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Application of cast Al–Si alloys in internal combustion engine components

Application of cast Al–Si alloys in internal combustion engine components

FULL CRITICAL REVIEWApplication of cast Al–Si alloys in internal combustion engine componentsMousa Javidani and Daniel Larouche*Excellent thermal conductivity and lower density make Al–Si alloys a suitable alternative for cast iron in the fabrication of engine components.The increase in the maximum operation temperature and pressure of engines necessitates improving the thermomechanical fatigue performance of Al–Si alloys.This paper has two major parts focussing on the use of Al–Si based alloys in cylinder heads and engine blocks.In the first part,the structural stress–strain and material property requirements of cylinder heads are discussed.In addition,the physical and mechanical properties of different competing materials used in the manufacture of engine components are reviewed.The physical metallurgy, solidification sequence and thermal conductivity of Al–Si based alloys are reviewed.Also discussed is the effect of microstructural features on thermomechanical fatigue lifetime.This part also includes an overview of the strengthening mechanisms of cast Al–Si alloys,by dispersed phases and heat treatment.Demands to improve fuel economy and reduce emissions necessitate modifications in the materials and design of engine blocks.Wear resistance and low friction coefficient are the major characteristics required for engine block materials.In the second part,the most promising alternative approaches to manufacturing liner-less Al–Si alloy cylinder blocks are elaborated.Keywords:Cylinder head,Engine block,Al–Si alloy,Thermomechanical fatigue,Heat treatment,Strengthening mechanism,Tribological characteristicsIntroductionTo reveal the performance requirements for engine components(engine blocks and cylinder heads),the operating service conditions need to be understood. Three different loads that are applied on the cylinder head have to be considered:the assembly load,the load produced by combustion pressure and the thermal load. The effects of thermal load on the fatigue lifetime of a cylinder head are overwhelmingly greater than those of the other loads.In a start–stop cycle,an engine might be warmed up from243K in a cold winter to over523K. During such a thermal cycle,large thermal/mechanical loads are applied on the engine components because of non-uniform thermal expansion/contraction of different engine parts.Over the past decade,Al–Si casting alloys have increasingly been used in the automotive industry as a suitable alternative for cast iron in fabrication of engine components.The major advantage of Al–Si alloys, besides their high strength to weight ratio,is their excellent thermal conductivity,which allows the combus-tion heat to be extracted more rapidly compared to cast iron.On the other hand,the automotive industry has been ever facing the challenge of improving efficiency and overall performance of engines.To increase the efficiency, the maximum operation temperature and pressure of the engine must be raised.The increase of operation temperature,which leads to softening of hypoeutectic Al–Si alloys,necessitates high-temperature strengthening of the Al–Si alloys.Hypoeutectic Al–Si alloys equipped with cast iron liners are widely used in the manufacture of engine blocks.The application of liner-less Al–Si alloy cylinder blocks could improve the thermal conductivity and give the possibility of reducing engine size.However, hypoeutectic Al–Si alloys cannot satisfy the required tribological characteristics for engine blocks and it is imperative to fortify the cylinder bore wall by a suitable technique.Thermomechanical fatigueThe cyclic stresses that cause fatigue failure at elevated temperature(0?3T m#T#0?7T m)do not necessarily result from the application of external loads;they could also be created by cyclic thermal stresses.Thermal stresses are produced when the change in dimensions of a member,which is in turn the result of a temperature change,is restricted by some kind of constraint.For instance,in afixed end bar,the thermal stress produced by a temperature change(D T)can be expressed as(if no plastic strain):Laval University,Department of Mining,Metallurgy and MaterialsEngineering,Adrien-Pouliot Bldg,Que.,Canada G1V0A6*Corresponding author,email rouche@gmn.ulaval.caß2014Institute of Materials,Minerals and Mining and ASM InternationalPublished by Maney for the Institute and ASM InternationalDOI10.1179/1743280413Y.0000000027International Materials Reviews2014VOL59NO3 132D s ~d e d T :d s d e:D T ~a :E :D T (1)where a is the linear coefficient of thermal expansion and E is the elastic modulus.Under thermomechanical conditions,the total strain (e tot )is the sum of thermal strain (e th )and mechanical strain (e mech )components,the latter being composed of elastic (e el )and inelastic strain (e in )components:e tot ~e th z e mech ~a (T {T 0)z e el z e in(2)where T 0is the reference temperature and T is the test temperature.1,2In thermomechanical fatigue (TMF),thermal and mechanical strains with different phasing might be applied to specimens.3Two major cycles are generally employed in a TMF test:(a)in-phase cycle,where the mechanical strain and thermal strain are at the same phase (e.g.maximum strain at maximum temperature);and (b)out-of-phase cycle,where mechanical strain is maximum at minimum temperature.Variations of strain components (thermal/mechanical and total strain)with time corresponding to OP TMF (out-of-phase TMF)and IP TMF (in-phase TMF)cases are illustrated in Fig.1.1,4The governing damage mechanism in engine com-ponents (e.g.cylinder heads)has been reported to be OP TMF cycles.5,6In each cycle of OP TMF,since a specimen crosses a temperature range,it can be affect-ed by a variety of thermally activated processes (as illustrated in Fig.2).The damage mechanisms can affect the specimen either individually or in mutual interactions.The major damage mechanisms in TMF processes are activated by fatigue,environment (oxidation)and creep.4,7Because of the complex geometry,thermal/mechanical strains in a cylinder head are known to be larger than in an engine block;therefore the former is more susceptible to failure by TMF.Detailed information about geome-try,constituent parts and applied conditions on cylinder heads can be found elsewhere.10,11Figure 3shows two pictures of typical crack initiation areas in cylinder heads.Several studies 13–15have been done to simulate/measure the thermal/mechanical stress–strain variations and temperature gradient in cylinder heads.As men-tioned above,three loads on the cylinder head must be taken into account:the assembly load,the load produced by combustion pressure and the thermal load.The assembly load is generated by the screws connecting the cylinder head to the engine block,press fitting of valve seats and hot plug.The peak firing pressure,which is generated by combustion pressure,can reach values up to 200bar in diesel engines.5,16–18In astart–stop1a Out-of-phase and b in-phase thermo mechanicalloading12Active damagingmechanisms during an OP TMFcycle1,8,9a copyright ß2006SAE International;reprinted with permission 13b Reprinted with permission from American Foundry Society,123Photographs of a typical crack initiation area in the cylinder headJavidani and Larouche Cast Al–Si alloysInternational Materials Reviews 2014VOL59NO3133cycle,the engine is warmed up to over 523K,with a strong temperature gradient being created during operation between the water cooled flame deck (from 373to 393K)and the combustion chamber face (from 523to 573K).The constraint imposed on thermal expansion creates the most significant operating stresses at the critical flame-face sections of the cylinder head (e.g.valve bridge).The thermal load affects the fatigue lifetime to a far greater extent than the other two loads mentioned.18–20Figure 4illustrates the calculated hoop strain–hoop stress for the first through third hot–cold cycle in the valve bridge area of a cylinder head.At the beginning,assembly loading generates a tensile hoop stress.The stress is compressive during heating,which becomes tensile upon cooling of the assembly.As illustrated,the mean hoop strain is compressive while the mean stress is rather tensile during the temperature cycle.19,21Two distinct fatigue modes control the lifetime of engine cylinder heads:mechanical fatigue and thermal fatigue.Mechanical fatigue,as a high cycle fatigue (HCF)in cylinder heads,is driven by the fluctuation of pressure in the combustion chamber.The thin walls (thickness y 10mm),adjacent to the water ducts in the valve bridge of a cylinder head,are the critical locations for mechanical fatigue crack initiation.The temperature range in these areas has been reported to be 393K (at lower engine speed)up to 443K (at higher speed).22The design of cylinder heads,the intrinsic fatigue strength of the alloy and residual stresses induced by heat treatment are the three major factors,which significantly affect the mechanical fatigue resistance.22,23Thermal fatigue,as alow cycle fatigue (LCF),is driven by the start–stop cycles of the engine.The typical thermal stress and strain cycles in the valve bridge (i.e.point A)of a cylinder head are illustrated in Fig.5.The thermomechanical loading factor K TM 52(e mech /e th )is y 0?75in the cylinder head.It seems that the influence of HCF loadings on the lifetime is small;the typical ignition pressure is less than 200bar,and the time of the HCF loading occurring is superimposed with the heating period and dwell time during which the stress is compressive.5,6,8The mechanism of fatigue failure can be explained as follows.After ignition of the engine,the valve bridge is heated up and the temperature becomes quite high (exceeds 523K)relative to the circumference of the combustion chamber.The bridge section tends to expand but cannot do so freely,since it is constrained by the water cooled flame deck across which it is suspended.This creates a local compressive stress field within the bridge section and induces compressive yielding.The most severe stress is created when the temperature difference between the combustion chamber and the water cooled flame deck is the largest (i.e.at the maximum speed).It is important to note that plastic deformation,which occurs at high temperature,does not cause fatigue cracking (because of it being in a compressive state)as long as the engine is running.15,16,19When the engine is turned off,the bridge section tends to contract while cooling back to room temperature.The yielded regions cannot return to the initial condition and tensile stresses are generated in these regions.19,24,25Therefore,the stress field for the yielding regions of the cylinder head is compressive at high temperatures,but becomes tensile at low temperatures (as shown in Fig.5).The repetition of these compressive–tensile stress cycles is considered to cause the cracking in the radial direction.As a result,the number of engine start–stop cycles could be a better indicator of TMF failure than the mileage of a vehicle.6,22Therefore,to prevent crack initiation,the alloy must have either high yield strength to accommodate stress elastically,or high ductility to delay crack formation.23,26,27The former is required to prevent gas leakage,and the latter is required to prevent cracking in the valve bridge area of a cylinder head.Another factor that must be taken into account is the degradation of strength owingto4Hoop-stress v.hoop-strain at valve bridge215Typical thermal loading in valve bridge (e.g.point A)of cylinder head (maximum operating temperature 5573K)(reprinted with permission from Elsevier)5,6Javidani and Larouche Cast Al–Si alloys134International Materials Reviews 2014VOL59NO3overaging,which makes plastic deformation easier.22,26,28Moreover,there are some other parameters that improve TMF resistance such as:narrow thermal stress hysteresis loop,26,29high thermal conductivity,low thermal expan-sion coefficient,30–32microstructural stability,26,28small secondary dendrite arm spacing (SDAS),23,33low poros-ity level 34–36and low content of coarse intermetallic phases.26,37Engine characteristics and requirementsDiesel engines have become a suitable alternative to gasoline engines over the last decade.Cars powered by diesel engines account for approximately 50%of the total market share in Europe (60%in France).Less fuel consumption,lower CO 2emissions and larger power output and torque of diesel engines are the main reasons for this progress.38,39The major difference between diesel and gasoline engines is their fuel combustion method,which has been elaborated by Denton.40Diesel engines operate at a higher compression ratio (between 14:1and 25:1compared to gasoline engines at between 8:1and 12:1)because of the higher temperature and pressure of the mixture in a diesel cycle.To increase engine efficiency and fulfil emission standard requirements (Euro legislation),the maximum operation temperature and pressure of the engine must be raised,in particular in diesel engines.For instance,the combustion pressure in truck engines was about 125bar in 1992and met the Euro I regulations;but it had to rise above 200bar to fulfil the Euro V regulations (see Fig.6).This has increased the maximum operating temperature of cylinder heads from below 443K inearlier engines 27,41to temperatures above 523K in recent engines.11,21These operating service conditions enhance the specific power of diesel engines from y 25kW L 21up to 75kW L 21.22,42Andersson 44stated that only y 12%of the total vehicle power is transferred to the wheels.About 15%of the energy is consumed by mechanical losses (mainly frictional)in powertrain system,the rest of the energy