12230-法语-L AVEUGLE
L'A VEUGLEQu'est-ce donc que cette joie du premier soleil?Pourquoi cette lumière tombée sur la terre nous emplit-elle ainsi du bonheur de vivre?Le ciel est tout bleu,la campagne toute verte,les maisons toutes blanches;et nos yeux ravis boivent ces couleurs vives dont ils font de l'allégresse pour nos âmes.Et il nous vient des envies de danser,des envies de courir,des envies de chanter,une légèretéheureuse de la pensée,une sorte de tendresseélargie,on voudrait embrasser le soleil.Les aveugles sous les portes,impassibles en leuréternelle obscurité,restent calmes comme toujours au milieu de cette gaieténouvelle,et,sans comprendre,ils apaisentàtoute minute leur chien qui voudrait gambader.Quand ils rentrent,le jour fini,au bras d'un jeune frère ou d'une petite soeur,si l'enfant dit:"Il a fait bien beau tantôt!",l'autre répond:"Je m'en suis bien aperçu,qu'il faisait beau,Loulou ne tenait pas en place."J'ai connu un de ces hommes dont la vie fut un des plus cruels martyres qu'on puisse rêver.C'était un paysan,le fils d'un fermier normand.Tant que le père et la mère vécurent,on eutàpeu près soin de lui;il ne souffrit guère que de son horrible infirmité;mais dès que les vieux furent partis,l'existence atroce commença.Recueilli par une soeur,tout le monde dans la ferme le traitait comme un gueux qui mange le pain des autres.A chaque repas,on lui reprochait la nourriture;on l'appelait fainéant,manant;et bien que son beau-frère se fût emparéde sa part d'héritage,on lui donnaitàregret la soupe,juste assez pour qu'il ne mourût point.Il avait une figure toute pâle,et deux grands yeux blancs comme des painsàcacheter;et il demeurait impassible sous l'injure,tellement enferméen lui-même qu'on ignorait s'il la sentait. Jamais d'ailleurs il n'avait connu aucune tendresse,sa mère l'ayant toujours un peu rudoyé,ne l'aimant guère;car aux champs les inutiles sont des nuisibles,et les paysans feraient volontiers comme les poules qui tuent les infirmes d'entre elles.Sitôt la soupe avalée,il allait s'asseoir devant la porte enété,contre la cheminée en hiver,et il ne remuait plus jusqu'au soir.Il ne faisait pas un geste,pas un mouvement;seules ses paupières, qu'agitait une sorte de souffrance nerveuse,retombaient parfois sur la tache blanche de ses yeux. Avait-il un esprit,une pensée,une conscience nette de sa vie?Personne ne se le demandait. Pendant quelques années les choses allèrent ainsi.Mais son impuissanceàrien faire autant que son impassibilitéfinirent par exaspérer ses parents,et il devint un souffre-douleur,une sorte de bouffon-martyr,de proie donnéeàla férociténative,àla gaietésauvage des brutes qui l'entouraient.On imagina toutes les farces cruelles que sa cécitéput inspirer.Et,pour se payer de ce qu'il mangeait,on fit de ses repas des heures de plaisir pour les voisins et de supplice pour l'impotent. Les paysans des maisons prochaines s'en venaientàce divertissement;on se le disait de porte en porte,et la cuisine de la ferme se trouvait pleine chaque jour.Tantôt on posait sur la table,devant son assiette oùil commençaitàpuiser le bouillon,quelque chat ou quelque bête avec son instinct flairait l'infirmitéde l'homme et,tout doucement,s'approchait,mangeait sans bruit, lapant avec délicatesse;et quand un clapotis de langue un peu bruyant avaitéveillél'attention du pauvre diable,elle s'écartait prudemment pouréviter le coup de cuiller qu'il envoyait au hasard devant lui.Alors c'étaient des rires,des poussées,des trépignements des spectateurs tassés le long des murs.Et lui,sans jamais dire un mot,se remettaitàmanger de la main droite,tandis que,de la gauche avancée,il protégeait et défendait son assiette.Tantôt on lui faisait mâcher des bouchons,du bois,des feuilles ou même des ordures,qu'il ne pouvait distinguer.Puis on se lassa même des plaisanteries;et le beau-frère enrageant de le toujours nourrir,le frappa,le gifla sans cesse,riant des efforts inutiles de l'autre pour parer les coups ou les rendre.Ce fut alors