
209个海信液晶电视机故障(收集)中国家电维修论坛整理收藏/bbs.php1:TLM3201灯灭不开机实例故障位号:ZE501,占该故障比例40%,故障提供:徐翠波2TLM3201开机蓝屏,遥控按键都失灵实例故障位号:U606(39VF088),故障提供:张占伟FLASH 数据错,重新升级3TLM3201红灯亮不开机实例故障位号:U606,占该故障比例30%,故障提供:徐翠波4TLM3201花屏实例故障位号:U213\U214,占该故障比例30%,故障提供:徐翠波5TLM3201高清色异实例故障位号:Q201,故障提供:张伟6TLM3201高清无图实例故障位号:Q200,占该故障比例30%,故障提供:张伟7TLM3201高清无图实例故障位号:U208,占该故障比例20%,故障提供:张伟8TLM3201红灯亮不开机实例故障位号:U109,占该故障比例20%,故障提供:张伟用遥控和按键都不开机,拆机后测主板供电:除5V正常外其他电压都没有,说明一直处于待机状态。
测主板上的3.3,2.5,1.8供电,发现U109的输出只有1V,输入5V只有2V,仔细检查后发现是输入脚的铜皮断裂,连接好后试机正常.9TLM3201花屏实例故障位号:RP605\RP606,占该故障比例10%,故障提供:张伟10TLM3201花屏实例故障位号:U200,占该故障比例30%,故障提供:张伟11TLM3201花屏实例故障位号:补焊U603,占该故障比例10%,故障提供:张伟12TLM3201花屏实例故障位号:补焊排阻RP209\RP214,占该故障比例10%,故障提供:张伟13TLM3201开机启动慢实例故障位号:U606重写FLASH,占该故障比例50%,故障提供:张伟14TLM3201控制失灵实例故障位号:U604(24LC64),占该故障比例50%,故障提供:张伟15TLM3201亮度不记忆实例故障位号:重写U606,占该故障比例90%,故障提供:张伟16TLM3201满屏竖线实例故障位号:U213(DDR),占该故障比例30%,故障提供:张伟17TLM3201三无实例故障位号:NE003,占该故障比例10%,故障提供:亓勇18TLM3201三无实例故障位号:U600(高频头),占该故障比例5%,故障提供:张伟供电对地短路19TLM3201三无实例故障位号:U604,占该故障比例20%,故障提供:张伟20TLM3201三无(1017炸裂)实例故障位号:NE001RE012RE014RE013RE026QE001QE002 VE001RE008RE010,占该故障比例30%,故障提供:张伟该故障在前期生产板号为510A出现NE001炸件是经常损坏的件基本都是这些21TLM3201三无灯亮实例故障位号:NE001,占该故障比例30%,故障提供:亓勇22TLM3201三无灯亮实例故障位号:U603,占该故障比例15%,故障提供:闫海23TLM3201搜台少实例故障位号:D102,占该故障比例60%,故障提供:徐翠波24TLM3201搜台无信号实例故障位号:U600,占该故障比例60%,故障提供:徐翠波25TLM3201图像颜色不正,并带有拖尾实例故障位号:U107(IRF7314),故障提供:张占伟屏供电控制芯片不良,造成屏供电电压低。

1200AP40 1200AP60、1203P60200D6、203D6 DAP8A 可互代203D6/1203P6 DAP8A2S0680 2S08803S0680 3S08805S0765 DP104、DP7048S0765C DP704加24V得稳压二极管ACT4060 ZA3020LV/MP1410/MP9141ACT4065 ZA3020/MP1580ACT4070 ZA3030/MP1583/MP1591MP1593/MP1430ACT6311 LT1937ACT6906 LTC3406/A T1366/MP2104AMC2576 LM2576AMC2596 LM2596AMC3100 LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104AMC34063A AMC34063AMC7660 AJC1564AP8012 VIPer12AAP8022 VIPer22ADAP02 可用SG5841 /SG6841代换DAP02ALSZ SG6841DAP02ALSZ SG6841DAP7A、DP8A 203D6、1203P6DH321、DL321 Q100、DM0265RDM0465R DM/CM0565RDM0465R/DM0565R 用cm0565r代换(取掉4脚得稳压二极管) DP104 5S0765DP704 5S0765DP706 5S0765DP804 DP904FAN7601 LAF0001LD7552 可用SG6841代(改4脚电阻)LD7575PS 203D6改1脚100K电阻为24KOB2268CP OB2269CPOB2268CP SG6841改4脚100K电阻为2047KOCP1451 TL1451/BA9741/SP9741/AP200OCP2150 LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104OCP2160 LTC3407OCP2576 LM2576OCP3601 MB3800OCP5001 TL5001OMC2596 LM2596/AP1501PT1301 RJ9266PT4101 AJC1648/MP3202PT4102 LT1937/AJC1896/AP1522/RJ9271/MP1540SG5841SZ SG6841DZ/SG6841DSM9621 RJ9621/AJC1642SP1937 LT1937/AJC1896/AP1522/RJ9271/MP1540STRG5643D STRG5653D、STRG8653DTEA1507 TEA1533TEA1530 TEA1532对应引脚功能接入THX202H TFC719THX203H TFC718STOP246Y TOP247YV A7910 MAX1674/75 L6920 AJC1610VIPer12A VIPer22A[audio01]ICE2A165(1A/650V、31W);ICE2A265(2A/650V、52W);ICE2B0565(0、5A/650V、23W):ICE2B165(1A/650V、31W);ICE2B265(2A/650V、52W);ICE2A180(1A/800V、29W);ICE2A280(2A/800、50W)、KA5H0365R, KA5M0365R, KA5L0365R, KA5M0365RN# u) t! u1 W1 B) R, PKA5L0365RN, KA5H0380R, KA5M0380R, KA5L0380R1、KA5Q1265RF/RT(大小两种体积)、KA5Q0765、FSCQ1265RT、KACQ1265RF、FSCQ0765RT、FSCQ1565Q这就是一类得,这些型号得引脚功能全都一样,只就是输出功率不一样。

发一些电源IC的代换资料DAP8A\DAP7A\LD7575\203D6\203X6\200D6可以直接代换,203d6是16v工作电压,而7575是30v ,代用要改启动电阻,可以用1200AP40直接代用OB2268,OB2269,DAP02,SG6841,SG5841DAP02\SG5841\2G684 1可以直接代换1200AP40\1200AP60\1203P60\1203AP10可以直接代换DM0465\CM0565\DM0565代换{要改电路}T O P246Y\T O P247Y可以直接代换。
大家来整理一个液晶电源的电源管理芯片集吧格式如下好了液晶品牌与型号电源管理芯片型号与封装可代换型号BENQ 71G+ 1200AP40 直插 1200AP10 1200AP60AOC 712SI EA1532A贴片三星型号忘记 DM0565R优派型号忘记 TOP245YNLG型号忘记 FAN7601飞利浦170s6 dap02alsz 贴片LG型号忘记 FAN7601 可以用LAF0001代飞利浦170s6 dap02alsz=sg6841美格WB9D7575PS清华同方XP911WD7575PS联想LXM -WL19AH LXM-WL19BH D7575PS(早期有的用:NCP1203D6) 联想LXM-17CH:1203D6方正17寸:1203D6与LD7575PS方正19寸:LD7575PSBenQ: FP94VW FP73G FP71G+S FP71G+G FP71GX等都是用:1200AP40 LG 22(南京同创):LAF001与STR W6252 。
LG 19寸:LAF001联想L193(福建-捷联代工):NCP1203D6PHILIPS 170S5FAN7601)PHILIPS 15寸(老产品):(FAN7601)LG型号忘记 FAN7601 可以用LAF0001代其他我知道的常用型号有SG6841DZ 贴片很多机器上用到SG5841SZ 贴片用SG6841DZ可以代用,DAP8A与203D6可代用还有LD7575可用203D6代用,只是1脚的对地电阻不同,LD7575是100K,203D6是24.1K,LP7552可用SG6841代用203D6 NCP1203D60R2 NCP1203D60R2G和DAP8A直接代换DAP02ALSZ与SG6841S可以互换1200AP40和1200AP60直接代换5S0765和DP104、DP704直接代换DP804和DP904直接代换2S0680和2S0880直接代换TEA1507和TEA1533直接代换LD7535兼容SG6848 (6849) / SG5701 / SG5848 /LD7535 (7550) / OB2262 (2263) / OB2278 (2279)RS2051LD7575和NCP1203、NCP1200 OB2268 SG5841 LD7552 OB2269 OB2268 RS2042CR6860兼容ACT30,CR6853兼容OB2263,CR6201兼容THX201,TFC718;CR6202兼容THX202,TFC719;CR6203兼容THX203,TFC718S。

MP15802A, 380 KHz Step-Down ConverterThe Future of Analog IC TechnologyTMTMDESCRIPTIONThe MP1580 is a monolithic step-down switchmode converter with a built in internal power MOSFET. It achieves 2A continuous output current over a wide input supply range with excellent load and line regulation.Current mode operation provides fast transient response and eases loop stabilization.Fault condition protection includes cycle-by-cycle current limiting and thermal shutdown. In shutdown mode the regulator draws 23µA of supply current.The MP1580 requires a minimum number of readily available standard external components. A synchronization pin allows the part to be driven to 600KHz.EVALUATION BOARD REFERENCEBoard NumberDimensions EV00072.3”X x 1.5”Y x 0.5”ZFEATURES• 2A Output Current• 0.18Ω Internal Power MOSFET Switch• Stable with Low ESR Output CeramicCapacitors• Up to 95% Efficiency • 23µA Shutdown Mode • Fixed 380KHz Frequency • Thermal Shutdown• Cycle-by-Cycle Over Current Protection • Wide 4.75 to 25V Operating Input Range • Output Adjustable from 1.22V to 21V • Programmable Under Voltage Lockout • Frequency Synchronization Input • Available in an 8-Pin SO PackageAPPLICATIONS• Distributed Power Systems • Battery Chargers• Pre-Regulator for Linear Regulators“MPS” and “The Future of Analog IC Technology” are Trademarks of Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.TYPICAL APPLICATIONC5E F F I C I E N C Y (%)OUTPUT CURRENT (A)MP1580_TAC_EC01Efficiency vsOutput Current VoltagePACKAGE REFERENCE* For Tape & Reel, add suffix –Z (eg. MP1580HS–Z) For Lead Free, add suffix –LF (eg. MP1580HS –LF–Z)**For Tape & Reel, add suffix –Z (eg. MP1580HP–Z) For Lead Free, add suffix –LF (eg. MP1580HP –LF–Z)ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (1) Supply Voltage (V IN) (27V)Switch Voltage (V SW)..................–1V to V IN + 1V Bootstrap Voltage (V BS).......................V SW + 6V Feedback Voltage (V FB).................–0.3V to +6V Enable/UVLO Voltage (V EN)...........–0.3V to +6V Comp Voltage (V COMP)...................–0.3V to +6V Sync Voltage (V SYNC)......................–0.3V to +6V Junction Temperature............................+150°C Lead Temperature.................................+260°C Storage Temperature..............–65°C to +150°C Recommended Operating Conditions (2) Input Voltage (V IN).........................4.75V to 25V Operating Temperature...............–40°C to +125°C Thermal Resistance (3)θJA θJCSOIC8....................................105.....50...°C/W PDIP8.....................................95......55...°C/W Notes:1) Exceeding these ratings may damage the device.2) The device is not guaranteed to function outside of itsoperating conditions.3) Measured on approximately 1” square of 1 oz copper.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSV IN = 12V, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.Parameter Symbol ConditionMinTypMaxUnitsFeedback Voltage 4.75V ≤ V IN≤ 25VV COMP < 2V1.198 1.222 1.246 VUpper Switch-On Resistance 0.18 ΩLowerSwitch-OnResistance 10 ΩUpper Switch Leakage V EN = 0V, V SW = 0V 0 10 µACurrent Limit (4) 2.4 3.0 3.6 ACurrent Limit Gain.Output Current to Comp Pin Voltage1.95 A/VError Amplifier Voltage Gain 400 V/VError Amplifier Transconductance ∆I C = ±10µA 500 770 1100 µA/VOscillatorFrequency 342 380 418 KHzShort Circuit Frequency V FB = 0V 20 35 54 KHzSync Frequency Sync Drive 0V to 2.7V 445 600 KHzELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)V IN = 12V, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.Parameter Symbol Condition Min Typ Max UnitsMaximum Duty CycleV FB = 1.0V 90 % Minimum Duty CycleV FB = 1.5V 0 % EN Shutdown Threshold Voltage I CC > 100µA 0.7 1.0 1.3 V Enable Pull-Up Current V EN = 0V 1.15 1.46 1.8 µA EN UVLO Threshold Rising V EN Rising 2.37 2.495 2.62 V EN UVLO Threshold Hysteresis210mVSupply Current (Shutdown) V EN ≤ 0.4V23 36 µA Supply Current (Quiescent) V EN ≥ 2.6V, V FB = 1.4V 1.0 1.2 mA Thermal Shutdown160°CNote:4) Derate current limit 0.011A/°C.PIN FUNCTIONSPin #NameDescription1 BSBootstrap (C5). This capacitor is needed to drive the power switch’s gate above thesupply voltage. It is connected between SW and BS pins to form a floating supply acrossthe power switch driver. The voltage across C5 is about 5V and is supplied by the internal +5V supply when the SW pin voltage is low.2 INSupply Voltage. The MP1580 operates from a +4.75V to +25V unregulated input. C1 isneeded to prevent large voltage spikes from appearing at the input.3 SW Switch. This connects the inductor to either IN through M1 or to GND through M2.4 GND Ground. This pin is the voltage reference for the regulated output voltage. For this reasoncare must be taken in its layout. This node should be placed outside of the D1 to C1ground path to prevent switching current spikes from inducing voltage noise into the part. 5 FBFeedback. An external resistor divider from the output to GND, tapped to the FB pin sets the output voltage. To prevent current limit run away during a short circuit fault conditionthe frequency foldback comparator lowers the oscillator frequency when the FB voltage is below 700mV.6 COMP Compensation. This node is the output of the transconductance error amplifier and theinput to the current comparator. Frequency compensation is done at this node byconnecting a series R-C to ground. See the compensation section for exact details.7 ENEnable/UVLO. A voltage greater than 2.62V enables operation. For complete low currentshutdown the EN pin voltage needs to be less than 700mV.8 SYNC Synchronization Input. This pin is used to synchronize the internal oscillator frequency toan external source. There is an internal 11k Ω pull down resistor to GND; therefore leaveSYNC unconnected if unused.OPERATIONThe MP1580 is a current mode regulator; the COMP pin voltage is proportional to the peak inductor current. At the beginning of a cycle: the upper transistor M1 is off; the lower transistor M2 is on (refer to Figure 1); the COMP pin voltage is higher than the current sense amplifier output and the current comparator’s output is low. The rising edge of the 380KHz CLK signal sets the RS Flip-Flop. Its output turns off M2 and turns on M1, thus connecting the SW pin and inductor to the input supply. The increasing inductor current is sensed and amplified by the Current Sense Amplifier. Ramp compensation is summed to Current Sense Amplifier output and compared to the Error Amplifier output by the Current Comparator. When the Current Sense Amplifier plus Slope Compensation signal exceeds the COMP pin voltage, the RS Flip-Flop is reset and theMP1580 reverts to its initial M1 off, M2 on, state. If the Current Sense Amplifier plus Slope Compensation signal does not exceed the COMP voltage, then the falling edge of the CLK resets the Flip-Flop.The output of the Error Amplifier integrates the voltage difference between the feedback and the 1.222V bandgap reference. The polarity is such that an FB pin voltage less than 1.222V increases the COMP pin voltage. Since the COMP pin voltage is proportional to the peak inductor current, an increase in its voltage increases the current delivered to the output. The lower 10Ω switch ensures that the bootstrap capacitor voltage is charged during light load conditions. An external Schottky Diode D1 carries the inductor current when M1 is off (see Figure 1).IN EN SYNC GNDSW BSFigure 1—Functional Block DiagramAPPLICATION INFORMATIONCOMPONENT SELECTIONSync Pin OperationThe SYNC pin driving waveform should be a square wave with a rise time less than 20ns. The Minimum High voltage level is 2.7V and the Low level is less than 0.8V. The frequency of the external sync signal needs to be greater than 445KHz.A rising edge on the SYNC pin forces a reset of the oscillator. The upper transistor M1 is switched off immediately if it is not already off. 250ns later M1 turns on connecting SW to V IN . Setting the Output VoltageThe output voltage is set using a resistive voltage divider from the output to FB (see Figure 3). The voltage divider divides the output voltage down by the ratio:2R 1R 2R V V OUTFB +=Where V FB is the feedback voltage and V OUT is the output voltage. Thus the output voltage is:2R 2R 1R 222.1V OUT +×= R2 can be as high as 100k Ω, but a typical value is 10k Ω. Using this value, R1 is determined by:)222.1V (18.81R OUT −×≅For example, for a 3.3V output voltage, R2 is 10k Ω and R1 is 17k Ω.InductorThe inductor is required to supply constant current to the output load while being driven by the switched input voltage. A larger value inductor results in less ripple current that in turn results in lower output ripple voltage.However, the larger value inductor has a larger physical size, higher series resistance and/or lower saturation current. Choose an inductor that does not saturate under the worst-case load conditions.A good rule for determining the inductance is to allow the peak-to-peak ripple current in the inductor to be approximately 30% of the maximum load current. Also, make sure that the peak inductor current (the load current plus half the peak-to-peak inductor ripple current) is below the 2.4A minimum current limit.The inductance value can be calculated by the equation:If V )V V (V L IN OUT IN OUT ∆××−×=Where V IN is the input voltage, f is the oscillator frequency and ∆I is the peak-to-peak inductor ripple current. Table 1 lists a number of suitable inductors from various manufacturers.Table 1—Inductor Selection GuidePackage Dimensions(mm)Vendor/ Model Core Type Core MaterialW L HSumidaCR75 Open Ferrite 7.0 7.8 5.5CDH74 Open Ferrite 7.3 8.0 5.2CDRH5D28Shielded Ferrite 5.5 5.7 5.5CDRH5D28Shielded Ferrite 5.5 5.7 5.5CDRH6D28Shielded Ferrite 6.7 6.7 3.0CDRH104R Shielded Ferrite 10.110.0 3.0Toko D53LCType AShielded Ferrite 5.0 5.0 3.0D75C Shielded Ferrite 7.6 7.6 5.1D104C Shielded Ferrite 10.010.0 4.3D10FL Open Ferrite 9.7 11.5 4.0CoilcraftDO3308 Open Ferrite 9.4 13.0 3.0DO3316 Open Ferrite 9.4 13.0 5.1Input CapacitorThe input current to the step-down converter is discontinuous, so a capacitor is required to supply the AC current to the step-down converter while maintaining the DC input voltage. A low ESR capacitor is required to keep the noise at the IC to a minimum. Ceramic capacitors are preferred, but tantalum or low-ESR electrolytic capacitors will also suffice.The input capacitor value should be greater than 10µF. The capacitor can be electrolytic, tantalum or ceramic. However, since it absorbs the input switching current it requires an adequate ripple current rating. Its RMS current rating should be greater than approximately 1/2 of the DC load current.To ensure stable operation, C1 should be placed as close to the IN pin as possible. Alternately, a smaller high quality ceramic 0.1µF capacitor may be placed closer to the IN pin and a larger capacitor placed further away. If using this technique, it is recommended that the larger capacitor be a tantalum or electrolytic type capacitor. All ceramic capacitors should be placed close to the MP1580.Output CapacitorThe output capacitor is required to maintain the DC output voltage. Low ESR capacitors are preferred to keep the output voltage ripple low. The characteristics of the output capacitor also affect the stability of the regulation control system. Ceramic, tantalum or low ESR electrolytic capacitors are recommended. In the case of ceramic capacitors, the impedance at the oscillator frequency is dominated by the capacitance, so the output voltage ripple is mostly independent of the ESR. The output voltage ripple is estimated to be:2LCIN RIPPLEff V 4.1V ⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛××≅ Where V RIPPLE is the output ripple voltage, f LC isthe resonant frequency of the LC filter and f is the oscillator frequency.In the case of tantalum or low-ESR electrolytic capacitors, the ESR dominates the impedance at the oscillator frequency, therefore the output ripple is calculated as:ESR RIPPLE R I V ×∆≅Where V RIPPLE is the output voltage ripple and R ESR is the equivalent series resistance of the output capacitors.Output Rectifier DiodeThe output rectifier diode supplies the current to the inductor when the upper transistor M1 is off. To reduce losses due to the diode forward voltage and recovery times, use a Schottky rectifier.Table 2 provides the Schottky rectifier part numbers based on the maximum input voltage and current rating.Table 2—Schottky Rectifier Selection Guide2A Load