Utilization of Data Mining...(IJEME-V6-N6-5)





1.[单选题]ElasticSearch 存放所有关键词的地方是()A)字典B)关键词C)词典D)索引答案:C解析:2.[单选题]DWS DN的高可用架构是:( )。

A)主备从架构B)一主多备架构C)两者兼有D)其他答案:A解析:3.[单选题]关于Hive与传统数据仓库的对比,下列描述错误的是:( )。

A)Hive元数据存储独立于数据存储之外,从而解耦合元数据和数据,灵活性高,二传统数据仓库数据应用单一,灵活性低B)Hive基于HDFS存储,理论上存储可以无限扩容,而传统数据仓库存储量有上限C)由于Hive的数据存储在HDFS上,所以可以保证数据的高容错,高可靠D)由于Hive基于大数据平台,所以查询效率比传统数据仓库快答案:D解析:4.[单选题]以下哪种机制使 Flink 能够实现窗口中无序数据的有序处理?()A)检查点B)窗口C)事件时间D)有状态处理答案:C解析:5.[单选题]下面( )不是属性选择度量。

A)ID3 使用的信息增益B)C4.5 使用的增益率C)CART 使用的基尼指数D)NNM 使用的梯度下降答案:D解析:C)HDFSD)DB答案:C解析:7.[单选题]关于FusionInsight HD Streaming的Supervisor描述正确的是:( )。

A)Supervisor负责资源的分配和任务的调度B)Supervisor负责接受Nimbus分配的任务,启动停止属于自己管理的Worker进程C)Supervisor是运行具体处理逻辑的进程D)Supervisor是在Topology中接收数据然后执行处理的组件答案:B解析:8.[单选题]在有N个节点FusionInsight HD集群中部署HBase时、推荐部署( )个H Master进程,( )个Region Server进程。

大数据算法与模型考试 选择题 60题

大数据算法与模型考试 选择题 60题

1. 在大数据处理中,MapReduce是一种常用的计算模型,它主要由哪两个阶段组成?A. Map和FilterB. Reduce和SortC. Map和ReduceD. Filter和Reduce2. 下列哪个不是大数据的5V特征之一?A. VolumeB. VelocityC. VarietyD. Visibility3. 在数据挖掘中,K-means算法属于哪一类算法?A. 分类算法B. 聚类算法C. 关联规则算法D. 回归算法4. 下列哪个工具不是用于大数据处理的?A. HadoopB. SparkC. ExcelD. Hive5. 在机器学习中,过拟合是指模型在训练数据上表现良好,但在新数据上表现不佳。

下列哪个方法可以减少过拟合?A. 增加数据量B. 减少特征数量C. 增加模型复杂度D. 减少训练次数6. 下列哪个算法是基于决策树的集成学习方法?A. K-NNB. Random ForestC. SVMD. Naive Bayes7. 在大数据分析中,ETL代表什么?A. Extract, Transform, LoadB. Encode, Test, LoadC. Extract, Transfer, LinkD. Encode, Transform, Link8. 下列哪个不是NoSQL数据库的类型?A. 键值存储B. 文档存储C. 关系数据库D. 图形数据库9. 在数据预处理中,数据清洗的主要目的是什么?A. 增加数据量B. 减少数据量C. 提高数据质量D. 降低数据质量10. 下列哪个算法是用于推荐系统的?A. AprioriB. PageRankC. Collaborative FilteringD. K-means11. 在大数据环境中,HDFS是哪个框架的文件系统?A. HadoopB. SparkC. HiveD. MongoDB12. 下列哪个不是大数据分析的步骤?A. 数据收集B. 数据存储C. 数据加密D. 数据分析13. 在机器学习中,监督学习与非监督学习的主要区别是什么?A. 是否有标签数据B. 是否使用神经网络C. 是否使用决策树D. 是否使用回归分析14. 下列哪个算法是用于异常检测的?A. PCAB. SVMC. K-NND. DBSCAN15. 在大数据处理中,流处理与批处理的主要区别是什么?A. 数据处理的速度B. 数据处理的量C. 数据处理的类型D. 数据处理的频率16. 下列哪个不是大数据技术的优势?A. 提高数据处理速度B. 降低数据存储成本C. 减少数据分析的准确性D. 增强数据分析的能力17. 在数据挖掘中,关联规则挖掘的主要目的是什么?A. 发现数据中的模式B. 预测数据的趋势C. 分类数据D. 聚类数据18. 下列哪个不是数据仓库的特征?A. 面向主题B. 集成性C. 时变性D. 实时性19. 在大数据分析中,OLAP代表什么?A. Online Analytical ProcessingB. Offline Analytical ProcessingC. Online Application ProcessingD. Offline Application Processing20. 下列哪个算法是用于文本挖掘的?A. TF-IDFB. K-meansC. SVMD. Random Forest21. 在大数据环境中,Spark与Hadoop的主要区别是什么?A. 数据处理速度B. 数据存储方式C. 数据处理模型D. 数据分析工具22. 下列哪个不是数据可视化的工具?A. TableauB. Power BIC. ExcelD. Hadoop23. 在机器学习中,特征选择的主要目的是什么?A. 增加模型复杂度B. 减少数据量C. 提高模型性能D. 降低数据质量24. 下列哪个算法是用于时间序列分析的?A. ARIMAB. K-NNC. SVMD. Random Forest25. 在大数据处理中,数据湖与数据仓库的主要区别是什么?A. 数据存储方式B. 数据处理速度C. 数据分析工具D. 数据处理模型26. 下列哪个不是大数据分析的应用领域?A. 金融B. 医疗C. 教育D. 娱乐27. 在数据挖掘中,分类与回归的主要区别是什么?A. 输出类型B. 输入类型C. 算法类型D. 数据类型28. 下列哪个不是大数据技术的挑战?A. 数据安全B. 数据隐私C. 数据质量D. 数据简单性29. 在大数据分析中,数据治理的主要目的是什么?A. 提高数据质量B. 降低数据成本C. 增加数据量D. 减少数据类型30. 下列哪个算法是用于图像识别的?A. CNNB. K-meansC. SVMD. Random Forest31. 在大数据环境中,数据脱敏的主要目的是什么?A. 提高数据质量B. 保护数据隐私C. 增加数据量32. 下列哪个不是大数据分析的工具?A. RB. PythonC. JavaD. Excel33. 在机器学习中,交叉验证的主要目的是什么?A. 提高模型性能B. 减少数据量C. 增加数据类型D. 降低数据质量34. 下列哪个算法是用于序列挖掘的?A. AprioriB. PageRankC. Collaborative FilteringD. K-means35. 在大数据处理中,数据集成的主要目的是什么?A. 提高数据质量B. 降低数据成本C. 增加数据量D. 减少数据类型36. 下列哪个不是大数据技术的应用场景?A. 智能推荐B. 风险管理C. 数据加密D. 预测分析37. 在数据挖掘中,频繁项集挖掘的主要目的是什么?A. 发现数据中的模式B. 预测数据的趋势C. 分类数据D. 聚类数据38. 下列哪个不是数据仓库的设计原则?A. 面向主题B. 集成性C. 时变性D. 实时性39. 在大数据分析中,数据湖的主要优势是什么?A. 数据存储方式C. 数据分析工具D. 数据处理模型40. 下列哪个算法是用于社交网络分析的?A. PageRankB. K-meansC. SVMD. Random Forest41. 在大数据环境中,数据质量管理的主要目的是什么?A. 提高数据质量B. 降低数据成本C. 增加数据量D. 减少数据类型42. 下列哪个不是大数据分析的步骤?A. 数据收集B. 数据存储C. 数据加密D. 数据分析43. 在机器学习中,模型评估的主要目的是什么?A. 提高模型性能B. 减少数据量C. 增加数据类型D. 降低数据质量44. 下列哪个算法是用于推荐系统的?A. AprioriB. PageRankC. Collaborative FilteringD. K-means45. 在大数据处理中,数据清洗的主要目的是什么?A. 提高数据质量B. 降低数据成本C. 增加数据量D. 减少数据类型46. 下列哪个不是大数据技术的优势?A. 提高数据处理速度B. 降低数据存储成本C. 减少数据分析的准确性D. 增强数据分析的能力47. 在数据挖掘中,关联规则挖掘的主要目的是什么?A. 发现数据中的模式B. 预测数据的趋势C. 分类数据D. 聚类数据48. 下列哪个不是数据仓库的特征?A. 面向主题B. 集成性C. 时变性D. 实时性49. 在大数据分析中,OLAP代表什么?A. Online Analytical ProcessingB. Offline Analytical ProcessingC. Online Application ProcessingD. Offline Application Processing50. 下列哪个算法是用于文本挖掘的?A. TF-IDFB. K-meansC. SVMD. Random Forest51. 在大数据环境中,Spark与Hadoop的主要区别是什么?A. 数据处理速度B. 数据存储方式C. 数据处理模型D. 数据分析工具52. 下列哪个不是数据可视化的工具?A. TableauB. Power BIC. ExcelD. Hadoop53. 在机器学习中,特征选择的主要目的是什么?A. 增加模型复杂度B. 减少数据量C. 提高模型性能D. 降低数据质量54. 下列哪个算法是用于时间序列分析的?A. ARIMAB. K-NNC. SVMD. Random Forest55. 在大数据处理中,数据湖与数据仓库的主要区别是什么?A. 数据存储方式B. 数据处理速度C. 数据分析工具D. 数据处理模型56. 下列哪个不是大数据分析的应用领域?A. 金融B. 医疗C. 教育D. 娱乐57. 在数据挖掘中,分类与回归的主要区别是什么?A. 输出类型B. 输入类型C. 算法类型D. 数据类型58. 下列哪个不是大数据技术的挑战?A. 数据安全B. 数据隐私C. 数据质量D. 数据简单性59. 在大数据分析中,数据治理的主要目的是什么?A. 提高数据质量B. 降低数据成本C. 增加数据量D. 减少数据类型60. 下列哪个算法是用于图像识别的?A. CNNB. K-meansC. SVMD. Random Forest答案部分1. C2. D3. B4. C5. B6. B7. A9. C10. C11. A12. C13. A14. A15. D16. C17. A18. D19. A20. A21. A22. D23. C24. A25. A26. D27. A28. D29. A30. A31. B32. C33. A34. A35. A36. C37. A38. D39. A40. A41. A42. C43. A44. C45. A46. C47. A48. D49. A50. A51. A52. D53. C54. A55. A56. D57. A59. A60. A。

Data Mining是什么意思

Data Mining是什么意思

简单来说Data Mining就是在庞大的数据库中寻找出有价值的隐藏事件,籍由统计及人工智能的科学技术,将资料做深入分析,找出其中的知识,并根据企业的问题建立不同的模型,以提供企业进行决策时的参考依据。

举例来说,银行和信用卡公司可籍由Data Mining的技术将庞大的顾客资料做筛选、分析、推演及预测,找出哪些是最有贡献的顾客,哪些是高流失率族群,或是预测一个新的产品或促销活动可能带来的响应率,能够在适当的时间提供适当适合的产品及服务。

也就是说,透过Data Mining企业可以了解它的顾客,掌握他们的喜好,满足他们的需要。

近年来,Data Mining已成为企业热门的话题。

愈来愈多的企业想导入Data Mining的技术,美国的一项研究报告更是将Data Mining 视为二十一世纪十大明星产业,可见它的重要性。

一般Data Mining 较长被应用的领域包括金融业、保险业、零售业、直效行销业、通讯业、制造业以及医疗服务业等。



本卷共150题, 总分100分已答: 0 未答: 150单选(共50分)待检查1. 下列关于聚类挖掘技术的说法中, 错误的是A.与分类挖掘技术相似的是, 都是要对数据进行分类处理B.不预先设定数据归类类目, 完全根据数据本身性质将数据聚合成不同类别C.要求同类数据的内容相似度尽可能小D.要求不同类数据的内容相似度尽可能小待检查2. 列出HDFS下的文件A.hdfs dfs -cpB.hdfs dfs -getC.hdfs dfs -lsD.hdfs dfs -cat待检查3. SQL语言中, 用GRANT/REVOKE语句实现数据库的()A.完整性控制B.一致性控制C.安全性控制D.并发控制待检查4. ()遍历二叉排序树中的结点可以得到一个递增的关键字序列。

