北师大版 必修二 Language Power(3)




2019北师大版高中英语选择性必修二单词默写表UNIT 4 HUMOUR 默写2 默写1 Topic Talk1n.喜剧.喜剧.2phr.相.3ⅵ..vt.假装.装作4adj.幽默的.诙谐的5n.(书、电影、戏剧的)情.6n.口.7vt.模仿*8adj.面部的.脸上.9vi.交流.交往.相互作用10n.焦虑.不安.担心11n.舒适.健康.幸.12adj.重要的.重大的13vt.增强.改进.提.14n.裁判(员..15adj.极度惊恐的*16adj.头晕目眩.17adj.不平衡的18 n.挥动.挥舞.秋千.vi..vt.(使)摆动.(使)转动.朝……打去.荡秋千19adj.难堪的.尴尬.20vt.消耗.吃.消.21adj.困惑.22n.潜力.潜能.adj.潜在的.可能的23Lesson 1 WHAT’S SO FUNNY?n.杯托24n.门口.出入口25n.古董.adj.古时制造的26adv.漫不经心地.非正式地.27adv.装作若无其事地.无辜.28n.胃口.食.29adj.忠诚.30vt.推论.推断.31n.天文.32n.星.33adv.可能地.潜在.34n.土星*35n.狮子.3637 adj.科学(上).38n.大气(层).气氛.氛围.环.39vt.预测.预.40adj.中年的41n.诊所.外科手术42vi.流血.出血43ⅵ..n.打喷嚏44vi.尖声大叫.n.尖叫.45n.就诊.咨询46n.危难时刻.危.47vt.检.48vt.宣布.宣.49adv.随后.后来50n.马戏.51n.小丑*52vt.应得.应受到53Lesson 2 WHY DO WE NEED HUMOUR?n.紧张.焦虑.焦.54n.肌.5556 adj.身体的.肉体的.phr.血管.57adj.心理的.精神的58n.心情.情绪59adj.影响深远.60vt.使充满活力.使增强决心61adj.有免疫力.62n.细.63n.感染.传.64vt.把……并入.包含.65vi..vt.悄声说.低语.耳.66vi.脸红.67n.窘迫.尴.68adv.偶然地.意外.69n.费用.花费70phr.嘲笑某人71Lesson 3 MY FAVOURITE COMEDIANn.喜剧演.72n.国.73n.名誉.名.7475 vt.遇到vt.使开心.逗笑76ⅵ.依赖77phr.依赖.信赖78adv.完全地.纯粹地.仅.79adj.广泛适用的.共同的.普遍.80n.一.81adj.吃惊的.惊讶.82n.牛.83adj.生的84vi..vt.咀嚼85n.花瓶86n.女用手提包.女式钱.87adj.当代.88n.影视剧本作家.编剧89adv.主要地.大部分90adj.笨拙的.不灵活的*91adj.好笑的.有趣.92n.创造物.作品93n.正相反.恰恰相.94adj.学术.95n.奖学金96phr.寄宿学.97vt.得到.获.98vt.获得.得到99phr.电力(电气)工程学100n.结巴.口吃*101n.天资.天賦.才.102n.镜子103n.制作人.制片.104adv.很少.难得105n.天才.天赋.天才人.106adj.确信的.信服.107Writing Workshop A FUNNY STORYadj.不幸的.倒霉的.108n.代理人.109vt.要求110Reading Club 1adv.不严谨.111vi..vt.批评.指责112Reading Club 2n.大木头.原木.(事件的)正式记.113n.成.114n.政治家115n.浴室.ⅵ.洗澡116UNIT 5 EDUCATION 默写2 默写1 Topic Talkn.重要性.意.1vt.促进.增.2vt.促进.使便.3adj.一贯的.一致.4vt.培养.养成(技能、态度或素质)*5n.同情.同情.6phr.人.7vt.分析.剖.8n.哲学.9n.教育工作者10vt.坚称.坚持主.11vt.评估.评价12Lesson 1 ENLIGHTENING A MINDvt.启迪.指导.教.13adv.极其.非常14adj.很严重.15n.限制.规定.约.16adj.难以忍受的.承受不住.17adj.引起麻烦的.令人烦恼的18adj.固执的.执拗的.倔强.19n.倾向20adj.极好的.卓越.21n.视力22vi.理解.相联.23n.技巧.手.24adj.简单的.易懂的.诚实的.坦率.25n.玩偶.26adv.起.27n.兴奋.激.28n.模仿.仿效29n.水流30n.液.31adj.宝贵的32vt.理解.领会3334 adj.逐渐的.逐步.adj.令人痛苦的.困难的.疼痛.35adj.热心的.热衷.36n.词汇.37vi..vt.(使)扩大.增.38adj.复杂的.难以理解.39n.紫罗兰*40adv.轻柔地.温和地.平缓地41vt.使困惑.使迷惑.42adj.显而易见的.明白的43n.(太阳或月亮的)光.44adj.失望的.沮丧.45adj.抽象.46n.概念.想.47n.突破.重大进.48n.项链*49n.额.前额50adj.生动的.逼真.51Lesson 2 THE OBJECTIVES OF EDUCATIONn.目的.目标.adj.客观的5253 vt.获得.赢得.取得.受益adj.多面的.全面.54vt.追求55adj.批评的.批判.56n.认识.认知.57adj.核心的58n.洞察力.顿悟59adj.文明的.有礼貌的.公民的60n.正直.诚实.完.61n.拉丁语*62vt.教育.教导.指.63adj.道德(上).64n.获得.习.65ⅵ..vt.奉献.捐献66n.金融.财.67n.经济学68ⅵ.使接触.使体验.使暴露.揭露69adj.四周的.附近.70adv.无鉴别力地.不加批评.71n.判断力.意见.评价.判.72adv.不管.不.73vi.表现74n.境况.状况.情况.情.75n.公民.市.76n.结.77phr.最.78n.定义.释.79adv.各自.80n.责.81n.优先处理的事.优先权82vt.刺激.促使.促.83n.主动.84adj.自主的.自治的85adj.聪颖的.才华横溢.86vt.展示.说明87vt.评价88Lesson 3 UNDERSTANDINGadj.显然的.明显的.易理解的89n.分.90n.等级91adj.皇家的.王室.92adj.效率低.93adj.有价值的.值得尊敬的94n.教会.教.95n.宇.96adj.原始.97phr.公元.98vt.赞成.赞许.批准99vt.强烈要求.敦.100n.监.101vt.放弃.抛弃102n.假定.假.103adj.受尊敬的,受敬重.104n.智慧105vt.有……是由于.把……归功于106n.阴.107adj.守旧的.传统.108n.王.109n.文明110111 adj.极其重要的.必不可少.adj.有利的.有帮助.112n.人类113Writing Workshop A PICTURE DESCRIPTIONn.围裙114vt.名为…….使有权.115vt.意味着……116n.惯例.常规.例行公.117n.运.118adj.全部.119n.时间表.日程表.时刻.120adj.全神贯注的121Reading Club 1n.设施.设备122n.思想体系.哲学123vt.约束.限.124vt.排列.布置125UNIT 6 THE MEDIA 默写2 默写1 Topic Talkn.用微博分享、传播信息1adv.因此.由此.所以2n.广播节目;电视节目.vi..vt.广播.播.3prep.通过(某人、某机器等)传送4adj.经济(上)的5adj.政治的.政府的6adj.各种各样的7n.选.8n.(政治、商业或社会性)运动.ⅵ.发起运动.参加活. 9n.候选人.考生10n.新闻报道.覆盖范围11n..vi..vt.讨论.辩论12adj.可获得的.可用的.有空的13vt.解释.vi..vt.口译14vt.承.15vt.否定16adj.包含最新信息的.新式的.时髦的17vt.概述.n.纲要.外形18n.混合19adv.确实如此;精确地20vt.查阅.vi..vt.咨询.商.21adj.难懂的.复杂的2223 adj.可替代的.另外的.n.可供选择的事.n.锦标.24vt.购买.n.购买(物)25Lesson 1 FROM PAGE TO SCREENn.期待.预期.预.26adj.悲观.27adj.经典的.n.名著.经典作.28n.(长篇)小说29n.连环漫画.adj.滑稽的30n.非小说类文学作.31n.传记.3233 n.自传*phr.代笔.34n.改编版.适应35n.评论家.批评家36n.(电影、电视的)收视率榜.等级.程.37adj.恰当的.合适的38n.自由.自由权39n.演员阵容.全体演员.vt.投射(光或影.40vt.设想.想象41adj.清楚的.明确.42adj.技术上.43vt.产生.创.44n.版本45n.类别.种类.范.46n.证明47Lesson 2 QUESTIONS ABOUT MEDIAvi..vt.为……做广.48n.录制品49adj.高清晰度的50ⅵ..vt.(使)上载.上传.n.上载(上传)的信息51n.大型公司.企业集.52adj.互动的.交互的.合作的53vt.亲身经历.目击.n.目击者.证.54n.地.55n.广告(业)56Lesson 3 THE ADVERTISING GAMEn.广.57n.自.58adj.根本的.基本的.基础.59n.代理.6061 adj.商业的.商务.adj.技术的.科技的.工艺.62vt.创始.创造63ⅵ..vt.缝.缝纫.缝制.缝补64vt.位于65adj.合适的.适宜.66vt.吸引67phr.由……构.68n.广告商69n.预算.vi..vt.把……编入预算70adj.视觉的.视力的71n.增长.vt.促进.推动72adj.竞争性强的.有竞争力.73vi..vt.(使)结合.(使)组合74adv.真正地75vt.把……系起来.n.联系.关.76vt.预期.预料77n.利润.收益.盈利78n.幸福.健康.福.79vi.参加.参.80n.社区.住宅小区.街坊81vt.赞助.资助.为……担保.n.赞助商.资助.82Writing Workshop A FILM REVIEWn.美人.美丽.美.83n.野兽*84n.仙子.小精灵*85n.故事.传说86phr.童话.神话87n.王子.亲.88n.仆人.佣.89n.城堡.堡.90adj.不正常.91n.生物.动.92n.犯人.囚犯93vt.困住.使陷入危险.94n.主.95n.外表.外观.出.96vt.使转化.使改.97adj.令人害怕的.吓人的98n.缺点.缺陷.责任.过错99adj.极好的.壮丽.100vt.表达.传达*101Reading Club 2n.脱瘾(过程).取消.取款102。

