风量罩使用说明书Instruction ManualVF-01苏州长留净化科技有限公司一、简介:1.1概述电子风量罩可用以测量HV AC系统排风管中的通风和排风。
1.2 数据指标风量流速:80~3500 m3/h (60~2000cfm)温度量程:14~176℉(-10~80℃)进气流量精度:±(3%读数±12 m3/h)、±(3%读数±7cfm)温度精度:±0.5%读数±1℉(±0.5%读数±0.5℃)风量解析度:0.1 m3/h (100-3500 m3/h)温度解析度:0. 1℉或℃电源:3节1.5V 的AA电池电池寿命:最小可连续使用10个小时显示接口:128×64点阵式LCD,可显示瞬时温度、风量、风速,存储时间等按键:通过8个按键用户可校正风量、温度等参数,查阅风量、温度等测量数据重量:4kg(附带610mm×610mm风量罩)安全警告当在高处测量空气时,请确保您可以安全地举起并握住仪器。
F L-1超声波明渠流量计使用说明书广州东文环境技术有限公司目录一、用途概述 (1)二、功能与特点 (1)三、测量原理 (1)四、技术指标 (3)五、结构及电路原理框图 (3)六、操作说明 (4)七、仪表外形尺寸 (8)八、安装及接线方法 (9)九、安装使用说明 (11)十、液位和流量关系表 (12)十一、量水堰槽构造 (16)十二、RS232/485 通讯协议 (20)一.用途概述FL-1超声波明渠流量计,配合常见的标准测量堰(矩形堰和三角堰)或标准巴歇尔槽一起使用,测量明渠水的流量。
热式传感器(TSI 8371, ABT700, LoFlo6200)具有很好的灵敏度适合于较低风量。
模拟式仪表(ABT700, LoFlo)由于非常直观仍然在工程测试领域被使用。
为提高测试的精度,可采用现场校准K 因子用来对非标准的测试条件进行补偿。
流量范围17-850m/h(4.7- 236 Ls)
精度3%全量程+8.5m/h, (或2.4/s)
重量 2.7 Kg(含罩子); 2.1Kg(不含罩子)
美国TSI套帽式风量罩数据记录性能(8372、8373型号)·数据记录性能可使用户在某个时间日期内记录14000个样本·灵活的数据配置适应HVAC系统的建立·自动风量求和并作统计·可通过屏幕察看数据、并可将数据打印或下载到计算机的电子数据表中·特赛公司的专业下载软件可令数据到计算机的传输更简易化美国TSI套帽式风量罩特性和优点·边采样边读数功能(8371型号) ·实际速率和标准速率读数之间可自动切换。
(8372型号用户需预先输入相应温度及气压)·可变时间常量模式使流速波动的读数稳定·K因子功能可灵活的测定流经不同扩散器的风量·备有多种风罩尺寸以便用户方便读取各式风量·平衡模式使用户易于调整增湿器以达到预设数值(8372、8373型号)·无论风量是导入还是出,均可自动显示风向(仅8373型号)·背景光的显示在暗处也易于读出测定数据·可选的便携式打印机可以随时打印作为硬拷贝文件·包装紧密,方便运输特性8372 8373 数据采集●●温度●分支模式●●风向指示●自动密度校正●●时间变量●●K因子●●刻度校正●●背景显示●●软件下载●●打印输出●●NIST校准证书●●·校准调节,方便使用·已获美国NIST*校准认证8371、8372、和8373型号技术参数风量范围: 15-1000L/s(50-3500立方米/小时)精度:读数的±5%和±2.4L/s操作温度: 0-60℃(32-140℉)数据存储(8372、8373):1000个点等于系统的总和+分支十终端美国TSI 套帽式风量罩温度(仅8373型号)操作温度: 0-60℃(32-140℉)误差:0.l℃(0.1℉)精度:0.5℃(±0.1℉)重量:3.4kg(610× 610mm风量罩) 电源: 4C碱性电池电池寿命:持续40小时包装尺寸:600mm× 660mm× 180mm(26" × 26" × 7")风量罩尺寸(美国TSI 套帽式风量罩) 标准:610× 610 mm(4"× 24")备选:610× 1220mm(4"× 48")305× 1220mm(12"× 4S")305× 1525mm(12"× 60")915× 915 mm(36"× 36")8925型号打印机说明:打印方式:持续点阵打印速度: 0.8行/秒外部尺寸:135mm×lOOmm×35mm(5.3"×4"×1.4")重量: 0.4Kg温度范围: 0-40℃湿度范围: 30%—80%RH类型:连续波特率: 1200风量罩型号:SwemaFlow125品牌:SWEMA价格:洽询体积:重量:0技术参数产品介绍·产品介绍:SwemaFlow 125是一个与通用仪表SwemaAir 300配套使用的风量测量罩的设备。
风量流速:80~3500m3/h (50~2050cfm)风速量程 0.2~7.8 m/s (0.65~25.6 f/s)温度量程:14~176℉(-10~80℃)进气流量精度:±(3%读数±12 m3/h)、±(3%读数±7cfm)排气流量精度:±(4%读数±12 m3/h)、±(4%读数±7cfm)温度精度:±0.5%读数±1℉ (±0.5%读数±0.5℃)风量解析度: 0.1 m3/h (80-3500 m3/h)温度解析度: 0. 1℉或℃电源:3节1.5V 的AA电池电池寿命:最小可连续使用10个小时显示接口:128×64点阵式LCD,可显示瞬时温度、风量、风速 存储时间等按键:通过4个按键用户可校正风量、温度等参数,查阅风量 温度等测量数据数据输出:RS232C重量:4kg(附带610mm×610mm风量罩) AF01型电子风量罩采用热线矩阵式风速传感器,并配合不同规格罩体精确测量各种类型风口及管道的气体流量及温度。
本产品同中国计量院有关专家共同研发检测标定, 经国家空调所专家测试、认可,(可选第三方检测证书)(标准基座包装箱)(四杆支撑结构)。
F 系列产品说明书
目录第一章产品介绍 (5)1.1 产品概述 (5)1.2 产品主要功能 (5)第二章开箱检查和线缆连接 (7)2.1 开箱检查 (7)2.2 硬盘安装 (7)2.3 在机架中安装 (8)2.4 前面板 (8)2.5 后面板 (10)2.6 安装连接示意图 (10)2.7 音视频输入输出连接 (11)2.7.1 视频输入的连接 (11)2.7.2 视频输出设备的选择和连接 (11)2.7.3 音频信号的输入 (11)2.7.4 音频输出 (12)2.8 报警输入输出连接 (12)2.8.1 报警输入端口说明 (13)2.8.2 报警输出端口说明 (14)2.8.3 报警输出端继电器参数 (14)2.9 球机连接 (14)第三章基本操作 (16)3.1 开机 (16)3.2 关机 (16)3.3 登录 (16)3.4 预览 (17)3.5 桌面快捷菜单 (17)3.5.1 主菜单 (18)3.5.2 录像控制 (18)3.5.3 录像回放 (19)3.5.4 云台控制 (21)3.5.5 报警输出 (25)3.5.6 图像颜色 (26)3.5.7 输出调节 (26)3.5.8 关闭系统 (27)3.5.9 页面切换 (27)第四章主菜单 (28)4.1 主菜单导航 (28)4.2 录像功能 (29)4.2.1 录像设置 (29)4.2.2录像回放 (31)4.2.3 图片存储 (31)4.2.4 录像备份 (32)4.3 报警功能 (33)4.3.1 移动侦测 (33)4.3.2 视频遮挡 (35)4.3.3 视频丢失 (36)4.3.4 报警输入 (36)4.3.5 报警输出 (37)4.3.6 异常处理 (37)4.4 系统设置 (37)4.4.1 普通设置 (38)4.4.2 编码设置 (39)4.4.3 网络设置 (40)4.4.4 网络服务 (41)4.4.5 输出模式 (49)4.4.6 云台设置 (50)4.4.7 串口设置 (50)4.4.8 轮巡设置 (51)4.5 管理工具 (51)4.5.1 硬盘管理 (51)4.5.2 用户管理 (52)4.5.3 在线用户 (55)4.5.4 输出调节 (55)4.5.5 自动维护 (55)4.5.6 恢复默认 (56)4.5.7 系统升级 (56)4.5.8 设备信息 (57)4.6 系统信息 (57)4.6.1 硬盘信息 (57)4.6.2 码流统计 (58)4.6.3 日志信息 (59)4.6.4 版本信息 (59)4.7 关闭系统 (60)第五章常见问题解答及使用维护 (61)5.1 常见问题解答 (61)5.2 使用维护 (66)附录1.遥控器操作 (67)附录2.鼠标操作 (68)附录3.硬盘的容量计算 (69)附录4.技术参数 (70)第一章产品介绍1.1 产品概述本设备是专为安防领域设计的一款优秀的数字监控产品。
风量仪一. 概述FL型风量仪采用皮托管式原理,对风压进行多点、多次自动检测,产生平均风量(m³/h)具有正确、快速、简便的特点,广泛应用于暖通空调、净化技术等行业进行风口和管道风量的直接测定。
二. 基本技术参数1.基本功能:液晶显示,配有外置接口,可存储999个风口式管道的风量。
2.测量范围:150~3000m3/h(FL-1型)3.测量精度:≤±5%(F•S)三. 使用环境条件:1、温度:5℃~35℃2、相对湿度:30%~70%RH3、电源:DC.7.2V/ 1800mA/ h . (220V.AC±10% 50Hz±2Hz)4、严禁测量腐蚀性气体、含金属颗粒气体、含大颗粒高浓度灰尘的气体;四. 装配结构图:(见附图1)五. 安装顺序:1.根据风口尺寸,选择合适的布罩(570mm×570mm、830mm×830mm两种规格)。
六. 操作说明:装入充电电池后,按一下仪器左侧“电源”按钮,显示仪的液晶屏即有显示。
This message is intended only for the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information thatis privileged, confidential, and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this notice is not the intended recipient or he employee or the agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication strictly prohibited. If 套帽式风量罩8380 和8371TSI 公司的ACCUBALANCE 套帽式风量罩可测定流经各种风口(散流器、百叶等)的风量。
体积轻巧,仅重3.5Kg ,便于携带使用。
8380型号还可以精确的测定温度 8380 的附加功能风速范围:0.125∼40m/s 皮托管;0.125∼25m/s 普通探头;0.125∼12.5m/s 面风速矩阵;精度:读数的± 3% 或± 0.04m/s (风速>0.25 m/s );差压:±3735Pa (最大37.5kPa );绝压:356∼1016 mmHg ;精度:读数的± 2% 或± 0.25Pa 相对湿度范围:0∼95%RH;精度:± 3%;分辨率:0.1%。
