赛米控丹佛斯SEMISTACK RE功率组件SKS B2 100 GD 69 11-MA PB数据表

Absolute maximum ratings 1)Symbol Conditions Unit I OUT MAX Maximum permanent output current A RMS I IN MAX Maximum permanent input current A DC V OUT MAX Maximum output voltage V AC V BUS MAX Maximum DC Bus voltage V DC F OUT MAX Inverter output frequency HzFSW MAXMaximum switching frequency kHzElectrical characteristics: application example T AMBIENT=40°C unless otherwise specifiedSymbol Conditions min typ max UnitAC phaseV BUS DC bus rated voltage 1 100V DCI OUT RATED Rated output current 1 000A RMSI OUT OVL Overload output current 1 100A RMSt OVL Overload duration60sT OVL Time between 2 overloads10minV OUT Output voltage620690760V ACP OUT Rated output power 1 200kW SEMISTACK® Renewable Energy - Size W2F SW Inverter switching frequency2kHz Two Quadrant 3-phase IGBT inverter F OUT Output frequency50HzPF Power factor-11-P LOSS INV 2)11 200Wη 2)99% Ordering No.08800565Description SKS B2 100 GD 69/11 - MA PB DC BusV BUS Rated DC voltage applied to the capacitor bank 1 100V DC Features V BUS MAX Max DC voltage applied to the caps bank (max 30% of LTE) 1 200V DCτd5%Discharge time of the capacitors (V DC < 60 V)5min Designed in regard to EN50178 C DC Capacitor bank capacity8,4mF and UL508C recommendations LTE Calculated LTE of the caps with forced air cooling100kh Designed for a 600 x 600 x 2000 mm cabinetEmbedded SKiiP® Technology 3Stack InsulationSKiiP 2013GB172-4DW, Trench 3 1700V IGBT,Crd Minimum creepage distance11mm CAL3 diode Cld Minimum clearance distance9.4mm Integrated current and temperature sensors Visol Chassis / power stage AC/DC (insulation test voltage DC, 5s)-4 200 4 200V DC Water cooling dv/dt SKiiP driver only, secondary to primary side75kV/µs Typical ApplicationsWind generators (SG and DFIG)Solar InvertersFootnotes1) Absolute maximum ratings are values not to beexceeded in any case and do not imply that the stackcan operate in all these conditions taken together.2) fan consumption and losses in air includedREMARKS7601005B6CISKiiP stackThis technical information specifies semiconductor devices butpromises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee,expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performanceor suitability.Values1 0001 200Losses at rated currentEfficiency at rated currentT INLET=45°C, 50% glycol,Flowrate = 16 L/minT J<150°C,ambient air temperature = 40°C,air extraction according tothermal data page 21 800Environmental conditions T AMBIENT =40°C unless otherwise specifiedCharacteristics Conditions min typ max UnitAmbient temperature3)Humidity Installation altitude without derating1 000m Max installation altitude with derating 4 000mIngress protection IEC 60529IP00-IEC 60721-3-2, Storage & transportation 2M1-IEC 60721-3-3, in operation 3M3-Pollution degree EN 501782-Thermal data SEMISTACK® Renewable Energy - Size W2∆V /∆t WATER Water flow of the 3-phase inverter81635L/min Two Quadrant 3-phase IGBT inverterWater pressureRated water pressure per inverter 3bar Coolant type Recommended coolant50% glycol / 50% water -Ordering No.08800565T INLETCooling water inlet temperature-204560°C Description SKS B2 100 GD 69/11 - MA PBRequired cooling airflow Airflow direction bottom to top on snubbers 3)1m.s -1V SUPPLY Fan DC voltage supply162430V DC FeaturesP FAN Fan power consumption at typical voltage supply 90W LTECapacitor DC fan lifetime expectancy (L10 method)57khDesigned in regard to EN50178and UL508C recommendationsGate Driver Characteristics T AMBIENT =25°C unless otherwise specifiedDesigned for a 600 x 600 x 2000 mm cabinet Symbol Conditions min typ max Unit Embedded SKiiP ® Technology 3Gate Driver / controler data SKiiP 2013GB172-4DW, Trench 3 1700V IGBT,V S supply voltage non stabilized 132430VCAL4 diodeI S V S2 = 24 V, F SW in kHz, I RMS in A 330 + 55×F sw + 0.00035×I RMS 2mA Integrated current and temperature sensors V iT+input threshold voltage HIGH 12.3V Water coolingV iT-input threshold voltage LOW4.6V R IN Input resistance 10k ΩTypical ApplicationsC IN Input capacitance1nFWind generators (SG and DFIG)Measurement & protection Solar InvertersHB_I Analogue current signal HB_I 245250255 A.V -1I TRIP SC Over current trip level (I analogue OUT=10V) 2 4502 5002 550A PEAK Footnotesmin 17 + 10.3×CMN_TMP°C CMN_TMPAnalogue temperature signal Th < 80°Ctyp19 + 10.5×CMN_TMP °C 3)the user shall ensure that the ambient air is sufficientlymax20 + 10.5×CMN_TMP °C ventilated to avoid hot spots.min 26 + 8.8×CMN_TMP°C CMN_TMP Analogue temperature signal Th > 80°C typ28 + 8.8×CMN_TMP °C max30 + 8.9×CMN_TMP °C T TRIPOver temperature protection110115120°CREMARKSB6CI∆P WATERWater pressure drop of the inverter, with male and female connectors, 50% glycol, 16 L/min Mass °C IEC 60721-3-3, class 3K3no condensation no icing 5Vibrations & ShocksSKiiP stackClimaticMechanical This technical information specifies semiconductor devices butpromises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee,expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performance or suitability.Storage: IEC 60721-3-1, class 1K2Transportation: IEC 60721-3-2, class 2K2Operation: IEC 60721-3-3, class 3K3 extended-2560°C 85%3-phase inverter, with cable plate terminal and no DC bus connection-2055580mbar kg98Pin Signal Remark1Shield2BOT IN (2)3ERROR OUT LOW = NO ERROR; open Collector Output;(1)max. 30 V / 15 mAdon´t connect when using fiber optic,propagation delay 1 µsmin. pulsewidth error-memory-reset 9 µs 4TOP IN (2)positive 15V CMOS logic; 10 k Ω impedance don´t connect when using fiber optic5Overtemp. OUT LOW = NO ERROR = ϑDCB < 115 + 5°C (1)open collector Output; max. 30 V / 15 mA …low“ output voltage < 0,6 V …high“ output voltage max. 30 V6+ 24 VDC IN 24 VDC (SKiiP 2: 20 - 30 V, SKiiP 3: 13 - 30 V)7+ 24 VDC IN don´t supply with 24V, when using +15 VDCIN supply voltage monitoring threshold 19,5 V 8+15 V DC OUT max. 50 mA auxiliary power supply when 9+15 V DC OUT SKiiP system is supplied via pin 6/710GND GND for power supply and 11GNDGND for digital signals 12Temp. analogmax output current 5mAOUT 13GND aux reference for analog output signals 14I analog OUTSKiiP 3 with Al2O3 ceramic substratecurrent actual value 8,0 V ⇔ 100 % IC @ 25 °C overcurrent trip level 10 V ⇔ 125 % IC @ 25 °C current value > 0 ⇔ SKiiP system is source current value < 0 ⇔ SKiiP system is sink SKiiP 3 with AlN ceramic substrate:refer to corresponding datasheet1) Open collector output, external pull up resistor necessary2) …high“ (max) 12,3 V, …low“ (min) 4,6 V; SKiiP 3: 1 nF capacitance added signal to GNDX1U, X1V, X1W positive 15V CMOS logic; 10 k Ω impedance, don´t connect when using fiber opticX1U X1V X1WDC-DC-DC+Pin 1Pin 13Pin 2Pin 14HE10-14 male connectorDC BUS connectionDriver connectorsPhase UPhase VPhase W14DC fan speed controlThis technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee00,0020,0040,0060,0080,010,0120,0140,0160,01805101520253035R t h (°C /W )Flowrate (L/min)Stack Rth 50% glycol (°C/W)Stack Rth 10% glycol (°C/W)020040060080010001200303540455055O u t p u t c u r r e n t (A R M S )Ambient air temperature (°C)Cooling liquid 45°C Cooling liquid 60°CV BUS = 1100 V DC V OUT =690 V AC f OUT = 50 Hz f SW = 2 kHz cos ϕ= 1Flowrate = 16 L/minGlycol/water ratio = 50%Altitude <1000 m200400600800100012005001000150020002500300035004000O u t p u t c u r r e n t (A R M S )Altitude (m)Cooling liquid 45°C, ambient 40°CCooling liquid 60°C, ambient 55°CV BUS = 1100 V DC V OUT =690 V AC f OUT = 50 Hz f SW = 2 kHz cos ϕ= 1Flowrate = 16 L/minGlycol/water ratio = 50%050010001500200025003000200400600800100012001400M a x c u r r e n t s w i t c h e d (A )DC bus voltage (V DC )050010001500200025003000510152025303540P r e s s u r e d r o p (m b a r )Flowrate (L/min)Pressure drop with 50%glycol (mbar)Pressure drop without glycol (mbar)02004006008001000120051015A C O u t p u t C u r r e n t (A R M S )AC Fundamental Frequency (Hz)V BUS = 1100 V DC V OUT =690 V AC f SW = 2 kHz cos ϕ= 1Water temperature = 45°C 50% glycolFlowrate = 16 L/min Air temperature = 40°C T J = 125°C。
丹佛斯(Danfoss) 电动执行器 AME 55QM 数据表说明书