A.前序B.后序C.都不是D.中序待检查5. 不属于防火墙的常见功能的是A.防病毒B.防蠕虫C.防止溢出攻击D.审计待检查6. ()是以客户、业务、网络、运维等分析对象为中心进行的常规性分析。


A.保证系统的安全性B.执行速度快C.模块化的程序设计D.会自动被触发待检查8、在集团要求各省的账户命名规范的格式为: XXX+连接符+AA, 其中的连接符代表:A.+B._C.-D..待检查9、Hive是建立在Hadoop之上的A.数据仓库B.集中日志系统C.对象管理器D.分布式配置系统待检查10、最基本的select语句可以只包括()子句和()子句。

A.select,order byB.select,group byC.select ,whereD.select ,from待检查11. 对于DDos攻击的描述那一个是正确的?A.DDoS攻击俗称洪水攻击B.DDoS攻击采用一对一的攻击方式C.DDoS攻击于DoS攻击毫无关系D.DDoS的中文名为扩充式拒绝服务待检查12. ()是Product backlogA.迭代B.燃尽图C.产品代办事项列表D.产品负责人待检查13. ()用来记录对数据库中数据进行的每一次更新操作。




1.[单选题]由心理学途径产生,认为人工智能起源于数理逻辑的研究学派是( )A)连接主义学派B)行为主义学派C)符号主义学派答案:C解析:2.[单选题]一条规则形如:,其中“←"右边的部分称为(___)A)规则长度B)规则头C)布尔表达式D)规则体答案:D解析:3.[单选题]下列对人工智能芯片的表述,不正确的是()。

A)一种专门用于处理人工智能应用中大量计算任务的芯片B)能够更好地适应人工智能中大量矩阵运算C)目前处于成熟高速发展阶段D)相对于传统的CPU处理器,智能芯片具有很好的并行计算性能答案:C解析:4.[单选题]以下图像分割方法中,不属于基于图像灰度分布的阈值方法的是( )。

A)类间最大距离法B)最大类间、内方差比法C)p-参数法D)区域生长法答案:B解析:5.[单选题]下列关于不精确推理过程的叙述错误的是( )。

A)不精确推理过程是从不确定的事实出发B)不精确推理过程最终能够推出确定的结论C)不精确推理过程是运用不确定的知识D)不精确推理过程最终推出不确定性的结论答案:B解析:6.[单选题]假定你现在训练了一个线性SVM并推断出这个模型出现了欠拟合现象,在下一次训练时,应该采取的措施是()0A)增加数据点D)减少特征答案:C解析:欠拟合是指模型拟合程度不高,数据距离拟合曲线较远,或指模型没有很好地捕 捉到数据特征,不能够很好地拟合数据。




A)连接B)配合C)衔接和匹配D)连接和配合答案:C解析:9.[单选题]固体半导体摄像机所使用的固体摄像元件为( )。



I.J. Education and Management Engineering, 2016, 4, 30-38Published Online July 2016 in MECS ()DOI: 10.5815/ijeme.2016.04.04Available online at /ijemeCloud Computing a Solution for GlobalizationProf. Dr Tanvir AhmedHead of Computer Science and Information Technology Department Lahore Leads University, LahorePakistanAbstractSecurity issues and exploded human population in the world have dictated many new trends to defend haves from have-nots and vice versa, like globalization through social media while maintaining the geographical boundaries and concept introduced under WTO (World Trade Organization)- Free trading in the world. We know that Globalization is the most significant part of this century which is based only and only upon developments in Information Technology in form of Networking and Software solutions. As business grows, multiregional offices are needed and they required networked computing and information services. For example In Pakistan, lots of offices of multinational companies are working and they are developing and enhancing their business by full filling the demand and needs of customers of the particular city or country. The demand is increasing manifold with every day passing. So huge computing and storage power is needed everywhere and to everyone at every moment which is beyond the capacity of traditional systems already in vogue. New solutions like Cloud computing seems the solution to address such multi-scaled demands. Education system nowadays is the growing business in Pakistan, in this we paper we studied in detail the Education System of Pakistan, what are the flaws of current system and how a new cloud based E-Learning solution helps to improve this system.Index Terms: Globalization, Cloud Computing, Information Technology.© 2016 Published by MECS Publisher. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of the Research Association of Modern Education and Computer Science.1.IntroductionNowadays computer and information technology reach in every part of our society like health, Education, military, private and public sectors; it become the fundamental part for almost all organizations. This technology helps business grows by making communication and instant commerce globally available between different organizations and in the internal organization as well.The reason behind the increasing expectation for the use of computer and information systems is that society * Corresponding author.E-mail address: profcs.llu@needs instant communication with instant results and performance from all businesses at all times. To meet such expectation we all know that Cloud Computing developed much more interest in the field of Information Technology. It is based on many old and few new concepts like Virtualization, Service Oriented architectures, distributed and grid computing. The term "Cloud computing" is define as computing place where all kinds of users can temporarily utilize the computing infrastructure over the network supplied as a service by cloud provider in order to fulfil user demands. It involves groups of servers and software networks that give online access to users over computer resources with the centralized data storage.In this paper, we will explore cloud computing approach towards the rapid computing and IT services, architecture of Cloud computing, architecture wise different Cloud computing based solutions. In Research section we describe the current education system its flaws and how can we improve this system by introducinga web based E-learning system developed using cloud computing approach.2.Literature ReviewCloud Computing:The "Cloud computing" is define as the computing place where all kinds of users can temporarily utilize the computing infrastructure over the network supplied as a service by cloud provider in order to fulfill user demands. It involves groups of servers and software networks that give online access to users over computer resources with the centralized data storage.We are living in the modern age of technology and the cloud computing is a game changer that brought a great revolution in the Information and Technology history. Before moving towards its pros and cons, first we need to understand what’s the Cloud Computing and how it leverages the enterprise businesses and how it bring change and ease in the life of end user. The concept of Cloud Computing is come with the utilization of resources and to provide set of data services to the businesses and as well as end users. The Cloud Computing provides Compute, Network and Storage as a service to the consumers. The Cloud Computing comes with the concept of “ready to go” it means t hat it provides readymade services to the end users. The end user has to pay some money against his usage that we can express in a single sentence “Pay as you go”. Today the world has become a global village whereby enterprise corporate are being expanded beyond the geographical boundaries where they need to keep the administration and management system centralized to control their branches from one single command and control center. The Cloud Computing makes it possible for the enterprise corporate to scale out beyond and to communicate with the other organizations beyond the geographical limits. The Cloud Computing helps out and facilitate in every sector of life it could be government or private and it improves the productivity and creativity. In the age of information and technology the computer is accessible to everyone. History of Cloud Computing:As we all know questions are always arising whenever there is an introduction of new technology and the question are like “when was it invented?”, “When it was first mentioned?” and what are the prospects for its future?”. Cloud computing is introduce in 21st century but this is not true as Cloud concepts was present in past in different shapes. Here, let us take you back to that time.Evolution started in 1950s with mainframe computing.In past, there is a central mainframe computer whose access was provided to multiple users. Because of the costs of main frame computer was very high that organization unable to buy mainframe for every employee also it is not possible that an individual person will use a large capacity of storage, so the person having mainframe will provide shared access to different resources through dumb terminals. That was the first time where resource sharing concept was introduced.In 1970, the concept of virtual machines (VMs) was created.In this concept the idea is to create virtualization software that can run one or more operating systems at a time and these (virtual) operating systems are using one physical hardware machine. These VM operating systems took the shared access & resource sharing concept to the next level, which allows multiple distinct computing environments available on one physical environment. Virtualization drives the technology, and was an important factor in the idea development of virtual networks.In the 1990s, telecommunications companies started offering virtualized private network connections.Historically, telecommunication companies initially offered dedicated single point-to point data connections. Later same service was offered by virtualized private networks connections, this offer of VPN connections reduced the cost in a sense that instead of creating new physical infrastructure for more connections the telecommunication companies provide users shared access on the existing physical infrastructure.3.Architecture of Cloud ComputingCloud computing has three types of models which are as follows:∙Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)∙Platform as a Service (PaaS)∙Software as a Service (SaaS)Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):In this model, users can use certain components of IT infrastructure provider, the users don't have a control on the entire cloud infrastructure but they do have control over selection potions such as firewall, operating system, storage and deployed applications.Platform as a Service (PaaS):In this model, a number of applications which forms a platform is subscribed as a service by users. For example, a software tools may be used as a programming and software platform.Software as a Service (SaaS):In this model a single application provides services to users and acts like a service. Such services are often accessed via Web browser.Private Cloud:Private Cloud is used by some particular organization. In this case a particular computing infrastructure is owned by the organization and the employee of the particular organization access the computing and other resources of the cloud through VPN.Public Cloud:A public cloud is based on standard computing model in which service provider makes resources, like applications and storage available to general public over the internet. Public cloud services mostly offered on a pay-per-usage model.Hybrid Cloud:It is a mixture or both public and private cloud and utilizing both public and private cloud services in order to perform different functions within the organization.Management Process for an it Based Solution:In general, when you are going to start a new branch office, you will require elements like data centre, network and infrastructure, telecommunication systems, web servers, database server, backup servers and storage and client computers, and all these require high information security. It doesn't matter how all of these will be implemented, but some general steps of project management must be taken in order to assess exactly what IT infrastructure and systems are needed for the business expansion and how to implement it. We require a chief technical architect who will work with the business representatives and list down what will be needed for all the daily operations of the new office. For example how many systems require for an ERP and email services, this is done in the project conception stage. During this phase, project shows all the technical stuff that is needed to run business operations.The next phase is project planning, in this phase we determine working activities, required resources, cost estimate, budgeting, Risk management plans, quality standards, and after analyzing and studying each and every thing a final plan will be made.The last phase is Project Execution where the work on the final plan started this includes project team development, receiving proposals against requests, selection of vendor on the basis proposal best suits for a company, execution of the work packages and performs quality assurance procedure and in the end delivers project information and control to the concern persons.These three phases of project management is applicable when IT solution is based on Cloud computing to meet business need of a company having branch offices in different regions.4.Cloud Computing SolutionsIn this article we are taking Software Company who wants to starts it’s off shore office in Pakistan and we suggest different Cloud computing based solutions in order to build the setup of off shore office.Private Cloud based Solution:The organization which having well establish IT infrastructure and having IT as their core business is always following private cloud based solution. This solution usually a better choice to provide IT services to new branch office. In such case, servers, data centres and all other devices are behind firewall of the company's network present in the head office.Fig.1. Architecture of Private Cloud based Solution.While the other offices access company's network through VPN or web browsers. In private cloud all components and IT infrastructure is under control by the organization.Federated Cloud based Solution:Federated cloud is same as private cloud but the only difference is that equipment and servers are distributed among head office and branch offices. This is only necessary when different branches have different goals and each providing different IT services. For example, one branch only works in storage and the other provides Operating System Services like security patch updates and resolving other OS related problems. The architecture of this type of cloud based solution is shown in figure2.Fig.2. Architecture of Federated cloud Based SolutionPublic Cloud based Solution:A public cloud based solution is useful for those organizations whose subscriber needs computing and services from providers present in public cloud, and these organizations have no plan or interest to build their own infrastructure, as shown in fig 3. Also the subscribers of this solution are normally running applications which requires large amount of data storage and computing.Fig.3. Architecture of Public cloud Based SolutionHybrid Cloud based Solution:As we all know that hybrid cloud is the mixture of both public and private cloud and the solution will be applied for those organization that has sufficient IT infrastructure to fulfil their current business needs, but in case if the expansion of the current infrastructure required then instead of investing money on the expansion they chooses public cloud computing services for the new business. Fig 4 exhibits such arrangement.Fig.4. Architecture of Hybrid cloud Based Solution5.Research DataHere in this research after thorough study of the Education System in Pakistan, we recommend few cloud based systems for students of every level. These systems are discussed below:The present system of education in Pakistan is a legacy of colonial British rule of sub-content which was designed to keep the local public out of race in managing the ruling affairs. But remain submissive, ignorant and contributively towards prolonging their rule. The end products of this system are prepared for low paid clerical jobs. Nobody has ever thought to review the prevailing system for modifying and updating since last 65 years of independence. The system needs complete overhaul, set new emphasis areas as per national priorities, needs and potential resources, aligned with technological advancements and focus on turning into skilful nation. Our end product has to be worthy of dignified independent nation. The system should have been demand oriented instead of supply oriented. Drastic changes are to be inculcated where true Muslim from Pakistan is prepared who is skilful, have no language barrier and religiously conscience dutiful end-product.∙Compose Text Books: Devise new Text Books through one time effort of digitizing curricula and linking related known facts and materials in form of audio, video, simulations and software utilities hence nullifying the need of heavy bags. Introduction of computers for a virtual classroom; a paperless yet interactive class room environment, where students log in to their respective class accounts and their daily progress is measured and evaluated will be the salient most teaching and learning device. This facility will revolutionize the teacher’s efforts towards invigilation and monitoring the students’ progress. A lesson not attended is not lost but rather it is still available. This concept transcends the traditional blackboard scuffle where not all students have equal access to visual benefit of class work∙Digitize the Contents: The modern approaches of teaching and learning should be launched to cater the needs of expanding economy of the country. Purpose built tutorials be developed to overcome the deficiencies resulted due to lack of qualitative teachers. Text books be digitized and linked completely with reference materials in form of video, audio, text notes, graphical models, simulations, and software utilities. Such well-defined tutorials can replace good instructors. The present system of education is producing clerical stuff whereas the nation needs skilled manpower adorned with technological knowledge in modern sciences. Even in the age of information, same old methods are put into. As with IT and internet have manifold better material available on computers for doing repetitive type of jobs tomake the students understand the digitized conceptual models audio, video clips. Taking a leaf from the ongoing social networking sites which are detriment to our children's time, we can establish a communal social networking study group mechanism where students interact for betterment and pursuit of knowledge.Introduce E-Learning Solution:E-learning can produce great results by decreasing costs and improving performance. Unlike one-time classroom session, the e-learning course is available for others.This includes the static e-learning course as well as any ongoing conversations in networked communities. One of the challenges with making e-learning effective is how to manage the courses and access the resources. Freeing up the course navigation and giving the learner more control would be the transformed education process in information age. Do people have access to the resources when the course is complete? Can they retake it? Are you punishing them for failing? E-learning is cost effective and can produce great results. It’s all a matter of how you use it. It is pity that e-learning is considered as the one of the tool to be used in existing education process based upon printed media of books and libraries where physical interactions of students is mandatory to fetch desired knowledge.o The concept of E-libraries and the linkage with the curriculum through computers is a new paradigm of learning is given in figure 5. If you’re using a learning management system you might consider how those impacts the learning and it look like model shown below:-Fig.5. Web Based SolutionIf implemented efficiently and linkage of library data in form of Text, Audio/ Video Clips, Simulations, Illustrations (graphically, statistically), conceptual models of the knowledge pieces is managed for curriculum courses then the concept of e-learning get realized. Understanding e-learning’s value helps you make the best decisions about when and why to use it. E-learning has definite benefits over traditional classroom training. While the most obvious are the flexibility and the cost savings from not having to travel or spend excess time away from work, there are also others that might not be so obvious but critics are apprehensive due to its potential disadvantages (i.e. boring text-based courses, technophobia, loneliness) which can easily be alleviated with a properly designed courses and enriched fully with linkage of E-library materials.Role of Instructors be redefined:Teachers’ role in schools will be reduced as coordinators while centrally subject specialists will continue further improvement of digital tutorials and contents. So Mafia will be curtailed and tuition system will be winded up with computer based access of curriculum material on Internet round the clock. Moreover, whateverthe role remain the training to the teachers be so rigorous that all come to the same standard of instructional excellence. A standard of teachers be maintained to restrict poor quality teachers to continue. To attract potentially high candidates in teaching profession, their pays be enhanced and promotion structure defined. It should be made very clear at all levels that the foundation of a nation laid by competent, selfless and committed teachers is the only way forward to match the world. With introduction of e-learning the teachers have to follow technological solution of information dissemination. He will not be bothered to plan lectures, conduct exams and tests, mark papers and prepare results. Everything should be through computers. Those who become subject specialists and curriculum qualified through national teachers’ standard accreditation council would be employed in software houses where the tutorials are being modified to strengthen the contents for more affectivity. Similarly class coordinators would assist students to get connected with related tutorials or testing system.6.Cloud based Solution for E-Learning Software Development PortalAfter studying all four Cloud based solutions and the system having sections like Digitize Textbooks, Tutorials, Virtual Class Room, E-Libraries and other software utilities for enhancing the skills and capability of students required a large storage and huge computing. We think that Hybrid Cloud based solution will suit for the development of such Educational Solution, The reason behind choosing this type of solution is that Hybrid Cloud based solution is the mixture of both private and public cloud based solution and by using this cloud based solution privacy of students and teachers will be maintain, each student can have a separate user account where he/she will come to know his/her progress, attend classes, attempt quizzes and can submit their assignments. Due to public based all the books, tutorials, digitize textbooks and audio, video lectures are publicly available for all where student of every level can able to access it.The advantage of using Hybrid cloud based solution is that Sys Admin services is no more required to take backup of data after every week also no need to update security and other patches of operating system. As this all will be handling by Cloud providers.7.ConclusionsDue to the advancement in computer and network technologies, more reliable and powerful computing and IT services are now available over internet. High speed internet services make it possible for many users to use the Cloud computing services instead of investing money on building their own IT infrastructure. This Cloud Computing services brings both opportunities and challenges. In this paper, we illustrated Cloud computing, it’s services (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) and different kinds Cloud Computing Environments. Then we presented Architecture of different Cloud based solutions: Private Cloud Solution, Federated Cloud Solution, Public Cloud Solution and Hybrid Cloud Solution. In these solutions we discussed how these cloud based solution are beneficial for education businesses expanded in multi regions.In the end we discussed the education system in Pakistan, its limitation and flaws and how can we improve this system by introducing a web based system which can provide facilities to students like virtual class room, digitizing textbooks, audio, video lectures, educational based tutorials and how we shall improve the skill and capabilities of teachers and in the end how these solution will become beneficial for students in future. References[1]Buyya, R., Yeo, C. S. and Venugopal S. (2008) Market-Oriented Cloud Computing: Vision, Hype, andReality for Delivering IT Services as Computing Utilities. 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His personal and professional growth issystematic, methodological, progressive and institutionalized. The foundation of hisdevelopment as a technical resource rests upon his graduate degree of AeronauticalEngineering (BE Avionics) which was further strengthened with post graduate diplomas,professional courses and a doctorate degree in Computer Sciences from the UK with specialization in Software Engineering. He also underwent six months specialist training in China to gain expertise in computer-based projects development and management. He served with candid grip on professional matters in different capacities and institutions and remained deeply involved in Computer education, computer based activities and projects.He is an experienced professional with almost 40 years of continued work in the field under the most demanding, stressful and difficult operational and environmental conditions. He is working in corporate sector Universities as Professor, HOD and Dean before joining Lahore Leads University as Professor in Computer Science Department.How to cite this paper: Tanvir Ahmed,"Cloud Computing a Solution for Globalization", International Journal of Education and Management Engineering(IJEME), Vol.6, No.4, pp.30-38, 2016.DOI: 10.5815/ijeme.2016.04.04。



