弟ENERGY’重回味‘的Hip Hop大不同 !新专辑中潘玮柏发表了2首’处女创作‘,虽然是第1次填写Rap词,自 小在国外受教育的玮柏,有内涵的中文造成,成语连用却大受制作人赞赏 ,制作人(王治平)大赞玮柏:他是:最有内涵的ABC;!没想到随便哼的Rap 词也能有“押韵”!玮柏的唱功一流,流畅的半念半唱,让人就算不看歌词也可以 很清楚他到底在哈拉什么!玮柏说:Rap词如果没念好,就会变成 搞笑版的'数来宝'了. 玮珀是[V]音乐台的新晋主持人,在加入Channel[V] 音乐台之前, 玮珀在美国修读大学学位 , 主科为 传讯及公关(Communication s & Public Relations)。他热爱运动及表演,在洛杉矶参加BMG/ NMG举办的 歌唱比赛,并获得【最佳形象奖】,并签约NMG,成为刘德华、李 玟、张卫健、苏有朋、李 泉、林依轮、等内地、港台歌影视红星的小师弟。玮珀除身为[V]音乐台VJ外,更经常在台北 接拍平



阿sa个人简历蔡卓妍(Charlene Choi),艺名阿 Sa,1982 年 11 月 22 日出生于加拿大温哥华,是中国香港女歌手、演员。

阿 Sa 自幼对表演和音乐充满浓厚兴趣。


2000 年,阿Sa 拍摄香港电台电视部制作的青春剧《青春@Y2K》,开始了她的演艺生涯。


2001 年,阿 Sa 与钟欣潼组成女子演唱组合 Twins 出道。

Twins 以青春活力的形象和欢快动听的歌曲迅速走红,成为了当时香港乐坛的代表组合之一。


阿 Sa 和钟欣潼不仅在音乐上取得了巨大成功,还在影视领域有所涉猎。

在电影方面,阿 Sa 也有着出色的表现。


2002 年,她凭借电影《常在我心》获得第21 届香港电影金像奖最佳新演员提名。


阿 Sa 一直不断挑战自我,尝试不同类型的角色。



除了电影,阿Sa 也参演了不少电视剧。


在音乐道路上,阿Sa 始终坚持不懈。

她与Twins 发行了多张专辑,举办了众多演唱会。


阿Sa 不仅在演艺事业上取得了显著成就,她还积极参与公益活动。


在个人生活中,阿 Sa 经历了一些波折,但她始终保持着乐观积极的态度。




虽然整张专辑嘻哈曲风只有可怜的几首, 虽然整张专辑嘻哈曲风只有可怜的几首, 但是你创造的“现代华丽嘻哈风” 但是你创造的“现代华丽嘻哈风”,已经完 全变成了“轻嘻哈,真抒情”的大众潮流歌曲! 全变成了“轻嘻哈,真抒情”的大众潮流歌曲! 顺应这个歌坛的整体曲风是必须,但是是 顺应这个歌坛的整体曲风是必须, 丢了你自己的坚持,还是很可悲的!! 丢了你自己的坚持,还是很可悲的!! 零零七的大卖,巡回演唱会的成功, 零零七的大卖,巡回演唱会的成功,拿奖 拿到手软... 拿到手软...
这是潘玮柏的第七张专辑。取名“零零七” 这是潘玮柏的第七张专辑。取名“零零七”,一来 表明这是自己在乐坛的第七年,二来也有想要讲明自 表明这是自己在乐坛的第七年, 己是无所不能得大英雄“007”。 己是无所不能得大英雄“007”。 这张专辑和之前相比, 这张专辑和之前相比,抒情歌和饶舌歌曲各自占据 半壁江山。 半壁江山。也许是之前两张专辑的完全情歌模式没有 被大家广泛接受,所以潘玮柏又走回了原来“ 被大家广泛接受,所以潘玮柏又走回了说到潘式嘻哈, 壁虎漫步》 我的麦克风》 说到潘式嘻哈,《壁虎漫步》和《我的麦克风》 这两首同名主打不可不提。正是这两首歌的广泛传唱, 这两首同名主打不可不提。正是这两首歌的广泛传唱, 开创了属于潘玮柏,仅仅也只是潘玮柏的新曲风—— 开创了属于潘玮柏,仅仅也只是潘玮柏的新曲风 现代华丽嘻哈风。 现代华丽嘻哈风 下面为大家介绍这张专辑中的推曲目
由于我对抒情歌曲实在无感, 由于我对抒情歌曲实在无感,其实是我不能接受潘玮 柏的抒情歌曲模式。 柏的抒情歌曲模式。 虽然他是我最喜欢的明星,但是我想说句实话, 虽然他是我最喜欢的明星,但是我想说句实话,我认 为情歌真的不适合潘玮柏!! 为情歌真的不适合潘玮柏!! 很磁性的声音,可惜就是唱不出那份为爱的感动。 很磁性的声音,可惜就是唱不出那份为爱的感动。还 明显的换气声, 有,明显的换气声,反而成了我听潘玮柏唱慢歌是最大的 乐趣。 乐趣。 即使对抒情无感,还是有推荐: 即使对抒情无感,还是有推荐: 寂屋出租》《无重力》 》《无重力 《寂屋出租》《无重力》



