Intermolecular potential energy surface, microwave and infrared spectra
一些物理化学专业英语词汇电泳electrophoresis 丁达尔效应Dyndall effect定容摩尔热容molar heat capacity under constant volume定容温度计Constant voIume thermometer定压摩尔热容molar heat capacity under constant pressure定压温度计constant pressure thermometer定域子系统localized particle system 动力学方程kinetic equations 动力学控制kinetics control 独立子系统independent particle system 对比摩尔体积reduced mole volume 对比体积reduced volume对比温度reduced temperature 对比压力reduced pressure对称数symmetry number 对行反应reversible reactions对应状态原理principle of corresponding state多方过程polytropic process多分子层吸附理论adsorption theory of multi-molecular layers二级反应second order reaction二级相变second order phase change 法拉第常数faraday constant 法拉第定律Faraday’s law 反电动势back E.M.F.反渗透reverse osmosis 反应分子数molecularity反应级数reaction orders 反应进度extent of reaction反应热heat of reaction 反应速率rate of reaction反应速率常数constant of reaction rate范德华常数van der Waals constant范德华方程van der Waals equation范德华力van der Waals force 范德华气体van der Waals gases范特霍夫方程van’t Hoff equation 范特霍夫规则van’t Hoff rule 范特霍夫渗透压公式van’t Hoff equation of osmotic pressure非基元反应non-elementary reactions 非体积功non-volume work 非依时计量学反应time independent stoichiometric reactions菲克扩散第一定律Fick’s first law of diffusion沸点boiling point 沸点升高elevation of boiling point费米-狄拉克统计Fermi-Dirac statistics分布distribution 分布数distribution numbers分解电压decomposition voltage 分配定律distribution law分散系统disperse system 分散相dispersion phase分体积partial volume 分体积定律partial volume law分压partial pressure 分压定律partial pressure law分子反应力学mechanics of molecular reactions分子间力intermolecular force 分子蒸馏molecular distillation封闭系统closed system 附加压力excess pressure弗罗因德利希吸附经验式Freundlich empirical formula of adsorption 负极negative pole负吸附negative adsorption 复合反应composite reaction盖·吕萨克定律Gay-Lussac law 盖斯定律Hess law甘汞电极calomel electrode 感胶离子序lyotropic series杠杆规则lever rule 高分子溶液macromolecular solution高会溶点upper consolute point 隔离法the isolation method格罗塞斯-德雷珀定律Grotthus-Draoer’s law隔离系统isolated system 根均方速率root-mean-square speed功work 功函work content共轭溶液conjugate solution 共沸温度azeotropic temperature构型熵configurational entropy 孤立系统isolated system固溶胶solid sol 固态混合物solid solution固相线solid phase line 光反应photoreaction光化学第二定律the second law of actinochemistry光化学第一定律the first law of actinochemistry光敏反应photosensitized reactions 光谱熵spectrum entropy 广度性质extensive property 广延量extensive quantity广延性质extensive property 规定熵stipulated entropy过饱和溶液oversaturated solution 过饱和蒸气oversaturated vapor 过程process 过渡状态理论transition state theory过冷水super-cooled water 过冷液体overcooled liquid过热液体overheated liquid 亥姆霍兹函数Helmholtz function亥姆霍兹函数判据Helmholtz function criterion亥姆霍兹自由能Helmholtz free energy 亥氏函数Helmholtz function 焓enthalpy 亨利常数Henry constant亨利定律Henry law 恒沸混合物constant boiling mixture恒容摩尔热容molar heat capacity at constant volume恒容热heat at constant volume 恒外压constant external pressure 恒压摩尔热容molar heat capacity at constant pressure恒压热heat at constant pressure 化学动力学chemical kinetics化学反应计量式stoichiometric equation of chemical reaction化学反应计量系数stoichiometric coefficient of chemical reaction化学反应进度extent of chemical reaction化学亲合势chemical affinity 化学热力学chemical thermodynamics 化学势chemical potential 化学势判据chemical potential criterion 化学吸附chemisorptions 环境environment环境熵变entropy change in environment挥发度volatility 混合熵entropy of mixing混合物mixture 活度activity活化控activation control 活化络合物理论activated complex theory 活化能activation energy 霍根-华森图Hougen-Watson Chart基态能级energy level at ground state基希霍夫公式Kirchhoff formula 基元反应elementary reactions积分溶解热integration heat of dissolution吉布斯-杜亥姆方程Gibbs-Duhem equation吉布斯-亥姆霍兹方程Gibbs-Helmhotz equation吉布斯函数Gibbs function 吉布斯函数判据Gibbs function criterion 吉布斯吸附公式Gibbs adsorption formula吉布斯自由能Gibbs free energy 吉氏函数Gibbs function极化电极电势polarization potential of electrode极化曲线polarization curves 极化作用polarization极限摩尔电导率limiting molar conductivity几率因子steric factor 计量式stoichiometric equation计量系数stoichiometric coefficient 价数规则rule of valence简并度degeneracy 键焓bond enthalpy胶冻broth jelly 胶核colloidal nucleus胶凝作用demulsification 胶束micelle 胶体colloid胶体分散系统dispersion system of colloid胶体化学collochemistry胶体粒子colloidal particles 胶团micelle 焦耳Joule焦耳-汤姆生实验Joule-Thomson experiment焦耳-汤姆生系数Joule-Thomson coefficient焦耳-汤姆生效应Joule-Thomson effect 焦耳定律Joule`s law接触电势contact potential 接触角contact angle节流过程throttling process 节流膨胀throttling expansion节流膨胀系数coefficient of throttling expansion结线tie line 结晶热heat of crystallization解离化学吸附dissociation chemical adsorption界面interfaces 界面张力surface tension浸湿immersion wetting 浸湿功immersion wetting work精馏rectify 聚(合)电解质polyelectrolyteBET公式BET formula DLVO理论DLVO theoryHLB法hydrophile-lipophile balance methodpVT性质pVT property ζ电势zeta potential阿伏加德罗常数Avogadro’number 阿伏加德罗定律Avogadro law阿累尼乌斯电离理论Arrhenius ionization theory阿累尼乌斯方程Arrhenius equation阿累尼乌斯活化能Arrhenius activation energy阿马格定律Amagat law 艾林方程Erying equation爱因斯坦光化当量定律Einstein’s law of photochemical equivalence 爱因斯坦-斯托克斯方程Einstein-Stokes equation安托万常数Antoine constant 安托万方程Antoine equation盎萨格电导理论Onsager’s theory of conductance半电池half cell 半衰期half time period饱和液体saturated liquids饱和蒸气压saturated vapor pressure饱和蒸气saturated vapor 饱和吸附量saturated extent of adsorption 爆炸界限explosion limits 比表面功specific surface work比表面吉布斯函数specific surface Gibbs function比浓粘度reduced viscosity 标准电动势standard electromotive force标准电极电势standard electrode potential标准摩尔反应焓standard molar reaction enthalpy标准摩尔反应吉布斯函数standard Gibbs function of molar reaction标准摩尔反应熵standard molar reaction entropy标准摩尔焓函数standard molar enthalpy function标准摩尔吉布斯自由能函数standard molar Gibbs free energy function 标准摩尔燃烧焓standard molar combustion enthalpy标准摩尔熵standard molar entropy标准摩尔生成焓standard molar formation enthalpy标准摩尔生成吉布斯函数standard molar formation Gibbs function标准平衡常数standard equilibrium constant标准氢电极standard hydrogen electrode 标准态standard state标准熵standard entropy 标准压力standard pressure标准状况standard condition 表观活化能apparent activation energy表观摩尔质量apparent molecular weight表观迁移数apparent transference number表面surfaces 表面过程控制surface process control表面活性剂surfactants 表面吸附量surface excess表面张力surface tension 表面质量作用定律surface mass action law 波义尔定律Boyle law 波义尔温度Boyle temperature波义尔点Boyle point 玻尔兹曼常数Boltzmann constant玻尔兹曼分布Boltzmann distribution 玻尔兹曼公式Boltzmann formula玻尔兹曼熵定理Boltzmann entropy theorem玻色-爱因斯坦统计Bose-Einstein statistics泊Poise 不可逆过程irreversible process不可逆过程热力学thermodynamics of irreversible processes不可逆相变化irreversible phase change布朗运动brownian movement 查理定律Charle’s law产率yield 敞开系统open system超电势over potential 沉降sedimentation沉降电势sedimentation potential 沉降平衡sedimentation equilibrium 粗分散系统thick disperse system 催化剂catalyst单分子层吸附理论mono molecule layer adsorption单分子反应unimolecular reaction触变thixotropy单链反应straight chain reactions 弹式量热计bomb calorimeter道尔顿定律Dalton law 道尔顿分压定律Dalton partial pressure law 德拜和法尔肯哈根效应Debye and Falkenhagen effect德拜立方公式Debye cubic formula等焓过程isenthalpic process德拜-休克尔极限公式Debye-Huckel’s limiting equation等焓线isenthalpic line 等几率定理theorem of equal probability等温等容位Helmholtz free energy 等温等压位Gibbs free energy等温方程equation at constant temperature 低共熔点eutectic point低共熔混合物eutectic mixture 低会溶点lower consolute point低熔冰盐合晶cryohydric第三定律熵third-law entropy第二类永动机perpetual machine of the second kind第一类永动机perpetual machine of the first kind缔合化学吸附association chemical adsorption 电池常数cell constant 电池电动势electromotive force of cells 电池反应cell reaction电导conductance 电导率conductivity电动势的温度系数temperature coefficient of electromotive force电动电势zeta potential 电功electric work电化学electrochemistry 电化学极化electrochemical polarization电极电势electrode potential 电极反应reactions on the electrode电极种类type of electrodes 电解池electrolytic cell电量计coulometer 电流效率current efficiency电迁移electro migration 电迁移率electromobility电渗electroosmosis 电渗析electrodialysis·聚沉coagulation 聚沉值coagulation value绝对反应速率理论absolute reaction rate theory绝对熵absolute entropy 绝对温标absolute temperature scale绝热过程adiabatic process 绝热量热计adiabatic calorimeter绝热指数adiabatic index 卡诺定理Carnot theorem卡诺循环Carnot cycle 开尔文公式Kelvin formula柯诺瓦洛夫-吉布斯定律Konovalov-Gibbs law科尔劳施离子独立运动定律Kohlrausch’s Law of Independent Migration of Ions可能的电解质potential electrolyte 可逆电池reversible cell可逆过程reversible process 可逆过程方程reversible process equation可逆体积功reversible volume work 可逆相变reversible phase change 控制步骤control step 库仑计coulometer扩散控制diffusion controlled雷利公式Rayleigh equation拉普拉斯方程Laplace’s equation 拉乌尔定律Raoult law兰格缪尔-欣谢尔伍德机理Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism兰格缪尔吸附等温式Langmuir adsorption isotherm formula冷冻系数coefficient of refrigeration 冷却曲线cooling curve离解热heat of dissociation 离解压力dissociation pressure离域子系统non-localized particle systems离子的标准摩尔生成焓standard molar formation of ion离子的电迁移率mobility of ions 离子的迁移数transport number of ions离子独立运动定律law of the independent migration of ions离子氛ionic atmosphere 离子强度ionic strength理想混合物perfect mixture 理想气体ideal gas接触电势contact potential 接触角contact angle节流过程throttling process 节流膨胀throttling expansion节流膨胀系数coefficient of throttling expansion结线tie line 结晶热heat of crystallization解离化学吸附dissociation chemical adsorption界面interfaces 界面张力surface tension浸湿immersion wetting 浸湿功immersion wetting work精馏rectify 聚(合)电解质polyelectrolyte聚沉coagulation 聚沉值coagulation value绝对反应速率理论absolute reaction rate theory绝对熵absolute entropy 绝对温标absolute temperature scale绝热过程adiabatic process 绝热量热计adiabatic calorimeter绝热指数adiabatic index 卡诺定理Carnot theorem卡诺循环Carnot cycle 开尔文公式Kelvin formula柯诺瓦洛夫-吉布斯定律Konovalov-Gibbs law科尔劳施离子独立运动定律Kohlrausch’s Law of Independent Migration of Ions可能的电解质potential electroly可逆电池reversible cell可逆过程reversible process 可逆过程方程reversible process equation 可逆体积功reversible volume work 可逆相变reversible phase change 克拉佩龙方程Clapeyron equation 克劳修斯不等式Clausius inequality 克劳修斯-克拉佩龙方程Clausius-Clapeyron equation控制步骤control step 库仑计coulometer扩散控制diffusion controlled 拉普拉斯方程Laplace’s equation 拉乌尔定律Raoult law雷利公式Rayleigh equation兰格缪尔-欣谢尔伍德机理Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism兰格缪尔吸附等温式Langmuir adsorption isotherm formula冷冻系数coefficient of refrigeration 冷却曲线cooling curve离解热heat of dissociation 离解压力dissociation pressure离域子系non-localized particle systems离子的电迁移率mobility of ions 离子的标准摩尔生成焓standard molar formation of ion离子的迁移数transport number of ions离子氛ionic atmosphere离子独立运动定律law of the independent migration of ions离子强度ionic strength 理想混合物perfect mixture理想气体ideal gas 理想气体的绝热指数adiabatic index of ideal gases 理想气体的微观模型micro-model of ideal gas理想气体反应的等温方程isothermal equation of ideal gaseous reactions理想气体绝热可逆过程方程adiabatic reversible process equation of ideal gases理想气体状态方程state equation of ideal gas 理想稀ideal dilute solution 理想液态混合物perfect liquid mixture 粒子particles粒子的配分函数partition function of particles连串反应consecutive reactions 链的传递物chain carrier链反应chain reactions 量热熵calorimetric entropy量子统计quantum statistics临界常数critical constant量子效率quantum yield 临界参数critical parameter临界点critical point 临界胶束浓度critical micelle concentration临界摩尔体积critical molar volume 临界温度critical temperature临界压力critical pressure 临界状态critical state零级反应zero order reaction 流动电势streaming potential流动功flow work 笼罩效应cage effect路易斯-兰德尔逸度规则Lewis-Randall rule of fugacity 露点dew point 露点线dew point line 麦克斯韦关系式Maxwell relations麦克斯韦速率分布Maxwell distribution of speeds麦克斯韦能量分布MaxwelIdistribution of energy毛细管凝结condensation in capillary毛细现象capillary phenomena 米凯利斯常数Michaelis constant 摩尔电导率molar conductivity 摩尔反应焓molar reaction enthalpy 摩尔混合熵mole entropy of mixing摩尔气体常数molar gas constant 摩尔热容molar heat capacity摩尔溶解焓mole dissolution enthalpy摩尔稀释焓mole dilution enthalpy内扩散控制internal diffusions control内能internal energy 内压力internal pressure能级energy levels 能级分布energy level distribution能量均分原理principle of the equipartition of energy能斯特方程Nernst equation 能斯特热定理Nernst heat theorem凝固点freezing point 凝固点降低lowering of freezing point凝固点曲线freezing point curve凝胶gelatin 凝聚态condensed state凝聚相condensed phase 浓差超电势concentration over-potential 浓差极化concentration polarization 浓差电池concentration cells 帕斯卡pascal 泡点bubble point泡点线bubble point line 配分函数partition function配分函数的析因子性质property that partition function to be expressed as a product of the separate partition functions for each kind of state 碰撞截面collision cross section碰撞数the number of collisions 偏摩尔量partial mole quantities平衡常数(理想气体反应)equilibrium constants for reactions of ideal gases平动配分函数partition function of translation平衡分布equilibrium distribution 平衡态equilibrium state平衡态近似法equilibrium state approximation平衡状态图equilibrium state diagram平均活度mean activity 平均活度系统mean activity coefficient平均摩尔热容mean molar heat capacity平均质量摩尔浓度mean mass molarity平均自由程mean free path 平行反应parallel reactionsLiveBandit破乳demulsification 铺展spreading普遍化范德华方程universal van der Waals equation其它功the other work 气化热heat of vaporization气溶胶aerosol 气体常数gas constant气体分子运动论kinetic theory of gases气体分子运动论的基本方程foundamental equation of kinetic theory of gases 气溶胶aerosol气相线vapor line 迁移数transport number潜热latent heat 强度量intensive quantity强度性质intensive property 亲液溶胶hydrophilic sol氢电极hydrogen electrodes 区域熔化zone melting热heat 热爆炸heat explosion热泵heat pump 热功当量mechanical equivalent of heat热函heat content 热化学thermochemistry热化学方程thermochemical equation 热机heat engine热机效率efficiency of heat engine 热力学thermodynamics热力学第二定律the second law of thermodynamics热力学第三定律the third law of thermodynamics热力学第一定律the first law of thermodynamics热力学基本方程fundamental equation of thermodynamics热力学几率thermodynamic probability热力学能thermodynamic energy热力学特性函数characteristic thermodynamic function热力学温标thermodynamic scale of temperature热力学温度thermodynamic temperature热熵thermal entropy 热效应heat effect熔点曲线melting point curve 熔化热heat of fusion溶胶colloidal sol 溶解焓dissolution enthalpy溶液solution 溶胀swelling乳化剂emulsifier 乳状液emulsion润湿wetting 润湿角wetting angle萨克尔-泰特洛德方程Sackur-Tetrode equation 三相点triple point 三相平衡线triple-phase line 熵entropy熵判据entropy criterion 熵增原理principle of entropy increase 渗透压osmotic pressure 渗析法dialytic process生成反应formation reaction 升华热heat of sublimation实际气体real gas 舒尔采-哈迪规则Schulze-Hardy rule松驰力relaxation force 松驰时间time of relaxation速度常数reaction rate constant 速率方程rate equations速率控制步骤rate determining step 塔费尔公式Tafel equation态-态反应state-state reactions 唐南平衡Donnan equilibrium淌度mobility 特鲁顿规则Trouton rule特性粘度intrinsic viscosity 体积功volume work统计权重statistical weight 统计热力学statistic thermodynamics 统计熵statistic entropy 途径path途径函数path function 外扩散控制external diffusion control完美晶体perfect crystalline 完全气体perfect gas微观状态microstate 微态microstate韦斯顿标准电池Weston standard battery 维恩效应Wien effect维里方程virial equation 无热溶液athermal solution维里系数virial coefficient 稳流过程steady flow process稳态近似法stationary state approximation无限稀溶液solutions in the limit of extreme dilution物理化学Physical Chemistry 物理吸附physisorptions吸附adsorption 吸附等量线adsorption isostere吸附等温线adsorption isotherm 吸附等压线adsorption isobar吸附剂adsorbent 吸附量extent of adsorption吸附热heat of adsorption 吸附质adsorbate析出电势evolution or deposition potential析因子性质property that partition function to be expressed as a product of the separate partition functions for each kind of state稀溶液的依数性colligative properties of dilute solutions稀释焓dilution enthalpy系统system 系统点system point系统的环境environment of system 相phase相变phase change 相变焓enthalpy of phase change相变化phase change 相变热heat of phase change相点phase point 相对挥发度relative volatility相对粘度relative viscosity 相律phase rule相平衡热容heat capacity in phase equilibrium 相图phase diagram相倚子系统system of dependent particles悬浮液suspension压缩因子compressibility factor循环过程cyclic process 压力商pressure quotient压缩因子图diagram of compressibility factor阳极anode亚稳状态metastable state 盐桥salt bridge盐析salting out杨氏方程Young’s equation 液体接界电势liquid junction potential 液相线liquid phase lines 一级反应first order reaction一级相变first order phase change逸度fugacity依时计量学反应time dependent stoichiometric reactions逸度系数coefficient of fugacity 阴极cathode荧光fluorescence 永动机perpetual motion machine永久气体Permanent gas 有效能available energy原电池primary cell 原盐效应salt effect增比粘度specific viscosity 憎液溶胶lyophobic sol沾湿adhesional wetting 沾湿功the work of adhesional wetting真溶液true solution 真实电解质real electrolyte真实气体real gas 真实迁移数true transference number振动配分函数partition function of vibration振动特征温度characteristic temperature of vibration蒸气压下降depression of vapor pressure 正常沸点normal point正吸附positive adsorption 支链反应branched chain reactions直链反应straight chain reactions 指前因子pre-exponential factor质量作用定律mass action law 制冷系数coefficient of refrigeration 中和热heat of neutralization 轴功shaft workLiveBandit转动配分函数partition function of rotation转动特征温度characteristic temperature of vibration转化率convert ratio 转化温度conversion temperature状态state 状态方程state equation状态分布state distribution 状态函数state function准静态过程quasi-static process 准一级反应pseudo first order reaction 自动催化作用auto-catalysis 自由度degree of freedom自由度数number of degree of freedom 自由焓free enthalpy自由能free energy 自由膨胀free expansion组分数component number 最低恒沸点lower azeotropic point最高恒沸点upper azeotropic point 最佳反应温optimal reaction temperature 最可几分布most probable distribution 最可几速率mostadikanghackneyed 陈腐的caustic 腐蚀性的erosion 腐蚀erode使腐蚀stale 陈腐的rot 腐烂rotten 腐烂的decay 腐败corrode 腐蚀decomposition 分解,腐烂rust 铁锈silica 硅土lime stone石灰石crystal 水晶gasoline 汽油methane 甲烷,沼气hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物petroleum 石油plastic 塑胶intermediary 媒介物catalysis 催化作用catalyst 催化剂adhesive 黏合剂scorch 使退色bleach 漂白,去色,漂白剂tint 染色,上色dye 染料chemistry 化学biochemistry 生物化学hydronic 液体循环加热的alchemy 炼金术,魔力artificial 人造的,假的,非原产地的ion 离子molecule 分子,些微solubility 溶度solution 解答溶液solvent 溶剂dissolve 溶解,解散element 元素impurity 杂质blend 混合compound 混合物substance 物质,实质particle 颗粒,微粒explosive 爆炸的,炸药blast 爆炸burning 燃烧的kindle 燃起sear 烧灼,烧焦ignite 使燃烧action 作用combination 化合,组合neutralize 中和polymerization 聚合functional 起作用的synthetic 综合的,合成的carbon 碳copper 铜lead 铅Mercury 水星nickel 镍platina 白金silver 银sodium 钠tin 锡,马口铁zinc 锌calcium 钙helium 氦silicon 硅ammonia 氨sulfur 硫磺iodine 碘nitrogen 氮oxygen 氧1.reagent 反应力反应物 4. molecule 分子摩尔5. electron 电子6. isotope 同位素核素7. polymer 聚合体 8. alloy 合金10. metalloid 非金属 11. derivative 衍生物12. alkali 碱金属 13. hydrate 水合物14. action 作用Catalysis are sometimes used to accelerate chemical action.15. adhesive 粘合剂胶粘的18. bleach 去色漂白Please soak shirts in bleach to remove the stains.19. blast 爆破 [例] The village was blast by enemy bombs.23. caustic 腐蚀性的 [例] Some chemicals are caustic by nature.24. combination 化合组合 [例] The safe combination of the two chemicals required a complicated chemical process./ This is a combination of two powerful ingredients.25. corrode 腐蚀 [例] The metal has corroded because of rust.26. crystal 结晶状的27. decay 腐败 [例] Sugar decays our teeth.29. erode 腐蚀 [例] The sea has eroded the cliff face over the years.30. explode 使爆炸 [例] The red balloon exploded when I popped it with a pin.31. explosive 爆炸的炸药 [例] Dynamite is highly explosive. / Politics can be explosive issue.33. ignite 使燃着 [例] A smoldering cigarette ignited the newspapers.37. neutralize 中和 [例] Alkalis neutralize acids. 38. nickel 镍41. polymerization 聚合42. scorch 使褪色 [例] Do not leave the iron on the delicate fabric or the heat will scorch it.52. rotten 腐烂的 [例] The rotten fruit smelled horrible.Bunsen burner 本生灯 product 反应产物flask 烧瓶 apparatus 设备 matrass 卵形瓶 litmus 石蕊PH indicator PH值指示剂,氢离子(浓度的)负指数指示剂litmus paper 石蕊试纸 graduate, graduated flask 量筒,量杯reagent 试剂 test tube 试管 burette 滴定管 retort 曲颈甑still 蒸馏釜 cupel 烤钵 crucible pot, melting pot 坩埚pipette 吸液管 filter滤管 stirring rod 搅拌棒。
电沉积Electrodeposition纳米材料Nano materials电化学沉积Electrochemical deposition药物化学Pharmaceutical Chemistry气相色谱Gas chromatography高效液相色谱High Performance Liquid Chromatography 基因组学Genomics蛋白组学Proteomics代谢组学Metabonomics持久性有机污染物POPs环境催化剂Environmental Catalysts高分子合成Polymer Synthesis高分子材料Polymer Materials化学推进剂Propellants原子光谱Atomic spectrometry核酸化学Nucleic Acids Chemistry绿色化学Green Chemistry多孔材料Porous material荧光分析Fluorescence analysis磷光光谱Phosphorescence spectrum生物发光Bioluminescence聚合物分子Polymer molecular生物化学与生物化学工程Biochemistry生物机体living organism碳水化合物carbohydrate脂类lipid核酸nucleic acid生物分子biomolecule化学性质chemical property聚合物(体)polymer酶催化反应enzyme-catalyzed reactions细胞代谢cell metabolism内分泌系统endocrine system遗传密码genetic code蛋白质合成protein synthesis细胞膜运输cell membrane transport共同祖先common ancestor单体与聚合物Monomers and Polymers单体Monomer聚合物Polymer巨大分子macromolecule脱水合成dehydration synthesis单糖Monosaccharide葡萄糖glucose去氧核醣deoxyribose甘油三酸酯triglyceride脂肪酸fatty acid磷脂phospholipid氨基amino group肽键peptide bond多肽polypeptide脱氧核糖核酸deoxyribonucleic acid核糖核酸ribonucleic acid核苷酸nucleotide腺嘌呤adenine胞嘧啶cytosine鸟嘌呤(核酸的基本成分)guanine胸腺嘧啶thymine尿嘧啶uracil冷凝condensation醛醣aldose酮糖ketose杂环heterocyclic ring羟基hydroxyl group双糖类Disaccharides以醚键ether bond水解hydrolysis乳糖酶缺乏lactase deficiency还原端reducing end五环糖furanose吡喃糖pyranose低聚糖oligosaccharide多聚糖polysaccharide细胞膜质cellulose糖原质glycogen细胞壁cell wall糖原磷酸化酶glycogen phosphorylase 醣酵解glycolysis丙酮酸盐(或酯)pyruvate三磷酸腺苷ATP需氧细胞aerobic cells乙酰辅酶Aacetyl CoA还原型辅酶NADH柠檬酸[三羟酸]循环citric acid cycle糖质新生Gluconeogenesis厌氧代谢anaerobic metabolism柯氏循环Cori cycle肌动蛋白actin肌凝蛋白myosin(生)抗体Antibody酶联免疫吸附测定enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 酶作用物substrate催化catalyze氨基酸amino acid羧酸carboxylic acid神经传递素neurotransmitter二肽dipeptide一级结构primary structure二级结构Secondary structure三级结构Tertiary structureα-螺旋型α-helix谷氨酸glutamateβ折叠β-sheet缬氨酸valine有机化学与有机化学工程Organic chemistry化合物chemical compounds碳carbon氢hydrogen卤素halogen磷phosphorus硅silicon硫黄sulfur过渡金属transition metal碳元素elemental carbon氧化物oxide富勒烯fullerene手性合成chiral synthesis不对称合成Asymmetric synthesis有机合成organic synthesis手性助剂chiral auxiliaries等方性isotropic差向(立体)异构(作用)epimerization取代反应substitution reactionChiral pool synthesis不对称诱导asymmetric induction对映(结构)体enantiomer非对映异构体diastereomer醇醛缩合反应aldol reaction掌性配位基chiral ligands脱羧decarboxylation手性有机小分子催化剂Asymmetric Organocatalysts 生物催化剂biocatalyst三苯基膦triphenylphosphine氢化(作用)hydrogenation对映体过量百分比enantiomeric excess cyclopropanation苯乙烯styrene坚硬粘土岩(页岩的一种)BINA烯烃alkene氢氰化(作用)Hydrocyanation绿色化学green chemistry环境化学environmental chemistry污染预防法案Pollution Prevention Act点击化学Click chemistry超临界状态的二氧化碳supercritical carbon dioxide 过氧化氢水溶液aqueous hydrogen peroxide solution 超临界水氧化supercritical water oxidation莽草酸shikimate酵素ferment丙二醇propylene glycol乙二醇ethylene glycol防冻剂antifreeze聚丙醇酸polylactic acid聚合polymerization交酯lactide氟氯化碳CFC硝基苯nitrobenzene苯胺aniline微波化学microwave chemistry微波辐射microwave irradiation电荷electric charge电场electric field极性溶剂Polar solvent电流electric current电阻electrical resistance反应速率reaction rate过热superheating损耗正切loss tangent能量损耗energy dissipation温度梯度temperature gradient传热heat transfer热平衡thermal equilibrium定态steady state纳米粒nanoparticles二进制binary system相转移反应phase transfer reaction三氯甲烷chloroform高分子化学Macromolecular chemistry 化学合成Chemical synthesis化学反应chemical reactions试剂reagent反应类型reaction type化学反应器chemical reactor反应产率reaction yield副反应side reaction级联反应cascade reaction多元反应multicomponent reaction全合成total synthesis半合成的semisynthetic化合反应combination reaction高分子Macromolecule生物高聚物biopolymer核苷酸nucleotide(包含15个原子以上的)大环macrocycle 赫尔曼·施陶丁格Hermann Staudinger伯齐利厄斯Berzelius异性isomerism苯benzene分子间力intermolecular forces共键价covalent bonds化学计量学stoichiometry分子质量molecular mass碱基对base pair染色体chromosome变性denature高分子物理Polymer physics波动fluctuation力学性质mechanical property(使)聚合polymerise凝聚态物理condensed matter physics 统计物理学statistical physics高分子科学polymer science热力学极限thermodynamic limit统计力学statistical mechanics布朗运动brownian motion随机游动random walk理想链ideal chain玻耳兹曼因子Boltzmann factor余辉长度persistence length回转半径radius of gyration物理化学Physical chemistry热力学thermodynamics表面张力surface tension抗拉强度tensile strength可塑性plasticity化学动力学chemical kinetics反应机理reaction mechanism过渡态transition states质量作用定律law of mass action速度常数rate constant热能thermal energy麦克斯韦-玻耳兹曼分布学Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution 温度跃变temperature jump自身催化autocatalysis反应速率公式reaction rate laws零级反应zero order reactions一级反应first order reaction正反馈positive feedback邻位促进neighbouring group participation可逆反应reversible reaction化学钟Chemical clock二级反应second order reactionBelousov-Zhabotinsky reaction自由能变化free energy change线性自由能关系linear free energy relationships停留时间residence time动态同位素效应kinetic isotope effect速控步rate-determining step活化能activation energy阿雷尼厄斯方程Arrhenius equation艾林方程式Eyring equation碰撞理论collision theory物理状态physical state离子交换(作用)ion exchange水溶液aqueous solution水反应Water reaction有机反应organic reaction乳剂emulsion有机溶剂organic solvent干介质反应dry media reaction克莱森重排Claisen rearrangement化学产率chemical yield环加成cycloaddition四环庚烷quadricyclane环己烷cyclohexane反应底物reactants烯类反应Ene reaction氢键结合hydrogen bonding吲哚indole二氯甲dichloromethane乙腈acetonitrile三苯基膦triphenylphosphine区域选择性regioselective偶极环加成dipolar cycloaddition传热heat transfer量子化学quantum chemistry量子力学quantum mechanics量子场论quantum field theory原子物理学atomic physics密度泛函理论density functional theory 动能kinetic energy势能potential energy原子轨道atomic orbitals玻尔模型Bohr model概率分布probability distribution预测能力predictive power(元素)周期表periodic table波粒二象性wave-particle duality价键Valence bond分子轨道Molecular orbital波(动)函数wave function化学动力学Chemical dynamics天体化学astrochemistry(低温)量子流体动力学quantum hydrodynamics 电化学electrochemistry电解液electrolyte电子转移electron transfer氧化还原作用redox外电路external circuit氧化态oxidation state辛烷octane丁烷butane离子电子法Ion-Electron Method半反应half reactions铋酸钠sodium bismuthate高锰酸钾Potassium permanganate亚硫酸钠Sodium sulfite完全燃烧complete combustion伏打电池Voltaic cell导电聚体conductive polymers硫酸铜copper sulfate丹聂耳电池Daniell cell盐桥salt bridge电势electrical potential电动势electromotive force标准电极电势standard electrode potential化学(当量)计算系数stoichiometric coefficient 强度性质intensive property化学能chemical energy电功electrical