



User's Manual Digital Digital Sound SlaveInhaltsverzeichnisEinführung (3)Hardware (5)Schaltplan und Layout (5)Architektur (6)Programmierung (7)Integrierte Voice-Prompts (7)Integrierte Voice-Macros (8)Ansteuerung des Digital Sound Slaves (20)Abbildungsverzeichnis (21)Literaturverzeichnis (22)EinführungDiese Beschreibung richtet sich an Entwickler von Mikrocontroller-Systemen. Zielsetzung hier beschriebenen Digital Sound Slaves ist es, einem Mikrocontroller-gesteuertem Kleinstsystem eine …Stimme“ zu geben und so eine zeitgemäße Benutzerführung auch in kleinen Anwendungen zuermöglichen.Dies ist zumeist mit Board-Mitteln eines MC-Systems nicht, oder nur mitgroßem Aufwand möglich. Häufig konsumiert diese Funktion dann den Großteil der Systemressourcen, wobei die Sound-Wiedergabe meistens ein Kompromiss bleibt.Die Entwicklung des Digital Sound Slaves soll die angesprochenen Nachteile in einfacher Weise beheben.Das Digital Sound Slave besitzt folgende Eigenschaften:•Einfache Programmierung•Wiedergabe von beliebigen WAV-Files und damit gut verständliche Sprachwiedergabe•Einfacher elektrischer Anschluss des Digital Sound Slaves an das MC-System•Einfache Nutzung des Digital Sound Slaves mittels API•Minimale Systembelastung durch die Sound-Wiedergabe•Direkter Betrieb eines Kleinlautsprechers bis 1 WAbbildung 1: Modul-Vorderseite Abbildung 2: Modul-RückseiteAbbildung 3: Modul mit externem LautsprecherAbbildung 4: Beispiel mit PCB-Lautsprecher und Horn (Unterseite)Das Digital Sound Slave ist in der Abbildung mit einem SMD-Miniatur-Lautsprecher mit Horn bestückt. Das Modul verfügt aber auch über einen externen Anschluss für einen Lautsprecher der Wahl.Abbildung 5: Beispiel mit PCB-Lautsprecher und Horn (Oberseite)HardwareDer Analogkreis des Moduls wird in der Regel mit 5 V versorgt um die nominale Leistung von einem Watt zu erreichen. Der Digitalteil des Moduls wird mit 3,3 V direkt versorgt. Soll das komplette Modul mit 3,3 V versorgt werden, so ist der Löt-Jumper entsprechend zu setzen.Schaltplan und LayoutAbbildung 6: SchaltplanAbbildung 7: LayoutArchitekturDas Digital Sound Slave verwendet einen integrierten Signalprozessor ISD2360 (ISD-Chip-Corder) von Fa. Nuvoton zur Signalerzeugung. Dieser Chip kann ohne Verstärker direkt einen 1W Kleinlautsprecher (bei 5V) an den Chipausgängen SPK+ und SPK- betreiben. Ferner ist der Chip mit 3,3-5V (max. 1 W) zu versorgen.Als Interface dienen entweder 5 GPIO Pins, mit denen Voice-Files getriggert (steigende/fallende Flanken) werden können, oder der Chip wird über SPI direkt angesteuert. Die zweite Möglichkeit bietet einen sehr flexiblen Einsatz.Dabei können in dem 2Mbit großen Speicher auf dem Chip ca. 64 Sekunden Voice-Prompts hinterlegt werden.Ein direktes …streamen“ über SPI zur direkten Ausgabe ist ebenfalls möglich. Dies setzt aber große Speicherressourcen in dem Mikrocontroller-System voraus. Dabei verwaltet der Chip-Corder bis zu 3 unabhängige Sound-Kanäle die bei Bedarf überlagert simultan ausgegeben werden.Die Ausgaben werden entweder direkt über Voice-Prompts (Wave-File) aus dem internen Chip-Speicher, oder per SPI-Streaming bedient.Dabei kennt der Chip Voice-Prompts, welche die ultimative Sound-Ressource darstellt und Voice-Macros, mit deren Hilfe Voice-Prompts aneinander gehängt werden können (Script-Sprache z.B. ganze Sätze aus Wortschnipsel). Voice-Macros können neben linearen Abrufen von Voice-Prompts auch Wiederholschleifen oder prozedurale Schleifen abarbeiten und sind damitmächtige Werkzeuge in der Wiedergabetechnik.Der ISD-Chip-Corder funktioniert im Stand-alone Modus, als auch im SPI-Modus (simultan). Der Chip muss aber, bevor er ins Zielsystem eingebracht wird, entsprechend programmiert werden. Dies findet mit der Software …Voice Prompt Editor“ von Nuvoton statt. Diese kann von der Nuvoton-Web-Seite heruntergeladen werden.Für weiterführende Informationen siehe [ISD2360 DESIGN GUIDE].ProgrammierungUm den Einstieg möglichst einfach zu gestalten, ist das Digital Sound Slave bereits mit einem Satz Voice-Prompts und Voice-Macros geladen und kann direkt verwendet werden.Soll dieser Inhalt verändert oder durch einen anderen ersetzt werden, ist das mit der oben erwähnten Software möglich.Integrierte Voice-PromptsVoice-Prompts sind komprimierte und für den ISD2360 aufbereitete Wave-Files. Sie stellen die ultimative Sound-Quelle dar und nehmen erfahrungsgemäß den größten Platz im internen Speicher des ISD2360 ein. Daher muss die Auswahl der zu integrierenden Voice-Prompts mit Bedacht getroffen werden.Allgemein ist eine Sample-Rate von 8kHz bei 16 Bit/sample und Mono zuwählen.Die folgenden Voice-Prompts sind im Auslieferungszustand programmiert.VP Westminster – BigBenDiese Tonaufnahme des Westminster-Glockenspiels wurden als kompletter Satz aller Spielmuster im Internet zum lizenzfreien Download angeboten. Diese wurden dann in die einzelnen Glocken zerlegt und hier nach Glocken geordnet abgespeichert.Dabei gibt es 2 Arten von Samples:1.Anschlag der Glocke mit der Dauer y bis zum nächsten Glockenschlaginnerhalb eines Blocks.2.Anschlag und Ausklingen der Glocke mit der Dauer y + x bis Blockende Siehe auch “Integrierte Voice-Macros“Mit diesem Satz von Voice Prompts kann das komplette Glockenspiel zusammengesetzt werdenIntegrierte Voice-MacrosVoice-Macros sind Skripte, mit denen man Voice-Prompts zusammenhängen kann, so dass komplexe Klangaggregate entstehen. So werden gesprocheneSätzen aus einzelnen Wortschnipseln, oder eine Komposition aus einzelnen Noten zusammengesetzt.VM_POISystem-Macro: Power On InitDieses wird immer nach Spannungswiederkehr von der Hardware gestartet.•Initialisiert GPIO #5 zum Trigger Eingang. Bei steigender Flanke wird Voice-Macro #3 getriggert.•In R7 wird 0x21 hinterlegt, als Vorbesetzung, dass nur initialisierte Aufrufe der Stundenfunktion vorkommen können•Als Fertigmeldung der Initialisierung kommt ein FastBeepVM_PUSystem-Macro: Power UpDieses Makro wird durch das PU-Kommando x10 (SPI) gestartet.•Initialisiert den Signalpfad auf Playback und schaltet den PCM frei•Setzt die Lautstärke auf das Maximum•In R7 wird 0x21 hinterlegt, als Vorbesetzung, dass nur initialisierte Aufrufe der Stundenfunktionen vorkommen können.•In diesem Fall muss …Finish“ gewählt werden, da bei …PD“ der Chip nicht mehr ansprechbar wäre.VM_WAKEUPSystem-Macro: Wake UpDieses Makro wird durch Hardware gestartet und weckt den Chip aus dem Power Down Mode auf. Dies findet dann statt, wenn an einem initialisiertenGPIO-Eingang ein Trigger Ereignis erkannt wird.•Initialisiert den Signalpfad auf Playback und schaltet den PCM frei•Setzt die Lautstärke auf das MaximumVM_GPIO5User-Macro: Aktion bei steigender Flanke an GPIO5Dieses Makro wird bei dem in POI initialisierten Trigger Ereignis an GPIO5 von der Hardware aufgerufen.•Führt das VM mit der #2E aus. Das sind 2 Glockenschläge, kann z.B. als Türglocke verwendet werden.VM_PU_CH0 / 1User-Macro: Platzhalter, derzeit leerVM_SysStartupInitiatedUser-Macro: gesprochener Satz …System Start up Initiated“VM_ShutdownInitInTmUser-Macro: gesprochener Satz …System Shutdown Initiated in T minus“.In den Registern R2, R3, R4 wird jeweils der Index der Sekundenstellen Hunderter, Zehner, Einer übergeben.VM_SysResetSeqInProcessUser-Macro: gesprochener Satz …System Reset in Process“VM_SysShutdownSeqTermiUser-Macro: gesprochener Satz …System Shutdown Sequence Terminated“VM_TelefonXUser-Macro: Klang eines alten Glocken-TelefonVM_EIN / AUSUser-Macro: EIN, derzeit leerVM_SirenVM Westminster – BigBenExkurs Westminster:Das Westminster – Glockenspiel hat eine durchaus komplexe Abfolge von Glockenanschlägen, deren Struktur hier kurz analysiert werden soll.•Die kleinste Einheit des Glockenspiels ist der Glockenschlag.• 4 Glockenschläge mit der Dauer y (= 1,1s) bilden einen Block, der durch die Zeitdauer x (= 2,2s Ausschwingzeit) vom nächstenBlock getrennt ist.Blocklänge = 4 * y + x•Ein Satz ist 1 – 4 Blöcke lang:1st Quarter: Satzlänge = 1 Block Satzlänge = 1 (4 * y + x)2nd Quarter: Satzlänge = 2 Blocks Satzlänge = 2 (4 * y + x)3rd Quarter: Satzlänge = 3 Blocks Satzlänge = 3 (4 * y + x)4th Quarter: Satzlänge = 4 Blocks Satzlänge = 4 (4 * y + x)•Dabei wird die volle Stunde (4th Quarter) mit der Stundenzahl an BigBen-Schlägen quittiert.Dies startet nach einer Wartezeit tw von 1,1s nach Satzende.•Die Zeitdauer zzwischen den Stundenschlägen beträgt 2,2s.•Die Ausschwingdauer zx von BigBen beträgt ca. 5,5sFür den Stundenschlag wird nur das Makro VM_WM_h aufgerufen. Zuvor muss ins Register R7 noch der Wert 0x20 + <Stundenzahl(1..13)> eingeschrieben werden (alles per SPI).1.CFG(R7_L, 0x2<h>)0xB8,0x2E,0x2<h>0x2<h> R7_L2.CFG(R7_H, 0x00)0xB8,0x2F,0x000x00 R7_L3.PLAY # VM_WM_h0xB0,0x00,0x20Spielt VM_WM_hVM_TöneUser-Macro: EIN, derzeit leerVM_SirenVM_00 – 10User-Macro: gesprochenes Wort: Zahl 0 – 10 in EnglishVM Westminster – BigBenExkurse Westminster:Das Westminster – Glockenspiel hat eine durchaus komplexe Abfolge vonGlockenanschlägen, deren Struktur hier kurz gezeigt werden soll.•Die kleinste Einheit des Glockenspiels ist der Glockenschlag.• 4 Glockenschläge mit der Dauer y (= 1,1s) bilden einen Block, der durch die Zeitdauer x (= 2,2s Ausschwingzeit) vom nächstenBlock getrennt ist.Blocklänge = 4 * y + x•Ein Satz ist 1 – 4 Blöcke lang:1st Quarter: Satzlänge = 1 Block Satzlänge = 1 (4 * y + x)2nd Quarter: Satzlänge = 2 Blocks Satzlänge = 2 (4 * y + x)3rd Quarter: Satzlänge = 3 Blocks Satzlänge = 3 (4 * y + x)4th Quarter: Satzlänge = 4 Blocks Satzlänge = 4 (4 * y + x)•Dabei wird die volle Stunde (4th Quarter) mit der Stundenzahl an BigBen-Schlägen quittiert.Dies startet nach einer Wartezeit tw von 1,1s nach Satzende.•Die Zeitdauer z zwischen den Stundenschlägen beträgt 2,2s.•Die Ausschwingdauer zxvon BigBen beträgt ca. 5,5sFür den Stundenschlag wird nur das Makro VM_WM_h aufgerufen. Zuvor muss ins Register R7 noch der Wert 0x20 + <Stundenzahl(1..13)> eingeschrieben werden (alles per SPI).1.CFG(R7_L, 0x2<h>)0xB8,0x2E,0x2<h>0x2<h> R7_L2.CFG(R7_H, 0x00)0xB8,0x2F,0x000x00 R7_LSpielt VM_WM_h3.PLAY # VM_WM_h 0xB0,0x00,0x20VM Tür-Glocken ExtraktVM TöneUser-Macro: EIN, derzeit leerVM_SirenVM_TestDas Test-Voice-Makro ist das letzte Makro das genutzt wird. Es sollte nicht umbenannt, oder in der Sequenz nach vorne geschoben werden, da dieser Name als Ende Marke im Programm genutzt wird.Ansteuerung des Digital Sound SlavesFür die ersten Schritte bei der Integration wird ein ARDUINO-Example inklusive einer Arduino-Library zur Vergnügung gestellt. Dieses kann im Download-Bereich heruntergeladen werden.Der GPIO 5 Anschluss löst bei Betätigung (Verbindung zu GND) ein Test-Macro aus. Dieses demonstriert das zusammensetzen von Wort-Schnipsel zu vollwertige Sätze und gibt auch den kompletten Voice-Prompt-Inhalt des internen Speichers aus. Dadurch ist auch im Stand-alone-Betrieb der programmierte Inhalt des Chips leicht zu prüfen.AbbildungsverzeichnisAbbildung 1: Modul-Vorderseite (3)Abbildung 2: Modul-Rückseite (3)Abbildung 3: Modul mit externem Lautsprecher (4)Abbildung 4: Beispiel mit PCB-Lautsprecher und Horn (Unterseite) (4)Abbildung 5: Beispiel mit PCB-Lautsprecher und Horn (Oberseite) (4)Abbildung 6: Schaltplan (5)Abbildung 7: Layout (6)Literaturverzeichnis[ISD2360 DATA SHEET]ISD2360 Data SheetRev. 1.00, 15.01.2020Nuvoton[ISD2360 DESIGN GUIDE]ISD2360 Design GuideRev. 1.15, 03.08.2016Nuvoton[ISD2360 DEMO USERM]ISD-DEMO2360 User ManualRev. 1.1, 13.04.2016Nuvoton[ISD2360 ESMINIUSB UM]ISD-ES_MINI_USB User ManualRev. 1.0, 18.02.2016Nuvoton[ISD2360 WIN IDE]ISD-VPE2360 for Windows7 64bitIDE-Software... Made in GermaySignalgeneratorenTastköpfePräzisionsverstärkerMessbereichserweiterungenDSP-SystemeDoc. Nr.: 0130-001v1.0, 04.10.2020, Änderungen vorbehalten HUBER SIGNAL PROCESSINGUnternbergstr. 1383278 TraunsteinGermany Tel:+49 (0)861.213978-0 Fax:+49 (0)861.213978-40**********************© HUBER SIGNAL PROCESSING。

