















































银行系统公开招聘考试中国银行综合知识真题2012年(总分:60.00,做题时间:120分钟)一、单项选择题 (总题数:60,分数:60.00)1.中国银行的战略目标是()。

(分数:1.00)A.以商业银行为核心,多元化发展B.追求卓越,持续增长,建设国际一流银行√C.立足本土,海内外一体化发展D.做大型银行集团,长期可持续发展解析: [解析] A、C、D项为中国银行的战略定位。


(分数:1.00)A.长城信用卡√B.中银BOC卡C.长城国际卡D.中银信用卡解析: [解析] 北京市分行发行长城卡之后,1986年10月中国银行做出了推广“长城卡”的决策,并在全国范围内发行了统一命名的“长城信用卡”,到1992年9月中国银行西藏自治区分行在拉萨市发行长城信用卡,“长城卡”成为第一张在全国范围内发行的信用卡。


(分数:1.00)A.绿色B.蓝色C.红色√D.青色解析: [解析] 中国银行采用红色作为标准色,一方面表达了中国传统的祈福平安的心理诉求;另一方面则表达了锐意进取、顽强稳健的创业精神。










三.综合部分1小时100题,65单选35多选1. 中国银行知识:这是每年必考的~今年考了口号,利润,排名,中行参与的活动之类的2. 时事:今年有欧债危机,大运会等3. 人力资源管理知识:好像有个几题,考了情境面试,人力资源过剩应该怎么办,工作说明书,企业外部招聘,人力资源需求预测定量方法,还有试用期最长多久。

4. 还有就是比较专业的经济金融知识了~凭记忆写些~合资公司出资方式,例如有一人之后10年不领工资,能不能算合资;短渠道分销风险迁徙:主要是五类贷款的知识,这个知识点貌似每年必考经济萧条时的货币政策QDII业务商业银行的资金业务泄露客户信息有哪些行为商业银行不能发放信用贷款给关系人,这个“关系人”指的是谁有杠杆化特征的金融产品净资产收益率公式~就是杜邦分析法~这个也比较常考国家主权评级差别定价会计档案保管的年限股指期权金融监管部门追征税款的期限国际服务贸易的对象信贷担保方式:抵押、保证、质押啥的,多选计税价格计算方式存款利率按(年,季,月,日)公布?M1,M2等的知识,也常考的知识《巴塞尔协议》信用风险记账九除法……这个完全不会!商业银行贷款余额和存款余额的比例我国的汇率标价法菲利普斯曲线特别要说的是考了几题国贸术语~CFR,CIF,FOB101. The new policy on overtime compensation ------- addresses the complaints of the union. (A) effect (B) effective (C) effectively (D) effectiveness102. It is difficult for management both to satisfy ------- to discipline such a large staff.(A) if (B) and (C) such (D) but103. Mr. Smith ------- his weekly groceries every Friday, so tell him what you need.(A) order (B) orders (C) to order (D) ordered104. President Jacobson is expected to be in town------- the meeting of industry leaders.(A) for (B) under (C) across (D) down105. The bookshelf is too big for Andrew and Jessie to carry by -------.(A) their (B) them (C) themselves (D) their own106. You will need your order tracking number to confirm the ------- of your gift on the website. (A) deliver (B) delivery (C) deliverer (D) delivered107. Janet Evans is expected to replace Mr. Bowers ------- CEO of Fabrics US following his retirement.(A) as (B) like (C) about (D) but108. For the renovation of the main stairway, please enter through either the elevator ------- the back stairwell.(A) or (B) with (C) into (D) not109. Most people shop for their home building supplies at Jay's Lumber Yard because they offer satisfaction guarantees on ------- orders.(A) any of (B) each (C) all (D) every110. ------- the Chinese buffet restaurant is in the center of the financial district, it is always busy with businessmen at lunch.(A) Therefore (B) But (C) Despite (D) Since111. Because the banquet budget was -------calculated, the planning committee had to choose a less expensive catering service.(A) inaccuracy (B) inaccurate (C) inaccurately (D) inaccuracies112. After we have received authorization from the head office, we will send ------- the employment contract to sign.(A) she (B) her (C) hers (D) herself113. Rental prices of our condos are ------- to property availability and can change at the owner's discretion.(A) subject (B) public (C) plain (D) general114. Mrs. Dowry is ------- to receive the award of public relations officer of the year.(A) pleasure (B) pleased (C) pleasing (D) please115. Recent surveys of college undergraduates indicate ------- most students plan to major in business, economics, or engineering.(A) which (B) that (C) what(D) those116. In an unprecedented ------- of kindness, the local library donated hundreds of children's books to orphanages across the city.(A) act (B) progress (C) chance (D) number117. A newly implemented management system is responsible for ------- sales at the retail store. (A) increase (B) increases (C) increased (D) increasingly118. Check the batteries of your fire alarms ------- to keep up with safety regulations.(A) avoidably (B) regularly (C) lately (D) highly119. Any requests for vacation time must have the------- of the general manager.(A) approve (B) approved (C) approval (D) approvingly120. For those who wish to join the summer internship, the ------- for turning in applications is April 16 at 10 A.M.(A) calendar (B) intention (C) admission (D) deadline121. ------- Brigg Electric has its headquarters in Los Angeles, it has branches throughout the continental US.(A) Although (B) Until now (C) or else (D) Thus122. Our professional reception staff ------- happy to assist you with any problems you may have while staying at our hotel.(A) is being (B) are being (C) would be (D) have been123. Because of an urgent personal matter, Dr. Grey's talk will be ------- until next month's gathering.(A) belated (B) directed (C) presented (D) postponed124. The community college has a total of twenty academic departments ------- its institution. (A) between (B) because (C) within (D) as for125. Human resources offers orientation seminars to ------- hired staff.(A) approximately (B) recently (C) exactly (D) comparatively126. The model of the bicycle you want is available for order ------- gray, silver, and gold.(A) in (B) at (C) to (D) of127. The town's tourist information desks are ------- by their large, bright signs.(A) identify (B) identifies (C) identity (D) identifiable128. The hospital has high ------- for the incoming surgeon, Dave Willis, who specializes in cardiac diseases.(A) expecting (B) expected (C) expectations (D) expectedly129. It is vital that employees maintain physical health for their personal benefit ------- the company's success.(A) even though (B) in order to (C) whether (D) as well as130. Political analyst Rober Shaw has been commended for the refreshing ------- in his essays on capitalism.(A) clear (B) clearly (C) clarity (D) clarifies131. Celebrations for the store's tenth ------- will include major discounts on products, free samples of food stuff, and face painting for kids.(A) date (B) anniversary (C) origin (D) inception132. The doctor ------- discovered the vaccine for the common cold is taking time off from his research for personal reasons.(A) he (B) who (C) some (D) also125. Human resources offers orientation seminars to ------- hired staff.(A) approximately (B) recently (C) exactly (D) comparatively126. The model of the bicycle you want is available for order ------- gray, silver, and gold.(A) in (B) at (C) to (D) of127. The town's tourist information desks are ------- by their large, bright signs.(A) identify (B) identifies (C) identity (D) identifiable128. The hospital has high ------- for the incoming surgeon, Dave Willis, who specializes in cardiac diseases.(A) expecting (B) expected (C) expectations (D) expectedly129. It is vital that employees maintain physical health for their personal benefit ---- the company's success.(A) even though (B) in order to (C) whether (D) as well as130. Political analyst Rober Shaw has been commended for the refreshing ------- in his essays on capitalism.(A) clear (B) clearly (C) clarity (D) clarifies131. Celebrations for the store's tenth ------- will include major discounts on products, free samples of food stuff, and face painting for kids.(A) date (B) anniversary (C) origin (D) inception132. The doctor ------- discovered the vaccine for the common cold is taking time off from his research for personal reasons.(A) he (B) who (C) some (D) also133. Of all the candidates for head of accounting, Mr. Lee is by far the most ------- and experienced.(A) conditional (B) requisite (C) secured (D) qualified134. Flower deliveries are made within 24 hours------- orders are called in by 2 P.M.(A) when (B) even (C) over (D) while135. The law firm's website has been ------- to increase usability for clients needing to track their cases.(A) progressed (B) relied (C) designed (D) notified。


















