



66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 基于邻炔基苯并唑的新型铜离子荧光探针的制备与应用研究 垂序商陆叶总皂苷提取工艺及其含量年变化规律和杀虫活性研 究 桂花籽核仁油的提取及GC-MS分析 通过羧酸与异硫氰酸脂的反应直接构筑大位阻与缺电子与仲酰 胺 葛根渣活性炭的制备及其吸附性能研究 大乌泡根总黄酮的分离纯化及抗氧化活性研究 Life-cycle assessment of tobacco stalk utilization 茶油甘油解制备甘油二酯的工艺研究 茶籽油制备高纯度油酸的工艺研究 油茶果实发育过程中重要营养物质代谢相关miRNA的表达分析 樟树成熟果皮中总多糖的提取工艺研究 湖南永州薄荷挥发油化学成分GC-MS分析 荔枝草总多糖提取工艺研究 硫熏蒸山楂药材的安全使用研究 响应面法优化香姜中6 -姜辣素的提取工艺及其抗氧化活性研 究 苦杏仁中苦杏仁苷提取工艺研究 酶法辅助碱液提取生姜残渣中可溶性膳食纤维的研究 二氢汉斯酯供电子能力与其结构关系的研究 四氢-β-咔啉类衍生物的合成及其抑菌活性 固体超强酸SO42-/TiO2-SnO2的制备及催化合成己二酸二乙酯 的研究 蓼蓝中绿原酸的提取工艺研究 2,2-二羟甲基丁酸缩对甲基苯甲醛的合成及其表征 响应面设计优化桑白皮黄酮提取工艺及抗氧化活性研究 芦丁铜的合成及其生物活性的研究 抗菌肽Temporin-PTa改造多肽对多重耐药革兰氏阴性菌的抑菌 活性及其机理研究 江永香柚皮水溶性抑菌成分的提取及其在6类食品中的应用 湖南科技大学 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 湖南科技学院 第4页 赵云辉 廖阳 王宗成 谢龙勇 邵金华 邵金华 覃佐东 肖新生 唐珊珊 刘晓霞 姜红宇 邓胜国 姜红宇 邓胜国 陈小明 刘小文 张祖姣 李中燕 袁霖 袁霖 盘俊 贾国凯 王宗成 刘芳 罗小芳 陈铁壁 王涵,周航斌,谭海龙 刘源琪,毛龙毅 彭凡,尹霞,杨瑾 谭家希 ,郭也 ,陈观荣 皮佳婷,范贤哲,罗志威 任军梅 ,黄丽佳 ,杨开诚 张宏芮,谢吉勇,何云露 杨娟,丁纯,刘亚琴 胡颖,吴配芬,吴玉君 潘婷,罗科欣,刘亚霖 杨瑾,陈怡,刘影 田祎穎,姚婷 汪亚楠,田祎穎,黄俊霖 黄俊霖,涂冰伦,滕帆 黄蓉,柴书彤,刘亚凤 范贤哲,向军,李广凯 王博,李梦龙 寻锦,张金波,施芝香 邓晓莉,程龙,刘征 王乐,于安,刘倩 李广凯,龚婷,麻志成 刘慧兰 姚维,王仕敏,袁铭汪 朱智铭,杨尚亮,王姝文 刘洋,秦源,徐丽婷 王珊 2 1 1 特 2 3 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 特 2 3 特 2 3 3 1 3 2 2 1295 1034 1036 1045 1051 1068 1090 1102 1103 1112 1117 1118 1119 1120 1131 1177 1184 1220 1224 1225 1240 1245 1246 1250 1268 1279




















