VW 01059T1_en_061993











大众控制单元编码------强烈推荐给大家!!C5 发动机4D0 907 551 AH CODING 号码01 - engine 发动机系统4d0 907 551 ah 2.8l v6/5v motr hs d04coding: 06201 wsc 06335tdc 16825 - evap emission control sys: incorrect flow Re:大众奥迪全车系电脑版本号大家都来贴!!!audi a4 1.808 -空调系统4a0 820 043dcoding 0004000060 Re:大众奥迪全车系电脑版本号大家都来贴!!!宝来汽车电脑版本号01- 发动机:06a 906 032jb 1.6l 5v at ag4 4629coding:00033 wsc:0000002-自动变速箱零件号码01m 927 733 kk 组件ag4 getriebe 01m 4989 coding 号00000 维修站号码0000017-组合仪表(防盗)电脑版本:1j5920806c komb1+wegfahrsp vdo v02coding: 01102 wsc: 0000046-舒适系统零件号码1c0 959 799 组件1m komfortger athlo 0002 coding 号00259 维修站号码000002003-8-15 0:01:11以上为宝来1.8T AT车全车电脑版本号ecu 外观照片01 - 发动机02 - 自动波03 - abs mk6015 - airbag 17 - 仪表/immo 19 - can-bus 网关19 - 网关斯科达法比亚AIRBAG 1J0 909 603vag number index coding=========== ===== =====1j0 909 603 as airbag 167231j0 909 603 at airbag 167242002 Jetta 1.8T 电脑版本号2002 jetta 1.8t金德k81/pc2000 for windows xp 双模式01 --发动机: 06a 906 032 hf 1.8l r4/5vt g 0004coding: 07550 wsc 13622vin:3vwse69m62m112530immo sn:vwz7z0a418528402 -- 自动波09a 927 750 t ag5 getriebe 09a 019303 -- abs: 1c0 907 379 k asr front mk60 0103coding: 0018945 wsc 0002817 -- 仪表/immo : 1j5 920 926 ax kombi+wegfahrsp vdo v11coding: 07204 wsc 225853vwse69m62m112530 vwz7z0a418528419 -- 网关6n0 909 901 gateway kcan 0001coding: 00006 wsc 2258546 -- 中控与舒适系统1c0 959 799 c 1h komfortger醫hlo 0003coding: 00257 wsc 0002856 -- 收放机3b7 035 180 radio np2 0055coding: 00031 wsc 00028Re:大众奥迪全车系电脑版本号大家都来贴!!!发表: 2003-10-07 13:57:24 人气:3 楼主美规原装奥迪a6.2.8l 手动自动两用波箱电脑型号发动机电脑:4d0907551ah 2.8l v6/5v motrat d02coding:06252波箱电脑:4b09271156g ag501v 2.8l5v usa 8509coding:00001abs电脑:8e0614111m abs/eds5.3 ouattro d31coding:06169仪表电脑:4b0919930rx c5-kombiinstr vdo d15coding:07262空调电脑:4b0820043g a6-klimavoll automat:d61coding:00160中央控制门锁:4b0962258c centrallock/alarm d30coding:15885Re:大众奥迪全车系电脑版本号大家都来贴!!!宝来1.6l a/t发动机的coding:00033 abs:0001025 a/t:00000 仪表:01102 音响:00001 舒适性系统:00259 捷达:1.6l a/t发动机的coding:04030 a/t:03604 srs:00065 防盗:09600 捷达都市先锋发动机:04003 a/t:00000 abs:03604Re:大众奥迪全车系电脑版本号大家都来贴!!!一汽新a6address 01protocol: kw1281controller: 3b0 907 551 ckcomponent: 2.8l v6/5v 0002coding: 08502shop #: wsc 00000address 03protocol: kw1281controller: 3b0 614 111component: abs/asr 5.3 front d00coding: 00032shop #: wsc 00000skipping address 15-airbagsaddress 17protocol: kw1281controller: 4c0 920 930 bcomponent: c5-kombiinstr. vdo d12coding: 00162shop #: wsc 000002003-11-12 10:38:052001.5 VW Passat 1.8T w/ engine code AWM.4b0-906-018-cl using a 2001.5 vw passat 1.8t w/ engine code awm.audi dtc table - general4b0-906-018-cl数据流diagnostic trouble code (dtc) table vw technical library【01-发动机】4b0 906 018 cl 1.8l r4/5vt g 0001coding: 16551 wsc 00008wvwpd63b61p269969 vwz7z0a35518632 faults found:17524 - oxygen (lambda) sensor heating: b1 s1: open circuitp1116 - 35-00 - -18034 - powertrain data bus: missing message from tcup1626 - 35-10 - - - intermittentreadiness: 0110 1101【02 - 自动波】4b0 927 156 da ag5 01v 1.8l5vt rdw 1313coding: 00013 wsc 000082 faults found:18158 - supply voltage too lowp1750 - 35-10 - - - intermittent18249 - engine control module / transmission control module incompatible p1841 - 35-00 - -【03 -abs 】3b0 614 111 abs/asr 5.3 front d00coding: 00021 wsc 000281 faults found:18257 - please check dtc memory of transmission controllerp1849 - 35-00 - -skipping address 15-airbags【17 -仪表&immo】3b0 920 925 b kombi+wegfahrsp vdo v13coding: 07235 wsc 00008wvwpd63b61p269969 vwz7z0a35518633 faults found:00779 - outside air temp sensor (g17)30-10 - open or short to b+ - intermittent01316 - abs control module49-10 - no communications - intermittent01315 - transmission control module49-10 - no communications - intermittent【25 - immobilizer】controller: bitte adress e 17 eingeben 请转到地址17-仪表与防盗no faults foundor dtcs not supported by controlleror a communication error ocurred【46 - 中控与舒适系统】1c0 959 799 c 08 komfortger醫hlo 0001 coding: 00257 wsc 00008AUDI C5 A6 2.8L 全车电脑版本号奥迪a6 2.8l vin:lfvba24bx2300155201)3b0 907 551 bf 2.8l v6/5v g01 001coding:04552 wsc:0000002)4b0 927 156 aj ag5 01v 2.8l5v usa 3132coding:00004 wsc:0000003)3b0 614 111 abs/asr 5.3 front d00coding:00031 wsc:0000015)4b0 959 655 g airbag fronttseite 2001coding:00004 wsc:0000035)4b0 962 258 j central lock/alarm d35coding:06731 wsc:0000045?)4b0 907 357 ledchtwetteregler d004coding:00005 wsc:0000036)4b0 959 608 sitzmamnory r1 f 000coding:00000 wsc:0000056)4c0 035 186 radio d02coding:0020766)4b0 919 283 parkingsystem a6 row d18coding:0110617)4c0 920 930 a ch-komriinstr vdo d12coding:00162-------- --------08)4b0 820 043 af a6-klimavnllautomat d65coding:00160奥迪a6 2.4l vin:vba24b013014521 ?15??01)3b0 907 552 ad 2.4l v6/5v g 0000coding:04552------------ -------------02)4b0 927 156 al ag5 01v 2.4l5v rhw 2526 coding:0001303)3b0 614 111 abs/asr 5.3 front d00coding:0003115)4b0 959 655g airbag fronttseite 2000coding:0000435)4b0 962 258 e zentralverrieg.dwa d34coding:0468345)4b0 951 178 a (?unnenmumueberw) d04 coding: 0000136)4b0 959 760 a sitzmemnry d0556)4c0 035 186 radio d02coding:0020766)4b0 919 283 parkingsystem a6 row d18 coding:0010617)4c0 920 930 a c5-komhi instr vdo d09coding:00062--------- ---------08)4b0 820 043 af a6-klimavcllautomat d65 ciding:001602003-11-24 22:49:35AUDI C5 A6 1.8L 全车电脑版本号奥迪a6 1.8l vin:vba14b22301545501)4r0 906 018 ca 1.8l r4/5vt 0003 coding:04502--------- -----------03)3b0 614 111 abs/asr 5.3 front d00 coding:0002215)4b0 959 655g airbag frongt+seite 2001 coding:0000435)4b0 962 258j central lock/alarm d35 coding:0000156)4c0 035 186 radiocoding:0020117)4c0 920 900a c5-komri instr vdo d12 coding:00144---------- -----------08)4b0 820 043h a6-klimauollautomat d64 coding:00140宝来1.8L全车电脑版本号宝来1.8l vin:lfvba21j223023928宝来1.8L全车电脑版本号宝来1.8l vin:lfvba21j22302392801)06a 906 032 ld 1.8l r4/5vt 0001 coding:04530-------- ---------02)01m 927 733 ll ag4 getribe 01m 4956 coding:0000003)1c0 907 379k asr pront mk60 0103 coding:002150515)1c0 909 601 2k airbag vw51 0004 coding:1287546)1c0 959 799c 18 komfortger bf hlo 0003 coding:0025956)3bd 035 186 radio 5gd 0001coding:0040317)1j5 920 826a komritwegfahrsp vdo v04 coding:0512208)3b1 907 044c climatronic c 2.0.0 coding:0110019)6n0 909 901 gateway k<->can 0000 coding:00006又一个1.8l vin:vba14b22301545501)06a 906 032 lf 1.8l r4/5vs motr 0001 coding:04530-------- --------02)01m 927 733 kj ag4 getriehe 01m 4952 coding:0000003)1c0 907 379 k asr front mk60 0103 coding:001331315)1c0 909 601 2k airbag vw51 0006 coding:1287536)3r1 959 760 sitzverstellung 0101 coding:000000046)1c0 959 799 c 1h komfortger gt hlw 0003coding:002591c1 959 801a 1c1 959 802a1c0 959 811a 1c0 959 812a56)3bd 035 186 radio 5gd 0001coding:0040317)1jd 920 826 komri+megahrsp vdo v02coding:0510208)3b1 907 044c cljmatronic c2.0.019)6n0 909 901 gateway k<->can 0001coding:000062003-11-24 23:54:57Re:大众奥迪全车系电脑版本号大家都来贴!!!核对:是00004.该车行使里程83117km,故障在地址35:1)01370 035alarm via interior scanning2)00956 009key 2adaption limit exceeded s/p3)01570 029switch-off delag.term-15short circuit to earth是保险丝断了,应该日记没错。



连接器壳体的安装插入力应当小于100 N.
标准适用时, 不考虑端子的具体数量. 如果必要, 应当综合使用各种适宜的辅助工具, 例如滑快和杠杆等. 插拔时, 必须在连接器的壳体上施加力.
2.9.1 接插错误 为避免接插错误,应当对连接器的保护套进行外形编码。
2.9.2 引导
插座壁外形必须稳定,即使在机械压力和受热的条件下仍保持不变。 连接器接插之前,必须确保其壳体上有可靠的相互导引部件。 增加插座(与接插件导筋或其他筋连接的插座)壁厚以避免由于偶然或蓄意插错插孔而损坏连接器元 件。
Page 5 VW 80106: Issue 2008-5
必须设计保护措施(例如,添加衬隔材料,增加保护套高度)以防止由于接触(甚至匹配性连接)挤 压而造成零件变形。
下列引用文件是本标准应用的必要组成部分。本部分中使用的专业术语也许和原始文件使用的术 语不同。
VW 01155
GQL-PE/7 Jürgen Schneck
Anton Lehner
Tel.: +49-5361-9-29894 Tel.: +49-841-89-33155
Standards EKTC/4 Olaf Guse Tel.: +49-5361-9-32438
Page 1 of 5
EKTC Manfred Terlinden

VW 50190-2006 Components of the Vehicle Interior Trim

VW 50190-2006 Components of the Vehicle Interior Trim

Textiles, which show visibly perceptible contrast differences when stroked by hand (e.g., velours, tufted fabrics, Alcantara) are said to be sensitive to stroking. 2.9 Structures
Klass.-Nr./Class. No. 50202
October 2006
Components of the Vehicle Interior Trim
Colorimetric Evaluation
VW 50190
Konzernnorm Descriptors: colorimetry, interior trim, color constancy, color differences, sample standard, original standard, degree of glossiness
Page 1 of 10
K-GQL-1/3 Frau Dr. Schramm K-GQL-1 Dr. Schilling E2TC Terlinden
Design release sample
Color idea released by design. The design release sample is a colorimetric reference and provides the basis for the original standard and for the sample standards.
o .p m
P iza D r F
Calculated mean value of the absolute color coordinates of all (maximum 300) sample standards.