work自发反应spontaneous reaction电化电池electrochemical cell燃料电池fuel cell平衡常数equilibrium constant常用对数Briggsian logarithm吉布斯自由能Gibbs free energy自然对数natural logarithm反应系数reaction quotient法拉第常数(恒量)Faraday constant干电池Dry cell氯化铵ammonium chloride二氧化铅lead dioxide轻金属light metal全钒氧化还原液流电池vanadium redox battery 锌溴电池zinc bromine battery苛性钾caustic potash耐蚀铸铁Iron corrosion碳酸铜copper carbonate钝化passivation锡杯tin can非自发过程non-spontaneous process化学当量chemical equivalent无机化学与无机化学工程Inorganic chemistry 无机化合物inorganic compounds有机金属化学organometallic chemistry电离电位ionization potential电子亲合势electron affinity碳酸盐类carbonates硫酸盐类sulfates无机反应inorganic reaction双取代反应double displacement路易斯酸Lewis acidHSAB theory矿物minerals多磷酸盐polyphosphate有机金属化学organometallic chemistry团簇化学cluster chemistry生物无机化学bioinorganic chemistry酸碱化学acid-base chemistry工业无机化学Industrial inorganic chemistry 氨ammonia硫酸铝aluminium sulfate硝酸铵ammonium nitrate硫酸铵ammonium sulfate碳黑carbon black氯chlorine盐酸hydrochloric acid氢hydrogen过氧化氢hydrogen peroxide硝酸nitric acid氮nitrogen氧oxygen(正)磷酸phosphoric acid碳酸钠sodium carbonate氯酸钠sodium chlorate氢氧化钠sodium hydroxide硅酸钠sodium silicate硫酸钠sodium sulfate硫磺酸sulfuric acid二氧化钛titanium dioxide描述无机化学Descriptive inorganic chemistry 配位化合物Coordination compounds超锕transactinide对映(结构)体enantiomer理论配比stoichiometric巴基管buckytubes四氮化四硫tetrasulfur tetranitride乙硼烷diborane硅有机树脂silicone巴克敏斯特富勒烯buckminsterfullerene金属羰基化合物metal carbonyls醇盐alkoxide原子簇化合物Cluster compounds纳米技术nanotechnology量子尺寸效应quantum size effects硒化镉cadmium selenide腐植酸humic acid血色素hemoglobin甲基水银methylmercury羧肽酶carboxypeptidase结晶学crystallography凝聚态物理condensed matter physics硅片silicon chips沸石zeolite石油与天然气化学工程Fossil fuels碳氢化合物hydrocarbons石油petroleum无烟煤anthracite coalfossilized remains油气生物成因学说biogenic theory无机成因气abiogenic gas水力发电hydroelectric地热geothermal不可更新的资源non-renewable resources 可再生能renewable energy辐射力radiative forcing地质时代geological time油页岩oil shale陆生植物Terrestrial plant浮游植物phytoplankton重质原油Heavy crude oil水成岩sedimentary rock合成原油synthetic crude oil蒸汽机steam engine煤气灯gas light柴油diesel oil石油化工业petrochemical industry能源开发Energy development沥青砂tar sand沥青bitumen内燃机internal combustion engine石化产品petrochemical化学工程Chemical Engineering 弹性体elastomer自然科学physical science木材加工wood processing阿司匹林aspirin水杨酸salicylic acid乙酸酐acetic anhydride贮料筒仓storage silo螺旋输送机screw conveyor蒸馏物distillation单元操作unit operation动量转移momentum transfer化学分离chemical separation反应蒸馏reactive distillation质量守恒conservation of mass动量守恒conservation of momentum气态平衡mass balances能量衡算energy balances迁移现象transport phenomena大气层内外aerospace有机染料Organic Dye生物相容性材料bio-compatible materials 弥补术prosthetics凝胶gel绝缘体dielectric化学分离技术Separation Technology混合物mixture传质mass transfer顺流downstream吸附(作用)Adsorption离心过滤Centrifugation移注Decantation除雾器Demister电泳Electrophoresis淘析Elutriation蒸发(作用)Evaporation提取Extraction滤取Leaching液液萃取Liquid-liquid extraction固体萃取Solid phase extraction絮凝FlocculationFractional freezing微孔过滤microfiltration超滤(作用)ultrafiltration反渗透reverse osmosis合成膜synthetic membranes油水分离Oil-water separation天然气加工natural gas processing 沉淀Precipitation再结晶Recrystallize重力选Gravity separation升华Sublimation汽-液分离Vapor-liquid separation 区域精炼Zone refining化学反应Chemical reaction化学物质chemical substances化学变化chemical change催化catalyze代谢途径metabolic pathway直接混合Direct combination氧化数oxidation number烧毁Combustion官能团functional group歧化disproportionation烯醇化物enolate次氯酸盐hypochlorite表面面积Surface area电磁辐射electromagnetic radiation速率式rate law化学其他分支Others分析化学Analytical chemistry可调谐激光器tunable laser元分析elemental analysis定性无机分析Qualitative inorganic analysis 定量分析Quantitative analysis滴定Titration重量分析Gravimetric analysis光谱学Spectroscopy质谱法Mass Spectrometry Electroanalytical method热量测定Calorimetry热重分析thermogravimetric analysislab-on-a-chip校准曲线calibration curve原子吸收光谱法Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS)原子发射光谱法Atomic emission spectroscopy (AES)原子荧光光谱法Atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (AFS)毛细管电泳分析Capillary electrophoresis (CE)色谱法Chromatography计算机断层扫描Computed tomography循环伏安法Cyclic Voltammetry (CV)差示扫描量热法Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)电子顺磁共振Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)场流分离理论Field Flow Fractionation (FFF)流动注射分析Flow Injection Analysis (FIA)傅里叶变换光谱Fourier transform spectroscopy (FTIR)气相色谱Gas chromatography (GC)气相色谱-质谱联用分析仪Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)高效液相色谱High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)电感耦合等离子体焰炬Inductively coupled plasma (ICP)离子选择性电极法Ion selective electrode (ISE)激光诱导击穿光谱仪Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)理论化学Theoretical chemistry计算化学computational chemistry双极子dipole多极矩multipole moments振动频率vibrational frequencies跨部门cross sections碰撞collision玻恩-奥本海默近似Born-Oppenheimer approximation 薛定谔方程Schroedinger Equation狄拉克方程Dirac equation密度泛函理论density functional theory经典力学classical mechanics化学数据库chemical databases化学结构chemical structures位能面potential energy surface反应坐标reaction coordinate直接量子化学direct quantum chemistrymolecular Hamiltonian分子轨道理论molecular orbital theory自旋运动轨道spin orbitLCAO ansatz立体基阵configurations分子几何学molecular geometry过渡结构transition structures热化学thermochemistry生成焓enthalpy of formation过渡结构transition structure力场force field固体物理solid state physics能带结构band structure自由度degrees of freedom时间演变time evolution分子中的原子理论Atoms in Molecules valence bond model拓扑topology从头计算Ab initioDensity functional theory分子力学Molecular mechanics散射理论scattering theory波包wave packet数学化学Mathematical chemistry化学图论chemical graph theory立体化学stereochemistry化学信息学Cheminformatics核化学Nuclear chemistry辐射化学Radiation chemistry核反应nuclear reaction异构化Isomerisation重氢deuterium放射衰变radioactive decay弹性碰撞elastic collision阿尔法粒子alpha particle原子质量单位atomic mass unit结合能binding energy质能等价性mass-energy equivalence (原子)能级energy level伽马射线gamma rays电子壳层electron shell辐射谱线emission lines粒子加速器particle accelerator宇宙射线cosmic rays分裂,蜕变Spallation感应发射Induced emission核子分裂nuclear fission锕类actinide核燃料循环nuclear fuel cycle普雷克斯PUREXX射线结晶学X-ray crystallography 宇生核素Cosmogenic isotopes。
initial phase 初始相位 initial position 初始位置 initial pressure 初压⼒ initial speed 初速度 initial state 初态 initial state quantity 初态量 initial strain 初应变 initial stress 初应⼒ initial stress matrix 起始应⼒矩阵 initial tension 初张⼒ initial thrust 起始推⼒ initial torque 起动转矩 initial unbalance 初始不平衡 initial value 初值 initial velocity 初速度 initial vortex 初始涡旋 initial wave 初⽣波 initiation of fracture 断裂的引发 injection 注⼊ injection molding 注模 injection pressure 喷射压⼒ injury 损伤 inlet angle 进⼝⾓ inlet edge 前缘 inlet pressure 进⽓压⼒ inlet temperature ⼊⼝温度 inlet velocity 进⼝速度 inner energy 内能 inner friction 内摩擦 inner gimbal 内框架 inner orbit 内轨道 inner potential 内势 inner stress 内部应⼒ inplane shear ⾯内剪切 input 输⼊ input power 输⼊ input resistance 输⼊阻抗 instability 不稳定性 instability constant 不稳定常数 instability criterion 不稳定性判据 instability stress 不稳定应⼒ instable equlibrium 不稳定平衡 instable motion 不稳定运动 installation 装置 instantaneous 瞬时的 instantaneous acceleration 瞬时加速度 instantaneous angular velocity 瞬时⾓速度 instantaneous angular velocity vector 瞬时⾓速度⽮ instantaneous axis 瞬轴 instantaneous axis of rotation 转动瞬轴 instantaneous breakdown 瞬时破裂 instantaneous center 瞬时中⼼ instantaneous center of accelerations 瞬时加速中⼼ instantaneous center of rotation 瞬时转动中⼼ instantaneous center of velocities 瞬时速度中⼼ instantaneous flow 瞬时量 instantaneous force 瞬时⼒ instantaneous frequency 瞬时频率 instantaneous load 瞬时装载 instantaneous motion 瞬时运动 instantaneous orbit 瞬时轨道 instantaneous orbital plane 瞬时轨道⾯ instantaneous perturbation 瞬时扰动 instantaneous power 瞬时功率 instantaneous rotation 瞬时转动 instantaneous space 瞬时空间 instantaneous strain 瞬时应变 instantaneous system of coordinates 瞬时坐标系 instantaneous value 瞬时值 instantaneous variable structure 瞬时可变结构 instantaneous velocity 瞬时速度 instrumental error 仪企差 insulant 绝缘材料 insulation 防振 insulator 绝缘体 intake pressure 进⽓压⼒ intake valve 进给阀 integrability condition 可积条件 integral of motion 运动积分 integral principle 积分原理 integral theorem of fourier 傅⾥叶积分公式 integrated flux 积分通量 integrated intensity 累积强度 integrating gyroscope 积分陀螺仪 integration method of velocity measurement 速度测量的积分法 intense explosion 强爆炸 intensification 加强 intensity 强度 intensity of continuous load 持续负载强度 intensity of distributed load 负载强度 intensity of emission 发射强度 intensity of load 负载强度 intensity wave 强度波 interacting field 相互酌场 interaction 相互酌 interaction cross section 相互酌截⾯ interaction force 相互酌⼒ interaction law 相互酌定律 interaction potential 相互酌势 interaction space 相互酌空间 interaction strength 相互酌强度 interatomic force 原⼦间⼒ interception 截击 interchange 交换 interchange coefficient 交换系数 interchange deformation 互换型变形 interchange diffusion 交换扩散 interchange instability 交换不稳定性 intercrystalline boundary 晶粒间边界 intercrystalline brittleness 晶间脆性 interdiffusion 相互扩散 interface 界⾯ interface layer 界⾯层 interface normal 界⾯法线 interface reaction 界⾯反应 interface region 边界层区域 interface wave 界⾯波 interfacial diffusion 界⾯扩散 interfacial disturbance 界⾯扰动 interfacial mass transfer 界⾯传质 interfacial tension 界⾯张⼒ interfacial viscosity 界⾯粘性 interference ⼲涉 interference fringe ⼲涉条纹 interference phenomenon ⼲涉现象 interference ring ⼲涉环 interference vortex ⼲涉涡 interfering energy ⼲扰能量 interferometer ⼲涉仪 interferometry ⼲涉法 intergranular crack 晶间裂纹 interior boundary value problem 内边值问题 interior force 内⼒ interlacement 交错 interlacing 交错 interlock 联销 intermediary orbit 中间轨道 intermediate axis 中间轴 intermediate coupling 中间耦合 intermediate layer 中间层 intermediate pressure 中间压⼒ intermediate wave 中间波 intermittent motion 间歇运动 intermittent wind tunnel 间歇式风洞 intermolecular bond 分⼦间键 intermolecular force 分⼦间⼒ intermolecular potential 分⼦间势 intermolecular tension 分⼦间张⼒ internal aerodynamics 内琳⽓动⼒学 internal combustion engine 内燃机 internal constraint 内部约束 internal crack 内部裂缝 internal diameter 内径 internal disturbance 内部⼲扰 internal effect 内效应 internal efficiency 内部效率 internal energy 内能 internal field 内场 internal flow 内流 internal force 内⼒ internal friction 内摩擦 internal friction factor 内擦系数 internal friction of rotor 转⼦内摩擦 internal magnetic field 内磁场 internal potential energy 内势能 internal pressure 内压⼒ internal resistance 内阻⼒ internal rotation 内旋转 internal rupture 内破裂 internal stress 内部应⼒ internal structure 内部结构 internal surface 内表⾯ internal variable 内变量 internal wave 内波 internal work 内功 international standard atmosphere 国际标准⼤⽓ interphase 界⾯ interpolating function 内插函数 interpolation 内插法 interrupted wave 斩波 intersection 交叉 intersection line 交叉线 intersection point 交叉点 interstitial fluid 间隙液体 interstitial pressure 渗压⽑细⽔压 interstitial water 间隙⽔ interval 区间 intihyperbolic cosine 反双曲余弦 intraatomic force 原⼦内⼒ intramolecular force 分⼦内⼒ intrinsic 内倌 intrinsic coordinates 内蕴坐标 intrinsic defect 固有缺陷 intrinsic displacement 内位移 intrinsic energy 内能 intrinsic equation 内蕴⽅程 intrinsic magnetic moment 内倥矩 intrinsic property 固有性质 intrinsic variable 固有变量 intrinsic viscosity 固有粘度 invariable 不变的 invariable plane 不变平⾯ invariable system 不变系 invariance 不变性 invariant 不变量 invariant function 不变函数 invariant plane 不变平⾯ invariant system 不变系 invariant theory 不变量理论 inverse ballistic problem 反弹道问题 inverse calculation 回代 inverse collision 逆碰撞 inverse hyperbolic cosine 反双曲余弦 inverse laplace transformation 拉普拉斯逆变换 inverse method 逆解法 inverse problem 逆问题 inverse transformation 逆变换 inversion 反演 inversion formula 反演公式 inverted arch 仰拱 inverter 逆变器变换器 inviscid fluid ⾮粘性铃 ion bombardment 离⼦轰击 ion cyclotron frequency 离⼦回旋频率 ion cyclotron heating 离⼦回旋加热 ion cyclotron resonance 离⼦回旋共振 ion diffusion 离⼦扩散 ion electron emission 离⼦电⼦发射 ion exchange bed 离⼦交换层 ion exchange membrane 离⼦交换膜 ion flux 离⼦流 ion heating 离⼦加热 ion impact 离⼦碰撞 ion orbit 离⼦轨道 ion path 离⼦轨道 ion plasma frequency 离⼦等离⼦体频率 ion slip 离⼦滑移 ion sound speed 离⼦声速 ion sound velocity 离⼦声速 ion trajectory 离⼦轨道 ionic deformation 离⼦形变 ionic equilibrium 离⼦平衡 ionic friction 离⼦摩擦 ionic liquid 离⼦液体 ionic plasma 电离等离⼦体 ionic solid 离⼦固体 ionization 电离 ionization balance 电离平衡 ionization energy 电离能 ionization equilibrium 电离平衡 ionization frequency 电离频率 ionization pressure 电离压⼒ ionization state 电离状态 ionized gas 电离⽓体 ionizing capacity 电离本领 ionizing collision 电离碰撞 ionizing power 电离本领 ionizing shock 电离碰撞 ionosphere 电离层 ionospheric wave 电离层波 irregularity of flow 怜⾮正规性 irreversibility 不可逆性 irreversible 不可逆的 irreversible process 不可逆过程 irreversible reaction 不可逆反应 irreversible thermodynamics 不可逆过程热⼒学 irrotational field ⽆旋场 irrotational flow ⽆旋流 irrotational motion ⽆旋运动 irrotational vector ⽆旋⽮ irrotationality ⽆旋涡性 irwin orowan theory 欧⽂奥罗万理论 isallobaric wind 等变压风 isanemone 等风速线 isenthalpic change 等焓变化 isentrope 等熵线 isentropic change 等熵变化 isentropic flow 等熵怜 isentropic process 等熵过程 isentropic surface 等熵⾯ isentropy 等熵 isoallobaric wind 等变压风 isobar 等压线 isobaric 等压的 isobaric change 等压变化 isobaric compressibility 等压压缩性 isobaric expansion 等压膨胀 isobaric expansion coefficient 等压膨胀系数 isobaric heat capacity 等压热容 isobaric process 等压过程 isobaric surface 等压⾯ isobath 等深线 isochore 等容线 isochoric change 等容变化 isochromatic curve 等⾊线 isochromatic line 等⾊线 isoclinic line 等斜线 isoclinic method 等倾法 isocurlus 等旋涡强度线 isodensitometer 等密度计 isodynam 等磁⼒线 isodynamic change 等⼒变化 isodyne 等⼒线 isoenergetic surface 等能量⾯ isoflux 等通量 isogels 等凝胶 isohypse line 等⾼线 isokatabase 等降压线 isolated system 孤⽴系 isolated vortex 孤⽴涡 isomorphic mapping 同构映射 isomorphism 同构 isopach 等厚线 isopachyte 等厚线 isoparametric element 等参数元 isoperimetric problem 等周问题 isophase 等相 isophase surface 等相⾯ isopiestic 等压的 isopiestic process 等压过程 isopiestic specific heat 恒压⽐热 isopotential curve 等势线 isopotential line 等势线 isopotential surface 等势⾯ isorotation theorem 等旋定理 isostasy 地壳均衡 isostatic surface 均衡⾯ isotac 同时解冻线 isotach 等速线 isothermal annealing 等温退⽕ isothermal change 等温变化 isothermal compression 等温压缩 isothermal deformation 等温形变 isothermal elastic potential 等温弹性势 isothermal equilibrium 等温平衡 isothermal expansion 等温膨胀 isothermal flow 等温怜 isothermal line 等温线 isothermal modulus of elasticity 等温弹性模量 isothermal process 等温过程 isothermal speed of sound 等温声速 isothermal surface 等温⾯ isotropic body 蛤同性体 isotropic curve 蛤同性线 isotropic elasticity 蛤同性弹性 isotropic material 蛤同性材料 isotropic medium 蛤同性介质 isotropic plane 蛤同性⾯ isotropic stress 蛤同性应⼒ isotropic turbulence 蛤同性湍流 isotropic vector 蛤同性⽮量 isotropism 蛤同性 isotropy 蛤同性 isovector 等⽮量 isovector resonance 等⽮量共振 isovelocity 等速线 iteration 迭代 iterative method 迭代法 ixodynamics 粘滞动⼒学。
Concluding Remarks
Faraday Discuss .,1997,108,469È471Concluding RemarksR.M.Hochstrasser a and J.P.Simons ba Department of Chemistry ,University of Pennsylvania ,Philadelphia ,PA 19104,USAb Physical and T heoretical Chemistry L aboratory ,University of Oxford ,Oxford ,UK OX13QZThere are several Golden Rules associated with the presentation of Concluding Remarks at Faraday Discussions.The Ðrst of these,“ask someone else to give themÏhas,sadly,been obeyed because of Prof.HochstrasserÏs enforced immobility,occasioned by a prol-apsed disc.We wish him a speedy recovery.The second Rule,“if you have nothing to say,say nothingÏhas been compensated,fortunately,by Prof.HochstrasserÏs provision of the outline notes of some of the remarks he would have made,had it been possible.They are presented below.The third Rule,“say some nice thingsÏis the easiest of all to obey since Prof.Whitehead has organised so imaginative and timely a Discussion,which has been introduced with all of Prof.JortnerÏs customary dynamism.It has addressed many issues.How do we monitor and interpret the dynamics of photon-induced processes in clusters and condensed media?What is the nature of the chromophore when it is no longer isolated in the gas phase?How does it “communicateÏwith its environment?How does the environment inÑuence electronic motions,e .g .in atomic or molecular Rydberg states;or nuclear motions,e .g .through caging or chap-eroning of atomic or molecular fragments;or their coupling,through non-adiabatic dynamics?How does photon absorption lead to nuclear motion in the neighbouring environment?How do the interactions of the chromophore with the environment depend upon the nature of the environment,and the way it is coupled to it,e .g .through space or through bonds?What are the characteristic timescales of the interactions;are they separable?Can we trace the pathway from the initial energy localisation,through its delocalisation to its eventual dissipation?What is the nature of the “molecular and intermolecular circuitryÏthat governs this evolution?Most pertinently,as Prof.Hochstrasser asks:How do the structural and dynamical results obtained from simple systems help us to understand the behaviour of more complex materials?What do clusters,for example,teach us about liquid structure?What do we learn about the dynamic behaviour in liquids and solids,from the study of Ðnite-sized assemblies?What conditions require statistical as opposed to discrete (level by level)models of dynamics?What is reasonable (or unreasonable)about seeking a microscopic quantum mechanical description of liquids?Investigations of small molecules teach us about chemical bonding and the charac-teristics of accurate potential energy surfaces.Weaker interactions are often evaluated from studies of van der Waals complexes and Ðnite clusters.The dynamics in such systems are determined by forces obtained from these potentials.While the properties of molecules in large clusters,liquids or extended aggregates might,in some cases,be framed in terms of isolated molecule potentials there will be cases where this is not possible.The most appropriate description of the dynamics of complex systems depends upon how the energy is partitioned.Typically,for a solution phase problem,the Hamiltonian involves the molecular part,and the solvent part which are separately solved either exactly or approx-H M H S ,imately,and a coupling part,that slightly mixes them.This partitioning yields a V MS ,useful representation when the molecular or solvent states are only slightly modiÐed by469470Concluding Remarkstheir interactions.The molecular potential is especially valuable in this case and may dominate the motion of the molecular nuclei even though the dynamics may be in a statistical limit.The intermolecular perturbations cause irreversible relaxation corre-sponding to transitions between the molecular states,accompanied by energy transfer to and from the solvent bath.In order that energy can be transferred to it,the solvent must have unoccupied states.Energy transfer to the molecule requires occupied states of the bath.A fully worked out example where this approach is nearly exact is the coupling of an atom or molecule to a very weak radiation Ðeld.Another example would be molecu-lar dynamics in very weakly interacting solvents.Quantum dynamics in this limit can be handled along the lines of RedÐeld theory,in which the reduced molecular density matrix is expanded to second order in This approach gives rise to spectral shifts V MS .and to coherence transfer along with relaxation of both the population and the phase of the molecular levels.The nuclear motions are largely governed by a slightly modiÐed version of the molecular potential.In stochastic dynamics,the solvent e†ect is estimated from correlation functions of where the Ñuctuations in the interaction potential V MS (t ),due to the motion of very large numbers of solvent nuclei and electrons are modelled by statistical forms or calculated from molecular dynamics simulations.There are situations where the molecular potential is so severely modiÐed by the solvent Èsolute interaction that an alternative representation is more realistic.In such cases it may be that the system of interest is a supermolecule or cluster,consisting of the solute and strongly interacting solvent molecules.The Hamiltonian could then be parti-tioned to yield a term for the energy states of the cluster,and the surrounding bath,comprising those solvent molecules that do not interact strongly with the solute.The dynamics can be determined from one of the perturbation approaches mentioned earlier.In examples of this type the relevant nuclear dynamics are controlled by the potential surface of the cluster but the irreversible relaxation is caused by the weak coupling between the supermolecule and the solvent.Measurements and calculations of potential energy surfaces of solute Èsolvent clusters are sorely needed for this approach.Such a picture assumes that the long-range forces are weak and that the interactions between the solvent molecules are not much inÑuenced by the presence of the solute.These assumptions would surely be inappropriate in accounting for the dynamics and struc-ture of polar molecules or ions in water,to give just one example.When Coulombic forces are important in determining structure,and their Ñuctuations determine the dynamics,we can imagine that long-range interactions will have to be included.As chemical reactions take place and charges redistribute,there may be large changes in the energy from interactions with moving solvent molecules.The solvent nuclear dynamics have been measured by time-resolved Kerr e†ects in transparent media,by dynamic Stokes shifts and by three pulse photon echoes in dye systems and in proteins (see the paper by Fleming and co-workers in this Discussion 1).In the cases that were examined theoretically,the major part of the solvent reorganisation energy around charges appears to originate from the Ðrst solvation shell.While the experiments charac-terise correlation functions of the solvent,they usually do not provide a microscopic picture of the motions that cause the energy changes other than to classify them broadly,as vibrational,librational or di†usive.On the other hand we would like to know when there are changes in the solute potential surfaces as a result of solvation and when solvation can inÑuence reactive motions.Equally important is the experimental charac-terisation of the solvent structures as the solvation dynamics evolve.Simulations are able to predict the answers to all these questions so some experimental results will allow the theory to be tested.In experiments on the photodissociation of changes HgBr 2,2in the potential energy function of the released HgBr occur on the timescale of the solvation.They can be followed through the changes in the vibrational frequency.The fast process involves the breaking up of the solvent structure associated with the tri-atomic molecule and a slower process involves the construction of the equilibriumR .M .Hochstrasser and J .P .Simons 471solvent structure around the HgBr fragment.Similar results for solvent structure changes were seen for ClO ~.3These structures should be accessible to spectroscopic experiments.As shown in the paper by Neumark and co-workers,4the cage reaction of I and I ~in a cluster of induces slow solvent evaporation and fast vibrational relax-CO 2ation.These experiments show details of the solvent involvement in the reactive motions that have proved difficult to obtain in solution phase experiments.Of course,it is known from experiment that the energy of a solution phase reaction is used to heat up the surrounding solvent molecules,and that the rate of reaction can be altered if the heat di†usion is very slow compared with the reaction rate.However,at conventional liquid densities (10M )the number of solvent molecules over which the released energy is dis-tributed grows to approximately 25in 10ps,by classical heat di†usion.The task of Ðnding a microscopic level description of solvent e†ects on relaxation and chemical processes is daunting.Nuclear motions can be extremely complex even for relatively small molecules in the absence of intermolecular interactions.When the solvent Èsolute interactions are strong the solvent forces can introduce additional anhar-monicity into the “soluteÏmotions thereby causing nuclear trajectories that are e†ec-tively absent in the isolated solvent molecule.For example,in the gas phase IR spectrum of the asymmetric stretch region shows no sign of any perturbations.In aqueous N 3~,solution,however,the mode relaxes in ca .1ps due to very strong coupling between solute modes;the motion is a combined solvent Èsolute displacement.5Such motions could be characterised through IR and Raman studies of clusters.There are many things (of course)that we have not heard about at this Discussion.One of the most important is single molecule spectroscopy,which can reveal the dis-tribution of molecular properties associated with Ñuctuations in their environment.When the observation time is shorter than the Ñuctuation timescale,the ensemble average is no longer equal to the time average.Not much has been heard about mol-ecules at interfaces,which is where much chemistry and biochemistry actually takes place.Not much has been heard about optical control of reaction rates in condensed phases;can we tune the solvent response to the lifetime of the transition state?We have not heard much about self-assembled supramolecular systems where the dynamics of photon-induced processes may be controlled by synthetic designÈmuch as it is in a photosynthetic centre.Perhaps these will feature in a future Faraday Discussion.References1Y.Nagasawa,J-Y.Yu,M.Cho and G.R.Fleming,Faraday Discuss .,1997,108,23.2M.Lim,M.Wo†ord,P.Hamm and R.M.Hochstrasser,Chem .Phys .L ett .,1998,in press.3M.Lim,S.Gnanakaran and R.M.Hochstrasser,J .Chem .Phys .,1997,106,3485.4B.J.Greenblatt,M.T.Zanni and M.Neumark,Faraday Discuss .,1997,108,101.5J.C.Owrutsky,D.Raftery and R.M.Hochstrasser,Ann .Rev .Phys .Chem .,1994,45,519.。