2012年银行系统招聘考试中国银行(综合知识)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 多项选择题单项选择题1.宪法作为一国的根本法,具有至高无上的地位。

新中国成立后,先后共制定颁布了4部宪法,现行宪法是( )。





2.将《义勇军进行曲》作为国歌正式写入宪法的是( )年宪法修正案。




3.在课堂上一位同学对追索权作了如下回答,其回答中( )是错误的。





2012年银行系统招聘考试中国银行(职业能力测验)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)全部题型 2. 数学能力3. 判断推理4. 常识判断5. 材料分析数学能力数字推理1.一4,一2,一8,10,一44,( )。


2.2,7,22,67,202,( )。


3.,( )。



4.,1,6,24,( )。


5.一1,2,11,26,47,( )。


判断推理图形推理6.从所给的四个选项中,选择最符合左侧图形规律的一项是( )A.B.C.D.正确答案:C解析:从元素的数量特征来解题,观察图形可以发现,每个图形的边数分别是8,6,4,6,再加一个8,可以形成一个对称数列。


7.从所给的四个选项中,选择最符合左侧图形规律的一项是( )A.B.C.D.正确答案:C解析:题干中的四个图形都由一个相同的图形在平面内旋转不同的角度而得到的,选项中C项可以由题干中的图形旋转得到。




2012年人大金融专硕专业课 431 金融学综合完整真题及答案金融学一、单项选择1.国内只流通银行券且不能兑换黄金,国际储备除黄金还有一定比重外汇,外汇在国外才可兑换黄金,黄金是最后的支付手段,这是 ______ 制度的特点。

A. 金块本位B .金币本位 C .金条本位 D .金汇兑本位2.下列说法哪项不属于于法定货币的特征 ________ 。

A.可代替金属货币 B •代表实质商品或货物C.发行者无将其兑现为实物的义务 D .不是足值货币3. 我国的货币层次划分中_________________________ M2 等于 M1 与准货币的加总,准货币包括。

A.长期存款 B •短期存款 C •长短期存款之和 D •公众持有的现金4. __________________________________________________ 我国货币当局资产负债表中的“储备货币”就是指 __________________________________________ 。

A.外汇储备 B .基础货币 C .法定存款准备 D .超额存款准备5. __________________________________________________ 在影响我国基础货币增减变动的因素中最主要的是 __________________________________________ 。

