国际商务英语模拟实训教程Unit17 Claim
属于出口货物遭受 损失,对方(进口方) 向保险单所载明的国外 理赔代理人提出索赔申 请。中国人民保险公司 在世界各主要港口和城 市,均设有委托国外检 验代理人和理赔代理人 两种机构,前者负责检 验货物损失。
Model Practice Business Tips Emergency & Precaution Pattern & Useful Sentences
Model Practice Business Tips Emergency & Precaution Pattern & Useful Sentences
国《际国商际务商 英务语英模语拟模 实拟训实训》
Unit Seventeen Claim
1.索赔函四要素 2.索赔的原则 3.索赔单据 4.索赔程序
就要准备下列各项必 要的索赔单证:
清单。如商业发票上是 F0B价格而按CIF价格索 赔,经承运人要求,还应 提供运费及保险收据。
Model Practice Business Tips Emergency & Precaution Pattern & Useful Sentences
国《际国商际务商 英务语英模语拟模 实拟训实训》
Unit Seventeen Claim
1.索赔函四要素 2.索赔的原则 3.索赔单据
6)费用单证 向船方索赔修理、整
商务英语听说unit 17
Useful Patterns句型总结
1. Now I see that this is far more complicated than I ever imagined. 现在我明白这比我想象得要复杂得多。 The story becomes far more complicated than we can imagine.
A: Morning. Please go ahead.
S: Thank you. I am wondering if there is any difference between WPA and FPA.
A: Yes, there is. FPA stands for “Free from Particular Average”, while WPA or WA stands for “With Particular Average.” The FPA clause does not cover partial losses of particular average, whereas the WPA clause covers such losses when they exceed a prearranged percentage.
Unit 17 Insurance
Part I lsitening Dialogue One Word Bank
《电子商务英语》教案章节一:电子商务简介1. 学习目标:了解电子商务的基本概念、历史和发展趋势。
2. 教学内容:电子商务的定义、电子商务的起源和发展、电子商务的类型和特点。
3. 教学方法:讲授法、案例分析法。
4. 教学活动:教师讲解电子商务的基本概念,引导学生了解电子商务的发展历程,分析电子商务的类型和特点,通过案例分析让学生更好地理解电子商务的实际应用。
章节二:电子商务的基本组成部分1. 学习目标:了解电子商务的四个基本组成部分及其功能。
2. 教学内容:电子商务的四个基本组成部分(信息流、资金流、物流、交易安全)及其功能。
3. 教学方法:讲授法、小组讨论法。
4. 教学活动:教师讲解电子商务的四个基本组成部分及其功能,引导学生进行小组讨论,分享各自的理解和观点。
章节三:电子商务的技术基础1. 学习目标:了解电子商务所需的技术基础及其作用。
2. 教学内容:互联网技术、Web技术、移动支付技术、大数据技术在电子商务中的应用。
3. 教学方法:讲授法、实践操作法。
4. 教学活动:教师讲解互联网技术、Web技术、移动支付技术、大数据技术在电子商务中的应用,引导学生进行实践操作,加深对技术基础的理解。
章节四:电子商务模式1. 学习目标:了解电子商务的常见模式及其特点。
2. 教学内容:B2B、B2C、C2C、O2O等电子商务模式的定义、特点和应用。
3. 教学方法:讲授法、案例分析法。
4. 教学活动:教师讲解电子商务的常见模式及其特点,分析各个模式的优缺点,通过案例分析让学生了解电子商务模式的实际应用。
章节五:电子商务的法律和道德问题1. 学习目标:了解电子商务中所涉及的法律和道德问题。
2. 教学内容:电子商务法律体系、网络知识产权保护、电子商务合同法、电子商务税收、电子商务道德规范。
3. 教学方法:讲授法、小组讨论法。
4. 教学活动:教师讲解电子商务中所涉及的法律和道德问题,引导学生进行小组讨论,探讨电子商务法律和道德问题的解决方案。
国际商务英语课文电子版lesson (17)
Lesson 17 The International Monetary System and ExchangeRateThe earliest internationalchange their paper currencies into gold when requested to do so. The gold standard created a fixed exchange rate system as each country pegged (fix挂钩) the value of its currency to gold to establish its par value (平价/票面价值) (face value). For most of the 19th century till the end of the First World War,major trading countries followed this system and the British Pound was the most important currency in international business as a result of the economic, political and military power of the United Kingdom, hence the term sterling-based gold standard. (pound sterling)The pressure caused by the First World War on economy coupled with(together with连同) the impact of the Great Depression (大萧条)put an end to(结束)the fixed exchange rate system. The Bank of England was no longer able to redeem (赎回,兑换)itspaper currency for gold at par value(以面值) (无力将其纸币以平价兑换成黄金) and allowed its value to be determined by supply and demand (market). With Britain abandoning (放弃)the gold standard, there appeared different areas in the world. Some countries pegged their currencies to the sterling(英镑), some countries to the US dollar and some to the French Franc, forming the “sterling area”, “dollar area” and “franc area”. This period witnessed the degeneration(衰落)of the international monetary system as some major countries vied(vie -compete)to(竞相)devaluate their currencies to make their export goods more competitive.