



下载后用查找与替换查较好!福师《现代语言学》在线作业二起止时间:2013-10-18 00:00:00 ~2014-03-04 23:59:59一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。

)1. ( ) is the study of the various aspects of the relation between language on the one hand and speakers and socieA. PragmaticsB. SociolinguisticsC. SyntaxD. Semantics满分:2 分2. ( ) refers to regional phonological or phonetic distinctions in speech.A. AccentB. DialectC. SentenceD. Utterance满分:2 分3. 'The locutionary act ( ) refers to the act of saying something meaningful in a particular languageA. illocutionary actB. locutionary actC. perlocutionary act满分:2 分4. According to ( ), language determines the framework of speaker’s perception and thought.A. Sapir-Whorf HypothesisB. Positivist theoryC. Use theoryD. Speech Acts theory满分:2 分5. ( ) are a group of words and expressions that refer to the personal, temporal or spatial characteristics of the conA. NounsB. AdjectivesC. VerbsD. Deictics满分:2 分6. 'Productivity is characterised by the feature of ( ).A. ArbitrarinessB. Genetic-cultural transmissionC. Non-arbitrarinessD. Duality满分:2 分7. ( ) is the study of the relation between language and mind, especially language acquisition and learning, and lanA. PragmaticsB. PhonologyC. DialectologyD. Psycholinguistics满分:2 分8. ( ) refers to the speed of speech.A. LoudnessB. StressC. TempoD. Tone满分:2 分9. <font face="Arial">()studies the ways words are combined to form sentences in a language .</font>A. PhoneticsB. PhonologyC. MorphologyD. Syntax满分:2 分10. ( ) refers to the primary and commonly accepted meaning of linguistic forms.A. Lexical meaningB. Sentential meaningC. Utterance meaningD. Literal meaning满分:2 分11. ( ) is the first stressed syllable in the tone-unit.A. pre-headB. headC. nuclear tailD. nucleus满分:2 分12. '()is a morphological variant of morpheme.A. AllomorphB. WordC. SegmentD. Morph满分:2 分13. ( )of language refers to the property of language in having the structure of two levels.A. ArbitrarinessB. Genetic-cultural transmissionC. Non-arbitrarinessD. Duality满分:2 分14. A ( ) is one that may be used to distinguish one speech sound from another.A. perfomationB. featureC. distinctive featureD. function满分:2 分15. ( )the main source of energy for speaking, initiating the airflow for speech, hence pulmonic airstream mechanisA. MouthB. HeartC. NoseD. Lung满分:2 分16. 'The phones that can be grouped together as variants of one phoneme have to be ( ) similarA. phoneticallyB. phonologicallyC. soundD. seem满分:2 分17. ( ) is the science that studies how speech sounds are used in language to convey meanings.A. PhoneticsB. PhonologyC. MorphologyD. Dialectology满分:2 分18. ( ) is the study of speech, focusing specially on the relation between discourse and its contexts.A. PragmaticsB. Discourse analysisC. DialectologyD. Morphology满分:2 分19. ( ) is a minimal unit which is formally composed of meaningless linguistic symbols at the lower level of the langA. PhonemeB. StressC. TempoD. Morpheme满分:2 分20. In the tree diagram ( ) is the point from which two or more lines descend.A. NodeB. Initial nodeC. BranchingD. Intermediate node满分:2 分21. ( ) is the bit of spoken or written language that is produced and sent to the receiver in a specific context.A. WordB. SentenceC. UtteranceD. Morpheme满分:2 分22. ( ) refers to a variety of language which is appropriate for a particular situationA. registerB. StyleC. genreD. Form满分:2 分23. Phonemes in contrast are differentiated and related by their ( ).A. perfomationB. featureC. functionD. distinctive feature满分:2 分24. 'The transformational generative grammar was proposed by ( ).A. Noam ChomskyB. JacobsonC. HalidayD. Nida满分:2 分25. '( )is a concretisation of the biological and sociological aspects of arbitrariness and non-arbitrariness of languA. ArbitrarinessB. Genetic-cultural transmissionC. Non-arbitrarinessD. Duality满分:2 分二、判断题(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。





A.偏正型B.动宾型C.动补型D.主谓型【参考答案】: D2.下列选项中对“薄膜”的韵母分析正确的是____:A.舌面、央、低、不圆唇元音B.舌面、后、半高、圆唇元音C.舌面、后、半高、不圆唇元音D.舌面、前、半低、不圆唇元音【参考答案】: B3.一般说来,区别同义词应注意()方面的差别。

A.意义方面的差别B.色彩方面的差别C.语法功能方面的差别D.语法结构方面的差别【参考答案】: D4.“刃”的造字法是____:A.象形B.指事C.会意D.形声【参考答案】: B5.现代汉民族共同语,以____为语法规范。

A.白话文著作B.古文著作C.典范的古典文献著作D.典范的现代白话文著作【参考答案】: D6.根据形成阻碍和解除阻碍的方式不同将普通话声母分为五类,z,c,zh,ch,j,q属于____A.塞音B.擦音C.塞擦音D.边音【参考答案】: C7.下列选项中对“标兵”的声母描写正确的是____:A.双唇、不送气、清、塞音B.双唇、送气、清、塞音C.双唇、浊、鼻音D.唇齿、清、擦音【参考答案】: A8.现代汉字系统以____为主。