Current V IN (Max)Part NumberVendor15V 30BQ015 4B220 1SK23 6 20VSR22 6 20BQ030 4 B230 1SK23 6 SR23 3, 6 26VSS23 2, 3Table 3 lists some rectifier manufacturers. Table 3—Schottky Diode ManufacturersVendor Web SiteDiodes, Inc.Fairchild Semiconductor General Semiconductor International Rectifier On Semiconductor Pan Jit International Choose a rectifier that has a maximum reverse voltage rating greater than the maximum input voltage, and a current rating greater than the maximum load current.CompensationThe system stability is controlled through the COMP pin. COMP is the output of the internal transconductance error amplifier. A series capacitor-resistor combination sets a pole-zero combination to control the characteristics of the control system. The DC loop gain is:OUTFBVEA CS LOAD VDC V V A G R A ×××= Where A VEA is the transconductance error amplifier voltage gain, 400 V/V, G CS is the current sense gain, (roughly the output current divided by the voltage at COMP), 1.95 A/V and R LOAD is the load resistance (V OUT / I OUT where I OUT is the output load current).The system has 2 poles of importance, one is due to the compensation capacitor (C3), and the other is due to the output capacitor (C2). These are:VEAEA1P A 3C 2G f ××π=Where P1 is the first pole and G EA is the error amplifier transconductance (770µA/V). andLOAD2P R 2C 21f ××π=The system has one zero of importance, due tothe compensation capacitor (C3) and the compensation resistor (R3). The zero is:3R 3C 21f 1Z ××π=If a large value capacitor (C2) with relatively high equivalent-series-resistance (ESR) is used, the zero due to the capacitance and ESR of the output capacitor can be compensated by a third pole set by R3 and C6. The pole is:3R 6C 21f 3P ××π=The system crossover frequency (the frequency where the loop gain drops to 1, or 0dB) is important. A good rule of thumb is to set the crossover frequency to approximately 1/10 of the switching frequency.In this case, the switching frequency is 380KHz, so use a crossover frequency, f C , of 40KHz. Lower crossover frequencies result in slower response and worse transient load recovery. Higher crossover frequencies can result in instability.Choosing the Compensation Components The values of the compensation components given in Table 4 yield a stable control loop for the output voltage and capacitor given. Table 4—Compensation Values for Typical Output Voltage/Capacitor CombinationsV OUT C2 R3 C3 C62.5V 22µF Ceramic 7.5k Ω 2.2nF None3.3V 22µF Ceramic 10k Ω 2nF None 5V 22µF Ceramic 15k Ω 1.2nF None 12V 22µF Ceramic 33k Ω 1nF None2.5V 560µF/6.3V(30m Ω ESR) 200k Ω 1nF 100pF3.3V 560µF/6.3V(30m Ω ESR) 200k Ω 1nF 82pF5V 470µF/10V(30m Ω ESR) 250k Ω 1nF 56pF12V 220µF/25V(30m Ω ESR)250k Ω 1nF 27pFTo optimize the compensation components for conditions not listed in Table 4, use the following procedure:Choose the compensation resistor to set the desired crossover frequency. Determine the value by the following equation:FBOUTCS EA C V V G G f 2C 23R ××××π=Putting in the known constants and setting the crossover frequency to the desired 40KHz:OUT 8V 2C 1037.13R ×××≈Choose the compensation capacitor to set the zero below ¼ of the crossover frequency. Determine the value by the following equation:3R V 2C 22.03C OUT××>Determine if the second compensation capacitor, C6, is required. It is required if the ESR zero of the output capacitor happens at less than four times the crossover frequency. Or:1f R 2C 8C ESR ≥×××πor1V R 3R 1034.7OUTESR5≥×××−If this is the case, add the second compensation capacitor. Determine the value by the equation:3R R 2C 6C )MAX (ESR ×=Where R ESR(MAX) is the maximum ESR of the output capacitor. For example: V OUT = 3.3VC2= 22µF Ceramic (ESR = 10m Ω)Ω=××××≈−k 9.9)3.3()1022()1037.1(3R 68Use the nearest standard value of 10k Ω.nF 6.110103.3)1022(22.03C 36=××××>−Use a standard value of 2nF014.0f R 2C 2C ESR =×××πwhich is less than 1, therefore no second compensation capacitor is required.Table 5—Recommended Components forStandard Output VoltagesV OUT R1 L1 Minimum1.22V 0Ω6.8µH 1.5V 2.32k Ω 6.8µH 1.8V 4.75k Ω 10µH 2.5V 10.5k Ω 10µH 3.3V 16.9k Ω 15µH 5.0V 30.9k Ω 22µHNegative Output VoltageThe MP1580 can be configured as a buck-boost regulator to supply negative output voltage.Because the GND pin of the IC is now connected to the negative output voltage, the maximum allowable input voltage is the IC input voltage rating (25V) minus the negative output voltage value. A typical application circuit is shown in Figure 3.External Bootstrap DiodeIt is recommended that an external bootstrap diode be added when the system has a 5V fixed input or the power supply generates a 5V output. This helps improve the efficiency of the regulator. The bootstrap diode can be a low cost one such as IN4148 or BAT54.10nFFigure 2—External Bootstrap DiodeThis diode is also recommended for high dutycycle operation (whenINOUTV V >65%) and high output voltage (V OUT >12V) applications.TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUITSC5Figure 3—Application Circuit for -5V SupplyC5MP1580_F04 Figure 4—MP1580 with Murata 22µF/10V Ceramic Output CapacitorPACKAGE INFORMATIONSOIC8NOTE:1) Control dimension is in inches. Dimension in bracket is millimeters.PDIP8NOTICE: The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Please contact MPS for current specifications. Users should warrant and guarantee that third party Intellectual Property rights are not infringed upon when integrating MPS products into any application. MPS will not assume any legal responsibility for any said applications.。
(改)威步产品目录2011.03(1) ZLMICRO半导体品牌

Low ESR Caps Compatible High Speed LDO Voltage Regulators with ON/OFF Switch High Current, High Speed LDO Regulators 3A 150KHZ PWM Buck DC/DC Converter 2A 150KHZ PWM Buck DC/DC Converter Low-Power DC/DC Boost Converter In SOT-23 And Son Packages Multiple Voltage Regulator
K24C01 K24C02 K24C04 K24C08 K24C16 K24C32 K24C64
AT6588 AT6579 BU1924
AT9256 AT9257 LC72131
HL1621 ZL LP6578 ZL75823A ZL75823B ZL75823C ZL75824 Temp Sensor DS3501 新增产品 MP2259 MP2359DJ AD9943 TW2868 TW2867 ZLIA171 K24C256
step-up DC/DC converter is optimized for driving OLEDs or white LEDs inductor-based DC/DC boost converter designed to drive LED Arrays 1.3A Fixed Frequency White LED Driver 1.3A Fixed Frequency white LED Driver 3A, 28V, 385KHz Step-Down Converter 250mW Dual Channel Audio Power Amplifier With Shutdown 1 Watt Audio Power Amplifier Dual 2.2w Audio Amplifier Plus Stereo Headphone Function 1.1W Audio Power Amplifier With Shutdown Mode 5X5W Amplifier With DC Volume Control 2x6W Stereo Power Amplifier 4X35W Quad Bridge Car Radio Amplifier 4X45W Quad Bridge Car Radio Amplifier 4X41W Quad Bridge Car Radio Amplifier 4-Channel Audio Processor IC 4 channels sound effect processor 4 channels sound effect processor Car radio multimedia signal processor (CMSP) 3 Band Car Audio Processor 3 Band Car Audio Processor Car Audio Processor Sound Processor for car audio SigmaDSP® 28/56-Bit Audio Processor with 2ADC/4DAC SigmaDSP® 28/56-Bit Audio Processor with 2ADC/4DAC 3-Input Video Switch 3-Input Video Switch With 75Ω Driver 8-Input,6-Output Video Switch Matrix With Output Drivers,Input clamp,and Bias Circuitry 12-Input,9-Output Video Switch Matrix With Input clamp,Input Bias Circuitry,and Output Drivers 10-Bit, 4× Oversampling SDTV Video Decoder

MP2104 OCP2150-LTC3406/直接代换
AT1366/MP2104 直接代换
MP2104 OCP2160-LTC3407直接代换
ACT4065-ZA3020/MP1580 直接代换
1200AP40 1200AP60、1203P60
200D6、203D6 DAP8A 可互代
203D6/1203P6 DAP8A
2S0680 2S0880
3S0680 3S0880
5S0765 DP104、DP704
8S0765C DP704加24V的稳压二极管
ACT4060 ZA3020LV/MP1410/MP9141
电源IC(ZSTR-G5643D G5653D G8653D 直接代换
203D6/1203P6和DAP8A 直接代换 DM0465R。DM0565R用cm0565r代换成功 (取掉4脚的稳压二极管)
LD7575PS 可用203D6代(没试过,只是1脚的对地电阻不同,改了就可了)
STR G5653直接用STR G8656代换 试验成功!
. FSCQ1565>1265>0765>0565
OCP2160 LTC3407
OCP2576 LM2576

