



2021届重庆市第一中学高三上学期第一次月考数学试题一、单选题1.设集合(){}ln 1A y y x ==-,{B y y ==,则A B =( )A .[)0,2B .()0,2C .[]0,2D .[)0,1【答案】A【解析】先分别利用对数型函数以及指数型函数求值域的方法求出集合,A B ,注意集合中的代表元素,再利用集合的交集运算求解即可. 【详解】∵(){}ln 1A y y x R ==-=,{[)0,2B y y ===,∴[)0,2AB =.故选:A. 【点睛】本题主要考查了集合间的运算以及对数函数和指数函数.属于较易题.2.设a ,()0,b ∈+∞,A =,B =,则A ,B 的大小关系是( )A .AB < B .A B >C .A B ≤D .A B ≥【答案】B【解析】根据题意计算做差可得22A B >,得到答案. 【详解】由a ,()0,b ∈+∞,得0A =>,0B =>22220A B -=-=>,∴22A B >,故A B >, 故选:B. 【点睛】本题考查了做差法比较大小,意在考查学生的计算能力和推断能力.3.已知直线l 是曲线2y x =的切线,则l 的方程不可能是( )A .5210x y -+=B .4210x y -+=C .13690x y -+=D .9440x y -+=【答案】B【解析】利用导数求出曲线2y x =的切线的斜率的取值范围,然后利用导数的几何意义判断各选项中的直线是否为曲线2y x =的切线,由此可得出结论.【详解】对于函数2y x =,定义域为[)0,+∞,则22y '=+>,所以,曲线2y x =的切线l 的斜率的取值范围是()2,+∞.对于A 选项,直线5210x y -+=的斜率为52,令522y '=+=,解得1x =,此时3y =,点()1,3在直线5210x y -+=上,则直线5210x y -+=与曲线2y x =相切;对于B 选项,直线4210x y -+=的斜率为2,该直线不是曲线2y x =的切线;对于C 选项,直线13690x y -+=的斜率为1326>, 令1326y '=+=,解得9x =,此时21y =,点()9,21在直线13690x y -+=上,所以,直线13690x y -+=与曲线2y x=相切;对于D 选项,直线9440x y -+=的斜率为924>, 令924y '==,解得4x =,此时10y =,点()4,10在直线9440x y -+=上,所以,直线9440x y -+=与曲线2y x =相切. 故选:B. 【点睛】本题考查利用导数的几何意义验证函数的切线方程,考查计算能力,属于中等题. 4.中国传统扇文化有着极其深厚的底蕴.一般情况下,折扇可看作是从一个圆面中剪下的扇形制作而成,设扇形的面积为1S,圆面中剩余部分的面积为2S,当1S与2S的比值为512-时,扇面看上去形状较为美观,那么此时扇形的圆心角的弧度数为()A.(35)π-B.(51)πC.51)πD.52)π【答案】A【解析】根据扇形与圆面积公式,可知面积比即为圆心角之比,再根据圆心角和的关系,求解出扇形的圆心角.【详解】1S与2S所在扇形圆心角的比即为它们的面积比,设1S与2S所在扇形圆心角分别为,αβ,则512αβ=,又2αβπ+=,解得(35)απ=-故选:A【点睛】本题考查圆与扇形的面积计算,难度较易.扇形的面积公式:21122S r lrα==,其中α是扇形圆心角的弧度数,l是扇形的弧长.5.若函数()(),2log2,xaa x af xx x a⎧<<⎪=⎨->⎪⎩(其中0a>,1a≠)存在零点,则实数a的取值范围是()A.()1,11,32⎛⎫⋃⎪⎝⎭B.(]1,3C.()2,3D.(]2,3【答案】C【解析】根据题中所给的函数有零点,结合解析式的特征,求得函数的零点,再根据分段函数的意义再结合式子的特征求得结果.【详解】因为x a>时,()log(2)af x x=-,所以2a>,若函数若有零点,则()log 20a x -=,解得3x =, 故3a >,又2a >,∴实数a 的取值范围是()2,3. 故选:C. 【点睛】该题考查的是有关函数的问题,涉及到的知识点有根据分段函数有零点求参数的取值范围,属于简单题目.6.已知02ω<≤,函数()sin f x x x ωω=,对任意R x ∈,都有()3f x f x π⎛⎫-=- ⎪⎝⎭,则ω的值为( ) A .12B .1C .32D .2【答案】D【解析】化简函数()y f x =的解析式为()2sin 3f x x πω⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭,由题意可知,点,06π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭是函数()y f x =的一个对称中心,结合02ω<≤可求得ω的值. 【详解】()sin 2sin 3f x x x x πωωω⎛⎫==- ⎪⎝⎭,根据()3f x f x π⎛⎫-=-⎪⎝⎭,得,06π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭是函数()y f x =的一个对称中心,则2sin 0663f ππωπ⎛⎫⎛⎫=-=⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,可得sin 063πωπ⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭, 02ω<≤,0363ππωπ∴-<-≤,所以063πωπ-=,解得2ω=.故选:D. 【点睛】本题考查利用正弦型函数的对称性求参数值,同时也考查了辅助角公式的应用,考查计算能力,属于中等题.7.函数()2cos sin 2f x x x =+的一个单调减区间是( )A .,42ππ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭B .0,6π⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭C .,2ππ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭D .5,6ππ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭【答案】A【解析】利用导数求得函数()y f x =的单调递减区间,利用赋值法可得出结果. 【详解】()2cos sin 2f x x x =+,该函数的定义域为R ,()()()222sin 2cos2212sin 2sin 22sin sin 1f x x x x x x x '=-+=--=-+-()()2sin 12sin 1x x =-+-,1sin 1x -≤≤,可得sin 10x +≥,令()0f x '<,可得2sin 10x ->,即1sin 2x >,解得()52266k x k k Z ππππ+<<+∈. 所以,函数()y f x =的单调递减区间为()52,266k k k Z ππππ⎛⎫++∈ ⎪⎝⎭. 当0k =时,函数()y f x =的一个单调递减区间为5,66ππ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭, 5,,4266ππππ⎛⎫⎛⎫⊆ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭, 对任意的k Z ∈,50,2,2666k k πππππ⎛⎫⎛⎫⊄++ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,5,2,2266k k ππππππ⎛⎫⎛⎫⊄++ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,55,2,2666k k ππππππ⎛⎫⎛⎫⊄++ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,故函数()y f x =的一个单调递减区间为,42ππ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭. 故选:A. 【点睛】本题考查利用导数求解函数的单调区间,考查计算能力,属于中等题. 8.设函数()f x 在R 上存在导数()f x ',对任意的R x ∈,有()()2cos f x f x x +-=,且在[)0,+∞上有()sin f x x '>-,则不等式()cos sin 2f x f x x x π⎛⎫--≥- ⎪⎝⎭的解集是( )A .,4π⎛⎤-∞ ⎥⎝⎦B .,4π⎡⎫+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭C .,6π⎛⎤-∞ ⎥⎝⎦D .,6π⎡⎫+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭【答案】B【解析】构造函数,由已知得出所构造的函数的单调性,再利用其单调性解抽象不等式,可得选项. 【详解】设()()cos F x f x x =-,∵()()2cos f x f x x +-=,即()()cos cos f x x x f x -=--,即()()F x F x =--,故()F x 是奇函数,由于函数()f x 在R 上存在导函数()f x ',所以,函数()f x 在R 上连续,则函数()F x 在R 上连续.∵在[)0,+∞上有()sin f x x '>-,∴()()sin 0F x f x x ''=+>, 故()F x 在[)0,+∞单调递增,又∵()F x 是奇函数,且()F x 在R 上连续,∴()F x 在R 上单调递增, ∵()cos sin 2f x f x x x π⎛⎫--≥-⎪⎝⎭, ∴()cos sin cos 222f x x f x x f x x πππ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫-≥--=---⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭, 即()2F x F x π⎛⎫≥- ⎪⎝⎭,∴2x x π≥-,故4x π≥,故选:B . 【点睛】本题考查运用导函数分析函数的单调性,从而求解抽象不等式的问题,构造合适的函数是解决问题的关键,属于较难题.二、多选题9.已知ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,且2sin sin sin B A C =,则角B 的值不可能是( )A .45°B .60°C .75°D .90°【答案】CD【解析】先利用正弦定理得到2b ac =,再利用余弦定理和基本不等式得到0,3B π⎛⎤∈ ⎥⎝⎦,即可判断. 【详解】∵2sin sin sin B A C =, 由正弦定理得: ∴2b ac =,∴2222221cos 2222a cb ac ac ac ac B ac ac ac +-+--==≥=,当且仅当a c =时取等号, 又0B π<<,故0,3B π⎛⎤∈ ⎥⎝⎦.故选:CD. 【点睛】本题主要考查了正弦定理以及余弦定理,考查了基本不等式.属于较易题. 10.下列说法正确的是( ) A .