© Danfoss | 2016.09VD.CV.A2.02 | 1Actuator for modulating control AME 55QMData sheetActuator is used with pressure independent balancing and control large valve type AB-QM DN 125 and DN 150.Features:• “Self stroking” function• Load related “Switch off“ function that prevents overloading • Diagnostic LEDMain data:• Nominal voltage: 24 VAC, 50 Hz/60 Hz • Control input signal: - 0(4)-20 mA - 0(2)-10 V • Force: 2000 N • Stroke: 40 mm • Speed: 8 s/mm• Max. medium temperature: 200 °C • Manual operationDescriptionOrderingType Supply voltageCode No.AME 55 QM24 V~082H3078Technical dataPower supply V 24~; +10 to – 15%Power consumption VA 9Frequency Hz 50 / 60Control input Y V 0 – 10 (2 – 10) Ri = 24 kΩmA 0 – 20 (4 – 20) Ri = 500 ΩOutput signal X V 0 – 10 (2 – 10)Close of force N 2000Max. stroke mm 40Speeds/mm 8Max. medium temperature °C200Ambient temperature 0 – 55Storage and transport temp. –40 to +70Ambient humidity 95% r.h., non-condensing Protection class III safety extra-low voltageDegree of protection IP 54Weight kg 3.8- marking in accordance with standardsLow Voltage Directive 73/23/EECEMC-Directive 2006/95/EEC, EN 60730-1, EN 60730-2-14Data sheet Actuator for modulating control AME 55 QM2 | © Danfoss | 2016.09VD.CV.A2.02Installation MechanicalThe actuator should be mounted with the valvestem in either horizontal position or pointingupwards. Use a 4 mm Allen key (not supplied) tofit the actuator to the valve body.Allow for necessary clearance for maintenancepurposes.The valve has position indication ringswhich should be pushed together beforecommissioning; after stroking they indicate theends of the stroke.ElectricalElectrical connections can be accessed byremoving the cover. Two M16 × 1.5 cable entriesare provided. Both entries are provided with arubber grommet for use with flexible cable. Notethat in order to maintain the enclosure IP rating,appropriate cable glands must be used.Wiring The actuator must be dismantled and the elements sorted into various material groups before disposal.Disposal 24 Vac only.Wiring length Recommendedsquare of the wiring0-50 m0.75 mm2> 50 m 1.5 mm2Automatic self stroking featureWhen power is first applied, the actuator willautomatically adjust to the length of the valvestroke. Subsequently, the self stroking featurecan be re-initialised by changing position of SW9.Diagnostic LEDThe red diagnostic LED is located on the pcbunder the cover. It provides indication of threeoperational states:• Actuator Healthy (Permanently ON),• Self Stroking (Flashes once per second),• Error (Flashes 3 times per second - seektechnical assistance).Data sheetActuator for modulating control AME 55 QM© Danfoss | 2016.09 | 3VD.CV.A2.02DIP switch settingThe actuator has a function selection DIP switch under the removable cover. In particular, if SW6 is set to ON, the actuator will perform as 3-point actuator.The switch provides the following functions:• SW1: U/I - Input signal type selector:If set to OFF position, voltage input is selected. If set to ON position, current input is selected.• SW2: 0/2 - Input signal range selector:If set to OFF position, the input signal is in the range from 2 V to 10 V (voltage input)or from 4 mA to 20 mA (current input). If set to ON position, the input signal is in the range from 0 V to 10 V (voltage input) or from 0 mA to 20 mA (current input).• SW3: D/I - Direct or inverse acting selector:If set to OFF position, the actuator is direct acting (stem contracts as voltage increases). If actuator is set to ON position the actuator is inverse acting (stem extracts as voltage increases).• SW4: —/Seq - Normal or sequential modeselector:If set to OFF position, the actuator is working in range 0(2)..10V or 0(4)..20mA. If set to ON position, the actuator is working in sequential range; 0(2)..5 (6)V or (0(4)..10 (12)mA) or (5(6)..10V) or (10(12)..20mA).• SW5: 0..5V/5...10V - Input signal range insequential mode:If set to OFF position, the actuator is working in sequential range 0(2)..5 (6)V or 0(4)..10 (12)mA. If set to ON position, the actuator is working in sequential range; 5(6)..10V or 10(12)..20mA.• SW6: Prop./3-pnt - Modulating or 3-point modeselector:If set to OFF position, the actuator is working normally according to control signal. If set to ON position, the actuator is working as 3-point actuator.For this operation please refer to page 2(wiring 3-point control).When DIP switch SW6 is set to ON than allfunctions from other DIP switch become inactive.• SW7: LOG/LIN - Equal percentage or linear flowthrough valve selector:If set to OFF position, the flow through valve is equal percentage. If set to ON position, the flow through valve is linear according to control signal.• SW8: 100% K VS/Reduced K VS :To be set to OFF position (no sense in combination with AB-QM).• SW9: Reset:Changing this switch position will cause the actuator to go through a self stroking cycle.Complete the mechanical and electricalinstallation and perform the necessary checks and tests:• Isolate control medium. (e.g. self stroking in a steam application without suitable mechanical isolation could cause a hazard).• Apply the power. Note that the actuator will now perform the self stroking function.• Apply the appropriate control signal and check the valve stem direction is correct for the application.• Ensure that the actuator drives the valve over its full stroke, by applying the appropriate control signal. This action will set the valve stroke length.The unit is now fully commissioned.CommissioningCommissioning / testing featureThe actuator can be driven to the fully open or closed positions (depending on valve type) by connecting SN to terminals 1 or 3.VD.CV.A2.024 | © Danfoss | DHS-SRMT/SI | 2016.09Data sheetActuator for modulating control AME 55 QMActuator - valve combinationsThe manual override is applied by rotating the 4 mm Allen key (not supplied) to the required position. Observe the direction of the rotation symbol.• Disconnect power supply• Adjust valve position using an Allen key • Set valve to closed position •Restore power supplyIf manual override has been used then X and Y signal are not correct until the actuator reaches its end position. If this is not accepted reset the actuator, or apply accessory active return signal kit.DimensionsManual override。
SST-SX550 550W SFX 电源规格说明书

SPECIFICATIONSFX Form FactorSST-SX550550W Switching Power SupplyWith Active PFC 80Plus Gold01This is the specification of Model SX550; AC-line powered switching power supply with active PFC (Power Factor Correction) circuit, meet EN61000-3-2 and with Full Range Input features.The specification below is intended to describe as detailedly as possible the functions and performance of the subject power supply. Any comment or additional requirements to this specification from our customers will be highly appreciated and treated as a new target for us to approach.The subject power supply will meet the EMI requirements and obtain main safety approvalsas following:- FCC Part 15 Subpart J, Class ‘B’ 115 Vac operation.- CISPR 22 Class ‘B’ 230 Vac operation.2.1 EMI REGULATORY1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE2. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS3. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS3.1 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONSThe mechanical drawing of the subject power supply, which indicate the form factor, location of the mounting holes, location, the length of the connectors, and other physical specifications of the subject power supply. Please refer to the attachment drawing.4. ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS4.1 OUTPUT ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTSThe subject power supply will meet all electrical specifications below, over the full operation temperature range and dynamic load regulation.4.1.1. OUTPUT RATING(1)The +3.3V and +5V total output shall not exceed 120W(2) total output for this subject power supply is 550 watts.(3) Ripple and noise measurements shall be made under all specified load conditions through a singlepole low pass filter with 20MHz cutoff frequency. Outputs shall bypassed at the connector witha 0.1uF ceramic disk capacitor and a 10uF electrolytic capacitor to simulate system loading.02115V / 60Hz : 15 mSec. Minimum.230V / 50Hz : 15 mSec. Minimum.4.1.5.OVER VOLTAGE PROTECTION03The cross regulation defined as follows, the voltage regulation limits DC include DC Output ripple & noise.115V / 60Hz : 15 mSec. Minimum.230V / 50Hz : 15 mSec. Minimum.(10% TO 90% OF FINAL OUTPUT VALUE, @FULL LOAD)115V-rms or 230V-rms + 5Vdc : 20ms Maximum4.1.3. HOLD-UP TIME (@80 % LOAD)4.1.4.OUTPUT RISE TIME4.1.2. LOAD CAPACITY SPECIFICATIONS04P.G. SENSE Output short circuit is defined to be a short circuit load of less than 0.1 ohm.In the event of an output short circuit condition on +3.3V, +5V or +12V output, the power supply will shutdown and latch off without damage to the power supply. The power supply shall return to normal operation after the short circuit has been removed and the power switch has been turned off for no more than 2 seconds.In the event of an output short circuit condition on -12V output, the power supply will not be damaged. The power supply shall return to normal operation as soon as the short circuit has been removed. and the power switch has been turned off for no more than 2 seconds.The power good signal is a TTL compatible signal for the purpose of initiating an orderly star-up procedure under normal input operating conditions. This signal is asserted (low) until +5Vdc has reached 4.75 volts during power up. Characteristics:TTL signal asserted (low state) : less than 0.5V while sinking 10mA.TTL signal asserted (high state) : greater than 4.75V while sourcing 500uA. High state output impedance : less or equal to 1Kohm from output to common.4.1.6.SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION4.1.7.OVER CURRENT PROTECTION4.1.8.POWER GOOD SIGNALPOWER GOOD @ 115/230V,FULL LOAD POWER FAIL @115/230V, FULL LOAD100 – 500mSec.1 mSec. minimum05IAIB4.2. OUTPUT TRANSIENT LOAD RESPONSEV+5V and +12V must be within specification for a step change in current as specified below. The outputs will be tested one section at a time with all other sections at maximum load. The testtransition will be from IA to IB and IB to IA. The step current will have a nominal transition time of 0.5 amp per microsecond for +5V and 0.1 amp per microsecond for +12V.+5Vdc:IA: 16.0 amps IB: 11.2 ampsVolts variation: 400 mV max (p-p) Setting time: 10 ms max+12V:IA: 45.0 amps IB: 31.5 ampsVolts variation: 550 mV max (p-p) Setting time: 10 ms max +3.3Vdc:IA: 16.0 amps IB: 11.2 ampsVolts variation: 400 mV max (p-p) Setting time: 10 ms max4.2.1 Transient Load Requirement4.3. INPUT ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS4.3.1. VOLTAGE RANGEPARAMETER UNITSV-in Range 90 - 264 V-rms4.3.2. INPUT FREQUENCYINPUT FREQUENCY 47–63Hz4.3.3. INRUSH CURRENT(Cold start – 25 deg. C)115V 60A230V 120A4.3.4. INPUT LINE CURRENT115V 8.0 Amps – rms maximum230V 4.0 Amps – rms maximum4.4. EFFICIENCYFull load (100%) Typical load (50%) Light load (20%) 115VAC 87% 90% 87%(loading shown in Amps)064.5. Standby Power Consumption (5Vsb):Input Power < 0.5W @ 5Vsb/45mA & 230Vac inputPS_ON input signal @ High State4.6. PS_ ON#PS_ON# is an active-low, TTL-compatible signal that allows a motherboard to remotely controlthe power supply in conjunction with features such as soft on/off, Wake on LAN+, or wake-on-modem.When PS_ON# is pulled to TTL low, the power supply should turn on the five main DC outputrails: +12VDC,+5VDC,+3.3VDC,and –12VDC. When PS_ON# is pulled to TTL highor open-circuited, the DC output rails should not deliver current and should be held at zeropotential with respect to ground. PS_ON# has no effect on the +5VSB output, which is always enabled whenever the AC power is present. Table 15 lists PS_ON# signal characteristics.The power supply shall provide an internal pull-up to TTL high. The power supply shall also provide debounce circuitry on PS_ON# to prevent it from oscillating on/off at startup when activated by a mechanical switch. The DC output enable circuitry must be SELV-compliant.Table 15. PS_ON# Signal Characteristics5. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTSThe power supply will be compliant with each item in this specification for the following Environmental conditions.5.1. TEMPERATURE RANGEOperating 550W 0 to 50Storage -20 to 805.2. HUMIDITYOperating 5 –85% RH, Non-condensing Storage 5 –95% RH, Non-condensing075.3. VIBRATIONThe subject power supply will withstand the following imposed conditions without experiencingnon-recoverable failure or deviation from specified output characteristics.Vibration Operation, 0.01g²/Hz at 5 Hz sloping to 0.02g²/Hz at 20 Hz, and maintaining 0.02g²/Hz from20 Hz to 500 Hz. The area under the PSD curve is 3.13gRMS. The duration shall be 20 minutes per axisfor all three axes on all samples.Plane of vibration to be along three mutually perpendicular axes.5.4. SHOCKThe subject power supply will withstand the following imposed conditions without experiencingnon-recoverable failure or deviation from specified output characteristics.Storage 40G, 9 mSec. half-sine wave pulse in both directions on three mutually Perpendicular axes.Operating 10G, 11mSec. half-sine wave pulse in both directions on three mutually Perpendicular axes.6. SAFETYLEAKAGE CURRENTThe leakage current from AC to safety ground will not exceed 3.5 mA-rms at 264Vac, 50 Hz.7. ELECTORMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY7.1. RADIATED EMIThe subject power suppy will meet FCC and CISPR 22 requirements under normal load conditions.0810.1 Physical Dimension09125 mm (W) × 63.5 mm (H) × 100mm (D)10. MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS9.1. MTBF8.1. MODEL NUMBER LABEL8.2. DC OUTPUT IDENTIFICATIONCThe power supply have a minimum predicted MTBF(MIL-HDBK-217) of 100,000 hours ofcontinuous operation at 25 , maximum-output load, and nominal AC input voltage.Label marking will be permanent, legible and complied with all agency requirements.Labels will be affixed to the sides of the power supply showing the following:Each output connector will be labeled.- Manufacturer’s name and logo.- Model no., serial no., revision level, location of manufacturer.- The total power output and the maximum load for each output.- AC input rating.8. LABELLING9. RELIABILITY。
ACS550 完整参数表