A.象形字B.指示字C.会意字D.形声字【参考答案】: D9.一般说来,区别同义词应注意____方面的差别。

A.意义方面的差别B.色彩方面的差别C.语法功能方面的差别D.语法结构方面的差别【参考答案】: D10.下列不属于译音加意译的词是()A.幽默B.引擎C.逻辑D.绷带【参考答案】: C11.简称常见的方式有____A.减缩B.紧缩C.标数概括D.参数概括【参考答案】: ABC12.下列字中是形声字的是____A.休B.从C.姨D.案【参考答案】: CD13.汉字的整理。

包括两个内容____A.简化偏旁B.精简字数C.简化笔画D.草书楷化【参考答案】: BC14.中国早在先秦时代就存在着古代汉民族共同语。



(单选题)1: 下列说法不正确的一项是()。

A: 定语大致可以分为描写性定语和限制性定语两大类。

B: 状语的意义类别可粗分为限制性和描写性两类。

C: 3. 一个中心语动词带两三层补语,它们的排列顺序是:结果补语最靠近动词、处所补语或数量补语次之、趋向补语总在最外一层。

D: 动词或形容词性偏正词组里的修饰语是定语。

正确答案: D
(单选题)2: “是井冈山点起的火种,蔓延成燎原大火,烧到瑞金,烧到延安,烧到北京,最终烧红了全中国”所用的修辞格是____:
A: 对偶
B: 夸张
C: 层递
D: 双关
正确答案: C
(单选题)3: “这人纯粹是狗粪作鞭——既不能闻,也不能武”所用的修辞格是____:
A: 对偶
B: 夸张
C: 层递
D: 双关
正确答案: D
(单选题)4: “北京-祖国的心脏”是()
A: 明喻
B: 暗喻
C: 借喻
D: 借代
正确答案: C
(单选题)5: 关于句子的理解正确的是()。

A: 一个词组或一个词加上一定的句调就是句子。

B: ? 根据句子的结构分出来的类型叫句类。

C: ? 根据句子的语气分出来的类型叫做句型。

D: 分句是有完整句调的语言单位。

正确答案: A
(单选题)6: “人次”、“趟”分别属于那种类型的量词()。

A: 名量词、动量词
B: 复合量词、动量词
C: 复合量词、名量词
D: 名量词、复合量词
正确答案: B。



1.北京话“友好”中的“友”实际读音声调是阳平,这种现象属于语流音变中的( )。

A.同化B.异化C.弱化D.脱落【参考答案】: B2.下列短语结构分析不正确的是()。

A.哥哥弟弟是联合短语B.牛皮鞋子是偏正短语C.管理公司是动宾短语 D.说得明白是主谓短语【参考答案】: D3.普通话中的“好”用国际音标记为()。

A.[ hɑo ]B.[ xɑu ]C.[ hɑu ]D.[ xɑo ]【参考答案】: B4.语言发展的内部原因是:A.社会生产力的发展,生产关系的改变,科学技术的发展B.不同社会的联系、交往、接触C.语言系统内部的各种因素相互关系、影响D.社会发展【参考答案】: C5.与“看电影”相同组合类型的短语是()。

A.看一本B.看一回C.看一次D.看一遍【参考答案】: A6.关于索绪尔的语言理论核心,下列说法不正确的是()A.“语言”和“言语”不同,语言学的对象是语言。




【参考答案】: D7.语言可以分为底层和上层,底层是一套:A.音位B.语素C.词D.句子【参考答案】: A8.“闻”的音节如何拼写?()A.wen--w u e nB.wen--w e nC.wen--u e nD.wen--w u e i n.【参考答案】: C9.语言学概论这门课就属于:A.历时语言学B.普通语言学C.共时语言学D.应用语言学【参考答案】: B10.在各个语系中,()是研究的最充分、最深入的一个语系。

A.汉藏语系B.印欧语系C.南亚语系D.高加索语系【参考答案】: B11.变换常使用的手段:A.移位B.添加C.删减D.替代【参考答案】: ABCD12.语言中的文化遗迹表现为:A.从语词的出现证明古代文明B.从词义的变化看科学技术的进步C.从亲属称谓了解婚姻制度D.从借词看不同民族文化的接触【参考答案】: ABCD13.各国人语言不通,但看球赛时欢呼、鼓掌,说明:A.语言是民族性的B.思维能力是全民性的C.语言是全民性的D.思维是民族性的【参考答案】: AB14.中国语言学曾经过两次大的外来文化影响:A.印梵文的影响B.外来文化的影响C.少数民族文化的影响D.后现代的影响【参考答案】: AB15.文字与语言的共性:A.文字和语言一样都是交际工具,也是人类伟大的创造。




A.汉藏语系B.印欧语系C.南亚语系D.高加索语系【参考答案】: B2.普通话中的“好”用国际音标记为()。

A.[ hɑo ]B.[ xɑu ]C.[ hɑu ]D.[ xɑo ]【参考答案】: B3.元音和辅音的本质区别在于:A.发音时气流是否受阻B.紧张与否C.气流强弱D.舌位高低【参考答案】: A4.语言中,()是发展速度最快的部分。