TiO2反蛋白石光子晶体最新研究进展俞洁;慈明珠;鲁泉玲;马舒晴;姜丽;雷菊英;刘勇弟;张金龙【摘要】The study of TiO2 inverse opal photonic crystal is concerned by the majority of scientists in recent years.It has the advantages of the titanium dioxide including non-toxic,the high refractive index,good biocompatibility,and excellent properties in electrochemistry,photo-catalysis,etc.And it also has optical properties of the band gap,photonic localization,slow light effect,super prism effect and negative refraction effect of the photonic crystal,which contributes to multitudinous potential applications in chemical sensors,solar cells,photo-catalysis,high efficient microwave wire,photonic crystal fiber,etc.In this paper,the preparation,modification and applications of the TiO2 inverse opal photonic crystal in recent years were summarized.%TiO2反蛋白石光子晶体的研究近年来受到广大科技工作者的关注.它具有TiO2的无毒、高折射率、良好的生物相容性,并且在电化学、光催化等方面有着优良的特性,而且具有光子晶体的光子带隙、光子局域、慢光效应、超棱镜效应、负折射效应等光学特性,使其在化学传感器、太阳能电池、光催化、高效率微波电线以及光子晶体纤维等方面具有广阔的应用前景.本文总结了TiO2反蛋白石光子晶体的制备方法、改性方法,同时介绍了其近年来在各领域的应用研究进展.【期刊名称】《影像科学与光化学》【年(卷),期】2018(036)001【总页数】19页(P14-32)【关键词】TiO2;反蛋白石结构;改性【作者】俞洁;慈明珠;鲁泉玲;马舒晴;姜丽;雷菊英;刘勇弟;张金龙【作者单位】华东理工大学资源与环境工程学院国家环境保护化工过程环境风险评价与控制重点实验室,上海200237;华东理工大学资源与环境工程学院国家环境保护化工过程环境风险评价与控制重点实验室,上海200237;华东理工大学资源与环境工程学院国家环境保护化工过程环境风险评价与控制重点实验室,上海200237;华东理工大学资源与环境工程学院国家环境保护化工过程环境风险评价与控制重点实验室,上海200237;华东理工大学资源与环境工程学院国家环境保护化工过程环境风险评价与控制重点实验室,上海200237;华东理工大学资源与环境工程学院国家环境保护化工过程环境风险评价与控制重点实验室,上海200237;华东理工大学资源与环境工程学院国家环境保护化工过程环境风险评价与控制重点实验室,上海200237;华东理工大学化学与分子工程学院教育部结构可控先进功能材料及其制备重点实验室,上海200237【正文语种】中文TiO2作为一种性质稳定、无毒无害、价格低廉的材料,在环境、能源等很多方面具有十分广泛的用途。



双光子激发的超分子聚合物纳米颗粒生物成像研究刘晓琴;黄媛媛;高建峰;陈玉哲;佟振合;吴骊珠【摘要】将具有双-2-脲基-4[1H]-嘧啶酮(bisUPy)的β-二羰基氟硼类衍生物(BF2-bisUPy)及卟啉衍生物(Por(Pt)-bisUPy)通过四重氢键作用组装成超分子聚合物,通过微乳液法制备成在水中均匀分散的超分子聚合物纳米颗粒(SPNP).扫描电子显微镜形貌表征表明获得的纳米颗粒粒径约为60 nm.紫外-可见吸收光谱、荧光发射光谱及寿命衰减实验均证明纳米颗粒内BF2-bisUPy与Por(Pt)-bisUPy可发生高效的能量传递.具有双光子吸收的BF2-bisUPy作为能量供体,可通过荧光共振能量传递(FRET)增强双光子激发下Por(Pt)-bisUPy的发光.双光子激发荧光强度与激光功率测试表明所制备的超分子聚合物纳米颗粒具有强烈的双光子激发下的荧光及磷光双发射,这种纳米材料可进入细胞,具有优秀的生物相容性,并在双光子激发时表现出强烈的荧光和磷光双发射生物成像.【期刊名称】《影像科学与光化学》【年(卷),期】2019(037)002【总页数】10页(P136-145)【关键词】超分子聚合物;四重氢键;荧光共振能量传递;双光子;双发射生物成像【作者】刘晓琴;黄媛媛;高建峰;陈玉哲;佟振合;吴骊珠【作者单位】中北大学理学院,山西太原030051;中国科学院理化技术研究所光化学转换与功能材料重点实验室,北京100190;中北大学理学院,山西太原030051;中国科学院理化技术研究所光化学转换与功能材料重点实验室,北京100190;中北大学理学院,山西太原030051;中国科学院理化技术研究所光化学转换与功能材料重点实验室,北京100190;中国科学院理化技术研究所光化学转换与功能材料重点实验室,北京100190;中国科学院理化技术研究所光化学转换与功能材料重点实验室,北京100190【正文语种】中文多色发光纳米颗粒因其在生物成像[1]、比率式光学传感[2]和发光二极管[3]等光电器件[4]中的应用而备受关注,但多色发光材料的构筑并不简单,涉及多个发光组分的组成和调控。



























