



1 2
学术英语是国际学术界的通用语言,掌握学术英 语能够使学者更好地参与国际学术交流,分享研 究成果。
严谨、准确的学术语言有助于提高研究论文的质 量和说服力,使研究得到更广泛的认可。
学术英语能够帮助学者了解不同文化背景下的学 术观点和研究方法,促进跨文化交流与合作。

提前了解报告的主题和背 景,有助于更好地理解报 告内容。
在报告过程中,尽量保持 注意力集中,避免错过重 要信息。
对于重要的观点和数据, 及时做笔记以便后续回顾 。
积极参与讨论,对于不理解的问题及时提问,同 时对于别人的问题也要认真回答。
组织论文结构合理,逻辑清晰,使读者易于 理解。
分段论述,标明小标题,突出重点和层次感 。
利用图表、表格等形式辅助说明研究结果和 数据。
在进行学术研究时,查找和筛选合适的学术文献是至关重要的第一步。可以通过学术数据库、图书馆 、学术搜索引擎等途径查找相关文献。在筛选文献时,应关注文献的学术声誉、研究方法和结论的可 靠性。
在讨论中积极发表自己的观点,但要确保论据充 分、逻辑清晰。
在讨论中要尊重他人的观点,避免过于情绪化或 攻击性的言辞。



时间:2 小时
1. 帮助学生提高学术英语口语表达能力。

2. 强化学生在学术讨论和演讲中的自信和流利度。

1. 引言(10分钟)


2. 学术词汇和短语(20分钟)
-教授常用的学术词汇和短语,例如"according to," "research indicates," "the study suggests that," 等等。


3. 学术交流技巧(30分钟)


4. 学术演讲技巧(30分钟)


5. 练习与总结(20分钟)