Contents Intro..................................Introduction to data management reference manualData management............................Introduction to data management commands append............................................................Append datasets assert..........................................................Verify truth of claim assertnested...................................................Verify variables nestedbcal...............................................Business calendarfile manipulation by........................................Repeat Stata command on subsets of the data cd................................................................Change directory pare two datasets changeeol.....................................Convert end-of-line characters of textfile checksum..................................................Calculate checksum offile clear................................................................Clear memory clonevar......................................................Clone existing variable codebook.....................................................Describe data contents collapse............................................Make dataset of summary statistics pare two variables press data in memory contract....................................Make dataset of frequencies and percentages copy....................................................Copyfile from disk or URL corr2data...............................Create dataset with specified correlation structure count.................................Count observations satisfying specified conditions cross...................................Form every pairwise combination of two datasets Data types.............................................Quick reference for data types datasignature.....................................Determine whether data have changed Datetime............................................Date and time values and variables Datetime business calendars.........................................Business calendars Datetime business calendars creation...........................Business calendars creation Datetime conversion....................................Converting strings to Stata dates Datetime display formats.............................Display formats for dates and times Datetime durations................................Obtaining and working with durations Datetime relative dates................Obtaining dates and date information from other dates Datetime values from other software...........Date and time conversion from other software describe..........................................Describe data in memory or in afile destring.......................Convert string variables to numeric variables and vice versa dir...............................................................Displayfilenames drawnorm..............................Draw sample from multivariate normal distribution drop..................................................Drop variables or observations pactly list variables with specified properties duplicates....................................Report,tag,or drop duplicate observations dyngen....................................Dynamically generate new values of variables edit..............................................Browse or edit data with Data Editor egen.........................................................Extensions to generate encode.......................................Encode string into numeric and vice versaiii Contents erase..............................................................Erase a diskfile expand.......................................................Duplicate observations expandcl..............................................Duplicate clustered observations export...........................................Overview of exporting data from Stata filefilter.......................................Convert ASCII or binary patterns in afile fillin.........................................................Rectangularize dataset format....................................................Set variables’output format fralias..............................................Alias variables from linked frames frames intro...................................................Introduction to frames frames................................................................Data frames frame change.................................Change identity of current(working)frame frame copy..................................................Make a copy of a frame frame create.....................................................Create a new frame frame drop................................................Drop frames from memory frame prefix...............................................The frame prefix command frame put..........................Copy selected variables or observations to a new frame frame pwf....................................Display name of current(working)frame frame rename..................................................Rename existing frame frames describe..................................Describe frames in memory or in afile frames dir......................................Display names of all frames in memory frames reset.............................................Drop all frames from memory frames save..............................................Save a set of frames on disk frames use.............................................Load a set of frames from disk frget................................................Copy variables from linked frame frlink.................................................................Link frames frunalias.........................................Change storage type of alias variables generate..........................................Create or change contents of variable gsort..................................................Ascending and descending sort hexdump...........................................Display hexadecimal report onfile icd...................................................Introduction to ICD commands icd9.....................................................ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes icd9p....................................................ICD-9-CM procedure codes icd10.......................................................ICD-10diagnosis codes icd10cm.................................................ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes icd10pcs................................................ICD-10-PCS procedure codes import...........................................Overview of importing data into Stata import dbase............................................Import and export dBasefiles import delimited...................................Import and export delimited text data import excel.............................................Import and export Excelfiles import fred.............................Import data from Federal Reserve Economic Data import haver................................Import data from Haver Analytics databases import sas.........................................................Import SASfiles import sasxport5..................Import and export data in SAS XPORT Version5format import sasxport8..................Import and export data in SAS XPORT Version8format import spss.............................................Import and export SPSSfiles infile(fixed format).......................Import text data infixed format with a dictionary infile(free format).........................................Import unformatted text data infix(fixed format).....................................Import text data infixed format input......................................................Enter data from keyboardContents iii insobs.....................................................Add or insert observations inspect.....................................Display simple summary of data’s attributes ipolate.........................................Linearly interpolate(extrapolate)values isid......................................................Check for unique identifiersjdbc...........................Load,write,or view data from a database with a Java API joinby.....................................Form all pairwise combinations within groupslabel.............................................................Manipulate labels label bels for variables and values in multiple languages bel utilities list.........................................................List values of variables lookfor....................................Search for string in variable names and labelsmemory.......................................................Memory management merge..............................................................Merge datasets Missing values.......................................Quick reference for missing values mkdir.............................................................Create directory mvencode.........................Change missing values to numeric values and vice versa notes............................................................Place notes in data obs.....................................Increase the number of observations in a dataset odbc.....................................Load,write,or view data from ODBC sources order.....................................................Reorder variables in dataset outfile...................................................Export dataset in text format pctile............................................Create variable containing percentiles putmata....................................Put Stata variables into Mata and vice versa range.....................................................Generate numerical range recast................................................Change storage type of variable recode...................................................Recode categorical variables rename............................................................Rename variable rename group..............................................Rename groups of variables reshape..............................Convert data from wide to long form and vice versa rmdir............................................................Remove directory sample........................................................Draw random sample save.............................................................Save Stata dataset separate....................................................Create separate variables shell.............................................Temporarily invoke operating system snapshot..............................................Save and restore data snapshots sort.....................................................................Sort data split..................................................Split string variables into parts splitsample.............................................Split data into random samples stack...................................................................Stack data statsby..................................Collect statistics for a command across a by list e shipped dataset type.......................................................Display contents of afile unicode............................................................Unicode utilities unicode nguage-specific Unicode collators unicode convertfile...........................Low-levelfile conversion between encodingsiv Contentsunicode encoding...........................................Unicode encoding utilities unicode locale.................................................Unicode locale utilities unicode translate............................................Translatefiles to Unicode use.............................................................Load Stata datasetvarmanage...........................Manage variable labels,formats,and other properties vl............................................................Manage variable lists vl create....................................Create and modify user-defined variable lists vl drop................................Drop variable lists or variables from variable lists vl list...................................................List contents of variable lists vl rebuild......................................................Rebuild variable lists vl set................................................Set system-defined variable listse dataset from Stata websitexpose...........................................Interchange observations and variableszipfipress and uncompressfiles and directories in zip archive formatGlossary.........................................................................Subject and author index...........................................................Contents v Stata,Stata Press,and Mata are registered trademarks of StataCorp LLC.Stata andStata Press are registered trademarks with the World Intellectual Property Organization®of the United Nations.Other brand and product names are registered trademarks ortrademarks of their respective companies.Copyright c 1985–2023StataCorp LLC,College Station,TX,USA.All rights reserved.。