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(水与表面活性剂量比)和h(水与正硅酸乙酯量比) ,
可粒合径成大出 小疏可松由球改形变纳R和米hS控iO制2,,
且反应后处理较简便。 在R= 6.5, h= 4的条
件为下40,-5T0EnOm。S受控水解制得的SiO2 粒子99.17%粒径
11超重力法制备纳米二Fra bibliotek化硅该工艺是将一定浓度的水玻璃溶液静置过滤后置于超重力反 应器中,升温至反应温度后,加入絮凝剂和表面活性剂, 开启旋 转填充床和液料循环泵不断搅拌和循环回流,温度稳定后,通入 CO2气体进行反应,当pH 值稳定后停止进气。加酸调节料液的 pH 值,并保温陈化,最后经过洗涤、抽滤 干燥、研磨、过筛等 操作,制得粒度为30nm 的二氧化硅粉体。
利用反胶束微乳液方法获得的纳米颗粒一般都很均匀,颗 粒的大小有水和表面修饰剂的比例来决定。
在含有一种或者多种粒子的可溶性盐溶液中加入沉淀剂,或是 通过升高溶液的温度使溶液发生水解而产生不溶性的氢氧化物, 水合氧化物或者盐类。然后将溶剂和溶液中原有的阴离子除去, 经热分解或者脱水后即可得到所需的产物。这种方法即为沉淀法。
溶解 前驱体
40度恒温水浴磁力搅拌至恒定温度 TEOS
40度恒温水浴磁力搅拌4小时 超声洗涤 水浴蒸发



第48卷 第4期·8·作者简介:胡佳伟(1994-),男,博士研究生在读,主要从事嵌段共聚物聚合驱动自组装方面的研究。

收稿日期:2021-11-300 前言什么是聚合驱动自组装?在正式引入聚合驱动自组装概念之前,应该先了解一下嵌段共聚物的自组装。



以AB 型嵌段共聚物为例,由于嵌段共聚物不同嵌段性质的差异,因此会在溶液或者固体中发生自组装,形成具有不同形貌结构的胶束结构,例如球状、囊泡状、蠕虫状、片状、棒状和螺旋管状等[1~3]。

而相比于嵌段共聚物的自组装,聚合驱动自组装则是在嵌段共聚物的聚合过程中发生的自组装:例如在水体系中,以水溶性的聚合物嵌段A 作为前驱体和一种相应的均聚物B 为不溶于水的水溶性单体进行聚合,随着聚合进行B 嵌段聚合度不断增加,当聚合度达到一个临界聚合度时,此时B 嵌段开始不溶于水,这样在水中形成的AB 两嵌段共聚物会因为亲疏水性质的不同而在水中进行自组装,如图1。