(竞争性贬值) (这一时期,世界货币体系不断恶化,各主要贸易国家竞相将其货币贬值以提高他们出口物品的竞争力) The be nefits brought about by their devaluation were, needless to say (不用说), offset(抵消)by what their competitors did. International trade con t racted (shrink收缩) and economic conflict finally led to the Second World War.Towards the end of the Second World War (1944) representativesof 44 countries gathered at Bretton Woods (布雷顿森林)to renew(更新)the gold standard on a greatly modified basis(在修改较大的基础上). One important fruit of the conference is the creation (establishment创立) of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)and the International Monetary Fund. (1944)The Bretton Woods Conference established a US dollar based gold standard. Because of the dominating (主导性的) economic and political influenceof the United States, the dollar replaced the sterling(英镑)as the major vehicle(工具)for international settlement(国际结算). 由于美国在国际经济、政治中的统治性影响,美元替代英镑成了国际结算中的主要工具。
Translation practice Sentence translation from English to Chinese: 1) 它已成为各种贸易和商务的强有力的手段。(medium) 2)电子贸易指网上财务往来,电子商务则指所有形式的 网上交易。(refer to...) 3) 客户服务已经是并将继续是下一个主要的竞争因素。 (competitive factor) 4)电子商务的交易通常涉及几个互动的步骤。(involve) 5)那将给你以极大的竞争优势。(advantage) 6)当你的公司电子商务化后,你与客户之间的关系就改 变了。(transform) 7)客户关系管理在你的商务程序中起决定作用。(critical) 8)我们必须尽充分利用我们已有的资源。(make full use of)
Text A 5)Achieving the goal of outstanding customer service requires a business provide the fastest access to all customer information. 要实现出色客户服务的目标,商家必须能最快地了解客 户的所有信息。 4注解:access n. (1)使用权, 进入权,接近的机 会。(正式用词,后接to) Only high officials had access to the president. (2)通道,入口。(后接to) The only access to the farm was a dirt road.
这种商务模式的转变,带给顾客的远不仅是方便,带给商家的也远 不仅是成本的降低。 ◆transforming是现在分词,做power的定语。
◆extend v. (1)延长,扩大。 This year they have introduced three new products to extend their range. (2)延伸,伸出。 The caves extend for some 12 miles. The man extended his hand: "I'm Chuck."
可想而知,如果没有创造性的员工、设计师、问题解决者及其他知识工作者,麦肯锡(McKinsey)、萨奇广告(Saatchi & Saatchi)、皮克斯(Pixar)、古驰(Gucci)等许许多多公司将很难生存下去。
国际人力资源管理(international human resource management,IHRM)可以定义为:国际运营机构供职人员的规划、挑选、培训、雇佣和评价。
1.宗主国员工(host-country nationals,HCNs)。
2.母国员工(parent-country nationals,PCNs)。
3.第三国员工(third-country nationals,TCNs)。
To make students know
Warm Up Discussion
Step3 The function ofcorporationculture
a.The total sum of the values, customs, traditions and meanings that make a company unique.
deeper understanding
Make the students understand the key points and difficult points
a.To review what we have learnt
b. To prepare for the new lesson
know The Importance ofCorporate Cultureandhave a good command of useful expressions
Tohelp students know and master the useful words and expressions
T:Could you guess where it is?
think over it and try toguess where it is?