ACS550 完整参数表Group 99: 起动数据代码英文名称中文名称用户/缺省值9901 LANGUAGE 语言1(中文) 9902 APPLIC MACRO 应用宏3(交变宏)990499059906990799089909991010011002 EXT2 COMMANDS 外部2 0 1003 DIRECTION 转向1 3 Group 11: 给定选择1101 KEYPAD REF SEL 控制盘给定 11102 EXT1/EXT2 SEL 外部控制选择01103 REF1 SELECT 给定值1选择 11104 REF1 MIN 给定值1下限0Hz/0rpm1105 REF1 MAX 给定值1上限50 Hz /1500 rpm 1106 REF2 SELECT 给定值2选择 21107 REF2 MIN 给定值2下限0%1108 REF2 MAX 给定值2上限100%1201120212031204120512061207120812091401 RELAY OUTPUT 1 继电器输出1 11402 RELAY OUTPUT 2 继电器输出2 21403 RELAY OUTPUT 3 继电器输出3 31404 RO 1 ON DELAY 继电器1 0s1405 RO 1 OFF DELAY 继电器1 0s1406 RO 2 ON DELAY 继电器2 0s1407 RO 2 OFF DELAY 继电器2 0s1408 RO 3 ON DELAY 继电器3 0s1409 RO 3 OFF DELAY 继电器3 0s1410 RELAY OUTPUT 4 继电器输出4 01411 RELAY OUTPUT 5 继电器输出5 0141214131414141514161417141815011502150315041505 MAXIMUM AO1 AO1 上限0 mA1506 FILTER AO1 AO1 滤波时间0.1 s1507 AO2 CONTENT SEL AO2 赋值1041508 AO2 CONTENT MIN AO2 赋值下限取决于参数0104 1509 AO2 CONTENT MAX AO2 赋值上限取决于参数01041510 MINIMUM AO2 AO2 下限0 mA 1511 MAXIMUM AO2 AO2 上限0 mA 1512 FILTER AO2 AO2 滤波时间0.1 s Group 16: 系统控制1601 RUN ENABLE 运行允许01602 PARAMETER LOCK 参数锁定 1160316041605160616071608160916102001200220032005 OVERVOLT CTRL 过压控制 1 2006 UNDERVOLT CTRL 欠压控制 1 2007 MINIMUM FREQ 最小频率0 Hz 2008 MAXIMUM FREQ 最大频率50 Hz 2013 MIN TORQUE SEL 最小转矩选择02014 MAX TORQUE SEL 最大转矩选择0 2015 MIN TORQUE 1 最小转矩1 -300.0% 2016 MIN TORQUE 2 最小转矩2 -300.0% 2017 MAX TORQUE 1 最大转矩1 300.0% 2018 MAX TORQUE 2 最大转矩2 300.0% Group 21: 起动/ 停止210121022103210421052106210721082109211022012202 ACCELER TIME 1 加速时间1 5s2203 DECELER TIME 1 加速时间1 5s2204 RAMP SHAPE 1 速度曲线形状1 0.0s 2205 ACCELER TIME 2 加速时间2 60 s 2206 DECELER TIME 2 加速时间2 60 s2207 RAMP SHAPE 2 速度曲线形状2 0.0 s 2208 EM DEC TIME 急停减速时间 1.0 s 2209 RAMP INPUT 0 积分器输入置零0Group 23: 速度控制2301 PROP GAIN 比例增益102302 INTEGRATION TIME 积分时间 2.52303230423052401240226012602260326042605 U/F RATIO 压频比曲线1(线性)2606 SWITCHING FREQ 开关频率4kHz 2607 SW FREQ CTRL 开关频率控制1(打开)2608 SLIP COMP RATIO 滑差补偿02609 NOISE SMOOTHING 噪音过滤0(禁止)Group 29: 维护2901 COOLING FAN TRIG 冷却风机触发点0(未选择) 2902 COOLING FAN ACT 冷却风机计数器0.0 kh 2903 REVOLUTION TRIG 累计转数触发点0 (未选择) 2904 REVOLUTION ACT 累计转数计数器0 MRev 2905 RUN TIME TRIG 运行时间触发点0 (未选择)290629072901300130023003300430053006300730083009 BREAK POINT FREQ 负载折点35 Hz 3010 STALL FUNCTION 堵转功能0 (未选择) 3011 STALL FREQUENCY 堵转频率20 Hz 3012 STALL TIME 堵转时间20 s3013 UNDERLOAD FUNC 欠载功能0(未选择)3014 UNDERLOAD TIME 欠载时间20 s 3015 UNDERLOAD CURVE 欠载曲线 13017 EARTH FAULT 接地故障1(允许) 3018 COMM FAULT FUNC 通讯故障功能0(未选择) 3019 COMM FAULT TIME 通讯故障时间 3.0 s 3021 AI1 FAULT LIMIT AI1故障极限0%3022302331013102310331043105310631073108Group 33: 信息Group 34: 控制盘显示/ 过程变量Group 35: 电机温度测量3501 SENSOR TYPE 传感器类型03502 INPUT SELECTION 输入选择 13503 ALARM LIMIT 报警极限Ohm / 0 3504 FAULT LIMIT 故障极限Ohm / 0 Group 36: 定时器功能Group 40: 过程PID 设置14001 GAIN 增益 1.0 4002 INTEGRATION TIME 积分时间60s4003400440054006400740084009401040114012401340144015 FBK MULTIPLIER 乘法因子0(未使用) 4016 ACT1 INPUT 实际值1 输入 24017 ACT2 INPUT 实际值2 输入 24018 ACT1 MINIMUM 实际值1 下限0% 4019 ACT1 MAXIMUM 实际值1 上限100%4020 ACT2 MINIMUM 实际值2 下限0% 4021 ACT2 MAXIMUM 实际值2 上限100% 4022 SLEEP SELECTION 睡眠选择0 4023 PID SLEEP LEVEL 睡眠频率0 Hz 4024 PID SLEEP DELAY 睡眠延时60s 4025 WAKE-UP DEV 唤醒偏差402640274101410241034104410541064107410841094110 SET POINT SEL 给定值选择 1 4111 INTERNAL SETPNT 内部给定值40.0% 4112 SETPOINT MIN 给定最小值0% 4113 SETPOINT MAX 给定最大值100% 4114 FBK SEL 反馈值选择 14115 FBK MULTIPLIER 乘法因子0(未使用) 4116 ACT1 INPUT 实际值1输入 24117 ACT2 INPUT 实际值2输入 24118 ACT1 MINIMUM 实际值1下限0% 4119 ACT1 MAXIMUM 实际值1上限100% 4120 ACT2 MINIMUM 实际值2下限0%412141224123412441254126420142024203420442054206 UNITS 单位 44207 UNIT SCALE 显示格式 14208 0% VALUE 0%值0% 4209 100% VALUE 100% 值100% 4210 SET POINT SEL 给定值选择 14211 INTERNAL SETPNT 内部给定值40.0% 4212 SETPOINT MIN 给定最小值0% 4213 SETPOINT MAX 给定最大值100% 4214 FBK SEL 反馈值选择 14215 FBK MULTIPLIER 乘法因子0(未使用) 4216 ACT1 INPUT 实际值1输入 24217421842194220422142284229423042314232Group 53: 内置通讯协议Group 81: PFC 控制8103 REFERENCE STEP1 给定增量1 0% 8104 REFERENCE STEP2 给定增量2 0% 8105 REFERENCE STEP3 给定增量3 0%8109 START FREQ 1 起动频率1 50Hz 8110 START FREQ 2 起动频率2 50Hz 8111 START FREQ 3 起动频率3 50Hz 8112 LOW FREQ 1 停止频率1 25Hz 8113 LOW FREQ 2 停止频率2 25Hz 8114 LOW FREQ 3 停止频率3 25Hz8115811681178118811981208121812281238124812581268127 MOTORS 电机个数0( 未选择) Group 98: 可选件。