Part1 Academic Voice ■知识点: Nominalization(名词化)Allow →allowanceNegligent →negligence 疏忽、大意Propose →proposalRemove →RemovalRefuse →RefusalIndicate →indication象征、指示Assume →assumptionIntend →intentionExtensive →extension 伸展、延期Liable →liability 责任、债务Legal →legality 合法性Proficient →proficiency 熟练、娴熟Study →StudyCareless →carelessnessDiscover →discoveringImpair →impairment 损害■词语配对Try to find out DiscoverLook at carefully ExamineMake sure XXX is true VerifyShow DemonstrateGet rid of EliminateGet through it Survive, penetrateMean IntendLook into InvestigateA lot of Numerous, myriadEnd Conclusion■Passive Voice & Avoid first and second personal pronounsDoctors should be required to complete communication skill courses.Clear foreshadowing of events to transpire should be noticed in Hamlet.This method was chosen because of its simplicity.According to the literature reviewed, there are several reasons why plants are dispersed by ants.There is the consensus that ant nests are nutrient enriched sites and therefore it may be advantageous for seeds to germinate from within ant nests.The result of this study concurred with Berg’s hypothesis that seeds are prot ected from fire through their burial in ants’ nests.■Academic Voice(P4)Poignant 深刻的、尖锐的Provocative 刺激的、挑衅的Compelling 强制的Striking 显著的、惊人的Proposal 提议、建议Objection 反对Insight 洞察、Discourse 论述、讨论Investigate 调查、研究Disapprove 不赞成Part2 Introduction 知识点: 组织架构1.Background(背景)In the recent years, there has been a dramatic increase tendency in …2.Literature Review(文献综述)There is a general consensus that …It is generally accepted that …It was explicitly stated that …明确指出…Following similar lines …与此类似的There has been a rising trend in …3.Gap(已有研究局限性)There is a pressing need …However, few studies focus on …This brings to the purpose of this study. 4.Your Paper(论文简述)The primary objective of the paper is to …Our model of the … is general enough to …For this paper, our analysis is limited to …■知识点: “说”的同义词Accepts 接受Admits 承认Advocates 提倡、坚持Agrees 同意Analyze 分析Argues 辩称Asserts 断言Assumes 猜想Believes 相信Claims 声明、断言Comments 评论Concludes 总结Confirms 确认Considers 考虑Denies 拒绝Doubts 怀疑Emphasizes 强调Establishes 确立Explains 解释Hypothesizes 假设、猜测Illustrates 说明Indicates 表明Investigate 调查Maintains 坚持Notes 写到、记下Points out 指出Proposes 提议Remarks 评论Shows 显示States 声明Suggests 建议、暗示Thinks 认为知识点: 语法1. Prominent(强调)Information: The …… (Smith, 2000).Author: Smith (2000) argued that …Weak Author: As Smith (2000) pointed that …2.Tense(时态)陈述当前境况,按具体内容使用时态(现在时、过去时、过去完成时…)文献综述,多使用一般过去时(因为文章已经发表)本文概述,多使用一般现在时(因为文章正被阅读)Part3 Describing Methodology知识点: 组织架构1. Research objective (研究目的)The experiment was initiated to …The study aims to examine …2. Element (要素:时间、地点、对象、人物等)(Subject): The subjects/participants were [num] [noun] from …A group of … were recruited as participants for the investigation(Location): The investigation was performed in …(Materials): Questionnaires were developed for the survey.The data used for the analysis consists of … taken from …3. ProcedureCopies of the questionnaire were given to …Emails containing the survey materials were sent to …4. Data treatmentThe result of … were subjected to statistical testThe data were computer-analyzed using SPSS.■知识点: 步骤叙述1. Sequential MarkersTo begin with // First of allFirstly // Secondly // Finally // LastlyNext // Then // After that // Afterward //Following thisBefore this // Previously // At this time/point // Now // Hence // ThusIn addition // It is also // Later / Untilsubsequently // consequently // simultaneously // concurrently2. VerbsSubjects:Choose // include // recruit // volunteered // paid to participateMaterials:Obtain // Supply Be piloted and modified // Be gatheredBe composed of // Be located // Be installed // Be equipped withResearch design:Apply // employ // develop // resort to(采取、使用) // use // conduct Procedure:Be developed // Be sent to // Be given to // Carry out // follow // perform // propose知识点: 时态,:注意使用过去时■例子A group of MBA students from a major metropolitan state university were recruited as participants for the investigation. The questionnaire was administered after the topic of BSC had been discussed in the course. 136 students enrolled in a managerial accounting course completed the questionnaire. Background information about these participants is presented in Table 2. As is shown, the majority of participants are male. The mean age of the participants was approximately 29 years old, the years of working experience was six on the average.Part4 Results & Discussion知识点: 组织架构1. Generally Summarization(整体概述)One key issue in this study was …2. Result Reporting(结果展示分析)The preliminary analysis discovered that …初步分析发现Descriptive statistics demonstrated that those who …描述性统计显示Result of ANOV A further displayed that …XXX test was adopted3. Result Discussion(结果讨论)Consistent with previous studies, we observed ...This result supports the notion that …该结果支持了XXX的观点This study has several implications for teaching idioms.4. Conclusion(结论)Unexpectedly, we found ……Comparison shows that XXX is comparable to other …知识点: 词汇、短语■1. 