附件A(标准化)国际材料数据系统(IMDS)中材料数据卡(MDB)的技术要求 A.1 目的 本附件定义了大众公司接受国际材料数据系统(IMDS)的材料数据卡(MDB)时应遵循的准则。

要遵守这里面的规则,就必须避免: —首次样件过程中出现干扰 —从供货厂来的材料数据卡,必须进行校对,否则它将被大众公司拒绝。

 A.2 适用范围 该标准适用于连同汽车一起交货给用户的配件,制品和全部物质材料,这些数据是首次样品试验报告的组成部分,它们最晚在首次样品试验之前必须提供。

 A.3 符号 红色正方形是用来代表总成(ZSB),次总成(次ZSB)或一个单件。














 高纯物质特殊情况: —保密高纯物质(见 A.4.9条) —未知材料(见 A.4.10条) A.4 规则 接到材料数据卡(MDB)时,如下各种情况必须检查:—VW-零件号—零件名称—结构树(体系)—零件范围的完整性—材料名称—商品名称—材料分类按 VDA 231-106—保密高纯材料—未知材料(Joker)的应用—按VDA 232-101 的规定严格禁止的高纯材料和有义务申报的高纯材料—用于样件提供的数据(图号、图纸状态、供货厂代码) A.4.1 零件号 在“信息接收”卡中,VW 零件号是根据标准VW 01098给出。




第I节 - Quantum诊断先进的诊断技术先进的诊断技术可对Quantum发动机进行简单的维修和服务。












3. 故障指示灯Quantum 系统使用多达5个指示灯(每个指示灯具有两种功能):停机指示灯、警告指示灯、保养指示灯/发动机保护指示灯(所有发动机系列使用其中一个,而不是同时使用两个)、等待起动指示灯和燃油含水指示灯。

如果钥匙开关转到ON 位置而诊断开关保持断开,这些指示灯将会亮约2秒钟然后熄灭,以证实指示灯正常工作和接线正确。


警告指示灯 – 用于所有Quantum 发动机 - 警告指示灯提供重要的操作员信息。





Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without prior permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group.Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the B2B supplier platform “”.VOLKSWAGEN AG F o rm F E 41- 01.06T h eE n g li s h t r a n sl a t io n is b e li e v e d t o b e a c c u r a t e .I n ca s e o fd i s cr e p a n c i e s t heG e rm a nv e r s io n s h a llg o ve r n .N u me r ic alnota t io na cco rdingtoIS O pra c tice(s eeV W 01000). QU E L L E : N O L I SPage 2Supplement 1 of VW 01059-6: 2006-12No. Abbreviation Description4 Boundary Representation (BRep) Description of a solid defined by its limiting elements Vertex,Edge and Face . In addition to the geometrical description, thetopologic characteristics of the elements are an integral part ofthe representation. BRep nowadays is the preferred methodfor the computer representation of complex solids, besides theCSG (constructive solid geometry ) model based on Booleanoperations of primitive solids.5 CAD type The CAD type is used in the process of naming documents inorder to define the function within the product structure.Examples:DMU adapter - CAD type name: DMU;Adapter for computation - CAD type name: CAE6 Catalog The catalog is an independent CATIA V5 document used forthe structured storage of CATIA V5 objects and documents.The catalog can manage 2-D standard geometries like framesand labels. In the 3-D area, the catalog is used e.g. for PowerCopies , UDF s, CATParts and Knowledgeware elements7 CATAnalysis The CATAnalysis is a CATIA V5 document which is created inthe course of finite element analysis creation. It contains thereference to parts or products to be analyzed, the designrelations for the analysis, and the specifications of the finiteelement model.8 CATDrawingThe CATDrawing is the CATIA V5 document used for 2-Ddrawing creation and for drawing generation from 3-D parts. Indrawing generation, a unidirectional link from the CATDrawingto the original CATPart or original CATProduct is established.9 CATPart The CATPart is a CATIA V5 document used for the definitionand creation of the descriptive 3-D geometry in the form ofwire frames, solids and surfaces. Structuring of the geometryelements within the CATPart is carried out using the PartBodyor other Bodies and/or Geometrical Sets .10 CATProcess The CATIA V5 CATProcess document reflects the productionperspective on a part to be processed mechanically. Theincluded PPR tree references one or several CATParts orCATProducts and the resources used for processing(machines, tools). It defines the mechanical processes as NCprogramming, e. g. for drilling, milling, eroding, wire cutting,laser cutting or waterjet cutting. Other neutral or machine-specific control data can be derived from a CATProcessdocument.Page 3Supplement 1 of VW 01059-6: 2006-12No. AbbreviationDescription 11 CATProduct CATProduct is a CATIA V5 document which can containseveral CATParts , Components and other CATProducts assub-structures. The components included in the CATProductstructure can be applied as CATPart instance or CATProductinstance with related stored documents or as Componentwithout a representing document. An assembly or the designenvironment for a part is constructed as CATProduct . TheCATProduct references CATParts and CATProducts of lowerorder and manages their spatial position.12 CCP (Connector Connection Point)The Connector Connection Point (CCP) is used in the designof electric wiring and tube assemblies. It defines the start and the end of a wire or tube. 13 CCP link The CCP link (CutCopyPaste link ) is a direct link betweenexactly two CATIA V5 documents. It adds parameters,geometrical elements or entire Bodies and/or GeometricalSets from a CATPart to another as references. This process iscarried out using the Copy command in the original documentand the Paste special as Result with Link command in thetarget document.14 CEG (CATIA-Einsatz-Gruppe, CATIA Task Force) The CEG is a working committee of the German automobilemanufacturers applying the CATIA CAD system. This workingcommittee coordinates system settings, release requirementsand release introduction dates of the individual automobilemanufacturers.15 CEG level Drawing creation settings for CATIA V5, defined by the CEGin a joint work group. The respective CEG levels comprisedifferent specifications concerning symbols, line groups,lettering sizes, etc.16 Component …Component“ is a CATIA V5 term for a part node integrated inthe product structure of the CATProduct .17 Context A Context is created when links are constructed between twoCATParts within one CATProduct . CATIA V5 assumes thatother links are to be created only in that same productstructure. The product node loaded on the top position in theCATIA window is called Root Context .18 Context behaviorThe behavior of a CATPart or CATProduct is called contextbehavior. This behavior can vary, depending on the part orproduct being within the context or not. Within the context, thedocument is fully functional. Outside the context, thesynchronization of existing external links and the creation ofnew external links is not possible.Page 4Supplement 1 of VW 01059-6: 2006-12No. Abbreviation Description19 Design in Context The term "Design in Context" means the procedure of workingdirectly in the design environment. The as-installed position ofadjacent parts is taken into account during this process. Partsdesigned in such a way are correctly positioned in the designenvironment. Using CATIA V5, links (references) between thedocuments in the product structure are created by Publicationof the elements and by the functions Copy and Paste specialas Result with Link. In this process, Import and Context linksare established.20 DesignTable The Design Table is a value table used to control theparameters in a CATIA V5 document. It is created and storedas a separate file (in Excel or text format). The content of aDesign Table can be integrated into the document in order todetach it from an external file. During this process, thepossibility of modifying the Design Table will be lost and canonly be restored if the external file is attached again.21 DLname(Dynamic Link Name) If DL names are used, the absolute path information in a document is replaced by a virtual file name (DL-Name). Only this virtual name is stored within the reference. A configuration file (DL-names.CATSettings) is provided in CATIA V5. This file must be adapted before using CATIA V5 documents, as necessary. The application of DL names simplifies and accelerates the access to document directories. Moreover, using DL names simplifies data exchange between different CATIA V5 operating systems (Windows, UNIX).22 DMU CATPart The DMU CATPart contains the geometry describing a part forthe DMU process. In this process, the geometry is copied withCopy and Paste special into a separate CATPart as a BRepwithout other links, and only as a reference. The design of thegeometry is determined by the designer according toVW 01059-6.23 Explicit Design "Explicit Design" as operating process involves part geometrydesign in a CATPart without using parametrization andassociativity.24 Feature AFeature is a geometrical or functional object used to createa 3-D geometry. The feature contains a specificationconsisting of parent elements and parameters as well as anoperator functioning as an instruction how to deal with thespecification. The result is represented in the form of elementsand sub-elements.Features (design elements) are objects which containadditional attributes besides the geometrical description, e. g.,manufacturing specifications. Technical standard elements(bores, chamfers, pockets, grooves, etc.) can be integratedinto a design as parametrized Features and evaluated for themanufacturing process, as necessary.Page 5Supplement 1 of VW 01059-6: 2006-12No. Abbreviation Description25 Geometrical Set Non-solids (wire frame and surface elements) are storedunder a Geometrical Set which is a structuring element in thespecification tree. These non-solids were designatedOpenBodies up to and including CATIA V5R12.26 Basic model The term basic model was used in CATIA V4 and should notbe used further in CATIA V5. The settings and specificationsdefined in the CATIA V4 basic model are determined in CATIAV5 using the CATIA Group Reference (GRC), the CATIAsettings, a structure document and the CEG level.27 Import Import is the link type created during working in a productstructure (…Design in Context“) and references the originalpart.28 Instance An original part used several times in the CATProduct is calledinstance. The reference to the original part and the relatedpositions and orientations of the instances are stored in theCATProduct. Modifications of the original part influence allinstances. Modifications of the instances, however, are notpossible. Each instance is identified by an "Instance Name".CATPart is the CATIA V5 model of a real part.DesignCATPart The29 DesignThe CATPart contains the geometry copied from the inputdata and the entire geometry of the parametrized associativedesign of a modeled part.CATProduct The Design CATProduct combines the Design CATPart, 30 Designvarious input and output data in the adapter CATParts, andthe DMU CATPart in a package including all geometricalinformation of the real part.31 Master model The master model can be a CATPart or a CATProduct whichcontains a detailed parametric associative design for a part orassembly (including formulas and rules). A new design iscreated from the master model. This is realized by exchangingand/or adaptating elements, by modifying parameters andusing relations.32 Multi-Model Concept The Multi-Model Concept describes the distribution of aphysical part to several CATParts. It enables parallelization ofthe part design by cooperation of several designers(…Concurrent Engineering“). The links are managed in ahigher-order CATProduct using publications.33 OpenBody AnOpenBody is a structuring element in the specification tree.It serves to store wire frame and surface geometries and iscalled Geometrical Set from CATIA V5 release 13 on.34 Parametrization Parametrization means the act of describing and modifying (asnecessary) the shape and position of an object using variableparameters. Relations within a solid and between severalsolids are possible. The parameters are defined and stored inthe CATPart. They can later be edited and modified by theuser.Page 6Supplement 1 of VW 01059-6: 2006-12No. Abbreviation DescriptionPartBody is a structuring element in the specification tree 35 PartBody Theof the CATPart. Solid features and the related sketches arestored under the PartBody. A CATPart contains exactly onePartBody which is always on the first position in thespecification tree. The auxiliary structuring elements aredesignated “Body”. Two Bodies can be connected to eachother using Boolean operations.PowerCopy, geometries for repetitive use (e. g. beads,a36 PowerCopy Incompressions...) are defined generally in individual CATPartsusing geometrical elements, formulas, conditions, etc. Whenthe PowerCopy is integrated into a different CATPart, thegeometry created before is adapted to the new boundaryconditions.37 Process Chain Integration "Process Chain Integration" is the implementation of"Relational Design" over the entire process sequence fromdesign to production.38 Publication APublication is the specific publication of elements which canbe accessed from other CATParts during "Design in Context.In the process of defining links and their positioning with thehelp of Assembly Constraints, only these defined publishedelements can be used (corresponding settings provided).Publications enable the representation of the link path via theproduct structure and detached from the file system.Design Relational Design is the procedure applied to define the parts 39 Relationalbeyond the limits of one CATPart with external referencesand/or Constraints, besides using associativity andparametrization within a CATPart. This process is realized in aproduct structure which in many cases is not equivalent to theBOM structure. It is recommended to use a TDM system inthis context.40 Skeleton A skeleton contains the original geometry and references forfurther steps in the design process. The Skeleton normally is aCATPart. It is applied when two or more designers define anduse some of the geometrical characteristics of their partstogether.41 Solid A solid is a solid body element created using the appropriateCATIA function.Used as output data for DMU purposes, this can also refer toa thickened surface (thick surface or surface with materialvector).42 Start model The term “Start model” was used in CATIA V4 and is notlonger used in CATIA V5. All settings and specifications aredetermined in CATIA V5 using the CATIA Reference, theSettings, the Structure CATPart and the CEG level.Page 7Supplement 1 of VW 01059-6: 2006-12No. AbbreviationDescription 43 Structure CATPart The Structure CATPart contains a predefined specificationtree and default standards for design. The specification treestructure is defined by the responsible engineeringdepartments and can be extended by the designer, asnecessary.44 Tolerant Modeling Tolerant Modeling in CATIA V5 means the possibility todeviate from the default standard accuracy within differentFeature functions (in Generative Shape Design ). Thispossibility simplifies the reuse of imported CAD data ofreduced internal accuracies. Additionally, tangent andcurvature errors, which could result from subsequentoperations in CATIA V5, are minimized using TolerantModeling .45 Unique Universal IDentifier (UUID) The Unique Universal IDentifier (UUID) is an unambiguousidentification. In CATIA V5 it is applied to identify thedocuments. The UUID is the basis for the Multi-ModelConcept and serves to prevent name conflicts.46 User Defined Feature (UDF) Creating a User Defined Feature (UDF) is done the same wayas creating a PowerCopy . The possibilities of modification arerestricted in the use of User Defined Features , since certaincharacteristics of the geometry are protected againstmodifications carried out by the user. The UDF is representedas a Feature in the specification tree.47 Joining element management (Verbindungs-Elemente-Management; VEM) Supporting program in the application of joining techniques inan Assembly . Examples of joining techniques supported: Welding, soldering, adhesive bonding, clinching, welding of standard parts (welded pins, etc.).。