DCS550功能及调试介绍01,02 应用宏选择/铭牌数据参数设置设置参数ApplMacro (99.08) = Factory和ApplRestore (99.07) = Yes把所有参数恢复为工厂缺省设置。
参数MacroSel (8.10)显示选择的应用宏。
输入电机参数、主电源数据和重要的保护参数[M1SpeedMin (20.01),M1SpeedMax(20.02),ArmOvrCurLev (30.09),M1OvrSpeed (30.16),Language (99.01),M1NomVolt (99.02),M1NomCur (99.03),M1BaseSpeed (99.04),NomMainsVolt(99.10)和M1NomFldCur (99.11)]。
在工厂缺省设置的参数50.03: M1SpeedFbSel 是EMF,在这时电机运行在电机电枢和磁场以及编码器接线真确的情况下,电机的给定转速与下面速度是差别不大,如果发生编码器的转速与EMF的速度有偏差,或符号有问题,请检查接线。
01.02: SpeedActEMF [rpm]01.03: SpeedActEnc [rpm]3 励磁电流调节器自优化1. 设置励磁回路参数[FldCtrlMode (44.01),M1NomFldCur (99.11)和M1UsedFexType (99.12)]。
2. 把DCS550切换到本地控制模式(DCS550控制盘)。
3. 设置参数ServiceMode (99.06) = FieldCurAuto激活励磁电流调节器自优化,并且在20秒内让传动装置合闸。
4. 在传动装置励磁电流调节器自优化期间,主接触器和励磁接触器都将闭合,增加励磁电流到额定磁场电流,测量励磁电流,同时,磁场电流调节器参数被设置。
Danfoss VLT 5000 FLUX 系列变频器 说明书

■目錄安全守則 (3)技術規格 (4)參數一覽表 (4)共同規格 (7)機種規格 (9)半導體保險絲規格 (18)主電路結構圖 (19)機械安裝 (21)VLT5001-5302/VLT5350-5500的安裝 (21)外型尺寸 (22)電氣安裝 (24)電磁相容電氣安裝 (24)接地/電纜線/RFI開關 (25)電力電纜線的安裝圖 (27)固定轉矩和螺絲尺寸/主電源的連接/高壓測試/安全接地 (32)馬達熱保護/額外保護(RCD)/對地漏電電流 (32)馬達電纜線的安裝/馬達連接/馬達旋轉方向/煞車電纜安裝/繼電器端子安裝 (33)負載共償安裝/風扇供電/煞車電阻溫度開關安裝/控制電纜安裝 (34)回授系統/串列通信總線連接 (35)485串列通信總線/DIP開關1-4/RS 232串列通信總線 (36)RS操作控制器說明 (37)LCP操作控制器/顯示屏幕/控制按鍵 (37)指示燈/顯示模式 (38)參數設定 (39)更改數據/人工初始化 (40)應用與功能 (41)單一給定值的處理 (42)多給定值的處理/吊車應用控制 (43)轉矩極限時停機的規劃 (44)煞車系統/煞車電阻值的計算/煞車功率的計算 (45)煞車電纜線/安裝時的保護措施/VLT 5000 FLUX系列煞車器簡介 (46)煞車電阻 (47)參數說明 (48)操作與顯示(001-025) (48)負載與馬達(100-163) (53)設定值與限幅值(200-237) (61)輸入與輸出(300-362) (67)應用與功能(400-462) (78)服務功能(600-639) (82)服務 (85)故障排除 (85)狀態信息 (86)警告信息(WARNING)/警報信息(ALARM) (89)本操作說書適用所有軟體版本 5.4 x 的VLT 5000 Flux 系列變頻器, 軟體版本號碼可在參數624(軟體版本號碼)中查到。
萨克森丹佛斯 MCV116 压力控制执行器(PCP)阀说明书