un jeu nouveau:le jeu des claques.Et les valets de charrue,le goujat,les servantes,lui lançaientàtout moment leur main par la figure,ce qui imprimaitàses paupières un mouvement précipité.Il ne savait oùse cacher et demeurait sans cesse les brasétendus pouréviter les approches.Enfin,on le contraignitàmendier.On le portait sur les routes les jours de marché,et dès qu'il entendait un bruit de pas ou le roulement d'une voiture,il tendait son chapeau en balbutiant:"La charité,s'il vous plaît."Mais le paysan n'est pas prodigue,et,pendant des semaines entières,il ne rapportait pas un sou. Ce fut alors contre lui une haine déchaînée,impitoyable.Et voici comment il mourut.Un hiver,la terreétait couverte de neige,et il gelait horriblement.Or son beau-frère,un matin,le conduisit fort loin sur une grande route pour lui faire demander l'aumône.Il l'y laissa tout le jour, et quand la nuit fut venue,il affirma devant ses gens qu'il ne l'avait plus retrouvé.Puis il ajouta: "Bast!faut pas s'en occuper,quelqu'un l'aura emmenéparce qu'il avait froid.Pardié!i n'est pas perdu.I reviendra ben d'main manger la soupe."Le lendemain,il ne revint pas.Après de longues heures d'attente,saisi par le froid,se sentant mourir,l'aveugle s'était misàmarcher.Ne pouvant reconnaître la route ensevelie sous cetteécume de glace,il avait erréau hasard,tombant dans les fossés,se relevant,toujours muet,cherchant une maison.Mais l'engourdissement des neiges l'avait peuàpeu envahi,et ses jambes faibles ne le pouvant plus porter,il s'était assis au milieu d'une plaine.Il ne se releva point.Les blancs flocons qui tombaient toujours l'ensevelirent.Son corps raidi disparut sous l'incessante accumulation de leur foule infinie;et rien n'indiquait plus la place oùle cadavreétait couché.Ses parents firent mine de s'enquérir et de le chercher pendant huit jours.Ils pleurèrent même.L'hiverétait rude et le dégel n'arrivait pas vite.Or,un dimanche,en allantàla messe,les fermiers remarquèrent un grand vol de corbeaux qui tournoyaient sans fin au-dessus de la plaine,puis s'abattaient comme une pluie noire en tasàla même place,repartaient et revenaient toujours.La semaine suivante,ilsétaient encore là,les oiseaux sombres.Le ciel en portait un nuage comme s'ils se fussent réunis de tous les coins de l'horizon;et ils se laissaient tomber avec de grands cris dans la neigeéclatante,qu'ils tachaientétrangement et fouillaient avec obstination.Un gars alla voir ce qu'ils faisaient,et découvrit le corps de l'aveugle,àmoitiédévorédéjà, déchiqueté.Ses yeux pâles avaient disparu,piqués par les longs becs voraces.Et je ne puis jamais ressentir la vive gaietédes jours de soleil,sans un souvenir triste et une pensée mélancolique vers le gueux,si déshéritédans la vie que son horrible mort fut un soulagement pour tous ceux qui l'avaient connu.31mars1882。
10. Hong Kong––A capitalist citadel at China's doorstep.
香港––中国大门口的资本自已大本营。 11. And sings a solitary song, that whistles in
the wind.
12. Scandals and scares, booms and busts made 1987 a period of tumult..
The main rhetoric function of alliteration is to increase the rhythm of language, besides which, alliteration is sometimes used to imitate some sound in life to make the language more vivid and impressive.
vowels without repetition of consonants 即类韵是指几个相邻词的元音
相似或元音相同但是前后辅音不同,相邻词的 音节中对相似元音的重复,也可表现为同一 字母在不同单词中所发元音的重复.
Function :
Assonance is one of the important phonetic rhetorical devices which is often used to increase rhythm and expressiveness of a writing.
据Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 对类音,半韵(Assonance)的
