



计算机一级考试考点学习笔记--大数据的发展1. 什么是大数据?大数据是指规模庞大、来源复杂且无法用常规软件进行处理和管理的数据集合。

通常,这些数据具有以下特点:- 高速:数据的产生和获取速度非常快。

- 多样:数据的类型和形式非常多样化。

- 大量:数据的容量非常庞大,一般以TB、PB、EB为单位。

- 高价值:通过对大数据的挖掘和分析,可以发现隐藏在其中的有价值信息。

2. 大数据的发展历程大数据的发展经历了以下几个阶段:- 数据爆炸阶段:随着互联网的快速发展,产生了大量的结构化和非结构化数据。

- 大规模存储阶段:为了存储和管理大量的数据,出现了分布式存储和处理框架,如Hadoop。

- 分布式计算阶段:为了加快对大数据的处理速度,出现了基于分布式计算的并行处理框架,如Spark。

- 数据洞察阶段:通过数据挖掘和分析,能够发现数据背后的规律和价值。

3. 大数据的应用领域大数据的应用非常广泛,包括但不限于以下几个领域:- 商业智能:通过对大数据的分析,能够洞察市场趋势,优化经营策略。

- 金融领域:通过对大数据的挖掘,可以做出更好的风险评估和预测。

- 医疗健康:通过对大数据的分析,可以提升医疗服务的质量和效率。

- 城市管理:通过对大数据的处理和分析,可以提升城市管理的智能化水平。

- 交通运输:通过对大数据的挖掘,可以优化交通路线和减少交通拥堵。

4. 大数据的挑战和问题虽然大数据的发展带来了很多机遇,但也面临着一些挑战和问题:- 数据隐私和安全性:大数据中可能存在敏感信息,需要保护用户的隐私和数据安全。

- 数据采集和整合:大数据的来源多样,需要解决数据采集和整合的问题。

- 数据分析和挖掘:对大数据进行高效的分析和挖掘是一个挑战,需要进行算法优化和性能调优。

- 人才短缺:大数据领域需要专业的人才,目前存在人才短缺的问题。




数学课程标准中的“大数据”:内容呈现、要点聚焦与实施建议目录一、内容概要 (2)二、数学课程标准中的大数据概述 (2)三、内容呈现 (3)1. 大数据的定义及概念 (4)1.1 大数据的定义与分类 (5)1.2 大数据的相关概念及其重要性 (7)2. 大数据与数学的关联 (8)2.1 大数据在数学中的应用 (9)2.2 数学在大数据处理中的角色 (11)四、要点聚焦 (12)1. 大数据处理技术与应用领域研究趋势分析 (13)1.1 数据清洗和预处理技术的重要性 (14)1.2 数据挖掘和机器学习算法的应用前景 (15)1.3 大数据在各领域的应用案例及发展趋势 (16)2. 数学课程标准的改革与大数据的结合点探讨 (17)2.1 课程内容与大数据技术的融合点分析 (19)2.2 教学方法与手段的创新尝试与实践案例分享 (20)2.3 评价方式与大数据的结合,提高教学效果与质量 (21)五、实施建议 (23)一、内容概要内容呈现:阐述数学课程标准中大数据相关内容的呈现方式,包括统计、数据分析等基础知识的融入,以及如何利用大数据解决实际问题等。














应用领域:1. 商业智能:大数据可以帮助企业分析市场趋势、消费者行为和竞争对手情报,从而制定更有效的营销策略和商业决策。

2. 金融服务:大数据可以用于风险管理、反欺诈、客户关系管理等方面,提高金融机构的运营效率和风险控制能力。

3. 医疗保健:大数据可以用于疾病预测、药物研发、医疗资源优化等方面,提高医疗保健的质量和效率。

4. 城市管理:大数据可以用于交通管理、环境监测、城市规划等方面,提高城市的可持续发展和居民的生活质量。

5. 电子商务:大数据可以用于个性化推荐、用户行为分析、供应链管理等方面,提升电子商务平台的竞争力和用户体验。

大数据应用案例:1. 亚马逊的个性化推荐系统:亚马逊通过分析用户的购买历史、浏览记录和其他用户的行为数据,为每个用户提供个性化的商品推荐,提高用户购买转化率和销售额。

2. 谷歌的搜索引擎优化:谷歌利用大数据分析用户的搜索行为和网页内容,为用户提供更准确的搜索结果,提高搜索引擎的用户满意度和广告收入。

3. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的气象预测:NASA利用卫星数据、气象观测站数据和其他气象数据,进行气象模拟和预测,提供准确的天气预报和灾害预警。

4. 中国移动的用户流量分析:中国移动通过分析用户的通话记录、短信记录和移动数据流量,了解用户的通信行为和需求,优化网络资源分配和服务质量。

5. 脸书的社交网络分析:脸书通过分析用户的社交关系、兴趣爱好和行为数据,为广告商提供精准的广告定向,提高广告投放效果和收益。

大数据分析流程:1. 数据收集:收集各种数据源的数据,包括结构化数据(如数据库、日志文件)、半结构化数据(如XML、JSON格式的数据)和非结构化数据(如文本、图像、音频、视频等)。






