David Robert Joseph Beckham
布 鲁 克 林 看 起 来 颇 有 其 父 的 【 风 蕴 】
罗 密 欧 长 发 飘 逸 , 似 乎 是 有 踢 球 的 天 赋
克 鲁 兹 被 父 亲 揽 着
10年前,贝克汉姆的名字初为世界知 晓,从此拉开了一段竞技与商业联姻的奇 迹。与维多利亚的恋情曝光、98世界杯红 牌、世纪婚礼、长子出生、辣妹解散、希 腊进球、转会皇马、婚姻危机、接受白金 汉宫嘉奖、点球噩梦、流泪辞职……贝克 汉姆的每一处人生细节,都像是时代的印 记。
• 而他的家庭,永远是他的生命中最重要的一部分
• (羡慕> <)
• 1999年7月4日,贝克汉姆与维多利亚正式在爱尔 兰的都柏林举行了豪华的婚礼
当 时 他 们 的 大 儿 子 布 鲁 克 林 刚 出 生
• 布鲁克林(Brooklyn Joseph,1999年3月 4日出生)、 • 罗密欧(Romeo James,2002年9月1日 出生) • 克鲁兹(Cruz,2005年2月20日出生)。 • 那么谁能继承贝氏弧线?
……= =
英 格 兰 则 是 他 永 远 的 归 属
• 对于如此一张眉清目秀而又棱角分明的[美 男子]之脸(……= =),如何不能心生歹念? (囧 ) • 无论是休闲运动或是西装革履,隐藏不住 的都是完美[让人浮想联翩> <]的轮廓。
• 贝氏神话 • 十年不灭
thanks a lot. 08.4.19.
最喜欢的球星:霍德尔、赖恩-罗布森、坎通纳 喜欢的颜色是: 红色 喜欢的水果是:香蕉 最喜欢的美食:泡面、意大利菜、印度菜、中国菜、炸鱼、 薯片 最喜欢的早餐:燕麦粥 最喜欢的中餐和晚餐:豌豆番茄汁涂面包和奶酪 最喜欢的饮品:香槟、红酒、矿泉水 家里的厨师:两名英国王室御厨 最喜欢的电视节目:运动类 最喜欢的音乐类型:流行音乐、House音乐、意大利歌剧、 黑人音乐
小贝出生在伦敦东区, 父亲爱德华是一名厨 师,母亲桑德拉· 韦斯 特是一名美容师(小 贝的时尚感也许来源 于此)。小时候,小 贝参加了博比· 查尔顿 的足球学校。再一次 街头足球比赛中,小 贝荣获第一名并赢得 了一次去巴塞罗那参 加训练课的机会。7 岁那年,加盟了父亲 执教的业余球队瑞德 维勒沃斯队在自传中, 小贝回忆,自己在 1986年曼联同西汉姆 的比赛中,曾担任过 球童,他记得自己捡 起球扔回给布赖恩· 罗 布森,当时,恐怕没 人想到这个小孩未来 会是怎样。
• 2010年,为了心中的那个南非梦,他再度来到了AC米兰。与去 年征战联盟杯不同,这一次,他将会时隔三年重新回到欧洲冠军 联赛。 3月10日,在老特拉福德,7万6千人,见证了一个巨星在 欧洲冠军联赛上的谢幕。在AC米兰败局已定的情况下,莱昂纳 多这才姗姗来迟地换上了他。此时,几万名球迷起立鼓掌,欢迎 他们的王子回到这个梦开始的地方 ,最终,曼联大比分晋级 ,
●英格兰青年足总杯1次 (1991-1992) • 青年足总杯亚军1次(1993)曼 联联时代(7张) • ●英超联赛冠军6次 (1995-1996、 1996-1997、1998-1999、1999-2000、 2000-2001、2002-2003) • ●英格兰足总杯冠军2次 (19951996、1998-1999) • ●英格兰慈善盾冠军1次 (1997) • ●欧洲冠军联赛冠军1次 (19981999) • ●丰田杯冠军1次 (1999) • ●西班牙超级杯 1次 (2003) • ●西班牙甲级联赛亚军1次 (2004) • ●西班牙甲级联赛冠军1次 (2006-2007) • ●美国职业大联盟西部决赛冠军 1次(2009) • ●美国职业大联盟总决赛 亚军2 次(2009 2010 )