I.J. Education and Management Engineering, 2018, 2, 1-7Published Online March 2018 in MECS ()DOI: 10.5815/ijeme.2018.02.01Available online at /ijemeMalay Language Mobile Learning System (MLMLS) using NFCTechnologyYahaya Garba Shawai1, Dr. Mohammed Amin Almaiah²1 Faculty of Informatics and Computing, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia² Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, King Faisal University (KFU), Saudi Arabia Received: 26 October 2017; Accepted: 19 December 2017; Published: 08 March 2018AbstractThis paper proposes a portable learning framework that uses cell phones and Near Field Communication (NFC) innovation in which this application permits understudies to connect with genuine questions and get data from the labels that are put on the item by filtering the tag put on the article. These gimmicks empower the learning procedure at all over the place (pervasive learning) and enhance the viability of the learning methodology. In this paper, Mobile Application Development Lifecycle (MADLC) model was utilized to safeguard effective M-Lang framework conveyance. M-lang framework clients are required to utilize cell phones to advance the involvement in Malay Language learning.Index Terms: Mobile Application Development Lifecycle (MADLC)Mobile learning lang system,Near Field Communication (NFC).© 2018 Published by MECS Publisher. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of the Research Association of Modern Education and Computer Science.1.IntroductionA mobile phone is a portable device that can make and received calls over radio frequency that carrier, while the user is moving within a telephone service area. The radio frequency links and establishes a connection to the switching systems of a mobile phone operator, which provide access to the public switched telephone network. Most modern mobile telephone services uses a cellular telephones or cell phone. In addition to telephony, 2005-era mobile phones support a variety of other services, such as text messaging, MMS, Email, internet access, short-range wireless communication(infrared and Bluetooth) business application gaming, and digital photography, mobile phones which offer these and more general computing capabilities are referred to as smart phones.* Corresponding author.E-mail address: Shawaiyahayagarba76@, malmaiah@.saMobile learning is a process of learning across a multiple context through social and content interaction using personal electronic devices. Regardless of the location, a user can learn anywhere [18,19]. [1] Reveals that teaching and learning can be supported with technological tool through e-learning as a result of rapid development of information and communication technology. [14] In a study, stated that e-learning is characterized as any utilization of web innovation to make instructive exercise and experience. Gradually; as a result of technological development, e-learning is extended to mobile-adapting. The advent of mobile learning in educational society was due to accessibility of mobile phones around the world. [11,20] Highlighted that mobile devices assisted language learning as a result technological advancement or enhancementAt present, more discovering possibilities and relationship based on the technological advancement are considered by using mobile phones in learning. These discoveries permit the use of mobile in learning by students in various learning environment. Likewise, Due to use of mobile in learning, students are motivated and considered it as effective way of learning as it create fun [7,8]. There are much innovation that are utilise in teaching learning process, the method applied where interested and intelligence that encourage mobile learning users. Mindstorm [9] and Nukotoys [10] illustrated mobile learning where the user’s can be able to as sociate with articles embedded in a tag.Ogata et al., [16] in a research improve the cell phone innovation in learning environment. The researcher introduces the pervasive learning by the students by which students can learn at any location provided that there mobile devices is with them. In this respect, it is believable that computerized Gadget is effective and ready to perform different capacities. [4,15] asserted that using remote innovation is more useful on like using computers that are heavy to carry all the time. The use of cell phone within and outside the learning environment can improve learning procedures. Likewise portable learning (versatile learning) less expensive, adaptable, insignificant utilization of instrument and simple to utilize [12]. Due to stated facts, there is need to adopt mobile learning in all learning environment, utilizing such technological improvement can make learning more effective and create some fun to the students. NFC enhance learning kit(ELK) was built to give an intuitive learning process by utilizing cell phone.2.Related Works[3] Designed a game-based English tool via lyrics for mobile devices. Leaner can study using collocation word pair anytime and anywhere and combine their interest in music listening, with learning to promote studying and strengthen the effect of English learning. The researcher then further retrieved the features of the research by retrieving verb-noun collocation and makes question automatically, Secondly, to build a mobile learning environment for music and game. Furthermore social networks (YouTube and Face book) need to provide some method for heterogeneous system integrating and perhaps these methods can be used for grouping learner’s common interest, collecting some useful public user data for analysis, and giving appropriate recommendation to individual or their friends[6] Present a mobile2learn framework with the support of providing services and tool that facilitate language digital learning resources base on mobile assisted in an open source. The researcher presented the framework due to lack limitation of MALL as it does not pay attention in facilitating open access to their language learning resources and practices. The proposed framework receives the current learning technology determination and Web Mobile Content Standards, expecting to back the principle phases of a common place e-learning chain. The researcher review on mobile2learn framework indicates that; existing MALL assets can be re-utilized inside distinctive MALL Courses, while holding their open access by distinctive stages and framework. Existing MALL course formats can re-utilized inside diverse MALL courses tending in educating of a particular dialect.Akinkuolie et al. [2] added to a client interface in light of portable learning for learning Chinese as a second dialect. QT SDK FRAMEWORK was utilized to add to the framework which chips away at cell phone. The advancement process and the framework construction modelling are clarified in the study. The framework comprises of three modules specifically, Translation, baffle, and test. The interpretation motor makes aninterpretation of word from English to Chinese and from Chinese to English. The riddle was of three classes, English to Chinese, Pinyin to Chinese and Chinese to English. Riddle inquiry and client was capable to discover the comparing importance. The discoveries of the exploration indicated the vast majority of the worldwide students of National Chiao Tung University are involved in the analysis shows positive result in learning Chinese utilizing their cell phone. But there is requirement for more word inquiry riddle, multi decision question and making more combinations of intuitive learning choices for the frameworkIn this research was produced a framework for English dialect learning for students that utilizes cell phones and RFID [5]. The application comprises of cell phones, RFID per users, RFID labels and database. At the point when the RFID users meet any RFID tag, the RFID label data will be fetched from database remotely. At that point, the learner will begin searching for other RFID labels that are set a long way from one another. Guidelines for getting this RFID tag was shown in English and learner can utilize the "Help" catch on the product interface to hear back bearings or more data. Direction to meet the next RFID tag was given. At the point when all labels have been checked, learner will be offered time to enter a letter of all words as a secret key. The framework will record the slip that happened and the measure of time taken by understudies to enter the watchword. The application likewise permits educators to post inquiries and answers, the inquiries assist the researcher to update, modify and redesign the existing application.Notwithstanding the utilization of NFC as supportive technology in creating learning applications, as such these innovation upgrades learning activities in a real world by utilizing cell phones. Riekki et al. [13] presented first NFC-based learning application that assisted kids in their learning activities. The application was tested in one kindergarten with 23(Three-to-five years of age kids) with their two teachers. The application was begun by touching the star symbol on little notice put on a divider in the kindergarten. The application has two modes. First, investigating mode which was begun by touching the star symbol alongside the fox character named as “Fox amusement''. In this mode a straightforward movement was physically displayed on the screen of the mobile device. At the point when the name tag was touched the telephone says the name aloud. Second, was the honing mode which was begun by touching the star symbol alongside the rabbit character. The telephone presents a name a kid to touch the relating name tag. If no name tag was touched, the mobile device says the name Loud. There is need to build up a more developed learning application that uses the same innovation which will utilize system integration. Table 1 presents some of related works of previous studies on mobile learning systems and applications for learning language.Table 1. Related Studies3.Methodology1. DesignMobile devices run different operating system (OS) such as Android, Windows mobile, Apple iOS and Blackberry RIM (Research in Motion). It is during the design activity the idea to develop the application that will run on Android OS come in to consideration. Vithani and Kumar [17] mentioned that existing applicationare search on different OS whether a similar application already exist. This will help in studying, comparing and documenting the functionalities of the existing and intended application. The application functionalities are designed and divided in to modules and identified the ones that can be done concurrently, Flowchart describing different parts and showing the flow of the application are drafted which will result in coming up with the whole architecture of the application.2. DevelopmentThis is an alternate action in the improvement life cycle which includes coding the entire reported thought and results to an application’s prototype. This includes the utilization of advan cement programming such as Xamarin studio, android SDK and AVD manager. The modules that could be possible simultaneously are made an interpretation of into codes. The improvement movement includes coding the application client interfaces and its functionalities.3. PrototypeDifferent versions are created at this stage. This involves combining the modules in to single file (Application) to produce a testing prototype.4. TestingIn the process of creating M-Lang system, there is need to test its functionalities, whether it meets the prerequisite or not. The testing includes the utilization of android emulator from the AVD manager. Likewise M-Lang system was installed into genuine cell phones for testing. Different gadgets running distinctive android OS adaptation will be decided to test the application functionalities. Toward the end the researcher will carry out experiments so as to make required changes.5. DeploymentFinally, after the last testing of the application there is requirement for different clients to get or download the application on their gadgets. Since the researcher added to an android application, it must be transferred and distribute to google play store for the clients to get the application.4.Result and DiscussionThe present research adopted mobile development lifecycle model in creating the Malay mobile language learning application. The developed application is named to be called M-Lang. The researcher uses NFC technology as a supporting tool that will support users in there learning environment. M-Lang displays some of the interface by touching NFC tag. At the end of each learning process, teachers usually carry out some test to investigate the performances of the students. The researcher provides Quiz Form in M-lang application to test student’s pe rformances, the form will be displayed when ever NFC tag is touched. The research was carried out at University Sultan Zainal Abidin Malaysia and University Malaysia Terengganu to test the usability of mobile learning by the international students. Analysis was carried out to evaluate the software based on the student’s response.Fig.1. Greeting Type LayoutM-lang system was composed of four modules such as Counting, Greeting, Food type and Quiz module. Each module consist some dialogue boxes. Counting form enable user to count at a basic level. Fig 4.1 presents the greeting form and the respective morning greeting translation in Malay Language. Greeting form consists of three options where user of the system clicks on the required option to have the translated version of Malay morning, afternoon and evening greeting. Likewise food type menu was composed of the common food type taken for breakfast, lunch and dinner respectively. The system was interactive and game like, where user interacts with NFC tags to retrieve information in the database of the mobile device. The Quiz module was embedded in the system to test user learning experience, the quiz form contain objective questions which displays the scores.5.ConclusionUtilization of Mobile devices in the real world has expanded the capacity of cell phones to higher different bases such as battery innovation advances, enhanced information transfer system. The stated reason enhanced mobile learning (versatile learning) utilizing cell phones and NFC technology. As such, these technology permits clients to utilize cell phones to enhance their learning procedure. The use of NFC technology will encourage the teaching and learning procedures as it appear to be game like environment. In addition, the teaching and learning will be more intuitive that improves the viability of the learning process. The present research discussed the design and implementation of Malay Language learning tool known as M-Lang. The development was based on Mobile development Lifecycle Model, the researcher adopted the model and generate the M-Lang learning software that enable international students to learn Malay language. The system uses NFC technology supported device to achieve learning theories such as Ubiquitous and context aware. The use of NFC technology makes the system interesting and game like tool for learning as it requires touch on tag which makes it interactive with object directly.M-Lang system can be used as a supplement for Malay language learning for international students in Malaysia. The future research for M-Lang system can be done by adding sound and video to the system and expand the application from basic Malay language learning to Higher Malay vocabularies by adding sentencesconstruction. In genuine, individuals utilized the cell telephone and unite their telephone. 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His research interest: softwareengineering, mobile learning, and system quality.Yahaya Garba Shawai obtained his master degree in Computer Science from Faculty of Informatics and Computing, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia.How to cite this paper: Yahaya Garba Shawai, Mohammed Amin Almaiah,"Malay Language Mobile Learning System (MLMLS) using NFC Technology", International Journal of Education and Management Engineering(IJEME), Vol.8, No.2, pp.1-7, 2018.DOI: 10.5815/ijeme.2018.02.01。



