德国拜耳热塑性弹性体TPU-KA 8333


TPU 德国拜耳 DESMOPAN 150物性表

TPU 德国拜耳 DESMOPAN 150物性表
410 - 446 ° F 68.0 - 104 ° F 122 ° F
描述性属性 可用性:亚太、欧洲、印度、中东/非洲、南美洲和中美洲 效率。热扩散率(平方米/秒) 8E-08 特点 脱模剂 形式 微丸 过程 注塑成型
@温度 70.0° C
@温度 158° F
比热容 热导率
1.70 J/g-° C 0.139 W / mK 的
0.406 BTU/lb-° F。 0.965 BTU-in/hr-ft“ - ° F
融化 融化
熔融温度 模具温度 脱模温度
210 - 230 ° C 20.0 - 40.0 ° C 50.0 ° C
1.03 克/立方厘米 1.24 克/立方厘米
0.0372 磅/³ 0.0448 磅/³
融化 ISO 1183
硬度,A 邵氏 D 硬度, 磨损 压缩永久变形
96 50 30 25%,
温度 23.0° C
96 50 30 25%,
温度 73.4° F
ISO 868 ISO 868 ISO 4649 ISO 815 ISO 815
拜耳材料科技 DESMOPAN®150 聚氨酯 类别: 聚合物,热塑性聚氨酯,TP 材质说明:注塑级、具有机械强度高的文章受到磨损、圆柱形颗粒、不透明到半透明 应用:压路机轮胎、耦合元件、鞋跟 预处理 最大。含水量 = 0.05% 干燥温度 70-110°C 干燥时间 干式空气干燥机 1-2 小时 物理性质



化学品安全技术说明书 (MSDS )UTECHLLAN U-75AP10 112000021497/1.0发行日期:2007年06月25日(第01次修正) 第 1 /4 页••1. 化学品及企业标识化学品中文名称: 热塑聚氨酯化学品英文名称: thermoplastic polyurethane 商品中文名称 :商品英文名称 : UTECHLLAN U-75AP10 化学品俗名:产品应用:生产模制塑料产品制造商 / 供货商名称 :拜耳(中国)有限公司 上海聚合物科研开发中心2. 成分/组成信息:纯品( * ) 混合物( )化学品名称:热塑聚氨酯(thermoplastic polyurethane)有害物成分:―― 含量:―― CAS No.:――3. 危险性概述:危险性类别:按GB13690-92《常用危险化学品的分类及标志》规定,本产品为非危险化学品。


侵入途径:―― 健康危害:―― 环境危害:―― 燃爆危险:――4. 急救措施:皮肤接触:与热熔物接触立即用大量的水冷却。




眼睛接触:―― 吸 入:―― 食 入:――5. 消防措施:危险特性:――有害燃烧产物:燃烧过程中释放一氧化碳、二氧化碳、氮氧化物和痕量的氰化氢。





化学品安全技术说明书 (MSDS )UTECHLLAN U-75AP10 112000021497/1.0发行日期:2007年06月25日(第01次修正) 第 2 /4 页••6. 泄漏应急处理:个人防护:戴防护设备(见第8部分)。



化学品安全技术说明书 (MSDS )UTECHLLAN US-60A10 112000022190/1.0-CN发行日期:2007年07月30日(第01次修正) 第 1 /4 页••1. 化学品及企业标识化学品中文名称: 热塑聚氨酯化学品英文名称: thermoplastic polyurethane 商品中文名称 :商品英文名称 : UTECHLLAN US-60A10 化学品俗名:产品应用:生产模制塑料产品制造商 / 供货商名称 :拜耳(中国)有限公司 上海聚合物科研开发中心2. 成分/组成信息:纯品( ) 混合物( * )化学品名称:热塑聚氨酯(thermoplastic polyurethane)有害物成分:二苯甲酸二聚丙二醇酯(oxydipropyl dibenzoate) 浓度%:约28 CAS No.:27138-31-4EINECS No.:248-258-5 分类:N R51/53(根据定义原理分类) 由于此处列出的物质牢固键合于聚合物体系中,因此预计在正确操作时无有害影响。

3. 危险性概述:危险性类别:按GB13690-92《常用危险化学品的分类及标志》规定,本产品为非危险化学品。


侵入途径:―― 健康危害:―― 环境危害:―― 燃爆危险:――4. 急救措施:皮肤接触:与热熔物接触立即用大量的水冷却。




眼睛接触:―― 吸 入:―― 食 入:――5. 消防措施:危险特性:――有害燃烧产物:燃烧过程中释放一氧化碳、二氧化碳、氮氧化物和痕量的氰化氢。


化学品安全技术说明书 (MSDS )UTECHLLAN US-60A10 112000022190/1.0-CN发行日期:2007年07月30日(第01次修正) 第 2 /4 页••灭火注意事项:着火和/或爆炸时,禁止吸入烟雾。



