PartI The Anglo-saxon Period盎格鲁撒克逊时期英国文学
英国文学史及选读作者及作品一、盎格鲁-撒克逊时期The Anglo-Saxon Period※《贝奥武甫》“The Song of Beowulf”《浪游者》“Widsith”or “The Traveller’s Song”《航海家》“Seafarer”二、盎格鲁-诺曼时期The Anglo-Norman Period※《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight ”杰弗里《史记》Geoffrey’s “History”莱亚门《布鲁特》Laysmon’s “Brust”《罗兰之歌》“Chanson de Roland”三、乔叟时期Geoffrey Chaucer (1340?-1400)※《坎特伯雷故事集》“The Canterbury Tales”《玫瑰传奇》“Romance of the Rose”《好女人的故事》“The Legend of Good Women”《声誉殿堂》“The House of Fame”《百鸟会议》“The Parliament of Fowls”《特罗伊勒斯和克莱西德》“Troilus and Gressie”大众民谣Popular Ballads※《罗宾汉和阿林代尔》“Robin Hood and Allin-a-Dale””※《起来,去关门》“Get Up and Bar the Door”※《派屈克·斯宾塞爵士》“Sir Patrick Spens”托马斯·帕西《英诗辑古》Bishop Thomas Percy ”Reliques of Anciet English Poetry”兰格论《农夫皮尔期》“The Vision of Piers, the Plowman”四、文艺复兴时期The Renaissance1.威廉·莎士比亚William Shakespeare(1564-1616)1590《亨利六世》第二部The Second Part of “King Henry Ⅵ”《亨利六世》第三部The Third Part of “King Henry Ⅵ”1591《亨利六世》第一部The First Part of “King Henry Ⅵ”1592《理查三世》“The Life and Death of King Richard Ⅲ”《错误的喜剧》“The Comedy of Errors”1593《泰特斯·安德鲁尼克斯》”Titus Andronicus”《驯悍记》“The Taming of the Shrew”1594《维洛那两绅士》“The Two Gentlemen of Verona”《爱的徒劳》“Love’s Labour’s Lost”《罗密欧与朱丽叶》“Romeo and Juliet”1595《理查二世》“The Life and Death of King Richard Ⅱ”《仲夏夜之梦》“A Midsummer Night’s Dream”1596《约翰王》“The Life and Death of King John”※《威尼斯商人》“The Merchant of Venice”1597《亨利四世》第一部The First Part of “King Henry Ⅳ”《亨利四世》第二部The Second Part of “King Henry Ⅳ”1598《无事生非》“Much Ado About Nothing”《温莎的风流娘儿们》”The Merry Wives of Windsor”《亨利五世》”The Life of King Henry Ⅴ”1599《尤利乌斯·凯撒》“The Life and Death of Julius Caesar”《皆大欢喜》”As You Like It”1600《第十二夜》“Twelfth Night ,or, What You Will”※1601《哈姆雷特》“Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”1602《特洛伊洛斯与克瑞西达》“Troilus and Cressida”《终成眷属》“All’s Well That Ends Well”1604《一报还一报》“Measure for Measure”《奥塞罗》“Othello, the Moore of Venice”1605《李尔王》”King Lear”《麦克白》“The Tragedy of Macbeth”1606《安东尼和克莉奥佩特拉》“Antony and Cleopatra”1607《科里奥拉鲁斯》”The Tragedy of Coriolanus”《雅典的泰门》“Timon of Athens”1608《佩里克利斯》“Pericles, Prince of Tyre”1609《辛白林》“Cymbeline, King of Britain”1610《冬天的故事》“The Winter’s Tale”《暴风雨》“The Tempest”《亨利八世》“The Life of King Henry Ⅷ”Poems《维纳斯与阿多尼斯》“Venus and Adonis”《露克丽丝受辱记》“Lucrece”※《十四行诗》“Sonnets”2。
英国文学史盎格鲁撒克逊时期Supplement to part I
Supplement to part I1.Minor Anglo-Saxon Poetry: Caedmon and Cynewulf: Caedmon andCynewulfBesides “Beowulf”, other secular poems of the Anglo-Saxon period are of little significance, most of them short and some fragmentary. Of narrative verse, there are two older poems based on Germanic legends brought from the Continent: (1) two fragments of “Waldhere” or “Waldere”, dealing with events connected with the story of Waldhere in the “Niberlungenlied”, and (2) “The Fight at Finnsburg”, a fragment about legendary material mentioned in “Beowulf”. There are two other verse narraties of late date having to do with battles fought on the English soil: “Brunanburg” about the battle fought in the year 937, and “The Battle of Maldon”, fought in 993. Of lyrical poetry, two of the earliest extant Anglo-Saxon songs, “Widsith” (probably of the 7th century) and “Doer’s Lament” (probably of the 8th century), are good literary specimens illustrating the life and social position of the “scops”of “gleemen”of late-tribal, early-feudal times, the first a minstrel’s own narration of his successful career with the different princes and kings he visited while the second the self account of a once popular poet-singer falling into disgrace when a rival of greater skill wins the favor of his master.The bulk of Anglo-Saxon verse now extant is religious or Christian poetry. The most colorful figure among the Christian poets of the period is unquestionably Caedmon whose story was told only in the “Ecclesiastical History” of the venerable Bede, a monk at Jarrow, and to whom a number of poems have since been attributed. According to Bede, Caedmon was a cowherd of a monastery at Whitby, in Northumberland, who with no gift for singing generally left the feats at the monastery when the harp was passed around and every one was asked to sing in turn. But one night when he returned to the stable to take care of the cattle and fall asleep, in a dream someone stood by him, called him by name and asked him to sing, and when he said he could not sing, he was told to sing of the creation of the world, and he immediately began to sing in praise of God the Creator. After he woke up, he remembered the words of the song sung in his sleep, and later others told him stories from the Bible which he could not read, and they asked him to put the stories into poetry and the following morning he composed the passages in excellent verse. This was of course only a story, one that involved a miracle, but because Bede was considered a reliable historian and Whitby was very near Jarrow, the impossible story was accepted by many Christian believers of the day as true. The other poems attributed to Caedmon have generally been called by scholars “Caedmonian poems”and were very likely written by some anonymous authors.Practically all the Caedmonian poems were no more than paraphrases of passages from the Christian Bible, only the second of the two versions of a poem entitled “Genesis” (known as “Genesis B” deserves attention.Another poem preserved in the same manuscript as “Beowulf” and attributed to Caedmon is “Judith”, which some scholars however consider as more closely realted to the school of the later poet Cynewulf.Cynewulf is even more of a mythical figure than Caedmon, the only reliable fact about him being the appearance of his signature in runes in four Anglo-Saxon poems:”Julia”, “Christ”, “Fates of the Apostles” and “Elene”.“Christ” is Cynewulf’s best know poem. It has three parts: the first dealing with the coming of Christ on earth, the second with his ascension, while the third with his second coming to judge the world. The content of the poem is strictly religious and follow rather closely the traditional Christian lore.2.Anglo-Saxon Prose: Bede; Alfred; “The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle”; Aelfric.The earliest prose written in Anglo-Saxon England was in Latin, known sometimes as Anglo-Latin writings. Among these early writers of Latin prose should be mentioned Aldhelm or Ealdhelm of the second half of the 7th century, of Wessex, and Alcuin of the second half of the 8th century, of Northumbria, and the giant among them, the Venerable Bede of Jarrow in Northumbria in the last part of the 7th and the early half of the 8th century.Brought up in a monastery and remaining in that environment all his life, Bede was made a deacon at the age of 19 and a priest at 30 and he performed the regular duties of a Benedictine monk up to his last illness. He wrote numerous works on all kinds of subjects, including grammatical and critical handbooks, scientific, treatises, commentaries on various books of the Bible, homilies, saint’s lives and verse, all in Latin, many of which had wide circulation in medieval Europe, but his fame rests chiefly upon a historical work of his later years, “Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum”(rendered into English as “The Ecclesiastical History of the English People”), published in Latin in 631 and later translated into Anglo-Saxon by King Alfred in the year 891.With his “Ecclesiastical History” Bede earned his place as “Father of English History”. The book covers practically the whole stretch of early English history, from the Roman invasion of Britain under Julius Caesar in the first century B.C., to A.D. 731, four years before the author’s death, and it has remained to this day the most important source book on this historical period. The book relates history largely from the religious point of view and full of strange stories and miracles. Occasional passages in the prose work contain elements of poetry; generally speaking a direct and simple style was employed.In the early stage of the Anglo-Saxon period, in the 7th and 8th centuries, English culture and learning flourished in the north, particularly in Northumberland, with Bede and Alcuin in the lead, but in the later centuries, the 9th and 10th, the centre learning shifted to the south, to the Kingdom of Wessex, where King Alfred was the most prominent figure.Alfred had the opportunity of visiting with his father and brothers the papal court at Rome and the French court at Paris when still a child. This experience in the then cultural centers of Europe must have left a strong impression upon him and later led to his eagerness to introduce culture to his own people. Then the invasion of the Danes brought about the destruction of the established centers of culture in Northumbria and East Anglia, and even the Kingdom of Wessex was threatened. Inthe year 871 Alfred become the king of Wessex upon the death of his brother Aethelred who fell in battle with the Danes. In 878 when much of Wessex was lost to the invaders along with the rest of England, Alfred withdrew to Athelney among the deep-watered mashes of Somersetshire and remained there for several months to gather an army. Then he came froth and attacked the Danish army and forced them to surrender, a peace agreement was reached according to which Alfred and his men were to have the south of England (including the kingdom of Wessex and Kent and the western part of Mercia) while the northern and eastern parts of the country remained