Shure SCM820数字自动混音器产品说明书

Shure SCM820数字自动混音器产品说明书

SCM820 Digital IntelliMix® Automatic MixerSEAMLESS MIXING. ADVANCED CONTROL.SCM820Digital IntelliMix ®Automatic MixerThe SCM820 is the flagship Shure digital automatic mixer for seamless, natural-sounding speech in multiple microphone applications. This innovative 8-channel microphone mixer provides advanced new IntelliMix mixing capabilities along with convenient Ethernet connectivity and versatile configuration options.Remote ControlConvenient browser-based softwareDante ™ Digital AudioMultichannel audio over EthernetDual Mixer OperationOne or two independent mixesIntelliMix ® ModesPreset, manual & custom modesModel VariationsMultiple I/O configurationsIntelliMix ® TechnologySeamless, powerful automixingMore Control. Greater Capacity. One Box.Front Panel 3.5 mm Aux Input7-pin Block Connector with LogicDual Mixer ButtonPer Channel Direct OutputsMix A & Mix B OutputsRear Panel Aux InputMode SelectorSelect function of channel knobs Assignable Channel Knob Adjust settings and status for each inputSmart, Simple ControlsWith an intuitive hardware interface and informative LED metering, the SCM820 packs an extensive range of control and visibility into a single streamlined rack unit.Channel Control KnobsMake quick adjustments to gain, low cut and high shelf EQ, and solo/mute functions.LED Meter RingsChannel and master meter rings vibrantly display input audio or IntelliMix gain levels.Dual Mixer ModeRoute two entirely different and independent automixes to mix A and B outputs.Output Mix ControlFront-panel master gain and limiter control section with output signal meter strip.Hardware/Software ControlAdjust settings directly on the front and back panels or through the browser-based control software.Analog & Digital ConnectionsThe SCM820 provides enhanced I/O support to engineers— in both application flexibility and digital connectivity—to make setting up, configuring and managing systems easier and more efficient.DB25 or Logic-enabled Block Connector ModelsEight channel inputs on the back panel connect to mic or line level audio sources.Direct OutputsPer-channel direct outputs allow the SCM820 to be used as an insert processor or for recording.Dante ™ Digital Audio NetworkingDante-equipped models provide multichannel digital audio I/O over Ethernet and enable linking to additional SCM820 units.Mix A and B OutputsConnect line or mic level mix outputs to a sound reinforcement system, mixing console or recording device.Aux InputsRoute a mono signal straight to the mix outputs from front and back panel auxiliary inputs, bypassing the IntelliMix bus.¼" (6.5 mm) Stereo Headphone Output For channel and mix monitoring.SCM820-DAN rear panel shownAdditional models shown on back pageChannel SelectAdjust input level and phantom powerLockout and ResetMix Select ButtonSelect mix A or BAudio Output Meters and Limiter LEDsIntelliMix ModeToggle between mixer modes Dante™ Network Interface PortsNetworked SolutionsNetworking options available with the SCM820 enable advancedcontrol and signal routing. Link multiple units together on anetwork, then control their settings and signal path remotelyfrom a PC or Mac.Standard Ethernet or Dante Digital AudioChoose the best networking option for the application.Dante Upgrade CardUpgrade standard Ethernet modelsto add Dante digital audio.Dante Virtual SoundcardLicense included with Dante-equipped models and upgrade cardallows a computer to connect to a Dante network for use withplayback, recording, and internet calling software.Linking MixersDante-equipped SCM820 mixers can be linked to form largeautomixes of up to 12 units (96 channels of audio).Control System CompatibleConnects to AMX and Crestron controllers.IntelliMix® ModesIntelliMix® TechnologyRemote Set-up and ControlSCM820 Control Software provides convenient management,monitoring, and configuration support for all key systemsettings. It features a rich, browser-based graphical userinterface and is accessible from any networked computer.Control tabsInputsManage parameters and monitor audio levels foreach input channelIntelliMixConfigure IntelliMix modes and route channels to mix outputsOutputsManage parameters and monitor audio levels for each directoutput channel and mix outputsLink GroupCreate and manage larger automixes through linkingmultiple devicesPreferencesManage global device settingsShure Discovery ApplicationThe Discovery Application finds Shure devices on thenetwork automatically and provides access to each device’scontrol software.•A utomatic discovery of enabled Shure devices•S imply click on an enabled device in the list once it appearsto open its control software•W indows XP (32 and 64 bit), Windows Vista and Windows 7•A pple Mac OS X 10.5.8 and higherInput TabOutput TabIntelliMix ModesShure Discovery ApplicationSCM820Control SoftwareSelected Specifications©2013 Shure Incorporated AL21355 2.5K 01/13Asia, Pacific:Shure Asia Limited 22/F , 625 King’s Road North Point, Island East Hong KongPhone: 852-2893-4290Fax: 852-2893-4055Email:**************.hkUnited States, Canada, Latin America, Caribbean:Shure Incorporated5800 West Touhy Avenue Niles, IL 60714-4608 USA Phone: 847-600-2000Fax: 847-600-1212 (USA)Fax: 847-600-6446Email:**************Europe, Middle East, Africa:Shure Europe GmbHJakob-Dieffenbacher-Str. 12,75031 Eppingen, Germany Phone: 49-7262-92490Fax: 49-7262-9249114Email:*************GeneralAudio Frequency Response20 Hz to 20 kHz (±1 dB)Dynamic RangeAnalog-to-Analog: 110 dB20 Hz to 20 kHz, A-weighted, typical Analog-to-Dante, Dante-to-Analog: 113 dBDimensions 44 mm x 483 mm x 366 mm (1.7 in. x 19.0 in. x 14.4 in.), H x W x D Weight5.5 kg (12.0 lbs)Power Requirements100 to 240 V AC, 50-60 Hz, 1 A Operating Temperature Range −18°C (0°F) to 63°C (145°F)Analog ConnectionsConfiguration Channel input, Mix output: Active balancedAux input: Stereo unbalanced: Direct output: Impedance balancedClipping level Channel Inputs: [Line (+0): +20 dBV, Mic (+26): -6 dBV, Mic (+46): -26 dBV] Aux Input: +10 dBVPhantom Power 48 V DC, selectable per channel, 14 mA max.Max Output LevelLine (+0): +20 dBV, Line (-20): 0 dBV, Mic (-46): -26 dBVDigital Signal ProcessingAD/DA Converter 24-bit, 48 kHz, 113 dB dynamic range typical Latency Analog to Analog: 0.51 msAnalog to Dante: 0.29 msGain Adjustment Range Channel Input, Mix Output: −110 dB to +18 dB Input Processing Low cut, high shelf Output Processing 8 band PEQ, limiterNetworking Interface SCM820: Single Port, 10/100 Mbps EthernetSCM820-DAN: Dual Port, Gigabit Ethernet, Dante digital audioAvailable SKUSSCM820 8 Channel Digital Automatic Mixer, block connectorsSCM820-DAN 8 Channel Digital Automatic Mixer, block connectors, Dante Digital Audio SCM820-DB25 8 Channel Digital Automatic Mixer, DB25 connectorsSCM820-DAN-DB25 8 Channel Digital Automatic Mixer, DB25 connectors, Dante Digital Audio A820-NIC-DANTE Dante Digital Audio Upgrade Card for SCM820 Standard Ethernet Versions DB25 Accessory CablesDB25 to 8 XLR Male, DB25 to 8 XLR Female, DB25(x2) to 8 TRSNote: All specifications are subject to change.Dante is a trademark of Audinate Pty Ltd.。