法语中名词变复数的规律I一般地,普通名词变复数时在词尾加-s即可,如:une pommedes pommesun fruitdes fruits例外:以-s, -x或-z 结尾的名词变复数时,形式不变,如:une sourisdes sourisune voixdes voixun nezdes nez以 -al结尾的名词变复数时,一般要变为-aux:un chevalles chevauxun idéal les idéaux一些以-al结尾的名词变复数时,加-s,约有十几个:le balles balsle carnaval les carnavalsle festival les festivalsle cal les calsle carnaval les carnavalsle cérémonial les cérémonialsle chacal les chacalsle choral les choralsle narval les narvalsle pal les pal(复数罕见)le récital les récitalsle régal les régals另外,le val 的复数仅用于某些熟语和专有名词,如:galoper par monts et par vaux,les Vaux-de-Cernay以-au, -eu,或 -eau 结尾的名词变复数时,通常加-x:un tuyaudes tuyauxdes feuxun cadeaudes cadeaux一些以-au, -eu, or -eau 结尾的名词变复数时,加 -s:un pneudes pneusle bleu les bleusle landau les landausle sarrau les sarraus以-ail结尾的名词变复数时,加-s:un chandaildes chandailsun rail des railsun ail des ails有7个例外,变为-aux:le bail les bauxle corail les corauxle soupirail les soupirauxle travail les travauxle vantail les vantauxle vitrail les vitraux5. 以-ou结尾的名词变复数时,通常加-s:un foudes fousun sou des sous例外(复数形式加-x):bijoubijouxcailloucaillouxchouchouxgenougenouxhibouxjoujoujoujouxpoupoux有些复数形式比较特殊:l''oeilles yeuxle cielles cieuxII有些名词有两种复数形式,意义各不相同,如:aïeul:aïeuls意谓‘祖父母’抑或‘外祖父母’,而aïeux则为‘祖先’之意。
2019年精选高中选修语文《外国小说欣赏》第六单元人教版课后练习第六十四篇第1题【单选题】下列各组词语中,加线字的注音全都正确的一组是( )A、脊髓(suǐ)潜(qián)力蹩(bié)进闷(mēn)热B、斐(fěi)然咋(zhà)舌纸屑(xuē)信笺(jiān)C、炽(zhì)热稽(qǐ)首憎(zēng)恶遒劲(jìng)D、癖(pǐ)好广袤(mào)攻讦(jié)尽(jìn)管【答案】:【解析】:第2题【单选题】下列各句中,没有错别字且读音全对的一项是( )A、母鸡栖息在树上,可把松鼠吓坏了。
【答案】:【解析】:第3题【单选题】下列句子中加线的成语使用正确的一项是( )A、《牲畜林》的确是一篇优秀小说,我读着读者,经常被小说中精彩的情节和精到的描写所吸引,不禁拍案而起,击节叫好。
【答案】:【解析】:第4题【单选题】下列词语中错别字最多的一项是( )A、黯淡艳羡必恭必敬晃然大悟B、惬意悭吝鞠躬尽粹仗义直言C、誊写亲怩不知所错英雄倍出D、笑靥纸绽冠冕堂皇莫明其妙【答案】:【解析】:第5题【单选题】下列各句中有关文学常识表述有误的一项是( )A、罗贯中的《三国演义》一书中有很多故事家喻户晓。
英语专八单词表A-D 不重复 带音标
卜ri:vi e1丁an/ h.缩写abdicate/,wbdikeit/V.正式放弃(官职、权利),让位,退位,逊位abdomen/}ebdamen/h.腹(部),下腹abdominal/wb,dnminl/adj.腹(部)的,下腹的abduct/wb,dnkt/v.诱拐,拐走,绑架aberrant/w berant/adj.不循常轨的,不走正路的abhor/ab Iho:/v.[曾J限(某人、某事物),厌恶,讨厌abide/abaid/v.忍受,容忍}}abide by遵守(法律等),信守(诺言等)abiding/。
Ibleiz/adj. 1.着火,燃烧着2.闪耀,灯火辉煌ably/eibli/adv.能干地,熟练地abnormality/,wbn:):,mwlati/h.不正常,变态abode/a 1baod/h.房屋;家}}of(with)no fixed abode居无定所abominable/。
,bnminabladj. 1.可憎的,可恶的2absurd糕的,极坏的aboriginal/,wba ,rid3anal/adj. 1.(指人、动植物)土生的,原产地的2.土著的,土人的aborigine/,peba'rid3ini:/h.(澳洲的)土著;土人abort/abo:t/v. 1.使流产,堕胎2.中止,(使)夭折,使(计划)失败abound/。
baond/v. 1.大量存在,充满2.富有…,…丰富aboveboard/。
例子及讲解以下是一些常见的Caesurae(断句)的例子,并对它们的作用进行详细讲解:•例子 1:“To err is human, to forgive divine.”在这个例子中,短语“is human”和“to forgive”之间的逗号(,)可以被视为一个Caesurae。
它在诗歌中创造了一个停顿,强调了“is human”和“to forgive”这两个重要的概念。
•例子 2:“Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, Is our destined end or way.”在这个例子中,逗号(,)在“Not enjoyment”和“and not sorrow”之间形成了一个断句。
它创造了一个明显的停顿,使得读者可以更好地理解并强调“Not enjoyment”和“and not sorrow”这两个概念。
•例子 3:“And the night is a-cold; And the night is a-cold;在这个例子中,分号(;)在两个相同的词组之间形成了一个断句。
•例子 4:“O, what a noble mind is here o’erthrown!”在这个例子中,感叹词“O”和逗号(,)之间形成了一个断句。
这个断句用于强调和加重“what a noble mind is here o’erthrown”这个表达。
•例子 5:“I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o’er vales and hills.”在这个例子中,两行诗之间的断行可以被视为一种断句。
yan 相近英语词 -回复
yan 相近英语词-回复"Yan" is a versatile word in the English language that can be used in different contexts. It has several meanings and is frequently used as a prefix or a suffix to form compound words. In this article, we will explore the various uses of the word "yan" and how it adds depth and nuance to the English language.One common usage of "yan" is as a prefix to imply direction or movement. For example, "Yankee" refers to someone from the United States, and the term originated during the American Revolutionary War. The British soldiers used it as a disdainful term for the Americans, but the Americans embraced it and made it a symbol of national pride. The word "yan" in "Yankee" is believed to be derived from the Dutch name "Jan" or "John," which was commonly used to refer to any commoner.Another example of "yan" as a prefix is in the word "yander," which means to wander aimlessly or without a clear destination. This word conjures images of someone walking without purpose, meandering through streets or fields, lost in thought. We often use it to describe someone who appears lost or confused, both physically and mentally.Moving on to the suffix "yan," we find it commonly used in personal names. For instance, "Bryan," "Ryan," "Aryan," and "Dyan" are