under the rule of the Danes and were known as the Danelaw. The peace lasted for almost fifteen years up till 893, interrupted only once in 885-886, and these intervening years were made ample use of by Alfred, first to reform the army and build a navy and established a sound system of government and law, and then to educate the people and introduce culture to the nation. He collected around him a number of scholars, including some invited from abroad, who first taught him Latin and then did translation work together with him, from Latin. Those were fruitful years for the development of early English culture under the direction of Alfred. In 893 again broke out and it lasted till 897 when Alfred gained a victory, and he died four years later, in 901.Alfred’s contributions to English literature are threefold. First, there were his numerous translations from Latin of which four major works were particularly useful in his day: (1) Pope Gregory the Great’s “Cure Pastoralis”(Pastoral Care”, 889), (2) Bede’s “Ecclesiastical History” (891-893), (3) “The History of the World” (“Historia adverse Paganos”) (891-893) by Paulus Orosius, a Spanish priest of the 5th century, and (4) “The Consolations of Philosophy” (“De Consolation Philosophiae”) (897-898) by Boethius, who was known as “the last of the Romans” (i.e., the last great writer of ancient Rome). To the translation of Gregory’s “Pastoral Care, the latest important of the four from the literary point of view, was affixed a “Preface” by Alfred, which has been considered by some as “the first important piece of prose in English”. Here Alfred not only lamented the decay of learning in Britain and expressed his determination to reform the schools of Wessex, but he also defended the use of the vernacular and pointed out the necessary of making translations from Latin. The translation of Orosius’“History of the World” was to provide the English people at the time with the knowledge that they much needed of the history and geography of the world at large. The translation of Bede rendered a great service by making a great book on English history available to the common people who could not the read the original in Latin. With the translation of Blethius’“The Consolations of Philosophy”Alfred introduced a very influential book by a prominent writer which interprets the Platonic and Stoic doctrines of ancient Greece and mixed them with Christian philosophy. These and other translations served to introduce to the English people the cultures of other historical times and other lands.A second contribution of Alfred’s lies in his rather free way in translating from the Latin works, and this helped him to write in a natural style in English. Except in a few cases, he took liberties with the original writings by making alterations and additions and omissions wherever he thought fit, leaving out superfluous details andeven turning out-dated information into current views of his own day. In these translations and his prefaces to them Alfred also contributed to the development of English prose by regularizing wherever possible the old elliptical abrupt style in the Latin language and thus preventing obscurity and lack of continuity in the expression of ideas.Alfred’s third contribution to English literature was the role he played in the launching of the “Anglo-Saxon Chronicle”. Alfred first conceived the idea of a national history for England in about 891 and started organizing for the transcription of the old records or “Annals”of the kingdoms of Wessex and Kent (preserved at Winchester and Canterbury) and for further compilation, and as the project steadily grew and was carried on long after Alfred’s time, it became known as the “Anglo-Saxon Chronicle”, a very important historical document and specimen of Anglo-Saxon prose.“Angl0-Saxon Chronicle”, also known as the “Old English Chronicle”, began with the year “A.D.1”and was carried on at several different centers after Alfred’s death till as late as A.D.1154, almost a century after the so-called Norman Conquest in 1066. The first part of the work deals with the first six centuries of the Christian era and is very sketchy, with only 9 entries for 9 of the years between A.D.100 and 400 and many very brief entries compromising only one or two lines. The stretch from the 7th century to the 9th contains fuller records, especially in the period just before and during the time of King Alfred. And because the year-by-year entries continued to be compiled after Alfred’s reign in several different places, the seven extant manuscripts of the “Chronicle”come from the different localities of Winchester, Abingdon, Worcester, Canterbury and Peterborough, thus showing the work to be the result of collective efforts of many persons of different times and places and accounting for the diversity of the “Chronicle” both in the choice and treatment of material and in the literary form and style employed. And because all the different versions of the “Chronicle” were apparently written by the monks or the clergy and were preserved in the monasteries, there is a distinctly religious coloring in most of the entries. But the most significant thing about the “Anglo-Saxon Chronicle” is that it represents, on the whole, the thoughts and feelings of the common people of England, particularly in the entries between the middle of the 10th century to the middle of the 12th. First of all, many poems and ballads are included that definitely belong to the tradition of folk literature. Also a common item in the entries is the mention of bad weather, such as severe winters and strong winds, and of famines and diseases of cattle, all of which led to the rise of the price of crops and consequently to great miseries for the people. Another common phenomenon in the “Chronicle” is the frequent mention of unusual sights or happenings in the natural world that must have aroused interest among the common people of the time, such as the eclipse of the sun or the moon, the appearances of the comet or shooting stars, earthquakes and certain superstitious phantasmagoria like “fiery dragon”, “fiery lights in heaven”or “bloody rain”. Of special interest are the numerous comments on the different kings in England, obviously from the point of view of the common people. The comments on four of the kings of the Anglo-Saxon period after Alfred are all in the form of short-lined verse.Aelfric (c. 965-c. 1020) was at first a monk at Winchester, then in 987 he was sent to the Abbey of Cerne in Dorsetshire as novice-master to instruct the monks there, and in the years 987-989 he began translating Latin books into English. He returned to Winchester and 990-994 he issued two collections of homilies, each forty in number, under the title of “Homiliae Catholicae”, These homilies were to serve as sermons for Sundays and feast-days and they gave a large survey of biblical and ecclesiastical history.While Aelfric’s writings are chiefly religious in content and therefore of little interest to us today, they were nevertheless very influential at the time of their publication, and in the historical development of English culture and literature his writings not only were instrumental to the extension of education and learning, for the clergy as well as for the laity, but they were also important specimens of a clear, flexible and popular Anglo-Saxon prose though many of his homilies resembled alliterative verse.。
附:英国文学史及选读作者及作品(第一、二册)一、盎格鲁-撒克逊时期The Anglo-Saxon Period※《贝奥武甫》“The Song of Beowulf”《浪游者》“Widsith” or “The Traveller’s Song”《航海家》“Seafarer”二、盎格鲁-诺曼时期The Anglo-Norman Period※《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》“ Sir Gawain and the Green Knight ”杰弗里《史记》Geoffrey’s “History”莱亚门《布鲁特》Laysmon’s “Brust”《罗兰之歌》“Chanson de Roland”三、乔叟时期Geoffrey Chaucer (1340?-1400)※《坎特伯雷故事集》“The Canterbury Tales”《玫瑰传奇》“Romance of the Rose”《好女人的故事》“The Legend of Good Women”《声誉殿堂》“The House of Fame”《百鸟会议》“The Parliament of Fowls”《特罗伊勒斯和克莱西德》“Troilus and Gressie”大众民谣Popular Ballads※《罗宾汉和阿林代尔》“Robin Hood and Allin-a-Dale””※《起来,去关门》“Get Up and Bar the Door”※《派屈克·斯宾塞爵士》“Sir Patrick Spens”托马斯·帕西《英诗辑古》Bishop Thomas Percy ”Reliques of Anciet English Poetry”兰格论《农夫皮尔期》“The Vision of Piers, the Plowman”四、文艺复兴时期The Renaissance1.威廉·莎士比亚William Shakespeare(1564-1616)1590《亨利六世》第二部The Second Part of “King Henry Ⅵ”《亨利六世》第三部The Third Part of “King Henry Ⅵ”1591《亨利六世》第一部The First Part of “King Henry Ⅵ”1592《理查三世》“The Life and Death of King Richard Ⅲ”《错误的喜剧》“The Comedy of Errors”1593《泰特斯·安德鲁尼克斯》”Titus Andronicus”《驯悍记》“The Taming of the Shrew”1594《维洛那两绅士》“The Two Gentlemen of Verona”《爱的徒劳》“Love’s Labour’s Lost”《罗密欧与朱丽叶》“Romeo and Juliet”1595《理查二世》“The Life and Death of King RichardⅡ”《仲夏夜之梦》“A Midsummer Night’s Dream”1596《约翰王》“The Life and Death of King John”※《威尼斯商人》“The Merchant of Venice”1597《亨利四世》第一部The First Part of “King Henry Ⅳ”《亨利四世》第二部The Second Part of “King Henry Ⅳ”1598《无事生非》“Much Ado About Nothing”《温莎的风流娘儿们》”The Merry Wives of Windsor”《亨利五世》”The Life of King Henry Ⅴ”1599《尤利乌斯·凯撒》“The Life and Death of Julius Caesar”《皆大欢喜》”As You Like It”1600《第十二夜》“Twelfth Night ,or, What You Will”※1601《哈姆雷特》“Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”1602《特洛伊洛斯与克瑞西达》“Troilus and Cressida”《终成眷属》“All’s Well That Ends Well”1604《一报还一报》“Measure for Measure”《奥塞罗》“Othello, the Moore of Venice”1605《李尔王》”King Lear”《麦克白》“The Tragedy of Macbeth”1606《安东尼和克莉奥佩特拉》“Antony and Cleopatra”1607《科里奥拉鲁斯》”The Tragedy of Coriolanus”《雅典的泰门》“Timon of Athens”1608《佩里克利斯》“Pericles, Prince of Tyre”1609《辛白林》“Cymbeline, King of Britain”1610《冬天的故事》“The Winter’s Tale”《暴风雨》“The Tempest”《亨利八世》“The Life of King Henry Ⅷ”Poems《维纳斯与阿多尼斯》“Venus and Adonis”《露克丽丝受辱记》“Lucrece”※《十四行诗》“Sonnets”2。
