简单汉服英文介绍:Disappearance of culture演示课件

• When its collar is in the shape of “y”,we can call it Jiaolingruqun(交领襦裙). • If its collar is in the shape of number“11”,we can call it duijinruqun(对襟襦裙). • When they are classified by its height of the skirt,we can call them qiyaoruqun(齐腰襦裙) • Qixiongruqun(齐胸襦裙)——Whose waistband(腰带) is above the chest (胸部).
Han Fu
---the traditional clothes of Chinese Han people
If someone asks “What is Han People’s traditional clothes?” May be someone answers Cheongsam(旗袍).But that is only Manchu’s(满族) clothes. Or just say “Sorry, we don’t have. We only wear T-shirts in our daily life.”
We Han people have our own clothes! It is called Hanfu!
The history of Hanfu
• Hanfu(汉服) is the
traditional costume that has been worn by Han Chinese people for approximately 5000 years. It is believed to have been worn by the early leader of China, Huangdi (黄帝垂衣裳而天下治).
Han Fu
---the traditional clothes of Chinese Han people
If someone asks “What is Han People’s traditional clothes?” May be someone answers Cheongsam(旗袍).But that is only Manchu’s(满族) clothes. Or just say “Sorry, we don’t have. We only wear T-shirts in our daily life.”
We Han people have our own clothes! It is called Hanfu!
The history of Hanfu
• Hanfu(汉服) is the
traditional costume that has been worn by Han Chinese people for approximately 5000 years. It is believed to have been worn by the early leader of China, Huangdi (黄帝垂衣裳而天下治).

The symbolic meaning of Han Chinese Clothing
Han Chinese Clothing contained our national philosophy,this is a point that the modern fashion doesn't have. The handsome boy wears the 直裾深衣 of Ming dynasty.There is a raphe(中缝) in the front of the cloth,and so does the back ,It stands for integrity,whether in front of people or behind people are the same.The top is made up of four pieces, representing the four seasons of the year.The lower garment was made up of twelve pieces of cloth, representing twelve months of the year,and twelve hours of the day.The jacket and undercoat are stitched together to represent the Chinese philosophy of unity between man and nature.The belt in the middle can represent the human, the whole suit is the integration of heaven, earth and people together.

Ming Dynasty
The clothes of the Ming dynasty were more solemn and composed, but women's clothes began to be conservative(保守的), and could not highlight the figures and lines.
About Han Chinese Clothing
The Han Chinese Clothing
Han Chinese Clothing, it's full name is "Chinese Han costume", also known as Han dress, Han clothing. Han Chinese clothing finalize the design(定型) in the Zhou dynasty, inherited(传承) in the Qin dynasty.Han dynasty clothes directly inherited from the Qin dynasty, such as the Han 蔡邕《独断》“天子常服, 汉服受之于秦。”The complete crown clothing system was formed in the Han dynasty.
The revival of Han Chinese Clothing
In Zhengzhou in 2003, Wangletian, an electricity wrobe made up of thin and dark clothes and pongee(茧 绸)walked on the street. On November 29, Lianhe Zaobao,the only Chinese morning daily newspaper in Singapore, reported the revival of an ancient style that had disappeared from daily life for more than 300 years.
汉服介绍 英文PPT

The Shang Dynasty developed the rudiments of Hanfu; it consisted of a yi, and chang, worn with a bixi,. Vivid primary colors and green were used, due to the degree of technology at the time.
• Since Song and Yuan, official record used Hanfu to indicate garments Hans wear • During Liao dynasty, the emperor of Liao and Han officials wear Hanfu, and Empress and Khitan(契丹) officials wear their national clothing. • During Yuan dynasty, when editing History of Liao, the officials especially made an entry for Hanfu
Formal dress
• Xuanduan (玄端): a very formal dark robe; equivalent to the Western white tie • Shenyi (深衣): a long full body garment • (曲裾): diagonal body wrapping • (直裾): straight lapels • Yuanlingshan (圓領衫), lanshan (襴衫) or panlingpao (盤領袍): closed, round-collared robe; mostly used for official or academical dress

It is usually ankle-length and has long sleeves. The robe is usually belted at the waist with a rope or sash, and the collar is usually closed.
This type of robe is usually associated with meditation and other religious practices and is considered a symbol of simplicity and humility.
Hanfu and Confucian Culture
Hanfu also reflects Taoist beliefs, which emphasize harmony with nature and the pursuit of inner peace and spirituality.
Taoist philosophy can be seen in Hanfu's use of natural dyes and textures, as well as its designs, which often feature山水画,代表着自然之美和和谐。The clothing also reflects Taoist ideas of balance and harmony, with its attention to detail and quality of materials.
Types of Hanfu
Ru skirt is a traditional Chinese women's garment, which is usually made of silk and has a round neckline and loose-fitting sleeves. It is usually worn over a jade green tunic called "qunpao".

Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns.Zhongyi(中衣)is usually worn inside,which like a shirt.Wearing in the house as pajamas,ually,it‟s white or other plain colour.
If someone asked “What is Han People’s traditional clothes?” Cheongsam(旗袍)? Then what does Manchu wear? Or just say “Sorry, we haven’t. We only wearing T-shirts in our big days?”
Pattern of Hanfuy patterns.Zhiduo(直裰)is worn by men. It‟s a kind of gown(长袍) which kicks pleat(开叉)on both sides. It‟s popular among intellectuals(书生) in Ming Dynasty.And now it‟s still worn by Taoist(道士) so far.So it also can be colled Daopao(道袍).
History of Hanfu
Features of Hanfu
Hanfu is essentially wrapped around the body with the left side over the right, in a style known as rightward cross collared(in Chinese 交领右衽), which just looks like the letter „y‟ when seen from the front. Only when dressing the dead for burial would it be reversed.BUT there are also other kinds of shpe of colloars.