北师大版 必修二 Language Power(1)

北师大版 必修二   Language Power(1)

北师大版Module 23 virtual reality1.first conditional for a possible situation in the futureComplete the sentences putting the verbs in brackets in the correct form1.what______(do) if it ______(rain) tomorrow?2.what_______(write about) if the class ______(do) a project on computers?3.If it ________(snow) tomorrow he ________(not go) on holiday.4.If you ______(work) with someone on this project ,who______(work) with?5.If she ________(train) hard she ______(win) the race ,I am sure .6.If the cat ______(make) a mess one more time Jane_______(give) it away 2. second conditional for present situations that are not realWrite possible sentences using the tableIf I had the money ,IIf I were President ofthis country ,IWould.Would not. buygomakehave.On a world tour.School holidayslongera big car.school holidaysshorter.More jobs for people.more festivals.1. If I were president of this country, I would make school holidays longer.2.________________________________________________________________________________________ __3.________________________________________________________________________________________ __4.________________________________________________________________________________________ __5.________________________________________________________________________________________ __6.________________________________________________________________________________________ __Now finish these sentences in any way you want.If I were president of this country __________________If I had more money,_____________________________3.Second Conditional for future situation which we do not believe will happenComplete these sentences with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.1.If some people lived (live) on the moon in the future, Life on earth would be (be) better.2..If all the elephants in the world________(disappear),We_________(be) very angry and sad.3.If flooding _________(start) next week , the villages on the coast ________(have) big problem.4.We_______(not be) happy if computers ________(tell) us what to do in the future.5.If all entertainment _______(come) form computers we ________(not leave) the house.6.If I_________(live) in the USA, I_________(not live ) in one of the big cities.7.If it ________(snow) every day in winter, I_______(love) it.4.First Conditional or second Conditional?Write sentences with the First or Second Conditional using the cues.1.I/live/the USA/I/celebrate ThanksgivingIf I lived in the USA, I would celebrate Thanksgiving.2.I/be/you/I/not go /party___________________________________________3. I /see/John/I/tell him___________________________________________4. we/not have /Christmas/we/not have/a good time in winter____________________________________________5. you/help me/homework/I/help you/yours_____________________________________________6.I/live in/future/I/live on/moon_____________________________________________7.I/not go/party/I/go/football match______________________________________________8.we/be/rich/we/not buy/expensive jewellery______________________________________________5. First Conditional or Second Conditional?Write a First Conditional and a second Conditional sentence about each subject. Use the cues Computers.1do homework/computer/quickerIf you do your homework on the computer, it will be quicker .2not have computer/life differentIf we didn’t have computers, life would be very different.Football3like football/like watching my team_________________________________________________________________________________________ ___4play football/big club/not like it_________________________________________________________________________________________ ___Jobs5work hard/good job_________________________________________________________________________________________ ___6be shepherd/sing/sheep_________________________________________________________________________________________ ___6. VocabularyPut the following words in the correct columns in the table.history, historical, arrange, arrangement, million, millionaire, smoke, non-smoker, suggest, suggestionNOUN VERB ADJECTIVEhistory, historical,Now use the table to you complete the sentences below1 a) I don not know whether to buy a complete or a TV. What would you ________?b) David’s_________ is that I buy a computer because I c an always watch TV at his house.2 a) I’m definitely a ________.I have never________ a single cigaretteb) Ted is definitely a ________ . His breath always smells of cigarette smoke3 a) This is a old _______building so they can’t destroy it to build a n ew apartment blockb) The _____ of the telephone is very interesting.4 a) I have an _______with Jess that we will meet after school and go shopping.b) I want to ______a meeting with your teacher.5 a) If I were rich, I would have a ______ pairs of shoes!b) Jane’s father is a ________ and he owns his own airplane.。