Make students actively
Take part in the class
Step1Warm Up Discussion
国际商务英语课文电子版lesson16—lesson18Lesson 16 Insurance (II)Transportation insurance, like all forms of 遵守) certainbasic principles. When firms seek cover(保险)for goods and they must follow these principles. There are three main principles of insurance, two subsidiary(次要)principles and a doctrine(原理).damaged you will have to pay for it to be repaired and consequently(因此)you will suffer a loss. You cannot insure your neighbor’s car, for if it is damaged you will not suffer any loss. For this reason the insuring of anything by people who are not “interested” in it is held (thought被认为) to be “against public policy”(违反公共政策). This means that crime would be encouraged.Every contract of insurance requires an insurable interest to support it, or otherwise it is invalid(无效的)and any claim made upon it(based on it 依据保险合同)will not be entertained(accept接受,受理)(by the insurer). The time of an event may be crucial to the question of insurable interest. The interest passes (转移) with the documents. In cargo insurance we know who has an interest in the cargo at any particular point of time, if we know the terms of sale (price terms / terms of payment – FOB..) which have been arranged. We can work out who will suffer loss by discovering at what point the property passes from one person to another. The person who is going to suffer the loss is the one who has the insurable interest at any moment. This means that goods may be shipped at the port of origin(货物原产地港口)by a shipper or freight forwarder (consignor) under a policy(保单)taken out to cover them, and the buyer takes over the policy which has been issued when he takes over the ownership of the goods. If they fail to complete the voyage(旅程)(journey/transportation) undamaged, he (buyer) can claim onis a very important principle. The people who decide(决定多少保费是公平(by the insured). If this statement is untrue, then the premium agreed on will not be a fair one. Suppose I say that a crate 板条箱contains copper, when in fact it contains platinum(铂金). The premium required to cover the cheaper metal will be an unfair premium for the more valuable cargo. The mis-statement is a fraud(欺骗), and the policy is voidable(可取消的)(can be avoided/revoked)by the party who is misled (误导)(the insurer). Even if the mis-statement was unintentional (非buy another third-hand Ford car, not enough to buy a brand-new (崭新的) Ford car. This principle cannot apply to life(寿险)or personal accident insurance(人身意外保险)—for of course a life, or a limb, cannot be restored.In a normal policy of insurance the compensation payable(可支付赔偿)is sufficient only to restore the insured to the position he was in before the loss occurred—not to a better position. Cargo policies are often issued for an agreed value(商定的价值)and are therefore called “valued” policies(有价保单). The idea is that the compensation payable will be at an agreed figure(商定的数值), often at invoiced cost(invoice value)plus freight (主运费) and forwarding charges(转运费)plus the insurance premium plus an agreed percentage such as 10 percent.(发票金额+主运费+转运运费+保费+10%)This (10%)represents a profit that could have been earned on the capital tied up(被占用)in the transaction.Contribution(损失分摊)is a sub-principle(under indemnity)which is associated with indemnity. It holds that a person cannot be allowed to insure twice for the same risk, and claim compensation from both insurers. To do so would amount to (be equal to相当于) restoring the insured to a better position than he was in when the loss occurred. It would be a breach (violation违背) of indemnity, and against public policy. Therefore, if two policies do cover the same event, the insurance companies contribute pro rata(按比例)to(分摊)the loss, and the insured is only restored to the indemnity position(损失发生以前的状态). This is unlikely to happen very frequently in cargo insurance.Subrogation(代位追偿), the sub-principle, also relating to indemnity, is of enormous importance in cargo insurance. The word “subrogate”means “to take the place of another”. Imagine a situation where A has insured his cargo with B and it is damaged by C’s negligence (carelessness疏忽大意). A will naturally claim against B, who will pay up for the loss suffered. However, because C was negligent, a legal action (法律诉讼) by A against C would almost certainly lead to an award (a grant made by a law court判决) of damage against C (判决C承担损害责任). A would thus be compensated twice, and this would be a breach of the principle of indemnity. To prevent this happening, B, the insurer, is substituted for (replace替代) A, the assured, in any legal action against C. The insurer is entitled to(享有…权力或利益) the advantage (interest利益) of every right of the assured, which will diminish (reduce) the loss he (insurer) has been forced to bear.The doctrine of proximate cause(近因原则)—when an insurance policy is made out to cover a certain risk, a claim becomes payable only if that risk occurred as the proximate (closest) cause of the loss suffered. The proximate cause is the direct cause of the loss.Notes:Conform to 遵守Most people are willing to conform to the custom of society.大多数人都愿意遵循社会习俗。