云计算HCIP试题及答案一、单选题(共52题,每题1分,共52分)1.组策略通过什么来进行设置?A、规则设置器B、组策略条例C、组策略对象D、筛选器正确答案:C2.华为桌面云系统中,虚拟机组与虚拟机类型的对应关系不可能是?A、虚拟机组(快速封装)-虚拟机类型(快速封装)B、虚拟机组(托管机)-虚拟机类型(托管机)C、虚拟机组(全内存)-虚拟机类型(全内存)D、虚拟机组(链接克隆)-虚拟机类型(链接克隆)正确答案:A3.关于 FusionAccess 软件重装恢复,下面描述不正确的是?A、ITA 组件和 WI 组件重装恢复的流程完全一致。

B、HDC 组件和 WI 组件重装恢复的流程完全一致。

C、vAG 组件重装恢复时,无需重启相应服务。

D、GaussDB 组件重装恢复后需要进行数据同步。

正确答案:B4.以下天于 NUMA 技术的描述,错误的是哪一顶?A、CPU 访问同 node 中内存速度最快,访问其他 Node 中内存性能较差B、开启 NUMA 后,虚拟机不可热迁移C、将 CPu 划分成不同的 Node,每个 Nlode 由一个或多个 CPU 组成,并且有独立的本地内存、1/0 等资源D、解决了多处理器系统中的可扩展性问题正确答案:B5.在 FusionAccess 中,管理员可以为虚拟机桌面配置策略,且策略发布后将立即生效。

A、TB、F正确答案:B6.当客户无外部时钟源,且 AD 由华为提供时,VRM 对应的 CNA节点为一级时钟源,在 FusionAcces 配置时钟源后,AD 作为二级时钟源将自动从第一时钟源同步时间,用户虚拟机及基础架构虚拟机自动从 AD 同步时间。

A、TRUEB、FALSE正确答案:A7.FusionCompute 中的存储资源对应的有IP-SAN、F C-SAN、NAS、FusionStorage 以及本地硬盘。

A、TRUEB、FALSE正确答案:B8.桌面云管理员不能通过 FusionAccess 做以下哪个操作?A、回收虚拟桌面B、发放虚拟桌面C、维护虚拟桌面D、制作虚拟桌面模板正确答案:D9.以下关于 IMC 功能的描述,正确的是哪一项?A、IMC 配置可以确保集群内的主机向虚拟机提供相同的 CPU 功能集,即使这些主机的实际 CPU 不同,也不会因 CPU 不兼容而导致迁移虚拟机失败B、如果在已设置 IMC 的集群中添加主机,则主机支持的 CPU 功能集必须等于或低于集群的 IMC 功能集。




[单选题] *A.面向对象的B.时效的C.数据集成的(正确答案)D.面向数据的2.下列选项中,不属于数据Hive架构组成部分的是?() [单选题] * A.CompilerB.OptimizerC.Thrift ServerD.HiveServer2(正确答案)3.下列选项中,对于Hive工作原理说法错误的是()。

[单选题] * A.Driver向MetaStore获取需要的元数据信息(正确答案)B.Driver向Compiler发送获取计划的请求C.Driver向execution engine提交执行计划D.execution engine负责与HDFS与MapReduce的通信4.下列选项中,不属于Hive支持的集合数据类型是()。

[单选题] * A.ARRAYB.MAPC.LIST(正确答案)D.STRUCT5.下列选项中,正确启动Zookeeper服务的命令是()。

[单选题] * A.start zkServer.shB.start zookeeperC.zkServer.sh start(正确答案)D.start zookeeper.sh6.下列选项中,不属于Hadoop高可用集群进程的是?() [单选题] * A.DFZKFailoverControllerB.JournalNodeC.QuorumpeerMainD.Master(正确答案)7.下列选项中,关于部署Hive说法正确的是()。

[单选题] * A.本地模式部署的Hive不支持元数据共享B.远程模式部署的Hive支持元数据共享(正确答案) C.HiveServer2不支持多客户端连接D.Hive客户端工具Beeline可以远程连接单独启动的Metastore服务8.下列选项中,不属于Hive内置Serde的是()。




1+x大数据试题+参考答案一、单选题(共80题,每题1分,共80分)1、关于Sqoop数据的导入导出描述不正确的是?()A、实现从MySQL到Hive的导入导出B、实现从MySQL到Oracle的导入导出C、实现从HDFS到Oracle的导入导出D、实现从HDFS到MySQL的导入导出正确答案:B2、关于ZooKeeper临时节点的说法正确的是?()A、创建临时节点的命令为:create -s /tmp myvalueB、临时节点允许有子节点C、一旦会话结束,临时节点将被自动删除D、临时节点不能手动删除正确答案:C3、下列关于调度器的描述不正确的是?()A、先进先出调度器可以是多队列B、容器调度器其实是多个FIFO队列C、公平调度器不允许管理员为每个队列单独设置调度策略D、先进先出调度器以集群资源独占的方式运行作业正确答案:A4、Hive 适合()环境A、Hive 适合关系型数据环境B、Hive 适合用于联机(online)事务处理C、适合应用在大量不可变数据的批处理作业D、提供实时查询功能正确答案:C5、下列哪些不是 ZooKeeper 的特点()A、可靠性B、顺序一致性C、多样系统映像D、原子性正确答案:C6、tar 命令用于对文件进行打包压缩或解压,-t 参数含义()A、查看压缩包内有哪些文件B、创建压缩文件C、向压缩归档末尾追加文件D、解开压缩文件正确答案:A7、下列哪些不是 HBase 的特点()A、高可靠性B、高性能C、面向列D、紧密性正确答案:D8、把公钥追加到授权文件的命令是?()A、ssh-addB、ssh-copy-idC、ssh-keygenD、ssh正确答案:B9、HDFS有一个gzip文件大小75MB,客户端设置Block大小为64MB。

当运行mapreduce任务读取该文件时input split大小为?A、64MBB、75MBC、一个map读取64MB,另外一个map读取11MB正确答案:B10、大数据平台实施方案流程中,建议整个项目过程顺序是()。





