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18. The w__e_a_k_n_e_s_s__( 软弱) his character leads to total failure in the campaign.
19. The modern actress who has a s_l_im__ (纤细)
Waist often appears on TV. 20. We all can’t help _s_ig_n_i_n_g__(叹息) when we
13.There is a small a _a_m_o_u_n_tof food and we must think out an idea to get more.
14. For the b_b_e_n_e_f_it_ of people’s health, we must build more advanced hospitals.
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3. As is well known, every road l_le_a_d_s to Rome.
4. The stone on the playground were placed in the s_s_h_a_p_e__ of the letters OK.
5. It is hard to know the o_o_r_ig_i_n of the human race, that is, how the human race comes out.
58. We were all t_e_r_ri_f_ie_d_(惊恐)by the bomb attack happened in that street.
59. The track was three meters b_b_r_o_a_d_.
60. I had never seen a man of many _g_if_ts___(才 华).
54. Please don’t b_b_o_t_h_e_r_ me, for I have a lot of work to do now.
55. The weather is e_e_x_t_re_m__e_ly__ cold, so you’d better put on your coat.
23. It is bad m_m_a_n_n_e_r_s__ to spit in public.
24. Many people think the man dressed in rr_a_g_s__ is a beggar. In fact they are wrong.
25. What you do can a_a_c_c_o_u_n_t_ for what you say before us.
也出有回:向前飞跑,凤萧玉只赖施铺轻功:紧紧跟在他的后面.霍天云再斗娄烈之时:他们已经是到了幽谷的无人的天圆!~那少年依旧不肯言步:又跑了一程:到了山顶的树林深处:方ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu说说:*美了:我们可以歇壹歇了.*~凤萧玉叙--*恩公:我借没有供教您的下姓教名!*~那少
29. Don’t be _ru_d_e___(粗鲁) to the taxi driver. It is not his fault that the traffic is heavy.
30. The new manager is intelligent and hardworking, and moreover he has many_n_o_v_e_l_(新奇的) ideas.
56. After returning from abroad they s_e_t_t_le_d_ down(定居) in Shanghai.
57. Smith and Tom have as_l_ig_h_t_ly__ (稍微) different attitude about this problem.
11. You know I am not an able man and there is a l_li_m_i_t to what I can do for you.
12. The famous scientist devotes himself to r_re_s_e_a_r_c_h_i_n_g_ on the effects of radioactivity.
6. On my _a_rr_iv_a_l__(到达) at the hotel, he gave me a sweet kiss.
7. I always a_d_m__ir_e_(钦佩) the man in blue for his devotion to the tiring job.
8. You see, the e_n_e_r_g_e_t_ic__(精力充沛的)young man plays basketball day and night.
9. With my father p_e_r_m__is_s_i_o_n__ (允许), I may have a swim when I want to.
10. It is time that you a_p_o_l_o_g_i_z_e_d_(道歉) to Tom for your having done wrong to him .
41. City life is very d_d_if_fe_r_e_n_t from country life. 42. The fire s s_p_r_e_a_d_ from the factory to the
house nearby.
43. In this v_v_io_l_e_n_t conflict ,about 20 common people died.
51. A m_m_i_n_is_t_e_r of this government will visit Beijing next month.
52. She f_fi_g_u_r_edout that he was leaving on Tuesday
53. The o_o_f_fi_c_ia_l_ languages of Canada English and French.
46. Your _p_r_e_s_e_n_c_e__(出场) is requested at the club meeting on Friday.
47. Pieces of rubbish were floating on the _s_u_rf_a_c_e__(表面)of the river.
heard the death of Gao Xiumin.
21. Yesterday I made a b_b__e_t _ on who will get the first prize.
22. We all think it wrong to judge a person by his aa_p__p_e_a_ra_n_c_e_.
44. It allowed the earth to dissolve h_h_a_rm__f_u_l gases, which formed part of the atmosphere.
45. With the d_d_e_v_e_l_o_p_m__e_n_t _ of society, we come to realize the importance of the balance of nature.
15. There are many i_it_e_m__s to be discussed in our meeting today.
16. In some places in Japan, people are used to eat r_a_w__(生的) fish.
17. In summer r_o_a_s_t_e_d(烘烤) mutton is very popular and sells well.
1. All the students in Class 7 are s__s_a_ti_s_fi_e_d_
with their English’s teaching methods.
2. People light incense before graves in m_m_e_m__o_r_y of their ancestors.
26. Tom is j_e_a_lo_u__s (嫉妒) of his friend’s ability and hates himself.
27. I easily s_p__o_tt_e_d(认出) him in the crowd because he was very tall.
28. Weather _p_e_rm__i_tt_in_g_ (允许), we’ll go out to climb the hill.
48. I wasd_i_s_a_p_p_o_i_n_te_d_(失望的) to hear that he lost the last game.
49. I think we should try again using a different ____m_e_t_h_o_d____(方法)
50. The a_t_m__o_s_p_h_e_r_e_(气氛)at home’s been depressing since they had that fight.