XLSEMI产品应用:1. DVB(机顶盒)﹕XL1513,XL1580,XL1410(12V-3.3V/5V/1A)2.Portable DVD﹕XL1410(12V-5V/0.5A,3.3V/0.5A,1.8V/0.5A),XL1580(12V-5V/1A)3. Video﹕XL1509-5.0S(12V-5V/1A)4.收音机电源:XL1509-ADJ5,车载MP3,MP4:XL1509,XL40016. LCD TV﹕XL1509-5.0/3.3﹑XL2596-5.0﹑7. LCDM﹕XL2596-5.0(12V-5v/3A)﹐XL2596-3.3(15“17“)﹑XL1507-5.0(12V-5V/1.5A)8. Audio﹕XL2596-5.0(12V-5V/3A)9. VOIP﹕XL1509-3.3(12V-3.3V/2A﹑12V-5V/1A)﹑XL2596-3.310. 路由器﹕XL1509,XL1509-3.3,XL1410,XL151311. 液晶显示器﹕XL1501-3.3(12V-3.3V/3A)12.32寸以上液晶电视:XL4005(24V-12V/3A,24V-5V/5A)13.车载DVD:XL1507(12V-5V/1.5A,24V-5V/1.5A),XL1583(12V-5V/1.5A)14.车载充电器;XL583(12~24V转5V/2A)XL4001/XL4002(12V~36V转5V/1.5A),XL4101/XL4102(12V~36V-5V/2A),XL1509(12V~36V转5V/1.5A),XL2576P(12V~36V转5V/1.5A),XL2576(12V~36V转5V/2A),XL2596(12V~36V转5V/2A)XL4003(12~24V转5V/3A),XL4005(12~24V转5V/4A)车充产品可以替代GL2576,GL2596,494,7500等方案15.MR16射灯:XL4001 3*1W,5*1WLED模组驱动XL4011(低成本MR16方案) 1W,3*1W,3W WLED模组驱动AC12V(DC10~16V)电子变压器升降压供电:XL6003 4*1W,XL6005 4*3W车顶灯恒压输出,降压结构:XL1509车顶灯恒压输出,升压结构:XL6007,XL6008车顶灯恒压输出,升降压结构:XL6007,XL600816.车载冰箱,汽车音响:XL4012(24V-12V/8A)17.电瓶车控制电路板:XL2576,XL2596(24V/36V/45V-12V/5V/3.3V/0.5A)18.安防产品:车载摄像头(小摄像头)高速球供电:XL1509,XL1513,小区,马路,建筑用的大摄像头,高速球供电:XL2596,XL1501摄像头里面用的LED灯驱动:XL1513,XL1530,XL1410市电和蓄电池混合供电:需要升降压应用XL6007,XL6008小区,大厦可视门铃4寸,7寸屏供电:XL1509-ADJ(12V转5V/300mA)19.液晶电视数字屏,电源驱动板:XL1513,XL153020.太阳能路灯,路标灯,庭院灯和5V~32V低压供电LED驱动,升降压应用领域:XL6003,XL6004,XL6005 21.大功率车载电源,降压,限流:XL4003+358,XL4005+358,XL4012+35822.上网本,10.7寸以下的笔记本车载充电器:60W以下的应用升压方案(输入:10V~14V,输出:16V/19V,输出电流:2A,3A)升降压方案(输入:10V~24V,输出:12V/19V,输出电流:2A,3A):XL6009,XL6010,XL601123.降压型应用:XL4003,XL4005,XL4012可以替代PWM IC+MOS管类似方案升压型应用:XL6007,XL6009,XL6010可以替代PWM IC+MOS管类似方案升降压型应用:SEPIC BUCK-BOOST结构XL6007,XL6009,XL6010可以替代PWM IC+MOS管类似方案24.DVB:XL6007,XL6008马达天线供电(12V BOOST 19V/800mA)可以替代PWM IC+MOS管类似方案CCD/CATVPMP/DSC/DSV/STB/VGA CardDPF(数码相框)PDALED Panel背光LCD Panel背光移动电源应急充电器,可以替代FP5210+MOS,FP6210升压应用领域。

液晶8脚贴片元器件参数大集合4532 内含P沟道、N沟道MOS管各一,高压板用(30V 4.7A;30V 4.5A)4532M 内含P沟道、N沟道MOS管各一,高压板用(30V 4.5A;30V 4.5A)9916H 18V 35A 50W 小贴片9960GM 8脚贴片,高压板用。
AF4502CS 内含P沟道、N沟道MOS管各一,高压板用(30V 8.4A;30V 6.8A) AO4403 30V 6.1A 单P沟道 8脚贴片AO4404 30V 8.5A 单N沟道 8脚贴片AO4405 30V 6A 3W 单P沟道8脚贴片AO4406 30V,11.5A,单N沟道,8脚贴片AO4407 30V 12A 3W 单P沟道,8脚贴片AO4407 30V 12A 3W 单P沟道,8脚贴片AO4408 30V 12A 单N沟道 8脚贴片AO4409(30V15A-P) 30V 15A P沟道场效应 8脚贴片AO4410 30V 18A 单N沟道 8脚贴片AO4411 30V 8A 3W P沟道场效应,8脚贴片AO4413 30V 15A 3W 单P沟道,8脚贴片AO4413 30V 15A 3W 单P沟道,8脚贴片AO4414 30V,8.5A,3W 单N沟道,8脚贴片AO4418 30V 11.5A N沟道 8脚贴片AO4422 30V 11A N沟道 8脚贴片AO4423 30V 15A 3.1W 单P沟道,8脚贴片AO4425 38V 14A P沟道8脚贴片AO4431 30V,8A P沟道。
高压板用MOS,贴片8脚AO4600 内含P沟道、N沟道MOS管各一,高压板用(30V 6.9A;30V 5A)AO4606 内含P沟道、N沟道MOS管各一,高压板用(30V 6.9A;30V 6A)AO4607 内含P沟道、N沟道MOS管各一,高压板用AO4828 60V 4.5A 双N沟道 8脚贴片AOD405 30V,18A,P 高压板MOS管贴片AOD408 30V,18A,N 高压板MOS管贴片AOD409 60V 26/18A P 高压板MOS管贴片AOD409 60V 26/18A P 高压板MOS管贴片AOD420 30V,10A,N 高压板MOS管贴片AOD442 60V,38/27A,N 高压板MOS管贴片AOD442 60V,38/27A,N 高压板MOS管贴片AOD444 60V,12A,N 高压板MOS管贴片AOP600 内含P、N沟道各1,30V 7.5A、30V 4.5A。

液晶电源管理芯片代换大全1200AP40 1200AP60、1203P60200D6、203D6 DAP8A 可互代203D6/1203P6 DAP8A2S0680 2S08803S0680 3S08805S0765 DP104、DP7048S0765C DP704加24V的稳压二极管ACT4060 ZA3020LV/MP1410/MP9141ACT4065 ZA3020/MP1580ACT4070 ZA3030/MP1583/MP1591MP1593/MP1430ACT6311 LT1937ACT6906 LTC3406/A T1366/MP2104AMC2576 LM2576AMC2596 LM2596AMC3100 LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104AMC34063A AMC34063AMC7660 AJC1564AP8012 VIPer12AAP8022 VIPer22ADAP02 可用SG5841 /SG6841代换DAP02ALSZ SG6841DAP02ALSZ SG6841DAP7A、DP8A 203D6、1203P6DH321、DL321 Q100、DM0265RDM0465R DM/CM0565RDM0465R/DM0565R 用cm0565r代换(取掉4脚的稳压二极管)DP104 5S0765DP704 5S0765DP706 5S0765DP804 DP904FAN7601 LAF0001LD7552 可用SG6841代(改4脚电阻)LD7575PS 203D6改1脚100K电阻为24KOB2268CP OB2269CPOB2268CP SG6841改4脚100K电阻为20-47KOCP1451 TL1451/BA9741/SP9741/AP200OCP2150 LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104OCP2160 LTC3407OCP2576 LM2576OCP3601 MB3800OCP5001 TL5001OMC2596 LM2596/AP1501PT1301 RJ9266PT4101 AJC1648/MP3202PT4102 LT1937/AJC1896/AP1522/RJ9271/MP1540SG5841SZ SG6841DZ/SG6841DSM9621 RJ9621/AJC1642SP1937 LT1937/AJC1896/AP1522/RJ9271/MP1540STR-G5643D STR-G5653D、STR-G8653DTEA1507 TEA1533TEA1530 TEA1532对应引脚功能接入THX202H TFC719THX203H TFC718STOP246Y TOP247YV A7910 MAX1674/75 L6920 AJC1610VIPer12A VIPer22A[audio01]ICE2A165(1A/650V.31W);ICE2A265(2A/650V.52W);ICE2B0565(0.5A/650V.23W):ICE2B165(1A/650V.31W);ICE2B265(2A/650V.52W);ICE2A180(1A/800V.29W);ICE2A280(2A/800.50W).KA5H0365R, KA5M0365R, KA5L0365R, KA5M0365RN# u) t! u1 W1 B) R, PKA5L0365RN, KA5H0380R, KA5M0380R, KA5L0380R1、KA5Q1265RF/RT(大小两种体积)、KA5Q0765、FSCQ1265RT、KACQ1265RF、FSCQ0765RT、FSCQ1565Q这是一类的,这些型号的引脚功能全都一样,只是输出功率不一样。

1200AP40 1200AP60、1203P60200D6、203D6 DAP8A 可互代203D6/1203P6 DAP8A2S0680 2S08803S0680 3S08805S0765 DP104、DP7048S0765C DP704加24V的稳压二极管ACT4060 ZA3020LV/MP1410/MP9141ACT4065 ZA3020/MP1580ACT4070 ZA3030/MP1583/MP1591MP1593/MP1430ACT6311 LT1937ACT6906 LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104AMC2576 LM2576AMC2596 LM2596AMC3100 LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104AMC34063A AMC34063AMC7660 AJC1564AP8012 VIPer12AAP8022 VIPer22ADAP02 可用SG5841 /SG6841代换DAP02ALSZ SG6841DAP02ALSZ SG6841DAP7A、DP8A 203D6、1203P6DH321、DL321 Q100、DM0265RDM0465R DM/CM0565RDM0465R/DM0565R 用cm0565r代换(取掉4脚的稳压二极管)DP104 5S0765DP704 5S0765DP706 5S0765DP804 DP904FAN7601 LAF0001LD7552 可用SG6841代(改4脚电阻)LD7575PS 203D6改1脚100K电阻为24KOB2268CP OB2269CPOB2268CP SG6841改4脚100K电阻为20-47KOCP1451 TL1451/BA9741/SP9741/AP200OCP2150 LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104OCP2160 LTC3407OCP2576 LM2576OCP3601 MB3800OCP5001 TL5001OMC2596 LM2596/AP1501PT1301 RJ9266PT4101 AJC1648/MP3202PT4102 LT1937/AJC1896/AP1522/RJ9271/MP1540SG5841SZ SG6841DZ/SG6841DSM9621 RJ9621/AJC1642SP1937 LT1937/AJC1896/AP1522/RJ9271/MP1540STR-G5643D STR-G5653D、STR-G8653DTEA1507 TEA1533TEA1530 TEA1532对应引脚功能接入THX202H TFC719THX203H TFC718STOP246Y TOP247YVA7910 MAX1674/75 L6920 AJC1610VIPer12A VIPer22A[audio01]ICE2A165(1A/650V.31W);ICE2A265(2A/650V.52W);ICE2B0565(0.5A/650V.23W):ICE2B165(1A/650V.31W);ICE2B265(2A/650V.52W);ICE2A180(1A/800V.29W);ICE2A280(2A/800.50W).KA5H0365R, KA5M0365R, KA5L0365R, KA5M0365RN# u) t! u1 W1 B) R, PKA5L0365RN, KA5H0380R, KA5M0380R, KA5L0380R1、KA5Q1265RF/RT(大小两种体积)、KA5Q0765、FSCQ1265RT、KACQ1265RF、FSCQ0765RT、FSCQ1565Q这是一类的,这些型号的引脚功能全都一样,只是输出功率不一样。

液晶 8 脚贴片元器件参数大集合
4532 内含 P 沟道、N 沟道 MOS 管各一,高压板用(30V 4.7A;30V 4.5A)
4532M 内含 P 沟道、N 沟道 MOS 管各一,高压板用(30V 4.5A;30V 4.5A)
AO4409(30V15A-P) 30V 15A P 沟道场效应 8 脚贴片
AO4410 30V 18A 单 N 沟道 8 脚贴片
AO4411 30V 8A 3W P 沟道场效应,8 脚贴片
AO4413 30V 15A 3W 单 P 沟道,8 脚贴片
AO4413 30V 15A 3W 单 P 沟道,8 脚贴片
9916H 18V 35A 50W 小贴片 9960GM 8 脚贴片,高压板用。
AF4502CS 内含 P 沟道、N 沟道 MOS 管各一,高压板用(30V 8.4A;30V 6.8A)
AO4403 30V 6.1A 单 P 沟道 8 脚贴片 AO4404 30V 8.5A 单 N 沟道 8 脚贴片
TPC8401 内含 P 沟道、N 沟道 MOS 管各一,高压板用(30V 4.5A;30V 4.5A)
AP1501/AP1506 , 3A 降压 DC/DC ,直接替换 LM2576/LM2596 ,广泛应用于车载 DVD ,车载音响, LCD/LCM ; AP1507 , 3A 降压 DC/DC ,替换 SHARP PQ1CZ21 , PQICZ41 , PQ1CG21 。应用于车 载 DVD ,车载音响; AP1509 , 2A 降压 DC/DC 。替换 MP1410 ;应用于 DVD 译码版,网络产品; AP2001 , CCFL 驱动 IC ,

光传输产品光传输产品 光传输产品简明目录1. MP1590A网络性能分析仪 22. 安立MD1230A/MD1231A测试解决方案 33. SDH/SONET/PDH/ATM 分析仪 64. 光时域反射仪OTDR85. 光谱分析仪OSA106. 手持光衰耗测试仪117. 光功率计128. 台式光测试仪139. 比特误码率测试仪系列1410. 1480nm FP-LD with FBG系列200mw-400mw 1911. 1310nm,1550nm FP-LD系列100mw 2112. 1480nm FP-LD系列120mw - 400mw 2313. 1550nm,1610nm DFB-LD 系列10,20,40mw 25光传输产品 MP1590A网络性能分析仪对应1.5Mb/s~10.7Gb/s对应1.5Mb/s~10.7Gb/sMP1590A提供符合ITU-T G.703(2,8,34,139,1.5,45Mbps),及G.958(52,155,622,2488及9953Mbps)及G.709(2.66G,10.709G),1G ,10GE,以太网接口的测试模块式结构用户可根据需要进行选择对应SDH/SONET/PDH/IP/WDM/OTN等网络的测试对应虚级联VCX虚级联VCX是下一代SDH传输技术的核心技术之一MP1590A对应速率可到STM-64的多种虚级联方式如VC-3-7v VC-4-nv (n = 1,2,3,7)等支持GFP至STM-64-VC4-16c提供外部光输入接口可通过外部TLS光源输入不同波长光信号MP1590A可灵活对应DWDM系统测试的应用抖动发生及测试世界上首次同时支持从STM-0到STM-64,OTU1(2.66G),OTU2(10.709G),10GbEthernet(10.3G)抖动的测试的仪表误码性能分析对应多达9种误码性能分析G.821,G.826,G.828,G.829,M.2100,M.2101,M.2110,M.2120,GR.820界面友好操作方便采用Windows XP操作系统提供四界面同时显示模式(同时显示测试条件测试结果分析结果(曲线),及辅助菜单(同时显示频偏及光功率等)提供内置鼠标和快捷键使操作更方便提供Ethernet GPIB及RS-232C控制接口和两个USB接口卓越的基本性能0.1ppm 的内时钟精度,同类仪表中体积最小重量轻,模块式结构升级方便,操作界面友好速度快帧存储及捕捉对SDH,在STM-64也可有64帧的捕捉能力对OTN最多256帧内置20dB光衰减器MP1590A各速率输出光功率均优于0dBm且有内置光衰减器020dB范围内可调使设备的接收灵敏度等的测试更简单标准泊松分布的OTN误码产生MP1590A提供在OTU1,OTU2速率的符合标准泊松分布的随机误码产生功能适用于SDH/PDH/WDM/OTN/Ethernet网络的测试适用于设备的研发生产建设维护测试插件式结构配置灵活提供OTU1,OTU2,1OG Ethernet(10.3G),10G的抖动测试方案在线的用户手册令使用更简单光传输产品安立 MD1230A/MD1231A― 更灵活的测试解决方案MD1230A 数据质量分析仪多种测试功能提供目前业界领先的IPv6和以太网BER比特误码率测试解决方案简便的性能测试一键式RFC2544网络设备自动性能测试RFC2889交换机自动性能评估应用于VoIP, VoD 等实时网络的数据包延时和延时抖动性能测试多种协议仿真路由协议RIP, OSPF, BGP-4 MPLS RSVP, LDP/CR-LDP IP 组播IGMPv1, IGMPv2其他ARP, PING, PPP灵活的流量发生可产生包括VLAN, MPLS, IPv6在内的常用网络协议流量可为业务流配置基于VLAN 或DiffServ 的QoS 优先级可为业务流量配置各种流量负载参数仿真真实网络业务状况每端口可编辑256个数据流格式并可简单编程循环发送超强的网络监视协议分析功能特有的各种数据流量计数器QoS 流量计数器和各种误码计数器 大容量的数据捕捉缓存器丰富灵活的过滤和触发捕捉控制支持IPv4, IPv6, MPLS 等近20种常用网络协议解析 提供Decode module 选件支持近400种网络协议解析方便的SDH 测试功能SDH 的各种告警和误码分析各种开销字节的监视和预设 APS 自动保护倒换测试光功率计SDH 性能测试ITU-T G.826专家网络分析功能此功能自动检测网络及其设备的故障和故障征兆,并以用户容易理解的界面给出建议的修正措施,是网络维护的理想工具MD1230A 数据质量分析仪是安立公司综合了数据网络和光网络测试技术而推出的一款功能强大的IP/SDH 测试系统安立MD1230A 完全内置PC 显示器和键盘MD1230A 是一个强大的可扩展平台支持多种EtherNet 