



基于ANSYS的无人机机身模具三维热分析蒋武根;姜年朝;周光明;张逊;戴勇;王兴刚【摘要】某无人机复合材料机身结构是由模压固化成型的.模具在固化过程中的温度分布不均匀和模具变形会影响到机身结构的变形,为控制机身成型质量,就要了解模具在成型过程中的温度分布和变形情况;基于ANSYS软件,采用1/2对称模型,模拟了机身下模具在加热、保温阶段的温度分布和瞬态温差,直观显示了模具在各时刻的瞬态应力分布和变形情况,为优化固化工艺和模具设计提供依据.【期刊名称】《现代机械》【年(卷),期】2011(000)005【总页数】3页(P27-29)【关键词】无人机;机身模具;加热保温;热分析;ANSYS【作者】蒋武根;姜年朝;周光明;张逊;戴勇;王兴刚【作者单位】总参六十所,江苏南京210016;总参六十所,江苏南京210016;南京航空航天大学航空宇航学院,江苏南京210016;南京航空航天大学航空宇航学院,江苏南京210016;总参六十所,江苏南京210016;总参六十所,江苏南京210016;总参六十所,江苏南京210016【正文语种】中文【中图分类】V215.4;TH123+.30 引言机身结构是飞机阻力的主要提供部件,直接影响飞机的气动性能。



本文基于ANSYS 软件,考虑到模具的几何对称性[3,4],建立了机身模具三维有限元模型,模拟了机身模具在加热、保温阶段的温度分布和瞬态温差,直观显示了模具瞬态应力分布和变形情况,为判断模具结构设计的合理性提供理论依据,也为模具优化设计打下基础。

1 模具三维有限元建模某无人机复合材料机身结构是模压成型的。



t mp r t r it b t n o 1l d a d mo l e o m t n w l e e t t u ea e sr cu e o eo main.fr c nr lf s lg o mi g e e au e d sr u i fn( J n u d d f r a i i f c o f s lg tu tr d fr t i o 11 o l f o o o t u ea e fr n o
r g tc n lg d mo l e in i h oo y a ud d sg . n e n
Ke r s: n n e e a e il ;f s l e u d;h a n r s r e h a ;te ma n y i ;ANS S y wo d u ma n d a r v h c e u e a s mo l i l g e ta d p e e v e t h r la a ss l Y
Th 3 2 一dm e so a e m a ay i o tFu ea e M o l fUn n e —a rde Ba e n ANS e Tl  ̄ wt i n in lTh r lAn lssAb u s lg u d o ma n d Ae lVe sd o YS

2 ・ 7
基于 A Y NS S的无 人 机 机 身模 具 三维 热分 析 术
蒋武 根 姜年 朝 , 光 明 张逊 戴 勇 ’王 兴刚 。 周 , , ,
(. 1总参六十所 , 苏 南京 20 1 ;. 江 1062 南京航 空航 天大学 航 空宇航 学院, 江苏 南京 20 1 ) 10 6
摘要 : 某无人机 复合材料机 身结构是 由模压 固化成型 的。模具在 固化过程 中的温度分布不 均 匀和模具 变形会 影响到机 身


从 图 中 可 以 看 出 : 当摩 擦 系 数 由00 增 加 到 02 ,挤 .5 .时
压压 力急速增加 , 由75 . KN上升 到1 .K 55 N,增加 了两 倍 多,可见摩擦系 数对挤压压 力的影 响是十分显著 的,因 此在挤压过程 中要提高润滑 程度 ,使坯 料和模具 的摩擦
惯 性 力 ; 材 料 流 动 变 形 服 从 L v — ss 程 。 e yMi 方 e
其 中, 为接触面 的法 向应力 , 为接触表面 的 摩擦系数 ,同时还要满足 力边 界和 面边 界条 件。
2 工 程 实 例 模 型
为检 验 分 析计 算模 型 的有 效 性 , 以工程 中的一 个 实例 进 行分析 计算 。图2 N示 为金属挤 压坯 料 和挤压 模 具 结构示 意图『。主 要包 括坯料和 模具 ,工作 带长度 为 6 】 3 mm,坯料 直径 为2 mm,模具高度2 rm,模具 角度 为 0 0 a
面被 当作接触面 ,一个 目标 单元和一 个接触单 元叫作一
接触 分析的 问题 一般 都需要考虑 摩擦 中的非线性 , 摩擦 使 问题 的收敛性 变得 困难 ,在金属挤 压塑性 成形数 值模拟 中的摩擦边 界条件 定义为: 网 格进 行 网格划 分析过程 中认为
船 舶 机 电设 备 7 5
e ar h se c
模具不发生塑性变形 。
压 比 为2 模 具 角 度 为 1。 摩 擦 系 数 分 别 设 定 为 00 、 、 5, .5
01 、01 、02 . O .5 . 进行数值模拟研究 。

