


n. creation or expression of sth. beautiful;
skill in such creation
subjects of study (nguage /literature/ history) in which imaginative and creative skills are more important than measurement and calculation needed in science.
Is thisnews a harbinger of good days to come?
vt.To signal the approach of; presage(often something unpleasant).
Their idealism has been battered.
Skills(contrasted with scientific techniques)
Thesolecause of the accident.
We have thesoleright to sell this range of goods.独家经营这类产品。
The movie took a battering from critics.
v.strike repeatedly with hard blows;to repeat violence and assault
v.censure, criticize, or defeat severely or thoroughly.















(三)课程目标与毕业要求、课程内容的对应关系三、教学内容课程导读1.教学目标1)让学生了解熟悉世界主流英语媒体及国内权威英语媒体资源2)使学生掌握基础的新闻理论知识3)帮助学生培养媒体素养,使学生能够多角度理解并客观评论新闻2.教学重难点培养学生的媒介素养,使学生认识到西方媒体报道的特点,强调中国媒体报道世界的中国视角和中国观点3.教学内容1)课程资源介绍,包括主要的英语媒体资源,重点介绍国内的权威英语媒体资源2)新闻理论知识讲解,包括新闻的定义、价值、体裁、语言特色及文化特色等3)媒介素养培养,介绍西方媒体报道新闻、特别使中国新闻的特调,强调中国媒体报道新闻的视角和观点第一单元Education1.教学目标1)使学生掌握“教育”主题常用的词汇和句型2)使学生掌握Text A的主旨、结构、事实细节3)使学生掌握词义猜测第一部分的阅读策略4)通过其他课内外材料的阅读,对“教育”相关主题形成自己的看法2.教学重难点通过文字、音频、视频等多种材料的自学及课堂教学,让学生充分了解“教育”相关主题的信息,形成自己的观点和看法3.教学内容1“教育”主题新闻播报2Text A背景知识、课文主旨、结构的讲解分析3学术阅读策略1的学习和训练4“教育”相关主题的课堂讨论第二单元Culture and Society1.教学目标1 使学生掌握“文化与社会”主题常用的词汇和句型2 使学生掌握Text A的主旨、结构、事实细节3 使学生掌握词义猜测第二部分的阅读策略4 通过其他课内外材料的阅读,对“文化与社会”相关主题形成自己的看法2.教学重难点通过文字、音频、视频等多种材料的自学及课堂教学,让学生充分了解“文化与社会”相关主题的信息,形成自己的观点和看法3.教学内容1“文化与社会”主题新闻播报2Text A背景知识、课文主旨、结构的讲解分析3学术阅读策略2的学习和训练4“文化与社会”相关主题的课堂讨论第三单元Politics1.教学目标1 使学生掌握“政治”主题常用的词汇和句型2 使学生掌握Text A的主旨、结构、事实细节3 使学生掌握定位中心句和重要细节这一阅读策略4 通过其他课内外材料的阅读,对“政治”相关主题形成自己的看法2.教学重难点通过文字、音频、视频等多种材料的自学及课堂教学,让学生充分了解“政治”相关主题的信息,形成自己的观点和看法3.教学内容1“政治”主题新闻播报2Text A背景知识、课文主旨、结构的讲解分析3学术阅读策略3的学习和训练4“政治”相关主题的课堂讨论第四单元Economy1.教学目标1 使学生掌握“经济”主题常用的词汇和句型2 使学生掌握Text A的主旨、结构、事实细节3 使学生掌握判断文章结构这一阅读策略4 通过其他课内外材料的阅读,对“经济”相关主题形成自己的看法2.教学重难点通过文字、音频、视频等多种材料的自学及课堂教学,让学生充分了解“经济”相关主题的信息,形成自己的观点和看法3.教学内容1“经济”主题新闻播报2Text A背景知识、课文主旨、结构的讲解分析3学术阅读策略4的学习和训练4“经济”相关主题的课堂讨论第五单元Science and Technology1.教学目标1 使学生掌握“科技”主题常用的词汇和句型2 使学生掌握Text A的主旨、结构、事实细节3 使学生了解批判性思考的特点和在阅读中的重要性4 通过其他课内外材料的阅读,对“科技”相关主题形成自己的看法2.教学重难点通过文字、音频、视频等多种材料的自学及课堂教学,让学生充分了解“科技”相关主题的信息,形成自己的观点和看法3.教学内容1“科技”主题新闻播报2Text A背景知识、课文主旨、结构的讲解分析3学术阅读策略5的学习和训练4“科技”相关主题的课堂讨论四、学时分配表2:各章节的具体内容和学时分配表五、教学进度表3:教学进度表六、教材及参考书目1.张卓主编,《新媒体英语阅读》,苏州大学出版社,2020年1月第1版七、教学方法本课程专注于知识传授、价值引导和能力提升三个维度,将课程思政与主题学习、语言学习和技能学习紧密结合。



comics catoons photographs illustrations
Classified ads display ads
第一单元 社会群体 第六单元 社会问题 第二单元 政治体制 第七单元 文教医疗 第三单元 信元 科技军事 第五单元 行为风尚 第十单元 世界报道
16个课时 Knowledge on the book---------------14课时 (not focus on the texts) Flexible classes ----------------2课时 (move showing if we have time and question-answering)
Reading Course In American and British News Publication(1) ( )
By Yan Yuhua
Definition of news:
News is any new information or information on current events which is often reported by a variety of sources, such as newspapers, television, and radio programs, wire services, and web sites.
Study procedures
Presentation Introduction to some basic knowledge of news publication Brief analysis towards the contexts The outline The questions after each text In- class discussion video news news on the internet