“4x π=”是“tan 1x =”的充分不必要条件B .命题:p “若a b >,则22am bm >”的否定是真命题C .命题“0R x ∃∈,0012x x +≥”的否定形式是“R x ∀∈,12x x+>” D .将函数()cos2f x x x =+的图象向左平移4π个单位长度得到()g x 的图象,则()g x 的图象关于点0,4π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭对称【答案】ABD【解析】解方程tan 1x =,利用集合的包含关系可判断A 选项的正误;判断命题p 的真假,可判断出该命题的否定的真假,进而可判断B 选项的正误;利用特称命题的否定可判断C 选项的正误;利用图象平移得出函数()y g x =的解析式,利用对称性的定义可判断D 选项的正误. 【详解】对于A 选项,解方程tan 1x =,可得()4x k k Z ππ=+∈,4π⎧⎫⎨⎬⎩⎭ ,4x x k k Z ππ⎧⎫=+∈⎨⎬⎩⎭,所以,“4x π=”是“tan 1x =”的充分不必要条件, A 选项正确;对于B 选项,当0m =时,22am bm =,则命题p 为假命题,它的否定为真命题,B 选项正确;对于C 选项,命题“0R x ∃∈,0012x x +≥”的否定形式是“R x ∀∈,12x x+<”,C 选项错误;对于D 选项,将函数()cos2f x x x =+的图象向左平移4π个单位长度, 得到()cos 2sin 2444g x x x x x πππ⎛⎫=+++=-++ ⎪⎝⎭, ()()sin 2sin 244g x x x x x ππ-=---+=-+,则()()2g x g x π+-=,故函数()y g x =的图象关于点0,4π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭对称,D 选项正确; 故选:ABD. 【点睛】本题考查命题真假的判断,考查了充分不必要条件、命题的否定的真假、特称命题的否定的判断,同时也考查了函数对称性的验证,考查推理能力,属于中等题.11.在数学中,布劳威尔不动点定理是拓扑学里一个非常重要的不动点定理,它可应用到有限维空间,并构成一般不动点定理的基石,布劳威尔不动点定理得名于荷兰数学家鲁伊兹·布劳威尔(L.E.J.Brouwer ),简单的讲就是对于满足一定条件的连续函数()f x ,存在一个点0x ,使得()00f x x =,那么我们称该函数为“不动点”函数,下列为“不动点”函数的是( )A .()2xf x x =+B .()23g x x x =--C .()21,12,1x x f x x x ⎧-≤⎪=⎨->⎪⎩D .()ln 1f x x =-【答案】BC【解析】只要解方程00()f x x =,观察它有没有实解即可得, 【详解】选项A ,若()00f x x =,则020x =,该方程无解,故A 中函数不是“不动点”函数;选项B ,若()00g x x =,则200230x x --=,解得03x =或-1,故B 中函数是“不动点”函数;选项C ,若()00f x x =,则01x ≤,0021xx -=,或01x >,002x x -=,解得01x =,故C 中函数是:“不动点”函数;选项D ,若()00f x x =,则00ln 1x x -=,该方程无解,故D 中函数不是“不动点”函数. 故选:BC. 【点睛】本题考查新定义“不动点”,解题关键是根据新定义把问题转化为方程有无实数解. 12.已知函数()[][]sin cos cos sin f x x x =+,其中[]x 表示不超过实数x 的最大整数,关于()f x 有下述四个结论,正确的是( ) A .()f x 的一个周期是2π B .()f x 是非奇非偶函数C .()f x 在(0,)π单调递减D .()f x【答案】ABD【解析】先根据周期函数定义判断选项A ,再根据[]y x =函数的意义,转化()f x 为分段函数判断B 选项,结合三角函数的图象与性质判断C ,D 选项. 【详解】[][]()2sin co (cos in )s s f x x x f x π+=+=,()f x ∴的一个周期是2π,故A 正确;sin11,01,0,2cos1,21sin1,,2()3cos1sin1,,23cos1,,22cos1,,02x x x x f x x x x πππππππππ+=⎧⎪⎛⎫⎪∈ ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎪⎪=⎪⎪⎛⎤⎪-∈ ⎪⎥=⎝⎦⎨⎪⎛⎫⎪-∈ ⎪⎝⎭⎪⎪⎡⎫⎪∈⎪⎢⎪⎣⎭⎪⎛⎫⎪∈- ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎩,()f x ∴是非奇非偶函数,B 正确;对于C ,(0,)2x π∈时,()1f x =,不增不减,所以C 错误;对于D ,[0,)2x π∈,()sin11sin11 1.742f x π=+>+=+>>D 正确. 故选:ABD 【点睛】本题主要考查了函数的周期性,单调性,奇偶性,考查了特例法求解选择题,属于中档题.三、填空题13.若幂函数()f x 过点()2,8,则满足不等式(3)(1)f a f a -≤-的实数a 的取值范围是______. 【答案】(,2]-∞【解析】先求得幂函数()f x 的解析式,在根据()f x 的单调性求得不等式(3)(1)f a f a -≤-的解集.【详解】设()f x x α=,代入点()2,8,得28,3αα==,所以()3f x x =,所以()f x 在R 上递增,所以(3)(1)31f a f a a a -≤-⇒-≤-,解得2a ≤,所以实数a 的取值范围是(,2]-∞.故答案为:(,2]-∞ 【点睛】本小题主要考查幂函数解析式的求法,考查幂函数的单调性,属于基础题. 14.已知1a >,1b >,则log log 216a b b a +的最小值是______. 【答案】8【解析】利用换底公式可得log log 1a b b a ⨯=,再利用基本不等式可得答案. 【详解】因为1a >,1b >,所以log 0,log 0b a a b >>,因为lg log lg log log 1lg log lg aa b bb b a b a a a b ⎧=⎪⎪⇒⨯=⎨⎪=⎪⎩,所以,log log 2168a b b a +≥==,当log 2a b =时取“=”. 故答案为:8. 【点睛】本题主要考查指数式的运算、考查了换底公式与基本不等式的应用,属于中档题. 15.4cos50tan40-=______.【解析】【详解】4sin 40cos40sin 404cos50tan 40cos 40--=2cos10sin 30cos10sin10cos30cos 40--=,1cos10sin1022cos 40⎫-⎪⎝⎭=403cos 40==【考点】三角函数诱导公式、切割化弦思想.16.在ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,若2b =,()cos25cos 3A B C ++=-,点P 是ABC 的重心,且27AP =,则c =______.【答案】4【解析】首先根据余弦二倍角公式得到1cos 2A =,设BC 边上的中线为AD ,得到7AD =,从而得到()12AD AB AC =+,再平方解方程即可得到答案. 【详解】因为()cos25cos 3A B C +-+=,所以22cos 5cos 20A A -+=, 所以1cos 2A =或cos 2A =(舍去). 设BC 边上的中线为AD ,如图所示:因为27AP =,所以7AD = 又因为()12AD AB AC =+, 所以()222124AD AB AC AB AC =++⋅, 所以()22172cos 4c b bc A =++,2211722242⎛⎫=++⨯⨯ ⎪⎝⎭c c ,化简得22240c c +-=,解得4c =或6c =-(舍去). 故答案为:4 【点睛】本题主要平面向量数量积的应用,同时考查了余弦二倍角公式,属于简单题.四、解答题17.已知点()2,1P -在角α的终边上,且02απ≤< .(1)求值:2sin cos 4sin cos αααα-+;(2)若32ππβ<<,且sin 210αβ⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭,求2αβ+的值.【答案】(1)2;(2)724απβ+=. 【解析】先利用同角三角函数的基本关系得到sin ,cos ,tan ααα;(1)原式分子分母同除cos α得到正切,代入已知量即可得出结果;(2)先利用已知角的范围求得5224παπβ<-<,求出cos 2αβ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭,再利用22ααββα⎛⎫+=-+ ⎪⎝⎭,最后利用两角和的余弦公式求解即可得出结果. 【详解】由题意:sin α=,cos α=, 1tan 2α=-,且2παπ<<,(1)2sin cos 2tan 124sin cos 4tan 1αααααα--==++;(2)∵32ππβ<<,224παπ-<-<-,∴5224παπβ<-<,∴cos 2αβ⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭ ∴cos cos cos cos sin sin 2222ααααββαβαβα⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫+=-+=--- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎣⎦,5521010⎛⎫=-⨯- ⎪ ⎪⎭=⎝-, ∵5242παβπ<+<, ∴724απβ+=. 【点睛】本题主要考查了同角三角函数的基本关系以及两角和的余弦公式.属于中档题.18.已知函数()22sin 24f x x x π⎛⎫=+- ⎪⎝⎭.(1)当,42x ππ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦时,求()f x 的值域; (2)是否存在实数()2,t ∈+∞,使得()f x 在()2,t 上单调递增?若存在,求出t 的取值范围,若不存在,说明理由.【答案】(1)()[]2,3f x ∈;(2)不存在,理由见解析.【解析】(1)由二倍角公式降幂,再由两角差的正弦公式化函数为一个角的一个三角函数形式,然后由正弦函数性质求得值域;(2)求出函数的单调区间,由2在减区间内部,得结论. 【详解】解:(1)∵()22sin 24f x x x π⎛⎫=+- ⎪⎝⎭1cos 21sin 212sin 223x x x x x ππ⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫=-+-=+-=+- ⎪ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎝⎭⎣⎦.