拜耳辐射固化树脂1.引言1.1 概述拜耳辐射固化树脂,是指一种利用紫外线或电子束辐射来固化的树脂材料。














1.2 文章结构文章结构部分主要介绍了本文的组织架构和大致内容安排。










美标锁紧垫圈规格LOCK WASHERS (INCH SERIES ) AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD1.No minal washer size :垫圈标称值2.ln side diameter 内直径3.0utside diameter外直径4.Mea n secti on thick ness截面厚度5.Section width:截面宽度6.Beari ng width:支承面宽度弹簧垫圈尺寸规格STD .ASKE Bld-ei 3勺耳弓■ 0755b7口D^ISVD^ 0 ■TABLE 1 DIMENSIONS OF REGULAR HEUCAL SPRlMG-LOCK WASHERSNominal Wash«rSizefniidcDLarrwt^cAOutsid*Diametef, BMvan Section Thicknesstt;+ t^/2,TSectionZHdth.WBearingWidth, BW Max.Min.M AA.Min.Min.Min,No. 2 (0 086} 0094 0.088 0.172 0 020 0.035 0.024 NO. 3 {0.0&9)0.1070 1010.195D02S0.040 0X28 No,竝<0H2i 0.120 Q.114 0.209 0 025 0.040 0 020 No. 5 1C.12B)0J33Q.1270.236 0 031 0 0470.033NO 6 10 1381 020 141 0.290 0.031 0.047 0 033 No. 8 10.164) 0,174 0.1^70.293 ■0.0400 055 0 038 No. 10 40.19010 200Q.193 0.334 0.0470.062 0 043 No. 11? OJ216) 0.2270-2200377 0.056 C.070 0 049 Vi ©2501Q 260 0.25? 0.4S7 0 062 QJ09 0076 to.3125r a 322 Q.314 0.5030.12S0.OS7 % (0.37 S)0.385 Q3770.630 Q.Q940.141 Q 099 Vie 40.437510 450 0,44€0.776a 1»0 156 0.10$ % 4Q 500} 0512 0 50;0.869 0.1250.1710.12010.562510.574 0L5640.9 65 0.1410JB4 0.1322 {2,0001?039 2 DOS 2.9360.422 0.427 0,299 2% 12250) 2.293 22^2 3.S210.44Q 0,442 0.309 2]4 (2.5003 2 543 2.512 3.471 0.440 0 *45 0.309 2% [2.750)2793 2.762 3.824 0458 0.W1 0 344 3 (1000} 3.0413012 40740.4580 491 Q.3MGENERAL NOTES⑻ For additional requirernvnis, refer to section 2. Dimensions sr? in mqties.EniarypMl 生曰nASME B18 J1.1 1999重型弹簧垫圈尺寸规格ST>-ASME BlBdd-ENGL MM■ 0755b?0 ahl.5710 14Q ■COCK WASHERS GMCH SERIES) TABLE 2 DIMENSIONS OF HEAVY HELtCAL $PRrNG-LOCK WASHERSNominal WastwrSize In 客kit Dwneter, A OuttidvDwnetiM-, 0Mwi S«cticn Thfcknwt 山 +U/2, TStctionWidth WWWi r 8WMm Max. Min,Max Min MinNo, 2 (0.086} 0.0^40.088 0,182 0.025 0.D4D 0.028 No. 3 ©099}0.107 0.101 0.209 0.031 0.047 0.033 No. 4 (0.112) 0.120 0.114 0.223 0.031 0.047 o.on No, 5 <0.125) 0.133 0.1270.2520.040 0 055 0.038 No. 6 (0.138) 0.148 0,1410.266 0.040 0.055 0.038 No. 8 (0/1641 0J74 0J67 0.3070.047 0,062 0.043 No, 10 <0.190) 0,2000.193 0.354) 0.056 0.070 0,049 No. 12 Uk2T创0J27 0.220 0.391 0.063 0.077 0 034X (0.250) 0.2600.252 0 46S 0.Q770.110 0.077 %« <0.31251 0.3Z20 3140.5S30.0970130 0,091 % (0,3751 0.3850,3770.688 0.115 0.145 0.101 人(0.4375) C.450 0.440 0,7840.133 0160 0.112 'h (0.S00»0.512 0.502 0 879 0.151 0J76 0.123 %< (0.5625) 65740.S64 0.975 0.170 0.193 0.135 % <0.625) 0.641 0.628 1.067 0.189 0.210 0J47 % (0.8875> 0,7040691 1.186 0.207 0J27 0J59 % (0.750) 0.766 0.753 1 285 0 226 0.244 0.171 '%・(0J125) O.B32 0.816 1.387 0.2460.262 0.183% (D.875) O.S«40J78 1.489 0 2810J97 '%( (0J375) 0.958 0.941 1 590 0.284 0.298 G.209 1 (1.000} 1/024 t-003 1.700 0.306 0.319 0.223 % 口32呀 1.087 1.803 0326 0.338 0.237 1% IU25)1,153 1.129 1 903 0 345 0.3590.249 T取& (1.1S75> 1.217 1.1S2 2.001 0,3640.3730.261 1% H .ZbQ) 1.2801^54 2.104 0.384 0.393 0.276 % <V3125> 1.344 1.317 2 203 0.403 0.410 0.287 i% n^7s) 1.408 1.379 2.301 0.4220.4270.299 H-437S) 1.472 1.442 2.396 0.440 0 442 0.309 1% n .soo) 1^34 T.5G4 2.491 0.458 0*458 0.321 1% n 625> 1.663 1.633 2 694 0-458 0.491 0.344诙H.75OJ 1.7B9 1.75B 2.820 0.4580.491 0 344 1% <1,875) V914 1.883 2^45 0.458 0.491 0 344 2 (2000) 2.039 2.006 3J44 0.496 0.52& 0.363 2% (2.250} 2.293 2.262 3 3980 4960.5260,368 2'/2 12.5OO> 2.542 2.512 3.&4S 0.496 0 S?6 0368 2% (2.7501 2,793 2.762 3^10 0 526 D.S32 0.372 3 (3.000) 3.043 3 D12 <160 0 526 0.532 0.372特重型弹簧垫圈尺寸规格XTJ* ASJ1E Bia^l.l-EN£L im ■ nTS^UTD DblSVll dfi?LOCK WASHERS (INCH SERIES) ASME 创BQ .卜1999TABLE 3 DIMENSIONS OF EXTRA-DUTY HELICAL SPRING-LOCK WASHERSNominal W»^i«r Silt Inside DiAmititer,, AOutsideDiamalflr, BMe«n Section Thickness怙+ tJ/2, TSMtiorW»dth FWbearingWidlK BWMin.M«K.Min,Max.Min.IMn>No. 2 (O.CSfi) 0.0&4 0.08C O.ZOH 0.0270.053 0 037 No. 3 W.O99I 0JO7□JOI a.239 0.0340.0&2 0.043 Nc. 4 W.112?0.1200314 D.253 0034 G帕2 0 043 No. 5 (0,125) 0.133 0.1270.300 0-(MS 0.079 o ass No 6 CO. 1381 0 148 0-141 0.314 0 045 0.079 0.055 No. 8 {0J64j 0.174 0.祐?0.375 0.0570.096 0.067 No. ID [Z9CF 0 2Q0 0.193□.434D L06B D.112 0 078 N Q. 12 (0.216^ 0.227 0.220 0.497 0.080 0.130 0.091 V.怕卫抽0 260 0 2S3 05前0 0«4 0.13? 0 093 % (0.3125) 0S22 0.314 0619 d.ioa 0.143 0.100 % (0,375)0-385 D-3770-7 3& 0-1230 170 Q 119(0 437510.450 0.440 0.836 0.143 0.1S6 (J.130 % (0.500) 0.512 0.502 0,935 0.162 0.204 0 143 % W 563M 0.574 OW 1 035 0.1S2 0-353 0 1&& % W-盟5) Q&41 0J628 1.1510.202 0.242 0.169% (0.6875) 0.704 0.891 1.252 0.221 o.2eo 0.182 % (0.75OJ 0.7&6 0.753 1,355 0.241 0.279 0.195 % (O.ai25»0 B32 0 816 1.45& 0.2610.298 0 209 % (0,975) C S94 0 878 1.571 0 285 0,322 0L225 % 10.9375)0S&B 0 941 1 604 0.309 0.345 0.241 1 (1JOOOI 1.024 1.003 1 794 0.330 0 366 0256% (1.0S25)V087k06€ 1 905 0.352 0.339 0.272 1V( (1 125J 1.1531,129 2 013 0.3750 411 0.288 1% (um? 1.217 1.19! 2.107 0.396 C.431 0.302 V/t IV250I 1.280 L254 2.222 0-417 0.452 Q.31G 1V I* (1.3125J 1.344 1 317 2 3Z7 0J38 0,472 0.330 1% (1-3751 1.408 1.379 2 429 0.45fi 0 491 0.344 乃i(, U 437S} 1.472 1.442 2.530 0.47A0.S09 0356 1% 11.5001 1.534 1.504 2.627 0.496 0.526 0.368 1% 0 625) 1.663 1.633 2.7B4 0 496 0 526 0.368 1% {1.7S0I 1.789 1 75fi 2.^02 0.526 0 532 0.372 1% <1-97511,414 1.&03 3 027 0.526 0.532 0.372 2 12JMKH 2.039 2.0QB 3.1S0 0.526 0.532 0.372轻型弹簧垫圈尺寸规格STP-ASflE Bifi.BL-l-ENCL MM ■ AVi^faVO 0bl5?ia T13 ■ASME Biail.blSMEnlarged StttionLOCK WASHERS {INCH SERIES] TABLE 4 DlMENSrONS OF HIGH-COLLAR HELICAL SPRING-LOCK WASHERSNomirul Washer SizeDUmeter,Mat Min.OutitdeDi^metef,Max.M«an SectionTh»ckn«^ 区 + U/2,________ T ________Min.BearingWidth, Width,Mwi, Min,ND. 4 {0.112} No. 5 (0.125) Mo. 6 io.-tasr No. 8 CO.IM) No, 10 (0.190)X (0 250) 论(0.3125) 玄(Q.375) 仏(0,43751 '応(0.500}% (0.625)% (0J501% {0.075}1 口-呗1>B n.125)T% (1.250} 1% (1.375) 1T4 11.500) 为(1.750)2 12.00032% 12^50) 2^ (2.500)2% [2.750J3 <3.0CO] 0 12C0114C.1330.1270J480141C.1740.1670.2000.1930.2600.252032203140.385D3T70.4500.4400.512 0.5020.541仏宓0.7660.7530.