D5000 Series Digital Wireless Microphone SystemCOOKBOOKHeadset microphone WH-4000H WH-4000ATie-clip microphone YP-M5300YP-M5310Wireless antenna YW-4500Antenna distributor WD-5800Digital wireless transmitter WM-D5300 (belt-pack type)Digital wireless microphone WM-D5200 (handheld type)Battery charger BC-2000Rechargeable battery WB-2000-2SpeakerAmplifierDigital wireless receiverWT -D5800IndexSystem Equipment ConfigurationSystem Equipment Configuration How the Digital Wireless System Works Advantages of the Digital Wireless System Installation/Setting Procedures – One Room Installation/Setting Procedures – Multiple Rooms Installation of the YW-4500 Wireless Antenna Antenna Distribution Frequency T ableProcedure for Reusing the Same Frequency Encryption Function Settings Interference Countermeasures Antenna Attenuator FBS Setting EQ SettingOptimizing Sound Volume...1...2...3, 4...5...6...7...8, 9...10, 11, 12, 13...14, 15...16...17...18...19...20 (21)*BC-2000 and WB-2000-2 are not designed for the use in the U.S. and Canada, and available in these countries.**How the Digital Wireless System WorksSignal waveforms are used to represent sound, and the state of the sound is expressed according to the width or height of the waveform. Wireless microphones transduce the waveform of audio entering the microphone into an electrical signal and transmit that signal to a tuner over radio waves. In this event, it is an analog wireless system that processes the audio signal as it is in the waveform. On the other hand, it is a digital wireless system that digitally processes the audio signal.More specifically, in the digital system, after an analog signal (waveform) is transduced into a digital signal (asignal simplified by binary numbers 0 and 1) and transmitted by radio, the digital signal is demodulated into an analog signal and then the audio is output. By digitally processing and simplifying the audioinformation to be transmitted, the system can have a variety of advantages, including strong immunity to noise and maintenance of clear sound.Let’s have a look at the “D/U ratio” of analog-to-digital wireless systems. The D/U ratio refers to the ratio of the desired (D) signal to the undesired (U) signal (unit: dB). The desired signal represents the level of that signal, while the undesired signal represents the level of signal interference, otherwise called noise. The D/U ratio decreases as the undesired signal increases. The D/U ratio can be considered to be a value necessary to maintaining clear sound in a wireless system. If a comparison is made of the necessary D/U ratio between analog and digital wireless systems, it is 40dB for analog systems and 20dB for digital systems. From this, it can be seen that the digital wireless system has an edge over the analog wireless system by 20dB in terms of necessary D/U ratio, indicating that the digital system can maintain clear sound in circumstances where a lot of undesired signals are present.» How the Digital Wireless System Works» Why are digital wireless systems resistant to interference signals?Analog System Digital SystemDigital signal processing of analog audioDemodulation of digital to audible analog signal(analog)“H el l o ”Audio (analog)12Wireless receiverBroadcast122Not only can the digital wireless system reduce the influence of noise, it can also maintain clear sound quality by means of digital processing. In addition to this, there are various advantages unique to the digital wireless system.» Use of Multiple Channels in the Same AreaSince the wireless microphone makes itself a source of noise, when using multiple channels in the same area, channels must be arranged to avoid radio interference due to intermodulation interference. In the case of the analog wireless system, the most efficient channel arrangement is as shown in the [Analog] figure below if the intermodulation interference of radio waves is taken into consideration. In this arrangement, the simultaneous use of 6 channels is all it can handle per 4 MHz band.* This is an example.In the digital wireless system, however, since one of its features is being immune to the influence of noise, even when the intermodulation interference occurs, individual channels are less likely to be affected by it. As a result, equal-interval channel arrangements such as shown in the [Digital] figure below becomes possible, allowing up to 10 channels to be used simultaneously per 4 MHz band.* This is an example.» Interference Noise MutingAnalog systems are prone to generation of strange noises when exposed to radio interference. Conversely, radio interference is muted in digital systems, so strange noises are not produced.» Reuse of the Same ChannelAnother advantage of the digital wireless system is that simultaneous use of multiple microphones on the same frequency in the same area can be realized more easily because of its immunity to radio interference and noise.In the case of analog systems, the distance between microphones should be at least 100 meters when using the same frequency channel in the same area to ensure 40 dB of D/U ratio. However, in the case of digital systems, the distance can be reduced to 30 - 40 m*, making it easier to cope with even a building (area) with multiple rooms that require multiple microphones.*This can change depending on antenna mounting conditions or room conditions, such as the thickness or material of walls.Area and RoomRoomRoom» Improved SecurityConventional analog wireless systems transmit their audio signals through FM modulation. With this method, it is possible that communications could be intercepted by general broadband receivers (FM radio, etc.), causing much anxiety in terms of security. On the other hand, with digital systems, since the audio is transmitted through digital modulation, only noise can be heard if received by a broadband receiver. This can prevent exposure of information, leading to improvements in the security of information communication.(Horizontal coverage of antennas, Page 7)the supplied antenna.the supplied antenna.(Installation of the YW-4500 Wireless antenna, Page 7)o Step (3)(Antenna distribution, Page 8, 9)1) Select an arbitrary bank from Banks 1 – 4 at the receiver. (Frequency table, Page 10 -13) If you need more simultaneously usable channels, then use Bank A – F . In this case, please switch transmitter's T ransmission Output to "L (1mW)".* Banks A – F cannot be used when including existing analog wireless equipment in the system. 2) Check for idle channels using the channel scanning function.3) Similarly, perform bank settings and idle channel assignments for the remaining receivers.4) Set the transmitters for the same bank and frequency channels as the receivers.Perform encryption settings if it is necessary to prevent eavesdropping.(Encryption settings, Page 16)(Radio interference countermeasures, Page 17)(FBS settings, Page 19)(EQ Settings, Page 20)(7) Optimize the sound volume.(Sensitivity and volume settings, Page 21)Installation/Setting Procedures - One Room(1) Determine the operation range. (Horizontal coverage of antennas, Page 7)the supplied antenna. Use the supplied antenna.the supplied antenna. Use the YW-4500 external antenna.(Installation of the YW-4500 Wireless antenna, Page 7) (2) Determine the number of transmitters to use.o Step (3)(Antenna distribution, Page 8, 9)(3) Confirm the number of channels that can be simultaneouslyused by the frequency table. (Frequency table, Page 10 - 13)Page 14,15)1) Select an arbitrary bank from Banks 1 – 4 at the receiver. (Frequency table, Page 10 - 13)If you need more simultaneously usable channels, then use Bank A – F.In this case, please switch transmitter's T ransmission Output to "L (1mW)".* Banks A – F cannot be used when including existing analog wireless equipment in the system.2) Check for idle channels using the channel scanning function.3) Similarly, perform bank settings and idle channel assignments for the remaining receivers.4) Set the transmitters for the same bank and frequency channels as the receivers.Perform encryption settings if it is necessary to prevent eavesdropping. (Encryption settings, Page 16)(Radio interference countermeasures, Page 17)(8) Optimi sound quality.(FBS settings, Page 19)(EQ Settings, Page 20)(Sensitivity and volume settings, Page 21) Installation/Setting Procedures - Multiple RoomsPoint 1Mount the two antennas within 20 – 30m (outdoor applications: 40 – 50m) visible range from the microphone’s area of intended use.Both antennas should be within visible range from any location where the microphones are to be used. This is necessary for ensuring optimal conditions for one antenna to receive signals when the microphone my experience the other antenna's dead spot. In other words, the shape of the room does not matter provided that the above conditions are met. On a diagram of the site, use a compass to draw two circles representing a radius of 20 – 30m with each antenna as the central point. If usage locations fall within either of the two circles, such locations can be deemed to be okay.Point 2As a guideline, the distance between the two antennas should be 3 – 18m. Although the coverage area becomes wider as the distance between antennas increases, this degrades the diversity effect, and signal interruption will become more liable to occur.If possible, locate one antenna in the direction that can be viewed from the position where the microphone is held, and the other antenna in the opposite direction (behind the microphone holder).Point 3In indoor installations, as a general guideline, install antennas at a height of 2 – 4m above the floor, lest the signal be blocked by people in the room. Keep the antennas about 30cm below the ceiling. Install the antennas so they face in the specified directions. When making protectors, use resin or timber and do not use metallic materials.• Avoid positioning antennas close to metallic objects wherever possible.• Avoid mounting antennas inside a ceiling or wall.• Select locations where the antenna can be protected from being hit and damaged by objects.• Protect the antennas against rain water.Important points for selecting the mounting position of diversity antennas are as follows:Horizontal coverage of antennas under optimal conditionsInstallation of the YW-4500 Wireless Antenna• YW-4500• WT -D5800 Rod Antenna• Using 1 - 3 channelsAntennas can be distributed without using the WD-5800 Antenna Distributor.• Simultaneous use of 4 channels• Simultaneous use of 5 – 8 channelsaudio• Simultaneous use of 9 -16 channels• Simultaneous use of 17 - 32 channelsaudioto mixeraudioto mixeraudioto mixeraudioto mixeraudioto mixeraudioto mixeraudioto mixeraudioto mixeraudioto mixeraudioto mixeraudioto mixeraudioto mixerSplit antennas into two systems and construct a system of up to 32 channels.• Frequency table which can be used with 5000 Series analog wireless systemCompatible Frequency List*WM-D5200/D5300, WT-D5800: BANK 1 - 4WM-4200/4300/5220/5270/5320/5225/5265/5325: BANK 1– 4WT-4800/5800/5805: BANK 1– 4WM-4210/4220/4310, WT-4810/5100/5810, WTU-4800: BANK 1• When needing more channels*Banks A - F cannot be used when including existing analog wireless equipment in the system.Compatible Frequency List*WM-D5200/D5300, WT-D5800• Frequency table which can be used with 5000 Series analog wireless systemCompatible Frequency List*WM-D5200/D5300, WT-D5800: BANK 1 - 4WM-4200/4300/5220/5270/5320/5225/5265/5325: BANK 1– 4WT-4800/5800/5805: BANK 1– 4WM-4210/4220/4310, WT-4810/5100/5810, WTU-4800: BANK 1• When needing more channels*Banks A - F cannot be used when including existing analog wireless equipment in the system.*WM-D5200/D5300, WT-D5800• Frequency table which can be used with 5000 Series analog wireless system*WM-D5200/D5300, WT-D5800: BANK 1 - 4WM-4200/4300/5220/5270/5320/5225/5265/5325: BANK 1– 4WT-4800/5800/5805: BANK 1– 4WM-4210/4220/4310, WT-4810/5100/5810, WTU-4800: BANK 1• When needing more channels*Banks A - E cannot be used when including existing analog wireless equipment in the system.*WM-D5200/D5300, WT-D5800• Frequency table which can be used with 5000 Series analog wireless system*WM-D5200/D5300, WT-D5800: BANK 1 - 4WM-4200/4300/5220/5270/5320/5225/5265/5325: BANK 1– 4WT-4800/5800/5805: BANK 1– 4WM-4210/4220/4310, WT-4810/5100/5810, WTU-4800: BANK 1• When needing more channels*Banks A - E cannot be used when including existing analog wireless equipment in the system.*WM-D5200/D5300, WT-D5800When using transmitters in numbers greater than the number of simultaneously usable channels and in close proximity to each other, microphones operating on the same frequency can be used simultaneously by utilizing their digital characteristics. Note, however, that the same frequency cannot be used in the same room.1. Make channel plans1) Referring to the Frequency T able, select an arbitrary bank from A to F . 2) Scan receiver channels.• C band: Searches for channels in two banks including the currently-set bank and displays idle channels.Combinations of scanned banks are as follows: When Bank A or B is currently set a Searches for and displays idle channels in Banks A and B. When Bank C or D is currently set a Searches for and displays idle channels in Banks C and D.When Bank E or F is currently set a Searches for and displays idle channels in Banks E and F .• G band: Searches for all bank channels in the dedicated digital plan, and displays idle channels.3) Assign idle channels to multiple rooms as shown in the following examples to prevent channelsoperating on the same frequency from being too close to each other.[Example] Same floor or same location on each floor.[Example] Multiple rooms are adjacent to each other on both upper and lower floors in facilities like rental conference rooms and schools. There is a high possibility that the frequencies being used in the ‐ Keep channels using the same frequency as far away from each other as possible. If used on the same floor, keep them at least two rooms apart.‐ Set the wireless microphone’s transmission output to “L.”‐ Adjust the antenna attenuator.2. Use "Code" (recommended)This function prevents interference between channels sharing the same frequency. By performing Code settings, receivers and transmitters can be paired, muting radio signals on the same frequency that may exist in the surrounding area. Code setting is effective when the encryption function is not set.» Code setting proceduresFigure a. Even if the code is the same, if the power for both microphones is ON, radio interference will not occur. (Since the stronger radio signal takes precedence, only the microphone within the immediate area is reproduced.)Figure b. If power to either area is turned off when Figure a conditions exist, Receiver 1 may mistakenly receive MIC 2 audio. (Since the code is the same, it would be impossible to distinguish between MIC 1 and MIC 2.)Figure c. If different codes are set in Area 1 and Area 2, mistakenreception will not occur even if power to the microphone for either area is turned off. (Since microphones in both areas differ in code, audio is muted.)Code settingssolve these problems.Hold down the “SET” key for 2 seconds or more.Select “CODE” and press “SET”Select an arbitrary numberSet the same code for the transmitter to be paired.WT -D5800M E N U >C O D ES E T C O D ENOTE: Since the encryption function, which enhances security, also requires pairing of a transmitter with a receiver, code setting is unnecessary if the encryption function is used.Hold down the “SET” key for 2 seconds or more.Select ENCRYPTION from the menu Select “ON”Select P AIRING from the menu1) Enable receiver’s encryption function.2) Pair the receiver with a transmitter.Switch on the transmitter while holding down the “Encryption” setting switch.Press and hold “SET” till the “SUCCESS” is displayed.If encryption function is achieved, the“ANT A/B” indication and the lock icon lights red.If pairing is achieved, the “ANT A/B” indication lights green andthe transmitter’s “Encryption” light also lights.WT -D5800SETM E N U>H O L D T H E S E T K E YM E N U >PA I R I N GPA I RI N G P RO C E S S R E C E I V I N GPA I R I N G P RO C E S S S U C C E SSEncryption Function SettingsExposure of important information can be prevented by pairing a receiver with a transmitter by TOA’s proprietary security IDs.» Engryption setting proceduresInterference Countermeasures Order of Actions (Action Flowchart)Antenna Attenuator» Antenna Attenuator FunctionThis function decreases the antenna reception sensitivity so as to minimize reception of distant interference radio signals.•When to use this functionUse this function when radio interference or signal interruption caused by the interference of other systems intermittently occurs.Note: Since the use of an attenuator shortens the transmission distance and reduces the range of the usable area, ensure that the microphone can be used without signal interruption in the intended usage area after performing settings.The attenuator can effectively reduce interference signals if they are relatively weak. The most effective results may not be obtained when interference signals are strong (i.e. when audio interference constantly occurs).•Proper use of two attenuatorsUse either the WT -D5800 or YW-4500 attenuator to attenuate the reception sensitivity by 10dB. The WT -D5800 may be more convenient as it allows settings by hand.Since the attenuation of both the YW-4500 and WT-D5800 attenuators are added together, when wishing to attenuate reception sensitivity by at least 10dB, use both attenuators in combination.(This is a rare case, though.)UndesiredUndesiredFBS SettingIt is a function that the built-in feedback suppressor filter automatically works to suppress acoustic feedback when the feedback occurs.Use this function when increases in the receiving wireless microphone’s sound volume tend to generate acoustic feedback and reduce speech clarity or make it impossible to achieve the necessary sound volume for broadcast.» What is the feedback suppressor function?» What is the FBS built into the WT -D5800?NOTE: Acoustic feedback, or howling, is generated when sound output from a speaker reenters the microphone. Before using this function, check to see if the microphone and speaker are positioned too close to each other, or if the sound volume is louder than necessary.In circumstances where feedback is especially liable to occur, the most effective results may not be obtainable, or sound quality may vary greatly.LevelFeedback suppressor filterFrequencyFeedback frequencyHold down the “SET” key for 2 seconds or more.Select “FBS” and press “SET”WT -D5800M E N U >F B SS E T F B S 3O NEQ Setting (Recommended)This function optimizes audio characteristics for each model of handheld wireless microphone or any microphone connected to the belt-pack transmitter.Select the model number of the microphone to use, and perform settings in EQ setting mode.» What is the microphone EQ built into the WT -D5800?NOTE: This function is set to OFF by default.Set the “Microphone EQ” to OFF when the corresponding model number is not shown in the display of the EQ setting mode.Hold down the “SET” key for 2 seconds or more.OptionsWT-D5800S E T E Q P R E S E T 3E X I TS E T E Q P R E S E T 3Y P -M 5300S E T E Q P R E S E T 3W M -D 5200S E T E Q P R E S E T 3O F FS E T E Q P R E S E T 3Y P -M 5310S E T E Q P R E S E T 3W H -4000AS E T E Q P R E S E T 3W H -4000HM E N U>E Q P R E S E TOptimizing Sound Volume(1) Set the receiver’s volume control to the 2 o’clock position.For current TOA wireless receivers with the volume control located on the front panel, the 2 o’clock position (scale 7) is the volume control position that minimizes sound distortion until the maximum input sound pressure is applied to the microphone. From that position to the maximum volume position, a gain of approximately 10dB is made available as an allowance when turning up the volume.(2) Set the transmitter’s (microphone’s) sensitivity to “H” or “L ” depending on whether the volume is insufficient or noise is detected at normal sound volume, or if distortion is not noticeable when speaking in a loud voice.n to the maximum volume position, a gain of approximately 10dB is made available as an allowance when turning up the volume.(3) Adjust the input level of the amplifier or mixer to an appropriate sound volume for use under normal conditions.Microphone sensitivity can be set to "0 dB (H)" or "-10 dB (L)".TOA Corporationwww.toa.jp。