中性原子、分子间的长程引力,后来被称为范德华(van der Waals)力。这个主要是来源
式。用实验数据来拟合势参数的半经验方法被证明是非常有用的,并在 20 世纪得到了继续
的发展。其中开创性的工作来自于 Lennard-Jones 的论文中。这就是众所周知的 Lennard-Jones
二、 Lennard-Jones 势
1. 势能的基本描述
3. Kihara 势 在许多情况下,分子的尺寸是不可忽视的。Kihara 在考虑了分子尺寸的基础上,对
Lennard-Jones 势做了一定的更改。根据他的设想,每一个分子都可以看做是具有凸面的刚 性转子,而在势函数表达式中的分子间距用分子与分子面之间的距离来代替,得到如下势能
V(R) = ϵ [(������������0)12 − 2 (������������0)6]
������������������������ ������������
看到他选择了不同的 n 的取值,用数学上的回归方法进行拟合,分别得到了以下的数据
从表格中可以看出,当 n=13 时,用公式所 得到的最近的原子距离和最低的分子势能与实验
分子间势能 Lennard-Jones 势函数研究进展
一、 分子间相互作用研究背景
专业英语词汇共 12 页 第 1 页矿物加工工艺学(浮选部分)英文词汇floatation 浮选froth flotation 泡沫浮选 direct flotation 正浮选 reverse flotation 反浮选differential flotation 优先浮选 bulk flotation 混合浮选fineness of grinding 磨矿细度 fractionation,sizing 分级mineral wettability 矿物润湿性 mineral flotability 矿物的可浮性 equilibrium contact angle 平衡接触角 three phase interface 三相界面hydrophobicity of mineral 矿物的疏水性 hydrophilicity of mineral 矿物的亲水性 foam adhesion 泡沫附着 ionic lattice 离子晶格 covalence lattice 共价晶格surface inhomogeneity 表面的不均匀性 oxidation and dissolution 氧化与溶解 oxidizing agent 氧化剂 reducting agent 还原剂surface modification of mineral 矿物的表面改性 electric double layer 双电层 ionization 电离 adsorption 吸附electrokinetic potential 电动电位 point of zero charge 零电点 isoelectric point 等电点 collecting agent 捕收剂semi micelle adsorption 半胶束吸附 exchange adsorption 交换吸附 competitive adsorption 竞争吸附 specific adsorption 特性吸附 modifying agent 调整剂 depressant 抑制剂activating agent 活化剂 foam, froth 泡沫 frother 起泡剂hydrophilic group 亲水基团 liberation degree 解离度 polar group 极性基团nonpolar group 非极性基团 sulphide ore 硫化矿oxidized mineral 氧化矿物xanthate 黄药 hydrolysis 水解medicamentous selectivity 药剂的选择性 catchment action 捕收作用electrochemical action 电化学作用 alkyl radical 烃基含氧酸 organic amine 有机胺类carboxylate surfactant 羧酸盐 kerosene 煤油amphoteric collector 两性两捕收剂 alkyl radical sulfonate 烃基磺酸盐 complex 络合物pH modifying agent pH 调整剂 long-chain molecule 长链分子 pyrite 黄铁矿 calcite 方解石chalcopyrite 黄铜矿 galena 方铅矿blende/ sphalerite 闪锌矿 quartz 石英 barite 重晶石oxidized ore 氧化矿 flocculant 絮凝剂non-ionic flocculant 非离子型絮凝剂 desorption 解吸 air bladder 气泡 solubility 溶解度specific surface area 比表面积 mineral resources 矿源、矿藏 three phase air bladder 三相气泡 ore pulp electric potential 矿浆电位 mixed potential model 混合电位模型freedom hydrocarbon diversification 自由烃变化 electrostatic pull 静电引力 intermolecular force 分子间力 goethite (gothite )针铁矿semi micelle adsorption 半胶束吸附 concentration of solution 溶液浓度 flotation machine (cell )浮选机 oxygenation 充气作用aeration recovery 回收率concentrate grade 精矿品位handling capacity 处理能力Processing capacity ,processing power共 12 页 第 2 页矿物加工工艺学(重选部分)英文词汇(1) gravity concentration/ gravity separation 重力选矿 (2) Abkhazite 透闪石棉 (3) Amiantus 石棉 (4) meerschaum 海泡石 (5) menachanite 钛铁砂 (6) talcum 滑石 (7) taraspite 白云石 (8) preconcentration 矿石预选 (9) Acclivity 斜面 (10) a irborne dust 大气浮尘 (11) a ir conveying 风力输送 (12) a mplitude of vibration 振幅 (13) a ncillary mineral 伴生矿物 (14) a pparent viscosity 视粘度 (15) a rtificial bedding 人工床层 (16) a ttle 充填料;废屑;矿渣;废石 (17) a verage grain diameter 平均粒径 (18) a xial motion 轴向运动 (19) b ackwash water 冲洗水 (20) b ackwater 筛下水 (21) b arite 菱镁蛇纹岩 (22) b arren rock 脉石 (23) b each ore 砂矿 (24) b ed separation 分层 (25) b evel angle 倾斜角 (26) b uddle 淘洗盘 (27) b uddle jig 动筛跳汰机 (28) b uoyancy 浮力 (29) b uoyant weight 悬浮重量 (30) C aplastometer 毛细管粘度计,粘度计 (31) C entipoises 厘泊 (32) C entrifugal field 离心力场 (33) C entrifugal jig 离心跳汰机 (34) C ircular jig 圆形跳汰机 (35) C entrifuge 离心机 (36) C lassification efficiency 分级效率 (37) C lassifier/sizer 分级机 (38) C lassifier overflow 分级机溢流 (39) C lassifier sand 分级机返砂 (40) C lose sizing 窄级分级 (41) C laster of particles 颗粒群 (42) C oarse feed 粗粒给料 (43) C yclone 水力旋流器 (44) C assiterite 锡石 (45) D ilated 松散床层 (46) d imensionless parameter 无因次参数 (47) d uplex table 双层摇床 (48) d iaphragm jig 隔膜跳汰机 (49) d windles out 尖灭 (50) f ilm concentration 流膜选矿 (51) f inal velocity 末速度 (52) f ree settling particle 自由沉降颗粒 (53) f ree settling ratio 自由沉降比 (54) g ravity concentrate 重选精矿 (55) gravity tailings 重选尾矿 (56) i ron ore pellet 铁矿球团 (57) j ig cycle 跳汰周期 (58) h eavy liquid 重液 (59) h eavy-media separator 重介质分选 (60) h eavy-media suspension 重介质悬浮液 (61) h ydraulic analysis 水力分析 (62) h igh-weir spiral classifier 高堰式螺旋分级机 (63) h indered settling 干涉沉降 (64) H MS-flotation method 重介质浮选联合分选共12 页第3 页专业英语词汇矿物加工工艺学(磁电选矿部分)英文词汇Mineral Processing Technology 矿物加工工艺学Principle of magnetic separation 磁选原理Magnetic force 磁力Ratio magnetic force 比磁力Compete force 竞争力Mineral magnetism 矿物的磁性Atomic magnetism moment 原子磁矩Molecular magnetism moment 分子磁矩Magnetization & magnetic field 磁化和磁化磁场Magnetization intensity 磁化强度Ratio susceptibility 比磁化系数Diamagnetism 逆磁性Paramagnetism 顺磁性Ferromagnetism 铁磁性Magnetic domain 磁畴Revers ferromagnetism 反铁磁性Subferromagnetism 亚铁磁性Coercive force 矫顽力Remanence 剩磁Magnetization roasting 磁化焙烧Deoxidization roasting 还原焙烧Midlle roasting 中性焙烧Oxidation roasting 氧化焙烧Siderite 菱铁矿Hematite 赤铁矿Magnetite 磁铁矿Unhydrophite magnetization 疏水磁化Magnetic process equipment 磁选设备Feebleness magnetic separation machine 弱磁场磁选机Dry magnetic separation machine 干式磁选机Wet feebleness magnetic separation machine 湿式弱磁场磁选机High magnetic separation machine 强磁场磁选机High grads magnetic sparation machine 高梯度磁选机Supercondduct magnetic separation 超导电选Concentrator 选矿机Electrity process 电选Electrity concentrator 电选机Static separation 静电选矿Air-ionization separation 电晕分选Friction electric separation 摩擦电选Magnetic process practice 磁选实践Nonmetal ore 非金属矿Diamond process 金刚石选矿Heavy medium reclaim 重介质回收共12 页第4 页专业英语词汇Primary concentrate 粗精矿Graphite gangue 石墨尾矿Kaolin magnetic process 高岭土磁选Block metal ore 黑色金属矿石Manganese ore magnetic process 锰矿石磁选Coloured metal & rare metal 有色金属和稀有金属Ilmenite 钛铁矿Rutile 金红石Zircon 锆英石Electric process practice 电选实践Tungstate 钨酸盐cassiterite 锡石hematite . 赤铁矿gangue 脉石,废石,矸石magnet .磁铁,磁体,磁石conductor mineral 导体矿物silicate 硅酸盐diatomite 硅藻土hysteresis 磁滞现象magnetic core . 磁铁芯winding 绕组,线圈medium 介质electrophoresis 电泳screening 筛分magnetic field 磁场flux 磁通量ferromagnet 铁磁物质ferromagnetism 铁磁性reunite 团聚magnetic system 磁系magnetic agitate 磁搅动permanent magnet 永久磁铁solenoid magnet 螺管式磁铁pyrite .黄铁矿,硫铁矿limonite 褐铁矿reluctivity 磁阻率conduct 传导induce .诱导,感应,归纳astrict 束缚charge 电荷electric field .电场interfacial 界面的,面间的magnetism 吸引力electrode 电极,电焊条,电极Strontium & iron oxid 锶铁氧体Periodic magnetic field 交变磁场共12 页第5 页专业英语词汇共 12 页 第 6 页Pulsant magnetic field 脉动磁场 Saturation 饱和 stainless steel material 不锈钢材料 polar distance 极距 mica 云母 quarte 石英 stimulate magnetism 激磁 magnetism circuit 磁路 magnetic line of force 磁力线 commutate quality 整流性Flatation reagent professional wordsAbsorption 吸收Absorption band 吸收光谱带 Abstract 抽出,提取 Abundance 丰富,丰度 Accelerant 促进剂 Acceptance 验收,接收 Accumulate 积累,聚集 Accuracy 准确度 Acctate 醋酸盐 Acctamide 乙酰胺 Acid 酸,酸的Acid anion 酸性阴离子 Acidation 酸化Acid depression 加酸抑制 Acid hydrolysis 加酸水解 Acintol 妥尔油制品 Acrylic amide 丙烯酰胺 Activate 活化Activated adsorption 活性吸附 Activated molecule 活化分子 Activated effect 活化作用 Activator 活化剂,活性剂 Acto 精制石油磺酸钠 Acylamide 酰胺 Addition 加添Adhere 粘附,附着Adhesion coefficient 粘着系数 Adhesive 粘合剂Adhesive tension 胶结张力 界面吸引力 Adion 吸附离子 Adsorbate 吸附物 Adsorbent 吸附剂Adsorption isotherm 吸附等温线 Adsorption layer 吸附层Aero 美国氰胺公司的药剂品牌号 Aerofloat 美国氰胺公司的黑药牌号 Aerofloc 絮凝剂牌号 Aerofroth 起泡剂牌号Aeromine 阳离子型表面活性剂 Aero promoter 促进剂牌号 Aerosol 润湿剂牌号Aerosurf MG-98A 醚胺醋酸盐 Agglomerant 团聚的凝结剂Agglomeration flotation 团聚浮选Aggregate of large molecules 大分子团 Aiv-avid 亲气的Aiv-mineral adhesion 空气-矿物粘附 Alamine 胺的牌号 Alcohol 醇Alcohol frother 醇类起泡剂 Aliphat- 妥尔油脂肪酸牌号 Aliphatic alcohol 脂肪醇 Aliphatic acid 脂肪酸 Aliphatic amine 脂肪胺Aliphatic dydrocarbon 脂肪烃 Aliquat 苯胺盐牌号 Alkali 碱Alkaliuity 碱度,碱性 Alkane 链烷,烷烃 Alkoxy- 烷氧基Alkoxyamine 烷氧胺 Alkoxy benzene 烷氧基苯 Alkyl- 烷基Alkyl alcohol sulfate 烷基醇硫酸盐共12 页第7 页专业英语词汇矿物加工工艺常用词汇(一)1选矿-Mineral separation (ore dressing) 2设计-Design3工艺-Process (craftwork) 4初步设计-Initiative(preliminary) design5流程-Flow(circuit) 6流程图-flowchart7施工设计-working design 8设计方案-design project9粉碎-comminution 10 磨矿-grinding11浮选-flotation 12脱水-dehydration13干燥车间-drying shop 14尾矿-tailing15精矿-concentrate 16中矿-middles17精选-concentration 18粗选-first concentration20选矿机-concentrator 21矿浆ore pulp22分级-classification 22磨矿-grinding23磨矿机-grinding mills 24筛分-screen25粉碎-crush 26筛分机-screener27粉碎机-crusher 28颚式粉碎机-jaw crusher29圆锥粉碎机-cone crusher 30冲击式粉碎机impact crusher31辊式粉碎机-crusher rolls 32球磨机-ball mill33棒磨机-rod mill 34自磨机-autogenous mills35震动筛-vibratory screener 36分级机-classification equipment37浮选-flotation 38浮选机-flotation equipment39重选- gravity concentration40特殊选-special selection41 浮选柱-flotation column 42脱水机-spin-drier43干燥机-drier 44总图-general chart45配置-deploy 46运输-transport47环境保护-environment protect 48场址-field location(site)49布置-lay 50设计资料-design information51粉碎流程-comminution flow 52磨矿流程-grinding flow(circuit)53浮选流程-flotation flow 54金属矿-metallic mines55非金属矿-non-metallic mines 56闭路-close circuit(loop)57闭路流程-close flow 58开路-cut circuit(loop)59开路流程-cut flow 60废水-liquid waste共12 页第8 页专业英语词汇61粉尘-powder 62噪声-yawp63污染-contamination 64沉淀-form sediment65净化-decontaminate 66输送-transportation67矿石-ore 68物料-material69给矿-feed ores 70给料-feed stuff71设备-equipment 72方案-project73标高-elevation 74通道-passage75维修-maintain 76检查-check77操作-operation 78化验-test、assay79检测-examine 80坡度-gradient81起重机-crane 82堆积-accumulation83细粒-granule、fine 84粗粒-coarse85尾矿坝-tailing dam 86矿仓-feed bin(storehouse)87粉矿仓-crushing pocket 88产品仓-product bin(storehouse)89砂泵-pump 90立式泵-stand pump91卧式泵-horizontal pump 92耐酸泵-acid-proof pump93耐碱泵-alkali-resistant pump 94勘察-reconnaissance95地形-landform 96工程-engineering97设计步骤design process 98规模-scale99选矿厂-concentrating mill 100设计内容design content(二)1 comminution-粉碎2 comminution engineering-粉碎工程3粉碎机-comminuter 4粉碎动力学-comminution kinetics 5筛分曲线图-screen analysis chart 6筛孔-screen aperture7筛面-screen area 8筛条screen bar9筛框-screen box 10筛选厂-screen building11筛分机生产能力screen capacity 12筛分槽-screen cell13筛布-screen cloth 14筛分screen classification15筛孔-screen hole 16筛分车间-screenhouse17筛分分析-screen analysis 18滚筒筛-screening-drum19筛分效率-screening efficiency 20筛分速率-screening rate共12 页第9 页专业英语词汇21筛网-screen mesh 22筛制、筛比、筛序-screen scale 23筛孔尺寸-screen size 24套筛-screen set25筛序-screen size gradation 26筛余物screen tailings27筛下产品-screen throughs(underflow.undersize) 28可碎性crushability 29可碎性系数-crushability factor 30碎矿仓-crushed ore pocket31粉碎产品-crushed product 32粉碎粒度-crusher size33粉碎腔-crushing cavity 34粉碎厂-crushing plant35粉碎系数-crushing coefficient 36粉碎工段-crushiong section37助磨剂-grinding aid 38磨球-grinding ball39 磨矿负荷-grinding charge 40磨矿效率-grinding efficiency41磨矿-grinding ore 42磨砾-grinding pebble43磨碎能力-grinding property 44研磨试验grinding test45磨矿设备-grinding unit 46磨矿速度-grinding rate47磨矿功率-grinding power 48磨矿车间-grinding plant49可磨性-grindability 50可磨性指数-grindability index51可磨性指标-grindability rating 52可磨性试验-grindability test53研磨工-grinder 54磨工车间-grindery55磨矿动力学-grinding kinetics 56粉碎能-crushing energy57粉碎机给矿口-crushing mouth 58粉碎面-crushing face59粉碎力-crushing force 60粉碎机进料口-crusher throat61筛分动力学-screen kinetics 62选厂矿仓-mill bin63 选厂中矿mill chats 64选厂配置mill configuration65磨过的矿石-milled ore 66磨机给料-mill feeder67选厂给矿-mill-head 68研磨作用-milling action69磨机衬里mill liner 70入选品位milling grade71入选品位矿石milling-grade ore 72磨矿机milling-grinder73细碎、精磨-milling grinding 74磨矿介质-milling medium75磨矿法-milling method 76选矿作业-milling operation77选矿厂-milling plant 78选厂矿泥-milling slime79选厂厂址-mill site 80磨机负荷-mill load81选矿工(工长)millan 82磨机需用功率-mill power draft 83选矿质量控制mill puality control 84选矿取样-mill sampling共12 页第10 页85磨机外壳-mill shell 86磨机矿浆-mill slurries87磨石-millstone 88选矿厂储矿仓mill-storage89选厂尾矿-mill tail 90选矿用水-mill water91磨矿机溶液-mill solution 92选矿厂建筑师-millwright93分级沉淀-class setting 94矿粉-mineral fine95分级-classification 96分级溢流-classifier overflow97分级返砂-classifier sand 98分级机-classifier99分级筛-classifying screen 100分级箱-classifying box(三)1品位-grade 2精矿品位-concentrate grade3尾矿品位-tailing grade 4尾矿场-tail area(pile)5尾矿仓-tailing bin 6尾矿滤饼-tailing cake7尾矿坝-tailing dam 8尾矿池-tailing pond(pit)9取样-taking cut(sampling) 10滑石talc11蓝晶石-talc blue 12 试样缩分-sample division13 分样器-sample divider 14精矿取样-concentrate sampling15中矿取样-middles sampling 16尾矿取样-tailing sampling17浓缩-thickening 18精矿浓缩-concentrate thickening19选矿流程-concentrating circuit 20精选机-concentrating mcching21试样缩分-sample reduction (splitting) 22矿物组成-mineralcomposition23矿物组分-mineral constituent 24矿床-mineral depost25矿物-mineral 26选矿方法mineral dressing method27选矿厂-concentrating mill 28选矿ore dressing,mineral separation29矿物分析-mineral analysis 30矿物组合-mineral association31 试样袋-sample sack 32矿床-deposit33矿物岩相facies 34矿物纤维-mineral fiber35固、气界面-mineral-air interface 36固、液界面-mineral-water interface37固、气、液接触mineral-air-water contact 38矿物颗粒-grain39矿物鉴定-mineral identification 40矿物资源-interest41矿物解离-mineralliberation 42矿物特性mineral character43矿物储量-mineral reserve 44矿物(成分)检验mineral logical examination 45扑收剂-Minerec,flotigan, 46精矿回收率concentrate recovery47中矿回收率middles recovery 48精选concentration49附着精矿气泡concentratr-loaded bubble 50精选机-concentrating maching51分选判据-concentration criterion 52富集比-concentration factor53选矿摇床-concentration table 54选厂流程concentrator flow5选厂流程图concentrator flow sheet 56试样品位-sample grade57絮凝剂-flocculant 58絮凝-floculate59絮凝物-flocs 60絮凝浮选floc flotation61絮凝作用flocculation 62浮选机flotation unit63浮选剂- flotation agent 64整排浮选机flotation bank65浮选槽- flotation cell 66浮选能力flotation capacity67浮选精矿- flotation concentrate 68浮选尾矿flotation rejects69浮选中矿- flotation middles 70浮选设备flotation equipment71浮选泡沫-flotation froth 72浮选动力学flotation kinetics73浮选浸出法- flotation leaching method 74浮选厂flotation mill75浮选油-flotation oil 76浮选矿浆- flotation pulp77浮选速度-flotation rate 78浮选试验flotation test79单槽浮选机- flotation unit cell 80浮选摇床- flotation table81摇床浮选- flotation tabling 82起泡剂Flotol83流程图-flow line 84工艺流程图-flow process chart (flow sheet) 85可选(洗)性-washability 86可选性特性- washability characteristic 87可选性曲线- washability curve 88可选性指数- washability number89可选性试验- washability test 90可浮性-flotability91可浮性曲线-flotability curve 92粒度特性-granularity93粒度分级试验grading test 94结构-texture95构造-tectonic(structural) 96致密结构-compact texture97斑状结构porphyritic texture 98 粒度分析-granularmetric analysis99采样-sample collecting 100分样器-sample divider。
矿物加工工艺学(浮选部分)英文词汇floatation 浮选froth flotation 泡沫浮选direct flotation 正浮选reverse flotation 反浮选differential flotation 优先浮选bulk flotation 混合浮选fineness of grinding 磨矿细度fractionation,sizing 分级mineral wettability 矿物润湿性mineral flotability 矿物的可浮性equilibrium contact angle 平衡接触角three phase interface 三相界面hydrophobicity of mineral 矿物的疏水性hydrophilicity of mineral 矿物的亲水性foam adhesion泡沫附着ionic lattice 离子晶格covalence lattice共价晶格surface inhomogeneity 表面的不均匀性oxidation and dissolution 氧化与溶解oxidizing agent 氧化剂reducting agent 还原剂surface modification of mineral 矿物的表面改性electric double layer 双电层ionization 电离adsorption 吸附electrokinetic potential电动电位point of zero charge 零电点isoelectric point 等电点collecting agent 捕收剂semi micelle adsorption 半胶束吸附exchange adsorption 交换吸附competitive adsorption 竞争吸附specific adsorption 特性吸附modifying agent 调整剂depressant 抑制剂activating agent 活化剂foam, froth 泡沫frother 起泡剂hydrophilic group 亲水基团liberation degree 解离度polar group 极性基团nonpolar group 非极性基团sulphide ore 硫化矿oxidized mineral 氧化矿物xanthate 黄药hydrolysis 水解medicamentous selectivity药剂的选择性catchment action捕收作用electrochemical action 电化学作用alkyl radical 烃基含氧酸organic amine 有机胺类carboxylate surfactant 羧酸盐kerosene 煤油amphoteric collector 两性两捕收剂alkyl radical sulfonate 烃基磺酸盐complex 络合物pH modifying agent pH调整剂long-chain molecule 长链分子pyrite 黄铁矿calcite 方解石chalcopyrite 黄铜矿galena 方铅矿blende/ sphalerite 闪锌矿quartz 石英barite重晶石oxidized ore 氧化矿flocculant 絮凝剂non-ionic flocculant 非离子型絮凝剂desorption 解吸air bladder 气泡solubility 溶解度specific surface area 比表面积mineral resources 矿源、矿藏three phase air bladder 三相气泡ore pulp electric potential 矿浆电位mixed potential model 混合电位模型freedom hydrocarbon diversification 自由烃变化electrostatic pull 静电引力intermolecular force 分子间力goethite (gothite)针铁矿semi micelle adsorption 半胶束吸附concentration of solution 溶液浓度flotation machine(cell)浮选机oxygenation 充气作用aerationrecovery 回收率concentrate grade 精矿品位handling capacity 处理能力Processing capacity,processing power矿物加工工艺学(重选部分)英文词汇(1)gravity concentration/ gravity separation 重力选矿(2)Abkhazite 透闪石棉(3)Amiantus 石棉(4)meerschaum 海泡石(5)menachanite 钛铁砂(6)talcum 滑石(7)taraspite 白云石(8)preconcentration矿石预选(9)Acclivity 斜面(10)airborne dust 大气浮尘(11)air conveying 风力输送(12)amplitude of vibration 振幅(13)ancillary mineral 伴生矿物(14)apparent viscosity 视粘度(15)artificial bedding 人工床层(16)attle充填料;废屑;矿渣;废石(17)average grain diameter 平均粒径(18)axial motion 轴向运动(19)backwash water 冲洗水(20)backwater筛下水(21)barite 菱镁蛇纹岩(22)barren rock 脉石(23)beach ore 砂矿(24)bed separation 分层(25)bevel angle 倾斜角(26)buddle 淘洗盘(27)buddle jig 动筛跳汰机(28)buoyancy 浮力(29)buoyant weight 悬浮重量(30)Caplastometer毛细管粘度计,粘度计(31)Centipoises 厘泊(32)Centrifugal field 离心力场(33)Centrifugal jig 离心跳汰机(34)Circular jig圆形跳汰机(35)Centrifuge 离心机(36)Classification efficiency 分级效率(37)Classifier/sizer 分级机(38)Classifier overflow 分级机溢流(39)Classifier sand 分级机返砂(40)Close sizing 窄级分级(41)Claster of particles 颗粒群(42)Coarse feed 粗粒给料(43)Cyclone 水力旋流器(44)Cassiterite 锡石(45)Dilated 松散床层(46)dimensionless parameter 无因次参数(47)duplex table 双层摇床(48)diaphragm jig 隔膜跳汰机(49)dwindles out 尖灭(50)film concentration 流膜选矿(51)final velocity 末速度(52)free settling particle 自由沉降颗粒(53)free settling ratio 自由沉降比(54)gravity concentrate 重选精矿(55)gravity tailings 重选尾矿(56)iron ore pellet 铁矿球团(57)jig cycle 跳汰周期(58)heavy liquid 重液(59)heavy-media separator 重介质分选(60)heavy-media suspension 重介质悬浮液(61)hydraulic analysis 水力分析(62)high-weir spiral classifier 高堰式螺旋分级机矿物加工工艺学(磁电选矿部分)英文词汇Mineral Processing Technology 矿物加工工艺学Principle of magnetic separation 磁选原理Magnetic force 磁力Ratio magnetic force 比磁力Compete force 竞争力Mineral magnetism 矿物的磁性Atomic magnetism moment 原子磁矩Molecular magnetism moment 分子磁矩Magnetization & magnetic field 磁化和磁化磁场Magnetization intensity 磁化强度Ratio susceptibility 比磁化系数Diamagnetism 逆磁性Paramagnetism 顺磁性Ferromagnetism 铁磁性Magnetic domain 磁畴Revers ferromagnetism 反铁磁性Subferromagnetism 亚铁磁性Coercive force 矫顽力Remanence 剩磁Magnetization roasting 磁化焙烧Deoxidization roasting 还原焙烧Midlle roasting 中性焙烧Oxidation roasting 氧化焙烧Siderite 菱铁矿Hematite 赤铁矿Magnetite 磁铁矿Unhydrophite magnetization 疏水磁化Magnetic process equipment 磁选设备Feebleness magnetic separation machine 弱磁场磁选机Dry magnetic separation machine 干式磁选机Wet feebleness magnetic separation machine 湿式弱磁场磁选机High magnetic separation machine 强磁场磁选机High grads magnetic sparation machine 高梯度磁选机Supercondduct magnetic separation 超导电选Concentrator 选矿机Electrity process 电选Electrity concentrator 电选机Static separation 静电选矿Air-ionization separation 电晕分选Friction electric separation 摩擦电选Magnetic process practice 磁选实践Nonmetal ore 非金属矿Diamond process 金刚石选矿Heavy medium reclaim 重介质回收Primary concentrate 粗精矿Graphite gangue 石墨尾矿Kaolin magnetic process 高岭土磁选Block metal ore 黑色金属矿石Manganese ore magnetic process 锰矿石磁选Coloured metal & rare metal 有色金属和稀有金属Ilmenite 钛铁矿Rutile 金红石Zircon 锆英石Electric process practice 电选实践Tungstate 钨酸盐cassiterite 锡石hematite . 赤铁矿gangue 脉石,废石,矸石magnet .磁铁,磁体,磁石conductor mineral 导体矿物silicate 硅酸盐diatomite 硅藻土hysteresis 磁滞现象magnetic core . 磁铁芯winding 绕组,线圈medium 介质electrophoresis 电泳screening 筛分magnetic field 磁场flux 磁通量ferromagnet 铁磁物质ferromagnetism 铁磁性reunite 团聚magnetic system 磁系magnetic agitate 磁搅动permanent magnet 永久磁铁solenoid magnet 螺管式磁铁pyrite .黄铁矿,硫铁矿limonite 褐铁矿reluctivity 磁阻率conduct 传导induce .诱导,感应,归纳astrict 束缚charge 电荷electric field .电场interfacial 界面的,面间的magnetism 吸引力electrode 电极,电焊条,电极Strontium & iron oxid 锶铁氧体Periodic magnetic field 交变磁场Pulsant magnetic field 脉动磁场Saturation 饱和stainless steel material 不锈钢材料polar distance 极距mica 云母quarte 石英stimulate magnetism 激磁magnetism circuit 磁路magnetic line of force 磁力线commutate quality 整流性Flatation reagent professional wordsAbsorption 吸收Absorption band 吸收光谱带Abstract 抽出,提取Abundance 丰富,丰度Accelerant 促进剂Acceptance 验收,接收Accumulate 积累,聚集Accuracy 准确度Acctate 醋酸盐Acctamide 乙酰胺Acid 酸,酸的Acid anion 酸性阴离子Acidation 酸化Acid depression 加酸抑制Acid hydrolysis 加酸水解Acintol 妥尔油制品Acrylic amide丙烯酰胺Activate 活化Activated adsorption活性吸附Activated molecule 活化分子Activated effect 活化作用Activator 活化剂,活性剂Acto 精制石油磺酸钠Acylamide 酰胺Addition 加添Adhere 粘附,附着Adhesion coefficient粘着系数Adhesive粘合剂Adhesive tension胶结力界面吸引力Adion 吸附离子Adsorbate 吸附物Adsorbent 吸附剂Adsorption isotherm吸附等温线Adsorption layer吸附层Aero 美国氰胺公司的药剂品牌号Aerofloat 美国氰胺公司的黑药牌号Aerofloc 絮凝剂牌号Aerofroth 起泡剂牌号Aeromine 阳离子型表面活性剂Aero promoter促进剂牌号Aerosol 润湿剂牌号Aerosurf MG-98A 醚胺醋酸盐Agglomerant 团聚的凝结剂Agglomeration flotation团聚浮选Aggregate of large molecules大分子团Aiv-avid亲气的Aiv-mineral adhesion空气-矿物粘附Alamine胺的牌号Alcohol醇Alcohol frother 醇类起泡剂Aliphat- 妥尔油脂肪酸牌号Aliphatic alcohol 脂肪醇Aliphatic acid 脂肪酸Aliphatic amine 脂肪胺Aliphatic dydrocarbon脂肪烃Aliquat苯胺盐牌号Alkali 碱Alkaliuity 碱度,碱性Alkane 链烷,烷烃Alkoxy- 烷氧基Alkoxyamine 烷氧胺Alkoxy benzene烷氧基苯Alkyl- 烷基Alkyl alcohol sulfate 烷基醇硫酸盐矿物加工工艺常用词汇(一)1选矿-Mineral separation (ore dressing) 2设计-Design3工艺-Process (craftwork) 4初步设计-Initiative(preliminary) design 5流程-Flow(circuit) 6流程图-flowchart7施工设计-working design 8设计方案-design project9粉碎-comminution 10 磨矿-grinding11浮选-flotation 12脱水-dehydration13干燥车间-drying shop 14尾矿-tailing15精矿-concentrate 16中矿-middles17精选-concentration 18粗选-first concentration20选矿机-concentrator 21矿浆ore pulp22分级-classification 22磨矿-grinding23磨矿机-grinding mills 24筛分-screen25粉碎-crush 26筛分机-screener27粉碎机-crusher 28颚式粉碎机-jaw crusher29圆锥粉碎机-cone crusher 30冲击式粉碎机impact crusher31辊式粉碎机-crusher rolls 32球磨机-ball mill33棒磨机-rod mill 34自磨机-autogenous mills35震动筛-vibratory screener 36分级机-classification equipment37浮选-flotation 38浮选机-flotation equipment39重选- gravity concentration 40特殊选-special selection41 浮选柱-flotation column 42脱水机-spin-drier43干燥机-drier 44总图-general chart45配置-deploy 46运输-transport47环境保护-environment protect 48场址-field location(site)49布置-lay 50设计资料-design information51粉碎流程-comminution flow 52磨矿流程-grinding flow(circuit)53浮选流程-flotation flow 54金属矿-metallic mines55非金属矿-non-metallic mines 56闭路-close circuit(loop)57闭路流程-close flow 58开路-cut circuit(loop)59开路流程-cut flow 60废水-liquid waste61粉尘-powder 62噪声-yawp63污染-contamination 64沉淀-form sediment65净化-decontaminate 66输送-transportation67矿石-ore 68物料-material69给矿-feed ores 70给料-feed stuff71设备-equipment 72方案-project73标高-elevation 74通道-passage75维修-maintain 76检查-check77操作-operation 78化验-test、assay79检测-examine 80坡度-gradient81起重机-crane 82堆积-accumulation83细粒-granule、fine 84粗粒-coarse85尾矿坝-tailing dam 86矿仓-feed bin(storehouse)87粉矿仓-crushing pocket 88产品仓-product bin(storehouse) 89砂泵-pump 90立式泵-stand pump91卧式泵-horizontal pump 92耐酸泵-acid-proof pump93耐碱泵-alkali-resistant pump 94勘察-reconnaissance95地形-landform 96工程-engineering97设计步骤design process 98规模-scale99选矿厂-concentrating mill 100设计容design content(二)1 comminution-粉碎2 comminution engineering-粉碎工程3粉碎机-comminuter 4粉碎动力学-comminution kinetics 5筛分曲线图-screen analysis chart 6筛孔-screen aperture7筛面-screen area 8筛条screen bar9筛框-screen box 10筛选厂-screen building11筛分机生产能力screen capacity 12筛分槽-screen cell13筛布-screen cloth 14筛分screen classification15筛孔-screen hole 16筛分车间-screenhouse17筛分分析-screen analysis 18滚筒筛-screening-drum19筛分效率-screening efficiency 20筛分速率-screening rate21筛网-screen mesh 22筛制、筛比、筛序-screen scale23筛孔尺寸-screen size 24套筛-screen set25筛序-screen size gradation 26筛余物screen tailings27筛下产品-screen throughs(underflow.undersize) 28可碎性crushability 29可碎性系数-crushability factor 30碎矿仓-crushed ore pocket31粉碎产品-crushed product 32粉碎粒度-crusher size33粉碎腔-crushing cavity 34粉碎厂-crushing plant35粉碎系数-crushing coefficient 36粉碎工段-crushiong section37助磨剂-grinding aid 38磨球-grinding ball39 磨矿负荷-grinding charge 40磨矿效率-grinding efficiency41磨矿-grinding ore 42磨砾-grinding pebble43磨碎能力-grinding property 44研磨试验grinding test45磨矿设备-grinding unit 46磨矿速度-grinding rate47磨矿功率-grinding power 48磨矿车间-grinding plant49可磨性-grindability 50可磨性指数-grindability index51可磨性指标-grindability rating 52可磨性试验-grindability test53研磨工-grinder 54磨工车间-grindery55磨矿动力学-grinding kinetics 56粉碎能-crushing energy57粉碎机给矿口-crushing mouth 58粉碎面-crushing face59粉碎力-crushing force 60粉碎机进料口-crusher throat61筛分动力学-screen kinetics 62选厂矿仓-mill bin63 选厂中矿mill chats 64选厂配置mill configuration65磨过的矿石-milled ore 66磨机给料-mill feeder67选厂给矿-mill-head 68研磨作用-milling action69磨机衬里mill liner 70入选品位milling grade71入选品位矿石milling-grade ore 72磨矿机milling-grinder73细碎、精磨-milling grinding 74磨矿介质-milling medium75磨矿法-milling method 76选矿作业-milling operation77选矿厂-milling plant 78选厂矿泥-milling slime79选厂厂址-mill site 80磨机负荷-mill load81选矿工(工长)millan 82磨机需用功率-mill power draft 83选矿质量控制mill puality control 84选矿取样-mill sampling85磨机外壳-mill shell 86磨机矿浆-mill slurries87磨石-millstone 88选矿厂储矿仓mill-storage89选厂尾矿-mill tail 90选矿用水-mill water91磨矿机溶液-mill solution 92选矿厂建筑师-millwright93分级沉淀-class setting 94矿粉-mineral fine95分级-classification 96分级溢流-classifier overflow97分级返砂-classifier sand 98分级机-classifier99分级筛-classifying screen 100分级箱-classifying box(三)1品位-grade 2精矿品位-concentrate grade3尾矿品位-tailing grade 4尾矿场-tail area(pile)5尾矿仓-tailing bin 6尾矿滤饼-tailing cake7尾矿坝-tailing dam 8尾矿池-tailing pond(pit)9取样-taking cut(sampling) 10滑石talc11蓝晶石-talc blue 12 试样缩分-sample division13 分样器-sample divider 14精矿取样-concentrate sampling15中矿取样-middles sampling 16尾矿取样-tailing sampling17浓缩-thickening 18精矿浓缩-concentrate thickening19选矿流程-concentrating circuit 20精选机-concentrating mcching21试样缩分-sample reduction (splitting) 22矿物组成-mineralcomposition23矿物组分-mineral constituent 24矿床-mineral depost25矿物-mineral 26选矿方法mineral dressing method27选矿厂-concentrating mill 28选矿ore dressing,mineral separation29矿物分析-mineral analysis 30矿物组合-mineral association31 试样袋-sample sack 32矿床-deposit33矿物岩相facies 34矿物纤维-mineral fiber35固、气界面-mineral-air interface 36固、液界面-mineral-water interface37固、气、液接触mineral-air-water contact 38矿物颗粒-grain39矿物鉴定-mineral identification 40矿物资源-interest41矿物解离-mineralliberation 42矿物特性mineral character43矿物储量-mineral reserve 44矿物(成分)检验mineral logical examination 45扑收剂-Minerec,flotigan, 46精矿回收率concentrate recovery47中矿回收率middles recovery 48精选concentration49附着精矿气泡concentratr-loaded bubble 50精选机-concentrating maching51分选判据-concentration criterion 52富集比-concentration factor53选矿摇床-concentration table 54选厂流程concentrator flow5选厂流程图concentrator flow sheet 56试样品位-sample grade57絮凝剂-flocculant 58絮凝-floculate59絮凝物-flocs 60絮凝浮选floc flotation61絮凝作用flocculation 62浮选机flotation unit63浮选剂- flotation agent 64整排浮选机flotation bank65浮选槽- flotation cell 66浮选能力flotation capacity67浮选精矿- flotation concentrate 68浮选尾矿flotation rejects69浮选中矿- flotation middles 70浮选设备flotation equipment71浮选泡沫-flotation froth 72浮选动力学flotation kinetics73浮选浸出法- flotation leaching method 74浮选厂flotation mill75浮选油-flotation oil 76浮选矿浆- flotation pulp77浮选速度-flotation rate 78浮选试验flotation test79单槽浮选机- flotation unit cell 80浮选摇床- flotation table81摇床浮选- flotation tabling 82起泡剂Flotol83流程图-flow line 84工艺流程图-flow process chart (flow sheet) 85可选(洗)性-washability 86可选性特性- washability characteristic87可选性曲线- washability curve 88可选性指数- washability number89可选性试验- washability test 90可浮性-flotability91可浮性曲线-flotability curve 92粒度特性-granularity93粒度分级试验grading test 94结构-texture95构造-tectonic(structural) 96致密结构-compact texture97斑状结构porphyritic texture 98 粒度分析-granularmetric analysis99采样-sample collecting 100分样器-sample divider。