all names that end with the suffix "yan." This suffix doesn't have a specific meaning but adds a certain rhythm and musicality to the name. It may have originated from various cultures and languages, each with its unique interpretation.Apart from names, "yan" is also used as a suffix in other words. One such example is "soothsayer," which refers to a person who claims to have the ability to predict the future or divine information. This word was historically associated with fortune tellers, seers, or people who claimed to have a connection with the spiritual realm. The suffix "yan" in "soothsayer" adds an air of mystique and intrigue to the word, heightening the imagery of someone with supernatural powers.In addition to being used as a prefix and suffix, "yan" can also stand alone as a word with its own specific meaning. "Yan" can be an informal term for a person, often a young male or friend, derived from the word "young." This usage of "yan" is more prevalent in certain dialects and informal settings.Furthermore, "yan" can also be a slang term for a cigarette. This usage is mainly found in British English and is considered colloquial. It is interesting to note how the word "yan" took on an entirely different meaning in this context, showcasing the richness and adaptability of the English language.In conclusion, the word "yan" is a versatile element in the English language, capable of being used as a prefix, suffix, or standalone word. It adds depth, nuance, and sometimes even a touch of mystery to the words it encompasses. From names to colloquial slang, "yan" demonstrates the dynamic nature of language, constantly evolving to cater to new expressions, meanings, and cultural influences.。
被称为"mercy dagger",因为它被用来给受伤的对手以怜悯的一刀。
yan 相近英语词 -回复
yan 相近英语词-回复标题:"Exploring the Similarities and Differences between 'Yan' and its English Equivalents"Introduction:When it comes to finding the right words to express ourselves, language plays a crucial role. Comparing different languages can not only enhance our understanding of various cultures but also highlight the similarities and differences between them. In this article, we will explore the concept of "yan" and its English equivalents, dissecting its meaning and usage in both languages.1. Defining "Yan":In the Chinese language, "yan" (音) refers to the sound or pronunciation of a word. It acts as the phonetic component of a Chinese character, helping convey its meaning. While "yan" is exclusively used in Chinese, it shares similarities with the English concept of "phonetics."2. Understanding Phonetics in English:Phonetics is the study of the sounds produced in human speech. It encompasses the individual sounds, known as phonemes, and theirarrangements to form meaningful words. These phonetic elements help in proper pronunciation and understanding of English vocabulary.3. Breaking Down the Chinese "Yan":In Chinese, each character comprises different components, such as the radical, meaning, and pronunciation. The "yan" component focuses solely on the phonetic aspect. For example, the character "休" (xiū), which means "to rest," contains the "yan" component "休" (xiū) in the form of its pronunciation. This allows speakers to understand the precise sound of the character.4. Analyzing English Phonetics:Similarly, English uses phonetics to aid in pronunciation. For instance, the word "pronunciation" itself can be broken down into its phonetic components: /prəˌnʌn.siˈei.