全名:大卫·罗伯特·约瑟夫·贝克汉姆(David Robert Joseph Beckham)出生时间:1975年5月2日出生地点:伦敦雷顿斯通(Leytonstone London)婚姻状况已婚身高:1.83米体重:75公斤星座:金牛座血型:O型头发:浅棕色眼睛:绿色衣服尺码:XL 场上位置:中场(右前卫)鞋子尺码:UK9(相当于我国的43码)原效力俱乐部:英超曼彻斯特联队(Manchesta United)(7号)现效力俱乐部:西甲皇家马德里队(Realmadrid)(23号)国家队:英格兰队前英格兰国家队队长(7号)妻子:维多利亚·亚当斯·贝克汉姆(Victoria.Adam.Beckham)生日:1974年4月17日大儿子:布鲁克林(Brooklyn) 生日:1999年3月4日二儿子:罗密欧(Romeo) 生日:2002年9月1日三儿子:克鲁兹(Cruz)、生日:2005年2月20日父亲:特德-贝克汉姆、母亲:桑德拉-贝克汉姆、姐姐:丽妮-贝克汉姆、妹妹:乔安妮-贝克汉姆、岳父:托尼-亚当斯、岳母:杰妮-亚当斯父亲职业:厨房技工母亲职业:美容师经纪人:特里-拜恩最喜欢的美食:泡面、意大利菜、印度菜、中国菜、炸鱼、薯片最喜欢的早餐:燕麦粥最喜欢的中餐和晚餐:豌豆番茄汁涂面包和奶酪家里的厨师:两名英国王室御厨最喜欢的水果:香焦最喜欢的球星:霍德尔、赖恩-罗布森、坎通纳最喜欢的设计师:Gucci、Armani最喜欢的颜色:红色最喜欢的电视节目:运动类最喜欢的运动(除足球外):板球、橄榄球、拳击最喜欢的音乐类型:流行音乐、House音乐、意大利歌剧、黑人音乐最喜欢的饮品:香摈、红酒、矿泉水最喜欢的夜生活:和维多利亚依偎在家中看电视,吃着中餐外卖最喜欢的文身工作室:密德勒顿(位于曼彻斯特)坐骑:福特Escort,Ranger Rover,Bentliey, 美洲豹XK8,保时捷911Turbo, 法拉利F550 Maranello,悍马H2,兰博基尼,TV跑车,布加迪威龙跑车等,一共27辆。
“万人迷” “一个牵动世界的人”
“一个用右脚统治世界 的人” 你以为他是一个明星 没错,他是一位足球明 星!
留在视线深处的、留在 记忆深处的、留在灵魂 深处的、还是那轮圆月 弯刀、那银月精灵的面 庞、那无声的咆哮~
“他的妻子” 维多利亚· 贝克汉姆,是 英国歌手和时尚设计师, 是前流行组合辣妹的成 员之一。。1999年7月4 日与英格兰大卫· 贝克汉 姆结婚。
他是明星 他老婆也是明星 他是7号
他退役了………… 视频》》》
全名:大卫· 罗伯特· 约瑟 夫· 贝克汉姆 ( David Robert Joseph Beckham )
称号:“万人迷”、 “小贝”、“Becks”、 “大卫”、“贝”、 “碧咸”、“David ”
• 效力过的俱乐部:普雷 斯顿1994/95,曼彻斯特 联1995/03(24号、10号、 7号),皇家马德里 2003/07(23号),洛杉 矶银河2007/09 (23 号),AC米兰 (32号) 现效力俱乐部:洛杉矶 银河队 • 国家队:英格兰 1996/2009 -英格兰国家 队队长(7号)115场 (101场首发 )
“救赎中成熟——绝杀希腊” 2001年,英格兰队在世界杯 预选赛迎来了最后一个对手 希腊队,英格兰队必须至少 打平才能进入决赛圈。 但 是直到补时阶段,英格兰 队却始终落后于希腊。作为 队长的他,比赛的最后一分 钟,补时差不多已经结束, 贝克汉姆助跑,侧身,起脚, 弯刀一样的皮球再一次划出收 割人命的弧线! 视频》》》
“复仇阿根廷” 2002年6月7日, 英格兰再度遭遇 了阿根廷。这一 次,他以一粒点 球绝杀阿根廷。 他用怒吼宣泄着 四年的压抑。