-S940.8781 024 1.0031,1531J291.2«0UB41.4G6 1.3791L534 1.5041.783 1.7582.039 2 0082.293 2.2522.543 2.S1Z2793 3.7623.D43 3.0120.1730 20202160-2670 2940.3G30.4570.5500.^330.9171.1051.29114781.B631,7902勺312.1592 59655553.3_a4..0.0230.0220.015O.03C札0300,021O.03A0.0300.0210.0470.042O.ftM0.0470.&420.0290.0780.0470.022509300620.0430.1250.D7B0.05301400.09000630177 0d030 0720.20301250.O&7C.21B 0.1640.10®0.234 0JE2 0.1270.2500.20S0.14£GJ130.236DJ6S0J130.2360.1650^750.2S20.2040.3750,2920.2040.4680.3S3OJAB0.4«& D.3S30.2680.5030.5D80.3B60.5050.5C60.3560.5330 6330.4430.6330.633 0.443AS ME 818.21 1-1995内锯齿弹性锁紧垫圈LOCK WASHERS (INCH SERIES)TABLE 6 DIMENSIONS OF INTERNAL TOOTH-LOCK WASHERSMominalWasher SizeIniide Diameter, A Outside Diameter, BThickness £Max.Min.Max.Min.Max,Min.No 2 (0.086)0 095 0 039 0.200 0.175 0.016 0.010 No 3 1(X0991 0 109 0 102 0.232 0.215 0.016 0.Q10 No. 4 <0.1121 0.123 0 115 0.2700.2450.016 0.012 No. 5 <0.125] 0 136 0.129 0-280 0.2550.0200014 No. G (0.13B}0.1 SO 0 141 0-2950 2750.0220.016 No, B (0J641 0.1760L 169 0,340 0 32&0.023 0.018 No. W 10.190) 0.230.195 0.381 0.365 0.024 0.018 No. 12 (0.216)0.2310.221 0,410 0.394 0.027 0.020 \ (0.250) 0.2670 256 Q.473 D.^fiO 0.02S 0.023 % (0.31251 0,332 0.320 0.610 0.594 0.034 0.028 % (0.375) 0.398 0.384 0.692 0.670 0.040 0.032 % 10.4375] 0 464 0.443 0.799OJ400.Q4O0.032 \ 11500)a 530 0,512 0,900 6獅 0.0450,037 % (0^2510.596 0.576 0.S350.9570,W5 0.037 % (0.625)0.6630.640 1.071 1,045 0.060 0.042 % (0.6875) 0728 0.7W1.1661J300J500.042% (OJSOI0.795 0769 1.245 1.220 0.055 0.047 % (0.81251 0.861 0.832 1.315 1.290 0.055 0.04?% (0.B75) 0927 0.894 1.410 1.364 0.060 0.0521 (1,0001 1.060 1,019 L637 1590 0.0671% (1.12$) 1J92 1.144 1.830 1799 0.067 0.059 1% [1.25011.3251.27519751.9210.0670.059Tyf* AU3CK WASHERS QMCH SERIES]外锯齿弹性锁紧垫圈尺寸规格STt^ASnE: dia-ei.L-ENGL 胡巧■ D^S^LTO 0bliS717 STS ■TABLE 8 DIMENSIONS OF EXTERNAL TOOTH LOCK WASHERSNomiiMl Washer Sizeki^idE Di4m«t«r AOutside Diameter,0Thickness, C Max.Mm,k Max.Mui.Na 3 10.099)0.1090.1020.23&0 2200.0160.01D No 4 (0.112)0.123(LI IE 0.2600 2450.018 D.012 No. 5 (0.12Sl G.1360 1290.285O.27C0.0200.014 No. 6 <O.13S>0.1S60 1^1 0.32D0.30S O.tJ220.016 No. a (0.164}DJ76 0険0.3S10.3650.0230X118 No. 10 (0.1901 0,2040,195 0.4100.3950,02 A0.018 No. 1; (0,216) 0.2310 221 0475 0.460□,0270.020 % ◎嗣0 2670.25^05100494 0.02a a023热10.3125) 0.3330 3200.610 a 5630 034% W.3?5> )潮63&40.6940.5700.0400.032% (0.4375) 0 4640,44B07600 7400.0400,032 %梅&□即O.53D0 9Q00.6800.0450.037人(0.5625)0.596O.S850 96000450.Q37 %心盟引0-663□,641 1.070 1,0450,0500 042马总(0.687S} 0,7280.7(M 1.155 1.1300.0500.042% (0-750) 0J95 0.76S L260 1.220 0.055 0.047 % (0.8125) a 8610.833K315t-290 D.O55 0.&47 \(D B75) 0.9270.897K410 1.3800,060 0.052 1 (1 000) 1.060K025 1.620 1.5900.06? 0 059STI ,ASM£ BMVU-ENU mi■ OblS71A ^31ASME ai8-2l.1-199eLOCK WASHERS IlNCM SERIES! 内钻孔外锯齿弹性锁紧垫圈尺寸规格TABLE 9 DIMENSIONS OF COUNTCRSUNK EXTERNAL TOOTHLOCK WASHERSNominAlWastier Si£« [No<«切】Insidv EX^mvter,4 Outside Dieeter. ff[Note (3j]Thiqknes$, CMax,Mim R«f«r«cK« M M .Min,Mas. Ufa-No. 4 <0.112} 0J23 0.113 0213 0.019 0.015 G.065 0.05Q No* & (DJ38I 0.1500J4Q 0.239 D;021 0,0170 092 0.082 No. & (0,154} 0.1770.167 0,322 0.0210.017 0 099 0 083 No. 10 (0.1901 0.205 0J95 0354 0.0250.020 0.105 0 08S No. 12 VU16) 0.231 0.220 0.4J1 0.025 0.020 0.128 0,118 % (0.250) Q.2E7 0.255 0454 0.025 0.02D D.12S 0.113 NO, 16 g 潮 0.287 0273 0.505 0.028 0.023 D.147 QJ37 %g (03125)0.3330.3180.5990.028 0.0230J920.165% {0,37&| 0,35 S 0.303 Q.765 0.034 0 02B 0.2&5 0.242 仏 口4375} 0.463 仇44S 0.967 0.045 0.037 0,270 0.2©0 % (0.50QI Q ,5290512 0.976 0.Q450.037 0.304 D.294GENERAL NCTCS;For ^dition$l rgu 护百MHC F 和 rafer to section 3. [b* Dimensions ore in incties. NOTES :Suggested 3ngl 电 or mating composeril is 60-82 deg.f2> Washer sizes are intended for u$a with comp^ratals rominaF screw 和zee* (3)For reference purposes onJy; not subject to inspeefjon.BI Nat? (TH T *P*A ffINood)]1W«6内外锯齿弹性锁紧垫圈尺寸规格STD» ASME 0ia-21-l-EN£L mi ■ 075^^70 OblS?ln 376 ■TABLE Ifl DIMENSIONS OF INTERNAL/EXTERNAL TOOTHXOCK WASHEflSNorrii "11Washer Diameter, AOut«^deO^ameteG B Thixdkne5S p CN.ornlin-11Wa^hwImidv &iameter rAOutridtDismeter, BTTiiEkn«4PCMin.Max. Min.Max. Min.Sue陋車耳.Rfliru Max. Min.Wax. Min.0.47S iD.450□.D21O.DIfiNo. 4 W112I P.115 Q510 C.495Q.0210 017 知.(0.312> 0 332 0 3200.6100.580Q.021aon0 865 D.Q4D0.03 S0 9650-&45O J OS?"045D朋D O J0421J3Q Q.05Q D.D42 00飾70陌No.610.13®)0.150 0.1410 5100-6100.6900.610 Md & (0.164)Q.17E OJ6B D.B900 7600&10No10 tD.IW)0L J040.19&o.s&oOJ&O0900Q.690N Q. 1? 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供应T P U塑胶原料(热塑性聚氨酯弹性体)美国亨斯迈98A E、4520 (8)美国陶氏副牌T P U::65A-98A、64 DTPU 台湾宝宣852E TPU 台湾宝宣852EU TPU 台湾宝宣902E TPU 台湾宝宣952E TPU 台湾宝宣982E TPU 台湾宝宣9O2EU TPU 台湾宝宣752E TPU 中山宝宣642B TPU 中山宝宣642B TPU 中山宝宣652E TPU 中山宝宣712B TPU 中山宝宣752E TPU 中山宝宣752E TPU 中山宝宣802EU TPU 中山宝宣802FC TPU 中山宝宣8502E TPU 中山宝宣852E TPU 中山宝宣852EU TPU 中山宝宣902E TPU 中山宝宣902E T P U中山宝宣902E U T P U中山宝宣952E T P U中山宝宣982E T P U中山宝宣K F285 T P U台湾华宝60D T P U台湾华宝64D T P U台湾华宝90A T P U台湾华宝95A T P U台湾华宝98A T P U台湾华宝I-64D T P U台湾华宝I-75A T P U台湾华宝I-85A014B W T P U台湾华宝I-90A014B WT P U台湾华宝I-95A T P U台湾华宝I-98A T P U台湾华宝I-95A014T P U台湾华宝80A T P U台湾华宝E-95A024T P U台湾华宝I-64D024A T P U台湾华宝I-85A210(10)韩国晓星巴斯夫T P U:95 A(11)韩国S K T P U:S195 A 95A.E N E95A.医用、级:【1080AF/台湾大东】【1085AF/台湾大东】【1095AF/台湾大东】【3080AF/台湾大东】【3085AF/台湾大东】【3090AF/台湾大东】通用级:【1055D/台湾大东】【1055DE/台湾大东】【1065D/台湾大东】【1075A/台湾大东】【1080A/台湾大东】【1080AE/台湾大东】【1085A/台湾大东】【1090A/台湾大东】聚醚型品级:【1185A/德国巴斯夫】【1190A/德国巴斯夫】【1195A/德国巴斯夫】聚酯型品级:【8798A/德国拜耳】【B95A/德国巴斯夫】【S60A W/德国巴斯夫】【S95A/德国巴斯夫】耐低温:【E359D/台湾昆仲】【E370D/台湾昆仲】【E380A/台湾昆仲】【E385A/台湾昆仲】【E390A/台湾昆仲】【E395A/台湾昆仲】【E398A/台湾昆仲】透明级:【3695AU/德国拜耳】【B764D/台湾昆仲】【B768D/台湾昆仲】【B780A/台湾昆仲】【B785A/台湾昆仲】【B790A/台湾昆仲】【B795A/台湾昆仲】【B798A/台湾昆仲】高流动:【1160D/台湾大东】【1180A/台湾大东】【1185A/台湾大东】【1190A/台湾大东】【1195A/台湾大东】耐磨级:【B460D/台湾昆仲】【B464D/台湾昆仲】【B480A/台湾昆仲】【B485A/台湾昆仲】【B490A/台湾昆仲】【B495A/台湾昆仲】【B498A/台湾昆仲(2)台湾优得T P U:60D-64 D(3)台湾南亚T P U:95A-60 D(4)台湾宝宣T P U:H I-85S E.642 B(5)台湾虹溢T P U:85-95A I、A E、A TTPU是由二苯甲烷二异氰酸酯(MDI)、甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI)和大分子多元醇、扩链剂共同反应聚合而成的高分子材料。