图3 挤压几何模型 图4挤压后的网格变形图
图6 出了挤压 压力与 摩擦系 数 的变 化关 系 曲线 , 示



令 ,并设置好其他优化控制选项之后,完成 优化循环控制文件 。 优化文件全部做完之后,其动模板的质 量和性 能与之前相 比有 了很大程度的提升 .
结论 :本文在 A N S Y S 软件的基础上 ,通过分 析注塑机的有限元零件 的结构 以及建立动
数。在每次进行动模板的优化 设计 时,目标 函数 以及状 态变量 都会被 新生 成的数据 所
A N S Y S软件主要向用户提供 了两种常用 的优化方法:零阶近似方法和一阶方 法,在 此基 础上 ,用户 还可 以添加 自己的优 化算 法。 零 阶近似方法 中,程序 主要是用其 因变 量而非偏导数 。 在实 际操作 中, 必须 具体计 算出目 标 函数 、 状态变量 以及设计变量之 间 的关系 ,最 后求得 出各数据 之 间最小平 方
代替,在这样 的条件下,其优化程序就能够 完成一次解的逼近。目标函数一次解逼近 曲
模板的优化模型,能够使注塑机 的动模板结 构变形状况得到很大程度 上的缓解和改变, 同时使其最大应力值大大减少。同时,与传 统 的拓扑方法相 比,这种优化算法能够大大 缩短设计 的周期并减少设计的成本,使注塑
N S O R T , U, S U M E T, I / m a x , S O R T , , M A X N S 0 R T, S, A V G
种最好的设计方 案技术 。 最优 的设计是一种 十分有效率的工作方法 , 在A N S Y S 软件当中
有二次开发专门设计 的解释性文本语言,并 为用户提供 了十分强大的分析优化方法 , 其 中的内容包括 了具体参数、表达式 、函数 、 重 复功 能以及用户的程序等,这种分析 功能 能够帮 助用户 优化任 何可 以被量化 的工程
注塑 机的前 模板主 要用于 固定 模具 并 具有导 向作用, 前模板的主要结构是模板 的






关键词挤压成形;人机交互;创新性;高阶性;挑战度中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/ki.kjdk.2023.26.017Virtual Simulation Experiment Design of Extrusion Forming andDie Design CourseZHAO Xi, LI Yuxuan, GUAN Shixi(College of Aeronautics and Astronautics, North University of China, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030051)Abstract The major of aircraft manufacturing engineering focuses on cultivating students' ability to solve complex engineering problems in the field of aircraft manufacturing. Extrusion forming and die design are the core courses, aiming at cultivating students' ability to use knowledge to solve practical extrusion engineering problems. However, colleges and universities generally lack experimental teaching for extrusion process and other courses. Due to the harsh experimental conditions, there are certain risks, shortage of experimental equipment, lack of funds and other problems, the teaching results in this area have little effect. In this paper, the virtual simulation experiment design of extrusion forming and die design course is designed. Based on the frontier of the subject, the most advanced hot forming technology in the field of magnesium alloy is integrated into the experimental teaching project. Combined with three-dimensional animation technology and human-computer interaction technology, it reflects better innovation, high order and challenge. It is student-centered and oriented to cultivate practical ability and innovation ability, so as to improvethe training quality of students in this field, so that students can adapt to their jobs as soon as possible.Keywords extrusion forming; human-computer interaction; innovation; high order; challenges航空航天高端裝备的发展不仅对科技、经济带动作用巨大,还是涉及国家战略安全的关键。



化方法,以热管间距和热管功率为设计变量,热板表 面最大温差为目标函数进行优化,以达到减小温差 的目的,为优化热板温度场提供一种快速、科学的方 法。
2热板温度场模拟 2.1热板传热模型的简化
对热板的传热过程做以下基本假设: (1)周围空气温度恒定。 (2)热管产生的热量全部传递给热板b】o (3)热板表面与周围空气以热对流方式进行热 量交换。 (4)不考虑传热过程中的辐射散热。 (5)不考虑材料物性参数和边界条件随温度的 变化。 在以上基本假设的基础上。根据传热模型的对 称性,选取其1/4模型作为热板传热分析和优化设 计的简化模型(见图1)。
p \
壤 薅
4结束语 研究应用N,,SYS有限元软件对q引D400 X
400 X 2型平板硫化机热板进行温度场模拟,再调用 优化设计模块,采用综合优化方法优化热管间距和 热管功率。达到预期优化目的,证明这种优化方法 的可行性。优化分析结果显示,电热管间距排布和 各电热管功率大小是造成热板表面温差偏大的主 要原因。热管间距逐渐增大(L,>Lz>L-)以及各热 管功率逐渐增大(Z。>Z:>Z。)能显著减少热板表
选取实体单元S(础D70对物理模型进行自由网 格划分,总共有13 394个单元。边界条件及载荷定 义完成后,设定计算终止时间为2 700 S,最后提交
由图3可见,热板表面最高温度为159.57℃, 最低温度为148.75℃,最大温差达10.82℃,最高温 度出现在热板的中间部分,而最低温度出现在边缘 部分。温差较大。根据行业标准HG/r 239&1992对热 板表面温差的要求[61:优等品≤3℃,一等品≤6℃, 合格品≤10℃。显然,此热板不符合标准要求。分析 认为,造成热板表面温差偏大的主要原因是电热管 等间距排布和各电热管功率相等。下面利用A卜sYS 的优化模块对热板进行优化设计,以减小热板表面 温差。