正文内容:1. 大数据的概念和特点1.1 数据量巨大:大数据的最显著特点就是数据量巨大,传统的数据处理工具已经无法胜任。

1.2 数据多样性:大数据不仅包括结构化数据,还包括半结构化数据和非结构化数据。

1.3 数据速度快:大数据的产生速度非常快,需要实时或者近实时地进行处理和分析。

1.4 数据价值密度低:大数据中包含了不少无用信息,需要进行筛选和提取。

2. 大数据的应用领域2.1 商业智能:通过对大数据的分析和挖掘,匡助企业做出更准确的决策,提高竞争力。

2.2 金融领域:大数据可以匡助银行和金融机构进行风险控制、反欺诈和客户画像等工作。

2.3 医疗健康:大数据可以辅助医疗机构进行疾病预测、个性化治疗和健康管理等工作。

2.4 城市管理:通过对大数据的分析,可以改善城市交通、环境和公共设施等方面的管理。

2.5 社交网络:大数据可以匡助社交网络平台提供更好的用户体验和个性化推荐服务。

3. 大数据的价值和挑战3.1 价值:大数据的分析和挖掘可以匡助企业发现商机、提高效率、降低成本。

3.2 挑战:大数据的处理和分析需要庞大的计算资源和高效的算法,同时也面临着数据隐私和安全的问题。

4. 大数据的处理技术4.1 分布式存储和计算:通过搭建分布式存储和计算平台,实现对大数据的高效处理和分析。

4.2 数据挖掘和机器学习:利用数据挖掘和机器学习算法,挖掘大数据中的规律和模式。

4.3 可视化技术:通过可视化技术将大数据转化为可视化图表,匡助用户更直观地理解数据。

5. 大数据的未来发展趋势5.1 智能化:随着人工智能的发展,大数据将更加智能化,能够自动进行数据分析和决策。


详细讲解经典的数据挖掘算法,如K-means、决策树、支持向 量机等。
通过案例演示数据挖掘在实际问题中的应用,如推荐系统、信用 评分等。
将数据通过图形化手段进行展示,以便更直观、清晰地传达数据 中的信息和规律。
介绍Hive的查询语言HiveQL的语法、特点和常用操作,如数据查询 、数据插入、数据更新等。
通过收集城市交通流量、道路状况等多源数 据,分析交通拥堵成因,为城市交通规划和 优化提供支持。
运用大数据技术对城市环境数据进行实时监测和分 析,及时发现环境问题并提出治理措施。
基于大数据分析,实现对公共安全事件的预 警和快速响应,提高城市应对突发事件的能 力。
数据连接、数据清洗、数据建模、可视化设计、交互分析 等。
掌握数据源连接方法、熟悉数据清洗和转换操作、灵活运 用各种图表类型、学会使用筛选器和参数等交互功能。