A.国外资产 B .央行对政府债权 C .央行对其他存款性公司 D .央行对其他金融性公司债权6.美联储通过公开市场操作主要调整的是 ________ 。

A.货币供应增长率 B .联邦基金利率 C .现贴现率 D .银行法定存款准备率7.如果你购买了 W 公司股票的欧式看涨期权,协议价格为每股 20 元,合约期限为 3 个月,期权价格为每股 1.5元。

若 W 公司股票市场价格在到期日为每股 21 元,则你将_________ 。






大概如下:2,3,4,5 四个数从小到大排序,数字组成不重复,第60个数是几?在一个长宽高分别为24,12,4的屋子里,把它均分成三个会议室,现给每个会议室四面墙加屋顶(好像是?记不得有没有地板了)粉刷,问总共要粉刷的面积。







中国人民银行分支机构招聘2012年部分试题经济金融类一、单选(共45道)1.食品价格上涨,引起工资增加,由此引起的通胀属于()A需求拉动型?B投资拉动型?C消费推动型?D成本推动型2.不属于商业银行经营方针的是( C )A流动性B安全性C规模性D收益性3.我国目前的汇率制度(C )A自由汇率制度 B 浮动汇率制度 C 有管理的浮动汇率制度 D 固定汇率制4.连续四年国民收入分别为4000,5500,6500,6500,则投资加速度()5.工资每小时8元时,某某一周工作40小时,收入320元?后工资涨到10元每小时,他一周工作35小时,收入350元。

问()A该人收入效应大于劳动替代效应? B劳动替代大于收入效应?C收入效应和替代效应都有作用 D ……?6.下列不属于银行的狭义表外业务的是()A……B证券代理业务?C结算代理?D其他代理?7.下列不计入GDP的是()选项好像是C(家庭主妇家务劳动)。

8. 下列哪一项货币政策工具,不能由央行独立实施的是()A法定存款准备金率?B再贴现率?C公开市场业务?D信贷规模?9. 下列指标中,反应市场上货币流动性结构的是()A M0B M1C M2D M0/M2?这个选了A,不清楚答案对错。

10.物价上涨?引起的是()A需求减少B需求增加C需求量减少D需求量增加11.人民币升值,对我国进出口的影响()A出口增加,进口减少?B出口减少,进口增加?C……D……12. 在哈罗德增长模型中,已知合意的储蓄率等于实际储蓄率,有保证的增长率小于实际增长率时:合意的资本—产量比()A大B小C=D无关13. 对利息解释的“资本租金理论”是谁提出的()14.货币需求函数为L=ky-hr,则货币供给增加200,则LM曲线移动多少()15.下列正确的是()A期限与盈利性正比 B流动性与盈利性成反比C风险与收益正向变动 D……16. 结构性通货膨胀原因()A部门工资要求同样增长B不同行业劳动生产率不同?C……D……17. 下列属于扩张型货币政策的是()B。



中国银行业从业考试公共基础真题2012年下半年(总分100, 做题时间120分钟)单选题1.下列关于改革开放初期原有“四大专业银行”分工的说法,不正确的是( )。

SSS_SINGLE_SELA 中国工商银行专门经营工商信贷和个人储蓄业务B 中国银行专门制定和执行货币政策,维护金融稳定C 中国农业银行专门经营农村金融业务D 中国建设银行专门经营基础设施建设等长期信用业务该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 0.5答案:B[解析]答案为B。



2.下列关于股份制商业银行的说法中,不正确的是( )。

SSS_SINGLE_SELA 在一定程度上填补了国有商业银行收缩机构造成的市场空白,较好地满足了中小企业和居民的融资和储蓄业务需求B 打破了计划经济体制下国家专业银行的垄断局面,促进了银行体系竞争机制的形成和竞争水平的提高C 在经营管理方面不断创新,是很多重大措施的“试验田”,从而大大推动了整个中国银行业的改革和发展D 由于体制优势带来了其发展速度快的优势,目前在总资产规模上已经超过了原有的四大国有商业银行该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 0.5答案:D[解析]答案为D。