A、iscsiB、smbC、cifsD、https答案:A4.4.统⼀数据访问层(UDAL)包括以下几个部分():1)LVS2)DBProxy3)GiSe rver4)ctg-udal-admin5)Migration6)TeleDbA、123456B、12345C、23456D、2346答案:B5.按照功能和用途服务器分类不包括以下哪项()A、邮件服务器B、小型服务器C、DHCP服务器D、代理服务器答案:B6.()是全球5G中低频部署的最主流频段A、1.8GHzB、2.1GHzC、2.6GHzD、3.5GHz答案:D7.PaaS理解正确的是()A、基础设施即服务B、平台即服务C、软件即服务D、人才及服务答案:B8.关于专属云(网络独享型)、私有云描述正确的()A、专属云(网络独享型)支持根据客户需求进行架构设计B、专属云(网络独享型)提供用户独享的软件、硬件设备C、专属云(网络独享型)建设由企业提供或指定第三方提供集成服务D、私有云仅支持部署在企业IDC答案:B9.以下哪些场景不适合使用天翼云桌面产品的是()A、部署企业官网B、企业办公C、电教室用机D、酒店客房用机答案:A10.机架式服务器的主要内部组件不包含以下那项()A、内存B、扩展插槽C、显卡D、CPU处理器答案:C11.以下哪类客户群使用专属云的概率最低()A、互联网初创企业B、互联网企业C、政府D、民营企业答案:A12.不属于天翼云网融合产品/服务的是()A、云专线B、VPN连接C、云间高速D、SD-WAN答案:B13.是什么技术可以让运营商在一个硬件基础设施中切分出多个虚拟的端到端网络()A、网络切片技术B、网络优化技术C、网络隔离技术D、网络传输技术答案:A14.关于统一PaaS平台IaaS资源生命周期管理,下列说法错误的是()A、支持加载、分配、回收的资源设备过程跟踪管理B、全面对接IaaS,但不支持裸机初始化,网络资源初始化C、支持面向组件资源分配回收,根据组件规格、部署要求参数进行资源自动分配D、资源余量管理:动态采集余量信息,支持资源再分配,提升利用率答案:B15.5G无线帧长是()msA、5B、10C、20D、40答案:B16.以下那两项通用技术在2G/3G/4G/5G网络中均存在()A、移动性管理,用户数据管理B、计费单元,策略管理C、用户数据管理,网络切片选择D、鉴权功能,网络切片选择答案:A17.以下攻击类型中哪个不属于网络攻击?()A、人身攻击B、ddos攻击C、SYN攻击D、CC攻击答案:A18.中国电信提出的企业上云不包括以下那一项()A、网络上云B、业务上云C、IT系统上云D、终端电脑上云答案:D19.大数据是指不用随机分析法这样的捷径,而采用()的方法A、所有数据B、绝大部分数据C、适量数据D、少量数据答案:A20.SA组网情况下,为保证语音(EPSFallBack到4G)结束后,能够立即返回5 G,需要采用哪种技术()A、FastReturnB、空闲态重选C、CSFBD、SRVCC答案:A21.关于SecondaryNameNode哪项是正确的?A、它是NameNode的热备B、它对内存没有要求C、他的目的使帮助NameNode合并编辑日志,减少NameNode启动时间D、SecondaryNameNode应与NameNode部署到一个节点答案:C22.HDFS中的block默认保存几份?A、3份B、2份C、1份D、不确定答案:A23.天翼云关系型数据库不支持以下哪项功能()A、手动备份B、自动备份C、手动恢复备份数据D、自动恢复备份数据答案:D24.以下哪个事件是有关于网络安全的()A、多地医院系统被入侵,数据被加密勒索B、天翼云防御了一起流量高达500Gbps的DDOS攻击C、Uber打车代金券补贴活动被黄牛作弊刷单套现D、京东用户信息数据被内部员工泄密事件答案:B25.关于天翼云SD-WAN架构描述,不正确的是()A、天翼云SD-WAN采用业务平面、控制平面、转发平面三层体系架构部署B、业务平面为用户提供全功能的业务操作界面C、控制平面可实现订单编排、网络配置管理等控制功能D、转发平面提供对POP点、智能网关的监控、管理等功能答案:D26.下列哪个程序通常与NameNode在一个节点启动?A、SecondaryNameNodeB、DataNodeC、TaskTrackerD、JobTracker答案:D27.关于天翼云桌面与传统PC相比的优势描述不准确的是()A、云桌面的虚机支持热迁移,当底层的物理服务器故障,可以随时迁移到其它服务器上,保障了服务的连续性B、云桌面用户可以在4G、5G、有线、WIFI等环境随时随地接入桌面,实现移动办公C、企业购买云桌面的成本较购买传统PC低很多D、云桌面硬件的维护由天翼云提供,可以降低企业的运维成本答案:C28.SQL 语言通常称为()A、结构化查询语言B、结构化控制语言C、结构化定义语言D、结构化操纵语言答案:A29.5G基站的CU和DU之间的传输属于5G传送网的()部分A、以下都不是B、回传C、前传D、中传答案:D30.以下哪项防护方法不属于主机安全防护?()A、身份鉴别B、数据保密C、访问控制D、资源控制答案:B31.5G的SA/NSA组网模式是以()划分的A、无线是否采用双连接的模式B、核心是否有EPCC、网络信号强度D、随机划分答案:A32.大数据基于云计算进行数据的分析,那么云计算按照提供的服务类型进行分类,包括IaaS、PaaS、()A、XenB、SaaSC、KVMD、Docker答案:B33.未来基础设施,是朝哪个方向发展?()A、中心机房B、主机托管C、云D、物理机答案:C34.关于企业应用开发云道平台,哪一个不属于自动化测试特点()A、可积累B、可模拟C、可重复D、可追朔答案:B35.5G网络毫米波使用的频段为()A、26GHzB、3.8GHzC、4.9GHzD、2.6GHz答案:A36.对于Python研发人员,常用的集成开发工具是()?A、DjangoB、EclipseC、PyCharmD、VisualStudio答案:C37.以下哪一项属于非结构化数据()A、视频监控数据B、企业ERP数据C、财务系统数据D、日志数据答案:A38.数据仓库软件Hive的计算引擎采用的是什么?A、PregelB、SparkC、MapReduceD、Dryad答案:C39.TCP/IP模型由以下层次构成()A、物理层、数据链路层、网络层、传输层、会话层、表示层、应用层B、网络接口层、互联网层、传输层、应用层C、物理层、数据链路层、网络层D、局域网层、广域网层、互联网层答案:B40.对新一代BSS3.0描述不正确的是()A、以客户为中心B、市场使能C、企业赋能D、一线赋能答案:C41.以下哪一项不是对云改的理解()A、改云B、改网C、改体制D、改机制答案:C42.根据电信客户的特征对客户进行打标分类主要用到()算法A、分类B、聚类C、降维D、回归答案:B43.关于对象存储与传统存储对比优势描述不正确的是()A、对象存储可提供更低的访问延时B、对象存储可提供更大的容量C、对象存储提供更高的可用性及可靠性D、对象存储提供更大的吞吐能力答案:A44.中国电信IPRAN综合网管是一套免厂家网管就能满足对全网网元直管模式,实现IPRAN集约化运维,系统能对设备网络配置()A、配置自动生成并下发B、配置自动生成、需手工下发C、配置手工生成并自动下发D、配置手工生成并需手工完成下发答案:A45.关于专属云存储独享型描述正确的是()A、计算物理隔离、存储逻辑隔离、网络逻辑隔离B、计算逻辑隔离、存储逻辑隔离、网络逻辑隔离C、计算物理隔离、存储物理隔离、网络逻辑隔离D、计算物理隔离、存储物理隔离、网络物理隔离答案:C46.对于4/5G互操作过程中AMF和MME之间通过()接口进行通信A、N14B、N4C、N26D、S10答案:C47.IT上云先行先试,率先上云的是()A、BSS3.0B、OSSC、MSSD、PaaS答案:A48.MapReduce中默认把输入文件按照多少MB来划分?A、16B、32C、64答案:C49.以下关于集成开发环境正确的是?()A、集成开发环境不包括编辑器B、集成开发环境不包括编译器C、集成开发环境包括代码编辑器、编译器、调试器和图形用户界面工具D、集成开发环境不包括用户界面工具答案:C50.天翼云桌面支持多种外设接入,并支持通过策略进行外设管理,以下关于外设控制描述不正确的()A、可以将客户端本地的各类驱动器/文件夹选择性的映射到云桌面,且只允许从驱动器向云桌面单向数据传输B、虚拟桌面通过映射客户端的USB端口,实现USB的外设支持C、剪贴板重定向可以实现从“终端向虚拟桌面”或“虚拟桌面向终端”的单向拷贝或者双向拷贝D、支持将客户端本地的打印机资源选择性映射到云桌面,以方便云桌面利用客户端的打印机资源答案:A51.当前社会中,最为突出的大数据环境是()A、互联网B、物联网C、综合国力D、自然资源答案:A52.中国电信NSA组网采用的是()架构A、option3aB、option3C、option4D、option3x答案:D53.以下哪些描述不属于应用安全的范畴?()A、某政府网站被挂上黄赌毒信息B、某电商网站经常被恶意爬虫爬取重要信息,导致网站打开慢C、某业务服务器操作系统版本补丁未能及时更新,导致服务器被黑D、某公司业务系统有常见漏洞,被黑客利用后获取了系统后台权限答案:C54.以下关于统一PaaS平台提供能力描述不正确的项目是()A、统一管理组件开通相关的计算、存储、网络资源,自动初始化资源配置,实现面向组件的资源自动分配与回收,提升资源利用效率B、采用租户管理体系,实现面向租户的组件实例、资源、数据隔离C、集成自研组件、商用组件、原生系列组件的开通、变更、扩缩容、查询等核心能力D、集成组件控制台,支持一站式组件订购,自动完成组件安装、配置工作答案:C55.某超市研究销售记录数据后发现,买面包的人很大概率会购买啤酒,这种属于数据挖掘的哪类问题?()A、关联规则发现B、聚类C、分类D、自然语言处理答案:A56.统一PaaS平台的全网公共管理区,外部系统通过全网公共管理区的(),访问各资源池组件实例信息A、接入层B、网关层C、能力开放服务D、PaaS服务层答案:C57.共建共享承载网互联点,采用()方式进行eBGP对接A、OptionAB、OptionBC、OptionC答案:A58.目前,5G上行支持最高调制阶数为()A、256QAMB、64QAMC、QPSKD、16QAM答案:A59.天翼云能提供的IaaS层基础资源池不包含哪一项()A、CPUB、内存C、硬盘D、组件答案:D60.MapReduce是一种编程模型,主要思想来自于哪种编程语言A、面向对象编程B、函数式编程C、面向方面编程答案:B61.()反映数据的精细化程度,越细化的数据,价值越高B、活性C、关联度D、颗粒度答案:D62.大数据时代,数据使用的关键是()A、数据收集B、数据存储C、数据分析D、数据再利用答案:D63.下列属于IT全面上云外部条件成熟的是()A、上云人才队伍培养完毕B、国内政策利好,推动企业上云C、基本建立IT上云运营维护体系D、云计算市场萎靡答案:B64.以下()的工作速度最应尽量与CPU的速度相匹配。



第1篇一、Hadoop基础知识1. 请简述Hadoop的核心组件及其作用。

2. 什么是Hadoop生态系统?列举出Hadoop生态系统中的主要组件。

3. 什么是MapReduce?请简述MapReduce的原理和特点。

4. 请简述Hadoop的分布式文件系统HDFS的架构和特点。

5. 什么是Hadoop的YARN?它有什么作用?6. 请简述Hadoop的HBase、Hive、Pig等组件的特点和应用场景。

7. 什么是Hadoop的集群部署?请简述Hadoop集群的部署流程。

8. 什么是Hadoop的分布式缓存?请简述其作用和实现方式。

9. 什么是Hadoop的MapReduce作业?请简述MapReduce作业的执行流程。

10. 请简述Hadoop的HDFS数据复制策略。

11. 什么是Hadoop的NameNode和DataNode?它们各自有什么作用?12. 请简述Hadoop的HDFS数据写入和读取过程。

13. 什么是Hadoop的Zookeeper?它在Hadoop集群中有什么作用?14. 请简述Hadoop的HDFS数据块的校验和机制。

15. 什么是Hadoop的HDFS数据恢复机制?二、Hadoop核心组件面试题1. 请简述Hadoop的MapReduce组件的架构和执行流程。

2. 请简述Hadoop的HDFS数据块的读写过程。

3. 请简述Hadoop的YARN资源调度器的工作原理。

4. 请简述Hadoop的HBase组件的架构和特点。

5. 请简述Hadoop的Hive组件的架构和特点。

6. 请简述Hadoop的Pig组件的架构和特点。

7. 请简述Hadoop的Zookeeper组件的架构和特点。

8. 请简述Hadoop的HDFS数据块的复制策略。

9. 请简述Hadoop的HDFS数据块的校验和机制。

10. 请简述Hadoop的HDFS数据恢复机制。

三、Hadoop高级面试题1. 请简述Hadoop集群的故障转移机制。

cron experssion must consist of 6 -回复

cron experssion must consist of 6 -回复

cron experssion must consist of 6 -回复Cron Expression Must Consist of 6 Fields: An In-Depth ExplanationWhen it comes to scheduling tasks, the cron expression is an essential component in Linux and Unix-like operating systems. A cron expression consists of 6 fields that work together to define the time and frequency of a recurring task. These fields are minute, hour, day of the month, month, day of the week, and the command to be executed. In this article, we will delve deeper into each field and explain how they come together to form a comprehensive cron expression.The first field of a cron expression is the minute field. It defines the specific time within an hour when the task should be executed. It can range from 0 to 59, allowing for precise minute-level scheduling. For example, a cron expression of "*/5 * * * * command" would execute the command every 5 minutes, starting at the top of the hour.Moving on to the second field, we have the hour field. It determines the hour of the day when the task should be executed. It ranges from 0 to 23, following the 24-hour format. Using thesame example as before, if we modify the cron expression to "0 */3 * * * command," the command would be executed every 3 hours, at the top of the hour.The third field represents the day of the month. It allows you to specify a particular day within a month for the task to run. It can range from 1 to 31, depending on the month and year. To illustrate this, let's consider the cron expression "0 0 1 * * command." In this case, the command would execute at midnight on the first day of every month.The fourth field is for the month. It determines the specific month when the task should be executed. It can be expressed as either a numeric value (1-12) or as three-letter abbreviations (e.g., Jan, Feb, Mar). For example, the cron expression "0 0 1 1,6,12 * command" would run the command on the first day of January, June, and December.Next, we have the fifth field—the day of the week. It allows you to define which day or days in a week the task should be scheduled. It can be represented as a numeric value (0-7, where both 0 and 7 represent Sunday) or with three-letter abbreviations (e.g., Sun, Mon,Tue). For instance, if we modify the cron expression to "0 0 * * 1,5 command," the command would execute at midnight every Monday and Friday.Finally, we have the sixth field—the command to be executed. It represents the actual task or script that will run as per the schedule defined by the previous fields. This can be any valid Linux command or a path to a script or program. The command field is separated from the other fields by a space or tab character.To summarize, a cron expression relies on the minute, hour, day of the month, month, day of the week, and command fields to schedule recurring tasks in Linux and Unix-like operating systems. Each field has a defined range of values and works together to create a precise schedule for task execution.Understanding and effectively using cron expressions can optimize task management, automate repetitive tasks, and streamline operations in a wide range of scenarios. Whether you are a system administrator, developer, or simply a Linux enthusiast, mastering the art of cron expressions can empower you to efficiently manageyour systems and focus on other critical aspects of your work.。

Data Mining分析方法

Data Mining分析方法

数据挖掘Data Mining第一部Data Mining的觀念 ............................. 错误!未定义书签。

第一章何謂Data Mining ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第二章Data Mining運用的理論與實際應用功能............. 错误!未定义书签。

第三章Data Mining與統計分析有何不同......................... 错误!未定义书签。

第四章完整的Data Mining有哪些步驟............................ 错误!未定义书签。

第五章CRISP-DM ............................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第六章Data Mining、Data Warehousing、OLAP三者關係為何. 错误!未定义书签。

第七章Data Mining在CRM中扮演的角色為何.............. 错误!未定义书签。

第八章Data Mining 與Web Mining有何不同................. 错误!未定义书签。

第九章Data Mining 的功能................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

第十章Data Mining應用於各領域的情形......................... 错误!未定义书签。

第十一章Data Mining的分析工具..................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第二部多變量分析.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。



云计算HCIP考试题与参考答案一、单选题(共52题,每题1分,共52分)1."在 FusionAccess 中,"单用户"与"静态池"的桌面分配方式,两者的差异在于“静态池”是在用户首次查录虚拟机时与其绑定,而"单用户"是在发放虚拟机时与用户绑定。