2:大数据的特征- 体量大:大数据通常以TB、PB甚至EB为单位进行量化。

- 速度快:大数据的产生速度非常快,需要实时或近实时进行处理和分析。

- 多样性:大数据包括结构化、半结构化和非结构化数据,来自于各种不同的数据源。

- 真实性:大数据反映了真实世界的复杂性和多样性。

- 可变性:大数据的内容和结构可能会随时间改变。

3:大数据对社会和业务的影响- 科学研究:大数据可以帮助科学家进行更具深度和广度的研究,探索新的发现和模式。

- 商业洞察:通过分析大数据,企业可以获取有关客户行为、市场趋势和竞争对手的洞察,以做出更明智的决策。

- 风险管理:大数据可以帮助企业预测和管理风险,减少潜在的损失。

- 公共服务:可以利用大数据优化城市规划、公共安全和社会福利等服务。

4:大数据处理的挑战和解决方案- 存储挑战:大数据的存储需求巨大,需要使用分布式存储系统和云计算等技术来满足需求。

- 处理挑战:传统的数据处理方法无法满足大数据的需求,需要使用分布式处理框架和并行计算技术。

- 分析挑战:大数据的复杂性和多样性使得数据分析变得更加困难,需要使用机器学习和数据挖掘等技术。

- 隐私和安全挑战:大数据的处理和分析涉及大量的个人和机密数据,需要确保数据的隐私和安全。

5:大数据应用领域和示例- 零售业:通过分析大数据,零售商可以了解客户的购买习惯和喜好,提供个性化的服务和推荐。

- 金融业:大数据可以帮助金融机构进行风险评估、欺诈检测和市场预测等工作。

- 健康医疗:通过分析大数据,医疗机构可以进行精准的疾病诊断和治疗,改善健康管理和预防措施。






一、定义与特点1. 定义:大数据是指具有高速度、多样性和大容量特点的数据集合,由结构化数据和非结构化数据组成。

2. 特点:- 高速度:大数据的产生速度非常快,需要使用实时或近实时的技术进行处理。

- 多样性:大数据包含不同类型的数据,如文本、音频、视频等。

- 大容量:大数据集合的规模非常庞大,存储和处理大数据需要强大的硬件和软件资源。

- 价值密度低:大数据集合中可能包含大量的噪声和无效信息,需要进行数据清洗和处理。

- 决策支持:通过对大数据的分析,可以获取有关用户行为、市场趋势等方面的信息,为决策提供支持。

二、大数据的应用领域1. 商业与市场:大数据在商业与市场领域有着广泛的应用。



2. 金融与保险:在金融与保险行业,大数据的分析可以帮助机构更好地了解客户需求和风险管理。


3. 医疗与健康:大数据在医疗与健康领域的应用也十分重要。



4. 城市管理:大数据可以帮助城市管理者更好地了解城市运行状态和居民需求。


5. 教育与科研:大数据在教育与科研领域也有着重要的应用。



三、大数据的处理技术1. 数据采集与存储:大数据的处理首先需要进行数据采集与存储。



1. 风险评估
2. 产品优化
3. 客户体验提升
4. 运营成本降低
金融业是大数据技术应 用的重要领域,通过大 数据分析,金融机构可 以更好地评估风险、优 化产品设计、提高客户 体验和降低运营成本。
金融机构利用大数据分 析历史交易数据、市场 动态和政策信息,以更 准确地评估信用风险、 市场风险和操作风险。
数据处理是大数据应用的核心,涉及对海量数据的清洗、整合、转换和集成。 数据处理的目标是提高数据质量,为后续的数据分析提供准确可靠的数据基础 。
数据分析利用统计学和机器学习等方法,对大数据进行挖掘和洞察。常见的大 数据分析技术包括关联规则挖掘、聚类分析、分类和预测等,它们能够揭示数 据背后的规律和趋势。
大数据通常是指数据量巨大、复杂度高的数据集合,无法在一定时间范围内用常规软件工具进行捕捉、管理和处 理。大数据的特性包括数据体量巨大、数据类型多样、处理速度快和价值密度低。这些特性使得大数据在各行各 业中具有广泛的应用前景和价值。
大数据的来源主要包括互联网、物联网、社交媒体、移动设备等,类型包括结构化数据 、非结构化数据和半结构化数据。
1. 精准营销
通过对消费者的购买行为、偏好和需求进行大数据分析,零售商可以 制定精准的营销策略和个性化推荐,提高销售额和客户满意度。
2. 智能库存管理
通过对销售数据、库存情况和物流信息进行大数据分析,零售商可以 优化库存管理、降低库存成本和提高物流效率。
3. 个性化客户服务






一、数据科学的基本概念与原理1. 数据科学的定义数据科学是指通过使用数学、统计学、计算机科学等领域的知识和方法,从数据中发现和推断出有价值的知识,并为决策提供支持的学科。


2. 数据科学的原理数据科学的实践基于以下几个原理:- 数据驱动的决策:数据科学强调决策需要基于数据的事实而非主观感觉。

- 稀缺性原则:数据科学要充分利用有限的数据资源,找到隐藏在数据中的有价值信息。

- 多学科交叉原理:数据科学需要借鉴统计学、计算机科学、信息科学等多个学科的知识和方法。

二、大数据技术的基本概念与原理1. 大数据技术的定义大数据技术是指用于处理大规模数据集的技术和工具。


2. 大数据技术的原理大数据技术的实践基于以下几个原理:- 存储原理:大数据技术需要使用高效的存储方案,如分布式文件系统和列式存储等,以提供高速访问和处理大规模数据集的能力。

- 处理原理:大数据技术借助分布式计算、多线程和并行处理等技术,能够高效地处理数据并执行复杂的分析任务。

- 分析原理:大数据技术可以应用机器学习、数据挖掘和自然语言处理等技术,从海量数据中挖掘隐含的规律和知识。

- 可视化原理:大数据技术提供了多种可视化工具和技术,帮助用户更直观地理解和分析数据。


以下是几个典型的应用领域:1. 金融行业数据科学可以用于预测金融市场走势、风险评估和交易分析等。







一、数据的基本概念1.1 数据的定义数据是指用来描述事实、现象或者对象的符号记录,是对客观事物的抽象表示。


1.2 数据的来源数据可以来自各种渠道,包括传感器、社交媒体、互联网、传统数据库等。


1.3 数据的分类数据可以按照结构、性质、用途等多个维度进行分类,例如结构化数据、半结构化数据和非结构化数据等。

二、数据的重要性2.1 数据的决策支持作用数据是决策的重要依据,通过对数据的分析和挖掘,可以为决策者提供更准确的信息和预测结果,匡助其做出更明智的决策。

2.2 数据的商业价值数据是企业的重要资产,通过对数据的分析和挖掘,可以发现商业机会、提高效率、降低成本,实现商业价值最大化。

2.3 数据的科学研究意义数据在科学研究中发挥着重要作用,可以匡助科学家发现规律、验证假设,推动科学领域的发展。

三、大数据的特点3.1 海量性大数据的特点之一是数据量巨大,传统的数据处理方法无法胜任大数据的处理需求,需要借助新技术和方法。

3.2 多样性大数据来源多样化,包括结构化数据、半结构化数据和非结构化数据,需要有效整合和分析。

3.3 实时性大数据处理需要快速响应和实时分析,以满足当今社会对信息的即时性需求。

四、大数据的应用领域4.1 金融行业金融行业利用大数据技术进行风险管理、客户分析、交易监控等,提高金融服务的效率和安全性。

4.2 医疗健康医疗健康领域利用大数据技术进行疾病预测、个性化治疗、健康管理等,提高医疗服务的水平和效果。

4.3 零售行业零售行业利用大数据技术进行商品推荐、库存管理、市场营销等,提高销售效率和客户满意度。






一、数据的基本概念与特点1.1 数据的定义数据是指以某种形式记录的信息,它可以是数字、文字、图像、声音等形式存在。


1.2 数据的来源数据的来源非常广泛,可以来自于人类活动、自然观测、传感器、网络等多个渠道。


1.3 数据的特点数据具有多样性、海量性、时效性和价值性等特点。





二、大数据的定义与特点2.1 大数据的定义大数据是指规模庞大、种类繁多、生成速度快的数据集合。


2.2 大数据的四个特点大数据具有四个特点,即“四V”,即Volume(海量性)、Variety(多样性)、Velocity(时效性)和Value(价值性)。


2.3 大数据的应用领域大数据的应用领域非常广泛,包括金融、医疗、零售、交通、能源等。







1. 大数据的定义和特征:大数据是指规模庞大、复杂度高、处理速度快的数据集合。



2. 大数据处理的技术:为了有效处理大数据,我们需要掌握以下几种关键的技术:- 分布式存储和计算:大数据通常需要分布式存储和计算来处理,这样可以并行处理更大规模的数据。