being dissipated in cooling and exhaust systems.44,45Funatani et al.46stated that friction in the engine system can lead to a loss of over 40%of total power.The major sources of these frictional losses are attributed to the contact between the piston assembly and cylinder bore.45–47Therefore,surface modifications of the cylinder bore could contribute to significant friction reduction,with further benefits for emissions and fuel economy.46,48A 10%decrease in frictional losses could reduce fuel consumption by about 3%.A volume of 600L of petroleum could therefore be saved for each vehicle having an average fuel consumption of 10L/100km and running a distance of 200000km over its entire lifetime.44Engine components and requirementsThe engine block and cylinder head,which are shown in Fig.7,are the two major components of an engine;both components have historically been manufactured from cast iron owing to its inherent high-temperature strength.Nevertheless,cast iron is a dense material (y 7?5g cm 23)and the engine is the single heaviest component within the powertrain group (y 14%of total vehicle mass).49About 3–4%of the total mass of an average vehicle is generally assigned to the engine block.The improved specifications and legislations for fuel economy and emissions oblige car manufacturers to make a significant weight reduction in their products.It has been reported that each 100kg in weight reduction could contribute to y 0?5L of petrol being saved per 100km driven.49–52As illustrated in Fig.8,weight reduction of a vehicle by a certain amount could result in significant improvement in fuel economy.53,54Social impetus,for instance the US Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV)programme,demands car manufacturers to produce vehicles having a fuel consumption of lower than 1L/30km.55Using materials with higher strength and stiffness,such as compacted graphite iron (CGI)instead of grey cast iron,contributes to increase in power and decrease in size of an engine by reducing the mainbearing6Increasing the peak firing pressure in truck engines tofulfil emissions standards requirements437a Cross-section of a cylinder head and b engine block (reprinted with permission from Taylor &Francis)40Javidani and Larouche Cast Al–Si alloysInternational Materials Reviews 2014VOL59NO3135thickness (see Table 1).50Another alternative is to replace cast iron with lightweight materials (e.g.aluminium and magnesium alloys).Owing to the considerable difference in the density between cast iron (y 7?5g cm 23),aluminium (y 2?7g cm 23)and magne-sium (y 1?74g cm 23)alloys,the substitution of cast iron by one of these alloys could make a significant weight reduction.Magnesium alloysMagnesium is y 75%and y 33%lighter than iron and aluminium,respectively.It has attracted great interest in the automotive industry.However,the specific stiffness of aluminium and iron has been reported to be slightly (y 0?69%and 3?752%,respectively)higher than that of Mg;but the specific strength of Mg is significantly greater than that of aluminium and iron (14?075%and 67?716%for aluminium and iron,respectively).53,56The regular commercial cast Mg alloys (e.g.AZ91and AM50),which are widely used in the automotive industry,suffer from poor creep resistance.57The creep resistance of the magnesium alloys (e.g.AM50:Mg–5Al–0?3Mn–0?2Zn (approximate wt-%1))has reported to be y 15%less than that of aluminium alloys (e.g.A380:Al–8?5Si–3?5Cu–3Zn (approximate wt-%))at 293K,and y 65%less at 403K.58Therefore,new Mg alloys (e.g.MRI 201,MRI 230)have been developed to improve the creep resistance and high-temperature strength.These alloys could compete with the commer-cial Al alloys (e.g.A380and A319)in terms of creep resistance and high-temperature strength.59–61Despite these advantages,application of magnesium alloys in the automotive industry has been very limited:the average application of Al alloys has been reported to be over 100kg per car,while that of Mg alloys has been reported as y 6kg.62The higher total cost of Mg alloys is one of the major reasons for impeding their wide-spread application in the automotive industry.62–64It is worth noting that the price of magnesium has been considerably reduced in the last few years.56Lowerthermal conductivity and higher thermal expansion are other disadvantages of Mg alloys compared with Al alloys.57Aluminium alloysIn the late 1970s,the generation of aluminium engine blocks was introduced to be used in gasoline engines.However,because of technical requirements,application of aluminium alloys was very limited in diesel engines until the mid-1990s.Nowadays,blocks for gasoline engines are generally cast in aluminium alloys;and the use of aluminium in diesel engines is continuing to increase.Also,most cylinder heads are cast in alumi-nium alloys.Substitution of cast iron by aluminium in engine blocks could result in a weight reduction of 15–35kg.65Inline cylinder blocks made in aluminium are noticeably lighter than corresponding cylinder blocks produced with CGI.For an engine weighing 35kg in CGI,the weight of the inline cylinder block should be 28kg using an aluminium alloy.50However,if the design of the engine is adapted to CGI (V-8instead of inline),a marginal weight saving can be made with CGI.A comparison of some important properties of Al alloys,Mg alloy,grey cast iron (GJL-250)and CGI (CGV-400)is shown in Fig.9.As shown in this figure,another advantage of aluminium alloys compared to cast iron is their excellent thermal conductivity,which accelerates cooling of engine.In spite of all these advantages,softening of the commercial foundry aluminium alloys at service temperature restricts their application in engine components.For instance,as shown in Fig.10,some studies from AVL reported that the application of aluminium engine blocks must be restricted for those passenger car engines with 150bar peak firing pressure.66,67Table 2presents the chemical compositions of the most common aluminium alloys used in engine applica-tions.Alloys 356z Cu and 319have been extensively studied for use in engine components,in particular in cylinder heads.For instance,they were studied by BMW,13,68VAW Aluminium AG,69Ford Motor Company 70and General Motors.71,72Considering their importance,special emphasis will therefore be given to the 356-and 319-type alloys in the following sections.Hypereutectic Al–Si alloys could be another alternative for cast iron in production of engine blocks.Jorstad,73who is often credited as the pioneer of 390hypereutectic Al–Si alloys,has thoroughly reviewed the application of these alloys in the manufacture of engine block from inception until now.Mercedes,BMW,Porsche,Audi and Volkswagen are some of the companies which have used hypereutectic Al–Si alloys in the production of engine blocks.Table 3presents some major mechanical and physical properties of three Al–Si (319-,356-and390-type)8The relation betweenvehicle mass and fuelconsumption 53,54Table 1Weight reduction results for CGI v.grey cast iron cylinder blocks 50Engine size/L Engine type Grey iron weight/kg CGI weight/kg Weight reduction/%16I-4Petrol 3542502941.8I-4Diesel 38.029.522.42.5V-6(Racing)56.54520.44.6V-6Petrol 72.759.618.09.2V-6Diesel15814011.41All chemical compositions are given in weight percent (wt-%)hereafter,unless otherwise stated.Javidani and Larouche Cast Al–Si alloys136International Materials Reviews 2014VOL59NO3alloys.The symbols F (as cast,without heat treatment),T 4(quenched and naturally aged),T 5(artificially aged after casting),T 6(quenched and artificially aged for maximal strength)and T 7(quenched and overaged),which represent the most common heat treatment condition of Al–Si alloys,have been designated by the Aluminium Association of the USA.76The 356-type aluminium alloys present good combi-nations of strength and ductility,but their strength reduces rapidly above 473K (200u C).The 319-type aluminium alloys present relatively higher yield and creep strength at elevated temperatures (y 523K),although prolonged exposure at such temperatures could result in softening.Therefore,to achieve the increasingly exacting requirements of engine compo-nents (higher pressure and temperature)without new material inventions,the existing capabilities of Al–Si hypoeutectic alloys have to be improved by optimisation of either production process (e.g.casting and heat treatment)or chemical composition.The rest of this review is dedicated to the character-istics of Al–Si based alloys and how their composition,their processing and their final microstructure can improve their performance in engine applications.Characteristics of these alloys are first reviewed essen-tially when used in cylinder heads (Sections ‘Description of Al–Si based alloys’,‘Solidification sequence in 356and 319Al alloys’,‘Effect of microstructural featureson9Material properties of compacted graphite iron (CGI-400),grey cast iron (GJL-250),Al-A390,AlSi9Cu and Mg-MRI230D.50,59,6610Peak firing pressure limits for various materials in diesel engine cylinder block 43,66Table 2Chemical composition (wt-%)of 356-type,319-type and 390-type Al alloys Composition Si Cu Mg Fe Mn Ti Zn Ni Al Ref.356.06.5–7.5,0.250.25–0.45,0.6,0.35,0.25,0.10Bal.74,75A356.,75356z Cu,70319.05.5–6.53.0–4.0,0.1,1,0.5,0.25,1,0.35Bal.74,75A319.15.5–6.53.0–,10.35Bal.74,75B319.15.5–6.53.0–4.00.1–,7539016–184–50.45–0.65,1.3,0.1,0.2,0.1–Bal.73A39016–184–50.45–0.65,0.5,0.1,0.2,0.1–Bal.73B39016–184–50.45–0.65,1.3,0.5,0.2,1.5–Bal.73Javidani and Larouche Cast Al–Si alloysInternational Materials Reviews 2014VOL59NO3137TMF strength’,‘Strengthening of cast aluminium alloys’,and ‘Recent developments in Al–Si alloys and applications in engine components’).The topics that are more specifically addressed are solidification microstruc-tures,TMF,strengthening mechanisms,dispersed phases,heat treating and recent developments of Al–Si alloys.The major characteristics required for cylinder head materials are TMF strength,low density and high thermal conductivity.For cylinder blocks,however,besides these characteristics,appropriate friction coeffi-cient and wear resistance are the other two major required characteristics.Hypereutectic Al–Si alloys (e.g.A390)could be an interesting alternative for cast iron engine blocks,but they suffer from cost issues and troubles in the production process (e.g.casting and honing processes).Hypoeutectic Al–Si alloy engine blocks are subject to wear;therefore,the cylinder bore of hypoeutectic Al–Si alloy cylinder blocks is required to be protected by suitable materials.Thermal spray coating,electroplating and reinforcement by suitable particles/fibres are the main solutions to fortify the cylinder bore.The requirements and potential alter-native materials in manufacturing cylinder blocks are reviewed in the ‘Characteristics of the engine block’section.Description of Al–Si based alloysThe binary Al–Si systemThe phase diagram of the Al–Si system is illustrated in Fig.11.There is an eutectic reaction at 850?75K and 12?6wt-%silicon,where the liquid phase is in equili-brium with the a -Al solid solution phase and nearly pure Si (L R a -Al z Si).78,79The maximum solubility of silicon in aluminium is y 1?5at-%at the eutectic temperature and decreases down to y 0?05at-%at 573K.Generally,the morphology of the eutectic microconstituent tends to be fibrous if the volume fraction of the minor phase is less than 25%.However,in Al–Si binary alloys,the typical Al–Si eutectic morphology is usually lamellar.This could be ascribed to the low interfacial energy between Al and Si and the strong growth anisotropy of silicon.79The morphology of the eutectic silicon particles (i.e.particle size and shape)can appreciably affectthe11The equilibrium phases diagram of the Al–Si alloysystem 78,79T a b l e 3S o m e m a j o r p r o p e r t i e s o f t h e A l 319-,356-,a n d 390-t y p e a l l o y s 77A l l o y n u m b e rT e m p e r a t u r eU l t i m a t e t e n s i l e s t r e n g t h (U T S )/M P aT e n s i l e y i e l d /M P a (b )E l o n g a t i o n %(i n 50m m )H a r d n e s s B H N (c )C o m p r e s s i v e y i e l d /M P a (b )E n d u r a n c e l i m i t /M P a (d )M o d u l u s o f e l a s t i c i t y /k P a 6106(e )R e s i s t a n c e t o h o t c r a c k i n g *(f )F l u i d i t y *(g )S h r i n k a g e t e n d e n c y *(h )319.0F 2341312.585131–74222T 6276186395186––356.0F 1791245––––111T 51861382––––T 62621865801869072T 72211656701657672390.0F 200200,1110––82333T 5200200,1110–––T 6310310,1145414117–T 7262262,1120359100–(a )T h e s e n o m i n a l p r o p e r t i e s a r e u s e f u l f o r c o m p a r i n g a l l o y s ,b u t t h e y s h o u l d n o t b e u s e d f o r d e s i g n p u r p o s e s .(b )O f f s e t :0?2%.(c )500-k g l o a d o n l 0-m m b a l l.(d )E n d u r a n c e l i m i t s b a s e d o n 500m i l l i o n c y c l e s o f c o m p l e t e l y r e v e r s e d s t r e s s e s u s i n g r o t a t i n g b e a m -t y p e m a c h i n e a n d s p e c i m e n .(e )A v e r a g e o f t e n s i o n a n d c o m p r e s s i o n m o d u l i.(f )A b i l i t y o f a l l o y t o w i t h s t a n d s t r e s s e s f r o m c o n t r a c t i o n w h i l e c o o l i n g t h r o u g h h o t -s h o r t o r b r i t t l e t e m p e r a t u r e r a n g e .(g )A b i l i t y o f m o l t e n a l l o y t o f l o w r e a d i l y i n m o u l d a n d f i l l t h i n s e c t i o n s .(h )D e c r e a s e i n v o l u m e a c c o m p a n y i n g f r e e z i n g o f a l l o y a n d m e a s u r e o f a m o u n t o f c o m p e n s a t i n g f e e d m e t a l r e q u i r e d i n f o r m o f r i s e r s .(*)F o r r a t i n g s o f c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s ,1i s t h e b e s t a n d 3i s t h e p o o r e s t o f t h e a l l o y s l i s t e d .Javidani and Larouche Cast Al–Si alloys138International Materials Reviews 2014VOL59NO3。