Pan (god)Pan teaching his eromenos, the shepherd Daphnis, to play the pipes, 2nd century AD Roman copy of Greek original ca. 100 BC, found in PompeiiGod of Nature, the Wild, Shepherds, Flocks, Goats, of Mountain Wilds,and is often associated with sexualityAbode ArcadiaSymbol Pan PipesParents many variations including: Hermes and Driope (nymph),and Hermes and Penelope (Odysseus's wife)Roman equivalent FaunusIn Greek religion and myth ology, Pan (Ancient Greek: Πᾶν, Pān) is the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, nature of mountain wilds, hunting and rustic music, and companion of the nymphs.[1] His name originates within the Ancient Greek language, from the word paein (πάειν), meani ng "to pasture."[2] He has the hindquarters, legs, and horns of a goat, in the same manner as a faun or satyr. With his homeland in rustic Arcadia, he is recognized as the god of fields, groves, and wooded glens; because of this, Pan is connected to fertility and the season of spring. The ancient Greeks also considered Pan to be the god of theatrical criticism.[3]In Roman religion and myth, Pan's counterpart was Faunus, a nature god who was the father of Bona Dea, sometimes identified as Fauna. In the 18th and 19th centuries, Pan became a significant figure in the Romantic movement of western Europe, and also in the 20th-century Neopagan movement.[4]Contents [hide]1 Origins2 Worship3 Mythology3.1 Erotic aspects3.2 Pan and music3.3 Capricornus3.4 Epithets3.5 All of the Pans4 The "Death" of Pan5 Influence5.1 Revivalist imagery5.2 Identification with Satan5.3 Neopaganism6 Notes7 See also8 References9 External links[edit]OriginsIn his earliest appearance in literature, Pindar's Pythian Ode iii. 78, Pan is associated with a mother goddess, perhaps Rhea or Cybele; Pindar refers to virgins worshipping Cybele and Pan near the poet's house in Boeotia.[5]The parentage of Pan is unclear;[6] in some myths he is the son of Zeus, though generally he is the son of Hermes or Dionysus, with whom his mother is said to be a nymph, sometimes Dryope or, in Nonnus, Dionysiaca (14.92), Penelope of Mantineia in Arcadia. This nymph at some point in the tradition became conflated with Penelope, the wife of Odysseus. Pausanias 8.12.5 records the story that Penelope had in fact been unfaithful to her husband, who banished her to Mantineia upon his return. Other sources (Duris of Samos; the Vergilian commentator Servius) report that Penelope slept with all 108 suitors in Odysseus' absence, and gave birth to Pan as a result.[7] This myth reflects the folk etymology that equates Pan's name (Πάν) with the Greek word for "all" (πᾶν).[8] It is more likely to be cognate with paein, "to pasture", and to share an origin with the modern English word "pasture". In 1924, Hermann Collitz suggested that Greek Pan and Indic Pushan might have a common Indo-European origin.[9] In the Mystery cults of the highly syncretic Hellenistic era[10] Pan is made cognate with Phanes/Protogonos, Zeus, Dionysus and Eros.[11]The Roman Faunus, a god of Indo-European origin, was equated with Pan. However, accounts of Pan's genealogy are so varied that it must lie buried deep in mythic time. Like other nature spirits, Pan appears to be older than the Olympians, if it is true that he gave Artemis her hunting dogs and taught the secret of prophecy to Apollo. Pan might be multiplied as the Panes (Burkert 1985, III.3.2; Ruck and Staples 1994 p 132[12]) or the Paniskoi. Kerenyi (p. 174) notes from scholia that Aeschylus in Rhesus distinguished between two Pans, one the son of Zeus and twin of Arcas, and one a son of Cronus. "In the retinue of Dionysos, or in depictions of wild landscapes, there appeared not only a great Pan, but also little Pans, Paniskoi, who played the same part as the Satyrs".[edit]WorshipThe worship of Pan began in Arcadia which was always the principal seat of his worship. Arcadia was a district of mountain people whom other Greeks disdained. Greek hunters used to scourge the statue of the god if they had been disappointed in the chase (Theocritus. vii. 107). Being a rustic god, Pan was not worshipped in temples or other built edifices, but in natural settings, usually caves or grottoes such as the one on the north slope of the Acropolis of Athens. The only exception is the temple of Pan on the Neda River gorge, in southwestern Peloponnese, the ruins of which survive to this day.[edit]MythologyGreek deitiesseriesPrimordial deitiesTitans and OlympiansAquatic deitiesChthonic deitiesPersonified conceptsOther deitiesAnemoiAsclepiusIrisLetoMusesNymphesPanPsycheThe goat-god Aegipan was nurtured by Amalthea with the infant Zeus in Athens. In Zeus' battle with Gaia, Aegipan and Hermes stole back Zeus' "sinews" that Typhon had hidden away in the Corycian Cave.[13] Pan aided his foster-brother in the battle with the Titans by letting out a horrible screech and scattering them in terror. According to some traditions, Aegipan was the son of Pan, rather than his father.One of the famous myths of Pan involves the origin of his pan flute, fashioned from lengths of hollow reed. Syrinx was a lovely water-nymph of Arcadia, daughter of Landon, the river-god. As she was returning from the hunt one day, Pan met her. To escape from his importunities, the fair nymph ran away and didn't stop to hear his compliments. He pursued from Mount Lycaeum until she came to her sisters who immediately changed her into a reed. When the air blew through the reeds, it produced a plaintive melody. The god, still infatuated, took some of the reeds, because he could not identify which reed she became, and cut seven pieces (or according to some versions, nine), joined them side by side in gradually decreasing lengths, and formed the musical instrument bearing the name of his beloved Syrinx. Henceforth Pan was seldom seen without it. Echo was a nymph who was a great singer and dancer and scorned the love of any man. This angered Pan, a lecherous god, and