Stress Analysis and Optimum Design of Hot Extrusion DiesAbstract: A three-dimensional model of a hot extrusion die was developed by using ANSYS software and its second development language—ANSYS parametric design language. A finite element analysis and optimum design were carried out. The three-dimensional stress diagram shows that the stress concentration is rather severe in the bridge of the hot extrusion die, and that the stress distribution is very uneven. The optimum dimensions are obtained. The results show that the optimum height of the extrusion die is 89.596 mm.The optimum radii of diffluence holes are 65.048 mm and 80.065 mm. The stress concentration is reduced by 27%.Key words: three-dimensional method; modeling; hot extrusion die; optimum design IntroductionWith the continuous improvement of living standards, better thermal conductivity of aluminum alloy profiles. Aluminum components widely used in every aspect of life. Therefore, the aluminum alloy extrusion profiles, profiles of various types of radiators have been widely used in electrical appliances, machinery, and other industries. Variable products and the growing diversity and complexity of high-precision, the extrusion process is the basis for extrusion die. It not only determines the shape, size, accuracy and surface state, but also affect the performance of the product. So extrusion die extrusion technology is the key.Studies to improve extrusion die quality and prolong its life span usually attempt to simplify 3-D finite element model to 2-D, but it is only right for simple structural shapes. Without a 3-D finite element analysis, the results cannot give practical manufacturing help and offer useful information[3-5]. In this paper, aluminium profile extrusion die was modeled to get in optimum design[6-8].1 Solid ModelingFigure 1 shows the male die of a hot extrusion planar combined die. Its external diameter is 227.000 mm, its height is 80.000 mm. Other parameters are shown in Fig.1. The modeling method is as follows.1.1 Coordinates of P1 and P5The coordinates of the point of intersection between the beeline L (y = kx + b) and the circular arc (x2 + y2 =R2) are1.2 Coordinates of P2 and P6The coordinates of the intersection point (P2) between beeline L1 (y = kx+b) andbeeline L2 (y =S1) areThe coordinates of the intersection point (P6) between beeline L3 (y = kx+b) and beeline L4 (y =S1) are1.3 Coordinates of P3, P4, P7, and P8P3 and P1 are symmetric about the y-axis. P4 and P2 are also symmetric about the y-axis. P7 and P5 are symmetric about the x-axis. P8 and P6 are also symmetric about the x-axis.1.4 Variables in the equationsIn Eqs. (1)-(6), for points P1 and P2, and R = R1. For points P5 and P6, and R = R2.R1, R2, T1, T2, S1, and S2 are the change rule along the height (H) of the die expressed as the functions R1=f1 (z), R2=f2 (z), T1=f3 (z), T2=f4 (z), S1=f5 (z), and S2=f6 (z), z €[0, H].1.5 Section shape at some heightWith lines linking P1-P4, P5-P8, with circular arc filleting at the point of intersection (P1-P8), the section shape at some height is obtained.1.6 Section shape at every heightH is divided to interfacial number (INUM) equal parts (INUM is decided by the precision, if the INUM is higher, the precision is better). The section shape is drawn at every height as shown in Fig. 2.1.7 Smooth curved surfaceUsing SKIN command in ANSYS, smooth curved surfaces were built along the lines. They are the surfaces of the influence hole. Using the VA (it generates a volume bounded by existing area) command, a solid was created from those surfaces.1.8 Symmetry of the dieThe main body and kernel of the die were drawn using the Boolean operations of add, subtract, etc. (Fig. 3).The symmetry of the die was used to accelerate the computations using a 1/4-solid model for the finite element analysis (Fig. 4).2 Computing ModelA planar die that extrudes the aluminium alloy (6063Al-Mg-Si) was used as an example. The liquidoid of Al is 657℃[9], and the melt temperature of Al+Mg2Si is 558℃. Taking the extrusion pressure and the products quality into account, the working temperature was determined to be 450℃.The die material is 4Cr5MoSiV1(H13). Below the 450℃, its Young modulus and Possion ratio are 210 GPa and 0.25, respectively. Its yield strength is 1200MPa.The friction coefficient is 0.3. The Solid92 3-D solid element was used to carry through the free mesh. In order to load the frictional force while extruding, the surface effect element Surf154 was used to produce the regular quadrangles (Fig. 5). For the 1600 textruder, the extrusion intensity was computed using Eq. (7)[10]. The values are shown in Table 1.The bridge collapse often takes place in the die. And its strength is determined by the height and the distribution of the diffluence holes. In this paper, the height (H) and the radii (R1 and R2) of the diffluence holes were used as design variables and the maximum equivalent pressure (s max) was used as the goal function.The design variable ranges are listed in Table 2.3 Computed ResultsFigure 6 is the equivalent stress diagram. From Fig. 6 we can see that the stress is largest at the bridge, as expected 24 maximum equivalent stress values are listed in Table 3 from large to small. The data shows that the nodal maximum equivalent stress is 1066.5 MPa, which is 14.5% higher than the second one (912.0 MPa), and that the stress convergence is very severe in the bridge, this part is apt to produce crack.The initial value of the design variables R1, R2, H, q1, and q2 were 75.000 mm, 88.000 mm, 80.000 mm, 30.000, and 30.000, respectively, and the maximum equivalent stress s max= 1066.5 MPa. In the 21 iterations, the optimum iteration was the eighteenth. The design variable values were R1=65.048 mm, R2=80.065 mm, H = 89.596 mm, q1=30.642, q2=20.045. The maximum equivalent stress s max= 723.1 MPa, which is 27% less. The optimum results are shown in Table 4.4 Conclusions1) Based on ANSYS software, its second development language APDL was used to develop a 3-D model of the hot extrusion die that extrudes aluminium profile has been obtained.2) The 3-D stress distribution was very uneven, with severe stress concentrations in the bridge of the hot extrusion die. The optimal geometric design had 27% lower maximum stress, A better die will not only reduce die number but also reduce time lost changing dies, which will greatly heighten productivity.3)Die cantilever design of large-scale streaming into false structure Not only is effective to reduce the pressure on the mold to take greater positive die as a result of dangerous sections of the fracture. greatly extend the life of the die, but this can not bring streaming bridge structure also more effective to reduce the thickness of the bottom die velocity, the velocity Extruded ensure a balanced, stable. Meanwhile, the structural design of the extrusion die for the wide disparity in thickness solid Profile Die Design, opened up a new way of thinking and approach.References[1] Karacs G. Computer aided methods for die design. Proceedings of the Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 1998, 2: 463-466.[2]Mueller G. Design optimization with the finite element program ANSYS. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 1994, 7: 271-277.作者:帅词俊; 肖刚; 倪正顺;英文作者:SHUAI Cijun **; XIAO Gang; NI Zhengshun College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering; Central South University; Changsha; China;[刊名]:Tsinghua Science and Technology, 清华大学学报(英文版), 编辑部邮箱2004年03期查询来源:中国学术期刊全文数据库查询网址:热挤压模具的优化设计摘要:热挤压模具立体模型开发利用ANSYS软件及其二次开发语言ANSYS的参数设计,进行有限元分析和优化设计。