美国TSI AccuBALANC 数字通风量罩 说明书
TRUST. SCIENCE. INNOVATION.AccuBALANCE ®数字式风量罩特性和优点人体工学设计和超轻的自重更方便个人操作 可分离的数字式风压计选配毕托管,气流探头,温度探头,速度矩阵和相对湿度探头可使用在其他应用场合背压补偿功能K 因子功能可灵活的测量流经不同扩散器的风量 提供生物安全罩 (BSC hood) 的套件备有多种风罩尺寸以便用户方便测量各式风口的风量 背光显示,在暗处也易于读出测定数据 可选的便携式打印机可以随时打印数据 包装紧凑,方便运输 现场方便校准美国NIST 校准认证型号:8371/8375MTSI 公司的ACCUBALANCE 数字式风量罩可测定流经各种风口(散流器、百叶等)的风量。
8375M 同时提供多种测量功能,并提供数据存储和处理功能(数据点多达1000点)。
8375M 可选附件毕托管16点速度矩阵 气流探头 温度探头 温湿度探头 多种尺寸风罩生物安全罩(BSC hood)套件8371/8375M型技术参数:8375M 型风量范围42〜4250m 3/hr精度读数的±3%或±12m 3/hr(风量>85 m 3/hr)分辨率1 m 3/hr风速量程(毕托管)0.125-40m/s 量程(气流探头)0.125-25m/s 量程(速度矩阵)0.125-12.5m/s 精度读数的±3% 或± 0.04m/s 分辨率0.01m/s压力差压±3735Pa(最大37.5kPa);绝压356-1016 mmHg;精度读数的± 2% 或± 0.25Pa相对湿度范围0〜95%RH;精度±3%RH;分辨率0.1%RH 温度传感器 4.4〜60℃温度探头-40〜121℃温湿度探头-10〜60℃分辨率0.1℃精度±0.3℃NiMH 电池12 小时(典型)接口RS232 输出8371型风量范围15〜1000L/s(50〜3500m 3/hr)精度读数的±5%或±2.4L/s(±8.5m 3/hr)电源4C 碱性电池电池寿命40 小时连续使用携带箱尺寸660x660x180mm 8930型打印机打印方式热式尺寸135x130x64mm8371/8375M 型操作温度操作温度0〜60℃风量罩尺寸标准610x610 mm 备选610x1220mm 305x1220mm 305x1525mm 915x915mm 406x406mm重量3.4kg(当使用610x610mm 风量罩时)=仪器特点 所有仪器提供NIST 证书(免费)8375M 直接测试生物安全柜的进风流量(当使用生物安全柜套件BSC Hood Kits)BALOMETER ®模拟指针型风量罩型号:ABT711/ABT713TSI 全新模拟型的风量罩延续了Alnor ® 传统的精度和性能又为TSI 的客户提供了一款可用于通风和平衡度检测的有用工具。
四、内容:4.1 .开机4.1.1.打开右边旳电源开关,屏幕上会出现“开机自检中请稍候”字样。
Industrial Control Panels - ComponentSee General Information for Industrial Control Panels - ComponentSTEGO ELEKTROTECHNIK GMBH E234324 Kolpingstrasse 2174523 Schwaebisch Hall, GERMANYAir heaters, for mounting in industrial control panels, Model(s) CR 0305 or 1305 followed by 1 to 4 or 9, followed by 0, 9 or 2 followed by 00 up to 40Air heaters, for mounting in industrial control panels, Model(s) CS and CSF 0320x.y zz*Air heaters, for mounting in industrial control panels, Model(s) DCR Series, followed by x30(where x30 may be 030 or 130), followed by 9, followed by Z(where Z maybe 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), followed by .Y(where Y may be 1, 2, 3), followed by -XX (where XX may be 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20.) Air heaters, for mounting in industrial control panels, Model(s) HGL 04640.1-00, HGL 04640.2-00, HGL 04641.2-00Air heaters, for mounting in industrial control panels, Model(s) Series HVI 030 followed by 7 or 8 followed by 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 followed by 0, 1, 2 or 9 followed by 00 up to 40Fan kits, "SJ 019", Model(s) 01925.0 and 01925.1 followed by 00 or 01Fan kits, Model(s) LE 019, followed by 30, 31, 32, 33, 40, 41, 42, 43 or 50, 51, 52, 53, followed by 0 or 1, followed by 00 or 01.Filter fan hoods, "FFH086", Model(s) FFH08670.0-00, FFH08671.0-00, FFH08672.0-00, FFH08673.0-00,FFH08674.0-00, FFH08680.0-00, FFH08681.0-00, FFH08682.0-00, FFH08683.0-00 and FFH08684.0-00Filter fan kits, Model(s) FF 018/EF 118, followed by 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 or 21, followed by 0 or 1, followed by 00, 01, 02, 03Filter fan kits, Filter Kits, "FPI 018/118", Model(s) FPI followed by 018 or 118, followed by 7, followed by 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4, followed by .0, 1, 2, 3 or 9, followed by -0 thru 4, followed by 0 thru 1.Filter fan kits, Filter Kits, "FPO 018", Model(s) FPO followed by 018 or 118, followed by 8, followed by 0,1,2,3 or 4,followed by .0,1,2,3 or 9,followed by -0 thru 4,followed by 0 thru 1Fluorescent surface mounted luminaires, Model(s) SL 0252 followed by 4, 5 or 7, followed by 0 or 1, followed by 00 to 07 incl., 10 to 12 incl., 16 or 17.Industrial Control Panel - Heaters, Model(s) 031 with a prefix HV or HVL, followed by 00, 01, 02, 03, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, followed by .0 or .9, may be followed by a -00, -01, -02, -03, -04, -05, -06, -11, 12, -14.LED Lights, Model(s) LED followed by 021 or 022, followed by 0, 1, 2, followed by 0, followed by .0, followed by -00 through -99LED Lights, Model(s) LED followed by 025, followed by 4, followed by 0, 1 or 2, followed by .0, .1 or .3, followed by -0 or -1, followed by 0 through 9.LED Lights, Model(s) LED followed by 121 or 122, followed by 0, 1, 2, 3, followed by 4, followed by .0, followed by -00 through -99Open Type, Air Heaters, Model(s) 03021.9(@), 03022.9(@), 03024.9(@), 03028.9(@), 03029.9(@), 03031.9(@), 03033.9(@), 04640.9-XX(+), 04641.0-XX(+), 04641.9-XX(+)Open Type, Air Heaters, Model(s) 140 followed by 00, 01, 03, 05, 06, 07, 08, followed by .0 or .9, followed by additional suffix digitsOpen Type, Air Heaters, Model(s) CS 028, followed by 0, followed by 0 or 1 or 2, followed by 1 or 2 or 9, followed by 0-20.Open Type, Air Heaters, Model(s) CS 