Part I the Anglo-Saxon Period(449-1066)Social background:The Teutonic tribes of Angles, Saxons and Jutes who conquered the British settled in the island and became the ancestors of the English dwelt. The language spoken by these tribes is generally called Anglo- Saxon or Saxon.Main trend of literature: The literature of this period falls naturally into two divisions—pagan and Christian.The former represents the poetry which the Anglo –Saxons probably brought with them in the form of oral sagas-the crude material out of which literature was slowly developed on English soil.The latter represents the writers developed under teaching of the monks.Special forms of literature:Epic(史诗)—An epic is a long narrative poem, on a grand scale, about the deeds of warriors and heroes.Master work:The Song of Beowulf .The Song of Beowulf is England's first national epic and its hero Beowulf ---one of the national heroes of the English people. The whole epic consisting of 3182 lines is to be divided into two parts with an interpolation between the two, describing the deeds of the Teutonic hero Beowulf.My understanding:It is the beginning of the English literature.Part ⅡThe Anglo-Norman Period(1066-1350)Social background:In the year 1066,at the battle of Hastings, the Normans headed by William, Duke of Normandy, defeated the Anglo-Saxon.The Normans were originally a hardy race of sea rovers inhabiting Scandinavia. In the tenth century they conquered a part of northern France, which is still called Normandy, and rapidly adopted French civilization and the French language. Their conquest of Anglo-Saxon England under William, duke of Normandy, began with the battle of Hastings in 1066.Main trend of literature: English literature is a combination of French and Saxon elements. The literature which Normandy brought to England is remarkable for its bright , romantic tales of love and adventure, in marked contrast with the strength and somberness of Anglo-Saxon poetry.Special forms of literature: Romance —Sir Gawain and the Green KnightPopular Ballads—Ballads are anonymous narrative songs that have been preserved by oral transmission.(Robin Hood and Allin -a-Dale)Major writer: Geoffrey Chaucer(1340?-1400) —―father of English poetry‖Master work:Chaucer‗s masterpiece is The Canterbury Tales,one of the most famous works in all literature. In this great work,Chaucer created a strikingly brilliant and picturesque panorama of his time and his country. In this poem Chaucer‘s realism, trenchant irony a nd freedom of views reached such a high level of power that it had no equal in all the English literature up to the 16th century.Style and language feature:His work is permeated with buoyant free-thinking,so characteristic of the age of Renaissance whose immediate forerunner Chaucer thus becomes. He believes in the right of man to earthly happiness. He is anxious to see man freed from superstitions and a blind belief in fate. He is always keen to praise man's energy,adroitness,intellect,quick wit and the love for life.My understanding:The English literature come into being.Part III The Renaissance(the 16th century)Social background: The 16th century in England was a period of the breaking up of feudal relations and the establishing of the foundations of capitalism. Manufactories were developing and the wool trade was rapidly growing in bulk. The enclosure of commons drove thousands of peasants off their lands and many of them settled in towns. It was a time when, according to Thomas More, ―sheep devoured men.‖Main trend of literature:Together with the development of bourgeois relationships and formation of the English national state this period is marked by a flourishing of national culture known as the Renaissance.Special forms of literature: sonnet, drama, lyrical poetry and various types of novel.Major writer and master works and their style and language features: At the beginning of the 16th century the outstanding humanist Thomas More(1478-1535) wrote his Utopia(1516)in which he gave a profound and truthful picture of the people's sufferings and put forward his ideal of a future happy society .In the first half of the 16th century there appeared lyrical poems by Thomas Wyatt (1503?-1542),Henry Howard, Earl of surrey(1517-1547) and others who initiated new poetical forms, borrowing freely from English popular songs and Italian and French poetry. Thus Wyatt was the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature.In the second half of the 16th century lyrical poetry became widespread in England. Among the outstanding lyrical and epic poets of the time were Philip Sidney (1554-1586), Thomas Campion (1567-1680), and Edmund Spenser (1552-1599). The latter was the author of the greatest epic poem of the time The Fairy Queen.John Lyly (1553?-1606) and Thomas Loge (1558?-1625) were authors of novels dealing with court life and gallantry. Realistic tendencies developed in Thomas Deloney‘s (1543-1607) and Thomas Nashe‘s (1567-1602) novels, devoted to the everyday life of craftsmen, merchants and other representatives of the lower classes.The greatest of the pioneers of English drama was Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593) who reformed that genre in England and perfected the language and verse of dramatic works. It was Marlowe who made blank verse the principal vehicle of expression in drama. Robert Greene(1560?-1592)was a outstanding dramatist whose play George Green, the Pinner of Wakefield was highly appreciated.The great English scientist and philosopher Francis Bacon (1561-1626) whose s famous Literary work is the Essays. Francis Bacon's works may be divided into three classes: the philosophical, the literary,and the professional works. The principal and best known of the philosophical works are: the Advncement of Learning,(学术的推进)publshed in English in 1605; the Novum Organum新工具,published in Latin in 1620; and the De Augmentis,published in Latin in 1623. Of Bacon's litera works,the most important are the Essays.T he greatest humanist writer of this period —William Shakespeare(1564-1616).William Shakespeare is the greatest of all English authors. He belongs to those rare geniuses of mankind who have become landmarks in the history of world culture. The works of William Shakespeare are a great landmark in the history of world literature for he was one of the first founders of realism,a master hand at realistic portrayal of human characters and relations.No wonder that Shakespeare's works were so fondly cherished by the greatest minds of mankind,and among them by Karl Marx,who regarded Aeschylus and Shakespeare as "the two greatest dramatic geniuses the world has ever known.‖ It is well known in what high esteem Shakespeare was held by such giants of world literature as Milton,Goethe,Stendhal,and Pushkin.Works of Shakespeare.During the twenty-two years of his literary work he produced 38 plays,2 narrative poems and 154 sonnets. His literary work may be divided into three major periods: the first period from 1590 to 1600,the second from 1601 to 1608,and the third from 1609 to 1612.The first period:1590 The Second Part of King Henry VThe Third Part of King Henry V1591 The First Part of King Henry V1592 The Life and Death of King Richard IIIThe Comedy of Errors《错误的喜剧》1593 Titus AndronicusThe Taming of the Shrew(驯悍记)1594 The Two Gentlemen of Verona(维洛那二绅士)Love's Labor‘s Lost(爱的徒劳)Romeo and Juliet(罗密欧与朱丽叶)1595 The Life and Death of Richαrd IIA Midsummer Night's Dream(仲夏夜之梦)1596 The Life and Death of King JohnThe Merchant of Venice(威尼斯商人)1597 The First Part of King Henry IVThe Second Part of King Henry IV1598 Much Ado About Nothing(无事烦恼)The Merry Wives of Windsor(温莎的风流娘儿们)The Life of King Henry V1599 The Life and Death of Julius CaesarAs You Like It(皆大欢喜)1600 Twelfth Night, or, What You Will(第十二夜)The second period:1601 Hamlet,Prince of Denmark (哈姆莱特)1602 Troilus and CressidaAll's Well That Ends Well. (终成眷属)1604 Measure for Measure(一报还一报)Othello,the Mooe of Venice(奥赛罗)1605 King Lear(李尔王)The Tragedy of Macbeth(麦克白)1606 Antony and Cleopatra1607 The Tragedy of CriolanusTimon of Athens1608 Pericles,Prince of TyreThe third period:1609 Cymbeline, King of Britain (辛白林)1610 The Winter's Tale(冬天的故事)1612 The Tempest(暴风雨)The Life of King Henry VIIIShakespeare had also written poems: Venus an Adonis(1592),Lucrece (1592-1593),and Sonnets (1593-1598). Among these works, Hamlet is considered to be the summit of Shakespeare‘s art. The whole tragedy is permeated with the spirit of Shakespeare‘s own time. Hamlet is the profoundest expression of Shakespeare's humanism and his criticism of contemporary life.My understanding: It is a flourishing time of English literature.Part IV The 17th Century :The period of revolution and restorationSocial background: The 17th century was one of the most tempestuous periods in English history. It was a period when absolute monarchy impeded the further development of capitalism in England and the bourgeoisie could no longer bear the sway of landed nobility. The contradictions between the feudal system and the bourgeoisie had reached its peak and resulted in a revolutionary outburst.Main trend of literature: In this period in literature also the Puritan Age was one of confusion,due to the breaking up of old ideals. The Puritans believed in simplicity of life. They disapproved of the sonnets and the love poetry written in the previous period. The Bible became now the one book of the people. The Puritan influence in general tended to suppress literary art.Special forms of literature:In this period in the absence of any fixed standard of literary criticism there was nothing to prevent the exaggeration of the "metaphysical" poets,who are the literary parallels to religious sects like the Anabaptists(浸礼教徒). Poetry took new and startling forms in Donne and Herbert,and prose became as somber as Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy.Major writer and master works and their style and language features:John Donne (1572?