A.一般词汇B.语音C.语法D.基本词汇【参考答案】: A5.与“看电影”相同组合类型的短语是()。

A.看一本B.看一回C.看一次D.看一遍【参考答案】: A6.现代语言学建立于十九世纪初,以()的产生为标志。

A.结构主义语言学B.转换-生成语言学C.历史比较语言学D.共时语言学【参考答案】: C7.“闻”的音节如何拼写?()A.wen--w u e nB.wen--w e nC.wen--u e nD.wen--w u e i n. 【参考答案】: C8.研究某个具体语言的语音,即研究某一种语言或某一种方言的语音情况的的语音学是:A.普通语音学B.专语语音学C.历史语音学D.实验语音学【参考答案】: B9.组合规则的发展主要表现为:A.形态的改变B.语法范畴的消长C.词类的发展D.语序的变化【参考答案】: D10.下列选项中属于偏正式的是:A.眼花B.脸红C.地震D.雪白【参考答案】: D11.世界上一些古老的文字最后都被拼音文字所代替,而我们的汉字却保存了下来,有其原因,主要在于汉字与汉语特点相适应,表现在:A.适应于汉语语素单音节、音少义多的特点B.适应于记录古今汉语C.便于方言区的书写交际D.汉语比英语优越【参考答案】: ABC12.语法的特性:A.抽象性B.生成性C.稳固性D.民族性与普遍性【参考答案】: ABCD13.下列对音节的说法不正确的是()。


福师《语言学概论》在线作业二 嘴 本指身体的口 后来变为指一切动物的口 甚

福师《语言学概论》在线作业二  嘴  本指身体的口 后来变为指一切动物的口 甚

语言学概论1 单选题1 “嘴”,本指身体的口,后来变为指一切动物的口(甚至比喻一切事物的出入部分,如“茶壶嘴”。

),这属于: AA 词义的扩大B 词义的缩小C 词义的转移D 词义的增加2 与“看电影”相同组合类型的短语是()。

AA 看一本B 看一回C 看一次D 看一遍3 下列选项中属于派生词的是: AA 阿哥B 语言C 电灯D 是非4 研究某个具体语言的语音,即研究某一种语言或某一种方言的语音情况的的语音学是: BA 普通语音学B 专语语音学C 历史语音学D 实验语音学5 世界上的语种中使用人口最多的是: BA 英语B 汉语C 俄语D 法语6 语言可以分为底层和上层,底层是一套: AA 音位B 语素C 词D 句子7 借词“苏打(soda 英)”的形成通过下面途径: AA 音译B 音译加意译C 半音译半意译D 意译8 “骄”,原指高大健壮的马,现成为表“自高自大”义的语素。

这属于:CA 词义的扩大B 词义的缩小C 词义的转移D 词义的增加9 现代语言学建立于十九世纪初,以()的产生为标志。

CA 结构主义语言学B 转换-生成语言学C 历史比较语言学D 共时语言学10 北京话“友好”中的“友”实际读音声调是阳平,这种现象属于语流音变中的( )。

BA 同化B 异化C 弱化D 脱落2 多选题1 人类语言和所谓动物“语言”的区别: A B C DA 人类语言具有单位明晰性特点B 人类语言的音义结合具有任意性特点C 人类语言是一种开放系统D 人类语言具有结构的二层性2 下列关于交际工具的地位与关系,说法正确的有()。

A B C DA 语言是最重要的交际工具。

B 文字是建立在语言基础上的一种最重要的辅助性交际工具。

C 旗语之类是建立在语言、文字基础上的辅助性交际工具。

D 身势等伴随动作是非语言的交际工具。

3 洋泾浜是语言接触中的一种畸形的语言现象。

它的发展前途不外两个:A BA 随着社会制度的改变而消失B 发展为混合语C 发展为社会方言D 发展为地域方言4 符号的种类很多,概括起来大致有三种: B C DA 味觉符号B 听觉符号C 视觉符号D 触觉符号5 语言发展的外部原因是: A B DA 社会生产力的发展,生产关系的改变,科学技术的发展B 不同社会的联系、交往、接触C 语言系统内部的各种因素相互关系、影响D 社会发展6 表意文字的特点: A B CA 字量多B 字形有表示意思的结构成分C 字的笔画比较复杂D 管音节或语素表达的意义如何,相同的音节或音素(位),用同一的符号来书写7 世界上一些古老的文字最后都被拼音文字所代替,而我们的汉字却保存了下来,有其原因,主要在于汉字与汉语特点相适应,表现在: A B CA 适应于汉语语素单音节、音少义多的特点B 适应于记录古今汉语C 便于方言区的书写交际D 汉语比英语优越8 语言中的文化遗迹表现为: A B C DA 从语词的出现证明古代文明B 从词义的变化看科学技术的进步C 从亲属称谓了解婚姻制度D 从借词看不同民族文化的接触9 语言的社会功能表现在()。


()refers to the juxtaposition of two elements which are semantically in opposition (or complementary) to each other
( ) is the science that studies how speech sounds are used in language to convey meanings.
A:ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้oam Chomsky
( )of language refers to the property of language in having the structure of two levels.
B:Genetic-cultural transmission
( ) refers to the speed of speech.
( ) is the study of the various aspects of the relation between language on the one hand and speakers and society on the other.




A.疑问B.设问C.自问D.激问【参考答案】: D2.“治学求深先去傲,做人要好务存诚”所用的修辞格是()。

A.正对B.串对C.反对D.层递【参考答案】: A3.“我不认识这字”属于()A.主谓短语B.定中短语C.状中短语D.动宾短语【参考答案】: A4.“有人把一个钱看得比磨盘还大,那种人我最看不上眼”所用的修辞格是____:A.对偶B.夸张C.层递D.双关【参考答案】: B5.“人次”、“趟”分别属于那种类型的量词()。