- 数据挖掘和机器学习:利用数据挖掘和机器学习的算法,我们可以从大数据中发现隐藏的模式和规律。

- 可视化技术:通过可视化技术,我们可以将大数据转化为直观易懂的图形和图表,使复杂的数据变得更加易于理解和分析。

3. 大数据应用领域:大数据在各个领域都有广泛的应用,其中一些重要的领域包括:- 金融领域:大数据可以帮助金融机构预测市场趋势、发现欺诈行为和评估风险。

- 医疗保健领域:通过分析大数据,可以提高诊断准确性、改善疾病预测和预防、优化医疗资源配置等。

- 市场营销领域:大数据可以帮助企业更好地了解消费者行为,进行个性化推荐和定制化营销策略。

- 智慧城市:大数据在城市规划、交通管理、环境监测等方面的应用,可以提高城市的效率和可持续性。

4. 大数据隐私与安全:在大数据时代,隐私和安全问题变得尤为重要。

大数据的收集、存储和处理过程中,需要注意以下方面:- 数据保护:对于个人敏感信息的保护非常重要,必须确保数据在传输和存储过程中的安全性。

- 权限管理:限制谁可以访问和使用大数据,并确保数据使用的合法性和合规性。

- 匿名化和脱敏技术:采用适当的匿名化和脱敏技术,以保护个人隐私,同时满足数据分析的需求。








二、大数据的应用领域1. 商业领域:大数据可以用于市场调研、用户行为分析、精准广告投放等,帮助企业做出更好的决策。

2. 社交网络:大数据可以用于社交网络分析、群体行为预测等,帮助人们更好地理解社交网络的运作规律。

3. 金融领域:大数据可以用于信用评估、风险控制、欺诈检测等,提高金融行业的效率和安全性。

4. 医疗健康:大数据可以用于疾病预测、医疗资源优化等,促进医疗行业的发展和改进。

三、大数据的技术工具1. 分布式存储和计算:大数据处理需要将数据存储在多个节点上,并通过并行计算来提高处理速度。


2. 数据挖掘和机器学习:大数据中包含丰富的信息,通过数据挖掘和机器学习算法可以从中提取有价值的知识。


3. 可视化工具:可视化是大数据分析中重要的一环,通过图表和可视化效果可以更直观地展示数据的特征和关系。


四、大数据的挑战和未来发展1. 隐私和安全:大数据技术的迅速发展带来了个人隐私和数据安全的风险。


2. 数据质量和准确性:大数据中可能存在噪声和错误,对数据进行清洗和校验是一个重要的工作。


3. 人才需求:随着大数据应用的普及,对于大数据分析和处理的专业人才需求日益增长。






(判断题)√第4题、1Y等于1024 Z。













(单选题)A:1024P B:1024G C:1024E D:1024ZD第17题、人体的细胞数量为()。

(单选题)A:20TB B:30TB C:40TB D:50TBC第18题、Facebook数据中心每天处理“赞”的数量是()。


(单选题)A:6G B:60G C:600G D:6000GD第20题、2018年,谷歌每天处理的数据量是()。

(单选题)A:200PB B:2000PB C:2万PB D:20万PBD第21题、Facebook每天上传照片约()。







大数据的定义包括以下几个关键方面:1. 数据规模(Volume):大数据通常涉及的数据量非常庞大,需要使用特殊的技术和工具来处理和分析。

2. 数据速度(Velocity):数据的生成和处理速度非常快,需要实时或近实时的处理能力。

3. 数据多样性(Variety):大数据包括结构化数据、半结构化数据和非结构化数据,如文本、图片、视频等。

4. 数据真实性(Veracity):数据的质量和准确性对于分析结果至关重要,大数据需要确保数据的真实性。

5. 数据价值(Value):从大数据中提取的洞察力和知识可以转化为商业价值,这是大数据应用的核心目标。

大数据的应用领域非常广泛,包括但不限于:- 商业智能:企业通过分析大数据来优化运营、提高效率和增加收入。

- 健康医疗:医疗行业利用大数据进行疾病预测、个性化治疗和健康管理。

- 金融服务:金融机构使用大数据进行风险评估、欺诈检测和客户服务。

- 政府管理:政府部门利用大数据进行城市规划、公共安全和资源分配。

- 教育研究:教育机构通过分析大数据来改进教学方法、个性化学习路径和研究方法。










1. 大数据的特征:- 体量巨大:大数据的规模通常以TB、PB、EB甚至更大的单位来衡量。

- 多样性:大数据包含多种类型的数据,如文本、图象、音频、视频等。

- 时效性:大数据的产生速度非常快,需要实时或者近实时地进行处理和分析。

- 复杂性:大数据通常包含多个维度的数据,关联性复杂,难以直接处理和分析。

2. 大数据的采集:大数据的采集是指从各种数据源中获取数据。




3. 大数据的存储:大数据的存储是指将采集到的数据进行存储和管理。

常用的大数据存储技术包括分布式文件系统(如Hadoop HDFS)、列式存储(如Apache Parquet)和分布式数据库(如Apache Cassandra)。


4. 大数据的管理:大数据的管理是指对数据进行组织、清洗、集成和保护。



5. 大数据的分析:大数据的分析是指对大数据进行挖掘和分析,以发现其中的模式、趋势和关联性。



6. 大数据的应用:大数据的应用涵盖了各个领域,如金融、医疗、零售、交通、能源等。




大数据(big data),或称巨量资料,指的是所涉及的资料量规模巨大到无法通过目前主流软件工具,在合理时间内达到撷取、管理、处理、并整理成为帮助企业经营决策更积极目的的资讯。