BOSS MICRO BR BR-80数字录音机说明书

BOSS MICRO BR BR-80数字录音机说明书

MICRO BR BR-80Digital Recorder▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼The Complete Studio To GoDon’t be fooled by its size — this little studio is loaded! The MTR (Multi-Track Recorder) mode offers 64 V-Tracks with eight simultaneous playback tracks. In addition, a dedicated stereo rhythm track is provided, as well as an onboard library of great grooves to choose from. The intuitive user-interface continues the simple-to-use tradition of BOSS’ acclaimed BR series, with a graphical design that follows the layout of a conventional recording console. With EQ, reverb, and mastering tools plus, world-class COSM amps and effects for guitar, bass, and vocals the BR-80 is ready to deliver complete, pro-quality recordings with ease.High-Quality Multi FXThe BR-80 is packed with professional multi-effects powered by a newly developed custom DSP chip. Over 40 types of COSM amp models give you instant access to a wide range of powerful guitar and bass sounds. The preset patches allow fi rst-timers and pros alike to enjoy high-quality sounds immediately, while power users can tweak parameters in micro detail for the ultimate tonal control. The dedicated vocal effects, comparable with BOSS’s popular VE-20, include doubling, harmony effects, pitch correction, and more.Virtual Jam BandThe BR-80’s eBand mode offers musicians a fun way to play along with their favorite songs. With the bundled eBand Song List Editor software, you can import CD, MP3, and WAV audio fi les from a computer via USB. The Center Cancel function can be used tominimize the volume of pre-recorded vocals and solos for play- and sing-along enjoyment. eBand mode is also an excellent partner for musical training, as it lets you record your performance adjustplayback speed and/or pitch as desired.PC CompanionThe ultra-fl exible BR-80 can be used as a stand-alone digital recorder or as audio interface for a USB-equipped computer. Cakewalk’s SONAR X1 LE DAW software (for Windows) is bundled with the BR-80, giving users a full-fl edged PC-based music production environment with latency-free recording and a powerful range of COSM amps and effects. Furthermore, the bundled Wave Converter software lets you easily exchange data between the BR-80 and SONAR X1 LE or any other DAW.Built-In Stereo MicIn combination with the onboard high-grade stereo condenser microphones, the BR-80’s Live Rec mode lets you capture pristine stereo recordings instantly. Record vocals, guitar parts, and song ideas the moment inspiration strikes. Your recorded audio fi les can be easily imported into the BR-80’s MTR mode to use as a basis for multi-track song production.MICRO BR BR-80 Specifications■ Tracks [ MTR Mode ] Tracks: 8, Simultaneously recording track: 2, V-Track: 64 (8 V-Tracks per each Track) [ eBand Mode ] Tracks: 2 (stereo), Simultaneously recording track: 2 (stereo) [ LIVE REC Mode ] Tracks: 2 (stereo), Simultaneously recording track: 2 * Either the playback or the recording. ■ Recording Media SDHC Memory Card: 4 GB—32 GB, SD Memory Card: 1 GB—2 GB ■ Data Type [ MTR Mode ] Linear (Bit Depth: 16 bits) [ eBand Mode ] eBand Songs (Recording/Playback), WAV (Bit Depth: 16 bits, Playback only), MP3 (Bit Rates: 64 kbps—320 kbps, Playback only) [ LIVE REC Mode ] WAV (Bit Depth: 16 bits, Recording/Playback), MP3 (Bit Rates: 64 kbps—320 kbps, Recording/Playback) ■ AD Conversion 24 bits ■ DA Conversion 24 bits ■ Sample Rate 44.1 kHz ■ Recording Time (conversion in one track) [ MTR Mode ] 1 GB: 3 hours, 32 GB: 100 hours [ eBand Mode ] (eBand Song) 1 GB: 4 hours, 32 GB: 130 hours [ eBand Mode/LIVE REC Mode ] (WAV 16-bit, stereo) 1 GB: 1.5 hours, 32 GB: 50 hours (MP3 128 kbps, stereo) 1 GB: 16 hours, 32 GB: 550 hours * The above-listed recording times are approximate. Times may be slightly shorter depending on the number of songs that were created. * The above number of the MTR mode is the total for all the tracks that are used. If each of the eight tracks contains an equal amount of data, the length of the resulting song will be approximately 1/8 of the above. ■ Nominal Input Level GUITAR/MIC IN jack: -20 dBu (GUITAR/MIC SW = GUITAR), -40 dBu (GUITAR/MIC SW = MIC), LINE IN jack: -10 dBu ■ Input Impedance GUITAR/MIC IN jack: 1 M Ω (GUITAR/MIC SW = GUITAR), 6 k Ω (GUITAR/MIC SW =MIC), LINE IN jack: 10 k Ω ■ Nominal Output Level PHONES/LINE OUT jack: -14 dBu ■ OutputImpedance PHONES/LINE OUT jack: 22 Ω ■ Display Graphic LCD 128 x 64 dots (Backlit LCD) ■ USB Functions 24-bit/44.1 kHz USB-AUDIO (Hi-Speed USB), USB Mass Storage Class (Hi-Speed USB), BUS Power operation ■ Connectors GUITAR/MIC IN jack (1/4" phone type), LINE IN jack (Stereo miniaturephone type), PHONES/LINE OUT jack (Stereo miniature phone type), USB connector (mini-B type), DC IN jack ■ Power Supply DC 9 V: AC Adaptor (sold separately), Alkaline battery (AA, LR6) x 2, Rechargeable Ni-MH battery (AA, HR6) x 2 or USB Bus Power ■ Current Draw 130 mA (DC IN) Alkaline dry cell batteries: Approximately 6 hours (with continuous playback of 8 tracks, power save function) * May vary according to usage conditions, batteries used, and type of SD card used. ■ Dimensions 138.0 (W) x 86 (D) x 21.7 (H) mm / 5-7/16 (W) x 3-7/16 (D) x 7/8 (H) inches ■ Weight 140 g / 5 oz ■ Included Accessories SD Memory Card, SONAR X1 LE DVD-ROM, USB Cable (mini-B type), Alkaline battery (AA, LR6) x 2, Owner’s Manual ■ Options AC Adaptor (PSA series), Silicone Rubber Case and Carrying Pouch: BA-BR80S* 0 dBu = 0.775 Vrms* The specifications are subject to change without notice.BA-BR80SSilicone Case/Pouch Set for BR-80This custom-made silicone case and carrying pouch is specially designed forthe MICRO BR BR-80. The case protects the unit from scratches and dust and provides a secure grip. It also reduces unwanted noise due to vibrations during operation while using the onboard mics. The carrying pouch, made of the cushioned material, protects s ■ Side Panel (Right)■ Side Panel (Left)。