A.名量词、动量词B.复合量词、动量词C.复合量词、名量词D.名量词、复合量词【参考答案】: B6.关于句子的理解正确的是()。


B.? 根据句子的结构分出来的类型叫句类。

C.? 根据句子的语气分出来的类型叫做句型。


【参考答案】: A7.“北京-祖国的心脏”是()A.明喻B.暗喻C.借喻D.借代【参考答案】: C8.下列说法不正确的一项是()。



C.3. 一个中心语动词带两三层补语,它们的排列顺序是:结果补语最靠近动词、处所补语或数量补语次之、趋向补语总在最外一层。


【参考答案】: D9.下列选项中属于当事主语的是____A.这件事不怪他B.前面来了一个人C.昨天下雨D.今天的报纸看了【参考答案】: ABC10.对偶的基本种类有:()A.正对B.串对C.反对D.连对【参考答案】: ABC11.联合短语有三个特点____A.各组成成分之间没有主次之分,彼此地位平等B.各组成成分的词性一般相同C.组成成分可以不止两项D.各组成成分之间有主次之分【参考答案】: ABC12.夸张的基本类型有:()A.扩大夸张B.缩小夸张C.超前夸张D.滞后夸张【参考答案】: ABC13.语法单位可以分为()A.语素B.词C.短语D.句子【参考答案】: ABCD14.下列选项中属于偏正词组的是____A.白衬衣B.木头桌子C.刻苦学习D.轻轻地敲了一下【参考答案】: ABCD15.下列属于范围副词的有()。


3.His wife had only her husband's interests_________.
A.on her heart
B.on heart
C.at her heart
D.at heart
4.Scientists say it may be five or ten years______it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.
A.went after
B.went for
C.went into
D.put up with
11.Some research workers completely____all those facts as though they never existed .
13.While people may refer to television for up-to-the-minute news, it is unlikely that television______the newspaper completely.
B.have replaced
2.American scholars generally trace the origin of intercultural communication to____.
A.cultural anthropology.




A.对偶B.夸张C.层递D.双关【参考答案】: B2.下列选项中属于受事主语的是____A.他写了一封信B.爸爸在修理汽车C.作业都交了D.这件事不怪他【参考答案】: C3.关于句子的理解正确的是()。


B.? 根据句子的结构分出来的类型叫句类。

C.? 根据句子的语气分出来的类型叫做句型。


【参考答案】: A4.“我不认识这字”属于()。

A.主谓短语B.定中短语C.状中短语D.动宾短语【参考答案】: A5.“不拿群众一针一线,爱护群众一草一木”用的修辞手法是____:A.借喻B.借代C.拟人D.夸张【参考答案】: B6.反问又叫()。

A.疑问B.设问C.自问D.激问【参考答案】: D7.“红旗飘飘把手招”用的修辞格是____:A.借喻B.夸张C.拟物D.拟人【参考答案】: D8.“江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰”所用的修辞格是()。

A.夸张B.双关C.借代D.拟人【参考答案】: C9.下列选项中关于名词的说法中正确的是____A.经常作主语B.经常作宾语C.也常常带定语D.可以直接修饰另一个名词【参考答案】: ABCD10.对偶的基本种类有:()A.正对B.串对C.反对D.连对【参考答案】: ABC11.下列选项中属于动量词的是____A.次B.下C.个D.支【参考答案】: AB12.非主谓句可以分为()。

A.名词性非主谓句B.动词性非主谓句C.形容词性非主谓句D.叹词性非主谓句【参考答案】: ABCD13.表示主从关系的连词的分类有____A.有的表示因果关系B.有的表示假设关系C.有的表示让步关系D.有的表示让步假设关系【参考答案】: ABCD14.语法研究中所使用的单位就叫“语法单位”。

一般把语法单位分为____:A.语素B.词C.词组D.句子【参考答案】: ABCD15.从各成分之间的意义关系看,联合词组可以具体表示三种关系:____A.表示转折关系B.表示并列关系C.表示选择关系D.表示递进关系【参考答案】: BCD16.语法学包括()。


另一方面,随着社会的发展,人们的就业观念发生了重大变化,更多的人认为工作的目的不仅仅是为了生存,而是为了实现自身的价值,人们不再愿意从事那种传统的束缚于单位的就业形式,而更愿意寻找一种适合自己意愿的、满足自己爱好的、更加自由的就业方式,从而拥有更多属于自己的自由时间和空间来安排自己的生活、实现个人的价值,近年来兴起的SOHO一族就是典型例证。SOHO是Small Office Home Office(小办公室、居家办公室)的缩写,它是指个人以自己的家或小型场所为办公室而从事工作的小型事业体(个体户)。SOHO代表了一种自由的新型就业方式,其工作场所不固定,工作时间自由,收入高低也不确定,特别适合与高新科技、信息技术相关工作的劳动者,如软件程序员、网络工程师、记者、编辑、自由撰稿人、音乐制作人、广告工作者、咨询师等。



20春福建师范大学《语言学概论》在线作业二标准答案福师《语言学概论》在线作业二-0006试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 10 道试题,共 20 分)1.在各个语系中,()是研究的最充分、最深入的一个语系。


A.[ hɑo ]B.[ xɑu ]C.[ hɑu ]D.[ xɑo ]答案:B3.元音和辅音的本质区别在于:A.发音时气流是否受阻B.紧张与否C.气流强弱D.舌位高低答案:A4.语言中,()是发展速度最快的部分。



A.结构主义语言学B.转换-生成语言学C.历史比较语言学D.共时语言学答案:C7.“闻”的音节如何拼写?()A.wen--w u e nB.wen--w e nC.wen--u e nD.wen--w u e i n.答案:C8.研究某个具体语言的语音,即研究某一种语言或某一种方言的语音情况的的语音学是:A.普通语音学B.专语语音学C.历史语音学D.实验语音学答案:B9.组合规则的发展主要表现为:A.形态的改变B.语法范畴的消长C.词类的发展D.语序的变化答案:D10.下列选项中属于偏正式的是:A.眼花B.脸红C.地震D.雪白答案:D二、多选题 (共 22 道试题,共 44 分)11.世界上一些古老的文字最后都被拼音文字所代替,而我们的汉字却保存了下来,有其原因,主要在于汉字与汉语特点相适应,表现在:A.适应于汉语语素单音节、音少义多的特点B.适应于记录古今汉语C.便于方言区的书写交际D.汉语比英语优越答案:ABC12.语法的特性:A.抽象性B.生成性C.稳固性D.民族性与普遍性答案:ABCD13.下列对音节的说法不正确的是()。