大数据的原理和应用1. 概述大数据是指规模巨大、处理速度快、种类繁多的数据集合,由传统数据处理方法难以处理和分析。


2. 大数据的原理大数据的原理主要包括数据采集、存储、处理和分析。

2.1 数据采集数据采集是指从各种来源获取大量的数据,包括传感器、设备、社交媒体、日志文件等。


2.2 数据存储大数据需要存储,然后才可以进行处理和分析。

大数据存储通常使用分布式存储系统,如Hadoop Distributed File System(HDFS)等。


2.3 数据处理数据处理是指对大数据进行清洗、转化和集成等操作,使数据能够被进一步分析和应用。


2.4 数据分析数据分析是大数据的核心环节,通过对大数据进行统计、挖掘和预测等分析,得出有价值的信息和结论。


3. 大数据的应用3.1 商业智能大数据的应用在商业智能领域具有重要作用。



3.2 金融领域大数据在金融领域的应用也非常广泛。



3.3 医疗健康在医疗健康领域,大数据的应用可以帮助提升疾病诊断和治疗效果。




大数据技术概述一、大数据的时代价值1.大数据内涵大数据(big data,mega data)或称巨量资料,指的是需要新处理模式才能具有更强的决策力、洞察力和流程优化能力的海量、高增长率和多样化的信息资产。