运用ANSYS Workbench快速优化设计SolidWorks是一个优秀的、应用广泛的3D设计软件,尤其在大装配体方面使用了独特的技术来优化系统性能。






假如计算机系统内存不足,Windows就自动启用虚拟内存,由于虚拟内?*挥谟才蹋?斐上低衬诖嬗胗才唐捣苯换皇?荩?贾孪低承阅芗本缦陆担籆 PU性能过低时,延长运算时间,导致系统响应时间过长;显卡性能不佳时引起视图更新慢,移动模型时出现停顿现象,并导致CPU占用率增加。







Stress Analysis and Optimum Design of Hot Extrusion DiesAbstract:A three-dimensional model of a hot extrusion die was developed by using ANSYS software and its second development language—ANSYS parametric design language.A finite element analysis and optimum design were carried out.The three-dimensional stress diagram shows that the stress concentration is rather severe in the bridge of the hot extrusion die,and that the stress distribution is very uneven. The optimum dimensions are obtained.The results show that the optimum height of the extrusion die is89.596mm.The optimum radii of diffluence holes are65.048mm and80.065mm.The stress concentration is reduced by27%.Key words:three-dimensional method;modeling;hot extrusion die;optimum design IntroductionWith the continuous improvement of living standards,better thermal conductivity of aluminum alloy profiles.Aluminum components widely used in every aspect of life. Therefore,the aluminum alloy extrusion profiles,profiles of various types of radiators have been widely used in electrical appliances,machinery,and other industries. Variable products and the growing diversity and complexity of high-precision,the extrusion process is the basis for extrusion die.It not only determines the shape,size, accuracy and surface state,but also affect the performance of the product.So extrusion die extrusion technology is the key.Studies to improve extrusion die quality and prolong its life span usually attempt to simplify3-D finite element model to2-D,but it is only right for simple structural shapes.Without a3-D finite element analysis,the results cannot give practical manufacturing help and offer useful information[3-5].In this paper,aluminium profile extrusion die was modeled to get in optimum design[6-8].1Solid ModelingFigure1shows the male die of a hot extrusion planar combined die.Its external diameter is227.000mm,its height is80.000mm.Other parameters are shown in Fig.1.The modeling method is as follows.1.1Coordinates of P1and P5The coordinates of the point of intersection between the beeline L(y=kx+b)and the circular arc(x2+y2=R2)are1.2Coordinates of P2and P6The coordinates of the intersection point(P2)between beeline L1(y=kx+b)andbeeline L2(y=S1)areThe coordinates of the intersection point(P6)between beeline L3(y=kx+b)and beeline L4(y=S1)are1.3Coordinates of P3,P4,P7,and P8P3and P1are symmetric about the y-axis.P4and P2are also symmetric about the y-axis.P7and P5are symmetric about the x-axis.P8and P6are also symmetric about the x-axis.1.4Variables in the equationsIn Eqs.(1)-(6),for points P1and P2,and R=R1.For points P5and P6, and R=R2.R1,R2,T1,T2,S1,and S2are the change rule along the height(H)of the die expressed as the functions R1=f1(z),R2=f2(z),T1=f3(z),T2=f4(z),S1=f5(z), and S2=f6(z),z€[0,H].1.5Section shape at some heightWith lines linking P1-P4,P5-P8,with circular arc filleting at the point of intersection(P1-P8),the section shape at some height is obtained.1.6Section shape at every heightH is divided to interfacial number(INUM)equal parts(INUM is decided by the precision,if the INUM is higher,the precision is better).The section shape is drawn at every height as shown in Fig.2.1.7Smooth curved surfaceUsing SKIN command in ANSYS,smooth curved surfaces were built along the lines.They are the surfaces of the influence ing the VA(it generates a volume bounded by existing area)command,a solid was created from those surfaces.1.8Symmetry of the dieThe main body and kernel of the die were drawn using the Boolean operations of add,subtract,etc.