-1631) is a more thoroughly characteristic figure of the early seventeenth century. His religious poems and his magnificent sermons reached astounding heights of subtlety and intensity. The searchings of soul andthe horrified fascination with which he contemplated the processes of dissolution and the awful event of death are rendered with amazing intellectual ingenuity and imaginative power. His prose style, involuted and ornate, cumulative and Ciceronian, is one of the more glorious monuments to the spirit of the early seventeenth century.John Milton (1608-1774) is a great English poet. John Milton was the child of the Renassance, inherited all its culture, and the most profoundly educated man of his age. His greatest work Paradise Lost presents the author‘s views in an allegoric(比喻的,寓言的) religious form. The basic idea in this poem is: the exposure of reactionary forces of his time and passionate appeal for freedom. The poem is on the biblical legend of imaginary progenitors of the human race—Adam and Eve, and involves God and his eternal adversary, Satan. His another poem is Paradise Regained. John Bunyan (1628-1688) is a great prose writer. His most important work is The Pilgrim’s Progress, written in the old-fashioned, medieval form of allegory and dream.My understanding: It is a time of revolution and restoration.Part V The 18th Century:The Age of English Enlightenment in EnglandSocial background: After the tempestuous events of the 17th century, England entered a period of a comparatively peaceful development.Main trend of literature: With the advent of the 18th century,in England,as in other European countries,there sprang into life a public movement known as the Enlightenment(启蒙运动)The Enlightenment on the whole,was an expression of struggle of the then progressive class of bourgeoisie against feudalism. The enlighteners fought against class inequality,stagnation,prejudices and other survivals of feudalism. They attempted to place all branches of science at the service of mankind by connecting them with the actual deeds and requirements of the people.And the new literature current—that of Sentimentalism appeared. Sentimentalism in literature is ―emotion run wild,‖ with emphasis on feeling rather on events and circumstances which produced the feeling.Another conspicuous trend in the English literature of the later half of the 18th century was the so-called pre-romanticism. It originated among the conservative groups of men of letters as a reaction against Enlightenment and found its most manifest expression in the "Gothic novel",the term arising from the fact that the greater part of such romances were devoted to the medieval times.Special forms of literature: Neo-classicism (poetry and prose), realistic novel and the gothic novel.Major writer and master works and their style and language features:Enlighteners fell into two groups — the moderate group and the radical group. Moderate enlighteners supported the principles of the existing social order and considered that partial reforms would be sufficient. In this group may be included chiefly Alexander Pope(1688-1744), Joseph Addison(1672-1719) and Richard Steele(1672-1729), Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) and Samuel Richardson(1689-1761). They tried to work out a standard of moral conduct, which could be more suitable to the existing social conditions. Radical enlighteners struggled for more resolute democratization in the management of the government, and defended the interests of the exploited masses, the peasants and the working people in the cities. The representative writers of this group are Jonathan Swift(1667-1745), Henry Fielding(1707-1754), Tobias George Smollet(1721-1771), Oliver Goldsmith(1730-1774) and Richard Brinsley Sheridan(1751-1816). They stressed the discrepancy between what they called "the proper, moral standards"and the bourgeois-aristocratic society of their age.Alexander Pope (1688-1744)①An Essay on Criticism (1711)②The Rape of the Lock (1712-14)③Essay on Man (1733-34)④The Dunciad (1728)2. Joseph Addison (1672-1719) and Richard Steele (1672-1729)①The Tatler②The SpectatorDaniel Defoe (1660-1731)①Robinson Crusoe1719②Captain Singleton—a novel of adventure, 1720③Moll Flanders—written in the form of autobiography, 1722④Colonel Jacque—a novel of adventure, 1722三、Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) The Battle of the Books (1704), and A Tale of a Tub (1704). The former is a satirical dialogue on the comparative merits of ancient and modern writers. It mainly attacks on pedantry in literary world of the time. The latter is a prose satire written in the form of a parable and a sharp attack on the disputes among the different sects of the Christian religion.Among the pamphlets he wrote about Ireland, the best-known pieces are The Drapier' s Letters and A Modest Proposal Swift‘s tragic live affairs were recorded in his poem Cadenus and Vanessa and Journal to Stella. Before his death, Swift published a poem On the Death of Dr. Swift.Henry Fielding (1707-1754)①Joseph Andrews1742②Jonathan Wild the Great1743.③The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling 1749④Amelia 1751William Blake (1757-1827)①Songs of Innocence1789②Songs of Experience1794③The Marriage of Heaven and HellRobert Burns (1759-1796)Most of Burns‘s poems are lyrics on love and friendship. They have a great charm of simplicity. His best-known lyrics are A Red, Red Rose, and Auld Lang Syne.③Burns wrote some poems to express his hatred for the oppression of the ruling class and his love for freedom. A best-known poem of this kind is A Man's A Man for That.④Burns wrote some patriotic poems, in which he expresses his deep love for his motherland; such as My Heart's inthe Highlands.⑤Burns wrote some verse-tales which he based on old Scottish legends. In these poems, he sings of the heroic spirit of the Scottish people in their struggle against their oppressors. The best example of these poems is John Barleycorn.⑥Burns wrote a number of poems on the theme of revolution, such as The Tree of Liberty and A Revolutionary Lyric.⑦Burns also achieve success in the field of satire. E.g. The Toadeater.⑧Poems like The Jolly Beggars are characterized by humor and lightheartedness.Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816)①The Rivals②The School for ScandalFeaturesSheridan‘s dramatic techniques are largely conventional; th ey are exploited to the best advantage. His plots are well organized; his characters, either major or minor, all sharply drawn; and his manipulation of such devices as disguise, mistaken identity and dramatic irony is masterly. Witty dialogues and neat and decent language also make a characteristic of his plays.My understanding: The age of English Enlightenment in England。
英国文学The Anglo-Saxon Period
believing in old mythology of Northern Europe.
English language was influenced by the Northern mythology.
British Literature I
Anglo-Saxon Male
British Literature I
Anglo-Saxon males wore tunics with trim and tight fitting braise or pants. They wore wool
cloaks that were fastened with pins.
beginning of 5th century:
declining of the Roman Empire
In 410 A. D. Romans withdrew.
400 years
of occupation
3. The English/Anglo-Saxon Conquest
British Literature I
After the Roman Conquest, swarms of pirates came to invade from Northern Europe .Leabharlann 盎格 鲁人Angles
撒克 逊人
7 small
朱特人 Jutes
7th. C
United into One
The Anglo-Saxon religious belief
1[1].The Anglo-Saxon Period
About the history:
(1) The early inhabitants on the island we now called England were Britons (a tribe of Celts). From the Britons, the island got its name Britain (the land of Britons). The Britons were a primitive people living in the tribal society.
The most important work of Alfred the Great is The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, which is regarded as the best momument of the old English prose. Alfred the Great a. The Christ Venerable Bede b. Paraphrase Cynewulf c. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles an unknown scribe d. The Ecclesiastical History of the English people Caedmon e. The Song of Beowulf
The literature of the Anglo-Saxon period falls naturally into two divisions: pagan and Christian. OR The old English poetry falls into two groups: the pagan represented by Beowulf and the religious poetry represented by the works of Caedmon and Cynewulf. Caedmon is the first known religious poet of England. He is known as the father of English song. The didactic poem the Christ was written by Cynewulf. In the 8th century, Anglo-Saxon prose appeared. The famous prose writers of that period were Venerable Bede and Alfred the Great.