ARMATURE PIVOTFLAPPERORIFICE ORIFICENOZZLE NOZZLEC1R C 2MAGNET MAGNETPressure Control Pilot (at null).1All rights reserved. Contents subject to change.2345MCV116 SPECIFICATIONSBLN 95-9033-5Type 1Type 2U /M A 11X X A 12X X A 13X X A 14X X A 15X X A 21X X A 22X XScale Factor Delta bar/mA .165 ± .014.101 ± .010.282 ± .028.378 ± .034.866 ± .082.107 ± .010.069 ± .007Delta psi/mA 2.4 ± .2 1.47 ± .15 4.1 ± .4 5.5 ± .512.6 ± 1.2 1.55 ± .15 1.00 ± .1Typical Supply bar 34.434.434.434.434.417.217.2 Pressure psi 500500500500500250250Coil Resistance ohms 23 (32)19/15.5 (25/22)69 (92)106 (145)643 (900)23 (32)19/15.5 (25/22)Coil Inductance henries 0.0780.062/0.0470.250.399 2.250.0780.062/0.047Test Current mA ± 85± 125± 42± 40± 13± 85± 125Saturation Current mA 250350*/175**15011050250350*/175**Minimum Pressure Delta bar ± 20.7± 20.7± 20.7± 20.7± 20.7± 11.0± 11.0 Output Range Delta psi ± 300± 300± 300± 300± 300± 160± 160Typical Null as Delta bar 0 ± 0.350 ± 0.350 ± 0.350 ± 0.350 ± 0.350 ± 0.350 ± 0.35 Shipped Delta psi 0 ± 50 ± 50 ± 50 ± 50 ± 50 ± 50 ± 5Pressure Null Shift %± 2± 2± 2± 2± 2± 1.5± 1.5Temperature Null Delta bar ± 0.28± 0.28± 0.28± 0.28± 0.28± 0.21± 0.21 Shift Delta psi ± 4± 4± 4± 4± 4± 3± 3C1/C2 Null Pressure at bar 11.0 ± .6811.0 ± .6811.0 ± .6811.0 ± .6811.0 ± .687.9 ± .347.9 ± .34 Typical Supply Pressure psi 160 ± 10160 ± 10160 ± 10160 ± 10160 ± 10115 ± 5115 ± 5Internal Leakage LPM < 3.44< 3.44< 3.44< 3.44< 3.44< 3.44< 3.44cis < 3.5< 3.5< 3.5< 3.5< 3.5< 3.5< 3.5Load Flow LPM > 0.73> 0.73> 0.73> 0.73> 0.73> 0.73> 0.73cis > 0.75> 0.75> 0.75> 0.75> 0.75> 0.75> 0.75Load Pressure LPM/bar > 0.285> 0.285> 0.285> 0.285> 0.285> 0.428> 0.428 Droop Slope cis/psi > 0.02> 0.02> 0.02> 0.02> 0.02> 0.03> 0.03Hysteresis %< 9< 9< 9< 9< 9< 7< 7Symmetry %< 10< 10< 10< 10< 10< 10< 10Linearity %< 5< 5< 5< 5< 5< 5< 5Threshold mA < 1< 1< 5< 0.2< 0.05< 1< 1 Resonant Frequency Hz > 300> 300> 300> 300> 300> 350> 350Frequency Response Hz (min.)150150150150150150150 with Current Driver Maximum Voltage Volts 7.561212307.56Maximum Current mA 37537517511546375375Type 3Type 4A 31X X A 32X X A 35X X F 31X X A 42X X F 42X X G 42X XScale Factor .079 ± .007.054 ± .005.428 ± .043.079 +/-.007.079 +/-.007.079 +/-.007.079 +/-.0071.15 ± .1.78 ± .08 6.2 ± .6 1.15 +/-.1 1.15 +/-.1 1.15 +/-.1 1.15 +/-.1Typical Supply Pressure 250250250350350350350Coil Resistance 23 (32)19/15.5 (25/22)643 (900)23 (32)19/15.5 (25/22)19/15.5 (25/22)19/15.5 (25/22)Coil Inductance 0.0780.062/0.047 2.250.0780.062/0.0470.062/0.0470.062/0.047Test Current ± 85± 1251685858585Saturation Current 250350*/175**50250250/125250/125250/125Minimum Pressure ± 12.4± 12.4± 12.4 Output Range ± 180± 160± 180± 180± 180± 160± 160Typical Null as 0 ± 0.1380 ± 0.1380 ± 0.1380.1 ± 0.1380.1 ± 0.1380.1 ± 0.1380.1 ± 0.138 Shipped 0 ± 20 ± 20 ± 2 1.5 ± 2 4.5 ± 2 1.5 ± 2 1.5 ± 2Pressure Null Shift ± 1± 1± 1< 1< 1.5< 1.5< 1.5Temperature Null ± 0.14± 0.14± Shift ± 2± 2± 22333C1/C2 Null Pressure at 3.8 ± .34 3.8 ± .34 3.8 ± .34 3.5-4.110.3-11.710.3-11.7 3.5-4.1 Typical Supply Pressure 55 ± 555 ± 555 ± 550-60120-160120-16060-80Internal Leakage < 2.46< 2.46< 2.46< 2.46< 3.44< 3.44< 3.44< 2.5< 2.5< 2.5< 2.5< 3.5< 3.5< 3.5Load Flow > 0.49> 0.49> 0.49> 0.49> 0.49> 0.49> 0.49> 0.5> 0.5> 0.5> 0.5> 0.5> 0.5> 0.5Load Pressure > 0.570> 0.570> 0.570> 0.570> 0.570> 0.570> 0.570 Droop Slope > 0.04> 0.04> 0.04> 0.04> 0.04> 0.04> 0.04Hysteresis < 7< 7< 7< 7< 7< 7< 7Symmetry < 10< 10< 10< 10< 10< 10< 10Linearity < 3 < 3< 3< 3< 3< 3< 3Threshold < 1 < 1< 1< 1< 1< 1< 1Resonant Frequency > 400> 400> 400> 400> 300> 300> 300Frequency Response 150150150150150150150 with Current Driver Maximum Voltage 7.56307.5666Maximum Current 37537546375375375375* Individual coils; **Coils in series; See Pressure Control Pilot Valve (PCP) Part Number Reference Guide, page 6,for difference between F42XX and G42XX.67SPECIFICATIONS (continued)AMBIENT OPERATING TEMPERATURE-40°—93°C (-40°—200°F)OIL TEMPERATURE-29°—107°C (-20°—225°F)OIL VISCOSITY40 SSU—1400 SSULIFE10,000 hours or 10,000,000 cycles minimum WEIGHT0.73 kg (1.6 lb)HYDRAULICOPERATING SUPPLY PRESSURE10.3—68.9 bar (150—1000 psi)OPERATING RETURN PRESSURELess than 13.8 bar (200 psi)BLN 95-9033-5FLUIDThe valve is designed for use with petroleum based hydraulic fluids. Other fluids may be used provided that compatibility with viton and fluorosilicone seals is main-tained.SYSTEM FILTRATIONThe system hydraulics will have a filtration rating of B 10or better.ELECTRICALPULSE WIDTH MODULATIONWhen using a pulse width modulated current input, do not exceed rated currents for single coil devices or the algebraic sum of the rated currents in coils A and B for dual coil devices. Pulse width modulated frequencies of greater than 200 Hz are recommended.WIRINGOptional wiring styles are available: pigtail, MS, Packard Weather Pack, Packard Metri-Pack, and Deutsch DT Series.The pigtail connector is 89 mm (3.5039 in) long and is either two or four wire.As with all PCP connectors, phasing is such that a positive voltage to either red wires causes a pressure rise at the C2 port.The MS connector, MS3102C14S-2P (Sauer-Danfoss part number K01314), has four pins, two of which (A and B) are used on single coil devices. See MS Connector Pin Orien-tation, page 8. For single and dual coil wiring schemes see Connection Diagram, page 8.The mating connector for MS connectors is part number K08106 (right angle).The mating connector for Weather Pack PCPs is part num-ber K03384 (four terminal) or K03383 (two terminal). The mating connector for Metri-Pack PCPs is part number K12812(four terminal) or K10552 (two terminal). For twin two-terminal PCPs, order two K03383 bag assemblies.Included in the Weather Pack and Metri-Pack bag assembly:2 (or 4): 14—16 gauge terminals 2 (or 4): 18—20 gauge terminals1: plastic housing2 (or 4): green cable seals (for small gauge wires)2 (or 4): gray cable seals (for medium gauge wires)2 (or 4): blue cable seals (for large gauge wires)To assemble the Weather Pack and Metri-Pack mating connector:1.Isolate the wires that extend from the command source to the PCP.2.Strip back the insulation 5.5 mm (2.21653 in) on these wires.3.Push a ribbed cable seal over each of the wires with the smaller diameter shoulder of the seals toward the wire tip. Select the seals that fit tightly over the wires. The distance from the tip of the wires of the first (nearest) rib should be 9.5 mm (.37401 in). Thus, the insulation should just protrude beyond the seal.4.Select the appropriate set of terminals for the gauge wire used. Place the wire into the socket so that the seal edge is pushed through and extends slightly beyond the circular tabs that hold it in place. Crimp with a Packard 12014254 crimp tool. See Connector Crimp (Metri-Pack 280 Series), page 8. The distance from the back of the tangs to the furthest rib may not exceed 19.5 mm (.7677 in) on the Weather-Pack connector,18 mm (.7087in) on the Metri-Pack connector.5.Insert the assembled wires into the back end (large hole) of the plastic housing. Push until the wires detent with an audible click, then pull back slightly to ensure proper seating. Observe the proper phasing of the wires when installing: black wire to “A”, red wire to “B”,black to “C” and red to “D” (red to “E” if Metri-Pack).6.Swing the holder down into the detented position to trap the wires in the housing.7.Plug the two connector halves together , see Connector Parts (Metri-Pack 280 Series), page 8.8Crimp location and distance from tang to third rib of Packard Weather-Pack Connector.Packard Weather-Pack interlocked connector halves with parts identified.BLN 95-9033-5CABLE SEALSSIDE "B"R ED B LA C K SHROUDCONNECTORSIDE "A"DOUBLE-PLUG SEAL TOWER CONNECTORPackard Metri-Pack connector halves with parts identi-Crimp location and distance from tang to third rib of Packard Metri-Pack Connector.CONNECTOR CRIMP (METRI-PACK 280 SERIES)CONNECTOR PARTS (METRI-PACK 280 SERIES)CRIMP18 mm MAX.FEMALEASSYSEALSMALECONNECTOR9DEUTSCH ASSEMBLY CONTACT INSERTION AND CONTACT REMOVALCONTACT INSERTION1.Grasp crimped contact approximately 25.4 mm (1 in)behind the contact barrel.2.Hold connector with rear grommet facing you.3.Push contact straight into connector grommet until a click is felt. A slight tug will confirm that it is properly locked in place.4.Once all contacts are in place, insert orange wedge with arrow pointing toward exterior locking mechanism. The orange wedge will snap into place. Rectangular wedges are not oriented. They may go in either way.Note: Use the same procedure for the receptacle and plug.CONTACT REMOVAL1.Remove orange wedge using needlenose pliers or ahook shaped wire to pull wedge straight out.2.To remove the contacts, gently pull wire backwards,while at the same time releasing the locking finger by moving it away from the contact with a screwdriver.3.Hold the rear seal in place, as removing the contact will displace the seal.DT SERIESCONTACT PART NUMBER 0460-202-161410462-201-161410460-215-161410462-209-16141SIZE & TYPE 16 PIN 16 SOC 16 PIN 16 SOCA MAX .821.759.821.757B MIN . MAX . MIN . GAGE RANGE 16 and 1816 and 1814 and 1614 and 16RECOMMENDEDSTRIP LENGTH .250 to .312.250 to .312.250 to .312.250 to .312HAND CRIMP TOOL HDT-48-00HDT-48-00HDT-48-00HDT-48-00BLN 95-9033-510D C B ABLN 95-9033-5PCP MATING CONNECTORS2-pin Packard Weather-Pack Tower Mating Connector Kit: K03383Packard Crimping and Extracting Tools: 12014254and 120140124-pin Packard Weather-pack Tower Mating Connector Kit: K03384Packard Crimping and Extracting tools: 12014254and 12014012B AA DB C4-pin MSMating Connector Kit: K08106Wiring Assembly Tool:Soldering IronA B2-pin Packard Metri-Pack Female 280 Series Mating Connector Kit: K10552Packard Crimping and Extracting tools: (two crimp-ing tools required) 12085271/12085270 and 120944294-pin Packard Metri-Pack Female 150 Series Mating Connector Kit: K26500Packard Crimping and Extracting ToolsA B C D4-pin Deutsch Plug DT Series Mating Connector Kit: K23511Deutsch Crimping and Extracting Tools: HDT-48-00 and DT/RT112434-pin Packard Metri-Pack Female 150 Series Mating Connector Kit: K22254Packard Crimping and Extracting ToolsB A2-pin Packard Metri-Pack Female 150 Series Mating Connector Kit: K22569Packard Crimping and Extracting ToolsA B C D E4-pin Packard Metri-Pack Female 280 Series Mating Connector Kit: K12812Packard Crimping and Extracting toolsD C B AAPPLICATION (continued)Many controllers are set up to drive proportional solenoids through pulse width modulation (PWM). Sometimes the scheme is used with the field effect transistor (FET) outputs of DC2s or SUSMIC controllers. These controls send an oscillating pulse width modulated dc current to the coil. This scheme has the advantages of providing dither to the actua-tor and, in some cases, can simplify the electronics since they operate in a digital mode, potentially reducing heat output from the device.As with most things there are trade offs or unwanted side effects: Items 1 through 3 apply to all electrohydraulic actuators. Items 4 and 5 relate more specifically to PCPs.1.The pulsing current generates unwanted electromag-netic radiation, which can interfere with related devices.2.The actuators are generally responsive to current.PWM valve drivers are generally low impedance volt-age drives. As the coils heat up, the resistance changes (typically by as much as 50%), thus altering the re-sponse of the device. For a given PWM frequency and duty cycle, both peak and average current into the driven coil may strongly affect the coil's L/R (induc-tance/resistance) time constant, potentially reducing both accuracy and linearity. The effects vary consider-ably with valve type and with temperature and are quite different between the Sauer-Danfoss MCV116 and MCV110. PWM drivers often require "current feedback"to maintain sufficient accuracy as the temperature var-ies over the operating range.3.Some controllers are designed to diagnose shorts oropens in the output circuit. The PWM-induced voltage can affect some common detection schemes.4.In the case of the PCP, a PWM signal is like analternating current applied to the primary of a trans-former. A voltage is induced in the secondary coil proportional to the turns ratio of the coils less losses in the magnetic circuit. If the secondary coil is open circuited, there is no effect since no current flows, hence no magnetic field is generated. However, if current is allowed to flow in the secondary coil, it flows in a direction which will reduce the output of the actuator.5.Most electronic drivers will conduct current when backdriven with excessive voltages. One example is a drive that contains non-linear devices such as diodes or zener diodes for re-circulatory currents. The induced voltages may be sufficient to cause these devices to conduct, thereby causing current flow in the non-driven coil.In position control systems where the control drives toward null this generally is not a problem. However, in propel systems, especially dual path propel systems, the change in output velocity could be a severe limita-tion. In some cases filters can be designed to correct the problem. A limitation of filters is this adds a lag in the circuit which will adversely affect high response sys-tems. Also, it is impossible to design one filter to fit all applications.In summary, the ability to drive the Sauer-Danfoss PCP depends on many circumstances which must be understood and accounted for by the user.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSThe following questions and answers cover those applica-tions that use the PCP as the pilot stage to a second stage. For example: Electrical Displacement Control (EDC) for Sauer-Danfoss Variable Pumps and Sauer-Danfoss Flow and Pressure Control Servovalves.1.Question: Is the PCP a 12 or 24 volt dc device (i.e.,direct battery voltage)?Answer: Do not apply 12 or 24 volts dc directly to the PCP for several reasons, the most important being the coil will be permanently damaged. And voltage levels beyond 3 volts dc are out of the control range. The exceptions are: (1) the low current (4-20 mA) models, which have a maximum voltage ratting of 36 V DC, and(2) when applying a PWM signal from an amplifier. 2.Question: Why are some PCP configurations singlecoil and some dual coil?Answer: The original design was a single coil, and the dualcoil design followed as the standard configuration.3.Question: When should either a dual coil or single coilbe specified?Answer: When uncertain, specify a dual coil. The second coil does not have to be used to be bi-directional when using a potentiometer type inputs. The dual coil configuration can simplify the switching logic when required. The one exception in which a dual coil is not offered are EDCs and Servovalves that have a current range of 4-20 mA.4.Question: When is it a must to use a dual coil?Answer: When using a Control Handle (MCH) that hasa circuit board built into the housing (e.g., MCHxxxLxxx),because the output is switched forward and reverse between two output terminals. This switched output current is approximately 0—3 volts. With this type of output scheme, use one coil for reverse and the other coil for forward. However, most MCH models have a voltage/current output based on a bridge circuit, which uses approximately a 6 volt reference on each of the two outputs terminals. As the MCH is moved between forward and reverse, the voltage swings up and down from 6 volts. Also, when using either an analog amplifier or a microcontroller both coils would be used to achieve bi-directional control.5.Question: Can the PCP alone be changed on an EDCto achieve 4-20 mA control?Answer: Simply changing the PCP is not a solution, because the second stage (i.e., EDC) is calibrated using different internal spring forces to match a specific high gain (psid/mA) PCP (MCV116A3501).6.Question: What is the purpose of having silicone oilinside the cover?Answer:The original PCP Valves design did not have silicone oil, but shortly thereafter it was added to all PCP models to reduce the effects of the environment. The loss of silicone oil to those PCP's that are used on the Servovalve (KVF models) may cause a loss in valve performance, and therefore it is recommended to re-place the silicone oil in the event it is removed or lost.See item 6 on page 13 for replacement kit.1114Note: The Deutsch electrical connectors are not shown. See Item 4, a change was made in January 2000 that increased the null access opening thread size from 1/4-28 to 3/8-24, therefore part number K00920 only fits those covers with a 1/4-28 thread size. See Item 5, the preferred part number K28475 includes the cover,The following steps are recommended when servicing those parts listed in the Service Parts List, page 13.Preferred service tools are:• Screw driver: TX 15 and TX 10• Solder: SN62• Needle nose pliers, small tip • Solder iron: electronic type • Multimeter• Cleaning solvent: Chemtronics 2000 ES 1601• Torque wrench: 0—25 in .lb (0—33 N .m)REPLACING COVER AND/OR ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR 1.Wipe down external surface to ensure that loose contaminants will not fall inside the housing.2.Place the valve in a firm position at 45° with the electrical connector tilted upwards. Pressure control pilot valves (PCP) built after 1988 are filled with a silicone oil. Locate and remove the four connector screws (see page 13,Item 8 if MS connector, or Item 10 if Packard connector).3.Hold the electrical connector and untwist wires by rotating the connector counterclockwise two turns while gently pulling away from the housing.4.Clean the solder connections inside connection of the electrical connector with degreaser. Unsolder the wires,noting which pin goes to which wire color (e.g., Pin A to black, Pin B to red, Pin C to brown, etc.). With the connector held firmly, place the solder iron against the base solder cup if MS, and pin if Packard, until the wires can be gently pulled away.5.The cover can now be removed and replaced if required.Be sure the PCP cover gasket is firmly seated into the cover base and is in good condition before cover is installed. Torque cover screws to 12—15 in .lb (16—20N .m).6.Verify that wire to pin connections are correct before soldering wires and the connector O-ring (see page 13,Item 7) is in place before soldering.7a.For the MS style connector, ensure that the cups havesufficient solder (approximately level). If additional solder is required, place solder iron against the base of the cup and add solder. While solder is still liquid, place wire in the cup, remove iron and let cool for several seconds while holding wire firmly.7b.For the Packard style connector, the wire should extendaround and contact the terminal post for at least 180° (1/2 wrap to a maximum of 270°). When ready to solder,heat the terminal and add solder, remove iron, and let cool for several seconds while holding wire firmly.8.After soldering, ensure that terminals and wires do not contact one another.SERVICE PARTS (continued)9.If silicone oil is to be added, do so at this step with the connector not yet attached to cover. Tilt cover upward and add 45 cc of oil from container. The container (see page 13, Item 6) holds enough for 3 fills.10. Before attaching the connector to the cover, rotateconnector clockwise two turns. This will bundle the wires together, finishing with the notch up when viewed from the outward side of the MS connector and lead wires down for Packard connector (see MS Connector Pin Orientation, page 8). Insert connector screws and torque to 8—10 in .lb (11—13 N .m).11. With a multimeter, check for proper coil resistancebetween terminals A and B, and between C and D if PCP is a dual coil.CUSTOMER SERVICEWhen ordering a MCV116 Pressure Control Pilot Valve refer to the table MCV116 Pressure Control Pilot (PCP) Valve Part Number Reference Guide, page 6.NORTH AMERICAORDER FROMSauer-Danfoss (US) CompanyCustomer Service Department3500 Annapolis Lane NorthMinneapolis, Minnesota 55447Phone: (763) 509-2084Fax: (763) 559-0108DEVICE REPAIRFor devices in need of repair, include a description of the problem, a copy of the purchase order and your name, address and telephone number.RETURN TOSauer-Danfoss (US) CompanyReturn Goods Department3500 Annapolis Lane NorthMinneapolis, Minnesota 55447EUROPEORDER FROMSauer-Danfoss (Neumünster) GmbH & Co. OHG Order Entry DepartmentPostfach 2460, D-24531 NeumünsterKrokamp 35, D24539 Neumünster, Germany Phone: +49 4321 871-0Fax: +49 4321 871 122。