(Fig.3).The symmetry of the die was used to accelerate the computations using a1/4-solid model for the finite element analysis(Fig.4).2Computing ModelA planar die that extrudes the aluminium alloy(6063Al-Mg-Si)was used as an example.The liquidoid of Al is657℃[9],and the melt temperature of Al+Mg2Si is 558℃.Taking the extrusion pressure and the products quality into account,the working temperature was determined to be450℃.The die material is4Cr5MoSiV1(H13).Below the450℃,its Young modulus and Possion ratio are210GPa and0.25,respectively.Its yield strength is1200MPa.The friction coefficient is0.3.The Solid923-D solid element was used to carry through the free mesh.In order to load the frictional force while extruding,the surface effect element Surf154was used to produce the regular quadrangles(Fig.5).For the1600textruder,the extrusion intensity was computed using Eq.(7)[10].The values are shown in Table1.The bridge collapse often takes place in the die.And its strength is determined by the height and the distribution of the diffluence holes.In this paper,the height(H)and the radii(R1and R2)of the diffluence holes were used as design variables and the maximum equivalent pressure(s max)was used as the goal function.The design variable ranges are listed in Table2.3Computed ResultsFigure6is the equivalent stress diagram.From Fig.6we can see that the stress is largest at the bridge,as expected24maximum equivalent stress values are listed in Table3from large to small.The data shows that the nodal maximum equivalent stress is1066.5MPa,which is14.5%higher than the second one(912.0MPa),and that the stress convergence is very severe in the bridge,this part is apt to produce crack.The initial value of the design variables R1,R2,H,q1,and q2were75.000mm, 88.000mm,80.000mm,30.000 ,and30.000 ,respectively,and the maximum equivalent stress s max=1066.5MPa.In the21iterations,the optimum iteration was the eighteenth.The design variable values were R1=65.048mm,R2=80.065mm,H= 89.596mm,q1=30.642 ,q2=20.045 .The maximum equivalent stress s max= 723.1MPa,which is27%less.The optimum results are shown in Table4.4Conclusions1)Based on ANSYS software,its second development language APDL was used to develop a3-D model of the hot extrusion die that extrudes aluminium profile has been obtained.2)The3-D stress distribution was very uneven,with severe stress concentrations in the bridge of the hot extrusion die.The optimal geometric design had27%lower maximum stress,A better die will not only reduce die number but also reduce time lost changing dies,which will greatly heighten productivity.3)Die cantilever design of large-scale streaming into false structure Not only is effective to reduce the pressure on the mold to take greater positive die as a result of dangerous sections of the fracture.greatly extend the life of the die,but this can not bring streaming bridge structure also more effective to reduce the thickness of the bottom die velocity,the velocity Extruded ensure a balanced,stable.Meanwhile,the structural design of the extrusion die for the wide disparity in thickness solid Profile Die Design,opened up a new way of thinking and approach.References[1]Karacs puter aided methods for die design.Proceedings of the Conference on Mechanical Engineering,1998,2:463-466.[2]Mueller G.Design optimization with the finite element program ANSYS. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology,1994,7:271-277.作者:帅词俊;肖刚;倪正顺;英文作者:SHUAI Cijun**;XIAO Gang;NI Zhengshun College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering;Central South University;Changsha;China;[刊名]:Tsinghua Science and Technology,清华大学学报(英文版),编辑部邮箱2004年03期查询来源:中国学术期刊全文数据库查询网址:热挤压模具的优化设计摘要:热挤压模具立体模型开发利用ANSYS软件及其二次开发语言ANSYS的参数设计,进行有限元分析和优化设计。



ANSYS 优化设计1.认识ANSYS优化模块1.1 什么时候我需要它的帮忙?什么是ANSYS优化?我想说明一个例子要比我在这里对你絮叨半天容易理解的多。


图1 水杯的简化模型为什么是这样呢?因为只有满足这个条件,才能在原料耗费最少的情况下使杯子的容积最大。






inp (用参数直接定义也可或者在命令栏内直接写)R=1H=1S=2*3.14*R*H+2*3。



/clear,nostart/input,volu,inp/optopanl,volu,inpopvar,R,dv,1,10,1e-2opvar,H,dv,1,10,1e-2opvar,S,sv,,100,1e—2opvar,V,obj,,,1e—2opkeep,onoptype,subpopsave,optvolu,opt0opexec最后,打开Ansys6.1,在命令输入框中键入“/input,optvolu,inp”,整个优化过程就开始了.图2 ANSYS优化过程图几秒钟的优化过程结束后,让我们来看一下优化的结果:/optoptlist,all图3 优化结果1上图中左右带*的SET 22是最优解,由此可以看出,要想在表面积一定的情况下使水杯容积最大,的确有这样一个规律 H=D=2*R.有兴趣的同志可以用求极值的方法演算一下,一定会得到相同的答案。







