二、活动主题“传承国风,筑梦中华”三、活动时间XX年XX月XX日—XX年XX月XX日四、活动地点XX大学XX校区五、活动对象全校师生六、活动内容1. 开幕式(1)时间:XX年XX月XX日(2)地点:XX大学XX广场(3)内容:校长致辞、领导嘉宾讲话、文艺表演、舞狮表演等。
2. 国风知识竞赛(1)时间:XX年XX月XX日(2)地点:XX大学XX教室(3)内容:通过知识竞赛的形式,让同学们了解我国传统文化,提高文化素养。
3. 国风书画展(1)时间:XX年XX月XX日—XX年XX月XX日(2)地点:XX大学XX展览馆(3)内容:展出同学们的国风书画作品,展示我国传统文化魅力。
4. 国风服饰秀(1)时间:XX年XX月XX日(2)地点:XX大学XX广场(3)内容:同学们身着国风服饰,展示我国传统服饰之美。
5. 国风音乐晚会(1)时间:XX年XX月XX日(2)地点:XX大学XX剧场(3)内容:邀请知名国风歌手、乐队现场表演,为同学们带来一场视听盛宴。
6. 国风美食节(1)时间:XX年XX月XX日(2)地点:XX大学XX广场(3)内容:同学们展示家乡特色美食,分享美食制作技巧,体验国风美食的魅力。
7. 活动总结(1)时间:XX年XX月XX日(2)地点:XX大学XX会议室(3)内容:对本次活动进行总结,表彰优秀个人和集体。
七、活动宣传1. 制作宣传海报、横幅,张贴于校园内显眼位置。
2. 通过校园广播、微信公众号、校园网站等渠道进行宣传。
3. 邀请校报、电视台等媒体进行报道。
4. 组织志愿者进行现场宣传。
八、活动经费1. 活动经费由学校团委、学生会共同筹集。
2. 活动经费主要用于场地租赁、设备租赁、奖品购置等。
3. 活动经费使用情况将定期公示。
九、活动组织1. 成立活动筹备组,负责活动的策划、组织、实施等工作。
二、活动时间和地点活动时间:2022年10月1日至10月7日活动地点:XXX市中心广场三、活动内容和安排1. 展览展示通过搭设展览区域,展示中国传统文化艺术品、手工艺品、书法、绘画等各类文化展品,向参观者展示中国文化的魅力和多样性。
展览内容包括:•中国传统绘画展览•中国传统艺术品展览•中国传统手工艺品展览•中国书法展览•中国传统服饰展示2. 演出表演每天设置2-3场演出表演,展示中国传统音乐、舞蹈、戏曲等艺术形式。
演出表演包括:•中国传统音乐演奏•中国古典舞蹈表演•京剧、豫剧等中国传统戏曲表演•中国民乐合奏•中国传统武术表演3. 互动体验安排一些与中国传统文化相关的互动体验活动,让参与者身临其境地感受中国传统文化魅力。
泥 人 张
性 。
人 物 。 他 的 作 品 具 有 浓 厚 的
的 形 象 , 有 正 面 人 物 , 还 有
有 表 现 劳 动 人 民 现 实 生 活 中
人 物 , 也 有 小 说 戏 曲 中 的 角
元 宵 节
著并月五清 名称初的明 “为一中节 鬼中的元与 节国寒节七 ”三衣、月 。大节十十
植扫三古五清 树墓月时百明 节节节又多节 、、、叫年已 鬼扫祭踏历有 节坟祖青史两 等节节节,千 。、、、
清 明 节
张 明 山 的 泥 人 , 有 民 间 故 事
泥 人 张
的 综 合 体 现 。
美 术 、 杂 技 等 各 艺 术 行 类
学 、 音 乐 、 舞 蹈 、 武 术 、
歌 舞 演 绎 故 事 , 是 包 括 文
端午节是中国汉族人民纪念屈原的传统节日,以围绕才华横溢、 遗世独立的楚国大夫屈原而展开,传播至华夏各地,民俗文化 共享,屈原之名人尽皆知,追怀华夏民族的高洁情怀。
但有例外,东吴一带的端午节历来不纪念屈原,而是纪念五月 五日被投入大江的伍子胥,且吴越地区以龙舟竞渡在此日举行 部落图腾祭祀的习俗更是早于春秋很久。