ʃən/. This phonetic breakdown provides a step-by-step guide for correct pronunciation, emphasizing the sounds /p/, /r/, /ə/, /n/, /ʌ/, /n/, /s/, /iː/, /ˈeɪ/, and /ʃən/.5. Comparing "Yan" and Phonetics:Although "yan" and phonetics serve similar purposes, they differ intheir approach. "Yan" focuses on the internal structure of Chinese characters, helping with their pronunciation. In contrast, phonetics in English breaks down words into individual sounds, guiding the correct pronunciation.6. The Influence of "Yan" on Chinese Learning:Understanding "yan" is crucial for mastering the Chinese language, as it aids in reading and pronunciation. By recognizing and internalizing the "yan" components, learners can fluently read and pronounce new Chinese characters, even if they are unfamiliar with their meanings.7. The Importance of Phonetics in English:In English language learning, phonetics plays a pivotal role in acquiring proper pronunciation. Accent and fluency are greatly influenced by mastering the phonetic components of English words. By studying phonetic symbols and understanding the pronunciation guide, learners can improve their spoken English skills.Conclusion:In conclusion, "yan" is a unique aspect of the Chinese language,facilitating the pronunciation of characters. Its English equivalent, phonetics, serves a similar purpose but with a different approach. Recognizing the similarities and differences between "yan" and phonetics contributes to a deeper understanding of how language functions across different cultures. Therefore, embracing both concepts can enhance language learning and cross-cultural communication.。
高中英语文学体裁单选题80题(含答案)1.Which of the following is a characteristic of lyric poetry?A. Tells a long narrative storyB. Focuses on a single emotional momentC. Describes historical events in detailD. Presents arguments and debates答案:B。
选项A 是叙事诗的特点;选项C 更倾向于史诗的特点;选项D 不是诗歌常见的主要特点。
2.Poetry that uses regular rhyme and meter is called:A. Free verse poetryB. Blank verse poetryC. Sonnet poetryD. Rhymed poetry答案:D。
选项 A 自由诗不强调押韵和格律;选项 B 无韵诗虽有格律但不押韵;选项C 十四行诗只是一种特定形式的诗歌,不一定是所有押韵有格律的诗歌都叫十四行诗。
3.Which poet is known for his use of imagism in poetry?A. William WordsworthB. T.S. EliotC. Ezra PoundD. Robert Frost答案:C。
4.The form of poetry that consists of three lines with a specific syllable count is:A. HaikuB. SonnetC. LimerickD. Ballad答案:A。
一种常见的assimilation形式是协同性韵律同化(coarticulatory assimilation),也被称为协同同化(anticipatory assimilation)。
另一种assimilation形式是顺应性韵律同化(regressive assimilation),亦称为回应同化(perseverative assimilation)。
例如,在单词"un homme"中,词尾的/m/会被咽音韵律辅音/g/影响,导致/m/发音为音素/n/,产生/"œn ɔm"/的发音。
这些只是assimilation的两个常见形式,还存在其他形式的assimilation,如部分assimilation(partial assimilation)和相随assimilation(concomitant assimilation)。
二、swallow的基本含义1. swallow的基本含义:吞咽、咽下。
2. 示例词汇:swallow(燕子)、swallower(吞噬者)、swallowt 本人l(尾燕蝶)等。
三、swallow在生物学和医学中的应用1. swallow在生物学中的应用(1)示例词汇:swallow(燕子,一种常见的候鸟)、swallows and martins(燕雀科动物,特指燕子和燕麻雀)等。
2. swallow在医学中的应用(1)swallow在医学术语中常见,并且与吞咽、咽下相关。
四、swallow在日常生活中的应用1. swallow在食品和饮料中的应用(1)swallow在食品和饮料中常用于表示吞咽、咽下等动作。
2. swallow在习语表达中的应用(1)swallow也常出现在习语表达中,表示“咽下、忍受、忍住”等含义。
(2)示例习语:swallow one's pride(忍辱、忍耻屈服)、a bitter pill to swallow(难以下咽的苦果)等。
五、swallow在词源学中的考察1. swallow在古英语中的来源(1)swallow一词源自古英语的“swelgan”,意为“吞咽、吞下”。
2. swallow与其他词根的词源关系(1)swallow与其他词根词缀如“-able”、“-er”等结合,形成新的单词,并且拓展了其含义和用法。
yanises 读法
yanises 读法
1.介绍 yanises 的含义和背景
2.讲解 yanises 的读法
3.举例说明 yanises 在实际应用中的读法
4.总结 yanises 的读法及其重要性
yanises 是一个源自希腊神话的名字,意为“智慧之光”。
在古希腊文化中,yanises 被视为智慧、知识、启示和创新的象征。
对于 yanises 的读法,正确的发音是“yah-nih-sis”。
在实际应用中,yanises 的读法可能会因为语言、文化和背景的不同而有所变化。
例如,在英语中,yanises 的发音可能更接近“yah-nih-sis”,而在希腊语中,它的发音则是“ιανικνοσ”(yah-nih-kos noos sees),意为“智慧之光”。
总的来说,yanises 是一个充满智慧、知识和启示的名字,其读法在各种语言和文化中都有所体现。
对于那些追求创新、智慧和知识的人来说,yanises 无疑是一个极富象征意义的名字。
1.元音 :1) [i:]ee / ea / e / ie, eithree tree green sheep meet beef seek tea leave lead team mean speakclean he she me Chinesepiece believe︱receive ceiling receipt leisure 2) [i] i / y / e / asit picture list mix fix fit pig buildmiss myth many twenty happy dictionary defect decide delicious orange comrade village3) [? ]ahand ant happy map mad glad flag shall 4) [e] ea / e / a *ai/eihead bread pleasure *said/leisure elephant electric remember sellhotel many any5) [?:]ir / ur / ear / ur / orgirl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird turn burn murder nurse turtleThursday burgerlearn earn earth heardterm her nerd serve*work worm word world6) [?] (弱音 )er / or / ou / ure / ar / o / a /e / u元音字母及发元音的全部组合在非重读音节中基本上都读 [?] 