电子商务(英文版)课后作业及答案Chapter1 Introduction to Electronic Commerce1、One definition :Electronic CommerceThe The electronic electronic electronic commerce commerce commerce is is is used used used in in in its its its broadest broadest broadest sense sense sense and and and includes includes includes all all business activities that use Internet technologies. 2、Three important thinking points :Business Models, Revenue Models, Business ProcessBusiness Business model model model is is is a a a set set set of of of processes processes processes that that that combine combine combine to to to achieve achieve achieve a a a company’s company’s primary goal which is typical to yield a profit. Revenue Models is a specific collection of business processes used to identify customers, market to those customers, and generate sales to those customers. The idea is helpful for classifying revenue-generating activities for communication and analysis purposes. Business processes include purchasing raw materials or goods for resale, converting materials and labor into finished goods, managing transportation and logistics, hiring and training employees, managing the finances of the business, and many other activities.3、Three theoretical points: Value chains, Strategic alliance and SWOTValue chains is a way of organizing the activities that each strategic business unit undertakes to unit undertakes to design, produce, design, produce, promote, market, deliver, and support the products or service it sells. Strategic alliance is the relationship that companies coordinate their strategies, resources, and skill sets by forming long-term, stable relation with other companies and individuals based on shared purpose. SWOT analysis is including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It’s It’s one one one popular popular popular technique technique for for analyzing analyzing analyzing and and and evaluating evaluating evaluating business business business opportunities. opportunities. The analyst first looks into the business unit to identify its strengths and weaknesses. Then the analyst reviews the environment in which the business unit operates and identifies opportunities presented by that environment and the threats posed by environment. Chapter2 Technology I nfrastructure: Infrastructure: T heThe Internet and the World Wide Web 1、P92 Review Questions 5P57 P57 Intranet Intranet Intranet and and and Internet Internet Internet compared, compared, compared, it it it can can can be be be said said said that that that the the the Internet Internet Internet is is is a a worldwide network and intranet is the implementation of Internet technology in the in-house, it can with little cost and time will enterprise internal information from from a a a large large large number number number of of of resources, resources, resources, reasonable reasonable reasonable transfer transfer transfer to to to everyone. everyone. everyone. Intranet Intranet Intranet for for enterprise provides a can make full use of the communication lines, economic and effective effective to to to establish establish establish intranet intranet intranet scheme scheme scheme and and and Intranet Intranet Intranet applications, applications, applications, enterprises enterprises enterprises can can effectively carry on financial management, supply chain management, inventory management, customer relationship management and so on. Chapter3 Selling o non the Web: Revenue Models and Building a Web Presence P174 Review Questions 3P158 Channel Channel conflict conflict conflict refers to refers to the activities that a member of a channel channel is is engaged in or is not conducive to the organization to achieve its own goals, and then all kinds of contradictions and disputes. Distribution channel channel design is design is the channel members in different angles, different interests and different methods and so so on, on, on, under under under the the the influence influence influence of of of many many many factors; factors; factors; therefore, therefore, therefore, the the the channel channel channel conflict conflict conflict is is inevitable. To To resolve resolve resolve conflicts conflicts conflicts through through through persuasion persuasion persuasion is is is to to to use use use leadership. leadership. leadership. In In In essence, essence, persuasion persuasion is is is the opportunity to the opportunity to c ommunicate with the channel communicate with the channel members of the conflict, which emphasizes the influence of the behavior rather than the information sharing, but also in order to reduce the conflict caused by the division of labor. The goal of the negotiation is to stop the conflict between members. Compromise may avoid conflict, but it can't solve the root cause of the conflict. exist, it will eventually lead to conflict. In As long as the pressure continues to fact, negotiation is a method of channel members to bargain. In the course of the negotiations, each member will give up some things to avoid the conflict, but the use of negotiation or persuasion to see members of the communication skills. In fact, when the conflict is resolved by the above method, each member needs to form an independent strategy to ensure that the problem can be solved. Chapter4 Marketing on the Web1、Two Market Strategies (Web Market Segmentation)4Cs of MarketingAimed at consumer demand. We must first understand (NEED CONSUMER'S) A imed at consumer demand. We must