0076002F8右侧出风口温度调节器-G156D 0076102F9在发动机控制单元中存储的故障0076202FA喷嘴-N1810076302FB气压传感器,(驾驶员侧)-G1470076402FC气压传感器,(前座乘客侧)-G148 0076502FD调节活塞移动传感器-G1490076602FE前部出风口温度传感器-G152D 0076702FF后部蒸发器温度传感器-G153D 007680300后部热交换器温度传感器-G154D 007690301冷却液温度传感器 - 发动机出口-G82B 007700302冷却液温度传感器 - 发动机出口-G83B 007710303燃油存量传感器-G B 007720304机油压力开关-F22A 007730305机油压力传感器-G10A 007740306左后汽车高度传感器-G76007750307右后汽车高度传感器-G77007760308左前汽车高度传感器-G78007770309油门踏板位置传感器-G79B 00778030A转向角传感器-G85B 00779030B车外温度传感器-G17C 00780030C垂直加速度传感器-G9000781030D左前伺服电机-V7600782030E右前伺服电机-V7700783030F左后伺服电机-V78007840310右后伺服电机-V79007850311温度传感器 - 仪表板-G56007860312温度传感器 - 车顶-G86007870313温度传感器 - 新鲜空气进气道-G89C 007880314脚部空间除霜风门双通阀-N118 007890315倒车开关-F41C 007900316新鲜空气和空气内循环风门D007910317蒸发器温度开关-E33C007920318空调器压力开关-F129C 007930319制动踏板位置传感器-G100C 00794031A液压泵传感器-G101C 00795031B后部垂直加速度传感器-G10200796031C温度传感器风扇-V4200797031D日照光电传感器-G107C 00798031E显示字节测试00799031F冷却液温度传感器-G110D 008000320温度传感器鼓风机-G109008010321电磁离合器高压开关-F118008020322空调器低压开关-F73C 008030323右前弹簧位移传感器-G116008040324左前弹簧位移传感器-G115008050325左前减震支柱阀门-N148008060326右前减震支柱阀门-N149008070327左后减震支柱阀门-N150008080328右后减震支柱阀门-N151008090329制动助力器ESP00810032A制动压力传感器1/200811032B系统尚为准备查询00812032C制动压力电磁线圈松脱开关-F84 00813032D制动压力传感器2 -G214008140330右前弹簧位移传感器-G11700815032F制动识别开关-F238C 008160330转向辅助传感器-G250008170331转向辅助温度保护008180332蒸发器出风口温度传感器-G263D008190333高压传感器-G65D008200334制动识别开关-F83C 008210335收音机天线 2 -R93D 008220336数字式声音套件与收音机的连接008230337左前线路输出008240338ASR指示灯-K86B 008250339可加热驾驶员座椅-Z6D 00826033A可加热前座乘客座椅-Z8D 00827033B冷却液风扇继电器-J26A 00828033C冷却液风扇第 3 档的继电器-J135 ********D暖风装置控制单元-J162D 00830033E折叠式车顶操纵的控制单元-J256 00831033F冷却液风扇控制单元,第1+2档-J293A 008320340操作与显示单元-E87D 008330341可加热风挡玻璃控制信号D 008340342可加热后窗玻璃控制信号D 008350343至折叠式车顶操纵控制单元的连接008360344档位选择阀 1 -N284B008370345档位选择阀 2 -N285B008380346档位选择阀 3 -N286B008390347档位选择阀 4 -N287B008400348变速箱液压泵继电器-J510B008410349变速箱液压压力传感器-G270B 00842034A电子手动变速箱控制单元00843034B换档杆向前/向后电位计-G27200844034C换档杆档位识别开关-F25700845034D换档杆N档识别开关-F25800846034E换档杆停止识别开关-F25900847034F用电器断开继电器-J511008480350起动/停止运行开关-E262008490351点火起动开关D上的S触点D008500352收音机上主动放大器的控制输出008510353扬声器D 008520354前部喇叭D 008530355后部喇叭D008540356仪表板上收音机显示输出D 008550357至CD转换盒的连接D 008560358收音机上的天线D 008570359CD 转换盒-R41D 00858035A收音机ZF输出至天线放大器的连接D 00859035B右前线路输出00860035C左后线路输出00861035D至导航系统计算机的连接00862035E导航系统(GPS)天线-R50/R5200863035F TV 天线1 -R55008640360TV 天线2 -R56008650361TV 天线3 -R57008660362TV 天线4 -R58008670363至ABS控制单元的连接008680364转动角度传感器-G208008690365右后导线输出008700366左前低音扬声器-R21D 008710367右前低音扬声器-R23D 008720368左后低音扬声器-R15D 008730369右后低音扬声器-R17D 00874036A左前高音扬声器-R20D 00875036B右前高音扬声器-R22D 00876036C左后高音扬声器-R14D 00877036D右后高音扬声器-R16D 00878036E至左前喇叭的连接D 00879036F至右前喇叭的连接D 008800370至左后喇叭的连接D 008810371至右后喇叭的连接D 008820372程序选择操作单元-E200008830373点火起动开关-D (接线柱S)008840374点火起动开关-D (接线柱X)008850375点火起动开关-D (接线柱50)008860376转向信号灯开关-E2C008870377报警灯按钮-E229C008880378间歇式刮水器运行开关-E22C008890379信号喇叭控制-H C 00890037A可加热后窗玻璃按钮-E230C00891037B后行李箱盖遥控开锁按钮-E233C 00892037C开锁按钮/后行李箱盖锁芯-F248C 00893037D开锁按钮/后行李箱盖把手-E234C 00894037E车外后视镜加热按钮-E231D 00895037F GRA/ADR操作部件-E45D 008960380后行李箱盖闭锁单元-F256D 008970381车窗玻璃清洗泵-V5C 008980382空调压缩机控制C008990383刮水器电机保险丝-S128C009000384信号喇叭/双音喇叭保险丝-S194C 009010385倒车灯C 009020386后行李箱盖遥控开锁保险丝-S195D 009030387车外后视镜加热保险丝-S196C 009040388换档杆锁止电磁铁保险丝-S197C 009050389倒车灯保险丝-S40C00906038A信号喇叭/双音喇叭-H1C 00907038B负载管理干预C 00908038C刮水器电机控制单元C00909038D车窗玻璃刮水器电机-V (第1/2档)C 00910038E闪烁报警装置指示灯-K6D 00911038F可加热后窗玻璃指示灯-K10C 009120390左前车窗升降器开关-E40D009130391右前车窗升降器开关,驾驶员-E81D 009140392左后车窗升降器开关,驾驶员-E53D 009150393右后车窗升降器开关,驾驶员-E55D 009160394后部车窗升降器联锁开关-E39D 009170395车窗玻璃刮水器间歇运行调节器D 009180396接线柱31009190397后窗玻璃刮水器电机-V12C 009200398可加热车外后视镜(Z4/Z5)D 009210399可加热车外后视镜指示灯- K153D 00922039A间歇式刮水器运行开关-E22( 第1档)C 00923039B间歇式刮水器运行开关-E22( 第2档)C00924039C大灯清洗装置继电器-J39C 00925039D车内照明灯保险丝(30)-S261D 00926039E接线柱3000927039F接线柱30 右侧0092803A0中央集控门锁闭锁单元 驾驶员侧-F220D 0092903A1前座乘客侧中央集控门锁闭锁单元-F221D 0093003A2中央集控门锁闭锁单元,左后-F222D 0093103A3中央集控门锁闭锁单元,右后-F223D 0093203A4驾驶员侧车窗升降器电机-V147D 0093303A5前座乘客侧车窗升降器电机-V148D 0093403A6左后车窗升降器电机-V26D 0093503A7右后车窗升降器电机-V27D 0093603A8前座乘客侧车窗升降器开关- E107C 0093703A9左后车窗升降器开关- E52C 0093803AA右后车窗升降器开关-E54C 0093903AB驾驶员侧后视镜调节电机-V149C 0094003AC前座乘客侧后视镜调节电机-V150C 0094103AD驾驶员侧后视镜折叠电机-V121D 0094203AE前座乘客侧后视镜折叠电机-V122D 0094303AF可加热车外后视镜,驾驶员侧-Z4C 0094403B0可加热车外后视镜,前座乘客侧-Z5C 0094503B1碰撞传感器-G190A 0094603B2车内照明灯-W D 0094703B3后行李箱盖遥控开锁开关-E188D 0094803B4滑动天窗关闭信号D 0094903B5中央集控门锁电机 后行李箱盖-V53,锁止0095003B6中央集控门锁电机 后行李箱盖-V53,开锁0095103B7后行李箱盖遥控开锁电机继电器-J398 0095203B8驾驶员车门开启信号D 0095303B9车内灯时间限制D0095403BA起动马达闭锁继电器-J4330095503BB钥匙1C 0095603BC钥匙2C 0095703BD钥匙3C 0095803BE钥匙4C0095903BF中央集控门锁指示灯Safe -K133D0096003C0驾驶员侧中央集控门锁开关-F590096103C1前座乘客侧中央集控门锁开关-F114 0096203C2由倾斜度传感器触发的报警0096303C3至倾斜度传感器的信号导线0096403C4驾驶员车门开启信号;正极0096503C5报警喇叭保险丝-S158D 0096603C6转向信号灯保险丝-S1510096703C7左侧转向信号灯B 0096803C8右侧转向信号灯B 0096903C9可加热后窗玻璃保险丝-S410097103CB左侧可加热风挡玻璃继电器-J4100097203CC右侧可加热风挡玻璃继电器-J4110097303CD可加热后窗玻璃开关-E15D 0097403CE可加热风挡玻璃开关-E180D 0097503CF可加热后窗玻璃-Z1D 0097603D0可加热风挡玻璃指示灯-K122D 0097703D1左+右近光灯C 0097803D2左侧近光灯灯泡-M29C0097903D3右侧近光灯灯泡-M31C 0098003D4左侧近光灯保险丝-S152C 0098103D5右侧近光灯保险丝-S153C 0098203D6左侧停车灯保险丝-S154C 0098303D7右侧停车灯保险丝-S155C 0098403D8左侧尾灯灯泡-M4C 0098503D9右侧尾灯灯泡-M2C 0098603DA制动灯保险丝-S156C 0098703DB左侧制动灯灯泡-M9C 0098803DC右侧制动灯灯泡-M10C 0098903DD用电器断开保险丝-S1530099003DE用电器断开0099103DF车内照明0099203E0用电器关闭激活0099303E1用电器断开不控制0099403E2驾驶员座椅前部高度调节传感器-G215 0099503E3驾驶员座椅后部高度调节传感器-G216 0099603E4驾驶员座椅头枕高度调节传感器 -G217 0099703E5驾驶员座椅纵向调整电机-V28D0099803E6驾驶员座椅靠背调节电机-V45D0099903E7驾驶员座椅前部高度调节电机- V29D0100003E8驾驶员座椅后部高度调节电机- V30D0100103E9驾驶员座椅头枕调整电机-V103D0100203EA前部高度调节按钮,向上,驾驶员座椅-E208D0100303EB前部高度调节按钮,向下,驾驶员座椅-E209D0100403EC后部高度调节按钮,向上,驾驶员座椅-E210D0100503ED后部高度调节按钮,向下,驾驶员座椅-E211D0100603EE纵向调节按钮,向前,驾驶员座椅-E212D0100703EF纵向调节按钮,向后,驾驶员座椅-E213D 0100803F0提示:紧急切断开关已操作!0100903F1纵向调节传感器,驾驶员座椅-G218D 0101003F2靠背调节传感器,驾驶员座椅-G219D 0101103F3头枕调节按钮,向上,驾驶员座椅-E214 0101203F4头枕调节按钮,向下,驾驶员座椅-E215 0101303F5空调压缩机负载信号C 0101403F6风扇节温器末级0101503F7散热器风扇控制0101603F8气压弹簧减震排气阀-N1060101703F9气压弹簧减震压缩机-V650101803FA冷却液风扇-V7C 0101903FB继电器0102003FC水泵-V36C 0102103FD差速锁指示灯-K810102203FE车内照明灯,组合仪表图形显示激活0102303FF蜂鸣器/报警音-H3010240400雨量传感器-G213D 010250401故障信号灯控制故障010260402后部蒸发器鼓风机-V20010270403后部暖风机-V47010280404鼓风机继电器-J323010290405空调器继电器-J32D 010300406中央集控门锁钥匙按钮驾驶员侧,上锁010310407中央集控门锁钥匙按钮 驾驶员侧,开锁010320408中央集控门锁钥匙按钮 前座乘客侧,上锁010330409中央集控门锁钥匙按钮 前座乘客侧,开锁01034040A车窗升降器热保护激活,驾驶员侧D 01035040B车窗升降器热保护激活,前座乘客侧D 01036040C车窗升降器热保护激活,左后D 01037040D车窗升降器热保护激活,右后D 01038040E中央集控门锁热保护01039040F冷却液温度表传感器-G2C 010400410ABS/变速箱电气连接2010410411ASR功能不可信010420412控制单元未编码D 010430413控制单元:软件版本错误010440414控制单元编码错误D 010450415Tiptronic 开关-F189C 010460416制动摩擦片指示灯-K32C010470417双回路制动和手制动系统指示灯-K7C 010480418柴油机电子装置指示灯-K104010490419车载电压接线柱5001050041A预热塞监控01051041B燃油量调节伺服电机-V11701052041C负荷信号电位计-G15701053041D喷射开始阀门-N18201054041E电源继电器 -接线柱30-J31701055041F供油开始传感器-G158010560420功能:均衡充电010570421功能:电压恒定充电010580422功能:电流恒定充电010590423转子位置传感器-G159010600424线圈温度传感器/槽底-G160010610425线圈温度传感器/线圈头-G161010620426蓄电池电流下降信号010630427换档杆E档识别开关-F271010640428接线柱58d – 车内灯调光器D 010650429RNS至电视天线放大器的连接01066042A换档杆在N位置仍然开车01067042B第 2 热交换器关闭阀-N31701068042C离合器调节器液压泵继电器-J498 01069042D制动助力器的压力系统01070042E起动机继电器-J5301071042F离合器行程传感器-G162010720430离合器调节器真空阀-N183010730431离合器的压力系统010740432离合器调节器通风阀-N184010750433真空泵继电器-J318010760434液压泵继电器 - 离合器-J319010770435制动助力器真空开关-F190010780436档位操纵开关-F191010790437液压转向继电器-J320010800438伺服转向助力开关-F192010810439顺序开关阀-N18501082043A燃油存量指示灯-K10501083043B清洗液不足指示灯-K10601084043C0°C 温度警告指示灯-K10701085043D4°C 温度警告指示灯-K10801086043E车速表传感器-G2201087043F基础设定未执行010880440混合匹配2010890441张紧杆放下开关-F204010900442张紧杆升起开关-F203010910443前部折叠式车顶开关-F202010920444折叠式车顶存放开关-F171010930445车顶收存箱盖开关,上部-F201 010940446车顶收存箱盖开关 3,左侧-F195 010950447车顶收存箱盖开关 2,左侧-F197 010960448车顶收存箱盖开关 1,左侧-F199 010970449前部折叠式车顶锁止开关-F17201098044A后行李箱盖关闭开关-F20601099044B行李箱锁锁止开关01100044C行李箱锁开锁开关01101044D折叠式车顶开锁开关-F20501102044E车顶收存箱盖开关 3,右侧-F196 01103044F车顶收存箱盖开关 2,右侧-F198 011040450车顶收存箱盖开关 1,右侧-F200 011050451电磁阀 8 -N186011060452车窗升降器下降继电器-J291011070453折叠式车顶上锁指示灯-K98011080454车窗升降器升起继电器-J292011090455液压泵继电器-J321011100456折叠式车顶开锁锁止电磁阀-N187 011110457行李箱锁芯的伺服电机 1011120458伺服电机1和2的电流供应011130459行李箱锁芯的伺服电机 201114045A手制动控制开关-F901115045B01116045C折叠式车顶开锁伺服电机01117045D发电机接线柱DF的负载信号01118045E发动机预热01119045F档位识别信号011200460凸轮轴正时调节1011210461凸轮轴正时调节2011220462霍尔传感器 2-G163011230463控制有故障011240464增压时间监控011250465进气歧管转换D 011260466发动机转速信号C 011270467燃油存量指示灯-K16D011280468防盗锁止系统读出线圈-D2C 011290469S-触点-H1501130046A