030(&)Open Type, Air Heaters, Model(s) CS 128, followed by 0, followed by 0 or 1 or 2, followed by 1 or 2 or 9, followed by 0-20.Open Type, Air Heaters, Model(s) CS 130(&)Open Type, Air Heaters, Model(s) CSF 028, followed by 1 or 2, followed by 0 or 1 or 2 or 3, followed 9, followed by 0-60.Open Type, Air Heaters, Model(s) CSL 028, followed by 1, followed by 0 or 1, followed by 9, followed by 0-20. Open Type, Air Heaters with blower, Model(s) 043ZZ.X-00(#), 046ZZ.X-00(#), HGL 04640.0-XX(+)Open Type, Component Heaters (PTC), Model(s) RC016(%), RCE016(%%)Pressure compensators, Model(s) 28405.0-00, 28406.0-00(#) - where "ZZ" may be 00, 01, 03, 04, 09, 16, 24, 28 or 32 and X may be 0 or 9(%%) - followed by 22, 23, 24 and 25, followed by .0 followed by additional suffix digits.(%) - followed by 02, 09, and 10(&) - followed by 6, followed by 0, followed by 0 or 9 (0 = 230 V ac, 9 = 120 V ac), followed by 00 or 01. (+) - "XX" maybe 00, 01, 02, 03 or 05(@) - Model numbers may be followed by additional suffix digits indicating minor variations, such as color* - where "x" may be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 9; y may be 0 or 9 and "zz" may be 00 to 30.Marking: Company name, model designation, and the Recognized Component Mark, .Last Updated on 2019-11-07STEGO ELEKTROTECHNIK GMBHKolpingstrasse 21Schwaebisch Hall, 74523 GermanyThe appearance of a company's name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so identified have been manufactured under UL's Follow-Up Service. Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Certified and covered under UL's Follow-Up Service. Always look for the Mark on the product.UL permits the reproduction of the material contained in the Online Certification Directory subject to the following conditions: 1. The Guide Information, Assemblies, Constructions, Designs, Systems, and/or Certifications (files) must be presented in their entirety and in a non-misleading manner, without any manipulation of the data (or drawings). 2. The statement "Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory with permission from UL" must appear adjacent to the extracted material. In addition, the reprinted material must include a copyright notice in the following format: "© 2020 UL LLC"Industrial Control Panels Certified for Canada - ComponentSee General Information for Industrial Control Panels Certified for Canada - ComponentSTEGO ELEKTROTECHNIK GMBH E234324 Kolpingstrasse 2174523 Schwaebisch Hall, GERMANYAir heaters, for mounting in industrial control panels, Model(s) CR 0305 or 1305 followed by 1 to 4 or 9, followed by 0, 9 or 2 followed by 00 up to 40Air heaters, for mounting in industrial control panels, Model(s) CS and CSF 0320x.y zz*Air heaters, for mounting in industrial control panels, Model(s) DCR Series, followed by x30(where x30 may be 030 or 130), followed by 9, followed by Z(where Z maybe 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), followed by .Y(where Y may be 1, 2, 3), followed by -XX (where XX may be 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20.) Air heaters, for mounting in industrial control panels, Model(s) HGL 04640.1-00, HGL 04640.2-00, HGL 04641.2-00Air heaters, for mounting in industrial control panels, Model(s) Series HVI 030 followed by 7 or 8 followed by 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 followed by 0, 1, 2 or 9 followed by 00 up to 40Fan kits, "SJ 019", Model(s) 01925.0 and 01925.1 followed by 00 or 01Fan kits, Model(s) LE 019, followed by 30, 31, 32, 33, 40, 41, 42, 43 or 50, 51, 52, 53, followed by 0 or 1, followed by 00 or 01.Filter fan hoods, "FFH086", Model(s) FFH08670.0-00, FFH08671.0-00, FFH08672.0-00, FFH08673.0-00,FFH08674.0-00, FFH08680.0-00, FFH08681.0-00, FFH08682.0-00, FFH08683.0-00 and FFH08684.0-00Filter fan kits, Model(s) FF 018/EF 118, followed by 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 or 21, followed by 0 or 1, followed by 00, 01, 02, 03Filter fan kits, Filter Kits, "FPI 018/118", Model(s) FPI followed by 018 or 118, followed by 7, followed by 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4, followed by .0, 1, 2, 3 or 9, followed by -0 thru 4, followed by 0 thru 1.Filter fan kits, Filter Kits, "FPO 018", Model(s) FPO followed by 018 or 118, followed by 8, followed by 0,1,2,3 or 4,followed by .0,1,2,3 or 9,followed by -0 thru 4,followed by 0 thru 1Fluorescent surface mounted luminaires, Model(s) SL 0252 followed by 4, 5 or 7, followed by 0 or 1, followed by 00 to 07 incl., 10 to 12 incl., 16 or 17.Industrial Control Panel - Heaters, Model(s) 031 with a prefix HV or HVL, followed by 00, 01, 02, 03, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, followed