二、盎格鲁-撒克逊时期 Anglo-Saxon Period
五、工业革命 Industrial Revolution
英国文学史知识点 Revised by BETTY on December 25,2020一、The Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066)1、这个时期的文学作品分类: pagan(异教徒) Christian(基督徒)2、代表作: The Song of Beowulf 《贝奥武甫》 ( national epic 民族史诗 ) 采用了隐喻手法3、Alliteration 押头韵(写作手法)例子: of man was the mildest and most beloved,To his kin the kindest, keenest for praise.二、The Anglo-Norman period (1066-1350)Canto 诗章1、romance 传奇文学2、代表作: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (高文爵士和绿衣骑士) 是一首押头韵的长诗三、Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400) 杰弗里.乔叟时期1、the father of English poetry 英国诗歌之父2、heroic couplet 英雄双韵体:a verse unit consisting of two rhymed(押韵) lines in iambic pentameter(五步抑扬格)3、代表作:the Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷的故事 (英国文学史的开端)大致内容:the pilgrims arepeople from various parts of England, representatives of various walks of life and social groups.朝圣者都是来自英国的各地的人,代表着社会的各个不同阶层和社会团体小说特点:each of the narrators tells his tale in a peculiar manner, thus revealing his own views and character.这些叙述者以自己特色的方式讲述自己的故事,无形中表明了各自的观点,展示了各自的性格。
Early and Medieval English Literature(449-1485)英国中世纪文学史大致可分为盎格鲁-撒克逊(The Anglo-Saxon Period,449-1066)和中古英语(The Middle English Period,1066-1485)两个时期。
他们的语言——盎格鲁-撒克逊语(Anglo-Saxon)或古英语(Old English)——也开始广为传播。
597年,奥古斯丁(Saint Augustine,?-604)率40余名修士来到英格兰传教,基督教开始在不列颠岛盛行。
盎格鲁-撒克逊时代最重要的文学作品是长达3 000多行的头韵史诗《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf,700-750),讲述了一个斯堪的纳维亚的民间传说。
古英语散文的杰出代表是比德(the Venerable Bede,673-735)的《英吉利人民宗教史》(Ecclesiastical History of the English People,731-732),其中包括英国第一宗教诗人开德蒙(Caedmon)充满神奇色彩的生平事迹。
公元891年,韦塞克斯(Wessex)国王艾尔弗雷德(Alfred,849-901)开始组织修士汇编《盎格鲁-撒克逊编年史》(The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle),后人一直续编至1154年。
1066年,诺曼底公爵威廉(William,Duke of Normandy)打败英军,夺得王位,成为英国威廉一世(William I),史称“诺曼征服”(the Norman Conquest).此后今300年的时间里,法语一直是英国统治阶层的语言,教会学者用拉丁文写作,英语只在民众中通用,以至于在12世纪之前几乎没有用英文写成的文学作品。
现在一般公认盎格鲁.撒克逊时代的第一部史书是威尔士修道士吉尔达的“Liber querulus de excidio britanniae”《哀诉不列颠的毁灭》其完成的年代约在公元540年,然而无论从哪个角度来看它都称不上是一部良史。
Part I The Anglo-Saxon Period (盎格鲁-撒克逊时期)
• In 410 A. D. Romans withdrew.
400 years of occupation
Britons, trodden (trampled) down as slaves or cultivators of the land Buildings of Roman style for Roman conquerors Towns built, as London Christianity introduced
II. What is Literature?
• Literature refers to the practice and profession of writing. It comes from human interest in telling a story, in arranging words in artistic forms, in describing in words some aspects of human experiences.
7. Twentieth Century Literature
Poetry W. B. Yeats T. S. Eliot Fiction Thomas Hardy John Galsworthy D. H. Lawrence James Joyce Virginia Woolf Drama George Bernard Shaw Oscar Wilde
Why study literature
• 1. To benefit from the insight of others. • 2. To open our minds to ambiguities of meaning. • 3. To explore other cultures and beliefs. • 4. To appreciate why individuals are the way they are • 5. To teach us to see individual bias. • 6. To encourage us to question "accepted" knowledge. • 7. To help us see ourselves as others do. • 8. To explore ethical complexities
英国文学 1. The Anglo-Saxon Period
Stylistic Features
Kennings in Beowulf: “swan’s way”, “whale-path”, “pathway of sails” —? “shield-holder”, “sword-hero”, “spear-fighter” —? “world-candle” —?
*The Angles, Saxons, and Jutes invaded; *Formed the Anglo-Saxon language (O.E.); * Were originally pagan (heathen) but later were converted.
II. Characteristics of the Anglo-Saxon Literature:
* Stylistic Features ?
Stylistic Features
1. Kenning
Beowulf uses a kind of figurative language called
“kenning”in order to add beauty to ordinary objects. A kenning is usually composed of two words, which becomes the formula for a special object.
How does alliteration organize each verse line?
Swa begnornodon
Geata leode
hlafordes hryre,
cwædon þæt he wære
1、The Anglo-Saxon Period盎格鲁撒克逊时期(strength & somberness)The literature of this period falls naturally into two divisions---pagan 异教and Christian基督教Cynewulf 基涅武甫the author of poem on religious subject 宗教诗Caedmon 凯德蒙the father of English song 用诗歌的形式译圣经The Song of Beowulf can be justly termed England's national epic and its hero Beowulf--- one of the national heroes of the English people.作者不明Grendel格伦德尔-a monster half-humanThe only existing manuscript of the 10th century and was not discovered until 1705.The whole epic consists of 3182 lines and is to be decided into 2 parts with an interpolation between the two.The forefathers of the Jutes2、The Anglo-Norman Period盎格鲁-诺曼底时期(bright,romantic tales of love and adventure English language became)The three chief effects of the conquest were: 1. the bringing of Roman civilization to England 2. the growth of nationality 3. the new language and literature, which were proclaimed in ChaucerThree classes: the Matter of France, the Matter of Greece and Rome, the Matter of BritainKing Arthur「亚瑟王」Sir Gawain and the Green Knight高文骑士和绿衣骑士3、Geoffrey Chaucer杰弗里•乔叟(首创heroic couplet),the "father of English poetry" and one of the greatest narrative poets of England. It is characteristic that his allegories and symbols are already tinged with realistic images.English tonico-syllabic verseLondon dialectThe Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集(本应有32个香客,128个故事,最终只完成了24个)Prologue总引is a splendid masterpiece of realistic portrayal, the first of its kind in the history of English literature. In this poem Chaucer's realism, trenchant irony and freedom of views reached such a high level of power that it had no equal in all the English literature up to the 16th century. His work is permeated with buoyant free-thinking, so characteristic of the age of Renaissance whose immediate forerunner Chaucer thus became.4、The Renaissance 文艺复兴The term Renaissance originally indicated a revival of classical(Greek and Roman) arts and sciences after the dark ages of medieval obscurantism蒙昧主义They held their chief interest not in ecclesiastical knowledge, but in man, his environment and doings and bravely fought for the emancipation of man from the tyranny of the church and religious dogmas.Thus Wyatt 怀亚特was the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature.Christopher Marlowe made blank verse无韵体诗William Shakespeare was one of the first founder of realism. Hamlet is the profoundest expression of Shakespeare’s humanism and his criticism of contemporary life. “to be or not to be”.Francis Bacon培根his work of three classes: philosophical, literary, professional works. The largest and important works Maxims of the law and Reading on the Statute of Uses. Of Truth & Of studies5、Revolution & RestorationMetaphysical poets玄学诗Restoration(witty and clever, but on whole immoral and cynical)John Milton约翰弥尔顿(文艺复兴之子)his greatest work Paradies lost presents the his views in an allegoric religious form. Paradies lost(12 books marked for its intricate and contradictory composition, based on the bible legend of the imaginary progenitors of the human race, Adam, Eve, Satan)John Bunyan班扬The Pilgrim’s Progress天路历程written in the old-fashion, medieval form of allegory and dream.6、Enlightenment (man)Three main divisions: the reign of so-called classism, the revival of romantic poetry, the beginning of the modest novel. Prose rather than poetry.代表人物Joesph Addison& Richard SteelePope( elaborate heroic couplets) Henry Field and Tobias George Smollet are the real founders of bourgeois realistic novel. The most outstanding personality of the epoch of Enlightenment in England was Jonathan Swift---Gulliver’s Travels. -(Lilliput) Sentimentalism---Laurence Sterne Pre-romanticism“Gothic Novel”Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe7、The Romantic PeriodWilliam Blake and Robert Burns represented the spirit of what is usually called Pre-Romanticism.William Wordsworth’s Lyrical BalladsThe most important and decisive factor in the development of literature is economics. It was greatly influenced by the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution.Thus, a new class, proletariat, had sprung into existence.The Revolution proclaimed the natural rights of man and the abolition of class distinctions.“liberty, equality and fraternity”The Reform Bill of 1832 shifted the center of political power to the middle class.Romanticism beginning with the publication of Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads, ending with Walter Scott’s death.The 18th century was distinctively an age of prose.Poetry is the highest form of literary expressionColeridge and Southey, Wordsworth, so-called Lake PoetsThe great literary impulse the age is the impulse of Individualism in a wonderful variety of forms.Byron拜扬(Don Juan)Percy Bysshe Shelley雪莱(To the skylark-waking or asleep; teach me half the gladness)John Keats (Ode on a Grecian Urn-beauty is truth, truth beauty) Walter Scott (the father of Europe historical novel) Jane Austen (pried and prejudice) 8、The Victorian AgeCritical realismThe greatest English realist of the time was Charles Dickens(Oliver Twist雾都孤儿).Another critical realist - William Makepeace Thackeray was a no less severe exposer of contemporary society. Thackeray’s novels mainly contain a satirical portrayal of the upper strata of society.Chartist literature宪章文学, the struggle of the proletariat for its rightsR. Browning, humanismCharlotte Bronte (Jane Eyre简爱) Emily Bronte (Wuthering Heights呼啸山庄)9、The 20th Century LiteratureThe first disturbing factor was imperialism帝国主义Another factor that influenced literature for the worse was a widespread demand for social reform of every kind.Thomas Hardy (Tess of the D’Urebervilles)wrence (Oedipus complex 恋母情结)“art for art’s sake”with Oscar Wilde奥斯卡维尔德Anti-realistic art and literature反现实文学Oscar Wilde is the most conspicuous 颓废派writer and poet of the English decadence.Virginia Woolf & James Joyce are novelist of Stream-of-consciousness。
The Anglo Norman Period英国文学盎格鲁诺曼时期文学
2. Social Features of the Feudal England
classes landlords peasants
It was William I who pushed England into the feudal society
the King the King’s office secular heretics government burnt alive 7
The central character of the romance is the knight, a man of noble birth skilled in the use of weapons. He is commonly described as riding forth to seek adventures, taking part in tournaments, or fighting for his lord in battle. He is devoted to the church and the king. The code of manners and morals of a knight is known as chivalry.