ABS工作01131046B控制转向信号灯01132046C前部红外传感器-G16601133046D后部红外传感器-G16701134046E报警喇叭-H1201135046F车内监控传感器011360470起动马达起动断路011370471中央集控门锁系统开关; 锁止触点011380472中央集控门锁系统开关; 驾驶员车门开锁011390473中央集控门锁系统开关; 前座乘客车门开锁011400474中央集控门锁系统开关; 后行李箱盖开锁011410475后行李箱盖开锁开关-E165011420476中央集控门锁电机:驾驶员车门和油箱关闭011430477中央集控门锁电机:驾驶员车门和油箱开启011440478中央集控门锁电机,前座乘客侧开启 011450479中央集控门锁电机 后部车门开启01146047A中央集控门锁电机;前座乘客车门和油箱关闭01147047B尾门锁止装置电机-V12001148047C车门安全锁激活01149047D车门安全锁不激活01150047E模拟显示01151047F柴油发动机联锁开关-F207011520480档位监控开关-F209011530481Ecomatic 开关-E163011540482离合器系统压力开关-F210011550483离合器011560484档位识别开关-F208011570485报警喇叭的电源011580486转向信号灯的电源011590487安全系统的导线011600488冷却液预热塞继电器-J325011610489凸轮轴正时调节阀的末级01162048A点火失败01163048B回火01164048C ESP操作01165048D节气门控制单元-J338D 01166048E发动机扭矩信号01167048F满负荷限位阀门-N194011680490怠速转速提升阀门-N177011690491驾驶员侧车门接触开关-F2011700492喷射持续时间传感器-G175011710493前座乘客座椅温度传感器-G60011720494驾驶员座椅温度传感器-G59011730495驾驶员座椅纵向调整电机-V28011740496驾驶员座椅高度调节电机-V138011750497可加热驾驶员座椅调节器-E94011760498钥匙011770499发动机控制单元01178049A传动链数据总线,静止状态01179049B钥匙编程错误D 01180049C发动机/空调压缩机切断电气连接D 01181049D初始化:仅学习过两把钥匙01182049E高度匹配01183049F三元催化净化装置监控指示灯-K72 0118404A0后部出风口温度传感器-G1740118504A1后部新鲜空气鼓风机-V800118604A2后部气流分配伺服电机-V1360118704A3后部温度风门伺服电机-V1370118804A4控制单元/电磁离合器-电气连接D 0118904A5前部气流分配伺服电机-V145D 0119004A6控制单元/伺服电机-电气连接D 0119104A7座椅调节电机0119204A8变扭器锁止离合器C 0119304A9小加热功率继电器-J3590119404AA大加热功率继电器-J3600119504AB结束0119604AC发动机/变速箱- 数据总线0119704AD驱动链数据总线软件版本错误0119804AE舒适系统数据总线软件版本错误0119904AF发动机/ABS - 电气连接0120004B0ABS-阀电源C 0120104B1ABS泵电源C 0120204B2诊断导线D 0120304B3ABS/仪表板电气连接0120404B4发动机温度传感器-G270120504B5Climatronic继电器-J2540120604B6点火正时周期信号切断0120704B7辅助加热装置控制单元-J3640120804B8控制单元中的数据已更改0120904B9发电机接线柱W的转速信号0121004BA控制单元学习调节范围0121104BB后部安全带张紧器引爆装置,驾驶员侧-N196B 0121204BC后部安全带张紧器引爆装置,前座乘客侧-N1B 0121304BD后部安全带张紧器引爆装置,中部-N198B 0121404BE存储的安全带张紧器碰撞数据0121504BF后部座椅占用传感器,驾驶员侧-G177 0121604C0后部座椅占用传感器,前座乘客侧-G178 0121704C1侧面安全气囊引爆装置,驾驶员侧-N199A 0121804C2侧面安全气囊引爆装置,前座乘客侧-N200A 0121904C3侧面安全气囊引爆装置,驾驶员侧-N201A 0122004C4后部侧面安全气囊引爆装置,驾驶员侧-N202A 0122104C5侧面安全气囊碰撞传感器 驾驶员侧-G179A 0122204C6侧面安全气囊碰撞传感器 前座乘客侧-G180A 0122304C7中央集控门锁开启信号0122404C8控制单元与车辆不匹配0122504C9驻车暖风无线电接收器-R640122604CA存储的侧面安全气囊碰撞数据,驾驶员侧B 0122704CB存储的侧面安全气囊碰撞数据,前座乘客侧B0122804CC安全气囊关闭钥匙开关,前座乘客侧-E224A 0122904CD空气湿度传感器,空调器-G2600123004CE出风口温度传感器,左侧脚部空间-G261D 0123104CF出风口温度传感器,右侧脚部空间-G262D 0123204D0压缩机调节阀,空调器-N280D 0123304D1冷却液单向阀,暖风-N2790123404D2可加热风挡玻璃控制单元-J5050123504D3二次空气进气阀-N112D 0123604D4换档杆锁止电磁铁-N110A 0123704D5燃油切断阀-N1090123804D6点火正时角度调整0123904D7节气门调节器通风阀-N970124004D8节气门调节器排气阀-N1170124104D9活性碳容器装置电磁阀 2-N1150124204DA控制单元中的输出级0124304DB进气歧管转换阀-N156C 0124404DC氧传感器加热装置控制单元-J2080124504DD压力调节器-N730124604DE进气管预热继电器-J810124704DF活性碳容器装置电磁阀 1-N800124804E0满负荷加浓双通阀-N540124904E1气缸 1 喷嘴-N30C 0125004E2气缸 2 喷嘴-N31C 0125104E3气缸 3 喷嘴-N32C 0125204E4气缸 4 喷嘴-N33C 0125304E5气缸 5 喷嘴-N83C 0125404E6气缸 6 喷嘴-N84C 0125504E7气缸 7 喷嘴-N85C 0125604E8气缸 8 喷嘴-N86C 0125704E9怠速稳定阀-N710125804EA空气风门调节器-V630125904EB燃油泵继电器-J17C 0126004EC滑行断油阀门-N650126104ED空燃比控制间歇通断阀-N70126204EE增压压力限制电磁阀-N75C 0126304EF冷起动阀-N170126404F0二次空气泵继电器-J299D 0126504F1废气再循环阀-N18D 0126604F2预热塞继电器-J520126704F3预热时间自动装置控制单元-J1790126804F4流量调节器-N1460126904F5喷射开始阀门-N1080127004F6空调器电磁离合器-N250127104F7温度风门伺服电机-V680127204F8中央风门伺服电机-V700127304F9新鲜空气鼓风机-V2D 0127404FA速滞压力风门伺服电机-V710127504FB后部侧面安全气囊关闭钥匙开关-E2800127604FC ABS 液压泵-V64B 0127704FD ABS 液压泵继电器-J1850127804FE EDS 断路继电器-J2630127904FF纵向加速传感器-G251B 012800500前座乘客侧安全气囊关闭D 012810501驾驶员侧安全气囊关闭012820502进气管风门转换阀-N239012830503进气管风门电机-V157012840504驾驶员侧面安全气囊关闭D 012850505前座乘客侧面安全气囊关闭D 012860506驾驶员侧安全带张紧器关闭D 012870507前座乘客侧安全带张紧器关闭D 012880508转向辅助接线柱30012890509转向辅助接线柱1501290050A转向辅助参考电压01291050B后部侧面安全气囊关闭钥匙开关,驾驶员-E295 01292050C后部侧面安全气囊关闭钥匙开关,前座乘客-E296 01293050D侧面安全气囊关闭指示灯,驾驶员侧后部-K167 01294050E侧面安全气囊关闭指示灯,前座乘客侧后部-K168 01295050F仪表板控制单元编码错误012960510出风口温度传感器,中部-G191012970511出风口温度传感器,脚部空间-G192012980512组合仪表指示灯测试012990513数据总线诊断接口-J533 A 013000514带 CD 光盘驱动器的导航系统控制单元-J401 013010515语音输入控制单元-J507013020516电子通信系统控制单元-J499013030517电话的发送器和接收器-R36D 013040518收音机D 013050519信息娱乐系统数据总线01306051A快速数据总线显示01307051B LWL-数据总线显示01308051C天窗电子装置控制单元-J528C013150523变速箱控制单元C 013160524制动控制单元C 013170525仪表板控制单元-J285C 013180526喷射泵控制单元-J399013190527车距调节控制单元-J428013200528Climatronic 控制单元-J255C 013210529安全气囊控制单元-J234C 01322052A多功能单元控制单元-J50101323052B自动离合器控制单元-J43901324052C全轮驱动控制单元-J49201325052D轮胎压力监控控制单元-J50201326052E多功能方向盘控制单元-J45301327052F驻车辅助控制单元-J446C 013280530舒适系统数据总线C 013290531舒适系统数据总线在紧急运行模式C 013300532舒适系统中央控制单元-J393C 013310533车门控制单元,驾驶员侧-J386C 013320534车门控制单元,前座乘客侧-J387C 013330535车门控制单元,左后-J388C 013340536车门控制单元,右后-J389C 013350537驾驶员座椅位置/后视镜位置控制单元-J543 013360538舒适系统数据总线013370539车门内把手照明01338053A车门未关闭信号C 01339053B车门警告灯01340053C后视镜调节开关D 01341053D组合仪表中的控制单元,在舒适系统CAN中-J285 01342053E发动机控制单元2 (Slave 1)01343053F发动机控制单元3 (Slave 2)013440540气体放电大灯013450541气体放电大灯点火装置-N195013460542点火装置的导线013470543气体放电大灯的导线013480544车内监控关闭指示灯-K162013490545由前部防盗报警装置传感器触发的报警013500546由后部防盗报警装置传感器触发的报警013510547通讯导线接地013520548前部脉冲信号导线,5V013530549后部脉冲信号导线,5V01354054A防盗系统释放信号01355054B信号:开启所有车窗01356054C信号:关闭所有车窗和滑动天窗01357054D油箱盖板联锁装置电机-V155D01358054E车内联锁开关,驾驶员侧-E15001359054F车内联锁开关,前座乘客侧-E198 013600550防盗报警装置开启开关013610551防盗报警装置关闭开关013620552后行李箱盖关闭开关-F124013630553驾驶员侧中央集控门锁开关-F59 013640554前座乘客侧中央集控门锁开关-F114 013650555上锁/开锁开关/车内联锁按钮013660556通过碰撞信号开启013670557通过中央集控门锁的泵切断013680558由行李箱开关触发的报警C 013690559由发动机舱盖开关触发的报警C 01370055A由车内监控触发的报警C 01371055B由驾驶员侧车门接触开关触发的报警C 01372055C由后部/前座乘客侧车门接触开关触发的报警C 01373055D由接地触点触发的报警01374055E由接线柱15触发的报警01375055F发动机支座阀,第1档013760560喷射泵转速信号013770561防盗报警装置左侧超声波传感器-G170 013780562防盗报警装置右侧超声波传感器-G171 013790563车内监控开关-E183013800564由左后防盗报警装置传感器触发的报警013810565由右后防盗报警装置传感器触发的报警013820566由左前防盗报警装置传感器触发的报警013830567由右前防盗报警装置传感器触发的报警013840568由玻璃破裂传感器触发的报警013850569报警装置指示灯-K9501386056A报警触发01387056B电源线01388056C脉冲信号导线01389056D后行李箱盖开启开关-F12401390056E车内监控激活01391056F模拟碰撞信号013920570下一个执行元件:--> 确认013930571水平高度调节传感器-G84013940572水平高度调节系统指示灯-K134 013950573水平高度调节系统压缩机电机-V66 013960574后部减震支柱阀门-N150/151013970575水平高度调节系统排放阀-N111 013980576中央集控门锁的信号导线车门开启013990577水平高度调节系统压缩机继电器- J403 014000578水平高度调节系统01401057901402057A导航系统的导线01403057B后部玻璃破裂传感器01404057C发动机支座阀,第2档01405057D废气再循环阀2-N21301406057E无火焰01407057F火焰熄灭014080580低电压切断(固定值)014090581重复的火焰熄灭014100582加热装置温度过高014110583温度传感器-G18014120584带火焰监控的预热塞-Q8014130585计量泵-V54014140586燃烧空气鼓风机-V6014150587循环泵-V55B 014160588新鲜空气鼓风机控制信号014170589水加热控制信号01418058A动态行驶调节装置控制阀1 -N225 01419058B动态行驶调节装置高压控制阀 2 -N226 01420058C动态行驶调节装置高压控制阀1 -N227 01421058D动态行驶调节装置高压控制阀2 -N228 01422058E动态行驶调节装置液压泵-V15601423058F横向加速度传感器-G200C 014240590偏转率传感器-G202,参考导线C 014250591偏转率传感器-G202,信号导线014260592方向盘中的操作单元-E221014270593收音机音量增加D 014280594收音机音量减小014290595收音机电台向上搜寻014300596收音机电台向下搜寻014310597电话存储器014320598下一个电话存储器014330599扬声器(电话/导航系统)-R3901434059A制动灯功能抑制继电器ESP-J508 01435059B制动压力传感器1 -G201B 01436059C制动液液面太低C 01437059D控制位置未知01438059E车辆被举起01439059F检查倾斜度0144005A0燃油加注状态信号0144105A1燃油不足传感器-G2100144205A2因燃油不足而失火0144305A3蓄电池匹配没有进行0144405A4电压不足切断(自动)0144505A5纵向调整传感器,驾驶员座椅-G227D 0144605A6靠背调节传感器,驾驶员座椅-G230D 0144705A7高度调节传感器,驾驶员座椅-G231D 0144805A8倾斜度调整传感器,驾驶员座椅-G232D 0144905A9倾斜度调整开关,驾驶员座椅-E222,向后D 0145005AA倾斜度调整开关,驾驶员座椅-E222,向前D 0145105AB驾驶员座椅纵向和高度调整开关-E61,向上D 0145205AC驾驶员座椅纵向和高度调整开关-E61,向下D 0145305AD驾驶员座椅纵向和高度调整开关-E61,向前D 0145405AE驾驶员座椅纵向和高度调整开关-E61,向后D 0145505AF靠背调节开关-E96,向前D0145605B0靠背调节开关-E96,向后D 0145705B1后视镜位置信号0145805B2中央集控门锁信号0145905B3驾驶员座椅位置记忆按钮 1-E218D 0146005B4驾驶员座椅位置记忆按钮 2-E219D 0146105B5驾驶员座椅位置记忆按钮 3-E220D 0146205B6防盗报警装置超声波传感器-G2090146305B7通过防盗报警装置传感器触发的报警0146405B8制动压力/横向加速度传感器C 0146505B9组合仪表信号导线0146605BA至组合仪表的信号导线05BB左前轮胎压力传感器-G222B 0146805BC右前轮胎压力传感器-G223B 0146905BD左后轮胎压力传感器-G224B 0147005BE右后轮胎压力传感器-G225B 0147105BF备用车轮轮胎压力传感器-G226B 0147205C0左前轮胎压力监控天线-R59B 0147305C1右前轮胎压力监控天线-R60B 0147405C2左后轮胎压力监控天线-R61B 0147505C3右后轮胎压力监控天线-R62B 0147605C4备用车轮轮胎压力监控天线-R63B 0147705C5系统切断0147805C6备用车轮监控切断0147905C7头枕调整传感器-G1290148005C8头枕调整开关-E155,向上0148105C9头枕调整开关-E155,向下0148205CA中央集控门锁电机 B0148305CB后行李箱盖遥控开锁控制B 0148405CC中央集控门锁上锁钥匙按钮B 0148505CD中央集控门锁开锁钥匙按钮B 0148605CE系统功能测试激活0148705CF系统功能测试01488050D冷却液温度传感器-加热-G2410148905D1过热传感器-G1890149005D2火焰探测器-G640149105D3加热装置预热塞-Q90149205D4功能锁止0149305D5左前转向信号灯灯泡-M5B 0149405D6左侧停车灯灯泡-M1B 0149505D7左侧远光灯灯泡-M30B 0149605D8左侧前雾灯灯泡-L22B 0149705D9右前转向信号灯灯泡-M7B 0149805DA右侧停车灯灯泡-M3B 0149905DB右侧远光灯灯泡-M32B 0150005DC右侧前雾灯灯泡-L23B 0150105DD左后转向信号灯灯泡-M6B 0150205DE左侧后雾灯灯泡-L46B 0150305DF高位制动灯灯泡-M25B0150405E0牌照灯-X B 0150505E1右后转向信号灯灯泡-M8B 0150605E2右侧后雾灯灯泡-L47B 0150705E3初始化不成功0150805E4未到达终端位置而被切断0150905E5车速大于警告阈值时,导流板没有伸展0151005E6车速大于报警阈值时,导流板没有伸展注:表格中标注部分为不常见或大众车型不装备的部件。



