软泡沫Flexible Foam Raw Materials Products in Asia Pacific软泡沫原材料产品在亚太地区Polyols for Molded Foam Froduction多元醇为模塑泡沫FroductionProduct产品Description描述Typical OHValue mg/gKOH典型的羟基值毫克/克氢氧化钾TypicalMolecularWeight典型的分子量TypicalViscosity(25 °C) mPa s典型的粘度(25 ℃)粘度县Arcol® Polyol 1362Arcol ®多元醇1362High MW reactive polyolfor high resilient foam高活性多元醇分子量高弹性泡沫28286000600012001200Arcol® Polyol 3553Arcol ®多元醇3553Standard reactive polyolfor high resilient foam标准多元醇反应的高弹性泡沫353548004800900900Hyperlite® E848 Hyperlite ® E848High performance polyolfor high resilient foam高性能的多元醇的高弹性泡沫31.5 31.5 5300530011151115Polymer polyols for Molded Foam Production聚合物多元醇的模塑泡沫生产Product产品Description描述Typical OHValue典型的羟基值mg/g KOH毫克/克氢氧化钾Typical Viscosity典型的粘度(25 °C) mPa s (25 ℃)粘度县Hyperlite® E851 Hyperlite ® E851High Solid Polymer Polyol for highresilient foam高固含量聚合物多元醇的高弹性泡沫18.5 5月18日60006000Softcel® VE-1100 Softcel ®维生素E - 1100Polyols for Slabstock Foam Production多元醇为Slabstock泡沫生产Product产品Description描述Typical OHValue mg/gKOH典型的羟基值毫克/克氢氧化钾TypicalMolecularWeight典型的分子量TypicalViscosity(25 °C) mPa s典型的粘度(25 ℃)粘度县Arcol® Polyol 5603 Arcol ®多元醇5603Standard polyether triol标准聚醚三醇565630003000500500Arcol® Polyol 5613 Arcol ®多元醇5613Standard polyether triol标准聚醚三醇565630003000520520Desmophen® 2200B Desmophen ® 2200B Polyester polyol forcontinuous slabstockfoam production聚酯多元醇的连续slabstock泡沫生产606025002500年14750014.750 万Desmophen® 2300X Desmophen ® 2300X Polyester polyol forcontinuous slabstockfoam production聚酯多元醇的连续slabstock泡沫生产5050350035002250022500SBU Polyol S240事业部多元醇S240Polyether polyol for softand hypersoft foams聚醚多元醇软和hypersoft泡沫37374550455010701070年Polymer polyols for Slabstock Foam Production聚合物多元醇的Slabstock泡沫生产Product产品Description描述Typical OHValue典型的羟基值Typical Viscosity典型的粘度mg/g KOH毫克/克氢氧化钾(25 °C) mPa s (25 ℃)粘度县Arcol® Polyol U777 Arcol ®多元醇U777Special polyol for HR application特别多元醇的人力资源应用313117101710年Arcol® PolyolHS100Arcol ®多元醇HS100High Solid Polymer Polyol forenhanced load bearing foam高固含量聚合物多元醇增强承载泡沫282836003600Desmophen®7619M Desmophen ® 7619M PHD polyol for production of HR andcombustion modified, high resilientslabstock foam (CMHR)博士多元醇的生产人力资源和燃烧修改,高弹性slabstock泡沫(CMHR )282836003600Additives添加剂Product产品Description描述Typical OHValue mg/gKOH典型的羟基值毫克/克氢氧化钾TypicalMolecularWeight典型的分子量TypicalViscosity(25 °C) mPa s典型的粘度(25 ℃)粘度县Sumiphen® VB Sumiphen ® VB的Crosslinker for moldedfoam production交联剂的模塑泡沫生产6306303563562000020000Isocyanates for PU Flexible Foam Production异氰酸酯的聚氨酯软泡沫生产Product产品Description描述Typical NCOValue典型的士官价值Typical Viscosity典型的粘度(%)(%)(25 °C) mPa s(25 ℃)粘度县Desmodur®44V10L Desmodur ® 44V10L Polymeric MDI for rigid or semi rigidmolded foam production聚合MDI为硬质或半硬质泡沫成型生产31.5 5月31日100100Desmodur®44V20L Desmodur ® 44V20L Standard polymeric MDI for rigid orsemi rigid molded foam production标准聚合MDI为刚性或半硬质泡沫成型生产31.5 5月31日200200Desmodur® T65N Desmodur ® T65N Special TDI for the production ofspecial PU flexible foam like polyesteror visco-elastic foams特别的TDI生产特殊聚氨酯软泡沫如聚酯或粘弹性泡沫48.348.333Desmodur® T80C Desmodur ® T80C Standard TDI for flexible PU foamproduction标准的TDI聚氨酯发泡柔48.348.333性生产Desmodur® VPPU 3133Desmodur ® VPPU 3133MDI for molded foam production异氰酸酯生产的模塑泡沫32.532.52525Desmodur® VT06 Desmodur ® VT06TDI / MDI blend for molded foamproduction的TDI /异氰酸酯混合生产的模塑泡沫44.844.866Flexible FoamFlexible Foam Raw Materials Products in Asia Pacific Polyols for Molded Foam FroductionProduct Description Typical OHValue mg/gKOH TypicalMolecularWeightTypicalViscosity(25 °C) mPasArcol® Polyol 1362 High MW reactive polyol forhigh resilient foam2860001200Arcol® Polyol 3553Standard reactive polyol forhigh resilient foam354800900Hyperlite® E848 High performance polyol forhigh resilient foam31.553001115 Polymer polyols for Molded Foam ProductionProduct Description Typical OHValuemg/g KOH Typical Viscosity (25 °C) mPa sHyperlite® E851 High Solid Polymer Polyol for highresilient foam18.56000 Softcel® VE-1100Polyols for Slabstock Foam ProductionProduct Description Typical OHValue mg/gKOH TypicalMolecularWeightTypicalViscosity(25 °C) mPasArcol® Polyol 5603Standard polyether triol 563000500 Arcol® Polyol 5613Standard polyether triol 563000520Desmophen® 2200B Polyester polyol forcontinuous slabstock foamproduction602500147500Desmophen® 2300X Polyester polyol forcontinuous slabstock foamproduction50350022500SBU Polyol S240Polyether polyol for softand hypersoft foams3745501070 Polymer polyols for Slabstock Foam ProductionProduct Description Typical OHValue Typical Viscositymg/g KOH(25 °C) mPa s Arcol® Polyol U777 Special polyol for HR application 311710Arcol® Polyol HS100 High Solid Polymer Polyol forenhanced load bearing foam283600Desmophen® 7619M PHD polyol for production of HR andcombustion modified, high resilientslabstock foam (CMHR)283600AdditivesProduct Description Typical OHValue mg/gKOH TypicalMolecularWeightTypicalViscosity(25 °C) mPasSumiphen® VB Crosslinker for molded 63035620000foam production Isocyanates for PU Flexible Foam ProductionProduct Description Typical NCOValue Typical Viscosity(%)(25 °C) mPa sDesmodur® 44V10L Polymeric MDI for rigid or semi rigidmolded foam production31.5100Desmodur® 44V20L Standard polymeric MDI for rigid orsemi rigid molded foam production31.5200Desmodur® T65N Special TDI for the production ofspecial PU flexible foam like polyesteror visco-elastic foams48.33Desmodur® T80C Standard TDI for flexible PU foamproduction48.33Desmodur® VPPU3133MDI for molded foam production 32.525Desmodur® VT06TDI / MDI blend for molded foamproduction44.86纳米二氧化硅对聚氨酯(PU)性能改进的研究摘要:将纳米二氧化硅(VK-SP15)经预分散后加入聚氨酯(PU)反应体系进行原位聚合,结果表明PU胶的力学性能有大的提高。