又∵,42x ππ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,∴22633x πππ≤-≤,即212sin 233π⎛⎫≤+-≤ ⎪⎝⎭x , ∴()[]2,3f x ∈; (2)由222232k x k πππππ-+≤-≤+()k Z ∈得51212k x ππππ-+≤≤+()k Z ∈, 所以()f x 的递增区间是5,1212k k ππππ⎡⎤-++⎢⎥⎣⎦()k Z ∈,递减区间是511,1212k k ππππ⎡⎤++⎢⎥⎣⎦()k Z ∈,令0k =,函数在511,1212ππ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上递减,而5112,1212ππ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,即函数在112,12π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭上是递减的,故不存在实数()2,t ∈+∞,使得()f x 在()2,t 上递增. 【点睛】本题考查正弦型函数的值域,考查正弦型函数的单调性,解题方法由二倍角公式,两角和与差的正弦公式化函数为一个角的一个三角函数形式,然后由正弦函数性质求解. 19.已知R a ∈,函数()1ln f x ax x =--在1x =处取得极值.(1)求函数()f x 的单调区间;(2)若对()0,x ∀∈+∞,()2f x bx ≥-恒成立,求实数b 的最大值. 【答案】(1)函数()f x 在0,1上单调递减,在1,上单调递增;(2)211e -. 【解析】(1)首先对函数求导,根据函数()1ln f x ax x =--在1x =处取得极值,得到()110f a '=-=,求得1a =,根据导数的符号求得其单调区间; (2)将不等式转化为1ln 1x b x x +-≥,之后构造新函数()1ln 1xg x x x=+-,利用导数求得其最小值,进而求得最值,得到结果. 【详解】()11ax f x a x x-'=-=,由()110f a '=-=得1a =,()1ln =--f x x x , (1)()1x f x x-'=,由0f x 得1x >,由0f x 得01x <<,故函数()f x 在0,1上单调递减,在1,上单调递增.(2)()1ln 21x f x bx b x x≥-⇒+-≥, 令()1ln 1x g x x x =+-,则()2ln 2x g x x -'=,由0g x,得2x e >,由0g x ,得20x e <<,故()g x 在()20,e上递减,在()2e ,+∞上递增,∴()()22min 1e1eg x g ==-,即211e b ≤-, 故实数b 的最大值是211e-.【点睛】该题考查的是有关应用导数研究函数的问题,涉及到的知识点有根据极值点求参数的值,利用导数求函数的单调区间,利用导数求参数的取值范围,属于中档题目. 20.已知函数()1f x x ax =-,其中0a >. (1)求关于x 的不等式()2f x a>的解集; (2)若12a =,求[]0,x m ∈时,函数()f x 的最大值.【答案】(1)2,a ⎛⎫+∞⎪⎝⎭;(2)2max 2,0121,1212,212m m m y m m m m ⎧-<<⎪⎪⎪=≤≤+⎨⎪⎪->+⎪⎩. 【解析】(1)根据分段函数定义域解不等式可求得答案; (2)画出函数()f x 的图象,数形结合可求得()f x 的最大值 【详解】(1)()()()11,11,x ax x af x x x x a α⎧-≥⎪⎪=⎨⎪-<⎪⎩,(0)a >当1x a ≥时,由()2>f x a ,得(12)x ax a ->,1(2)()0ax x a-+>,20ax ->,2x a>, 当1x a <时,由()2>f x a ,即(1)2x ax a ->,220ax x a -+<,令220ax x a-+=,180∆=-<,方程无解,而0a >,所以220ax x a-+<无解,综上所述,2x a >,所以不等式()2f x a >的解集为2,a ⎛⎫+∞ ⎪⎝⎭. (2)12a =时()22,21212,22x x x f x x x x x x ⎧-≤⎪⎪=-=⎨⎪->⎪⎩,∵()112f =,由1122x x -=得另一个根21x =,由()f x 的图像可知,当01m <<时,函数的最大值为()2122m m f m m m ⎛⎫=-=- ⎪⎝⎭;当121m ≤≤+时,函数的最大值为12; 当21m >+时,函数的最大值为()22m f m m =-综上所述,函数的最大值为2max2,0121,1212,212m m m y m m m m ⎧-<<⎪⎪⎪=≤≤+⎨⎪⎪->+⎪⎩. 【点睛】本题考查了解分段函数不等式的问题,分段函数求最值的问题,考查了数形结合的思想. 21.重庆、武汉、南京并称为三大“火炉”城市,而重庆比武汉、南京更厉害,堪称三大“火炉”之首.某人在歌乐山修建了一座避暑山庄O (如图).为吸引游客,准备在门前两条夹角为6π(即AOB ∠)的小路之间修建一处弓形花园,使之有着类似“冰淇淋”般的凉爽感,已知弓形花园的弦长23AB =且点A ,B 落在小路上,记弓形花园的顶点为M ,且6MAB MBA π∠=∠=,设OBA θ∠=.(1)将OA ,OB 用含有θ的关系式表示出来;(2)该山庄准备在M 点处修建喷泉,为获取更好的观景视野,如何规划花园(即OA ,OB 长度),才使得喷泉M 与山庄O 距离即值OM 最大? 【答案】(1)43OA θ=;436OB πθ⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭;(2)当632OB OA ==时,OM 取最大值.【解析】(1)在OAB 中,利用正弦定理即可将OA ,OB 用含有θ的关系式表示出来; (2)在OMB △中,由余弦定理得出2OM 21632283πθ⎛⎫=-++ ⎪⎝⎭,结合三角函数的性质,即可得出OM 的最大值,再求出,OA OB 的长度即可. 【详解】(1)在ABC 中,由正弦定理可知sin sin 6OA ABπθ=,则OA θ=;同理由正弦定理可得sin sin 6OB ABOABπ=∠,则6OB OAB πθ⎛⎫=∠=+⎪⎝⎭, (2)∵AB =6MAB MBA π∠=∠=,∴2AM BM ==,在OMB △中,由余弦定理可知2222cos 6OM OB BM OB BM πθ⎛⎫=+-⋅+ ⎪⎝⎭248sin 4cos 666πππθθθ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=++-++ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭241cos 24233ππθθ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=-++-+ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭2823cos 228228333πππθθθ⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=-++++=-++ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎥⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎦, ∵50,6πθ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭, ∴2272,333πππθ⎛⎫+∈ ⎪⎝⎭,∴2sin 21,32πθ⎡⎫⎛⎫+=-⎪⎢⎪⎪⎝⎭⎣⎭, 当2sin 213πθ⎛⎫+=- ⎪⎝⎭时,即512πθ=时, OM4=+,此时5sin cos cos sin 124646OA πππππ⎫==+=⎪⎭,5551261212OB πππππ⎛⎫⎛⎫=+=-== ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭即当OB OA ==OM 取最大值.【点睛】本题主要考查了正弦定理和余弦定理的实际应用,涉及了三角函数求值域,属于中档题. 22.已知函数()sin ln()f x x a x b =++,()g x 是()f x 的导函数.(1)若0a >,当1b =时,函数()g x 在(,4)π内有唯一的极小值,求a 的取值范围; (2)若1a =-,1e 2b π<<-,试研究()f x 的零点个数.【答案】(1)(0,25sin 4)a ∈-;(2)()f x 有3个零点. 【解析】(1)先求导得2sin )(1)(ag x x x '=--+,求出2()0(1)a g ππ'=-<+()4sin 425a g '=--,再由sin 4025a --≤和sin 4025a-->两种情况讨论求得a 的取值范围;(2)分析可知,只需研究(,)b π-时零点的个数情况,再分(,),(,)22x b x πππ∈-∈两种情形讨论即可. 【详解】解:(1)当1b =时,si ()(l )n 1n f x a x x =++,cos 1()()x x ag f x x '==++, 2sin )(1)(a g x x x '=--+()0a >在(),4π是增函数,2()0(1)ag ππ'=-<+,(4)sin 425ag '=--, 当(4)sin 4025ag '=--≤时,()g x 在(,4)π是减函数,无极值; 当(4)sin 4025ag '=-->时,0(,4)x π∃∈,使得00()g x '=, 从而()g x 在0(,)x π单调递减,在0(,4)x 单调递增,0x 为()g x 唯一的极小值点,所以()0,25sin 4a ∈-(2)当1a =-时,()sin ln()f x x x b =-+,(1,)2b e π∈-,可知,(i )(),x π∈+∞时,()0f x <,无零点;所以只需研究(,)b π-,1()cos f x x x b'=-+,(ii )(,)2x ππ∈时,1()cos 0f x x x b'=-<+,可知()f x 单调递减, ()1ln()1ln()02222f b e ππππ=-+>-+-=,()0f π<,存在唯一的(,)2s ππ∈,()0f s =;(iii )当(,)2x b π∈-,21()sin ()f x x x b ''=-++是减函数,且21(0)00f b ''=+>,21()102()2f b ππ''=-+<+ 则1(0,)2x π∃∈,1()0f x ''=,()f x '在1(,)b x -是增函数,1()2x π,是减函数,并且 lim ()0x b f x +→-'<,()1010f b'=->,1()022f b ππ'=-<+, 所以2(,0)x b ∃∈-,2()0f x '=;3(0,)2x π∃∈,3()0f x '=,且知()f x()f x 在()2,b x -减,在()23,x x 增,在3(,)2x π减,又因为()lim 0x b x f +→->,()00ln 0f b =-<,()02f π>,(,0)m b ∃∈-,()0f m =, (0,)2n π∃∈,()0f n =,综上所述,由(i )(ii )(iii )可知,()f x 有3个零点. 【点睛】本题主要考查利用导数研究函数的极值和零点问题,意在考查学生对这些知识的理解掌握水平和分析推理能力.。