课程:英语报刊选读复习要点(最新版)熟悉下列英语报刊高频率词汇的含义In Mediaback issue, bulletin, canned copy, censorship, checkbook journalism, cold news, development stories, dope story, exclusive, breaking news, catchpenny, brief, broad sheet paper, caption, cover story, editor’s not es (Eds) ,flash, follow-up story, newscast, publicity, puff pieces, personal profile, round-up/wrap-up, running stories, social event features, spot news, wire service/news agency, update, deep throatIn Politicsriot police, the Bush administration, Saddam regime, rogue state, Axis of evil, Donkey, Elephant, Al-Qaeda, cold war mentality, empty-nest syndrome, Femlib, low profile, news blackout, sexism, upper, dove, hawk, police state, pocket vetoIn Metro Life dust storm/ sand storm, public hazard, fat farm, visual pollution, midriff, bug, edp crimes, domestic violence, occupational disease, makeover nation, Internet hookups, gay marriage, B-schoolIn Military Affairsbeam weapons, blanket bombing, MIA (missing in action), POW, war games, non-proliferation drive, bloodless coup, scud missile, military coup, military presence, stealth bomber, honey trap, weapon of mass destruction, coalition forces, checkbook participation, talkman, stealth fighters, decapitationIn Medicineeuthanasia或mercy killing/painless death, industrial disease, liposuction, vanity surgery, hypertensionIn Business and EconomyEuroland, debt chain, buy-out, equity joint venture, job-hopper, hardball, consumer price index (CPI), kickback, knockout product, scalper, cash cow, ATM (Automatic Teller Machine), Gate’s LawIn Science & Technologycanned software, cutting edge, g-force, info highway, computernik,In Film and TVbox office income/record/value, premiere /debut, trailer, show biz, animation, block-buster, paparazzo , rating , sitcom , soundtrack , extra Proper NounsWhite House, Capitol Hill, Buckingham, Downing Street No.10, Fleet Street, Pentagon, Wall Street, Broadway, Elysee, Kremlin, Hollywood, Silicon ValleyGreen Berets, Blue Berets, Iron Lady, Iron Curtain, First Lady Loanwordspersona non grata, glasnost, per capita, rapport, bloc, tsunami, tycoon, status quo, De factoa wait-and–see attitude, the life-and–death issue, the hit-and-run tactics, ready-to-eat foodThe four social functions of the media: surveillance, interpretation, transmit values, entertainment The Definition of JournalismDefinition of News and ingredients/elements of news News value/the newsworthinessPublic interest, Criteria for Newsworthiness:News value determiners²Timeliness.²Impact or Consequence or Importance²Prominence or Eminence²Proximity or closeness/ nearness²Conflict²The Unusual or the Bizarreness / Weirdness²Currency²NecessityNews ClassificationHard NewsSoft NewsFeaturescommentaries and columnspositive coveragenegative coverageneutral coveragemuckrakingThe headlineThe grammar of headlines:tenses, voices, Omission/Ellipsis, Punctuations, abbreviations各种机构、重要的国际组织名称的缩写常用缩写Important International Organizations, 要积累和熟记, E.g.CIA ( Central Intelligence Agency)FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation),PLO,OPEC, ApecIMF (International Monetary Fund), WHOATM- Automatic Teller Machine CEO-Chief Executive OfficerCFO-Chief financial OfficerCNN-Cable News Networks Copter-helicopterCTO-Chief Technology Officer CTV-Cable TVD-dayDJ-disc jockeyDJ-Dow Jones & Co.GE-General ElectricsGM-General MotorsGMS-Global Positioning SystemHKSAR-Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ICP-Internet Content ProviderIOUMart-marketMP- Member of ParliamentPM- Prime MinisterNMD-the National Missile Defense systemNYSE-New York Stock ExchangeOpec-Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries PNTR-Permanent Normal Trade RelationsPOW-prisoner of warSIM-Subscribers’ Identification ModuleV-day- Victory DayVP-Vice PresidentLead and body of a news storyA direct lead A delayed leadInverted pyramid阅读材料中的内容(Selected Readings from Mainstream Newspapers & Magazines) 包括重点词汇:International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)denuclearizationthe terrorism blacklistIOC( the International Olympic Committee)human rights abusesAI (Amnesty International)BOCAG (Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games ) International Paralympics Committee (IPC)The Federal Reservehigh net worth individualsthe Guinness World Recordthe National Intelligence Councilthe National Counterintelligence ExecutiveIPCC (the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) EU (the European Union)Met Office (the Meteorological Office)the Royal Geographical SocietyGreenpeacethe World Health OrganisationNGO (non-governmental organizations)civil societyGongoshardline policyNASCAR (National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing)Unifem (United Nations Development Fund for Women)GOPWFP (the UN World Food Program)Article 43 (page 85) Paragraphs 1 & 2cyber-censorshipAttribution:消息来源official sourcesa US State Department sourcewell-informed sourcepolice sourcesthe highest quartersthe quarters concerneddiplomatic quartersmilitary expertsdiplomatic observeran unidentified sourcea source who wants to remain anonymous a source speaking on condition of anonymity。


vomit bag very poor or bad used cars torture prison cancer deceased fixing by hitting
Company Logo
•The deprived • the disadvantaged •The havenots •The needy •The underprivileged
•The indigent
•The culturally disadvantaged
•The culturally deprived...
Use of Euphemism in News
tax increase(加税): revenue enhancement(财政收入增加) jobless mother(失业母亲): welfare mother(福利母亲)
admit defeat (in the election)(承认选举失利): concede the election
Euphemism in News
Use of Euphemism in News
Euphemism is also called “cosmetic word” in news report. (The) old •The aging
•The senior citizen •The well-preserved men •The veterans •The graying army
street walker(走街者)
prostitution(卖淫): the oldest profession in the world(最古老行业) military prostitute(军妓): comfort woman(慰安妇)



Inauguration ceremony, 2013
The Inauguration
Text study
The Higher Education of Washington
Universities step up lobbying to protect funding interests.
Key Words:
Liberal, Left-wing, Progressive, social
Recent Democratic Presidents:
Barack Obama William J. Clinton
Electing President
1. Primary election (Feb.-June)
The US political system is often referred to as a “two-party system”
While in reality there are many different parties, there are only two which hold the vast majority of power and influence, as well as most of the elected offices in the country.
2. The major parties hold conventions
to choose candidates for President to determine the parties platforms