by .0 or .9, may be followed by a -00, -01, -02, -03, -04, -05, -06, -11, 12, -14.LED Lights, Model(s) LED followed by 021 or 022, followed by 0, 1, 2, followed by 0, followed by .0, followed by -00 through -99LED Lights, Model(s) LED followed by 025, followed by 4, followed by 0, 1 or 2, followed by .0, .1 or .3, followed by -0 or -1, followed by 0 through 9.LED Lights, Model(s) LED followed by 121 or 122, followed by 0, 1, 2, 3, followed by 4, followed by .0, followed by -00 through -99Open Type, Air Heaters, Model(s) 03021.9(@), 03022.9(@), 03024.9(@), 03028.9(@), 03029.9(@), 03031.9(@), 03033.9(@), 04640.9-XX(+), 04641.0-XX(+), 04641.9-XX(+)Open Type, Air Heaters, Model(s) 140 followed by 00, 01, 03, 05, 06, 07, 08, followed by .0 or .9, followed by additional suffix digitsOpen Type, Air Heaters, Model(s) CS 028, followed by 0, followed by 0 or 1 or 2, followed by 1 or 2 or 9, followed by 0-20.Open Type, Air Heaters, Model(s) CS 030(&)Open Type, Air Heaters, Model(s) CS 128, followed by 0, followed by 0 or 1 or 2, followed by 1 or 2 or 9, followed by 0-20.Open Type, Air Heaters, Model(s) CS 130(&)Open Type, Air Heaters, Model(s) CSF 028, followed by 1 or 2, followed by 0 or 1 or 2 or 3, followed 9, followed by 0-60.Open Type, Air Heaters, Model(s) CSL 028, followed by 1, followed by 0 or 1, followed by 9, followed by 0-20. Open Type, Air Heaters with blower, Model(s) 043ZZ.X-00(#), 046ZZ.X-00(#), HGL 04640.0-XX(+)Open Type, Component Heaters (PTC), Model(s) RC016(%), RCE016(%%)Pressure compensators, Model(s) 28405.0-00, 28406.0-00(#) - where "ZZ" may be 00, 01, 03, 04, 09, 16, 24, 28 or 32 and X may be 0 or 9(%%) - followed by 22, 23, 24 and 25, followed by .0 followed by additional suffix digits.(%) - followed by 02, 09, and 10(&) - followed by 6, followed by 0, followed by 0 or 9 (0 = 230 V ac, 9 = 120 V ac), followed by 00 or 01. (+) - "XX" maybe 00, 01, 02, 03 or 05(@) - Model numbers may be followed by additional suffix digits indicating minor variations, such as color* - where "x" may be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 9; y may be 0 or 9 and "zz" may be 00 to 30.Marking: Company name, model designation and the Recognized Component Mark for Canada, .Last Updated on 2019-11-07STEGO ELEKTROTECHNIK GMBHKolpingstrasse 21Schwaebisch Hall, 74523 GermanyThe appearance of a company's name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so identified have been manufactured under UL's Follow-Up Service. Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Certified and covered under UL's Follow-Up Service. Always look for the Mark on the product.UL permits the reproduction of the material contained in the Online Certification Directory subject to the following conditions: 1. The Guide Information, Assemblies, Constructions, Designs, Systems, and/or Certifications (files) must be presented in their entirety and in a non-misleading manner, without any manipulation of the data (or drawings). 2. The statement "Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory with permission from UL" must appear adjacent to the extracted material. In addition, the reprinted material must include a copyright notice in the following format: "© 2020 UL LLC"。
L ABORATORY F UME H OODSFume hood design and selection shall incorporate the requirements of this section taken together with the requirements of Section 15910, Laboratory Ventilation.Related SectionsRefer to Section SID-F for code and regulatory requirements.Refer to Technical Sections listed below for additional UM design requirements which relate to fume hoods and which are to be incorporated into the specifications.UM Master Specifications Sections listed below contain language which is typically used on projects designed by UM Architecture and Engineering Services (AES). These specifications are available for the use of outside A/E's but should not substitute for the design professional's judgment regarding project-specific requirements, except for specific situations in the Design Guideline where it is stated that the Master Specifications are to be incorporated.UM Design Guideline Special Instructions to DesignersSection SID-F, Codes and Regulatory AgenciesUM Design Guidelines Technical Sections12345 - Laboratory Casework15060 - Basic Pipe and Pipe Fittings15910 - Fume Hood and Laboratory Ventilation16010 - Basic Electrical Requirements16050 - Basic Electrical Materials and Methods16500 - Lighting SystemUM Master Specification Sections11610 - Laboratory Fume Hoods12345 - Laboratory Casework15060 - Basic Piping Materials and Methods15910 - Laboratory Ventilation16010 - Basic Electrical Requirements16050 - Basic Electrical