热成型基本上采用的是冲压模外加热,如以钢板(初始强度为500~600 MPa)为例,将其加热至奥氏体化状态,然后快速转移到模具中高速冲压成型,在保证一定压力的情况下,制件在模具本体中以大于27 ℃·s-1的冷却速度进行淬火处理,保压淬火一段时间,以获得具有均匀马氏体组织的超高强度钢零件[2]。




Stress Analysis and Optimum Design of Hot Extrusion DiesAbstract: A three-dimensional model of a hot extrusion die was developed by using ANSYS software and its second development language—ANSYS parametric design language. A finite element analysis and optimum design were carried out. The three-dimensional stress diagram shows that the stress concentration is rather severe in the bridge of the hot extrusion die, and that the stress distribution is very uneven. The optimum dimensions are obtained. The results show that the optimum height of the extrusion die is 89.596 mm.The optimum radii of diffluence holes are 65.048 mm and 80.065 mm. The stress concentration is reduced by 27%.Key words: three-dimensional method; modeling; hot extrusion die; optimum design IntroductionWith the continuous improvement of living standards, better thermal conductivity of aluminum alloy profiles. Aluminum components widely used in every aspect of life. Therefore, the aluminum alloy extrusion profiles, profiles of various types of radiators have been widely used in electrical appliances, machinery, and other industries. Variable products and the growing diversity and complexity of high-precision, the extrusion process is the basis for extrusion die. It not only determines the shape, size, accuracy and surface state, but also affect the performance of the product. So extrusion die extrusion technology is the key.Studies to improve extrusion die quality and prolong its life span usually attempt to simplify 3-D finite element model to 2-D, but it is only right for simple structural shapes. Without a 3-D finite element analysis, the results cannot give practical manufacturing help and offer useful information[3-5]. In this paper, aluminium pro die was modeled to get in optimum design[6-8].1 Solid ModelingFigure 1 shows the male die of a hot extrusion planar combined die. Its external diameter is 227.000 mm, its height is 80.000 mm. Other parameters are shown in Fig.1. The modeling method is as follows.1.1 Coordinates of P1 and P5The coordinates of the point of intersection between the beeline L (y = kx + b) and the circular arc (x2 + y2 =R2) are1.2 Coordinates of P2 and P6The coordinates of the intersection point (P2) between beeline L1 (y = kx+b) andbeeline L2 (y =S1) areThe coordinates of the intersection point (P6) between beeline L3 (y = kx+b) and beeline L4 (y =S1) are1.3 Coordinates of P3, P4, P7, and P8P3 and P1 are symmetric about the y-axis. P4 and P2 are also symmetric about the y-axis. P7 and P5 are symmetric about the x-axis. P8 and P6 are also symmetric about the x-axis.1.4 Variables in the equationsIn Eqs. (1)-(6), for points P1 and P2, and R = R1. For points P5 and P6, and R = R2.R1, R2, T1, T2, S1, and S2 are the change rule along the height (H) of the die expressed as the functions R1=f1 (z), R2=f2 (z), T1=f3 (z), T2=f4 (z), S1=f5 (z), and S2=f6 (z), z €[0, H].1.5 Section shape at some heightWith lines linking P1-P4, P5-P8, with circular arc filleting at the point of intersection (P1-P8), the section shape at some height is obtained.1.6 Section shape at every heightH is divided to interfacial number (INUM) equal parts (INUM is decided by the precision, if the INUM is higher, the precision is better). The section shape is drawn at every height as shown in Fig. 2.1.7 Smooth curved surfaceUsing SKIN command in ANSYS, smooth curved surfaces were built along the lines. They are the surfaces of the influence hole. Using the VA (it generates a volume bounded by existing area) command, a solid was created from those surfaces.1.8 Symmetry of the dieThe main body and kernel of the die were drawn using the Boolean operations of add, subtract, etc. (Fig. 3).The symmetry of the die was used to accelerate the computations using a 1/4-solid model for the finite element analysis (Fig. 4).2 Computing ModelA planar die that extrudes the aluminium alloy (6063Al-Mg-Si) was used as an example. The liquidoid of Al is 657℃[9], and the melt temperature of Al+Mg2Si is 558℃. Taking the extrusion pressure and the products quality into account, the working temperature was determined to be 450℃.The die material is 4Cr5MoSiV1(H13). Below the 450℃, its Young modulus and Possion ratio are 210 GPa and 0.25, respectively. Its yield strength is 1200MPa.The friction coefficient is 0.3. The Solid92 3-D solid element was used to carry through the free mesh. In order to load the frictional force while extruding, the surface effect element Surf154 was used to produce the regular quadrangles (Fig. 5). For the 1600 textruder, the extrusion intensity was computed using Eq. (7)[10]. The values are shown in Table 1.The bridge collapse often takes place in the die. And its strength is determined by the height and the distribution of the diffluence holes. In this paper, the height (H) and the radii (R1 and R2) of the diffluence holes were used as design variables and the maximum equivalent pressure (s max) was used as the goal function.The design variable ranges are listed in Table 2.3 Computed ResultsFigure 6 is the equivalent stress diagram. From Fig. 6 we can see that the stress is largest at the bridge, as expected 24 maximum equivalent stress values are listed in Table 3 from large to small. The data shows that the nodal maximum equivalent stress is 1066.5 MPa, which is 14.5% higher than the second one (912.0 MPa), and that the stress convergence is very severe in the bridge, this part is apt to produce crack.The initial value of the design variables R1, R2, H, q1, and q2 were 75.000 mm, 88.000 mm, 80.000 mm, 30.000, and 30.000, respectively, and the maximum equivalent stress s max= 1066.5 MPa. In the 21 iterations, the optimum iteration was the eighteenth. The design variable values were R1=65.048 mm, R2=80.065 mm, H = 89.596 mm, q1=30.642, q2=20.045. The maximum equivalent stress s max= 723.1 MPa, which is 27% less. The optimum results are shown in Table 4.4 Conclusions1) Based on ANSYS software, its second development language APDL was used to develop a 3-D model of the hot extrusion die that extrudes aluminium pro been obtained.2) The 3-D stress distribution was very uneven, with severe stress concentrations in the bridge of the hot extrusion die. The optimal geometric design had 27% lower maximum stress, A better die will not only reduce die number but also reduce time lost changing dies, which will greatly heighten productivity.3)Die cantilever design of large-scale streaming into false structure Not only is effective to reduce the pressure on the mold to take greater positive die as a result of dangerous sections of the fracture. greatly extend the life of the die, but this can not bring streaming bridge structure also more effective to reduce the thickness of the bottom die velocity, the velocity Extruded ensure a balanced, stable. Meanwhile, the structural design of the extrusion die for the wide disparity in thickness solid Pro Design, opened up a new way of thinking and approach.References[1] Karacs G. Computer aided methods for die design. Proceedings of the Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 1998, 2: 463-466.[2]Mueller G. Design optimization with the finite element program ANSYS. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 1994, 7: 271-277.作者:帅词俊; 肖刚; 倪正顺;英文作者:SHUAI Cijun **; XIAO Gang; NI Zhengshun College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering; Central South University; Changsha; China;[刊名]:Tsinghua Science and Technology, 清华大学学报(英文版), 编辑部邮箱2004年03期查询来源:中国学术期刊全文数据库查询网址:热挤压模具的优化设计摘要:热挤压模具立体模型开发利用ANSYS软件及其二次开发语言ANSYS的参数设计,进行有限元分析和优化设计。