t gv e ne ri- e e bejie h pi m eh oo y frw i sdt mie y 4 fc r -ee oto o a o iefr t f t vg t l uc ,teo t me d u a mu t n lg o hc wa e r nd b 一at ,3 l l r g n l c h e o v h
io u u 5 ,f r e tt n t n c l m % e m n ai i o me 6 h,f r e tt n tmp r t r 0 ,r f g r t n tmp r t r  ̄ a d r f g r t n t 0 h; e m n a o e e au e 3 ℃ i e r e ai e e au e 4C n er e a i i i o i o me 2
大 来 西 亚 、 哈 萨 克 斯 坦 、 日 本 、 印 度 众 源 自 传 统 工 艺 的 地 道 的 核 桃 软 伙 伴 、 海 南 椰 岛 将 为 p- 消 费 者 及 新加 坡 等 1 个 国家 。 8 作 为 世 博 会 唯 一 糖 果 行 业 项 糖 。 享 誉 世 界
组 织 精 彩 的 现 场 制 作 表 演 、 场 外
1 5 年 的 德 国 的 舞 台 路 演 及 新 品 试 吃 等 活 动 , 为 7
abo er 司 带 来 了 德 国 风 味 的 广 大 观 众 传 播 健 康 甜 食 文 化 。 w 公 目 赞 助 商 的 冠 生 园 集 团 , 这 次 推 Gr
Absr t t ac :Th i t e o uc m be n a r tJ c sw a e m e e t te oc c s l ts,La t ba il s c eia d Yea tN o. e m xur fc u ra d c ro uie s fr ntd wih S rpt oc u ac i c o c lu as n s 4
2009.12.02, “十大歌手 唱响丽娃河 2010.11.24, 畔”。
“千棋百 牌”棋牌 邀请赛。
2009.12.09, “研会班委 会”首届联 谊会成功举 行
2010.06.09, “体验全新 科技熏陶, 享受最新感 官盛宴”
教育学系师生齐聚一堂,与艺术系联袂演出。 校工会舞厅上演了一场精彩无穷、惊喜迭出的元 旦联欢晚会。流行动感的开场舞《小冤家》将晚 会带入热烈优雅的氛围,随后“漫步人生路”、 “教师才艺展”、“闪亮艺术系”、“‘缘来’ 华师大”,“一起走到……”五个板块更是将现场 气氛烘托到极致。幽默且极具特色的小品《玫瑰 之约之非常六加一》、《新白娘子传奇之蜗居》 等节精彩迭出。“富伟国际环球娱乐公司”也因 此一举成名……
2009.11.12,华东师大 2010.04.15,春之奉献: “良师益友”评选活动 “爱的传递,心的延续”
2010.06.12,“未来从 这里起航”毕业生晚会 2010.06.21,“中国教 育电视论坛”
2009.11.05, “暖风入窗沐新荷”
2009.12.09,“研会班委会”首届联谊会 成功举行
教育学系学生工作助理刘世清老师、09级研究生班委会与 系研究生会齐聚1009室,对前一阶段研会活动做了总结,并 就下一步的工作进行了热烈的商讨和策划。 会上,刘世清老师对前一阶段研会的工作给予了高度的评 价,并对下一步研会的工作提出了期望和要求。班委会成员 与研会成员一起就学术部、文体部、生活部的具体工作提出 了多项建议。 总之,研会和班委会工作非常配合,形成了一支团结一致 ,共同前进而又充满活力的团队。
2、楚汉战争是谁与谁之间的战争? 结果如何?