化学英语证书考试(PEC)-常用化学反应词汇化合:chemical combination置换:metathesis分解decompose复分解double decomposition包括include中和neutralization反应reactChapter 1acid 酸apparatus 仪器,装置aqueous solution 水溶液arrangement of electrons 电子排列assumption 假设atom 原子(化学变化中的最小粒子)atomic mass 原子量atomic number 原子序数atomic radius 原子半径atomic structure 原子结构be composed of 由……组成bombardment 撞击boundary 界限cathode rays 阴极射线cathode-ray oscilloscope (C.R.O) 阴极电子示波器ceramic 陶器制品charge-clouds 电子云charge-to-mass ratio(e/m) 质荷比(质谱分析时样品质量的测量以质量与其离子电荷之比表示)chemical behaviour 化学行为chemical property 化学性质(物质在化学变化中表现出来的性质)clockwise 顺时针方向的compound 化合物(由不同元素组成的纯净物)configuration 构型copper 铜correspond to 相似corrosive 腐蚀d-block elements d 区元素deflect 使偏向,使转向derive from 源于deuterium 氘diffuse mixture 扩散混合物distance effect 距离效应distil 蒸馏distinguish 区别distribution 分布doubly charged(2+) ion 正二价离子dye 染料effect of electric current in solutions 电流在溶液里的影响electrical charge 电荷electrical field 电场electrically neutral atom 电中性原子electricity 电electrolysis 电解electron 电子(负电荷粒子,电量等于4.77×10-10绝对静电单位)electron shielding 电子屏蔽element 元素(具有相同核电荷数即荷内质子数的一类原子的总称)emission spectrum 发射光谱(根据发射光源和激发能量方式所产生的特征电磁波谱)energy level 能态,能级(稳态能量,有相同主量数的电子壳层)fertiliser 肥料first ionisation energy 一级电离能fluorescent screen 荧光屏fluoride 氟化物fuel 燃料fundamental substance 基础物质fuzzy 模糊的galaxy 星系,银河gas 气体gaseous state 气态gravity 重力GroupⅠ第一族Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle 海森堡测不准原理hydrofluoric acid 氢氟酸identical 同一的,相等的in terms of 根据,在……方面innermost 最内的,最深的interaction 相互作用internal structure 内部结构interpret 解释investigate 研究,调查ionisation energy 电离能(从原子或分子中移走一个电子至无穷远处所需的能量,以电子伏特eV表示)ionise 电离isotope 同位素(原子里具有相同的质子数和不同的中子数的同一元素的原子互称同位素)J.J. Thomson’s e/m experiment 汤姆森质何比实验Latin 拉丁lepton 轻粒子liquid 液体magnet 磁铁magnetic field 磁场Maltese Cross 马耳他十字marble 大理石mass number 质量数matter 物质metal foil 金箔meteorite 陨星microbe 微生物,细菌Millikan’s ‘oil-drop’ ecperiment 密立根油滴实验model-building 模型建筑mole 摩尔(表示一个系统的物质的量的单位,该系统中所包含的基本单元数与12g碳12即12C的原子数目相等,每摩尔物质含有阿佛加德罗常数个微粒)molecule 分子(保持物质的化学性质的最小粒子)narrow beam 狭窄的光线negative electrode(cathode)阴极negligible 可以忽略的neutron 中子nitrate 硝酸盐noble gas 稀有气体normal pressures 常压nuclear charge (原子)核电荷nuclear model for atoms 原子核模型nuclear reaction 核反应nucleus (pl.nuclei)核Orbital 轨道paraffin wax 石蜡particle 微粒,粒子Pauli exclusion principle 保里不相容原理(每个原子轨道至多只能容纳两个电子;而且,这两个电子自旋方向必须相反)Periodic Table 周期表physical property 物理性质(物质不需要发生化学变化就表现出来的性质,如颜色、状态、气味、熔沸点、密度等)plastics 塑料plum-pudding 李子布丁positive charge 正电荷(带有质子的物质,用丝绸摩擦玻璃棒,在棒上会产生正电荷)positive electrode (anode) 阳极positively charged particle (ion) 离子potential difference 电位prediction 预言principal quantum number 主量子数(标示轨道电子的波函数,包括轨道角动量和自旋量子数,电子的能级和距原子核的平均距离主要取决于主量子数)probe 探测,探究protium 氕proton 质子quantum (pl. quanta)量子(一个电子转移到原子的下一层轨道时发出的有限辐射能单位)quantum mechanics 量子力学Quantum Theory 量子理论quark 夸克(组成基本粒子的更小的粒子)radioactive source 放射源repel 排斥repulsion 斥力respectively 分别地rung 梯级scattering effect 散射作用Schr?dinger equation 薛定谔(波动)方程(一偏微分方程,描述基本粒子波动性)scintillation 火花shell 电子壳层shielding effect 屏蔽效应simpler substance 单质(指由同种元素组成的纯净物)solid 固体sphere 球spin 自旋stable state 稳态sub-atomic particle 原子内的粒子subset 子集,小团体successive ionisation energy 逐级电离能symbol 符号symmetry 对称the lowest-energy orbitals 最低能量轨道transition elements 过渡元素tritium 氚X-ray X 射线α-particles α粒子,即alpha-particle(带有两个质子和中子的粒子,即氦原子核,对物质的穿透力较强,流速约为光速的1/10)α-ray α 射线β-particles β粒子β-ray β 射线γ-patticles γ粒子γ-rayγ 射线Chapter 2abbreviation 缩写absorption 吸收abundance 丰度accelerate 加速alloy 合金alter 改变atmospheric pressure 大气压A vogadro’s constant 阿佛加德罗常数(12g12C含有的原子数,约为6.02×1023)azide 叠氮化物balance chemical equation 配平化学方程式balance ionic equation 配平离子方程式benzene 苯blast furnace 高炉bromide 溴化物bulk 体积burette 滴定管butane 丁烷carbon dioxide 二氧化碳carbon monoxide 一氧化碳carbonate 碳酸盐collide with 冲突combustion analysis 燃烧分析concentration 浓度conical flask 锥形瓶convert 转化covalent bonds 共价键(原子间通过共用电子对形成的化学键)decimal place 小数位deposit 沉淀物detonator 炸药dioxide 二氧化物dissolve 溶解dropwise 逐滴地electric current 电流empirical formulae 实验式,经验式(只表示化合物中原子间最简单比例关系,非分子式,而为成分式)end-point 终点enthalpy 焓(热力学状态函数,单位质量的热含量,恒压下系统改变状态时增加的热含量等于内能与体系体积与压力乘积之和)equation 方程式ethanoic acid 乙酸filament 灯丝formula (pl. formulae)化学式(用元素符号来表示物质组成的式子)granule 颗粒Group Ⅰ- the alkali metal 第一族,碱金属Group Ⅱ-the alkaline earth metal 第二族,碱土金属Group Ⅲ- 第三族Group Ⅳ-Carbonic Group 碳族Group Ⅴ-Nitric Group 氮族Group Ⅵ-Oxygenic Group 氧族Group Ⅶ, the halogens 第七主族,卤族hexane 己烷horizontal axis 横坐标hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物,烃hydrochloric acid 盐酸hydrogen peroxide 过氧化氢hydroxide 氢氧化物hypothesis 假设indicator 指示剂inspect 检查,查看iodide 碘化物ionic compound 离子型化合物(电负性相差大的两种元素相互作用,发生电子转移,变为正、负离子,正、负离子结合形成离子型化合物)iron oxide 氧化铁low pressure 低压mass spectrometer 质谱仪methane 甲烷mixture 混合物(由两种或多种物质混合而成的,这些物质相互间没有发生反应,混合物里各物质都保持原来的性质)molar mass 摩尔质量(1摩尔物质的质量)molarity 摩尔浓度,也叫物质的量浓度(以1升即1立方分米溶液里含有多少摩溶质来表示溶液组成的物理量)molecular formulae 分子式(根据元素分析和分子量表示的化学式)monoxide 一氧化物negative ion (=anion) 阴离子neutralise 中和nitric acid 硝酸non-metal 非金属octane 辛烷organic compound 有机化合物oxidation state 氧化态oxide 氧化物peroxide 过氧化物phosphate 磷酸盐pipette 移液管positive ion (=cation) 阳离子precipitation reaction 沉淀反应reactant 反应物reaction 反应reagent 试剂,反应物redox reaction 氧化还原反应relative atomic mass 相对原子质量(以碳12原子的质量的1/12约1.66×10-27kg作为标准,其他原子的质量跟它比较所得的值)relative formula mass 相对式量relative isotopic mass 相对同位素质量relative molecular mass 相对分子质量(化学式中各原子的相对原子质量的总和)room temperature 室温singly charged 单核stoichiometric ratio 化学计量比stoichiometry 化学计量法sulphate 硫酸盐sulphide 硫化物sulphite 亚硫酸盐sulphuric acid 硫酸temperature 温度thermite 铝热剂,灼热剂titration 滴定法(将已知浓度的标准溶液加到被测溶液中,直到反应完成,借以测定其浓度)vaporize 汽化vertical axis 纵坐标vice versa 反之亦然volume 体积weld 焊接Chapter 3adjacent molecule 相邻的分子amide 酰胺(含-CONH2基)ammonia 氨atmosphere 大气层atomic orbital 原子轨道attractive force 吸引力biochemical compound 生化化合物boiling point 沸点bond angle 键角(与同一原子连接的两个键之间的角度)bond enthalpybond length 键长(分子中两个原子核间的平衡距离)bonding pair 成键电子对brine 盐水brittle 脆的building-block(=monomer unit) 单体(聚合物中最简单的重复结构单元)catalyst 催化剂(能改变反应速度而它本身的组成和质量在反应前后保持不变的物质)chemical bonding 化学键(分子或晶体中,原子或离子之间直接的、主要的和强烈的相互作用称为化学键)chemical bonding and structure 化学键及结构chloride 氯化物cleavage 裂开condense 浓缩conduct electricity 导电covalent compound 共价化合物crystal 晶体crystal lattice 晶格crystal plane 晶体平面crystalline solid 晶状固体cyclohexane 环己胺dative covalent bond=coordinate bond 配位键decomposition 离解density 密度dipole-dipole force 取向力dot-and-cross diagram 电子式,点叉式double bond 双键double helix 双螺旋ductile 可塑性,易变形的,可延展的electric dipole 电偶极子(一对相距极近,符号相反、数值相等的电荷所形成的体系)electrical insulator 电绝缘体electrical transformer 变压器electronegativity 电负性(原子或基团吸引并持留价电子的能力)electron-pair 电子对electron-pair repulsion theory 电子对互斥理论(是利用中心原子周圍電子的排斥理論來預測的分子及離子(去除金屬部分)的形狀)electrostatic attraction 静电吸引(引力)emerald 翡翠enthalpy change of vaporization 蒸发焓ethane 乙烷ethanol 乙醇,又叫酒精evaporation 蒸发fabric 布,fibre 纤维fibrous 纤维状的formation of ions 离子的形成gaseous state 气态gemstone 宝石graphite 石墨haemoglobin 血红蛋白hard 硬的high-density poly(ethene) 高密度聚乙烯hydrated ion 水合离子(与水结合而成,如H3O+)hydrogen bond 氢键(氢键是由于与电负性极强的元素如氟、氧等相结合的氢原子和另一分子中电负性极强的原子间所产生的引力而形成)insoluble 不溶instantaneous dipole-induced dipole forces 诱导力intermediate character 两性intermolecular force 分子间作用力(又称van der Waals’ force 范德华力)interval 间隙ionic bonding 离子键(由原子得失电子后,生成的正负离子之间,靠静电作用而形成的化学键)ionic crystal 离子晶体(离子间通过离子键结合而成的晶体)ionic lattice 离子晶格jewellery 珠宝kinetic theory of matter 物质运动论(所有物质的分子处于恒动状态)liquid state 液态lone-pairs 孤对电子low-density poly(ethene) 低密度聚乙烯LP-LP repulsion> LP-BP repulsion> BP-BP repulsion 孤电子对—故电子对斥力>孤电子对—成键电子对斥力>成键电子对—成键电子对斥力lubricant 润滑剂magnetise 磁化malleable 有延展性的melting point 熔点metal complex 金属络合物(由金属离子与电子给予体结合而成)metallic bonding 金属键(通过自由运动的价电子将金属原子连结起来的键)metallic element 金属元素mineral 矿物质mobile electron 流动电子molecular orbital 分子轨道molten 熔化non-contuctor 非导体non-linear molecule 非直线分子non-metallic element 非金属元素non-polar molecule 非极性分子non-stick properties 不黏性nylon 尼龙,聚酰胺纤维octahedron 八面体oppositely charged electron 电性相反的电极oppositely charged ion 电性相反的离子outer-shell electron 外层电子oxonium ion(=hydronium ion) 水合氢离子polar molecule 极性分子polarisation of ions 离子极化(在阴阳离子自身电场作用下,产生诱导偶极,而导致离子的极化,即离子的正负电荷重心不再重合,电子云发生变形,致使物质在结构和性质上发生相应的变化)polarized 极化poly 聚乙烯poly(ester) chain 聚酯链polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) 多氯联(二)苯polymer 聚合物,高分子polymer chain 聚合物链protein 蛋白质quartz 石英relative bond strength 相对键能repulsion 斥力ruby 红宝石sapphire 蓝宝石semi-precious stone 亚宝石single bond 单键slippery 光滑sodium chloride 氯化钠solid state 固态solubility 溶解度(物质在溶剂中达到饱和时的溶解程度)soluble 可溶sparingly soluble 难溶sublimation 升华(固体不经液态直接转变为气态)sublime 升华(固体不经液态直接转变为气态)sucrose 蔗糖surface tension 表面张力(由于表面层下面的分子与表面层下面的分子间的分子吸引,液体表面收缩成最小表面的趋向)symmetrical distribution 对称分布tensile strength 抗拉强度tetrahedral molecule 四面体分子tetrahedron 四面体the δ+ and δ-charges δ+ 和δ-电荷three-dimensional arrangement 三维排列triangular pyramidal molecule 三角锥形分子trichloromethane 三氯甲烷trigonal planar molecule 三角锥形分子triple bond 三键unit cell 晶胞vapour pressure (蒸汽压)viscosity 黏度(流体流动阻力的表示,为液体中黏合力和内聚力的综合效果)volatility 挥发性washing-up liquidwater is peculiar 水是特殊的weapon 武器δbond δ键δorbital δ轨道π bond π键π orbital π轨道Chapter 4 and 5antacid tablet 解酸的药片atomic radii(=atomic radius) 原子半径barium meal 钡餐Blocks of elements in the Periodic Table 周期表中元素的分区brick red 砖红色bricklaying 砌砖,泥水业brilliant whitish flame 明亮的白色火焰bubble 泡camera lenses 照相机镜头cement 水泥chalk 白垩chemical species 化学物种clay 黏土,泥土cliff 悬崖cloudy white precipitate 浑浊的白色沉淀covalent radius 共价半径covered with a layer of its oxide 覆盖一层氧化物薄膜crucible 坩埚crumble 粉碎d-block d区diatomic molecule 双原子分子dilute 稀释disulphur dichloride 二氯化二硫dolomite 白云石electronegative 带负电的,负电性的electropositive 带正电的,正电性的evolution (气体)散出exothermic reaction 放热反应f-block f区filtration 过滤firework 焰火flare 照明弹good conductivity of heat and electricity 良好的导电导热性gypsum 石膏hydrogencarbonate 碳酸氢盐incendiary bomb 燃烧弹indigestion remedy 消化不良的治疗lanthanide and actinide elements 镧系和锕系元素(周期表中,ⅧB族有32种元素,包括钪、钇、镧和锕,其中镧这一格代表15种镧系元素[Z=51~71],锕这一格代表15种锕系元素[Z=89~103])Law of Octaves 八行周期律(当元素按原子量增加的顺序排列成以八个为一组时,则上下每组对应元素有相似的性质)Law of Triadslime 石灰lime water 石灰(水溶液)limelight 灰光灯limestone 石灰石liquid phase 液相magnesium ribbon 镁条marine invertebrate 海里的无脊椎动物Mendeleev’s periodic table 门捷列夫周期表(按原子序数递增顺序排列成行,并将元素性质相同者置于各行之下,由此形成18列,各列元素的化合价按正规顺序变化)metal hydride 金属氢化物metallic radius 金属半径molten slag 熔渣monatomic ion 一价离子mortar 灰浆negative oxidation state 负化合价opaque 不透,不传导oxidation 氧化oxidation number (abbreviated ox. no.) 氧化数(某元素一个原子的荷电数,这种荷电数由假设把每个键中的电子指定给电负性更大的原子而求得)oxidation state 氧化态oxidising agent 氧化剂(得到电子的物质)p-block p区periodic patterns 周期律periodicity 周期性photographic flash bulb 感光photosynthesis 光合作用pitchblende 沥青铀矿plaster 石膏plaster of Pairs 熟石膏positive oxidation state 正化合价quicklime 生石灰reactivity 活动性reciprocal 倒数redox system 氧化还原体系reducing agent 还原剂(逝去电子的物质)reduction 还原refractory material 难熔物质rotary kiln 回转窑(炉)saturated solution 饱和溶液s-block s区scum 浮垢sedimentary rock 沉积岩siemens per metre (S m-1) 西门子/米(西门子是电导实用单位,亦称姆欧,欧姆的倒数)single atom 单原子slaked lime 石灰(固)solid phase 固相suspension 悬浮液the outmost electrons 最外层电子the rising parts of the curve 曲线的上升部分the trend is uneven 趋势是不规则的thermal decomposition 热(分)解toxic 有毒的tracer bullet 示踪子弹trough 曲线上的最小值valency 化合价vapour phase 气相vigorous 剧烈的Chapter 6a cream precipitate 米黄色沉淀aerosol propellant 气溶胶喷射剂ammonia solution 氨水anomalous properties 异常的性质antiseptic抗菌剂,防腐剂apparent 透明的bacteria 细菌bleach 漂白bromine is a dark red liquid giving off a dense red vapour 溴是深红色液体,会挥发浓的红色溴蒸气capture an electron 捕获一个电子CFCS(chlorofluorocarbons) 含氯氟烃chlorine is greenish yellow gas 氯是黄绿色气体contamination 污染covalent diatomic molecule 共价双原子分子cyclohexane 环己烷dichloromethane 二氯甲烷displacement reaction 置换反应(由一种单质跟一种化合物起反应,生成另一种单质和另一种化合物的反应:1.非金属取代—电负性强者取代弱者;2.金属取代—金属性强者取代弱者)disproportionation reaction 歧化反应(又叫自身氧化还原反应,在歧化反应中同一种元素的一部分原子[或离子]被氧化,另一部分原子[或离子]被还原)electron affinity 电子亲合势(原子保持其离子电荷的亲合势)fire extinguisher 灭火器flammable 易燃的fluoride controversyfluorine is pale yellow gas 氟是淡黄绿色气体foaming agent 起泡剂germicide 杀菌剂halate 次卤酸根离子halide 卤化物halogen 卤族元素,简称卤素hydrated halide ion 水合卤素离子inert 惰性的iodine in alcohol 碘酒iodine is a shiny, grey-black crystalline solid which sublimes to a purple vapour 碘是有光泽的灰黑色晶体,会升华变成紫色碘蒸气liver damage 肝脏损伤Lubricant 滑润剂non-flammable 不易燃的organic solvent 有机溶剂organo-chlorine 有机氯ozone layer 臭氧层poisonous 有毒的PTFE (polytetrafluoroethene) 聚四氟乙烯PVC 聚氯乙烯refrigerant 制冷剂solvent 溶剂thyroid problem 甲状腺问题volatility 挥发性water purification 水质净化waterproof clothing 防水布Chapter 71,2-dichloroethene 1,2-二氯乙烯2,2,3-trimethylbutane 2,2,3-三甲基丁烷2,2,4-trimethypentane (iso-octane) 2,2,4-三甲基戊烷2-bromobutane 2-溴丁烷2-hydroxybenzoic acid 2-对羟基苯甲酸2-methylpentan-3-one 2-甲基3-戊酮3-ethylpent-2-ene 3-乙基烯acid-base reaction 酸碱反应activation energy 活化能(分子开始反应所需最低能量,为活化分子能量与所有分子平均能量差)addition 加成alanine 丙氨酸alcohol 醇aldehyde 醛aliphatic alcohol 脂肪醇aliphatic aldehyde 脂肪醛aliphatic compounds 脂肪族化合物alkene 烯烃alkyl 烷基allotrope 同素异形体amine 胺amino acid 氨基酸ammonium cyanate 氰化铵anhydrous salt 无水盐anti-bumping stone 沸石aqueous layer 水层arene 芳烃aromatic compounds 芳香族化合物(分子里含有一个或多个苯环的化合物)aspirin 阿司匹林atoms can rotate freely about a carbon-carbon single bond 原子可绕碳-碳单键自由旋转ball-and-stick model 球棍模型benzene ring 苯环branched-chain 支链buchner flask 布氏烧瓶,抽滤瓶buchner funnel 布氏漏斗(常用于真空抽滤疏松沉淀)buckminsterfullerenebut-2-ene 2-丙稀butan1-ol (=CH3CH2CH2CH2OH) 1-丁醇butanoic acid 丁酸cage 壳体,支架calculation of percentage yields 回收率的计算capillary electrophoresis apparatus 毛细管电泳仪carbanion 负(阴)碳离子carbocation 正(阳)碳离子carboxylic acid 羧酸Compact 致密的condenser 冷凝器convection currents 对流气流(由温差推动)criteria for checking purity 检测纯度的标准cyclic hydrocarbon 环烃(碳原子间相互连接成环状)cyclobutane 环丁烷decane 癸烷displayed formula (=full structural formula)distillation 蒸馏法eicosane 二十烷electric heating mantle 电热炉electrophile 亲电子试剂electrophilic addition 亲电子加成electrophilic substitution 亲电子取代elimination 消去equilibrium 平衡ester 酯ethanoic anhydride 酐ethanol (=CH3CH2OH) 乙醇ethyl- 乙基ethylamine 乙胺Ethylbenzene 乙基苯free redical 自由基free-radical substitution 自由基取代functional group 官能团gas-liquid chromatography 气液色谱法general formulageodesic domes 地圆学说geometric (or cis-trans) isomer 几何异构体(顺式-反式)grooved cork 具孔塞ground glass cone-and-socket joint 磨口玻璃锥管接合处ground glass socket 磨口玻璃管halogenoalkane 卤代烃heptane 庚烷heterolytic fission 异裂(共价键断裂产生两个相反电荷的离子)high-performance liquid chromatography 高效液相色谱法homologous series 同系物homolytic fission 均裂(共价键断裂产生两个自由基)hydrolysis 水解hydroxy-(=-OH)羟基hyphen 连字符immiscible liquid 不溶混液体impurity 杂质intermolecular hydrogen bond 分子间氢键Isomerism 同分异构现象ketone 酮kinetic energy 动能Kjeldahl 克耶达liquid circulates 液体循环melting point tube containing sample 装有样品的熔点测定管methanol (=CH3OH) 甲醇methoxymethane 甲氧基甲烷methyl(-CH3)甲基Methylpropane 甲基丙烷molecular formulanomenclature 系统命名法nonane 壬烷nucleophile 亲核试剂nucleophilic addition 亲核加成nucleophilic substitution 亲核取代organic chemistry 有机化学paper chromatography 纸层析法paraffin oil 石蜡油pentan-3-one 3-戊酮pentane 戊烷phenyl ring(-C6H5) 苯基phenylalanine 苯基丙氨酸phosphoric acid 磷酸preliminary calculation 预算propan-1-ol (=CH3CH2CH2OH) 1-丙醇propan-2-ol 2-丙醇propanal 丙醛propane 丙烷propylamine 丙胺pumice 浮石reaction mechanism 反应机制reaction pathway 反应途径recrystallisation 重结晶redistilling 重蒸馏Reflux 回流rubber ring 橡胶圈rubber seal 橡胶塞separating funnel 分液漏斗side-chain 侧链skeletal formula 骨架skeletonspectroscopic technique 光谱技术stereoisomerism 立体异构体stoppered flask 已塞紧的烧瓶stright-chain 直链structural formulastructural isomer 同分异构体(化合物具有相同的分子式,但具有不同结构)substitution 取代synthesis 合成the maximum mass of product 最大产量the neck of the reaction flask 烧瓶瓶颈thermometer 温度计thermostatically controlled heating mantle 恒温控制加热炉Thiele tube 蒂埃尔均热管thin-layer chromatography 薄层层析法three-dimensional formulaultraviolet (UV) 紫外线vacuum filtration 真空抽滤,真空过滤vinegar 醋visible spectroscopy 可见光voltage 电压water bath 水浴wavelength 波长Chapter 82,2,4-trimethyolpentane 2,2,4-三甲基戊烷2-methylpentane 戊烷adhesive 粘合剂alkane 烃alternatives to fossil fuels 化石燃料的代替品anaerobic decay 厌氧分解bimetallic catalyst 双金属催化剂biofuels 生物燃料bitumen 沥青burn off 燃尽carbon coke 焦炭carcinogenic aldehyde methanal 致癌的醛甲烷化catalytic cracking 催化裂化(由重质组分催化裂解为轻质组分)cellulose 纤维素chemical cell 化学电池CO2 emissions CO2 的排放coal 煤condensation 冷凝corrode 腐蚀cracking 裂化crude oil 原油cycloalkane 环烃cylinder 汽缸,圆筒diesel 柴油drastic action 剧烈反应efficient combustion 有效燃烧feedstock 给料ferment 发酵fission 裂变flow rate 流速Fluid 流体fluidised bed 流化床fossil 化石fraction 分馏物fractional distillation 分馏fractional distillation column 分馏塔fusion (核)聚变gasoline 汽油generate electricity 发电geothermal: hot rocks 地热:热岩greenhouse effect 温室效应hydrocarbons: fuels 碳氢化合物:燃料hydroelectricity 水电,水力发电inhalation 吸入isomerisation 异构化kerosene 煤油lead-acid battery 铅酸蓄电池lubricating oil 润滑油megawatt 兆瓦,即106瓦naphtha 粗汽油natural gas 天然气non-renewable resource 不可再生资源nuclear fuels 核燃料oil refinery 炼油厂oscillating motion 振动overflow pipe 溢流管oxidation product 氧化产物oxidiser 氧化剂petrol 汽油photovoltaic cell 阻挡层光电池plant 植物rapeseed 油菜籽raw material 原料recycle 重复利用reforming 重整regeneration chamber 燃烧室residue 废料,残渣seething mixture 沸腾的混合物separate into layers 分层sieve 滤网solar panels 太阳能(电池)板spherical tank 球形罐spillage 溢出steady state 稳态sunflower oil 葵花油sunlight: solar heating and photovoltaics 阳光:太阳热和太阳电池tarmac 停机坪thermal energy 热能transfer of energy to the surroundings 把能量转移到四周tray (分馏塔的)板turbine 涡轮waste products 废品weir 坝,堰zeolite 沸石Chapter 92,2-dimethylpropane 2,2-二甲基丙烷CH3· (methyl) free radical 甲基自由基chain reaction 链锁反应combustion in air 在空气中燃烧complete combustion in an excess of air 在过量空气中完全燃烧concentrated sulphuric acid 浓硫酸dodecane 十二烷hydrocarbons: alknes 碳氢化合物:烃in poorly ventilated rooms 在通风不足的房间initiation step 初级过程mechanism 机理overlap 重叠photochemical reaction 光化学反应(原子、分子、自由基或离子由吸收一个具有一定频率的光子而成为激发态所引起的反应)photodissociation 光解作用(分子通过吸收一个光子的电磁能分裂出一个或多个原子)propagation step 增殖过程saturated hydrocarbon 饱和烃termination step 终止过程tetrachloromethane 四氯甲烷undecane 十一烷unsaturated hydrocarbon 不饱和烃waxy solid 蜡状固体Chapter 102-methylbuta-1,3-diene 2-甲基-1,3-二丙稀addition polymerisation 加聚反应(由大量小分子(单体)相继加成为大分子量化合物或聚合物)antifreeze 防冻剂bark 树皮cis-trans isomerism 顺-反式同分异构现象decolourise 褪色dibromo- 二溴diene 二烯electron-richelectrophilic addition 亲电加成ethane-1,2-diol 乙烷-乙二醇gas scrubber 气体洗涤器gutta-percha 杜仲胶,古塔胶hard margarine 硬植物油horny 角状的,粗硬的hydrocarbons: alkenes 碳氢化合物:烯烃industrial methylated spirits 工业甲基化酒精inelastic 无弹力的isoprene 异戊(间)二烯latex 橡浆,树乳monomer 单体(见chapter 3 building-block)multiple bond 重键(不饱和化合物中双键和三键的总称)natural rubber 天然橡胶nickel catalyst 镍催化剂non-biodegradable 不可生物降解optic nerve 视觉神经percha treepollutant 污染物poly(chloroethene) 聚氯乙烯poly(phenylethene) 聚苯乙烯polymerisation 聚合反应polyunsaturated 多个不饱和的propene is bubbled through a solution of bromine 把丙稀通入溴水中repeat unit 重复单元retinal 视网膜steam 蒸汽styrene 苯乙烯systematic name 系统命名traditionally vinyl chloride 氯乙烯triethyl- 三乙基Ziegler-Natta catalyst 齐格勒-纳塔催化剂(由两种金属化合物反应而成,用于烯烃、双烯烃等聚合,生成聚乙烯、聚丙烯)planar molecule 平面分子Chapter 11acidified aqueous potassium dichromate 酸化二氯溶液acyl chloride (acylation) 酰基氯,氯化某酰(酰化作用)adulteration 搀杂alkoxide ion(=RO-)烷氧离子anaerobic process 厌氧过程ceramic wool soaked in ethanol 陶瓷羊毛colvescorresponding alcohol 相应的醇dehydration 脱水deterrent 灭菌剂enzyme 酶ethanoate 醋酸盐ethoxide ion 乙氧基离子fermentation 发酵foul taste 恶臭fruity odour 水果香味gentle heating 微热glucose 葡萄糖infrared spectrum 红外光谱(分子只能吸收与其振动、转动频率相一致的红外线而形成特征光谱)litmus paper 石蕊试纸(检查酸碱性用)metabolism 新陈代谢miscibility with water 与水的互溶性phenolphthanlein incicator 酚酞指示剂pore 孔porous ceramic surface 多孔的陶瓷表面primary alcohol 伯醇reverse reaction 逆发应secondary alcohol 仲醇simplified equation 简化方程式tertiary alcohol 叔醇wavenumber 波数yeast 酵母菌Chapter 12aerosol propellant 气溶胶火箭燃料anti-inflammatory medic ine 消炎药aqueous ethanolic silver nitrate 乙醇硝酸银溶液blowing agent 发泡剂bromochlorodifluoromethane (BCF) 溴氯二氟甲烷(灭火剂)circuit board 电路板combustible materiall 可燃物degreasing agent 除油剂electrical insulation 电绝缘材料halogenoalkanes 卤代烃ibuprofen 布洛芬,异丁苯丙酸(解热镇痛药)ozone ‘hole’ 臭氧层空洞primary halogenoalkane 伯卤代烃rheumatoid arthritis 类风湿关节炎second halogenoalkane 仲卤代烃silver halide precipitate 卤化银沉淀stratosphere 平流层tertiary halogenoalkane 叔卤代烃the classification of halogenoalkanes 卤代烃的分类Chapter 13beaker 烧杯bond breaking 断键bond making 成键Chapter 13 enthalpy change 焓变clamp 夹copper spiral 铜圈endothermic reaction 吸热反应(体系从环境吸收热能,化学反应的焓变为正值)energy transfer 能量转移enthalpy changes by different routes 不同途径的焓变enthalpy cycleexothermic reaction 放热反应(体系放热给环境,化学反应的焓变为负值)first law of thermodynamics 热力学第一定律(本质是能量守恒定律)flame calorimeter 火焰量热计graph extrapolated backwards to starting time 反推到开始时间的曲线图Haber process 哈伯合成氨法heat capacity 热容(当一系统由于加给一微小的热量δQ而温度升高δT时,Δq/δT这个量即是热容)heating-insulated vessel 隔热容器Hess’ law 赫斯定律(一个化学反应的热销应决定于其始终态,与中间过程无关)joule 焦耳〔能量和功的单位〕law of conservation of energy 能量守恒定律(在任一封闭系统中总能量保持不变)metal calorimeter 金属量热计negative value(-) 负值pascal 帕斯卡(压强单位)perpetual motion 永恒运动polystyrene cup 聚苯乙烯杯positive value(+) 正值reaction pathway 反应途径release large quantities energy 释放大量能量screw 螺旋桨shield 护板specific heat capacity of water 水的比热容spectator ionstandard enthalpy change of combustion 标准摩尔燃烧焓standard enthalpy change of formation 标准摩尔生成焓standard enthalpy change of reaction 标准反应焓变(标准状态下反应的焓变)standard enthalpy changes: standard conditions 标准焓变:标准状态stirrer 搅拌器suction pump 真空泵,抽水机vacuum flask 真空烧瓶wick 灯芯Chapter 14reaction rates 反应速率acidity 酸性,酸度adsorb 吸附aldehyde 乙醛at normal temperatures and pressures 在常温常压下basicity 碱度;碱性Bung 塞camphor 樟脑catalytic converter 催化转化器celluloid 赛璐珞(明胶)chemical analysis 化学分析chemical kinetics 化学动力学colorimeter 色度计colour intensity 色度concentration of reactants 反应物浓度constant random motion 永恒的无规则运动desorb 解吸entropy 熵(热力学状态函数,用于量度系统无序度,等于吸收之热与吸热时绝对温度之商)esterification 酯化exhaust gases 排放气体factors that affect the rate of a reaction 影响反应速率的因素gas syringe 气体注射器glass delivery tube 玻璃导管heterogeneous catalysis 多相催化(催化剂与反应物处于不同相如在固体和流体相界面间发生催化作用)homogeneous catalysis 均相催化(催化剂与反应物在同相中反应)intensity of the radiation 照射的强度inverted, water-filled burette 倒置的装满水的量管latitude 纬度low-energy collisions 低能量碰撞nitrocellulose 硝化纤维素nitroglycerine 硝化甘油oxyacetylene torch 氧乙炔火炬peroxyacetyl nitrate(PAN) 硝酸过氧化乙酰ppb 十亿分之一(10-10)ppm 百万分之一(10-6)pressure sensor 压力感受器rate determining step 决定反应速率的步骤removal 去除Ribenascanning probe microscopy(SPM) 扫描显微探针sealed container 密闭容器self-sustainedspectrophotometer 分光光度计(根据样品对可见光分解为单色光后的透(反)射能量与波长的函数关系,可准确分析色度或比较两种波长的发光强度)surface area 表面积temperature sensor 温感器(能对温度变化作出反应)the asymmetric shape of the curve 曲线的不对称形状the Boltzemann distribution 玻耳兹曼分布(处于热平衡的气体中具有不同能级的分子数的几率)the collision theory of reactivity 碰撞理论(化学反应速率等于反应物分子间的碰撞数乘以有效碰撞因子)Timer 计时器Chapter 15equilibra 平衡base 碱closed system 封闭系统constancy of macroscopic propertiescotton wool 脱脂棉dynamic equilibrium 动态平衡(在一定条件下德可逆反应里,正反应和逆反应德速率相等,反应混合物中各组成成分德含量保持不变)fertility 肥(沃)度forwards direction 正方向irreversible one-way reaction 不可逆单向反应keep the pressure constant 保持恒压Le Chatelier’s principle 勒沙特列原理(如果改变影响平衡的一个条件如浓度、压强或温度等,平衡就向能够减弱这种改变的方向移动)macroscopic propertiesnail varnish remover 洗甲油Ostwald process 奥斯特瓦尔德法(制硝酸,采用高温铂网催化剂,将氨氧化为氧化氮,经水吸收成硝酸)porous iron 多孔的铁reaction vessel 反应容器reverse direction 反方向reversible reaction 可逆反应strong acid 强酸the equilibrium shifts to minimize this increase 平衡就向能够减弱这种改变的方向移动weak acid 弱酸氨ammonia氨基酸amino acid。
Quantum Mechanics
Fundamental. Except nuclear, everything can be explained by quantum mechanics. Protein folding is no exception.
Statistical Mechanics
Coarse grained models to test qualitatively.
free energy
F = U - TS Where U is the inner energy, T is absolute temperature, and S is the entropy.
Statistical Mechanics
Associated with the particle theory of physics, properties of particles are different in different problems. Move of particles obey mechanics, either classical or quantum. Observable quantities of macro systems with large number of particles are mean values of statistics of particle. Highly reliable. Never caused any fundamental mistake.