"A、TB、F正确答案:A2.在主机内存超分配的介绍中,提到 Host Memory 和 GuestMemory 之间是一一对应的。

A、TRUEB、FALSE正确答案:B3.在华为桌面云登录流程中,消耗 Liccense 发生在哪个步骤之后?A、由 TC 侧发起连接请求之后B、由 HDC 返 LoginTicket 之后C、预连接成功之后D、由 DB 返回虚拟机 IP 状态等信息后正确答案:B4.下列哪个特性不需要虚拟化存储支持?A、存储热迁移B、虚拟机热迁移C、快照D、虚拟机冷迁移正确答案:D5.在存储虚拟化中,所有用户存储都是以文件形式呈现,虚拟机磁盘、快照、虚拟机配置都对应一个独立的文件。

A、TRUEB、FALSE正确答案:B6.以下对于桌面组类型的描述,正确的是?A、动态池:“虚拟机组类型”为“完整复制”,桌面组中用户与虚拟机没有固定的分配绑定关系,但一个用户只能一次使用其中一台虚拟机B、专有:"虚拟机组类型"可以为"完整复制",也可以为"链接克隆”C、静态池:"虚拟机组类型"为"链接克隆",桌面组在用户首次登录时,会随机分配给用户一台虚拟机与用户绑定,且一个用户只能绑定一台虚拟机D、专有类型的桌面组类型包括"动态多用户"和"单用户"正确答案:C7.FusionCompute 分布式虚拟交换机一方面可以对多台服务器的虚拟交换机统配置、管理和监控。

NVIDIA Data Center Driver版本418.226.00(Linux) 427.6

NVIDIA Data Center Driver版本418.226.00(Linux) 427.6

Data Center Driver version 418.226.00 (Linux) / 427.60 (Windows)Release NotesTable of Contents Chapter 1. Version Highlights (1)1.1. Fixed Issues (1)1.2. Known Issues (1)1.3. Virtualization (2)Chapter 2. Hardware and Software Support (4)Chapter 1.Version HighlightsThis section provides highlights of the NVIDIA Tesla 418 Driver, version 418.226.00 for Linux and 427.60 for Windows. For changes related to the 418 release of the NVIDIA display driver, review the file "NVIDIA_Changelog" available in the .run installer packages.‣Linux driver release date: 10/26/2021‣Windows driver release date: 10/26/20211.1. Fixed Issues‣Security updates: See Security Bulletin: NVIDIA GPU Display Driver - October 2021, which is available on the release date of this driver and is listed on the NVIDIA Product Security page.1.2. Known IssuesGPU Performance CountersThe use of developer tools from NVIDIA that access various performance countersrequires administrator privileges. See this note for more details. For example, reading NVLink utilization metrics from nvidia-smi (nvidia-smi nvlink -g 0) would require administrator privileges.NVMLNVML APIs may report incorrect values for NVLink counters (read/write). This issue will be fixed in a later release of the driver.NoScanout ModeNoScanout mode is no longer supported on NVIDIA Data Center GPU products. If NoScanout mode was previously used, then the following line in the “screen” section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf should be removed to ensure that X server starts on data center products:Option "UseDisplayDevice" "None"Tesla products now support one display of up to 4K resolution.Unified Memory SupportSome Unified Memory APIs (for example, CPU page faults) are not supported on Windows in this version of the driver. Review the CUDA Programming Guide on the system requirements for Unified MemoryCUDA and unified memory is not supported when used with Linux power management states S3/S4.IMPU FRU for Volta GPUsThe driver does not support the IPMI FRU multi-record information structure for NVLink. See the Design Guide for Tesla P100 and Tesla V100-SXM2 for more information. Experimental OpenCL FeaturesSelect features in OpenCL 2.0 are available in the driver for evaluation purposes only.The following are the features as well as a description of known issues with these features in the driver:Device side enqueue‣The current implementation is limited to 64-bit platforms only.‣OpenCL 2.0 allows kernels to be enqueued with global_work_size larger than the compute capability of the NVIDIA GPU. The current implementation supports only combinations of global_work_size and local_work_size that are within the compute capability of the NVIDIA GPU. The maximum supported CUDA grid and block size of NVIDIA GPUs is available at /cuda/cuda-c-programming-guide/index.html#computecapabilities.For a given grid dimension, the global_work_size can be determined by CUDA grid size x CUDA block size.‣For executing kernels (whether from the host or the device), OpenCL 2.0 supports non-uniform ND-ranges where global_work_size does not need to be divisible by thelocal_work_size. This capability is not yet supported in the NVIDIA driver, and therefore not supported for device side kernel enqueues.Shared virtual memory‣The current implementation of shared virtual memory is limited to 64-bit platforms only.1.3. VirtualizationTo make use of GPU passthrough with virtual machines running Windows and Linux, the hardware platform must support the following features:‣ A CPU with hardware-assisted instruction set virtualization: Intel VT-x or AMD-V.‣Platform support for I/O DMA remapping.‣On Intel platforms the DMA remapper technology is called Intel VT-d.‣On AMD platforms it is called AMD IOMMU.Support for these feature varies by processor family, product, and system, and should be verified at the manufacturer's website.Supported HypervisorsThe following hypervisors are supported:Tesla products now support one display of up to 4K resolution.Supported Graphics CardsThe following GPUs are supported for device passthrough:Chapter 2.Hardware and SoftwareSupportSupport for these feature varies by processor family, product, and system, and should be verified at the manufacturer's website.Supported Operating SystemsThe Release 418 driver is supported on the following operating systems:‣Windows 64-bit operating systems:‣Microsoft Windows® Server 2019‣Microsoft Windows® Server 2016‣Microsoft Windows® 10‣Linux 64-bit distributions:‣Red Hat Enterprise Linux / CentOS 8.y (where y <= 4)‣Red Hat Enterprise Linux / CentOS 7.y (where y <= 9)‣SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15.3‣Ubuntu 18.04.z LTS (where z <= 5)‣OpenSUSE Leap 15.3API SupportThis release supports the following APIs:‣NVIDIA® CUDA® 10.1 for NVIDIA® Kepler TM, Maxwell TM, Pascal TM, Volta TM and Turing TM GPUs‣OpenGL® 4.5‣Vulkan® 1.1‣DirectX 11‣DirectX 12 (Windows 10)‣Open Computing Language (OpenCL TM software) 1.2Hardware and Software Support Note that for using graphics APIs on Windows (i.e. OpenGL, Vulkan, DirectX 11 and DirectX 12) or any WDDM 2.0+ based functionality on Tesla GPUs, vGPU is required. See the vGPU documentation for more information.Supported NVIDIA Tesla GPUsThe Tesla driver package is designed for systems that have one or more Tesla products installed. This release of the Tesla driver supports CUDA C/C++ applications and libraries that rely on the CUDA C Runtime and/or CUDA Driver API.Hardware and Software SupportNoticeThis document is provided for information purposes only and shall not be regarded as a warranty of a certain functionality, condition, or quality of a product. NVIDIA Corporation (“NVIDIA”) makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document and assumes no responsibility for any errors contained herein. NVIDIA shall have no liability for the consequences or use of such information or for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. This document is not a commitment to develop, release, or deliver any Material (defined below), code, or functionality.NVIDIA reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and any other changes to this document, at any time without notice.Customer should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.NVIDIA products are sold subject to the NVIDIA standard terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgement, unless otherwise agreed in an individual sales agreement signed by authorized representatives of NVIDIA and customer (“Terms of Sale”). NVIDIA hereby expressly objects to applying any customer general terms and conditions with regards to the purchase of the NVIDIA product referenced in this document. No contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document.NVIDIA products are not designed, authorized, or warranted to be suitable for use in medical, military, aircraft, space, or life support equipment, nor in applications where failure or malfunction of the NVIDIA product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death, or property or environmental damage. NVIDIA accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of NVIDIA products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at customer’s own risk.NVIDIA makes no representation or warranty that products based on this document will be suitable for any specified use. Testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed by NVIDIA. It is customer’s sole responsibility to evaluate and determine the applicability of any information contained in this document, ensure the product is suitable and fit for the application planned by customer, and perform the necessary testing for the application in order to avoid a default of the application or the product. Weaknesses in customer’s product designs may affect the quality and reliability of the NVIDIA product and may result in additional or different conditions and/or requirements beyond those contained in this document. NVIDIA accepts no liability related to any default, damage, costs, or problem which may be based on or attributable to: (i) the use of the NVIDIA product in any manner that is contrary to this document or (ii) customer product designs.No license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any NVIDIA patent right, copyright, or other NVIDIA intellectual property right under this document. Information published by NVIDIA regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from NVIDIA to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property rights of the third party, or a license from NVIDIA under the patents or other intellectual property rights of NVIDIA.Reproduction of information in this document is permissible only if approved in advance by NVIDIA in writing, reproduced without alteration and in full compliance with all applicable export laws and regulations, and accompanied by all associated conditions, limitations, and notices.THIS DOCUMENT AND ALL NVIDIA DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, REFERENCE BOARDS, FILES, DRAWINGS, DIAGNOSTICS, LISTS, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS (TOGETHER AND SEPARATELY, “MATERIALS”) ARE BEING PROVIDED “AS IS.” NVIDIA MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE MATERIALS, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. TO THE EXTENT NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL NVIDIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF ANY USE OF THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF NVIDIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for any reason whatsoever, NVIDIA’s aggregate and cumulative liability towards customer for the products described herein shall be limited in accordance with the Terms of Sale for the product.TrademarksNVIDIA and the NVIDIA logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the Unites States and other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.Copyright© 2021 NVIDIA Corporation & affiliates. All rights reserved.。




1.去除带有NA的⾏,采⽤complete.cases();temp <- temp[complete.cases(temp), ];其中temp为你的数据,这样就可以将带有NA的⾏全部删除。

2.获得数据的⾏数,采⽤nrow();n_user <- nrow(user_order);3.建⽴⼀个长度任意的空向量,采⽤vector(mode = "numeric", length = N);radius <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = n_user);4.将数据按照某⼀列/⾏进⾏排序,采⽤order();user_order <- user_7day_user11[order(user_7day_user11[,1]), ];例如,这个是将user_7day_user11这个数据,按照第⼀列的数据进⾏排序。

5.建⽴⼀个维数⾃定义的矩阵,采⽤matrix(x, nrow=NROW, ncol=NCOL);temp <- t(matrix(as.vector(t(temp)), nrow = 2, ncol = n_day*24));这⾥还⽤到了t()函数对矩阵进⾏转置。


distm() in package geospheregeoDist() in package SoDA(1)geoDist(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, NAOK = TRUE, DUP = TRUE),得到前⾯的lat1,lon1与后⾯的lat2,lon2间的距离;(2)distm(x,y),x为lon,lat的数据,y也为lon,lat数据,注意他的经纬度顺序与上⾯不⼀样,得到距离矩阵。

华为大数据之数据挖掘 HCIE 认证实验考试模拟题

华为大数据之数据挖掘 HCIE 认证实验考试模拟题

HCIE-Big Data-Data Mining实验考试1 考试说明1.请根据考试说明进入考试提供的 Python(Python 3.6 版本)开发环境并完成本次考试,考试完成后请注意保留实验环境及每个步骤代码。



2 数据挖掘基础2.1 数据说明2.1.1 数据来源本道题目使用数据集为“datamining02.csv”。

2.1.2 部分样本数据2.2 考试要求2.2.1 数据处理1. 请根据"3σ原则"(对于服从正态分布或高斯分布的数据集,异常值被定义为,其值与平均值的偏差绝对值超过 3 倍标准差的值)确定数据集中属性"col10"的异常值,并选取适当方法进行异常值处理。

2. 请对属性"col20"进行等频离散化;3. 请自定义一个函数对属性"col1~col8"进行等宽离散化处理;4.请绘制出离散化处理后"col20"数据分布的条形图;3.1 数据说明3.1.1 数据来源本道题目使用数据文件为“datamining04.csv”。

3.1.2 部份样本数据3.2 考试要求3.2.1 特征工程1. 请选择恰当的方法对数据集中的自变量与目标变量(class)进行相关性分析;2. 请分别使用决策树、随机森林模型对变量进行筛选。