• 项羽与刘邦 • 项羽败,刘邦胜
公元前202年,刘 邦打败项羽,建 立汉朝,定都长 安,史称西汉。 张良
汉武帝 8、汉朝延续了四百多年,在___ ___统治时期, 国势 最为昌盛 9、汉武帝接受___的意见,推行“罢黜百 董仲舒 家,独尊儒术”的政策,又采纳主父偃的建议, 颁布“___”,巧妙地削弱了诸侯王国的力 推恩令 量。
2010.11.8 汉武帝推进大一统格局
10. 汉武帝颁布“推恩令”是为了( ① 维护皇帝的权威
2010.11.24 秦汉开拓西域和丝绸之路
凡不在六艺之科、孔子之术者,皆 绝其道,勿使并进。邪辟之说灭息, 然后统纪可一而法度可明,民知所 以从矣。
任用精通儒家学问的人为官;大力推行 儒学教育,在长安设立太学,在地方设 立官学;让地方为中央推举贤才。
2010.11.8 汉武帝推进大一统格局
3、汉武帝的“罢黜百家”是指( B )
A诸子百家 C 法家和墨家
B 除儒家以外的诸子百家 D 道家和兵家
司隶校尉 4、汉武帝大力加强监察制度,在中央设立____, 监督百官;在地方将全国分为13个监察区,每区派一名 刺史 名_________ ,监督地方官员。
2010.11.8 汉武帝推进大一统格局
秦 始 皇
汉 武 帝
可你14年就亡了,俺汉朝持续四百多年! 朕建立第一个统一国家! 俺又替你加长了! 长城是俺修的! 可人家没对你称臣,匈奴主动同我和好 俺打过匈奴,维护国家统一。 可是还需我替你修补完善! 是我为你创立中央集权制度! 你残暴所以你死得早,俺独尊儒家所以俺江山常在! 俺以“法”治国,反对者杀!
o n o
l d in g
m a c
w e re
d ie d
i i t f
lo p m dis c
f ge
n e ra
ty p e
in j e c tio
m o
ldi g n
m a c
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im p r o
f p e
rfo r m a n c e m a n
5000 0
两 展 将 与 广 大 生 产商 经 销 商 零 售 商
、 、
公共 参 观 日 也 将 在 2 0 1 0 年 的 展 会 上 继 续保 持 展 会 的最 后 天 即 2 0 1 0 年 1 0 月 3 0 日 将 对 终 端消费 者 开 放 在 2 0 0 9 年 的 展 会 上 企 业 所 举行 的 各 种 免 费 品 尝 互 动 游 戏 有 奖 问 答 吸 引 了 约 4 0 0 0 0 名 终 端 消费 者 前 来 参 观 展 会 参 展 商 利 用 这 难 得 的 机 会 与 消费 者 亲 密接触 既 向 他们展 示 了现 有产 品 也 获得 了关 于 产 品 口 味 包 装设 计 的第 手 反 馈 意 见 尤 其 值 得 提 的 是 公 众 日 的零
会 科隆 展 览 中 国 有 限 公 司 共 同 主 办 展 期 3 天 l O 月 2 8 2 9 日 仅对 专业 观 众 开 放 1 0
日专 业 观 众 和 终 端 消 费 者 均 可 入 场 此 次 展 会 预 计 展 览 面 积 10 0 0 0 m
英语作文关于中加文化节Title: Exploring the Cultural Fusion: China-Canada Cultural Festival。
The China-Canada Cultural Festival stands as a vibrant testament to the harmonious blend of traditions, values, and perspectives from two distinct yet interconnected cultures. This celebration serves as a bridge, connecting the rich tapestries of Chinese and Canadian heritage, fostering mutual understanding, and promoting cultural exchange on a global scale.One of the most captivating aspects of the China-Canada Cultural Festival is its diverse array of cultural showcases. From traditional Chinese lion dances to mesmerizing performances by Canadian indigenous artists, the festival offers a kaleidoscope of experiences that captivate the senses and enrich the soul. Through music, dance, art, and cuisine, attendees are transported on a journey that transcends borders and embraces the universallanguage of culture.At the heart of the festival lies the spirit of collaboration and partnership between China and Canada. By coming together to organize and participate in this event, both nations reaffirm their commitment to fostering cross-cultural dialogue and strengthening diplomatic ties. Through shared experiences and mutual respect, the China-Canada Cultural Festival serves as a platform for building lasting friendships and forging new pathways for cooperation in an increasingly interconnected world.One of the key highlights of the festival is the cultural exchange program, which provides an opportunityfor artists, scholars, and thought leaders from China and Canada to engage in meaningful dialogue and collaboration. Through workshops, panel discussions, and interactive exhibits, participants delve deep into the nuances of each other's cultures, gaining valuable insights and forging lasting connections that transcend geographical boundaries.Moreover, the China-Canada Cultural Festival serves asa catalyst for economic growth and development by showcasing the best of what both nations have to offer. From culinary delights to exquisite handicrafts, the festival provides a platform for local artisans and entrepreneurs to showcase their talents to an international audience, fostering trade and investment opportunities that benefit both countries.Beyond its cultural and economic significance, the China-Canada Cultural Festival also plays a crucial role in promoting cultural diversity and inclusion. By celebrating the unique heritage of both nations, the festival fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance, creating a moreinclusive society where individuals from all walks of life can come together to celebrate their differences and embrace their shared humanity.In conclusion, the China-Canada Cultural Festival stands as a shining example of the power of cultural diplomacy to build bridges, foster understanding, and promote cooperation between nations. Through its diverse array of cultural showcases, collaborative initiatives, andinclusive ethos, the festival embodies the spirit of unityin diversity, enriching the lives of all who participateand reaffirming the enduring bonds between China and Canada. As we look to the future, may the China-Canada Cultural Festival continue to inspire and enlighten generations to come, serving as a beacon of hope and harmony in an ever-changing world.。