新北师大版高中英语必修二单词表(本单词表收录大约名词176个,形容词副词60个,动词70个)Unit4Topic Talkapp n.应用程序enable vt.使可能,使发生convenience n.方便,便利effect n.效应;影响impact n.影响;作用self-focused ad.以自我为中心的;关注自我的addicted adj.对…着迷的;沉迷的be addicted to沉迷indeed adv:确实;当然download vt.下载recommendation n.建议,提议;推荐super adj.极好的,了不起的*avatar n.(网络上代表个人的)头像,虚拟替身,图标explore vt.探究;探讨;探险personality n.个性,性格admit vi.&vt.承认alarm n.闹钟Lesson 1image n.图像;形象fancy adj.花哨的;别致的trick vt.欺骗,诱骗,哄骗identity n.身份;特征2D(2-dimensional) ad.二维的variety n.多样化,变化a variety of各种各样的instant adj.即时的;立刻的,,马上的instant messenger即时通讯sex n.性别sensible adj.朴素实用的;明智的,合理的creativity n.创造力;独创性blog n.博客;网络日志;vt.发表博客obviously adv.显而易见地,明显地experiment vi&vt.做实验,进行试验;n.实验nowadays adv.现今,现时hairstyle n.发型,发式selection n.供选择的同类物品;选择type vi&vt.打;打字n.类型,种类concern n.担忧,忧虑;wt.与……有关;使担心virtual adj.虚拟的;模拟的cheat vt.欺骗;欺诈view vt.看,把……视为Lesson 2accommodation n.住处subscribe vi.订阅,订购powerful adj.效能高的;强有力的;强壮的latest adj.最新的;最近的reality n.现实;真实VR(Virtual Reality) 虚拟现实AR(Augmented Reality) 增强现实MR(Mixed Reality) 混合现实account/a'k aunt/n.账户software n.计算机软件device n.设置,装置mobile device移动设备ensure vt.确保,保证material n.材料;素材gender n.性别press/pres/vt.按button n.按钮goods n.商品favour n.恩惠;善意的行为confirm vt.确认;证实deliver vi.&vt.递送;传送error n.错误;失误Lesson 3harm v.&n.伤害,损害argument n.论点;论据replace vt.取代;接替hug n.&v.拥抱;紧抱concentrate vi.专注,专心;集中注意力concerned adj.关切的,关心的be concerned with关心……rewarding adj.有益的;有意义的addition n.增添;添加in addition除此之外content n.内容shallow adj.肤浅的,浅薄的*trivial adj.没有什么价值的;微不足道的basis n.基础;基点percent n.百分比;百分数opinion n.意见;看法;主张focus vi.给予某物关注;n.焦点focus on关注maintain vt.保持;维持smartphone n.智能手机tablet n.平板电脑;药片;碑,牌limiting adj.局限的,限制性的brief adj.简洁的,简明的*emoji n.表情符号creative adj.创造性的*thought-provoking adj.发人深省的,令人深思的authority n.权威人士;专家Writing Workshopprofile n.人物简介;传略location n.位置;地点optional adj.可选择的;非强制的imaginary adj.想象的,虚构的fantasy n.幻想作品series n.系列author n.作者,作家amazing adj.了不起的;惊人的privacy n.隐私policy n.政策,方针Reading Club 1digitize vt.把…转变成数字形式,使……数字化sailor n.水手,海员accessible adj.易懂的;易得到的Reading Club 2wristband n.腕带Unit5单词Topic Talkdisaster n.灾难;灾祸flood n.洪水,水灾drought n.旱灾,干旱hurricane n.飓风*landslide n.滑坡;;塌方volcanic adj.火山的;由火山作用引起的eruption n.爆发wildlife n.野生动植物,野生生物comment n.评论; 意见crowded adj.拥挤的; 挤满人的landscape n.风景,景色living adj.活的,活着的weed n.野草;海藻deer n.鹿insect n.昆虫whale n.鲸dolphin n.海豚shark n.鲨(鱼)kangaroo n.袋鼠eagle n.鹰fox n.狐狸soil n.土壤climate n.气候ecology n.生态; 生态学jungle n.(热带)丛林shock vt.使震惊; 使使震惊;使难以置信lecture n.讲座,.讲座,讲课;演讲overuse vt.过度使用;滥用million n.百万greenhouse n.温室,暖房turn one's back(on sb/sth) 对……置之......置之不理,对……撒手不管title n.题目,标题Lesson 1*whirlpool n.漩涡wave n.海浪; 波涛escape v.&vt.逃离; 逃避survive vi.&vt.活下来; 幸存*float vi.浮; 漂file n.档案,卷宗*descent n.下降,下落*tidal adj.潮汐的,潮水的poetry n.诗歌; 作诗的艺术*mystery n.神秘事物,难以理解的事物soul n.灵魂frightened adj.受惊的,害怕的horrible adj.可怕的,吓人的,令人恐惧的edge n.边缘on the edge of在……边缘;某事快要发生(尤指不好的事)*barrel n.桶curious adj.好奇的observation n.观察;观察结果equal adj.相等的; 相同的extent n.面积; 长度; 范围; 程度tube n.圆管,管子;(伦敦)地铁Lesson 2rescue n.&v.营救;救援vehicle n.交通工具,车辆trap vt.困住; 使陷于危险中attempt n.&vt.努力,尝试,企图interrupt vt.打断讲话death n.死,死亡loss n.丧失; 死亡damage n.伤害,损伤,损害measure vt.估量,衡量;测量operation n.行动,活动;手术;操作overseas adv.在海外,在外国site n.场所,地点process n.过程,进程battle n.较量,竞争;斗争;战斗duty n.职责,义务; 责任suffering n.(肉体或精神上的))痛苦;折磨conduct vt.实施;进行;执行;vi.&vt.t 指挥protection n.保护; 防护lamp n.灯nearby adv.附近breathe vi.&vt.呼吸breathe in吸气dust n.灰尘;尘埃run out用完;耗尽Lesson 3explorer n.探险者;勘察者preparation n.预备,准备*sledge n.雪橇ski n.滑雪板;vi.滑雪*tent n.帐篷boot n.靴子captain n.队长; 组长polar adj.极地的,,地极的base n.基地,大本营; 基础vt.以……为基地anxiously adv.焦虑地; 不安地break down停止运转,出故障ambition n.抱负,雄心;追求,夙愿exploration n.探险;探索cheerful adj.高兴的,兴高采烈的prove vt.证明;证实distant adj.久远的; 遥远的continent n.洲,大洲;大陆honesty n.坦诚; 诚实,正直sincerity n.真诚,真挚,诚实bravery n.勇气; 勇敢的行为Writing Workshopbrochure n.小册子shelter n.避难所aftershock n.(地震的))余震observe vt.观察;注意metal n.金属Reading Club 1varied adj.各种各样的,形形色色的scary adj.可怕的,恐怖的harmless adj.无害的skiing n.滑雪运动Reading Club 2originality n.独创性;创造力disappearance n.消亡;消失Unit6单词Topic Talkadmirable adj.令人钦佩的;极其出色的admire vt.钦佩; 欣赏remarkable adj.不寻常的;显著的;非凡的career n.职业,事业put out fires灭火cure vt..治好(疾病);治愈n.疗法fight for...努力争取,为……斗争justice n.公平, 公正generation n.一代(人)reform n.改革;改进mankind n.人类intelligent adj.聪敏的;有智慧的generous adj.无私的;慷慨的;大方的have...in mind心里已有…*evil n.邪恶之事;祸害adj.邪恶的creatively adv.创造性地;有创造力地Lesson1mosquito n.蚊子apart adj.&adv.分开;散开apart from...除……之外drug/drag/n.药物,药材;毒品effective adj.有效的,产生预期效果的female adj.女(性)的stage n.舞台; 阶段award vt.授予;给予committee n.委员会honour n.荣誉; vt感到荣幸recognition n.表彰;赞扬academy n.研究院; 学会gain v.获得,赢得,取得;受益n.好处;利益establish vt.建立,设立chemical n.化学品; adj.化学的herb n.药草literature n.文献资料;著述;文学recipe n.处方;秘诀limited adj.有限的resource n.物力;资源staff n.全体职员,员工eventually adv.最终;终于come across偶遇promising adj.大有希望的*fame n.名声,名誉*renowned adj.著名的,有名望的dc spite prep.尽管;虽然wisdom n.知识,学问;智慧potential n.潜力;可能性advance n.发展;进步integrate vi.&vt.t.(使)结合;(使)成为一体Lesson 2*Mahatma n.圣雄(印度对圣贤的称呼)pick out挑选independence n.独立peaceful adj.和平的,没有暴力的protest n.&vi.&vt.t.抗议;反对racial adj.种族的;人种的discrimination n.歧视inspiring adj.鼓舞人心的bar n.铁栅; (门、窗等的闩) behind bars在牢里skin n.皮肤What a shame! 真遗憾!further adj.更多的,进一步march n.示威游行,抗议游行self-evident adj.不证自明的; 显显而易见的judge vt.评价;判断impressive adj.令人钦佩的,给人印象深刻的respect v.&n.尊敬; 敬佩independent adj.独立的,自主的the other day不久前某一天Lesson 3*horror n.令人惊恐的事regard vt.认为, 看作be regarded as被认为,被看作novelist n.小说家journalist n.新闻工作者passion n.强烈的爱好,热爱;激情opportunity n.机会;时机reputation n.名誉;名望awareness n.认识;意识organization n.组织;团体;机构strike vi.&vt.突然发生(某种不幸);突然有坏的影响;打,击severe adj.很严重的movement n.运动,动作,活动*nightmare n.噩梦,梦魇depression n.忧郁,沮丧,消沉;抑郁症due to由于,因为ongoing adj.继续进行的,不断发展的commitment n.投入,忠诚,奉献;承诺*undertake v.着手做,承担intense adj.强烈的,剧烈的engage vi.参加, 参与design vt.计划, 设计*biography n.传记passionate adj.具有强烈信念的; 热爱的, 酷爱的energetic adj.精力充沛的, 充满活力的advocate n.提倡者;拥护者;鼓吹者disability n.伤残,残障,障碍attitude n.看法,态度Writing Workshopsummary n.概要;摘要;总结Reading Club 1daring adj.勇敢的Reading Club 2originally adv.原先,最初in spite of尽管… (仍…);虽然;不顾。



Unit 4Lesson 1 What’s So Funny?第一课有趣的小故事Story A故事AA famous art collector was walking through the city when he noticed a dirty cat lapping milk from a saucer in the doorway of a store. He did a double take.一个著名的艺术品收藏家在穿过城市时看见一只脏猫在一家商店门口舔饮浅碟中的牛奶。


He noticed that the saucer was an antique and very valuable, so he walked casually into the store and innocently offered to buy the cat for 20 dollars.收藏家注意到浅碟是件古董,很值钱,于是他漫不经心地走进店里,假装不知情的样子,提出要花20美元买那只猫。