4.1 数据说明4.1.1 数据来源本题数据为某零售商在“黑色星期五”的交易数据,每一行数据代表一条销售记录,请根据题目提供的交易数据按照考试要求进行分析。


4.1.2 部份样本数据4.2 考试要求4.2.1 数据处理1. 对数据集请选择适当的聚类算法对客户进行分群;2. 请评估每种聚类方法的效果,选择效果最优的聚类方法,并说明理由;3. 请对 user_info 表进行数据预处理(包括但不限于):缺失值填充,将字符型变量转换为数值型变量,并将处理后数据保存在 purchase_predict 表中;4. 请根据 purchase_predict 表,使用至少三种算法建立客户消费金额预测模型;5. 请输出预测模型评估结果,根据评估结果进行参数调优并输出最优参数;6. 请输出最终模型评估结果并保存模型。

yolov6 dfl层原理

yolov6 dfl层原理

yolov6 dfl层原理
Yolov6 DFL (Detection Fusion Layer) 是 Yolov6 模型中的一个

下面是Yolov6 DFL 层的原理:
1. 首先,Yolov6 DFL 层接收来自不同尺度的特征图。

征图通常是由不同层次的特征提取器生成的,例如 Darknet53

2. 接下来,Yolov6 DFL 层使用可学习权重来融合这些多尺度



3. 在进行特征融合之后,Yolov6 DFL 层通过一个卷积操作将


4. 最后,Yolov6 DFL 层使用非极大值抑制 (NMS) 的方法对检

总结起来,Yolov6 DFL 层实现了多尺度特征融合和对象检测,通过融合来自不同层次的特征图,使模型能够更好地捕捉不同尺度的物体信息,提高检测性能。

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I.J. Education and Management Engineering, 2016, 6, 45-52Published Online November 2016 in MECS ()DOI: 10.5815/ijeme.2016.06.05Available online at /ijemeUtilization of Data Mining Classification Approach for DiseasePrediction: A SurveyDivya Jain a, Vijendra Singh ba Computer Science and Engineering, The NorthCap University, Gurgaon, 122017, Indiab Computer Science and Engineering, The NorthCap University, Gurgaon, 122017, IndiaAbstractEarly diagnosis of a disease is a vital task in medical informatics. Data mining is one of the principal contributors in this discipline. Utilization of Data Mining Technology in Disease Forecasting System is a recognized trend and is successfully emerging in this domain. In today`s world, Heart Disease is the one of the most prevalent disease among people with a high mortality rate. It is essential to classify the reports of heart patients into correct subclasses to lower fatality rate. Over the years, Data mining classification and prediction approaches has been used extensively for disease prediction. This paper comes out with the compilation, analysis as well as comparative study of numerous classification approaches used for predictive analysis of several diseases. The goal of the survey is to provide a comprehensive review of the work done on disease prediction using different classification approaches in data mining.Index Terms: Data Mining, Classification algorithms, Disease prediction, Healthcare Sector.© 2016 Published by MECS Publisher. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of the Research Association of Modern Education and Computer Science.1. IntroductionWith the rapid accumulation of advanced data mining algorithms and high-throughput technologies, doctors are benefitted extensively in healthcare sector as patient`s records are accessible rapidly in an effective manner. Hospitals maintain a database of patient`s data electronically. A large amount of unstructured, heterogenous data is generated and maintained in a database on a daily basis. We can make data structured using many techniques. This data can made useful using various mining techniques and analyzed to make effective decisions in different situations.For proper diagnosis of a particular disease, a patient has to undergo several tests in hospitals. In developing countries, this process is more of a time-consuming manual process. As there is a lack of proper medical care and limited access to medical facilities in numerous areas, Disease Control should be prioritized among people. So, there is an essential need to solve this problem and to design a novel data mining technique which is self- * Corresponding author:E-mail address:automated and self-configured having least complexity and better accuracy.Data mining technology [1] is emerging as a promising field and is used in widespread application areas like ecommerce, bank transactions, microarray gene expression data, scientific experiments etc. This technology blends various analytic methods with advanced and sophisticated algorithms which helps in exploring large volumes of data [2]. It also plays a crucial role in the early detection of diseases. There exist numerous application areas of data mining in medical industry. It is essential that data mining techniques like classification, clustering etc. should be applied to hospital databases so that the right treatments can be provided to patients at the right time which in turn will lower mortality rate.Classification approach [3,4,5] works by first building a model from training data and then it is applied on testing data for the prediction of unknown data. In healthcare sector, classification and prediction is used predominantly in disease forecasting. There exist numerous techniques for classification of data like KNN, Naïve bayes, support vector machines,decision trees which plays a promising and significant role for the early disease detection.The remaining portion of the survey is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the Related Work. A summarized conclusion of literature survey and a detailed comparative study is presented in Section 3. Section 4 gives conclusion.2. Related WorkAn intelligent prediction system was proposed in [6] for the diagnosis of heart disease using three commonly used classification approaches - Naïve Bayes, Decision Trees and Neural Network. This intelligent system was scalable, user-friendly, expandablable and was able to answer complex queries effectively. The proposed system discovered hidden information from a historical database of heart disease using various medical factors which can be very helpful in taking clinical decisions and in reducing costs of various treatments. This system can be helpful for the training of medical students and nurses in hospitals for heart disease prediction which can be beneficial in assisting doctors. With the results obtained, it was found that the performance of Naïve Bayes was the best for identification of heart disease compared to Neural Networks and Decision Trees. Prediction of Kidney Disease was done in Dr. S. Vijayarani et. al. [7] using SVM algorithm and Naïve Bayes approach. Authors tried to classify various stages of Kidney disease through the proposed algorithm called ANFIS. The experiments were conducted in MATLAB. The goal of the research was to find the efficient classification technique through various evaluation measures like accuracy and execution time. While SVM Algorithm gave greater classification accuracy, Naïve Bayes performed better as it executed results in minimum time. The results indicate that SVM overall performs better compared to Naïve Bayes Approach to predict Kidney Disease.Fuzzy approach using a membership function was applied for the prediction of Heart Disease in V. Krishnaiah et. al. [8]. Authors tried to remove ambiguity and uncertainity of data using Fuzzy KNN Classifier. Dataset containing 550 records was divided into 25 classes, each class consisting of 22 records. Dataset was equally divided into training and testing sets. After applying preprocessing techniques in WEKA, fuzzy KNN approach was implemented. This approach was evaluated through various evaluation measures like accuracy, precision and recall etc. With the results obtained, it was found that that the performance of fuzzy KNN classifier pwas better in comparison to KNN classifier in terms of accuracy.A novel approach was developed in [9] using ANN algorithm for the prediction of heart disease. The researchers developed an interactive prediction system using the classification through artificial neural network algorithm with the consideration of 13 most important clinical factors. The proposed approach was very effective and user friendly for heart disease prediction with 80% accuracy and can be of great used for healthcare preofessionals.An efficient prediction system was designed in [10] to predict the risk level of heart patients. The system could discover rules efficiently from the dataset using decision tree approach according to the given parameter related to patient`s health. Authors concluded that the system can predict the risk level of heart disease risklevel to a great extent.A useful system was presented for the prediction of heart attacks [11]. The prediction system was developed with the inclusion of classification and clustering techniques for predicting risk level of heart attacks.Three classification based approaches were applied on healthcare data for the diagnosis of heart disease [12]. The approaches used were KNN, Naïve Bayes and C4.5 Algorithm. The experiments were conducted on the heart disease data set using WEKA tool to find the best technique for the prediction of heart disease using various evaluation techniques like sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, error rates etc. With the results obtained, it was found that KNN performed best in terms of accuracy and C4.5 Algorithm works best for the purpose of prediction.A prediction model was proposed for the prediction of Alzheimer Disease using decision tree approach [13]. Authors considered five major risk factors related to Alzheimer’s disease.In this research, the decision tree induction used Entropy or Information Gain as a measure for predicting Alzheimer’s disease in patients. The model can be of great help to healthcare professionals for determining the status of this disease.The researchers focused on different classification techniques with their merits and demerits used for the heart disease prediction [14].An automated system to answer complex queries for heart disease predicition was proposed in [15]. This intelligent System was implemented using Naive Bayes approach in Java platform. The system was designed to give fast,better and accurate results. It could help medical practictioners in taking clinical decisions related to heart attacks. This system can be expanded by incorporating SMS facility, designing Andriod and IOS mobile applications, addition of pacemaker in the system.An effective diabetes mellitus prediction system using decision tree approach was designed in [16] for predicting the risk level of diabetic patients. The results were evaluated with 2 classifiers namely C4.5 algorithm and patial trees. With the results obtained, it was found that C4.5 algorithm performed better with 81.27 % accuracy.The researchers experimented the application of different classification techniques and developed models to diagnose heart attacks [17]. Researchers also did comparison of these models to find out which model is better for the prediction of heart attacks and can be very helpful to handle complex queries related to heart attacks.An intelligent system using Naïve Bayes Approach and K-means clustering was proposed to predict heart disease [18]. While clustering was used for grouping of attributes and for increasing efficiency of results, Naïve Bayes approach was used for heart disease prediction.3. Comparative StudyThis section presents summarization of the literature survey in two different tables. Table 1 is more specifically concerened with the utility driven from the paper and gives a scope for further research work. Table 2 gives an analysis on the application of classification technique applied on various datasets.Table 1. Summarized Conclusion of Literature SurveyTable 2. Summarized Objectives of Related Work Done by Different Authors4. ConclusionEarly Disease Prediction is a major challenge in the healthcare sector. Over the last few years, a lot of work has been done in the predictive analysis of diseases using numerous classification approaches. Data mining classification approaches have been utilized extensively for disease prediction. Each approach has its own merits and demerits but Naïve Bayes Approach and the C4.5 Algorithm are found to be the most promising techniques for the diagnosis and prediction of numerous medical diseases in less time with high accuracy and least complexity.References[1]Ian H. Witten and Eibe Frank, “Data Mining: Practical machine learning tools and techniques”. MorganKaufmann Publishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA, 2nd edition.[2] D. T. Larose, Discovering Knowledge in Data: An Introduction to Data Mining. ISBN 0-471-66657-2,John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005.[3]P.N. Tan, M Steinbach, V. Kumar, Introduction to Data Mining. 4th edn. Pearson Publications, Boston.[4]J. Han, M. Kamber, Data Mining: Concepts And Techniques. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco (2001).[5]M. H. Dunham, S. Sridhar, Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics, Pearson Education, NewDelhi, ISBN: 81-7758-785-4, 1st Edition, 2006.[6]S. Palaniappan., R. 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Divya Jain received the B.Tech in CSE with Honors from Maharishi DayanandUniversity, Rohtak in 2012. She is author of one book and four research papers inInternational Journals/Publishing House.Singh Vijendra received his PhD degree in Engineering and M Tech degree in ComputerScience and Engineering from Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, India. He iscurrently working as an Associate Professor in the department of computer science andengineering at The NorthCap University, Gurgaon, India. Dr. Singh major researchconcentration has been in the areas of Data Mining, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing,Big Data and Soft Computation. He has more than 30 scientific papers in this domain. SinghVijendra served as Editor of the International Journal of Multivariate Data Analysis,Inderscience, UK; International Journal of Internet of Things and Cyber-Assurance, Inderscience, UK; BMC Bioinformatics, Springer; Journal of Next Generation Information Technology, Korea; International Journal of Intelligent Information Processing, Korea; Research Journal of Information Technology, USA and Lead Guest Editor, Computational Intelligence in Data Science and Big Data, USA. He is a reviewer of Springer and Elsevier journals. He is a member of programme committee and technical committee of over 30 international conferences including: (SCDS2015), Malaysia; 2015 International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN15), Las Vagas, USA; (CISIA2015), Bangkok, Thailand; (ETCA2015), Beijing, China; (CIS 2015), Beijing, China; ENCINS' 2015, Casablanca, Morocco; ICCVIA, 2015, Sousse, Tunisia and eQeSS 2015, Dubai; DMIN14, USA; DMIN13, USA; DMIN12, USA.How to cite this paper: Divya Jain, Vijendra Singh,"Utilization of Data Mining Classification Approach for Disease Prediction: A Survey", International Journal of Education and Management Engineering(IJEME), Vol.6, No.6, pp.45-52, 2016.DOI: 10.5815/ijeme.2016.06.05。