在18世纪和19世纪,随着工业革命的推进和民主制度的建立,英美报刊经历了快速发展。出现了大量政治、经济、 文化等领域的报刊,报道范围不断扩大,报道深度也不断增加。同时,报刊的发行量和影响力也不断提升。
英美报刊可以按照内容、形式、读者群体等多种方式进行分类。 按照内容可分为政治类、经济类、文化类、娱乐类等;按照形 式可分为日报、周报、月刊等;按照读者群体可分为综合性报 刊和专业性报刊等。
文化传统 英美文化源远流长,受欧洲文艺复兴、启蒙运动等思想影 响深远。两国均重视个人主义、自由主义和实用主义,同 时拥有丰富的文学、艺术和音乐遗产。
犯罪、贫困、种族歧视等长期困 扰英美社会的问题经常在报刊中 报道,揭示这些问题的深层原因
随着全球气候变化和环境恶化, 环境保护成为英美报刊关注的热 点之一。报道涉及政府政策、企
避免主观色彩,确保新闻的公正 性和客观性。
追求言简意赅,避免冗长和复杂 的表达。
• 英美报刊概述 • 英美报刊阅读技巧 • 英美报刊常见题材与写作风格 • 英美报刊词汇与语法特点 • 英美报刊文化与社会背景 • 英美报刊阅读与英语学习



• “The difference between USA Today and the rest of the industry was evident from the first day, Sept. 15, 1982.”
• “There’s still a wide spread between what other major newspapers look like and read like, and USA Today, but it’s not as wide as it was,” said Allen H. Neuharth, the former Gannett chairman and chief executive who created USA Today.
英语报刊选读 2
Selective Readings in
• /
• Journalism in the U.S.A., mainly newspapers and magazines
News • Sample Reading
• And the Oscar didn't go to Hollywood (Feb. 25th) • Old guard in Cuba keeps reins

• headline news
• running stories • criticism • profile • comic strip
• supplement
• wanted column
Misunderstanding or not?
Have a try !
button man cooker general doctor man of the world milky way nonperson press book riot police riotous police



4) Feature Headlines特写式标题: are marked
by language that can attract readers‟ amazement or curiosity. They reflect the tones of the stories rather than summarize the facts in stories. eg. Life is mountains, yaks, wine (This story will describe the life of a group of Tibetans living in Yaoji Township.Their houses are built on the top of a mountain, and each family has at least 40 yaks(牦牛) and they will drink wine if they get together.)
2. Exercises I will give you one front page seclected from one kind of newspaper, please point out what are the nameplate, ears, cut, cutline, headline, by-line, dateline, wire service symbol, lead, body, and index.
Answers to exercise: 1)--------b) 2)--------a) 3)--------d) 4)--------e) 5)--------c)
Chapter Two Newspaper Headlines

报刊第五课 期末复习资料 英语专业 优质课件

报刊第五课 期末复习资料 英语专业 优质课件
In 1859, Charles Robert Darwin, in his book “On Origin of Species” put forward his theory of biological evolution, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual’s ability to compete, survive and reproduce.
Hard news is not only fresh, but also serious and objective in coverage.
Soft news is relax in tone, usually with human interest involved.
News in middle is something between the two.
Part I. News Writing
The pillar for modern news are: seeking novelty and arousing sensation. The saying goes: It is not news when a dog bites a man, but absolutely news when you find a man bites a dog.
According to Western mass media, the value of news includes: of VIPs and celebrities, government activities, rare and odd events (sex affairs and scandals), and new social trends.



Activity 5: Language of news: compound word(20 minutes) ·Compound words are made up of two (or more) separate words. You can
combine nouns (a flatmate), adjectives (lovesick) or verbs (jump-start) to make compound words. Three forms one word: flatmate , lovesick two words: tourist guide ,travel agent hyphenated: low-paid (adj.), film-goer (noun) ·Noun compounds * (n.+v.)sunrise, earthquake, daybreak, birth-control, haircut, dress-design (v+n) playboy, watchdog, flashlight, typewriter (v+prep)drawback, handout, ringback, breakup swimming pool, waiting room, walking stick safety belt, chairman, motorcycle · Adjective compounds
点,引起读者的共鸣据或讨论:也可以增加一些有关的其他信息 描述,
1 英语报刊新闻报道的特点

英语报刊阅读教程unit 3 International Politics and Military Affairs

英语报刊阅读教程unit 3 International Politics and Military Affairs

Before Reading Global Reading Detaied Reading After Reading
Before Reading
(The Introduction of Background Information) Syria Tartus Pentagon Lebanon's Hezbollah
Global Reading

Structure Text Analysis
Global Reading (Part Division of the Text)
Part Paras
Main Ideas
1~8 U.S decries Russia weapons sale to Syria.
Before Reading

Lebanon‘s Hezbollah: 黎巴嫩真主党,也做Hizbollah, Hezbollah[,hezbə'lɑ:],an organization of militant Shiite Muslims based in Lebanon 赫兹布拉派; 建于 黎巴嫩的激进什叶派穆斯林组织。

4. flippant: [ˈflɪpənt] adj. 轻薄的,轻浮的; 无礼 的; 油头滑脑; 轻口薄舌。 e.g. John was offended by the doctor's flippant attitude. 约翰被医生轻率的态度而激怒。 5. dour: ['daʊə(r)]adj. 严厉的; 阴沉的; (岩石 )嶙峋的; 顽强不屈。

议会选举以及欧洲国家选举会占据几乎所有国家 的新闻头条,会让选民觉得太过遥远。而地方委 员会选举是在您的城市进行的,他们通常会创办 学校,图书馆,建立休闲中心,清理街道,甚至 新增垃圾桶。这些服务都是您所需要的,喜欢的 ,并且一直希望改善的。