我校举行了中国文化节的英语作文全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1My School Had a Chinese Culture Festival!Wow, you guys! Something really exciting happened at my school last week. We had a huge Chinese Culture Festival and it was sooooo much fun!It all started a few weeks ago when my teacher, Mrs. Chen, told us we would be learning all about Chinese culture and traditions. She said at the end, we'd have a big festival to celebrate everything we learned. I was super pumped!First, we learned about Chinese holidays like Chinese New Year and the Moon Festival. We made our own red envelopes and Chinese lanterns. We even did a dragon dance around the classroom! It was hilarious watching Derek trip over the dragon tail.Then we studied famous Chinese legends and fables. My favorite was the story of Mulan, the brave woman warrior who disguised herself as a man to join the army. Mrs. Chen had us allact it out - I played Mulan's horse! We also read about Monkey King and all his crazy adventures.After that, we learned about Chinese arts and crafts. We tried our hand at calligraphy using special brushes and ink. Writing those intricate characters was really hard! We also made paper cuttings and origami shapes like cranes and pandas. Rhonda's panda looked more like a blob, but she tried her best.The best part was learning about Chinese cuisine! We got to sample all sorts of yummy foods like dumplings, noodles, spring rolls, and moon cakes. Making the dumplings was messy but delicious. Michael ate so many that I thought he might pop!With all that learning, we were more than ready for the big Chinese Culture Festival. It was held right on the playground after school. When I walked outside, I couldn't believe how amazing it looked!There were big red lanterns hanging from the trees and a mini Great Wall made out of cardboard boxes. There was even a huge laughing Buddha statue that Mrs. Chen's dad brought from his Chinese Buddhist temple. So cool!Along the edges were tons of booths and activities. At one, we could dress up in traditional Chinese clothes like silk robesand coolie hats. I felt like an emperor! Another had a Chinese yo-yo demonstration. Those tricks were mind-blowing.There were also stations to try Chinese arts like fan dancing, knotting cords, and paper folding. I made this awesome jumping frog from origami. It really jumped!But of course, my favorite was the food area. They had steaming pork buns, noodle bowls, sweet sticky rice balls, and more. I piled my plate high and just kept eating and eating. So delicious!While we munched, there was entertainment on the main stage. First up was a Chinese lion dance performed by some high school students. The colorful lions leapt and pranced as the cymbals crashed. Their movements were so fast and energetic!Next, Mrs. Chen's little sister demonstrated a graceful ribbon dance where she twirled long silk ribbons. She even did some acrobatic flips and jumps! We were all in awe of her talent and poise.Then it was time for my class to perform the famous Chinese fable we had practiced - The Monkey King. With our paper monkey masks and tails, we acted out how the mischievous Monkey King rebelled against the gods and finally achievedenlightenment. I played one of his monkey sidekicks. Everyone cheered when we bowed at the end!After the performances, the teachers judged all the arts and crafts we had made over the past few weeks. I won third place for my intricate paper cutting design! My friend Tina got first place for her amazing Chinese calligraphy. We both got medals and traditional hand fans as prizes.As the evening wound down, we all gathered to watch an incredible Chinese acrobat show. The acrobats contorted their bodies into unbelievable knots, did mind-bending balancing acts, and even stacked themselves into a giant human pyramid! My jaw dropped the entire time.What an amazing day! I had so much fun experiencing and celebrating the rich culture of China. I feel like I know so much more about the customs, arts, foods, and stories. And the best part was getting to share it all with my classmates, teachers, and families.I'll never forget the great Chinese Culture Festival at my school. It opened my eyes to the wonders of a whole other part of the world. I can't wait until next year's festival - maybe we'll explore another culture like India or Mexico! The possibilities are endless when you step outside your own world.