●上一曲/下一曲和快进/快退选择:短按【】/【】键,可以选择上一首歌曲/下一首歌曲. 在播放过程中长按【】/【】键选择此曲目快进/快退操作。




●A-B复读播放:在音乐播放过程中短按【M】键一次选择A点,再短按【M】键一次选择为B点,此时执行A-B重复播放;在A-B重复播放中短按【M】键退出AB重复播放;五录音模式●短按【M】键可切换到语音模式:5.1 麦克风咪录音(内置咪):** 选择录音来源:在“系统设置”/“录音来源”里选定“麦克风录音”录音模式,短按【】确认,厂值系统默认为“麦克风录音”;** 选择录音品质:录音前请按需要选择好录音品质,在“系统设置”/“比特率”中选择,短按【】确认,出厂值系统默认为“192Kbps”;** 录音声控设置:选择“系统设置”/“声控开关”,可依要求开启或关闭,短按【】确认.在录音过程中,所录取的音源小于所设置声控灵敏度时,将自动暂停录音,录音时间停止走秒,当所录取的声音恢复到本机能识别时,将自动继续录音,** 开始录音:在语音模式待机状态或任何菜单模式状态下,短按【录音】键开始录音,录音指示灯打开状态下点亮并且录音时间开始走秒计时。

数字调音台 Live20.8 用户说明书

数字调音台 Live20.8 用户说明书

User Manual 使用说明书数字调音台Live20.8+10-60dB 060dB 060dB 060dB 060dB 060dB 060dB 060dB060dB 060dB 060dB 060dB 060dB 060dB 060dB 060dB 0安全使用事项在使用本装置之前,请仔细阅读说明书,并遵守有关操作和使用的警言,本说明书要妥善保管以备日后查用。

◆ 本装置只能使用说明书所标注的电源种类。

◆ 要注意避免电源线被重物压挤,特别要注意电源线的插头、装置上的出 线处及方便插座处,切忌拉、抽电源线。

◆ 不能放在离水源较近的地方使用,例如:浴缸、洗漱池、厨房水槽、洗手 盆潮湿的地下室、游泳池附近等处。

◆ 本装置必须远离热源。

例如:散热器、加热电阻、各种炉子及其它发热装置( 包括放大器)。

◆ 必须注意防止物品或水流掉进内芯。

如果掉进金属或其它导电物品,会使装置 内部产生电击短路的危险。

◆ 因机内存有高压,非电子专业技术人员,切勿拆卸机壳,如果内部电子零 件被非正常接触,可能发生严重电击事故。


◆ 不要使用挥发性溶液。

如:酒精、涂料稀释剂、汽油、挥发油等擦拭外壳,使 用清洁的干布就行。

◆ 当发现异常气味或浓烟时,应立即切断电源并拔出插头,与供货商或最近 的维修部门联系,寻求维修服务。

◆ A.为安全起见,请切断电源开关,拔掉电源插头。



若发生 此类事故时,请立即切断电源,停止使用。

并与本公司服务中心或所在购买商店 联系,寻求维修服务。

◆ 不要把电源插头压在机器下面或夹在其他物品中间;不要把电源设置在人员来 往频繁的地方,以免造成因插头破损而发生触电或火灾事故。


PPR80 数字录音机使用手册说明书

PPR80 数字录音机使用手册说明书
Inserting and removing the Card
Open the SD card door,push the card fully until it clicks. Being careful about the direction you insert it.
Close the Card door . * If the card door cannot be completely closed, remove the card ,check its direction and then insert it again.
Do not use the unit in extreme hot, cold, dusty or high humidity. Do not use or keep the unit in following places.
In a high humid area, such as a bathroom or hypogeum. In an area exposed to direct sunlight ( e.g. inside car where it becomes extreme hot ). Near sources with strong magnetism, such as a television, speaker or magnet. In trembly places, such as on the car dashboard or shaky shelf.
13 Stereo/Mono SELECTOR 26
Battery compartment 27
Battery Installation
It will never affect files stored in the unit to replace batteries . If you shut down the unit with normal operation , it will keep the date and time by previous setting .



ICD-PX820的2GB *内置记忆体,在LP录音模式可支持长达约535小时的录音,满足您对长时间录音的需求,是课堂学习、培训记录的好帮手。

* 由于管理文件等的占用,实际使用容量可能会略有减少。









VOR ON:启用VOR功能,在机器探测到需要录制的声音时录音开始。

VOR OFF:禁用VOR功能,选择正常录音操作。

* VOR功能受周围声音环境的影响,请根据录音条件设置“麦克风灵敏度”。











A820T使用指南1、如何通过数据线连接电脑实现U盘功能开机状态下用USB连接PC,下拉通知栏,点击“USB计算机连接”,点击打开USB存储设备,即可开启U盘功能;2、如何进行通话录音?默认录音存储路径在哪里?如何修改录音存储路径?进入通话后,点击手机左上角录音键,即可开始录音,点击停止,手机自动保存录音; 3. 录音保存在内置存储卡Phone Record;不可更改存储路径;3、如何在拨号盘中调用联系人直接拨号拨号界面-点击下方联系人图标(第二个)-选择目标联系人后,点击后面拨号图标。

(英文名字的直接输入数字键代表的英文字母,中文名字的可以输入名字首字母)4、如何将联系人从SIM卡导入到机身或从机身导入到SIM卡联系人-菜单键-导出/导入--点击内置存储卡--下一步--手机--下一步;联系人-菜单键-导出/导入--点击手机--下一步--点击内置存储卡--选择需要复制的联系人--点击下方复制图标--点击确定5、如何将联系人导出到SD卡或从SD卡导入到机身1.联系人-菜单键-导出/导入-选择手机--下一步--外置存储卡--下一步--勾选需要导入的联系人--点击下方复制图标--点击确定;2.联系人-菜单键-导出/导入-选择外置存储卡--下一步--手机--下一步--勾选需要导入的联系人--点击下方复制图标--点击确定;6、如何添加联系人到通讯录中的收藏夹联系人-选择目标联系人-点击联系人查看界面右上角的五角星图标,使之变成黄色的实心即可备注:只有存储到手机里面的联系人才可以7、如何删除联系人(批量删除和单个删除)联系人-长按需要删除的联系人-点击“删除联系人”,点击确定即可完成单个删除的操作;联系人-菜单键-删除联系人--点击需要删除的所有联系人--点击下方“垃圾桶”图标--然后点击确定,即可完成批量删除8、如何修改联系人信息联系人-长按需要修改的联系人-编辑联系人,即可在编辑联系人界面中修改联系人的信息9、如何新增联系人联系人-点击右上角“加号”图标--选择保存联系人的位置--进入新增联系人界面编辑--点击完成10、如何群发短信信息-点击右上角新建信息图标或点击菜单键--新信息-收信人输入框中右侧的添加图标-点击需要的所有联系人--点击下方添加,编辑内容后点击发送即可11、如何设置群组联系人-点击右上角群组-点击右上角添加群组“+”图标--选择创建群组的位置--输入群名称--点击添加联系人--选择联系人--点击下方添加图标--点击完成12、如何给联系人发送短信联系人-点击目标联系人-进入查看界面点击信息图标,编辑信息发送即可如何设置要显示的联系人(1.只显示SIM卡联系人;2.只显示机身显示人;3.同时显示机身和SIM 卡联系人)联系人--显示选项--点击所有联系人,同时显示机身和SIM卡联系人;点击SIM卡,只显示SIM 卡联系人;点击手机,只显示机身显示人13、如何给联系人发送名片联系人-点击目标联系人-菜单键-分享联系人-分享方式选择短信-选择收件人,点击发送即可14、如何设置个人名片不支持直接设置,可通过新建联系人,建立一个自己的联系方式来实现15、如何查找联系人联系人-点击“放大镜”图标,在输入框中输入需要查找的联系人16、如何发送短信信息-点击新建信息“+”图标或点击菜单键--新信息-编辑收件人-编辑内容,点击发送17、如何查看机身短信和SIM卡短信1、机身短信:直接进入短信界面即可查看2、SIM卡短信:短信界面,按菜单键后,选择SIM 卡短信,选择相应的SIM卡即可查看18、如何在发送短信界面选择联系人信息界面-点击右上角新建短信“+”图标或点击菜单键--新信息,在“请输入收件人姓名或号码”内输入收件人姓名或号码 /点击右边的联系人图标,勾选目标联系人19、如何设置短信存储位置短信界面-菜单键-设置-短信存放位置-手机/SIM卡20、如何将机身短信复制或移动到SIM卡进入短信阅读界面-长按需复制的短信-保存信息到SIM卡-选择相应的SIM卡21、如何将SIM卡短信复制或移动到机身短信界面-菜单键-SIM卡短信-选择相应SIM卡-长按需复制的短信-复制到手机内存22、如何复制短信文本和粘贴复制:短信阅读界面-长按短信文本-复制文字粘贴:在“请输入内容”的地方长按-出现“粘贴”字样后并点击23、如何提取短信内容中的号码或网址等信息短信阅读界面-点击短信内容中的号码,在提示框内选择“将XXX添加到联系人”短信阅读界面-点击短信内容中的网址,会出现是否打开浏览器的提示24、如何删除机身和SIM卡的通话记录(单个删除和批量删除)机身(单个):点击通话记录-长按需删除的记录-点击“删除”;机身(批量):点击通话记录-菜单键-清除通话记录/多选删除-点击勾选需删除记录(或勾选“全选”)-点击“垃圾箱”图标-出现提示框后选择确定 SIM卡(单个):点击通话记录-点击“SIM卡”图标的三角形-选择SIM卡-长按需删除的记录-点击“删除” SIM卡(批量):点击通话记录-点击“SIM卡”图标的三角形-选择SIM卡-点击菜单键-多选删除-点击勾选需删除记录-点击“垃圾箱”图标-出现提示框后选择确定25、如何将通话记录的号码添加至联系人点击通话记录-长按需添加的号码-在弹出的对话框内点击“添加到联系人”--弹出对话框点击确定--点击下方创建新联系人--选择保存联系人的位置--编辑信息--点击完成26、如何查看通话记录详情(查看通话时间点,通话时长)点击通话记录-点击相应的号码在详情查看界面即可查看通话时间点,无通话时长27、如何切换通话记录列表(已拨电话\已接电话\未接电话\拒接电话)点击通话记录,点击界面上方显示的不同颜色不同方向的箭头即可切换通话记录所有通话/未接电话/已接电话/已拨电话,无拒绝电话28、如何设置只有在wlan状态下才可下载软件?1、关闭数据连接,开启并连接WLAN2、打开软件(如乐商店)或第三方软件,菜单键-设置-在下载设置界面将“只在WLAN下载模式下下载”打开29、如何设置屏幕休眠状态下保持WIFI连接系统设置-WLAN-菜单键-高级-点击“在休眠状态下保持WLAN连接”选择“始终”30、如何格式化内存卡系统设置-存储-选择“格式化内置存储卡”格式化SD卡“”(选择内置或外置SD卡)31、如何查看近期运行程序长按home键32、如何设置屏幕锁定(设置解锁密码和取消解锁密码)图案:系统设置-安全-屏幕锁定,图案-显示“手机安全设置”,点击“下一步”(在下一屏幕上滑动手指任意顺序连接至少四个点)-绘制至少四个点的解锁图案-绘制完后点击“继续”-再次绘制图案进行确认-点击“确认”(绘制已保存的图案-点击选择“无”或“滑动”消除密码) PIN:系统设置-安全-屏幕锁定,PIN-输入至少包含4位字符-点击“继续”-确认输入PIN-点击“确定”(输入已保存的PIN-点击“下一步”-点击选择“无”或“滑动”消除密码) 密码:系统设置-安全-屏幕锁定,密码-输入密码(密码必须包含4个字符33、如何使用加密设备?如何恢复正常?可通过屏幕锁定(图案、PIN、密码)及“设置SIM卡锁定”来加密设备。