he instructed his followers to kill her. Echo was torn to pieces and spread all over earth. The goddess of the earth, Gaia, received the pieces of Echo, whose voice remains repeating the last words of others. In some versions, Echo and Pan first had one child: Iambe. In other versions, Pan had fallen in love with Echo, but she scorned the love of any man but was enraptured by Narcissus. As Echo was cursed by Hera to only be able to repeat words that had been said by someone else, she could not speak for herself. She followed Narcissus to a pool, where he fell in love with his own reflection and changed into a narcissus flower. Echo wasted away, but her voice could still be heard in caves and other such similar places.Pan also loved a nymph named Pitys, who was turned into a pine tree to escape him.Disturbed in his secluded afternoon naps, Pan's angry shout inspired panic (panikon deima) in lonely places.[14][15] Following the Titans' assault on Olympus, Pan claimed credit for the victory of the gods because he had frightened the attackers. In the Battle of Marathon (490 BC), it is said that Pan favored the Athenians and so inspired panic in the hearts of their enemies, the Persians.[16][edit]Erotic aspectsPan with a goat, statue from Villa of the Papyri, Herculaneum.Pan is famous for his sexual powers, and is often depicted with a phallus. Diogenes of Sinope, speaking in jest, related a myth of Pan learning masturbation from his father, Hermes, and teaching the habit to shepherds.[17]Pan's greatest conquest was that of the moon goddess Selene. He accomplished this by wrapping himself in a sheepskin[18] to hide his hairy black goat form, and drew her down from the sky intothe forest where he seduced her.[edit]Pan and musicIn two late Roman sources, Hyginus[19] and Ovid,[20] Pan is substituted for the satyr Marsyas in the theme of a musical competition (agon), and the punishment by flaying is omitted.Pan once had the audacity to compare his music with that of Apollo, and to challenge Apollo, the god of the lyre, to a trial of skill. Tmolus, the mountain-god, was chosen to umpire. Pan blew on his pipes and gave great satisfaction with his rustic melody to himself and to his faithful follower, Midas, who happened to be present. Then Apollo struck the strings of his lyre. Tmolus at once awarded the victory to Apollo, and all but Midas agreed with the judgment. Midas dissented and questioned the justice of the award. Apollo would not suffer such a depraved pair of ears any longer and turned Midas' ears into those of a donkey.In another version of the myth, the first round of the contest was a tie, so the competitors were forced to hold a second round. In this round, Apollo demanded that they play their instruments upside-down. Apollo, playing the lyre, was unaffected. However, Pan's pipe could not be played while upside down, so Apollo won the contest.[edit]CapricornusThe constellation Capricornus is traditionally depicted as a sea-goat, a goat with a fish's tail (see "Goatlike" Aigaion called Briareos, one of the Hecatonchires). A myth reported as "Egyptian" in Gaius Julius Hyginus' Poetic Astronomy[21] that would seem to be invented to justify a connection of Pan with Capricorn says that when Aegipan — that is Pan in his goat-god aspect —[22] was attacked by the monster Typhon, he dove into the Nile; the parts above the water remained a goat, but those under the water transformed into a fish.[edit]EpithetsAegocerus "goat-horned" was an epithet of Pan descriptive of his figure with the horns of a goat.[23][edit]All of the PansPan could be multiplied into a swarm of Pans, and even be given individual names, as in Nonnus' Dionysiaca, where the god Pan had twelve sons that helped Dionysus in his war against the Indians. Their names were Kelaineus, Argennon, Aigikoros, Eugeneios, Omester, Daphoineus, Phobos, Philamnos, Xanthos, Glaukos, Argos, and Phorbas.Two other Pans were Agreus and Nomios. Both were the sons of Hermes, Agreus' mother being the nymph Sose, a prophetess: he inherited his mother's gift of prophecy, and was also a skilled hunter. Nomios' mother was Penelope (not the same as the wife of Odysseus). He was an excellent shepherd, seducer of nymphs, and musician upon the shepherd's pipes. Most of the mythological stories about Pan are actually about Nomios, not the god Pan. Although, Agreus and Nomios could have been two different aspects of the prime Pan, reflecting his dual nature as both a wise prophet and a lustful beast.Aegipan, literally "goat-Pan," was a Pan who was fully goatlike, rather than half-goat and half-man. When the Olympians fled from the monstrous giant Typhoeus and hid themselves in animal form, Aegipan assumed the form of a fish-tailed goat. Later he came to the aid of Zeus in his battle with Typhoeus, by stealing back Zeus' stolen sinews. As a reward the king of the gods placed him amongst the stars as the Constellation Capricorn. The mother of Aegipan, Aix (the goat), was perhaps associated with the constellation Capra.Sybarios was an Italian Pan who was worshipped in the Greek colony of Sybaris in Italy. TheSybarite Pan was conceived when a Sybarite shepherd boy named Krathis copulated with a pretty she-goat amongst his herds.[edit]The "Death" of PanPan, Mikhail Vrubel 1900.According to the Greek historian Plutarch (in De defectu oraculorum, "The Obsolescence of Oracles"),[24] Pan is the only Greek god (other than Asclepius) who actually dies. During the reign of Tiberius (A.D. 14–37), the news of Pan's death came to one Thamus, a sailor on his way to Italy by way of the island of Paxi. A divine voice hailed him across the salt water, "Thamus, are you there? When you reach Palodes,[25] take care to proclaim that the great god Pan is dead." Which Thamus did, and the news was greeted from shore with groans and laments.Robert Graves (The Greek Myths) reported a suggestion that had been made by Salomon Reinach[26] and expanded by James S. Van Teslaar[27] that the hearers aboard the ship, including a supposed Egyptian, Thamus, apparently misheard Thamus Panmegas tethneke 'the all-great Tammuz is dead' for 'Thamus, Great Pan is dead!', Thamous, Pan ho megas tethneke. "In its true form the phrase would have probably carried no meaning to those on board who must have been unfamiliar with the worship of Tammuz which was a transplanted, and for those parts, therefore, an exotic custom."