Structure Prediction
From local to global Taking a global view Primary structure, the amino acid sequence, depends on the sequencing of DNA sequence
化学专业术语英语对照来源:发布时间:2011年4月7日爆炸界限 explosion limits霍根-华森图 Hougen-Watson Chart德拜和法尔肯哈根效应Debye and Falkenhagen effect德拜-休克尔极限公式 Debye-Huckel’s limiting equation 德拜立方公式 Debye cubic formula聚沉值 coagulation value聚沉 coagulation聚(合)电解质polyelectrolyte精馏 rectify键焓bond enthalpy触变 thixotropy解离化学吸附 dissociation chemical adsorption 简并度 degeneracy感胶离子序 lyotropic series催化剂 catalyst隔离法the isolation method隔离系统 isolated system道尔顿定律 Dalton law道尔顿分压定律 Dalton partial pressure law 超电势 over potential缔合化学吸附 association chemical adsorption 等温等容位Helmholtz free energy等温等压位Gibbs free energy等温方程 equation at constant temperature 等焓线isenthalpic line等焓过程 isenthalpic process等几率定理 theorem of equal probability 焦耳定律 Joule';s law焦耳-汤姆生效应 Joule-Thomson effect焦耳-汤姆生实验 Joule-Thomson experiment焦耳-汤姆生系数 Joule-Thomson coefficient焦耳Joule敞开系统 open system菲克扩散第一定律Fick’s first law of diffusion粗分散系统 thick disperse system第三定律熵 third-law entropy第二类永动机 perpetual machine of the second kind第一类永动机 perpetual machine of the first kind 盖斯定律 Hess law盖·吕萨克定律 Gay-Lussac law焓 enthalpy混合熵 entropy of mixing混合物 mixture接触角 contact angle接触电势contact potential弹式量热计 bomb calorimeter常见术语基态能级 energy level at ground state 基希霍夫公式 Kirchhoff formula基元反应elementary reactions高会溶点 upper consolute point高分子溶液 macromolecular solution胶凝作用 demulsification胶核 colloidal nucleus胶束micelle胶冻 broth jelly胶体粒子 colloidal particles胶体化学 collochemistry胶体分散系统 dispersion system of colloid胶体 colloid胶团 micelle积分溶解热 integration heat of dissolution盎萨格电导理论Onsager’s theory of conductance爱因斯坦-斯托克斯方程 Einstein-Stokes equation爱因斯坦光化当量定律Einstein’s law of photochemical equivalence 浸湿功 immersion wetting work浸湿 immersion wetting格罗塞斯-德雷珀定律 Grotthus-Draoer’s law 根均方速率 root-mean-square speed费米-狄拉克统计Fermi-Dirac statistics绝热量热计adiabatic calorimeter绝热指数 adiabatic index绝热过程 adiabatic process绝对熵 absolute entropy绝对温标absolute temperature scale绝对反应速率理论 absolute reaction rate theory结晶热heat of crystallization结线 tie line科尔劳施离子独立运动定律Kohlrausch’s Law of Independent Migration of Ions界面张力 surface tension界面 interfaces玻色-爱因斯坦统计Bose-Einstein statistics 玻尔兹曼熵定理 Boltzmann entropy theorem 玻尔兹曼常数 Boltzmann constant玻尔兹曼分布 Boltzmann distribution玻尔兹曼公式 Boltzmann formula独立子系统 independent particle system活度 activity活化控制 activation control活化能activation energy活化络合物理论 activated complex theory标准熵 standard entropy标准摩尔燃烧焓 standard molar combustion enthalpy标准摩尔熵 standard molar entropy标准摩尔焓函数 standard molar enthalpy function标准摩尔吉布斯自由能函数 standard molar Gibbs free energy function标准摩尔生成焓 standard molar formation enthalpy标准摩尔生成吉布斯函数 standard molar formation Gibbs function 标准摩尔反应熵 standard molar reaction entropy标准摩尔反应焓 standard molar reaction enthalpy标准摩尔反应吉布斯函数 standard Gibbs function of molar reaction 标准氢电极 standard hydrogen electrode标准态 standard state标准状况 standard condition标准压力 standard pressure标准电极电势 standard electrode potential 标准电动势 standard electromotive force标准平衡常数 standard equilibrium constant 柯诺瓦洛夫-吉布斯定律 Konovalov-Gibbs law 查理定律Charle’s law挥发度volatility恒容摩尔热容 molar heat capacity at constant volume 恒容热 heat at constant volume恒沸混合物 constant boiling mixture恒压摩尔热容 molar heat capacity at constant pressure 恒压热 heat at constant pressure恒外压 constant external pressure封闭系统 closed system复合反应composite reaction饱和蒸气压 saturated vapor pressure饱和蒸气 saturated vapor饱和液体 saturated liquids饱和吸附量 saturated extent of adsorption非基元反应 non-elementary reactions非依时计量学反应 time independent stoichiometric reactions 非体积功 non-volume work规定熵 stipulated entropy表面活性剂surfactants表面质量作用定律 surface mass action law 表面张力 surface tension表面吸附量 surface excess表面过程控制 surface process control表面 surfaces表观摩尔质量 apparent molecular weight表观活化能apparent activation energy表观迁移数apparent transference number范德华常数 van der Waals constant范德华气体 van der Waals gases范德华方程 van der Waals equation范德华力 van der Waals force范特霍夫渗透压公式van’t Hoff equation of os motic pressure范特霍夫规则van’t Hoff rule范特霍夫方程van’t Hoff equation环境熵变 entropy change in environment 环境 environment波义尔温度 Boyle temperature波义尔点 Boyle point波义尔定律 Boyle law法拉第常数 faraday constant法拉第定律Faraday’s law泊Poise沸点升高 elevation of boiling point沸点 boiling point构型熵configurational entropy定域子系统 localized particle system定容摩尔热容 molar heat capacity under constant volume定容温度计 Constant voIume thermometer定压摩尔热容 molar heat capacity under constant pressure 定压温度计 constant pressure thermometer孤立系统 isolated system固溶胶 solid sol固相线 solid phase line固态混合物 solid solution单链反应 straight chain reactions单分子层吸附理论 mono molecule layer adsorption 单分子反应 unimolecular reaction附加压力 excess pressure阿累尼乌斯活化能 Arrhenius activation energy阿累尼乌斯电离理论Arrhenius ionization theory 阿累尼乌斯方程Arrhenius equation阿伏加德罗常数Avogadro’number阿伏加德罗定律 Avogadro law阿马格定律 Amagat law沉降电势 sedimentation potential沉降平衡 sedimentation equilibrium沉降 sedimentation极限摩尔电导率 limiting molar conductivity 极化作用 polarization极化曲线 polarization curves极化电极电势 polarization potential of electrode 杠杆规则 lever rule低熔冰盐合晶 cryohydric低共熔混合物 eutectic mixture低共熔点 eutectic point低会溶点 lower consolute point亨利常数 Henry constant亨利定律 Henry law过程 process过渡状态理论 transition state theory 过热液体 overheated liquid过饱和蒸气 oversaturated vapor过饱和溶液 oversaturated solution过冷液体 overcooled liquid过冷水 super-cooled water负极 negative pole负吸附 negative adsorption安托万常数 Antoine constant安托万方程 Antoine equation多方过程polytropic process多分子层吸附理论 adsorption theory of multi-molecular layers 吉布斯函数判据 Gibbs function criterion吉布斯函数 Gibbs function吉布斯-杜亥姆方程 Gibbs-Duhem equation吉布斯吸附公式Gibbs adsorption formula吉布斯自由能 Gibbs free energy吉布斯-亥姆霍兹方程 Gibbs-Helmhotz equation 吉氏函数 Gibbs function动力学控制 kinetics control动力学方程kinetic equations共轭溶液 conjugate solution共沸温度 azeotropic temperature光谱熵 spectrum entropy光敏反应 photosensitized reactions光反应 photoreaction光化学第二定律 the second law of actinochemistry 光化学第一定律 the first law of actinochemistry价数规则 rule of valence产率 yield亥姆霍兹函数判据 Helmholtz function criterion亥姆霍兹函数 Helmholtz function亥姆霍兹自由能 Helmholtz free energy亥氏函数 Helmholtz function节流膨胀系数 coefficient of throttling expansion 节流膨胀 throttling expansion节流过程 throttling process 艾林方程 Erying equation电解池 electrolytic cell电量计 coulometer电渗析 electrodialysis电渗 electroosmosis电流效率current efficiency电泳 electrophoresis电极种类 type of electrodes电极电势 electrode potential电极反应 reactions on the electrode电迁移率 electromobility电迁移 electro migration电池常数 cell constant电池电动势 electromotive force of cells电池反应 cell reaction电导率 conductivity电导 conductance电动势的温度系数 temperature coefficient of electromotive force 电动电势 zeta potential电功electric work电化学极化 electrochemical polarization电化学 electrochemistry甘汞电极 calomel electrode弗罗因德利希吸附经验式 Freundlich empirical formula of adsorption 布朗运动 brownian movement对称数 symmetry number对应状态原理 principle of corresponding state对行反应reversible reactions对比摩尔体积 reduced mole volume对比温度 reduced temperature 对比体积 reduced volume对比压力 reduced pressure卡诺循环 Carnot cycle卡诺定理 Carnot theorem半衰期half time period半电池half cell功函work content功 work计量系数 stoichiometric coefficient计量式 stoichiometric equation比浓粘度 reduced viscosity比表面吉布斯函数 specific surface Gibbs function 比表面功 specific surface work开尔文公式 Kelvin formula反渗透 reverse osmosis反应速率常数 constant of reaction rate 反应速率rate of reaction反应热heat of reaction反应进度 extent of reaction反应级数 reaction orders反应分子数 molecularity反电动势back E.M.F.化学热力学chemical thermodynamics化学亲合势 chemical affinity化学势判据 chemical potential criterion 化学势 chemical potential化学吸附 chemisorptions化学动力学chemical kinetics化学反应进度 extent of chemical reaction化学反应计量系数 stoichiometric coefficient of chemical reaction 化学反应计量式 stoichiometric equation of chemical reaction分解电压 decomposition voltage分散相 dispersion phase分散系统 disperse system分配定律 distribution law分体积定律 partial volume law分体积 partial volume分压定律 partial pressure law分压 partial pressure分布数 distribution numbers分布 distribution分子蒸馏molecular distillation分子间力 intermolecular force分子反应力学 mechanics of molecular reactions不可逆相变化 irreversible phase change不可逆过程热力学thermodynamics of irreversible processes 不可逆过程 irreversible process广度性质 extensive property广延量 extensive quantity广延性质 extensive property几率因子 steric factor二级相变second order phase change二级反应second order reaction丁达尔效应 Dyndall effectζ电势 zeta potentialpVT性质 pVT propertyHLB法hydrophile-lipophile balance method DLVO理论 DLVO theoryBET公式BET formula可能的电解质potential electrolyte可逆电池 reversible cell可逆过程 reversible process可逆过程方程 reversible process equation 可逆体积功 reversible volume work可逆相变 reversible phase change克拉佩龙方程 Clapeyron equation克劳修斯不等式 Clausius inequality克劳修斯-克拉佩龙方程 Clausius-Clapeyron equation控制步骤 control step库仑计 coulometer扩散控制 diffusion controlled拉普拉斯方程Laplace’s equation拉乌尔定律 Raoult law兰格缪尔-欣谢尔伍德机理 Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism兰格缪尔吸附等温式 Langmuir adsorption isotherm formula 雷利公式 Rayleigh equation冷冻系数coefficient of refrigeration冷却曲线 cooling curve离解热heat of dissociation离解压力dissociation pressure离域子系统 non-localized particle systems离子的标准摩尔生成焓 standard molar formation of ion离子的电迁移率 mobility of ions离子的迁移数transport number of ions离子独立运动定律 law of the independent migration of ions 离子氛 ionic atmosphere离子强度 ionic strength理想混合物 perfect mixture理想气体 ideal gas理想气体的绝热指数 adiabatic index of ideal gases理想气体的微观模型 micro-model of ideal gas理想气体反应的等温方程 isothermal equation of ideal gaseous reactions理想气体绝热可逆过程方程 adiabatic reversible process equation of ideal gase理想气体状态方程 state equation of ideal gas理想稀溶液 ideal dilute solution理想液态混合物 perfect liquid mixture粒子 particles粒子的配分函数 partition function of particles 连串反应consecutive reactions链的传递物 chain carrier链反应 chain reactions量热熵 calorimetric entropy量子统计quantum statistics量子效率 quantum yield临界参数 critical parameter临界常数 critical constant临界点 critical point临界胶束浓度critical micelle concentration 临界摩尔体积 critical molar volume临界温度 critical temperature临界压力 critical pressure临界状态 critical state零级反应zero order reaction流动电势 streaming potential流动功 flow work笼罩效应 cage effect路易斯-兰德尔逸度规则 Lewis-Randall rule of fugacity 露点 dew point。
摩擦生热原理 英语
摩擦生热原理英语The principle of frictional heat generation, also known as the frictional heat effect, refers to the fact that when two objects come into contact and rub against each other, energy is transferred from one object to the other, resulting in an increase in the temperature of the objects.This principle can be explained by considering the microscopic interactions between the surfaces of the objects. When two objects rub against each other, the atoms or molecules on the surface of the objects come into contact and interact with each other. These interactions involve the transfer of momentum and energy between the particles.During friction, the particles on the surface of the objects experience forces that oppose their relative motion. These forces result in the deformation and elastic deformation of the particles. As the particles deform, they store energy in the form of elastic potential energy.When the particles attempt to return to their original positions, they release this stored energy in the form of heat. The heat generated during friction is transferred to the surrounding particles, causing an increase in the temperature of the objects.The amount of heat generated during friction depends on several factors, including the roughness of the surfaces, the force applied, and the duration of the frictional contact. Coarse or rough surfaces tend to generate more heat due to increased contact area and intermolecular interactions.The principle of frictional heat generation has important applications in various fields. For example, in mechanical engineering, frictional heat can be a source of energy dissipation and can lead to wear and degradation of moving parts. In physics, the study of frictional heat is relevant to understanding tribology and the behavior of materials under sliding contacts.In summary, the principle of frictional heat generation is based on the transferof energy during the rubbing of two objects. Friction causes the deformation of particles on the surfaces, resulting in the storage and release of energy in the form of heat, ultimately leading to an increase in the temperature of the objects. Understanding this principle is crucial for various applications, including engineering, physics, and tribology.。
Chapter 1 Introduction(引言)§1.1 Space and Time(空间与时间)universe宇宙object物体measurement 测量kinematics运动学motion of objects 物体的运动mass point/particle质点center of mass 质心space and time 时空rotation 旋转subject研究的对象phenomena 现象intergalactic星系间的submicroscopic 亚微观的dimension尺度uniform均匀的isotropic各向同性的continuous连续的direction方向graininess 颗粒性location位置frame of reference 参考系specify确定、规定simultaneously 同时地inconsistent with与…不一致define/definition 定义platinum-iridium铂铱合金atomic standard 原子标准transition 跃迁meridian子午线general conference on weights and measures国际计量大会vacuum真空former standard of length米原器atomic energy level原子能级isotope cesium 铯同位素krypton 氪angstrom埃§1.2 Coordinate Systems and Frames of Reference(坐标系与参考系)frame of reference 参考系coordinate system坐标系rectangular Cartesian coordinates直角笛卡儿坐标系axis / axes (pl.)(坐标)轴origin坐标原点at rest静止dimension维mutually perpendicular 互相垂直intersection 交点§1.3 Idealized Models(理想模型)idealized model 理想模型simplified version简化方式neglect忽略particle质点air resistance 空气阻力vacuum真空in terms of 利用rigid body刚体insulator绝缘体§1.4 Vectors(矢量)vector矢量scalar标量magnitude大小velocity速度acceleration 加速度momentum动量proportional to正比于parallel平行position vector位置矢量§1.5 Properties of Vectors(矢量的特点)resultant/net vectoradditionsubtractionequivalenttranslatehead-to-tail methodparallelogram methoddiagonalcommutative lawscalar productdot productdistributive lawmultiplicationcross productvector productarearight-hand ruleparallelmultiplyfunctionsome variable§1.6 Components of a Vector(矢量的分量)component分量absolute value绝对值projection投影perpendicular 垂线rectangular component正交分量§1.7 Unit Vectors(单位矢量)unit vector单位矢量dimensionless 无量纲的unit magnitude单位大小respectively分别地Chapter 2 Kinematics: Motion in Two and Three Dimensions (运动学:二维与三维运动)§2.1 Kinematical Function of a Point(质点的运动函数)position vector位置矢量trigonometry 三角学§2.2 Displacement and Velocity(位移与速度)trajectory轨迹displacement vector位移矢量velocity速度ratio比值,比率straight line直线approach趋近、接近limit极限average velocity 平均速度instantaneous velocity瞬时速度slope斜率chord弦limiting process 求极限过程curved path弯曲路径derivative导数magnitude and direction大小和方向speed速率scalar components标量分量limiting value极限值limiting process 求极限过程tangent相切、切线change增量、改变量differential n.微分differentiate v. 微分、求导integrate v.积分integration n.积分coefficient系数module (矢量的)模successively 连续地square root 平方根§2.3 Acceleration(加速度)acceleration 加速度average acceleration 平均加速度instantaneous acceleration 瞬时加速度second derivative二阶导数positive正的negative负的respectively 分别地one-dimensional motion一维运动uniform circular motion匀速圆周运动projectile motion抛体运动§2.4 Motion with Constant Acceleration(匀加速运动)无§2.5 Linear Motion with Constant Acceleration(匀加速直线运动)linear线性的one-dimensional一维的corresponding对应的eliminate消去freely falling bodies自由落体air resistance 空气阻力acceleration due to gravity 重力加速度altitude高度vertical direction 竖直方向negative sign 负号latitude经度regardless of与.无关maximum value最大值minimum value最小值§2.6 Projectile Motion (抛体运动)projectile抛体trajectory轨迹assumption 假设negligible可忽略的rotation 转动air friction 空气摩擦parabola抛物线parabolic trajectory 抛物线轨迹initial初始的horizontal水平的independent 独立的superposition叠加flight time飞行时间horizontal range射程maximum height最大高度horizontal surface水平面a body projected horizontally平抛物体vertical竖直的firing angle抛射角§2.7 Circular Motion(圆周运动)circular motion 圆周运动uniform circular motion匀速圆周运动circular motion with varying speed变速圆周运动centripetal向心的arc length 弧长angular displacement 角位移instantaneous angular velocity(瞬时)角速度radian(s) 弧度dimensional有量纲的counterclockwise 逆时针clockwise顺时针circle圆center of a circle圆心vectorially矢量地angular acceleration 角加速度tangential acceleration 切向加速度center-seeking 向心resolve (矢量)分解centripetal acceleration 向心加速度normal acceleration 法向加速度perpendicular to垂直于radial径向的radius半径§2.8 Relative Motion(相对运动)relative velocity相对速度relative acceleration 相对加速度observer观察者outcome结果measurement 测量stationary 静止的differentiate求微分Galilean transformation equation伽利略变换valid有效的special theory of relativity狭义相对论as it turns out结果是relative to相对于heading due north头朝北right triangle直角三角形upstream逆流hypotenuse直角三角形的斜边Chapter 3 Newton’s Laws of Motion(牛顿运动定律)§3.1 Newton’s First Law(牛顿第一定律)at rest静止net external force/ resultant force合外力inertial frame of reference 惯性参考系inertia惯性act on = exert(力)作用于approximation近似inertial mass 惯性质量interact (n. interaction)相互作用resultant external force合外力momentum动量unless stated otherwise 除非另有说明§3.2 Newton’s Second Law(牛顿第二定律)nonzero非零的mass质量momentum动量rate of change变化率directly proportional to正比于inversely proportional to反比于§3.3 Newton’s Third Law(牛顿第三定律)interact相互作用opposite相反、相对isolated 孤立的action force 作用力reaction force反作用力§3.4 Applications of Newton’s Laws(牛顿运动定律的应用)tension 张力diagram示意图isolate 隔离free-body diagram受力图unknown未知量Atwood’s Machine阿特伍德机light string轻绳vertically 竖直地frictionless 无摩擦的incline斜面pulley滑轮balanced平衡的block 木块、滑块wedge楔、斜铁plane 平面horizontal surface水平面§3.5 International Units and Dimensions(国际单位制与量纲)physical quantity物理量fundamental unit基本单位universally普遍scientific community科学界luminous intensity光强度abbreviation缩写lowercase小写的uppercase大写的rectangle矩形§3.6 Introduction to Some Common Forces(几种常见力)electromagnetic电磁的lean against 倚靠compress 压mattress spring 床垫弹簧normal force 法向力、支持力stiffness倔强性stretch 拉伸frictional force / force of friction 摩擦力viscous medium粘滞媒质(介质)resistance 阻力force of static friction 静摩擦力maximum force of static friction最大静摩擦力is proportional to正比于proportionality constant比例常数coefficient of static friction 静摩擦系数coefficient of kinetic friction 滑动摩擦系数variation变化§3.7 The Four Fundamental Forces(四种基本力)gravitational force 引力universal gravitational constant万有引力常数electromagnetic force电磁力bind约束Coulomb’s law库仑定律charged particle带电粒子strong nuclear force 强力hydrogen氢nucleus (pl. nuclei or nucleuses)原子核neutron 中子proton质子counteract抵抗repulsive排斥的strength强度weak nuclear force弱力short-range force 短程力radioactivity放射性radioactive decay 放射性衰变nucleons核子massless 无质量的action at a distance远程作用hypothesis 假设field场Chapter 4Linear Momentum and Angular Momentum (动量与角动量)§4.1 Linear Momentum and Impulse(动量与冲量)(linear) momentum动量impulse 冲量impulse-momentum theorem动量定理time-average force 平均冲力§4.2 Impulse-momentum Theorem for Particles System(质点系的动量定理)particles system 质点系internal forces 内力external forces 外力§4.3 Conservation of Linear Momentum(动量守恒定律)momenta(pl.)动量§4.4 Center of Mass(质心)vector notation矢量表示continuous object连续物体element of mass 质元§4.5 Motion of the Center of Mass(质心的运动)conserved 守恒的isolated system 孤立系统§4.6 Angular Momentum of a Particle(质点的角动量)conserved 守恒的isolated system 孤立系统§4.7 Conservation Law of Angular Momentum(角动量守恒定律)Kepler 开普勒ellipse椭圆Chapter 6 Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed Axis (刚体的定轴转动)§6.1 Motion of a Rigid Body(刚体的运动)rigid body刚体parallelogram rule 平行四边形法则translation 平动an extended body 空间实体rotation 转动nondeformable 不变形的resultant motion 合运动parallel平行fixed axis 固定轴counterclockwise motion 逆时针运动angular acceleration 角加速度clockwise motion顺时针运动separation 间隔translation 平动angular velocity 角速度trajectory 轨迹§6.2 Law of Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed Axis(刚体定轴转动定律)moment of inertia 转动惯量rotation axis 旋转轴torque 力矩proportionality constant比例常数element of mass 质元line of action of force 力的作用线analogue 类似;相似perpendicular distance垂直距离distribution of mass 质量分布pivot about 围绕…旋转;以…为轴旋转moment arm 力臂is proportional to与…成正比§6.3 Calculation of Moments of Inertia for Rigid Bodies(转动惯量的计算)an extended body 延续实体hoop圆环spherical shell薄球壳solid sphere实心球spherical cavity球腔linear density线密度§6.4 Application of Law of Rotation of a Rigid Body about a FixedAxis(刚体定轴转动定律应用)orientation 方向;方位atwood’s machine伍德机brake制动器,刹车pedal踏板sprocket链轮齿bearing轴承pulley滑轮nonslip 无滑动§6.5 Conservation of Angular Momentum with Respect to the Fixed Axis(对定轴角动量守恒)resultant external torque合外力矩isolated隔离的valid 有效;适用pin 销;轴hapter 7Electric Fields of Stationary Electric Charges(静止电荷的电场)§7.1 Charge(电荷)Electricity电学magnetism磁学accelerator 加速器interatomic原子间的amber琥珀magnetite磁铁矿electrification充电magnet磁铁charge 电荷quantized量子化的quantization量子化proton质子electrically charged带电的charged body带电体conservation守恒uncharged不带电的§7.2 Coulomb’s Law(库仑定律)Coulomb’s Law库仑定律inversely proportional to相反地separating 分开的permittivity介电常数hydrogen氢opposite sign符号相反§7.3 The Electric Field(电场)electric field 电场test charge检验电荷distribution分布X-ray X-射线lightning闪电electronic电子的intermolecular分子间的rub摩擦magnesia氧化镁electromagnetism电磁学plastic rod塑料棒repel排斥attract 吸引suspend悬挂neutron中子electron电子neutral中性的integer整数integral multiple整数倍proportional to正比于square平方product乘积repulsive排斥Coulomb constant库仑常数superposition principle叠加原理electric field (intensity) 电场强度source charge场源电荷radio waves无线电波atmosphere大气thundercloud 雷雨云§7.4 Calculation of Electric Field(电场的计算)stationarydenominatorelectric dipoleelectric dipole momentspherically symmetriccontinuous charge distributioncharge elementstrategy静止的分母电偶极子电偶极矩球对称电荷连续分布元电荷策略bisector平分线manipulation处理linear charge density电荷线密度surface charge density 电荷面密度volume charge density电荷体密度ring charge带电圆环charged disk带电圆盘infinite plate of charge无限大带电平面§7.5 Electric Field Lines and Electric Flux(电场线和电通量)electric field lines电场线electric flux电通量infinity无穷远visualize形象化strength强度penetrate穿过qualitative定量的closed surface闭合曲面align排列thread线intersection 相交cross交叉§7.6 Gauss’s Law(高斯定理)Gauss’s law 高斯定理arbitrary shape 任意形状gaussian surface 高斯面electric flux电通量principle 原理practice实际§7.7 Application of Gauss’s Law(高斯定理的应用)algebraic代数的rearrange重新整理charge distribution电荷分布spherical symmetry 球对称cylindrical symmetry 柱对称plane symmetry 平面对称symmetric对称的spherical shell球壳infinite length无限长infinite plane无限大平面Chapter 8 Electric Potential(电势)§8.1 Conservativity of Electrostatic Field(静电场的保守性)line integral线积分conservative force field 保守力场closed path闭合路径conservative保守的circuital theorem for electrostatic field静电场环路定理§8.2 Potential Difference and Electric Potential(电势差和电势)potential difference电势差electric potential电势infinity无穷远electrostatic potential energy 静电势能volt伏特voltage电压electron volt电子伏特battery电池§8.3 Calculation of Electric Potential(电势的计算)equipotential surface等势面broken lines虚线semicircular半圆的insulating绝缘的infinite无限的dashed lines虚线extend延伸solid lines实线finite有限的arbitrary任意的function函数curved surface曲面§8.4 Electric Potential Gradient(电势梯度)gradient梯度notation符号potential Gradient电势梯度maximum最大值right angle 直角sketch勾画§8.5 Electrostatic Potential Energy(静电势能)electrostatic potential energy 静电势能vicinity附近Chapter 9 Conductor in Electrostatic Field(静电场中的导体)§9.1 Conductors in Electrostatic Equilibrium(导体的静电平衡)isolated conductor 孤立导体electrostatic equilibrium静电平衡equipotential body等势体radius of curvature曲率半径electrostatic shielding静电屏蔽neutralize电中和sharp point discharge尖端放电lightning rod 避雷针cosmic rays 宇宙射线lightning stroke雷击glow discharge 辉光放电ion离子corona discharge电晕放电shrink收缩cavity 空腔grounding接地curved surface 曲面conducting wire导线collision碰撞thunderstorm雷暴induced charge 感应电荷insert插入guarantee保证contradiction 矛盾§9.2 Calculation of Electrostatic Field with Conductors Nearby(有导体存在时静电场的分析与计算)conducting slab 导电板lateral area侧面uncharged conductor不带电导体edge effect边缘效应redistribute 重新分配external外部Chapter 10 Capacitors and Dielectrics in Electrostatic Field (电容器和静电场中的电介质)§10.1 Capacitance and Capacitors(电容和电容器)Leyden jar 莱顿瓶flash 闪光灯capacitance电容coaxial同轴的capacitor电容器coaxial cable同轴电缆parallel-plate capacitor 平行平板电容器concentric同心的cylindrical capacitor圆柱形电容器parallel combination 并联spherical capacitor 球形电容器series combination串联submultiple因数farad 法拉microfarad 微法拉picofarad 皮法拉rectify 调整inductance 自感应ignition 点火sparking打火花metallic金属(性)的combination联合、组合equivalent相当的§10.2 Dielectrics and Electric Field(电介质与电场)dielectric电介质relative dielectric constant 相对介电常数voltmeter 伏特计insulating绝缘的dielectric breakdown介质击穿dielectric strength介电强度§10.3 Polarization of Dielectrics(电介质的极化)polarize极化polar molecules极性分子polarization 极化nonpolar molecules非极性分子induced dipole moments 感应电矩permanent electric dipole moments 固有电矩surface charge表面电荷align排成一线orient取向bound charge束缚电荷homogeneous 均匀的free charge 自由电荷microwave 微波oven 烤箱vibrate 振动tune 调整resonate 共振oscillate 振荡§10.4 Gauss’s Law for Electric Displacement Vector(高斯定律)electric displacement 电位移dielectric constant介电常数deliberately故意地the flux of D(r) D(r) 的通量permittivity电容率§10.5 Energy Stored in a Charged Capacitor(电容器的能量)transfer转移electrostatic potential energy 静电势能battery电池electrostatic field energy 静电场能increment 增量energy density能量密度transformation转化maximum operating voltage 最大工作电压terminal 终端deliver递送dissipate消散pathway路径Chapter 11 Magnetic Force (磁力)§11.1 Nature of Magnetic Force(磁力的本质)magnetite磁铁矿石bar magnet条形磁铁interaction 相互作用magnetic pole磁极electric current loops of molecules分子环形电流§11.2 Magnetic Field and Magnetic Field Vector(磁场和磁感应强度)magnetic field磁场magnetic field vector=magnetic induction =magnetic flux density磁感应强度magnetic force 磁场力Lorentz force 洛仑兹力B-line磁感(应)线magnetic flux磁通量tesla(T)特(斯拉)weber韦伯§11.3 Motion of a Charged Particle in a Magnetic Field(带电粒子在磁场中的运动)cyclotron period回旋周期magnetic focusing磁聚焦helix螺旋线pitch螺距magnetic lens磁镜magnetic confinement 磁约束a magnetic bottle磁瓶the mass spectrometer 质谱仪schematic drawing示意图ion离子precision 精确度proton质子deuteron 氘核bombard 轰击cyclotron 加速器dees D型盒evacuate抽成真空shield屏蔽oscillate 振动plasma等离子体nuclear fusion核聚变Van Allen belts范阿仑辐射带§11.4 The Hall Effect(霍尔效应)the Hall voltage 霍尔电压the drift velocity漂移速度§11.5 Magnetic Force on a Current-carrying Conductor(载流导体在磁场中受力—安培力)current-carrying conductor/wire载流导体/导线current loop in a uniform magnetic field匀强磁场中的载流线圈linear element 线元current element vector 电流元矢量loop 环, 回路magnetic moment of a current loop载流线圈磁矩rectangular loop矩形回路a wire segment 一段导线strip 条;带Chapter 12 Source of Magnetic Field(磁场的源)§12.1 The Magnetic Field of Moving Point Charges(运动点电荷的磁场)permeability of free space真空磁导率§12.2 The Biot-Savart Law(毕奥-萨伐尔定律)the Biot-Savart Law毕奥-萨伐尔定律permeability of free space真空磁导率Gauss’law in magnetism磁场的高斯定律magnetic monopoles磁单极solenoid螺线管turn匝current-carrying wire 载流导线encircle环绕current element电流元diverge发散converge聚合magnetic pole磁极magnet磁铁magnetic flux磁通量§12.3 Ampere Circuital Theorem (安培环路定理)penetrate穿过bounded by以…为边界finite point 有限点line integral线积分§12.4 Application of Ampere Circuital Theorem(安培环路定理的应用)current-carrying wire 载流导线circumference 周长cylindrical shell圆柱形壳toroid螺绕环inner radius 内径outer radius外径spherical conductor 球形导体§12.5 Magnetic Field due to Varying Electric Field(与变化的电场相联系的磁场)displacement current位移电流generalized Ampere’s Law广义安培环路定理conduction current传导电流magnetic monopole磁单级postulate假设total current全电流steady current恒定电流§12.6 The Magnetic Force Between Two Parallel Current-carryingWires(平行电流间的相互作用力)antiparallel反平行Chapter 13 Magnetic Media in Magnetic Field(磁场中的磁介质)§13.1 Effect on Magnetic Field Caused by Magnetic Media(磁介质对磁场的影响)magnetic medium磁介质diamagnetic medium抗磁质paramagnetic medium顺磁质ferromagnetic material 铁磁质magnetic moment 磁矩paramagnetism 顺磁性partial alignment部分取向electron spin 电子自旋magnetic dipole 磁偶极子ferromagnetism 铁磁性diamagnetism抗磁性induced magnetic moment感生磁矩permanent magnetic moment固有磁矩§13.2 Atomic Magnetic Dipole Moments(原子磁矩)magnetization磁化atomic原子的magnetic dipole moment磁矩orbital magnetic moment 轨道磁矩quantum theory量子理论intrinsic spin angular momentum内禀自旋角动量§13.3 Magnetization(磁介质的磁化)magnetization n.磁化、磁化强度magnetize . 