Materials and Methods16120 - Cable and Wire16140 - Wiring Devices16511 - Interior LightingFume Hood Design RequirementsSelection and DesignL ABORATORY F UME H OODS11610 J UNE, 2004 P AGE 1 OF 6L ABORATORY F UME H OODS11610P AGE 2 OF 6J UNE , 2004Proper selection of fume hood features is only possible after a thorough programming effort which includes input from the hood users. Programming should determine the types of work being conducted in the fume hood, the experience of the users, the materials which will be used in the hoods, and any special requirements for the hoods.In the interest of obtaining a cost-effective fume hood installation, the designer should incorporate the features designated as "typical" in this Design Guideline unless a specificneed or rationale has been identified during programming or design which makes an alternate selection a better choice. Alternate selections, accompanied by the reason for the selection, shall be presented to the University Project Coordinator for review.Hood type and usage have a major impact on mechanical requirements and should be selected in close consultation with the Project Mechanical Engineer, University Project Coordinator and the University's Department of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health ( UM OSEH).Laboratory fume hoods must comply with the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 110-95 As Manufactured, and relevant portions of NFPA 45.TypesConsult with University Project Coordinator and UM Occupational Safety andEnvironmental Health (OSEH) to determine type of materials to be handled, and hood requirements.• Bench hood: designed to rest atop a counter or base cabinet, usually about 36"above the finished floor.• Walk-in hood: used where taller apparatus is required or equipment is to be rolledinto the hood. Walk-in hoods provide a minimum of 78" of working height.• Perchloric acid hood: specially designed hoods designed to safely accommodate use of perchloric acid. Among other features, these hoods have a spray mechanism forwashing down the hood and duct interiors. Perchloric acid hoods should have alabel indicating suitability for use with perchloric acid procedures.•Radioisotope (RI) hood: equipped with a welded stainless steel liner and covedstainless steel work surface Sash TypeTypically, specify fume hoods with a vertical rising sash. Specify combination sash when justified by the type of use of the hood. Do not specify combination sash in hoods of less than six feet nominal width.Sash StopsL ABORATORY F UME H OODS 11610 J UNE , 2004P AGE 3 OF 6All fume hoods shall be specified with sash stops. The stops shall be integral with the frame; add-on stops are not acceptable.Height for sash stops: 14" from the work surface, with a clear opening height of 13" above the airfoil. For airfoils of unconventional design, adjust the location of the sash stop to maintain the 13" clear opening height.Work SurfacesSolid, Cast Epoxy Resin: For most fume hoods, specify epoxy resin tops, with recessed work area (dished to retain spills).Stainless Steel: For specialty applications only. Usually will be specified, together with a coved stainless steel lining which is welded to the work surface to create a seamlessinstallation, for RI and perchloric acid hoods. Specify units with adequate structural support for lead bricks or other shielding devices.Lead Shielding: Design structural supports to support weight of shielding materials. LiningsLinings must meet requirements of NFPA 45, paragraph 9-1.1 (flame spread less than 25). Linings which do not meet this requirement are not permitted. The following are possible choices:• Fiberglass-Reinforced Polyester Resin Panels (FRP): This is typically the materialused in fume hoods specified for UM projects. FRP is not resistant to quite as wide a variety of chemicals as cast epoxy resin and may not be appropriate forapplications requiring a high heat resistance.• Cast Epoxy Resin Panels: More resistant to chemicals and heat than fiberglass-reinforced polyester resin. Because of limited availability and high cost thismaterial should only be specified when other materials are not suitable for theintended uses. Thin unreinforced epoxy resin liners are susceptible to damageduring shipping.• Stainless Steel: Not as chemically resistant as the resins, stainless steel should beused only in RI hoods, perchloric acid hoods and when high heat resistance isrequired.