结果展示Bar chart 条形图Pie chart 饼图Line graph 折线图Area chart 面积图Scatter plot 散点图Radar chart 雷达图Percentage 百分比Vertical axis 纵轴Horizontal axis 横轴Fluctuation 波动Convex 凸的Concave 凹的Top/ Peak 最高点、尖峰Slope 斜坡Plateau 停滞(n.) Upward 向上的Downward 下降的Table X recordsAs Table X shows // As shown in Graph X According to Table XAs the graph above/belowAs/It can be seen …It appears that …It can be concludedWe found that …To sum up // In conclusionDecrease/ decline/ reduction/ fall/ drop/ dip 下降Minimal/ slight/ slow/ gradual/ steady 平缓的、微弱的Marked/ large/ dramatic/ steep/ sharp/ abrupt 剧烈的、显著的It is apparent that …Quite revealing in several waysThere is a clear trend that …■2. 因果分析强调原因:The death rate from cancer is increasing because/ owing to the fact that people are smoking more.The fact that the death rate from cancer is increasing is due to/ may be due to people smoking more.The reason for/ cause of the death rate from cancer increasing is that/ could be that …An increase in the death rate from cancer people smoking more.one effect ofone result ofone consequence ofis/ may be + caused bydue tobecause ofresults fromarise from强调结果:People are smoking more. the death rate from cancer is increasing.So,Thus, Hence, Therefore, Consequently, As a result, As a result of whichWith the result thatAs a consequence,As a consequence of which For this reason, Because of this,Owing to XXX, YYYXXX YYYResults in/ Leads toProduces/ CausesIs the cause ofGives rise toBrings about3. 语气强弱强化: Crucial(关键性的、极其重要的) Principal(最重要的、主要的) Essential Significant FundamentalQuite Clearly Obviously Undoubtedly CertainlyIndeed Inevitably(不可避免地、必然地)Invariably(总是、不变的) Literally(确实地、真正地)弱化: Likely Maybe Perhaps Possible Possibly Probable Probably RelativelyAppear Seem Suggest4. 比较与对比Comparison (Similarities):Similar to Similarity Both LikewiseIn the same way Have … in common As well as Contrast (Differences):Whereas While However But UnlikeInstead Differ Although ConverselyBe different from Contrary toOn the contrary Even though On the other hand 知识点: 时态(我也说不清,好自为之吧)侧重研究过程使用一般过去时: The preliminary analysis discovered that …指代图表内容使用一般现在时: The line graph below shows…其他事实依据内容确定时态: People are smoking more, as a result …Part5 Conclusion■知识点: 组织架构1. Summary of Argument(论点总结)Our experiment indicated that …, conforming to XXX’s study result.2. Answer to the Research Questions(回答研究问题)XXX played a n important role in …3. Implications(意义)This study has several implications for ...4. Limitation & Further Research(局限性与进一步的研究)However, there was an obvious limitation in this study …We expect more studies to be carried out in ...知识点: 方法1. Summarizing(总结)用尽可能简短的话明确声明论点,去除不重要的部分2. Paraphrasing(改写)从以下方面着手:Use synonyms 使用同义词Change word forms 使用词语的不同形式Make necessary structural adjustments 对结构进行必要的调整Change between affirmative & negative 肯定、否定的转换Include reference to the original source 引用前文来源处示例The Steiner minimal tree problem has been studied in the above discussion. A node-splitting algorithm that finds a good heuristic solution to the problem has been developed. In some cases, it is better, for instance, th an Korhonen’s algorithm. Comparison shows that the node-splitting method is comparable to other heuristic methods.An advantage of this algorithm is that the computations of the bead’s movement can be done in parallel, provided that there is a synchronization barrier to update their new positions. This can take advantage of some parallel computers, for example, mapping each bead to a (virtual) processor.The Steiner tree has been shown to be an optimization problem. Neural network has been successfully applied to solve many optimization problems, for example, TSP. Some of these techniques have been discussed. This could be an interesting area for research in the future. It is possible that these techniques can also be applied to solve the SMT if a good mapping of the problem to an appropriate network architecture is found.Part6 Abstract■知识点: 组织架构1. Motivation & Problem Statement (Gap)The industry is already well known for its efforts to improve the eco-efficiency of its processes.The focus of this research is in the area of …The study focused on 2 main areas.2. Approach (Methodology)We carried out a series of field tests …This paper develops a theoretical framework to …The framework for life cycle analysis has been developed.The research approach adopted in this dissertation includes …3. ResultsFrom these data, it can be concluded that …The findings from this research provide evidence that …Results indicated that the problem is even more serious …4. ConclusionsIt appears tha t …There might be a need for …It has been found/proved that …This dissertation recommends that …This indicates that there are several factors ….The main conclusions drawn from this study are …示例:(总述)This dissertation examines the impacts of social movements through a multi-layered study of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movements from its peak in the early 1960s through the early 1980s.(内容)By examining this historically important case, the writer clarifies the process by which movements transform social structures and the constraints when they try to do so.(对象)The time period studied includes the expansion of voting rights and gains in black political power, the desegregation of public schools and the emergency of white-flight academies, and the rise and fall of federal anti-poverty programs.