first understand study and analyze the needs and desires of consumers, rather than to consider what companies can produce products. (COST) The cost that the consumer is willing to pay. First of all, we should understand consumers to meet the needs and desires are willing to pay much money, rather than to make the price of the product, that is, to the consumers to how much money. (CONVENIENCE) Consumer convenience. Products should be taken into account how to facilitate the use of consumers. (COMMUNICATION) Communication with consumers. To the consumer as the center of the implementation of marketing communication is very important, through interaction, communication and other means, the enterprise internal and external marketing integration, the customers and the interests of both sides of the enterprise together.4Ps of MarketingPRODUCT: pay attention to the development of the functional requirements of the product has a unique selling point, the functional requirements of the product in the first place. PRICE: according to the different market positioning, the development of different pricing strategies, product pricing is based on the company's brand strategy, focusing on the gold content of the brand. (PLACE)Distribution: enterprises do not directly to consumers, but to pay attention to the cultivation of the dealer and the establishment of sales network, business and consumer contact is through the distributors to carry out. PROMOTION: enterprises focus on changing the sales behavior to stimulate the consumer, in order to promote the growth of consumer spending in the short term, to attract other brands of consumers or lead to advance consumption to promote sales growth. Market SegmentationNetwork market segmentation refers to enterprises on the basis of investigation and study, according to the network consumer desire to buy, purchase motivation and habits of different, the network marketing is divided into different types of groups, each consumer group constitutes the enterprise of a market segment. Funnel modelThe five tier of the funnel corresponds to each link of the enterprise's search marketing, which reflects the number and loss of customers from the display, click, access, and consultation until the order process is generated. From the maximum amount of the show to the minimum order quantity, this layer of the process of narrowing that there are customers for a variety of reasons to leave, to lose interest in the business or to give up. 2、Several Market TechniquesWeb AdvertisementsWeb Advertisement typesW eb advertising (including Banner, Button, huge vertical edges, etc.) Text link advertising Email advertising Button advertising Sponsorship Advertising combined with content Interstitial ads Home page advertisement Keyword advertising E-mail MarketingIt is a kind of network marketing means to transfer value information to target users through email, under the premise of user's prior permission. Email marketing has three basic elements: user license, e-mail delivery of information, information on the value of the user. Three factors, the lack of a, can not be called effective Email marketing. Email marketing is a direct way to communicate with customers by e-mail. At the same time, it is also widely used in the field of network marketing. E-mail marketing is one of the oldest online marketing practices, it can be said that email marketing than the vast majority of Web site promotion and Internet marketing practices are to be old. Technology-enabled customer relationshipClickstreamClick stream analysisClick stream the concept of pay more attention to the users browse the web site of the entire process, the web log records the user clicks as is figure of "point", and click stream is more like the "point" string together to form the "line." Can also be the point that is the site of the Page, and the line is to visit the site of the Session. So click on the flow of data is collected by the site log, which can contain more information than the web site log, so as to make the results based on click stream data more abundant and efficient. Searching engine positioning and domain names promotionpaid search engine placementIt is through the search engine optimization, search engine rankings and research key words popularity and relevance in the search engine results page to obtain a higher ranking of marketing tools. Search engine optimization of website ranking is very important, because search engine in by crawler or spider) program to collect web data, according to the complex algorithm (each search engine ranking algorithm and method is not the same) to determine the page for a search term correlation and decide the ranking of. When the customer in the search engine to find related products or services, it is through the professional search engine optimization page usually can get a higher ranking. 