而通过改变A 和B 嵌段的聚合度以及控制嵌段共聚物的浓度可以制得不同形貌的共聚物纳米粒子,如球状、囊泡蠕虫等。


相比于嵌段共聚物的自组装,聚合驱动自组装具有很多明显的优势:嵌段共聚物的自组装首先需要进行嵌段共聚物的制备,然后在良溶剂中进行溶解,再将聚合物溶液加到不良溶剂中(通常需要加入共溶剂RAFT 聚合驱动自组装机理研究及展望胡佳伟,郑思珣(上海交通大学化学化工学院,上海 200240)摘要:聚合驱动自组装(Polymerization-induced self -assembly , PISA )是近年来发展起来的一种环境友好的、可高效制备具有特定形貌嵌段共聚物纳米粒子的方法。



羧基含量对乳胶粒自组装形成光子晶体质量的影响刘维伊;李雪婷;赵迪;叶凯;石小迪;鲁希华【摘要】以过硫酸铵((NH4)2S2 O8)为引发剂,苯乙烯(St)、甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)以及含功能性基团羧基的丙烯酸(AA)为共聚单体制备聚苯乙烯-聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯-聚丙烯酸(PS-PMMA-PAA)乳胶粒,通过垂直自组装方法得到高质量的PS-PMMA-PAA光子晶体(PC).乳胶粒的形貌及性能通过场发射扫描电镜(SEM)、动态激光光散射仪(DLS)、电导率仪等表征.利用光纤光谱仪和接触角分析仪表征了光予晶体的光学性能和保水能力.结果证明:乳胶粒表面的羧基不仅能增强粒子间的相互作用,而且具有很好的保水能力;在相对简单的组装条件下实现了自组装中裂纹的消除,获得了高质量的光子晶体.【期刊名称】《功能高分子学报》【年(卷),期】2016(029)004【总页数】7页(P397-403)【关键词】光子晶体;羧基;氢键;自组装【作者】刘维伊;李雪婷;赵迪;叶凯;石小迪;鲁希华【作者单位】东华大学化学化工与生物工程学院,上海201620;东华大学化学化工与生物工程学院,上海201620;东华大学化学化工与生物工程学院,上海201620;东华大学化学化工与生物工程学院,上海201620;东华大学化学化工与生物工程学院,上海201620;东华大学化学化工与生物工程学院,上海201620;东华大学材料科学与工程学院,纤维材料改性国家重点实验室,上海201620【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O63光子晶体是一种具有三维周期性结构的纳米材料,由于其具有优异的光学信号调控性能和绚丽的结构色[1-7],在智能显示、光学仪器、化学传感器、荧光增强等领域得到了广泛研究和应用[8-16]。







并给出了用Pearson I型分布模拟数据的考核计算和对聚苯乙烯标准粒子实测结果。

1.光子相关光谱法测量超细颗粒的理论研究 [J], 周俊虎;王乃宁
2.用于光子相关光谱颗粒粒度测量的实数编码混合遗传算法 [J], 任师波;韩鹏;杨冠玲
3.高浓度超细颗粒的后向光子相关光谱测量技术研究 [J], 杨晖;郑刚;李孟超;孔平
4.用光子相关光谱法测定偏钛酸粒度分布 [J], 田从学;胡鸿飞;杜剑桥;陈新红;马维平;罗建林;刘代俊
5.利用光子相关光谱测量流体加速度——一种新的流体加速度计 [J], 李明;吴存恺