英语报刊阅读教程unit 2 Journalism, Entertainment and Sport

英语报刊阅读教程unit 2 Journalism, Entertainment and Sport
Passage 1
The New Journalism : Goosing the Gray Lady
Before Reading Detailed Reading After Reading
Before Reading
(The Introduction of Background Information)
• 15.dissolution: [,dɪsə'luʃən] n.溶解,融化;(社团等)解散;<律>离婚;腐朽。 • 16.condescension: [,kɒndɪ'senʃn] n.<正>屈尊,俯就。 • 17.sibling: ['sɪblɪŋ] n.兄弟,姐妹。
• Exercises : • Translation
• 7.slash: [slæʃ] vt.挥砍;鞭打;严厉批评;大幅削减。 • 8.dividend: ['dɪvɪdɛnd] n.红利,股息,利息,(破产时清算的)分配金。 • 9.dire: ['daɪə] adj.可怕的,恐怖的;悲惨的;迫切的,极端的。 • 10.jackal:['dʒækl] n.豺。
After Reading
• Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
• It was a radical reinvention of the Times voice, shattering the
omniscient God-tones in which the paper had always grounded its coverage; the new features tugged the reader closer through comments and interactivity, rendering the relationship between reporter and audience more intimate, immediate, exposed.


Mass media in Western countries play the role in providing information, educating, reform, entertainment, inspiration and so on.
According to Western mass media, the value of news includes: activities of VIPs and celebrities, government activities, rare and odd events (sex affairs and scandals), and new social trends.
Darwinism can be best marked as “selection through nature” and “survival of the fittest”.
Although the theory of evolution has been accepted as basic theory in textbooks of public schools, it has been challenged ever since its birth.
Part II. Text: The Evolution Wars
Part I. News Writing
The pillar for modern news are: seeking novelty and arousing sensation. The saying goes: It is not news when a dog bites a man, but absolutely news when you find a man bites a dog.



As we can see, this passage is a disaster report on the American’s 911 event. Since this event is such a serious emegerncy that sweeps through the world instantaneously, the author adpots the most frequently used structure in breaking news writing—the inverted pyramid form. In this structure, events are written in descending order of importance. It’s known to us that most newspaper leads are summary news leads, which usually include all the 5Ws and one H of the news. However, in my perspective, at the begining of this passage, the author uses a suspense lead without providing the complete element of news for us, which adds suspense interest to the story.After setting up a suspense lead, the author offers us the details in the following paragraphs which consist of the body of this passage. Using a large number of direct or indirect quotations can help to show maximum objectivity and to decrease the color of personal slant. In addition, the author also adopts interpretative way of writing such as the eighth paragraph which potrays a vivid scene before us.Inverted pyramid style: it is the most frequently used structure in news writing.In this structure, events are written in descending order of importance. First of all, a terse lead is formed. The lead offers the most essential elements telling who, what, when, where, why and how of the story. Advantages: First, it is convenient for editors to decide the news value and cut the news from the bottom; Second, it is convenient for journalists to meet the deadline without missing any key facts; Third, it can help readers to find the main facts of the news quickly. Disadvantages: First, the main facts all frequently appear in the headline, lead and body, which would be suffocative to most readers; Second, the writing is not tightly organized and fully deployed, what’s more, the style is top heavy and lack of suspense interest.8. News value determinersA: timeliness or freshness;Importance/consequence/impact/significance; Prominence;Proximity/locality/nearnessUnusualness/bizarreness/oddity/noveltyHuman interest;Conflict大量事例的罗列Hard news (spot news/straight news): Events that are timely and are covered almost automatically by print and electronic media. They are often very serious and important news.11. News structurePyramid style/the chronological styleIt is composed by three parts, they are beginning, body and ending. To write a piece of news in pyramid style, a beginning is given first and events are written in time sequence. Writers can take advantage of narrative and descriptive writing, so it flows better and involves readers. At the meantime, it adds suspense interest to the story.List techniqueWall Street journal formula: It tends to focus on individual.12. Forms of reportingFollow-ups/ follow-up stories (second cycle stories/ development stories)Advantages: First, it attracts readers’ attention by accentuating on one important fact of the news; Second, it tends to fully deploy the news from different aspects, which can well make up for the contradiction in terms of freshness and integrity; Third, it helps to form the public opinion.Content: Facts that are not mentioned in previous stories or some background of events.The developments of the events;Different opinions from people of all walks of life;The prediction of the events;Important facts that previously reported.13.Features of leadsA: Succinct. A summary lead should outline a news story in no more than 35 wordsInformative. A summary lead should contain the 5Ws of news.Intriguing. Leads are sometimes called “grabbers”, which means it serves the duty to grab the readers’ attention. What’s more, leads should also be straightforward, varied, clear specific and active.That’s why English journalists strugg le for the best wording and leave no stone unturned千方百计.14.Types of leadsSummary lead/roundup leadMain fact leadDescriptive leadDirect address leadQuotation lead (full quotation lead/partial quotation lead) Suspense leadDelayed lead/multi-paragraph leadContrast leadQuestion leadAnecdotal leadCombined lead/multiple element leadLabel lead (empty lead)17.Sources of news reportingAccurate news sources: with the name of organization, people or agency;Implied news sources: people who do not want to be told the name, or sources from nonsense people that readers do not have interest in, as used like “witness said”Use fuzzy words to imply the sources such as “it is said”18.Difference between feature and news.A: Three differences.First, their focus is not the same. News reporting provides all facts that are related. It tends to focus on inclusiveness and integrity of the news, while features only present the most characteristic and impressive episode of the story. A piece of news shows a panorama, but a feature gives an enlarged close-up.Secondly, their writing purpose is not exactly the same. News only tries to inform the readers, while features try harder to attract the reader’s attention with more detailed and descriptive writing.Thirdly, their composition structure is not always the same. News reporting for most cases adopts inverted pyramid form, but features follow no such rule. It can be very flexible in terms of structure.Proper insert of backgrounds, it makes the news more understandable to readers and deepens the thesis of the news. There are contrast back-grounding, interpretative back-grounding and explanative back-grounding to be insert when necessary.e direct or indirect quotations to show maximumobjectivity and to decrease the color of personal slant. Use dashes破折号to insert parenthetical附加说明的statement in order to give more background and show the opinions of people related,Use figure of speech in a flexible way, which makes the story more readable, vivid and attractive. The common figures are: alliteration头韵, humor, contrast, exaggeration, witticism名言and so on.20. Wording featuresAs in journalistic English, words of certain people often quoted, so there are various words used to express the meaning of saying, such as “allege”, “claim” and “argue” are often used.Abundant vogue words流行字眼can be seen in journalistic English, their special meanings come into being in a certain current and disappear afterwards. “Trauma” is one of such kind of words. Use the words vividly to put the readers into action or gives them a feeling of participation.21.First, most newspaper leads are summary leads, which include all the 5Ws of the news.22. The disadvantages of the news just with objectivity客观性only?First, it pays too much attention to the clarity简明without considering the readers’ comprehension ability. Second, it neglects the journalists’ initiative.So, reporters often use interpretative way of writing which will make up all those disadvantages.。