或(少量 )[i]leader speaker farmer powder power doctor actor mayor authordelicious generous variousjealous pleasure measure leisureculture familiar collar dollar liartogether lesson control politeaccount ago banana Canada JapanChina spidermen listen glisten elephantcalculus suspect maximum7) [a:] ar / a / al*heart/clerk/sergeantcar farm card arm gardenlast plant︱calm half8) [?]u / o / ou / ooup supper lunch fun gun hunt cup buscome mother does brother loveabove trouble rough flourishblood flood9) [?:]al / or / oor / au / our / ou / arsmall wall talk tall hall ball call walkshort lord horse forty sport morestore sore︱door floorsauce author caught autumn hauntfour mourn court︱bought fought*warmth wardrobequarter 10) [?] / [ ?] o / ahot lost lot fox box mop hop losscollar want wash what squander11) [u:]oo / o / ugroom broom doom goose toothballoon shoe do twotrue truth blue full112) [u] oo / ou / u / o boat coat goallook good foot book17) [?i]oy / oishould could boy toy joy oyster soybeanput full bull pull push oil soil voice choice noisewomen whose18) [i?]eer / ea / ear / ea / ear / er / ier 13) [ei] a / ay / ai / ey / ea beer deer ear idea near here fiercename cake late gate plane April19) [e?]ear / air / are / ereplay say may way︱rain paint plain bear pear pair chair air fairthey grey︱ great break care scare square prepare14) [ai]i / y there wherebike fine find die nine light night high20) [u?]our / oor *uremy try fly eye tour poor *sure15) [au]ou / ow2.简单混杂的元音house ground account count loud around[?] [e]flower down now cow how town bad bed hand head man men land lend pan 16) [?u]o / ow / oa pen sad saidhome cold go no phone host ghost[i:] [i]know low below grow blow show flow it eat hit heat sit seat bit beat feet fit3.辅音1)[p] pear pour pull push3)[t] ton town twenty city2)[b] boot bread break4)[d] dull dose dictionary5) * [k] king kite look cook kitchen sky (字母)card cat cream correct climb come account accept字(母)fox box oxygen x-ray exercise (字母)school schedule headache chemistry psychology字(母组合)cheque queue picturesque antique字(母组合)6) * [g] girl good goal goat grade long language (字母)dialogue guest vogue guilty guide safeguard字(母组合)7) * [m] man make moon morning move come (字母 m)comb climb autumn column(ist) (字母组合和)28)[n] pen ten nine fine9)[?] uncle bank English think thank junksing king morning evening (字母组合)10)[l] long land lend lord flag blackworld cold could goal soul able11)[r] read red right run roomwrite wrist wrinkle wrong ( 字母组合)12)[f] five fly fine flag frog fog roof knife life wifecough laugh rough tough physic photo phone字(母组合和)13)[v] very even every voice vest14)[s] six sit student same seat kiss miss case scarf发(音字母 s) license city cease ceiling celebrate piece juice science ace发(音字母 c)15)[z] zoo zebra zero zap close nose hose suppose pause those whose16)[ θ]think thank three thirty tooth mouth through worth17)[e] that this those these though worthy18)[?] sheep shoulder ship shoe she brush wash*surenation attention station social special (字母组合和)19)[??] pleasure measure leisure closure字(母组合)20)[h] hot hop home house horse howwho whole whore (字母组合)21)[w] window wind woodwhen what where whisper (字母组合)22)[j] yes year yell you your yolk yellow23)[t?] child chicken couch chair lunch ouch catch teach24)[d?] age language cabbage vegetable stage bridgejoy enjoy join July June junk jokeeducation during (字母)25)[tr] tree country try treat track trunk26)[dr] dry dream drop drive drink27)[ts] students boots boats goats nuts328) [dz] goods woods friends4.简单混杂的辅音[v] [w]vest west vet wet vine wine[s] [ θ]sink think mass math sort sought[z] [e]close cloth breeze breathe5.字母及字母组合发音规律元音字母及发元音的全部组合在非重读音节中基本上都读[?] 或(少量 )[i]1)a[ei] [?] [a:] [ ?] / [?] [i]lost hot mock office soft honestprivate bake grape nation station page today tomorrow control collectactive bank fan parent family glad flag photo zero alsofast dance class past father美(音不一样 )wash what watch want5)u[ju:] [u] [ ?] / [?] [i]accept formative machine cinema university refuse unique universe huge orange village cabbage comrade put push pull full bull Julybut brush bucket duck bubble2)e[i:] [e] / [i][?] 