下列说法正确的是( )A.A与B线速度大小相等B.B与C线速度大小相等C.A的角速度是C的2倍D.A与B角速度大小相等第(2)题如图所示,一个人静止在地面上,当时,人能拉起重物的最大重力为人重力的0.5倍,已知地面对人的最大静摩擦力等于滑动摩擦力(忽略定滑轮的摩擦力),则当时,人静止时能拉起重物的最大重力约为人重力的( )A.0.3倍B.0.6倍C.0.8倍D.1.61倍第(3)题如图所示,王亚平在天宫课堂上演示了水球光学实验,在失重环境下,往大水球中央注入空气,形成了一个空气泡,气泡看起来很明亮,其主要原因是( )A.气泡表面有折射没有全反射B.光射入气泡衍射形成“亮斑”C.气泡表面有折射和全反射D.光射入气泡干涉形成“亮纹”第(4)题图(a)为一小型发电机的示意图,发电机线圈内阻为1Ω,灯泡L的电阻为9Ω,电压表为理想交流电压表。

发电机产生的电动势e随时间t按图(b)的正弦规律变化,则( )A.0.01s时穿过线圈的磁通量为零B.线圈转动的角速度为100rad/sC.电压表的示数为4.5VD.灯泡L的电功率为9W第(5)题如图,将不计重力、电荷量为q带负电的小圆环套在半径为R的光滑绝缘半圆弧上,半圆弧直径两端的M点和N点分别固定电荷量为和的负点电荷。

将小圆环从靠近N点处静止释放,小圆环先后经过图上点和点,己知,则小圆环从点运动到点的过程中( )A.静电力做正功B.静电力做负功C.静电力先做正功再做负功D.静电力先做负功再做正功第(6)题2021年12月30日,我国全超导托卡马克核聚变实验装置实现了7000万摄氏度高温下1056秒长脉冲高参数等离子体运行,打破了自己保持的世界纪录,标志着我国在可控核聚变研究上处于世界领先水平。



2025届高三第一次校际联考政 治 试 题注意事项:1.本试题共6页,满分100分,时间75分钟。







第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共48分)一、选择题(本大题共16小题,每小题3分,计48 分。

下列各题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求)1.19 世纪上半叶,随着生产力的发展,资本主义社会已呈现泾渭分明的两极对垒,出现激烈的阶级斗争。









四川省部分地区2023届高三上学期第一次诊断性考试英语试题(解析版)分类汇编七选五专题2023届四川省德阳市高中高三上学期第一次诊断考试英语试题二、七选五“If you’re so smart, how come you aren’t happy?”That’s Naval Ravikant’s challenge to everyone bathing in the suffering of-their own intelligence. ___16___. Here are some of the most common reasons why smart people fail to be happy.Smart people always overthink. Some 50%-75% of adults overthink, and it affects our productivity, creativity, energy, sleep, and even our eating habits. ___17___Worst of all, we think overthinking is smart, but it’s dangerous.____18____ . When you have high expectation for yourself, you become too outcome-focused. If nothing less than the best will do, you’ll have a hard time appreciating anything in your life, from your achievements at work to your relationships to your hobbies. You’ll also constantly criticize yourself for your mistakes. Intelligent people know how much they don’t know. This only gets worse when they learn more.Smart people tend to stay away from others. Humans are social beings. No one wants to always be alone forever, and while studies show that intelligent people usually enjoy less social interaction than others, it does not mean they don’t require connections with people at all. ___19___For many people, highly intellectual (深奥的) topics are too exciting most of the time, but that doesn’t mean they don’t know what it’s like to be an outsider. Everyone experiences that at some point in their life. Therefore, smart people’s case of lone wolf syndrome (独狼综合症)is overblown usually.____20____But there’s always common ground to be found if you look for it, and for smart people, this is actually quite easy to do.A.Smart people usually expect too much.B.People consider intelligent ones as aliens.C.It also prevents our learning and makes us age faster.D.That is often the case for many of those smart people.E.Smart people sometimes have higher expectations for others.F.They often feel misunderstood looking for fewer connections.G.They make themselves more of an outsider than they actually are.2023届四川省广安市高三上学期第一次诊断性考试英语试题二、七选五A microscope is a scientific instrument that reveals objects which are normally too small for the human eyes to see. Microscopes use several lenses(镜片) to provide a large image of a tiny object and they have been important in the study of biology.__16__. People noticed that single lenses could make objects larger and also that they could focus the sun’s rays to start a fire. These early lenses were called burning glasses. This led to the development of eye-glasses or spectacles in the early 1300s.In the late 1500s, two Dutch spectacle makers, Hans and Zaccharias Janssen, invented the first true microscope. __17__, and they were surprised to discover that they could make objects look many times bigger. Galileo, an Italian scientist, improved the quality of the lenses to produce better quality microscopes and telescopes.Anthony Leeuwenhoek(1632-1723) and Robert Hooke(1635-1703) were two early users of the microscope. __18__ . Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria and showed how a drop of water is full of living creatures. Robert Hooke wrote a book Micrographia which described this new world of micro-organisms with drawings that amazed the world.For two hundred years, there was little development of the microscope until new industrial techniques produced accurate and powerful lenses. __19__ , so they were often inaccurate. In the early twentieth century, the USA and Germany produced powerful microscopes in large numbers for export around the world.Nowadays, scientists still use microscopes that use light to see small objects such as cells and micro-organisms. __20__. These electron microscopes have a magnification(放大) of a million times and now we can see molecules(分子)and atoms.A.They used several lenses together in a tubeB.Microscopes were expensive in their early daysC.Before this time, people made the lenses by handD.They made many important discoveries for mankind by using itE.The word microscope comes from the New Latin word microscopiumF.But they also have so powerful microscopes that use a different technologyG.The discovery of glass over 2000 years ago led to early experiments with lenses2023届四川省凉山州高中毕业班第一次诊断性检测英语试题二、七选五How to learn Wing Chun(咏春)Wing Chun is a style of kung fu that emphasizes close fighting, quick punches(击拳)and tight defense to overcome opponents. This traditional Chinese martial art is a complex kung fu method that requires years of practice to master. ____16____.Learn the center line theoryA foundation of Wing Chun is the protection of your body’s center line. Imagine a line that starts atthe middle top of your head and travels along the middle of your chest to the lower body. ____17____. It must be protected at all times.Find a Wing Chun AcademyMartial arts schools often focus on one style of martial arts, especially for serious students. Wing Chun academies or clubs may be attached to a martial arts association. Search online or in a phone book for local Wing Chun schools. And then meet with the instructors and ask about their background. ____18____.____19____Find an area in your house where you can practice Wing Chun. Make sure there is enough room for you to move your body around in all directions. Check by swinging your arms and legs around. You do not want your moves to be disturbed by furniture in the room.Find a partner to practice withLearning the movements on your own will only take you so far. Eventually, you’ll need to start learning how your movements connect with an opponent. ____20____. This person can also help encourage you and give you feedback on your form.A.Make a special space for practicing.B.Find a room equipped with furniture.C.Having a partner will give you good practice.D.So you have to find a good instructor to master it.E.But you can easily start learning it by the following tips.F.For example, how many years of experience do they have?G.This is the center line of your body that is vulnerable(易受伤的).2023届四川省南充市高三上学期高考适应性考试(一诊)英语试题二、七选五Green Is GoodPlanting and growing things offers a lot more than fresh vegetables and flowers. Working in a nice outdoor space can help you stay refreshed, promote your creativity and enrich your leisure activities. ____16____. There are more advantages.Providing a fun workoutIt’s wonderful to get out in the garden on a beautiful day to give it a tidy. Planting seeds, pulling up weeds, moving pots, pushing a lawnmower, and other gardening tasks actually provide a whole-body, moderate-intensity workout for people, especially for adults. ____17____, which might keep you in motion longer than traditional exercise.____18____Having dirt under your fingernails may be a sign of poor hygiene. but scientists say it could also be a mark of good health. Thanks to beneficial bacteria found in soil, gardening may boost your immune system, helping you get sick less and fight off infections easier.Nourishing your spirit____19____. According to an experiment conducted by NASA, scientists found that planting and nurturing seeds, even in small pots, lifted astronauts’moods and eased their stress in the severe environment of outer space. And if gardening can do that for astronauts, it should be more than good enough for those of us who watch them on TV.Increasing coordination and strengthHand and finger strength, flexibility and coordination are essential for everyday tasks like opening jars, carrying packages and picking up children. ____20____. Therefore, make good use of gardening as an ideal approach to enhancing your coordination and strength.A.Sharpening your mindB.And that’s just for startersC.Improving your immune systemD.Even better, whatever your age, it is a beneficial activityE.Working with plants provides stress relief and positive sensory stimulationF.The benefits come from a combination of physical exercise and the stress reduction G.Gardening is a great way to improve and maintain those fine motor skills and muscles2023届四川省内江市高三第一次模拟考试英语试题One of the main reasons why you think you can’t travel the world is money. “I can’t afford it, ”people say to me, “I have too many expenses. ”____16____ However, here are some simple and creative ways to cut your expenses and make money. Then you can get on the road sooner.Track your spending. The first thing you need to do to save money is to know where you’re spending it. In an age where you tap an app and a car comes, it’s easy not to think about how much we spend. Use a website like Mint and track all your expenses. ____17____Set up a separate bank account. Financial experts have long recommended this. Think of this like a piggy bank. Don’t use it. It’s your travel fund. How can you do it? ____18____ No matter how much you put away there, putting that money in that account means it’s away from your spending. Before long, you’ll have a nice nest egg.____19____ Love Starbucks? Well, Starbucks loves your money. Coffee is a daily expense that quietly drains your bank account without you even noticing. That daily $5 coffee costs you $150 per month. At $1, 800 per year, that’s two months in Southeast Asia.Learn to cook. ____20____ So, to keep your food bill low, cook more often. I learned to cook while incollege and before I left for my first trip, I cut down my eating out to two times per week. Every other meal I cooked myself and saved more money.A.Give up drinking coffee every day.B.Drink less coffee and open a bank account.C.We all need to eat but restaurants are expensive.D.Most of us certainly have expenses which we can’t cut.E.Have money automatically deposited into that account every month.F.You’ll be surprised at where your expenses go once you start paying attention.G.To reach a travel goal, I never spend more than 20-30 minutes making a meal.参考答案2023届四川省德阳市高中高三上学期第一次诊断考试英语试题16.D17.C18.A19.F20.G【导语】本文是一篇说明文。