GROUP550设备说明书目录一、设备环境安装要求 ............................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1、硬件规格...................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2、网络需求...................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
二、设备安装步骤 ................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1、 GROUP 550介绍-设备组成: ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2、 GROUP 550介绍-背板连线示意: ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
3、实物展示...................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
4、物理连接...................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
三、加电测试 ....................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1、设备开机...................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
赛米控丹佛斯 功率组件SKS 660F B6U 440 V16 S数据表

Electrical Characteristics Symbolmintyp maxUnit I D 660A V AC500V ACV BUS 670V DCP TOTAL 440kWP LOSSWEnvironnmental Data Symbolmin typ max Unit Drawing-Weight15.4kg Altitude1 000m ProtectionIP00-Pollution degree 2-SEMISTACK ® CLASSICS - B6UThree phase uncontrolled rectifier Type -V FAN 230V AC Preliminary Dataf FAN 50/60Hz I FAN 0.60/0.68A Ordering No.08785121P FAN135/154WDescriptionSKS 660F B6U 440 V16 SUFeaturesStack Protection Symbol min typ max Unit • Isolated power stacks • SKKD 260/16Type RC in parallel with bridge rectifier 1/6 RC47-• Heatsink P16/200R 47Ohm • Forced air cooling C 0.22µF• RC circuit included• Fuses with microswitches • Thermal trip included Size -I N RMS A Typical ApplicationsU N Nominal voltage (IEC)690V I²tTotal at Un at room temperature (approx. 20…25°C )514.5kA²s• Power supplies• Rectifier for AC/DC motor controlT S 80°C Maximum permissible currentat 240V AC1A at 30V DC3ARemarks1Diode Module stackInstallation altitude without derating Approximate total weight Bimetal Thermal Trip Switching temperature over which thermal trip is open EN 50178Fan Data SKF 16A-230-11Fan maximum input current 11102106.01.BRev. 1 - 18.01.2017Fan frequencyFan voltage SEMIKRON fan designation IEC 60529SEMIKRON document number.revision.version I TC MAXFan powerB6UThis technical information specifies semiconductor devices butpromises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, is made regarding delivery, performance or suitability.RC Circuit Conditions Resistance (11W)Fuses 1 fuse per phase, with microswitches 31Caliber700ConditionsConditions Maximum stack powerMechanical DataElectrical DataT AMBIENT = 35°C ; No overload DC Bus voltage Maximum AC voltage (+/-10%)Maximum DC currentStack power loss (T AMBIENT = 35°C)This technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performance or suitability.2Rev. 1 - 18.01.2017。

Danfoss CC550© 06-2010
6. 连接 230 V 交流电源 (端子 1-3)
连接 230 V 交流电压之后,可以手动激 活以测试继电器输出 DO1 到 DO6: 1. 将控制器设为手动控制/服务模式 (r12=-
1) 2. 通过下面方式逐一测试继电器,将各代
码中分别设为 on/off 并按中间按键确认 后,将会使继电器由闭合转为断开状态: 制冷继电器 (u58), 风扇继电器 (u59), 除霜 继电器 (u60), 防结露继电器 (u61), 警报继 电器 (u62), 照明继电器 (u63) 3. 停止控制功能 / 主开关断开功能 (r12=0)
Danfoss CC550© 06-2010
7. 设置温度设定值上下限 (r02/r03) 设置温度设定值上限: r02 设置温度设定值下限: r03
8. 设置高/低温报警限制 (A13/A14) 设置高温报警值: A13 设置低温报警值: A14
高温警报值 (A13)
4. 连接开关量输入 DI1 和 DI2 (端子 24-27) DI1 的典型应用:门磁开关,外部启停开关 DI2 的典型应用:硬件连线的协同除霜 在一个数字信号连接多个 CC550 时(如一个 压力传感器为多个 CC550 提供压力信号), 注意信号线和各接线端子的对应关系,接线 需正确且保存一致,不能将这个 cc550 模块 端口 24 的线连接到其它模块的端口 6-2010
2. 安装蒸发器控制器 AK-CC 550
2.1 基本安装流程
按如下步骤完成蒸发器控制器 AK-CC 550 的基本安装: 1. 安装控制器 2. 使用 Lon-RS485 通讯方式,需要插入 EKA175 通讯卡 3. 连接温度传感器 S1, S2, S3, S4, S5and S6 (端子 35-44) 4. 连接开关量输入 DI1 和 DI2 (端子 24-27) 5. 连接继电器输出 DO1-DO6 (端子 4-19),注意电磁阀的连接,需要中间串一电源,方可工作 6. 连接 230 V 交流电源 (端子 1-3) 7、连接压力传感器 Pe 或蒸发器入口温度传感器 S1,(端子 30,31,32),注意和压力传感器上的

9901 LANGUAGE (语言)中文9902 APPLIC MACRO ( 应用宏) 1 = ABB 标准型 5 = 手动/ 自动型9904 MOTOR CTRL MODE ( 电机控制模式) 1 = 速度控制频率9905 MOTOR NOM VOLT ( 电机额定电压)9906 MOTOR NOM CURR ( 电机额定电流)9907 MOTOR NOM FREQ ( 电机额定频率)9908 MOTOR NOM SPEED (电机额定转速)9909 MOTOR NOM POWER (电机额定功率)Group 01: 运行数据0102 SPEED( 速度)0103 OUTPUT FREQ ( 输出频率)0104 CURRENT ( 电流)0105 TORQUE ( 转矩)0106 POWER ( 功率)0107 DC BUS VOLTAGE ( 直流电压)0109 OUTPUT VOLTAGE ( 输出电压)0110 DRIVE TEMP ( 变频器温度)0111 EXTERNAL REF 1 (外部给定1)0112 EXTERNAL REF 2 (外部给定2)0113 CTRL LOCATION (控制地点)0 = LOCAL( 本地) 1 = EXT1( 外控1) 2 = EXT2( 外控2)0114 RUN TIME (R) (运行时间)0120 AI1 AI1 相对值,以百分比表示0121 AI2 AI2 相对值,以百分比表示。
Group 03: 实际信号Group 04: 故障记录Group 10: 指令输入1001 EXT1 COMMANDS (EXT1 命令) 1 = DI1– 2- 线控制起停1002 EXT2 COMMANDS (EXT2 命令) 1 = DI1– 2- 线控制起停1003 DIRECTION (转向) 1 = FORWARD( 正转) –方向固定为正转。
Group 11: 给定选择1101 KEYPAD REF SEL ( 控制盘给定选择 1 = REF1 (Hz/rpm) –给定方式取决于参数9904 电机控制模式、1102 EXT1/EXT2 SEL (EXT1/EXT2 选择) 31103 REF1 SELECT ( 给定值1 选择) 1 = AI1 –给定来自AI11104 REF1 MIN 0外部给定1 的最小限幅值Hz/rpm为单位1105 REF1 MAX 50外部给定1 的最大限幅值Hz/rpm为单位1106 REF2 SELECT ( 给定值2 选择) 2 = AI2–给定来自AI21107 REF2 MIN 0%EXT2 最小给定值。