Subscribeto a charity
Which magazine do yousubscribeto?
The paper is trying to get more readers to…
Subscribea few remarks at the end of the essay.(在论文后面签注意见)
Perhaps the best comparison is that of seasickness.最恰当的比喻也许是比作晕船的那个。
there is nocomparison没有可比性
comparisonsare odious.人比人,气死人。
a.one and only;single
belong to or restricted to one person or group, not shared.专有的、独用的
To give asubtitleto/…subtitled“…”
Get things badly out ofperspective.处理事情极为失当。
in/out of perspective①可见物体的位置或比例不正确;(不)按比例②[U] ina way that does not exaggerate any aspect不夸大[夸大];恰当[不恰当]:
sign (esp the name)at the foot of a document

英国报刊英语课件---big three

英国报刊英语课件---big  three

Daily Telegraph: characteristics
Owned by Hollinger International BRITAIN’S BEST-SELLING QUALITY DAILY Torygraph, conservative, right
Daily Telegraph: strategy of attracting young readers (marketing)
Public relation: on-line news, propaganda Promotion: gifts, lottery, ads “Fantasy Football” 50% discount on campus, sponsor students activities
The Guardian
Well-known for being creative G2, the first small-sized supplement Reader’s editor
The Guardian
Liberal in politics, support Liberal Party and Labor Party An important force to balance the public opinion in Conservative opiniondominated British newspapers Iraq war
Circulation(million) 1.35 0.7 0.45 0.21 2.35 0.98 3.95 1.65 1.04 1.12
Owner News Corp Telegraph Newspapers Group Guardian Group The Independent Group United Newspaper Group Express Group News Corp Trinity Mirror Group Trinity Mirror Group Express Group






如:Clinton backs China on Taiwan,loud and clear.(= Clinton supports China on Taiwan issue,loud and clear)Quake death toll may top 2000.(=The death toll in the earthquake may exceed 2000.)New groups boost hi-tech research.(=New groups promote high technology research.)这类短词在标题中屡见不鲜,常见的还有以下词语:aid=assist(帮助,援助)ban=prohibit or forbid(禁止)bar=prevent(防止,阻止)end=terminate(结束,中止)raid =attack(进攻)vow=determine(决心,发誓)aid=assistance(帮助)blast=explosion(爆炸)ties=relations(关系)2.常用截短词(节缩词)截短词是指把原来词的某一或某些部分截除而得来的缩略词,常见的有以下几类:1)截去其它部分,只留词头con=convict(罪犯)rep=representative(代表)tech=technology(技术)2)截去其它部分,只留词尾chute=parachute(降落伞)copter=helicopter(直升机)3)截去首尾,只留中间flu=influenza(流感)tec=detective(侦探)4)截去中间部分,保留头尾asst=assistant(助手)dept=department(部、系)5)其他变形biz=business(商业)nat’l=national(全国的)com’l=commercial(商业的,广告)3.常用缩写词缩写词又称首字母缩略词,将几个词的首字母加在一起合成一字,全部用大写字母拼成,从而代替一组冗长复杂的词或词组。

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一Highlight1西方的新闻定义介绍《纽约太阳报》主编约翰·博加特:―狗咬人不是新闻,人咬狗才是新闻.‖美国的新闻学教师约斯特在1924年编撰的《新闻学原理》中提出―新闻是已经发生或正在发生的事情的报道.‖在西方新闻界影响持久的新闻定义是《纽约先驱论坛报》城市版主编斯坦利·沃尔克:新闻有赖于3个―W‖:―woman(女人)、wampum(钱财)、wrong-doing(坏事).‖还有一种说法,新闻就是能够让女人叫一声―my god!‖的事情.新闻是―东西南北之事‖:north east west south 各自开头的字母。