北京市西城区2021届高三英语上学期期末检测试题(word版附解析)北京市西城区2020—2021学年度第一学期期末试卷高三英语本试卷共14页, 共100分。


考生务必将答案写在答题卡上, 在试卷上作答无效。

第一部分: 知识运用(共两节, 30分)第一节完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 共15分)阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 从每题所给的A.B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Pas.th.breakers.abou.5.fee.fro.shore.tw.brother.wer.fightin. fo.thei.lives.The.ha.bee.swep.ou.t.se.i..stron.current.thei. mouth.barel.abl.t.sta.abov.th.___1___.Thic.fo.mad.i.difficul .fo.beachgoer.t.se.th.guys.bu.th.scream.wer.unmistakable.An. ever.secon.counted.___2___.fou.surfer.i.we.suit.wer.nearby.Naraya.Weibel.Spense .Stratton.Adria.Yor.an.Ta.Ortiz-Beck.al.16.wer.o.thei.surfbo ard.ridin.u.an.dow.th.coas.o.five-foo.wave.whe.the.hear.th._ __3___.The.turne.an.sa.tw.bobbin.(摆动.head.an.fou.flailin.(扑打.arms.“W.looke.a.eac.othe.an.kne.thes.guy.wer.abou.t.drow.(淹死),.Weibe.tol.th.reporter.Weibel.Stratton.an.Ortiz-Bec.paddle.(用桨划.towar.th.swimmer.whil.Yor.heade.t.shor.t.fin.someon.t.cal .911.H.the.dive.bac.i.t.___4___hi.friends.A.th.surfer.dre.close.th.brother.wer.___5___.Ortiz-Bec.pulle .u.alongsid.th.on.brother.Grabbin.hi.unde.hi.arms.h.pulle.hi .u.ont.hi.board.Stratto.an.Weibel.meanwhile.wer.tryin.t.hel. rge.25.t.30.pounds.an.h.wa.panicked.“Cal.down—w.___6___you!.Weibe.shouted.Yor.arrive.___7___t.hel.ge.th.gu.o.to.o.th.secon.board.The.t he.paddle.severa.minute.throug..wil.curren.t.th.medica.hel.w aitin.onshore.Th.brother.wer.scare.bu.___8___.“Whe.w.ge..cal.lik.thi.one.it’.usuall.to.___9___b.th.tim.w .ge.there,.say.Dillo.Cleavenger.th.lifeguard.“.can’.sa.enoug.abou.wha.thes.boy.did.The.wer.willin.an.pr epare.t.____10____thei.lives.”1.A.boar.B.wate.C.shi.D.shore2.A.Luckil.B.Surprisingl.C.Surel.D.Gradually3.A.new.B.storie.C.word.D.cries4.A.invit.B.guid.C.hel.D.greet5.A.strikin.B.strugglin.C.strengthenin.D.stretching6.A.me.B.go.C.kne.D.followed7.A.i.fea.B.i.tur.C.i.tim.D.i.advance8.A.prou.B.stron.C.satisfie.D.finet.B.bus.C.fa.D.difficult10.A.sav.B.chang.C.ris.D.share【答案】1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10.C【解析】这是一篇记叙文。

高三英语三月检测卷含解析 试题(共46页)

高三英语三月检测卷含解析 试题(共46页)

2021届高三英语三月检测(jiǎn cè)卷〔含解析〕考前须知考生在在答题之前请认真阅读本考前须知及各题答题要求1.本套试卷一共12页,包含第一卷〔选择题〕和第二卷〔非选择题〕两局部,一共120分。










1. What will the woman do today?A. Go on a date.B. Visit a museum.C. Make icecream.2. Why was the man late?A. He didn’t feel well.B. He set off late.C. He got lost.3. What lecture does the man like most?A. Local history.B. Aging brain issues.C. WWI and WWII events.4. What does the woman probably think of working while in college?A. Useful.B. Difficult.C. Unnecessary.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. A rock.B. A movie.C. A spacecraft.第二节听下面5段对话或者独白(dúbái)。





5分)1—5 CABCB第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)6—10 CACCB 11—15 BCABC 16—20 ABCAB第二部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)21-25 ACBDD 26—30 CDDBC31-35 ABADA第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)36—40 ADGFE第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完型填空(共20小题;每小题1。

5分,满分30分) 41-45 DBCBC 46-50 BCABC 51—55 BDABD56—60 ABBCA第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)61。

to take 62。

jobs63. greater64. themselves 65。

has come66. using 67。


by/through 69。


that/which第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)We are required to collect our smart phones and keep it in the t e a c h e r’s d u r i n g t h ethem weekdays. In fact the most of us obey this regulation, but some still play v a r i o u s t r i c ktricksagainst it. I’m among those。

Once,I hand in a waste phone. Mr. Li, o u r h e a d t e a c h e r,handedseemed∧ignore all that。







1. 活动的主题及意义;2. 中国文化博大精深;3. 预祝比赛圆满成功。

注意:1. 词数 100 词左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 短文开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。

Ladies and gentlemen,____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________That’s all. Thank you!【答案】Ladies and gentlemen,Good afternoon! Welcome to this year's English speech competition. As the chairman of the Student Union, I am greatly honored to share aspects about it with you as follows:Firstly, the theme of this speech competition is Chinese culture, which should be mainly introduced to the foreigners. And it goes without saying that holding this activity is very meaningful to us. By doing so, not only can we carry forward Chinese culture, but also it can enhance cultural confidence.In addition, we are supposed to introduce that Chinese culture is extensive and profound. For one thing, we have unique language and our national arts are colorful. For another, Chinese traditional festivals have a long history.In the end, I sincerely hope that this year's activity will be held very successfully. And thank you for your active participation.That's all! Thank you!【解析】这是一篇应用文。



2021届高考英语大一轮复习语言知识运用第一节单项选择定语从句精品试题(含2021试题)新人教版1.(2020天津市十二区县重点学校高三毕业班联考一,6)The course normally attracts20 students per year, _______ up to half will be from overseas.A. in whichB. of whomC. of whichD. for whom[解析] 1.句意:这门课程在正常情形下每年会吸引20名学生,其中有一半的学生来自国外。


该非限制性定语从句修饰先行词20 student s,排除A、C两项;依照语境可知此处表达“在……中” ,应该用介词of,因此答案为B项。

2.(2020重庆市重庆一中高三下学期第一次月考,33)Being such a selfish man _____ no one liked, he could hardly find a person to celebrate his success.A. whatB. asC. thatD. which[解析] 2.句意:因为自己是那么一个自私的人,因此他几乎找不到一个和他一起庆祝自己成功的人。



3.(2020江西省重点中学协作体高三第一次联考,25)College graduates are offered lots of available jobs, ______, I believe, they can fully demonstrate their knowledge and competence.A. whereB. whichC. thatD. what[解析] 3.句意:我们给大学生提供了专门多工作机会,我认为在这些工作中他们能够充分展现他们的知识和能力。