小学上册英语第一单元期中试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which of these is a fruit?A. CarrotB. BroccoliC. AppleD. Potato2.The _____ (袋鼠) jumps high.3. A __________ is an example of a physical change.4.Sediments are small pieces of rock and ______.5.The dog is _____ under the table. (sleeping)6.What do you call a young female dolphin?A. CalfB. PupC. KitD. FawnA7.What is the capital of the United Kingdom?A. LondonB. EdinburghC. CardiffD. BelfastA8.What is the largest mammal in the ocean?A. SharkB. DolphinC. WhaleD. Octopus9.An emu is a flightless _______ (鸟).10.She is ________ (kind) to her friends.11.__________ can change color in different pH levels.12. A solution with a pH of is considered _____.13.What do you call the event where people celebrate their anniversary?A. CelebrationB. PartyC. GatheringD. ReunionA14.How many days are in a week?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. Eight15.What do we call the imaginary line that divides the Earth into Eastern and Western Hemispheres?A. EquatorB. Prime MeridianC. International Date LineD. Tropic of CapricornB16.I want to _____ (sing/dance) at the party.17.I want to ______ how to bake cookies. (learn)18.I see a _____ (bird/fish) flying.19.Which fruit is yellow and curved?A. AppleB. BananaC. OrangeD. GrapeB20. A frog's webbed feet are perfect for ______ (游泳).21.My grandmother tells me about ____.22.Which sport uses a bat?A. SoccerB. BaseballC. TennisD. Golf23.The Earth's surface is constantly being reshaped through ______ processes.24. A non-metal typically has a ______ melting point.25.I see a ___ at the store. (toy)26.What instrument is used to measure temperature?A. BarometerB. ThermometerC. SpeedometerD. Altimeter27.My sister is a ______. She loves to explore new places.28.What is the opposite of 'big'?A. SmallB. LargeC. HugeD. Tall29.What is the primary season for growing crops?A. WinterB. SpringC. SummerD. FallB30.What is the name of the famous ancient structure in Egypt?A. ParthenonB. ColosseumC. Great WallD. PyramidsD31.What do we call a person who takes care of sick animals?A. VeterinarianB. BiologistC. ZookeeperD. FarmerA32.The process of dissolving sugar in water creates a _______.33.The capital of Libya is ________ (利比亚的首都是________).34.I love _____ (chocolate/vanilla) ice cream.35.The __________ is a region known for its fjords.36.I want to _______ (学习) more about science.37.The chemical symbol for francium is _____.38.What is the main language spoken in Spain?A. EnglishB. SpanishC. FrenchD. GermanB39.Oceans cover about ______ percent of the Earth's surface.40.What is the name of the fairy tale character who leaves a glass slipper at a ball?A. Sleeping BeautyB. Snow WhiteC. CinderellaD. RapunzelC41.Vinegar is an example of an ______ solution.42.The _______ (Women's Suffrage Movement) fought for women's right to vote.43.Which of these fruits is green?A. BananaB. GrapeC. StrawberryD. Orange44.The cheetah runs faster than a _________. (人)45.The chemical process that occurs in our bodies to maintain life is called ______.46.What do we call the study of the universe?A. AstronomyB. AstrologyC. CosmologyD. GeologyA47.My cousin is very __________ (活泼的) and full of energy.48.The __________ can be quite chilly during autumn. (天气)49.What is the name of the sport played with a ball and a net?A. SoccerB. TennisC. BaseballD. GolfB50.Which part of the plant absorbs water?A. LeafB. StemC. RootD. FlowerC51.ts can ______ (适应) to pollution. Some pla52.I have a favorite ________ that helps me create.53.The alligator's powerful jaws can crush bones and ________________ (肉).54.What is the name of the famous superhero who has super strength and can fly?A. BatmanB. SupermanC. Spider-ManD. Iron ManB55.trial Revolution began in __________. (英国) The Indu56.What do you call the frozen form of water?A. VaporB. LiquidC. IceD. SteamC57. A simple machine makes work ______.58.The _______ of an object can be tested with a scale.59.What is the term for animals that can live both in water and on land?A. MammalsB. ReptilesC. AmphibiansD. Fish答案:C60.My dad helped me fix my broken ____. (玩具名称)61.I found a _____ (button/penny) on the floor.62. A _______ is a measure of how much energy is required to change the temperature of a substance.63. A ______ (蜥蜴) can change colors to hide from predators.64.The invention of the printing press allowed for widespread _____.65.My grandma grows ______ (草莓) in her garden. They are sweet and very ______ (好吃).66.We can _______ (一起学习) for the exam.67.I have a _____ (跳绳) for exercise.68.What is the name of the famous fairy tale character who had a long golden hair?A. RapunzelB. CinderellaC. Sleeping BeautyD. ArielA69.What do we call the study of weather?A. BiologyB. GeologyC. MeteorologyD. AstronomyC Meteorology70.I like to watch _____ on TV. (cartoons)71.My brother is a ______. He enjoys playing the keyboard.72.My best friend and I love to _______ (动词) together. 我们的友谊很 _______ (形容词).73.I _____ (have/has) a new bike.74.What do you call a book containing words and their meanings?A. EncyclopediaB. DictionaryC. AtlasD. ManualB75.What do you call a person who studies plants?A. BotanistB. ZoologistC. ChemistD. Geologist76.I have a wonderful . (我有一个美好的。










关键词. WC基涂层, HVOF, 磨损, 腐蚀.1. 引言WC基的热喷涂涂层在工业中的应用一直在增加,用于提高部件寿命以及降低维护成本[1]。









在这项研究中,以WC-Co 基涂层为参考的WC-Ni基原料粉末被HVOF喷涂以形成金属陶瓷涂层。





图书在版编目(CIP)数据应用地球化学元素丰度数据手册/迟清华,鄢明才编著. -北京:地质出版社,2007.12ISBN 978-7-116-05536-0Ⅰ. 应… Ⅱ. ①迟…②鄢…Ⅲ. 地球化学丰度-化学元素-数据-手册Ⅳ. P595-62中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2007)第185917号责任编辑:王永奉陈军中责任校对:李玫出版发行:地质出版社社址邮编:北京市海淀区学院路31号,100083电话:(010)82324508(邮购部)网址:电子邮箱:zbs@传真:(010)82310759印刷:北京地大彩印厂开本:889mm×1194mm 1/16印张:10.25字数:260千字印数:1-3000册版次:2007年12月北京第1版•第1次印刷定价:28.00元书号:ISBN 978-7-116-05536-0(如对本书有建议或意见,敬请致电本社;如本社有印装问题,本社负责调换)2关于应用地球化学元素丰度数据手册(代序)地球化学元素丰度数据,即地壳五个圈内多种元素在各种介质、各种尺度内含量的统计数据。