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I.J. Information Technology and Computer Science, 2016, 7, 8-15Published Online July 2016 in MECS (/) DOI: 10.5815/ijitcs.2016.07.02Toward Grasping the Dynamic Concept of BigDataLuis Emilio Alvarez-DionisiINSISOC - Social System Engineering Centre of the University of Valladolid, Valladolid, SpainE-mail: dr.luis.alvarez@Abstract —The idea of big data represents a growing challenge for companies such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Amazon, eBay, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. However, the challenge goes beyond private companies, government agencies, and many other organizations. It is actually an alarm clock that is ringing everywhere: newspapers, magazines, books, research papers, online, offline, it is all over the world and people are worried about it. Its economic impact and consequences are of unproportioned dimensions. This research outlines the fundamental literature required to understand the concept of big data . Additionally, the present work provides a conclusion and recommendations for further research on big data . This study is part of an ongoing research that addresses the link between economic growth and big data . Index Terms —Database, Data Science, Big Data, Software Engineering, Software Architecture, Business Analytics. I. I NTRODUCTIONWhenever you perform an Internet search, yourinquiries and successive clicks are usually recorded.Likewise, every time you shop on Amazon or eBay, your purchase and every click is caught and logged; in anutshell, your customer behavior is most likely recorded[1]. As a result, data is exponentially increasing, gettingbigger and bigger.On the other hand, the literature on big data continues to expand as this paper is being crafted. Big data is a polysemy term with multiple definitions and meanings.Therefore, as highlighted by Diebold in 2012 in hispaper On the Origin(s) and Development of the Term “Big Data”, the term big data “spans computer scienceand stati stics/econometrics, probably originated in alunch-table conversations at Silicon Graphics Inc. (SGI) in the mid 1990s” [2].Likewise, big data “applies to information that can‟t beprocessed or analyzed using traditional processes or tools. Furthermore, big data is referred to “data volumes in therange of exabytes (1018) and beyond. Such volumesexceed the capacity of current on line storage systems and processing systems. Data, information, and knowledgeare being created and collected at a rate that is rapidly approaching the exabyte/year range. But, its creation andaggregation are accelerating and will approach the zettabyte/year range within a few years. Volume is only one aspect of big data; other attributes are variety, velocity, value, and complexity” [3]. Big data represents the state-of-the-art techniques and technologies used to capture, store, allocate, manage and perform analysis of large datasets (petabyte- or larger- size) with high-velocity and different structures that traditional data management systems are not capable of handling [4]. As a matter of fact, credit for the concept of big data must be shared; in particular with John Mashey and many others at SGI, responsible for pr oducing “highly -relevant (unpublished, non-academic) work in the mid-1990s” [2]. Similarly, big data has “demonstrated the capacity to improve predictions, save money, boost efficiency and enhance decision-making in fields as disparate as traffic control, weather forecasting, disaster prevention, finance, fraud control, business transaction, national security, education, and health care” [4]. Big data is a notion that is associated with data science.Data science is the study of the transformation of the data into information. For that reason, data science embraces big data analytics.As a result, big data analytics is the process foranalyzing and mining big data. Consequently, big dataanalytics “can produce operational and business knowledge at an unp recedented scale and specificity” [5].Nonetheless, there is a need to receive a formaleducation in data science. Correspondingly, universities across the United States of A merica are now offeringdegrees in the data science area to fill the gap.For example, you can obtain a master‟s degree in Data Science from New York University; Illinois Institute of Technology; Indiana University, Bloomington; SouthernMethodist University; University of Virginia; ColumbiaUniversity; and many other schools. Nevertheless, there are academic programs thatemphasize on decision support systems, visualizationdesign, statistical packages, business analytics, and other academic orientations.Each university has its own specific approach todeliver data science education. In the same way, you can earn a master‟s degree inApplied Business Analytics Management from BostonUniversity. This graduate degree is very attractive because it could be done on campus and online.Similarly, Spain has many academic institutions with big data related degrees, some examples of such institutions and their degree programs are: (1) Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) that currently offers an online master‟s degree in Business Intelligence and Big Data; (2) CIFF Business School of the University of Alcalá that offers a master‟s degree in Big Data and Business Analytics; (3) Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR) that runs an online university master‟s degree in Visual Analytics and Big Data; (4) Instituto de Empresa (IE) that off ers a master‟s degree in Business Analytics and Big Data; (5) University of Valladolid (UVA) that is currently offering a degree in Informatics Engineering where participants learn about the details of the big data technological and management field; and (6) Universidad de Málaga that runs a master‟s degree in Advanced Analytics on Big Data. While the list is very long, it is out of the scope of this research to mention all the academic institutions that are currently delivering big data education in Spain.Though, the concept of big data represents a big challenge for many organizations across the globe. However, such challenge is currently knocking the main door of private and government institutions worldwide and it needs to be addressed right away.In “a few years more data will be available in a year than has been collected since the dawn of man”[3].As stated by IBM, “human beings now create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data per day. The rate of data creation has increased so much that 90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone” [5]. Consequently, big data requires immediate actions; otherwise, its impact could produce a domino effect on the organization‟s information assets, generating a technological and economic outrage.In practice, organizations are putting together big data project teams to tackle the big data phenomenon.In that sense, a typical core team includes the following roles: project director (a top senior business management executive), chief information officer (CIO), project manager, a database administrator (DBA), IT security manager, online marketing manager, system architect, and business analytics manager.Based on the organization‟s requirements, a big data project management implementation lifecycle (BDPMIL) needs to be defined by the core team in order to put into practice the big data technology and finally achieve success.The BDPMIL provides the necessary phases required to accomplish the big data Project, along with the essential tasks needed to fulfill the implementation effort. In the same way, the BDPMIL includes all the milestones and deliverables needed to achieve the project, which is constrained by cost, time, scope, big data technology, around the quality constraintLikewise, a project governance organization has to be established to oversee the entire big data Project.In consequence, once the big data Project is successfully completed, many of the team members are usually moved into a new data science organizational unit under the company‟s IT department.As a result, big data is a global technological fact with massive economic implications.Due to the fact that implementing big data technology is a complex assignment, it is possible to breakdown the big data Project into subprojects, producing a big data Program, which is constrained by the dependency among the constituent projects, the realization of the program benefits, and the management of the deliverables between projects.In some cases, organizations go one step further and structure their big data implementation effort into a big bata Project Portfolio, which is constrained by each of the project investments.Nevertheless, the review of the current literature has revealed a limited gap in producing a research based framework for visualizing the origin and technical foundation of big data. Therefore, this article was written to introduce the fundamental literature review of such important topic.The rest of this paper is organized into the following sections: (2) Developing the Big Data Equation; (3) Going from Megabyte to Yottabyte; (4) About the Big Deal with Big Data; (5) About Types of Data; (6) Adopting