四川省绵阳市2024届高三上学期第一次诊断性模拟测试英语试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解Women are equally responsible for the growth of a free, modern society. Here’s a look at some outstanding women who made great contributions to world history.Maria Sibylla MerianToday, children can explain how a caterpillar (毛毛虫) turns into a butterfly (蝴蝶). But there was a time when no one knew this --not even scientists. Thanks to Maria Sibylla Merian, we know the truth about these beautiful winged insects. Merian was fascinated by insects, and she began collecting, studying, and drawing them when she was as young as 13. It was through her study of caterpillars that she discovered the truth about their life cycles.Beryl MarkhamBeryl Markham was quite incredible in not just aviation (航空) but several other industries, including horse racing. In 1936, at age 33, Markham became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic alone from the east to the west, nonstop. The pilot played a role in the classic best-selling novel and film, Out of Africa, and had many biographies penned about her talents and life.Madam C. J. WalkerMadam C J. Walker developed a condition that caused her to lose her hair, and with it, an interest in hair care. She began working for black hair care entrepreneur ( 企业家) Annie Turnbo Malone. Eventually, Walker began making and marketing her own hair care products designed for African-American women. Her company developed into the successful Madam C. J. Walker Manufacturing Company. She is widely recognized as America’s first black female self-made millionaire.Hedy LamarrYou might know Hedy Lamarr from the silver screen; she starred in many films. But her film career is far from her only achievement; she was also a brilliant inventor. In 1942, she received a patent for an invention that could change radio signal frequencies. It paved the way for much of the wireless technology we use today.1、Who had a lot of enthusiasm for the study of insects?A. Hedy LamarrB. Beryl MarkhamC. Madam C. J. WalkerD. Maria Sibylla Merian2、What made Madam C. J. Walker begin to focus on the hair care?A. Her losing her hair.B. A type of hair care product.C. Annie Turnbo Malone’s success.D. Her wish to help African Americans.3、What is special about Hedy Lamar?A. She was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic alone.B. She was both a film star and an inventor.C. She was a successful businesswoman.D. She was a best-selling writer.When Virginia Norwood was in high school in the 1940s, her guidance teacher advised her to become a librarian instead of a physicist. Luckily, she ignored him. “I was always enthusiastic about mathematical problems and physics,” said Norwood. Also, her father, an electrical engineer, was very important to her. By 1972, Norwood, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate and engineer at Hughes Aircraft Company, had designed a vital component of Landsat 1, the first satellite launched into space to monitor Earth’s surface. Satellites in the Landsat series still provide valuable data to scientists worldwide and Landsat 9 was successfully launched on 27 September, 2021, almost 50 years after the first one.Norwood’s contribution was the multispectral scanner (多光谱扫描仪) 一a sensor thatenergy reflected from Earth and could transmit (传输) data digitally to researchers on the ground. The scanner enabled scientists to track forest loss, crop productivity, and the spread of deserts, and to map inaccessible features of Earth’s physical structures such as glaciers and ice sheets. “She cleared the way for an entire generation of... Earth observation instruments,”says NASA’s Jeffrey Masek, a Landsat proje ct scientist.Norwood’s device was included in the first several satellites launched through the Landsat program, a joint effort by NASA and the US Geological Survey. Other satellites have since surpassed the Landsat series in resolution and scanning abilities, but the continuity of the Landsat database over the decades makes it a gold standard in Earth imaging.4、What inspired Norwood to pursue physics?A. Her interest in the subject.B. Her father’s job as a physicist.C. Her guidance teacher’s advice.D. Her enthusiasm about the Landsat program.5、What does the underlined word “calibrated” in paragraph 2 mean?A. Detected.B. Described.C. Adjusted.D. Reflected.6、What is the author’s attitude towards the Landsat series?A. Appreciative.B. Contradictory.C. Doubtful.D. Unclear.7、Which of the following is the best title for the text?A. A Joint Effort to Monitor Earth’s SurfaceB. Meet the Landsat Pioneer-Virginia NorwoodC. A Great Contribution-the Multispectral ScannerD. Satellites Launched Through the Landsat ProgramLondon Mayor Sadiq Khan’s announcement that all primary school pupils in the city will receive free school meals from September is a welcome move amid rising food and energy prices. The £130 million plan rejects means-testing (经济状况调查) in favor of a universal scheme, which many see as a smart political move and a good policy. Universal public services such as this create shared understanding and gain political legitimacy, as they enable individuals to live at a reasonable standard.The current tax and benefit system in the UK leaves millions of children in poverty and hunger, and means-testing is neither fair nor efficient. Parents claiming universal credit in England must have a household income of less than £7,400 to qualify for free school meals. An estimated 800,000 children living in poverty do not get free school meals due to the eligibility criteria being so restrictive. Another 200,000 are eligible but have not accessed them because enrolment is not automatic.The initiative has been welcomed by many for its potential to reduce child obesity rates and improve pupil attainment. The Impact on Urban Health thinktank estimates that making free school meals universal will generate £1.71 in economic and social benefits for every £1 invested.Unfortunately, the government seems more interested in rationing access to welfare than helping people get the support they need. Means-testing is often justified on the grounds that it diverts resources to the most needy, but this argument falls apart when thousands of children are going hungry and struggling to learn at school.The move towards universal free school meals in London is a step in the right direction and shows an appetite for experimentation necessary to flesh out the future of the post-Covid welfare state. While some parents on higher salaries may benefit, focusing on this would be missing the point: universal services pay for themselves. By investing in our children’swellbeing and education, we create a healthier, more prosperous soc iety for everyone. It’s time to reject the divisive politics of means-testing and embrace universal public services that benefit us all.8、What is the aim of London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s plan?A. To reduce child obesity rates.B. To improve pupils’ achievement in primary schools.C. To help pupils from poor families handle hunger.D. To ensure means-testing an access to free school meals.9、Why do many people view the universal scheme as a good policy?A. It creates more jobs.B. It benefits individuals.C. It is a divisive politics of means-testing.D. It generates economic and social benefits.10、Why is means-testing an inefficient means to address children’s hunger?A. It runs without political legitimacy.B. The qualification criteria are too restrictive.C. The argument about means-testing falls apart.D. It doesn’t include the current tax and benefit system.11、Which of the following is the best title for the text?A. Obstacles to Universal Free School Meals in LondonB. The Pros and Cons of Means-Testing for Free School MealsC. A Plan to Provide Free School Meals to Pupils in LondonD. The Impact of Universal Public Services on Poverty and HungerAncient Fish Returns to Illinois WatersThe Illinois Department of Natural Resources is returning a fish called the alligator gar to the state’s rivers. Some people call the fish a “living fossil.” Experts believe the fish first appeared during the Early Cretaceous period more than 100 million years ago.Randy Sauer is an Illinois state fisheries biologist. He says the fish disappeared from the state’s rivers in the 1990s, although they have continued to do well in southern states. Sauer says biologists want to bring the fish back to northern rivers “because it is important to have top predators to balance the species below them,” he said.Sport fishermen like to try to catch the alligator gar. Alligator gar are the second-largest freshwater fish in North America. They can grow as large as 2.7 meters and weigh more than136 kilograms. Sauer says their large size is one reason they disappeared in the 1990s. Experts say alligator gars are “opportunistic feeders.” This means they will eat almost anything --including small turtles or ducks. They also eat invasive species such as Asian and silver carp.Sauer hopes the re-introduction of the alligator gar will help the state’s efforts to control the carp. Because gar can live up to 60 years, the program will continue to increase for many years.Sauer notes that female alligator gars do “not sexually matu re until 11 years, and the male not till 6 or 7 years.” That means the biologists will try to raise and release a lot of fish early in the program to re-introduce them.Small devices have been placed in 7,000 of the fish so they can be observed after they are released into the waterways of Illinois. As it rains and floods, biologists expect some of the fish will follow the rivers into the states of Louisiana and Texas.12、Why people call the alligator gar “living fossil”?A. They can grow up to 2.7 meters.B. They can grow up to 136 kilograms.C. Their fossil can be found on earth.D. They have existed for over 100 million years.13、Biologists will bring the alligator gar back to northern rivers in order to _______.A. keep the species balance.B. help people make more money.C. help to protect the environment.D. increase the number of the alligar gar.14、According to Randy Sauer, alligar gar died out in northern rivers probably because _______.A. they ate almost anything.B. they were caught by sport fishermen.C. they were very huge in size.D. the rivers were polluted then.15、What can we learn from the underlined statement?A. It will be decades before these fish produce young.B. There is a long way to go before the fish find each other.C. 10 or 20 years will be needed to find these fish.D. These fish can find each other themselves along the waterways.二、七选五16、EmpathyLast year, researchers from the University of Michigan reported that empathy, the ability to understand other people, among college students had dropped sharply over the past 10 years. ①______ Today, people spend more time alone and are less likely to join groups and clubs.Jennifer Freed, a co-director of a teen program, has another explanation. Turn on the TV, and you’re showered with news and reality shows full of people fighting, competing, and generally treating one another with no respect. ②______There are good reasons not to follow those bad examples. Humans are socially related by nature. ③______ Researchers have also found that empathetic teenagers are more likely to have high self-respect. Besides, empathy can be a cure for loneliness, sadness, anxiety, and fear.Empathy is also an indication of a good leader. In fact, Freed says, many top companies report that empathy is one of the most important things they look for in new managers. ④______ “Academics are important. But if you don’t have emotional intelligence, you won’t be as successful in work or in your love life,” she says.What’s the best way to up your EQ? For starters, let down your guard and really listen to others. ⑤______ To really develop empathy, you’d better volunteer at a nursing home or a hospital, join a club or a team that has a diverse membership, have a “sharing circle” with your family, or spend time caring for pets at an animal shelter.A. Everyone is different, and levels of empathy differ from person to person.B. That could be because so many people have replaced face time with screen time, the researchers said.C. “One doesn’t develop empathy by having a lot of opinions and doing a lot of talking,”Freed says.D. Humans learn by example—and most of the examples on it are anything but empathetic.E. Empathy is a matter of learning how to understand someone else—both what they think and how they feel.F. Good social skills—including empathy—are a kind of “emotional intelligence” that will help you succeed in many areas of life.G. Having relationships with other people is an important part of being human—and having empathy is decisive to those relationships.三、完形填空(20空)I love roller coasters. If I could ride roller coasters every day for the rest of my life IBut during my first ride there, that kind of thrill turned to absolute 4 when I made it tothat I could see only what was behind me but not in front.17、A. old B. happy C. brave D. unusual18、A. tension B. hardship C. motivation D. opportunity19、A. excitement B. expectation C. pleasure D. anxiety20、A. patience B. anger C. desire D. fear21、A. Unless B. Though C. After D. Upon22、A. competition B. commitment C. debate D. experiment23、A. fun B. small C. normal D. mysterious24、A. regretted B. realized C. pretended D. admitted25、A. take B. quit C. reserve D. change26、A. behind B. beneath C. beside D. before27、A. mental B. Intellectual C. technical D. environmental28、A. narrow B. dark C. long D. roundabout29、A. Unluckily B. Oddly C. Nervously D. Disappointingly30、A. gloves B. pockets C. air D. seat31、A. vague B. strange C. boring D. rough32、A. confused B. astonished C. annoyed D. terrified33、A. Life B. Entertainment C. dream D. ride34、A. social B. unexpected C. serious D. general35、A. Uncertain B. Uncomfortable C. challenging D. exciting36、A. evaluate B. complete C. adore D. Enjoy四、短文填空37、This “dazzling” animation, Suzume (铃芽之旅), from Japanese director Makoto Shinkai has already become ①_______ box-office hit around the world, and deservedly so. An unconventional “teen romance”, it follows Suzume, a 16-year-old ②_______ mother was killed in an earthquake some years ago. One day when she ③_______ (cycle) to school, she bumps into a handsome student named Souta, who turns out to be a “Closer” — a person ④_______ (charge) with “closing doors to another world”. When “a Ginormous, city-destroying worm” escapes from that other world. Souta and Suzume must join forces to stop it. “There is a touch of Stranger Things” to this “rich” tale, which mines the “trauma felt by the young ⑤_______ (follow) Japan’s 2011 earthquake and tsunami”; and th e result is “extraordinary enough to appeal ⑥_______ even non-anime fans”. The film has rather a lot of chase sequences which become “repetitive”; but it has real merit. With its “stark warnings about the real risk of ecological disaster”, Suzume is a “pow erful coming-of-age tale ⑦_______ plucks at the heartstrings” while delivering some real laughs along the way. It is beautiful to look at too. An “epic adventure about hormone-fuelled teenagers facing up to ⑧_______ (environment) destruction”, the film is sometimes a “little too worthy for its own good”. Still, it has“boundless ambition, and the courage ⑨_______ (place) weighty issues ⑩_______ the heart of a kids’ film”.五、短文改错38、假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。