2003年夏天,贝克汉姆离开曼联,加盟皇马,成为银河战舰的一员。 贝克汉姆又与自己的秘书丽贝卡“勾搭”上,这桩丑闻在2004年初曝 光,在葡萄牙欧洲杯前夕,贝克汉姆夫妇险些离婚。
作为一位父亲,贝克汉姆 获得 过两项对他而言非常重要的奖 项———英国一家医疗保险公 司评选的“完美父亲” 以及著名的500强公司爱普森所 评选的“名人爸爸”。
这部耗资达500万英镑的广告片很受 小贝喜爱,摄制完成后他承认已经深 深地喜欢上了剧中的角色。 Pepsico
阿迪达斯早前邀请其代言人贝克汉姆、街头品 牌UNDEFEATED设计师James Bond共同设 计服饰,最近就为这一联名系列服饰,正式举 办了发布会。. adidas
阿迪达斯公司 同贝克汉姆 达成协议,出资1亿英镑购 得了他同企鹅合影的广t?
David Robert Joseph
大卫· 罗伯特· 约瑟夫· 贝克汉姆
贝克汉姆代言广告品牌介绍如下: H&M 阿迪达斯 三星 雅虎 路易威登LV 安普里奥·阿玛尼 以及 各种主题的公益广告
阿迪达斯 春夏系列
三星电子于2011年4月28日在伦敦沙威饭 店举行仪式,正式聘请著名球星大卫· 贝 克汉姆为2012年伦敦奥运会全球品牌形 Samsung 象大使。
2011年10月18日 07:28
来源:东方早报 作者:张斌 选稿:刘亨
将当下的贝克汉姆定义为时尚人士肯定是没错 的,你可以不知道他代言何种品牌,但其精心 雕琢的精品形象早就深入人心了……
容貌无法用客观指标去定义的,但财富一定是可以的。 感谢《442》杂志持之以恒地为英国足球明星以及投 资人盘点财富,2010-2011年周期中,贝克汉姆依然 以1.38亿英镑的收益位居球员榜第一位。
In Chelsea's history, as of March 18, 2013, Lampard has scored 200th individual goals for Chelsea (including the events of the team).
Wayne Rooney
Born in October 24, 1985 in Crocker Crocker, Liverpool, England football player, field position division forward, also competent for the front, wingers and front waist, for the Premier League Football Club of Manchester. Rooney, from the Everton youth training system, was promoted to the Everton first team at the age of 16, and completed the Premiership debut at the age of 17, and scored the first goal in the Premier League. In the summer of 2004, Rooney transferred from Everton to the Premier League, 1, at 27 million pounds. On the national team, Rooney, 17, was elected to the national team and took part in the 2004, 2012 two European Championships and the 2006, 2010 and 2014 three world cups with the England national team.
仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit1 Topic1 背景材料:人物传记贝克汉姆(中英文)
人物传记贝克汉姆(中英文)David Robert Joseph Beckham, (born 2 May 1975) is an English footballer, who plays in midfield. He plays for and captains Major League Soccer's Los Angeles Galaxy and is also a member of the England national team. He earned his much publicised 100th cap for England against France in March 2008.He has twice been runner-up for FIFA World Player of the Year, and in 2004 was the world's highest-paid footballer. He was Google's most searched of all sports topics in both 2003 and 2004. Such global recognition has made him an elite advertising brand and a top fashion icon. Beckham was captain of England from 15 November 2000to 2 July 2006. He made 58 appearances as captain, and ended his tenure in that role after the 2006 FIFA World Cup finals,however, continued to make contributions for the England national team in competitions after this. Beckham captained Manchester United for the first time on 21 October 2000 in a Premiership match against Leeds United, coming on as a substitute for injured team captain Roy Keane.Beckham's contract with Los Angeles Galaxy became effective on 1 July 2007 and gave him the highest salary of any MLS player in history. He débuted for the team on 21 July in a friendly versus Chelsea at The Home Depot Center, and on 15 August, he had his first start with the team, scoring his first goal in the 2007 SuperLiga semi-final. His first league start then came on 18 August in front of a record crowd at Giants Stadium.大卫·罗伯特·约瑟夫·贝克汉姆(David Robert Joseph Beckham OBE,1975年5月2日-),是一位英格兰著名足球运动员,前任英格兰国家队队长,目前效力于美国洛杉矶银河。
贝克汉姆David Robert Joseph Beckham,1975年5月2日-,前任英格兰国家队队长,曾效力于曼联、皇马、AC米兰、洛杉矶银河等豪门俱乐部。
中文名: 迈克尔.詹姆斯.欧文 外文名: Michael James Owen 别名: 米杰特.杰姆(Midget Gem)
国籍: 英国
出生地: 切斯特 出生日期: 1979年12月14日 身高: 1.72米 体重: 70千克 运动项目: 足球 所属运动队: 曼联 主要奖项: 联赛杯冠军3次 英超最佳射手两次 欧洲足球先生(金球奖) 社区盾杯冠军(2001年) 欧洲联盟杯冠军(2001年) 球衣号: 7号
1989年第七届17岁以下丹麦欧洲足球锦标赛冠军(葡萄牙少年队) 1991年20岁以下葡萄牙世界足球锦标赛冠军(葡萄牙青年队)
2000年欧锦赛4强 2004年欧锦赛亚军 2006年德国世界杯殿军 里斯本竞技: 1995年葡萄牙杯赛冠军(里斯本竞技) 巴塞罗那: 西班牙足球甲级联赛冠军:1997/1998赛季、1998/1999赛季 西班牙国王杯冠军:1996/1997赛季、1997/1998赛季 西班牙超级杯冠军:1996年 欧洲优胜者杯冠军:1997年 欧洲超级杯冠军:1997年 皇家马德里: 西班牙足球甲级联赛冠军:2000/2001赛季、2002/2003选手
1959 南美杯最佳射手(9 球)
1962 智利FIFA世界杯冠军 1966 英格兰FIFA世界杯第一轮 1970 墨西哥FIFA世界杯冠军 92 场比赛、97 粒入球 创记录的巴西最佳射手 1363场比赛中1281粒入球——最高世界记录 1999 年被国际奥运委员会(IOC)选举为“世纪运动员”。 贝利攻进第一千个球
中文名: 贝利 巴西
外文名: Pele
别名: 球王
出生地: 巴西的特雷斯科拉索内斯镇 10月23日
出生日期: 1940年
身高: 174cm
姓名:姚明(Yao Ming)
生日:1980.9.12 身高:250cm 体重:250kg 国籍:中国 籍贯:上海
姓名: 贝克汉姆(Beckham) 英文名:David Robert Joseph Beckham 全名:大卫· 罗伯特· 约瑟夫· 贝克汉姆
出生日期:1975年5月2日 出生地点:伦敦雷顿斯通
性别:男 民族: 汉 身高:1.89米 英文名:Liu Xiang 项目:田径110米栏 /60米栏跳远 生日:1983.7.13 籍贯:上海 生肖:猪 星座:巨蟹座 出生地点:上海普陀区
姓名:邓亚萍 (YAPING DENG) (乒乓球
中国) 生日:1973年2月6日 生地:中国,河南,郑州 国籍: 中国 项目: 乒乓球
性别:女 籍贯:湖北武汉 生日:1978.8.16 身高:1.60米
项目: 跳水
姓名:胡佳(Hu Jia)
籍贯:湖北武汉 性别:男 生日:1983.1.10 身高:1.70米
大卫· 贝克汉姆
大卫· 罗伯特· 约瑟夫· 贝克汉姆(David Robert Joseph Beckham),足球运动员,1975年 5月2日出生于英国,1999年7月4日,大卫· 罗伯特· 约瑟夫· 贝克汉姆和维多利亚· 贝克汉姆 结婚,婚后育有3子1女。1999年大卫· 罗伯特· 约瑟夫· 贝克汉姆当选欧足联最佳球员, 2001年被评为英国最佳运动员,2010年获得BBC终身成就奖。大卫· 罗伯特· 约瑟夫· 贝克 汉姆一共效力过曼联、普雷斯顿、皇马、洛杉矶银河、AC米兰和巴黎圣日耳曼6家俱乐 部,共代表英格兰队出场115次,打进17粒进球,其中58次担任球队队长。2015年5月2 日,大卫· 罗伯特· 约瑟夫· 贝克汉姆在摩洛哥策划了一个大型的生日派对,庆祝自己40岁生 日。2015年7月,大卫· 罗伯特· 约瑟夫· 贝克汉姆拍摄最新的H&M广告影片。2015年9月鲁 能集团与大卫· 贝克汉姆结成战略合作伙伴。[1]2015年9月,《福布斯》评选过去十年体坛 收入最高20位运动员,贝克汉姆以4.4亿美元排名第七位。