(单选题) 1: The locutionary act ( ) refers to the act of saying something meaningful in a particular languageA: illocutionary actB: locutionary actC: perlocutionary act正确答案:(单选题) 2: ( ) morpheme is a morpheme that contributes to the lexical meaning of the word. A: FunctionalB: LexicalC: GrammaticalD: Performative正确答案:(单选题) 3: ( ) is the study of speech, focusing specially on the relation between discourse and its contexts.A: PragmaticsB: Discourse analysisC: DialectologyD: Morphology正确答案:(单选题) 4: ( )of language refers to the property of language in having the structure of two levels. A: ArbitrarinessB: Genetic-cultural transmissionC: Non-arbitrarinessD: Duality正确答案:(单选题) 5: '( ) refers to the perceived regularity of prominent units in speech.A: LoudnessB: RhythmC: TempoD: Tone正确答案:(单选题) 6: ( ) refers to the speed of speech.A: LoudnessB: StressC: TempoD: Tone正确答案:(单选题) 7: ( ) refers to the perceived regularity of prominent units in speech.A: LoudnessB: RhythmC: TempoD: Tone正确答案:(单选题) 8: ( ) is the study of the relation between language and mind, especially language acquisition and learning, and language comprehension and prod uction.A: PragmaticsB: PhonologyC: DialectologyD: Psycholinguistics正确答案:(单选题) 9: ( )of language refers to the property of language in having the structure of two levels. A: ArbitrarinessB: Genetic-cultural transmissionC: Non-arbitrarinessD: Duality正确答案:(单选题) 10: According to ( ), language determines the framework of speaker’s perception and thought.A: Sapir-Whorf HypothesisB: Positivist theoryC: Use theoryD: Speech Acts theory正确答案:(单选题) 11: ( ) refers to the primary and commonly accepted meaning of linguistic forms.A: Lexical meaningB: Sentential meaningC: Utterance meaningD: Literal meaning正确答案:(单选题) 12: Productivity is characterised by the feature of ( ).A: ArbitrarinessB: Genetic-cultural transmissionC: Non-arbitrarinessD: Duality正确答案:(单选题) 13: 'The phones that can be grouped together as variants of one phoneme have to be ( ) similarA: phoneticallyB: phonologicallyC: soundD: seem正确答案:(单选题) 14: The transformational generative grammar was proposed by ( ).A: Noam ChomskyB: JacobsonC: HalidayD: Nida正确答案:(单选题) 15: ( ) refers to a variety of language which is appropriate for a particular situation A: registerB: StyleC: genreD: Form正确答案:(单选题) 16: ( ) are a group of words and expressions that refer to the personal, temporal or spatial characteristics of the context within which a text is produced.A: NounsB: AdjectivesC: VerbsD: Deictics正确答案:(单选题) 17: Which h of the following disciplines doen't belong to micro-linguistics?A: PhoneticsB: PhonologyC: MorphologyD: Dialectology正确答案:(单选题) 18: ( ) is a minimal unit which is formally composed of meaningless linguistic symbols at the lower level of the languageA: PhonemeB: StressC: TempoD: Morpheme正确答案:(单选题) 19: ( ) reference refers to the reference where the presupposed occurs in the text before the word or expression that is presupposing.A: ExophoricB: AnaphoricC: EndophoricD: Cataphoric正确答案:(单选题) 20: 'The transformational generative grammar was proposed by ( ).A: Noam ChomskyB: JacobsonC: HalidayD: Nida正确答案:(单选题) 21: Which of the following disciplines doen't belong to micro-linguistics?A: PhoneticsB: PhonologyC: MorphologyD: Dialectology正确答案:(单选题) 22: ( ) is the science that studies how speech sounds are used in language to convey meanings. A: PhoneticsB: PhonologyC: MorphologyD: Dialectology正确答案:(单选题) 23: ( ) morpheme is a morpheme that contributes to the lexical meaning of the word. A: FunctionalB: LexicalC: GrammaticalD: Performative正确答案:(单选题) 24: ( ) is the bit of spoken or written language that is produced and sent to the receiver in a specific context.A: WordB: SentenceC: UtteranceD: Morpheme正确答案:(单选题) 25: ()is a morphological variant of morpheme.A: AllomorphB: WordC: SegmentD: Morph正确答案:(判断题) 1: 'English is a tone language.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 2: Phonemics intends to find out the sound system functioning in individual languages . A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 3: Sense is the meaning that lies in the relation or contrasts among linguistic forms themselves.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 4: Traditional notional grammar is a bottom-up approach,A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 5: Transformation rules don't have to follow a set order.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 6: Stress may play different functions in different languages.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 7: 'Grammatical morpheme must be a bound morpheme.