COMPANION 20 多媒体扬声器系统说明书

COMPANION 20 多媒体扬声器系统说明书

C OMPANION® 20M ULTIMEDIA S PEAKER S YSTEM Owner’s Guide || ||2Safety and Regulatory InformationPlease read this owner’s guidePlease take the time to follow the instructions in this owner’s guide carefully. It will help you set up and operate your system properly and enjoy its advanced features. Please save this owner’s guide for future reference.WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electrical shock, do not expose the product to rain or moisture.WARNING: Do not expose this apparatus to dripping or splashing, and do not place objects filled with liquids, such as vases, on or near the apparatus. As with any electronic products, use care not to spill liquids into any part of the system. Liquids can cause a failure and/or a fire hazard.The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol within an equilateral trianglealerts the user to the presence of uninsulated, dangerous voltage within the system enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electrical shock.The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle, as marked on the system, is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance instructions in this owner’s guide.WARNING: Do not place any naked flame sources, such as lighted candles, on or near the apparatus.3S AFETY AND R EGULATORY I NFORMATIONCAUTION: Make no modifications to the system or accessories. Unauthorized alterations may compromise safety, regulatory compliance, and system performance.CAUTION: Long-term exposure to loud music may cause hearing damage. It is best to avoid extreme volume when using headphones, especially for extended periods.CAUTION: Use only the power supply provided with the speaker system.This product conforms to all EU Directive requirements as applicable by law. The complete Declaration of Conformity can be found at /static/compliance.Names and Contents of Toxic or Hazardous Substances or ElementsPart Name Toxic or Hazardous Substances and Elements Lead (Pb)Mercury (Hg)Cadmium (Cd)Hexavalent (CR(VI))Polybrominated Biphenyl(PBB)Polybrominated diphenylether (PBDE)PCBs X 00000Metal parts X 00000Plastic parts 000000Speakers X 00000CablesXO: Indicates that this toxic or hazardous substance contained in all of the homogeneous materials for this part is below the limit requirement in SJ/T 11363-2006.X: Indicates that this toxic or hazardous substance contained in at least one of the homogeneous materials used for this part is above the limit requirement in SJ/T 11363-2006.S AFETY AND R EGULATORY I NFORMATIONNOTES:•The product label is located on the bottom of the product.•The product is intended to be used only with the power supply provided.•The product must be used indoors. It is neither designed nor tested for use outdoors, in recreational vehicles, or on boats.•Where the mains plug or appliance coupler is used as the disconnect device, such disconnect device shall remain readily operable.Additional safety informationSee the additional instructions on the Important Safety Instructions sheet(North America only) enclosed in the shipping carton.iPod is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.©2018 Bose Corporation. No part of this work may be reproduced, modified, distributed, or otherwise used without prior written permission.4S AFETY AND R EGULATORY I NFORMATION Information about products that generate electrical noiseThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, this is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, you are encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment to an outlet on a different circuit than the one to which the receiveris connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced technician for help.NOTE: Unauthorized modification of the system could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment and may void the warranty.This product complies with the Canadian ICES-003 Class B specifications.For future referenceFor convenience, enter the serial number (S/N located on the bottom of the right speaker) below and on the Customer Warranty card.Serial number: _____________________________________________________________ Purchased on: _____________________________________________________________ We suggest that you keep your purchase receipt and the limited warranty withthis guide.56C ONTENTSIntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Setting Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Unpacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Positioning the speakers and control pod . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Connecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Connecting the cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Connecting an external music source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Connecting headphones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Using the speaker system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Turning on the system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Controlling the volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Automatic standby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Contacting Customer Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Maintenance and Technical Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Cleaning the system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Technical Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Limited Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 What you must do to obtain limited warranty service . . . .217I NTRODUCTION Congratulations on your purchase of the Bose® Companion® 20 multimedia speaker system. With these high-quality speakers, you can enjoy:•Full, natural sound from just two speakers whether sitting directly in front of your computer or across the room.•Sleek, space-saving design that complements the look of your computer.• A unique control pod that makes it easy to adjust or mute the volume and connect headphones and other audio devices.•Exclusive TrueSpace® stereo digital signal processing that reproduces wide, natural sound from only two speakers,bringing more life to music, games and videos.•Proprietary digital signal processing that delivers crisp, clear performance at all listening levels.•Advanced port design and driver that produce powerful low note performance and room-filling sound.89 S ETTING U PUnpackingDuring unpacking, make sure that all parts shown are in the carton. If any part is missing or damaged, contact your Bose dealer.Save the carton and all packing materials for possible future use.*Correct for your region.AC powerSpeakerLeft speaker Right speakercableAudiocablePower packand cable cord*Control podand cableS ETTING UP Positioning the speakers and control podThe size and shape of these speakers make it easy to position them directly next to your computer. To provide an accurate sound stage, you should observe the following guidelines:•Place the left and right speakers (left and right speakers are identified on each speaker back panel) an equal distance from 10S ETTING UPthe center of your computer monitor or screen. They should be between 18 and 32 inches apart.•Avoid putting objects directly in front of the lower part of the speaker grilles. This area is where the speaker driver is located.•Do not place the speakers too far behind your computer monitor or screen because that will block the sound.•Place the control pod so it is within easy reach.•Keep the front of the speakers even with, or slightly forward of, the front of the computer screen.C ONNECTINGConnecting the cablesUse the four provided cables and the AC power cord to make the connections shown on page 13.CAUTION: Do not plug in the AC power cord until all other connec-tions are completed.1.Insert one end of the audio in cable into the Audio Inconnector on the back of the right speaker.2.Insert the other end of the cable into the Headphone orSpeaker output connector (the labels and positions of these connectors vary) on your computer.3.Insert the control pod cable plug into the Control Podconnector on the right speaker.4.Insert the free end of the DC power cable into the DCPower connector on the right speaker.5.Insert the end of the left speaker cable into the LeftSpeaker connector on the right speaker.6.Insert the small end of the AC power cord into the powerpack and then insert the large end into an AC (mains) outlet.a b c d eC ONNECTINGabc d a speakerspeakerC ONNECTING Connecting an external music sourceYou can connect an iPod, mp3 player, or other music source to the control pod using a 3.5 mm plug (not supplied). The music source audio and computer audio are mixed and will both play at the same time.To connect an external music sourceFully insert the 3.5 mm plug from the music source into the Audio In connector on the control pod. To avoid hearing both the computer and external music source, mute the computer audio. Connecting headphonesUse headphones with a 3.5 mm plug. Fully insert the 3.5 mm plug into the headphone connector on the control pod. Connecting headphones to the Companion® 20 system mutes the sound fromU SING THE SPEAKER SYSTEMTurning on the systemTouch the top of the control pod to turn the speaker system on. The power indicator illuminates. Touch the top of the control pod Controlling the volumeRotate the volume control (top outer band) on the control pod clockwise to increase the volume; counterclockwise to decrease volume.When your sound source has a volume control1.Rotate the Companion ® 20 control pod volume control fully counterclockwise to decrease the volume to minimum (zero).2.Adjust the volume on your sound source to near maximum.As you increase the volume, no sound is emitted from the Companion ® 20 speakers, because they are set to minimum.U SING THE SPEAKER SYSTEM Note: You should never turn your sound source up to maximum volume, as this could cause the sound to distort. A volume setting of about 80% of maximum should be sufficient.3.Rotate the Companion® 20 control pod volume controlclockwise until the sound reaches the desired listening level. Automatic standbyThe Companion® 20 system automatically goes into the standby state after two hours when there is no audio signal or the volume is turned all the way down. You can disable automatic standby so the system is always on when connected to power.To disable automatic standbyLightly press and hold the top of the control pod (approximately six seconds) until you hear two tones that chime from high to low.To re-enable automatic standbyLightly press and hold the top of the control pod again until you hear two tones that chime from low to high.T ROUBLESHOOTINGLow volume settings (less than 2/3 maximum) on your computer or media player reduce its output and can unnecessarily limit the volume of the Companion® 20 system.Computer volume controls often include:•External buttons, which may operate independent of the onscreen controls.•Onscreen controls, provided on the computer.•Various media player controls.Try adjusting one or more of these controls if the sound from the Companion® 20 system is too low.No sound•Make sure the speakers are turned on(the power indicator on the control podis illuminated).•Make sure the control pod volume controlis not turned fully counterclockwise (minimum).•Make sure the computer is plugged in andturned on, mute is turned off, and all volumecontrols are turned up.•Be sure the power pack is securely pluggedinto the right speaker and into a power outletor surge protector.•Be sure the AC power outlet is working. Whenusing a surge protector or power strip, be sureit is turned on.The Companion® 20 system sound seems distorted Decrease the volume of the sound source and increase the Companion® 20 speaker volume using the control pod.T ROUBLESHOOTINGContacting Customer ServiceFor additional help in solving problems, contact Bose ® Customer Service. Refer to the address sheet included in the carton, or visit One speaker doesnot play or soundsdistorted •Make sure the cable from the left speaker is firmly inserted into the Left Speaker connector on the back of the right speaker.•Check the balance setting on your soundsource.Cannot control the volume using the control pod Make sure the control pod plug is fullyinserted into the connector on the rear of theright speaker. Push the plug in using suffi-cient force to ensure that it is fully insertedinto the connector.No sound from headphones No sound from theconnected deviceT ROUBLESHOOTINGM AINTENANCE AND T ECHNICAL I NFORMATION Cleaning the systemWipe the speakers and control pod with a dry cloth.•Do not use solvents or chemicals.•Do not allow liquids or objects to enter the rear port of the speakers, the speaker grilles, or any part of the control pod.If the bottom of the control pod loses its adhesion to the tabletop, use a lint-free cloth, slightly dampened with water, to clean the control pod bottom surface.Technical InformationDriver complementTwo 2.75 inch (70 mm) high excursion, wide-range transducers Dimensions (approximate)Speakers: 8.6"H x 3.5"W x 4.4"D (22.0 cm x 9.0 cm x 11.2 cm) Control pod: 2.5"D x 1.125"H (6.3 cm x 2.8 cm)Weight (approximate)One speaker, unpacked: 2.5 lb (1.1 kg)Control pod: 0.5 lb (0.2 kg)L IMITED W ARRANTYThis system is covered by a limited warranty. Details of the limited warranty are provided on the Product Registration Card that came with your system. Please fill out the information section on the card and mail it to Bose. Failure to do so, however, will not affect your limited warranty rights.What you must do to obtain limited warranty service Return the product, with proof of purchase from an authorized Bose dealer, using the following procedures:1.Contact the Bose organization in your country or region (visit for Bose contact information in your country or region) for specific return and shipping instructions.bel and ship the product, freight prepaid, to the addressprovided by the Bose organization in your country.3.Place any necessary return authorization number prominentlyon the outside of the carton. Cartons not bearing a returnauthorization number where required, will be refused.21©2018 Bose Corporation, The Mountain, Framingham, MA 01701-9168 USAAM344839-0020 Rev.0。