2新闻产生的历史Main content of this paragraph is the history of the journalism.3新闻价值这里讲的主要有5点,重要性、时新性、显著性、反常性和人情味.没有提到接近性或者叫贴近性(proximity [pr ],n.临近,靠近).这一点,中西也是有差异的,西方非常重视人情味、反常性,我们对这两点并不重视,而非常重视显著性,重要性倒显得其次,这就是为什么我们的非典、西藏事件报道显得那么被动.这有新闻媒体的责任,但更多的是行政管制过多的问题.4新闻(消息)结构二重点讲解1什么是新闻(1)重点中西新闻存在着很大的认识差异.对新闻的认识不同,导致新闻操作的不同.中央电视台新闻联播和美国New York Time做个比较.政治都是排第一位的,但是我们的永远是会议新闻、领导活动第一位;而西方则关注重要的政策和决议及其民众的反应;其次,在报道倾向上,我国正面报道为主,西方则更多更关注负面;从内容上看,我国的报道总是常规性报道,领导、跟着时间变化的周期性话题,近年来也加上了一些突发事情、公共危机等事件的的报道,所以有人带讽刺性地总结说,我国的新闻联播,前十分钟领导们都很忙,中间十分钟,人民的生活都很幸福,后十分钟,国外的人民生活在水深火热之中;西方则总是灾难当头,揭丑很多,似乎天下就没太平过.从功能上看,西方新闻就是告知信息,检测社会,我国则主要用于政治宣传. (2)hard news and soft news硬新闻:源于西方新闻学的一个名词,指题材较为严肃,着重于思想性、指导性和知识性的政治、经济、科技新闻.受众阅读或视听这类新闻时,只能产生延缓报酬效应,所以称这类新闻为―硬新闻‖.软新闻:源于西方新闻学的一个名词,指那些人情味较浓、写得轻松活泼、易于引起受众感观刺激和阅读视听兴趣、能产生即时报酬效应的新闻.社会新闻大致属于这类新闻.纯新闻:即直截了当的事实报道,不加解释分析,不以文采和材料的有趣取胜的新闻.2选择什么样的英文报刊阅读3选择什么样的通讯社国内报刊China daily, 21st century, Shanghai star, business weekly国外报纸The new York times /Time(时代)Reader‘s Digest(读者文摘)/splash.jhtmlNewsweek(新闻周刊)/news/NW-front_Front.aspFortune(财富)/Business Week(商业周刊)National Geographic(国家地理杂志)Playboy(花花公子)/Main media of the WestThe US: 1 news agency,1 network,6 newspapers, 5 magazinesThe UK: 1 news agency, 7 newspapers, 1 magFrance: 1 news agencyGermanyJapan第2讲:英语新闻标题The first Obstacle-headlineFunction of headline Guide: help to choose 导读Summarizing: capture the essence 概括Eye-catching: attract readers‘ attention吸引Characteristic of headline总体特征:追求短小生动,言简意远具体特点:a偏爱短小精悍,音节不多而意义广泛的动词.如表示―破坏‖或―损坏‖一词意义的动词,标题一般不用damage,而用hit harm hurt ruin或wreck等表示―放弃‖这一概念的动词,标题一般不用abandon,而用drop give up quit skip或yield 等表示―爆炸‖之类的动词意义时,一般不用explode,而用blast crash ram或smash等词b常选用简短、字母数少的名词或名词词组如accord/agreement aide/assistant aim/purpose rally/amass assembly drive/campaign talk/negotiation 等Quake Death Toll May Top 2000. =The Death Toll In The Earthquake May Exceed 2000.地震死亡人数估计已逾两千Baker, Japan Visit Off, Arms Issue Hot. =Baker‗s Japan Visit Is Off And The Military Weapons Issue Is Hot.军备问题争论激烈贝克取消访日之行c大量使用缩写词:节省版面、提示内容、简洁易记,避免沉闷感.如CPPCC Head Meets Returned Overseas Students in Beijing. 全国政协主席在京接见归国留学生(CPPCC=The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference中国人民政治协商会议)Aids Victims Surging In Us. 美―艾滋病‖患者激增(Aids=Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome后天免疫缺损综合症,即―艾滋病‖)PLO Says Big Israeli Drive Ahead. 巴解组织称以色列即将大举进攻(Plo=Palestine Liberation Organization:巴勒斯坦解放组织)英语新闻标题中经常出现的缩写词主要分为三类(参看课本P215)1组织机构等专有名称IMF=International Monetary Fund(国际货币基金组织)GATT=General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade(关贸总协定)WTO=World Trade Organization(世界贸易组织)OPEC=Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries(石油输出国组织)IOC=International Olympic Committee(国际奥林匹克委员会)NASA=National Aeronautics And Space Administration(美国)国家宇航局WHO=World Health Organization(世界卫生组织)OAU=Organization Of African Unity(非洲统一组织)2常见事物的名称UFO=Unidentified Flying Object(不明飞行物)DJI=Dow-Jones Index(道·琼斯指数)PC=Personal Computer(个人电脑)ABM=Anti-Ballistic Missile(反弹道导弹)PR=Public Relations(公共关系)SDI=Strategic Defense Initiative(战略防御措施)GMT=Greenwich Mean Time(格林威治标准时间)3表示人们的职业、职务或职称的名词MP=Member of Parliament(议员)PM=Prime Minister(总理;首相)GM=General Manager(总经理)VIP=Very Important Person(贵宾;要人)TP=Traffic Policeman(交通警察)PA=Personal Assistant(私人助理)第3讲:标题的结构1标题的结构单行题与多行题We want more than a place to sleep.Bigger rooms, fewer people: How Chinese universities can make dormitory life better.