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Self-assembly of the photonic supraparticles in n-butanolJian Dong, Weiping Qian*Department of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Southeast University,Nanjing 210096, People's Republic of ChinaE-mail: wqian@Abstract:Photonic supraparticles were sassembled by growing colloidal crystals in aqueous droplets suspended in n-butanol. The droplet products were highly ordered and smooth particle assemblies, which diffract light and have remarkable structural stability. The method allows control of particle size and shape from spheres through balls to toroids. The results provide the way to controllable formation of a wide variety of photonic supraparticles.Keywords: Photonic supraparticle, Self-assembly, N-butanol1 IntroductionMany properties of materials possessing a three-dimensional periodicity of the dielectric constant have been attracting increasing attention, because of their potential applications as photonic band gap materials, chemical sensors, optical filters, and switches.[1-6] Monodisperse colloidal spheres are often used to assemble the close-packed arrays in two or three-dimensions, which usually be used as templates for advanced materials. Various techniques, including sedimentation, convective, and electric field, have been developed for photonic crystalline film with single layer or tens to hundreds layers. Furthermore, much significant work has been carried out for the fabrication of photonic crystals with various crystal structures and shapes for more applications. Using droplets of colloidal suspension as templates is one of the self-assembly techniques of the monodispersion colloidal spheres which can rearrange when removing the solvent water. By evaporating the aqueous droplets suspended on fluorinated oil, Velev had fabricated the microstructured particles, such as balls, flattened disks, and toroids.[7] By evaporating the aqueous droplets produced by ink jet, Moon had fabricated hemispherical supraparticles.[8] By evaporating the aqueous droplets produced by electrospray, Yang had also fabricated the photonic ball.[9] Herein, we present a simple method for fabrication suprapartilces including sphere, hemisphere, disk and toroid, In which procedure, the droplets of the colloidal suspension were also used as templates, they were sunk in the n-butanol in vessel before they were dried by pervasion of the water in droplets into the ambient solvent, n-butanol.2 ExperimentalThe aqueous suspensions of the 280nm silica spheres used in our experiments were purchased from Nissan Chemical Corporation, Japan. Before used, the silica aqueous suspensions were purified to remove the impurities by the strong electric field dialysis.The rest ion concentration is about 10-6 M. The vessels employed in our experiments were fabricated by the Teflon materials. The hydrophobic films of the vessels were coated by the vaporization of the toluene solvents of PMMA or PS.To form the photonic ball, 0.5 μL of the silica aqueous suspensions diluted to 40%, 30%, 20, 10%, 5% and 2.5%, were dropped into a solution in a n-butanol/tetrachloromethane mixture (1:1, v/v). The former is the upper layer, and the latter is the bottom layer. The photonic ball will be formed after 4 hours. The non-ball supraparticles were obtained by dropping 0.5 μl of the silica aqueous suspensions diluted to 40%, 30%, 20, 10%, 5% and 2.5% into the vessels loaded with n-butanol for the hydrophobic film on the inner wall. About 30 min latter, the non-ball supraparticles will be formed.Opticle images were obtained using a digital camera (Nikon) under natural light. Scanning electric micrographs were taken as following: the specimens were mounted onto SEM stubs, and then sputter coated with gold for 1 min for SEM analysis at 15 kv.3 Results and DiscussionFigure 1 Optical images of the photonic balls with different sizeFigure 1 shows optical images of the photonic balls. The colors of the balls denote the silica spheres aggregated to form the ball are long range ordering which meet the Bragg reflection. And the color of the balls depends on the size of the silica spheres, for example, the red balls shown in figure 1 are composed of 280 nm silica spheres. The size of the balls is controlled by the colloids volume fraction of colloidal suspensions.Figure 2 The SEM images of silica spheres on the surface (A and B) and in theinner (C) of the photonic ballFigure 2 shows the ordered arrays of the silica spheres on the surface and the inner of the photonic balls by scanning electric microscopic (SEM). Figure 2a shows the surface of the ball is composed of large number of polygons shown as dash lines, which are the hexagonal close-packed ordered silica spheres arrays, i.e. the ball at macroscopic scale is an ultra-polyhedron at microscopic scale. The large polygonal plate contains thousands of spheres, and small polygonal plate contains hundreds of spheres, there also exist local disorder arrays of dozens of