[28] Certainly, when Pausanias toured Greece about a century after Plutarch, he found Pan's shrines, sacred caves and sacred mountains still very much frequented. Christian apologists, however, took Plutarch's notice to heart, and repeated and amplified it until the 18th century.[29] It was interpreted with concurrent meanings in all four modes of medieval exegesis: literally as historical fact, and allegorically as the death of the ancient order at the coming of the new. Eusebius of Caesarea in his Praeparatio Evangelica (book V) seems to have been the first Christian apologist to give Plutarch's anecdote, which he identifies as his source, pseudo-historical standing, which Eusebius buttressed with many invented passing details that lent verisimilitude.The cry "Great Pan is dead" has appealed to poets, such as John Milton, in his ecstatic celebration of Christian peace, On the Morning of Christ's Nativity line 89,[30] and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.[31]One remarkable commentary of Herodotus[32] on Pan is that he lived 800 years before himself (c. 1200 BCE), this being already after the Trojan War.[edit]Influence[edit]Revivalist imageryPan depicted on the cover of The Wind in the WillowsThe Magic of Pan's Flute, by John Reinhard Weguelin (1905)In the late 18th century, interest in Pan revived among liberal scholars. Richard Payne Knight discussed Pan in his Discourse on the Worship of Priapus (1786) as a symbol of creation expressedthrough sexuality. "Pan is represented pouring water upon the organ of generation; that is, invigorating the active creative power by the prolific element."[33]In the English town of Painswick in Gloucestershire, a group of 18th century gentry, led by Benjamin Hyett, organised an annual procession dedicated to Pan, during which a statue of the deity was held aloft, and people shouted 'Highgates! Highgates!" Hyett also erected temples and follies to Pan in the gardens of his house and a "Pan's lodge", located over Painswick Valley. The tradition died out in the 1830s, but was revived in 1885 by the new vicar, W. H. Seddon, who mistakenly believed that the festival had been ancient in origin. One of Seddon's successors, however, was less appreciative of the pagan festival and put an end to it in 1950, when he had Pan's statue buried.[34]John Keats's "Endymion" opens with a festival dedicated to Pan where a stanzaic hymn is sung in praise of him. "Keats's account of Pan's activities is largely drawn from the Elizabethan poets. Douglas Bush notes, 'The goat-god, the tutelary divinity of shepherds, had long been allegorized on various levels, from Christ to "Universall Nature" (Sandys); here he becomes the symbol of the romantic imagination, of supra-mortal knowledge.'" [35]In the late nineteenth century Pan became an increasingly common figure in literature and art. Patricia Merivale states that between 1890 and 1926 there was an "astonishing resurgence of interest in the Pan motif".[36] He appears in poetry, in novels and children's books, and is referenced in the name of the character Peter Pan.[37] He is the eponymous "Piper at the Gates of Dawn"[38] in the seventh chapter of Kenneth Grahame's The Wind in the Willows (1908). Grahame's Pan, unnamed but clearly recognisable, is a powerful but secretive nature-god, protector of animals, who casts a spell of forgetfulness on all those he helps. He makes a brief appearance to help the Rat and Mole recover the Otter's lost son Portly.Pan entices villagers to listen to his pipes as if in a trance in Lord Dunsany's novel 'The Blessing of Pan' published in 1927. Although the god does not appear within the story, his energy certainly invokes the younger folk of the village to revel in the summer twilight, and the vicar of the village is the only person worried about the revival of worship for the old pagan god.Pan is also featured as a prominent character in Tom Robbins' Jitterbug Perfume (1984). Aeronautical engineer and occultist Jack Parsons invoked Pan before test launches at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.[edit]Identification with SatanFrancisco Goya, Witches' Sabbath (El aquelarre), . 1798. Oil on canvas, 44 × 31 cm. Museo Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid.Pan's goatish image recalls conventional faun-like depictions of Satan. Although Christian use of Plutarch's story is of long standing, Ronald Hutton [39] has argued that this specific association is modern and derives from Pan's popularity in Victorian and Edwardian neopaganism. Medieval and early modern images of Satan tend, by contrast, to show generic semi-human monsters with horns, wings and clawed feet.[edit]NeopaganismIn 1933, the Egyptologist Margaret Murray published the book, The God of the Witches, in which she theorised that Pan was merely one form of a horned god who was worshipped across Europe by a witch-cult.[40] This theory influenced the Neopagan notion of the Horned God, as anarchetype of male virility and sexuality. In Wicca, the archetype of the Horned God is highly important, as represented by such deities as the Celtic Cernunnos, Indian Pashupati and Greek Pan.A modern account of several purported meetings with Pan is given by Robert Ogilvie Crombie in The Findhorn Garden (Harper & Row, 1975) and The Magic Of Findhorn (Harper & Row, 1975). Crombie claimed to have met Pan many times at various locations in Scotland, including Edinburgh, on the island of Iona and at the Findhorn Foundation.[edit]Notes。