图6显示了凹模在挤压过程中的应力分析结果。 从图中可以看出,凹模的应力分布是不均匀的,且 主要集中在毛坯与凹模内壁的接触附近,有螺纹的 角点处的应力值比其它地方的应力要大,变化梯度 也较大,但应力的最大值没有超过材料的许用应力 值,满足设计要求。根据以上计算分析的结果,结 合某机车车辆厂的实际情况和生产条件,根据本设 计方案设计并制造了相应的模具,生产出了质量合 格的产品,生产效率也满足需要。所生产的气缸螺 栓保护螺母如图7所示。
锻压 技术
在应力梯度变化大的载荷作用区附近采用了映射方 式密划单元,其它区域则采用自由方式划分单元。 本模型共划分了18841个节点、11678个单元。
图5 1/4凹模离散化后的数学模型 Fig.5 Quarter model of the dispersed die
在ANSYS分析过程中,模具所受的约束条件 和载荷分布情况按模具的实际工况而定:凹模下底 面紧靠下模座,其上各节点的轴向位移设置为零; 凹模上表面台阶面是由坚固圈和固定板固定,其上 各节点的径向位移和轴向位移均设置为零,其它处
就可节约钢材达4 t多,经济效益十分显著。
[1] 吴诗淳.冷温挤压技术EM].北京:国防工业出版社,
1995. E23 谢建新,刘静安.金属挤压理论与技术[M].北京:冶金工
业出版社,2001. [3] 洪深泽.挤压工艺及模具设计[M].北京:机械工业出版
社,1995. [4] 庞祖高,苏广才,夏薇,等.影响温挤压模具的寿命因素及
22.7%提高到现在的83.6%,每年可节省钢材4 t多。这为生产相似零件提供了有益的依据和成功的经验。

























甘 纯 , 刘 旭 , 张 超
( 四川 希 望 汽 车 职 业 学 院 机 电工 程 系 , 四川 资 阳 6 4 l 3 0 0 )
摘要 : 借助 U G三维软 件建立 了铝合金棒 料挤压模型 , 利用 D e  ̄r m 一 3 D数值模拟软件 对棒 材在 一定预热温度下 以不同的挤压速
艺 分析 和下 模设 计 要求 的提 高 ,数 值仿 真技 术 在 这