B类标记(示例见附录c1至c7)是未来的标记形式并为了尽快实现下列优点而应用于新一代的零件:—提供更多应用可能(组装控制);—零件表面需要更少的标签面积;—单个部分的,更廉价的标签;—更少的登记开支(不需要粘贴标签);—被损坏的密码系统仍可读(2维码的自动纠错性);—可以直接并长期储存于材料内(废止标签)注释 B类标记以车辆生产厂家具有相应的系统技术及流程组织为前提条件。



This Standard is available to contracting parties solely via the B2B supplier platform .
© Volkswagen AktiengesellschaftΒιβλιοθήκη VWNORM-2011-08f
Engineering Drawings Lettering
Previous issues VW 01058: 1963-07, 1978-06, 1999-05, 2002-07, 2004-05, 2008-12, 2010-01, 2011-05
The following changes have been made compared with VW 01058: 2011-05: – Section 5.3: Title "Material field" changed to "Material specifications"; notes on adding material
Group Standard
VW 01058
Issue 2012-01
Class. No.: Descriptors:
type of lettering, drawing entry, drawing specification, drawing note, lettering, drawing, restriction on use, supplier protection, fundamental tolerancing principle
Verify that you have the latest issue of the Standard before relying on it. This electronically generated Standard is authentic and valid without signature. The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling. Numerical notation acc. to ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