先锋音讯电话录音仪XF-REC B系列 8通道同时录音,支持网络查询,数据上传2010年8月2日一、产品概述1.体积精巧、独立工作重500g,体积180×100×30mm电话录音仪接通电源,与电话线连接即可开始工作2 .循环记录,自动更新当话音容量达到极限时,系统将自动清除最先录音的资料,取保系统常年保持最新的录音资料3.对通话双方进行无干扰录音全面记录电话呼叫双方信息而不对通话产生干扰,是电话录音产品技术的核心。











BOSS BR-800 数字录音机培训指南说明书

BOSS BR-800 数字录音机培训指南说明书

BOSS BR-800 DIGITAL RECORDERTRAINING GUIDEContents1. FEATURES2. QUICK DEMO3. EZ RECORDING4. SONG SKETCH5. EFFECTS6. RHYTHM7. SIX THINGS TO KNOW and SHOW8. ACCESSORIES1. FEATURES∙4-track simultaneous recording, 8-track simultaneous playback plus dedicated stereo rhythm track playback∙EZ Recording interactively guides through the recording process∙Powerful guitar, bass, and vocal effects derived from BOSS’s flagship processors∙Song Sketch recording for quick stereo capture in WAV format∙Built-in advanced drum machine with editor software∙Functions as a USB audio interface and DAW control surface∙Cakewalk SONAR 8.5 LE software with full audio loops and backing tracks included∙Built-in stereo condenser microphone for instant recording∙Sleek new interface based on touch sensors∙1GB SD included (supports up to 32GB SDHC card)∙Runs on six AA batteries/USB bus power/AC adaptor (included)2. QUICK DEMOThe Quick Demo is a way to get up and running in less than 60 seconds. Before You Start1. Connect AC adaptor (included) to a power source.2. Connect the BR-800’s OUTPUT to monitor speakers or headphones.The Quick DemoPress the PLAY button to hear the Demo Song.3. EZ RECORDINGEZ Recording is a function that makes recording on the BR-800 quick and easy.1. Press EZ REC.2. Press cursor up ▲ and select NEW SONG and press ENTER.3. Using the dial, select the [SOURCE] on the left of the screen toVOCAL (MIC).4. Cursor right ► and using the dial, select FUSION for the[CATEGORY] and press ENTER.5. Using the dial, select the vocal effect to #12 (3rd+5th). Cursor down ▼ and use the dial to choose RHYTHM pattern #232 (FUSN1-V2). Press ENTER.6. Name your song: Press MENU, select SONG and press ENTER. Select NAME and press ENTER. Using the dial and cursor buttons, name your song. Press EXIT a number of times to return to the main screen.To Record:Press ZERO then press PLAY to hear your recording.4. SONG SKETCHBy putting the BR-800 in Song Sketch mode, you can use it as a stereoWAV file recorder / player. This provides an easy way to record your songideas and phrases.Press ZERO and then press Playto hear you’re your recording.5. EFFECTSThe BR-800 has independent processors for four different kinds of effects:insert effects, loop effects, track EQ and mastering effects.Press EZ REC, NEW SONG and select E. Guitar as the SOURCE. PressENTER twice.6. RHYTHMThe BR-800 provides a dedicated rhythm generator that is separate from theaudio tracks 1-8. You can use this rhythm as a guide during recording, orcreate an original rhythm backing by arranging various internal rhythms tomatch the structure of your song. Let’s create a rhythm arrangementconsisting of various patterns.7. SIX THINGS TO KNOW and SHOW1. 4-track simultaneous recording, 8-track simultaneous playback plus dedicatedstereo rhythm track playback2. EZ Recording interactively guides through the recording process with sleek newinterface based on touch sensors3. Powerful guitar, bass, and vocal effects derived from BOSS’s flagshipprocessors4. Song Sketch recording for quick stereo capture in WAV format5. Functions as a USB audio interface with USB bus power and DAW controlsurface6. Cakewalk SONAR 8.5 LE software with full audio loops and backing tracksincludedBOSS BR-800 Training GuidePage 11 Gary Lenaire 8. ACCESSORIESFS-5U FS-5L EV-5 EV-7DP-2FV-500HFV-500L。

BOSS MICRO BR BR-80数字录音机的用户指南说明书

BOSS MICRO BR BR-80数字录音机的用户指南说明书
(You shown here.)
3 Double-click the MASTERING folder to reveal your mastering tracks. 4 You can audition any of the MASTERING folder’s files as you would
Each MICRO BR® BR-80 Workshop booklet focuses on one MICRO BR® BR-80 topic, and is intended as a companion to the MICRO BR® BR-80 Owner’s Manual.
About This Booklet
Our Small World
This blue planet on which we reside gets smaller every day, thanks to the internet, and the rich variety of human experience become more and more obvious to each of us as our friendships spread across the globe. Our ideas, our experiences, and our music can be instantly shared through social networks, email, and music sites, as we noted in the Jam BR-80 Workshop booklet. And it’s never been easier to collaborate with musicians, wherever they are, using tools such as the BR-80’s BRWC software.

PreSonus Revelator Dynamic USB 麦克风说明书

PreSonus Revelator Dynamic USB 麦克风说明书

Dynamic USB Microphone with voice effects and professional presets for streaming, podcasting, and more.Getting Started • Erste Schritte • Cómo empezar • Pour commencer • 开始®登录 并注册您的序列号。

感谢您购买 Revelator Dynamic USB-C®兼容 话筒!Revelator Dynamic 是实时流媒体或播客的完美话筒,也是一种用于家庭工作室画外音的简单录音解决方案。


一旦您在上注册了您的 Revelator Dynamic,就可以下载免费的Studio One Artist 以及其他插件、内容等等。

这是我们送给您的礼物,感谢您成为 PreSonus 的客户。

有关正确操作和安装的更多信息,请查看 提供的 Revelator Dynamic 用户手册。


随后您会发现 Revelator Dynamic 可以做的还有很多!!effects will be recorded with your voice. Press repeatedly to cycle through the four onboard settings:Preset 1 (Blue) Preset 2 (Yellow) Preset 3 (Green) Preset 4 (Pink)2. Press and hold to bypass presets. Use this when you want a clean recording with no effects—good forprocessing your recording later.Install Universal Control • Instalación de Universal Control • Installation von Universal Control Installez Universal Control • 安装 Universal Control1.ENGLISH: Download the Studio One Artist installer from your MyPreSonus account and install it on your computer.2.Launch Studio One Artist and enter your MyPreSonus credentials. Follow the onscreen instructions to activate.1.ESPAÑOL: Descargue el instalador de Studio One Artist desde su cuenta MyPreSonus e instálelo en su ordenador.2. Inicie Studio One Artist e introduzca sus credenciales de MyPreSonus. Siga las instrucciones en pantalla paraactivarlo.1 1.ESPAÑOL: Los Presets le permiten almacenar y realizar rellamadas de ajustes de efectos para la voz como EQ y compresión. Estos efectos se grabarán junto con su voz. Pulse repetidamente para transitar por los cuatro ajustes incorporados:Preset 1 (Azul) Preset 2 (Amarillo) Preset 3 (Verde) Preset 4 (Rosa)2. Mantenga la pulsación para ignorar los presets. Use esto cuando quiera una grabación limpia sin efectos—esbueno para procesar su grabación más tarde.1. DEUTSCH: Mit Hilfe der Presets können Sie Effekteinstellungen wie EQ-Bearbeitung oder Kompressionspeichern und laden. Diese Effekte werden zusammen mit Ihrer Stimme aufgenommen. Drücken Sie die Tastewiederholt, um durch die vier integrierten Einstellungen zu schalten:Preset 1 (Blau) Preset 2 (Gelb) Preset 3 (Grün) Preset 4 (Rosa)2. Drücken und halten, um Presets zu deaktivieren. Nutzen Sie diesen Modus, um ein unbearbeitetes Signalaufzunehmen, wenn Sie Ihre Aufnahme beispielsweise zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt nachbearbeiten möchten.1. FRANÇAIS: Les presets vous permettent de mémoriser et de rappeler des réglages d’effets pour votre voix,comme ceux d’égalisation et de compression. Ces effets seront enregistrés avec votre voix. Appuyez plusieursfois pour passer en revue les quatre préréglages intégrés:Preset 1 (Bleu) Preset 2 (Jaune) Preset 3 (Vert) Preset 4 (Rose)2. Pressez et maintenez pour court-circuiter les presets (préréglages). Utilisez cela lorsque vous souhaitez unenregistrement propre sans effets, qui vous permettra de le traiter plus tard.1. 中文:预设允许您存储并召回声音效果设置,例如 EQ 和压缩。



接口方式:模拟中继 录音输入阻抗 直流>= 470K 欧姆 交流(1000HZ 时)>=10K 欧姆 隔离阻抗脚直流均:>= 470K 欧姆 录音模块直流阻抗: >1M 隔离耐压:>=500VDC 录音格式:LAW、ADPCM,GSM 格式的 WINDOWS WAV 文件 数据速率:64 KBPS /32 KBPS /13.6 KBPS 全通道信噪比:>= 42 dB 频响:300~3400HZ 放音输出功率 >= 0.5 W 全通道失真:< 5% 音量调整:-20db ~ +20db 硬盘容量 (20 G 最多可存放 3500 小时)
10. 所有谈话内容录为 wav 格式,可以在任意 WINDOWS 电脑中播放。 11. 可以设置任意多个盘(可以是硬盘、分区或网络映射盘)自动循环录音。 12. 录音启动方式灵活,具有压控、键控、声控三种启动方式。 13. 录音起始时间可以灵活设置,可以是一段时间内录音,也可以是每天 24 小时录 音。 14. 提供不同的压缩率,满足不同用户的需要,20G 的硬盘最多可以保存 3500 多个 小时。 15. 线路适用于电话外线、分机内线、无线对讲机的音频输出线等。 16. 当系统的硬盘将满时,系统将自动清除最先录音的资料,以保证系统可以常年 不间断运行。 17. 方向判别。可以判别出呼叫方向,如呼入还是呼出。 18. 系统具有强大的操作员权限管理功能,除设定每个操作员的权限外,还可以设 置每个操作员可操作的通道。 19. 内置有区号表,可以记录每一次通话的地区。
电话录音系统 . 操作手册

系统简介 .....................................................................................2 一、基本功能 ..............................................................................2 二、技术参数 ..............................................................................3 系统安装 .....................................................................................4 一、硬件安装 ..............................................................................4 1、1 微机 ..............................................................................4 1、2 PCI 接口录音卡安装 .............................................................4 二、软件安装 ..............................................................................6 2、1 板卡驱动安装 ....................................................................6 2、2 录音系统软件的安装 ............................................................7 软件操作 .....................................................................................8 一、 系统登陆 ............................................................................8 1、1 登陆 ..............................................................................8 1、2 主窗口说明 ......................................................................9 二、 功能操作 .......................................................................... 10 2、1 管理 ............................................................................ 11 1) 查听 ............................................................ 11 2)操作员(权限设置) .............................................. 13 3)日志管理 ........................................................ 14 4)号码薄 .......................................... 错误!未定义书签。 5)区号表 .......................................................... 15 2.2 设 置 ........................................................................... 15 1) 系统设置 ........................................................ 15 2) 通道参数 ........................................................ 16 3) 免录音号码 ...................................................... 18 4) 硬件设置 ........................................................ 19 5) 录音目录 ........................................................ 20 6) 清除策略 ........................................................ 20 7) 备份策略 ........................................................ 21 8) 留言参数 ........................................................ 21 2、3 查 看 ........................................................................... 22 2、4 操作员 ......................................................................... 23 2、5 工 具 ........................................................................... 23 1) 数据备份 ........................................................ 23 2、6 帮 助 ........................................................................... 24