大卫· 贝克汉姆
大卫· 罗伯特· 约瑟夫· 贝克汉姆(David Robert Joseph Beckham),足球运动员,1975年 5月2日出生于英国,1999年7月4日,大卫· 罗伯特· 约瑟夫· 贝克汉姆和维多利亚· 贝克汉姆 结婚,婚后育有3子1女。1999年大卫· 罗伯特· 约瑟夫· 贝克汉姆当选欧足联最佳球员, 2001年被评为英国最佳运动员,2010年获得BBC终身成就奖。大卫· 罗伯特· 约瑟夫· 贝克 汉姆一共效力过曼联、普雷斯顿、皇马、洛杉矶银河、AC米兰和巴黎圣日耳曼6家俱乐 部,共代表英格兰队出场115次,打进17粒进球,其中58次担任球队队长。2015年5月2 日,大卫· 罗伯特· 约瑟夫· 贝克汉姆在摩洛哥策划了一个大型的生日派对,庆祝自己40岁生 日。2015年7月,大卫· 罗伯特· 约瑟夫· 贝克汉姆拍摄最新的H&M广告影片。2015年9月鲁 能集团与大卫· 贝克汉姆结成战略合作伙伴。[1]2015年9月,《福布斯》评选过去十年体坛 收入最高20位运动员,贝克汉姆以4.4亿美元排名第七位。
贝克汉姆英文简介David Beckham, full name David Robert Joseph Beckham, was born on May 2, 1975, in London, England. He is a former professional football player who is considered one of the greatest midfielders of his generation. Beckham’s exceptional skills, charismatic personality, and iconic fashion sense have made him a global superstar.Beckham grew up in a football-loving family and displayed talent for the sport from a young age. He joined the youth team of Manchester United, one of the most prestigious football clubs in England, at the age of 14. Beckham quickly rose through the ranks and made his professional debut for Manchester United in 1992-93 season, at the age of 17. His precise passing, exceptional crossing ability, and deadly accuracy from free kicks soon caught the attention of football fans around the world.During his time at Manchester United, Beckham won numerous domestic and international titles, including six Premier League titles, two FA Cups, and the UEFA Champions League. He played a key role in Manchester United’s treble-winning season in 1998-99, when the club won the Premier League, FA Cup, and Champions League in the same season. Beckham’s contribution to the team was not limited to his on-field performances, as he also became a prominent figure off the pitch.Beckham’s stylish appearance and glamorous lifestyle made him a favorite among sponsors and advertisers. His marriage to Victoria Beckham, a member of the internationally renowned pop group Spice Girls, further elevated his c elebrity status. The couple’shigh-profile image cemented their place as one of the world’s most famous couples, often referred to as "Posh and Becks."In 2003, Beckham made a highly publicized transfer to Real Madrid, one of the biggest football clubs in the world. The move was met with a great deal of excitement and fanfare, as Beckham joined a star-studded team that included Ronaldo, Zinedine Zidane, and Luis Figo. Despite facing stiff competition for playing time, Beckham succeeded in making a significant impact during his four-year tenure at Real Madrid. He helped the club win the La Liga title in the 2006-07 season and played an instrumental role in promoting the Beckham brand worldwide.In 2007, Beckham signed with the LA Galaxy, a Major League Soccer team based in Los Angeles, California. His move to the United States was seen as a major coup for American soccer, as it brought widespread attention and media coverage to the sport. During his six-year