•Others: Use of other liner materials is discouraged. Generally, other materials have a poor cost/benefit ratio compared with the choices listed above. Baffles: For fume hoods to be installed in teaching labs or other locations where users may be unfamiliar with fume hood operation, UM recommends the installation of fixed baffles. In other locations, manually adjustable baffles (where available) are the recommended choice.L ABORATORY F UME H OODS 11610P AGE 4 OF 6J UNE , 2004AlarmsAudible and visual air flow alarms are required to be installed on all chemical fume hoods. Refer to Design Guideline Section 15910.Mechanical Service FittingsRemote control fittings for water, gas, air, vacuum and similar services should be brass, with at least 81 percent copper content. Service fittings in fume hoods shall have a chemically resistant plastic coating. Fittings must be serviceable from the front of the fume hood. Do not specify plastic fittings, except for deionized (purified) water outlets.Protect the potable water supply with vacuum breakers or backflow preventers installed on the front face of fume hoods.Specify factory piped units whenever possible. Piping within the fume hood shall match materials in Division 15 Mechanical Specifications.Specify cupsinks which are designed to protect against spillage of chemicals into the sink. Cupsinks may be either side-mounted or mounted in the work surface (with a raised rim), depending on user needs.Electrical Service FittingsLights: Specify that each hood have a UL labeled, vapor-tight light fixture equipped with two F32T8 rapid-start, multi-phosphor fluorescent lamps with a medium bi-pin base, color temperature of 3500O K, and a CRI of not less than 75. Shield fixture from hood interior by 1/8 inch thick tempered glass panel. Units shall be located so that light tubes are easily replaceable from outside hood. Light switches shall be rated 120/277 volt, 20 amps, specification grade, extra heavy duty.Receptacles: Unless there is a requirement for other voltages or configurations, specify 2 duplex outlets on the face of the hood; 125 volt, 20 amp, 2 pole, 3 wire, specification grade, extra heavy duty grounding type with nylon or Lexan bodies. Specify ground fault circuit interrupter receptacles in fume hoods and within 6 feet of fume hoods which contain sinks. GFCI receptacles shall be rated for 2000 amps interrupting capacity and trip in 25milliseconds or less when ground currents exceed 5 milliamps.Other Requirements: Usually specify ivory colored switches and outlets.Additional Superstructure ComponentsConsider the following components where appropriate:• Enclosure Panels: Where the gap between suspended ceiling and top of fume hoodwill expose ductwork and equipment, consider specifying removable enclosureL ABORATORY F UME H OODS 11610 J UNE , 2004P AGE 5 OF 6panels to conceal dead space and neaten appearance. However, rooms withoutsuspended ceilings rarely benefit from enclosure panels.• Walk-in Hood Floors: Specify either a stainless steel or epoxy resin floor in walk-inhoods, constructed so as to retain spills, but tapered to facilitate ease of move-in for roll-in items.Base Unit Design RequirementsGenerally specify under each hood both a flammable/solvents storage base cabinet and a corrosives storage base cabinet, each equal to half the length of the hood. Where standard cabinet lengths make this impossible, or where special storage requirements dictateadditional storage capacity, locate supplemental storage units elsewhere in the laboratory. If supplemental flammable/solvents storage cabinets are required, they shall not be located next to the hood superstructure. The following types of base cabinets can be provided in either wood or metal: Corrosives Storage Units: Specify units vented external to the hood directly to the fume hood exhaust duct, and provide a detail on the Drawings illustrating this. Cabinets shall not be vented into the fume hood exhaust chamber itself. Usually include optional composition-board interior lining. Flammable/Solvent Liquid Storage Units: Specify units meeting requirements of NFPA 30, paragraph 4-3.2.1 if metal; or NFPA 30, paragraph 4-3.2.2 if wood. Include requirements for 3-point latching mechanism (mentioned in 30-4-3.2.1, but not 30-4-3.2.2) if cabinets areconstructed of wood. Flammable liquid storage cabinets should not be vented. If the client requests venting, special review with UM OSEH is necessary.Consider possible conflicts between flammable storage base cabinets and cupsinks. Some manufacturers have this conflict resolved for their standard cupsink sizes and locations, while others do not. Non-standard placement or non-standard size of cupsinks may also cause problems. Avoid placing cupsinks over flammable storage base cabinets unless the condition can be resolved by the casework manufacturer.Coordinate the specification of base cabinets