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物性参数:/bbs材料学科常用的20个数据库列表1、ASM-International /asm_tms/phase_diagrams/pd/2、日本国立材料科学研究所:材料数据库--- http://mits.nims.go.jp/db_top_eng.htm3、Thermophysical Properties of Matter Databasehttps:///Applications/TPMD/Demo?action=Select+Material+Group&mgcode=1 4、(美国)国家标准与技术局(NIST)物性数据库/chemistry/name-ser.html5、中科院物性及热化学数据库—/sdb_2004/all_thermochemistry.html6、Database for Solder Properties with Emphasis on Ne /div853/lead%20free/solders.html7、台湾生贸公司无铅焊料系列文献下载/service_load.asp8、la surface com /accueil/index.php9、Surface Analysis Forum(大容量)-- /10、Lead-Free Solder Alloy --- /~bozack/Pb-FreeSolder.html11、Lead-Free Solder--- /Db/_Lead-Free.html12、化工引擎--- /13、NIST XPS Database--- /xps/Bind_e_spec_query.asp14、Solder Systems Computational Thermodynamics /phase/solder/solder.html15、Phase Diagrams and Articles—http://www.crct.polymtl.ca/fact/index.php?websites=116、韩国多元相图--- http://www.icm.re.kr/mdb/phase/index.jsp?ca=2&index=A17、二(三)元相图FactSage Database- - http://www.crct.polymtl.ca/fact/ ... tel/FSstel_Figs.htm18、剑桥大学材料资源-- /index.html19、二元相图库--- http://web.met.kth.se/dct/pd/periodic-table.html20、金相实验室-- /index.html关于材料常数及论文方面一些有用的网站(转)常用的材料常数及各种标准/元素周期表http://cimesg1.epfl.ch/CIOLS/crystal1.pl晶体学网站,里面有很多有用的链接/cuu/Constants/i...?/codata86.html物理常数/world/lecture/index.html讲义/晶体之星/default.cfm材料科学与工程方面的论文网站/default.cfm一个关于论文的搜索网址/NewFiles/material_properties.html材料学数据/ludlum/p...roductLine.html/servlet/N ... 0&c=&page=2//ams/ams.asp/amse/amse.asp///cljpk//biaozun.php/fms/WebCourse/chapter1/c1-s1.asp/index.jsp?url=htt...g%3D1%26age%3D0/index.jsp材料大全A到Z (金属、陶瓷、高分子、复合材料)(免费) 材料大全A到Z (金属、陶瓷、高分子、复合材料)(免费)/materials.asp日本国立材料科学研究所:材料数据库(免费)http://mits.nims.go.jp/db_top_eng.htmDatabase of Published Interatomic Parameters(免费)/DFRL/researc ... database/index.htmlLiqCryst Online (液晶数据库)(部分免费)http://liqcryst.chemie.uni-hamburg.de/PoLyInfo (高分子材料设计所需的各种数据)(免费)http://polymer.nims.go.jp/polyinfo_top_eng.htm保温材料数据库NASA TPSX(免费)/CAMPUS (塑料产品数据库, 免费)/Chemical Resistance of Resin Materials(免费)/html/chemical.htmlGoodfellow (金属与材料)/ILL's 3D structure gallery in VRML (各种有趣的无机材料的3D结构)http://www.ill.fr/dif/3D-crystals/index.htmlKey to Metals (有色金属数据库)/Materials Science International Services (合金材料组成和相图数据) /World Wide Composites Search Engine (英特网复合材料搜索引擎)/材料手册, Ceramic Industry(免费)/FILES/HTML/MaterialsHandbook/0,2772,,00.html化学相容性(化学品与材料之间)数据库, Cole-Parmer(免费)/techinfo/chemcomp.asp金属合金物性数据库(Principal Metals, Inc.提供)(免费)/prime/step1.asp科学数据库/美国、加拿大再生塑料产品/厂家目录(Recycled Plastic Products Directory)(免费) /溶剂选择数据库(免费)/陶瓷材料参考指南,Reference Guide Index(免费)/FILES/HTML/ReferenceIndex/0,2796,,00.html吸声材料数据表(免费)/tecref_acoustictable.html【网址推荐】材料学一些网站1. /常用的材料常数及各种标准2. /元素周期表3. http://cimesg1.epfl.ch/CIOLS/crystal1.pl晶体学网站,里面有很多有用的链接4. /cuu/Constants/index.html?/codata86.html物理常数5. /world/lecture/index.html讲义6. /晶体之星7. /default.cfm材料科学与工程方面的论文网站8./l ... p/G.16/qx/ProductLi ne.html9. /servlet/N ... 0&c=&page=2关于不锈钢的数据10. http://mits.nims.go.jp/db_top_eng.htm日本国立材料科学研究所:材料数据库。



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Material Letter Guide for Author

Material Letter Guide for Author

MATERIALS LETTERSAn interdisciplinary journal devoted to rapid communications on the science,applications, and processing of materials.AUTHOR INFORMATION PACK TABLE OF CONTENTS• Description• Audience• Impact Factor• Abstracting and Indexing • Editorial Board• Guide for Authors p.1p.1p.1p.2p.2p.4ISSN: 0167-577XDESCRIPTIONMaterials Letters is dedicated to publishing novel, cutting edge reports of broad interest to the materials community. The journal provides a forum for materials scientists and engineers, physicists, and chemists to rapidly communicate on the most important topics in the field of materials. Contributions include, but are not limited to, a variety of topics such as:• Materials- Metals and alloys, amorphous solids, ceramics, composites, polymers, semiconductors • Applications- Structural, opto-electronic, magnetic, medical, MEMS, sensors, smart• Characterization- Analytical, microscopy, scanning probes, nanoscopic, optical, electrical, magnetic, acoustic, spectroscopic, diffraction• Novel Materials- Micro and nanostructures (nanowires, nanotubes, nanoparticles), nanocomposites, thin films, superlattices, quantum dots.• Processing- Crystal growth, thin film processing, sol-gel processing, mechanical processing, assembly, nanocrystalline processing.• Properties- Mechanical, magnetic, optical, electrical, ferroelectric, thermal, interfacial, transport, thermodynamic• Synthesis - Quenching, solid state, solidification, solution synthesis, vapor deposition, high pressure, explosiveBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services. Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: AUDIENCEMaterials scientists, metallurgists, solid state chemists and physicistsIMPACT FACTOR2012: 2.224 © Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2013ABSTRACTING AND INDEXINGCeramic AbstractsChemical AbstractsCurrent Contents/Engineering, Computing & TechnologyCurrent Contents/Physics, Chemical, & Earth SciencesMaterials Science Citation IndexMetal Abstracts (ASM International – Materials InformationEl Compendex PlusEngineering IndexFIZ KarlsruheINSPECScience Citation IndexScopusEDITORIAL BOARDEditor-in-ChiefA.R. Boccaccini, Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering, Institute for Biomaterials,Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Cauerstr. 6, 91058, Erlangen, GermanyEditorsO.A. Graeve, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California at San Diego (UCSD), 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, San Diego, 92093-0411, California, USAJ. Hojo, Dept. of Applied Chemistry, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, 819-0395, Fukuoka, JapanJ.C. Huang, Dept. of Materials and Optoelectronic Science, National Sun Yat-Sen University, 70 Lien-Hai Rd., Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 804 ROCI.V. Kityk, Electrical Engineering Department, Politechnika Czestochowska, PL-42201, Częstochowa, Poland E. Manias, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Penn State University, 325-D Steidle Building, University Park, 16802, Pennsylvania, USAT.G. Nieh, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 37996-2100, Tennessee, USAL.S. Shvindlerman, Inst. für Metallkunde und Metallphysik, RWTH Aachen University (RWTH), Kopernikusstr. 14, D-52056, Aachen, GermanyM. Wang, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, 7/F Haking Wong Building, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, ChinaA.F.W. Willoughby, Engineering Materials, University of Southampton, University Road, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UKJ-M. Yang, Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1595, California, USAAssociate Editorial BoardM. Baxendale, Queen Mary, University of London (QMUL), London, England, UKA. Bellosi, Instituto di Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali Ceramici (ISTEC), Faenza, ItalyB. Bokstein, National University of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russian FederationM. Cinibulk, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, AFB, Dayton, Ohio, USAP. Colombo, Università degli Studi di Padova, Padova, ItalyE. Daniel, University of Liverpool, UKJ. Dickerson, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USAW. Fahrenholtz, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, Missouri, USAN. Gao, University of Southampton, Southampton, UKH. Gleiter, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, GermanyT. Goto, Tohoku University, Aoba, Sendai, JapanD.C. Greenspan, Spinode Consulting, Gainesville, Florida, USAA. Hozumi, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Nagoya, Aichi, JapanJ. Jang, National Central University, TaiwanY. Kaganovsky, Bar-llan University, Ramat-Gan, IsraelP. Kao, National Sun Yat-Sen University, TaiwanV.V. Kharton, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, PortugalJ.A. Kilner, Imperial College London, London, UKM. Lanagan, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USAX.G. Li, University of Science & Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, ChinaY.Y. Li, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, ChinaZ.G. Liu, Nanjing University, Nanjing, ChinaT. Lopez, Univ Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico D.F., MexicoZ.P. Lu, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, ChinaX.L. Ma, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Shenyang, ChinaJ. F. Mano, Universidade do Minho, Guimarães, PortugalV. Novikov, National University of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russian Federation P. Reed, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, UKY. Sakka, National Institute of Materials Science, Ibaraki, JapanM. Sayer, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, CanadaJ. Shen, Intel Corporation, Chandler, Arizona, USAT. Siegrist, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, USAN. A. Stolwijk, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster, GermanyB. Straumal, Moscow, Russian FederationY. Sugahara, Waseda University, Tokyo, JapanW.B. White, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USAY.F. Zheng, Peking University, Beijing, ChinaC. Zollfrank, Technische Universität München, Straubing, GermanyFounding Editor:F.F.Y. WangEditor Emeritus:J.H. WernickGUIDE FOR AUTHORSINTRODUCTIONAims and ScopeMaterials Letters is dedicated to publishing novel, cutting edge reports of broad interest to the materials community. The journal provides a forum for materials scientists and engineers, physicists, and chemists to rapidly communicate on the most important topics in the field in materials. We are primarily interested in those contributions which bring new insights, and papers will be selected on the basis of the importance of the new knowledge they provide.Contributions include a variety of topics such as:• Materials - Metals and alloys, amorphous solids, ceramics, composites, nanocrystals, polymers, semiconductors.• Applications - Structural, opto-electronic, magnetic, medical, MEMS, sensors, smart, biomaterials.• Characterization- Analytical, microscopy, scanning probes, nanoscopic, optical, electrical, acoustic, spectroscopic, diffraction.• Novel Materials- Micro and nanostructures (nanowires, nanotubes, nanoparticles), nanocomposites, thin films, superlattices, quantum dots.• Processing- Thin film processing, sol-gel processing, mechanical processing, assembly, and nanocrystalline processing leading to unique materials.• Properties - Mechanical, magnetic, optical, electrical, ferroelectric, thermal, interfacial, transport, thermodynamic.• Synthesis - Quenching, solid state, solidification, solution synthesis, vapor deposition, and high pressure, explosive processes leading to unique materials.The following topics are inappropriate for publication:Building materials - aggregate, asphalt, cement, concrete, plasterCatalytic materialsCorrosion and oxidation phenomena and protectionLiquid crystalsMetallurgical ProcessesNatural raw materials clays, minerals, rocksOxide glasses and glass ceramicsRecycled materialsRefractoriesSingle crystal growthTheoryWearTypes of ContributionLetters are intended as brief reports of significant, original and timely research results on the science, applications and processing of materials which warrant rapid publication. In considering a manuscript for publication, particular attention will be given to the originality of the research, the desirability of speedy publication, the clarity of the presentation and the validity of the conclusions. There is a strict four-page limit to printed articles. Manuscripts must not exceed 2000 words plus three figures and one table. The maximum number of figures is strictly limited to five. If the maximum of 5 figures is used, then the total number of words must be reduced to 1600. If more than 5 figures are used, the manuscript will be rejected. The manuscript submitted for review should not exceed 8 pages (including title, abstract, references, figures, tables and figure captions).Contact DetailsAuthors should submit their article via the online submission system. Authors will be asked to choose the Editor whose subject area is most closely aligned to the subject of their article. Each Editor's specialties are given below. To expedite the review process, authors will also be prompted to nominate 3 potential referees, who are not at the same institute, to serve as potential referees. Contact details are helpful.Principal EditorsProf. Aldo Boccaccini, Editor in chief - Biomaterials, Glasses and Ceramics, Materials Processing, Porous Materials, Biocomposites, Mechanical PropertiesEvangelos Manias - Featured Letters, Polymers, Organic Materials, Polymer-Matrix (nano)Composites Prof. J. Hojo - Nano-composites, Composites, Sol-gel preparationProf. J.C. Huang - Metallic glasses, Aluminum and Magnesium alloys, High Temperature plastic forming, Biocompatible metals, Microstructure and TEMProf. T.G. Nieh - Metallic Alloys, Ceramics, Composites, High Temperature Materials, Mechanical Behavior, Material ProcessingProf. L.S. Shvindlerman - Nano-Crystalline Metals, Thermodynamics, Kinetics, Interfaces and Surfaces.Prof. M. Wang - Biomaterials, Nano-biomaterials, Bio-composites, coatings and thin films for biomedical applicationsProf. A.F.W. Willoughby - Semiconductor/Electronic Materials, PolymersBEFORE YOU BEGINOnline SubmissionAuthors must submit their articles using the secure online submission system at /mlblue.To facilitate rapid publication, it is essential to precisely follow these instructions. 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速度快并且容易中的材料类SCI期刊(更新中)推荐:1. Journal of alloy and compounds 影响因子IF 1点多,1个月给消息,容易中,现在几乎成为中国人的专刊了,哈哈;2. applied surface science 影响因子IF 1点多,发表容易,3. Materials Letter 1.7 速度快,快报一般都要求有新意(当然,新意太高可以投APL了)4. Materials & Design 影响因子不到1,很快,快点一个月就接受的!适合特别想要文章毕业或者评奖学金的。