2021届新疆莎车县第一中学高三上学期第一次模拟英语考试试题(4)一、听力选择题1. What did the woman do?A.She bought a new cup.B.She broke a toy.C.She broke the cup.2. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Driver and car-cleaning worker.B.Student and teacher.C.Manager and clerk.3. How does the woman want her meat cooked?A.Rare.B.Medium-rare.C.Well done.4.A.He knows very little about John.B.John doesn’t deserve the promotion.C.John should earn more money.D.He doesn’t care for the news.5.A.He is excited to see the star.B.He is indifferent about the star.C.He is unsure about his feelings towards the star.D.He doesn’t want to see the woman’s favorite star.二、听力选择题6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

1. What is the most probable relationship between the speakers?A.Colleagues.B.Schoolmates.C.Teacher and student.2. What is the woman’s problem?A.Her brother is disturbing her.B.She has no dictionary to use.C.Her parents can't give her any advice.3. What does the man suggest the woman do?A.Tell her brother to stop.B.Go to the library to study.C.Ask her parents for help.4. What is the woman embarrassed at?A.Remembering little from History.B.Reviewing by singing her notes.C.Writing down what she has read.7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

福建省泉州市第五中学2024-2025学年高三上学期11月期中考试 英语(含解析,含听力原文无音频)

福建省泉州市第五中学2024-2025学年高三上学期11月期中考试 英语(含解析,含听力原文无音频)

福建省泉州第五中学教育集团2025届高中毕业班英语检测2024.11高三英语本试卷共19题满分150分考试时间:120分钟注意事项:1.答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上.2.考生作答时,将答案答在答题卡上.请按照题号在各题的答题区域(黑色线框)内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效.在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效.3.选择题答案使用2B铅笔填涂,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号;非选择题答案使用0.5毫米的黑色中性(签字)笔或碳素笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚.4.保持答题卡卡面清洁,不折叠、不破损.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.一、听力选择题1.What has Peter been doing to annoy Wendy?A.Studying late at night.B.Using up all the milk.C.Leaving the milk out.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

2.Where are the speakers probably?A.On a game show.B.In a spaceship.C.In a bank.3.Who was the first woman in space?A.Anna Edison.B.Sally K. Ride.C.Valentina Tereshkova.4.What does the man say about the boss?A.He is tall.B.He is kind.C.He is childlike.5.What is the man trying to do?A.Sit down.B.Buy a chair.C.Take a seat back. 6.Where will the speakers meet the woman’s mother?A.At the farm house.B.At the restaurant.C.At the hotel bar.二、完形填空Gang (团伙) tensions were rising at Southwood High School. Some community activists held a(n) 7 meeting with parents and the principal. A group of the fathers 8 decided it was time to make their 9 known on campus.That’s how Dads on Duty was born with its goal — make sure the kids are safe. Around 40 men organized into six-person shifts, with two shifts on campus every day. They 10 the day after the meeting. These people 11 their own schedules and commitments without complaint. Some of them are fathers of kids at the school, while others are not but expect the youth in their community to know they have an entire village behind them.Now, anyone who wants to enter the school with 12 will have to avoid energetic papa bears, big smiles and many dad jokes. It’s hard to be a tough guy when somebody’s uncle has just 13 you into checking your shoelaces for countless times, only to find that they are not, in fact, untied.Since Dads on Duty arrived on campus, gang battles have dramatically declined. “The school has been happy, you can feel it,” said one student. Another told the Washington Post, “They 14 all the kids like we’re their own children.”The dads aren’t meant to 15 security guards. If they do see a fight may occur, they get security on the scene as soon as possible. Their presence is meant to be more 16 than reactionary.7.A.private B.difficult C.emergency D.scheduled 8.A.on duty B.in attendance C.at work D.under guard 9.A.voice B.status C.effort D.presence 10.A.started B.practiced C.gathered D.prepared 11.A.check B.maintain C.sacrifice D.arrange 12.A.confusion B.anger C.fright D.shock 13.A.tricked B.persuaded C.forced D.scared14.A.trust in B.interact with C.make fun of D.look up to 15.A.change B.become C.replace D.criticize 16.A.practical B.extraordinary C.temporary D.preventive三、阅读理解The only words you need to say after receiving a compliment (赞美) are “thank you”. But you know that's easier said than done.There are many reasons why you have a hard time accepting compliments. 17 It's a three step process. First, believe what people tell you. If you're still having a hard time taking the compliment, double check. And if it's still hard to accept then you'll have to check yourself.18 For example, if you're six feet tall and I say, “Wow, you're tall! ” I'm being honest. I'm five foot nine, so plenty of people are tall compared to me. I'm expressing that subjectively, from my shorter vantage point, you are tall. I'm not saying everyone would agree with me. Just like if I say City of God is a great movie, I'm not saying you have to think it's a great movie.You have to listen carefully to compliments. It's not always obvious if you're being complimented for something only others can observe. If you are five foot six inches tall, and weigh seventy pounds, I would say you are slim. But if you are comparing yourself to someone who is shorter, and weighs five pounds less than you, you might call yourself plump. In this extreme example, the outside perspective is more accurate than the internal one.19If you're still struggling to accept a compliment, you don't just have to take someone at their word. It can be hard to accept an opinion when it's the opposite of yours, so call in reinforcements. Ask someone else what they think. 20 You can ask two or three or four more people if two isn't enough.21 If you mislead or lie to people about your opinions, then it's not surprising that you have a hard time trusting that people's compliments are genuine. Be more honest with people around you, and you'll find it much easier to believe what people say about you.A.They will be the tie breaker.B.You can check with someone else instead.C.The causes are complicated but the path to accepting compliments is simpler.D.How honest are you with your friends and family when they ask for your opinion? E.When someone is trying to pay you a compliment, they are speaking subjectively.F.When someone pays you a compliment, they are speaking about something that is observable. G.Similarly, when I call you smart or funny, I'm commenting based on my definition of smart or funny, that's how I see you.Have you considered contributing your skills and expertise virtually towards achieving sustainable human development efforts? Through the Online Volunteering service of the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme, you can connect with UN agencies, governments, public institutions and civil society organizations — from any device, anywhere in the world. While extending your network, you can also get first-hand practical experience.Requirements:·To sign up on the Unified Volunteering Platform and apply for Online Volunteer assignments, you must be at least 18 years of age.·There is no particular background required to become an Online Volunteer. Each Online Volunteer assignment is different and has its own requirements, set by the host organization.· As an Online Volunteer, you can only support organizations remotely in assignments up to 20 hours per week for a maximum of 12 weeks for each assignment.Criteria and service rules:· Online Volunteers are not under contract with the UNV programme or the engaging organization.· Online Volunteers do not receive any kind of financial benefits.·For each Online Volunteering assignment, a maximum of 25 Online Volunteers can be engaged. Procedures:· Volunteers find assignments of their interest and apply.· Organizations select the volunteers they want to engage.· Volunteers and organizations work together online.· Volunteers and organizations provide feedback on their cooperation.· Organizations issue an electronic certificate of appreciation to their volunteers.22.Through the UNV programme, one can ______.A.travel around the world B.improve their network skillsC.set up civil society organizations D.work on sustainable development 23.Which is a requirement for the applicants?A.Being no less than 18 years.B.Finishing 25 online assignments.C.Working at least 20 hours a week.D.Having some practical experience.24.When working in the UNV programme, volunteers will ______.A.sign a contract with an organizationB.find tasks of their interest and applyC.get a paper certificate of appreciationD.receive some kind of financial benefitsYou may not get enough physical activity throughout the day, especially since sitting still is required or encouraged in many jobs, at school, and in social situations. But there’s something you should know. Being physically inactive or sedentary (久坐不动的) can increase health risks.25 What counts as being physically inactive?While there is no strict definition of what can be considered a sedentary lifestyle, researchers have a few different measures to assess what a sedentary lifestyle is. One measure is the time an individual spends seated or reclining (向后倚靠) during waking hours. 26 Some other researchers label people inactive or sedentary if they take fewer than 5,000 pedometer (计步器) steps per day. 27In the short term, being inactive can increase depression or anxiety. It can also affect the way the body processes fats and sugars in the diet and lead to some weight gain if you aren’t burning enough calories. Over the long term, sedentary lifestyles increase the risk of death from cardiovascular (心血管的) disease, diabetes, and cancer. How can you prevent being inactive?Health authorities recommend exercise at a medium level for either 30 minutes a day for five days a week or a total of 2 hours and 30 minutes per week. Walking is an easy activity to add to your day. 28 A pedometer or fitness band can show you whether you are getting enough steps. Many people aim to take 10,000 steps per day, which indicates that you have met your daily physical activity goal. 29 but the value of being more physically active is worth it for itsmany benefits.A.How harmful is it?B.What’s the drawback of sedentary lifestyle?C.Fixing a sedentary lifestyle takes some conscious effort at first,D.Now let’s learn about whether you might be classified as inactive or sedentary.E.Simply walking more or doing household chores positively impacts health,F.It can work to break up sitting time and add steps hourly throughout the day.G.Spending four to six waking hours sitting or lying down is considered sedentary.TikTok has many clever tips and tricks to make life a little easier. From creative advice to practical skills, there is something for everyone on the video sharing App. Many of these methods have left viewers open-mouthed at their simplicity or scratching their heads as why they hadn’t thought of them first. But to save you some boring scrolling (滚屏), we have made a list of the best TikTok life tips in 2021. Ready to be impressed?Chop onionsChopping onions is an emotional experience or, at least, it looks it. The vegetable can make us tear up, and salty liquid flowing down your cheeks is never a stylish look. However, a woman created a makeshift protective gear out of a hooded sweatshirt (连帽运动衫) and a pan cover. Next step, New York Fashion Week.Clean car headlightsIt is vital that your cars headlights stay in good working order so as to keep you safe. If yours are fogged up, just use a lemon and some baking soda. Many netizens have claimed that this method can save them some serious cash.Bathe your dogIf your dog hates having a bath, why not try peanut butter? While this one may seem ridiculous, one TikTok video has shown it is effective. In the clip the pet can be seen licking it off the side of the tub, as the owner cleans his fur. “I don’t even know I am having a bath. All I know is peanut butter,” the caption (字幕) reads.30.What can we infer from the first TikTok life tip?A.Chopping onions can make you upset.B.You can find the protective gear in New York.C.The makeshift protective gear is creative.D.It’s stylish to have tears flowing down your cheeks.31.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.The tips and tricks sound easy but are difficult to apply.B.You can use a lemon and some baking soda to bathe your dog.C.Cleaning car headlights with a lemon and some baking soda is economical.D.The author finds bathing a dog with the help of peanut butter ridiculous.32.What’s the author’s purpose in writing this passage?A.To analyze the reasons why people like TikTok.B.To share some clever tips and tricks found on TikTok.C.To come up with some practical suggestions on TikTok.D.To call on people to share more tips and tricks on TikTok.What motivates you to work or study harder? Is it the thought of success and all the amazing things that you can achieve, or is it the fear of failure and worry about all the things that can go wrong for you? Leaders, managers, and teachers have often used one of these ideas to inspire people to work harder and achieve more. 33A recent study looked at the effect of fear-based strategies on British secondary school students. They found that if a test is seen as important, and students are optimistic that they can succeed, then the fear of failure can be used successfully by teachers to motivate these learners. However, if students are not confident, fear-based approaches could cause feelings of anxiety.34 The study also found that if students don’t care about the test, then, unsurprisingly, the fear of failure is not likely to motivate them.35 It’s a fact that most new companies will fail. But does this motivate or prevent business people? Again, it’s not straightforward. The personal consequences of failure can be significant, and so founders may be motivated to work harder to avoid them. A study carried out on British and Canadian businessmen found that fear of failure can improve problem solving, as people are motivated to anticipate and resolve potential issues. 36 So it will help their business in the long run.37 It can drive confident people to do better, but it can also increase our doubts and turn them into barriers.A.It may motivate them more.B.But is one better than the other?C.Fear-based motivation is complicated.D.Then it can in turn lead them to do worse.E.Businessmen often run the risk of failure.F.They may also be inspired to learn new things.G.Is this idea beneficial for you to succeed?四、语法填空38.Beijing Olympic Park, also (know) as the Olympic Green, is located in Chaoyang District, Beijing, with a total land area of 11.59 square kilometers. (所给词的适当形式填空)五、书信写作39.假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,你和你校交换生Jim准备联合参加学校组织的校园文创设计大赛(Campus Cultural and Creative Design Competition), 请给Jim发邮件,内容包括:1. 分享你的创意;2. 询问Jim的建议。
