接口和PoS 接口功能更强大操作更简便光传输产品其他功能各种测试设置测试结果均可保存多用户功能允许用户以端口为单位同时共享测试接口卡具有Tcl/Tk API 和GPIB 命令集用户可随心所欲编写自己的应用系统配置MD1230A主机内置简便易用的Windows98平台单台主机带有5个插槽可容纳多达40个10/100M 以太网端口或5个10G 的PoS 端口通过以太网最多可连接8台MD1230A 主机构建高密度测试端口多台主机可通过时钟链路或内置GPS 接收器同步主机时间以太网测试接口卡MU120101A 10/100M 以太网测试模块8端口RJ-45MU120102A 千兆以太网测试模块2端口GBIC(SX/LX/LH/ZX/T)MU120118A 10G 以太网测试模块2端口占用2槽位XENPAK模块PoS 测试接口卡MU120119A STM-1/Oc-3, STM-4/Oc-12测试模块2端口1310nmMU120120A STM-1/Oc-3测试模块2端口1310nmMU120103A STM-16/Oc-48测试模块1端口1310nmMU120104A STM-16/Oc-48测试模块1端口1550nm MU120105A STM-64/Oc-192测试模块1端口1310nmMU120106A STM-64/Oc-192测试模块1端口1550nm目标应用网络设备制造商网络设备研发生产测试网络工程建设 电信运营商网络系统性能分析网络工程验收网络故障分析MD1231A 手持式IP 网络分析仪MD1231A IP 网络分析仪是安立公司新推出的一款手持式IP 网络分析仪安立MD1231A 完全内置PC显示器和键盘MD1231A 重量和体积约为MD1230A 的1/3约6Kg支持多种EtherNet 接口功能强大使用方便光传输产品主要功能率先支持IPv6测试的手持式网络分析仪 方便的有线/无线数据网络的网络吞吐量丢包率和延时等性能分析VoIP, VoD 等实时网络系统数据包延时延时抖动性能分析灵活的协议流量发生可产生包括VLAN, MPLS, IPv6在内的常用网络协议流量可为业务流配置基于VLAN 或DiffServ 的QoS 优先级 可为业务流量配置各种流量参数如速率大小等 每端口可编辑256个数据流格式并可简单编程循环发送超强的网络监视协议分析功能特有Through-Mode 和Monitor-Mode 监视方式完全记录被测设备间的通信大容量的数据捕捉缓存器丰富灵活的过滤和触发捕捉控制支持IPv4, IPv6, MPLS 等近20种常用网络协议解析 可集成Sniffer 软件提供VoIP 等400多种协议解析和专家系统分析功能 在线实时网络流量监视 实时网络数据流量图在线实时网络协议流量监视功能系统配置MD1231A 主机内置简便易用的Windows98平台单台主机带有2个插槽可容纳多达16个10/100M 以太网端口或4个1G 的以太网端口多台主机协同工作时可通过时钟链路或内置GPS 接收器同步主机时间以太网测试接口卡MU120101A 10/100M 以太网测试模块8端口RJ-45MU120102A 千兆以太网测试模块2端口GBIC(SX/LX/LH/ZX/T)目标应用网络设备制造商网络工程建设小型网络设备研发 电信运营商网络系统性能分析网络工程验收网络故障分析光传输产品SDH/SONET/PDH/ATM 分析仪 MP1570A/A1;MP1580A对应1.5Mb/s10Gb/s• 适用于SONET,SDH,PDH 及ATM 网络 • 适用于设备的研发生产建设维护测试• 插件式结构设计用户根据不同的需求,选择不同的模块• 满足ITU-T 及Bellcore 标准支持级联映射TCM 测试,APS 测试CID 测试等• 抖动测试符合ITU-T 最新的O.172建议 • MP1570A/A1和MP1580A 是测试10Gb/s抖动的最佳解决方案• 提供非帧图案no frame pattern 功能 • 内置的打印机和3.5’’的软盘驱动器 • 在线帮助功能方便用户进行仪表的操作查询并具有测试连接方法的提示对应1.5Mb/s10Gb/sMP1570A/A1符合ITU-T G.70328341391.5及45Mbps 及G.958521566222488和9953Mbps ,用户根据不同的需求来进行选择级联映射MP1570A/A1可实现STM-1到STM-64c 的映射进行SDH 及SONET 的测试超强的SDH 及SONET 测试功能MP1570A/A1可发生和测试CID图案符合ITU-T G.958建议TCM 图案ITU-T G.707及非帧图案而且APS 倒换时间的设定及再设定符合ITU-T G.707,G.783及G.842建议,开销测试告警测试帧存储和捕捉选件MP1570A/A1能分析和编辑多达64帧的数据对10Gb/s 最多26帧增强的通过模式MP1570A/A1为用户提供4种通过模式可选透明通过开销/改写净荷/改写插入/取出用户可在通过的信号中插入各种误码或告警 误码分析误码性能可进行符合ITU-T G.821,G.826,M.2100,M.2101,M.2110, M.2120的误码性能分析对误码及告警的测试结果可以用图形的形式来显示,分辨率为1秒,1分,15分, 60分钟频率及光功率测试MP1570A/A1可测试接收信号的频率和用图形曲线来显示测试结果若装有光接口插件即可测试接收信号的相对及绝对光功率抖动发生及测试MP1570A/A1和MP1580A 可以按照ITU-T G.823,G.825,G.824,G.958及Bellcore 253 和499进行抖动容限和抖动传递函数的测试.其结果可用数值或曲线来显示,方便用户进行分析光传输产品 漂移测试MP1570A/A1和MP1580A可以按照ITU-TG.823,G.825,G.824,G.958及Bellcore 253 和499发生漂移.利用测试应用软件,可以在外部计算机上进行MTIE和TDEV的实时测试分析ATM图案发生和测试MP1570A/A1不仅可测试信元性能,还可以测试信元延时,CDV及信元流量可产生和测试AIS,RDI及连续检测F4和F5流的信元而且能按ITU-T I.610建议产生自环或性能监视信元混合净荷在测试TUG-3映射或更低层时,用户在被测试信道外可设定两个别的信道APS时间测试功能用户可用此功能高精度地测试0.1ms级的APS倒换时间,MP1570A/A1此测试符合ITU-T G.783和G.841建议开销设定和测试用户可设定开销,更改捕捉及开销设定,测试64帧指针和开销比特误码 MP1570A/A1可捕捉任意SOH或POH(1字节),K1或K2字节,或1024帧的H1和H2字节来分析误码和告警,以及检测APS 协议 指针监视和发生MP1570A/A1能以图形的格式显示指针值的变化发送端产生符合ITU-T G.783的指针调整图形复用/解复用功能选件MP1570A/A1在所有的速率都可设定成帧或非帧若再选择了复用/解复用功能MP1570A/A1可产生包含帧调整信号的复用结构并可执行复用/解复用测试超强的误码/告警仿真功能MP1570A/A1 能交替产生标准或非标准的帧来测试终端设备的帧同步功能(这个功能叫SDH FAS误码加入功能)2M通道业务中断时间测试此功能可用于无SDH低速支路接口的系统的保护倒换时间的测量,精度可达0.1msSDH/SONET/PDH/ATM 分析仪选择指南功能型号2/8/34/140M DS1,DS3 STM-0/1/4 STM-16 STM-64 2/8/34/140Mjitter,wanderDS1,DS3jitter,wanderSTM-0/1/4jitter,wanderSTM-16jitter,wanderSTM-64jitter,wanderATM/POS MP1577AMP1570AMP1570A1MP1580A光传输产品光时域反射仪OTDRMW9076系列• 光纤断点连接头松动等故障的查找• 光纤距离 / 长度测量 • 光纤总损耗/平均损耗测量 • 连接器 / 接续点的接续损耗测量 • 连接器的回波损耗• 中文菜单及提供中文操作手册快速测试大大提高测试速度,用全自动测试功能对多芯光缆最短10秒即可测试实时扫描一次仅0.15秒重复测试功能 (全自动 + 文件保存 + 波长切换 + 光开关自动切换)减少了测量时间极佳的基本特性世界最大的动态范围: 45 dB 世界最短的盲区: 1.6/8 m 最高采样分辨率5cm波长自动切换WDM 市场的一个解决方案提供新的测试功能世界第一台有色散测试功能的OTDR (高精度测试SMF 和DSF 的色散)更好的性能大屏幕LCD 彩色显示 (两种供选择: TFT 或 STN) 更多的采样点 (50,000 点) 锂电池更有余量显示功能GR196 格式文件的存取光传输产品OTDR 选择指南型号 MW9076B1 MW9076B7 MW9076B MW9076C MW9076D1 MW9076J MW9076K 光纤种类 SM SM SM SM SM GI GI 波长1.31/1.55µm 25nm1.31/1.55µm 25nm1.31/1.55µm 25nm1.31/1.55/1.625µm 25nm1.31/1.45/1.55/ 1.625µm 3nm0.85µm 30nm0.85/1.31µm 30nm动态范围40.5/38.5dB 35/35dB 45/43dB 41.5/39.5/37.5dB 34.5/33.5/32.5/30.5dB 21dB 21/25dB 盲区(菲涅尔.背向散射) 1.6/8m 1.6/8m 1.6/8m 1.6/8m 3/25m 2/7m 2/7m 色散光源功能 可见光源光功率计 高功率光功率计 选 件 光通道选择器特性高性能 短盲区 低成本高性能 短盲区 低成本 适合中国市场的动态范围最高性能的型号 宽动态范围 短盲区三个波长 L 波段测试色散测试 四个波长 波长精度3nm用于多模光纤 短盲区用于多模光纤 双波长 短盲区OTDR 仿真软件MW907600A运行于WINDOWS 下用于在PC 机上分析OTDR 光纤测试结果具有仿真功能双端测试功能波形差别显示功能多光纤测试模式及色散测试模式等而且MW9076系列OTDR 测试的数据可通过RS-232C 传输到PC 机上而且提供非常方便的报告输出功能可对指定的文件自动分析和打印可在一页上打印多个波形特别是在双端测试时双端测试的结果可自动生成一个报告此外报告可存储为excel 文档光传输产品 光谱分析仪MS9710COSA光谱波形分析 光谱功率测量 零跨距应用 无源器件测量 有源器件测量 PMD 测量 EDFA 的NF/GAIN测量 特定波长电平精确测量 插损 LED 回损, WDM分析 FP-LD DFB-LD分析宽的波长范围 600 1750nm 高的波长精度 0.02nm覆盖多模单模所有波段及重复性测试准确大的动态范围 70 dB测量DWDM有优势可支持大功率输入 +23dBm 扫描速度快 全范围: 500ms 可以列表形式同时显示所扫描到的各个波的测量结果 高灵敏度 90dBm11光传输产品 手持光衰耗测试仪MS9020D模块化的设计,易于更换,特别适合野外操作.支持4种LD光源,7种LED光源,8种光功率计和一个回波损耗测试模块.可测量连续波和调制光.3种波长校准功能,波长精度达5nm.测量光损耗达67 dB.测量光回损达40 dB.3种供电方式,AC,充电电池,干电池.多种接口.12光传输产品 光功率计ML9001As-100dBm~+20dBm动态范围 四位数字显示 12种调制频率 GPIB接口 多种可更换的传感器 自动波长校正和自动测试范围选择 测试结果输出功能ML9002A手持式仪表 -70dBm~+10dBm动态范围 多种连接器 四位数字显示 自动关机功能13光传输产品 台式光测试仪MT9810A高精度测试 高达10个的测试条件存储 端口参数偶合能力 最大,最小值显示 高达1000个的测试结果记录,便于下载分析 时间间隔可设定的长时期测试 0.1Hz到100kHz的多种带宽测试 GPIB,RS-232C作为标准接口 远程控制和被控制 多种光源(包括符合ITU-T 标准的DWDM C+L波段 光源),光功率计插件. 光功率计模块最高灵敏度 量动态范围120dB. DFB激光器输出功率最大+10dBm ±0.005dB 其稳定性优于 110dBm,最大光损耗测 LabVIEW软件的驱动程序可以很容易地进行自动控 制系统的设置和初始化. 高精度光功率测量 2% 不确定度在参考条件下优于 线性优于在 实 际 操 作 条 件 下 优 于 3.5%±0.01dB. 高回损 低偏振相关损耗探测器 对于光器件和使用光放大器的系统测量是很理想的. 高分辨率光功率测量 MT9810A测量光功率的显示 分辨率为0.001dB 通过GPIB或RS-232C控制时,分辨率可达到0.0001dB 主要用途有 测量最大 最小光功率及统计偏差测量WDM器件的波长特性 光耦合器 分路器的插 损 衰耗 PDL 光开关特性 脉冲光信号平均功中心波长稳定性优于±2GHz.率测量等.具有标准的GPIB和RS-232C接口.利用随机附带14光传输产品 比特误码率测试仪系列产品比特误码率测试仪工作原理是这样的 由脉冲图形发生器 PPG 向被测设备发送类似于实际业务信号的图案 经 过被测设备处理的图案送回误码检测器 ED 逐比特检 测误码特性 进行误码性能分析 在此基础上分析信号波 形眼图的冗余度 并显示眼图 主要应用于通信高速逻辑 电路 器件 光模块 数字传输系统等的研发和制造评价 测试 一 以测试速率范围划分 ME7770A/ME7780A ME7750A/ME7760A MP1763C/MP1764C MP1632C MP1630B 二 16 路 各自的主要特点及功能 25Gb/s-48Gb/s 25Gb/s-43.5Gb/s 50M-12.5Gb/s 50M-3.2Gb/s 10k-200Mb/s 2. ME7750A/B/ME7760A/BME7750A/B 由以下 5 台仪表组成 合成时钟源 (69xxxB 或 68xxxC 系列 ) 发生器 误码仪 敏度 MP1758A 脉冲图形 MP1776A 低抖动: MP1801A/MP1803A 43.5G 复用器 主要特点 高品质输出波形MP1802A/MP1804A 43.5G 解复用器<10ps 上升及下降时间(10 – 90% ): <18ps 高灵 100 mV 大的 PRGM 储存器: 32M bits ME7760A/B 除了 PPG 换成 MP1775A 外 其他与 ME7750A 相同1.ME7770A/ME7780AME7780A 由以下 5 台仪表组成 合成时钟源 (69xx xB or 68xxxC 系列 ) MP1775A 脉冲图形发生器 MP1811A 48G 复用器 MP1776A 误码仪 MP1812A 48G 解复用器 低抖动: < 10ps 上 高灵敏度 100 主要特点升及下降时间 (20 – 80% ): 10psmV 大的 PRGM 储存器: 32M bits ME7770A 的 组成除了 PPG 换成 MP1758A 外 其他与 ME7780A 相同ME7750A/B/ME7760A/BME7770A/ ME7780A15光传输产品 3. MP1763C/MP1764C高质量的输出波形 上升/下降时间 10%-90% 30ps 低失真 15% 图案抖动 10ps 灵敏度 从 27-1 到 231-1 bits p-p 50 mV 的输入 交替的图案 支持突发 8 Mbit 长度的可编程图案 7 个 PRBS 图案 零替代图案 误码位置分析1/8 或 1/4 速度的辅助输出数据比特误码测量和光环路测试 自动的眼图宽度和高度 分析 操作简单 应用软件支持 SONET/SDH 帧下载, Q 因子测量 与 MP1777A 一起支持 OC-192 的抖动测试4. MP1632C结构紧凑 GPIB PPG,ED,及时钟源在一个机箱中 以太网接口(10 Base-T) 30 ps p-p 重量轻 熟悉的 上升/下 20kg 鼠标 键盘 旋钮键 小键盘 触摸屏方便操作 RS-232C Windows 用户界面 内置软驱 / 硬盘驱动器 降沿 80 ps 图案抖动幅度范围 0.5 到2V p-p 数据输出内部交叉点可调节 时钟输出占空比 可调 时延可调 高输入灵敏度: 25 mV @ 3Gb/s, 223-1 自动搜索功能 可以屏蔽某些通道不进行误码检测 支持 GND, ECL (-2V), 和 PECL (+3 V) 时测量 支持突发信号测量 插入/丢失误码可同 眼图冗余度及其图形显示16光传输产品 5. MP1630B16 个通道数据的产生和分析 时延测量) 每个通道 200Mb/s 速率 PRBS 图案 每通道 64 Kbits) 可工作于突发和重复模式 很强的分析功能(眼图冗余度/ 有五类不同的图案发生器 可编程图案 (长度 (27-1~231-1)插零图案 混合图案 (可编程/PRBS) PDS( 无源双星形 网络)图案 收发一体 结构紧凑 Windows GUI 用户界 面 数据 / 时钟接口电平 ECL PECL TTL LVTTL (低 电平 TTL) 可调 (.25~2.5 V @ 50 欧姆 误码性能分析 (ITU-T Rec. G.821) 自动搜索 时钟相位和数据门限 确认 PRBS 口(选件) 能 全部 遥控 RS-232C GPIB(选件) 以太网接 周期性误 误码检测功 误码插入 插入 单个误码 (内部/外部)码(10-3~10-9)突发性误码 (内部/外部) 丢失网络数据分析仪 MD6430A简单 ISDN 快速测试数据线路 帧中继的建设 一台仪表满足高速数据专线 维护和网络设备制造时的检验支持速率 50bit/s 到 10Mbit/s 的比特误码测量 总的特点是体积小 重量轻 支持多接口 大的彩色 LCD 显示 触摸屏操作 于现场使用 MD6430A 可配置多达 13 种接口 包括 V.24/V.28,V.35,V.36,RS-449,X.20,X.21,TTL/ CMO S G.703 64k,I.430/I.430-a 192k,G.703/G.704/I.431 2.0M 测试 件 主要功能有误码/告警测试 数字电平测试 时延测试 频率 用户图形发送/跟踪 帧中继 可工作于 AC 和电池 适网络 到 2 层 测试 ISDN 主叫/被叫 到 3 层 选 复用/解复用测试等 误码性能分析符合 ITU-T G.826 M.2100 标准 可同时监视收发两 在 测试结果有图形显示和文本显示两种方式 也可存于 3.5 寸软盘 G.821 条线路可通过外接打印机打印 PC 上生成测试报告17光传输产品 ATM 质量分析仪 MP1220BMP1220B 是一台专门测试 ATM 网络的便携式仪表 可 以测试 PDH/SDH 物理层 ATM 层和 AAL 适用于 ATM 网络的建设和维护以及 ATM 设备制造时的检验 主要特点是 支持从 1.5Mbps 到 622Mbps 的 PDH SDH SONET 各种接口 可同时测试和实时分析两 个通道 上行/下行 的 ATM-CPCS 层内容 自动 监测 1023 个网络通道的流量 用符合 ITU O.191 建 议的成帧净荷数据进行信元延时测量 体积小 重量 轻 便携 支持远端操作 提供在线使用手册和在线 帮助功能 大彩色 LCD 显示 触摸屏 数据传输分析仪 MD6420AMD6420A 是一款台式数据网络比特误码率测试仪 适于 数字数据网络质量的评价 其主要功能和 MD6430A 基本 相同 其主要特点是 可以测试各种数据通信设备 从低 速 MODEM 到高速的数字租用线 速率 50bps 到 10Mbps 支持 V/X/G/I 系列接口的测试 拥有丰富的测 操作简单 方便 试模块 提供 G.821 的误码性能分析标准 有图形化分 析功能 有内置打印机八种接口单元提供 PDH SDH SONET 信号的开销 监测 误码/告警插入 误码/告警测量功能及空信元 信元扰码 陪集 HEC 纠错的设置DWDM 光通道提取装置 MN9320AMN9320A 是一台便携式 DWDM 接入产品 主要用来在 QoS 单元可以测试信元丢失 错误信元 信元误插 入 不合格信元 信元延时测量 带宽 总信元数 OAM 信元数 1 点/2 点 CDV 测量 信元间隔测 DWDM 系统中任意位置接入以显示光纤中当前使用的通 道波长 功率 同时可以提取任一通道的信号进行数字传 输业务的测试 可用于 DWDM 网络的安装调试 竣工验 收和维护 主要特点是 覆盖 C 波段 1530 到 1565nm 支持 单通道数据速率到 10Gb/s 波长间隔符合 ITU-T 波长测试精度为 建议的 50GHz 100GHz 的标准或用户自定义 可 测试所有光通道的波长和功率 10pm 光输出具有保护模式 高分辨率彩色显示加 上下拉式菜单使其操作很容易 可与任何厂家的比特 误码率测试仪一起使用量 协议单元测试项目包括信元计数 CPCS-PDU 计数 帧长短错误计数 CPI 错误计数 SN 错误计 数 ST 错误计数 LI 错误计数等 支持 O.191 AAL1 AAL3/4 AAL5 协议帧的编辑和自动检测18光传输产品1480nm FP-LD with FBG 系列规格型号 AF4A2XXXXXXL200mw - 400mw应用参铒光纤放大器拉曼放大器C 波段L 波段描述AF4A2xxxxxxxL 系列 1.48um 高功率泵浦激光器应用于参铒光放 大器系统 EDFA ,拉曼放大器 功率可达 400mw,该款型号采用 工业标准 14 引脚蝶形封装特点内置 TEC 冷却器 光隔离器 监控 PD 封装为标准 14 管脚蝶形 工作温度范围广 波长温 封装 激光输出波长覆盖 1400nm-1500nm 漂小于 0.2pm/(-20 到+70°C)输出功率 200-400mW 频宽最大 3.5nmQuality Systems are ISO-9001 CertifiedSMF 输出 PMF 输出UV coating 光纤 φ0.25mm UV coating 光纤 φ0.4mmNo. 1 2 3管脚定义 Cooler anode Thermistor PD anode PD cathode Thermistor NC NCNo. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14管脚定义 NC NC LD anode LD cathode NC Case` Cooler cathode引脚图4 5 6 719光传输产品额定极限值 项目LD 前向电流 LD 反向电压 PD 前向电流 PD 反向电压 工作温度 存储温度 制冷器电流Tc=25deg.C 符号IF VR IFD VRD Tc Tstg Ic额定值1300~1700 2 10 20 -30 to +70 -40 to +85 3~5.8*单位mA V mA V Deg.C Deg.C A光电特性指标 项目前向电压 阈值电流 前向电流 BOL 中心波长 谱宽 监控电流 PD 暗电流 跟踪误差 制冷器电压 制冷器电流 热敏电阻 注TLD=25deg.C, Tc=25deg.C 符号VF Ith IF λc δλ Im Id Pf Vc Ic Rth测试条件Pf=200mw ~ 400mw Pf=200mw~400mw Pf=200mw~400mw,RMS(-20dB) Pf=200mw~ 400mw,RMS(-10dB) Pf=200nm~ 400mw,VRD=5V VRD=5V Im=const,Tc=-20~70°C IF = *EOL, TC = 70°C IF = *EOL, TC = 70°C TLD = 25 deg.C , B = 3900±100最小λ-1 100* 9.5典型2.0 40 λ 400 10最大3.0 50~70 700~1400 λ+1 3.5 0.1 0.5 3.7~4.5* 2.0~4.8* 10.5单位V mA mA nm nm A A dB V A KΩ1.EOL=BOL X 1.2 2.监控电流 Im=500mA(Pf>300mw) 3.制冷器电流,电压根据 Pf 值而定20光传输产品1310nm,1550nm FP-LD 系列规格型号应用100mwAFxA3102C/Fx0L长途描述短途光通信测试仪表光源AFxA3102C/Fx0L 系列 1310nm,1550nm 高功率激 光器应用于长途传输网络 如 SDH,DWDM 等系统 同时应用于光通信测试系统, 功率可达 00mw, 该款型号采用工业标准 14 引脚蝶形封装特点内置 TEC 冷却器 光隔离器 温度范围广(-20 到+70°C 主要应用于长途 SMF 输出 PMF 输出 监控 PD 封装为标准 14 管脚蝶形 封装 激光输出波长(1295nm-1325nm),(1535nm-1565nm),工作 输出功率 100mw 频宽典型值 4nm 测试仪表光源 短途光通信Nylon jacket 光纤 φ0.9mm Nylon jacket 光纤 φ0.9mmQuality Systems are ISO-9001 CertifiedNo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 管脚定义 Cooler anode Thermistor PD anode PD cathode Thermistor NC NC No. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 管脚定义 NC NC LD anode LD cathode NC Case` Cooler cathode引脚图21光传输产品额定极限值 Tc=25deg.C 项目LD 前向电流 LD 反向电压 PD 前向电流 PD 反向电压 工作温度 存储温度 制冷器电流符号IF VR IFD VRD Tc Tstg Ic额定值900 2 10 20 -20 to +70 -40 to +85 2单位mA V mA V Deg.C Deg.C A光电特 eg.C, Tc=25deg.C 项目前向电压 阈值电流 光功率 中心波长 谱宽 监控电流 PD 暗电流 跟踪误差 制冷器电压 制冷器电流 热敏电阻 光隔离度性指标 测试条件If=500mA If=500mATLD=25d 最小100 1295,1535 100 9.5 -符号VF Ith Pf λc dl Im Id Pf Vc Ic Rth Ro典型2.0 30 1310,1550 4; 8 400 10 30最大2.5 60 1325,1565 5 0.1 0.5 3.2 1.2 10.5 10单位V mA mw nm nm mA mA dB V A KΩ dBIf=500mA,RMS(-20dB) If=500mA,RMS(-20dB) If=500mA,VRD=5V VRD=5V Im=const,Tc=-20~70°C If=600mA, TC = 70°C If=600mA, TC = 70°C TLD=25deg.C,B=3900±100K TLD = 25 deg.C22光传输产品1480nm FP-LD 系列规格型号应用120mw - 400mwAF4A1XXXX75L参铒光纤放大器C 波段L 波段描述 AF4A1xxxA/E75L 系列 1.48um 高功率泵浦激光器应用于 功率可达 400mw,该款型 参铒光放大器系统 EDFA 号采用工业标准 14 引脚蝶形封装 特点 前置电压 2V 功耗小 输出功率稳定度达 0.5% 内置隔 离器 监控光敏二极管 致冷器 单模多模光纤可选 工作温度范围广(-30 到 70 C) SMF 输出 UV coating 光纤 φ0.25mm PMF 输出 UV coating 光纤 φ0.4mmQuality Systems are ISO-9001 Certified额定极限值 项目 引脚图LD 前向电流 LD 反向电压 PD 前向电流 PD 反向电压 工作温度 存储温度 制冷器电流Tc=25deg.C 符号IF VR IFD VRD Tc Tstg Ic额定值1300~1700 2 10 20 -30 to +70 -40 to +85 2单位mA V mA V Deg.C Deg.C A23光传输产品管脚定义No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 管脚定义 Cooler anode Thermistor PD anode PD cathode Thermistor NC NC No. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 管脚定义 NC NC LD anode LD cathode NC Case` Cooler cathode光电特性指标 项目前向电压 阈值电流 前向电流 BOL 中心波长 谱宽 监控电流 PD 暗电流 跟踪误差 制冷器电压 制冷器电流 热敏电阻 光隔离度TLD=25deg.C, Tc=25deg.C 符号VF Ith IF λc dl Im Id Pf Vc Ic Rth Ro测试条件Pf=120mw ~400mw Pf=120mw ~400mw Pf=120mw~400mw,RMS(-20dB) Pf=120mw ~400mw,RMS(-20dB) Pf=120nm~400mw,VRD=5V VRD=5V Im=const,Tc=-20~70°C IF = *EOL, TC = 70°C IF = *EOL, TC = 70°C TLD = 25 deg.C , B = 3900±100 TLD = 25 deg.C最小1460 100* 9.5 -典型2.0 20~40 1475 4 400 10 30最大2.5 50~70 500~1400 1490 8 0.1 0.5 3.2~4.5* 1.2~4.8* 10.5 -单位V mA mA nm nm A A dB V A KΩ dB24光传输产品1550nm,1610nm DFB-LD 系列规格型号应用10,20,40mwAB5/6A1xxxMxxxD长途短途光通信如 SDH, DWDM 网络描述AB5/6A1xxxMxxxD 系列 1550nm,1610nm 分布反馈式激光器应用于长途 传输网络 如 SDH,DWDM 等系统 同时应用于光通信测试系统, 功率 从 10mw 至 40mw,该款型号采用工业标准 14 引脚蝶形封装特点内置 TEC 冷却器 光隔离器 监控 PD 激光输出波长覆盖 ITU C 波 工作温度范围广(-20 到+70°C 输 主要应用于 2.5Gb/s 高速 段和 L 波段 1530 nm-1620nm出功率 10-40mW 波长温漂小于 0.2pm/ 网络 PMF pigtail type FC/SPC connector率超长距离 DWDM 网络 城域 WDM 网 OC-48/STM16 等等级 SONET/SDHQuality Systems are ISO-9001 Certified项目LD 前向电流 LD 反向电压 PD 前向电流 PD 反向电压 工作温度 存储温度 制冷器电流符号IF VR IFD VRD Tc Tstg Ic额定值120~300 2 10 20 -20 to +70 -40 to +85 2单位mA V mA V Deg.C Deg.C A引脚图25。

液晶8脚贴片元器件参数大集合4532 内含P沟道、N沟道MOS管各一,高压板用(30V 4.7A;30V 4.5A)4532M 内含P沟道、N沟道MOS管各一,高压板用(30V 4.5A;30V 4.5A)9916H 18V 35A 50W 小贴片9960GM 8脚贴片,高压板用。
AF4502CS 内含P沟道、N沟道MOS管各一,高压板用(30V 8.4A;30V 6.8A)AO4403 30V 6.1A 单P沟道 8脚贴片AO4404 30V 8.5A 单N沟道 8脚贴片AO4405 30V 6A 3W 单P沟道8脚贴片AO4406 30V,11.5A,单N沟道,8脚贴片AO4407 30V 12A 3W 单P沟道,8脚贴片AO4407 30V 12A 3W 单P沟道,8脚贴片AO4408 30V 12A 单N沟道 8脚贴片AO4409(30V15A-P) 30V 15A P沟道场效应 8脚贴片AO4410 30V 18A 单N沟道 8脚贴片AO4411 30V 8A 3W P沟道场效应,8脚贴片AO4413 30V 15A 3W 单P沟道,8脚贴片AO4413 30V 15A 3W 单P沟道,8脚贴片AO4414 30V,8.5A,3W 单N沟道,8脚贴片AO4418 30V 11.5A N沟道 8脚贴片AO4422 30V 11A N沟道 8脚贴片AO4423 30V 15A 3.1W 单P沟道,8脚贴片AO4425 38V 14A P沟道8脚贴片AO4431 30V,8A P沟道。
高压板用MOS,贴片8脚AO4600 内含P沟道、N沟道MOS管各一,高压板用(30V 6.9A;30V 5A)AO4606 内含P沟道、N沟道MOS管各一,高压板用(30V 6.9A;30V 6A)AO4607 内含P沟道、N沟道MOS管各一,高压板用AO4828 60V 4.5A 双N沟道 8脚贴片AOD405 30V,18A,P 高压板MOS管贴片AOD408 30V,18A,N 高压板MOS管贴片AOD409 60V 26/18A P 高压板MOS管贴片AOD409 60V 26/18A P 高压板MOS管贴片AOD420 30V,10A,N 高压板MOS管贴片AOD442 60V,38/27A,N 高压板MOS管贴片AOD442 60V,38/27A,N 高压板MOS管贴片AOD444 60V,12A,N 高压板MOS管贴片AOP600 内含P、N沟道各1,30V 7.5A、30V 4.5A。

SEBS在医疗制品方面的应用美国食品医药管理局(FDA)认为SEBS材料无毒, 不会对人体组织产生过敏、变异及排斥反应,具有气密性好、耐温、耐老化及抗紫外性能,能使用高温蒸煮和紫外线直接消毒,符合颁布的食品医疗标准。
因此美国壳牌公司生产的Kraton G SEBS产品于1980年获得了美国食品医药管理局(FDA)食品医疗使用许可证。
美国Teknor Apex公司TPE分公司2003年开发了替代乳液橡胶和软PVC(加增塑剂)做医用管的专用SEBS牌号MP1580、MP1871-R和MP1848等,乳液橡胶易使医护保健人员产生过敏反应,而MP1580和M1871-R则不会发生上述不良反应,且产品性能还有所提高。
欧美一些关于SEBS在食品医疗方面的具体应用配方如下:配方1.一种多层复合膜,适用于生产医用药液袋第一层: PLTD 665 80%Kraton G 1652(或YH-501) 20%第二层:聚酰胺其粘合剂为 Bynel E配方2. 含SEBS的聚丙烯复材,用于生产导管、血袋、血液管等PP(MA-3) 70份SEBS(苯乙烯含量20wt%) 30份经密炼制得1mm厚片层,样片拉伸强度为38MPa,雾度18,硬度42(邵A)。
配方 3. 热封热塑性树脂复材,具有良好的模塑性,适用于包装膜(具有良好的耐穿刺性)VL800(乙烯-1-丁烯共聚物;d. cm3) 30%Tafmer A 4085 20%Tuftec H 1051 (SEBS) 20%增粘剂 15%苯乙烯接枝LDPE粒子 15%经混合,挤出,造粒,制得的膜具有良好的热封性。
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MP15802A, 380 KHz Step-Down Converter Monolithic Power Systems DESCRIPTIONThe MP1580 is a monolithic step-down switch mode converter with a built in internal power MOSFET. It achieves 2A continuous output current over a wide input supply range with excellent load and line regulation.Current mode operation provides fast transient response and eases loop stabilization.Fault condition protection includes cycle-by-cycle current limiting and thermal shutdown. In shutdown mode the regulator draws 23µA of supply current.The MP1580 requires a minimum number of readily available standard external components. A synchronization pin allows the part to be driven to 600KHz.EVALUATION BOARD REFERENCEBoard NumberDimensions EV00072.3”X x 1.5”Y x 0.5”ZFEATURES• 2A Output Current• 0.18Ω Internal Power MOSFET Switch• Stable with Low ESR Output CeramicCapacitors• Up to 95% Efficiency • 23µA Shutdown Mode • Fixed 380KHz Frequency • Thermal Shutdown• Cycle-by-Cycle Over Current Protection • Wide 4.75 to 25V Operating Input Range • Output Adjustable from 1.22V to 21V • Programmable Under Voltage Lockout • Frequency Synchronization Input • Available in an 8-Pin SO PackageAPPLICATIONS• Distributed Power Systems • Battery Chargers• Pre-Regulator for Linear Regulators, “MPS”, “Monolithic Power Systems”, and “The Future of Analog ICTechnology” are Registered Trademarks of Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.TYPICAL APPLICATIONC5E F F I C I E N C Y (%)OUTPUT CURRENT (A)MP1580_TAC_EC01Efficiency vsOutput Current VoltagePACKAGE REFERENCE* For Tape & Reel, add suffix –Z (eg. MP1580HS–Z) For Lead Free, add suffix –LF (eg. MP1580HS –LF–Z)*For Tape & Reel, add suffix –Z (eg. MP1580HP–Z) For Lead Free, add suffix –LF (eg. MP1580HP –LF–Z)ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (1) Supply Voltage (V IN) (27V)Switch Voltage (V SW)..................