3M Polisher ST商品说明书

3M Polisher ST商品说明书

3M ™Polisher STthat make up proteins. The large resonance structure of the guanidium functionality stabilizes the positive charge and is capable of multiple electrostatic-like interactions as well as providing the capability for hydrogen bonding and salt bridging, all of which help with increasing the ligand’s salt tolerance. Conventional Q-functional AEX resins and single-use media, which rely solely on electrostatic interactions, can be screened at elevated ionic strength.The use of functionalized membranes for highproductivity chromatographic purification processes that match upstream efficiency can eliminate the need for oversizing. 3M Polisher ST single usemembrane adsorber purification solution is designed for the downstream processing of monoclonalantibodies (mAbs) and other recombinant proteins in flow-through mode. 3M Polisher ST is designed to improve monoclonal antibody (mAb) development and manufacturing processes in traditional polishing process conditions.Data Sheet3M ™ Polisher ST is a fully encapsulated single-use anion exchange (AEX) product intended to reduce host cell protein (HCP) impurities, viruses, and other negatively charged contaminants in flow-through polishingchromatography of biopharmaceutical process streams. 3M Polisher ST is a synthetic, hybrid purifier containing two complementary AEX-functional media: a quaternary ammonium (“Q”) functional nonwoven and a guanidinium (Gu) functional membrane.The upstream Q-functional nonwoven provides reduction of turbidity (when present), DNA, and endotoxin, as well as a portion of the product’s AEX capacity for HCP and virusreduction. The downstream guanidinium functional membrane layers of 3M Polisher ST are salt tolerant and provide high HCP and virus reduction performance in a wider range of conditions compared to conventional Q-functional AEX resins.The novel guanidinium functionality of the downstream AEX polishing membrane mimics arginine, one of the three positively charged naturally occurring standard amino acids3M™ Polisher ST nonwoven and functionalized membraneThe guanidinium functional group ligand is grafted onto a polyamide membrane and follows the classical anion- exchange chromatography mechanism. The downstream polishing process is driven by mAb or therapeutic protein• 4 layers• Q FunctionalizedP olypropyleneNonwoven• 3 layers• G u FunctionalizedP olyamideMembrane• 1 layer• P olyamideS upportMembraneBenefits3M ™ Polisher ST can operate in most process conditions, eliminating the need for depth and membrane filtration post-viral inactivation (VI), allowing process compression. With its combination of high dynamic antibody-loading (10 kg/m²) capacities with low residence time (about 0.2 min compared to 1 minute for chromatography resins), 3M Polisher ST opens the way to an intensified high-productivity, truly single-use purification platform.3M Polisher ST is a compact, small footprint solution with greater capacity for delivering higher purity and yield in thedownstream polishing unit operation, when compared with a traditional chromatographic column, in a connected continuous downstream operation for the flexible facility of the future.3M Polisher ST allows for a facility strategy that can overcome scale limitations and enable cost-efficient manufacturing to support the growing demand for biologics.Depth filter + membrane + AEX column → 3M ™ Polisher SThe smaller footprint of the 3M ™ Polisher ST (right) allows for a more streamlined process and efficient use of space.ApplicationsIon exchange chromatography is a commonly used downstream polishing purification technique in the production of mAbs and many other therapeutic proteins. The limitation with traditional anion exchange chromatography is that the binding capacity is diffusion-limited and the interaction strength of the ligand depends on operating conditions like pHand conductivity. 3M ™ Polisher ST, with its nonwoven and membrane skeletons, provides mechanical strength and durability, while the grafted hydrogel functionality creates a large three-dimensional surface area that contains a high density offunctional groups with interconnected pores allowing for convective flow channels which are able to achieve high flow rates.The high density of binding sites, together with a macroporous structure, enables high binding capacity for not only HCP , but also large molecules, such as viruses and DNA. The high density of binding sites and low residence time results in high mAb recovery (>95%).The high ligand density on our advanced anion exchange membrane provides robust impurity removal and viral clearance. It also provides a 50 to 100✕ higher mAb load capacity than chromatography resin beads, which allows further reduction of the media volume requirement. The impurity clearance performance (HCP ≤1000 ppm, ≤100 ppb DNA, and viral clearance) is independent of the load up to 10 kg/m², enabling downsizing of the unit operation.BSA Dynamic Binding Capacity – Effects of pH and Conductivity3M ™ Polisher ST BSA DBC3M ™ Polisher ST △P @ 1 mL/min/cm 2The BSA Dynamic Binding Capacity (DBC) specification for the functional membrane only is 7.8-12 mg BSA/cm 2 in 25 mM Tris, pH 8, 50 mM NaCl. High salt (20 mS/cm) reduces the capacity of the membrane by ~ 2-3 mg/cm 2. Additional capacity provided by the FNW at conductivities < ~10 mS/cm.△P specification for the functional membrane only is <10 psid in 25 mM Tris, pH 8, 50 mM NaCl at 1 mL/min/cm 2. Lower salt (<6 mS/cm) slightly increases pressure due to contribution from functional non-woven. Maximum differential pressure (all capsule sizes) is 35 psid.B S A D BC (m g B S A /c m 2)302520151050• FM Only (6 mS/cm) 6 mS/cm20 mS/cmpH456789△P (p s i d )6 mS/cm20 mS/cmGraph 1: BSA dynamic binding capacity of functional membrane and full construction as a function of pH.Graph 2: Differential pressure across capsule at 1 mL/min/cm² as a function of pH.3M Polisher ST (10 kg/m )H C P R e d u c t i o n (%)■ Acetate ■ Citrate ■ Tris ■ Phosphate0.■ Low Conductivity (<7 mS/cm) ■ High Conductivity (20 mS/cm) − − − − Detection LimitD N A C o n c e n t r a t i o n (p p b )pHHCP Reduction in Monovalent and Polyvalent mAb SolutionsDNA Reductionin mAb SolutionsmAb Recovery in Monovalent and Polyvalent Buffers% mAb Recovery in Monovalent and Polyvalent Buffers■ Acetate ■ Citrate ■ Tris ■ Phosphatem A b r e c o v e ry (%)% mAb Recovery in Monovalent and Polyvalent Buffers % mAb Recovery vs. pH and Conductivity (mS/cm)3M ™ Polisher ST (10 kg/m 2)3M ™ Polisher ST (5-10 kg/m² loading fraction)% mAb RecoveryConductivity (mS/cm)p H■ <95% ■ 95 - 96% ■ 96 - 97% ■ 97 - 98% ■ 98 - 99% ■ 99 - 100% ■ >100%Graph 3: HCP reduction in mAb solution by 3M ™ Polisher ST as a function of conductivity, pH and buffer.Graph 5: mAb recovery as a function of pH and conductivity, Acetate/Tris buffer.Graph 4: Residual DNA concentrations post 3M ™ Polisher ST for different test conditions.Graph 6: mAb recovery as a function of pH and conductivity, Acetate/Tris buffer.Viral Clearance in 6 Model mAb Feed StreamsViral Clearance studies were performed with MVM and XMuLV using mAb solutions representing model feed streams. The Tris pH 7.5, 5 mS/cm MVM study was performed at Charles River. All other studies were performed at Texcell.Table 1: Viral clearance of MVM and XMuLV by 3M™ Polisher ST in different model mAb solutions.Benefits:• Operates in robust process conditions (pH 5.0 to 9.0 and conductivity 3 to 20 mS/cm)• HCP reduction >60% reduction in Phosphate buffer, >22% reduction in Citrate buffer• Viruses reduction >4 log• DNA clearance down to LOD levels (~0.05ppb DNA)• Easy to use: elimination of column packing, unpacking, cleaning and storage• Enables downstream process intensification through combination of high flow rates with high bindingFor more information about the 3M ™ Polisher ST, contact your local sales representative by calling 1-800-243-6894, option 4, or visiting us at /polisher.Product Specifications1. F ill Volume is defined as the volume of liquid that is required to fill the capsule.2. P ost Blow-Down Hold-Up Volume is defined as the volume of the residual liquid after air/gas blow down.3. D o not use this product for continuous service with compressed gasses. The use of compressed gas is permissible for post-use integrity testing and blow down purposes.4. A Preconditioning Flush is required for the product to be compliant with USP Biological Reactivity Tests, including USP <87> and <88> Class VI. The RequiredPreconditioning Flush is an aqueous solution, having a minimum conductivity of 3 mS/cm. DO NOT use water to flush the capsule. Refer to Installation and Operation Instructions for complete instructions on how to perform the preconditioning flush.3M and Emphaze are trademarks of 3M Company.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. © 2021 3M Company. All rights reserved. Please recycle. Printed in U.S.A. 70-2016-0020-53M Purification Inc.3M Separation and Purification Sciences Division 400 Research Parkway, Meriden, CT 06450 USA Phone 1-800-243-6894 1-203-237-5541Web /polisherIntended Use: 3M ™ Polisher ST single-use filter products are intended for use in biopharmaceutical processing applications of aqueous based pharmaceuticals (drugs) and vaccines in accordance with the product instructions and specifications, and cGMP requirements, where applicable. Since there are many factors that can affect a product’s use, the customer and user remain responsible for determining whether the 3M product is suitable and appropriate for the user’s specific application, including user conducting an appropriate risk assessment and evaluating the 3M product in user’s application.Prohibited Use: 3M advises against the use of these 3M products in any application other than the stated intended use(s), since other applications have not been evaluated by 3M and may result in an unsafe or unintended condition. Do not use in any manner whereby the 3M product, or any leachable from the 3M product, may become part of or remains in a medical device that is regulated by any agency, and/or globally exemplary agencies, including but not limited to: a) FDA, b) European Medical Device Directive (MDD), c) Japan Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) or in applications involving permanent implantation into the body; Life-sustaining medical applications; Applications requiring food contact compliance.Product Selection and Use: Many factors beyond 3M’s control and uniquely within user’s knowledge and control can affect the use and performance of a 3M product in a particular application. As a result, end-user is solely responsible for evaluating the product and determining whether it is appropriate and suitable for end-user’s application, including a completing a risk assessment that considers the product leachable characteristics and its impact on drug safety, conducting a workplace hazard assessment and reviewing all applicable regulations and standards (e.g., OSHA, ANSI, etc.) Failure to properly evaluate, select, and use a 3M product and appropriate safety products, or to meet all applicable safety regulations, may result in injury, sickness, death, and/or harm to property .Warranty, Limited Remedy, and Disclaimer: Unless a different warranty is specifically stated on the applicable 3M product packaging or product literature (in which case such warranty governs), 3M warrants that each 3M product meets the applicable 3M product specification at the time 3M ships the product. 3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ARISING OUT OF A COURSE OF DEALING, CUSTOM, OR USAGE OF TRADE. If a 3M product does not conform to this warranty, then the sole and exclusive remedy is, at 3M’s option, replacement of the 3M product or refund of the purchase price.Limitation of Liability: Except for the limited remedy stated above, and except to the extent prohibited by law, 3M will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from or related to the 3M product, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential (including, but not limited to, lost profits or business opportunity), regardless of the legal or equitable theory asserted, including, but not limited to,warranty, contract, negligence, or strict liability.Visit us at /polisher。