Outline of British Literature
The AngloNorman Period (1066-1350)
1. The Norman Conquest
in 1066 battle in Hastings The Normans, from Northern France, Duke William King of England
5. The Romance Cycles/Groups/Divisions
英国文学史盎格鲁撒克逊时期Part I
Part I. English Literature of the Anglo-Saxon Period (449-1066)1.The Historical Background:Before the coming of the Anglo-Saxons, the Celtic tribes lived in what is now Britain. In the middle of the first century B.C., Roman troops led by Julius Caesar invaded Britain, then Claudius conquered it in A.D. 43 and Britain became a Roman province till the beginning of the fifth century. During their rule the Romans built roads, walls, garrisons, villas, etc., and the Celtic became either slaves or unfree cultivators of the land. Then, in early 5th century, as the Germanic races attacked and overran the Roman Empire, the Roman garrisons in Britain withdraw.Not long after that, in the mid-5th century, the tribes of Angles, Saxons and Jutes (later known simply as Anglo-Saxons) migrated to England from the European Continent, or more specifically from western Denmark and the northwest coast of Germany. They settled down there and soon ruled over the whole of England, enslaving some of the native Celts while driving the others to the hills north and west, to Wales and Scotland and even Ireland across the sea. Thus began the Anglo-Saxon period in English history.While still on the Continent, the Anglo-Saxons were in the later stages of tribal society. Their common occupation was agriculture, with a small number of them already set apart as professional soldiers or as hereditary military leaders. Some of these leaders gradually became thanes or the nobility and a few of them rose to be chieftains or even kings. Settlement in Britain hastened the disintegration of tribalism as the tribal chieftains and thanes had the possession of large tracts of land and grew in wealth and power while the free farmers became more and more dependent economically.By the 7th century, seven kingdoms of fairly large territories emerged out of more numerous smaller kingdoms and there were wars among them. Of the seven Mercia and then Northumberland in the north flourished particularly in wealth and culture in the 7th and 8th centuries, and Wessex in the south became a more important centre of military and political power and assumed supremacy in culture and learning in the 9th and 19th centuries. Beginning from late 8th century the Danes came to invade England and for more than a century they made intermittent raids on the eastern coast of Britain and occupied for fairly long periods of time large areas of northeastern England. In late 9th century King Alfred the Great (A.D. 840-901?) of the Kingdom of Wessex successfully led the English people in a protracted war against the invading Danes who were threatening to overrun the whole country. The invaders were repulsed and gradually all the kingdoms in England were united into one.In early 11th century the Danes again came to invade England and under Canute they conquered and ruled over all England for a quarter of a century (A.D. 1017-1042). Then, following the expulsion of the Danes the Normans from Normandy in northern France came to invade England in 1066, and under the leadership of William the Duke of Normandy who claimed the succession to the English throne they succeeded in defeating the English troops and conquering the whole of England. The “Norman Conquest”marked the end of the Anglo-Saxon period.In late Saxon England feudalism assumed definite shape, with the king at the top, then the earls and the thanes, then the freemen and last the serfs. Agriculture developed and trade expanded. Towns came into existence and wealth became more concentrated. With the Norman Conquest feudalism underwent further development.The Anglo-Saxons were heathen upon their first arrival in England. In A.D. 597 the first missionaries led by St. Augustine came to England from Rome and converted King Ethelbert of Kent, and within a century all England was Christianized. Churches were built and the monks were among the most learned in the country. The heathen mythology was gradually replaced by the Christian religion, but heathen concepts of nature and the supernatural persisted for a considerable period of time and often were curiously mixed with Christian views and expressions. This phenomenon found its expression not infrequently in literary works of the Anglo-Saxon period.2.“Beowulf” the National Epic of the Anglo-Saxon:The earliest poetry of the Anglo-Saxons, like that of many other peoples, originated from the collective efforts of the people, usually while they were working or resting from their labors. Then these stories based on history or legend or contemporaneous events would be narrated orally and often sung, during festivities and other occasions, chiefly for entertainment. Some of the more interesting of these narratives would pass from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation, and as they were told by different singers at different times, additions or deletions were introduced in the successive rehandlings of the oral tradition of each epic.With the disintegration of tribal society and the appearance of class divisions, professional narrators or singers of these popular stories emerged. They were known as “scops” or “gleemen” among the Anglo-Saxons, the former being poet-singers who sang poetic tales of their own making while the latter mere retellers of epics already in circulation. At first these “scops” and “gleemen” also served as priests gibing spells or citing incantations on various solemn occasions but later they became simply wandering minstrels traveling extensively from one chieftain’s court to that of another, providing entertainment with their singing. Two of the earliest Anglo-Saxon lyrics extant, “Widsith” (probably of the 7th century) and “Deor’s Lament” (probably of the 8th century), are good literary specimens that illustrate the life and social position of the later “scops” or “gleemen”.Because these popular narratives of the Anglo-Saxons in the earliest times existed originally in oral tradition and few of them seemed to have been handed down in written form, “Beowulf”is possibly the only important single poem of this kind preserved to this day more or less in its entirety and has generally been considered the most monumental work in English poetry of the Anglo-Saxon period.“Beowulf” probably existed in its oral form as early as the 6th century and was written down in the 7th or 8th century, though the manuscript of the poem now extant dated back to the 10th century. It contains 3183 lines of alliterative verse, being the longest of the early Anglo-Saxon poems preserved. The story in the epic is based on part-historical, part-legendary material brought over to England by the Anglo-Saxons from their original homes on the European Continent. So Beowulf the hero of thepoem and his adventures are placed in Denmark and southern Sweden rather than in England.The poem opens with a brief account of the line of Danish kings down to Hrothgar, Beowulf’s kinsman who builds a splendid hall names Heorot to entertain his followers (lines 1-100 in the poem). A monster by the name of Grendel frequently comes to the hall at night and at one time devours as many as thirty warriors sleeping there, so that the hall is deserted after dark (lines 101-193). The news of Grendel’s ravages finally reaches southern Sweden, where Beowulf, nephew to King Hygelac of he Geats and a man of great strength, hears of it and sails with fourteen companions to lend help to Hrothgar. They reach the Danish coast and are directed by the watchman to Hrothgar’s abode (lines 194-319). There the Danish king tells of his friendship with Beowulf’s father Ecgtheow and Beowulf states the purpose of his coming. Then the cisitors ae invited to a feast (lines 320-497). At the banquet one of Hrothgar’s followers Unferth speaks tauntingly to Beowulf and our hero retorts by relating his successful contest with a certain Breca in swimming (lines 498-606). Thereupon Hrothgar’s queen, Wealhtheow, fills Beowulf’s cup and the hero utters his determination to conquer the monster or die. Soon it grows dark and the king and his retinue depart, leaving Beowulf and his men to guard the hall (lines 607-665).Then the first adventure begins. Before Beowulf and his companions get ready to go to sleep, the former puts off his armour and declares not to use his sword in the coming combat. Soon enough Grendel bursts into the hall and very quickly eats up one of the warriors and comes directly to Beowulf. The hero then engages in a terrific battle with the monster ass the hall rings with the sound of their combat. Eventually Beowulf tears an arm and a shoulder off the monster who runs away, mortally wounded (lines 665-833). The victor displays Grendel’s torn arm and the Danes show their admiration by telling stories of the heroes of the past. Then Hrothgar comes and rewards Beowulf with rich gifts (lines 834-1062). At the feast that follows, Hrothgar’s minstrel sings of old tales (lines1063-1159), and the queen appears and thanks Beowulf and presents him with a valuable necklace which is later worn by Hygelac and becomes the property of the Franks after the latter’s death (lines 1160-1232). Hrothgar and Beowulf now retire while a number of warriors stay on in the hall for the night. Then Grende’s mother comes and carries off Aeschere, the kings’chief councilor (lines1233-1306). Beowulf is sent for and Hrothgar tells him of the tragic event and describes the abode of the monsters and Beowulf promises to avenge Aeschere (lines 1306-1396).The second adventure opens with Beowulf and his companions setting out for a pool and upon arrival he plunges into the water and