–1V to V IN + 1V Bootstrap Voltage (V BS).......................V SW + 6V Feedback Voltage (V FB).................–0.3V to +6V Enable/UVLO Voltage (V EN)...........–0.3V to +6V Comp Voltage (V COMP)...................–0.3V to +6V Sync Voltage (V SYNC)......................–0.3V to +6V Junction Temperature.............................+150°C Lead Temperature..................................+260°C Storage Temperature..............–65°C to +150°C Recommended Operating Conditions (2) Input Voltage (V IN).........................4.75V to 25V Operating Temperature...............–40°C to +125°C Thermal Resistance (3)ΘJA ΘJCSOIC8....................................105.....50...°C/W PDIP8.....................................95......55...°C/W Notes:1) Exceeding these ratings may damage the device.2) The device is not guaranteed to function outside of itsoperating conditions.3) Measured on approximately 1” square of 1 oz copper.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSV IN = 12V, T A = 25°C, unless otherwise noted.Parameter Symbol ConditionMinTypMaxUnitsFeedback Voltage 4.75V ≤ V IN≤ 25VV COMP < 2V1.198 1.222 1.246 VUpper Switch-On Resistance 0.18 ΩLowerSwitch-OnResistance 10 ΩUpper Switch Leakage V EN = 0V; V SW = 0V 0 10 µACurrent Limit (4) 2.4 3.0 3.6 ACurrent Limit Gain.Output Current to Comp Pin Voltage1.95 A/VError Amplifier Voltage Gain 400 V/VError Amplifier Transconductance ∆I C = ±10 µA 500 770 1100 µA/VOscillatorFrequency 342 380 418 KHzShort Circuit Frequency V FB = 0V 26 40 54 KHzSync Frequency Sync Drive 0V to 2.7V 445 600 KHzELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)V IN = 12V, T A = 25°C, unless otherwise noted.Parameter Symbol Condition Min Typ Max UnitsMaximum Duty CycleV FB = 1.0V 90 % Minimum Duty Cycle V FB = 1.5V 0 % Enable ThresholdI CC > 100µA 0.7 1.0 1.3 V Enable Pull-Up CurrentV EN = 0V1.151.461.8µAUnder Voltage Lockout Threshold Rising2.37 2.495 2.62 V Under Voltage Lockout Threshold Hysteresis210mVSupply Current (Shutdown) V EN ≤ 0.4V23 36 µA Supply Current (Quiescent) V EN ≥ 2.6V; V FB = 1.4V 1.0 1.2 mA Thermal Shutdown160°CNote:4) Derate current limit 0.011A/°C.PIN FUNCTIONSPin #NameDescription1 BSBootstrap (C5). This capacitor is needed to drive the power switch’s gate above thesupply voltage. It is connected between SW and BS pins to form a floating supply acrossthe power switch driver. The voltage across C5 is about 5V and is supplied by the internal +5V supply when the SW pin voltage is low.2 INSupply Voltage. The MP1580 operates from a +4.75V to +25V unregulated input. C1 isneeded to prevent large voltage spikes from appearing at the input.3 SW Switch. This connects the inductor to either IN through M1 or to GND through M2.4 GND Ground. This pin is the voltage reference for the regulated output voltage. For this reasoncare must be taken in its layout. This node should be placed outside of the D1 to C1ground path to prevent switching current spikes from inducing voltage noise into the part. 5 FBFeedback. An external resistor divider from the output to GND, tapped to the FB pin sets the output voltage. To prevent current limit run away during a short circuit fault conditionthe frequency foldback comparator lowers the oscillator frequency when the FB voltage is below 700mV.6 COMP Compensation. This node is the output of the transconductance error amplifier and theinput to the current comparator. Frequency compensation is done at this node byconnecting a series R-C to ground. See the compensation section for exact details.7 ENEnable/UVLO. A voltage greater than 2.495V enables operation. Leave EN unconnected if unused. An Under Voltage Lockout (UVLO) function can be implemented by theaddition of a resistor divider from V IN to GND. For complete low current shutdown, the EN pin voltage needs to be less than 700mV.8 SYNC Synchronization Input. This pin is used to synchronize the internal oscillator frequency toan external source. There is an internal 11k Ω pull down resistor to GND; therefore leaveSYNC unconnected if unused.OPERATIONThe MP1580 is a current mode regulator; the COMP pin voltage is proportional to the peak inductor current. At the beginning of a cycle: the upper transistor M1 is off; the lower transistor M2 is on (refer to Figure 1); the COMP pin voltage is higher than the current sense amplifier output and the current comparator’s output is low. The rising edge of the 380KHz CLK signal sets the RS Flip-Flop. Its output turns off M2 and turns on M1, thus connecting the SW pin and inductor to the input supply. The increasing inductor current is sensed and amplified by the Current Sense Amplifier. Ramp compensation is summed to Current Sense Amplifier output and compared to the Error Amplifier output by the Current Comparator. When the Current Sense Amplifier plus Slope Compensation signal exceeds the COMP pin voltage, the RS Flip-Flop is reset and theMP1580 reverts to its initial M1 off, M2 on, state. If the Current Sense Amplifier plus Slope Compensation signal does not exceed the COMP voltage, then the falling edge of the CLK resets the Flip-Flop.The output of the Error Amplifier integrates the voltage difference between the feedback and the 1.222V bandgap reference. The polarity is such that an FB pin voltage less than 1.222V increases the COMP pin voltage. Since the COMP pin voltage is proportional to the peak inductor current, an increase in its voltage increases the current delivered to the output. The lower 10Ω switch ensures that the bootstrap capacitor voltage is charged during light load conditions. An external Schottky Diode D1 carries the inductor current when M1 is off (see Figure 1).IN EN SYNC GNDSW BSFigure 1—Functional Block DiagramAPPLICATION INFORMATIONCOMPONENT SELECTIONSync Pin OperationThe SYNC pin driving waveform should be a square wave with a rise time less than 20ns. The Minimum High voltage level is 2.7V and the Low level is less than 0.8V. The frequency of the external sync signal needs to be greater than 445KHz.A rising edge on the SYNC pin forces a reset of the oscillator. The upper transistor M1 is switched off immediately if it is not already off. 250ns later M1 turns on connecting SW to V IN . Setting the Output VoltageThe output voltage is set using a resistive voltage divider from the output to FB (see Figure 2). The voltage divider divides the output voltage down by the ratio:2R 1R 2R V V OUTFB +=Thus the output voltage is:2R 2R 1R 222.1V OUT +×= R2 can be as high as 100k Ω, but a typical value is 10k Ω. Using this value, R1 is determined by:)222.1V (18.81R OUT −×≅For example, for a 3.3V output voltage, R2 is 10k Ω and R1 is 17k Ω.InductorThe inductor is required to supply constant current to the output load while being driven by the switched input voltage. A larger value inductor results in less ripple current that in turn results in lower output ripple voltage. However, the larger value inductor has a larger physical size, higher series resistance and/or lower saturation current. Choose an inductor that does not saturate under the worst-case load conditions. A good rule for determining the inductance is to allow the peak-to-peak ripple current in the inductor to be approximately 30% of the maximum load current. Also, make sure that the peak inductor current (the load current plus half the peak-to-peak inductor ripple current) is below the 2.4A minimum current limit.The inductance value can be calculated by the equation:If V )V V (V L IN OUT IN OUT ∆××−×=Where V OUT is the output voltage, V IN is the input voltage, f is the oscillator frequency and ∆I is the peak-to-peak inductor ripple current. Table 1 lists a number of suitable inductors from various manufacturers.Table 1—Inductor Selection GuidePackage Dimensions(mm)Vendor/ Model Core Type Core MaterialW L HSumidaCR75 Open Ferrite 7.0 7.8 5.5CDH74 Open Ferrite 7.3 8.0 5.2CDRH5D28Shielded Ferrite 5.5 5.7 5.5CDRH5D28Shielded Ferrite 5.5 5.7 5.5CDRH6D28Shielded Ferrite 6.7 6.7 3.0CDRH104R Shielded Ferrite 10.110.0 3.0Toko D53LCType AShielded Ferrite 5.0 5.0 3.0D75C Shielded Ferrite 7.6 7.6 5.1D104C Shielded Ferrite 10.010.0 4.3D10FL Open Ferrite 9.7 11.5 4.0CoilcraftDO3308 Open Ferrite 