40 昆山科信高分子材料有限公司
41 烟台万华聚氨酯股份有限公司
42 南光化工有限公司
43 茂永塑膠電子( 東莞 )有限公司
44 辽阳科隆塑胶树脂有限公司
45 吉力士热塑混合材料(苏州)有限公司 Versaflex®
17 深圳双士达实业有限公司
18 深圳市普特美橡胶原料厂
19 深圳市圣建利实业有限公司
20 深圳市盛嘉伦橡塑工业有限公司 Gallonprene TM
21 深圳市海塑化工有限公司
22 摩比斯塑胶科研有限公司
23 深圳塑戈聚合物有限公司
24 深圳久烁科技有限公司
25 利鸿塑胶有限公司
16 南帝 17 CTC 18 Merquinsa 麦金莎(西班牙) 19 美国威凯 20 ALPHAGARY LTD(英国) 21 爱佩斯(新加坡) 22 韩国现代塑料(SK) 23 PTS(德国) 24 CTS(法国)
25 日本NPU
26 Elastron(土耳其)
Dyaprene Dryflex/Mediprene



injection molding and extrusion grades which combine the advantages of ether and
ester grades in an inexpensive manner
392 DP8792 S043 DP8795 S043
345 DP3397A KU8798A*
355 356 KU2-8765D* 359
品级系列/Raw material group
玻纤增 冲击改性
Ester/ether carbonate Aliphatic Ether
and raw material base
命名: Desmopan 商业品级以三位数字代码来命名。第一位数字表示 品级系列,并表征品级的基本性能,后两位数字表示肖氏硬 度的大约值,大于 75 的数字,表示肖氏 A 硬度,小于 75 的 数字,表示肖氏 D 硬度。 带后缀 U 的品级表示紫外线稳定品级。
injection molding grades with a low compression set, a high heat deformation
temperature and good resistance to grease and oil

01 多异氰酸酯

01 多异氰酸酯

常温下 TDI 为无色或淡黄色有特殊刺激性气味的透明液体,遇光
在 10℃以下放置会产生白色结晶。TDI 的典型物性见表 1-1。
表 1-1 甲苯二异氰酸酯的典型物理性质
凝固点/℃ 相对密度(20℃/4℃) 沸点/℃ 蒸汽压/Pa
1 多异氰酸酯
多异氰酸酯是所有聚氨酯材料必不可少的原料之一,其种类比较 多,从原料工业化来源、经济性和产品物性等方面考虑,目前聚氨酯 工业中实际使用的多异氰酸酯原料以 TDI、MDI 和 PAPI 为主。其中 TDI 主要用于制造软质聚氨酯泡沫塑料、涂料、浇注型聚氨酯聚氨酯 弹性体、胶粘剂、铺装材料和塑胶跑道等,MDI 用于制造热塑性聚氨 酯弹性体、合成革树脂、鞋底树脂、单组分溶剂型胶粘剂等,PAPI 主要用于合成硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料、胶粘剂等。还有一些脂肪族二异 氰酸酯如 HDI、IPDI 用于不黄变聚氨酯漆,特殊的芳香族二异氰酸酯 如 NDI 用于高性能聚氨酯弹性体等,三异氰酸酯用作聚氨酯及其它 树脂的交联剂等。本章将从二异氰酸酯单体、二异氰酸酯衍生物、三 异氰酸酯、PAPI 及改性 MDI、封闭型异氰酸酯等方面进行介绍。 1.1 二异氰酸酯单体 1.1.1 甲苯二异氰酸酯
TDI-100 产品,主要用于涂料、胶粘剂等。分别在美国 Lake Charles 和法国 Pont-de-Claix 生产,因为产地不同,技术指标有些差异。
表 1-3 Bayer 公司及 Huntsman 公司的 TDI 系列产品规格及参考指标
Desmodur Desmodur Desmodur Suprasec TDI

Omega TT300 高温黏合剂说明书

Omega TT300 高温黏合剂说明书
Band Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and Switching Devices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular Heaters


To Order (Specify Model Number)
£147 Complete strain g96
1 oz methyl-based cyanoacrylate (approx. 750 gages)
OMEGADYNE® TT300 cement is a heat-cured, 2-part epoxy adhesive that can be used to bond polyimide-backed strain gages for strain measurement up to 200°C (392°F). Each TT300 kit includes 2 bottles of resin and hardener that are pre-measured to ensure proper mixing proportions. To use, simply pour one bottle of hardener into one bottle of resin and shake for 1 minute.