3.根据修订后的《中国人民银行法》,下列选项中不属于中国人民银行的职责的是( )。



2012年中信银行总行招聘考试笔试试卷完整真题及答案解析第一部分英语能力测试一、单项选择1. Which of the following is not a function of money? ______.A. To act as a medium of exchangeB. To act as a unit of accountC. To act as a store of valueD. To provide a double coincidence of wantsE. To act as a means of payment2. The price in the foreign exchange market is called ______.A. the trade surplusB. the exchange rateC. the money priceD. the currency rate3. Market risk refers to the risk of______.A. financial prices fluctuationsB. defaultC. fraudD. deferred payments4. Which of the following is not among the generally accepted accounting principles? ______.A. Cash basisB. PrudenceC. ConsistencyD. Going concernE. Money measurement.5. What is a documentary letter of credit? ______.A. A conditional bank undertaking to pay an exporter on production of stipulated documentationB. A method of lending against documentary securityC. An international trade settlement system biased in favour of importersD. All of the above6. Holding a group of assets reduces risk as long as the assets ______.A. are perfectly correlatedB. are completely independentC. do not have precisely the same pattern of returnsD. have a correlation coefficient greater than one7. An amount, payable in money goods, or service, owed by a business to a creditor, is known as a/an .A. liabilityB. debtC. equityD. asset8. What function is money serving when you buy a ticket to a movie? ______.A. store of valueB. a medium of exchangeC. transaction demandD. a unit of account9. If foreigners expect that the future price of sterling will be lower, the ______.A. supply of sterling will increase, demand for sterling will fall, and the exchange rate will fallB. supply of sterling will increase, demand for sterling will rise, and the exchange rate may or may not increaseC. supply of sterling will fall, demand for sterling will increase, and the exchange rate will riseD. supply of sterling will fall, demand for sterling will fall, and the exchange rate may or may not fall10. The documentary collection provides the seller with a greater degree of protection than shipping on ______.A. open accountB. bank's letter of guaranteeC. banker's draftD. documentary credit11. Which of the following statements is not true of central banks? ______.A. They pay the government's salariesB. They always undertake the regulation of the banking systemC. They are always the lender of last resortD. None of the above12. When GBP/USD rate goes from 1.6150 to 1.8500, we say the dollar ______.A. appreciates by 12.70%B. depreciates by 14.55%C. depreciates by 12.70%D. appreciates by 14.55%13. According to diversification principle in investment, suppose you invest Stock X and Stock Y with equal funds, which of the following is not true? ______.A. If X and Y are totally independent with each other, the risk of the portfolio is reducedB. If X and Y are perfectly negatively correlated, the risk of the portfolio is perfectly offsetC. If X and Y are perfectly positively correlated, the risk of the portfolio is neither reduced nor increasedD. If X and Y are perfectly negatively correlated, the risk of the portfolio is neither reduced nor increased14. These are four main methods of securing payment in international trade:(1) payment under documentary credit(2) open account(3) collection, that is document against payment or acceptance of a bill of exchange(4) payment in advanceFrom an exporter's point of view, the order of preference is ______.A. (4) , (2) , (3) , (1)B. (4) , (1) , (3) , (2)C. (4) , (3) , (1) , (2)D. (2) , (4) , (1) , (3)15. The main liability on a bank balance sheet is ______.A. depositsB. capital and reservesC. loans and overdraftsD. cash16. ______ shows that net income for a specified period of time and how it was calculated.A. The income statementB. The capital statementC. The accounting statementD. The statement of financial condition17. Why must the liabilities and assets of a bank be actively managed? ______.A. Because assets and liabilities are not evenly matched on the same time scaleB. Because assets and liabilities are evenly matchedC. Because the interbank market uses LIBORD. Because assets and liabilities can be underwritten18. If the expected returns of two risky assets have a perfect negative correlation, then risk .A. is increasedB. falls to zeroC. is unaffectedD. is reduced by one-half19. A possible disadvantage of freely fluctuating exchange rates with no official intervention is that .A. some nations would experience continual deficitsB. the exchange rates may experience wide and frequent fluctuationsC. nations would no longer be able to undertake domestic policies designed to achieve and maintain full employmentD. nations would need a larger supply of international reserves than otherwise20. What are your GBP/USD position and the average rate if you sell £4m at 1.6350 buy £5m at 1.6340 and sell $5m at 1.6348?A. Short £2 058 478.10 long $3 370 000 at 1.6371B. Long £5 941 521.90 short $9710 000 at 1.6342C. Short £5 941 521.90 long $9 710 000 at 1.6342D. Long £4 058 478.10 short $6 630 000 at 1.633621. Under which one of the following circumstances would it be wise for your customer to arrangea forward foreign exchange contract? ______.A. Import of goods priced in a foreign currencyB. Import of goods priced in RMBC. Export of goods priced in RMBD. Export of goods priced in a foreign currency where the rate of exchange has been agreed in the sales contract22. Incoterms address ______.A. the risks of loss between the partiesB. breaches of contractC. ownership rightsD. type of ship used23. Which of the following is or was an example of representative full-bodied money? ______.A. Debt moneyB. ATS accountC. Gold certificateD. Demand deposit24. Risks associated with investing in foreign countries are the following except ______.A. voting riskB. exchange rate riskC. country riskD. political risk25. An exporter sells goods to a customer abroad on FOB and on CIF term. Who is responsible for the freight charges in each? ______.A. Exporter; ExporterB. Exporter; ImporterC. Importer; ImporterD. Importer; Exporter26. Default risk refers to the possibility that a borrower may ______.A. be unable to repay the principal on his loanB. be unable to make the interest payments on his loanC. go bankruptD. all of the above27. What is the reserve requirement? ______.A. The requirement of a bank to deposit a percentage of moneyB. The requirement for deposits in cashC. The percentage of a bank's deposits in the form of cash reservesD. The requirement for cash reserves28. A draft is like a check that can be endorsed but it isn't a title to goods, like ______.A. a bill of ladingB. an inspection certificateC. a certificate of originD. an insurance certificate29. Arbitrage ______.A. is a general economic term for buying something where it is cheap and selling it where it is dearB. keeps