(方法)Two major research strategies were used: (1) a quantitative analysis of county-level data and (2) three case studies. Data have been collected from archives, interviews, newspapers, and published reports.(结论)This dissertation challenges the argument that movements are inconsequential. Some view federal agencies, courts, political parties, or economic elites as the agents driving institutional change, but typically these groups acted in response to the leverage brought to bear by the civil rights movement.(意义)The Mississippi movement attempted to forge independent structures for sustaining challenges to local inequities and injustices. By propelling change in an array of local institutions, movement infrastructures had an enduring legacy in Mississippi.Part7 References■知识点: Science Reference StyleJournals:1. Y. Shen, Y. P. Jiao, May I pass the exam. Automation. 14, 819-834 (1980).Books:1. Y. P. Jiao, May I pass the exam (SEU Press, Nanjing, 1956).2. Y. P. Jiao, May I pass the exam (SEU Press, Nanjing, ed. 3, 1956), pp. 7-11.Theses:1. Y. P. Jiao, May I pass the exam, SEU (1973).示例:1. S. Allen, PhD thesis, University College Dublin(2009).2. M. Wang,& K. Koda, Commonalities and differences in word identification skills amongEnglish second language learners. Language Learning. 55(1), 73-100 (2005).3. R. Zeelenberg, D. Pecher, Evidence for long-term language repetition priming in conceptualimplicit memory tasks. Journal of Memory and Language. 49, 80–94 (2003).4. R. E. von Studnitz, D. Green, Interlingual homograph interference in German-English bilinguals:Its modulation and locus of control. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 51, 1–23 (2002).■知识点:Modern Language Association (MLA) StyleJournals:1. Yu Shen, Yiping Jiao. “May I pass the exam.” Journal of Jiecao. 59. 1(2000): 835-62Books:1. Yu Shen, Yiping Jiao. May I pass the exam. NanJing: SEU Press, 2014.Theses:1. Yu Shen, “May I pass the exam.” PhD thesis, SEU, 2009. Print.示例:1. Booth, David. Ed. Rethinking Social Development: Theory, Research and Practice. Essex:Longman, 1994.2. Mann, Susan. "Myths of Asian Womanhood." Journal of Asian Studies. 59.1 (2000): 835-62.3. McDonagh, Sean. Why are we Deaf to the Cry of the Earth .Dublin:Veritas,2001.4. O’Connor, John. "Towards a Greener Ireland.” Discovering Our Natural Sustainable Resources:Future Proofing, University College Dublin, 15–16 March 2009. Dublin: Irish Environmental Institute, 2009. 65 – 69. PrintPart8 Submitting Paper■知识点: A submission cover letter(投稿)Dear Dr. Jiao,This is a manuscript entitled“MAY I PASS THE EXAM” by Yue Lisha and Wei Jinjin from Laboratory of NOJIECAO, School of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China. It is submitted to be considered for publication as an “Original Article” in your journal.No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part.In this work, we developed XXXXXX. I hope this paper is suitable for “XXX JOURNAL”.The Following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:1) Professor Gu E-mail: ***************.cn2) Professor Qian E-mail: **************************.cnWe deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below.Enclosed please find the paper.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,Yue LishaCorresponding author:Prof. Dr. Wei JinjinXX LabXX SchoolXX UniversityNanjing 210096P.R. ChinaTel: (+8625) 87654321E-mail: **********************.cn知识点: Response to revision letter(回复要求修正的信)Dear Dr. Jiao,On behalf of my co-authors, we thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to revise our manuscript, we appreciate editor and reviewers very much for their positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our manuscript entitled “May I Pass the Exam”. (ID: IEJ-12-00123).We h ave studied reviewer’s comments carefully and have made revision which marked in red in the paper. We have tried our best to revise our manuscript according to the comments.Attached please find the revised version, which we would like to submit for your kind consideration.We would like to express our great appreciation to you and reviewers for comments on our paper. Looking forward to hearing from you.Thank you and best regards.<其余同前>知识点: Response to the reviewer’s comments(回复修正意见)Polite ExpressionsWe are very sorry for our negligence of …We are very sorry for our incorrect writing …It is really true as Reviewer suggested that …As Reviewer suggested that …We have made correction according to the Reviewer’s comments.We have re-writte n this part according to the Reviewer’s suggestion.Considering the Reviewer’s suggestion, we have …Special thanks to you for your good comments.知识点: 查询信(你丫敢催…找死呢…)Polite ExpressionsSorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “XXX”. (ID: XX), although the status of “With Editor” has been lasting for more than two months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not?I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased tohear from you on the reviewer’s comments.Thank you very much for your consideration.<其余同前>。
