1.拜耳材料科学公司和PTS塑料技术公司强强联合开发TPU/TFE复合材料 [J],
2.海洋化工研究院与拜耳公司联合实验室成立 [J], 崔利娟
3.Digital公司与OptImage公司联合提供交互式电视应用开发系统 [J],
4.拜耳等公司联合开发热塑性弹性体 [J], 晓华
5.拜耳接管台公司成全球TPU树脂和薄膜最大供应商 [J],


将试验对象置于135 °C烘箱(进行老化)和150°C空气流通炉中,测量其热稳定性。根据DIN 5033 (ASTM 1925)色度测量标准测试其原始颜色并时刻观察颜色变化过程。
将试验对象置于人工老化机WOM (ASTMG 155,黑盘温度计65 °C, 0.35 W/m2)中,或接受Vitalux 300,50°C紫外线固化灯泡照射,根据ASTM D 1148标准测量其光稳定性。根据AATCC-scale标准进行灰卡测试。
0.5 % TINUVIN®328 + 0.5 % TINUVIN®622
通过对热稳定性的研究,我们得知酚类抗氧化剂和亚磷酸酯抗氧化剂并用可以达到最佳的热稳定效果。在光稳定性方面,该氧化剂组合和“Ciba®TINUVIN® PUR866”混配也可以达到很好的效果。
试验原料:性状不稳定的热塑性聚氨酯(聚酯类、芳香族)。反应过程:180 °C温度条件下在双螺杆挤出机(ZSK 25, L/D = 42)上碾磨原料并进行干燥、混合,190 °C温度条件下注射成型(2 mm)。








中文名1,1,2,2-四苯乙烯英文名TPE(Thermoplastic Elastomer )化学式C26H20分子量CAS登录号632-51-9EINECS登录号211-179-1熔点222-226 &ordm;C沸点420 &ordm;C水溶性不溶于水外观较好的透明性、弹性应用各行业平安性描述S24/25(幸免接触皮肤,幸免接触眼睛)目录1大体资料2具有的特性3生产工艺4常见牌号5其他相关▪要紧用途▪要紧特点6物理性能7优缺点8加工1大体资料编辑热塑性弹性体:常温下具有橡胶的弹性,高温下具有可塑化成型的一类弹性体热塑型弹性体TPEE介绍和SKYPEL的具体应用领域(参考)TPEE是通过对苯二甲酸1,4-丁二醇及聚丁醇共聚而成,其硬段比例增大可增强物理刚性和化学稳固性,软段比例增大可提高柔韧性和低温性能。