Beijing Olympics
Opening ceremony
Chinese Costume
What is HanFu?
“有章服之美,谓之华,有礼仪之大,故 称夏。”——《左传》
Cultural connotation
Modern HanFu
• Main patterns
• 汉服不是以朝代而分,而是 以款式而分,因为有些款式 是在各个朝代并存的,只是 每个朝代都有自己的特色所逸潇洒
• • • •
深衣 襦裙 直裰 罩衫
• 交领右衽 Put the front of crossed collar at right
• Main features • 上衣下裳 Topcoat-plus-Skirt style
A kind of full-length, one-piece robe which links the Yi and Chang together to wrap up the body. It is cut separately but sewn together.
• Zhiduo(直裰)is worn by men. It’s a kind of gown(长袍) which Slit at the sides.(两边开叉) •It’s popular among intellectuals(书生) in Ming Dynasty. •And now it’s still worn by Taoist(道士) so far. So it also can be called “道袍”.
Opening ceremony
Chinese Costume
What is HanFu?
“有章服之美,谓之华,有礼仪之大,故 称夏。”——《左传》
Cultural connotation
Modern HanFu
• Main patterns
• 汉服不是以朝代而分,而是 以款式而分,因为有些款式 是在各个朝代并存的,只是 每个朝代都有自己的特色所逸潇洒
• • • •
深衣 襦裙 直裰 罩衫
• 交领右衽 Put the front of crossed collar at right
• Main features • 上衣下裳 Topcoat-plus-Skirt style
A kind of full-length, one-piece robe which links the Yi and Chang together to wrap up the body. It is cut separately but sewn together.
• Zhiduo(直裰)is worn by men. It’s a kind of gown(长袍) which Slit at the sides.(两边开叉) •It’s popular among intellectuals(书生) in Ming Dynasty. •And now it’s still worn by Taoist(道士) so far. So it also can be called “道袍”.
中国古代服装英文介绍 ppt课件

汉代妇女一般将头发向后 梳成下垂的圆髻,名椎髻。 常着深衣,女式深衣之华丽 者名衣,它的曲裾不但在下 身缠绕好些层,且在其斜幅 上缀以三角形物及长飘带。
Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns.Zhongyi(中衣)is usually worn inside,which like a shirt.Wearing in the house as pajamas(睡衣),ually,it’s white or other plain colour.
Tang Dynasty
The dress style in Tang Dynasty is very open.Women’s dress and personal adornments (装饰)of the Tang Dynasty outstanding in China’s history.The clothing materials were exquisite(精致的,优美的),the structure (结构)was natural,graceful and elegant,and adornments were splendid.Though the forms of garments were still the continuation of the Han Dynasty and the Sui Dynasty,they were influenced by cultures and arts of the Wee古ch代e服s装t.英I文ns介id绍e the pants in the skirt. Foot
Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns.Zhongyi(中衣)is usually worn inside,which like a shirt.Wearing in the house as pajamas(睡衣),ually,it’s white or other plain colour.
Tang Dynasty
The dress style in Tang Dynasty is very open.Women’s dress and personal adornments (装饰)of the Tang Dynasty outstanding in China’s history.The clothing materials were exquisite(精致的,优美的),the structure (结构)was natural,graceful and elegant,and adornments were splendid.Though the forms of garments were still the continuation of the Han Dynasty and the Sui Dynasty,they were influenced by cultures and arts of the Wee古ch代e服s装t.英I文ns介id绍e the pants in the skirt. Foot
中国传统文化 旗袍英文介绍PPT

旗 Cheongsam The evolution 袍 • The late Qing Dynasty
中国 特色
In 1919, the Ordinance(法令) about . garments annoube the national garments. • In 1920s
• Life is a colorful gown, covered with lice. 生命是一袭华美的袍子, 上 面 爬 满了虱子
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
• 宋美龄 • Soong May-ling (1897-2003) • First lady in Republic of China. She owns the most number of qipao all over the world.
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
Cheongsam for Miss Manners
青 花 瓷 宝蓝
青花瓷系列设计灵感取自 青花瓷器,采用了中国传统针 绣,再现了青花瓷的晕染效果。
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
Lola Miya
Sofia Delane
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
Where there are Chinese there is her voice, she really made the beauty of the cheongsam, cheongsam accomplished her legend.
有华人的地方就有邓丽君 的歌声,她成全了旗袍 的美丽,旗袍成就了她的 传奇。
旗 Cheongsam Pictures 袍

Today‘s development
Nowadays,when people see Hanfu again ,what escape their lips is unexpectedly Kimono(和服),Hanbok(韩服). However,fortunately,there are so many people who are committed to the propaganda (宣传) of Hanfu culture. But the fact is that,Kimono of Japan, Korean Hanbok,both have been influenced by Chinese Hanfu. And draw lessens from the essence(精华) of the Chinese Hanfu and develop their national costumes.
The Yuan Dynasty was established by the Mongols (蒙古人),but the Mongols did not implement similar Qing policy, so the folk(民间) still mainly in the style of Hanfu, Only in style, Mongolia clothing and more or less Hanfu have received the influence of each other. The dress of the Ming Dynasty restored(恢复) the traditional Chinese clothes, and the change of clothes and the style work reached a peak(高峰). The Qing Dynasty, the implementation(实施) of TiFaYiFu(剃发易服) policy, forbid wearing Hanfu, the traditional costume of Han nationality was forced to stop.