磁化atomic current loopamperian currentcross-sectional area分子环流v安培电流横截面积induced magnetic dipole moments感生磁矩surface magnetization current/ bound current面磁化电流(面束缚电流)applied magnetic field外加磁场magnetic susceptibility磁化率relative permeability相对磁导率bismuth 铋Bohr magneton玻尔磁子superconductor超导体emf电动势§13.4 Ferromagnetic Materials(铁磁质)iron铁cobalt钴nickel镍alloy 合金ferromagnetism 铁磁性magnetic domain磁畴critical temperature临界温度Curie temperature居里温度thermal agitation热扰动end effect边界效应magnetic saturation磁饱和reversible 可逆的magnetic hysteresis磁滞效应hysteresis loop 磁滞回线magnetization curve磁化曲线initial magnetization curve起始磁化曲线remnant magnetization剩磁coercive force矫顽力memory 记忆能力magnetize磁化demagnetize去磁,退磁transformer 变压器motor 电动机secondary coil副线圈cycle循环irreversible process 不可逆过程hard ferromagnetic materials硬磁性材料soft ferromagnetic materials软磁性材料hysteresis loss磁滞损耗(铁损)Curie point居里点permanent magnet永久磁体,magnetic tape磁带,memory unit记忆元件iron cores铁芯galvanometer 电流计rr§13.5 Circuital Theorem for H (H 的环路定理)magnetic intensity磁场强度magnetization current 磁化电流free current自由电流isotropic各向同性的permeability磁导率relative permeability相对磁导率Chapter 14 Electromagnetic Induction(电磁感应)§14.1 Faraday Law of Electromagnetic Induction(法拉第电磁感应定律)electromagnetic induction 电磁感应induction current感应电流emf (electromotive force) 电动势induction emf 感生电动势weber韦伯Lenz Law楞次定律polarity极性§14.2 Motional emf(动生电动势)motional emf 动生电动势§14.3 Induced emf and Induced Electric Field(感生电动势和感生电场)nonelectrostatic force非静电力induced emf 感生电动势induced electric field感生电场vortex field涡旋场eddy currents 涡流nonconservative field 非保守场time-varying field时变场alternate变化alternative 交流电的,交变的laminated叠片(组成)的§14.4 Mutual Induction(互感现象)mutual induction互感现象mutual inductance互感系数emf by mutual induction互感电动势orientation 方位§14.5 Self-induction(自感现象)self-induction自感现象self-inductance 自感系数inductor电感self-induced emf 自感电动势is proportional to正比于§14.6 Energy of Magnetic Field(磁场的能量)magnetic energy density磁场能量密度energy due to mutual induction互感磁能Chapter 15 Maxwell’s Equations and Electromagnetic Waves (麦克斯韦方程组组与电磁波波)§15-1 Maxwell’s Equations(麦克斯韦方程组)§15-2 Electromagnetic Waves(电磁波)propagation传播in phase同相、同步transverse waves横波wavelength波长visible spectrum可见光谱infrared waves 红外波radiation 辐射ultraviolet ray紫外线Poynging vector 坡印亭矢量§15-3 The Wave Equation for Electromagnetic Waves(电磁波的方程)wave function波函数wave equation波的方程wave number 波数angular frequency 角频率plane wave平面波Chapter 16 Temperature and the Kinetic Theory of Gases(温度与气体运动论)§16.1 Thermal Equilibrium and Temperature (热平衡及温度)temperature 温度hotness热coldness冷thermometric property热力学特性thermal contact热接触the average internal molecular kinetic energy 分子内平均动能thermal equilibrium热平衡electrical conductor 导电器the zeroth law of thermodynamics热力学第零定律temperature scale温标§16.2 The Celsius and Fahrenheit Temperature Scales(摄氏温标与华氏温标)thermometer温度计temperature scale温标the ice-point temperature冰点温度freezing point冰点steam-point沸点normal boiling point标准沸点the steam-point temperature 气化点温度the Celsius temperature scale摄氏温标the Fahrenheit temperature scale华氏温标§16.3 Gas Thermometers and the Absolute Temperature Scale(气体温度计和绝对温标)calibrate 校对、校准discrepancy差异volume 体积density密度sufficiently low 足够低sulfur硫a constant-volume gas thermometer等容气体温度计triple point of water 水的三相点ideal-gas temperature scale理想气体温标absolute temperature scale绝对温标nitrogen氮hydrogen氢oxygen氧recalibrate再校准extrapolate外推,向外延长triple point 三相点coexist共存helium氦liquefy液化in terms of 利用rigid body刚体insulator绝缘体Kelvin scale 开尔文温标§16.4 The Ideal-Gas Law(理想气体定律)Boyle’s law玻意耳定律constant volume 等体Boltzmann’s constant玻耳兹曼常量mole摩尔Avogadro’s number 阿伏伽德罗常量carbon atom碳原子universal gas constant普适气体常量ideal gas理想气体equation of state状态方程state variable状态参量standard condition标准条件subscript 下标§16.5 The Kinetic Theory of Gases(气体分子运动论)macroscopic state variable宏观状态变量microscopic quantity微观量walls of a container容器壁translational kinetic energy平动动能root mean square (rms) speed方均根速率order of magnitude量级piston活塞redistribute 再分布partition 分配equipartition theorem(能)均分定理classical statistical mechanics经典统计力学degree of freedom自由度monatomic 单原子的bond键diatomic 双原子的polyatomic 多原子的vibration振动mean free path平均自由程air current 气流convection 对流diffuse扩散reciprocal倒数frequency频率§16.6 Maxwell Speed Distribution Function(麦克斯韦速率分布函数)probability概率abscissa横坐标normalization condition 归一化条件most probable distribution最概然分布Chapter 17 Heat and the First Law of Thermodynamics (热及热力学第一定律)§17.1 Heat Capacity and Specific Heat(热容与比热)atomist 原子学家thermal energy 热能manifestation 表现形式molecular motion 分子运动thermal contact热接触caloric a.热的n.热(质)internal energy 内能heat capacity热容量phase相heat conduction热传导calorie卡(路里)molar mass摩尔质量Law of conservation of energy能量守恒定律The first law of thermodynamics 热力学第一定律be proportional to和…成正比molar specific heat摩尔比热solar heating system太阳能热系统coolant冷却液§17.2 Change of Phase and Latent Heat(相变与潜热)heat capacity热容量phase change相变vaporization汽化,蒸发fusion 熔化melting融化condensation 凝聚sublimation升华carbon dioxide二氧化碳crystalline a. 结晶的、晶状的n.结晶体average translational kinetic energy平均平动动能latent heat潜热§17.3 Joule’s Experiment(焦耳实验)thermally insulated绝热的mechanical equivalence of heat热功当量§17.4 The Internal Energy of an Ideal Gas(理想气体内能)internal energy 内能real gas实际气体§17.5 Work and the PV Diagram for a Gas(功与气体PV图)quasi-static process准静态过程piston活塞isobaric等压的isothermal 等温的§17.6 The First Law of Thermodynamics(热力学第一定律)§17.7 Heat Capacities of Gases(气体的热容)infinitesimal无穷小的§17.8 The Quasi-Static Adiabatic Process for an Ideal Gas(理想气体准静态绝热过程)compression 压缩Poisson formula 泊松公式process equations 过程方程§17.9 Kinds of Thermodynamic Processes(热力学过程的种类)Chapter 18 The Second Law of Thermodynamics(热力学第二定律)§18.1 Heat Engines and the Second Law of Thermodynamics(热机与热力学第二定律)second law of thermodynamics 热力学第二定律Kelvin statement开尔文表述Clausius statement 克劳修斯表述heat engine热机working substance工质steam engine蒸汽机internal-combustion engine内燃机heat reservoir热库vaporize 汽化condenser冷凝器exhaust valve 排气阀combustion chamber 燃烧室intake stroke进气冲程ignite点燃spark plug火花塞power stroke做功冲程Otto cycle 奥拓循环efficiency of a heat engine热机的效率§18.2 Refrigerators and the Second Law of Thermodynamics(制冷机与热力学第二定律)§18.3 Equivalence of the Heat-Engine and Refrigerator Statements(开尔文表述与克劳修斯表述的等价性)§18.4 The Carnot Engine and Carnot Cycle(卡诺热机与卡诺循环)refrigeration cycle 制冷循环efficiency of positive cycle正循环的效率Carnot cycle 卡诺循环Carnot engine 卡诺热机expansion 膨胀compression压缩schematic diagram原理图、示意图friction摩擦reversible可逆的Carnot efficiency 卡诺效率irreversible 不可逆的dissipative force耗散力nonequilibrium state 非平衡态viscous force粘滞力§18.5 Degradation of Energy(能量的损失)§18.6 Irreversibility and Disorder(不可逆性与无序性)microscopic state微观状态macroscopic state宏观状态disorder无序性random motion无规则运动§18.7 Entropy(熵)Boltzmann entropy玻耳兹曼熵principle of entropy increase熵增加原理additivity of entropy熵的可加性statistical meaning 统计意义reversible process 可逆过程infinitesimal无穷小的function of state 状态函数§18.8 Entropy and Probability(熵与概率)microscopic state微观态macroscopic state宏观态spontaneously自发地evacuated 真空的Chapter 19 Oscillatory Motion(振动)§19.1 Description of Simple Harmonic Motion(简谐运动的描述)oscillation/ vibration振动oscillatory motion 振动simple harmonic motion (SHM)简谐运动Spring弹簧equilibrium position平衡位置period 周期frequency频率hertz(Hz)赫兹reciprocal倒数amplitude振幅phase相、位相、周相phase angle /(phase constant) 初相、初位相integer times 整数倍a variety of很多displacement 位移velocity速度acceleration 加速度substitute替换(代)disturb扰动trigonometric三角法的,据三角法的kinematics 运动学compensate补偿§19.2 Phasor and Phase(旋转矢量与振动的相)circular motion 圆周运动initial position初始位置angular displacement 角位移angular speed 角速度in phase同相antiphase /180°out of phase反相component分量projection投影§19.3 Dynamic Equation for Simple Harmonic Motion(简谐运动的动力学方程)force constant of a spring倔强系数restoring force 恢复力harmonic oscillator谐振子in phase同相derivative/differentiate 微商,导数substitute替换、替代damping减幅,衰减sustain 维持compensate补偿,修正stiffness坚硬,硬度pitch定调negative/minus 负,减dynamics 动力学§19.4 Examples of Simple Harmonic Motion(简谐运动的实例)simple pendulum单摆physical pendulum物理摆/复摆pendulum bob摆锤pivot转动的轴moment of inertia转动惯量component分量torque扭矩,转矩§19.5 Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion(简谐运动的能量)§19.6 Combination of Simple Harmonic Motion(简谐运动的合成)combination 合成component分量periodically 周期性地triangle relation三角关系beat拍beat frequency 拍频§19.7 Damped Oscillations, Driven Oscillations and Resonance(阻尼振动受迫振动共振)damped oscillations阻尼振动overdamping过阻尼overdamped 过阻尼的underdamped欠阻尼的critical damping 临界阻尼nonoscillatory不摆动的,不波动的molasses 糖蜜critically damped 临界阻尼的driven oscillations受迫振动resonance共振natural angular frequency固有角频率natural period固有周期Chapter 20 Waves(波动)§20.1 Traveling Waves(行波)disturbance扰动propagate v.传播propagation n.传播medium媒质、媒介mechanical waves机械波。
一些物理化学专业英语词汇BET公式BET formulaDLVO理论DLVO theoryHLB法hydrophile-lipophile balance methodpVT性质pVT propertyζ电势zeta potential阿伏加德罗常数Avogadro’number阿伏加德罗定律Avogadro law阿累尼乌斯电离理论Arrhenius ionization theory阿累尼乌斯方程Arrhenius equation阿累尼乌斯活化能Arrhenius activation energy阿马格定律Amagat law艾林方程Erying equation爱因斯坦光化当量定律Einstein’s law of photochemical equivalence爱因斯坦-斯托克斯方程Einstein-Stokes equation安托万常数Antoine constant安托万方程Antoine equation盎萨格电导理论Onsager’s theory of conductance半电池half cell半衰期half time period饱和液体saturated liquids饱和蒸气saturated vapor饱和吸附量saturated extent of adsorption饱和蒸气压saturated vapor pressure爆炸界限explosion limits比表面功specific surface work比表面吉布斯函数specific surface Gibbs function比浓粘度reduced viscosity标准电动势standard electromotive force标准电极电势standard electrode potential标准摩尔反应焓standard molar reaction enthalpy标准摩尔反应吉布斯函数standard Gibbs function of molar reaction标准摩尔反应熵standard molar reaction entropy标准摩尔焓函数standard molar enthalpy function标准摩尔吉布斯自由能函数standard molar Gibbs free energy function 标准摩尔燃烧焓standard molar combustion enthalpy标准摩尔熵standard molar entropy标准摩尔生成焓standard molar formation enthalpy标准摩尔生成吉布斯函数standard molar formation Gibbs function标准平衡常数standard equilibrium constant标准氢电极standard hydrogen electrode标准态standard state标准熵standard entropy标准压力standard pressure标准状况standard condition表观活化能apparent activation energy表观摩尔质量apparent molecular weight表观迁移数apparent transference number表面surfaces表面过程控制surface process control表面活性剂surfactants表面吸附量surface excess表面张力surface tension表面质量作用定律surface mass action law波义尔定律Boyle law波义尔温度Boyle temperature波义尔点Boyle point玻尔兹曼常数Boltzmann constant玻尔兹曼分布Boltzmann distribution玻尔兹曼公式Boltzmann formula玻尔兹曼熵定理Boltzmann entropy theorem玻色-爱因斯坦统计Bose-Einstein statistics泊Poise不可逆过程irreversible process不可逆过程热力学thermodynamics of irreversible processes 不可逆相变化irreversible phase change布朗运动brownian movement查理定律Charle’s law产率yield敞开系统open system超电势over potential沉降sedimentation沉降电势sedimentation potential沉降平衡sedimentation equilibrium触变thixotropy粗分散系统thick disperse system催化剂catalyst单分子层吸附理论mono molecule layer adsorption单分子反应unimolecular reaction单链反应straight chain reactions弹式量热计bomb calorimeter道尔顿定律Dalton law道尔顿分压定律Dalton partial pressure law德拜和法尔肯哈根效应Debye and Falkenhagen effect德拜立方公式Debye cubic formula德拜-休克尔极限公式Debye-Huckel’s limiting equation等焓过程isenthalpic process等焓线isenthalpic line等几率定理theorem of equal probability等温等容位Helmholtz free energy等温等压位Gibbs free energy等温方程equation at constant temperature低共熔点eutectic point低共熔混合物eutectic mixture低会溶点lower consolute point低熔冰盐合晶cryohydric第二类永动机perpetual machine of the second kind第三定律熵third-law entropy第一类永动机perpetual machine of the first kind缔合化学吸附association chemical adsorption电池常数cell constant电池电动势electromotive force of cells电池反应cell reaction电导conductance电导率conductivity电动势的温度系数temperature coefficient of electromotive force 电动电势zeta potential电功electric work电化学electrochemistry电化学极化electrochemical polarization电极电势electrode potential电极反应reactions on the electrode电极种类type of electrodes电解池electrolytic cell电量计coulometer电流效率current efficiency电迁移electro migration电迁移率electromobility电渗electroosmosis电渗析electrodialysis电泳electrophoresis丁达尔效应Dyndall effect定容摩尔热容molar heat capacity under constant volume定容温度计Constant voIume thermometer定压摩尔热容molar heat capacity under constant pressure定压温度计constant pressure thermometer定域子系统localized particle system动力学方程kinetic equations动力学控制kinetics control独立子系统independent particle system对比摩尔体积reduced mole volume对比体积reduced volume对比温度reduced temperature对比压力reduced pressure对称数symmetry number对行反应reversible reactions对应状态原理principle of corresponding state多方过程polytropic process多分子层吸附理论adsorption theory of multi-molecular layers 二级反应second order reaction二级相变second order phase change法拉第常数faraday constant法拉第定律Faraday’s law反电动势back E.M.F.反渗透reverse osmosis反应分子数molecularity反应级数reaction orders反应进度extent of reaction反应热heat of reaction反应速率rate of reaction反应速率常数constant of reaction rate范德华常数van der Waals constant范德华方程van der Waals equation范德华力van der Waals force范德华气体van der Waals gases范特霍夫方程van’t Hoff equation范特霍夫规则van’t Hoff rule范特霍夫渗透压公式van’t Hoff equation of osmotic pressure 非基元反应non-elementary reactions非体积功non-volume work非依时计量学反应time independent stoichiometric reactions 菲克扩散第一定律Fick’s first law of diffusion沸点boiling point沸点升高elevation of boiling point费米-狄拉克统计Fermi-Dirac statistics分布distribution分布数distribution numbers分解电压decomposition voltage分配定律distribution law分散系统disperse system分散相dispersion phase分体积partial volume分体积定律partial volume law分压partial pressure分压定律partial pressure law分子反应力学mechanics of molecular reactions分子间力intermolecular force分子蒸馏molecular distillation封闭系统closed system附加压力excess pressure弗罗因德利希吸附经验式Freundlich empirical formula of adsorption 负极negative pole负吸附negative adsorption复合反应composite reaction盖·吕萨克定律Gay-Lussac law盖斯定律Hess law甘汞电极calomel electrode感胶离子序lyotropic series杠杆规则lever rule高分子溶液macromolecular solution高会溶点upper consolute point隔离法the isolation method格罗塞斯-德雷珀定律Grotthus-Draoer’s law隔离系统isolated system根均方速率root-mean-square speed功work功函work content共轭溶液conjugate solution共沸温度azeotropic temperature构型熵configurational entropy孤立系统isolated system固溶胶solid sol固态混合物solid solution固相线solid phase line光反应photoreaction光化学第二定律the second law of actinochemistry光化学第一定律the first law of actinochemistry光敏反应photosensitized reactions光谱熵spectrum entropy广度性质extensive property广延量extensive quantity广延性质extensive property规定熵stipulated entropy过饱和溶液oversaturated solution过饱和蒸气oversaturated vapor过程process过渡状态理论transition state theory过冷水super-cooled water过冷液体overcooled liquid过热液体overheated liquid亥姆霍兹函数Helmholtz function亥姆霍兹函数判据Helmholtz function criterion亥姆霍兹自由能Helmholtz free energy亥氏函数Helmholtz function焓enthalpy亨利常数Henry constant亨利定律Henry law恒沸混合物constant boiling mixture恒容摩尔热容molar heat capacity at constant volume恒容热heat at constant volume恒外压constant external pressure恒压摩尔热容molar heat capacity at constant pressure恒压热heat at constant pressure化学动力学chemical kinetics化学反应计量式stoichiometric equation of chemical reaction化学反应计量系数stoichiometric coefficient of chemical reaction 化学反应进度extent of chemical reaction化学亲合势chemical affinity化学热力学chemical thermodynamics化学势chemical potential化学势判据chemical potential criterion化学吸附chemisorptions环境environment环境熵变entropy change in environment挥发度volatility混合熵entropy of mixing混合物mixture活度activity活化控制activation control活化络合物理论activated complex theory活化能activation energy霍根-华森图Hougen-Watson Chart基态能级energy level at ground state基希霍夫公式Kirchhoff formula基元反应elementary reactions积分溶解热integration heat of dissolution吉布斯-杜亥姆方程Gibbs-Duhem equation吉布斯-亥姆霍兹方程Gibbs-Helmhotz equation吉布斯函数Gibbs function吉布斯函数判据Gibbs function criterion吉布斯吸附公式Gibbs adsorption formula吉布斯自由能Gibbs free energy吉氏函数Gibbs function极化电极电势polarization potential of electrode 极化曲线polarization curves极化作用polarization极限摩尔电导率limiting molar conductivity几率因子steric factor计量式stoichiometric equation计量系数stoichiometric coefficient价数规则rule of valence简并度degeneracy键焓bond enthalpy胶冻broth jelly胶核colloidal nucleus胶凝作用demulsification胶束micelle胶体colloid胶体分散系统dispersion system of colloid胶体化学collochemistry胶体粒子colloidal particles胶团micelle焦耳Joule焦耳-汤姆生实验Joule-Thomson experiment焦耳-汤姆生系数Joule-Thomson coefficient焦耳-汤姆生效应Joule-Thomson effect焦耳定律Joule`s law接触电势contact potential接触角contact angle节流过程throttling process节流膨胀throttling expansion节流膨胀系数coefficient of throttling expansion 结线tie line结晶热heat of crystallization解离化学吸附dissociation chemical adsorption 界面interfaces界面张力surface tension浸湿immersion wetting浸湿功immersion wetting work精馏rectify聚(合)电解质polyelectrolyte聚沉coagulation聚沉值coagulation value绝对反应速率理论absolute reaction rate theory 绝对熵absolute entropy绝对温标absolute temperature scale绝热过程adiabatic process绝热量热计adiabatic calorimeter绝热指数adiabatic index卡诺定理Carnot theorem卡诺循环Carnot cycle开尔文公式Kelvin formula柯诺瓦洛夫-吉布斯定律Konovalov-Gibbs law科尔劳施离子独立运动定律Kohlrausch’s Law of Independent Migration of Ions 可能的电解质potential electrolyte可逆电池reversible cell可逆过程reversible process可逆过程方程reversible process equation可逆体积功reversible volume work可逆相变reversible phase change克拉佩龙方程Clapeyron equation克劳修斯不等式Clausius inequality克劳修斯-克拉佩龙方程Clausius-Clapeyron equation控制步骤control step库仑计coulometer扩散控制diffusion controlled拉普拉斯方程Laplace’s equation拉乌尔定律Raoult law兰格缪尔-欣谢尔伍德机理Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism兰格缪尔吸附等温式Langmuir adsorption isotherm formula雷利公式Rayleigh equation冷冻系数coefficient of refrigeration冷却曲线cooling curve离解热heat of dissociation离解压力dissociation pressure离域子系统non-localized particle systems离子的标准摩尔生成焓standard molar formation of ion离子的电迁移率mobility of ions离子的迁移数transport number of ions离子独立运动定律law of the independent migration of ions离子氛ionic atmosphere离子强度ionic strength理想混合物perfect mixture理想气体ideal gas接触电势contact potential接触角contact angle节流过程throttling process节流膨胀throttling expansion节流膨胀系数coefficient of throttling expansion结线tie line结晶热heat of crystallization解离化学吸附dissociation chemical adsorption界面interfaces界面张力surface tension浸湿immersion wetting浸湿功immersion wetting work精馏rectify聚(合)电解质polyelectrolyte聚沉coagulation聚沉值coagulation value绝对反应速率理论absolute reaction rate theory绝对熵absolute entropy绝对温标absolute temperature scale绝热过程adiabatic process绝热量热计adiabatic calorimeter绝热指数adiabatic index卡诺定理Carnot theorem卡诺循环Carnot cycle开尔文公式Kelvin formula柯诺瓦洛夫-吉布斯定律Konovalov-Gibbs law科尔劳施离子独立运动定律Kohlrausch’s Law of Independent Migration of Ions 可能的电解质potential electrolyte可逆电池reversible cell可逆过程reversible process可逆过程方程reversible process equation可逆体积功reversible volume work可逆相变reversible phase change克拉佩龙方程Clapeyron equation克劳修斯不等式Clausius inequality克劳修斯-克拉佩龙方程Clausius-Clapeyron equation控制步骤control step库仑计coulometer扩散控制diffusion controlled拉普拉斯方程Laplace’s equation拉乌尔定律Raoult law兰格缪尔-欣谢尔伍德机理Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism兰格缪尔吸附等温式Langmuir adsorption isotherm formula雷利公式Rayleigh equation冷冻系数coefficient of refrigeration冷却曲线cooling curve离解热heat of dissociation离解压力dissociation pressure离域子系统non-localized particle systems离子的标准摩尔生成焓standard molar formation of ion离子的电迁移率mobility of ions离子的迁移数transport number of ions离子独立运动定律law of the independent migration of ions离子氛ionic atmosphere离子强度ionic strength理想混合物perfect mixture理想气体ideal gas理想气体的绝热指数adiabatic index of ideal gases理想气体的微观模型micro-model of ideal gas理想气体反应的等温方程isothermal equation of ideal gaseous reactions理想气体绝热可逆过程方程adiabatic reversible process equation of ideal gases 理想气体状态方程state equation of ideal gas理想稀溶液ideal dilute solution理想液态混合物perfect liquid mixture粒子particles粒子的配分函数partition function of particles连串反应consecutive reactions链的传递物chain carrier链反应chain reactions量热熵calorimetric entropy量子统计quantum statistics量子效率quantum yield临界参数critical parameter临界常数critical constant临界点critical point临界胶束浓度critical micelle concentration临界摩尔体积critical molar volume临界温度critical temperature临界压力critical pressure临界状态critical state零级反应zero order reaction流动电势streaming potential流动功flow work笼罩效应cage effect路易斯-兰德尔逸度规则Lewis-Randall rule of fugacity露点dew point露点线dew point line麦克斯韦关系式Maxwell relations麦克斯韦速率分布Maxwell distribution of speeds麦克斯韦能量分布MaxwelIdistribution of energy毛细管凝结condensation in capillary毛细现象capillary phenomena米凯利斯常数Michaelis constant摩尔电导率molar conductivity摩尔反应焓molar reaction enthalpy摩尔混合熵mole entropy of mixing摩尔气体常数molar gas constant摩尔热容molar heat capacity摩尔溶解焓mole dissolution enthalpy摩尔稀释焓mole dilution enthalpy内扩散控制internal diffusions control内能internal energy内压力internal pressure能级energy levels能级分布energy level distribution能量均分原理principle of the equipartition of energy能斯特方程Nernst equation能斯特热定理Nernst heat theorem凝固点freezing point凝固点降低lowering of freezing point凝固点曲线freezing point curve凝胶gelatin凝聚态condensed state凝聚相condensed phase浓差超电势concentration over-potential浓差极化concentration polarization浓差电池concentration cells帕斯卡pascal泡点bubble point泡点线bubble point line配分函数partition function配分函数的析因子性质property that partition function to be expressed as a product of the separate partition functions for each kind of state碰撞截面collision cross section碰撞数the number of collisions偏摩尔量partial mole quantities平衡常数(理想气体反应)equilibrium constants for reactions of ideal gases平动配分函数partition function of translation平衡分布equilibrium distribution平衡态equilibrium state平衡态近似法equilibrium state approximation平衡状态图equilibrium state diagram平均活度mean activity平均活度系统mean activity coefficient平均摩尔热容mean molar heat capacity平均质量摩尔浓度mean mass molarity平均自由程mean free path平行反应parallel reactions破乳demulsification铺展spreading普遍化范德华方程universal van der Waals equation其它功the other work气化热heat of vaporization气溶胶aerosol气体常数gas constant气体分子运动论kinetic theory of gases气体分子运动论的基本方程foundamental equation of kinetic theory of gases 气溶胶aerosol气相线vapor line迁移数transport number潜热latent heat强度量intensive quantity强度性质intensive property亲液溶胶hydrophilic sol氢电极hydrogen electrodes区域熔化zone melting热heat热爆炸heat explosion热泵heat pump热功当量mechanical equivalent of heat热函heat content热化学thermochemistry热化学方程thermochemical equation热机heat engine热机效率efficiency of heat engine热力学thermodynamics热力学第二定律the second law of thermodynamics热力学第三定律the third law of thermodynamics热力学第一定律the first law of thermodynamics热力学基本方程fundamental equation of thermodynamics热力学几率thermodynamic probability热力学能thermodynamic energy热力学特性函数characteristic thermodynamic function热力学温标thermodynamic scale of temperature热力学温度thermodynamic temperature热熵thermal entropy热效应heat effect熔点曲线melting point curve熔化热heat of fusion溶胶colloidal sol溶解焓dissolution enthalpy溶液solution溶胀swelling乳化剂emulsifier乳状液emulsion润湿wetting润湿角wetting angle萨克尔-泰特洛德方程Sackur-Tetrode equation 三相点triple point三相平衡线triple-phase line熵entropy熵判据entropy criterion熵增原理principle of entropy increase渗透压osmotic pressure渗析法dialytic process生成反应formation reaction升华热heat of sublimation实际气体real gas舒尔采-哈迪规则Schulze-Hardy rule松驰力relaxation force松驰时间time of relaxation速度常数reaction rate constant速率方程rate equations速率控制步骤rate determining step塔费尔公式Tafel equation态-态反应state-state reactions唐南平衡Donnan equilibrium淌度mobility特鲁顿规则Trouton rule特性粘度intrinsic viscosity体积功volume work统计权重statistical weight统计热力学statistic thermodynamics统计熵statistic entropy途径path途径函数path function外扩散控制external diffusion control完美晶体perfect crystalline完全气体perfect gas微观状态microstate微态microstate韦斯顿标准电池Weston standard battery维恩效应Wien effect维里方程virial equation维里系数virial coefficient稳流过程steady flow process稳态近似法stationary state approximation无热溶液athermal solution无限稀溶液solutions in the limit of extreme dilution物理化学Physical Chemistry物理吸附physisorptions吸附adsorption吸附等量线adsorption isostere吸附等温线adsorption isotherm吸附等压线adsorption isobar吸附剂adsorbent吸附量extent of adsorption吸附热heat of adsorption吸附质adsorbate析出电势evolution or deposition potential析因子性质property that partition function to be expressed as a product of the separate partition functions for each kind of state稀溶液的依数性colligative properties of dilute solutions稀释焓dilution enthalpy系统system系统点system point系统的环境environment of system相phase相变phase change相变焓enthalpy of phase change相变化phase change相变热heat of phase change相点phase point相对挥发度relative volatility相对粘度relative viscosity相律phase rule相平衡热容heat capacity in phase equilibrium相图phase diagram相倚子系统system of dependent particles悬浮液suspension循环过程cyclic process压力商pressure quotient压缩因子compressibility factor压缩因子图diagram of compressibility factor亚稳状态metastable state盐桥salt bridge盐析salting out阳极anode杨氏方程Young’s equation液体接界电势liquid junction potential液相线liquid phase lines一级反应first order reaction一级相变first order phase change依时计量学反应time dependent stoichiometric reactions 逸度fugacity逸度系数coefficient of fugacity阴极cathode荧光fluorescence永动机perpetual motion machine永久气体Permanent gas有效能available energy原电池primary cell原盐效应salt effect增比粘度specific viscosity憎液溶胶lyophobic sol沾湿adhesional wetting沾湿功the work of adhesional wetting真溶液true solution真实电解质real electrolyte真实气体real gas真实迁移数true transference number振动配分函数partition function of vibration振动特征温度characteristic temperature of vibration蒸气压下降depression of vapor pressure正常沸点normal point正吸附positive adsorption支链反应branched chain reactions直链反应straight chain reactions指前因子pre-exponential factor质量作用定律mass action law制冷系数coefficient of refrigeration中和热heat of neutralization轴功shaft work转动配分函数partition function of rotation转动特征温度characteristic temperature of vibration转化率convert ratio转化温度conversion temperature状态state状态方程state equation状态分布state distribution状态函数state function准静态过程quasi-static process准一级反应pseudo first order reaction自动催化作用auto-catalysis自由度degree of freedom自由度数number of degree of freedom自由焓free enthalpy自由能free energy自由膨胀free expansion组分数component number最低恒沸点lower azeotropic point最高恒沸点upper azeotropic point最佳反应温度optimal reaction temperature最可几分布most probable distribution最可几速率most propable speed1. The Ideal-Gas Equation 理想气体状态方程2. Partial Pressures 分压3. Real Gases: Deviation from Ideal Behavior 真实气体:对理想气体行为的偏离4. The van der Waals Equation 范德华方程5. System and Surroundings 系统与环境6. State and State Functions 状态与状态函数7. Process 过程8. Phase 相9. The First Law of Thermodynamics 热力学第一定律10. Heat and Work 热与功11. Endothermic and Exothermic Processes 吸热与发热过程12. Enthalpies of Reactions 反应热13. Hess’s Law 盖斯定律14. Enthalpies of Formation 生成焓15. Reaction Rates 反应速率16. Reaction Order 反应级数17. Rate Constants 速率常数18. Activation Energy 活化能19. The Arrhenius Equation 阿累尼乌斯方程20. Reaction Mechanisms 反应机理21. Homogeneous Catalysis 均相催化剂22. Heterogeneous Catalysis 非均相催化剂23. Enzymes 酶24. The Equilibrium Constant 平衡常数25. the Direction of Reaction 反应方向26. Le Chatelier’s Principle 列·沙特列原理27. Effects of VolumePressureT emperature Changes and Catalysts i. 体积压力温度变化以及催化剂的影响28. Spontaneous Processes 自发过程29. Entropy (Standard Entropy) 熵(标准熵)30. The Second Law of Thermodynamics 热力学第二定律31. Entropy Changes 熵变32. Standard Free-Energy Changes 标准自由能变33. Acid-bases 酸碱34. The Dissociation of Water 水离解35. The Proton in Water 水合质子36. The pH Scales pH值37. Bronsted-Lowry Acids and bases Bronsted-Lowry 酸和碱38. Proton-Transfer Reactions 质子转移反应39. Conjugate Acid-base Pairs 共轭酸碱对40. Relative Strength of Acids and bases 酸碱的相对强度41. Lewis Acids and bases 路易斯酸碱42. Hydrolysis of metal Ions 金属离子的水解43. Buffer Solutions 缓冲溶液44. The Common-Ion Effects 同离子效应45. Buffer Capacity 缓冲容量46. Formation of Complex Ions 配离子的形成47. Solubility 溶解度48. The Solubility-Product Constant Ksp 溶度积常数49. Precipitation and separation of Ions 离子的沉淀与分离50. Selective Precipitation of Ions 离子的选择沉淀51. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 氧化还原反应52. Oxidation Number 氧化数53. Balancing Oxidation-Reduction Equations 氧化还原反应方程的配平54. Half-Reaction 半反应55. Galvani Cell 原电池56. Voltaic Cell 伏特电池57. Cell EMF 电池电动势58. Standard Electrode Potentials 标准电极电势59. Oxidizing and Reducing Agents 氧化剂和还原剂60. The Nernst Equation 能斯特方程61. Electrolysis 电解62. The Wave Behavior of Electrons 电子的波动性63. Bohr’s Model of The Hydrogen Atom 氢原子的波尔模型64. Line Spectra 线光谱65. Quantum Numbers 量子数66. Electron Spin 电子自旋67. Atomic Orbital 原子轨道68. The s(pdf) Orbital s(pdf)轨道69. Many-Electron Atoms 多电子原子70. Energies of Orbital 轨道能量71. The Pauli Exclusion Principle 泡林不相容原理72. Electron Configurations 电子构型73. The Periodic Table 周期表74. Row 行75. Group 族76. Isotopes Atomic Numbers and Mass Numbers 同位素,原子数,质量数77. Periodic Properties of the Elements 元素的周期律78. Radius of Atoms 原子半径79. Ionization Energy 电离能80. Electronegativity 电负性81. Effective Nuclear Charge 有效核电荷82. Electron Affinities 亲电性/电子亲合性[势]83. metals 金属84. Nonmetals 非金属85. Valence Bond Theory 价键理论86. Covalence Bond 共价键87. Orbital Overlap 轨道重叠88. Multiple Bonds 重键89. Hybrid Orbital 杂化轨道90. The VSEPR Model 价层电子对互斥理论91. Molecular Geometries 分子空间构型92. Molecular Orbital 分子轨道93. Diatomic Molecules 双原子分子94. Bond Length 键长95. Bond Order 键级96. Bond Angles 键角97. Bond Enthalpies 键能98. Bond Polarity 键矩99. Dipole Moments 偶极矩100. Polarity Molecules 极性分子101. Polyatomic Molecules 多原子分子102. Crystal Structure 晶体结构103. Non-Crystal 非晶体104. Close Packing of Spheres 球密堆积105. metallic Solids 金属晶体106. metallic Bond 金属键107. Alloys 合金108. Ionic Solids 离子晶体109. Ion-Dipole Forces 离子偶极力110. Molecular Forces 分子间力111. Intermolecular Forces 分子间作用力112. Hydrogen Bonding 氢键113. Covalent-Network Solids 原子晶体114. Compounds 化合物115. The Nomenclature Composition and Structure of Complexes 配合物的命名组成和结构116. Charges Coordination Numbers and Geometries 电荷数、配位数、及几何构型117. Chelates 螯合物118. Isomerism 异构现象119. Structural Isomerism 结构异构120. Stereoisomerism 立体异构121. Magnetism 磁性122. Electron Configurations in Octahedral Complexes 八面体构型配合物的电子分布123. Tetrahedral and Square-planar Complexes 四面体和平面四边形配合物124. General Characteristics 共性125. s-Block Elements s区元素126. Alkali metals 碱金属127. Alkaline Earth metals 碱土金属128. Hydrides 氢化物129. Oxides 氧化物130. Peroxides and Superoxides 过氧化物和超氧化物131. Hydroxides 氢氧化物132. Salts 盐133. p-Block Elements p区元素134. Boron Group (BoronAluminiumGalliumIndiumThallium) 硼族(硼铝镓铟铊)135. Borane 硼烷136. Carbon Group (CarbonSiliconGermaniumTinLead) 碳族(碳,硅,锗,锡,铅)137. Graphite Carbon Monoxide Carbon Dioxide 石墨,一氧化碳,二氧化碳138. Carbonic Acid Carbonates and Carbides 碳酸,碳酸盐,碳化物139. Occurrence and Preparation of Silicon 硅的存在和制备140. Silicic Acid,Silicates 硅酸,硅酸盐141. Nitrogen Group (PhosphorusArsenicAntimonyand Bismuth) 氮族(磷砷锑铋)142. Ammonia Nitric Acid Phosphoric Acid 氨硝酸磷酸143. Phosphorates phosphorus Halides 磷酸盐,卤化磷144. Oxygen Group (Oxygen Sulfur Selenium and Tellurium) 氧族元素(氧,硫,硒,碲)145. Ozone Hydrogen Peroxide 臭氧,过氧化氢146. Sulfides 硫化物147. Halogens (Fluorine Chlorine Bromine Iodine) 卤素(氟,氯,溴,碘)148. Halides Chloride 卤化物,氯化物149. The Noble Gases 稀有气体150. Noble-Gas Compounds 稀有气体化合物151. d-Block elements d区元素152. Transition metals 过渡金属153. Potassium Dichromate 重铬酸钾154. Potassium Permanganate 高锰酸钾155. Iron Copper Zinc Mercury 铁,铜,锌,汞156. f-Block Elements f区元素157. Lanthanides 镧系元素158. Radioactivity 放射性159. Nuclear Chemistry 核化学160. Nuclear Fission 核裂变161. Nuclear Fusion 核聚变162. analytical chemistry 分析化学163. qualitative analysis 定性分析164. quantitative analysis 定量分析165. chemical analysis 化学分析166. instrumental analysis 仪器分析167. titrimetry 滴定分析168. gravimetric analysis 重量分析法169. regent 试剂170. chromatographic analysis 色谱分析171. product 产物172. electrochemical analysis 电化学分析173. on-line analysis 在线分析174. macro analysis 常量分析175. characteristic 表征176. micro analysis 微量分析177. deformation analysis 形态分析178. semimicro analysis 半微量分析179. systematical error 系统误差180. routine analysis 常规分析181. random error 偶然误差182. arbitration analysis 仲裁分析183. gross error 过失误差184. normal distribution 正态分布185. accuracy 准确度186. deviation 偏差187. precision 精密度188. relative standard deviation 相对标准偏差(RSD)189. coefficient variation 变异系数(CV)190. confidence level 置信水平191. confidence interval 置信区间192. significant test 显著性检验193. significant figure 有效数字194. standard solution 标准溶液195. titration 滴定196. stoichiometric point 化学计量点197. end point 滴定终点198. titration error 滴定误差199. primary standard 基准物质200. amount of substance 物质的量201. standardization 标定202. chemical reaction 化学反应203. concentration 浓度204. chemical equilibrium 化学平衡205. titer 滴定度206. general equation for a chemical reaction 化学反应的通式207. proton theory of acid-base 酸碱质子理论208. acid-base titration 酸碱滴定法209. dissociation constant 解离常数210. conjugate acid-base pair 共轭酸碱对211. acetic acid 乙酸212. hydronium ion 水合氢离子213. electrolyte 电解质214. ion-product constant of water 水的离子积215. ionization 电离216. proton condition 质子平衡217. zero level 零水准218. buffer solution 缓冲溶液219. methyl orange 甲基橙220. acid-base indicator 酸碱指示剂221. phenolphthalein 酚酞222. coordination compound 配位化合物223. center ion 中心离子224. cumulative stability constant 累积稳定常数。