SKYPEL 是SK 化学公司为其工程热塑性弹性体所注册的商品名称。

它是一种酯体系热塑性弹性体(Thermoplastic elastomers),其柔软性与弹性恢复力酷似橡胶,而机械性强度、耐热性及耐候性方面比橡胶优秀。




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900grade series,ether/Shore hardness D65-69injection molding grade:very good hydrolysis and microbe resistance;very good low-temperatureflexibility;good impact strengthISO ShortnameProperty Test Condition Unit Standard Valueannealed-dryingaccording tospecificationsMechanical properties(23°C/50%r.h.)C shore hardness,method A-ISO86898C shore hardness,method D-ISO86866C Ultimate tensile strength200mm/min MPa acc.ISO527-1,-355C Elongation at break200mm/min%acc.ISO527-1,-3325C Stress at100%strain200mm/min MPa acc.ISO527-1,-329C Stress at300%strain200mm/min MPa acc.ISO527-1,-345C Abrasion resistance mm³ISO464930Impact resilience%ISO466247 Tear propagation resistance500mm/min kN/m ISO34-1150 Flexural modulus2mm/min MPa ISO178530Thermal propertiesTorsional storage modulus-20°C MPa ISO6721-2530 Torsional storage modulus23°C MPa ISO6721-2233 Torsional storage modulus70°C MPa ISO6721-263Other properties(23°C)C Density kg/m³ISO11831170 Molding conditionsInjection molding-Melt temperature°C-225-235Injection molding-Mold temperature°C-40-60®DisclaimerDisclaimer for Developmental products*This is a developmental product.Further information,including amended or supplementary data on hazards associated with its use,may be compiled in the future.For this reason no assurances are given as to type conformity,processability,long-term performance characteristics or other production or application parameters.Therefore,the purchaser/user uses the product entirely at his own risk without having been given any warranty or guarantee and agrees that the supplier shall not be liable for any damages,of whatever nature,arising out of such mercialization and continued supply of this material are not assured.Its supply may be discontinued at any time.Test valuesUnless specified to the contrary,the values given have been established on standardised test specimens at room temperature.The figures should be regarded as guide values only and not as binding minimum values.Kindly note that,under certain conditions,the properties can be affected to a considerable extent by the design of the mould/die,the processing conditions and the colouring.Processing noteUnder the recommended processing conditions small quantities of decomposition product may be given off during processing.To preclude any risk to the health and well-being of the machine operatives,tolerance limits for the work environment must be ensured by the provision of efficient exhaust ventilation and fresh air at the workplace in accordance with the Safety Data Sheet.In order to prevent the partial decomposition of the polymer and the generation of volatile decomposition products,the prescribed processing temperatures should not be substantially exceeded.Since excessively high temperatures are generally the result of operator error or defects in the heating system,special care and controls are essential in these areas.Publisher:Business Development PlasticsBayer MaterialScience AG,D-51368Leverkusen,®Impact modified Ester grades/Shore hardness D60-64injection molding grade:high modulus and elasticity;very good low-temperature impact strength;highscratch and wear resistanceISO ShortnameProperty Test Condition Unit Standard Valueannealed-dryingaccording tospecificationsMechanical properties(23°C/50%r.h.)C shore hardness,method A-ISO86897C shore hardness,method D-ISO86862C Ultimate tensile strength200mm/min MPa acc.ISO527-1,-360C Elongation at break200mm/min%acc.ISO527-1,-3390C Stress at100%strain200mm/min MPa acc.ISO527-1,-324C Stress at300%strain200mm/min MPa acc.ISO527-1,-340C Abrasion resistance mm³ISO464930Impact resilience%ISO466238 Tear propagation resistance500mm/min kN/m ISO34-1160 Flexural modulus2mm/min MPa ISO178330Thermal propertiesTorsional storage modulus-20°C MPa ISO6721-2760 Torsional storage modulus23°C MPa ISO6721-2206 Torsional storage modulus70°C MPa ISO6721-264Other properties(23°C)C Density kg/m³ISO11831200 Molding conditionsInjection molding-Melt temperature°C-225-240Injection molding-Mold temperature°C-40-60®DisclaimerDisclaimer for Developmental products*This is a developmental product.Further information,including amended or supplementary data on hazards associated with its use,may be compiled in the future.For this reason no assurances are given as to type conformity,processability,long-term performance characteristics or other production or application parameters.Therefore,the purchaser/user uses the product entirely at his own risk without having been given any warranty or guarantee and agrees that the supplier shall not be liable for any damages,of whatever nature,arising out of such mercialization and continued supply of this material are not assured.Its supply may be discontinued at any time.Test valuesUnless specified to the contrary,the values given have been established on standardised test specimens at room temperature.The figures should be regarded as guide values only and not as binding minimum values.Kindly note that,under certain conditions,the properties can be affected to a considerable extent by the design of the mould/die,the processing conditions and the colouring.Processing noteUnder the recommended processing conditions small quantities of decomposition product may be given off during processing.To preclude any risk to the health and well-being of the machine operatives,tolerance limits for the work environment must be ensured by the provision of efficient exhaust ventilation and fresh air at the workplace in accordance with the Safety Data Sheet.In order to prevent the partial decomposition of the polymer and the generation of volatile decomposition products,the prescribed processing temperatures should not be substantially exceeded.Since excessively high temperatures are generally the result of operator error or defects in the heating system,special care and controls are essential in these areas.Publisher:Business Development PlasticsBayer MaterialScience AG,D-51368Leverkusen,®Impact modified Ester grades/Shore hardness D60-64injection molding grade:high modulus and elasticity;very good low-temperature impact strength;highscratch and wear resistanceISO ShortnameProperty Test Condition Unit Standard Valueannealed-dryingaccording tospecificationsMechanical properties(23°C/50%r.h.)C shore hardness,method A-ISO86898C shore hardness,method D-ISO86864C Ultimate tensile strength200mm/min MPa acc.ISO527-1,-360C Elongation at break200mm/min%acc.ISO527-1,-3380C Stress at100%strain200mm/min MPa acc.ISO527-1,-326C Stress at300%strain200mm/min MPa acc.ISO527-1,-343C Abrasion resistance mm³ISO464930Tear propagation resistance500mm/min kN/m ISO34-1150 Flexural modulus2mm/min MPa ISO178440Thermal propertiesTorsional storage modulus-20°C MPa ISO6721-2824 Torsional storage modulus23°C MPa ISO6721-2250 Torsional storage modulus70°C MPa ISO6721-277Other properties(23°C)C Density kg/m³ISO11831200 Molding conditionsInjection molding-Melt temperature°C-225-240Injection molding-Mold temperature°C-40-60®DisclaimerDisclaimer for Developmental products*This is a developmental product.Further information,including amended or supplementary data on hazards associated with its use,may be compiled in the future.For this reason no assurances are given as to type conformity,processability,long-term performance characteristics or other production or application parameters.Therefore,the purchaser/user uses the product entirely at his own risk without having been given any warranty or guarantee and agrees that the supplier shall not be liable for any damages,of whatever nature,arising out of such mercialization and continued supply of this material are not assured.Its supply may be discontinued at any time.Test valuesUnless specified to the contrary,the values given have been established on standardised test specimens at room temperature.The figures should be regarded as guide values only and not as binding minimum values.Kindly note that,under certain conditions,the properties can be affected to a considerable extent by the design of the mould/die,the processing conditions and the colouring.Processing noteUnder the recommended processing conditions small quantities of decomposition product may be given off during processing.To preclude any risk to the health and well-being of the machine operatives,tolerance limits for the work environment must be ensured by the provision of efficient exhaust ventilation and fresh air at the workplace in accordance with the Safety Data Sheet.In order to prevent the partial decomposition of the polymer and the generation of volatile decomposition products,the prescribed processing temperatures should not be substantially exceeded.Since excessively high temperatures are generally the result of operator error or defects in the heating system,special care and controls are essential in these areas.Publisher:Business Development PlasticsBayer MaterialScience AG,D-51368Leverkusen,®Impact modified Ester grades/Shore hardness D65-69injection molding grade:high modulus and elasticity;very good low-temperature impact strength;highscratch and wear resistanceISO ShortnameProperty Test Condition Unit Standard Valueannealed-dryingaccording tospecificationsMechanical properties(23°C/50%r.h.)C shore hardness,method A-ISO86898C shore hardness,method D-ISO86866C Ultimate tensile strength200mm/min MPa acc.ISO527-1,-354C Elongation at break200mm/min%acc.ISO527-1,-3360C Stress at100%strain200mm/min MPa acc.ISO527-1,-331C Stress at300%strain200mm/min MPa acc.ISO527-1,-345C Abrasion resistance mm³ISO464930Tear propagation resistance500mm/min kN/m ISO34-1190 Flexural modulus2mm/min MPa ISO178510Thermal propertiesTorsional storage modulus-20°C MPa ISO6721-2895 Torsional storage modulus23°C MPa ISO6721-2311 Torsional storage modulus70°C MPa ISO6721-293Other properties(23°C)C Density kg/m³ISO11831180 Molding conditionsInjection molding-Melt temperature°C-225-240Injection molding-Mold temperature°C-40-60®DisclaimerDisclaimer for Developmental products*This is a developmental product.Further information,including amended or supplementary data on hazards associated with its use,may be compiled in the future.For this reason no assurances are given as to type conformity,processability,long-term performance characteristics or other production or application parameters.Therefore,the purchaser/user uses the product entirely at his own risk without having been given any warranty or guarantee and agrees that the supplier shall not be liable for any damages,of whatever nature,arising out of such mercialization and continued supply of this material are not assured.Its supply may be discontinued at any time.Test valuesUnless specified to the contrary,the values given have been established on standardised test specimens at room temperature.The figures should be regarded as guide values only and not as binding minimum values.Kindly note that,under certain conditions,the properties can be affected to a considerable extent by the design of the mould/die,the processing conditions and the colouring.Processing noteUnder the recommended processing conditions small quantities of decomposition product may be given off during processing.To preclude any risk to the health and well-being of the machine operatives,tolerance limits for the work environment must be ensured by the provision of efficient exhaust ventilation and fresh air at the workplace in accordance with the Safety Data Sheet.In order to prevent the partial decomposition of the polymer and the generation of volatile decomposition products,the prescribed processing temperatures should not be substantially exceeded.Since excessively high temperatures are generally the result of operator error or defects in the heating system,special care and controls are essential in these areas.Publisher:Business Development PlasticsBayer MaterialScience AG,D-51368Leverkusen,®Impact modified Ester grades/Shore hardness D55-59injection molding grade:high modulus and elasticity;very good low-temperature impact stength;highscratch and wear resistanceISO ShortnameProperty Test Condition Unit Standard Valueannealed-dryingaccording tospecificationsMechanical properties(23°C/50%r.h.)C shore hardness,method A-ISO86897C shore hardness,method D-ISO86859C Ultimate tensile strength200mm/min MPa acc.ISO527-1,-360C Elongation at break200mm/min%acc.ISO527-1,-3410C Stress at100%strain200mm/min MPa acc.ISO527-1,-318C Stress at300%strain200mm/min MPa acc.ISO527-1,-337C Compression set24h;70°C%ISO81560C Compression set72h;23°C%ISO81530C Abrasion resistance mm³ISO464930Impact resilience%ISO466238 Tear propagation resistance500mm/min kN/m ISO34-1140 Flexural modulus2mm/min MPa ISO178240Thermal propertiesTorsional storage modulus-20°C MPa ISO6721-2600 Torsional storage modulus23°C MPa ISO6721-2157 Torsional storage modulus70°C MPa ISO6721-257Other properties(23°C)C Density kg/m³ISO11831200 Molding conditionsInjection molding-Melt temperature°C-225-240Injection molding-Mold temperature°C-40-60®DisclaimerDisclaimer for Developmental products*This is a developmental product.Further information,including amended or supplementary data on hazards associated with its use,may be compiled in the future.For this reason no assurances are given as to type conformity,processability,long-term performance characteristics or other production or application parameters.Therefore,the purchaser/user uses the product entirely at his own risk without having been given any warranty or guarantee and agrees that the supplier shall not be liable for any damages,of whatever nature,arising out of such mercialization and continued supply of this material are not assured.Its supply may be discontinued at any time.Test valuesUnless specified to the contrary,the values given have been established on standardised test specimens at room temperature.The figures should be regarded as guide values only and not as binding minimum values.Kindly note that,under certain conditions,the properties can be affected to a considerable extent by the design of the mould/die,the processing conditions and the colouring.Processing noteUnder the recommended processing conditions small quantities of decomposition product may be given off during processing.To preclude any risk to the health and well-being of the machine operatives,tolerance limits for the work environment must be ensured by the provision of efficient exhaust ventilation and fresh air at the workplace in accordance with the Safety Data Sheet.In order to prevent the partial decomposition of the polymer and the generation of volatile decomposition products,the prescribed processing temperatures should not be substantially exceeded.Since excessively high temperatures are generally the result of operator error or defects in the heating system,special care and controls are essential in these areas.Publisher:Business Development PlasticsBayer MaterialScience AG,D-51368Leverkusen,®Impact modified Ester grades/Shore hardness D55-59injection molding grade:high modulus and elasticity;very good low-temperature impact strength;highscratch and wear resistanceISO ShortnameProperty Test Condition Unit Standard Valueannealed-dryingaccording tospecificationsMechanical properties(23°C/50%r.h.)C shore hardness,method A-ISO86896C shore hardness,method D-ISO86857C Ultimate tensile strength200mm/min MPa acc.ISO527-1,-352C Elongation at break200mm/min%acc.ISO527-1,-3470C Stress at100%strain200mm/min MPa acc.ISO527-1,-318C Stress at300%strain200mm/min MPa acc.ISO527-1,-335C Abrasion resistance mm³ISO464925Impact resilience%ISO466236 Tear propagation resistance500mm/min kN/m ISO34-1130 Flexural modulus2mm/min MPa ISO178175Thermal propertiesTorsional storage modulus-20°C MPa ISO6721-2542 Torsional storage modulus23°C MPa ISO6721-2127 Torsional storage modulus70°C MPa ISO6721-246Other properties(23°C)C Density kg/m³ISO11831170 Molding conditionsInjection molding-Melt temperature°C-225-240Injection molding-Mold temperature°C-40-60®DisclaimerDisclaimer for Developmental products*This is a developmental product.Further information,including amended or supplementary data on hazards associated with its use,may be compiled in the future.For this reason no assurances are given as to type conformity,processability,long-term performance characteristics or other production or application parameters.Therefore,the purchaser/user uses the product entirely at his own risk without having been given any warranty or guarantee and agrees that the supplier shall not be liable for any damages,of whatever nature,arising out of such mercialization and continued supply of this material are not assured.Its supply may be discontinued at any time.Test valuesUnless specified to the contrary,the values given have been established on standardised test specimens at room temperature.The figures should be regarded as guide values only and not as binding minimum values.Kindly note that,under certain conditions,the properties can be affected to a considerable extent by the design of the mould/die,the processing conditions and the colouring.Processing noteUnder the recommended processing conditions small quantities of decomposition product may be given off during processing.To preclude any risk to the health and well-being of the machine operatives,tolerance limits for the work environment must be ensured by the provision of efficient exhaust ventilation and fresh air at the workplace in accordance with the Safety Data Sheet.In order to prevent the partial decomposition of the polymer and the generation of volatile decomposition products,the prescribed processing temperatures should not be substantially exceeded.Since excessively high temperatures are generally the result of operator error or defects in the heating system,special care and controls are essential in these areas.Publisher:Business Development PlasticsBayer MaterialScience AG,D-51368Leverkusen,®。