5. Physica B 影响因子不到1,很快,我一个同学已经在上面发了2篇了,最快不到一个月就接受了,还是容易中的,最好是工作全面细致些。

6. Materials science and engineering B 影响因子1点多,从投稿到接受一般3-4个月,相对容易中。

7. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications, 罗马尼亚期刊,影响因子0.2,很快,一个月可以搞定,适合灌水和急需文章。

8. Optical materials 发光材料期刊,影响因子1点多,相对容易中,速度也快。

9. Journal of Luminescence 发光方面专业期刊,老牌杂志,虽然影响因子只有1点多,但很多发光方面的经典文章出自此期刊,相对容易中,速度也可以。

10. Journal of Physics D: Applied physics 偏物理材料方面,影响因子2 左右,速度快,也不难中,中国人投稿还比较多。

黑名单:1. Thin solid films 影响因子1点多,但审稿巨慢,不推荐;2. Materials Characterization 影响因子不高,容易中,但速度慢,如果不急着要文章,也可以投的;3. Materials Chemistry and Physics 影响因子1点多,速度巨慢,我一个同学投稿半年还没消息,现在1年过去了还没查到这篇文章,估计没戏了吧。



1. nature IF:36.28 (2011)2. science IF:31.201 (2011)3. composites science and technology IF:3.14 (2011)杂志简介/稿件收录要求:Composite materials offer lively new solutions to important engineering problems and exciting challenges to the designer who seeks to exploit their potential. In the competition with conventional engineering materials, the development of safe and economic applications for composites requires scientific understanding of their behaviour, rigorous modelling of complex stress analytical problems, and innovative approaches to manufacturing. The journal publishes refereed original articles, occasional review papers, and letters, on all aspects of the fundamental and applied science of engineering composites. It deals with fibre and particulate composites, with reinforced metals, plastics and ceramics, including cementitious materials, and with natural composites like wood and bone. The editors welcome theoretical and experimental papers dealing with rheological, mechanical, chemical and physical properties, fatigue, fracture toughness, creep, durability and environmental effects, and papers on manufacture and design for specific purposes.The journal particularly encourages an interdisciplinary approach to the study of composites, with a balanced experimental and analytical view of their behaviour. Composites Online This free service is a combination of discussion forum and awareness service. There are also features such as a Calender of events and Jobs Board, and will be of interest to all composites researchers. Visit Composites Online now and submit your comments.4. journal of materials science IF:2.01 (2011)杂志简介/稿件收录要求:The Journal of Materials Science and its companion journal Journal of Materials Science Letters are now firmly established as the leading sources of primary communication for scientists investigating the structure and properties of all engineering materials. The Journal of Materials Science publishes reviews and full-length papers recording original research results on or techniques for studying the relationship between structure properties and uses of materials. Journal of Materials Science Letters is concerned with timely short communications on materials science (less that 1500 words). The subject in both journals is seen from international and interdisciplinary perspectives covering areas including metals ceramics glasses polymers electrical materials composite materials fibres biological and biomedical materials.5. materials letters IF:2.31 (2011)6. materials & design IF:2.2 (2011) 实验室有投杂志简介/稿件收录要求:Mechanisms, machines and structures have to meet increasingly stringent requirements during operation. The economic and human costs of failure during service impose a great responsibility on those who develop materials and those who select and integrate materials in a final engineering design. A critical feature of successful development is the selection of the best material based on an awareness of the capabilities and opportunities afforded by all candidate materials, coupled with a design which takes full advantage of those capabilities. Materials & Design, as its title implies, publishes papers, articles and reports which describe the properties of a material which influence or control any practical design. All types of materials are covered, and all scales of application from micromachinery to large structural components. The technical level is postgraduate but not specialist: development rather than theory is stressed. Papers should be understandable and offer information useful to professionals working in fields outside the immediate subject of the paper. The aim is to promote a greater understanding of the attributes and capabilities of all types of modern engineering materials.7. rare metal materials and engineering IF:0.164 (2011) 实验室有投8 journal of materials engineering and performance IF:0.855 (2011)杂志简介/稿件收录要求:The Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (JMEP) offers articles that assist in solving day-to-day engineering challenges, especially those involving components for larger systems. Coverage includes all aspects of materials selection, design, processing characterization and evaluation. Topics include improvement of materials properties through processes and process control of casting, forming, heat treating, surface modification and coating, and fabrication. Testing and characterization are demonstrated through mechanical and physical tests, NDE, metallography, failure analysis, corrosion resistance, chemical analysis, surface characterization, and microanalysis of surfaces, features and fractures. The Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance publishes contributions on all aspects of materials selection, design, processing, characterization, and evaluation. The scope includes all materials used in engineering applications, especially those that typically result in components for larger systems. This is a publication of ASM International, The Materials Information Society.9. materials and manufacturing processes IF:1.058 (2011)杂志简介/稿件收录要求:Materials and Manufacturing Processes deals with issues that result in better utilization of raw materials and energy, integration of design and manufacturing activities requiring the invention of suitable new manufacturing processes and techniques, unmanned production dependent on efficient and reliable control of various processes including intelligent processing, introduction of new materials in industrial production necessitating new manufacturing process technology, and more. Information is offered in various formats, including research articles, letter reports, review articles, conference papers, applied research, book and conference reviews, patent reports, and entire issues devoted to symposia.10. materials science and engineering a-structural materials properties microstructure and processing IF:2.003 (2011) 实验室有投11. journal of alloys and compounds IF:2.003 (2011) 实验室有投杂志简介/稿件收录要求:The aim of the Journal of Alloys and Compounds is identical to the journal's aim under its previous title: Journal of the Less-Common Metals. The journal was originally intended to serve as an international medium for the publication of work on the physical sciences of usually called less-common-metals, their compounds and their alloys. Its great strength lies in the diversity of discipline which it encompasses, drawing together results from materials science, solid-state chemistry and physics. The interdisciplinary nature of the journal is evident in many subject areas. Experimental and theoretical approaches to materials problems require an active interplay between a variety of traditional and novel scientific disciplines. In much of the work published in the journal, synthetic and structural studies are combined with investigations of chemical and physical properties of alloys and compounds, contributing to the development of areas of current scientific interest. The Journal of Alloys and Compounds provides a unique international forum where materials scientists, chemists and physicists can present their results both to workers in their own fields and to others active in related areas.12. acta materialia IF:3.755 (2011)13. Scripta Materialia IF:2.699 (2011)杂志简介/稿件收录要求:Scripta Materialia, the companion journal to Acta Materialia, is an International journal for the Science of Materials. Its purpose is to provide a medium for the rapid publication of cutting edge short papers which advance the understanding of structural, nanostructured, and functional materials, both crystalline and amorphous, across all materials classes. Emphasis is placed on those aspects of the science of materials that address:(i) the relationship between the microstructure of materials and their properties, including mechanical(from both the defect and continuum viewpoints), electrical, magnetic and chemical properties; (ii) the relationship between the microstructure of materials and the thermodynamics, kinetics and mechanisms of processes occurring within solids; (iii) the synthesis and processing of materials, with emphasis on microstructural mechanisms and control. (iv) advances in the characterization of the microstructure and properties of materials. Scripta Materialia encourages the submission of letters of opinion, and of comments, particularly concerning work published in Acta Materialia and Scripta Materialia. The journal also publishes Viewpoint Sets, which are a series of short articles focused on topics of current interest within the scope of the journal and co-ordinated by invited editors.±14. journal of materials processing technology IF:(1.783)The journal covers the processing techniques of metals and other traditional and advanced materials. The articles published focus mainly on the developments in, and the analysis of, equipment and processes. Through this approach the journal aims to contribute to increased production efficiency and improved component performance. Materials and techniques covered in the journal include: Materials: Metals, ceramics, fibre reinforced materials, composites and polymers. Processing Techniques: Sheet forming: blanking, piercing, pressing, deep drawing, spinning and flow turning, stretch forming, fluid and rubber forming, high-rate forming processes, welding, etc. Bulk forming: hot, warm and cold forging, rolling and extrusion, rotary forging, ring rolling, hydrostatic extrusion, conforming, net-shape manufacturing, etc. Powder forming: compaction, sintering, forging, extrusion, etc. Forming in the melt or near-melt condition: die casting, mushy-state forging, net-shape manufacturing, etc. Material-removal processes: cutting, grinding, ECM, EDM, etc. Non-traditional processes: shot peening and other impact-related processes, die-manufacturing processes, and laser processing, etc. Surface engineering: deposition, treatment and characterisation technologies. Simulation: Analytical and numerical methods applied to any of the above processing techniques. Relevant Areas of Materials Technology and Metallurgy: Thermomechanical treatments, annealing schedules, superplastic materials, etc. Including computer applications in all relevant areas, such as process modeling, computer-aided design of equipment, computer-integrated manufacturing, and the development of expert systems for materials processing. Environmental Issues: In addition to the above, environmental issues, in so far as they affect the choice of material or the selection or development of the processes employed: - the minimisation of sound pollution in the case of the forging industry; - health aspects in casting and heat treatment; - energy conservation in primary ingot production, bulk forging, extrusion, rolling, heat treatment and near net-shape manufacturing; - materials conservation. A special feature of the journal is the Industrial Summary wherein each article provides a summary of the industrial significance of the work and the industrial implications arising from the results of the work.15. metallurgical and materials transactions a IF:(1.545)杂志简介/稿件收录要求This journal emphasizes the relationships among processing, structure and properties of materials. It contains only critically reviewed and original research: the results of extensive field, plant, laboratory or theoretical investigation, or new interpretations of existingproblems. Main topics are mechanical behavior, alloy phases and structure, transformations, environmental interactions, physical chemistry and transport phenomena.。