郑秀晶(Krystal)1994年10月 24日生于美国加利福尼亚州旧金 山,2000年Krystal在韩国与妈妈、 姐姐(少女时代成员 郑秀妍)逛 百货公司的时候被韩国造星梦工 厂之称的韩国SM娱乐有限公司 星探发掘,因为当时年龄小, 2006年才进入SM公司成为旗下 练习生学习三年演艺,2009年以 f(x)组合出道,担任f(x)组合主唱 领舞。Krystal出众的外貌与独特 的气质,在韩国娱乐圈中凸显个 人魅力,深受歌迷喜爱!
美丽,性感,妩媚,御姐!偶狠喜欢这样的 女生!每个女孩都有一个梦,而我想变成像 ktystal这样!!秀晶的脸我认为并不惊艳! 然而只是这么一瞬,便再也忘了,便就成就 了永恒!喜欢秀晶的霸气,率真,囧囧!希 望秀晶可以任意用自己的颜色风格去实现任 何事,正如fx的蕴意!你属于舞台,你属于 我们行中的舞台!!

性格:外冷内热,有些怕生害羞,但 是却很黏自己喜欢的人,爱放空 家庭成员:父母,姐姐(少女时 代成员Jessica郑秀妍) 个人特长:戏剧表演、跳舞、唱 歌、流利的英文[1] 擅长的语言:英文、韩文、日文 (苦练中)、中文(少许) 喜欢的歌手:朴善珠、Corinne Bailey Rae、Steven Tyler,玉置浩二, Alanis Morissette 喜欢的音乐类型:抒情摇滚 最喜欢的颜色:红色、蓝色 喜欢的季节:春天 最喜欢身体的哪个部分:鼻子 最爱吃的食物:意大利面,日本 料理寿司,芒果,豆腐,牛肉 喜欢的动物:狗 最怕的东西:蟑螂 学历:韩国外侨学校 Korea Kent Foreign School,后转入翰林艺术高 中(在学中)
本名郑秀晶,正着念是郑秀晶, 倒过来还是郑秀晶(罗马拼音 Jung SooJung)。1994年10月 24日,Krystal生于美国加利福 尼亚州旧金山,美籍韩裔。 2000年,Krystal在韩国与妈妈、 姐姐逛百货公司的时候被SM 公司星探发掘,当时6岁(韩 国算法7岁),因为年龄太小 在2006年才正式进入公司训练。 这期间,天然美貌的秀晶拍过 CF,出演过MV。