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 8: Bound morpheme is a morpheme that can stand alone as a wordA: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 9: 'Cohesionrefers to the linguistic property of units larger than the morpheme to bind together in construction, or the relations of meaning that exist within the text and that define it as a text.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 10: 'Transformation rules don't have to follow a set order.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 11: A constituent structure rule is one that governs selecting from the lexicon a lexical item and inserting it into a terminal node of a constituent structure as its daughter.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 12: The meaning of a sentence is a simple concatenation of individual lexical meanings of the words that form the sentence.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 13: 'Affix hopping refers to the bound morphemes in the verb group hop backward to jointhe following member in the verb group .A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 14: Articulatory phonetics that studies speech sounds from a physical point of view, focusing on their physical properties in transmission.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 15: Consonants are sounds made by a closure or narrowing somewhere in the vocal tract. A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 16: The arbitrariness of the relationship between the linguistic symbol and its referent distinguishes human language from animals’ languages.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 17: Rreferences of different kinds or types cannot co-occur in the same sentence.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 18: Oral cavity is the place where oral, nasal and nasalised oral sounds are shaped. A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 19: Distinctive feature theories use the same set of distinctive features for classifying both consonants and vowels.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 20: The same conjunction may indicate different cohesive relation in different contexts. A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 21: Juncture refers to the features that help making a divisional contrast in meaning and that only involves pause.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 22: The distinctive feature of place of articulation alone can make necessary distinction between some consonantsA: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 23: Language is entirely arbitrary.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 24: Affixation changes the grammatical class of the word .A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(判断题) 25: 'Traditional notional grammar is a bottom-up approach,A: 错误B: 正确正确答案:(单选题) 1: The locutionary act ( ) refers to the act of saying something meaningful in a particular languageA: illocutionary actB: locutionary actC: perlocutionary act正确答案:(单选题) 2: ( ) morpheme is a morpheme that contributes to the lexical meaning of the word. A: FunctionalB: LexicalC: GrammaticalD: Performative正确答案:(单选题) 3: ( ) is the study of speech, focusing specially on the relation between discourse and its contexts.A: PragmaticsB: Discourse analysisC: DialectologyD: Morphology正确答案:(单选题) 4: ( )of language refers to the property of language in having the structure of two levels. A: ArbitrarinessB: Genetic-cultural transmissionC: Non-arbitrarinessD: Duality正确答案:(单选题) 5: '( ) refers to the perceived regularity of prominent units in speech.A: LoudnessB: RhythmC: TempoD: Tone正确答案:(单选题) 6: ( ) refers to the speed of speech.A: LoudnessB: StressC: TempoD: Tone正确答案:(单选题) 7: ( ) refers to the perceived regularity of prominent units in speech.A: LoudnessB: RhythmC: TempoD: Tone正确答案:(单选题) 8: ( ) is the study of the relation between language and mind, especially language acquisition and learning, and language comprehension and prod uction.A: PragmaticsB: PhonologyC: DialectologyD: Psycholinguistics正确答案:(单选题) 9: ( )of language refers to the property of language in having the structure of two levels. A: ArbitrarinessB: Genetic-cultural transmissionC: Non-arbitrarinessD: Duality正确答案:(单选题) 10: According to ( ), language determines the framework of speaker’s perception and thought. A: Sapir-Whorf HypothesisB: Positivist theoryC: Use theoryD: Speech Acts theory正确答案:(单选题) 11: ( ) refers to the primary and commonly accepted meaning of linguistic forms.A: Lexical meaningB: Sentential meaningC: Utterance meaningD: Literal meaning正确答案:(单选题) 12: Productivity is characterised by the feature of ( ).A: ArbitrarinessB: Genetic-cultural transmissionC: Non-arbitrariness。