spheres at the interfaces of polygons. Figure 2b shows a polygon in the ball. Figure 2c shows a SEM image of the inner section of the photonic balls, which exhibits a tetragonal close-packed ordered arrays structure of silica spheres. This phenomenon is rarely observed in the closely packed colloidal crystals. In Velev’ technique, the colloidal spheres, as the arrays on the surface, are hexagonal close-packed ordering arrays in the inner of the photonic balls. In other methods, the hexagonal close-packed arrays are also predominant. The arrays of the colloidal spheres on the surface and in the inner of the photonic bandgap crystals are the same as what happened in our materials.Figure 3 Optical images of the non-ball photonic crystals.Figure 3 shows the optical images of the non-ball photonic crystals. Figure 3ashows photonic balls with a pit in their surface, and figure 3b shows photonic toroids with a pit. Figure 3c shows photonic toroids with a bigger pit than that shown in figure 3b. These different shape supraparticles were obtained by controlling the colloid volume fraction.It is known that n-Butanol is miscible with all common organic solvents. Its density is 0.81g/cm3 at 20 °C. It is immiscibe with water, the solubility of water in n-butanol at 20 °C is 20.1% in mass fraction. Using the property of large solubility of water in n-butanol, the colloidal suspensions sunk in n-butanol can be dried, and the colloidal spheres can be rearranged in the templates of droplets. Tetrachloromethane is insoluble in water but miscible in N-Butanol. Its density is 1.59 g/cm3 at 20 °C. When tetrachloromethane was added to n-Butanol, n-butanol is on the top while tetrachloromethane is sunk to the bottom of the vessel. There is a region of density gradient between them which is formed by pervasion of them. Dropped the colloidal droplets in the above solvent, they will be sunk at the site where the density is equal to themselves. At the initial site, the density of the ambient solvent is lower, and the fraction of the n-butanol is major, which result in the rapider pervasion of the water in the droplets to the ambient solvents. The density of the droplet increased with the pervasion process. Then the droplet sank to higher density region, where the fraction of n-butanol is minority, which results in the slower pervasion of the solvent water. When the fraction of the colloids droplets increased to the crystallization threshold about 50%, the droplets sank at the site of the ambient solvent where the density is about 1.51 g/cm3. At the site of the fraction of n-butanol is about 1%, the pervasion process is very slow which is beneficial for the crystallization of the colloidal spheres. The formed supraparticle is ball, and the initial volume fraction of colloid of the droplets has influence both on the shape and the size of the formed supraparticles. If only one solvent n-butanol load in the vessel the inner wall of which coated a PMMA or PS film, the added droplets would sink at the bottom of the vessel and contact with the PMMA or PS film. If the initial volume fraction of the silica spheres in suspensions is above 40%, the shapes of the formed supraparticles are hemispherical, and if low 40% and above 20%, the shapes are also hemispherical, but on the surface of the hemispheres, there is a pit the deep of which is varied with the initial volume fraction of the silica spheres. If the initial volume fraction of the silica spheres is lower than 10%, the pit would evolve to a hole, and the supraparticles would form a toroid with the size of which varied with the initial volume fraction of the silica spheres. the size of which varied with the initial volume fraction of the silica spheres. In previous work, various techniques have successfully developed to fabricate the colloidal supraparticles. In Velev’ technique, between the droplets and their surrounding there exist two interfaces including one liquid-air interface and one liquid-liquid interface. And no addition of surfactants, the fabricated supraparticles cannot form the toroids. In Yang’ technique, there exist homogenous liquid-air interface between the droplets and their surrounding, but the shape of the fabricated supraparticles only have one, ball. In Moon’ technique, there also exist two interfaces.Although the influences of two interfaces on the surface of the droplets and the existing of surfactants in the droplets on the longer range ordering have not been reported, we present a smart technique resolving the above problems.4 ConclusionsIn conclusion, we have shown a convenient route to fabricate various-shaped and sized colloidal supraparticles, viz., droplet templates and different solvents. Supraparticles of shapes of sphere, disk and toroid were obtained through the solvent of the colloidal suspension droplets removing to n-butanol. The size of them is controlled by the colloids volume fraction of colloidal suspensions. 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