VW01059-1_EN_2001-01-31 德国大众标准 全

VW01059-1_EN_2001-01-31 德国大众标准 全

Vertragspartner erhalten die Norm nur über die zuständige Beschaffungsabteilung.Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without the prior written permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group.Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the responsible procurement department.VOLKSWAGEN AGN o r m v o r A n w e n d u n g a u f A k t u a l i t ät p r üf e n / C h e c k s t a n d a r d f o r c u r r e n t i s s u e p r i o r t o u s a g e .T h e E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n i s b e l i e v e d t o b e a c c u r a t e . I n c a s ePage 2VW 010 59-1: 2001-011 ScopeThis standard is valid for all departments of the VOLKSWAGEN Group that generate, modify, receive or transmit CAD model data.2 DefinitionsCAD/CAM Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided ManufacturingModel data Geometric, technical and administrative information for the descriptionof a productCATIA CAD/CAM main system for the process sequences “body” and“electrics”Pro/ENGINEER CAD/CAM basic system for the process sequence “units”IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Specification for the transmission of designmodels; see NISTIR 4412VDAIS Acronym (VDA IGES Subset) for the specification of an IGES subset;see VDMA/VDA 66 319STEP Standard for the exchange of product model data; ISO 103 03 seriesof standards3 RequirementsThe CAD/CAM model (dimensional description and engineering technology including technical documentation) is the basis for all activities in the process sequence.Detailed requirements for a CAD/CAM data exchange are specified in the process sequence for each individual project. Existing process sequences shall not be interrupted. On-time change service is performed with CAD.The CAD/CAM model shall be kept as small as possible. It shall not contain redundant data. Design models shall exactly correspond to the actual dimension (nominal dimension) of the product to be specified. Nominal dimensions shall comply with the design model (except for drawing representation of standard parts).All CAD/CAM models shall have a logical structure. If layers are used, layers No. 0 to 254 shall be used exclusively. The structure is specified acc. to process sequence and division in other parts of this standard.VW 010 59 – 3CATIA for vehicle partsVW 010 59 – 3, Appendix 1Process Chain Specific Layer AssignmentVW 010 59 – 4CATIA for operating equipmentVW 010 59 – 5Pro/ENGINEERNeutral data formats shall list the copyright note in the commentary field of the exchange header. Part number, change date and title of the CAD model shall comply with the drawing information.Page 3VW 010 59-1: 2001-01 requirements4 Functionaldrawings4.1 CADFor CAD drawings the standards to be observed for the creation of drawings continue to be valid. Especially the following requirements must be met:VW 010 14Drawing Frames and Text MacrosVW 010 50Drawings – scale, lines, hatching, dash-dotted linesVW 010 52Drawings – representationVW 010 54Drawings – dimensioningVW 010 55Reference point system – RPS – drawingsVW 010 56Drawings – Form and Position TolerancesVW 010 58Drawings – Drawing EntriesVW 13 705Representation of surface finishCAD systems shall be configured in such a way that the requirements specified in the VW standards can be complied with.4.1.1 DrawingframesThe lower left trim edge corner shall serve as the reference point for the CAD drawing frame of Volkswagen vehicle parts with the formats A3 to A0 and A0plus.4.1.2 TitleblockVW 010 58 specifies the drawing entries. Additional specification for CAD drawings:CAD drawings do not carry any signature.The drawing verification, which is still carried out, is no longer documented on the drawing.CAD system and administration system code (part number, product data type, status of development) shall be entered in the line “CAD-System und Verwaltungssystem-Schlüssel”, in order to ensure that plots can be clearly assigned. The entry can also be made electronically (automatically when plotting).If the CAD process sequence is interrupted, the content in the "CAD-System und Verwaltungssystem-Schlüssel" field shall be deleted.The same rules apply to ENT drawings (layout) and PDM drawings (product detail mounting instructions).Page 4VW 010 59-1: 2001-014.1.3 Limit frameFor data exchange between different CAD systems using the neutral IGES or VDAIS data format,the model views shall be limited. The element in the IGES/VDAIS specification transmitting this limit is termed “drawing”.In the same manner as the individual model views the entire drawing frame shall be inserted into such a drawing (see Figure 1).Figure 1 – Views and drawing frames with drawingNote: The terms “view” and “drawing” have been utilized as they are defined in the IGES specification. The corresponding terms in the CAD systems or in the interface specification STEP may be different (Example: CAD system CATIA: drawing = VIEW FRAME).ViewsDrawingDrawing framePage 5VW 010 59-1: 2001-01 4.2 3D models in generalsystem4.2.1 VehiclecoordinateThe design of vehicle parts is in principle based on the vehicle or engine coordinate system (VW 010 52).Local coordinate systems with fixed reference to the vehicle coordinate system are permissible for components which are not tied to one model (engine, gearbox, chassis, ...). The assignment to the relevant vehicle coordinate system shall predominantly be found in the ASSY (assembly). Additional and local coordinate systems (machine-dependent) are permissible for CAM procedures (e.g. NC, measuring technology).4.2.2 CastblanksBlank models are designed without dimensional tolerances using the blank nominal dimensions, including machining allowance. If necessary, machining allowance should be stored on a separate layer.The cast blank CAD/CAM model shall contain mold separation, direction of mold separation and work levels. They are stored on a separate layer in the CAD system CATIA (see VW 010 59-3 Appendix 1).The direction of mold separation shall be identified on the mold separation using 3 elements (foot, head and connecting line) (Figure 2). The line is 100mm long.The surface model of a cast blank shall have a structure which corresponds to the mold separation,i.e., beginning from the mold separation, the core shall consist of draft angles in the direction ofmold separation.Page 6VW 010 59-1: 2001-014.3 3D models – surface modelsthickness4.3.1 MaterialIn a CAD/CAM model, material thickness is specified using a line perpendicular to the designed surface which has the length of material thickness x 100; its foot lies in the designed surface (Figure 3). This line is stored on a separate layer in the CAD system CATIA (see VW 010 59-3 Appendix 1).For this, one suitable reference surface shall be chosen.perpendicular to the surfaceFigure 3 - Representation of material thickness4.3.2 Bore, bore depth and bore axisFor describing bores in surface models, the center point (where the axis brakes through the surface), the axis and a circle with nominal diameter on the surface shall be exchanged.Bore depth shall be specified by the center point and a second point on the bore axis.Page 7VW 010 59-1: 2001-014.3.3 Holes, passages, edge finishesHoles without collar and clearance cuts shall be described with a 3D contour on the surface.For holes with collar, the collar shall be described, the same applies to indentations.Holes without collar and clearance cuts shall be described using faces. The surfaces must be blanked.Chamfers (VW 010 73) and/or edge finishes (VW 010 88) shall be clearly represented or, if necessary, exchanged additionally.4.3.4Spot welds and welded seamsIn 3D CAD models, the position of each spot weld shall be identified with two elements (line and symbol, see Figure 4).The line shall be exactly perpendicular to the surface. The length of the line is 3 x d Pmin (minimum diameter of the spot weld d Pmin acc. to VW 011 05-1) on both sides of the point of penetration through the surface.For two-sheet and three-sheet welding the same symbol is used (Figure 4).Figure 4 - Identification of a spot weld in 3D CAD modelsdiameter of the symbol = 4mmSymbol for two- and three-sheet weldingPage 8VW 010 59-1: 2001-014.3.5 Trim contours and edge contours for panelsThe trim contour represents the edge contour of the face (Figure 5).Edge contours of a group of surfaces and/or trim contours shall be structured in addition to the base surface.Figure 5 – Trim contourPage 9VW 010 59-1: 2001-01 Standards5 ReferencedVDA 4950CA data exchangeVDA 4955Scope and quality of CAD/CAM dataVDMA/VDA 66 318Rules for CAD data exchangeVDMA/VDA 66 319Specification of an IGES subset (VDA IS); basic model anddimensioningVW 010 14Drawing Frames and Text MacrosVW 010 50Drawings – scale, lines, hatching, dash-dotted linesVW 010 52Drawings – representationVW 010 54Drawings – dimensioningVW 010 55Reference point system – RPS – drawingsVW 010 56Drawings – Form and Position TolerancesVW 010 58Drawings – Drawing EntriesVW 010 59-2Data QualityVW 010 59-3CATIA for vehicle partsVW 010 59-3 Appendix 1Process Chain Specific Layer AssignmentVW 010 59-4CATIA for operating equipmentVW 010 59-5Pro/ENGINEERVW 010 73Radii and chamfersVW 010 88Edge finishes, drawing specificationsVW 011 05 (series of standards)Spot weldingVW 13 705Representation of surface finish。



180 201 511 6Q0 201 051B, S1832B 6Q0 201 051C, 6Q0 201 051 J 1K0 201 051 C, 1K0 201 051 K 1K0 129 620D, 1K0 129 620F, 1KD 129 620B, 1KD 129 620A 191 819 638 8A0 819 439A 1J0 819 644A, 180 819 644 6Q0 819 653, 6RD 820 367, 6Q0 820 367B 1K0 819 644 1H0 819 644 377 819 638 180 819 638 8A0 819 439A 6Q0 820 367B 1K1 819 653A, 1KD 819 644, 1KD 819 653 1H0 819 644A 180 819 638
OX 128/1D ECO OX128/1D机滤芯 OX 254D4 ECO OX254D4机滤芯 OX 396D ECO OX 398D ECO KL 449 KL 460 KL 450/1 KL 450 KL 479 KL 502 LX 1678 LX 1679 LX 1680 LX 1681 LX 1721 LX 1897 LX 1898 LX 1682 LX 1701 LX 1900 LX 1722 LX 1723 LX 1899 LX 2024/1 LX 3184 074环保机滤芯 劲情劲取环保机滤芯 普桑汽油滤 POLO电喷燃油滤 桑塔纳电喷燃油滤(铝) 捷达电喷燃油滤 宝来燃油滤 捷达柴油车柴滤 普桑空滤芯 2000型空滤芯 2VQS空滤芯 B5空滤芯 POLO空滤芯(1.4) 劲情劲取空滤芯 高尔空滤芯 捷达空滤芯(KF2917) 捷达王空滤芯(KF2916) 捷达柴油车空滤芯 宝来空滤芯(1.8) 宝来空滤芯(1.8T) 途安速腾空滤芯 LX2024/1空滤芯 新朗逸空滤芯



Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without prior permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group.Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the B2B supplier platform “”.© VOLKSWAGEN AGF o r m F E 41 - 01.06T h e E n g l i s ht r a n s l a t i o n i s b e l i e v e d t o b e a c c u r a t e .I n c a s e o f d i s c r e p a n c i e s t h e G e r m a n v e r s i o n s h a l l g o v e r n .N u m e r i c a l n o t a t i o n a c c o r d i n g t o I S O p r a c t i c e (s e e V W 01000).Page 2VW105 14: 2006-03NOTE: The marking shall preferably be applied by incorporation in the manufacturing bels, tags and similar items must not be used for part marking according to this standard.3 RegulationThe necessity for marking parts is specified by the responsible design engineering department using the standardized macro text (VW 010 14, ID-No. NO-E2) in the drawing.The logo type shall on principle be specified in the drawing. If this specification is missing, type S shall be used.Deviations from the necessity for marking parts may be specified by the responsible design engineering department in consultation with K-GVO-4, the original parts product definition department, Quality Assurance and Standards department.Parts which cannot be marked due to design reasons, e.g. notch sensitivity (high notch stresses) or lack of space, are excluded from the marking requirement.Volkswagen and Audi reserve the right for vehicle parts that bear logos to inspect the production facilities and to take random samples from ongoing part production.In the case of lack of space the logo marking shall take precedence over the manufacturer's code (VW 105 40-1), the country of origin (VW 105 50), the part number, the date marking (VW 105 60) and the material designation (VDA 260).The lettering/symbol size of the respective logos shall be twice as large as all other markings on the part.Differing brand logo marking of vehicle parts shall be determined as shown in Table 1 according to their use in vehicles of the different brands.Table 1 - Survey of in-house standards/data records for vehicle part markingBrand name Type Figure Dimensions acc. to in-housestandard(s), KVS1 files Volkswagen AG C (O) 1, 2 Table 2 (VW 105 10)Audi D 3 VW 105 13, KVS: LOG.000.004 Volkswagen AG and Audi A or B 4, 5 Table 2, VW 105 13Seat S.A. F, J 7, 8 VW 105 17, KVS: 395.F01.130395.F00.152Auto Europa E 6 VW 105 20SKODA AUTO a.s. M, R, N 9, 10,11 VW 105 22, KVS: LOG.000.008LOG.000.007/ LOG.000.009 Volkswagen Group S 16 KVS: LOG.000.006Lamborghini T 12 KVS: LOG.000.010Bugatti U 13 KVS: LOG.000.011Bugatti W 14 KVS: LOG.000.014Bentley V 15 KVS: LOG.000.0124 Volkswagen AG and Audi logosVehicle parts which are used exclusively in the vehicles of the Volkswagen AG brand shall be marked with the logo according to type C, Figure 1. Vehicle parts which are used exclusively in the vehicles of the Audi brand shall be marked with the logo according to type D, Figure 3.See VW 105 00 and the standards listed in Table 1 for further design rules.1 KVS = design data administration systemPage 3VW 105 14: 2006-03Figure 1 – Type C Volkswagen AG logo(Table 2) Figure 2 – Type O Volkswagen AG logo(VW 105 10)Figure 3 – Type DAudi logo (VW 105 13)Figure 4 – Type ACombined Volkswagen AG and Audi logo(Table 2 and VW 105 13)Figure 5 – Type BCombined Volkswagen AG and Audi logo(Table 2 and VW 105 13)Description of a type C logo with a nominal diameter of d 1 = 10 mm: Logo VW 105 14 – C 101)Table 2 - Dimensions for types A, B and C (mm)Nominal diameterd 11,6 2 2,5 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 d 2 1,1 1,31,62 2,5 3,2 4 5,2 6,5 8 10,51316212633d 3 1,92,34 2,93 3,54,75,8579,311,61418,6 23,3 29,1 37,2 46,5 58,2a 0,14 0,17 0,21 0,26 0,34 0,43 0,51 0,68 0,85 1,02 1,36 1,7 2,13 2,72 3,4 4,25b 0,160,20,250,30,4 0,50,60,8 1 1,2 1,6 2 2,5 3,2 4 5 c 0,04 0,05 0,06 0,08 0,10,13 0,150,2 0,25 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,625 0,8 1 1,25 f 1)0,27 0,33 0,420,50,67 0,8311,31,722,73,34,25,36,78,31) In cases when a bore or a step does not permit to use types A or B, distance "f" may be modified. Definition of dimensions: d 2=0,67 d 1; d 3=1,163 d 1; a=0,085 d 1; b=0,1 d 1; f=0,167 d 1; c=0,025 d 11)The type of mounting (i.e. cast, struck, etched, embossed, stamped, eroded, raised or recessed) shall be specified in the drawing. Ifnot stated, the choice is left to the manufacturer.Types A and B: Not for new designs. Replaced by type S.Type O:Not for new designs. Replaced by type C.Page 4VW105 14: 2006-035 Other logos used in the Volkswagen Group 5.1Auto Europa acc. to VW 105 20Figure 6 – Type E5.2Seat S.A. acc. to VW 105 17Figure 7 – Type FFigure 8 – Type J5.3 SKODA AUTO a.s. acc. to VW 105 22Figure 9 – Type MFigure 10 – Type RFigure 11 – Type NhlPage 5VW 105 14: 2006-035.4 Lamborghini logo 2)Figure 12 – Type TKVS meta file LOG 000 010 from February 2002Description example for a type T logo with a height of h = 20 mm: Logo VW 105 14 – T 20 5.5Bugatti logo 2)Figure 13 – Type UKVS meta file LOG 000 011 from March 2002Description example for a type U logo with a length of l = 20 mm:Logo VW 105 14 – U 20Figure 14 – Type WKVS meta file LOG 000 014 from November 2002Description example for a type W logo with a length of l = 20 mm: Logo VW 105 14 – W 202)The logos shown here are solely of informative nature. The dimensions specified in the descriptions are examples. Dimensions andproportional data necessary for part marking are available in the KVS system as meta files; the responsible engineering department will provide these for the manufacturer.lPage 6VW105 14: 2006-035.6Bentley logo 2)Figure 15 – Type VKVS meta file LOG 000 012 from February 2002Description example for a type V logo with a height of h = 10 mm: Logo VW 105 14 – V 10 6The word brand (Group brand logo)2)If identical vehicle parts are used in vehicles of several brands, marking acc. to type S, Figure 16 shall be used. Size and positioning of the Group logo shall be as inconspicuous as possible.Figure 16 – Type SUse the VW headline font if this is technically feasible. KVS meta file LOG 000 006 from January 1997Description example for a type S logo with a height of h = 5 mm: Logo VW 105 14 – S 57Referenced standards 2VW 010 14 Technical Drawings; Drawing Frames and Text Macros VW 010 98 Part Number SystemsVW 105 00 Company Designation, Parts Identification; Guidelines for Use VW 105 10 VW LogoVW 105 13 AUDI Logo for Vehicle PartsVW 105 17 SEAT Symbol; Brand Logo for Vehicle PartsVW 105 20 Auto Europa Trademark; Trademarks for Vehicle Parts VW 105 22 SKODA Logo for Vehicle PartsVW 105 40-1 Manufacturer's Code for Vehicle PartsVW 105 50 Country-of-Origin Identification; Vehicle Parts VW 105 60 Date Marking; Vehicle PartsVDA 260 Motor Vehicle Components; Marking of Materials2In this Section terminological inconsistencies may occur as the original titles are used.。