The store owner replied, “I’m sorry, but the cat isn’t for sale.”收藏家注意到浅碟是件古董,很值钱,于是他漫不经心地走进店里,假装不知情的样子,提出要花20美元买那只猫。

The collector said, “Please, I need a hungry cat with a good appetite around the house to catch mice. I’ll pay you 200 dollars for that cat.”收藏家说:“拜托了,我正需要一只又饿、胃口又好的猫帮我抓屋里的老鼠呢,我可以出200美元买那只猫。

”The owner said “sold” and handed over the cat.店主说了声“成交”,就把猫给了他。



单词 comedy cross talk pretend humorous
plot accent imitate facial interact anxiety well-being significant enhance referee terrified dizzy unbalanced swing collapse embarrassed consume confused potential saucer doorway antique
身体的,肉体的,物质的,实物的,物理的,自然的 血管 心理的
心情,情绪,心境 深远的;伸至远处的;广大的
使充满活力;使增强决心 有免疫力的
细胞,巢室,电池,牢房 传染,传染病,感染 把……并入;包含 低声讲 脸红
困窘,尴尬,使人为难的人,使人为难的事 意外地,偶然地 支出,费用,代价 嘲笑某人
喜剧演员,滑稽演员 国籍,民族 名声,名誉
/bliːd/ /sniːz/ /skriːm/ /ˌkɒnsəlˈteɪʃᵊn/ /ˈkraɪsɪs/ /ɪɡˈzæmɪn/ /əˈnaʊns/ /ˈɑːftəwədz/ /ˈsɜːkəs/ /klaʊn/ /dɪˈzɜːv/ /ˈtɛnʃᵊn/ /ˈmʌsl/

北师大版 必修二 Language Power(12)

北师大版 必修二   Language Power(12)

Try to Learn all the forms of a new word and record them in your vocabulary book –even if you don’t need them at first, you will want to use them later. Use your dictionary to help you. Start with the verb (write, wrote, written), the nouns (writer, writing) and the adjectives (un/written).Remember to Look up phrasal verbs too (write in/about, etc.).Unit 4 Cyberspace1. Tomorrow’s world①★will/ won’t for opinions about the futureWhich of these do you think will and won’t happen in the future?Write sentences using the ideas in the box. Then write two sentences of your own.communicate by e-mail, shop on the Internet, have virtual schools, find husbands or wives on the Internet, get new films on the Internet, get all our entertainment on the Internet, read all newspapers on the Internet1. (communicate by e-mail)I think we will communicate by e-mail in the future.2.I think ___________________________________________________________________________________.3._________________________________________________________________________________________ __4._________________________________________________________________________________________ __5._________________________________________________________________________________________ __6._________________________________________________________________________________________ __7._________________________________________________________________________________________ __Your sentences:1._________________________________________________________________________________________ __2._________________________________________________________________________________________ __②★be going to for predictions from evidence in the presentUse the pictures and the cues to write predictions about what is going to happen soon.Now图片③★★will and won’t for beliefs about the futureWrite five sentences in your notebook about your family and friends ten years from now.Example: I will be in films in Hollywood. My family won’t live here.④★★will or be going to?Circle the correct form.Reporter:Hello, Geoff. I’m interested in what teenagers think about the lifestyles of future. How (1) will people live/ are people going to live twenty years from now, do you think?Geoff:I think we (2)will/ are going to travel more. People (3) won’t/ aren’t going to live in one town for twenty or thirty years like they do now.Reporter: And what about work? You are interested in news reporting. What (4) will you/ are you going to be when you leave school?Geoff:I (5)won’t/ ‘m not going to be a reporter because I think there (6) won’t/ aren’t going to be any newspapers in the future. I think we (7) will/ are going to get the news by e- mail every morning.Reporter: Oh! So you think newspapers (8) will/ are going to disappear in twenty years’ time?Geoff: No, they (9) won’t/ aren’t going to disappear in twenty years but probably in fifty or sixty years’ time. There’s no future in newspapers! I (10) will/ am going to work in a computer company. There (11) will always be/ are always going to be computers in our lives.⑤Phrases for linkingComplete the sentences with the following phrases.as if, as well, even if, such as, as long as, as a result1. He looked ________ he hadn’t had a shower in weeks and had never had his hair cut!2. I’m happy to go to the party ________ you come with me.3. ________ of the new law, all the people in my office lost their jobs.4. I will still go on holiday ________ I haven’t finished my project.5. Please will you buy some eggs, cheese and bread? Oh, and get some mile ________.6. Anything dangerous, ________ knives or guns, are not allowed on airplanes.⑥VocabularyUse the correct form of the following words to complete the passage.affect, growth, attack, crash, rapidly, harm, crime, offer, disappear, obviousYesterday evening, a small plane was (1) ________ by ten men with guns as it was moving (2) ________ down the runway. Just before it took off, it (3) ________ into a building but luckily none of the passengers were (4) ________ . When the police finally arrived, the terrorists had (5) ________ . The police are now (6) ________ a reward for anyone who knows anything about this (7) ________ . The owner of the plane says it’s (8) ________ that this attack will (9) ________ the (10) ________ of his business. He runs a travel company that flies rich businessmen around the country.。


北师大版高一英语必修2电子课本 课件【全册】
Bulletin Board
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Unit Diary
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Unit 5 Rhythm
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Lesson 3 Virtual Reality
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Lesson 4 Virtual Tourism
Unit 4 Cyberspace
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Lesson 1 Tomorrow’s World
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Lesson 2 Websites
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Culture Corner
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北师大版高一英语必修2电子课 本课件【全册】目录
0002页 0064页 0122页 0187页 0261页 0340页 0387页 0445页 0447页 0544页 0590页 0642页 0689页 0736页 0738页 0762页 0812页
Unit 4 Cyberspace Lesson 2 Websites Lesson 4 Virtual Tourism Culture Corner Unit Diary Lesson 1 Performance Lesson 3 Experiment Communication Workshop Bulletin Board Unit 6 Design Lesson 2 Great Buildings Lesson 4 Dream Houses Culture Corner Unit Diary Literature Spot 2 Language power Grammar Summary

北师大版 必修一 Language Power(1)

北师大版 必修一   Language Power(1)