下面是YJBYS店铺收集整理的有关物理的英语词汇,希望对你有帮助!界面 interfaces界面张力 surface tension浸湿 immersion wetting浸湿功 immersion wetting work精馏 rectify聚(合)电解质polyelectrolyte聚沉 coagulation聚沉值 coagulation value绝对反应速率理论 absolute reaction rate theory振动特征温度 characteristic temperature of vibration蒸气压下降 depression of vapor pressure正常沸点 normal point正吸附 positive adsorption支链反应 branched chain reactions直链反应 straight chain reactions指前因子 pre-exponential factor质量作用定律mass action law制冷系数coefficient of refrigeration中和热heat of neutralization阿伏加德罗常数 Avogadro'number阿伏加德罗定律 Avogadro law阿累尼乌斯电离理论Arrhenius ionization theory阿累尼乌斯方程Arrhenius equation阿累尼乌斯活化能 Arrhenius activation energy阿马格定律 Amagat law艾林方程 Erying equation爱因斯坦光化当量定律Einstein's law of photochemical equivalence爱因斯坦-斯托克斯方程 Einstein-Stokes equation安托万常数 Antoine constant安托万方程 Antoine equation盎萨格电导理论Onsager's theory of conductance半电池half cell半衰期half time period饱和液体 saturated liquids饱和蒸气 saturated vapor饱和吸附量 saturated extent of adsorption饱和蒸气压 saturated vapor pressure爆炸界限 explosion limits比表面功 specific surface work比表面吉布斯函数 specific surface Gibbs function比浓粘度 reduced viscosity标准电动势 standard electromotive force标准电极电势 standard electrode potential标准摩尔反应焓 standard molar reaction enthalpy标准摩尔反应吉布斯函数 standard Gibbs function of molar reaction标准摩尔反应熵 standard molar reaction entropy标准摩尔焓函数 standard molar enthalpy function标准摩尔吉布斯自由能函数standard molar Gibbs free energy function标准摩尔燃烧焓 standard molar combustion enthalpy标准摩尔熵 standard molar entropy标准摩尔生成焓 standard molar formation enthalpy标准摩尔生成吉布斯函数standard molar formation Gibbsfunction标准平衡常数 standard equilibrium constant标准氢电极 standard hydrogen electrode标准态 standard state标准熵 standard entropy标准压力 standard pressure标准状况 standard condition表观活化能apparent activation energy表观摩尔质量 apparent molecular weight表观迁移数apparent transference number表面 surfaces表面过程控制 surface process control表面活性剂surfactants表面吸附量 surface excess表面张力 surface tension表面质量作用定律 surface mass action law波义尔定律 Boyle law波义尔温度 Boyle temperature波义尔点 Boyle point玻尔兹曼常数 Boltzmann constant玻尔兹曼分布 Boltzmann distribution玻尔兹曼公式 Boltzmann formula玻尔兹曼熵定理 Boltzmann entropy theorem玻色-爱因斯坦统计Bose-Einstein statistics泊Poise不可逆过程 irreversible process不可逆过程热力学thermodynamics of irreversible processes 不可逆相变化 irreversible phase change布朗运动 brownian movement查理定律 Charle's law产率 yield敞开系统 open system超电势 over potential沉降 sedimentation沉降电势 sedimentation potential沉降平衡 sedimentation equilibrium触变 thixotropy粗分散系统 thick disperse system催化剂 catalyst单分子层吸附理论 mono molecule layer adsorption单分子反应 unimolecular reaction单链反应 straight chain reactions弹式量热计 bomb calorimeter道尔顿定律 Dalton law道尔顿分压定律 Dalton partial pressure law德拜和法尔肯哈根效应Debye and Falkenhagen effect 德拜立方公式 Debye cubic formula德拜-休克尔极限公式 Debye-Huckel's limiting equation 等焓过程 isenthalpic process等焓线isenthalpic line等几率定理 theorem of equal probability等温等容位Helmholtz free energy等温等压位Gibbs free energy等温方程 equation at constant temperature低共熔点 eutectic point低共熔混合物 eutectic mixture低会溶点 lower consolute point低熔冰盐合晶 cryohydric第二类永动机 perpetual machine of the second kind 第三定律熵 third-law entropy第一类永动机 perpetual machine of the first kind缔合化学吸附 association chemical adsorption电池常数 cell constant电池电动势 electromotive force of cells电池反应 cell reaction电导 conductance电导率 conductivity电动势的温度系数 temperature coefficient of electromotive force电动电势 zeta potential电功electric work电化学 electrochemistry电化学极化 electrochemical polarization电极电势 electrode potential电极反应 reactions on the electrode电极种类 type of electrodes电解池 electrolytic cell电量计 coulometer电流效率current efficiency电迁移 electro migration电迁移率 electromobility电渗 electroosmosis电渗析 electrodialysis电泳 electrophoresis丁达尔效应 Dyndall effect定容摩尔热容 molar heat capacity under constant volume 定容温度计 Constant voIume thermometer定压摩尔热容 molar heat capacity under constant pressure 定压温度计 constant pressure thermometer定域子系统 localized particle system动力学方程kinetic equations动力学控制 kinetics control独立子系统 independent particle system对比摩尔体积 reduced mole volume对比体积 reduced volume对比温度 reduced temperature对比压力 reduced pressure对称数 symmetry number对行反应reversible reactions对应状态原理 principle of corresponding state多方过程polytropic process多分子层吸附理论adsorption theory of multi-molecular layers二级反应second order reaction二级相变second order phase change法拉第常数 faraday constant法拉第定律 Faraday's law反电动势back E.M.F.反渗透 reverse osmosis反应分子数 molecularity反应级数 reaction orders反应进度 extent of reaction反应热heat of reaction反应速率rate of reaction反应速率常数 constant of reaction rate范德华常数 van der Waals constant范德华方程 van der Waals equation范德华力 van der Waals force范德华气体 van der Waals gases范特霍夫方程 van't Hoff equation范特霍夫规则 van't Hoff rule范特霍夫渗透压公式 van't Hoff equation of osmotic pressure 非基元反应 non-elementary reactions非体积功 non-volume work非依时计量学反应time independent stoichiometric reactions菲克扩散第一定律 Fick's first law of diffusion沸点 boiling point沸点升高 elevation of boiling point费米-狄拉克统计Fermi-Dirac statistics分布 distribution分布数 distribution numbers分解电压 decomposition voltage分配定律 distribution law分散系统 disperse system分散相 dispersion phase分体积 partial volume分体积定律 partial volume law分压 partial pressure分压定律 partial pressure law分子反应力学 mechanics of molecular reactions分子间力 intermolecular force分子蒸馏molecular distillation封闭系统 closed system附加压力 excess pressure弗罗因德利希吸附经验式Freundlich empirical formula of adsorption负极 negative pole负吸附 negative adsorption复合反应composite reaction盖·吕萨克定律 Gay-Lussac law盖斯定律 Hess law甘汞电极 calomel electrode感胶离子序 lyotropic series杠杆规则 lever rule高分子溶液 macromolecular solution高会溶点 upper consolute point隔离法the isolation method格罗塞斯-德雷珀定律 Grotthus-Draoer's law隔离系统 isolated system根均方速率 root-mean-square speed功 work功函work content共轭溶液 conjugate solution共沸温度 azeotropic temperature构型熵configurational entropy孤立系统 isolated system固溶胶 solid sol固态混合物 solid solution固相线 solid phase line光反应 photoreaction光化学第二定律 the second law of actinochemistry 光化学第一定律 the first law of actinochemistry光敏反应 photosensitized reactions光谱熵 spectrum entropy广度性质 extensive property广延量 extensive quantity广延性质 extensive property规定熵 stipulated entropy过饱和溶液 oversaturated solution过饱和蒸气 oversaturated vapor过程 process过渡状态理论 transition state theory过冷水 super-cooled water过冷液体 overcooled liquid过热液体 overheated liquid亥姆霍兹函数 Helmholtz function亥姆霍兹函数判据 Helmholtz function criterion亥姆霍兹自由能 Helmholtz free energy亥氏函数 Helmholtz function焓 enthalpy亨利常数 Henry constant亨利定律 Henry law恒沸混合物 constant boiling mixture恒容摩尔热容 molar heat capacity at constant volume恒容热 heat at constant volume恒外压 constant external pressure恒压摩尔热容 molar heat capacity at constant pressure恒压热 heat at constant pressure化学动力学chemical kinetics化学反应计量式stoichiometric equation of chemical reaction化学反应计量系数stoichiometric coefficient of chemical reaction化学反应进度 extent of chemical reaction化学亲合势 chemical affinity化学热力学chemical thermodynamics化学势 chemical potential化学势判据 chemical potential criterion化学吸附 chemisorptions环境 environment环境熵变 entropy change in environment挥发度volatility混合熵 entropy of mixing混合物 mixture活度 activity活化控制 activation control活化络合物理论 activated complex theory活化能activation energy霍根-华森图 Hougen-Watson Chart基态能级 energy level at ground state基希霍夫公式 Kirchhoff formula基元反应elementary reactions积分溶解热 integration heat of dissolution吉布斯-杜亥姆方程 Gibbs-Duhem equation吉布斯-亥姆霍兹方程 Gibbs-Helmhotz equation 吉布斯函数 Gibbs function吉布斯函数判据 Gibbs function criterion吉布斯吸附公式Gibbs adsorption formula吉布斯自由能 Gibbs free energy吉氏函数 Gibbs function极化电极电势 polarization potential of electrode 极化曲线 polarization curves极化作用 polarization极限摩尔电导率 limiting molar conductivity几率因子 steric factor计量式 stoichiometric equation计量系数 stoichiometric coefficient价数规则 rule of valence简并度 degeneracy键焓bond enthalpy胶冻 broth jelly胶核 colloidal nucleus胶凝作用 demulsification胶束micelle胶体 colloid胶体分散系统 dispersion system of colloid胶体化学 collochemistry胶体粒子 colloidal particles胶团 micelle焦耳Joule焦耳-汤姆生实验 Joule-Thomson experiment焦耳-汤姆生系数 Joule-Thomson coefficient焦耳-汤姆生效应 Joule-Thomson effect焦耳定律 Joule`s law接触电势contact potential接触角 contact angle节流过程 throttling process节流膨胀 throttling expansion节流膨胀系数 coefficient of throttling expansion 结线 tie line结晶热heat of crystallization解离化学吸附 dissociation chemical adsorption 绝对熵 absolute entropy绝对温标absolute temperature scale绝热过程 adiabatic process绝热量热计adiabatic calorimeter绝热指数 adiabatic index卡诺定理 Carnot theorem下载文档。
化学专业术语英语对照来源:发布时间:2011年4月7日爆炸界限 explosion limits霍根-华森图 Hougen-Watson Chart德拜和法尔肯哈根效应Debye and Falkenhagen effect德拜-休克尔极限公式 Debye-Huckel’s limiting equation 德拜立方公式 Debye cubic formula聚沉值 coagulation value聚沉 coagulation聚(合)电解质polyelectrolyte精馏 rectify键焓bond enthalpy触变 thixotropy解离化学吸附 dissociation chemical adsorption简并度 degeneracy感胶离子序 lyotropic series催化剂 catalyst隔离法the isolation method隔离系统 isolated system道尔顿定律 Dalton law道尔顿分压定律 Dalton partial pressure law超电势 over potential缔合化学吸附 association chemical adsorption等温等容位Helmholtz free energy等温等压位Gibbs free energy等温方程 equation at constant temperature等焓线isenthalpic line等焓过程 isenthalpic process等几率定理 theorem of equal probability焦耳定律 Joule';s law焦耳-汤姆生效应 Joule-Thomson effect焦耳-汤姆生实验 Joule-Thomson experiment焦耳-汤姆生系数 Joule-Thomson coefficient焦耳Joule敞开系统 open system菲克扩散第一定律 Fick’s first law of diffusion 粗分散系统 thick disperse system第三定律熵 third-law entropy第二类永动机 perpetual machine of the second kind 第一类永动机 perpetual machine of the first kind 盖斯定律 Hess law盖·吕萨克定律 Gay-Lussac law焓 enthalpy混合熵 entropy of mixing混合物 mixture接触角 contact angle接触电势contact potential弹式量热计 bomb calorimeter常见术语基态能级 energy level at ground state基希霍夫公式 Kirchhoff formula基元反应elementary reactions高会溶点 upper consolute point高分子溶液 macromolecular solution胶凝作用 demulsification胶核 colloidal nucleus胶束micelle胶冻 broth jelly胶体粒子 colloidal particles胶体化学 collochemistry胶体分散系统 dispersion system of colloid胶体 colloid胶团 micelle积分溶解热 integration heat of dissolution盎萨格电导理论Onsager’s theory of conductance 爱因斯坦-斯托克斯方程 Einstein-Stokes equation爱因斯坦光化当量定律 Einstein’s law of photochemical equivalence浸湿功 immersion wetting work浸湿 immersion wetting格罗塞斯-德雷珀定律 Grotthus-Draoer’s law根均方速率 root-mean-square speed费米-狄拉克统计Fermi-Dirac statistics绝热量热计adiabatic calorimeter绝热指数 adiabatic index绝热过程 adiabatic process绝对熵 absolute entropy绝对温标absolute temperature scale绝对反应速率理论 absolute reaction rate theory结晶热heat of crystallization结线 tie line科尔劳施离子独立运动定律 Kohlrausch’s Law of Independent Migration of Ions界面张力 surface tension界面 interfaces玻色-爱因斯坦统计Bose-Einstein statistics玻尔兹曼熵定理 Boltzmann entropy theorem玻尔兹曼常数 Boltzmann constant玻尔兹曼分布 Boltzmann distribution玻尔兹曼公式 Boltzmann formula独立子系统 independent particle system活度 activity活化控制 activation control活化能activation energy活化络合物理论 activated complex theory标准熵 standard entropy标准摩尔燃烧焓 standard molar combustion enthalpy标准摩尔熵 standard molar entropy标准摩尔焓函数 standard molar enthalpy function标准摩尔吉布斯自由能函数 standard molar Gibbs free energy function 标准摩尔生成焓 standard molar formation enthalpy标准摩尔生成吉布斯函数 standard molar formation Gibbs function标准摩尔反应熵 standard molar reaction entropy标准摩尔反应焓 standard molar reaction enthalpy标准摩尔反应吉布斯函数 standard Gibbs function of molar reaction 标准氢电极 standard hydrogen electrode标准态 standard state标准状况 standard condition标准压力 standard pressure标准电极电势 standard electrode potential标准电动势 standard electromotive force标准平衡常数 standard equilibrium constant柯诺瓦洛夫-吉布斯定律 Konovalov-Gibbs law查理定律 Charle’s law挥发度volatility恒容摩尔热容 molar heat capacity at constant volume恒容热 heat at constant volume恒沸混合物 constant boiling mixture恒压摩尔热容 molar heat capacity at constant pressure恒压热 heat at constant pressure恒外压 constant external pressure封闭系统 closed system复合反应composite reaction饱和蒸气压 saturated vapor pressure饱和蒸气 saturated vapor饱和液体 saturated liquids饱和吸附量 saturated extent of adsorption非基元反应 non-elementary reactions非依时计量学反应 time independent stoichiometric reactions 非体积功 non-volume work规定熵 stipulated entropy表面活性剂surfactants表面质量作用定律 surface mass action law表面张力 surface tension表面吸附量 surface excess表面过程控制 surface process control表面 surfaces表观摩尔质量 apparent molecular weight表观活化能apparent activation energy表观迁移数apparent transference number范德华常数 van der Waals constant范德华气体 van der Waals gases范德华方程 van der Waals equation范德华力 van der Waals force范特霍夫渗透压公式 van’t Hoff equation of osmotic pressure 范特霍夫规则 van’t Hoff rule范特霍夫方程 van’t Hoff equation环境熵变 entropy change in environment环境 environment波义尔温度 Boyle temperature波义尔点 Boyle point波义尔定律 Boyle law法拉第常数 faraday constant法拉第定律 Faraday’s law泊Poise沸点升高 elevation of boiling point沸点 boiling point构型熵configurational entropy定域子系统 localized particle system定容摩尔热容 molar heat capacity under constant volume 定容温度计 Constant voIume thermometer定压摩尔热容 molar heat capacity under constant pressure 定压温度计 constant pressure thermometer孤立系统 isolated system固溶胶 solid sol固相线 solid phase line固态混合物 solid solution单链反应 straight chain reactions单分子层吸附理论 mono molecule layer adsorption单分子反应 unimolecular reaction附加压力 excess pressure阿累尼乌斯活化能 Arrhenius activation energy阿累尼乌斯电离理论Arrhenius ionization theory阿累尼乌斯方程Arrhenius equation阿伏加德罗常数 Avogadro’number阿伏加德罗定律 Avogadro law阿马格定律 Amagat law沉降电势 sedimentation potential沉降平衡 sedimentation equilibrium沉降 sedimentation极限摩尔电导率 limiting molar conductivity极化作用 polarization极化曲线 polarization curves极化电极电势 polarization potential of electrode 杠杆规则 lever rule低熔冰盐合晶 cryohydric低共熔混合物 eutectic mixture低共熔点 eutectic point低会溶点 lower consolute point亨利常数 Henry constant亨利定律 Henry law过程 process过渡状态理论 transition state theory过热液体 overheated liquid过饱和蒸气 oversaturated vapor过饱和溶液 oversaturated solution过冷液体 overcooled liquid过冷水 super-cooled water负极 negative pole负吸附 negative adsorption安托万常数 Antoine constant安托万方程 Antoine equation多方过程polytropic process多分子层吸附理论 adsorption theory of multi-molecular layers 吉布斯函数判据 Gibbs function criterion吉布斯函数 Gibbs function吉布斯-杜亥姆方程 Gibbs-Duhem equation吉布斯吸附公式Gibbs adsorption formula吉布斯自由能 Gibbs free energy吉布斯-亥姆霍兹方程 Gibbs-Helmhotz equation吉氏函数 Gibbs function动力学控制 kinetics control动力学方程kinetic equations共轭溶液 conjugate solution共沸温度 azeotropic temperature光谱熵 spectrum entropy光敏反应 photosensitized reactions光反应 photoreaction光化学第二定律 the second law of actinochemistry光化学第一定律 the first law of actinochemistry价数规则 rule of valence产率 yield亥姆霍兹函数判据 Helmholtz function criterion亥姆霍兹函数 Helmholtz function亥姆霍兹自由能 Helmholtz free energy亥氏函数 Helmholtz function节流膨胀系数 coefficient of throttling expansion 节流膨胀 throttling expansion节流过程 throttling process艾林方程 Erying equation电解池 electrolytic cell电量计 coulometer电渗析 electrodialysis电渗 electroosmosis电流效率current efficiency电泳 electrophoresis电极种类 type of electrodes电极电势 electrode potential电极反应 reactions on the electrode电迁移率 electromobility电迁移 electro migration电池常数 cell constant电池电动势 electromotive force of cells电池反应 cell reaction电导率 conductivity电导 conductance电动势的温度系数 temperature coefficient of electromotive force 电动电势 zeta potential电功electric work电化学极化 electrochemical polarization电化学 electrochemistry甘汞电极 calomel electrode弗罗因德利希吸附经验式 Freundlich empirical formula of adsorption 布朗运动 brownian movement对称数 symmetry number对应状态原理 principle of corresponding state对行反应reversible reactions对比摩尔体积 reduced mole volume对比温度 reduced temperature对比体积 reduced volume对比压力 reduced pressure卡诺循环 Carnot cycle卡诺定理 Carnot theorem半衰期half time period半电池half cell功函work content功 work计量系数 stoichiometric coefficient计量式 stoichiometric equation比浓粘度 reduced viscosity比表面吉布斯函数 specific surface Gibbs function 比表面功 specific surface work开尔文公式 Kelvin formula反渗透 reverse osmosis反应速率常数 constant of reaction rate反应速率rate of reaction反应热heat of reaction反应进度 extent of reaction反应级数 reaction orders反应分子数 molecularity反电动势back E.M.F.化学热力学chemical thermodynamics化学亲合势 chemical affinity化学势判据 chemical potential criterion化学势 chemical potential化学吸附 chemisorptions化学动力学chemical kinetics化学反应进度 extent of chemical reaction化学反应计量系数 stoichiometric coefficient of chemical reaction 化学反应计量式 stoichiometric equation of chemical reaction分解电压 decomposition voltage分散相 dispersion phase分散系统 disperse system分配定律 distribution law分体积定律 partial volume law分体积 partial volume分压定律 partial pressure law分压 partial pressure分布数 distribution numbers分布 distribution分子蒸馏molecular distillation分子间力 intermolecular force分子反应力学 mechanics of molecular reactions不可逆相变化 irreversible phase change不可逆过程热力学thermodynamics of irreversible processes不可逆过程 irreversible process广度性质 extensive property广延量 extensive quantity广延性质 extensive property几率因子 steric factor二级相变second order phase change二级反应second order reaction丁达尔效应 Dyndall effectζ电势 zeta potentialpVT性质 pVT propertyHLB法hydrophile-lipophile balance methodDLVO理论 DLVO theoryBET公式BET formula可能的电解质potential electrolyte可逆电池 reversible cell可逆过程 reversible process可逆过程方程 reversible process equation可逆体积功 reversible volume work可逆相变 reversible phase change克拉佩龙方程 Clapeyron equation克劳修斯不等式 Clausius inequality克劳修斯-克拉佩龙方程 Clausius-Clapeyron equation 控制步骤 control step库仑计 coulometer扩散控制 diffusion controlled拉普拉斯方程 Laplace’s equation拉乌尔定律 Raoult law兰格缪尔-欣谢尔伍德机理 Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism兰格缪尔吸附等温式 Langmuir adsorption isotherm formula雷利公式 Rayleigh equation冷冻系数coefficient of refrigeration冷却曲线 cooling curve离解热heat of dissociation离解压力dissociation pressure离域子系统 non-localized particle systems离子的标准摩尔生成焓 standard molar formation of ion离子的电迁移率 mobility of ions离子的迁移数transport number of ions离子独立运动定律 law of the independent migration of ions离子氛 ionic atmosphere离子强度 ionic strength理想混合物 perfect mixture理想气体 ideal gas理想气体的绝热指数 adiabatic index of ideal gases理想气体的微观模型 micro-model of ideal gas理想气体反应的等温方程 isothermal equation of ideal gaseous reactions理想气体绝热可逆过程方程 adiabatic reversible process equation of ideal gase理想气体状态方程 state equation of ideal gas理想稀溶液 ideal dilute solution理想液态混合物 perfect liquid mixture粒子 particles粒子的配分函数 partition function of particles 连串反应consecutive reactions链的传递物 chain carrier链反应 chain reactions量热熵 calorimetric entropy量子统计quantum statistics量子效率 quantum yield临界参数 critical parameter临界常数 critical constant临界点 critical point临界胶束浓度critical micelle concentration临界摩尔体积 critical molar volume临界温度 critical temperature临界压力 critical pressure临界状态 critical state零级反应zero order reaction流动电势 streaming potential流动功 flow work笼罩效应 cage effect路易斯-兰德尔逸度规则 Lewis-Randall rule of fugacity 露点 dew point露点线 dew point line麦克斯韦关系式 Maxwell relations麦克斯韦速率分布 Maxwell distribution of speeds麦克斯韦能量分布 MaxwelIdistribution of energy毛细管凝结 condensation in capillary毛细现象 capillary phenomena米凯利斯常数 Michaelis constant摩尔电导率 molar conductivity摩尔反应焓 molar reaction enthalpy摩尔混合熵 mole entropy of mixing摩尔气体常数 molar gas constant摩尔热容 molar heat capacity摩尔溶解焓 mole dissolution enthalpy摩尔稀释焓 mole dilution enthalpy内扩散控制 internal diffusions control内能 internal energy内压力 internal pressure能级 energy levels能级分布 energy level distribution能量均分原理 principle of the equipartition of energy 能斯特方程 Nernst equation能斯特热定理 Nernst heat theorem凝固点 freezing point凝固点降低 lowering of freezing point凝固点曲线 freezing point curve凝胶 gelatin凝聚态 condensed state凝聚相 condensed phase浓差超电势 concentration over-potential浓差极化 concentration polarization浓差电池 concentration cells帕斯卡pascal泡点 bubble point泡点线 bubble point line配分函数 partition function配分函数的析因子性质 property that partition function to be expressed as a product of the separate partition functions for each kind of state碰撞截面 collision cross section碰撞数 the number of collisions偏摩尔量 partial mole quantities平衡常数(理想气体反应) equilibrium constants for reactions of ideal gases平动配分函数 partition function of translation平衡分布 equilibrium distribution平衡态 equilibrium state平衡态近似法 equilibrium state approximation平衡状态图 equilibrium state diagram平均活度 mean activity平均活度系统 mean activity coefficient平均摩尔热容 mean molar heat capacity平均质量摩尔浓度 mean mass molarity平均自由程mean free path平行反应parallel reactions破乳 demulsification铺展 spreading普遍化范德华方程 universal van der Waals equation其它功 the other work气化热heat of vaporization气溶胶 aerosol气体常数 gas constant气体分子运动论 kinetic theory of gases气体分子运动论的基本方程 foundamental equation of kinetic theory of gases气溶胶 aerosol气相线 vapor line迁移数 transport number潜热latent heat强度量 intensive quantity强度性质 intensive property亲液溶胶 hydrophilic sol氢电极 hydrogen electrodes区域熔化zone melting热 heat热爆炸 heat explosion热泵 heat pump热功当量mechanical equivalent of heat热函heat content热化学thermochemistry热化学方程thermochemical equation热机 heat engine热机效率 efficiency of heat engine热力学 thermodynamics热力学第二定律 the second law of thermodynamics热力学第三定律 the third law of thermodynamics热力学第一定律 the first law of thermodynamics热力学基本方程 fundamental equation of thermodynamics 热力学几率 thermodynamic probability热力学能 thermodynamic energy热力学特性函数characteristic thermodynamic function 热力学温标thermodynamic scale of temperature热力学温度thermodynamic temperature热熵thermal entropy热效应heat effect熔点曲线 melting point curve熔化热heat of fusion溶胶 colloidal sol溶解焓 dissolution enthalpy溶液 solution溶胀 swelling乳化剂 emulsifier乳状液 emulsion润湿 wetting润湿角 wetting angle萨克尔-泰特洛德方程 Sackur-Tetrode equation三相点 triple point三相平衡线 triple-phase line熵 entropy熵判据 entropy criterion熵增原理 principle of entropy increase渗透压 osmotic pressure渗析法 dialytic process生成反应 formation reaction升华热heat of sublimation实际气体 real gas舒尔采-哈迪规则 Schulze-Hardy rule 松驰力relaxation force松驰时间time of relaxation速度常数reaction rate constant速率方程rate equations速率控制步骤rate determining step 塔费尔公式 Tafel equation态-态反应 state-state reactions唐南平衡 Donnan equilibrium淌度 mobility特鲁顿规则 Trouton rule特性粘度 intrinsic viscosity体积功 volume work统计权重 statistical weight统计热力学 statistic thermodynamics 统计熵 statistic entropy途径 path途径函数 path function外扩散控制 external diffusion control完美晶体 perfect crystalline完全气体 perfect gas微观状态 microstate微态 microstate韦斯顿标准电池 Weston standard battery维恩效应Wien effect维里方程 virial equation维里系数 virial coefficient稳流过程 steady flow process稳态近似法 stationary state approximation无热溶液athermal solution无限稀溶液 solutions in the limit of extreme dilution 物理化学 Physical Chemistry物理吸附 physisorptions吸附 adsorption吸附等量线 adsorption isostere吸附等温线 adsorption isotherm吸附等压线 adsorption isobar吸附剂 adsorbent吸附量 extent of adsorption吸附热 heat of adsorption吸附质 adsorbate析出电势 evolution or deposition potential析因子性质 property that partition function to be expressed as a product of稀溶液的依数性 colligative properties of dilute solutions稀释焓 dilution enthalpy系统 system系统点 system point系统的环境 environment of system相 phase相变 phase change相变焓 enthalpy of phase change相变化 phase change相变热 heat of phase change相点 phase point相对挥发度relative volatility相对粘度 relative viscosity相律 phase rule相平衡热容heat capacity in phase equilibrium相图 phase diagram相倚子系统 system of dependent particles悬浮液 suspension循环过程 cyclic process压力商 pressure quotient压缩因子 compressibility factor压缩因子图 diagram of compressibility factor亚稳状态 metastable state盐桥 salt bridge盐析 salting out阳极 anode杨氏方程 Young’s equation液体接界电势 liquid junction potential液相线 liquid phase lines一级反应first order reaction一级相变first order phase change依时计量学反应 time dependent stoichiometric reactions 逸度 fugacity逸度系数 coefficient of fugacity阴极 cathode荧光 fluorescence永动机 perpetual motion machine永久气体 Permanent gas有效能 available energy原电池 primary cell原盐效应 salt effect增比粘度 specific viscosity憎液溶胶 lyophobic sol沾湿 adhesional wetting沾湿功 the work of adhesional wetting真溶液 true solution真实电解质real electrolyte真实气体 real gas真实迁移数true transference number振动配分函数 partition function of vibration振动特征温度 characteristic temperature of vibration 蒸气压下降 depression of vapor pressure正常沸点 normal point正吸附 positive adsorption支链反应 branched chain reactions直链反应 straight chain reactions指前因子 pre-exponential factor质量作用定律mass action law制冷系数coefficient of refrigeration中和热heat of neutralization轴功 shaft work转动配分函数 partition function of rotation转动特征温度 characteristic temperature of vibration 转化率 convert ratio转化温度conversion temperature状态 state状态方程 state equation状态分布 state distribution状态函数 state function准静态过程quasi-static process准一级反应 pseudo first order reaction自动催化作用 auto-catalysis自由度 degree of freedom自由度数 number of degree of freedom自由焓free enthalpy自由能free energy自由膨胀free expansion组分数 component number最低恒沸点 lower azeotropic point最高恒沸点 upper azeotropic point最佳反应温度 optimal reaction temperature最可几分布 most probable distribution最可几速率 most propable speed化学专业术语英语对照来源:发布时间:2011年4月7日爆炸界限 explosion limits霍根-华森图 Hougen-Watson Chart德拜和法尔肯哈根效应Debye and Falkenhagen effect德拜-休克尔极限公式 Debye-Huckel’s limiting equation 德拜立方公式 Debye cubic formula聚沉值 coagulation value聚沉 coagulation聚(合)电解质polyelectrolyte精馏 rectify键焓bond enthalpy触变 thixotropy解离化学吸附 dissociation chemical adsorption 简并度 degeneracy感胶离子序 lyotropic series催化剂 catalyst隔离法the isolation method隔离系统 isolated system道尔顿定律 Dalton law道尔顿分压定律 Dalton partial pressure law超电势 over potential缔合化学吸附 association chemical adsorption 等温等容位Helmholtz free energy等温等压位Gibbs free energy等温方程 equation at constant temperature等焓线isenthalpic line等焓过程 isenthalpic process等几率定理 theorem of equal probability焦耳定律 Joule';s law焦耳-汤姆生效应 Joule-Thomson effect焦耳-汤姆生实验 Joule-Thomson experiment焦耳-汤姆生系数 Joule-Thomson coefficient焦耳Joule敞开系统 open system菲克扩散第一定律 Fick’s first law of diffusion 粗分散系统 thick disperse system第三定律熵 third-law entropy第二类永动机 perpetual machine of the second kind 第一类永动机 perpetual machine of the first kind 盖斯定律 Hess law盖·吕萨克定律 Gay-Lussac law焓 enthalpy混合熵 entropy of mixing混合物 mixture接触角 contact angle接触电势contact potential弹式量热计 bomb calorimeter常见术语基态能级 energy level at ground state基希霍夫公式 Kirchhoff formula基元反应elementary reactions高会溶点 upper consolute point高分子溶液 macromolecular solution胶凝作用 demulsification胶核 colloidal nucleus胶束micelle胶冻 broth jelly胶体粒子 colloidal particles胶体化学 collochemistry胶体分散系统 dispersion system of colloid胶体 colloid胶团 micelle积分溶解热 integration heat of dissolution盎萨格电导理论Onsager’s theory of conductance爱因斯坦-斯托克斯方程 Einstein-Stokes equation爱因斯坦光化当量定律 Einstein’s law of photochemical equivalence 浸湿功 immersion wetting work浸湿 immersion wetting格罗塞斯-德雷珀定律 Grotthus-Draoer’s law根均方速率 root-mean-square speed费米-狄拉克统计Fermi-Dirac statistics绝热量热计adiabatic calorimeter绝热指数 adiabatic index绝热过程 adiabatic process绝对熵 absolute entropy绝对温标absolute temperature scale绝对反应速率理论 absolute reaction rate theory结晶热heat of crystallization结线 tie line科尔劳施离子独立运动定律 Kohlrausch’s Law of Independent Migration of Ions界面张力 surface tension界面 interfaces玻色-爱因斯坦统计Bose-Einstein statistics玻尔兹曼熵定理 Boltzmann entropy theorem玻尔兹曼常数 Boltzmann constant玻尔兹曼分布 Boltzmann distribution玻尔兹曼公式 Boltzmann formula独立子系统 independent particle system活度 activity活化控制 activation control活化能activation energy活化络合物理论 activated complex theory标准熵 standard entropy标准摩尔燃烧焓 standard molar combustion enthalpy标准摩尔熵 standard molar entropy标准摩尔焓函数 standard molar enthalpy function标准摩尔吉布斯自由能函数 standard molar Gibbs free energy function 标准摩尔生成焓 standard molar formation enthalpy标准摩尔生成吉布斯函数 standard molar formation Gibbs function标准摩尔反应熵 standard molar reaction entropy标准摩尔反应焓 standard molar reaction enthalpy标准摩尔反应吉布斯函数 standard Gibbs function of molar reaction 标准氢电极 standard hydrogen electrode标准态 standard state标准状况 standard condition标准压力 standard pressure标准电极电势 standard electrode potential标准电动势 standard electromotive force标准平衡常数 standard equilibrium constant柯诺瓦洛夫-吉布斯定律 Konovalov-Gibbs law查理定律 Charle’s law挥发度volatility恒容摩尔热容 molar heat capacity at constant volume恒容热 heat at constant volume恒沸混合物 constant boiling mixture恒压摩尔热容 molar heat capacity at constant pressure恒压热 heat at constant pressure恒外压 constant external pressure封闭系统 closed system复合反应composite reaction饱和蒸气压 saturated vapor pressure饱和蒸气 saturated vapor饱和液体 saturated liquids饱和吸附量 saturated extent of adsorption非基元反应 non-elementary reactions非依时计量学反应 time independent stoichiometric reactions 非体积功 non-volume work规定熵 stipulated entropy表面活性剂surfactants表面质量作用定律 surface mass action law表面张力 surface tension表面吸附量 surface excess表面过程控制 surface process control表面 surfaces表观摩尔质量 apparent molecular weight表观活化能apparent activation energy表观迁移数apparent transference number范德华常数 van der Waals constant范德华气体 van der Waals gases范德华方程 van der Waals equation范德华力 van der Waals force范特霍夫渗透压公式 van’t Hoff equation of osmotic pressure 范特霍夫规则 van’t Hoff rule范特霍夫方程 van’t Hoff equation环境熵变 entropy change in environment环境 environment波义尔温度 Boyle temperature波义尔点 Boyle point波义尔定律 Boyle law法拉第常数 faraday constant法拉第定律 Faraday’s law泊Poise沸点升高 elevation of boiling point沸点 boiling point构型熵configurational entropy定域子系统 localized particle system定容摩尔热容 molar heat capacity under constant volume定容温度计 Constant voIume thermometer定压摩尔热容 molar heat capacity under constant pressure定压温度计 constant pressure thermometer孤立系统 isolated system固溶胶 solid sol固相线 solid phase line固态混合物 solid solution单链反应 straight chain reactions单分子层吸附理论 mono molecule layer adsorption 单分子反应 unimolecular reaction附加压力 excess pressure阿累尼乌斯活化能 Arrhenius activation energy阿累尼乌斯电离理论Arrhenius ionization theory阿累尼乌斯方程Arrhenius equation阿伏加德罗常数 Avogadro’number阿伏加德罗定律 Avogadro law阿马格定律 Amagat law沉降电势 sedimentation potential沉降平衡 sedimentation equilibrium沉降 sedimentation极限摩尔电导率 limiting molar conductivity极化作用 polarization极化曲线 polarization curves极化电极电势 polarization potential of electrode 杠杆规则 lever rule低熔冰盐合晶 cryohydric低共熔混合物 eutectic mixture低共熔点 eutectic point低会溶点 lower consolute point亨利常数 Henry constant亨利定律 Henry law过程 process过渡状态理论 transition state theory过热液体 overheated liquid过饱和蒸气 oversaturated vapor过饱和溶液 oversaturated solution过冷液体 overcooled liquid过冷水 super-cooled water负极 negative pole负吸附 negative adsorption安托万常数 Antoine constant安托万方程 Antoine equation多方过程polytropic process多分子层吸附理论 adsorption theory of multi-molecular layers 吉布斯函数判据 Gibbs function criterion吉布斯函数 Gibbs function吉布斯-杜亥姆方程 Gibbs-Duhem equation吉布斯吸附公式Gibbs adsorption formula吉布斯自由能 Gibbs free energy吉布斯-亥姆霍兹方程 Gibbs-Helmhotz equation吉氏函数 Gibbs function动力学控制 kinetics control动力学方程kinetic equations共轭溶液 conjugate solution共沸温度 azeotropic temperature光谱熵 spectrum entropy光敏反应 photosensitized reactions光反应 photoreaction光化学第二定律 the second law of actinochemistry 光化学第一定律 the first law of actinochemistry 价数规则 rule of valence产率 yield亥姆霍兹函数判据 Helmholtz function criterion亥姆霍兹函数 Helmholtz function亥姆霍兹自由能 Helmholtz free energy亥氏函数 Helmholtz function节流膨胀系数 coefficient of throttling expansion 节流膨胀 throttling expansion节流过程 throttling process艾林方程 Erying equation电解池 electrolytic cell电量计 coulometer电渗析 electrodialysis电渗 electroosmosis电流效率current efficiency电泳 electrophoresis电极种类 type of electrodes电极电势 electrode potential电极反应 reactions on the electrode电迁移率 electromobility电迁移 electro migration电池常数 cell constant电池电动势 electromotive force of cells电池反应 cell reaction电导率 conductivity电导 conductance电动势的温度系数 temperature coefficient of electromotive force 电动电势 zeta potential电功electric work电化学极化 electrochemical polarization电化学 electrochemistry甘汞电极 calomel electrode弗罗因德利希吸附经验式 Freundlich empirical formula of adsorption布朗运动 brownian movement对称数 symmetry number对应状态原理 principle of corresponding state对行反应reversible reactions对比摩尔体积 reduced mole volume对比温度 reduced temperature对比体积 reduced volume对比压力 reduced pressure卡诺循环 Carnot cycle卡诺定理 Carnot theorem半衰期half time period半电池half cell功函work content功 work计量系数 stoichiometric coefficient计量式 stoichiometric equation比浓粘度 reduced viscosity比表面吉布斯函数 specific surface Gibbs function 比表面功 specific surface work开尔文公式 Kelvin formula反渗透 reverse osmosis反应速率常数 constant of reaction rate反应速率rate of reaction反应热heat of reaction反应进度 extent of reaction反应级数 reaction orders反应分子数 molecularity反电动势back E.M.F.