ASM Handbook全套

ASM Handbook全套
ASM Handbook全套(vol1-21)
ASM Handbook是金属及材料工程学上的最具权威性的参考资源。数据库内容是根据1923年出版至今,有75年的历史的ASM Handbook(即早先的Metals Handbook),是由ASM International出版。已出版了20册,共计17000页,包含了1800篇学科专家的专文。本系列的数据主要是着眼于金属材料﹐特别是钢材,的制造的过程以及制造成分,但对于非金属材料的相关数据如塑料等也在近几年陆续新增。ASM Handbook为本书唯一的电子数据库版本, 提供了完整﹑值得信赖的参考数据﹐对于工程师﹑技师﹑学者及学生都是十分重要且必备的参考资料。
ASM Handbook, Volume 8: Mechanical Testing and Evaluation
ASM Handbook, Volume 9: Metallography And Microstructures
ASM Handbook, Volume 10: Materials Characterization
ASM Handbook, Volume 15: Casting
ASM Handbook, Volume 16: Machining
ASM Handbook, Volume 17: Nondestructive Evaluation and Quality Control
ASM Handbook, Volume 18: Friction, Lubrication, and Wear Technology
ASM Handbook, Volume 13B: Corrosion: Materials
ASM Handbook, Volume 13C, Corrosion: Environments and Industries (missing)



小学下册英语第4单元暑期作业英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.I can see a ___. (bird) in the tree.2.Which animal says "meow"?A. DogB. CatC. CowD. SheepB3.What do you call the main character in a movie?A. StarB. LeadC. ProtagonistD. Hero4. A __________ (植物的繁殖) can be done in various ways.5.When it snows, I like to stay ______ (温暖).6.The ancient Romans were known for their legal ________ (体系).7.The chemical reaction that occurs in yeast is called ______ fermentation.8. A chemical reaction may produce ______.9.What do you call a young chicken?A. DucklingB. ChickC. CalfD. KidB10.The __________ is the science of studying Earth’s features. (地球科学)11.How many hours are there in a day?A. 12B. 24C. 36D. 48B12.The __________ in spring brings new life to the garden. (雨水)13.My brother loves to play __________. (乒乓球)14.The __________ (历史的遗址保护) is essential for future generations.15.I believe that kindness should be taught from a young __________.16.My ________ (玩具名称) can jump high.17.What is the fastest land animal?A. CheetahB. LionC. HorseD. GazelleA18.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. WarmB. ColdC. CoolD. DryB19.The goldfish swims in _______ (清澈的) water.20.The ocean is _______ (非常清澈)。

metals and materials internationa jcr分区 -回复

metals and materials internationa jcr分区 -回复

metals and materials internationa jcr分区-回复Metals and Materials International (MMI) is a reputable journal that publishes cutting-edge research in the field of materials science and engineering. One important aspect of assessing the impact and quality of articles published in MMI is the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) partition.The JCR partition is a measure used to evaluate the significance of a journal in a particular field. The partition is divided into four main categories: Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4, with Q1 being the highest and Q4 the lowest in terms of impact factor and prestige. The JCR partition plays a crucial role in helping researchers and academics determine the quality and influence of a journal.To understand the JCR partition process, we need to comprehend how it is determined. JCR uses a variety of metrics to assess the scholarly impact of a journal, including the number of citations received by articles published in the journal and the reputation of the journals that cite it. The citation data is collected over a specific time period, generally two years, and is used to calculate the journal's impact factor.The first step in the JCR partition process involves calculating the impact factor. The impact factor is a measure of the average number of citations received per article published in a specific journal during a given year. JCR divides journals into quartiles by their impact factors, i.e., Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4, with Q1 indicating the highest impact factor journals and Q4 representing the lowest.Once the impact factors are calculated, the journals are partitioned based on their quartiles. Journals in Q1 have the highest impact factors, representing the top 25 of all journals in their respective field. These journals are considered to be the most influential and prestigious in their discipline. On the other hand, journals in Q4 have the lowest impact factors, indicating their limited influence in the field.The JCR partition is immensely significant for authors and researchers when deciding where to submit their work. Publishing in a Q1 journal can enhance the visibility and reach of the research, as well as increase its potential for citations and impact. Consequently, many researchers strive to publish in Q1 journals, as it can significantly boost their academic reputation.Furthermore, the JCR partition also helps institutions, funding agencies, and evaluators assess the research output and impact of academic departments and researchers. It serves as a valuable tool for evaluating scholarly productivity and impact when making decisions related to promotions, grants, and recognition.It is important to note that the JCR partition should not be the sole determinant of a journal's quality or suitability for publication. Other factors, such as the scope and focus of the journal, the target audience, and the editorial board's expertise, should also be taken into consideration.In conclusion, the JCR partition plays a vital role in evaluating the impact and influence of journals in the scientific community. It provides researchers, institutions, and evaluators with a comprehensive understanding of a journal's quality and significance. Understanding the JCR partition process can help authors make informed decisions regarding the submission of their research and enable stakeholders to assess the research output andimpact of academic institutions and researchers.。



美国材料基因组计划实施的一系列举措作者:万勇冯瑞华姜山,等来源:《新材料产业》 2014年第6期文/万勇冯瑞华姜山黄健中国科学院武汉文献情报中心2011年6月,美国启动材料基因组计划(Materials Genome Initiative,MGI)。





近3年以来,该计划从起步阶段仅有4家联邦机构、6 300万美元投资,到现在数以亿计的资金,以及全美的大学、企业、专业团体、科研人员广泛加入,共同致力于材料科学与创新领域的发展。





佐治亚理工学院启动新的材料研究所作为该校未来5年1 000万美元投资的一部分,同样是开展学科交叉研究,为研究和教育培养材料创新的生态氛围。


Advanced Materials and Processes

Advanced Materials and Processes

Advanced Materials and Processes Advanced materials and processes play a crucial role in shaping the modern world, revolutionizing industries and driving technological advancements. From aerospace and automotive to electronics and healthcare, the development and application of advanced materials and processes have transformed the way we live and work. In this discussion, we will explore the significance of advanced materials and processes from various perspectives, considering their impact on innovation, sustainability, and global competitiveness. From an innovation standpoint, advanced materials and processes have been instrumental in pushing the boundaries of what is possible across industries. The development of new materials with enhanced properties, such as strength, conductivity, and durability, has paved the way for the creation of cutting-edge technologies and products. For instance, the use of advanced composite materials in aerospace has led to the production of lighter and more fuel-efficient aircraft, revolutionizing air travel. Similarly, advancements in semiconductor manufacturing processes have enabled the production of smaller, faster, and more powerful electronic devices, driving the digital revolution. Moreover, the impact of advanced materials and processes extends beyond innovation to encompass sustainability and environmental responsibility. With the growing emphasis on sustainable practices, there is a heightened focus on developing materials and processes that minimize environmental impact. For instance, the emergence of eco-friendly materials, such as biodegradable polymers and sustainable composites, reflects a commitment to reducing the ecological footprint of various industries. Furthermore, advancements in manufacturing processes, such as additive manufacturing and precision engineering, have contributed to resource efficiency and waste reduction, aligning with the principles of sustainable development. In addition to innovation and sustainability, the global competitiveness of industries is significantly influenced by the adoption of advanced materials and processes. In an increasingly interconnected and competitive global economy, the ability to leverage cutting-edge materials and manufacturing techniques is a key determinant of success. Industries that embrace the latest advancements gain a competitive edge byoffering superior products with enhanced performance and functionality. This notonly drives growth and profitability but also positions them as leaders in their respective fields, contributing to the overall economic competitiveness of nations. Furthermore, the evolution of advanced materials and processes has implicationsfor various aspects of society, including healthcare, infrastructure, and energy.In healthcare, the development of advanced biomaterials has revolutionized medical treatments and prosthetics, improving patient outcomes and quality of life. Additionally, in the realm of infrastructure, the use of advanced construction materials and techniques has led to the development of more resilient and sustainable buildings and infrastructure systems. Moreover, the pursuit of alternative energy sources has been bolstered by advancements in materials for energy storage and conversion, driving the transition towards a more sustainable energy landscape. Despite the myriad benefits associated with advanced materials and processes, there are also challenges and considerations that warrant attention. The high cost of research and development, as well as the complexities associated with scaling up production, can pose barriers to the widespread adoption of advanced materials and processes. Additionally, ensuring the safety and regulatory compliance of novel materials and manufacturing techniques is essential tomitigate potential risks to human health and the environment. Moreover, the needfor skilled professionals proficient in working with advanced materials and processes underscores the importance of education and training in this domain. In conclusion, the significance of advanced materials and processes cannot be overstated, given their profound impact on innovation, sustainability, and global competitiveness. The ongoing pursuit of novel materials with superior propertiesand the refinement of advanced manufacturing processes will continue to drive progress across diverse industries. As we navigate the opportunities andchallenges associated with advanced materials and processes, collaboration between industry, academia, and government entities will be crucial in realizing the full potential of these transformative technologies. Embracing a forward-lookingmindset and a commitment to responsible innovation will pave the way for a future where advanced materials and processes continue to shape a more technologically advanced, sustainable, and competitive world.。