Language Power1.A PERFECT DAY①★★Present Continuous for activities during a shortperiod of timeThe children in the pictures all have holiday jobs. Write two Present Continuous sentences about Laura and two about David.1. John’s working at Cathy’s Restaurant.2. John isn’t working for a newspaper.3. Laura4. Laura5. David6. David②★★Present Simple for opinions and feelingsWhat do you, your friends and you family like and not like On TV? Use the words in the box to write sentences. 1 My sister doesn’t like sports programme. 23456③★★★Present Simple or Present ContinuousRead the dialogue. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous tense.Sue: Could you turn the radio off? I (1)(watch) TV.Tom: OK. What (2) you( watch)?Sue: It’s the news. This girl(3) (work) for the BBC. She’s in New York at themoment and she (4)(interview) people about crime in the city. Tom: That’s interesting. Who (5) she(interview)?Sue: She (6) (talk) to lots of different people. She’s in a car with aman. He (7) (drive) a big blackcar. She (8) (not like) him very much., but he’s got lots of information. It’s interesting because …Tom:Sorry, can you smell anything?Sue: Oh, no! I (9) (cook) Sausages for supper! They (10)(burn)!sports programmes, the news, films, TV series, talk shows, game shows④★★★Present Simple or Present Continuous? Read and complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.Mr Jackson: Where’s David?Mrs Jackson: In the sitting-room. Peter’s with him.Mr Jackson: Is he? He (1) (not go) in the sitting -room in the evening when we (2) (watch) TV. He (3) (not talk) to us. He (4)(stay) in his bedroom. But when Peter(5)(come), he (6) (sit) in the sitting-room with him. What (7) they (do) now? Mrs Jackson: They (8) (play) guitars and (9)(write) a song.Mr Jackson: I (10) (not like) Peter. David (11)(not do) his homework when Peter (12) (be) here. They(13) (talk) for hours. Mrs Jackson: Well, they (14) (not talk) now and I think the song they(15) (write)together is very good.Word CornerTelevision programmes.Plan a good evening of TV. Write your plan below.Use a dictionary and the words below.sports programme, the news, film, TV series, quiz talk show, game show, cartoon, music programme,Time Type ofprogramme Name of programme18:00---18:30 18:30 ⑤★★★VerbsComplete the dialogue below using the verbs in the correct form.Man 1: So tell me ,David, what’s a weekday like for you?Man 2: Well, I’m a light sleeper so I can usually (1) of bed by six each morning. It’s my habit to always (2) and (3) before eating breakfast. I like starting my working day feeling fresh. Then, I (4) an hour getting to the office in my car. It(5) longer when there’s a traffic jam. After I get there, I normally (6) on the phone with a lot of people I hardly know. And not all of these people are nice! Then I (7) meetings with people I don’t like very much. I try keeping the meetings short and to the point, so as not to waste everyone’s time. I often (8)lunch in a hurry and can’t (9)what I’ve eaten. In the afternoon, I (10)in my office, doing lots of paperwork or working on the computer. I never (11) of the window. I don’t know if it’s sunny or raining. To be honest, the weather isn’t important to me while I’m working. On the way home, I’m usually(12) in traffic for more than an hour. And when I get home, I’m usually too tired to do anything.⑥You are talking about the jobs that friends or people in your family do. Write sentences with the job and an adjective.1.My uncle’s a prison officer. It’s a stressful job.2.My a It’s a job., remember, get out, get dressed, stuck, eat, wash, have, take, stay, spend, look out2 RELAXING①Expressing preferencesTwo people are talking. What does the second person say? Circle a, bor c.1 “We ’ve got on English exam today.” a ) Oh no! I hate exams.They ’re really stressful.b) Good! I love exams.They ’re really stressful. c) Oh, no! I can ’t stand exams. They are really stressful.2 “I think the Monday talk showis the best program on TV .”a ) It ’s OK! I love it.b) It ’s OK! I quite like it. c) It ’s OK! I don ’t like it.3 “Do you like swimming?” a ) I don ’t like lying on a beach.b) I enjoy lying on a beach.c) I prefer lying on a beach.② Describing preferences Write sentences about the preferences of your friends and family. Use some of the verbs in the box.1. My brother hates meeting new people.2. 3. 4. 5. can ’t stand, don ’t like, enjoy, hate, like, love, prefer, quite like ③ Jobs Look at the pictures and read the list of jobs. Write the job under thecorrect picture. Then use adjectives from the box that you think describe the job. a police officer c business manager e captain b teacher d doctor f fisherman 1. business manager, 2. stressful3. 4.5. 6.boring, fun, busy, dangerous, active, easy, exciting, interesting, stressful relaxing c④VocabularyComplete the dialogue with the correct choiceof words below.Miss Zhou: Dr Wei, I’m (1) stress. I don’t sleep well at night and I’m always tired during the day. Please give me some medicine to help me. Dr Wei: Well, Miss Zhou, like many people, you have (2) life. I’m afraid taking medicine won’t help you much.Miss zhou: But Dr Wei, I do need help.Dr Wei: I agree and I;m going to give you some advice to help you (3) stress. Miss Zhou,do you exercise?Miss Zhou: Mmm, not much.Dr Wei: Well, you should exercise regularly. Evena short walk can help you forget your worries.Another important thing is a good (4) . If you eat healthily, you’ll feel healthy. Once morething, do you study late at night, Miss Zhou? Miss Zhou: Yes, I (5) in bed.Dr Wei: Well, you should give it up immediately.Your bed is for sleeping in, not for studying. Miss Zhou: But how will I get my studies done? Dr Wei: Well, you need to (6) yourself. Makea list of the tasks you need to complete. Thenbreak each one down into smaller tasks. Youwill (7) finish all the tasks faster this way. Oh, one last thing. Don’t forget to enjoy your(8) life outside of your studies. A party with your friends can be excellent medicinefor stress!1 a) suffering b) suffering ofc) suffering from d) suffering with2 a) stress b) stressfulc) stressed d) pressure3 a) reduce b) relaxc) cause d) describe4 a) health b) lifestylec) mind d) diet5 a) prefer study b) prefer to studyc) prefer to studying d) prefer for studying6 a) cause b) preventc) organise d) relax7 a) probably b) personallyc) peacefully d) patiently8 a) relaxing b) stressfulc) social d) perfect RememberTime adverbialsMost time adverbials go before the main verb(after the auxiliary), e.g. often, alwaysExample: I always go to school by bus. I don’t often walk.Sometimes adverbials can go at the beginning and at the end of a sentence, e.g. every day.Example: Every day I get up at seven o’clock.I get up at seven o’clock every day.①★★Time adverbialsRead the text and underline the time adverbials.At the moment John is working at a restaurant. Right now he’s waiting on tables. John is interested in food. He often cooks at home, five or six times a week. He usually makes dinner for the family and he sometimes makes a big Sunday lunch. His mother always makes breakfast every morning. John never makes breakfast but his sister Joan sometimes helps.Now put the time adverbials in order of frequency under the correct present tense.Present Simple: neverPresent Continuous:②★★Time adverbials and word order.In your notebook put the words of the sentences in the correct order.1.sausages/supper./often/cook/We/for2.revises/exams/Laura/usually/her/on/Sunday./for3.doing/am/now./my/English/I/homework4.is/the/guitar/He/at/moment./playing5.at/I/swimming/never/go/the/weekend③★★★Sentences with time adverbialsWrite true sentences in your notebook using these words.now, just, every Saturday, never, sometimes, always, usually, often①②③④。



北师大版英语教材目录(2019版)必修第一册Unit 1 Life ChoicesTopic TalkLesson 1 LifetylesLesson 2 Understanding and Coping with StressLseeon 3 Your Life Is What You Make ItWriting WorkshopViewing WorkshopReading Club单元复习与检测Unit 2 Sports and FitnessTopic TalkLesson 1 The UnderdogLesson 2 Rules of the GameLseeon 3 Running and FitnessWriting WorkshopViewing WorkshopReading Club单元复习与检测Unit 3 CelebrationsTopic TalkLesson 1 Spring FestivalLesson 2 Special OccaionsLseeon 3 Memorirs of ChristmasWriting WorkshopViewing WorkshopReading Club单元复习与检测Unit 4 Information technologyTopic TalkLesson 1 AvatarsLesson 2 AppsLseeon 3 Internrt and friendshipsWriting WorkshopViewing WorkshopReading Club单元复习与检测Unit 5 Humans and natureTopic TalkLesson 1 A sea storyLesson 2 Professional rescue teamLseeon 3 Race to the poleWriting WorkshopViewing WorkshopReading Club单元复习与检测Unit 6 The admirableTopic TalkLesson 1 A medical pioneerLesson 2 History makersLseeon 3 The superhero behind supermanWriting WorkshopViewing WorkshopReading Club单元复习与检测Unit 7 ArtTopic TalkLesson 1 MasterpiecesLesson 2 Beijing OperaLseeon 3 A Musical GeniusWriting WorkshopViewing WorkshopReading Club单元复习与检测Unit 8 Green LivingTopic TalkLesson 1 Roots and ShootsLesson 2 Greening the DesertLseeon 3 “White Bikes”on the RoadWriting WorkshopViewing WorkshopReading Club单元复习与检测Unit 9 LearningTopic TalkLesson 1 Active LearningLesson 2 Language Learning TipsLseeon 3 The Secrets of Your MemoryWriting WorkshopViewing WorkshopReading Club单元复习与检测选择性必修第一册Unit 1 RelationshipsTopic TalkLesson 1 TeachersLesson 2 How Do We Like Teachers, Feed back?Lseeon 3 So Close, Yet So FarWriting WorkshopViewing WorkshopReading Club单元复习与检测Unit 2 SuccessTopic TalkLesson 1 Money vs SuccessLesson 2 Top Five Secrets of SuccessLseeon 3 Getting to the TopWriting WorkshopViewing WorkshopReading Club单元复习与检测Unit 3 ConservationTopic TalkLesson 1 The Sixth ExtinctionLesson 2 War on Plastic PacketsLseeon 3 The Road to DestructionWriting WorkshopViewing WorkshopReading Club单元复习与检测Unit 4 HumourTopic TalkLesson 1 What,s So Funny?Lesson 2 Why Do We Need Humour?Lseeon 3 My Favourite ComedianWriting WorkshopViewing WorkshopReading Club单元复习与检测Unit 5 EducationTopic TalkLesson 1 Enlightening a MindLesson 2 The Objectives of EducationLseeon 3 UnderstandingWriting WorkshopViewing WorkshopReading Club单元复习与检测Unit 6 The MediaTopic TalkLesson 1 From Page to ScreenLesson 2 Questions about MediaLseeon 3 The Advertising GameWriting WorkshopViewing WorkshopReading Club单元复习与检测Unit 7 CareersTopic CareersLesson 1 EQ:IQLesson 2 Careers SkillsLseeon 3 Meet the New Boss:YouWriting WorkshopViewing WorkshopReading Club单元复习与检测Unit 8 LiteratureTopic LiteratureLesson 1 The Last LeafLesson 2 PoetryLseeon 3 20000Leagues Under the SeaWriting WorkshopViewing WorkshopReading Club单元复习与检测Unit 9 Human BiologyTopic Human BiologyLesson 1 To Clone or Not CloneLesson 2 Brain PowerLseeon 3 Epidemics ExplainedWriting WorkshopViewing WorkshopReading Club单元复习与检测选择性必修第四册Unit 10 ConnectionsTopic ConnectionsLesson 1 How Closrly Connected Are We?Lesson 2 Community SpiritLseeon 3 Anne of Green GablesWriting WorkshopViewing WorkshopReading Club单元复习与检测Unit 11 Conflict and CompromiseTopic Conflict and CompromiseLesson 1 Living in a CommunityLesson 2 Dealing with ConflictLseeon 3 War MemorirsWriting WorkshopViewing WorkshopReading Club单元复习与检测Unit 12 InnovationTopic InnovationLesson 1 Scientific BreakthroughsLesson 2 Aha MomentLseeon 3 Stephen HawkingWriting WorkshopViewing WorkshopReading Club单元复习与检测。