化学热力学chemical thermodynamics化学亲合势 chemical affinity化学势判据 chemical potential criterion化学势 chemical potential化学吸附 chemisorptions化学动力学chemical kinetics化学反应进度 extent of chemical reaction化学反应计量系数 stoichiometric coefficient of chemical reaction 化学反应计量式 stoichiometric equation of chemical reaction分解电压 decomposition voltage分散相 dispersion phase分散系统 disperse system分配定律 distribution law分体积定律 partial volume law分体积 partial volume分压定律 partial pressure law分压 partial pressure分布数 distribution numbers分布 distribution分子蒸馏molecular distillation分子间力 intermolecular force分子反应力学 mechanics of molecular reactions不可逆相变化 irreversible phase change不可逆过程热力学thermodynamics of irreversible processes 不可逆过程 irreversible process广度性质 extensive property广延量 extensive quantity广延性质 extensive property几率因子 steric factor二级相变second order phase change二级反应second order reaction丁达尔效应 Dyndall effectζ电势 zeta potentialpVT性质 pVT propertyHLB法hydrophile-lipophile balance methodDLVO理论 DLVO theoryBET公式BET formula可能的电解质potential electrolyte可逆电池 reversible cell可逆过程 reversible process可逆过程方程 reversible process equation可逆体积功 reversible volume work可逆相变 reversible phase change克拉佩龙方程 Clapeyron equation克劳修斯不等式 Clausius inequality克劳修斯-克拉佩龙方程 Clausius-Clapeyron equation控制步骤 control step库仑计 coulometer扩散控制 diffusion controlled拉普拉斯方程 Laplace’s equation拉乌尔定律 Raoult law兰格缪尔-欣谢尔伍德机理 Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism 兰格缪尔吸附等温式 Langmuir adsorption isotherm formula 雷利公式 Rayleigh equation冷冻系数coefficient of refrigeration冷却曲线 cooling curve离解热heat of dissociation离解压力dissociation pressure离域子系统 non-localized particle systems离子的标准摩尔生成焓 standard molar formation of ion离子的电迁移率 mobility of ions离子的迁移数transport number of ions离子独立运动定律 law of the independent migration of ions离子氛 ionic atmosphere离子强度 ionic strength理想混合物 perfect mixture理想气体 ideal gas理想气体的绝热指数 adiabatic index of ideal gases理想气体的微观模型 micro-model of ideal gas理想气体反应的等温方程 isothermal equation of ideal gaseous reactions理想气体绝热可逆过程方程 adiabatic reversible process equation of ideal gase理想气体状态方程 state equation of ideal gas理想稀溶液 ideal dilute solution理想液态混合物 perfect liquid mixture粒子 particles粒子的配分函数 partition function of particles连串反应consecutive reactions链的传递物 chain carrier链反应 chain reactions量热熵 calorimetric entropy量子统计quantum statistics。
1. 活化能(activation energy):铂碳催化剂在催化反应中所
2. 电化学活性面积(electrochemical active surface area,ECSA):铂碳催化剂的有效催化面积,即能够参与催化反应的表面积。
3. 比电容(specific capacitance):铂碳催化剂的电容量,
4. 比表面积(specific surface area):铂碳催化剂的有效表
物质固有的特征吴遵胜一、浮力(Buoyancy):1.阿基米德原理(Archemedes Principle):固体在液体或气体中所失去的重量,与其所排开液体或气体之重量相等。
位于中东的盐水湖,含27%盐类的死海(Dead Sea)的水的比重比含3.7%盐类的海水者大,浮力也大,为游泳初学者之胜地。
二、吸附力(Adsorptive Power):固体或液体有吸附气体或溶质、使其附着在自己的表面上的吸附力。
1. 《物理化学》(Physical Chemistry)by Peter Atkins and Julio de Paula:这是一本物理化学的经典教材,其中涵盖了表面张力等与液体性质相关的内容。
2. 《Colloid and Interface Science》by Robert J. Hunter:这本书着眼于胶体和界面科学,其中表面张力是一个重要的主题。
3. 《Intermolecular and Surface Forces》by Jacob N. Israelachvili:该书深入研究了分子间和表面力的各个方面,涵盖了表面张力的理论和实验方面的内容。
4. 科学论文:一些科学期刊经常发布有关表面张力的最新研究论文,如《Journal of Colloid and Interface Science》、《Langmuir》等。
5. 《Introduction to Surface Chemistry and Catalysis》by Gabor A. Somorjai:这本书涵盖了表面化学和催化领域的基本概念,包括表面张力和与其相关的表面现象。
6. 学术手册:一些学术手册或参考书籍,如《Handbook of Surface and Colloid Chemistry》等,通常包含有关表面张力的详细信息。
以下是一个基于接触力理论的黏着状态方程的推导过程示例:1. 假设与模型假设存在两个平面分别为1和2,表面1和表面2间的黏附力可以用接触力理论描述。
2. 计算表面能根据表面能定义,表面能可以表示为每单位面积的能量。
3. 推导黏附状态方程根据力的原理,接触面上的黏附力可以表示为接触面的曲率和表面能之间的关系。
界面电场 溶剂化结构
二、界面电场1. 界面电势差界面电场存在于不同相之间,比如气体与液体、液体与固体以及液液界面等。
2. 形成原因界面电场形成的原因主要有两个方面:离子分布和表面带电。
3. 应用领域界面电场在许多领域都有重要的应用,例如:•电化学:界面电场对于电化学反应的速率和方向具有重要影响。
三、溶剂化结构1. 溶剂化作用溶剂化是指溶质与溶剂之间相互作用形成的结构和力学特性。
2. 溶剂化壳溶剂化结构中最常见的形式是溶剂化壳。
3. 影响因素影响溶剂化结构的因素有很多,包括:•溶质与溶剂之间的相互作用强度和类型。
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Intermolecular potential energy surface,microwave and infrared spectra of the Kr–CO 2complex from ab initio calculationsRong Chen a ,Hua Zhu a ,b ,⇑,Daiqian Xie c ,⇑aSchool of Chemistry,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610064,ChinabState Key Laboratory of Biotherapy,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610064,China cInstitute of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry,Key Laboratory of Mesoscopic Chemistry,School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 11November 2010In final form 24June 2011Available online 28June 2011a b s t r a c tWe present a new potential energy surface for Kr–CO 2which incorporates its dependence on the asym-metric Q 3normal mode with CO 2in both ground (t 3=0)and the first excited (t 3=1)states were gener-ated by integration of this potential over the Q 3coordinate.Each potential is found to have a T-shaped global minimum.The radial DVR/angular FBR method are applied to calculate the rovibrational energy levels.The calculated band origin shifts,microwave and infrared spectra are in good agreement with the available experiment values.Ó2011Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionThe weak intermolecular forces and spectroscopy for the van der Waals (vdW)complexes between rare-gas (Rg)atoms and lin-ear molecules have attracted considerable attention recently since the spectroscopy of these complexes can provide very useful infor-mation on the nature of the intermolecular potential and dynamics of these weakly bound molecules.CO 2is one of the most important absorbers of infrared radiation in the earth’s atmosphere and inter-stellar chemistry,and the Rg–CO 2complexes are prototype sys-tems for studying the intermolecular interactions between nonpolar subunits.The intermolecular interaction for Rg–CO 2has become an important object of both experimental [1–9]and theoretical [10–19]studies in recent decades.The Ar–CO 2complex was first observed in microwave spectroscopy [1],and those results showed that it has a T-shaped structure.In 1988,Randal et al.observed the infrared spectra of Ne–,Ar–,Kr–,and Xe–CO 2com-plexes in the region of the t 3fundamental vibrational transition of CO 2[2].The inertial and centrifugal distortion rotational constants for complexes formed by CO 2in its ground and first excited t 3vibrational state were determined,as well as the band origin for transitions associated with that asymmetric stretch fundamental transition.Subsequently,microwave [3]and near-infrared [4]spectra of Ne–,Ar–and Kr–CO 2complexes were observed.In 1993,Ida et al.[5]observed the microwave spectros-copy of Ne–,Ar–,Kr–CO 2complexes.In 2005,the infrared spectra of Kr–C 18O 2[9]were also determined by diode laser absorption spectroscopy of a pulsed molecular beam.Arriving at a detailed understanding of these experimental studies requires an accurate potential energy surface (PES).In 1976,Parker et al.[10]obtained an ab initio potential energy surface for He–CO 2using the elec-tron gas method.In 1996,Marshall et al.[15]reported MP2and MP4potential energy surfaces for Ar–CO 2.Subsequently,Yan et al.[17]obtained a PES for He–CO 2using MP4perturbation the-ory with a large basis set containing bond functions.The rovibra-tional energy levels,infrared spectra and spectroscopic constants were investigated using this MP4potential.A more extensive ab initio study was carried out for He–CO 2and Ne–CO 2by Negri et ing MP4theory [18].In all the above theoretical calculations,the CO 2monomer was treated as a rigid rotor,which is not sufficient for predicting the infrared spectra and the band origin shifts [19].To do so requires one to take account of the influence of intramolecular vibrational modes on the intermolecular potential energy surface and dynam-ical calculations [20–22].To date,we have successfully used this approach to construct the potentials including the dependence on the Q 3normal coordinate of the CO 2molecule,and to reproduce the infrared spectra for H 2–CO 2[23],He–CO 2[24,25],Ne–CO 2[26]and Ar–CO 2[27].Li and co-workers also reported an accurate three-dimensional potential energy surface for He–CO 2and pro-vided a good representation of the experimental results [28,29].To our best knowledge,only a few theoretical study of the Kr–CO 2complex have appeared so far.Seal et al.[30,31]constructed a PES for Kr–CO 2at the DFT level.However,no further calculations of the bound states and spectroscopic properties have been re-ported.The purpose of this work is to present a three-dimensional Kr–CO 2ab initio PES involving the Q 3normal mode of CO 2using the supermolecular approach at the CCSD(T)level with a large0009-2614/$-see front matter Ó2011Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2011.06.067Corresponding authors.E-mail addresses:zhuhua@ (H.Zhu),dqxie@ (D.Xie).basis set plus bond functions.Fromtio PES we generated CO 2(t 3)–Kr potentials for t 3=0and 1.pling between the inter and small,these averaged potentials properties of the vdW clusters.The and Lanczos algorithm were tional energy levels.The transition and the band origin shifts were the available observed putational details 2.1.Ab initio calculationsThe geometry of the Kr–CO 2coordinates:R ,h ,Q 3.R is the CO 2center of mass.h denotes the vector and the molecular axis of CO 2.the normal mode for the t 3fined as Q 3¼ðr CO1Àr CO2Þ=ffiffiffi2p ,where r bond lengths of CO 2.The average C–O and 1states for CO 2and C 18O 2experimental rotational constants the one-dimensional Q 3potential to for the Q 3mode of the CO 2and C 18O 2scaling method [33].For the Q 3coordinate of CO 2and C 18O 2we adopt the PODVR grid points determined in our previous work for Ne–CO 2[26].Ab initio potential energies for Kr–CO 2were calculated at the coupled-cluster singles and doubles level with non-iterative inclu-sion of connected triples [CCSD(T)][34]for a total of 1700symme-try-unique points.For each of the five PODVR Q 3values,results were generated at 25–27values with R ranging from 4.0to 22.0a 0values,and 13angles ranging from h =0°to 180°in a step of 15°.We used the augmented correlation-consistent polarized va-lence triple-zeta (aug-cc-pVTZ)basis set of Woon and Dunning [35]for the C and O atoms and the uncontracted basis sets and the quasirelativistic 28-core-electron pseudopotential plus the cc-pVQZ basis for valence electron for the Kr atom [36],as well as (3s,3p,2d,1f,1g)bond functions (for 3s and 3p,a =0.9,0.3,0.1;for 2d,a =0.6,0.2;for f and g,a =0.3)[37].The bond functions are placed at the mid-point of the R vector to eliminate the need for high angular momentum functions in the atom centered basis set.The supermolecular approach was used to obtain the intermo-lecular potential energies.The full counterpoise procedure [38](FCP)was employed to correct for basis set superposition error (BSSE).The ab initio points for the Kr–CO 2complex are presented in Table S1of the supporting ing the potential points of Kr–CO 2,the potential of Kr–C 18O 2is determined from Lagrange interpolation on the Q 3coordinate.All the ab initio calculations were carried out using the MOLPRO package [39].2.2.Analytical representation of the potential energy surface The vibrationally averaged intermolecular PESs V t 3ðR ;h Þare de-fined as [40]V t 3ðR ;h Þ¼Z1À1w t 3ðQ 3ÞV ðR ;Q 3;h Þw t 3ðQ 3ÞdQ 3;ð1Þin which t 3represents the quantum number for a specific vibra-tional state of the linear CO 2molecule,and w t 3ðQ Þare the corre-sponding vibrational wavefunctions.The averaged ab initio potentials V t 3ðR ;h Þ(t 3¼0;1)were fitted to the analytical form [41,42]V ðR ;h Þ¼V sh ðR ;h ÞþV as ðR ;h Þð2ÞThe short-range part of the potential is assumed to beV sh ðR ;h Þ¼G ðR ;h Þe D ðh ÞÀB ðh ÞR ;ð3Þwhere D(h ),B(h ),G(R,h )can be expanded in terms of Legendre poly-nomial P l (cos h )D ðh Þ¼X 2l ¼2d l P l ðcos h Þ;ð4ÞB ðh Þ¼X 8l ¼0b l P l ðcos h Þ;ð5ÞG ðR ;h Þ¼RÀ1X 1i ¼0RiX 8l ¼0g i ;l P l ðcos h Þð6ÞThe term V as ðR ;h Þrepresenting the long-range part of the po-tential is expressed asV as ðR ;h Þ¼ÀX 12n ¼6X 8l ¼0f n ðB ðh ÞR Þc n ;l R Àn P l ðcos h Þð7ÞFigure 1.Contour plots (in cm À1)of the averaged intermolecular potential energy surface of Kr–CO 2for the ground state of CO 2(t 3=0).Table 1The calculated energy levels (in cm À1)for the first 10vibrational bound states of the Kr–CO 2and Kr–C 18O 2complexes for the t 3=0and 1states of CO 2.Kr–CO 2Kr–C 18O 2N Ground state t 4StateN Ground state t 4State0À197.6810À198.52390À199.2081À200.09761À167.6537À168.50501À170.6369À171.65542À165.4477À166.21742À167.6217À168.44703À141.1568À141.90373À144.2640À145.15804À140.5787À141.24334À143.7854À144.64935À135.2621À135.94495À138.3764À139.17446À121.9641À122.65036À125.0657À125.87277À121.5580À122.19967À124.6110À125.37558À111.6322À112.23618À115.7596À116.63249À109.8391À110.49379À113.1742À113.9326230where indices l and n must be even and f n ðB ðh ÞR Þis written in the Tang–Toennies form [43]f n ðx Þ¼1ÀeÀxX n k ¼0ðx Þkk !ð8ÞThe fitted potential parameters and the FORTRAN code for the averaged PESs are listed in Table S2and Code S1.2.3.Calculation of the rovibrational energy levelsWithin the Born–Oppenheimer approximation,the vibrational-ly averaged intermolecular Hamiltonian of the Kr–CO 2complex in Jacobi coordinates can be written as [44]^H ¼À12l @2@R À^j 22I t 3þð^J À^j Þ22R þV t 3ðR ;h Þð9Þwhere l is thereduced mass of the complex,and I t 3¼w t 3ðQ 3ÞD I Q 3w t 3ðQ 3Þ E ,is the vibrational averaged rotational moment of the linear CO 2molecule,^J is the total angular momentumoperators,^j is the angular momentum operator for the CO 2monomer,and V t 3ðR ;h Þis the adiabatic potential in a particular vibrational state t 3ðt 3¼0;1Þof the isolated CO 2.The efficient radial DVR/angularFBRTable 2Calculated microwave transition frequencies (in cm À1)and relative intensities for Kr–CO 2.Observed data are taken from Ref.[5].J 0K 0a K 0cÀJ 00K 00a K 00ct calt cal Àt obsIntensity 202–1010.1678À0.00140.784303–2020.2515À0.00200.673404–3030.3351À0.00270.432505–4040.4186À0.00300.236606–5050.5017À0.00400.342322–2210.2516À0.0021 1.000321–2200.2518À0.00200.953423–3220.3354À0.00270.634422–3210.3359À0.00270.563524–4230.4192À0.00340.361523–4220.4201À0.00340.409625–5240.5029À0.00400.156624–5230.5045À0.00410.129method[45]was employed to calculate the rovibrational energy lev-els.The Lanczos algorithm method[46]was performed to efficiently diagonalize the Hamiltonian matrix with5000steps.3.Results and discussion3.1.Potential energy surfaceThe root–mean–square(rms)errors of thefitted vibrationally averaged potentials for both the t3=0and1states of CO2werefound to be about0.08cmÀ1.The contour plot of V t3¼0ðR;hÞis givenin Figure1.A T-shaped global minimum is located at R=6.75a0and h=90.0°with a depth ofÀ231.70cmÀ1for V t3¼0ðR;hÞandÀ232.42cmÀ1for V t3¼1ðR;hÞ.No linear local minima were de-tected.The h=0°saddle point energies areÀ116.27cmÀ1forV t3¼0ðR;hÞandÀ117.60cmÀ1for V t3¼1ðR;hÞ,respectively,and bothoccur at R=9.05a0.It is clear from thisfigure that the PES show a fairly large angular anisotropy,which means that Kr atom is strongly hindered from free motion around the CO2molecule.3.2.Bound states of rovibrational energy levlesThe energies for thefirst ten vibrational bound states of the Kr–CO2and Kr–C18O2complexes for the t3¼0and1state of CO2are listed in Table1.The calculated vibrational band origins shifts for the Kr–CO2and Kr–C18O2complexes are found to beÀ0.8429 andÀ0.8895cmÀ1,respectively,which are close to the observed values ofÀ0.8841cmÀ1([2])andÀ0.8651cmÀ1([9]).Although the bend and the symmetric stretch of CO2may have a slight effect on the effective interaction and dynamics of the complex,the work of Li et al.[29]on He–CO2found that accurate prediction of t3 vibrational frequency shifts for this system required one to take ac-count of the difference in the average values of Q1for t3=0and1. We will examine the effect of the Q1mode on the t3band origin shifts in future work.To shed some light on the dynamics of the system,it is neces-sary to visualize the wave functions.The vdW vibrational states are defined by the two approximate quantum numbers n s and n b, respectively,denoting the vdW stretching and bending modes. Their assignments are loosely defined since n s and n b are not good quantum numbers and there is significant mixing between the two modes for higher intermolecular excited states.Therefore,the intermolecular vibrational states in Table1are labeled in order of increasing energy.Figure2presents contour plots of the wave functions for the lowest six vibrational states of Kr–CO2for the ground state of CO2(t3=0).The structures for the vibrational states of Kr–CO2consider in thisfigure are all located close to the T-shaped global minimum.The average structures were determined from the intermolecular vibrational ground stateTable3Calculated infrared transition frequencies(in cmÀ1)and relative intensities for Kr–C18O2.Observed data are taken from Ref.[9].J0K0a K0c ÀJ00K00aK00ct cal t calÀt obs Intensity J0K0a K0cÀJ00K00aK00ct cal t calÀt obs Intensity937–10462310.17870.00210.321413–4042313.5124À0.00520.845 936–10472310.17900.00240.315514–5052313.5247À0.0055 1.000 836–9452310.25720.00170.425615–6062313.5399À0.00580.968 835–9462310.25730.00180.411716–7072313.5582À0.00620.715 735–8442310.33580.00100.387111–0002313.5656À0.00580.393 734–8452310.33590.00110.385817–8082313.5798À0.00670.715 634–7432310.4138–0.00030.713918–9092313.6050À0.00700.539 633–7442310.41450.00040.7191019–100102313.6340À0.00800.568 533–6422310.4930–0.00020.792212–1012313.6400–0.00610.293 532–6432310.4930À0.00020.78111110–10112313.6671À0.00780.359 432–5412310.5722À0.00070.53112111–120122313.7046À0.00770.128 431–5422310.5722À0.00070.5381139–122102313.71310.00180.091 533–5422310.9678À0.00540.301313–2022313.7120À0.00570.394 532–5412310.9678À0.00540.31113112–130132313.7465À0.00820.535 634–6432310.9680À0.00520.298414–3032313.7817À0.00550.735 633–6422310.9681À0.00510.2931037–112102313.85000.00810.435 735–7442310.9684À0.00480.305515–4042313.8492À0.00340.634 734–7432310.97330.00010.310616–5052313.9146À0.00370.630 836–8452310.9687À0.00450.307717–6062313.9781À0.000370.615 835–8442310.9690À0.00420.312818–7072314.0402À0.00800.495 937–9462310.9693À0.00380.301919–8082314.1003À0.00760.511 936–9452310.9697À0.00350.29710110–9092314.1596À0.00760.498 1038–10472310.9700À0.00320.30811111–100102314.2180À0.00720.310 1139–11482310.9707À0.00240.31112112–110112314.2759-0.00710.291 1037–10462310.9707À0.00240.30413113–120122314.3336À0.00760.263 1138–11472310.97550.00230.31114114–130132314.3914À0.00820.131 10110–11292311.20330.00720.79515115–140142313.4495À0.00890.085 919–10282311.31690.00650.68516116–150152314.52350.00600.131 13112–142132311.34080.00440.615936–9272314.6995À0.00010.217 12111–132122311.39090.00370.591431–4222314.7136À0.00240.532 818–9272311.42560.00520.620634–6252314.72820.00220.413 1019–112102311.49700.00320.776533–5242314.7143À0.00170.412 918–10292311.55310.00210.723735–7262314.7145À0.00150.408 817–9282311.61140.00210.813330–3212314.7143À0.00170.394 616–7252311.62960.00310.709432–4232314.7144À0.00160.421 817–7262312.9550À0.00110.315331–3222314.7146À0.00140.398 515–6062312.98090.00360.735836–8272314.7151À0.00090.415 918–8272313.0540À0.00960.412937–9282314.71610.00010.397 414–5052313.07040.00150.6311038–10292314.71760.00160.399 313–4042313.15820.00070.430331–2202314.9521À0.00010.396 1019–9282313.1550À0.01120.103330–2212314.9512À0.00010.413 110–1012313.4910À0.00450.358432–3212315.0308À0.00290.213 211–2022313.4957À0.00460.585431–3222315.0311.À0.00260.214 312–3032313.5007À0.00680.891rms error0.005232R.Chen et al./Chemical Physics Letters511(2011)229–234wavefunction of the complex,h R i ¼w 0h j R w 0j i andh cos 2h i ¼w 0h j cos 2h w 0j i :The calculated average distance R for the ground state is 6.95a 0and the angle h is 83.8°,the latter is a mea-sure of the average amplitude of the bending from the 90°average configuration,which can be interpreted as the zero-point vibra-tional motion of CO 2within the complex.The calculated average structure is close to the effective structure [2]R =6.85a 0and h =83.28°determined from the observed infrared spectra [2].For the first two intermolecular excited states,the average distance and corresponding dispersion are 7.01±0.48,7.09±0.57a 0respec-tively,while the average angle and corresponding dispersion are 81.6±6.9°,80.2±7.2°,respectively.These values indicate the com-plex in the first two intermolecular excited states is less rigid than in the ground state.From Figure 2we also find that the first inter-molecular excited state can be attributed to the intermolecular bending mode with a frequency of 30.027cm À1,while the second intermolecular excited state is due to the intermolecular stretching mode with a frequency of 32.233cm À1.For the t 3=1state of CO 2,the calculated average distance R and angle h are 6.94a 0and 83.7°and the energy of the first intermolecular excited state is 30.019cm À1.A comparison of the wave functions of Kr–CO 2with those of He–CO 2,Ne–CO 2and Ar–CO 2indicates significant differences.Our results show that the structure distributions for the nine lowest levels are localized close to the global minimum,while that for the tenth is spread somewhat more widely and those for higher vibrational states are delocalized more widely towards larger an-gles.The theoretical research on He–CO 2[24]found that only the structure distribution for the ground state was localized near the global minimum,while for Ne–CO 2[26]and Ar–CO 2[27]the distri-butions for the lowest three and six lowest states,respectively,are localized there.These differences mainly reflect the different effects of zero-point energy of these complexes.The zero-point energy of 33.89cm À1for Kr–CO 2is only about one-seventh of the global well depth,while the zero-point energy of 32.41cm À1for He–CO 2[24]is nearly two-thirds of the global well depth,thezero-point energy of29.71cmÀ1for Ne–CO2[26]is about one-third of the global well depth,and the value of36.67cmÀ1for Ar–CO2 [27]is about one-sixth of the global well depth.The rovibrational energies were assigned by the antisymmetric rotor quantum numbers JK a K c.J is the total angular momentum and K a and K c denote the projections of J onto the a and c principal axes of inertia.According to our previous research[24],the rotational energy levels were divided into four blocks,(even/even),(even/ odd),(odd/even),and(odd/odd)for different combination parity of(j/p).The calculated rovibrational energies for Kr–CO2and Kr–C18O2complexes are presented in Table S3.3.3.The microwave and infrared spectraDetails regarding calculation of the transition intensities can be found in our recent review[47].The calculated pure rotational transition energies and intensities at T=4K for Kr–CO2,and the deviations of the former from the microwave spectra are given in Table2.It is clear that our calculated frequencies agree well with the observed values,with a root mean square deviation of 0.003cmÀ1.The transition from322to221is found to be the stron-gest.In this Letter,we label the t3asymmetric stretch of CO2as the t4vibrational mode in the Kr–CO2complex.The calculated infrared transition are defined as the differences between the appropriate rovibrational energies on the upper(t3=1)and lower(t3=0)2D surface,plus the experimental CO2t3band origin energy[2,9]. The calculated infrared transition frequencies and line intensities of Kr–C18O2in the t3range of CO2at the rotational temperature of T=4K are given in Table3.One can see that most of the calcu-lated frequencies are within0.005cmÀ1of the observed frequen-cies and the root-mean-square error is0.005cmÀ1.Overall,the calculated transition frequencies are in excellent agreement with the experimental values.The fundamental infrared spectra for Kr–C18O2contain only b-type(D K a=±1)transitions,and the stron-gest transition is found to be from514to505.Figure3plots a portion of the simulated infrared spectra,which is consistent with the observed spectra of Ozaki[48].Although agreement between the calculated and observed values demonstrates the accuracy of the new PES,higher quality results on Kr–CO2would be obtained using basis set extrapolation.4.ConclusionWe have presented a three-dimensional PES for the Kr–CO2 complex including the Q3normal mode of CO2at the CCSD(T)level with a large basis set plus bond functions.The intermolecular potential was calculated overfive PODVR grid points for the Q3 normal mode.Based on the ab initio potential points,two vibra-tionally averaged PESs of the complex were generated.Each PES has a T-shaped global minimum,and no linear minima are de-tected.The bound rovibrational energy levels of Kr–CO2were obtained by employing the radial DVR/angular FBR method and the Lanczos algorithm.The experimental band origin shifts in the infrared spectra of Kr–CO2and Kr–C18O2are reproduced very well. In addition,the calculated microwave and infrared spectra are in good agreement with the available experiment values.AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by the National Natural Science Foun-dation of China(Grant Nos.20973117and20725312)and by the Ministry of Science and Technology(2007CB815201).Appendix A.Supplementary dataSupplementary data associated with this Letter can be found,in the online version,at doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2011.06.067. 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