不发音support suggest *business busy appreciate extremely secret she me heletter left message generate pebble6)c[k][s]decide pretty previous result restore c 在 a/o/u 及辅音前 : camp cable camera problem prosperous student confident country courage culture credit claw active table late wife store lecture c 在 e/i/y 前: ceiling celebrate cell ceasecity cigar privacy cycle3)i[ai] [i] / [i][?]high price library ice wife size linefist picky city ︱ piano fianc é unit holiday beautiful4)o [?u] [u:] [ ?] [?] / [?] [?u] host cold note okay old home lose dowho whose prove improvelove some other mother honey company7)g[g] [d?][?]g 在 a/o/u, ir,辅音前,或置于词尾 :girl grade gorgeous garbage flagfrugal g 在 e/i/y 前: village vegetablebridge gentleman gym germlong song sing morning evening8) l[l]读音不一样4listen learn language collect gorillaworld cold soil tall sell cool animal9) n[n] ( 在[g][k] 音前或 ng 组合中 [?] ) moon night noodle numberuncle hungry angry youngthank * singer finger10) r[r] (元音与 [r] 音的组合,美语 )right read write grade progresscard board door floor form north perfect[j] [i][ai]yellow year yell young yolkuniversity country pretty happydye dying fly buy by my dryer12) h[h] 不发音Grasshopper hockey︱hour honest13) x[gz][ks]executive exist exactly exaggerate重execute textbook exercise explainoxygen carbon dioxide*anxious anxiety (tension) controversialex 中的x 发[ks] 时,(次)重音在ex 上,ex 发[eks],不在其上,则发 [iks] 。
英语易读错单词abbess [bes] n. 女修道院院长;女庵主持aborigine [brdni] n. 土著;土著居民accessary [k'ssri] = accessory n. 附件;(服装的)配饰;从犯adj. 辅助的||decoration ache [eiK] v. (持续的)疼痛;渴望;n. (身体某部位的)疼痛'acne [kni] n. [皮肤] 痤疮,[皮肤] 粉刺a'coustic [kustk] adj. 声学的;音响的;听觉的acquiescence [kwiesns] n. 默许;默从aisle [al] s 不发音adjective [dktv] adj. 形容词的;从属的n. 形容词adulate ['djlet] vt. 过分称赞;谄媚;奉承albeit [lbit] conj. 虽然,尽管algebraic [ldbrek] adj. [数] 代数的;关于代数学的alias [elis] adv. 别名,化名;又称,也叫做n. (尤指罪犯所用的)化名;alkali [lkla] n. 碱;可溶性无机盐adj. 碱性的allies [[,laz; 'laz] 同盟国almond [ɑmnd] n. 扁桃仁;扁桃树altar [ltr] n. 祭坛;圣坛;圣餐台amateur [mtr,mtr] n. 业余爱好者;生手,外行adj. 业余爱好的;业余的amnesia [mni] n. 健忘症,[内科] 记忆缺失anarchist [nrkst] n. 无政府主义者anaerobic [nrobk] adj. [微] 厌氧的,[微] 厌气的;没有气而能生活的analogous [nlɡs] adj. 类似的;analytical [nltkl] adj. 分析的;解析的;善于分析的anathema [nθm] n. 诅咒;革出教门;被诅咒者;令人厌恶的人anatomy [ntmi] n. 解剖;解剖学;剖析;骨骼annihilation [nalen] n. 毁灭;溃败;(物理)湮灭,湮没antarctic [ntɑrktk] adj. 南极的;[地理] 南极地带的antenna [nten] n. [电讯] 天线;[动] 触角,[昆] 触须antilogy [n'tldi] n. 前后矛盾antique [ntik] adj. 古老的n. 古董,古玩antonym [ntnm] n. [语] 反义词anxiety [zati] n. 焦虑;渴望;挂念;令人焦虑的事apotheOsis [pɑθioss] n. 神化;崇拜,颂扬;尊奉为神apparatus [prts] n. 装置,设备;仪器;器官appertain [prten] v. 属于;和……有关;适合,适用arboretum [ɑrbritm] n. 植物园;(供科研等的)树木园archery [ɑrtri] n. 箭术;射箭术,射箭运动;射箭archeological [,ɑk'ldkl] adj. 考古学的archive [ɑrkav] n. 档案馆;档案文件vt. 把…存档archaic [ɑrkek] adj. 古代的;陈旧的;古体的;古色古香的archbishop [ɑrtbp] n. 大主教;总教主arterial [ɑrtril] adj. [解剖] 动脉的;干线的artifice [ɑrtfs] n. 诡计;欺骗;巧妙的办法askance [skns] adv. 怀疑地;斜视地assay [se] n. 化验;试验vt. 分析;化验;尝试vi. 鉴定astigmatism [stɡmtzm] n. [眼科] 散光;[光][电子] 像散性;asylum [salm] n. 庇护;收容所,救济院atheism [eθizm] n. 不信神,无神论athlete [θlit] n. 运动员,体育家;身强力壮的人attache [te] n. 专员,公使;使馆随员;大使馆专员aye [a] n. 赞成票;投赞成票者;赞成adv. 赞成;是,对;总是,仍旧auricular ['rkjl] adj. 耳的;耳状的autarchy [tɑrki] n. 专制,独裁;专制国家automaton [tɑmtn] n. 自动机;机器人;自动机器autopsy [tɑpsi] n. 验尸;[病理][特医] 尸体解剖;[病理][特医] 尸体剖检ballet,t 不发音。
caecilian 组句 -回复
caecilian 组句-回复什么是caecilian?Caecilian(蛇蚓)是一类受欢迎的无足类动物,属于盲蟾目。
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安装ISቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ2004
ISA Server 本地主机
单网卡双ip 或双网卡: 172.16.20.x (外网)
IE→internet 选项→连接→局域网设置→代理服务器(地址:192.168.1.A 端口:8080), 尝试通过A机接入internet; 6、在B机用secure nat客户端方式连上A机,在A机上查看与上一种连接有何区别; 7、在A机上设置如下访问策略: 1)工作日的每天23.00—7.00断网 2)所有内网客户可以在非工作时间上网 3)限制内网客户不能访问指定的网站:等 4)限制内网客户的192.168.1.50至192.168.1.80网段不能在线看电影(禁用mms 、 rtsp协议等) 8、到B机上一一验证,看以上策略是否起作用
注意 :在添加内部网段的时候 计算机的网卡地址至少要有一个 地址包含在你所添加的内部网段内否则 就会出现下面的警告!!