exchange rates consistent across marketsC. has been outlawed by the International Monetary FundD. cannot occur where there is a forward exchange marketE. both A and B30. What is the purpose of comparing the ledger entries with the documents? ______.A. To prove that all the transactions have made for the right amountsB. To prove that all the accounts have been posted correctlyC. To check the number of all the debits and creditsD. To post the right accounts31. What is Dollar Cost Averaging? ______.A. A brokerage account that gives investors cheap tradesB. The idea that prices tend to rise over the long termC. Buying stocks that are below average in valueD. A flat quarterly mutual fund fee averaged throughout the yearE. A strategy of investing money on a regular basis to take advantage of market fluctuations32. From a Chinese bank's point of view, the currency account which it maintains abroad is known as______, while a RMB account operated in China for a foreign bank is termed ______.A. a vostro account... a nostro accountB. a vostro account…a mirror accountC. a mirror account…a nostro accountD. a nostro account... a vostro account33. Under FOB terms the bill of lading would state goods ______.A. loaded on board, freight payable at destinationB. loaded on board, freight paidC. received for shipment, freight paidD. received for shipment, freight payable at destination34. The liabilities of the bank as shown in its balance sheet represent the ______ which it uses in its business.A. sources of the fundsB. share capitalC. investmentsD. advances to customers35. International payments and other messages are often sent through an international computer network called ______.A. CHAPSB. BACSC. SWIFTD. EIMT36. Low levels of uncertainty (risk) are associated with .A. stocksB. stock optionsC. higher potential returnsD. lower potential returns37. Government securities would appear on a commercial bank's balance sheet as ______.A. an assetB. reservesC. part of net worthD. a liability38. A major problem with a fixed exchange rate system is that when countries run foreign trade deficits,______.A. there is no self-correcting mechanismB. currency values become unstableC. the value of the reserve currency declinesD. world inflation increases39. In a particular economy banks are required to keep 25 percent of all deposits in the form of reserves; this gives a credit-creation multiplier of ______.A. fourB. threeC. twoD. five40. Regulation of the money supply and financial markets is referred to as ______.A. fiscal policyB. income policyC. monetary policyD. budgetary policy41. When a country runs a foreign trade deficit under a flexible foreign exchange rate system, its .A. imports automatically increaseB. currency automatically depreciatesC. exports automatically declineD. currency automatically appreciates42. Which of the following statements is not true of accounting? ______.A. Accounting is language of businessB. The user of accounting includes business, government, nonprofit organizations and individuals.C. Accounting is useful for decision makingD. Accounting is an end rather than a means to an end43. The term foreign exchange is best defined by the following statement: it is ______.A. the rate of exchange between two currenciesB. synonymous with currency exchangeC. the place in which foreign currencies are exchangedD. an instrument such as paper currency, note, and check used to make payments between countries44. What is Asset Allocation? ______.A. Buying assets of different types, risks, and potential returnsB. Buying assets with more than one brokerage accountC. The ability to buy mutual fundsD. Buying stocks for the long term45. External users of financial accounting information include all of the following except .A. suppliersB. line managersC. general publicD. creditors46. CAPM is short for .A. Capital Asset Pricing ModelB. Cash Added Price MatrixC. Capital Asset Pricing MatrixD. Cost and Price Model47. Liquidity measures the ______.A. value of an assetB. ease with which an asset can be exchangedC. usefulness of an assetD. economic and monetary reliability of an asset compared with other assets48. In a letter of credit transaction, the bank pays the seller against ______ which agree(s) with______.A. documents... the creditB. merchandise... the contractC. documents... the contractD. merchandise...the buyer ordered49. A barter economy is one that does not possess _______.A. any wealthB. printed currencyC. a medium of exchangeD. gold50. Which of the following is not true of airway bill? ______.A. When goods are delivered to the airline, the airway bill is signed by them or their agents as a receipt of the goodsB. Airway bill is a document of title to the goodsC. Airway bill may also provide evidence of despatch of the goods where it has been stamped indicating details of the relevant flightD. None of the above51. The value of money varies _____.A. directly with the unemployment rateB. directly with the price levelC. inversely with the unemploymentD. inversely with the price level52. The economics news on the television reports that the dollar has strengthened relative to the Japanese yen. This means that ______.A. the dollar has depreciated relative to the yenB. the dollar can now purchase more yenC. the yen can now purchase more dollarsD. the US trade balance with the Japanese economy has improved53. The theory of international exchange that holds that exchange rates are set so that the price of similar goods in different countries is the same is the ______.A. price feedback theoryB. trade feedback theoryC. purchasing power parity theoryD. J-curve theory54. According to the optimal portfolio theory, where should portfolios lie? ______.A. On the efficient frontierB. Above the efficient frontierC. Under the efficient frontierD. Anywhere, as long as the portfolio is diversified55. Which of the following is not a user of management accounting information? ______.A. Store managerB. CreditorC. CEOD. CFO56. Based on the scenarios below, what is the expected return for a portfolio with the following return profile? ______.Market Conditionbear Normal BullProbability 02 0.3 05Rate of return —25% 10% 24%A. 4%B. 10%C. 20%D. 25%Use the following expectations on Stocks X and Y to answer questions 17 through 19 (round to the nearest percent).Bear Market Normal Market Bull MarketProbability 0.2 0.5 0.3Stock X_ -20% 18% 50%Stock Y -15% 20% 10%57. Financial markets serve to channel funds from ______.A. the government to contractorsB. investors to consumersC. consumers to producersD. savers to investors58. The agreements that were reached at the Bretton Woods conference in 1944 established a system .A. of essentially fixed exchange rates under which each country agreed to intervene in the foreign exchange market when necessary to maintain the agreed-upon value of its currencyB. of floating exchange rates determined by the supply