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关键词:污水处理,好氧活性污泥,生物数学模型,活性污泥模型Progress in Activated Sludge Model Study at home and abroadShuangchun Yang,Xiaozhen Wang,Yi Pan,Dan Deng, Guobin Liu,Guian ZhangCollege of PetroChemical and environmental, Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun, 113001Abstract Activated Sludge Modeling is the mathematic model way, which describes complex biochemical reaction of micron germs and pollutants. In this paper research institution of Biological Mathematical Model of activated sludge in our country and abroad are reviewed, such as activated sludge model 1(ASM1), benchmark simulation model No.1 (BSM1), activated sludge model-secondary sedimentation tank (ASM-S), activated sludge model-aeration simplify (ASM-AS), activated sludge model 2 (ASM2), activated sludge model 2d (ASM2d), activated sludge 3 (ASM3) and fully coupled activated sludge model 3 (FCASM3). And activated sludge mathematical models are commended then the advices are proposed in this paper.Keyword Wastewater treatment, Aerobic activated sludge, Biological Mathematical Model, Activated sludge model0 引言据统计,十二五期间,全国87%的城市有建设污水处理厂的计划,这意味着将有约1500座规模在2万立方米/天以下的污水处理厂建成。

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282/Steels:Processing,Structure,andPerformance Fig.15.1Microstructure of pearlite in rail steel,courtesy of Rocky Mountain Steel Mills,Pueblo,CO.TEM micrograph of thin foil taken by Rob-ert A.McGrew at the Colorado School of Mines tile ferrite and high-strength cementite is the base microstructure for rail and the starting microstructure for high-strength wire applications.Mechanical Properties ofFully Pearlitic MicrostructuresThe Gladman et al.equation,Eq 13.2,for the strength of ferrite/pearlite steels shows that the interlamellar spacing of ferrite and cementite lamel-lae in pearlite becomes more important as the amount of pearlite increases (Ref 15.1).Hyzak and Bernstein in a study of fully pearlitic microstruc-tures in a steel containing 0.81%C evaluated not only the effect of pearlite interlamellar spacing,S ,but also the effect of austenite grain size,d ,and pearlite colony size,P ,on mechanical properties (Ref 15.2).Figure 15.2shows the dependence of hardness and yield strength on pearlite spacing,and the following equation incorporates,in addition to interlamellar spac-ing,the effects of austenitic grain size and pearlite colony size on yield strength:מ1/2מ1/2Yield strength (MPa)ס2.18(S )מ0.40(P )מ1/2מ2.88(d )ם52.30(Eq 15.1)In view of this work,pearlite interlamellar spacing is confirmed to be the major microstructural parameter that controls strength of pearlitic micro-structures.Resistance to cleavage fracture of fully pearlitic steels is found to be primarily dependent on austenitic grain size according to the following equation (Ref 15.2):Chapter 15:High-Carbon Steels:Fully Pearlitic Microstructures and Applications /283Fig.15.2Hardness and yield strength as a function of pearlite interlamellar spacing in fully pearlitic microstructures.From Hyzak and Bernstein,Ref 15.2מ1/2מ1/2Transition temperature (ЊC)סמ0.83(P )מ2.98(d )ם217.84(Eq 15.2)This equation shows that the transition temperature for fully pearlitic steels is invariably above room temperature,and fracture around room temperature is therefore characterized by cleavage on {100}planes of the ferrite in pearlite.In another study,the size of cleavage facets was found to be a strong function of,but always smaller than,the austenite grain size and appeared to be related to common ferrite orientations in several ad-joining pearlite colonies (Ref 15.3).Rail Steels:Structure and PerformanceThe papers of proceedings volumes of several symposia address the ever-increasing demands placed on rail steels and the approaches used to improve rail steel performance (Ref 15.4–Ref 15.6).Rails are subject to heavy contact cyclic loading that accompanies increased car size and load-ing,to 100and 125ton capacity,increased train size,and increased train speeds used to transport bulk products over the last several decades.These increasing demands require manufacturing and metallurgical approaches that offset wear and other types of failure that limit rail life.An early type284/Steels:Processing,Structure,andPerformance Fig.15.3Hardness as a function of pearlite interlamellar spacing for various rail steels.From Clayton and Danks,Ref 15.11of rail failure was associated with entrapped hydrogen that produced shat-ter crack or flakes in heavy rail sections,but that difficulty has been ef-fectively controlled by controlled cooling and by vacuum degassing of liquid steel (Ref 15.5–15.7).Wear of rail has been studied by laboratory testing and also in a unique facility that subjects rail to actual train service.The latter facility,the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing (FAST),Pueblo,Colo.,is a 4.8mile loop of track on which test trains with 9500trailing tons have com-pleted up to 120laps daily in order to evaluate the processing,chemistry,and performance of rails under actual service conditions (Ref 15.8).In a study of rail tested at the FAST facility,wear was found to be a three-stage process (Ref 15.9).The first stage consisted of severe plastic defor-mation in a thin surface layer of the rail,on the order of 0.1mm (0.004in.)in depth,in response to repeated heavy compressive and shear loading produced by the passage of test trains.Two steels were evaluated,and the depth of the deformed zone was shallower in the harder steel.The second stage consisted of the development of subsurface cracks in the severely deformed layer,generally at the interface of the deformed layer and the undeformed microstructure.The propagation of cracks to the surface of the rail and the associated spalling off of small slivers or flakes of the rail constituted the third stage of wear.This sequence of deformation and fracture is repeated many times to produce substantial rail wear.Kapoor has referred to the repeated cycles of compressive deformation as plastic ratcheting and notes that cracking serves primarily to create the wear debris (Ref 15.10).Improved rail wear resistance correlates with fine interlamellar ferrite/cementite spacing of pearlitic microstructures,which,as noted previously,Chapter 15:High-Carbon Steels:Fully Pearlitic Microstructures and Applications /285Fig.15.5Wear rate as a function of hardness for various rail steels tested at contact pressures of 1220N/mm 2and 700N/mm 2.From Clayton and Danks,Ref15.11Fig.15.4Wear rate as a function of pearlite interlamellar spacing for various rail steels at contact pressures of 1220N/mm 2and 900N/mm 2.From Clayton and Danks,Ref 15.11increases hardness and strength.Figure 15.3shows the hardness correla-tion with pearlite interlamellar spacing,and Fig.15.4and 15.5show,re-spectively,that wear decreases with decreasing interlamellar spacing and increasing hardness of pearlitic microstructures in a series of rail steels (Ref 15.11).The latter results were generated by rolling/sliding wear tests in which the maximum Hertzian contact pressure was varied by adjusting the loads applied by test rollers.As shown in Fig.15.4and 15.5,increasing contact pressure accelerates wear.286/Steels:Processing,Structure,andPerformance Fig.15.6Hardness as a function of location in a transverse section of rail subjected to offline head hardening heat treatment.From George et al.,Ref 15.12The strong correlation of improved rail wear resistance with fine pearl-ite interlamellar spacing and high pearlite hardness has led to processing and alloying approaches to produce fine pearlite.An effective processing approach has been to produce pearlite of fine interlamellar spacing and high hardness on the surface of rails by head hardening heat treatments,applied by accelerated cooling with forced air,water sprays,or oil or aqueous polymer quenching either online while the steel is still austenitic immediately after hot rolling or by offline reheating of as-rolled rails (Ref 15.12,15.13).Figure 15.6shows the high head hardness of an offline head-hardened rail section (Ref 15.12).Alloying approaches to refine pearlite interlamellar spacing have included alloying with chromium,mo-lybdenum,vanadium,and silicon (Ref 15.14–15.18)and the development of rail steels with hypereutectoid carbon contents (Ref 15.19).The rolling contact loading of rails eventually creates complex inter-actions of strain hardening and residual stress distributions that not only influence wear but may also nucleate and propagate cracks transverse to rail lengths.Rails in curves are the most severely stressed portions of track,and Fig.15.7shows schematically some of the damage phenomena that may originate in rail curves under heavy traffic conditions (Ref 15.20).Subsurface cracks may also develop.Detail fracture is defined as “a trans-verse fatigue crack progressing from the corner of the rail head”(Ref 15.21),and shelling is “a condition where the rail steel,stressed beyond its elastic limit,deforms and fails in subsurface shear”(Ref 15.7).Steele and Joerms have analyzed the stress states associated with shelling (Ref 15.22).Compressive residual stresses develop at the surface of rails and are balanced by interior tensile stresses.Shell cracking initiates in lower hardness regions underneath work-hardened rail surface layers and even-tually turns into detail fractures.Chapter 15:High-Carbon Steels:Fully Pearlitic Microstructures and Applications /287Fig.15.8Tensile strength as a function of wire diameter for patented and drawn pearlitic hypereutectoid steel wires.From Tarui et al.,Ref15.23Fig.15.7Schematic diagram of wear and damage to curved rails under heavy traffic conditions.From Kalousek and Bethune,Ref 15.20Patenting:PearliteFormation for High-Strength Steel WirePearlitic microstructures in steels of eutectoid composition are drawn to wires that have the highest useable tensile strengths of any steel prod-ucts.The strengths depend on steel quality,the microstructure prior to wire drawing,and on the amount of wire drawing to produce a finished wire diameter.Figure 15.8shows tensile strength as a function of wire diameter for hypereutectoid steel wires capable of resisting delamination (Ref 15.23),and Fig.15.9shows the tensile strengths of patented and drawn wires from a number of studies (Ref 15.24).Remarkably high strengths,ranging up to almost 6000MPa (870ksi),can be produced.High-strength wires are often further incorporated into bunched arrays for288/Steels:Processing,Structure,andPerformance Fig.15.10Isothermal time-transformation diagram showing transformation temperature range for production of fine pearlite by patenting heat treatment.From Paris,Ref15.27Fig.15.9Tensile strength as a function of wire diameter for patented and drawn wires in steels with pearlitic microstructures.From Lesuer et al.,Ref 15.24.References to the investigations noted are given in Ref 15.24.applications such as tire cord,conveyors,hoses,and bridge cables (Ref 15.23,15.25).The heat treatment that produces the starting microstructure for wire production is termed patenting,after a patented discovery by James Hors-fall,Birmingham,England,in 1854that made steel rod easier to draw (Ref 15.26).Patenting consists of heating to austenite and continuous cooling or isothermal holding to produce a uniform fine pearlite micro-structure.Figure 