9.4 13.0 3.0DO3316 Open Ferrite 9.4 13.0 5.1Input CapacitorThe input current to the step-down converter is discontinuous, so a capacitor is required to supply the AC current to the step-down converter while maintaining the DC input voltage. A low ESR capacitor is required to keep the noise at the IC to a minimum. Ceramic capacitors are preferred, but tantalum or low-ESR electrolytic capacitors will also suffice. The input capacitor value should be greater than 10µF. The capacitor can be electrolytic, tantalum or ceramic. However, since it absorbs the input switching current it requires an adequate ripple current rating. Its RMS current rating should be greater than approximately 1/2 of the DC load current.To ensure stable operation, C1 should be placed as close to the IN pin as possible. Alternately, a smaller high quality ceramic 0.1µF capacitor may be placed closer to the IN pin and a larger capacitor placed further away. If using this technique, it is recommended that the larger capacitor be a tantalum or electrolytic type capacitor. All ceramic capacitors should be placed close to the MP1580.Output CapacitorThe output capacitor is required to maintain the DC output voltage. Low ESR capacitors are preferred to keep the output voltage ripple low. The characteristics of the output capacitor also affect the stability of the regulation control system. Ceramic, tantalum or low ESR electrolytic capacitors are recommended. In the case of ceramic capacitors, the impedance at the oscillator frequency is dominated by the capacitance, so the output voltage ripple is mostly independent of the ESR. The output voltage ripple is estimated to be:2LCIN RIPPLEff V 4.1V ⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛××≅ Where V RIPPLE is the output ripple voltage, V IN is the input voltage, f LC is the resonant frequency of the LC filter and f is the oscillator frequency. In the case of tantalum or low-ESR electrolytic capacitors, the ESR dominates the impedance at the oscillator frequency, therefore the output ripple is calculated as:ESR RIPPLE R I V ×∆≅Where V RIPPLE is the output voltage ripple, ∆I is the inductor ripple current and R ESR is the equivalent series resistance of the output capacitors.Output Rectifier DiodeThe output rectifier diode supplies the current to the inductor when the upper transistor M1 is off. To reduce losses due to the diode forward voltage and recovery times, use a Schottky rectifier.Table 2 provides the Schottky rectifier part numbers based on the maximum input voltage and current rating.Table 2—Schottky Rectifier Selection Guide2A Load Current V IN (Max)Part NumberVendor15V 30BQ015 4B220 1SK23 6 20VSR22 6 20BQ030 4 B230 1SK23 6 SR23 3, 6 26VSS23 2, 3Table 3 lists some rectifier manufacturers. Table 3—Schottky Diode ManufacturersVendor Web Site Diodes, Inc.Fairchild Semiconductor General Semiconductor International Rectifier On Semiconductor Pan Jit InternationalChoose a rectifier that has a maximum reverse voltage rating greater than the maximum input voltage, and a current rating greater than the maximum load current.CompensationThe system stability is controlled through the COMP pin. COMP is the output of the internal transconductance error amplifier. A series capacitor-resistor combination sets a pole-zero combination to control the characteristics of the control system. The DC loop gain is:OUTFBVEA CS LOAD VDC V V A G R A ×××= Where V FB is the feedback threshold voltage, 1.222V, V OUT is the desired output regulation voltage, A VEA is the transconductance error amplifier voltage gain, 400 V/V, G CS is the current sense gain, (roughly the output current divided by the voltage at COMP), 1.95 A/V and R LOAD is the load resistance (V OUT / I OUT where I OUT is the output load current).The system has 2 poles of importance, one is due to the compensation capacitor (C3), and the other is due to the output capacitor (C2). These are:VEAEA1P A 3C 2G f ××π= Where P1 is the first pole and G EA is the erroramplifier transconductance (770µA/V). andLOAD2P R 2C 21f ××π=The system has one zero of importance, due to the compensation capacitor (C3) and the compensation resistor (R3). The zero is:3R 3C 21f 1Z ××π=If a large value capacitor (C2) with relatively high equivalent-series-resistance (ESR) is used, the zero due to the capacitance and ESR of the output capacitor can be compensated by a third pole set by R3 and C6. The pole is:3R 6C 21f 3P ××π=The system crossover frequency (the frequencywhere the loop gain drops to 1, or 0dB) is important. A good rule of thumb is to set the crossover frequency to approximately 1/10 of the switching frequency. In this case, the switching frequency is 380KHz, so use a crossover frequency, f C , of 40KHz. Lower crossover frequencies result in slower response and worse transient load recovery. Higher crossover frequencies can result in instability. Choosing the Compensation Components The values of the compensation components given in Table 4 yield a stable control loop for the output voltage and capacitor given.Table 4—Compensation Values for Typical Output Voltage/Capacitor CombinationsV OUT C2 R3 C3 C62.5V 22µF Ceramic 7.5K Ω 2.2nF None3.3V 22µF Ceramic 10K Ω 1.5nF None 5V 22µF Ceramic 10K Ω 2.2nF None 12V 22µF Ceramic 10K Ω 5.6nFNone 2.5V 560µF/6.3V(30m Ω ESR) 10K Ω 30nFNone 3.3V 560µF/6.3V(30m Ω ESR) 10K Ω 39nFNone 5V 470µF/10V(30m Ω ESR) 10K Ω 47nFNone 12V 220µF/25V(30m Ω ESR)10K Ω 56nFNoneTo optimize the compensation components for conditions not listed in Table 4, use the following procedure:Choose the compensation resistor to set the desired crossover frequency. Determine the value by the following equation:FBOUTCS EA C V V G G f 2C 23R ××××π=Putting in the known constants and setting the crossover frequency to the desired 40KHz:OUT 8V 2C 1037.13R ×××≈The value of R3 is limited to 10k Ω to prevent output overshoot at startup, so if the value calculated for R3 is greater than 10k Ω, use 10k Ω. In this case, the actual crossover frequency is less than the desired 40KHz, and is calculated by:OUTFBCS EA 3C V 2C 2V G G R f ××π×××=orOUT4CV 2C 3R 1092.2f ×××≈−Choose the compensation capacitor to set the zero to ¼ of the crossover frequency. Determine the value by the following equation:3R V 2C 22.03C OUT××=Determine if the second compensation capacitor, C6, is required. It is required if the ESR zero of the output capacitor happens at less than four times the crossover frequency. Or:1f R 2C 8C ESR ≥×××πor1V R 3R 1034.7OUTESR5≥×××−Where R ESR is the equivalent series resistance of the output capacitor.If this is the case, add the second compensation capacitor. Determine the value by the equation:3R R 2C 6C )MAX (ESR ×=Where R ESR(MAX) is the maximum ESR of the output capacitor. For example: V OUT = 3.3VC2= 22µF Ceramic (ESR = 10m Ω)Ω=××××≈−k 9.9)3.3()1022()1037.1(3R 68Use the nearest standard value of 10k Ω.nF 6.110103.3)1022(22.03C 36=××××=−Use the nearest standard value of 1.5nF014.0f R 2C 2C ESR =×××πwhich is less than 1, therefore no second compensation capacitor is required.Table 5—Recommended Components forStandard Output VoltagesV OUT R1 L1 Minimum1.22V 0Ω 6.8µH 1.5V2.32k Ω 6.8µH 1.8V 4.75k Ω 10µH 2.5V 10.5k Ω 10µH3.3V 16.9k Ω 15µH 5.0V 30.9k Ω 22µHNegative Output VoltageThe MP1580 can be configured as a buck-boost regulator to supply negative output voltage.Because the GND pin of the IC is now connected to the negative output voltage, the maximum allowable input voltage is the IC input voltage rating (25V) minus the negative output voltage value. A typical application circuit is shown in Figure 2.TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUITSMP1580_F02C5Figure 2—Application Circuit for -5V SupplyC5Figure 3—MP1580 with Murata 22µF/10V Ceramic Output CapacitorNOTICE: MPS believes the information in this document to be accurate and reliable. However, it is subject to change without notice. Contact MPS for current specifications. MPS encourages users of its products to ensure that third party Intellectual Property rights are not infringed upon when integrating MPS products into any application. MPS cannot assume any legal responsibility for any said applications. MP1580 Rev. 2.5 Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.1012/9/04983 University Avenue, Building A, Los Gatos, CA 95032 USAPACKAGE INFORMATIONSOIC8NOTE:1) Control dimension is in inches. Dimension in bracket is millimeters.PDIP8。