6、使常闭型电磁阀开启,常开型电磁阀关闭的允许最大工 作压差
7、阀安装处的环境温度、湿度、危险环境要设线圈防爆罩 8、接管型式,尺寸 35 9、线圈的电气特性
KP 压力和温度控制器
KP型温度控制器是单刀双掷温度控制的温度开关 KP型温度控制器可直接与2KW以下额单相交流电机相连,或者安
EVRAT 10/15/20 就是一种辅助升举的伺服式 电磁阀。
另一种是组合式由导阀操纵的电磁阀(电磁主阀 PML)
VHV/STF 4通换向阀
电磁阀的选择: 1、它所适用的流体介质 2、基本的流动配置,例如,两通,三通,常开,常闭等 3、流体的温度和压降 4、流体流过阀的许可压降 5、阀能力 阀能力对应于一定的尺寸,若尺寸过大,阀振
UT 温度控制器
RT 温度和压力控制器
RT压力控制器安装有一个压力控制的单刀转换开 关,其触点位置决定于接口压力和设定压力
RT系列产品包括压力开关,压差开关,带中间区 的压力开关
这些元件被广泛用于各种制冷空调系统、工业、 控制及船舶领域
温度控制器是一个温度控制的开关触点位置,取 决于感温包位置和设定值
属于背压式的泄压阀,SFA15、SFV20、 SFV25安全阀设置的开启压力在10和 25bar之间,可作为内部安全阀使用
适用于R717在内的各种不可燃制冷剂及 无腐蚀性的气体,液体,但要注意密封性
DSV 双座安全阀
为三通阀,适用于各种不可燃制冷剂 DSV的工作状态可以在两个SFA/SFV之间转换,

警报 警报描述 高温报警 低温报警 门报警 协同化霜时o16参数激活 控制故障 未选择制冷剂类型 S6高温报警 S6低温报警 DI1报警 DI2报警 待机模式 清洗(DI信号输入)
S19 S20 S21 S22 S23 S24 S25 S26 S29 S30 S32 S33 其它显示 non -dPS
---AD fault ---AD Iced ---AD not defr. ---Ctrl.error ---RTC error ---Pe error ---S1 error ---S2 error ---S3 error ---S4 error ---S5 error ---S6 error ---S5 B error ---Max Def.Time
温度调制控制 传感器故障后的紧急制冷 喷液控制功能故障 开机阶段2:蒸发器冲液中 自适应控制 开机阶段1:传感器信号稳定 手动强制控制 未选择制冷剂类型 清洗模式 强制制冷 开机后输出延时 制热(r36打开)23 E24 E25 E26 E27 E28 E37
赛米控丹佛斯电子 SK55TAA12p 数据表

© by SEMIKRONRev. 2.0–16.09.20211®2 Press-FitTwo separated thyristorsSK55TAA12p Features*•Compact design •One screw mounting•Solder free mounting with Press-Fit terminals•Fully compatible with SEMITOP ® Press-Fit types•High current density due to double mesa technology•Heat transfer and isolation through direct copper bonded alumina oxide ceramic (DBC)•High surge currents•UL recognized, file no. E 63 532Typical Applications•Controlled rectifier circuit •Solid state relaysAbsolute Maximum Ratings SymbolConditions Values UnitThyristor 1V RRM 1200V V DRM 1200V I T(AV)T j =130°C, T s =70°C 47A I TSM t p =10ms, sin 180°, T j =25°C 1100A i 2tt p =10ms, sin 180°, T j =25°C6050A²s T j-40 (130)°CAbsolute Maximum Ratings SymbolConditions Values UnitModule I t(RMS)∆T terminal at PCB joint = 30 K, per pin 35A T stg module without TIM -40...125°C V isolAC, sinusoidal, t =1min2500VCharacteristics SymbolConditions min.typ.max.UnitThyristor 1V T T j =25°C,I T =80A 1.26V V T(TO)T j =130°C 0.85V r T T j =130°C4.38m ΩI DD ;I RD T j =130°C,V DD = V DRM ; V RD = V RRM 9mA t gd T j =25°C,I G =1A, di G /dt =1A/µs 1µs t gr V D = 0.67 * V DRM 2µs t q T j =130°C 150µs I H T j =25°C220mA I L T j =25°C,R G =33Ω440mA V GT T j =25°C,d.c.2V I GT T j =25°C,d.c.100mA V GD T j =130°C, d.c.0.25V I GD T j =130°C, d.c.6mA R th(j-s)per thyristor, λpaste =0.8 W/(mK), sin. 180°0.94K/WCharacteristics SymbolConditions min.typ.max.UnitModule M s to heatsink 1.82Nm wweight19g2Rev. 2.0–16.09.2021© by SEMIKRON© by SEMIKRON Rev. 2.0–16.09.20213This is an electrostatic discharge sensitive device (ESDS) due to international standard IEC 61340.*IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND WARNINGSThe specifications of SEMIKRON products may not be considered as guarantee or assurance of product characteristics ("Beschaffenheitsgarantie"). The specifications of SEMIKRON products describe only the usual characteristics of products to be expected in typical applications, which may still vary depending on the specific application. Therefore, products must be tested for the respective application in advance. Application adjustments may be necessary. The user of SEMIKRON products is responsible for the safety of their applications embedding SEMIKRON products and must take adequate safety measures to prevent the applications from causing a physical injury, fire or other problem if any of SEMIKRON products become faulty. The user is responsible to make sure that the application design is compliant with all applicable laws, regulations, norms and standards. Except as otherwise explicitly approved by SEMIKRON in a written document signed by authorized representatives of SEMIKRON, SEMIKRON products may not be used in any applications where a failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed with respect to the accuracy, completeness and/or use of any information herein, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. SEMIKRON does not assume any liability arising out of the applications or use of any product; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights, nor the rights of others. SEMIKRON makes no representation or warranty of non-infringement or alleged non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party which may arise from applications. Due to technical requirements our products may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact the nearest SEMIKRON sales office. This document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied and may be superseded by updates. SEMIKRON reserves the right to make changes.4。
赛米控丹佛斯 功率组件SKS 640F B6C 430 V16 S 数据表

Electrical CharacteristicsSymbol min typ max UnitI D640A V AC500V AC V BUS670V DC P TOTAL430kW P LOSS WEnvironnmental DataSymbol min typ max UnitDrawing-Weight15.52kgAltitude 1 000mProtection IP00-Pollution Degree2-SEMISTACK® CLASSICS - B6CThree phase controlled rectifier Type-V FAN230V AC Preliminary Data f FAN50/60HzI FAN0.60/0.68A Ordering No.08785021P FAN135/154W Description SKS 640F B6C 430 V16 SUFeatures Stack ProtectionSymbol min typ max Unit • Isolated power stacks• SKKT 330/16Type RC in parallel with each electrical switch RC47-• Heatsink P16/200R47Ohm • Forced air cooling C0.22µF • RC circuit included• Fuses with microswitches• Thermal trip included Size-I N RMS A Typical Applications U N Nominal voltage (IEC)690VI²t Total at Un at room temperature (approx. 20…25°C)515kA²s • Regulated power supplies• Alternator excitation• Motor control T S85°CMaximum permissible current at 240V AC1Aat 30V DC3A Remarks1ConditionsConditionsMaximum stack powerMechanical DataElectrical DataT AMBIENT = 35°C ; No overloadDC Bus voltageMaximum AC voltage (+/-10%)Maximum DC currentStack power loss (T AMBIENT = 35°C)B6CThis technical information specifies semiconductor devices butpromises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee, expressed orimplied, is made regarding delivery, performance or suitability.RC CircuitConditionsResistance (11W)Fuses1 fuse per phase, with microswitches31Caliber70012100512.00.BRev. 0 - 16.01.2013Fan frequencyFan voltageSEMIKRON fan designationIEC 60529SEMIKRON document number.revision.versionI TC MAXFan powerThyristor Module stack Installation altitude without deratingApproximate total weightBimetal Thermal TripSwitching temperature over which thermal trip is openEN 50178Fan DataSKF 16A-230-11Fan maximum input currentThis technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performance or suitability.2Rev. 0 - 16.01.2013。

温度监测 正如温度控制一样,温度警报设置也同样可以设置传感器S3
和S4的加权,同时可设定警报温度上下限和警报延时,在化霜、 冷柜清洗和断电启动后,可为高温警报设定更长的警报延时
S1的安装位置非常重要, 它既可以用作安全信号, 也可提供一个完整的控制
手册 RS8EN741 © Danfoss 2016-03
应用1-8 这些应用适用于带有一个阀,一个蒸发器和一个制冷分区
的标准制冷设备和冷库的使用 传感器的使用依据标准的应用原则 输出功能的配置依据不同的制冷应用类型的选择
应用9 此种应用适用于一个阀,两个蒸发器和两个制冷分区的制
冷设备 此时,温度和报警监控通常由S4传感器控制 传感器S3仅用于显示温度读数 第二个蒸发器的产品温度传感器由外部除霜传感器S5B代替
手册 RS8EN741 © Danfoss 2016-03
Байду номын сангаас
化霜 依据不同的应用,可以选择如下的几种化霜方式: 自然化霜:在化霜过程中,风扇可持续运转 电加热: 加热元件工作 热气化霜:控制电磁阀,便于热气流过蒸发器
化霜顺序 1)抽空 2)化霜 3)化霜后等待状态 4)排水(排水延时,仅热气化霜) 5)滴水 6)风扇延时
温度控制 通过一个或两个温度传感器控制制冷设备的温度,分别安
装在蒸发器S3前的回风口和S4后的出风口。为温控、警报及显 示所设的设定值可决定两传感器彼此影响的比重,如50%会产生 相同的数值 ,此时说明温度传感器占的比重一样
实际的温度控制可通过两种方式实现:带有温差的常规的 ON/OFF控制,另外一种是调制控制,此时温度的变化没有ON/ OFF控制下的温度变化大。尽管如此,调制控制也有限制,他仅 适用于中央区域。在非中央区域,应选择ON/OFF控制