and demand of one nation's currency relative to the currency of other nationsC. that prohibited governments from intervening in the foreign exchange marketsD. in which the values of currencies were fixed in terms of a specific number of ounces of gold, which in turn determined their values in international trading59. Which of the following statements is not consistent with generally accepted accounting principles relating to asset valuation? .A. Assets are originally recorded in accounting records at their cost to the business entityB. Accountants prefer to base the valuation of assets upon objective, verifiable evidence rather than upon appraisals or personal opinionC. Accountants assume that assets such as office supplies, land and buildings will be used in businessoperations rather than sold at current market pricesD. Subtracting total liabilities from total assets indicates what the owner's equity in the business is worth under current market conditions60. A fiscal expansion in the UK ______ the pound sterling.A. tends to appreciateB. tends to depreciateC. does not affect the price ofD. has no predictable effect on the price of61. What are the expected returns for Stocks X and Y respectively? ______.A. 20% and 10%B. 18% and 12%C. 20% and 11%D. 18% and 5%62. Which of the following payment terms eliminates the exchange risk, assuming the exporter invoices in foreign currency? ______.A. Confirmed irrevocable documentary creditB. Open accountC. Documentary collection D/AD. None of the above63. ABC Co. Ltd. purchased a car for $ 12 000, making a down payment of $5 000 cash and signing a $7 000 note payable due in 60 days. Which of the following is not correct? ______.A. From the viewpoint of a short-term creditor, this transaction makes the business less solventB. Total liabilities increased by $7 000C. Total assets increased by $12 000D. This transaction had no immediate effect on the owner's equity in the business64. Which of the following terms of payment will entirely eliminate country risk? ______.A. Revocable documentary creditsB. Confirmed Irrevocable documentary creditsC. Documentary collection D/PD. Documentary collection D/A65. The expiry date of a documentary credit is Sunday, 24 February, and documents have to be A presented to you. Which of the following is an acceptable presentation? (Assume there is no latest stated date for shipment stipulated.) ______.A. Presentation to you on Monday 25 February with the bill of lading dated 25 FebruaryB. Presentation on Monday 25 February with the bill of lading dated Sunday 24 FebruaryC. Presentation on Tuesday 26 February with the bill of lading dated Sunday 24 FebruaryD. Presentation on Friday 22 February with the bill of lading dated Sunday 29 January66. What are the standard deviations of returns on Stocks X and Y respectively? ______.A. 15% and 26%B. 24% and 13%C. 20% and 4%D. 28% and 8%67. Who makes the first presentation of documents under a transferable credit? ______.A. ApplicantB. First beneficiaryC. Second beneficiaryD. None of the above68. A transaction caused a $10 000 decrease in both total assets and total liabilities. This transaction could have been ______.A. repayment of a $ 10 000 bank loanB. an asset with a cost of $10000 was destroyed by fireC. purchase of a delivery truck for $10 000 cashD. collection of a $10 000 account receivable69. Money ceases to serve as an effective store of value when ______.A. the government runs large deficitsB. the unemployment rate is very highC. productivity in the economy declinesD. rapid inflation occurs70. An indication that the money supply is greater than the desirable amount would be .A. insufficient spending and excessive savingB. deflationC. inadequate spending and rising unemploymentD. rising wages and prices71. If a nation's interest rates are relatively low compared to those of other countries, then the exchange value of its currency will tend to ______ under a system of exchange rates.A. appreciate... floatingB. depreciate...floatingC. appreciate... fixedD. depreciate... fixed72. Which of the following is true of a company's balance sheet? ______.A. It displays sources and uses of cash for the periodB. It is unnecessary if both an income statement and a statement of cash flows are availableC. It is a separate representation of the company's revenue and expense transactions for the yearD. It is an expansion of the basic accounting equation of Assets=Liabilities+Owner's Equity73. When Americans or foreigners expect the return on dollar deposits to be high relative to the return on foreign deposits, there is a ______ demand for dollar deposits and a correspondingly ______ demand for foreign deposits.A. higher... higherB. lower... higherC. higher... lowerD. lower...lower74. Velocity is the ______.A. inverse of GNPB. speed at which checking accounts are converted into cashC. relationship between the price level and the money supplyD. rate at which money turns over75. Assume that of your $10 000 portfolio, you invest $9 000 in Stock X and $1 000 in Stock Y. Whatis the expected return on your portfolio? ______.A. 18%B. 20%C. 19%D. 3%76. Which of the following would you expect to find in a correctly prepared income statement? .A. Cash balance at the end of the periodB. Expenses incurred during the period to earn revenuesC. Contributions by the owner during the periodD. The reported company's financial position at a specific date77. The concept of beta is most closely associated with ______.A. correlation coefficientB. the capital asset pricing modelC. nonsystematic riskD. mean-variance analysis78. The velocity of money for a given year can be calculated by ______.A. dividing GNP by the money supplyB. dividing aggregate supply by aggregate demandC. dividing the price level by the money supplyD. multiplying the price level by total output79. The theory of purchasing power parity states that exchange rates between any two currencies will adjust to reflect changes in ______.A. the price levels of the two countriesB. the current account balances of the two countriesC. the fiscal policies of the two countriesD. the trade balances of the two countries80. Before issuing a credit, it is important for the issuing bank ______.A. to make certain of the importer's creditworthinessB. to go through the contract termsC. to have a thorough understanding of the exporterD. all of the above答案:1.D2.B3.A4.A5.A6.C7.A8.B9.A 10.A11.B 12.B 13.D 14.B 15.A 16.A 17.A 18.B 19.B 20.D21.A 22.A 23.C 24.A 25.D 26.D 27.A 28.A 29.E 30.B31.E 32.D 33.A 34.A 35.C 36.D 37.A 38.A 39.A 40.C41.B 42.D 43.D 44.A 45.B 46.A 47.B 48.A 49.C 50.B51.D 52.B 53.C 54.A 55.B 56.B 57.A 58.A 59.D 60.A61.A 62.D 63.C 64.B 65.B 66.B 67.C 68.A 69.D 70.D71.B 72.D 73.C 74.D 75.C 76.B 77.B 78.A 79.A 80.A二、翻译1、金融危机下尽管当前市场行情不尽如人意,但国家、协会都在努力帮助和推动的行业发展、所以越在这困难时候抓住机遇,提高自身竞争力抢占市场,并由粗放式的增长方式向质量效益的增长方式转变,最终在危机中蜕变、升华。






