3、Online brandingAffiliate marketing 关联营销Affiliate marketing is a built in mutually beneficial mutual benefit based on marketing, in cross marketing (cross marketing is refers to the time, money, ideas, activities or presentation space resources integration, for any business to provide a channel for the low cost and to contact more potential customers a marketing method) based on, will be what things, products and brand marketing for relevance, to achieve deep multi guide. At the same time, the related marketing is also a new, low-cost, enterprise in the website to improve the income of marketing methods. Affiliate marketing is sometimes called tying marketing, the current association of sales in many stores have started to use the. Viral Marketing Strategies 病毒营销Viral marketing is refers to the through similar pathology and computer virus transmission modes, namely self-replicating viral propagation process, using existing social networks to enhance brand awareness or to other marketing purposes. Viral marketing is started by the information source, relying on user spontaneous word-of-mouth publicity; achieve a fast roll snowball communication effect. It describes a information transfer strategy, economics known for viral marketing, because this strategy like a virus, transmit information to thousands, hundreds of audience by rapid replication. 。
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Activities On Passage A
17.3.2 Translation practice Sentence translation from English to Chinese:
1) These activities generally involve the electronic exchange of information to acquire or provide products or services, to place or receive orders, to provide or obtain information, or to complete financial transactions. . 这些活动通常涉及获取或提供产品或服务、下单或接单、 这些活动通常涉及获取或提供产品或服务、下单或接单、提供或 获取信息或完成各种金融交易等各种电子信息交换。 获取信息或完成各种金融交易等各种电子信息交换。 2) E-government is fundamentally about visibility, accessibility and extensibility, and these are the core ingredients for transparency in government. 从根本上说,电子政府具有可见性、易接近性和延伸性, 从根本上说,电子政府具有可见性、易接近性和延伸性,这些都是 透明政府的核心成分。 透明政府的核心成分。 3) However, e-government is just a tool, and transparency depends as much on how that tool is used as it does upon its mere existence. 然而,电子政府也只不过是一种工具。 然而,电子政府也只不过是一种工具。透明度主要还是取决于人们 如何利用该工具就如同工具取决于其本身的存在一样。 如何利用该工具就如同工具取决于其本身的存在一样。
Activities On Passage A
17.3.2 Translation practice Give the Chinese equivalents of the following words or expressions:
1) regulated entities 2) financial transactions 3) anticipated benefits 4) government institutions 5) distribute information online 6) back-end integration 7) front-end portal 8) the beneficial dynamic of civil society 9) certain types of business licenses 10) the actual public works project procurement bidding
Notes To Passage A
Passage A
E-government & Its Beneficial Effects
2) Government agencies have to be motivated to distribute information online, and automate processes that are otherwise subject to corrosive, corruptive influences. 必须督促政府机构在网上发布信息以及自动操作过程,否则, 必须督促政府机构在网上发布信息以及自动操作过程,否则,它 们就很容易受到腐蚀,腐败的影响。 们就很容易受到腐蚀,腐败的影响。 注解:注意动词motivate的用法:基本意思是“引起动机;促使;激发” 例 如: to motivate the child to learn new words 激励小孩子学习新词 l Examinations do not motivate a student to seek more knowledge. 考试不能促使学生去追求更多的知识。 其次,注意that引导的从句是定语从句,修饰其先行词Government agencies; 另外,短语be subject to的意思是“在...条件下; 常遭...; 易受...的侵袭; 受控 制;”
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 10) 电子信息交换 营运成本 直接交流 核心成分 透明度 信息的局限性 民主体制 诱发腐败 竞投过程 主观决策 the electronic exchange of information operating costs direct communications the core ingredients transparency the restriction of information the democratic institutions induce corruption bidding processes subjective decision-making
Activities On Passage A
17.3.2 Translation practice
4) The point is that the democratic institutions in question need to hold government actors accountable, and e-government can help that to happen more easily. 关键的是:在讨论中的民主体制必须能够促使政府官员负起责任, 关键的是:在讨论中的民主体制必须能够促使政府官员负起责任, 而电子政府更容易促成政府官员做到这一点。 而电子政府更容易促成政府官员做到这一点。 5) Too little attention is paid to the beneficial effects (in terms of transparency in particular) of electronifying processes as opposed to information. 人们对电子化过程的有益影响关注甚微(尤其是在透明度方面)。 人们对电子化过程的有益影响关注甚微(尤其是在透明度方面)。
Passage A
E-government & Its Beneficial Effects
1) Electronic government (e-government) refers to government activities that take place by digital processes over a computer network, usually the Internet, between the government and members of the public and entities in the private sector, especially regulated entities. 电子政府是指通过在计算机网络(通常在因特网) 电子政府是指通过在计算机网络(通常在因特网)中的数字化 进程,政府和公众,私营部门实体, 进程,政府和公众,私营部门实体,特别是监管机构之间所发生 的活动。 的活动。 注解:名词短语usually Internet是插入语 是插入语, 注解:名词短语usually the Internet是插入语,对a computer network作进一步解释 作进一步解释; entities也是插入 network作进一步解释;especially regulated entities也是插入 成分,进一步说明entities entities。 成分,进一步说明entities。
t 17
学 习 目 标
Objective: In this unit, you will learn: The definitions of e-government What the government activities generally involve Beneficial Effects of e-government Basic E-commerce English Writing Focus: How to explain definitions of e-government Nodus: How to make e-government program successful
Notes To Passage A
Passage A
E-government & Its Beneficial Effects
3) By diminishing the one-on-one human interaction and subjective decision-making that can induce corruption, the process itself is made transparent and the field is leveled. 通过减少可能诱发腐败的一对一的人际交往和主观决策, 通过减少可能诱发腐败的一对一的人际交往和主观决策, 可使过 程本身透明化从而将滋生腐败的场所夷为平地. 程本身透明化从而将滋生腐败的场所夷为平地. 注解:定语从句that corruption修饰 修饰the one注解:定语从句that can induce corruption修饰the oneondecision-making; on-one human interaction and subjective decision-making; 主语the process是指 是指the 主语the process是指the process of interaction and decision-making. decision-making.