stint with the LA Galaxy, Beckham won two MLS Cup titles and helped raise the profile of soccer in the United States. His signing also paved the way for other high-profile players to join MLS, further strengthening the league’s reputation. In addition to his club success, Beckham enjoyed a distinguished international career with the England national team. He made his debut for the team in 1996 and went on to earn 115 caps, making him one of the most capped outfield players in English football history. Although England did not achieve as much success asex pected during Beckham’s tenure, he was widely regarded as a passionate and dedicated player who always gave his best for his country.After retiring from professional football in 2013, Beckham has remained actively involved in the sport. He has become a successful businessman and entrepreneur, with ventures in various industries, including fashion, fragrance, and philanthropy. Beckham also served as an ambassador for the 2012 London Olympics and played a pivotal role in bringing the games to his home city.Off the field, Beckham continues to be a popular figure in the media. He is known for his impeccable sense of style and hasgraced the covers of numerous fashion magazines. Beckham’sgood looks, charisma, and philanthropic endeavors have earnedhim a large fan base and admiration from people around the world. David Beckham’s impact on the world of football cannot be overstated. His skill, professionalism, and dedication have inspireda generation of players and fans. Beckham’s legacy as a true iconof the sport will be remembered for years to come.继续写相关内容,1500字在职业生涯结束后,贝克汉姆积极参与了足球运动。
The low point of life
• However,life is just like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.Beckham became the enemy of England because of a flagrant foul.In this game ,he kicked Simony on purpose,then he was given a red card.
就这样,贝克汉姆以再度以一种奇特的方式重新回归到主流足球世界。这一 次,他披着红黑军团的32号战袍,征战在亚平宁半岛。
His wife
• In 1997, Beckham started dating Victoria Adams (维多利 亚·亚当斯)after she attended a Manchester United match. She was famously known as "Posh Spice(辣妹)" of the pop music group Spice Girls, one of the world's top pop groups at the time, and his team was also enjoying a great run of success. • He married Victoria at Luttrellstown Castle, Ireland on 4 July 1999.
他是世界上最性感的球员。 他是在足球领域中最辉煌的人物。 他的梦幻般的家庭吸引了整个世界的眼睛。
Name: David Beckham Sex: M Nationality: British Date of Birth: May 2, 1975 Birth Name: David Robert Joseph Beckham (大卫罗伯特-约瑟夫-贝克汉姆) Place of Birth: Leytonstone, London, England, UK Height: 183cm Weight: 67kg Occupation: Football Player, Model, Actor
David_Beckham 英文介绍
June 17, 2003, Manchester United announced that Beckham to move the "Galacticos I period" Real Madrid,and the price is 35 million euros. In the same year in July, Beckham, Real Madrid came to China to do with the marketing and pre-race warm-up.
July 13, 2007, David Beckham to join U.S. Major League Soccer team Los Angeles Galaxy, the contract five years, wearing No. 23. December 20, 2008, David Beckham officially reached an agreement with AC Milan, will be 08-09 last season to join Milan.Also 09-10 last season.