宝马完整VO代码VO中文说明标记177换档辅助装置M416ESA(电子底盘调节)M646不带整体式 ABSM645整体式 ABS IM630整体式 ABS IIM430车内后视镜和外后视镜,自动防眩P611BMW 夜视系统P610平视显示系统P106SecurityP109Security PlusP163排放标准 EU6(带蓝色性能的 BMW 柴油发动机)P167废气排放标准 EU4P169废气排放标准 EU3P180车顶天线P181无线电天线 / 车尾天线P188可降低车门窗玻璃,左前和右前P191可降低车门窗玻璃,右前P192可降低车门窗玻璃,左前P189可降低车门窗玻璃,前部和后部P199用于含铅燃油的装备P1CBACEA/CO2 范围P1CC自动起动停止功能P200柴油微粒过滤器P203全轮系统P205自动变速箱P206自动换档控制的手动变速箱 (SMG) P217主动转向控制P235带可拆卸球头的挂车挂钩P2TB运动式自动变速箱P2TC带双离合器的运动式自动变速箱P302报警装置P305中控锁遥控器P317车门舒适操作P322便捷上车功能P319集成式通用遥控器P337M 运动套件P356舒适气候夹层玻璃P358舒适气候挡风玻璃P3AC挂车挂钩P3AG倒车摄像机P3AH具有顶视功能的倒车摄像机P401活动天窗,电动P402全景车顶P403玻璃天窗,电动P410前部电动车窗升降机P411车窗升降机,电动P415后窗玻璃遮阳卷帘P416遮阳卷帘P417后车门侧窗玻璃遮阳卷帘,机械P431车内后视镜,自动防眩P432雨水传感器和自动防眩车内后视镜P449日本付费车内后视镜P451驾驶员主动式座椅P452后座区登车辅助系统P6FEMASK 系列新西兰P453前部主动式座椅通风装置P454后座区主动式座椅通风装置P455驾驶员和前乘客主动式座椅P456前部舒适型座椅,电动可调P459座椅调节装置,电动,带记忆功能P460后座区舒适型座椅,电动可调P461后座区座椅靠背调整,电动P490靠背宽度调整P481驾驶员和前乘客跑车座椅P488驾驶员和前乘客腰部支撑P494驾驶员和前乘客座椅加热装置P496后部座椅加热装置P4NA带数字式罗盘的车内后视镜P4NB自动空调带 4 区域控制P4UM后部座椅靠背中的按摩功能P500带挡风玻璃强力清洗装置的大灯清洗装置P502大灯清洗装置P520前雾灯P522氙气灯P524自适应转向大灯P540定速控制P541主动车速控制P544带制动功能的定速控制P563车灯套件P564车内灯套件P5AA后雾灯P5AB两级制动信号灯,取消P5AC远光灯辅助系统P5AD车道偏离报警装置P5AKLED 发光元件P5DK侧视系统(L4)/ 全景摄像机(TRSVC)(L6)P5DS行李箱紧急解除联锁装置P601电视功能P602带电视的车载显示器P612BMW 服务支持P654DAB 调谐器P655卫星调谐器P672CD 光盘转换匣 6 碟装P674高保真扬声器系统 harman/kardon P676高保真扬声器系统P677Professional 高保真系统P678后座区耳机装置P679高保真重低音音箱扬声器系统P692CD 光盘转换匣仪表总线预留接口P696DVD 机 6 碟装P6AABMW 远程保养服务P6AB控制 BMW 远程保养服务P536停车预热装置P6FG后座区视听设备P6FHProfessional 后座区视听设备P6UK带人体识别的 BMW Night Vision (夜视系统) P736第二把遥控钥匙P793自动换档控制的手动变速箱 DrivelogicP802韩国规格P807日本规格P823热带国家规格P842寒带国家规格P843发动机设计P858最少燃油的发动机设计P874无线电频率 434 MHz P875红外遥控P876无线电频率 315 MHz P896白天行车灯电路P8S1白天行车灯解码P8S5柴油微粒过滤器,取消P8SZ转弯照明灯解码P314加热式挡风玻璃清洗喷嘴P316后行李箱盖自动操作装置P229动态驾驶稳定装置P265轮胎压力监控 (RDC)P323车门自动软关装置P8AA中国车型P5DF具有Stop&Go 功能的自适应定速控制系统P123日本发动机控制单元M107ABS 功能检查M113美国官方M114西班牙巡航车灯M115舒适性特种车型 R850R M116涂覆粘接剂,薄荷绿M117涂覆粘接剂,黑色M118高反射警察字样M119高反射警察字样M120高反射警察部门字样M121涂覆粘接剂,蓝色M122加拿大转向信号灯M124LED 闪光警示灯,蓝色M125LED 闪光警示灯,红色M126LED 回旋式闪光警示灯,蓝色M127LED 回旋式闪光警示灯,红色M128赛车 ABSM129赛车 ABS 和 DTCM130箱子M136Chris Pfeiffer 车款M139特种车型,15 年,4 气门 GS M140气缸盖罩保护装置M141收音机 OCEM142日本收音机M143Bluetooth SchnittstelleM156加热套件M164座椅,灰色M165座椅,青铜米黄色M171油箱盖板 / 后部侧围板,灰色M172油箱盖板 / 后部侧围板,黑色M173运动型车轮M174运动型车辆M175取消道路用车轮组件M176较短的 1 档M178亚洲发动机控制单元M179挡风玻璃,已上色M265数字无线电全去干扰M268ECE 音频系统M269音频系统适配装置M280丹麦语操作说明M281芬兰语操作说明M282希腊语操作说明M283日本语操作说明M284波兰语操作说明M299巴西型号铭牌M301比利时型号铭牌M302法国型号铭牌M303意大利型号铭牌M304澳大利亚型号铭牌M305西班牙型号铭牌M306加拿大型号铭牌M307奥地利型号铭牌M308新西兰型号铭牌M311行李箱红色侧面反光镜M313牌照适配接头M317后排座椅限止带M318前部防喷溅护板M319CH 废气触媒转换器设码M320氙气灯M321左侧非对称大灯M322左侧非对称大灯,黑色M323持续亮M324前部和后部侧面反光镜,黄色M325侧面反光镜,前部黄色,后部红色M326车速表 mphM329调节说明提示牌M330RDC 和 DWAM331无铅汽油提示M334澳大利亚噪音指示牌M335废气和噪音指示牌M337燃油系统溢出口M338长效防冻剂M339消音器,降低噪音M340镀铬排气歧管M346瑞士降噪装置M347瑞士有害物质降低装置M350镀铬排气装置M354备选传动比 2.82M355备选传动比 2.82,用于 ABS M356备选传动比 3.20M357备选传动比 3.20,用于 ABS M358特种车型M359官方车辆套件M360特种车型 R1150RT 蓝宝石黑M362滑动管挡板M363官方车辆前排座舱M365车速表 km/hM366加强板M368轮胎,Dunlop 除外M369BehördenumfangM370美规燃油箱M371ABS IIIM372组合仪表 km/h -制动器故障- M373收音机变频器M376美规收音机M377BMW Group 机动服务提示牌M380德语车主手册M381英语操作说明M382法语操作说明M383西班牙语操作说明M384意大利语操作说明M385瑞典语操作说明M386荷兰语操作说明M387中文操作说明M391海外经销商目录M392不带辅助大灯M393特种车型M394BMW 摩托车导航器适配装置M395ECE 收音机M396国内多用途包装M397海外特种包装M400可关闭式 ABSM401部分 ABSM402后部座椅靠背M403用于语音通告装置的发动机罩接口M404380 MHz 天线M405半件饰板M406铸造车轮M407城市系统箱,香薇蓝M410城市系统箱,钛银色M411前乘客座椅M412前部侧面反光镜,黄色M413摩托车后座套件M415整体式 ABSM419侧围板,花岗岩灰色M420侧围板,黑色M430安全套件M431特种装备套件 1M432特种装备套件 2M433特种装备套件 3M434特种装备套件 4M435特种装备套件 5M436亚洲特种装备套件 1 M437亚洲特种装备套件 2 M438加拿大特种装备套件 1 M439加拿大特种装备套件 2 M440可关闭式 ABSM441回旋式警示灯,蓝色M442回旋式警示灯,红色M461全去干扰M464闪光警示灯,蓝色M465闪光警示灯,红色M466回旋式闪光警示灯,蓝色M467回旋式闪光警示灯,红色M481警示灯,蓝色M482警示灯,红色M486电子应急电源报警器M493电子声音信号装置M496软格调后排座椅M499低底盘M502官方车辆车速表 km/h M504官方车辆车速表 mphM509较大容量供电M510机油油位报警器M517泡沫塑料手柄M518座椅加热装置M519加热手柄M520取消爱尔兰车速表 mph M521停车信号传感器 -请遵守- M522闪烁报警装置M5234m 波段天线M524电子 ABSM525不带电子 ABSM530RDC 轮胎压力监控M532旋转手柄制动器M533带滑动管盖板的全饰板M534全饰板M535加装仪表板M536辅助风扇M537辅助电池M538车速调节器M539车载电脑M540带 CD 光盘驱动器的收音机M541底盘,黑色M544加强型悬架M546旅行悬架M547运动型悬架M552低挡风玻璃M553高挡风玻璃M555不带挡风玻璃M558改型挡风玻璃M559电动可调挡风玻璃M560运动型挡风玻璃M562辅助大灯M563双喇叭M565发动机导流板,黑色M566发动机导流板,银色M568驱动系,黑色M570车灯关闭M573后雾灯M580发动机扰流板M581废气再循环 SLSM582可调废气触媒转换器M583不带可调废气触媒转换器M585备选传动比M586不可调废气触媒转换器M587不带废气再循环 SLSM588转向信号灯,白色M589手套M590LED 转向信号灯,白色M594停车信号传感器 -停车,警察- M595镀铬套件M596停车信号传感器 -停车,警察- M597停车信号传感器 -停车,警察- M598停车信号传感器 -遵守警察指挥- M599语音通告装置M600对讲设备M601带格子的官方车辆燃油箱M602摩托车后座盖板M603防盗报警系统M604摇臂 -警察-M605摇臂 -警察- 供电导线M609官方车辆燃油箱M610高座椅M613可调摇臂M616用于遥控器的摇臂盖板M617附加高音扬声器M618摇臂,低M619摇臂 -便捷驾乘-,低M620转向减震器M621挡风玻璃M623机械可调挡风玻璃M625字样 -警察-,黑色,用于无线电箱M626字样 -警察-M627字样 -警察-(直)M628字样 -警察部门-M629字样 -警察-,白色,用于无线电箱M631拉力赛变速箱M633越野轮胎M634大燃油箱M636主站M638官方车辆中控锁M639普通无铅汽油M642带无线电箱的独立座椅M641独立座椅M643官方车辆 ABS 控制单元M647运动型变速箱M648超速传动变速箱M649天气保护M650ASCM651后部防喷溅护板M652铝合金管摇臂M653前车轮挡泥板,低M654前车轮挡泥板,高M655链条护板,大M659后部防喷溅护板,大M660用于专用车辆的箱子M663城市系统箱,白色M664城市系统箱,黑色M665行李架M666带支架的灭火器M667城市系统箱 -blanco-M668黑色部件M669用于官方车辆的前部翻车保护杆M670专色车轮M671前部翻车保护杆M672用于官方车辆的前部翻车保护杆M673前部翻车保护杆M674后部翻车保护杆M675带空气导管的前部翻车保护杆M676带空气导管的前部翻车保护杆,官方车辆M680铝箱支架M681行李箱支架M682官方车辆箱子支架M684电子 ABS,EvoM686带城市系统箱的箱子支架,黑色M687带城市系统箱的箱子支架,白色M689不带箱子和支架M690顶部盒子支架M691不带负责人标签M700用于铝箱的顶部盒子托架M703功率降低M709车速限制M710出口试验机专门检查M711不带十字轮辐车轮M712带音频系统的收音机M713CD 光盘转换匣M714照相机专门检查M715试验机专门检查M716新车型M717与日期有关的车辆M718柏林出厂车辆M719与批量生产日期的偏差M720功率降低 72kWM721温度和油位表M723宽频带扬声器M725带扬声器的收音机安装适配装置M726不带扬声器的收音机安装适配装置M727收音机去干扰M730新加坡规格M731M732加拿大规格M733新西兰规格M734澳大利亚规格M735芬兰规格M736英国规格M737比利时规格M738联邦规格M739巴西规格M740阿根廷规格M741M742日本规格M743奥地利规格M745意大利规格M746西班牙、卡纳拉规格M747爱尔兰规格M748国内规格M749加利福尼亚规格M750台湾规格M751可调后排座椅,无烟煤色M752双向后排座椅,无烟煤色M753后排座椅调整M754可调后排座椅,黑色M760泰国规格M761装备,Canyon 棕色M762装备,黑色M763导航系统M764插座M765双插座M766舒适型前乘客座椅M768CD 收音机和 CD 光盘转换匣M769收音机安装适配装置M770中国车型M771十字轮辐车轮M772十字轮辐车轮,用于 ABS M773座椅,黑色M774双向后排座椅,低M775舒适型座椅M776驾驶员座椅,低M777双向后排座椅,红色M778双向适配后排座椅,高M779宽轮胎M780车轮 -速度-M781三轮辐车轮M782Continental 轮胎M783象牌轮胎M785Bridgestone 轮胎M786Pirelli 轮胎M788Michelin 轮胎M789Dunlop 轮胎M790动力性车轮M791侧面空气导管M792双向后排座椅,高M793座椅,蓝色M794双向适配后排座椅,黑色M796双向后排座椅,灰色 / 黑色M797可调后排座椅,红色M798座椅,深棕色M799不带后排座椅M861Chris Pfeiffer 车款 ECE 套件M862Chris Pfeiffer 车款加拿大套件M876无线电频率 315 MHzM877无线电适配装置M901FB 启动支持M902启动支持 BG1M903启动支持 BG2M904VS 启动支持 Pulk2M905VS 启动支持 Pulk3M906VS 启动支持 DEM907VS 启动支持 Pulk4M908用于功能结构或正常批量生产的特殊部件M909正常批量生产的启动支持M910初期批量生产的启动支持M981对讲设备M990新投产系列控制M991试生产系列控制M992经销商首次装备控制M993EU-1M994批量范围扩充M995特种装备 SA 范围扩充M997。

汽油执行标准号 -回复

汽油执行标准号 -回复


这一标准号最常见的就是ROZ(Research Octane Number)和MOZ (Motor Octane Number)。
























Form FE 41 - 12.00
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Fachverantwortung/Responsibility K-QS-31 Dittmann Tel:-22392 Normung/Standards (EZTN, 1733) Wiesner Tel: +49-5361-9-29064 Sobanski
Norm vor Anwendung auf Aktualität prüfen / Check standard for current issue pri VW 501 13: 2002-11
Producing the final secure fit
No strain may be placed on the adhesive bonds for at least 24 hours after mounting. Protective side moldings and elastomer profiles Using a mounting aid, such as a hand roller with a locking mechanism that unlocks when the required minimum rolling force is achieved, these components are to be rolled over with a force of 50 N to 100 N. The rolling speed is approx. 5 cm/s. Lettering and emblems These components are in principle to be bonded with a pressure of at least 1.25 N/cm². A foamcovered wooden stamp, for example, can serve as a mounting aid. The pressing force is to be applied for at least 5 s. 3.5 Strain on the adhesive bonds
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