15.10shows an isothermal transformation diagram for eutectoid steel and the transformation temperature range to produce the desired fine pearlite microstructure for wire drawing (Ref 15.27).TheChapter 15:High-Carbon Steels:Fully Pearlitic Microstructures and Applications /289Fig.15.11Tensile strength and reduction of area as a function of transfor-mation temperature and microstructure in patented hypereutec-toid steels.From Tarui et al.,Ref 15.23microstructures,strengths,and ductilities of a hypereutectoid steel are shown as a function of transformation temperature in Fig.15.11.Bainitic microstructures were found to be sensitive to delamination after drawing and,therefore,fine pearlite with a tensile strength of 1500MPa (220ksi)was found to be the most suitable starting microstructure for high-strength wire drawing (Ref 15.23).Patenting may be applied to hot-rolled rod at the start of wire drawing or to cold-drawn wire as an intermediate heat treatment prior to further wire drawing.Fine pearlite has been traditionally produced in rods or wire isothermally transformed in molten lead baths,but alternative processing has been developed to produce good pearlitic microstructures directly after hot rolling to rod in high-speed bar mills (Ref 15.28,15.29).The latter processing,first commercially applied in 1964,is copyrighted as the Stel-mor process,and by 2003,240Stelmor process lines had been installed throughout the world.Stelmor processing consists of water cooling hot-rolled rod to a predetermined temperature,typically between 750and 959ЊC (1380and 1740ЊF),forming the rod into rings on a laying head,and fan air cooling the overlapping rings on a continuously moving conveyor.Cooling rates are adjusted to produce desired microstructures in various grades of steels,and after transformation,the rods are coiled for storage and further processing.Wire Drawing Deformation ofPearlite for High-Strength Steel WireFully pearlitic microstructures are highly deformable under wire draw-ing conditions.As strain increases,in longitudinal sections the lamellar structure of pearlite aligns itself parallel to the longitudinal wire axis (Ref 15.30),and in transverse sections the pearlitic structure becomes wavy290/Steels:Processing,Structure,and Performanceand the lamellae within colonies are substantially curved(Ref15.31).A͗110͘body-centered-cubic wire texture develops in the ferrite.The com-bination of closely spaced ductile ferrite and high-strength cementite la-mellae makes possible exponential increases of strain hardening as a func-tion of strain,in contrast to the linear increases with strain in ferritic ironwire without cementite(Ref15.32).Although cementite is potentiallybrittle,in pearlitic structures the fracture resistance of cementite is a func-tion of lamellae thickness.In coarse pearlite,cementite is brittle,but inmicrostructures where the interlamellar spacing is0.10l m or less,ce-mentite has been shown to be partially or fully plastic(Ref15.32).The cementite lamellae of pearlite undergo dramatic changes duringhigh-strain wire drawing(Ref15.31–15.36).With increasing strain,thecementite lamellae become thinner,and both homogeneous bending andfragmentation of cementite lamellae may occur.In addition to slip defor-mation of the ferrite and cementite,localized shear band formationthrough the pearlite lamellae is another observed deformation mechanism.Cementite lamellae have been found to dissolve partially or completelyat high strain deformation,and atom probe studies show that the carboncontent of cementite decreases,and that of ferrite substantially increases,with the carbon apparently dissolved in the dislocation substructure of theferrite.The carbon in solution in the ferrite then contributes to dynamicstrain aging or to strain aging if wire is given subsequent low-temperatureheat treatments.Fracture Mechanisms ofPatented and Drawn Steel WireAs noted,fully pearlitic microstructures are capable of intensive wiredrawing deformation.However,the severe deformation may result inunique types of failure.One type of fracture develops internally in re-sponse to hydrostatic tensile stresses that develop in the centers of wiresduring drawing(Ref15.37).In plane longitudinal sections through dam-aged lengths of wire the cracks appear v-shaped,leading to the term chev-ron cracking to describe this type of fracture.The cracks are in fact axi-symmetric,and when a wire breaks,the fracture surface appears conical,a fracture appearance termed cuppy fracture in the wire industry.Theinternal center cracking also leads to the term centerline bursting for thisphenomenon.Similar stress states to those in wires also create centerline,v-shaped cracks in extruded rods,and examples of such cracking,alsotypical of centerline cracking in wire,are shown in Fig.15.12(Ref15.37).In wires,nondeforming microstructural features in the centers of wires,such as inclusions,grain boundary cementite,or residual centerline seg-regation that provides sufficient hardenablity for martensite formation,may be associated with initiation of chevron cracking.Therefore,consid-Chapter 15:High-Carbon Steels:Fully Pearlitic Microstructures and Applications /291Fig.15.13Schematic diagram of a length of wire showing orientations of shear stresses produced during torsion and a longitudinal shear band that leads to delamination fracture of patented and drawn pearlitic wires.From Lefever et al.,Ref15.40Fig.15.12Centerline bursting or chevron cracks,similar to those that form under certain conditions in drawn patented wires,in extruded steel rods.From D.J.Blickwede as reproduced in Hosford and Caddell,Ref 15.37erable attention must be paid to steel quality and primary steel processing(Ref 15.38,15.39).Control of wire drawing parameters may also minimize chevron crack-ing (Ref 15.37).A parameter D defines the deformation zone geometryfor the generation of hydrostatic tensile stresses as the ratio of the meandiameter of the work to the contact length between the die and the workand is in turn related to reduction ratio and die angle.High values of Dincrease susceptibility to chevron cracking and are produced by lowerreductions and high die angles.Some high-strength patented and drawn wires are twisted into cablesand bunches.As a result,not only must the wire have high tensile strength,it also must have good torsional strength and good resistance to shearstresses.Figure 15.13shows the longitudinal and transverse orientation© 2005 ASM International. All Rights Reserved.Steels: Processing, Structure, and Performance (#05140G)292/Steels:Processing,Structure,and Performance of shear stresses that develop in a torsion tested wire (Ref 15.40).Forwires with fine,uniformly deformed pearlitic microstructures and goodsurface condition,after a significant number of applied torsional twists,smooth,flat shear fractures develop on transverse wire surfaces.However,under some conditions,surface shear bands develop in response to thelongitudinal shear stresses,and these bands eventually nucleate shearcracks characterized by joining of fine microvoids.With increased twist-ing,the longitudinal cracks assume a helical or spiral orientation,as shownschematically in Fig.15.14.The spiral crack is labeled “secondary frac-ture,”and a transverse shear fracture surface,also shown,is labeled “pri-mary fracture.”The longitudinal cracking or splitting along the wire surface duringtorsion testing is referred to as delamination (Ref 15.40,15.42).Onceinitiated,compressive stresses close the spiraling delamination crack,andthe wire may undergo further twisting despite significant damage.Goodsurface conditions are important to prevent delamination,but microstruc-tural factors must also be optimized.Tarui et al.emphasize that fine as-patented pearlite is the key to high-strength wire with good delaminationresistance and that upper bainite formed at low transformation tempera-tures lowers delamination resistance (Ref 15.23,15.43).Strengthening bychromium and vanadium additions and higher carbon content were foundto be more effective than increased drawing reduction in producingstrength and while maintaining good delamination resistance.Tarui et al.also show that silicon and chromium additions to patented and drawnmicrostructures suppress spheroidization of pearlitic cementite and theattendant strength loss during hot dip galvanizing at 450ЊC (840ЊF).Namand Bae confirm that coarse pearlite lowers delamination resistance andnote that globular cementite particles contribute to the inititation of de-lamination (Ref 15.43).Low-temperature aging or stress relief treatmentsof patented and drawn wires also result in reduced delamination resistance(Ref15.42).Fig.15.14Schematic diagram of torsion-tested wire in which a primary transverse shear fracture and a spiral delamination fracture (labeled “secondary fracture”)have developed.From Goes et al.,Ref 15.41© 2005 ASM International. All Rights Reserved.Steels: Processing, Structure, and Performance (#05140G)Chapter 15:High-Carbon Steels:Fully Pearlitic Microstructures and Applications /293REFERENCES15.1T.Gladman,I.D.McIvor,and F.B.Pickering,Some Aspects of theStructure-Property Relationships in High-Carbon Ferrite-PearliteSteels,Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute,V ol 210,1972,p916–93015.2J.M.Hyzak and I.M.Bernstein,The Role of Microstructure on theStrength and Toughness of Fully Pearlitic Steels,MetallurgicalTransactions A,V ol 7A,1976,p 1217–122415.3Y .-J.Park and I.M.Bernstein,Mechanisms of Cleavage Fracturein Fully Pearlitic 1080Rail Steel,Rail Steels—Developments,Pro-cessing and Use,STP 644,ASTM,1978,p 287–30215.4Rail Steels—Developments,Processing,and Use,D.H.Stone andG.G.Knupp,Ed.,STP 644,ASTM,197815.5Rail Steels—Developments,Manufacturing and Performance,B.L.Bramfit,R.K.Steele,and J.H.Martens,Ed.,ISS,Warrendale,PA199315.6Rail Steels for the 21st Century,B.L.Bramfit,R.K.Steele,and J.H.Martens,Ed.,ISS,Warrendale,PA,199515.7G.G.Knupp,W.H.Chidley,J.L.Giove,H.H.Hartman,G.F.Morris,and C.W.Taylor,A Review of the Manufacture,Processing,andUse of Rail Steels in North America—A Report of AISI TechnicalSubcommitee on Rails and Accessories,in Ref 15.4,p 7–2015.8R.K.Steele,“A Perspective Review of Rail Behavior at the Facilityfor Accelerated Service Testing,”Report FRA/TTC-81/07,U.S.Department of Transportation,Federal Railroad Administration,Washington,D.C.,198115.9 E.L.Brown and G.Krauss,unpublished research,Colorado Schoolof Mines,198215.10A.Kapoor,Wear by Plastic Ratchetting,Wear,V ol 212,1997,p119–13015.11P.Clayton and D.Danks,Effect of Interlamellar Spacing on theWear Resistance of Eutectoid Steels under Rolling/Sliding Condi-tions,Wear,V ol 135,1990,p 369–38715.12B.L.George,J.B.McDonald,and F.W.Kokoska,Residual Stressesin Off-Line Head Hardened Steels,in Ref 15.5,p 79–9115.13B.L.Bramfit,Advanced In-Line Head Hardening of Rail,in Ref15.6,p 23–2915.14G.K.Bouse,I.M.Bernstein,and D.H.Stone,Role of Alloying andMicrostructure on the Strength and Toughness of Experimental RailSteels,in Ref 15.4,p 145–16615.15S.Marich and P.Curcio,Development of High-Strength AlloyedRail Steels Suitable for Heavy Duty Applications,in Ref 15.4,p167–21115.16Y .E.Smith and F.B.Fletcher,Alloy Steels for High-Strength,As-Rolled Rails,in Ref 15.4,p 212–232© 2005 ASM International. 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