篇2My School Had a Chinese Culture Festival!Oh my gosh, you guys! I have to tell you about the super cool Chinese Culture Festival we had at school last week. It was so much fun and I learned a ton of awesome stuff about China!It all started when my teacher, Mrs. Wang, told us a couple weeks ago that we were going to have a special event celebrating Chinese culture. She said we'd get to do all kinds of fun activities and learn about things like Chinese food, holidays, arts and crafts, and more. I was really excited because I love learning about different cultures from around the world.When the day of the festival finally arrived, the whole school was decked out in beautiful red and gold decorations. There were Chinese lanterns hanging up everywhere and dragon sculptures too! So cool.The first thing we did was gather in the auditorium to watch a performance by some professional Chinese dancers and musicians. The dancers were spinning around with these colorful ribbons and fans. Their costumes were just gorgeous with all the shimmery silks. And the musicians were playing these crazyinstruments I'd never seen before, like a huge gong and these flutes that sounded almost like birds chirping. It was amazing!After the performance, we split up into different stations around the school to do lots of hands-on activities. My favorite was the calligraphy station where we learned how to write Chinese characters using special brushes and ink. It was super hard because you have to make all these precise strokes, but I loved the way my name looked written in Chinese calligraphy.We also got to try some yummy Chinese cuisine that was made by parents who volunteered to cook. I stuffed my face with dumplings, fried rice, noodles, and these crazy good sesame balls filled with sweet bean paste. My mom never makes that kind of food at home, so it was a nice treat.Another really cool station taught us about the Chinese zodiac and let us find out what animal represented the year we were born. I'm a rabbit, which means I'm supposed to be kind, lucky, and a good friend. I'd say that's pretty accurate for me!There was also a station about traditional Chinese holidays and festivals like Chinese New Year, the Lantern Festival, and the Dragon Boat Festival. We made these cute little lanterns and floated them in a kiddie pool to recreate the Lantern Festival. ForChinese New Year, we got red envelopes with chocolate coins as our "lucky money."At the arts and crafts station, we learned about Chinese paper folding and origami. I made a whole family of origami pandas which I thought was just the cutest thing ever. We also did Chinese knotting with red string to make bracelets and bookmarks. It was really satisfying once you got the hang of the intricate knot patterns.My absolute favorite part of the whole festival, though, was getting my name written in Chinese calligraphy on a special scroll. I'm going to frame it and hang it up in my room. How cool is that?!Overall, the Chinese Culture Festival was a huge hit. I had an absolute blast and learned so many interesting things about China's rich history, traditions, and culture. We're already talking about maybe doing a festival about Mexican culture next year wit h stuff like mariachi music, piñatas, and making tacos.I just think it's so great that my school exposes us to all these different cultures from around the world. It really opens your eyes and helps you appreciate how amazing and diverse humanity is across the globe. I feel like a way better global citizen after an experience like the Chinese Culture Festival. Ican't wait for whatever amazing cultural celebration they have planned next!