UNIT 2 Economist1.Every field of study has its own language and its own way of thinking. Mathematicians talk about axioms, integrals, and vector spaces. Psychologists talk about ego, id, and cognitive dissonance. Lawyers talk about venue, torts, and promissory estoppel.每个研究领域都有它自己的语言和思考方式。




2.Economics is no different. Supply, demand, elasticity, comparative advantage, consumer surplus, deadweight loss—these terms are part of the economist’s language. In the coming chapters, you will encounter many new terms and some familiar words that economists use in specialized ways. At first, this new language may seem needlessly arcane. But, as you will see, its value lies in its ability to provide you a new and useful way of thinking about the world in which you live.经济学家也一样。

学术英语Unit1 练习答案

学术英语Unit1 练习答案

Unit 1 Choosing a Topic
1 Deciding on a topic
Enhancing your academic language
Translate the following sentences from Text 2 into Chinese.
4 间谍软件与垃圾邮件和钓鱼网络一起,构成了三个令人生 厌的互联网害虫。尽管有些程序可以通过入侵软件漏洞从 而进入电脑,但这些有害而秘密的程序通常会随着其他通 常是免费的应用软件侵入到计算机系统中。
the wedding 21 _a_c_c_o_m_p_a_n_y_ (陪伴) with her to watch movies

Unit 1 Choosing a Topic
1 Deciding on a topic
Enhancing your academic language
Complete the paragraph
Unit 1 Choosing a Topic
1 Deciding on a topic
Enhancing your academic language
Match the words with their definitions.
1 a(n) symbolic (象征的) gesture of love 2 The publisher distribute (分发) the book in Asia. 3 A “ site ” (地点) is a place, and so a website. 4 a(n) complex (复杂的) network of systems 5 be used to identify (识别) potential terrorists 6 deal the matter with him physically (完全地) 7 start with a pretty straightforward (直截了当) question 8 beyond the capability (功能) of the computers 9 hit the target (目标) at a distance 10 the person never attempt (尝试) to do anything more 11 a highly sophisticated process (过程)

理工专业通用学术英语. 基础篇

理工专业通用学术英语. 基础篇




二、学术英语概述1. 学术英语的定义学术英语是指在学术领域中使用的英语,包括学术交流、学术写作以及学术阅读等方面。


2. 学术英语的特点学术英语具有一定的特点,主要包括语言精炼、逻辑严谨、术语准确、句式复杂等。


三、理工专业学术英语的应用1. 学术交流在理工专业中,学术英语主要用于学术交流的场合,比如学术讲座、国际会议、学术报告等。


2. 学术写作学术英语在理工专业中也广泛应用于学术论文、学术报告等的撰写。


3. 学术阅读作为理工专业的学生,学术阅读是十分重要的技能。


四、学术英语的学习方法1. 词汇积累学术英语的词汇量相对较大,涉及到各个学科的专业术语和概念。


2. 句式结构学术英语的句式结构相对复杂,包括倒装句、定语从句、状语从句等。








1. The -------- of this study is to investigate the effects of climate change on biodiversity.a) purposeb) aimc) objectived) goal2. The research team applied statistical methods to analyze the data and drew -------- conclusions.a) finalb) conclusivec) definited) conclusive3. The researchers conducted a longitudinal study to investigate the -------- between smoking and lung cancer.a) associationb) correlationc) connectiond) relationship4. The results of the experiment were -------- with the hypothesis proposed by the researchers.a) consistentb) coherentc) compatibled) consonant练习题2:语法纠错下面的句子中有语法错误,请找出并进行修改。

1. The researcher's findings were inconclusive, it means that more research is needed in this area.修改后: The researcher's findings were inconclusive, which means that more research is needed in this area.2. Researchers has conducted a survey to collect data for their study on human behavior.修改后: Researchers have conducted a survey to collect data for their study on human behavior.3. The authors of the paper argues that their findings have important implications for future research.修改后: The authors of the paper argue that their findings have important implications for future research.4. A large number of data was collected and analyzed by the research team for this study.修改后: A large amount of data were collected and analyzed by the research team for this study.练习题3:学术写作请结合下面的图表,写一段简短的学术英语描述。