1.CIF什么意思,成本加保险费加运费;CFR价=FOB价+运费 ;好像还有个什么的,都是国际贸易术语。


3.贸易顺差是指在特定年度一国出口贸易总额大于进口贸易总额,又称“ 出超”.4.当边际收益大于边际成本,则加大生产收入总额将a.增加b.减少c.先增后减5.蒙代尔的三元结构悖论(国际金融学到过)6.会计分录和银行贷款引起负债增加(建议看基础会计)7.中行2006年上市地点:香港、上海8.中行常用口号(这题变态)9.中行近期获得荣誉10.中行利润11.今年残运会宣传语“。































数字推理与公务员考试相比简单了许多,题量也少很多,只要平时多加练习就可以了,至于部分我就记得两道题目:1.四大皆空指的是()A 地火水风 B 春夏秋冬C 衣食住行D 东南西北2  科举出现在()选项有汉朝隋朝南北朝唐朝第三部分称之为综合知识,就是综合了财管,会计,国贸,金融,西经,管理,中行知识,时政新闻。


具体的题目记不太清楚了,能回忆起来的相关的知识点为大家罗列如下:1 计算财务杠杆和营业杠杆;2 从宏观角度考虑货币需求的理论公式;3 提出财政支出膨胀法则是谁;4.税收扣除比例(职工的教育费,福利费用等)5.国库集中支付制度;6 承兑交单,付款交单,跟单信用证(比较风险大小)7 打包放款和出口押汇的区别;8.买方信用证(假信用证)9.惠伦模型(这个没学过)10 夏普比率11.定义型:相对市场占有率,中间价;12 考到了商业银行法中对商业银行经营行为的规定;(在商业银行经营管理学应该可以查到)13.贷款的三道防线,贷款级别(每次考试都会考到的);14 是否行使期权以及行使得到的利益计算;15 沪深300交割的月份有哪些;16 影响商品需求曲线移动的因素17 商品弹性18 套算汇率19 收入贸易条件;20 福费廷(这个是每次考试都会考到的)21 托收和信用证的比较(貌似是记不清楚了)22 杜邦分析法的核心比例是(这个也是每次都考的内容)以上就是和同学一起回忆的知识点了,中行知识和时政新闻就靠大家平时的积累了。

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三.综合部分1小时100题,65单选35多选1. 中国银行知识:这是每年必考的~今年考了口号,利润,排名,中行参与的活动之类的2. 时事:今年有欧债危机,大运会等3. 人力资源管理知识:好像有个几题,考了情境面试,人力资源过剩应该怎么办,工作说明书,企业外部招聘,人力资源需求预测定量方法,还有试用期最长多久。