北师大版 必修二 Language Power(16)

北师大版 必修二   Language Power(16)

CHECK YOUR PROGRESS1. Complete these sentences with the correct word from the box.about, against, away, for (x2), off, on, out, over, up1.I can’t stand this programme. Can you turn ________ to the news channel, please?2.If you don’t understand the exercise at first, don’t give _____.3.In your English lesson tomorrow you will have to talk _____ your hero.4.If you like that jacket you should try it _____.lionaires are often very generous and give ______ a lot of their money to charities to help the poor.6.The fire started because Laura forgot to switch______ the iron.7.Don’t forget to close the windows before you go _______.8.Now that he has left school Jack is looking_________.9.If you decide you want to buy the jacket, you have to pay_______ it over there.10.It is very important to fight __________ problems like racism.plete the text with propositions.The Design MuseumThere is a Design Museum (1)________ London. It’s (2)________ 28 Shadthames Street, very (3)________ the River Thames. When you go there you can walk (4)_________ the river and then visit the museum. I was there last week. I liked a lamp called the Tiffany lamp which was made (5)________ 1910. Would you like that (6)________ your room , (7)________ your bookshelves? The top is made (8)________ glass. (9)________ that, the metal you can see (10)__________ the picture is very heavy. Then I saw a wooden armchair designed (11)________ 1918. We could sit (12)________ it. I sat with the long thin piece of wood (13)_________me and the blue seat (14)________ my legs. The next armchair was from the 1960s. It was made of plastic and you blow it up like a balloon. There’s a plastic cushion with it .You blow that up and put it (15)________your head while you watch TV.plete the text with where/who/that,which and whose.The exhibition in the wood cabin in John Raymond’s gardenBritish teenager John Raymond has a small wood cabin in his garden (1)_________ he likes to spend his time at the weekend and in the evenings. But John is not the kind of teenager (2)________ has football posters on the walls,. John is interested in painting. The artist he likes best is Michaelangelo, (3)_________ painted ceiling at the Sistine Chapel in Rome is a famous tourist attraction (4)__________ he saw when he went to Rome on holiday. When he came back, John painted his own “Sistine Chapel” on the ceiling of his cabin. Then he bought an antique cupboard (5)_________he put in the corner of the cabin . “I’m interested in glass, too,” said John , “and I wanted a cupboard (6)_________ I could store all the glass I collect.” John knows some artists near his home (7)__________ paintings he puts on his walls. “These are people (8)__________ sell their paintings for a lot of money,” says John. “So I am lucky. I have a place to keep the paintings (9)_________ I collected for a few weeks until they are sold. It’s like having an exhibition (10)________ I can visit any time I want to.”4. Correct the text with the correct words form the brackets.Before you start, read the whole text carefully. You will need to read the text more than one before you decide on your answer.Two artistsTwo artists have exhibitions in London. (1) _____ (Both/All) of them are called “the new Picasso”. That is unusual. But what is (2) _____________________(more unusual/ the most unusual) is that the artists are teenagers. Beso Kazaishvili, from Georgia, is fourteen and Alexandra Nechita, from Romania, is fifteen. Beso (3)___________(is born/was born) in Kutaisi in west Georgia. He (4) ___________(began/ has begun) painting at the age of four and by the time he was ten his art teacher (5)________(said/was saying) “______(He’s going to paint/ He is painting) like Picasso one day.” One of his paintings is called The Eyes. In his young life Beso has seen (7) ____________(a lot of/much) war in Georgia. He says “(8)____________(I paint/ I am painting)eyes because they see everything. When there are wars the big eye (9)________(becomes / is becoming) bad.”Alexandra Nechita’s exhibition in London is a big success. One painting, a portrait of the artist’s grandfather (10)_______(is sold/ was sold) for£35,000. The painting was (11)____________(bigger than / the biggest) the artist. “I’m not interested in the money,” says Alexandra. “I paint because (12)______(I love / I am loving) it.” And both of these artists are just like other teenagers. When Alexandra (13)_____________(has painted/ paints) she (14)________(has worn /wears) a T-shirt with her favourite rock star on it. Beso has (15)_________(many/ a lot of) computer games that he likes playing and he eats pizza all the time.5. Complete the text below using only one word in each gap. The first letter of the word has been given. The Great Wall of ChinaThe Great Wall of China is 6,000 kilometres long. It runs along China’s northern border and has an unusual shape. It looks as if it’s a 1 did not have any specific plans. It looks like a snake or a long road. Nobody knows why its shape is like this but some people say that it was built to i 2 the movements of a dragon. The part of the Wall visited by most tourists is at Badaling pass near Beijing. Here, the building m 3 is grey granite blocks, six metres high. On both sides of its roof, there are low walls which p 4 you from falling off the Wall. In the middle, there is a road which is wide enough for five horses running side by side. Other parts of the Great Wall are built of v 5 materials, often of poor quality, for example, wood or sand, depending on whether the wall crossed deserts, plains or the country.The people who built the Great Wall were often those who could not pay their taxes, prisoners of war and c 6 . There were about one million slaves working on the wall. They lived in poor conditions, in places called work camps. They worked without clothes during the summer and they wore only animal skins in the winter. They often died of d 7 and hunger. Those who died were often buried in its foundations, making the Wall the “world’s longest cemetery”.There are still many of the o 8 25,000 towers left. They are about twelve metres high and the d 9 between two neighbouring towers is over 200 metres. The army usually lived in these towers. In the period of the Wall’s glory almost one million men stayed there.Today the Great Wall is one of China’s most popular tourist a 10 . Where else in the world can you see something built by man over twenty-one centuries ago?。

北师大版 必修二 Language Power(8)

北师大版 必修二   Language Power(8)