答案在最后1.According to (), language determines the framework of speaker’s perception and thought.A.Sapir-Whorf HypothesisB.Positivist theorye theoryD.Speech Acts theory2.() is the first stressed syllable in the tone-unit.A.pre-headB.headC.nuclear tailD.nucleus3.() is the study of speech, focusing specially on the relation between discourse and its contexts.A.PragmaticsB.Discourse analysisC.DialectologyD.Morphology4.The transformational generative grammar was proposed by ().A.Noam ChomskyB.JacobsonC.HalidayD.Nida5.() refers to the primary and commonly accepted meaning of linguistic forms.A.Lexical meaningB.Sentential meaningC.Utterance meaningD.Literal meaning6.() is a concretisation of the biological and sociological aspects of arbitrariness and non-arbitrariness of language.A.ArbitrarinessB.Genetic-cultural transmissionC.Non-arbitrarinessD.Duality7.() refers to the perceived regularity of prominent units in speech.A.LoudnessB.RhythmC.TempoD.Tone8.The locutionary act () refers to the act of saying something meaningful in a particular language.A.illocutionary actB.locutionary actC.perlocutionary act9.() are a group of words and expressions that refer to the personal, temporal or spatial characteristics of the context within which a text is produced.A.NounsB.AdjectivesC.VerbsD.Deictics10.() the main source of energy for speaking, initiating the airflow for speech, hence pulmonic airstream mechanism.A.MouthB.HeartC.NoseD.Lung11.() refers to the sameness in meaning between two or more words.A.SynonymyB.PolysemyC.HomonymyD.Antonymy12.A () is one that may be used to distinguish one speech sound from another.A.perfomationB.featureC.distinctive featureD.function13.Phonemes in contrast are differentiated and related by their ().A.perfomationB.featureC.functionD.distinctive featurenguage has () that distinguish it from other semiotic systems used by humans and animals.A.functionB.design featuresC.importanceD.performance15.() reference refers to the reference where the presupposed occurs in the text before the word or expression that is presupposing.A.ExophoricB.AnaphoricC.EndophoricD.Cataphoric16.() is the science that studies how speech sounds are used in language to convey meanings.A.PhoneticsB.PhonologyC.MorphologyD.Dialectology17.The locutionary act () refers to the act of saying something meaningful in a particular language.A.illocutionary actB.locutionary actC.perlocutionary act18.() refers to the perceived regularity of prominent units in speech.A.LoudnessB.RhythmC.TempoD.Tone19.() is the study of the relation between language and mind, especially language acquisition and learning, and language comprehension and prod uction.A.PragmaticsB.PhonologyC.DialectologyD.Psycholinguistics20.Which h of the following disciplines doesn’t belong to micro-linguistics? ()A.PhoneticsB.PhonologyC.MorphologyD.Dialectology21.A () is one that may be used to distinguish one speech sound from another.A.perfomationB.featureC.distinctive featureD.function22.The phones that can be grouped together as variants of one phoneme have to be () similar.A.phoneticallyB.phonologicallyC.soundD.seem23.() of language refers to the property of language in having the structure of two levels.A.ArbitrarinessB.Genetic-cultural transmissionC.Non-arbitrarinessD.Duality24.() refers to the speed of speech.A.LoudnessB.StressC.TempoD.Tone25.Productivity is characterised by the feature of ().A.ArbitrarinessB.Genetic-cultural transmissionC.Non-arbitrarinessD.Duality26.Duality is a concretisation of arbitrariness and non-arbitrariness of language. ()A.错误B.正确27.The same conjunction may indicate different cohesive relation in different contexts. ()A.错误B.正确28.A simple sentence consists of a single clause which contains a subject and a predicate and stands alone as its own sentence. ()A.错误B.正确29.Duality makes it possible for second/foreign language learning. ()A.错误B.正确30.An inflectional morpheme does not change the grammatical class of the word. ()A.错误B.正确31.A constituent structure rule is one that governs selecting from the lexicon a lexical item and inserting it into a terminal node of a constituent structure as its daughter. ()A.错误B.正确32.Affixation changes the grammatical class of the word. ()A.错误B.正确33.The implementation of lexical insertion rules need to be subject to no restrictions. ()A.错误B.正确nguage is entirely arbitrary. ()B.正确35.Cataphoric reference refers to the reference where the presupposed occurs in the text after the word or expression that is presupposing. ()A.错误B.正确36.Grammatical morpheme must be a bound morpheme. ()A.错误B.正确37.When a node directly descends from another, without any other nodes intervening, the hierarchical relationship between them is called immediate domination. ()A.错误B.正确38.Sometimes bound morphemes can be used by themselves. ()A.错误B.正确39.Oral cavity is the place where oral, nasal and nasalised oral sounds are shaped. ()A.错误B.正确40.Reference relates linguistic forms to some other related linguistic forms. ()A.错误B.正确41.Affix hopping refers to the bound morphemes in the verb group hop backward to join the following member in the verb group. ()B.正确42.A language is an isolating language if its morphemes are all bound morphemes. ()A.错误B.正确43.Consonants all involve the vibration of the vocal folds. ()A.错误B.正确44.Inflection means forming a new word by adding an element such as an affix. ()A.错误B.正确45.Inflectional morpheme may be a free morpheme. ()A.错误B.正确pared to phonetics, phonology is more concerned with the organisation of speech sounds in relation to the conveyance of meaning. ()A.错误B.正确47.Different language make use of the same set of speech sounds. ()A.错误B.正确48.The distinctive feature of place of articulation alone can make necessary distinction between some consonants. ()A.错误B.正确49.Discourse analysis is more concerned with conventional implicatures than conversational ones. ()A.错误B.正确50.Traditional notional grammar is a bottom-up approach. ()A.错误B.正确以下为答案:[1.答案:A][2.答案:B][3.答案:B][4.答案:A][5.答案:D][6.答案:B][7.答案:B][8.答案:B][9.答案:D][10.答案:D][11.答案:A][12.答案:C][13.答案:D][14.答案:B][15.答案:B][16.答案:B][17.答案:B][18.答案:B][19.答案:D][20.答案:D][21.答案:C][22.答案:A][23.答案:D][24.答案:C][25.答案:A][26.答案:B][27.答案:B][28.答案:A][29.答案:A][30.答案:B][31.答案:A][32.答案:A][33.答案:A][34.答案:A][35.答案:B][36.答案:A][37.答案:B][38.答案:A][39.答案:B][40.答案:A][41.答案:B][42.答案:A][43.答案:A][44.答案:A][45.答案:A][46.答案:B][47.答案:A][48.答案:A][49.答案:A][50.答案:B]。