篇3My School Had a Super Cool Chinese Culture Festival!Wow, you guys! I'm so excited to tell you about the amazing Chinese Culture Festival that my school just had. It was the coolest thing ever!It all started a few weeks ago when my teacher, Mrs. Wang, told us we were going to have a special celebration of Chinese culture and traditions. She said we'd get to learn all about the food, holidays, arts, clothes and more from the incredible Chinese civilization. I couldn't wait!First up, we learned about Chinese New Year. Can you believe the celebrations last for 15 days?! We made these awesome red lanterns and learned how to say "Happy New Year" in Chinese - "Xin Nian Kuai Le!" We even got to do a dragon dance, whipping this huge fabric dragon around the classroom. It was hilarious seeing Billy trip over the dragon's tail!Next, we studied Chinese arts and crafts. We tried our hand at calligraphy using those cool ink brushes. Writing those zigzag lines was really tough! Mrs. Wang showed us ancient Chinesepottery and we each made a little clay pot, painting it with beautiful nature scenes. I gave my pot to my mom for Mother's Day and she loved it.Then we moved on to Chinese cuisine. Yum, yum, yum! We learned all about stuff like dumplings, noodles, rice, tofu and tea. We even got to sample some at a Chinese restaurant on a field trip. Using chopsticks is not as easy as it looks! I dropped my dumpling on the floor trying to pick it up. Oops!For Chinese music and dance, we listened to traditional instrumentals with sounds I'd never heard before - erhu, guzheng, pipa. We learned some ribbony moves from classical Chinese dance too. We also studied famous philosophers like Confucius and found out he had a lot of wise words about being a good person.My favorite part was checking out the awesome fashions of Chinese culture! We got to try on traditional silk dresses called qipao with high collars and flowery patterns. We even learned a fun ethnic dance in those beautiful gowns. I loved the bright colors and twirling around. It made me feel like a princess!For the big finale, we put on an incredible performance for our families showing off everything we'd learned. We did the dragon dance, some calligraphy demos, played dress up in qipaogowns for a fashion show, and even served a yummy Chinese food sample like dumplings and tea. What a blast!I have to say, this Chinese Culture Festival was so unbelievably cool. I knew basically nothing about China before, but now I've learned their fascinating customs, incredible arts and awesome history. Chinese culture is just amazing with such rich traditions. I can't wait to learn about other cultures too! A huge thanks to Mrs. Wang for organizing this - it's an experience I'll never forget.篇4My School Had a Chinese Culture Festival!Wow, you guys won't believe what an amazing celebration we had at my school last week! It was the Chinese Culture Festival and let me tell you, it was the coolest thing ever. I'm going to share all the fun details with you!First of all, the whole school was decorated so beautifully for the festival. There were red lanterns hanging up everywhere - in the hallways, in the classrooms, even in the cafeteria! The lanterns were so pretty with their bright red colors and golden tassels. Some of the lanterns even had Chinese characterspainted on them that said things like "happiness" and "good luck." How awesome is that?There were also lots of other decorations up like dragons made out of paper mache, fans with pretty designs, and posters that taught us about Chinese holidays and traditions. My favorite decoration though had to be the huge mural that some students had made of the Great Wall of China. It covered an entire wall in the main hallway and looked just like a real photo! The artists did such an incredible job making it look realistic with the mountains and the winding stone wall. Just thinking about how much work went into it makes me tired!On the first day of the festival, we all got to watch a performance by some professional Chinese dancers and musicians who came to visit our school. The dancers were spinning around with these colorful ribbons and fans, doing flips and tricks - it was amazing to watch! I had never seen anything like their dances before. The musicians were really talented too, playing these