单一结构与复合结构单一主题:headline主体+辅题:headline+subline,可以细分为主题、引题、副题、提要题和小标题5种2标题的分类实题和虚题实题:注重揭示新闻事实,含有较多的新闻要素虚题:注重意义和评价,要素较少一般规律:单行题多实题,多行题里主体一般是虚题.3 副题的作用副题,又称子题、下辅题.具有补充、解释和印证主题的作用,在报纸版面上,横排置于主题之下,直排在主题之后.Bush Heads to Michigan in Glow of Big VictoryMacain Licks Wounds After South Carolina Rejects His CandidacyPresident: US relations matterLinks conducive to world peace and stabilityBMW‘s problem childRover losses raise questions about its parent‘s commitment to the UK group, says Tim Burt and John Griffiths. 4引题和提要题的作用引题,也叫肩题、眉题和上副题,主要功能是引出主题,包括交代背景、说明原因、烘托气氛、揭示意义等.提要题,内容提示作用.本课中主要指具有提示意义的词汇或短语.Finding a job during hard times Don‘t be ashamed to be a waiter第4讲:标题中的习语和典故新闻英语标题常引用、套用或改用典故、谚语、习语和文学著作、电影或流行歌曲名,使得标题含义深刻,,富有文采.1典故(Allusion):是指古书或传说中的故事或词句,引用典故能形象地表达两种不同事物之间的相似性.在标题中使用典故,可增加标题的美感和力度.Colin Powell‘s Swan - song: View of the World引用了天鹅之歌( swan - song)这一典故,指鲍威尔在卸任前最后一次谈―世界观‖,为标题平添了一份神秘的色彩. Measure for measure引用圣经典故,文谈及戴安娜王妃之死和查尔斯王子有间接关系,因此若查尔斯放弃王位,威廉王子即位,王妃地下有知,可以安息了.译:一报还一报,恩怨就此了2谚语( Proverb):指广为流传的固定语句,语言精练,寓意深刻.A friend in need 引用了谚语―A friend in need is a friend indeed‖中的一部分,这与文章中谈论的―真正的朋友不会为了义气而帮朋友圆谎‖这一主题不谋而合.World is but a little place, after all. 天涯原咫尺,到处可逢君When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗(P34:Do as the Maoris do)What are the odds so long as you are happy.知足者常乐Entertain an angel unawares. 有眼不识泰山Every dog has his day. 是人皆有出头日Every potter praises his own pot. 王婆买瓜,自卖自夸3习语(Idiom):是指那些经过长期反复使用后自然沉淀的形式固定、简洁明快、寓意深刻的短语或短句,它们的意义不是来自单个词的意义,而是必须从整体上来理解.America Shows Its Colors中―show one‘s colors ‖ 是习语,其表达方式简捷洗练,语言生动活泼,意思是―show what one really is ‖.Drop the other shoe 提心吊胆Turn the corner 柳暗花明4文学著作名( The title of literary works)Farewell to Dan Rather这篇文章谈的是美国哥伦比亚广播公司主持人丹·拉瑟主持了二十四年的晚间新闻栏目,因在报道布什越战从军记录中,引述来源可疑的文件而告别主播台的事件.标题套用了海明威的小说A Farewell to Arm这一书名,使得主持人丹·拉瑟的离别充满悲壮.A tale of two debtorsa tale of two cities(Charles Dickens 双城记)5固定用法的名词电影名(The title of film):借用读者熟悉的电影名稍加改动作为标题,可达到诙谐或滑稽的艺术效果.My big fat green wedding就借用了美国电影My Big Fat Greek Wedding的名称,介绍在英国推行的一项很有意义的活动:商业性植树.地名Meddle EastAugust 2,New York Times, on Western nations‘ attempts at imperializing the Middle East.(评论西方国家试图在中东地区实行帝国主义的文章)6歌曲名(The title of music ):标题中套用广为流传的歌曲名,能使标题通俗易懂.Britannia Rues the Waves是根据著名歌曲《英国是海洋之王》(Britannia Rules the Waves)改写而成的.文字上很考究,意义上也很到位,说明了英国对失去海洋运输业的重要地位感到懊悔.Qianmen Street: Yesterday once more第5讲:英语标题的语法特点标题语法特点——口语化句子松散,口语化较强这是因为记者在报道新闻时总是用尽量短的篇幅来提供尽量多的信息.新闻报道有截稿时间的限制,记者在想到新的情况和背景材料时来不及对原稿进行改动就随即增添或补插.口语显得生动活泼Is that you, Cao Cao? (21stcentury, september17, 2008)Three students from Xu Chang Vocational Technical College wearing makeup and dressed in costumes in imitation of historic figure Cao Cao when delivering parcels for clients of their express company. The students businessmen chose Cao Cao to symbolize their swiftness of service. There is a Chinese saying: ―when talking about Caocao, Caocao appears‖.Chinese web opens portals to new way of life.Booming internet splits haves and have-nots.You‗re Nobody ‘til Somebody Kills YouBig. (Sex and the city 中的人物)标题语法特点——用实词去虚词英语新闻的标题为了节省版面,通常只保留实意词,而把诸如动词和冠词等一类没有实际意义、只有语法功能的虚词省略,这样就出现了标题中―没有动词的谓宾短语‖现象.