学术英语读写教程Academic 英文版:In the realm of higher education, the ability to read and write in academic English is a critical skill that can make or break a student's success. This guide aims to provide a thorough understanding of the nuances involved in academic English and equip learners with the necessary tools to excel in their scholarly pursuits.Understanding Academic EnglishAcademic English is a specialized form of the English language used in higher education and professional settings. It is characterized by its precision, formality, and the use of complex structures. It is essential for students to grasp the following aspects:1. Vocabulary: Expanding one's vocabulary is crucial. Academic texts often use technical terms and jargon specific to a field of study.2. Grammar: A strong grasp of grammar is necessary to construct complex sentences and to understand the intricacies of academic texts.3. Structure: Academic writing follows a structured format, which includes an introduction, body paragraphs withclear topic sentences, and a conclusion.4. Citation: Proper citation is a hallmark of academic writing, respecting the work of others and avoiding plagiarism.Reading Academic TextsEffective reading strategies for academic texts include:1. Skimming: Quickly scan the text to get a general idea of the content, looking at headings, subheadings, and concluding sentences.2. Scanning: Search for specific information or keywords within the text.3. Critical Reading: Analyze the author's arguments, identify biases, and evaluate the evidence presented.4. Note-Taking: Record key points, themes, and any questions that arise for further exploration.Writing Academic EssaysWhen writing academic essays, students should follow these steps:1. Outline: Create an outline to organize thoughts and structure the essay.2. Thesis Statement: Clearly state the main argument or position of the essay.3. Body Paragraphs: Develop each point with a topic sentence, supporting evidence, and analysis.4. Transitions: Use transitional phrases to connect ideas and maintain a logical flow.5. Conclusion: Summarize the main points and restate the thesis in a new way.6. Editing: Revise for clarity, coherence, and to eliminate grammatical errors.Enhancing Academic Writing Skills1. Peer Review: Exchange papers with peers for feedback on content and structure.2. Workshops: Attend writing workshops to learn from experts and fellow students.3. Resources: Utilize writing centers and online resources for guidance on grammar and style.4. Practice: Write regularly to improve fluency and to experiment with different writing styles.ConclusionMastering academic English is a gradual process that requires continuous practice and exposure to scholarly texts. By understanding the expectations of academic writing and actively working to improve reading and writing skills, students can enhance their academic performance andcontribute meaningfully to their fields of study.。



学术英语测试题及答案一、词汇题(每题1分,共10分)1. The word "phenomenon" is most closely related to which of the following?A. AppearanceB. EventC. FactD. Idea2. The term "collaborate" means:A. To work togetherB. To compete againstC. To opposeD. To ignore3. "Innovative" is an adjective that describes:A. Something old-fashionedB. Something traditionalC. Something new and originalD. Something unoriginal4. The phrase "to scrutinize" is synonymous with:A. To praiseB. To examine closelyC. To ignoreD. To criticize5. "Ethical" is a term that refers to:A. Moral principlesB. Scientific principlesC. Aesthetic principlesD. Economic principles6. "Diverse" is used to describe something that is:A. UniformB. SimilarC. DifferentD. Identical7. The word "hypothesis" is related to:A. A proven theoryB. A testable propositionC. A final conclusionD. An untestable idea8. "Catalyst" in a scientific context refers to:A. A substance that speeds up a reactionB. A substance that slows down a reactionC. A reaction itselfD. A product of a reaction9. "Paradigm" in an academic context usually refers to:A. A standardB. A modelC. A theoryD. A hypothesis10. "Synthesize" means to:A. Combine different ideas or elementsB. Separate into individual componentsC. Analyze in detailD. Ignore completely答案:1-5 B A C B A6-10 C B A A A二、阅读理解题(每题2分,共20分)阅读以下短文,回答下列问题。