David Beckham
Name: David Beckham Sex: M Nationality: British Date of Birth: May 2, 1975 Birth Name: David Robert Joseph Beckham Place of Birth: Leytonstone, London, England, UK Height: 183cm Occupation: Football Player, Model, Actor
名人风采知识拓展David Beckham’s football career大卫·贝克汉姆的足球生涯Since1990,he began to enjoy a glori⁃ous1life.Famous for his passing and free-kick ability,Beckham has twice been run⁃ner-up2for FIFA World Player of the Year, and in2004he was named in the FIFA100 list of the world’s greatest living players.He announced3his retirement after he played the final game of his20-year career in 2013.自1990年起,他开始了辉煌的一生。
David Beckham’s marriage大卫·贝克汉姆的婚姻On4July1999,David and Victoria married at Luttrellstown Castle in Ireland. She then was famously known as“Posh Spice”of the pop music group Spice Girls, one of the world’s top pop groups at the time.Beckham’s relationship and marriage to Victoria contributed to his celebrity4be-yond football.Beckham became known as a fashion icon5,and together with Victoria,the couple became spokespeople sought after by clothing designers,fashion magazines,perfume and cosmetics manufacturers,hair stylists and recreation companies.1999年7月4日,贝克汉姆与维多利亚在爱尔兰的路特尔斯顿城堡举办了婚礼。
2003-2007 贝克汉姆皇 马4年生涯技 术统计 出场 105 首发 95 替补 10 出场时间 8371 胜 59 平 18 负 28 进球 12
射门得分率 9%
4、the past ,the future
At the end of the show let us review his life career as a football star though a viedo
Beckham was a Manchester United mascot for a match against West Ham United in 1986. Young Beckham had trials with his local club Leyton Orient, Norwich City and attended Tottenham Hotspur's school of excellence. Tottenham Hotspur was the first club he played for. During a twoyear period in which Beckham played for Brimsdown Rovers' youth team, he was named Under-15 Player of the Year in 1990.[31] He also attended Bradenton Preparatory Academy, but signed schoolboy forms at Manchester United on his fourteenth birthday, and subsequently signed a Youth Training Scheme contract on 8 July 1991.
贝克汉姆艾滋病宣传的背景贝克汉姆,全名大卫·罗伯特·约瑟夫·贝克汉姆(David Robert Joseph Beckham),是一位享誉全球的足球运动员。
贝克汉姆在艾滋病宣传中的贡献作为联合国艾滋病规划署的亲善大使,贝克汉姆在艾滋病宣传中做出了以下贡献:1. 参与宣传片拍摄通过参与艾滋病宣传片的拍摄,贝克汉姆向公众传达了预防艾滋病的重要性和方法。
大卫·贝克汉姆大卫·罗伯特·约瑟夫·贝克汉姆(David Robert Joseph Beckham,1975年5月2日—),前任英格兰国家队队长,曾效力于曼联、皇马、AC米兰、洛杉矶银河、巴黎圣日耳曼足球俱乐部等豪门俱乐部。
July 4, 1999, the two held in Dublin, Ireland, the
lavish wedding
Victoria and David
Beckham chose La Tele
Wales, Ireland, castle
manor place of the
Romeo James
Name:Romeo James Beckham
Date of Birth: 01 September 2002
Romeo is weak and easily Fever infection. At the age of j ust 1 also came close with f ever who died.
wedding is held as part
of their history and
Adams of the same
name Queen Victoria
married here. Born in the
families of the civilians,
they vowed to when a
10 years ago, David Beckham, shot to fame with his brilliant strike. . But more important is the game of the year September 1 station dominates the melo n ear, that time only 21-year-old Beckham, the first national team appearance, childhood dream has fina lly become a reality. The last England's 3-0 win over the opponent, in a hearty victory, he also began a 10 -year war for the country's history.
仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit1 Topic1 背景材料:人物传记贝克汉姆(中英文)
人物传记贝克汉姆〔中英文〕David Robert Joseph Beckham, (born 2 May 1975) is an English footballer, who plays in midfield. He plays for and captains Major League Soccer's Los Angeles Galaxy and is also a member of the England national team. He earned his much publicised 100th cap for England against France in March 2021.He has twice been runner-up for FIFA World Player of the Year, and in 2004 was the world's highest-paid footballer. He was Google's most searched of all sports topics in both 2003 and 2004. Such global recognition has made him an elite advertising brand and a top fashion icon. Beckham was captain of England from 15 November 2000to 2 July 2006. He made 58 appearances as captain, and ended his tenure in that role after the 2006 FIFA World Cup finals,however, continued to make contributions for the England national team in competitions after this. Beckham captained Manchester United for the first time on 21 October 2000 in a Premiership match against Leeds United, coming on as a substitute for injured team captain Roy Keane.Beckham's contract with Los Angeles Galaxy became effective on 1 July 2007 and gave him the highest salary of any MLS player in history. He débuted for the team on 21 July in a friendly versus Chelsea at The Home Depot Center, and on 15 August, he had his first start with the team, scoring his first goal in the 2007 SuperLiga semi-final. His first league start then came on 18 August in front of a record crowd at Giants Stadium.大卫·罗伯特·约瑟夫·贝克汉姆〔David Robert Joseph Beckham OBE,1975年5月2日-〕,是一位英格兰著名足球运发动,前任英格兰国家队队长,目前效力于美国洛杉矶银河。
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Yan burst table values颜值爆表
Fight for honor
在皇马的4年,小贝获得西甲冠军和西班牙超级杯 冠军,在美国洛杉矶银河5年半,小贝的荣誉室增 添10座奖杯。来到巴黎之后,小贝拿到法甲冠军, 成为第1个夺得4个不同国家联赛冠军奖杯的英格兰 人。
贝克汉姆还是第1位在3届世界杯决赛圈均有进球的 英格兰球员;小贝还是欧冠历史上,第1位参加场 次突破100大关的英格兰球员。贝克汉姆还是欧洲 杯历史上助攻次数最多的球员,他也是巴黎圣日耳 曼历史上引进的第400名球员。
Beckham one family
Broolyn can be said to be a star's best football star taste, whether in school or in society, the focus of Broolyn would become a newspaper. But Broolyn himself was not aware of what their "heartbreaker" Daddy how much fame, until the age of 9, one out Broolyn began to realize that his father was one of the world's most famous football player
David Robert Joseph Beckham
The main life experience
Up to now, Beckham has played for Manchester United, Preston, Real Madrid, Losangeles, Milan and the Milky Way 6 club Paris Saint germain. Beckham made his debut for Manchester United, he is the 92 golden generation of the iconic figure, he has scored 85 goals in 394 first team appearances for Manchester united. The French left the last 2 rounds, the last battle of David Beckham in sight. So far, a total of 718 Beckham's club career in the field, with 129 ball. From 1996 to 2009, Beckham of the England team for the ride for 13 years, scoring 17 goals in 115 appearances, three lions to become number one hundred games hall of fame. The 21 year career, Beckham won many honors: he won the Champions League in 1999, and was the best player of the fifa. Get 6 Premiership trophy at Manchester United, FA Cup two times, 4 times the Charity shield cup, 1 Champions League, 1 times Toyota cup.
Fight for honor
At Real Madrid for 4 years, he won La Liga and Spanish Super Cup, in the Milky Way American Losangeles 5 and a half years, "the honor room to add 10 trophies. After coming to Paris, he got the title, becoming the first won 4 league titles in different countries of the english. Beckham was first at the 3 session of the World Cup finals scored England player; he is the history of the Champions League, first in the number of breakthrough 100 mark of England players. Beckham's European Cup history more assists players, 400th players who also introduced Paris Saint Germain in history.
Arsenal an insider said: "Broolyn is very talented, he in a number of training programs in the US showed the special strength. Arsenal have recognized his talent and the urgent need to develop the enormous potential, we want him to be a valuable property of Arsenal Football club." Arsenal beat many giants did not succeed in signing Broolyn, he said: "Manchester United and Chelsea are interested in him, but in the end, we come to the fore. Now only signed a shortterm contract until the end of the season, but wait until the next summer, he is likely to sign contract with Arsenal for a luc姆
截止到目前,贝克汉姆一共效力过曼联、普雷斯顿、皇马、洛杉矶银河、 米兰和巴黎圣日耳曼6家俱乐部。贝克汉姆出道于曼联,他是红魔92黄 金一代的标志性人物,他共为曼联一线队出场394次打入85球。
法甲还剩最后2轮,小贝的最后一战近在眼前。到目前为止,贝克汉姆 的俱乐部生涯一共参加718场,贡献129球。1996年至2009年,贝克汉 姆为英格兰队驰骋13年,上阵115次打入17球,成为三狮军团为数不多 的百场名人堂之一。 21年足球生涯,贝克汉姆斩获无数荣誉:他赢得过1999年欧冠冠军,并 且是那年的欧足联最佳球员。在曼联拿到6次英超冠军奖杯,两次足总 杯、4次慈善盾杯、1次欧冠、1次丰田杯冠军。