reaches a cave underneath. There he engages in a long struggle with Grende l’s mother and finally succeeds in killing her with a magic sword of the ancient giants hanging in the cave. He cuts off her head as well as that of her son Grendel lying dead nearby. With these as his booty he returns to the shore of the pool where his companions are still waiting, already in despair about his life (lines 1397-1631). The victors march back to Heorot and are welcomed by Hrothgar who eulogizes the hero but then enters into a lengthy moralizing discourse on the evils of pride (lines 1632-1784). The next day Beowulfbids farewell to Hrothgar who rewards him with further gifts and the visiting warriors embark to return to their native land (lines 1785-1921). Then, after a laudatory account of the virtues of Hygd, King Hygelac’s young wife, we are told of the meeting between Hygelac and Beowulf at which the latter first speaks digressively of the relations between Hrothgar and his daughter Freawaru and son-in-law Ingeld, and then gifts are exchanged between uncle Hygelac and nephew Beowulf (lines 1922-2199). After a lapse of time Hygelac dies and his son succeeds to the throne but is soon killed in battle by the Swedes. Then Beowulf is chosen king and he rules gloriously over the Geats for fifty years (lines 2200-2210).The third and last adventure of our hero takes place in his own country. A dragon has kept guard over a hidden treasure hoarded for many years but suddenly finds part of the hoard stolen by a runaway slave, and in revenge he starts to ravage the land with the fatal blasts of his fiery breath. Beowulf, now an aged king, resolves to fight with the dragon himself (lines 2210-1349). But before the description of the battle, lengthy digressions are introduced. First there are reminiscencesby our hero, as he recalls how at a battle in the land of the Frisians Hygelac lost his life while Beowulf himself escaped by swimming, how upon his return therefrom he refused the throne offered him by Hygelac’s widow-queen Hygd, how young Heardred succeeded his father Hygelac but was soon lain by the Swedish king Onela and finally how Beowulf some time later avenged the death of Heardred by participating in a feud that led to Onela’s death (lines 2349-2396). Then, the main thread of the story is resumed with an account of Beowulf taking with him twelve companions and approaching the shore dwelling of the dragon, but a second digression is inserted as the old king recollects the more remote past of his family history: how one brother of Hygelac’s, Haethcyn, then the king of the Geats, accidentally killed another bother Herebeald, how their father Hrethel died of grief in consequence, how subsequently in a war with the Sweded Haethcyn and the Swedish king Ongentheow, Onela’s father, were both killed, How Hygelac the third brother died among the Frisians, and how there Beowulf killed Daeghrefn a warrior of the Hugas (lines 2397-2509). Then when the main narrative is picked up again, Beowulf orders his men to wait outside while he goes down to the mound of the hoard where the dragon lives. There he is attacked by the dragon and his sword fails him when he uses it to pierce the monster’s scales. Beowulf now falls under the threat of the fiery breath of the dragon and is in great danger, but one of the companions Wiglaf, son of Weoxstan, rushes down to help while the other companions flee into a wood. In the meantime Beowulf strikes at the dragon on the head, but his sword breaks and the dragon seizes him by the neck. In the nick of time Wiglaf succeeds in wounding the dragon and Beowulf kills the monster with his knife (lines 2510-2709). But the old king is himself mortally wounded, and as Wiglaf brings the treasure out of the hoard, the king gives his last orders about his own funeral and presents the faithful companion with his armour and necklace and then dies (lines 2709-2842). The cowardly warriors now return and Wiflaf rebukes them and sends a messenger to the people to announce the king’s death. The messenger in his speech foretells the disasters that are to follow Beowulf’s death, recalling the former wars with the Franks, the Frisians and the Swedes andprophesying future strife with these enemies now that the hero is no longer alive to protect his people. Then the people arrive at the scene of the fight and carry away the treasure hoard. Wiglaf repeats Beowulf’s dying instructions, and the dragon is thrown into the sea as a funeral pyre is built on which Beowulf’s body is buried. Over his remains a huge mound is piled up and the dragon’s treasures are placed therein. Twelve warriors ride round the barrow lamenting the death of Beowulf and praising his virtues as a great and good king: “of all kings he was the gentlest and most gracious of men, the kindest to his people and the most desirous of renown”(lines 2842-3183).Except for occasional digressions when the hero recalls past events or when some gleemen sings a tale, “Beowulf”as a poem centres on the narration of the exploits of the heroic figure Beowulf, including his adventures with Grendel and his mother in Denmark and with the dragon in the land of the Geats. In other words, it is a long verse narrative on the theme theme of “arms and the man” and such belongs to the tradition of a national epic in European literature that van be traced back to Homer’s “Iliad” and Vergil’s “Aeneid”.Another characteristic of the epic tradition to be found in “Beowulf”is the part-historical, part-legendary origin of the story. It’s part-historical as quite a number of the characters either appearing or mentioned in the poem are real persons lifted from the pages of history, including King Hrothgar of the Danes (based on “Historia Danica” of Saxo Grammaticus) and King Hygelac of the Geats (based on “Historica Francorum”of Gregory of Tours and “Gesta Regum Francorum”as well as “Liber Monstrorum”), both of whom play rather important roles in the development of the tale. Besides, several digressional episodes in the epic, those about Finn and Hnaef (in the gleeman’s lay) and about Ingeld and Freawaru as well as the one about the wars between the Swedes and the Geats, all have their historical basis. And these historical figures and events place the poem in the historical period of the disintegration of tribal society, when there were tribal wars as well as inter- and intra-family feuds among the rulers. But the hero Beowulf is essentially a legendary figure. His name cannot be found in any historical document, and all that scholarly research can do has been to try to identify him with Beowa, a deity in Northern Mythology known to have killed sea monsters and dragons, or to compare him with Sigmund or his son Sigourd (alias Siegfried) in the “Edda” or “V olsunga Saga” or “Nibelungenlied”, though his relations with Hygelac and the Geat People and with Hrothgar and the Danes all appear to be rather realistic reflections of the social cinditionsof the tribal age during which the poem must have been first conceived and sung. Also, Beowulf’s fights with Grendel and Grende l’s mother and the dragon, all with a distinctly mythical or fabular character, have their parallels in other European legends, and they also illustrate the common desire of the tribal people in ancient times to conquer the mysterious forces of nature that wrought havoc upon human society.There can be little doubt that the development of “Beowulf” as an epic, from its oral tradition to its present written form, took up several centuries. The fact that the locale of the story is set in Denmark and southern Sweden shows all too clearly that the tale was brought over by the Angles, Saxons or more likely Jutes from theirContinental homes upon their immigration to England. Therefore, while the epic contains chiefly reflections of tribal society in a heathen world, there are also many feudal elements in it and some Christian coloring. For instance, while the chief theme of the poem is the primitive people’s struggle against hostile forces of the natural world under a wise and mighty leader and there are gleeman’s tales of tribal wars and inter- and intra-family feuds and of intimate kinsmen’s relationship between the kings and their warriors, yet on the other hand the kings described not only were already hereditary but were possessed of absolute authority to have big halls built and hold feasts there and dispense gifts to his guests and followers. The warriors or thanes were loyal subjects of the king and were ever ready to risk their lives for their sovereign, and they resembled somewhat the feudal knights as they sallied forth on their adventures to kill monsters and dragons in order to relieve the distressed. Also there is in the poem obvious censure here and there of the bloody feuds among the kinsmen in the ruling circles. Even the story of the runaway slave’s robbery of the hoard of gold and of the dragon’s revenge for the loss is a motif that has its many parallels in other old legendary tales in European poetry (e.g., the Nibelungenlied”) and belongs to the feudal age rather than to the earlier days of tribalism.Likewise, the curious mixing in the poem of pagan elements with Christian coloring was the natural result of the epic descending from its original oral form and passing through the hands of a number of different scribes from generation to generation. The most striking example is the frequent reference in the epic to “wyrd”(i.e., fate) as the decisive factor in human affairs, but at other times and in different places there is also the mention of “God” or “Lord” as the omniscient and omnipotent being that rules over the whole universe. Sometimes the poet-singer even interrupts the narrative with uncalled-for interpolations to point to God’s intervention in helping the virtuous and punishing