下面是店铺给大家带来的韩国歌手朴宰范的相关介绍,欢迎阅读!韩国歌手朴宰范的基本信息中文名:朴宰范国籍:美国出生地:西雅图职业:艺人经纪公司: SidusHQ所属组合: Art of Movement微博:朴宰范(已认证)外文名:박재범 JAY PARK民族:朝鲜族出生日期: 1987年4月25日毕业院校:檀国大学代表作品:《Nothing on you》《know your name》《Girl Friend》《Star》粉丝名: Jaywalker韩国歌手朴宰范的演艺经历2002年热衷B-Boy的朴宰范加入了西雅图的B-Boy组合Art of Movement。




2009年,2PM以〈Again and Again〉一曲成为最红男子团体,同时朴宰范在当时成为了2pm的当红代表人物。







第37卷 第4期江苏船舶Vol.37 No.4 2020年8月JIANGSUSHIPAug.2020东亚区域渡轮外观色彩研究高 俊,戴玛丽(上海船舶研究设计院,上海201203)摘 要:为了提升我国渡轮的外观设计,以东亚区域尤其是日韩地区渡轮的外观配色为例,介绍了其运营市场、地理环境及运营模式,分析了其生产的典型渡轮的造型、色彩以及设计意向,得出了日韩两国渡轮在造型、色彩设计方面的美学规则,最后强调了国内渡轮外观配色设计需要充分考虑色彩的对比性、色彩的适应性、色彩的心理感受、色彩与人文传统相统一、色彩与自然环境相统一及色彩与企业形象相统一。