领 域 得到 了广 泛应用 。目前 , 铝 型材挤 压过 程 的数
值模 拟 研 究大 多使 用有 限元法 ,通过 在 计算 机 上 模
拟整 个 挤 压成形 过 程 ,研 究 金属 材 料 的应 力应 变 状 态、 流变 特性 等 参 数变 化规 律 , 及 早发现 挤 压制 品 中
基 于 以上假 设 ,结 合流 动 理论 及有 限元 变 分原 理[ 4 ' I , 推 导 出稳定 温度 场挤压 成形 的热 传导方 程 为 :
毒 ( K 鲁) + 妾 ( ) + 鲁 ( 誓 ) = 0 ( 1 )
1 建 立模 型及 设定 模 拟 参 数
1 , 1 挤压模 型 的建立
了在 不 同挤 压速 度 下金 属材 料 流 动均 匀性 、 应 力场 、 应变 场 、 温度场 、 破 坏 系数 等 的变化 规 律 。
本假设I 1 : ①材料均匀且各向同性 ; ②材料成形过程 中体积不变 , 并忽略体积力与惯性力作用 ; ③无加工
硬化 ; ④金 属 流动服 从列 维 一米 塞斯法 则 。
关键词 : 铝 合 金棒 材 ; 热 挤压 成 形 ; D e f o r m3 D; 挤 压速 度 ; 数值 模拟
中图 分 类 号 : T G 3 7 6 . 2 文献标识码 : A



1.C+和Ti+注入铝型材热挤压模表面改性研究 [J], 李才巨;叶红榜;熊大民;朱心昆;苏云生;王剑华
2.用RW40合金制造铝型材热挤压模试验研究 [J], 王荣滨
3.多边形铝型材热挤压模三维热力耦合分析与优化设计 [J], 倪正顺;陈乐恒;吴吉平
4.基于ANSYS的三维建模方法与热挤压模具的优化设计 [J], 帅词俊;倪正顺
5.多边形铝型材热挤压模的优化设计研究 [J], 倪正顺;陈乐恒;吴吉平;邵军



【摘要】在PRO/E软件和ANSYS Workbench软件的协同环境下,直接采用ANSYS软件提供的先进的拓扑优化功能,在有限元分析的基础上对160 t注塑机定模板进行拓扑优化.首先对注塑机模板系统进行实体建模和有限元分析,确定应力和应变的分布情况.在此基础上建立目标函数并对其进行优化,根据研究结论对原模板设计提出改进方案.优化后的结构在刚度和强度上将有很大提高,从而解决了如上所述的工程实际问题,也就是在满足最大刚度的前提下,找出最佳的材料分配方案.即最佳的筋板分布形式.
1.运用ANSYS软件对注塑机调模板进行有限元分析 [J], 李竞;李小平;陈宏滨
2.基于Ansys的注塑机动模板的优化设计 [J], 李明辉; 张鑫; 申晔龙
3.基于拓扑优化的二板式注塑机动模板轻量化设计 [J], 张哲衍;葛鹏翔;娄军强;傅
4.基于Ansys的注塑机前模板结构参数优化设计 [J], 李明辉;李波
5.基于ANSYS软件的注塑机注射活塞杆紧母的分析优化 [J], 郭永增



目录此文本含运行文本,请索要!!摘要 (2)Abstract (3)概述 (4)第1章立式挤压模具主要技术参数及功能的确定 (4) (6) (6)第2章立式铜挤压模具的设计及参数的确定 (8) (8) (11) (12)挤压轴的尺寸 (12) (12)挤压筒的设计 (13) (13) (15)挤压筒的尺寸的确定 (16) (18)第3章对挤压模具的ANSYS接触性能分析 (19)ANSYS接触能力 (19)─面接触单元 (19)—面的接触分析 (19) (20) (21) (25)第4章结论 (28) (28)展望 (28)附录一有限元分析程序 (29)致谢 (21)参考文献 (32)随着信息技术的飞速发展,CAE技术在铝型材挤压模具设计制造领域的应用正越来越受到世界各国的关注。



ANSYS软件是融结构,热,流体,电磁,声学于一体的大型通用有限元分析软件,其代码长度超过10000行,可广泛用于石油化工,航空航天,机械制造,能源,电子,造船,汽车交通,国防军工,日用家电等一般工业及科学研究,是目前最主要的FEA 程序。




基于PRO E与ANSYS集成实现的压铸模具温度场仿真

基于PRO E与ANSYS集成实现的压铸模具温度场仿真
















Pro/E是美国PTC公司开发的专业CAD 软件,是一个基于特征的实体造型系统。



虽然它带有CAE模块,但相比专业的CAE 软件还略有不足。




1 ANSYS与Pro/E的集成为将ANSYS直接集成在Pro/E中,使Pro/E生成的模型能完整的导入到ANSYS中。

需将ANSYS与Pro/E的接口进行如下的设置:(1)在同台计算机的同一操作系统下安装有Pro/E和ANSYS两种软件;(2)保证上述两种软件的版本兼容,Pro/E的版本不得高于同期的ANSYS的版本;(3)ANSYS 10.0必须和Pro/E wildfire2.0相连;(4)操作路径为:开始→程序→ANSYS→ANS ADSNUtility→Configurationoptions→Configuration Connection for Pro/E。

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