the wicked or to lament the misfortunes of the heathens who were unable to see the invisible power of God everywhere. Direct but rather curious references to Biblical personages are also occasionally to be found, such as identifying the monster Grendel with “the children of Cain”. Also, in Hrothgar’s lengthy passages of moralizing following Beowulf’s conquest of Grendel’s mother and in the not infrequent comments here and there on the brevity and transitoriness of human existence, the influence of Christian religion is quite unmistakable, with its emphasis on moral behavior and on the importance of “future life”above earthly bliss.But, on the whole, the pagan mood is more dominant and tribal life rather than feudal ways seems to be the determining factor for the main structure of the story. However, though the tale deals with happenings on the European Continent, the extant written version of the poem grew up on the English soil and consequently must have absorbed much from the social life and manners of the Anglo-Saxons following their settlement in England, so it is not improper to consider the work as an early national epic of the English people.Anglo-Saxon or Old English, in which “Beowulf” was written, represents the earliest stage in the history of the English language and is very different from modern English. It appears almost like another language altogether and cannot be understoodtoday by English-speaking peoples unless one consults notes and glossary in detail or reads its translation in modern English. It was closely related to Old Low German and therefore it is highly-inflected like other Germanic languages. “Beowulf” was written in alliterative verse, employing the device of alliteration instead of the use of rhymes or blank verse that was common to the English poems beginning from the Middle English period. In the practice of alliteration, words beginning with the same consonants alliterate with each other within each line, or a word beginning with a vowel alliterates with another word beginning with the same or another vowel. Each line of verse may contain an indefinite number of words or syllables but generally has four stresses, with a pause between the second and the third stresses, thus breaking the line into two parts. Alliteration invariably falls upon the stressed syllables, but not all four of the stresses in a line need to alliterate, usually two or three of them alliterate, with at least one from each half-line. The first three lines of the original poem are given here as specimen, with their translation into modern English provided below: Hwaet! We Gar-Dena in gear-dagumPeod-cyninga prym gefranon,Hupa aeth lingas ellen fremedon.(Lo! We Spear-Danes in days long pastOf warrior kings’glory have heard,How the princes wrought deeds of prowess.)One peculiar characteristic of style in “Beowulf”is the frequent use of compound-words to serve as indirect metaphors that are sometimes very picturesque. These are known as “kennings”, such as: “swan-road”, “whale-path”or “seal-bath”used to refer to the sea; “wave-tra veler”, to indicate a ship; “shield-bearer”, “battle-hero”or “spear-fighter”as substitute for the word “soldier”; “sword-clashings”or “edge-clash”to describe battlings or fights; “ring-mail”, “limb-sark” or “breast-net” as equivalent to armour.“Beowulf”towers above all other literary works written in Anglo-Saxon, chiefly because it is a powerful poem about a people’s hero written in true epic style, and not so much because the other extant writings of the period are mediocre or fragmentary. Beowulf is not simply a man of great military prowess but he is forever eager to help others in distress and in his last adventure with the dragon he shows himself a worthy leader ready to sacrifice his own life for the welfare of his people. Setting aside the supernatural elements pervading the poem as an inevitable limitation of the tribal-feudal age, “Beowulf” deserves to be ranked among the great heroic poems of northern Europe though it has not been as well known as the “Nibelungenlied”. In artistic form the epic tells the tale in a leisurely way, full of elaborations in legendary details, and the verse rises at places to heights of poetic grandeur, particularly in the descriptions of the hero’s nobility of character and in the narrations of his courageous batttlings with malevolent foes.。
一、The Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066)1、这个时期的文学作品分类:pagan(异教徒) Christian(基督徒)2、代表作:The Song of Beowulf贝奥武甫(national epic民族史诗)采用了暗喻、押头韵手法。
3、The ancestors of the English are Angles, Saxons and Jutes.二、The Anglo-Norman period (1066-1350)1、The Roman Conquest: In 1066, the Duke of Normandy William led the Norman army to invade England. The result of this war was William became the king of England. After the conquest, feudal system was established in English society. Chivalry was introduced by the Normans into England. 1066年诺曼人入侵,带来了欧洲大陆的封建制度,也带来了一批说法语的贵族。
文学上也出现了新风尚,盛行用韵文写的骑士传奇,它们歌颂对领主的忠和对高贵妇人的爱,其中艺术性高的有Sir Gawain and the Green Knight高文爵士与绿衣骑士。
《盎格鲁-撒克逊人简史》——英国是怎么来的,英国的夏商周关于作者亨丽埃塔·利泽(Henrietta Leyser)曾任职于牛津大学圣彼得学院,专注于研究英国早期历史、宗教史。
近几年,像“大妈”(dama)、“加油”(add oil)、“关系”(guanxi)这些词被收录进入《牛津英语词典》。
连“好久不见”(long time no see)、“人山人海”(people mountain people sea)这样的中式表达也成为在世界范围流行的英语表达。
英国简史英格兰历史史前不列颠(AD 43前)罗马时期不列颠(43-410)盎格鲁-撒克逊英格兰历史(约410-1066)英格兰王国(英格兰是联合王国四个主要地区中面积最大以及人口最多的地方。
在英格兰北部雪菲尔(Sheffield)的温克班(Wincobank)可以看到铁器时代的丘陵要塞(hill fort)遗迹,而英格兰南部也有不少这类的丘陵要塞,从多塞特郡(Dorset)的大型梅登城堡(Maiden Castle)到位在伯克郡(Berkshire)小很多的葛林斯贝瑞城堡(Grimsbury Castle)都有,代表了那时已经拥有集中的土木工程系统。
位在德文郡(Devon)的达特穆尔国家公园(Dartmoor National Park)拥有英国最大型的青铜器时代聚落遗迹,那里存留有大约5000个房屋地基、石柱、石柱群、石棺(kistvaen)、巨石圈和锥形石堆(cairn)。
[编辑] 罗马时期英国西元前1世纪左右,强盛的罗马帝国入侵了不列颠,灿烂非凡的罗马文明从此改变了不列颠的面貌。
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The literature
Some features: Anglo-Saxon literature, that is, the Old English literature is almost exclusively a verse literature in oral form. It could be passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation. Its creators for most part are unknown. It was only given a written form long after its composition.
Story The scene of the story is laid first in Denmark. The great hall Heorot(Hart), built by the Danish king Hrothgar for big gatherings and feasts has been lay waste for 12 years by the monster called Grendel who always eats warriors. The king asked Beowulf, a famous monster slayer of Geat for help, Beowulf fights with it and tears of an arm of the monster who is mortally wounded and flees to his den beneath the sea.
At last , according to his will, the people followed his instruction how to bury his body and how to rule the country after his death. They buried his ash under a tremendous mound and piled the earth and stones so high that the mound thereafter became a beacon for the seafarers who sailed along the coast, thus, even after his death, Beowulf continued to serve people.
The story The structure Part I: the fight against Grendel Part II: the fight against Grendel’s mother Part III: the fight against the Fire Dragon Heroic ideal The themes The artistic features of old English poetry Alliteration, metaphor, understatement, vivid poetic diction and parallel expressions for a single idea
Introduction Beowulf is the most remarkable literary work in old English that has been preserved. Existing at first in the oral tradition, the poem was sung probably at the end of the 6th century and the beginning of the 7th. About a century later, it was first written down as an epic. The manuscript preserved today belongs to the tenth century, consisting altogether of 3182 lines of alliterative verse in old English. ( Epic: Epic is a long narrative poem in the grand style, often praising heroic adventure.)
Grendel’s mother wants to take the revenge for the death of her son, so she kills one of the king’s kinsmen. Beowulf followed the bloody trail, and they had a big fight under the water, at last, our hero cut off the heads of the monster’s mother. After he finished the mission, he went back home where he ruled as king for fifty years. The last part of the poem tells that one of the Geats has offended the monster by stealing a precious cup which had been guarding for three hundred years by a dragon. The dragon can breathe fire, so our hero sought the dragon in his cave and killed it. But Beowulf mortally wounded, and died after seeing the heaps of treasure in the cave.
Groups--Pagan and Christian The first group was the pagan poetry represented by “Beowulf”. It is the oldest poem in the English language, and the most important specimen of Anglo-Saxon literature, and also the oldest surviving epic in the English language. The second group was the religious poetry represented by the works of Caedmon who wrote a poetic Paraphrase of the Bible, and Cynewulf, the author of poems on religious subjects, who lived a century later. In the 8th.c, Anglo-Saxon prose appeared. The famous prose writers of that period were venerable(老而可敬的) Bede and Alfred the Great.
The Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066)
Background The literature Main literary works Beowulf Artistic features of old English poetry
In 43 A.D. the Romans landed in Britain and made south Britain a Roman province. People had to pay tribute or taxes to the Roman Empire. But they still kept their own language, their own customs and religion. The Romans had ruled England for almost 4 centuries. When the Roman Empire declined and its troops left England, the tribes of Angles, Saxons and Jutes invaded the island from Northern Europe around the 5th century. They drove the native Celts away from England into Wales, Scotland, and Even into Ireland across the sea. The three tribes gradually settled down and mixed into a whole people called English. The language spoken by these tribes is generally called Anglo-Saxon or Saxon.