学术英语单词(1-5)第一单元1.free enterprise自由企业制度2.adversity不幸,逆境3.capitalistic 资本主义的pelling 令人信服的5.array 大群,大量6.stockholder 股东7.work force 劳动力8.、9.prospective 可能的10.underestimate 低估11.dedication 奉献12.perseverance 坚忍13.mailable 可邮寄的14.cooperative 合作完成的15.on-demand 按要求的16.billionaire 亿万富翁17.undercapitalization 资本不足18.convertible 敞篷汽车19.\20.sander 打磨机21.vendor 卖家22.stockbroker 股票经纪人23.personality 名人24.facet 一个方面25.mutual fund 共同基金26.oceanic evaporation 海洋蒸发27.business plan 经营策划28.customer service 顾客服务29.fraud 欺骗30.·31.road map 指南32.transaction 交易33.price-targeting strategy 区别定价战略34.pricing 定价35.hassle 困难,麻烦36.self-targeting 使自己成为目标37.prise 撬开38.insensitive 不敏感的,反应迟钝的39.recipe 菜谱40.make sth. of sb/sth. 利用(机遇)41.|42.illuminating 使清楚易懂的43.turn sth on its head使……与之前相反的44.premium 溢价45.profitable 有利可图的46.chili 小红辣椒47.triple 使成三倍48.markup 涨价49.whopping 巨大的50.crisp 薯片51.snack 吃零食52.%53.admittedly 确实,无可否认的54.irritated 生气的55.outwit 以智取胜56.close substitutes 功能接近的替代品57.business landscape 商业格局,商业环境petitive dynamics 竞争的态势59.social web 社交网站60.sicial networking site(SNS)社交网站61.Facebook Wall 脸谱的涂鸦墙62.call center 呼叫中心63.,64.support staff 向客户提供支持的员工petitive advantage 竞争优势66.adoption of new technology 新技术的采用67.log in 登陆68.news feed 即使新闻,动态消息69.target audience 目标受众70.text message 手机短信71.overestimate 高估72.relevance 重要性73.mainframe 主机74.'75.underway 在进行中76.portal 门户网站77.order of magnitude 数量级78.traffic 受到访问79.cohort 一批人80.feat 事迹81.technophobic 畏惧技术的82.overly 太83.unnavigable 无法导航的84.anonymous 匿名的85.)86.blur 变模糊87.recipient 接受者88.rep 代表89.instantaneous瞬间的90.gospel 信念91.responsive 敏感的92.collaborative 协作的93.smartphone 智能手机94.axis 参考轴线95.leap-frog 革命性的产品96.—97.enterpreneur 企业家98.price sensitive/insensitive 对价格敏感99.sale force 销售队伍第二单元1. 4 Ps of marketing:营销4P理论,包括产品,渠道,价格和促销2.marketing manager 营销经理3.target market 目标市场4.discount store 折扣商品5.exclusive distribution 独家经销6.}7.Public relations 公共关系8.sales promotion 促销9.event marketing 事件营销10.marketer 营销人员11.stakeholder 股东monality 共同特性13.Manipulation 操纵14.charged 引起强烈感情的15.maximize 使……最大化16.entice 诱惑17.'18.nutritious 有营养的19.sociological 社会学的20.scent 气味21.tangible 可触知的22.intangible 触摸不到的23.boutique 精品店24.lifeblood 命脉25.capitalism 资本主义26.profitability 利润27.the act of sales 销售行为28.【29.manage customer relationships管理客户关系30.business philosophy 经营理念31.satisfy consumer requirements 满足客户需求32.Manipulate the tools of marketing 实用营销工具,操纵市场营销的工具33.entice consumers to buy products 吸引消费者购买产品34.effective marketing 有效营销35.ideal target market 理想目标市场36.promote products 促销产品37.利益最大化maximize interest38.产品包装the packaging of the product39.,40.产品设计与生产the design and manufacturing of the product41.知名品牌established brand42.消费产品consumer a product43.减少生产成本cut the cost of manufacturing44.stupidity 愚蠢45.robust 强健的46.icon 偶像47.senseless 无道理的48.accessory 配饰,配件49.hindsight 事后聪明50.>51.in/with hindsight 事后认识52.excrement 粪便53.detergent 洗涤剂54.powerhouse 强大的组织55.Acumen 敏锐56.superiority 优势57.iconic 偶像的58.shampoo 洗发剂59.retailer 零售商60.disposable 用后即丢弃的61.—62.diaper 尿布63.offshore 国外的64.to say the least 最起码65.stunningly 极好的66.tampon 月经棉布67.taboo 禁忌68.normalization 正常化69.billboard 广告牌70.over-brand 品牌建设过度71.venture capital firm 风险投资公司72.。



highlighted texts such as words in bold or italic text;
graphs, tables or diagrams.
Unit 2 Searching for Information
3 Identifying topic sentences for information
7 Taking notes
8 Writing a summary
Unit 2 Searching for Information
1 Finding reliable and better sources
To evaluate source materials
• When you decide on the topic of your research and your essay, you begin to search for source materials for your studies. Source materials are any information which you take from books, journal articles, websites, newspapers, lectures, etc. The chief difference between an ordinary essay and a research article is that the latter must use findings and information from the related source materials. The reasons are: • 1) to show where your idea in your essay is originated; • 2) to show that you have done research to find "evidence" for your viewpoint, for referencing a source will give your essay academic "weight"; • 3) to show that you have a better understanding of the opinions and even controversies in the subject you have studied; • 4) to allow your readers to find the original sources themselves if necessary.