with that of fume hoods so that a mismatch between the depths of the hood and the base cabinets is avoided.Biological Safety Cabinets, Tissue Culture Hoods and Laminar Flow HoodsBefore specifying these units, verify with the University Project Coordinator that they are to be included as part of the fixed construction. Selection of the type, size and class of these units shall be made by the University Project Coordinator and OSEH representative in coordination with the Design Engineer.Fume Hood TestingSpecify that laboratory fume hoods must be tested to meet or exceed ASHRAE 110-95 As Manufactured (AM) testing at breathing zone concentrations of not more than 0.05 parts per million (ppm) with a 4 liter per minute tracer gas emission rate.The 0.05 performance level may be inadequate for lab hoods which are to be used for extraordinary purposes, such as those involving highly toxic chemicals, high production volumes, or high-hazard radioactive materials. In such cases, the University Project Coordinator and UM OSEH shall provide direction regarding alternative AM or As Used (AU) testing.In some locations, additional As Installed (AI) testing may be required for a certain percentage of fume hoods. This is most likely to occur in new research buildings. The University Project Coordinator and UM OSEH will provide direction regarding whether AI testing is required and, if so, how many fume hoods are to be tested.L ABORATORY F UME H OODS11610P AGE 6 OF 6 J UNE, 2004。
FLST 扇型风速计测量站规格与操作说明说明书
SPECIFICATIONSAccuracy: Within 2% of actual flow when installed in accordance with published recommendations.Velocity Range: 100 to 10,000 fpm (0.51 to 51 m/s).Wetted Material: Elements 6063-T5 anodized aluminum; Casings 16 ga G90 galvanized steel.Temperature Limits:Galvanized Casings and Aluminum Elements 350°F (177°C) continuous operation (in air) 400°F (204°C) intermittent operation (in air).Humidity:All Airflow Stations 0 to 100% non condensing.Process Connections: 1/4˝ compression fittings.TOTAL PRESSURE(T.PThe Series FLST Airflow Measurement Station consists of single or multiple airflow elements, factory mounted and pre-piped in a casing designed for flanged connection to the ductwork. Standard materials con-sist of a G90 galvanized casing and 6063-T5 anodized aluminum flow sen-sors, suitable for most HVAC applications.The airflow averaging element, utilized in the FLST, is a head type device, which generates a differential (velocity) pressure signal similar to the orifice, venturi, and other head producing primary elements. The FLST is con-structed so that strategically located sensing ports (based on duct size) continually sample the total and static pressures, when inserted normal to flow. The total pressures sensed by the upstream ports are continually averaged within the element in an isolated chamber. The static sensing ports (located where the influence of the velocity head is zero) are averaged in a second isolation chamber. Multiple elements are manifolded together for connection to a differential measurement device (gage, transmitter, etc.) for flow measurement and indication purposes.Oval StationsStandard oval airflow measuring stations include a 18 gage galvanized casing, 5 inches long between beads with 1-1/4 inch connecting sleeve on each end (7-1/2 inch overall length). Actual O.D. dimensions are 1/4 inch less than specified duct I.D. dimensions.INSTALLATIONThe elements may be installed in any duct configuration. However, the accuracy of the installation is dependent on the flow conditions in the duct. The minimum installation requirements for the elements based upon a uniform velocity profile approaching the duct disturbance for flow rates less than 2,500 fpm are shown below. Add one duct diameter to the installation requirements shown below for each additional flow rate of 1000 fpm. These are not ideal locations. It is always best to locate the ele-ments as far as possible from all duct disturbances, with upstream distur-bances being the most critical consideration.Circular StationsStandard circular airflow measuring stations include a 16 gage galvanized casing with attached 90° connecting flanges as listed above. Rectangular StationsStandard rectangular airflow measuring stations include a 16 gage galva-nized casing, 5 inches long, with formed integral 90° connecting flangesas listed above.Notes:Round Ducts:Rectangular Ducts:H = Duct heightELBOWS TRANSITIONSFLST SPECIFICATION GUIDE1. Provide where indicated and/or scheduled airflow traverse elements capable of continuously monitoring the fan or duct air volumes they serve.2. Each element shall be designed and built to comply with, and provide