Big Data; (7) Introducing Big Data Solutions;(8) About Major Risks; (9) A Brief on Big Data 1.0 and Big Data 2.0; (10) Introducing the Fourth Paradigm; (11) Presenting Big Data Sample Applications; and (12) Conclusion and Recommendations.II.D EVELOPING THE B IG D ATA E QUATIONUsing the ideas of Kaisler, Armour, Espinosa, and Money [3], along with the fundamentals of discrete mathematics, the following equation was developed to further understand the concept of big data.Big Data = {Data Volume, Data Variety, Data Velocity, Data Value, Complexity} (1)In where, Big Data is defined as a mathematical set that includes the following features.Data Volume:This feature measures the amount of data open to an organization. The idea is for the organization to have access to the proper data. However, it is possible that such data is owed by somebody else. Though, it is important to point out that it is probable that as data volume increases, the value of several data records will decrease in relation to type, age and quantity among other elements [3].Data Variety: This characteristic measures the richness of the data format (e.g., text, audio and video). From the big data analytics viewpoint, it is perhaps a key challenge to effectively using a large amount of data. This is because some of the data are coming in different layouts and generated from multiple data sources [3].Data Velocity:This feature measures how rapid the data is created, streamed, and aggregated. Data velocitymanagement goes beyond bandwidth management. However, it is also important to highlight that e-commerce capability has promptly improved the speed and richness of data velocity.Data Value:This feature measures the usefulness of the data in the decision-making process. Specifically, it is associated with the data value that is provided to the organization [3].Complexity: This characteristic measures the degree of interdependence and interconnectedness of big data structures [3].III.G OING F ROM M EGABYTE TO Y OTTABYTEIn this section, we will introduce some illustrations of the units of measurement of data volume.In practice, the idea of data volume is essential to grasp the concept of big data.As depicted in Fig.1., we have adapted the overview of data scale from megabytes to yottabytes (log scale) to provide an example of data volume [6].The mentioned figure indicates that a Megabyte is 1,000,000 bytes (106 bytes); one Gigabyte is equivalent to 1,000,000,000 bytes (109bytes); a Terabyte is 1,000,000,000,000 bytes (1012bytes); a Petabyte is 1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes (1015 bytes); one Exabyte is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes (1018bytes); a Zettabyte is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes (1021bytes); and one Yottabyte is equal to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes (1024 bytes).Fig.1. Going from Megabyte to Yottabyte (Adapted from Figure 1 ofHarris [6])IV.A BOUT THE B IG D EAL WITH B IG D ATA According to Einav and Levin [1], a summary of the big deal with big data is encapsulated in the following paragraph.During the last thirty years, technology has changed our lives. Looking at the Internet, cell phones, text messaging, electronic health records, and employment records, all these footsteps are part of the trails that we leave behind. Evidently, data is everywhere about us. However, what is new about it is that the data is now retrieved faster, has larger exposure and scope, and includes new types of remarks and observations that previously were not there. Therefore, data is now available on a large scale. At present, data sets come with masses of distinct observations and an enormous number of comments. For that reason, it is real big and the discipline of big data was born. Likewise, it is available in real time. The magnificence of real-time capability in term of capturing and processing data is that it becomes vital for many big data business applications. Similarly, it is also available in all type of formats. A great amount of data is now being logged in events that previously were almost impossible to detect. Consider, for example, geolocation records showing where the persons are situated, along with social networks connections. In the same way, data is less structure and highly dimensionally. Nowadays, data can be loaded in all shapes and forms, for instance: databases, worksheets, videos, emails, websites, and graphics.Nevertheless, it is important to highlight that the amount of information and knowledge that can be extracted from big data keeps growing as users come up with new ways to control and process the data found in big data environments [3].Big data is important because it captures the essence of the innovative phenomenon of science and business produced as part of the IT evolution [2].As a result, big data “will transform business, government, and other aspects of the economy” [1]. Definitely, it can be stated that the arrival of big data will change the way we do business. Therefore, big data is here to stay and we need to cope with it.V.A BOUT T YPES OF D ATAIn order for you to comprehend big data, it is necessary to understand the following three types of data [7]. Structured Data: This is the data stored in traditional database structures. An example of this type of data is the data kept in relational database management systems (RDBMS).Unstructured Data: This is the data with no formatting. Examples of this type of data are emails, PDF files, and online documents in general.Semi-structured Data:This is the data that has been processed to some extent. Examples of this type of data are HTM or XML–tagged texts.Fig.2. Big Data ColumnsConsequently, Fig.2. shows the three columns necessary to support the big data environment. In fact, structured data, unstructured data, and semi-structured data represent the pillars sustaining the big data management information roof. Without proper management of these three columns, big data will be at risk.VI.A DOPTING B IG D ATAThe main three reasons for adopting big data are introduced in the following paragraphs [5].Decreasing Storage Cost:The cost of storage has extensively decreased during the last few years. Therefore, big data applications are typically built to retain widely historical tendencies in storage devices that have reduced storage cost.Variety of Formats:Big data tools allow you to load structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data in a variety of formats without defining schemas ahead of time.Innovative Data Management Solutions:Solutions such as NoSQL databases and Hadoop increase the processing speed and queries of big data analytics. Accordingly, Fig.3. depicts the interaction of above reasons for adopting big data.Furthermore, in order to benefit from big data, innovative storage mechanisms and groundbreaking analysis methods need to be implemented [7]. Therefore, big data represents a significant investment in terms of hardware, software, management, and technological skills for many organizations.Equally, big data technologies are organized into two groups: batch processing and stream processing. In that sense, batch processing are analytics on data at rest and stream processing are analytics on data in motion [5].Fig.3. Reasons for Adopting Big DataVII.I NTRODUCING B IG D ATA S OLUTIONSThe big data solutions outlined in this paper are NoSQL databases and Hadoop.Some of the NoSQL databases are Amazon DynamoDB; BigTable; Neo4j; db4o; MongoDB; Cassandra; Oracle NoSQL Database; CouchDB; and Riak. Fig.4. shows the aforementioned NoSQL databases and their respective database types.Fig.4. NoSQL DatabasesAmazon DynamoDB service is provided by Amazon. Similarly, BigTable was built on the Google File System (GFS). BigTable is not available outside Google. By the same token, Neo4j was developed by Neo Technology. Equally, db4o (database for objects) was developed by Actian. Similarly, MongoDB was developed by MongoDB Inc. In the same way, Cassandra was developed by Apache Software Foundation. Likewise, Oracle NoSQL Database is an Oracle Corporation product. Equally, CouchDB was developed by Apache Software Foundation. And finally, Riak was developed by Basho technologies.Additionally, HBase (a column-oriented database) is also introduced in this paper. In that sense HBase was developed by Apache Software Foundation using Java. HBase runs on top of Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and was modeled after Google's BigTable.On the other hand, Hadoop is an open source ecosystem licensed by Apache Software Foundation. Hadoop has two core layers: (1) a computational layer, which is MapReduce; and (2) a storage layer, which is HDFS. Likewise, Hadoop includes the YA RN Framework. YA RN stands for Yet Another Resource Negotiator.Moreover, it is applicable to mention the following tools used by Hadoop: Flume; Sqoop; Spark; Hive; Oozie; Pig; Mahout; and Drill. Some authors include HBase as a Hadoop tool. Therefore, HBase was included in this paper as well.As a result, Fig.5. showsa representative sample of some of the technological pieces of the Hadoop solution.Fig.5. Hadoop SolutionVIII.A BOUT M AJOR R ISKSA risk is the “probability or threat of damage, injury, liability, loss, or any other negative occurrence that is caused by external or internal vulnerabilities, and that may be avoide d through preemptive action” [8]. Therefore, the three major risks that are usually affecting big data environments are described as follow [4].Privacy and Cybersecurity:Are perhaps the highest risks for big data applications. Privacy denotes personally identifiable information (PII) that is used to detect a person. Privacy becomes a risk for big data; especially whenever sensitive data is massive collected about people with-or-without their knowledge.A further case becomes the profiling of such people, which can definitely result in the wrong conclusions about who someone really is.On the other hand, cybersecurity deals with protecting big data applications against an Internet attack.Making False Decisions:Big data analytics allow users to identify patterns from different data sources and forecast the relationships between variables. However, big data analytics face the risk of misusing or misinterpreting the relationships between variables, originating false results.Over-dependence on Data:This represents a significant risk to organizations because people become complete dependent of data for all the decisions they make.Consequently, important things may be ignored and incorrect decisions may be made. The data diversity, size, and speed can meet only the essential but not appropriate conditions to solve the problem or assist with the decision-making process.Fig.6. Big Data RisksGiven the relevancy of the big data risks, Fig.6. shows a visualization of these risks.However, it is important to underline that big data Risks need to be managed properly in order to mitigate the threats against big data technology.As a result, big data Risk Management is a critical success factor that has to be in place in order to achieve big data accomplishment.IX.A B RIEF ON B IG D ATA 1.0 AND B IG D ATA 2.0In term of big data context, big data can be referred as Big Data 1.0 and Big Data 2.0.The best way to visualize this classification is using Internet technologies (e.g., Web 1.0 and Web 2.0) to embrace the right version of the big data‟s name.For instance, in Web 1.0, organizations engaged themselves in setting the basic Internet technologies up in place so that they could establish a presence on the Internet, create electronic commerce functionality and increase operating efficiency and effectiveness. Some organizations can think themselves as being in the era of Big Data 1.0, they are currently engaged in creating capabilities to manage a large amount of data. This result in the right infrastructure required for supporting the big data environment in order to improve current operations. On the other hand, in Web 2.0, organizations started to exploit the interactive capability of the web using social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Correspondingly, in the Big Data 2.0 era, the rise of the consumer‟s ……voice‟‟ become very important and it is used to evaluate products and services [9].While many organizations are currently in the era of Big Data 1.0, others have achieved the level of Big Data 2.0.X.I NTRODUCING T HE F OURTH P ARADIGMAs displayed in Fig.7., the Pyramid of Paradigms shows the pathway toward the Fourth Paradigm for science on a large amount of data and intensive computing.Fig.7. Pyramid of Paradigms Accordingly, the First Paradigm is characterized by the participation of early scientists and pioneers and theirobservations, descriptions, and experimentations. Similarly, the Second Paradigm deals with the development of theories to explain the way the world works. Likewise, the Third Paradigm takes into account and further develops the previous theories in order to create extensive simulations and models. Finally, the Fourth Paradigm has to do with data intensive scientific discovery that is available to science and society [6, 10]. As a result, the Fourth Paradigm deals with the world of big data.XI.P RESENTING B IG D ATA S AMPLE A PPLICATIONS The best approach to visualize big data is through real life practical applications. For that reason, in the subsequent paragraphs, big data sample applications are introduced.Health Informatics:The discipline of health informatics gathers medical data from molecular, tissue, patient, and population levels of the human being in order to assist the understanding of medicine and medical practice procedures. Data such as clinical-scale, human-scale biology, and epidemic-scale are also captured via health informatics [11].Advanced Persistent Threats Detection: The advanced persistent threat (APT) is a direct attack perpetrated against a physical system or a high-value asset. APT maneuvers in a low-and-slow mode approach [5]. Therefore, APT management is a classic application of big data implementation.Enterprise Events Analytics:On a daily basis, organizations collect a large amount of security data such as people action events, network events, and software application events. Consequently, the analytical techniques which are not big data oriented, do not perform very well at this scale; they can actually generate a large number of false positives and their efficacy could be affected. Of course, things become unmanageable as organizations move to a cloud architecture environment and collect further data [5].Manufacturing:The incorporation of manufacturing automation, engineering, IT, and big data analytics are key successful factors in the manufacturing industry of today. Evolving technologies such as Internet of things (IoT), big data and cyber physical systems (CPS) make a significant contribution to measuring and monitoring real-time big data from the factory environment [12]. Biomedical Big Data Initiative: The objectives of this National Institutes of Health (NIH) initiative are to facilitate the use of biomedical big data, along with the development and distribution of analysis methods and software for such data, and enhancing the training for biomedical big data. Likewise, an additional objective is to create centers of excellence to study biomedical big data [4].Relationship Between Genes and Cancers:The Frederick National Laboratory has been using big data applications “to cross-reference the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) gene expression data from simulated 60 million patients and miRNA expression for a simulated 900 million patients” [4].Using NetFlow Monitoring to Identify Botnets:This application allows users to analyze large quantities of netFlow data in order to identify infected hosts participating in the botnet effort [5].Network Security:This application allows users to perform a frequency network security analysis of events. This includes data mining of security information coming from firewalls, website traffic, security devices, and many other sources [5].Expanding Evidence Approaches for Learning in a Digital World: The U.S. Department of Education has developed several big data learning applications to explore how people learn [4].Molecular Simulation: The molecular simulation (MS) is a prevailing tool for studying chemical and physical characteristics of large systems in engineering and scientific areas. MS generates a very large number of atoms required to study their spatial and temporal links necessary to perform a scientific study. Consequently, MS applications need appropriate big data access and intensive process mechanism [13].Government Search Engine: is a site-search service provided by GSA that allows users to perform a “public‟s search on f ederal, state, local, tribal, and territorial government websites” [4].Similarly, prospective areas of application of big data technology are: (1) airline traffic control; (2) marketing analysis; (3) electronic encyclopedia summarization system as highlighted by Hatipoglu and Omurca in 2016 in their paper A Turkish Wikipedia Text Summarization System for Mobile Devices [14]; (4) agro-industrial engineering projects; (5) stock exchange predictions; (6) spam detection mechanisms as underlined by Iqbal, Abid, Ahmad, and Khurshid in 2016 in their paper Study on the Effectiveness of Spam Detection Technologies [15]; political campaigns; economic research; drug discovery; molecular analysis; weather forecast; route maps analysis; music creation; colonoscopy analysis; and many others.XII.C ONCLUSION AND R ECOMMENDATIONSWe have completed a basic literature search on big data.Therefore, this paper was organized into the following sections: Introduction; Developing the Big Data Equation; Going from Megabyte to Yottabyte; About the Big Deal with Big Data; About Types of Data; Adopting Big Data; Introducing Big Data Solutions; About Major Risks; A Brief on Big Data 1.0 and Big Data 2.0; Introducing the Fourth Paradigm; Presenting Big Data Sample Applications; and Conclusion and Recommendations.As a result, we conclude that big data provides the strategic input required to make critical decisions in organizations.Consequently, the following ideas have emerged as a ground base for additional research on big data: study the application of big data to a space program; support。