这些―谓宾短语‖包括:1形容词短语单独做谓语US carmakers ready to cut outputFears that sales of new vehicles may have dropped 15%2分词短语作谓语Be + 分词短语的结构,be 常常被省略几种情况:a现在分词:正在进行或主动的语态Chasing down happinessb过去分词c过去完成时态US poised to head off threat to marketsd被动语态U.S. AttackedHijacked jets destroy twin towers and hit pentagon in day or terror3动词不定式作谓语be + to do, be 也常常被省略掉Websites to check out Japan to help elderly jobless4介词短语作谓语介词短语作谓语,常常需要be或其他动词作引导,但在标题中,这些引导词常被省略.No ―lipstick on a pig‖(包装,美化)In a recent stump speech, Obama said the Republican Party‘s idea of change is like putting ―lipstick on a pig‖, in other words, Obama is suggesting that the ―new‖ ideas of the party‘s presidential nominee John McCain are actually tired, failed policies of the past.5直接用短语作标题大量在英文报刊中出现,突出主干.常常有辅题相配The new economy Hype and hope for a royal babyIt works in America, will it go global? The media go manic over rumors of an imperial pregnancy.Could an heir revive the dynasty?第6讲:标题语法特点——时态特点英语动词有时态变化,标题中也不例外.但新闻标题要言简意赅,不可能采用所有时态形式来浓缩新闻事实.为此,新闻标题形成了自身独有的时态特点,以达到使动词既传神达意又具时间感的目的.英语报刊的新闻标题中一般不用过去时态,当然更不用过去完成时等时态,而采用现在时态,以示―新‖和―快‖,使读者阅报时一如置身于这条新闻事件中,这叫做―新闻现在时‖ (Journalistic present tense).英语新闻标题中常用的动词时态主要有三种:一般现在时、将来时和现在进行时.当然,也不排除使用过去时态.1一般现在时通常被用来表示过去发生的事通常情况下,报刊所载消息多为己发生过的事,按日常英语语法,标题中的动词应使用过去时态,但是这样容易给人产生一种陈旧感,似有‗昨日黄花‘之嫌,缺乏吸引力.为了弥补这一缺陷,英语新闻标题常用一般现在时从形式上来增强报道的新鲜感(freshness)、现实感(reality)和直接感(immediacy).例如:Comeback gives china a sensational Thomas Cup wins.(the comeback gave china a sensational Thomas Cup win)中国队反败为胜荣获汤姆斯杯Street battle in heavy shelling as peace talks proceed.(Street battle in heavy shelling as peace talks proceeded) 和平会谈进行之际巷战依然炮声隆隆2动词的将来时更多地直接采用动词不定式来表达英语新闻标题中动词将来时的表达形式除一般将来时―will+动词原形‖外,更多的还是采用―系动词be+动词不定式‖结构,其中系动词be通常省略,以节省标题字数.因为不定式标志―to‖只由两个字母构成,比―will‖ 少.例如:Last two Beiruit hostages ―to go free‖(Last two hostages in Beirut are ―to go free‖)贝鲁特最后两名人质―获释在望‖Florida freeze to increase area produce prices(The freeze in Florida is to increase the areas produce prices) 佛罗里达严寒将使该地区农产品涨价3现在分词直接表示正在进行的动作或事件对于正在发生的事态或动作,英语新闻标题也按日常英语语法规则处理,采用现在进行时―be+现在分词‖这一形式,但其中―be‖又通常省略.因此,剩下的现在分词便在新闻标题中直接表示正在进行的动作或正在发展的事态.例如:Signs of rifts appearing in Argentina‘s junta(the signs of rifts are appearing in Argentina‘s junta) 阿根廷军人政府出现内讧迹象Deposits, loans rising in shanghai(deposits and loans are rising in shanghai) 上海储蓄与贷款额见升第7讲:英语新闻中的导语一对新闻导语常识的简单回顾新闻导语1新闻导语出现的原因客观原因:1844年,美国科学家赛缪尔·莫尔斯发明了电报.1851年,美联社的前身港口新闻联合社率先将它应用于播发新闻电讯,但这种通讯方式经常出现故障.到1861美国南北战争时期,这种通讯方式被应用于战事的报道,而这种不稳定的通讯方式也给前线的记者们带来了许多烦恼.为了迅速及时的把最重要的新闻发出去,记者们被迫在拍发电讯的时候,先把最重要的内容用最简单的语言播发出去,这样,即使电讯出现故障,也不会影响编辑部编发新闻.最初这种新闻播发方式只是从最重要的新闻着眼,还没有固定的所谓五个―W‖和一个―H‖.这些概念,但由于新闻中最重要的内容往往与这些要素有关,时间久了,这种播发电讯的方式才定格成为一种消息写作的模式.如1865年4月14日晚上美国总统林肯遇刺时,港口新闻联合社拍发了一条只有十二个英文单词的消息:―总统今晚在剧院遇刺重伤.‖第一代导语.人们在进行写作时开始有意识地把―六要素‖全部浓缩进导语中.但实际上,―六要素‖齐全的导语往往并不精练,这种过分拘于形式的导语写作方式,并不能最大限度的满足受众以最快的速度了解新闻的要求,于是后来,―六要素‖俱全式的导语又被抛弃了,导语的写作重又回到着眼于最重要的新闻上来,继续回到部分要素式导语上来.所以,当1963年肯尼迪总统遇刺时,《纽约时报》报道这则消息时所用的导语与一百年前林肯总统遇刺时港口新闻联合社拍发的消息竟然惊人的相似:―肯尼迪总统今天遭枪击身亡,‖说穿了.导语的出现是新技术加上生活节奏的加快产生的一种结果.主观原因: a新闻导语的出现也适合了某些读者阅读心理的需要.情节性文字比如小说、戏剧、影视剧本等,可以按时间顺序来展开情节的,读者主要是抱着期待的态度来进行阅读的,因为读者知道这类情节性文字是虚构的,也许急切地想知道情节发展的走向和人物的命运、故事的结局,但并不想一开始就揭开这个谜底.b阅读新闻的心态则有所不同.阅读新闻是抱着知情的态度来进行阅读的,而且也想了解情况越快越好,为此支付的时间越少越好.加上现代社会人们生活节奏的加快,他们也无暇从头至尾遍览各种媒体上的信息,导语的出现无疑等于为读者阅读提供了新闻提要,读者可以根据浏览导语来选取自己感兴趣的新闻,并决定是否进行深层次的阅读.不过,以上主要是对硬新闻的硬导语而言.对于软新闻的软导语而言,情况又有所不同.软导语也称作―特写导语‖或―延迟性导语‖.软导语逐渐进入正题,它暂不告诉读者报道的主要内容,而采用描写或讲故事的方法挑起读者兴趣.2导语的功能二十世纪二三十年代,我国一些新闻学者把导语称之为―撮要‖、―冒头‖或―开句‖,1919年,徐宝璜发表《新闻学》一书,把新闻格式分为―撮要‖和―详记‖两部分,―新闻第一段,曰撮要……新闻之撮要,以新闻之精采及数问题之简单答案组成之.‖1922年,任白涛在《实用新闻学》中说:―冒头者,诱起读者读欲之饵也.故饵味不可不使之美.彼业务倥偬,神经疲劳之现代人士,一瞥平凡枯干之记事冒头,鲜有不厌读之者.‖外国新闻界也有许多这方面的论述:美国现代新闻学者麦尔文·曼切尔在《新闻报道与写作》一书中说:―写作过程中的第一步,也是最重要的一步,那就是写作导语了.‖美国新闻学家赫伯特·里德说:―导语是新闻的生命所在.‖新闻导语的作用:a对新闻进行提要.把新闻的主要或最重要内容提示、告知给读者,起到引导读者进行阅读的作用。