results in accordance with, accepted practice for duct system traversing as defined in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, AMCA publication #203, as well as the Industrial Ventilation Handbook. The number of sens-ing ports on each element, and the quantity of elements utilized at each installation, shall comply with ASHRAE Standard #111 for equal area duct traversing.3. Each airflow measuring element shall contain multiple total and static pressure sensing ports placed along the leading edge of the cylinder. The static pressure chamber shall incorporate dual offset static taps on oppos-ing sides of the averaging chamber, so as to be insensitive to flow angle variations of as much as ±20 degrees in the approaching airstream.4. The airflow traverse elements shall be capable of producing steady, non-pulsating signals of true total and static pressure, with an accuracy of 2% of actual flow for operating velocities as low as 100 feet per minute (fpm). Signal amplifying sensors requiring flow correction (K factors) for field cali-bration are not acceptable.5. The airflow traverse elements shall not induce a measurable pressure drop, greater than 0.18 inch at 4,000 fpm. The units sound level within the duct shall not be amplified, nor shall additional sound be generated.6. The probes shall be manifolded together in a 16 gauge galvanized steel duct section with 90 degree undrilled flanges, fabricated to the duct size, and shall contain multiple airflow traverse elements interconnected as here-in before described.7. Where primary flow elements are located outside of the manufacturer’s published installation guidelines the manufacturer shall be consulted, and approve of any special configurations, such as air equalizers and/or addi-tional and strategically placed measuring points, as may be required.8. Where the stations are installed in insulated ducts, the airflow passage of the station shall be the same size as the inside airflow dimension of the duct. Station flanges shall be sized to facilitate matching connecting duct-work.Installation Considerations1. Primary flow elements shall be installed in strict accordance with the manufactures published requirements and with ASME guidelines affecting non-standard approach conditions. These elements serve as the primary signals for the airflow systems; it shall be the responsibility of the contrac-tor to verify correct installation to assure that accurate primary signals are obtained.2. An identification label shall be placed on each unit casing listing modelnumber, size, area, and specified airflow capacity.FLST RESISTANCE to AIRFLOWEngineering Reference Table。
图 6: 皮托管
静压探针上的静压端口应被连接到微压风速计上的(+)端口,微压风速计上的(-)端 口应曝露到大气环境(参阅图 7)。
第 2 章 拆箱和建立
这章叙述了拆箱和建立(准备)微压风速计的使用,图 3 给出一张 8710 型与速度矩阵 在实验室测量排气柜的面风速的相片。
图 3:8710 型与速度矩阵
与我们联系。表 1 和表 2 列出可利用的标准和选用组件。
将插座接到电源上 图 11:温度探针或温度/湿度探针的连接
第 3 章 开始操作
这章提供信息帮助你快速的熟悉 8710 型微压风速计的功能,它包含进行取样读值一步 一步的说明。
箭头按键让你输入信息,启动功能,和更改储存在微压风速计的数值;操作微压风速计 以前完全了解每一按键的功能会对操作很有帮助。
注意:进行空气流速和流量测试时注意箭头指向。 总压力口(+)
静压力口(-) 图 10:空气流量探针
温度探针和温度/湿度探针安装到位于微压风速计右手侧的 8-针连接器;当连接该探针 到微压风速计,连接器上的凹处必需被对准以配合微压风速计上的插座缺口(参阅图 11)。
ENTER 键是用于接受出现的数值或移动至功能表的下一功能。
显示模式被设定为 SINGLE ,按 READ 键开始一个读数;当读数完成后自动停止。 若 显示模式被设定为 RUNAVG,则微压风速计将连续的测量;按 READ 键将交替暂停或返回 该测量(如何设定显示模式为 SINGLE 或 RUNAVG 方法详第 4 章)。
瑞思迈AIRFIT F10全脸面罩中文说明书
表明是一个警告或注意事项,提醒您可能会造成伤害的情况或解释 安全和有效使用本装置的特殊措施
简体中文 9
ResMed承认根据欧盟理事指令1999/44/EC以及欧盟组织内个别国家 法对于在欧盟地区内销售之产品所定的全部消费者权利。
使用前请阅读手册的全部内容。 在按照手册的内容进行操作时, 请参照本手册的首页和底页的图示说明。
AirFit F10 型号是从持续气道正压通气(CPAP)或双压水平系统之类 的气道正压(PAP)装置,向患者输送气流(可以供氧,也可以不供氧)时 所使用的无创配件。 AirFit F10 型号产品: 供体重超过30 kg,按医嘱须接受气道正压治疗的患者使用 供单一患者在家中重复使用,以及供多位患者在医院/公共机构中
接到面罩框上。 确保头带的瑞思迈标志面向外面而且是右侧 向上。 5. 将弯头连接到呼吸管。 按压两侧的按钮并将弯头推入面罩,使弯 头以及呼吸管和面罩连接。 拉动弯头,确认是否与面罩系紧。
您的面罩与头带只能用温和肥皂水(约30°C)轻轻擦洗。 所有组件都应以洁净水冲洗,并在避光处风干。
使用面罩后若出现任何不良反应,请停止使用面罩,并咨询您的 医生或睡眠治疗师。
使用面罩可能会导致牙齿、牙龈或下颚疼痛或加重现有牙齿病 症。 如果出现这些病症,请咨询您的医生或牙医。
和所有的面罩一样,气道正压压力低时,可能会出现某种程度的 再吸入。
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F L型风量仪采用皮托管式原理:
F L型风量仪分为风口式(FL-1型)和管道式(FL-B型)两种,可以单个显示测量也可以
F L型风量仪通过孔板式标准风洞装置进行多点风量校正,然后提供使用,是用户直接测定风量既可靠又简便的仪器。
1. 基本功能:
3、电源:DC.7.2V/ 1800mA/ h . (220V.AC±10% 50H z±2H z)
Piease Input ---- Location :▓ 00 此时你可以按“↑、↓”键设置当前所测风口的位置号。
设置好以后,可继续按“测量”键,将显示Is Sample-------Please wait字样,3秒钟后即显示出测量
“N O.004”为已经测量的次数。
“Q= 0100 m3/h”的值为当前测量风口的风量。
再看绿灯是否亮,如不亮,按一下S E L键。
机盒上的S E L键,绿灯灭,再按一下L E键走纸,复按则停止。
1.快速充电器S Y B—L2S40):直接用输出8.4V/4A的充电器输出插头,插入仪器的右侧充电插孔即可,大约2~3小时充满
当C H A R G E充电指示灯为红色时,电池即开始充电。
3. 充电温度
慢充电(FM50) 快充电S Y B—L2S40)
输入额定值 AC110~240V,50/60Hz DC12V~500mA AC 100V~245V,50/60Hz,0.2A
输出额定值 DC 12V~500mA DC 8.4V~650mA DC 8.4V~4.0A
充电时间 8小时(2~3)小时
操作温度 0℃~40℃ 0℃~40℃
尺寸(40×27×73)m m(16×60×105)m m(30×51×111)m m