interesting looking instruments like erheus and guzhengs that made beautiful, peaceful melodies. Afterwards, the performers taught us some simple Chinese dances and even let us try out some of the instruments. I loved getting to be part of the performance!The next day, we had Chinese culture classes where we learned all about different traditions. In one class, we practiced writing Chinese calligraphy using special brushes and inkwells. It was so hard to make the characters look graceful like our teacher could! Mine ended up looking like a bunch of squiggly lines. But I kept practicing and eventually could kind of write my name in the flowing calligraphy style. We also got taught how to use chopsticks properly and then had a contest to see who could pick up the most peanuts or grapes using only chopsticks. The winner got a little Chinese dragon stuffed animal - I was so jealous!On another day during the festival, we all made arts and crafts projects inspired by Chinese culture. I made this super cool paper lantern that I decorated with my name written in both English and the Chinese characters. I also made a fun paper fan that we learned how to use for dance moves. But I think my favorite craft was the Chinese lion mask I constructed out of paper mache. We got to decorate them so vibrantly with paints, sparkles, and pom poms. Mine had a green face with a big red tongue sticking out and these crazy eyes. I looked so funny wearing it around the classroom and dancing like a Chinese lion! My mask won first place in our grade's craft contest.Finally, on the last day of the festival, we had a huge celebration with Chinese food, music, and games. We all got to dress up in bright colored silk jackets and pants. I wore a bright yellow outfit that felt so fancy. Some kids even came with their hair styled in topknots or braids to look more traditional. How cool is that?! The cafeteria workers made us all these yummy Chinese dishes like veggie lo mein, sweet and sour chicken, pot stickers, and my favorite - almond cookies! Everything tasted so good.After we ate, we played all sorts of fun games together like jianzi where you have to keep a weighted shuttlecock off the ground by kicking it, and dowel juggling where you spin these stick things around your body. I wasn't very good at either game but it was still a blast! We also had races with these weird looking cup stacking cups called chanachun where you build and take down the stacks as fast as you can. That one was my favorite because I actually won a round!At the very end, we had a huge dragon parade where a group of kids held up this enormous Chinese dragon puppet and danced with it all around the gym. The dragon was so colorful and looked just like the real thing with its giant head bobbing up and down as it "flew" through the air behind the movers. We allgot to take turns being the dragon dancers. It was kind of heavy to carry but still really, really fun!Overall, the whole Chinese Culture Festival at my school was a total blast from start to finish. I learned so much about the beautiful traditions, arts, foods, and more from China. It was amazing getting to experience bits of the culture through all the hands-on activities, performances, and games we did. I have such a better appreciation now for how special and unique Chinese culture is. I really hope my school does another culture festival next year because I would love to explore even more traditions from around the world. This festival made me realize how cool it is to learn about the different cultures that make up our world. I can't wait for whatever amazing celebration comes next!