关键词:渡轮;外观色彩;东亚区域中图分类号:U674.192文献标志码:ADOI:10.19646/j.cnki.32 1230.2020.04.0040 引言渡轮作为一种水上运输交通工具,既可以用作运送乘客,也可以运送货物。







1 东亚区域目前的渡轮市场简要分析1.1 人文地理环境情况东亚位于亚洲东部、太平洋西侧,主要包括中国、蒙古、朝鲜、韩国、日本5个国家。

渡轮工业在东收稿日期:2020 03 09作者简介:高俊(1987—),女,工程师,从事船舶舾装设计工作;戴玛丽(1983—),女,硕士,高级工程师,从事船舶舾装设计工作。



沈腾:中国喜剧的璀璨之星Shen Teng, a renowned figure in Chinese comedy, has captivated audiences with his unique humor and talented performances. Born in Heilongjiang province, Shen Teng rose to fame through his outstanding comedic roles in various films and television series. His comedic timing and natural delivery have earned him legions of fans and respect in the entertainment industry.Shen Teng's journey in comedy began early on. He honed his skills in improvisation and sketch comedy, performingin front of audiences across China. His breakthrough came when he starred in the popular comedy film "Xiao Yang's Happy Life," which grossed over a billion yuan at the box office. Since then, Shen Teng has become a household name, known for his hilarious yet heartfelt performances.One of Shen Teng's most noteworthy qualities is his ability to connect with his audience. His comedic style is relatable and accessible, making him a favorite among all ages. Whether he's playing a clueless dad in "Hello, Mr. Billionaire" or a zany time-traveler in "Time Bureau," ShenTeng brings his unique charm and humor to each role,leaving audiences in stitches.Beyond his comedic roles, Shen Teng has also demonstrated his versatility as an actor. He has starred in dramas and thrillers, displaying a range of emotions and intensities that are just as captivating as his comedic performances. His dedication to his craft and continuous efforts to push his boundaries as an actor have earned him critical acclaim and numerous awards.Off-screen, Shen Teng is known for his humble and down-to-earth demeanor. He maintains a low profile, shunning the limelight and preferring to focus on his work. Despite his fame and success, he remains grounded and approachable, making him a favorite among both his fans and peers.In conclusion, Shen Teng is a force to be reckoned with in Chinese comedy. His talent, dedication, and charm have made him a household name and a fixture in theentertainment industry. His performances continue to captivate audiences, and his influence on Chinese comedy is undeniable. As he continues to explore new roles and genres, Shen Teng remains a beacon of hope for comedy fans,promising more hilarious and heartfelt performances in the future.**沈腾:中国喜剧的璀璨之星**沈腾,这位中国喜剧界的璀璨之星,以其独特的幽默感和才华横溢的表演赢得了观众的喜爱。



星外星唱片星外星唱片 - 跨越星际的音乐旅程星外星唱片(Star Records)是一家独特而富有创新精神的唱片公司,它在音乐行业中独树一帜。



















高二英语北师版必修5课件Unit 13 People 13.6

高二英语北师版必修5课件Unit 13 People 13.6

写作指导 常用句式 针对训练 素材积累 模板填空
1.My name is...我叫…… 2.I am twenty years old.我20岁了。 3.I come from...我来自…… 4.I have a round face with big eyes.我的脸很圆,眼睛很大。 5.My hobby is playing basketball.我习惯打篮球。 6.My favorite activity is to go skating.我最喜欢滑雪。 7.I usually play computer games with my friends.我通常和朋友一 起… 9.She is an easy-going girl.她是个随和的女孩。 10.She devoted herself to her career.她致力于她的事业。 11.She is highly thought of by her neighbors.邻居们对她评价很多。
写作指导 常用句式 针对训练 素材积累 模板填空
将下列单词和短语进行英汉互译 1.handsome 英俊的 well as 还有 one’s free time 在某人的空余时间 fond of 喜欢 5.take part in 参加 6.一项最喜欢的运动 one’s favorite sport 7.相处 get along with 8.脸上带着笑 wear a smile on one’s face 9.这种歌曲 songs of this kind 10.最著名的流行明星之一 one of the most pop stars
全文结束!谢谢 仅供参考学习之用
写作指导 常用句式 针对训练 素材积累 模板填空