KEY WORD BANKAdjectives:electric,disappointing,extraordinary,popular,famous,traditional,unclear,,creative,powerful,ordinary,unique,responsible,realistic.Askingfor,giving and refusing permission:Is itok if,oh all right I‟ll let you go if...,can I...,?Youcertainly can‟t...,If you want to go you must...,Would it be all right if...?OK,but make sure...,Could I...Compound words: folk dance, stage design, soundsystem, audiencereaction,African-American,ballroom,mid-1980s,music instrcument,hairstyle,tapdancing.Opposites:exciting/boring,modern/traditional,clear/unclear,ordinary/unique,male/female.Concerts:audience,concert hall,lighting,singer,perform,performer,performance,sound system,special effect,stage,fan.Dance:disco,folk dance,ballet,waltz,breakdance,sword dance, dragon dance, lion dance, ballroomdancing, tap dancing,Tango,Cha-Cha,rock…n‟roll,costume,acrobatics.Music:classical, jazz, folk music, rock…n‟roll,recording,album,concert,guitar,drIum,instrument,musician,pianistPeriods of time: In the 1960s,inthe mid-1980s,in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, until the18th century, since the start of the 20th century.WORD POWE1oppositesMatch the words below with their opposites.Then usecorrect words to complete the sentences.male, unclear,traditional,boring,uniquemodern exciting clear ordinary female1 I am a fan of ..modern..dances but my mum likes.traditional..dances likes the tango.2 Jerry made it very …….…….that he was notcoming in to work tomorrow but it is still…………....as to when he ’ll finish the projecthe ’s been working on.3 The ……………acrobats wore beautiful skirtsand the …………………..acrobats wore silvertrousers.4 My life is so ……………right now and yours isso ……………… .I am studying for exams butyou are travelling around the word.5 Most of our furniture is very ………….…. butmy uncle has a few …………... pieces of furni-ture that are worth a lot of money.2Learning words in groupsWrite these words and phrases under the correctheading.Then add more words and e adictionary to help you.back and forth,ballet,ballroom dance,disco,breakdance,elegant,noble,ordinary,peacock dance,sword dance,tango,tap dancing,tradctional,unique,waltz1 .Complete the paragraph with the correct form ofwords below.extremely, peacock, disappoint, audience, impress,talent,tango, costume, quit, performanceI went for my first (1)………......dancing lessonyesterday but I left after only ten minutes. I wasreally (2)…….The teacher was terrible!I haddecided to have lessons after I was in the(3)…..…….for a tango dancing (4)………st month.I was so (5)………………..with the colourf ul(6)…………….....and the dancers‟(7)…………The music was lovely and it was all so exciting.As a result,I was (8)………………...excited for yesterday‟s lesson .But now I‟ve decided to(9)..………The teacher was 80-year-old and dancedmore like a(10)………...than a tango instructor!2.Circle the correct form of the verbs.The biggest rock concert ever was on 13 July 1985 .It was called Live Aid and raised money for people who did not have enough food.TV Reporter: Hello from Wembley Stadium in London The Live Aid London concert (1)starts/is going to start at twelve o‟clock. We(2)are showing/are going to show you the rock concert here in London first and then we (3) are taking/are going to take you to the USA for American Live Aid. Prince Charles and Princess Diana (4) are arriving/are going to arrive here at Wembley Stadium soon. Rock star Bob Geldof‟s two-year-old daughter, Fifi, (5) gives/is going to give Princess Diana some flowers as soon as they arrive. Prince Charles and Princess Diana (6) are leaving/leave in the afternoon because they (7)have/are having tea with the Queen at Buckingham Palace. The Live Aid concert (8) begins/is beginning with Status Quo singing Rocking All over the World. Then the style Council (9) give/are going togive us a song from their new album The third groundon the program (10) is/is going to be theBoomtown Rats with Bob Geldof, singing I Don‟t Like Mondays. Bob Geldof started Live Aid. Some time this afternoon, we (11) are interviewing/interview himlive. And here‟s a w orld first: after Phil Collins(12) perform/is performing his new song here at Wembley Stadium at two o‟clock, his plane (13) takesoff/is taking off for the USA. With a bit of luck, we (14) film/are going to film Phil‟s plane as it flies over Wembley Stadium on its way to the USA. When hegets to Live Aid in the USA ,he (15) sing/is going tosing another song from his new album.3 Complete the dialogue with the correct from ofthe verbs in brackets.In October 1999, there was a concert on the Internet called Net Aid to raise money for people who do not have enough food. 60,000 people watched the concert at Wembley Stadium and 50,000 watched the Net Aid concert in New York.Laura and Dave are looking at the Net Aid programme and planning their evening.Dave: I (1)..................(make) tea after theEurythmics (2) ………..…….(sing) Save the Word. Laura:OK, but before you (3)……….(make) tea,I(4)……………….(ask)if Mun and Dad want some, too.Dave: As soon as Bryan Adams (5)...............(come)on I (6)………………(finish) my homework. I don‟tlike him.Laura:Huh! I (7)………..(not do) homework when Bayan Adams is on, or when David Bowise (8)………(sing) China Girl and Life on Mars. They are my favorites. I (9)……………..….(start)my homeworkafter the concert (10) ………...(finish).Complete the paragraph with the words below (1)..............................he‟d finished his homework,Eric i jumped onto his bicycle and rode off in thedirection of the beach.(2)........................he was riding along,he thought about the whales.He hoped hewould see them again today.(3)........................he gotto the beach,Eric hid his bicycle behind a bush (4)................no one could see it from the road.ThenHe ran down onto the sand.(5)........................it wasonly four in the afternoon,the sky was alreadygrowing dark.Eric frowned.(6)......................it rainedhe wouldn‟t be able to see the whales becausethey would stay out in deeper water.He hurriedalong the beach towards the rocks.They were thebest place to watch the whales from(7)............their height.(8)..................Eric reached the rocks he felta drop of water on his head.“Oh no!”he thought.“Now the whales will stay in the deep water and Iwon‟t be able to watch them!”But just then he sawa large shape on the beach.It was a young whale!The whale had come too close to the shore and got stuck on the beach!The whale was(9)..................... still........................at first Eric thought it was dead. Then he saw its tail flap weakly.Eric turned and ran through the rain as fast as he could back to his bicycle.He had to get help!(10).....................theygot the whale back in the water soon,it would dieand Eric couldn‟t let that happen.1 a) As soon as b) Whilec) So that d) Although2 a) When b) Ifc) While d) Before3 a) Unless b) Afterc) Although d) While4 a) so that b) unlessc) if d) as soon as5 a) When b) So...thatc) Because of d) Although6 a) Because b) Whilec)If d) Before7 a) because of b) unlessc) although d) as soon as8 a) Unless b) Ifc) Before d) So that9 a) as soon as b) so...thatc) because of d) so that10 a) If b) Whilec) Unless d) Because5Complete the text with the correct form fromthe brackets.Before you start,read the whole text carefully.Y ou will need to read the text more than once before you decide on your answer.Michael Flatley –The Dancer of RiverdanceYou(1)………(have to/don‟t have to/can‟t)like dance to know the name of the Irish Riverdance. It was on television during the 1994 Eurovision SongContest.After that it became (2)………..(more famous/the most famous/a famous) dance in the world.One of the dancers that night was Michael Flatley.Michael is from the USA.He (3)…………. (is born/was born/born) in Chicago.His parents (4)……………(have emigrated/emigrated/were emigrating) to Chicago from Ireland in 1947.As a teenager he(5)……….(was dancing/danced/has danced) the Irish jig in his father‟s garage,hour after hour.At the age of seventeen he became the world champion of Irish dance.He(6)…………. (has been/is/was) the first America champion ever. Michael Flatley is(7)………..(the fastest/faster/fast) dancer in the world.When he (8)…………(has danced/danced/dances) Riverdance he says his feet hit the dance floor twenty-eight times every minute.But now Michael has a dance show with him as star,It‟s called Lord of the Dance. Lord of the Dance(9)……………………(tours/toured/has toured) the USA and(10)…………. (much/a lot of/a little) people go to see it.The performances are six nights a week and sometimes the auditorium has 0,000 people in it.There areforty dancers in Lord of the Dance and they (11)………..(both/all/none) have two weeks‟holiday after every six weeks of Irish jig dancing. They feel so tired that they(12)…………….(can/have to/don‟t have to) have a holiday.And what are Michael Flatley‟s plans for the future? An Amreican film company(13)…………(will make/is going to make/makes) a film of his life. Next year,Michael and his dancers(14)……………(will start/are going to start/would start) a second tour of Lord of the Dance.(15)………….(Both/Neither/All) tours will be in the USA.。



UNIT 4 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYLESSON 1 A V ATARS 虚拟形象(P 8-9)The avatar you choose says a lot about you. The article will help you understand your choice of avatars better.你选择的虚拟形象能透露出你的很多信息。


When you are online, you can be anyone or anything. You can create your own image and a new personality. These digital identities, known as avatars, are a key part of how people use the Internet to communicate and express themselves.当你上网时,你可以是任何人或任何事物。



The first simple 2D avatars appeared in role-playing computer games in the 1980s. Yet, very few people knew that future avatars would have such a wide variety of forms and uses. By the late1990s, they had been used in web chats like instant messenger.二维虚拟形象最早出现在20世纪80年代的角色扮演电脑游戏中,当时,很少有人知道虚拟形象后来会有如此广泛的形式和用途。