例:How much is the shirt?A.₤19.15.B.£9.18.C.£9.15.答案是C。

1.Why does the man call Olivia?A.To ask about the homework.B.To invite her to a party.C.To help her learn math.2.What are the speakers mainly discussing?A.A TV program.B.The housework.C.A person.3.What's the relationship between the two speakers?A.Driver and passenger.B.Doctor and patient.C.Guest and waitress.4.Where might the speakers be?A.In a library.B.At the man's home.C.In a supermarket.5.When is the project supposed to be finished?A.At12:00.B.At11:00.C.Before10:00.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

专题10(书面表达读后续写) 开学考试专辑 原卷版 2022届高三英语百所名校好题分类快递

专题10(书面表达读后续写) 开学考试专辑 原卷版 2022届高三英语百所名校好题分类快递
“I thought, ‘Am I next, what is going to happen to me?’” Lily told the local newspaper. “I was screaming for help but no one heard me,” said Lily. “I saw this coyote trying to attack my dog and I tried to ring people’s doorbells and knock on people’s doors. Luckily, this one neighbor let me in.”
A few senior high students were going to Fort Lauderdale with sandwiches and drinks in the paper bags, dreaming of the golden beaches as the gray cold of New York vanished behind them. As the bus passed through New Jersey, they began to notice a man, who sat in front of them, dressed in a plain, ill-fitting suit, never moving, his dusty face masking his age. He fixed his eyes on the photo in his hands, frozen into some personal cocoon of silence.
The shop owner smiled and in no second whistled. Out of the kennel came a lady, who ran down the aisle of his shop followed by five teeny, tiny balls of fur. One puppy was lagging considerably behind. Immediately the little boy singled out the lagging, limping(跛行)puppy and said, “What's wrong with that little dog?”



连云港市2024届高三第一次调研考试英语试题答案详细解析听力1-5 ABCBC 6-10 CACBA 11-15 CCBAA 16-20 CBCAA阅读21-23 CBA 24-27 ABDC 28-31 CBDD 32-35 ACBC7选536-40 AFEGC完形填空41-45 BCADC 46-50 ABDBA 51-55 CADCB语法填空56. have taken 57. innovative 58. which/that59. for 60. gradually 61. boosting 62. to get 63. a 64. preference 65. and阅读答案:21-23 CBA 24-27 ABDC 28-31 CBDD 32-35 ACBC详细解析:A篇A篇是一篇群文。


第21题 C 在Ralph Lauren travel set中,作者提到此旅行套装中有一个大的披肩,可以当作毯子用,是用羊绒做的。

在Canada Goose Trillium Parka中,作者提到a chin guard to protect the neck from cold air, 因此两者的共同点是都有御寒作用,让人保持温暖。

第22题 B 在Bellroy Tech Kit中,作者提到它offer a safe place to store Airpods, portable chargers, and work-from-anywhere accesssories like a mouse or a Wi-Fi extender,说明它提供一个安全的地方来存放Airpods、便携式充电器,以及在鼠标或Wi-Fi扩展器等任何地方工作,价格在Amazon和Bellroy 上的价格分别是59元和69元,花销最少为59元,因此答案为B。



全国I卷区(湖南、江西、安徽等地)2021届高三上学期1月优生联赛英语试题(含听力)学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、短对话1.Where does this conversation take place?A.At an airport. B.At a railway station. C.At a travel agency. 2.What are the speakers talking about?A.What to eat. B.Where to eat. C.Where to meet. 3.What is the possible relationship between the speakers?A.Colleagues. B.Neighbors. C.Schoolmates. 4.Why is the woman making this phone call?A.To call for a meeting.B.To change an appointment time.C.To cancel an appointment.5.What does the man suggest the woman do?A.Exchange currency at the airport.B.Check the exchange rate.C.Change money at the bank.二、长对话听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

6.What do we know about the man?A.He is organizing a jazz band.B.He is looking for a singer.C.He is interviewing a musician.7.How many people does the man need to make a band?A.2. B.3. C.4.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。











1.How does the man probably feel now?A.Confused.B.Worried.C.Excited.2.What does the man promise to do for the woman?A.Buy her a new glass.B.Do some cleaning.C.Lend her10dollars.3.When will the woman leave for the airport?A.At6.B.At6:30.C.At9.4.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.What goats feed on.B.How goats stop fires.C.Where goats inhabit.5.Why does the woman call the man?A.To change an appointment.B.To make an invitation.C.To ask for leave.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。



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