篇5My School Had a Chinese Culture FestivalWow, our school just had the coolest festival ever! It was all about Chinese culture and there were so many fun activities and performances. I'm going to tell you all about it!It started with a big opening ceremony in the morning. All the students gathered in the courtyard and the principal gave aspeech about how important it is to learn about our heritage and traditions. Then we got to watch an amazing lion dance! Two people were inside this huge lion costume, dancing and jumping around. The lion even went up to some teachers and "bit" them on the head for good luck. Everyone was laughing and cheering.After the opening, we all went to different classrooms for different cultural activities. I went to one where we learned about Chinese calligraphy. The teacher showed us how to hold the brush and make different brush strokes. We each got a special calligraphy paper and inkstone to practice writing characters like "fortune" and "happiness." It was really hard but also really fun. I made such a mess with the ink!My favorite part was definitely the classroom about Chinese martial arts. A martial arts master came and taught us some basic moves like punches, blocks, and kicks. He even broke a wooden board with his hand to show how strong he was! We got to try breaking a board too, though I couldn't actually break mine. Still, it felt awesome giving it a huge kick.During lunch, there were all sorts of yummy Chinese food stalls set up in the cafeteria. My friends and I got dumplings, noodles, barbeque sticks, mango pudding, and those little sesame seed balls filled with sweet bean paste. We tried usingchopsticks to eat but that was really tricky. Mostly we just used our hands and made a huge mess as usual!In the afternoon, we went to watch some amazing performances in the auditorium. First was a ribbon dance group whose ribbons looked like colorful streams of silk flying everywhere. Then there was a group playing traditional Chinese instruments like the erhu and pipa. I'd never seen instruments like those before - they sounded so beautiful and unique.After that was my absolute favorite: the acrobats! A acrobat group from China came to perform incredible feats of balance, strength, and flexibility. The acrobats stacked themselves into human pyramids, did flips and contortions, and even walked on stacks of chairs way up in the air without any safety equipment! My heart was pounding just watching them.At the very end, our whole class got to go up on stage wearing traditional Chinese outfits and do a short fan dance we had learned. I was a little nervous at first, but it was so much fun waving the bright pink fan in the air and moving across the stage with my friends.The Chinese Culture Festival day was just incredible from start to finish. I learned so much about the rich traditions of China, from arts and food to martial arts and acrobatics.Everything was so vibrant, colorful, and exciting. I'll never forget the amazing sights and experiences. I hope we can do it again next year! Chinese culture is just the coolest.。
三、活动内容1. 文化艺术展览(1)中国展区:展示中国传统文化的艺术品、工艺品、书画作品等。
2. 音乐演出(1)中国音乐演出:邀请中国著名音乐家和乐团进行音乐会演出,包括中国民乐、古典音乐、歌剧等。
3. 舞蹈表演(1)中国舞蹈表演:邀请中国优秀舞蹈团体进行舞蹈演出,包括古典舞、民族舞、现代舞等。
4. 电影放映组织中新两国的电影放映活动,邀请新加坡优秀电影制作人和演员来中国进行电影展映,并邀请中国电影人和演员到新加坡进行电影展映,通过电影放映,加深两国人民对对方电影文化的了解。
5. 文化论坛举办中新文化论坛,邀请两国文化界知名人士和学者进行交流和演讲,讨论两国文化发展的话题,促进两国文化产业的合作和发展。
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 文化部关于同意举办2011中国国际文化艺术博览会的批复
三、活动内容1. 文化展览在文化节期间,将设立多个展览区域,展示中新两国的传统文化和现代文化成就。
2. 文化表演在文化节期间,将安排多个文艺表演活动,包括音乐、舞蹈、戏剧等。
3. 文化讲座为了提高参与者对中新文化的认识,我们将安排专家学者进行文化讲座。
4. 互动活动为了增加活动的趣味性和互动性,我们将安排一些有趣的互动活动,如传统游戏体验、手工制作体验等。
1.青年歌手仝潇华倾情演唱主题曲《千年孔子》——2007中国曲阜国际孔子文化节大型文艺演出《中华情·国风和颂》 [J], 吴虹
2.青春引领中国时尚创造未来——“先锋杯”2011中国青年服装设计大赛培育设计新力量 [J], 林小;梁莉萍
3.转型与创新:2008中国青年时尚文化节暨第五届中国青年服装时尚周 [J], 无
例 [J], 解娇
5.略论新文化运动时期中国青年形象的重构——以“青春中华”和“少年中国”观念为例 [J], 解娇
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参赛单位: 序号 1 2 评委签字: 描述 作品紧扣企业文化主题,能展示企业文化的推广效果,深入、生动的诠释企业文化。 能够引发对企业文化推广形式的新思路。 得分
评分类别-- 分值权重— “八大力” 88分
诠释力 启发力 10 10
4 5 6 7
感染力 表现力 专业力 超越力
通过2010年度 企业文化活动,加 深员工对企业文化 的理解
对中可十年风 雨历程和辉煌成就 进行总结
传承文化,典 藏辉煌,凝聚氛围 及提升文化生产力
员工以中可十年为主题,制作出各 具特色的作品,包括绣品、毛笔字、画 作、剪纸、织物等手工制品,诗词歌赋 等(形式不仅限于此)文学、艺术作品。
员工根据自己对中可 文化的理解,盘点收获, 以中可十年为主题,晾业 绩,晒收获,通过自己的 作品表现十年的成长成就, 感动感悟,收获收益,从 中折射出中可文化对公司 发展的推动作用,表达出 并由此加深员工对中可文 化的理解,促进员工践行 文 化 , 再 创 佳 绩 。
作品展览,各 厂可在员工餐厅等 适当地点举办中可 十年文化作品展, 升华文化节的效果 , 并由此营造春节前 的节日氛围,强化 宣 传 效 果 。
12月20日 作品提交截止日。
总部审评出优秀作品 及奖项。
总部评审奖项评选方式 评审委员会 结果揭晓
- 评委主席: 栾秀菊 总裁 - 评委会成员: 总部功能组第一负责人 - 观众评委: 总部所有同事 - 评选方式: 评委团评分&观众人气投票
– 评审委员会分别为各作品 打分 – 全部过程由集团总部人力 资源及行政部组织、由法 务部监督公证。 – 评选结果在1月10日前揭晓 并制作“十年典藏画册” – 集团年会为优秀作品颁奖
10 20 10 5
有效感染员工内心,激发共鸣。 独具视觉冲击力,运用技术效果使作品呈现独特美感,作品富有情绪张力,从展示 品中让大家感受到与中可文化。 作品的制作水平、艺术水准,整体优美,运用技术效果使作品呈现独特美感。 作品表现出的超出上述评审范围的加分因素。 评委打分合计
由观众投票,票数最多得8分,以此类推最低分为1分。 总分
在评审过程 中, 评选出一、二、 三等奖及特等奖。
优秀作 品由总部制 成画册,作 为中可十年 的典藏。
2011年1月1前 各厂评选出最佳作品 10部,报总部人力资 源部。