特殊的技术结构设计,产品具有防雨防粉尘功能,使产品质量更稳定耐用全部功能采用MCU控制,全电子按键操作,尽享更方便的数码产品操作感受采用class D数字扩音技术,低功耗,能输出高达18W的音频功率。




1.将头戴麦克风正确地佩戴在头部,并调整好麦克风的拾音角度2.将Φ3.5mm的麦克风插头插入麦克风输入孔内3.打开电源,电源指示灯亮,调整音量按键到合适的音量大小电源开关按键:长按1-2秒开机与关机录音按键:按下该键,对应指示灯亮,进入录音状态,再按此键退出录音 状态播放按键:按下该键,对应指示灯亮,播放当前已录制MIC与音乐信号, 再次按此键退出混响按键:按下该键,对应指示灯亮,开启混响,再按一下退出产品特性控制面板功能示意图使用说明1.长时间不使用时应将电池充满电2.当低电量时应及时充电3.请不要将外部的音源信号(如DVD、MP3 等)从MIC插孔输入,以免声音幅 度过大而失真4.为了确保充电器的性能,请使用本机配置的DC 10.6V/450mA专用充电器 供电5.为了达到良好效果,请对准头戴麦克风的咪芯(1-2cm)处发音,以防方向 不正引起啸叫6.禁止对非充电电池进行充电7.非专业技术人员请不要擅自拆机改装或维修;如有问题或服务需求请联系 当地经销商1.E8R扩音器由锂离子电池供电,电池有使用寿命限制,当工作时间明显缩 短时,请更换电池2.过高或过低的温度都会影响电池的充电效果,请将电池充电的环境温度保 持在 0-45℃3.请不要擅自从扩音器内取出电池挪作其它用途,更不要将电池掷入火中或 水中4.电池属于易耗品,不在保修范围之内,更换电池时,请使用厂家电池5.请注意不要使电池发生短路(避免与项链、钥匙、发夹、导线等金属物 放置在一起),也不要使用其它充电器或已受损电池6.请正确处理废弃电池,不要将其直接投入垃圾桶7.不要让儿童接触电池,并将电池当做玩具8.不要捶打、抛掷电池,避免猛烈撞击电池电池的使用和安全须知注意事项E8R录音扩音器广东得胜电子有限公司地址: 广东省惠州市博罗县龙溪镇富康一路2号 电话: 400 6828 333 传真: 0752-******* 邮箱:xs @takstar .com 网址:www .takstar .com 邮编:516121 E8R使用说明峰值输出功率:18W频率响应:100Hz-12kHz 扬声器阻抗:4Ω录音时间:1分钟录音采样率:16kHz 混响延时时间:110ms 使用时间:约12小时充电时间:约6小时充电器规格:DC 10.6V/450mA电池规格:7.4V/2000mAh锂离子电池产品规格:125×105×55mm 产品重量:400g技术参数锂电池(内置)9108E8RWelcome to use TAKSTAR portable digital voice amplifier. This product is ideal for outdoor PA because of the excellent digital technology, long battery playtime and high output power. Please read this user manual detailedly before using to make sure the correct operation and exert the optimum function.Special construction for water-proof and dust-proof MCU function control, touch switch operationClass D digital amplification module for low power consumption and high output power up to 18WMCU intelligent power level inspection for actual battery power condition indicationHigh-quality recording/play chip features 1min recording time, 16kHz sampling rate as well as clear and natural playback Reverberation function for multiple applicationBuilt-in MCU intelligent recharging management system for secure recharge & discharge and fast recharging time (only 6hrs)Built-in high capacity lithium-ion battery Multiple wearing choices for convenient use Unique and fashionable designFeaturesRecording Time: 1minRecording Sampling Rate: 16kHz Reverb Delay Time: 110ms Playtime: 12hrsRecharging Time:6hrsPower Adaptor: DC 10.6V/450mABattery Specification: 7.4V/2000mAh lithium-ion battery Product Dimension: 125×105×55 mm Net Weight: 400gSpecificationUser ManualPower on/off switch: press one to two seconds for on or offRecording button: press the button and the indicator will light, it means the amplifier is under recording status; press the button again, therecording is finished(Remark: repeating recording will cover the previous file)Music play function: press the button and indicator will light, the amplifier will play the MIC or music signal it has recorded; press the button again, the playing is finishedReverberation button: press the button and the indicator will light, it means the reverberation is on; press the button again, the reverberation is offVolume adjusting button: press “-” for low volume until silence Volume adjusting button: press“+” for loud volumeBattery power level indicator: when the amplifier is turned on, short press , it will indicate the battery power level and automatically extinguish after three seconds to save the power; when beingrecharged, it indicates the recharging status; when indicators light one after another, it means it is being recharged; when indicators all light, it means recharging is finished DC 10.6V power adaptor socketAUX input socket: use the audio cable supplied by this amplifier to connect the music signal such as DVD, MP3 with the amplifierMicrophone input socket: plug in the headworn microphone into this socketBattery compartment: built-in 7.4V/2000mAh lithium-ion battery Rope buckleOperation Instruction1. Wear the headworn microphone correctly and adjust the suitable microphone pick-up angle2. Insert the Φ3.5mm microphone plug into the MIC input socket 3. Turn on the power, the power indicator will light, then adjust the volume1. E8R voice amplifier is powered by lithium-ion battery, the battery life time has limit, please change the battery when the playtime is obviously shortened2. Extreme high or low temperature will influence the battery recharge effect, please keep the environment temperature at 0-45℃ for battery charging3. Don’t use the battery of this amplifier for other usage or throw it into fire or water4. Battery belongs to consumption part, it is not within the after-service range, please use the battery supplied by manufacturer when you want to change the battery5. Avoid making the battery short (don’t put the battery with the metal part such as necklace, key, barrette, lead wine etc.), don’t use other power adaptor or damaged battery6. Please dispose the abandoned battery correctly, do not throw it into the trash can directly7. Children are not allowed to contact with the battery or play it 8. Do not thump or sling the batteryCaution for BatteriesGuangdong Takstar Electronic Co., Ltd.Address: No. 2 Fu Kang Yi Rd., Longxi Boluo Huizhou Guangdong 516121 ChinaTel:867526383644Fax:867526383952Email:***********************:1.Please full recharge the batteries if long time no use2. Recharge timely when low battery power3. Don’t insert external audio signal such as DVD or Mp3 into the MIC socket to avoid distortion due to extreme high voice4. Please use DC 10.6V/450mA power adaptor supplied with this amplifier to make sure the best recharging function5. Aim at headworn mic capsule when speaking and keep the distance between vocal and mic at 1-2cm to avoid howling6. Recharge for non-rechargeable battery is prohibited7. Non-professional technician is not allowed to disassemble or repair the product, please contact the local agent if there is any question or service requirenmentCautionMax. Output Power: 18WFrequency Response: 100Hz-12kHz Output Impedance: 4ΩLi-ion battery Standard ConfigurationPower adaptorE8R recording ampifier HM-700 Headworn mic RopeAudio connecting User manual。

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数字录音系统用户操作手册(For Windows 98/2000/XP)V8.202006年5月20日版权本书所含信息以“维持原状”的方式提供,如有更改恕不另行通知。









目录第一章系统简述 ---------------------------------------------------------- 11.1 基本功能 ------------------------------------------------------ 11.2 性能特点 ------------------------------------------------------ 11.3 录音方式 ------------------------------------------------------ 11.4 技术参数 ------------------------------------------------------ 21.5 硬件配置 ------------------------------------------------------ 2 第二章系统安装 ---------------------------------------------------------- 32.1 系统配置 ------------------------------------------------------ 32.2 语音卡硬件安装 ------------------------------------------------ 32.3 语音卡驱动程序安装 -------------------------------------------- 32.4 录音系统软件安装 ---------------------------------------------- 4 第三章录音系统使用说明 -------------------------------------------------- 53.1 系统主界面 ---------------------------------------------------- 53.2 系统管理 ------------------------------------------------------ 83.2.1 系统参数设置---------------------------------------------- 83.2.2用户信息设置---------------------------------------------- 113.2.3 通道姓名设置---------------------------------------------- 123.2.4 通道参数设置---------------------------------------------- 123.2.5 数据库管理------------------------------------------------ 143.2.6 操作日志管理---------------------------------------------- 153.2.7 锁定计算机------------------------------------------------ 153.2.8 关闭录音系统---------------------------------------------- 153.3 录音管理-------------------------------------------------------- 163.3.1 查询录音-------------------------------------------------- 163.3.2 备份录音文件---------------------------------------------- 183.3.3 查询留言-------------------------------------------------- 183.3.4 播放语音文件---------------------------------------------- 193.3.5 转换语音文件格式------------------------------------------ 193.3.6 查询未接来电---------------------------------------------- 203.3.7 设置过滤电话信息------------------------------------------ 203.3.8查询过滤电话呼叫------------------------------------------ 213.3.9 统计呼入呼出通话量---------------------------------------- 213.4 操作员管理------------------------------------------------------ 223.4.1 修改操作员密码-------------------------------------------- 223.4.2 增加删除操作员-------------------------------------------- 223.5 客户资料管理---------------------------------------------------- 243.5.1客户资料管理---------------------------------------------- 243.5.2 客户沟通记录---------------------------------------------- 243.6 交换机管理------------------------------------------------------ 253.6.1私有交换机参数设置---------------------------------------- 253.6.2 显示交换机的原始话单数据---------------------------------- 263.6.3 显示交换机外线名称设置------------------------------------ 26 第四章远端电话查询、远端电话监听、呼入报号、留言功能介绍----------------- 274.1 远端电话查询---------------------------------------------------- 274.2 远端电话监听---------------------------------------------------- 274.3 呼入报号功能---------------------------------------------------- 274.4 留言功能-------------------------------------------------------- 27 第五章网络录音留言管理和客户信息管理-------------------------------------- 285.1登陆录音系统服务器----------------------------------------------- 285.2录音管理--------------------------------------------------------- 285.2.1、网络录音查询和留言查询----------------------------------- 285.2.2、网络留言查询--------------------------------------------- 295.2.3、网络监听------------------------------------------------- 305.3客户信息管理---------------------------------------------------- 305.3.1、客户资料管理--------------------------------------------- 305.3.2、客户沟通记录--------------------------------------------- 305.3.3、弹出客户信息--------------------------------------------- 30第一章系统简述数字录音系统是我公司根据通信、电力、证券等行业及其它领域的要求,并结合其应用特点,自主研制并开发的全数字化录音设备。



1.1 基本功能支持1--64路电话同时录音;在录音系统本机上,实时监听任一路电话的通话;在录音系统本机上,根据主被叫号码、日期、时间、通道号等条件随时查询录音;在局域网内,网络查询电话录音和网络实时监听任意通道的通话;在录音系统本机和查询机器都有外网IP地址的广域网上,网络查询电话录音;支持留言录音功能;根据权限删除、备份录音文件操作;根据用户权限实行分级管理;录音查询的回放、循环播放以及连续播放;录音界面显示主被叫电话号码;自动检测硬盘容量,录音文件可自动清理、转储;支持服务器端和客户端客户信息记录和自动弹出呼入客户的信息。


1.2 性能特点数字录音:录音及回放全数字方式,高保真原音再现。