MG.17.K2.41 - VLT® 是 Danfoss 的注册商标
0245 = 245 A, AC53a 3-30:50-6 0360 = 360 A, AC53a 3-30:50-6 0380 = 380 A, AC53a 3-30:50-6 0428 = 428 A, AC53a 3-30:50-6 0595 = 595 A, AC53a 3-30:50-6 0619 = 619 A, AC53a 3-30:50-6 0790 = 790 A, AC53a 3-30:50-6 0927 = 927 A,AC53a 3-30:50-6 1200 = 1200 A, AC53a 3-30:50-6 1410 = 1410 A, AC53a 3-30:50-6 1600 = 1600 A, AC53a 3-30:50-6
MCD 500 操作手册
3 安装
3.1 机械安装
3 安装
MCD5-0021B - MCD5-0245C:软启动器之间允许有 100 mm(3.94 英寸)的距离。
MCD5-0360C - MCD5-1600C:软启动器之间允许有 200 mm(7.88 英寸)的距离。
MCD5-0021B - MCD5-0215B:软启动器和固体表面之间允许有 50 mm(1.97 英寸)的距离。
Not used
IP rating 00 = IP00 20 = IP20

AK2-SC255控制器使用说明...(E Version)2008年1月一.概述系统采用丹佛斯专利的ADAP-KOOL®技术,可以帮助客户在食品零售及服务行业大幅降低能耗,减少维护费用,保证食品质量并减少损耗。
丹佛斯专利的ADAP-KOOL®技术•AK2 模块•AK2 控制器•EKC 控制器•AKD 变频器2.EKC531D1该控制器可同时控制并联机组和冷凝器。
•广泛的应用范围•专利的中性区控制原理•浮动冷凝压力• 通过网络可进行吸气压力优化 •冷凝器风扇的分步控制或者变速调节3. EKC414A1蒸发器控制器 电子膨胀阀控制器 三. 常用说明1.名称功能说明0~9数字键设定及修改系统参数时用于输入参数值箭头方向键 1.界面浏览时,在不同条目中移动光标2.下拉式多选项条目中,移动选择项Enter (确认)键 确认所作出的选择、参数设定或修改值;如果参数设定或修改后没有按确认键,数值将无法生效 ±EDIT 键 1.参数值的正负性设定2.光标移动到需要输入或修改的参数位置时,利用此键激活开始输入或修改功能ESC (返回)键 在不同界面浏览时,利用此键返回上一层界面MENU (主菜单)键 无论在何界面,按下此键即可直接返回到主菜单界面中 PG UP/ PG DN (翻页)键浏览界面时,若有多页信息,用于不同页面间转移2. 中英文主界面3. 如何调整语言 • Refrigeration 制冷:关于制冷系统(压缩机组,制冷支回路,冷凝风扇等)的运行状 态、参数输入及修改均由此条目进入 • Authorization 密码:此条目下,输入授权使用的用户名及密码后即可拥有对应级别的 设定或修改权限 • Alarms 警报:可浏览当前正在发生的报警内容并更改报警设定条件 • Communications 通讯:显示主控制器间(AK2-255数量>1个时),主控制器 与通讯模块,通讯模块与功能模块之间的通讯状态,可利用扫描网络功能检查通讯 • Configuration 设置:设定制冷、空调、灯光和其他应用的所有参数 • History 历史记录:设定及浏览用户指定的数据点的历史纪录,包括温度、压力、继电 器动作及开关量输入记录。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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d10 d16 d17 d18 d20 d21 d22
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
0 0 0
3 60 min 60 min 48 hrs 240 min 4 1/On
0 0 0 0/Off 30 0 0/Off
1 1
0 hrs 0
1 1
1 1
1 1
参数 功能 正常操作 温度(设定值) 温控 温差 温度设定上限 温度设定下限 显示温度修正 温度单位 (° F) C/° 温度信号修正S4 (Sout) 温度信号修正S3 (Sin) 制冷开始/停止 (-1,0,1) 夜间运行时参考值偏置量 温控模式 1=开/关, 2=调制 温控传感器定义及加权比例 100%=S4 (Sout), 0%=S3 (Sin). 融化间隔 融化周期 第二温度设定值(双温) S6修正 夜间工作时,S4和S3的加权比例(100%=S4,0%=S3) 制热功能:制冷与制热的中性区 制冷切换到制热的延迟时间 报警 温度报警延时 门报警延时 化霜后温度报警延时 温控值1的高温报警 温控值1的低温报警 温控值2的高温报警 温控值2的低温报警 温控值1时的S6高温报警 温控值1时的S6低温报警 温控值2时的S6高温报警 温控值2时的S6低温报警 S6报警延时(设定值为240时,S6报警取消) DI1报警延时 DI2报警延时 温控报警的信号(100%=S4,0%=S3) 化霜后S6报警延时 压缩机 最小运行时间 最小停机时间 第二台压缩机开机延时 化霜 化霜方式:0=无,1=电加热,2=自然 化霜终止温度 化霜启动间隔 最大化霜周期 开机后化霜延时 滴水时间 化霜后风机启动延时 风机启动温度 化霜时风机运行 d01 d02 d03 d04 d05 d06 d07 d08 d09 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c01 c02 c05 1 1 1 1 1 1 A03 A04 A12 A13 A14 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A36 A52 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r01 r02 r03 r04 r05 r09 r10 r12 r13 r14 r15 r16 r17 r21 r59 r61 r62 r63 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 --1 1 1 1 代码 1 2 3 4
应用类型 5 6 7 8 9 10
-50° C
50° C
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2/Gas 25° C 48 hrs 360 min 240 min 60 min 60 min 0° C 1/yes
1/EL 6 8 45 0 0 0 -5 1/yes
1 0hrs/Off 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 -15 0/no
化霜终止温度 0=按时间,1=S5,2=S4,3=Sx (应用1-8、10:S5和S6;应用9:S5和S5B) 抽空延时 排空延时(仅用于热气化霜) 两次化霜间的最长制冷时间 集水盘加热关闭延时 自适应化霜: 0=无,1=仅监视,2=仅白天,3=日、夜,4=仅夜间 自适应化霜启动
240 min 240 min 240 min 50° C 50° C 50° C 50° C 50° C 50° C 50° C 50° C 240 min 240 min 240 min 100% 240 min
30 60 90 5 -30 5 -30 5 -30 5 -30 30 30 30 100 90
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0.1 K -49° C -50° C -10° C 0/° C -10.0 K -10.0 K -1 -25.0 K 1 0%
20.0 K 50° C 49° C 10° C 1/° F 10.0 K 10.0 K 1 25.0 K 2 100% 10 h 10 min 50° C 10.0 K 100% 50 K 240 min
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
0 0/Off
过热度控制 积分时间(需专业人员调整!!!) 过热度参考量的最大值 过热度参考量的最小值 MOP温度 (MOP=15时,功能关闭) n05 n09 n10 n11 n12 AKV电子膨胀阀的时间周期,需专业人员操作!! 后台参数,需专业人员操作!! 后台参数,需专业人员操作!! 后台参数,需专业人员操作!! 后台参数,需专业人员操作!! 后台参数,需专业人员操作!! n13 n15 n16 n17 n18 n23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0/OFF 0 0/Pt 0 min 0% -1 bar 6 bar 12 240 1/ON 100 1/Ptc 360 min 100% 5 bar 36 bar 0 0 0/OFF OFF 0/Pt 20 100 -1 12 30 sec 3° C 3° C -50.0° C 0K 3 sec. 30 sec 10% 5% 0 1 600 sec 20° C 20° C 15° C 10K 6 sec. 600 sec 75% 70% 1 50 150 12 3 15° C 0 6 180 30 30 0.4 6 900 1 50 0 5 100 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 5
1 1
1 1
0 min
1 1 1
0 min 0 min 0 sec
30 min 30 min 999 sec
0 0 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1
0/No 0
100 sec 1800 sec 1 2 -50.0° C 0 1 min 0% 0 hrs 0 min 0 hrs 0 min 1 day 1 mon 0 year 0 sec. 50° C 2 30 min 100% 23 hrs 59 min 23 hrs 59 min 31 day 12 mon 99 year 999 sec
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 min. 0 min 0 min -50° C -50° C -50° C -50° C -50° C -50° C -50° C -50° C 0 min 0 min 0 min 0%
后台参数,需专业人员操作!! n24 过热度测量方式:1=压力传感器AKS32R;2=温度传感器S1 n57 风机 风机停止温度(S5) F04 脉冲运行:0=无,1=制冷关闭时,2=夜间制冷关闭式 F05 风扇脉冲循环时间(开机、关机时间总和) F06 F07 脉冲运行时开机时间比例 时钟模块 小时(六次化霜启动时间) t01-t06 分钟(六次化霜启动时间) t11-t16 时间设定:小时 t07 时间设定:分钟 t08 时间设定:日 t45 时间设定:月 t46 时间设定:年 t47 其它 开机后输出延时 o01 DI1定义: OFF=未使用, 1=DI1状态,2=带报警的门功能, 3=门报警, 4=开始化 霜,5=外部主开关,6=夜间运行,7=第二温控激活,8=闭合报警,9=断 o02 开报警, 10=清洗模式,11=强制制冷(热气化霜)12 =夜帘控制 控制器地址 o03 ON/OFF开关 (向网关或主控器发送信息) o04 登录密码1 o05 传感器类型S3, S4 and S5 (Pt / PTC) o06 协同化霜后最大待机时间 o16 o17 传感器显示比例 S4%(100%=S4,0%=S3) o20 压力传感器工作范围 – 最小值 o21 压力传感器工作范围 – 最大值 制冷剂 1=R12. 2=R22. 3=R134a. 4=R502. 5=R717. 6=R13. 7=R13b1. 8=R23. 9=R500. 10=R503. 11=R114. 12=R142b. 13=未定 义. 14=R32. 15=R227. 16=R401A. 17=R507. 18=R402A. 19=R404A. 20=R407C. 21=R407A. 22=R407B. 23=R410A. o30 24=R170. 25=R290. 26=R600. 27=R600a. 28=R744. 29=R1270. DI2定义: OFF=未使用, 1=DI1状态,2=带报警的门功能, 3=门报警, 4=开始化 霜,5=外部主开关,6=夜间运行,7=第二温控激活,8=闭合报警,9=断 开报警,10=清洗模式,11=强制制冷(热气化霜),12=夜帘控制,13= o37 协同化霜 照明控制:1=按日、夜运行,2=通讯控制(o39),3=DI信号控 o38 制,4=同2,但网络关机超过15分钟后夜帘打开 o39 照明继电器激活(仅当o38=2) o41 白天运行时防结露加热丝的运行时间比重 o42 夜间运行时防结露加热丝的运行时间比重 防结露运行周期(开机、关机时间之和) o43 清洗模式:0=无,1=仅关闭风机,2=关闭全部输出 o46 设置应用类型(1-10) o61 选择预设参数 o62 登录密码2 o64 将当前设定保存到复制卡 o65 将复制卡 C 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 1 100 1 5 2 0.0 100 2 0