歌名: 跟我走吧 演唱: 潘玮柏 专辑: 高手
这支我肩膀 幸福像一个磁场 我有了你 这世界都变得不一样 请你跟我走吧 陪我度过天黑天亮 让我保护你一辈子 带你去好多地方 亲爱的你跟我走吧 醫好我心里的疯狂 只要能夠握着你的手 再也没有渴望 这支手机跟你说过话 这杯子你喝过茶
这个月亮你也在看着吗 还有温度留在我肩膀 幸福像一个磁场 我有了你 这世界都变得不一样 请你跟我走吧 陪我度过天黑天亮 让我保护你一辈子 带你去好多地方 亲爱的你跟我走吧 醫好我心里的疯狂 只要能夠握着你的手 再也没有渴望 请你跟我走吧 陪我度过天黑天亮 永远听起来那么远 但你不会失望 请你跟我走吧 爱你就是我的信仰 只要你能陪在我身旁 都是最美好的时光
... 潘玮柏 ,美籍华人, 台湾流行歌手 2011年主演《爱∞无限》 当选台湾46届金钟奖最佳男主角。 2002年向歌坛发展,缔造出《高手》 《零零七》等八张畅销专辑,成为歌影 视界的实力偶像全能艺人,在大陆人气 鼎旺。2009年更升级潮店老板,所开设 的NPC潮流服饰店在上海、北京均有店铺 。2011年跨界软件行业,担任卡米果公 司 游戏创意总监设计了下载量第一的“熊 猫 屁王”游戏,成为中国演艺界第一个成 功 跨足软件业的艺人。其唱片全亚洲总销 量

作文素材之谁是 super star

作文素材之谁是 super star

作文素材之谁是super star汤唯汤唯,1979年10月7日出生于浙江省杭州市,中国影视女演员。


























阿杜小档案中文名:杜成义英文名:A do性别:男国籍:新加坡生日:3月11日星座:双鱼座血型:AB身高:17Z cm体重:64 kg家庭成员:父母及一个弟弟到过的国家:马来西亚,印度尼西亚,泰国喜欢做的事:养鱼,养狗、在家看Discover频道一整天最难忘的经历:骑脚踏车被车追撞己没受伤最高兴的事:中马票擅长的乐器:吉他.还有自己的声’喜欢的女歌手:林忆莲、王菲喜欢的男歌手:张学友、周华健喜欢的女演员:郑裕玲喜欢的男演员:周星驰、周润发量喜欢的电影:《英雄本色》最喜欢的书籍:龙虎门2002年或许“阿杜”对于内地的歌迷来说还是个既熟悉又陌生的名字。











beast个人资料BEAST是韩国CUBE Entertainment公司于2009年推出的男子流行演唱团体,由尹斗俊、张贤胜、龙俊亨、梁耀燮、李起光、孙东云6人组成。

2009年10月14日,BEAST发行首张迷你专辑《Beast Is TheB2ST》,并于10月16日正式出道。

2010年11月23日发行首张日语专辑《BEAST-Japan PremiumEdition》。

2011年3月16日,发行首张日语单曲《Shock》,在日本出道;同年11月29日凭借歌曲《Fiction》获得Mnet 亚洲音乐大奖男子组合类最佳舞蹈表演奖。


2013年7月19日发行第二张正规专辑《Hard to love, How tolove》。

2014年6月16日发行第六张迷你专辑《Good Luck》。


人物关系队员李起光队员孙东云队员梁耀燮队员龙俊亨队员张贤胜队员尹斗俊组合简介2010年:Shock of the NewEra、Mastermind、Lights Go OnAgain、My Story年初,以后续曲“Mystery”继续在音乐节目上演出。



3月1日,发行迷你二辑《Shock of the NewEra》,以“Shock”为主打歌。



4月,将专辑中的“Easy”改编后以“Easy (SincereVer.)”名发行,以弦乐及钢琴改编,与原曲嘻哈风格及使用电子乐器全然不同。

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