添加完成 点击 “下一步” 到第二个界面就开始正式安 装
管理ISA Server 2004
进入了ISA2004 的管理页面了 安装就完成了
管理ISA Server 2004
6、 填空:(防火墙策略访问规则选项)--在ISA中配置实验 ①内网客户172.16.20.x/24—172.16.100.x/24网段在工作日的每天
23.00—7.00时间段断网 ②所有内网客户可以在非工作时间上网 ③内网客户不能访问网站: ④内网客户172.16.19.x/24不能在线看电影(禁用mms 、rtsp协议等)
总共4项: 1:防火墙服务器 2:ISA服务器管理 3.客户端安装共享 4.消息筛选器 典型安装: 就是只安装1和2 完全安装: 就是1234都安 自定义就由你选啦!
定义内部网络地址: 我们点添加 加入地址范围(
9、配置内网WEB服务器(IP:192.168.1.C/24)--C机 10 、配置内网FTP服务器(IP:192.168.1.D/24)--D机 11 、在ISA server (A机)上创建发布规则,分别发布内网的WEB服务器 和FTP服务器 12 、在其他外网计算机上访问发布的服务器(用ip:172.16.x.A),看看内 网服务器是否发布成功 13 、在A机ISA server上修改或查看A机ISA server代理端口号、缓存 大小、监视、警报、日志等, 尝试远程管理ISA server
管理ISA Server 2004
设置ISA Server客户端
Internet ISA Server
Web Proxy客户机
设置Web Proxy客户端
安装ISA Server 2004
安装界面 点击“安装 ISA Server 2004” 开始安装 这是免费的ISA2004 简体中文 120天 评估版 没有正式版稳定 但功能依然强大
安装类型: 让我们看一下自定义 中的选项: (更改:是改变安装的路径)
Firewall 客户端
ISA Server配置应用
安装ISA Server 2004 设置ISA Server客户端 配置访问策略实现Internet安全访问 在ISA Server服务器上发布内网服务器 管理ISA Server服务器
网络安全与管理 课件制作:邹延平 2007年4月
1、用虚拟机A机windows 2003,配置双网卡: 外网IP:172.16.x.A/24 内网IP:192.168.1.A/24
配置A机外网网关、DNS等, 可以连入internet; 2、B机仅设置IP: 192.168.1.B/24,可以连接A机,但不能上internet; 3、在A机上安装ISA Server,使A机成为应用代理网关+防火墙;
解压isa sever 2004安装,安装完成后不要重启动,查看相关服务项 4、配置A机的ISA Server服务器: 1)设置内网地址: 2)设置访问规则,使客户端B机可以通过A机的ISA Server连入internet; 5、在B机设置Web Proxy客户端:
CPU:P550,最多支持四个CPU RAM:至少256M DISK:150M,不包括缓存空间。 OS:Windows2000 server+SP4+IE6+kb821887
Windows 2003 server 网卡:至少二块。 DNS:要求内网DNS或外网DNS服务器,如果使用WEB 代理和防火墙客户端,建议使用稳定的内部DNS,如果是 NAT客户可使用外部DNS。 网络:正常工作的外网接入和内部局域网
1、简述ISA Server的主要功能和应用场合;与硬件防火墙 比有什么优缺点? 2、说明ISA Server访问策略的类型及其作用; 3、举例说明ISA Server有哪些策略元素? 4、如何发布内网web和ftp服务器? 5、如果外网用adsl接入,在 ISA Server服务器上,应该 安装那些硬件?IP如何配置?内网PC如何接入?设计规划 网络,画网络拓扑图说明。