第二,不要用个人的口吻表达,像“we”、“I”、“I think”等,因为会显得不客观。








比如you are so kind。

But what do you mean?是generous那种,还是很sweet?还是maybe because you give me money。





























学术英语和普通英语的区别例子Title: Delving into the Distinctions: Academic English versus General English.In the realm of language learning, the divide between Academic English and General English is often subtle but significant. To appreciate this difference, let us delve into the nuances of these two linguistic domains through examples that illustrate their distinct characteristics.Firstly, we must acknowledge the difference in purpose and context. General English, as a language, is ubiquitous and diverse, spanning various registers and genres. It is the language of everyday communication, encompassing casual conversations, social media posts, advertisements, and popular culture. General English is inclusive, accessible, and often characterized by colloquialisms, slang, and informal expressions.Contrastingly, Academic English is a specialized subsetof the language, tailored for the rigors of academic research and writing. It is the language of scholarship, encompassing technical vocabulary, precise terminology, and complex sentence structures. Academic English is formal, precise, and often requires a high level of critical thinking and logical reasoning.Let's consider some examples to illustrate these differences:1. Vocabulary: General English utilizes a wide range of vocabulary, including colloquialisms and slang. For instance, the phrase "I'm feeling blue today" conveys a sense of sadness in informal settings. In contrast, Academic English opts for more precise and technical vocabulary. For instance, the same sentiment might be expressed as "I am experiencing a state of mild depression today."2. Sentence Structure: General English often employs simple sentence structures and active voice, favoring clarity and conciseness. For instance, "I went to the storeand bought milk" is a straightforward sentence in General English. However, Academic English倾向于using more complex sentence structures and passive voice, as in "A detailed analysis of the data revealed a significant increase in milk consumption among the study participants."3. Tone and Formality: General English is often informal and conversational, reflecting a casual tone and a focus on immediate communication. For instance, a text message might read, "Hey, what's up?" In contrast, Academic English is formal and objective, employing a tone that is dispassionate and focused on the传达of information. For instance, an academic article might begin with a statement like, "The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of..."4. Discipline-specific Terminology: Academic English is rich in discipline-specific terminology, reflecting the nuances and complexities of various academic fields. For instance, in the field of biology, the term "mitosis"refers to a specific process of cell division. In contrast, General English might use the more general term "celldivision" without the same level of specificity.5. Logical Structure and Argumentation: General English often relies on narrative and descriptive writing, focusing on telling a story or describing a scene. However, Academic English emphasizes logical structure and argumentation, requiring authors to present their ideas in a clear and logical manner, supported by evidence and reasoning. For instance, an essay in General English might focus on describing a personal experience, while an academic paperin Academic English would present an argument supported by research and analysis.In conclusion, the differences between Academic English and General English are evident in their vocabulary, sentence structure, tone and formality, discipline-specific terminology, and logical structure and argumentation. These examples demonstrate that while General English isinclusive and accessible, Academic English is precise, formal, and tailored for the demands of academic research and writing. Understanding these differences is crucial foreffective communication across different contexts and audiences.。

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学号:6100312023 姓名:柯丙秋专业班级:自动化123班
(基于Text 9 Global Warming and Its Effects)
Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels to
make global warming, global warming has affected the nature, people and economy. This paper introduces the causes of global warming, impact and
response me thod. The main cause of global warming is the burning of fossil
fuels to release a large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.Water can absorb carbon
dioxide. If the water is cold, it can hold more gas. Unfortunately, with global warming, increase of temperature, more carbon dioxide is released. The effects of
global warming highlights on climate change. Global warming has affected
the animal kingdom and the nature. Scientists think that some diseases
directly to global warming, such as: the allergen increased, mosquitoes
carrying malaria the deadly disease spreading to new areas, the thinning
ozone layer leads to increase in the number of skin cancer patients. Finally,
the article lists the ways to slow the progress of the greenhouse effect. Recently, some countries have passed laws to try my best to reduce the
release of greenhouse gases. Someone put forward the development of alternative energy to reduce the burning of fossil fuels. some countries have recognized this possibility, they focus on reducing greenhouse
gas emissions by 80%.
The world, especially America, needs to take action now.If the United States would get inv 摘要