4. 还有就是比较专业的经济金融知识了~凭记忆写些~合资公司出资方式,例如有一人之后10年不领工资,能不能算合资;短渠道分销风险迁徙:主要是五类贷款的知识,这个知识点貌似每年必考经济萧条时的货币政策QDII业务商业银行的资金业务泄露客户信息有哪些行为商业银行不能发放信用贷款给关系人,这个“关系人”指的是谁有杠杆化特征的金融产品净资产收益率公式~就是杜邦分析法~这个也比较常考国家主权评级差别定价会计档案保管的年限股指期权金融监管部门追征税款的期限国际服务贸易的对象信贷担保方式:抵押、保证、质押啥的,多选计税价格计算方式存款利率按(年,季,月,日)公布?M1,M2等的知识,也常考的知识《巴塞尔协议》信用风险记账九除法……这个完全不会!商业银行贷款余额和存款余额的比例我国的汇率标价法菲利普斯曲线特别要说的是考了几题国贸术语~CFR,CIF,FOB101. The new policy on overtime compensation ------- addresses the complaints of the union. (A) effect (B) effective (C) effectively (D) effectiveness102. It is difficult for management both to satisfy ------- to discipline such a large staff.(A) if (B) and (C) such (D) but103. Mr. Smith ------- his weekly groceries every Friday, so tell him what you need.(A) order (B) orders (C) to order (D) ordered104. President Jacobson is expected to be in town------- the meeting of industry leaders.(A) for (B) under (C) across (D) down105. The bookshelf is too big for Andrew and Jessie to carry by -------.(A) their (B) them (C) themselves (D) their own106. You will need your order tracking number to confirm the ------- of your gift on the website. (A) deliver (B) delivery (C) deliverer (D) delivered107. Janet Evans is expected to replace Mr. Bowers ------- CEO of Fabrics US following his retirement.(A) as (B) like (C) about (D) but108. For the renovation of the main stairway, please enter through either the elevator ------- the back stairwell.(A) or (B) with (C) into (D) not109. Most people shop for their home building supplies at Jay's Lumber Yard because they offer satisfaction guarantees on ------- orders.(A) any of (B) each (C) all (D) every110. ------- the Chinese buffet restaurant is in the center of the financial district, it is always busy with businessmen at lunch.(A) Therefore (B) But (C) Despite (D) Since111. Because the banquet budget was -------calculated, the planning committee had to choose a less expensive catering service.(A) inaccuracy (B) inaccurate (C) inaccurately (D) inaccuracies112. After we have received authorization from the head office, we will send ------- the employment contract to sign.(A) she (B) her (C) hers (D) herself113. Rental prices of our condos are ------- to property availability and can change at the owner's discretion.(A) subject (B) public (C) plain (D) general114. Mrs. Dowry is ------- to receive the award of public relations officer of the year.(A) pleasure (B) pleased (C) pleasing (D) please115. Recent surveys of college undergraduates indicate ------- most students plan to major in business, economics, or engineering.(A) which (B) that (C) what(D) those116. In an unprecedented ------- of kindness, the local library donated hundreds of children's books to orphanages across the city.(A) act (B) progress (C) chance (D) number117. A newly implemented management system is responsible for ------- sales at the retail store. (A) increase (B) increases (C) increased (D) increasingly118. Check the batteries of your fire alarms ------- to keep up with safety regulations.(A) avoidably (B) regularly (C) lately (D) highly119. Any requests for vacation time must have the------- of the general manager.(A) approve (B) approved (C) approval (D) approvingly120. For those who wish to join the summer internship, the ------- for turning in applications is April 16 at 10 A.M.(A) calendar (B) intention (C) admission (D) deadline121. ------- Brigg Electric has its headquarters in Los Angeles, it has branches throughout the continental US.(A) Although (B) Until now (C) or else (D) Thus122. Our professional reception staff ------- happy to assist you with any problems you may have while staying at our hotel.(A) is being (B) are being (C) would be (D) have been123. Because of an urgent personal matter, Dr. Grey's talk will be ------- until next month's gathering.(A) belated (B) directed (C) presented (D) postponed124. The community college has a total of twenty academic departments ------- its institution. (A) between (B) because (C) within (D) as for125. Human resources offers orientation seminars to ------- hired staff.(A) approximately (B) recently (C) exactly (D) comparatively126. The model of the bicycle you want is available for order ------- gray, silver, and gold.(A) in (B) at (C) to (D) of127. The town's tourist information desks are ------- by their large, bright signs.(A) identify (B) identifies (C) identity (D) identifiable128. The hospital has high ------- for the incoming surgeon, Dave Willis, who specializes in cardiac diseases.(A) expecting (B) expected (C) expectations (D) expectedly129. It is vital that employees maintain physical health for their personal benefit ------- the company's success.(A) even though (B) in order to (C) whether (D) as well as130. Political analyst Rober Shaw has been commended for the refreshing ------- in his essays on capitalism.(A) clear (B) clearly (C) clarity (D) clarifies131. Celebrations for the store's tenth ------- will include major discounts on products, free samples of food stuff, and face painting for kids.(A) date (B) anniversary (C) origin (D) inception132. The doctor ------- discovered the vaccine for the common cold is taking time off from his research for personal reasons.(A) he (B) who (C) some (D) also125. Human resources offers orientation seminars to ------- hired staff.(A) approximately (B) recently (C) exactly (D) comparatively126. The model of the bicycle you want is available for order ------- gray, silver, and gold.(A) in (B) at (C) to (D) of127. The town's tourist information desks are ------- by their large, bright signs.(A) identify (B) identifies (C) identity (D) identifiable128. The hospital has high ------- for the incoming surgeon, Dave Willis, who specializes in cardiac diseases.(A) expecting (B) expected (C) expectations (D) expectedly129. It is vital that employees maintain physical health for their personal benefit ---- the company's success.(A) even though (B) in order to (C) whether (D) as well as130. Political analyst Rober Shaw has been commended for the refreshing ------- in his essays on capitalism.(A) clear (B) clearly (C) clarity (D) clarifies131. Celebrations for the store's tenth ------- will include major discounts on products, free samples of food stuff, and face painting for kids.(A) date (B) anniversary (C) origin (D) inception132. The doctor ------- discovered the vaccine for the common cold is taking time off from his research for personal reasons.(A) he (B) who (C) some (D) also133. Of all the candidates for head of accounting, Mr. Lee is by far the most ------- and experienced.(A) conditional (B) requisite (C) secured (D) qualified134. Flower deliveries are made within 24 hours------- orders are called in by 2 P.M.(A) when (B) even (C) over (D) while135. The law firm's website has been ------- to increase usability for clients needing to track their cases.(A) progressed (B) relied (C) designed (D) notified。