北师大版 必修二 Language Power(15)

北师大版 必修二   Language Power(15)

Focus on ReadingSydney Opera HouseOne of the most recognizable buildings in the world, the Sydney Opera House, has a very interesting history. It all started in the 1940s, when the Symphony Orchestra had nowhere to play. The orchestra's conductor, Eugene Goossens (1897―1988), asked the Australian government to think about building a place and the government finally agreed to build an opera house in 1954.The government held an international competition to find a design for the opera house. Many of the 233 designers from around the world who entered the competition were famous, but the design of an unknown Danish architect named Jorn Utzom (1918―) was chosen as the winner. Utzon travelled to Sydney to show his model of the opera house to the government, and then returned to Denmark to draw up building plans with an engineering company.While drawing up the plans, Utzon remembered the temples he had seen in Mexico in 1949 and used them as his inspiration for the base of the opera house in Sydney.The building of the opera house began in 1958, but Utzon had still not finished his plans. He did not like his first plan as the concrete roof shells did not work. His new idea was to make the shell shapes on the roof into the shape of a ball. That way, the same ball mould could be used for several roof parts. In 1962, the government agreed to the new ball roof idea. However, the parts of the building that had already been built were not strong enough to hold the new roof so they had to be knocked down and replaced. In1966, after many arguments with the government and the engineering company, Utzon left the project. He also left Sydney and never returned. After he left, the building was completed and in November 1973, the Sydney Opera House was opened by Queen Elizabeth II. Utzon did not attend the opening and his name was not even mentioned!In1999, Utzon was invited by the Australian government to return to Sydney but by then, Utzon was too old to travel. Instead, his son went to see the famous building which his father had designed, but had never visited. Read the passage and choose the correct answers below.1The Sydney Opera House was built because___A opera singer had nowhere to sing.B the Sydney Symphony Orchestra had nowhere to play.C the government decided they needed an opera house.D Jorn Utzon visited Australia.2 How did the government choose a design for the opera house?A They chose a design off the Internet.B They chose a famous designer.C They held an international competition.D They hired an engineering company.3 Jorn Utzon was ___A a famous architect from Denmark.B an unknown architect from Sydney.C a famous engineer from Sydney.D an unknown architect from Denmark.4 Jorn Utzon was inspired by___A ball shapes that he saw in Mexico.B shells that he found on the beach.C temple that he saw in Mexico.D shells that he saw in Mexico.5 Why did not Utzon like first plan?A Because the concrete roof shells did not work.B Because the ball mould could not be used again.C Because it did not look like a Mexican temple.D Because the government did not like it.6 Why did Utzon leave Sydney?A Because he did not like working in Australia.B Because he wanted to build an opera house in Denmark.C Because he had many argument a with the government.D Because the government asked him to leave.7 Who opened the Sydney Opera House?A Jorn Utzon.B Queen Elizabeth II.C Jorn Utzon'sD Eugene Goossens.8 Jorn Utzon ____A has often visited the Sydney Opera House.B has never visited the Sydney Opera House.C is now part of the Danish government.D has a son who has visited Demark.。

北师大版 必修二 Language Power(14)

北师大版 必修二   Language Power(14)

4. Dream Houses1. American EnglishComplete the sentences with words below.garbage, first floor, apartment, subway, downtown, truck1Mom was walking along the road when a big ___went past her.2In New York nobody walks a long way, they always take the ___.3I went into the kitchen and took the ___out to help Mom.4The Nixon family have a nice ___with a modern kitchen,5My family lives on the ___of our apartment building.6There are many restaurants in ___New York.2. American English and BritishEnglishWrite these American English expressions next to the British English in the correct places.Nixon, their fifth floor apartment, Carter familyˊs apartment, New York, yard that the neighbours share, need fixing, out back, large apartmentThen Windsor (1) ___family live in a house(2) ___near London (3) ___. They have a garden with a fence round it (4) ___.At the end of the garden (5) ___thereˊs a small garage. You can see it from the bedroom upstairs(6) ___. Downstairs, there is the dining room and sitting room (7) ___. The stairs are old and need repairing(8) ___.3. VocabularyComplete the passage with the correct choice of words below.Jane walked down the road with a worried look on her face. She had to pay her (1) ___but she did not have the money. Luckily her (2) ___was really nice so he would wait a while. If only she was paid more at work!But her boss had no (3) ___. No matter how often she asked, he would not pay her any more. Jane spent all her money looking after her mother’s old (4) ___. It was really cute but it was falling apart!It had a white (5)___out front and a bright red roof. The garden was a little (6) ___but it still looked pretty as her mum was a great gardener. There was a(7)_________on the left cottage but there was no car. She’d sold that to get money to fix the wooden floors that were being eaten by (8) ___. But now there was no more money and yesterday there had been another disaster. Her mum had wanted to (9) ___so she had started to water run water into the (10) ___. She left the room for five minutes and when she came back, there was no water in the tub. It was all over the floor!A(11)___had broken and the water had even gone through the floor to the (12) ___. Now all the walls were (13) ___and her mum could not the (14) ___. How was Jane going to pay to fix all? She looked up and rainbow. “If only I could find the pot of gold at the end of that!” she thought to herself “Then all my problems would be over!”1 A check B money C pay D rent2 A landlord B neighbour C boss D mercy3 A merry B mercy C village D kindness4 A village B cottage C tomb D basement5 A washroom B basement C fence D garage6 A narrow B far C typical D damp7 A garbage B lorry C garage D pipe8 A worms B wetness C creatures D sunshine9 A breath B bath C breathe D bathe10 A washroom B toilet C bathtub D bathroom11 A roof B pipe C window D glass12 A garbage B roof C fence D basement13 A damp B dry C broken D fallen14 A garage B washroom C apartment D cottage。

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Compound words: computer programme, cyberspace, global warming, virtual reality, fashion show, historical site, Chinatown
Describing places:the largest city, which is famous for, the capital of, famous sights, located, location, important centre for, has a population of, main language, climate, scenery
Get: get (receive / buy), get better (become better), get in touch with (contact), have got
Phrasal verbs with get: get on, get on (well) with (a person), get on with (an activity)
Making, accepting and rejecting suggestions: Do you fancy + ing…?, are up to …, I can’t, I’d love to Making arrangements: Let’s meet at…
Telephoning: 9-7-3-2-7-3, This is …, Sorry?
Words that go with do and make:
Do (homework / the shopping / very well / the ironing / the dishes), make (a guess / a phone call / a suggestion / a mistake / your bed / a noise / a cup of tea / friends)
Computers: cyberspace, the Net (Internet), virtual (world)
Future issues: artificial human, global warming, time travel, world flooding, virtual reality, virus
Places: Hollywood, Auckland, Wellington, New Zealand, Sydney Opera House, Chinatown.
①Choosing the right words
Circle the correct word.
In the last thirty years, the Internet has grown (1) rapid / rapidly. In 1983, there were only 200 computers (2) connect / connected to the Internet; now there are (3) around / above 50 million and this (4) growth / grow is clearly going to continue. Some (5) expert / experts are pessimistic (6) around / about the future. One (7) worries / worry is the activities (8) from / of cyber-criminals. Now, terrorists can get (9) in / into the computers of banks and government. In (10) a / the future, they may “attack” the (11) worlds’ / world’s computers, cause chaos, and make planes and trains crash.
②Words that go with get
Complete the sentences with the words or phrases in the box.
in touch, over, married, on well, up, down to, through,
a job, an e-mail, off, out, at
1. Dave and Sue __got married_ last year. I went to the wedding.
2. Look at the screen. You _________________.
3. Jim didn’t like Peter at first but they ______________ at the moment.
4. Please ________________. I have some important news for you.
5. Laura ______________ early on Sundays and then has an early breakfast.
6. John _______________ yet but he’s working in Cathy’s restaurant in the holidays.
7. Why _______________ he always ______________ me?
8. It’s high time that we _______________ some serious talking.
9. I hate dealing with the bank over the phone. It takes ages _____________ to the right person.
10. Michael _____________ the plane and made his way through customs.
11. The whole building was on fire – we were lucky ___________ alive!
12. It’s perfectly normal to be a bit nervous. I’m sure you ________________ it once you start your presentation.。