B. locutionary act
C. perlocutionary act
满分:2 分
22. '( )is a concretisation of the biological and sociological aspects of arbitrariness and non-arbitrariness of language
D. distinctive feature
满分:2 分
16. '( ) refers to the perceived regularity of prominent units in speech.
A. Loudness
B. Rhythm
C. Tempo
D. Tone
A. Nouns
B. Adjectives
C. Verbs
D. Deictics
满分:2 分
9. ( ) morpheme is a morpheme that contributes to the lexical meaning of the word.
A. Functional
B. Jacobson
C. Haliday
D. Nida
满分:2 分
21. 'The locutionary act ( ) refers to the act of saying something meaningful in a particular language
A. illocutionary act
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:2 分
4. 'The implementation of lexical insertion rules need to be subject to no restrictions.


11. '()is a morphological variant of morpheme.
A. Allomorph
B. Word
C. Segment
D. Morph
12.()is a morphological variant of morpheme.
1. ( ) is the science that studies sounds
A. Phonetics
B. Phonology
C. Morphology
D. Dialectology
2. Which of the following disciplines doen't belong to micro-linguistics?
A. phonetically
B. phonologically
C. sound
D. seem
4. ( ) refers to the speed of speech.
A. Loudness
B. Stress
C. Tempo
D. Tone
5. The transformational generative grammar was proposed by ( ).
D. Tone
14. ( ) is a minimal unit which is formally composed of meaningless linguistic symbols at the lower level of the language


( ) is the science that studies sounds
( ) are a group of words and expressions that refer to the personal, temporal or spatial characteristics of the context within which a text is produced.
A:illocutionary act
B:locutionary act
C:perlocutionary act
The locutionary act ( ) refers to the act of saying something meaningful in a particular language
B:Genetic-cultural transmission
( ) refers to the perceived regularity of prominent units in speech.
Which of the following disciplines doen't belong to micro-linguistics?



福师《语言学概论》在线作业二一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。

)1. 语言可以分为底层和上层,底层是一套:A. 音位B. 语素C. 词D. 句子正确答案:A 满分:2 分2. 元音和辅音的本质区别在于:A. 发音时气流是否受阻B. 紧张与否C. 气流强弱D. 舌位高低正确答案:A 满分:2 分3. 下列选项中属于偏正式的是:A. 眼花B. 脸红C. 地震D. 雪白正确答案:D 满分:2 分4. 普通话中的“好”用国际音标记为()。

A. [ hɑo ]B. [ xɑu ]C. [ hɑu ]D. [ xɑo ]正确答案:B 满分:2 分5. 下列选项中属于派生词的是:A. 阿哥B. 语言C. 电灯D. 是非正确答案:A 满分:2 分6. 关于索绪尔的语言理论核心,下列说法不正确的是()A. “语言”和“言语”不同,语言学的对象是语言。

B. 语言是一种符号系统,符号是由“能指”和“所指”结合而成的统一体。

C. 语言符号系统中的一切要素都处在组合关系和聚合关系中。

D. 语言学有共时语言学与历时语言学之分,历时比共时重要。

正确答案:D 满分:2 分7. 研究某个具体语言的语音,即研究某一种语言或某一种方言的语音情况的的语音学是:A. 普通语音学B. 专语语音学C. 历史语音学D. 实验语音学正确答案:B 满分:2 分8. “闻”的音节如何拼写?()A. wen--w u e nB. wen--w e nC. wen--u e nD. wen--w u e i n.正确答案:C 满分:2 分9. 语音的本质属性是:A. 生理属性B. 物理属性C. 心理属性D. 社会属性正确答案:D 满分:2 分10. 借词“啤酒”的形成通过下面途径:A. 音译B. 音译加意译C. 半音译半意译D. 意译正确答案:B 满分:2 分福师《语言学概论》在线作业二单选题多选题判断题二、多选题(共 22 道试题,共 44 分。

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C: Utterance meaning
D: Literal meaning
正确答案: D
(单选题)6: ( )is a concretisation of the biological and sociological aspects of arbitrariness and non-arbitrariness of language
A: Loudness
B: Rhythm
C: Tempo
D: Tone
正确答案: B
(单选题)8: The locutionary act ( ) refers to the act of saying something meaningful in a particular language
A: illocutionary act
(单选题)13: Phonemes in cand related by their ( ).
A: perfomation
B: feature
C: function
D: distinctive feature
正确答案: D
(单选题)14: Language has ( ) that distinguish it from other semiotic systems used by humans and animals.
B: Jacobson
C: Haliday
D: Nida
正确答案: A
(单选题)5: ( ) refers to the primary and commonly accepted meaning of linguistic forms.
A: Lexical meaning
B: Sentential meaning
正确答案: A
(单选题)12: A ( ) is one that may be used to distinguish one speech sound from another.
A: perfomation
B: feature
C: distinctive feature
D: function
正确答案: C
D: Speech Acts theory
正确答案: A
(单选题)2: ( ) is the first stressed syllable in the tone-unit.
A: pre-head
B: head
C: nuclear tail
D: nucleus
正确答案: B
(单选题)3: ( ) is the study of speech, focusing specially on the relation between discourse and its contexts.
A: Phonetics
B: Phonology
A: Arbitrariness
B: Genetic-cultural transmission
C: Non-arbitrariness
D: Duality
正确答案: B
(单选题)7: '( ) refers to the perceived regularity of prominent units in speech.
A: Mouth
B: Heart
C: Nose
D: Lung
正确答案: D
(单选题)11: () refers to the sameness in meaning between two or more words.
A: Synonymy
B: Polysemy
C: Homonymy
D: Antonymy
(单选题)1: According to ( ), language determines the framework of speaker’s perception and thought.
A: Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
B: Positivist theory
C: Use theory
A: function
B: design features
C: importance
D: performance
正确答案: B
(单选题)15: ( ) reference refers to the reference where the presupposed occurs in the text before the word or expression that is presupposing.
A: Pragmatics
B: Discourse analysis
C: Dialectology
D: Morphology
正确答案: B
(单选题)4: 'The transformational generative grammar was proposed by ( ).
A: Noam Chomsky
A: Nouns
B: Adjectives
C: Verbs
D: Deictics
正确答案: D
(单选题)10: ( )the main source of energy for speaking, initiating the airflow for speech, hence pulmonic airstream mechanism.
B: locutionary act
C: perlocutionary act
正确答案: B
(单选题)9: ( ) are a group of words and expressions that refer to the personal, temporal or spatial characteristics of the context within which a text is produced.
A: Exophoric
B: Anaphoric
C: Endophoric
D: Cataphoric
正确答案: B
(单选题)16: ( ) is the science that studies how speech sounds are used in language to convey meanings.